The DST Agent, Part 8 free porn video

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The DST Agent; part 8 By; Malissa Madison Her legs were sore from dancing so much but she felt awesome anyway, the patrons of the Butterfly knew her as Dawn. Butterfly Dawn to be correct, but that was all just for fun and to unwind. She held hands with Stephie as they made their way to a side table reserved for the Dancers. Lisa brought them both a White Wine. "Courtesy of the couple at the back of the room," she said. And then pointed toward a table that was behind the privacy curtain. Stephie looked around for Cpl Evans but she wasn't around. She frowned as she stood up and followed Stephanie to the curtain. A hand reached out taking hers and pulled her into a hug, followed by a deep passionate kiss. "Excuse me Cpl," said the deep voice. "Would you mind if her mother and I have a word with her for a minute." Stephie turned beat red. "Daddy, Mom? Oh shit, you saw me dancing." "Yes dear you were beautiful." Her mom was smiling proudly. "Yes simply divine Honey," encouraged her Dad. "It certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. Ah and ummm, Dawn you were so lovely too." Jeanine smacked his arm playfully, "I know you enjoyed it Dear. Stephie, I'm so happy you found such wonderful friends to have fun with. Now your father is going to go show me how much he enjoyed the shows." They kissed and told her to have as much fun as she wanted before they left. Cpl Evans pulled her down into her lap kissing her passionately. Stephie was responding to her in a heated passion. By the time Mona and Tawny joined them they were getting into the touchy feely parts. Clearing her throat Tawny interrupted them. "Sorry to Ummm, be a bit awkward, but there are some things you might need to know Cpl. With a Giggle she said, "Oh I already know. I'm Bravo Zero, Alpha Three. We have a lot in common Major." Authenticate, File Sortie, Joanne demanded quietly. "Pencil Pusher, satisfied?" "She's the real deal Major," Joanne told her. And suddenly we all seemed to relax. Two more people filed into the small private room behind the curtain. "Sorry, Private Party. Shove off," Link said. The tall black girl wrapped her arms around his neck, "Now is that anyway for one Bravo to treat another?" then she kissed him. The other one held out his hand to Tawny. "I've been an admirer for a really long time Ma'am." And you are?" she asked. "Major Dixon, Zero One. Captain, would you give the Lieutenant his tonsils back for a minute?" "Yes Sir, but your spoiling my fun." She straightened up. "Myrna, she introduced herself. "Zero Two." "I think we all need to talk," said the Major. "Privately!" I heard Frankie and Jerome starting to usher out the others in the bar. "Closing time, come on don't make me throw you out." Pushing back the curtain a bit the Major said, "Porter, Neilson. Over here." After the front doors were locked and the other girls left Frankie came back to see what was happening. "Lisa, can you vouch for Frankie?" Major Dixon asked. "Yeah he's one of the trusted ones listed in Bravo Six's file," she confirmed. Stephie wiggled out of Evans lap, to stand between Jerome and I. "Major I'm sorry I never heard of Bravo Zero before," she said. "Me either," confirmed Jerome. "Look, we just wanted to meet and even the playing field. Your General doesn't even know. And we are supposed to stay out of you guys way. The JCS recruited us to work the Pentagon Exclusively." But if we are going to be able to help you guys move in and out unseen you have to know who we are, right?" "Yeah, and since you apparently already know about us, that means someone somewhere has a loose mouth," Tawny said. "Exactly, We were tasked with finding out how Top Gun found out about the Bravo teams. No one in the JCS told him." We let that sink in, the last five star general, retired, had obviously been told by someone in the know. "Stephanie, you were supposed to meet Nicolai, that won't happen until we have this sorted out," I was told. "We have to find the leak fast, and we want you guys in the know in case we have to expand out through your area. But for now Jerome will be taking you to Red Stone for your H933 Orientation." "Splendid," he laughed. "You'll be listed as Mr and Mrs Jerome Powers," Lisa said. "I doubt either of you will have a problem with that." and she handed us a packet. Inside were wedding bands in our sizes. They looked worn, not new. "So how long have you been in place Lisa?" Asked Tawny. "Since the fourth time you set foot on stage Major, remember I auditioned but didn't make the cut?" she smiled, "I'm really a better bar tender." "Damnit, I thought I was finally going to get laid," Stephie laughed. "Who says you won't? I really do want to see if your gun is bigger than mine." Commented Evans. "Cool it Cpl, you'll get your chance later. Madison, you'll be spending a lot of time in the Pentagon getting your individual training authorizations. Just let us know if you see anything that shouldn't be happening." "Like a Sp6 that sleeps with an espionage agent?" I asked. "Been there done that." after a minute I asked, "So why were Bonnie and Clyde re- detailed to Belvoir? Weren't they originally assigned to the Pentagon?" "What? Oh the two K-9's. they got shy of the floors in the computer section." She said "They won't walk on black and white tiled floors," I confirmed. "Not until the handlers step on each tile ahead of them." "Yeah there are some of the pressure sensitive tiles that are shorted out from the cleaning crews using too much water." The one called Porter said. "So where are their old Handlers, they didn't come with the pair." I wondered out loud "What are you getting at?" Lisa asked. "Don't you think knowledge of which tiles are shorted out might be pretty valuable?" "Neilson, take porter and round them up. I want them sweating in the interrogation room by the time Evans gets up in the morning. She'll do the initial interrogation." Said Dixon. Major Rivers, why don't you accompany me back to our safe house so you know where it is if you need it." it wasn't really a question or a suggestion. And everyone in the room knew it. "Sorry Major, he outranks me," Jerome confirmed. But that doesn't mean I'm not coming along for the ride.. Dixon smiled, "You think you can keep up with my car in this town Powers?" "Actually I wouldn't have a chance. But then again I doubt Lt Madison would have any problems." He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Very well then a nice leisurely drive through the DC night. He pointed to Tawny, Joanne, and Jerome. They ride with you Madison. We'll have a little rat race. He tossed a set of keys to Lisa, "Frankie, I'm sorry but they need something to fight for." We stepped outside the back doors and the first thing I saw was the Audi Hard Car. "Oh shit," I breathed. "Jerome?" "Can you take the heat girl? Surely you aren't afraid of a little driving?" Lisa egged me on. "This time of night there's only Hookers and Johns on the streets." I popped open the trunk of the Firebird and tossed Jerome a screwdriver. "You get the back plates, I'll get the front. Tawny, Joanne get in the back and strap in." "Why are you taking off your plates," Mona asked? "That's a diplomatic Hard Car. The cops can't touch it, that means they'll focus on us." Tawny told her as she pushed Joanne into the back. "Why are we doing this again?" "For Frankie, he's our friend." We started out fast, and it only got faster as Lisa put the Audi into a left hand flat spin coming out of the alley. Then took off to the right. I'd been in enough Rat Races back home to know that maneuver when I saw the ass end wasn't swerving back in line, but continuing around. I cut my wheel to the right making her brake hard to avoid hitting me. I knew there wouldn't be any real damage to the hardened car, but still I managed to fake her out. And that bought me some time. Her car was heavier, mine lighter and faster. Her advantage was knowing the streets. I managed to get her out onto a main road. I saw the dividers down the middle leading up to BWI, that's when she pulled a stunt I'd only seen in movies. The Audi skidded sideways the back end coming full around then flipped. I slammed on the breaks as it flipped up and over the center median. It landed on its wheels headed the other way. I spun around following as fast as I could weaving around the DC Metro Police cars that were now coming head on. Shit, shit, shit, I slammed my fist down on the steering wheel knowing there was no way I could catch up to them. "Get clear Lt, find us a hidey hole," Jerome said. Ten minutes later I sat under a Beltway overpass. "What now?" "We wait," answered Tawny. "That bitch has been to the SAS school. She knew you couldn't hope to follow her. She also knew you had her cornered." Fifteen minutes later the Audi, blacked out pulled slowly up next to us. The driver's window down. "Follow me," was all that was said. Two blocks under the overpass we came to a parking lot with an old house next to it. They got out and motioned us inside, so we followed. I was really pissed off at how casual they were. "Nice driving Lt. you know if I hadn't hopped that barrier you'd have had me." It was an admission I wasn't expecting. "They don't teach you to drive like that at Ft McClellan now do they?" "No not even close to it." "I can see why your file is marked for SAS Training, so where did you learn to drive?" "In the Ozarks, and you?" I asked. "Mississippi," she answered. "Then the SAS Bodyguard School in Britain." She tossed the keys to Major Dixon. "I think the Soviet Embassy will be very embarrassed if they find they're missing a car." "Myrna, can you return that to their motor pool? Or at least close enough to it?" Myrna saluted, then asked me if I'd follow and give her a lift. Dixon tossed me a set of keys, be careful with it, it's my baby. I was holding the keys to a brand new full sized Bronco. We ended up dropping the staff car less than twenty feet from the Soviet embassy's main gate. I pulled up next to it as she jumped out and into the Bronco. "Look I know you didn't like how that went down. Believe me I didn't either, the Major just wanted to make a point." "Myrna, I don't fucking care about his points. That was stupid and reckless, now my car is on the hot list. I can't drive it for a while. Not around here." "I know, I know, geez. Sometimes I wonder who's side he's really on," she admitted. "So tell me, if the Bravo's are so Ultra Secret, how is it he knows everything? You can't tell me he has a need to know all that information." I could see the wheels turning in her head. "Who recruited you?" "The AFCS came to me personally. Why?" "What about the other's?" I asked pulling off under the overpass and stopping. "Why do you want to know?" "How long has he been Zero One?" "Well you know how the Delta Force is, if you fail they cut you orders right away. Major Heart got orders two weeks ago. And Dixon took over." "Myrna, listen very carefully. Who stole that staff car tonight?" "He just showed up with it." I could see she was beginning to have doubts. I got out and picked up the pay phone near the support pillar. "Stephie, Six Seven. Rogue Bravo." It was one of the first things I'd learned from them. If we suspected another bravo we were to contact another and declare a Rogue Bravo. It was universal to all the other Bravo teams as well. "No shit? Which one?" "Dixon, call Linda. I have to go destroy that Audi. If I can." We were cruising past it at a slow speed. All the doors were open with the Soviet guards going through it making sure it wasn't booby trapped. Myrna was quick, she lit the Molotov cocktail and I heaved it into the interior setting it on fire. We didn't stick around to find out if they had fire extinguishers ready. Fifteen minutes later we were back at the pay phone waiting for a call. I picked it up on the first ring, "Bravo Six, Alpha Seven." "Bravo Four, Alpha One." Said the voice on the other end. "Can you vouch for your passenger?" "No not really," I admitted. "No sweat, Two One is on her way in with One, One." "Show us where they are, we'll keep watch," Grey said. "Right now the general needs you with him." I got into the Staff car and twenty minutes later we were making our way to the office of the ACS. The first thing he said was, "Lt you're out of uniform. General this had better be damned important." He looked at the MP's waiting inside the office door, "Oh right, gentlemen you are dismissed. Now what is the meaning of this?" "Sir we have a Rogue Bravo situation." "Would this have anything to do with the blowing up of a Soviet staff car?" "Not directly Sir," I answered. "It has to do with Bravo Zero, One." "There is no Bravo Zero, Lt." "You might want to tell that to the AFCS, I was told he recruited at least one of them personally." "Young Lady do you have any idea what you are insinuating here?" Swallowing hard I said, "Yes sir. I really hope I'm wrong. But Major Heart was replaced by Major Dixon when he got transferred out of the unit." "Major Heart has not been replaced. And we would certainly never replace any member without the rest approving beforehand." "But sir," I started. Only to have Major Dixon and the rest of Bravo Zero file into the office. "Lt, Major Heart here is the team leader of Bravo Four. And I might add I'm very impressed with your initiation results. Though I cannot officially acknowledge it." I discovered that the three east coast teams had all been in on the initiation hoax together. The staff car had been one they'd confiscated when we took down Carson and her soviet contact. So we were just returning it to the rightful owners with a message. And I was given the honors of delivering it. "I don't understand, how did Top Gun find out?" I asked. "It was all his idea to begin with he just doesn't know any details and he doesn't want to. For obvious reasons." "His mind is slipping?" I muttered the obvious. "Yes Ma'am," Joanne replied. "His cheese keeps sliding off his cracker." The initiation I discovered was a test to see how far they could push an unrealistic situation before I would declare a Rogue. They wanted to know they could count on me in that area as well. Plus it let us have some fun as well. The real surprise was that somehow someone had gotten the Metro police involved as far as following the action. "We have friends in the law enforcement communities," the General said. "So when we informed them that a unknown third party was returning a staff car with a private message they agreed all to eagerly. I doubt you'll ever get pulled over for speeding in this town Lt." and he chuckled. Everyone had had a somewhat similar situation, mine just happened to involve destroying Diplomatic Staff Car of a foreign nation. Three days later I was awakened by a knock on my door. Looking at the alarm clock I saw it wasn't even four AM yet, I pulled on a bath robe and went to the door. "Yes may I help you?" I asked through the closed door as I stood off to the side. "I have a special Delivery for a Lt Madison," said the heavily accented voice. My mind raced until I was fully awake as I suddenly realized the accent was soviet. "Just a moment please, I need to get dressed." I didn't wait for a reply. Instead I rushed through the adjoining door and woke up Stephie. "Oh god do you have any idea what time it is?" she began. "Yeah, but I got a Soviet accent on the other side of my door with a special delivery." That got her awake, she rolled out of bed grabbing a robe, her feet sliding into her fuzzy pink slippers. At her door she cracked it open enough to look down the hall toward mine. "Shit, you better hurry up and let him in. that's Nicolai." "What? Here? you have to be kidding." I said. Suddenly there was a tap at her door. "Miss Stephie? Is that your sweet voice I hear?" She opened the door and he stepped inside carrying a large military Ruck Sack. When it made a thunk as he set it down her eyes got huge, then she locked her deadbolt behind him. Smiling he said, "Thank you my sweet, that was getting rather heavy. May I presume that this is Lt Stephanie Madison?" "It sure is. And I guess I know what's in the pack." "Yes, the training models. Let us hope she is a quick study. We have a new training method that seems most effective. But I was informed to find you as well for a re-familiarization on the S933. Shall we get started please?" "Sure, let me put some real clothes on first." I said. "In case I forgot to mention it the detonator is real. And has only one hour left," he smiled. "Crap," Stephie screeched. And ripped open the top of the ruck sack to reveal to very similar looking devices. The only real difference was one had Cyrillic lettering. It was that one that was in the count down mode. "Good girl, Lt, I suggest you pay close attention." I was all eyes and ears now anyway. Yes I'd heard the words Training Models, but that had gone out the window when he said the detonators were real. Stephie pulled the active one free of the pack frame and laid it on her desk. Then found the thin coiled wire with the metal clip dangling at the side. TheN clipped it to the fleshy part of her left hand, then flipped open the lid. "Always ground yourself, you cannot have anything for a static charge." The other end she attached to the metal window frame. Next she began punching in a series of numbers on the keyboard. There were eight all together, then a green light came on next to the red one. She extracted the small bottle of gun oil and squirted a small amount around the top of the arming well. Then twisted the trigger clockwise a quarter turn, and pulled up till it stopped. Then counter clockwise and finally it was free. Before she inserted it into the safe well she lubricated it once again. Then she input the same series of numbers in reverse. "Very good, that only took ten minutes, and you didn't need a cheat sheet like some others do." He turned to me motioning to the other one still in the pack frame. "Shall we get your individual code set up Lt. it must be unique to you alone." When he motioned I saw the crossed daggers with the red star and lightning bolt. Seeing my look of recognition he said, "My former occupation, now this is what I do." It took several tries before the light turned green, "Good memorize that number sequence. Put in in reverse now." He had me repeat the process three times forward and backward. All the while the green light was flashing. I looked over to see it was flashing on the other trainer as well. "Your authorized codes are now stored in the uplink for all known devices." He informed me. "Anytime the cover is opened on one it must make a uplink to the satellite network. It will then access the codes. You may now begin the arming procedures." It was a grueling four hours as I practiced Arming and disarming both devices. At the end he said, "Now I hope you never need to do this. But to destroy a device simply arm the trigger while it is in the safe well. You have an automatic two minutes, before the external explosion detonates destroying the integrity of the device. The blast will be minimal, close to that used to demolish say your average sky scraper. The radiation will be contained within about a four block radius." "I thought I wasn't supposed to get this training until next week," I spoke aloud. "Plans change, as do the faces of those who have come into possession of such things." He was quickly repacking both devices securely in the ruck sack. "I believe your flight leaves in two hours, you will be met by an associate of mine. Do tell Master Sergeant Powers hello for me." And he slipped quickly from the room. glancing out the window he stepped into the back of a blacked out Sedan which was in motion even as the door was closing. I stood there staring in disbelief at Stephie, "Did I just do what I think I did?" But instead she picked up her phone and dialed a number. She listened to the person on the other end a moment then said, "I always wanted to see Cambodia, Shit, Sorry we'll be ready." "What?" I stupidly asked. "Put on your big girl panties, wear a nice skirt and sensible running shoes. We'll get everything we need on the way, the Major should be here any minute." "Great, just what I needed. More drama to start my day." but She laughed. Tawny arrived five minutes later and Stephie ushered me out the door. As I was about to get into her car she said, "Get your little glider, we're going to need it." "Ok, what's up," I asked when we'd picked up Joanne and were headed out the gate. "At 0126 this morning a device went active in the Cambodian highlands. That's all we know right now. Powers will give us the rest once we're in the area." "Isn't that like the west coast area?" Stephie asked. "Yes but then again this is the first time one has been successfully armed. The countdown is at forty one hours and counting." I didn't have to see her face to know she was dead serious. It was a short drive to the private strip where we were ushered onto a twin engine Lear with Swedish Markings. We all boarded at the same time, and hadn't even gotten seated before the jet was in its takeoff roll down the runway. "Son of a bitch," Jerome grunted as he barely made it to a seat. "It's like flying Aeroflot all over again." Now we understood why the flight attendant was already strapped into her seat. But even before the plane leveled out the cockpit door opened and a beautiful woman came toward us. "Why the big frown Jerome? Are you not pleased to see Dominique again? I have missed you so much." She said. "Alana, get our guests some refreshments, this would be a good time to practice your English, No?" She waltzed right up and straddled his lap. "Sorry my love, but for obvious reasons we will not be climbing to thirty seven thousand feet," she pouted. "It was so much fun the last time." He actually kissed her before saying, "Ok cut the shit Colonel. Who's device is it yours or ours?" "Sadly neither, it is British. And they are still trying to deny it. which means we have no idea if anyone's codes will work. Our mutual friend trained your two newest assets on the newest versions which hopefully will upload to it." Then she spotted the carrier bag with the TNG, "Ahh, you are the young woman who likes to fly at night, no?" "Go ahead Lt, the Colonel here is actually pretty decent for a Spetzna," Tawny said. "It is good I will not have to teach all of you how to fly one of those. So how many of you know how it is done?" "Myself, Link, and Stephanie," Jerome said. "Really? The Generals daughter can fly?" No, I don't fly, yet," answered Stephie. "Ahhh, confusing. Two Lt's named Stephanie." She winked at Stephie. "Never fear, your personal secret is safe with us. And we respect you for it. So we have six in the group who can fly." "Excuse me Colonel, since we are being all open and honest," interrupted Tawny. "How many real girls were you told to expect?" "I was told two," she backed a step then let her voice change to deeper base. "But as far as my associates, that is the word?" she paused. "You are all girls except for these two." At a gasp from Alana she said, "Did I not promise you a chance to talk with others of your own kind?" "There is actually only one in this team." Joanne said. Then at my look of shock she said we've worked with her before. This is the soviets version of our own team." We got as much information as possible while we flew nonstop across the country. At one point I looked out the window when it seemed like we'd slowed down. Only to see a KC-135T, pacing yet another jet similar to ours as it refueled. The other jet had soviet markings, and was covered in dirty streaks. We were out over the ocean now still flying lower than normal. By my estimate we'd swung northward. Now having refueled we were turning southward. It was beginning to get dark when Mona said, "Check this out." There were three Aircraft Carriers down on the water. All headed into the wind. The one off to the far side was one our recognized enemies. Smiling Col Dominique said, "You see, we can work together when we have a common goal." We had to circle and wait our turn. I was very glad when Tawny checked and tightened my seatbelt even tighter. "Trust me you want it tight. Carrier pilots say it like having sex in a car crash." Still I wasn't ready for the jolt as the hook caught the third wire. We remained onboard until the jet was lowered on the lift to the hanger level. There were already two other similar jets being covered in tarps. "Grab your gear and follow me. Don't talk to anyone." The Navy lieutenant lead us from the plane into a bulkhead passageway. At the end of the corridor we found a small galley. "Tawny? Oh my god it's been so long. Have you been home to see Mom in the last year?" a rear admiral had his arms around her lifting her off the deck. "No George. You?" "Yes, I saw her three weeks ago. She asked if I ever heard from you, and here you drop into my little world." "Guy's, this is my brother George," she introduced us. "Damn but you're sure looking good for my little brother." She punched him, "I've not been your little brother for a long time and you know it. so is Dad still insisting that I'm dead to the family?" "You know Dad, he just has trouble accepting that you are truly happy now. But I think if he saw you he'd come to understand." After a bit he said, "You have about six hours until the next phase. Just tell me if you need anything." "Excuse me Sir," I interrupted. "I think we need to check out our gear, and we'll need a place to suspend a pair of TNG104's for some familiarization training." "Lt Madison, right?" "Yes Sir." "Master Chief Mendoza, you will set up a secure location in the forward hanger for these people after they eat. Lt Madison will inform you of what they need." "Thank you Sir," I saluted him. We'd eaten and then found our gear and I put everyone through the setup and breakdown of the TNG's until they had it down to 5 minutes each way. Then we got rope and suspended two. I checked everyone to be sure their harness' were secure then we began the basics of flight control while Link and Jerome checked out our other more deadly gear. We'd be carrying Chinese AK-47s and Makarov's. "we can't have anything that would suggest we're linked to our governments military." It was near one AM when the carrier turned into the wind again. "OK everyone. Anything that could be considered American or Soviet goes in the bag." Master Chief Mendoza went from person to person. We carried our gear including our individual TNG's out to the waiting Cargo Plane. It had no markings of any kind. "Air America," mumbled Jerome. "Damn it's going to be bitch to launch out the back of that bitch." As soon as the ramp was up the small cargo plane was shot off the side catapult. When we reached our cruising altitude we started setting up our gliders in reverse order of exit. Mine was last, since I'd be going out first in hopes of helping anyone that might run into problems. The plan was simple, we launch out the back then glide in as close to the target as possible. After the mission we were launch from a high cliff and glide down river gaining altitude to get us out over the water, and hopefully close enough to a recovery team. It was freezing inside the un-insulated aircraft, I looked at my altimeter. Thirty one thousand feet. The sound of the ramp locks clicking free startled me as it began to lower. Stepping under my glider I hooked into the safety webbing. Watching the light beside the now open hatch. "Everyone hooked in?" the crew chief called. We gave him a thumbs up. The light turned green silently and he began to pump his fist, "Go, Go, Go" I ran forward letting the swirling wind pull me free of the ramp as I started my free glide. I turned back toward the aircraft. Counting the gliders as they followed me. Then suddenly I saw Jerome glide past. He would lead us into our projected LZ. It was eerie gliding in total silence, so peaceful and calm. Then I heard the soft drone of other engines and watched as another group freefell past us before opening their glide chutes. We were the only group using TNG's. the others were doing a HALO insertion. It seemed like it took hours but in reality it was only a short forty minute flight before we were gliding down through trees onto a fairly well cleared trail wide enough for the gliders. Jerome had joked about hoping no one was on the trail. We had our gliders packed in minutes. Then Jerome sent Link off as our advanced scout ahead of us. Near daybreak we heard the sounds of the trucks coming up the road. Scattering we hid in the jungle as they slowly crept past. Armed guards walking behind them the trucks themselves filled with prisoners. One looked straight at me from the back of the truck. I could see her shaking the man next to her, and he looked up. A broad smile spreading across his face before he looked back down at his feet. when it had passed Tawny said, "Forget it, that's not our mission." But then she said something to Jerome and he and the girl Alana took off following the trucks. They were going the same direction we were. At 0927hrs the call came. Team three had secured the device. And everyone associated with it had been eliminated. They were now in their full exit mode. Smiling Tawny called us together. "I saw at least three POW's. who wants to go get them back?" "Major," said the Col. "It would be a pleasure to go with you." It wasn't much of a fight. The indigenous prisoners did most of our work for us. We contacted our exit coordinator and informed him of the situation. It was slow going, climbing the mountains to a high enough spot. We'd get two over flights. The first would drop a retrieval package. The second one of two aircraft would be Navy Grumman's using their tow hooks to snag the cables. We'd have ten minutes between sorties to get them ready for retrieval. All but one of the other prisoners had fled into the jungle. She was about four or five, and she seemed to cling to me. We had our gliders set up waiting when the package was dropped. Jerome and Link seemed well experienced as they wasted no time getting the four packages ready. As soon as the two planes dropped in and did a flying recovery, it was really something to watch as the hooks caught the lines and the crews began reeling in the dangling man mid-flight. "Let's go those planes will have drawn too much attention," Tawny ordered. "Stephanie, get rid of the kid. We can't take her with us." Col Dominique whispered something to her, and she turned pale. Then the Col started toward us, her hand down at her side. Suddenly Jerome was there between us. "Back off, if I have to I'll carry her with me." "Your glider isn't big enough, besides this is more kind than what will happen if they recapture her." While they argued I cut a short length of rope and wrapped it around the girl making a crude harness. Then I petted my back, and she climbed on. I pulled the ends around my waist then lifted my glider and hooked up my own harness. "Major," I yelled as I took a running start toward the cliff edge. Fear gripped me as the added weight caused me to drop farther than expected before o caught the updraft. I didn't look back, I could hear them on the radio in my ear as they all launched behind me one after the next. I was glad for the dry hot air flowing around me helping to dry my back. The poor girl had been terrified and the evidence had soaked into my clothing. I said nothing to her. She probably wouldn't have understood I thought. Finally the rest caught up to me and just in time, as Link lead the way down a fork in the river. We kept having to bank and ride the air currents to regain altitude. Then finally we broke out over the sea. A pair of our jets buzzed past us to confirm who we were as we approached a waiting carrier group. My arms felt like rubber as I coaxed it in one last circle to come in over the fore deck and crash into the steel plating. My fellow team mates were in just about as bad a shape as I was. I lay on my stomach quickly untying my passenger before four extra sets of hands lifted the glider off me. Someone reached in to lift her up, and she bit him hard. Before wrapping her arms tight around my neck. "I've got her, now stop scaring her." I told them. Then looked across at where Tawny sat on the deck. She was holding Mona in her arms. Alana was limping from where the Col and Demitri stood watching. Jerome and Link were busy working on Mona. Then it came back to me in a rush of memory. The gunfire behind me as I'd jumped off the cliff. The navy crews were busy pushing our gliders over the side, and a medical team was trying to get Mona on a stretcher. I sat hugging the young girl tight watching as my mind dislocated itself once again. Someone finally helped me to my feet. "Come on let's get her inside," suggested Stephie. "We'll get her something to eat then we'll see how Mona and Joanne are doing. I think Alana just got grazed." Mona had taken two rounds one in her hip the other in her side. Joanne had sprained her ankle on landing. After we got some food into her we found out my little burden was named Mina. She was four years old and her mother had died a political prisoner. She was half American. But her father had been one of the prisoners who had died before we rescued them. She had been the one who saw me as they rode past in the trucks. "Lt, you can't keep her." Jerome was trying to break the heartache now instead of later. "I will keep her Jerome. I've earned the right to keep her." "Do you honestly think you'll be able to be a mother to her and keep up your work?" "I'm determined to try. Besides I know a few people willing to help if I need it." She kissed my cheek, "Thank you. I'll be a good girl I promise." "I know you will Mina," I looked at Jerome. "What's the matter, you didn't think we could communicate?" Instead of answering he pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket and handed it to her. I carried her on my hip to the infirmary when we checked on Mona. She was doing fine. The Doc checked out Mina, I saw several grim looks in his face but then he said "Aside from malnourished she's fine." "Mina, go outside with Aunt Tawny a minute. I need to talk to the Doctor please." When they were outside I said, "Ok I want to know why you had those looks during the exam." "She's been abused, repeatedly. Only time will tell how much damage was done. I hope you didn't leave any of the bastards alive." He didn't need to explain further what he meant by Abused. We got her cleaned up and found several people had donated some clean clothing for her. The first night I held her through the nightmares. My heart breaking until she finally fell into a restful sleep. Our flight home made two stops. One where we separated from our counterparts, to board another flight. The Air Force tried to give me shit about having her there. But finally after several phone calls we were put on a plane. The second was at Andrews, where we met the General. Mona is already at Walter Reid, she'll be fine. Smiling at me he said, "LT Madison I have something for you. Courtesy of Dr Baldwin." It was a birth certificate, backdated to the closest date we could find, for one Mina Madison. Father unknown. "You'll get the official copies and everything in a few days," he assured me. "Some of the information was confirmed by the other POWs." She smiled at him and then Jeanine was there fussing over her. They gave Stephie and I a ride back to the billets, then Stephie went home with them. Jeanine had insisted on coming by the next day with a shopping bag full of pretty dresses for her. "Please, let me spoil her a little bit." "So what are you going to do with her when you're dancing?" Mona had asked when we went by to visit her in the hospital. "I think Jeanine would love to babysit. But I don't think I'm going to do much dancing for a while," I admitted. People stopped and stared as we walked holding hands down the hall to my room. then as I was taking her shopping we were stopped in the lobby. "Lt, you really should be in family housing. You aren't supposed to have children in the billets." "Are you saying it's a problem for me to have my daughter here with me?" I asked. "No just they have regular housing where she can have friends her own age to play with." He put me in touch with the housing office. "Sorry Ma'am, we'll put you on the waiting list. Maybe by next year you'll have something." I was told. She was wide eyed seeing the PX, and I bought her, her first Barbie doll and clothes for it. then we found her the rest of the things she needed, underwear and shoes. I bought her a little purse of her own. Then we went to the AG Admin office and I produced the birth certificate I'd been given for her. I kissed her fingers when she'd burned them holding the freshly laminated ID Card. I showed her how to put it in the little wallet and put it in her purse. She kept taking it out looking at it. "See how pretty you are?" I asked her. "Yes, this say's you're my Mommy now?" "Yes it does sweetie. Does that make you happy?" "Yes Mommy," she hugged me hard and I had to pull off the road until she loosened her grip around my neck. Holding her hand I made my way to the Salon, where everyone fawned over her. "Could you just give her a little bit of a trim please?" "I had no idea you had a child. Well this is special. You could use a trim yourself. I see the extensions are almost out too." She kept looking at my heels, "Mommy when can I wear pretty shoes too?" "Well we'll just have to go find you some that fit," I told her. "But first we need to eat something. And drop off all your pretty new clothes at home." "Do I have to leave Barbara at home too?" "No, she can come with us." We sat in the food court eating and she was having trouble with her fork. There were two Korean wives standing watching us from behind the counter. "Excuse me, would either of you know where I can find a pair of chopsticks for my daughter?" They looked at me strange then one reached into her bag and pulled out a pair. "I'll bring them back as soon as we are done. She isn't used to eating with forks yet." "Mong, she Mong. You keep." The older woman said. Then took out a second pair offering them to me. "Thank you. Please let me pay you for them." I gave her a twenty dollar bill. When I sat back down and handed her a pair she beamed happily at me and waited to see if I was going to use them as well. We ate together and she was smiling. Then she walked over to the older lady. "Thank you," she bowed. As we were getting ready to leave the woman said, "You go to Korea store behind Payless Shoe store. They have lots pretty things there." "Thank you," I said. When we got home I had three messages. "Stephanie, I expect a call as soon as you get this," Lisa said. "Hey girl, give me a call please," it was Frankie. "LT, please call my office and set up an appointment for you and your daughter." It was Dr Baldwin. I called and got us an appointment for the next day. Then called the Butterfly and told them I'd stop in later. She was wide eyed watching everything as we drove to the shoe store. She insisted on a pair of black pumps that were miniatures of mine. Then I got her a pair of Mary Jane's and two pairs of shoes for playing in. I walked around behind the shoe store to find the Korean store. I ended up buying a traditional table in mother of pear design. Then almost a dozen pairs of chopsticks. And several bowls and glasses. I let her show me what she preferred. Then when we got to the Butterfly it was still early so I knocked on the back door. Frankie let us in, "So it's true. You went and got yourself a kid." "Leave her alone Frankie," Lisa said. "Come over her princess, Aunt Lisa will get you a coke." She lifted her up onto a bar stool. "Look Frankie, I'm still working out the details. I haven't quit dancing for you yet. But you have to understand I have responsibilities now." "I know I just wish I could tell people when you'll be here." "Aren't you worried about Mona in the least?" I asked him. "I saw her about an hour ago. She said not to make her laugh." After that we went grocery shopping, and I'd gotten a small double burner hot plate so we could cook in the room. She slept curled up next to me in my bed. And I held her while she whimpered in her sleep. I found she slept better if my arms were around her. "well now who's this pretty thing you brought with you?" Dr Baldwin's receptionist asked. "Patricia, this is my Daughter Mina, Mina Madison. Mina say hi to Patricia." "Hi" They gave me a new stronger dosage of hormones. Then a prescription of vitamins for Mina to help her while regaining her weight. Then we stopped in and saw Mona. "So any troubles so far?" she asked. "You mean aside from Frankie wanting to know when I'll be back on stage?" "Oh my god, really? He should know that you have a daughter to think of first. And she's a Montanyard, so she's been persecuted her whole life just for breathing. And then you add that her father was a GI." I'd noticed how her head came up proud when Mona had said Montanyard. "Is that a proper term for Mong?" I asked. "Stephanie Madison, I ought to slap your mouth. Where did you hear that word?" "On post, why?" "It's derogatory. Like calling Tawny a Spade." "Oh shit, Mina I'm so sorry honey. I didn't know." I apologized. Then looked up at Mona. "How did you know?" "Jerome and Link. They spent their time over there in the woods as they call it." She smiled and climbed up onto the bed to hug Mona. "You got shot keeping us safe. Thank you." "You're quite welcome. I don't like people who hurt pretty little girls. And you are as pretty as they come." Mona kissed her cheek, "That's a pretty dress. Did Stephanie buy that for you?" She reached out and grabbed my hand in hers, "Mommy buy it and lots more others." "So she's Mommy now, I bet that makes her smile too. can I be your Aunt Mona?" "I have lots Aunts and Uncles now." "That's right Sweetie, you do." "Are you special like my Mommy and Aunt Tawny?" Mina was curious now. "Yes Sweetie I am. And like your Aunt Stephie too." she looked at me cautiously. "She's known about me since her first shower on the Carrier. Joanne pitched a fit that she was too young to understand. But as you see, she does understand and accept openly." There was a soft tap on the door, "May I come in please?" "Dr Curtis, of course," I said turning to face him, aware that Mina had slipped behind me when he stepped into the room. "Dr Baldwin told me you might have a pretty young patient named Mina here with you. And I was hoping to meet her." She was peeking out from behind my skirt at him. "Mina, Honey. This is Dr Curtis. He's a friend, and he won't hurt you." He offered her a tootsie pop, but she wouldn't take it. "that's ok Mina, I understand. You are right not to take candy from strangers. I'll give it to your Mommy for you." He stood up and said, "I'm more of a Pediatrician. So Dr Baldwin suggested I handle her next visit." I thanked him handing the Tootsie Pop to Mina, then just before he left the room she ran over and hugged him. "Thank you," then she was right back at my side. He smiled and waved to her. As we were leaving I noticed two older women pushing a janitors cart. They kept eyeing me, then would smile and go on about their work. On the way home we stopped in at a restaurant, the Pagoda Inn. Holding hands we walked inside and found a table. I didn't recognize very much on other than Sweet and Sour Chicken on the menu. The sign said it was Vietnamese. When the waitress showed up she looked at Mina then me with curiosity. "Mina Honey, I'm afraid I don't know what most of these dishes are. Would you order for me too?" With a smile she launched into a sing song of rapid Vietnamese. The waitress answering back in such a delighted display happiness. When we were brought our first dish and the waitress brought a fork for me, Mina frowned. But I just smiled at her took out my chopsticks from my purse. Suddenly we had three other waitresses there, Mina was chatting with them in a rapid fire conversation too fast for me to follow even if I could have understood the language. "Hey how about some service over here?" yelled a GI. "Damned Mong Bitches, all they do is talk." I quickly swallowed the bite I was eating, then lay my chopsticks down resting on the edge of the bowl, wiped my mouth on a napkin, and stood up. "Mina wait here with Sookie," I read her name off the name tag. Then strode purposely over to the table. "Do you mind showing just a modicum of manners. I have my daughter here with me, and I do not appreciate your use of derogatory language. These young ladies are Montanyard's, Not Mong's." "Just who the fuck are you lady?" "That's Lieutenant to you, And since you aren't even old enough to have been there Private I would appreciate if you showed a good deal more respect. Otherwise you might find more than just soup in your bowl." "We're sorry Ma'am," they apologized. "That's a start, now how about showing some respect to your waitress. She works hard to provide you with service." When we got home we found that housekeeping had been there and cleaned the room. it wasn't quite four PM yet so I knew they were still in the building. When someone knocked on the door I opened it to find two other little girls standing there. They started talking to Mina right away. I was almost sorry to have to interrupt them. "I'm sorry Girls, do your mothers know where you are?" Switching to English they said, "No Ma'am. But they'll find us before they leave. Are we in trouble?" "No I just don't want your mothers to be worried about you. What floor are they on?" The older of the two held up a finger to indicate the first floor. I told them I'd be right back and went in search of their mothers. I tapped on the open door and got the attention of the four young ladies. "Yes Lt, is there a problem with your room?" "No, not at all. You've done a wonderful job as usual. I just wanted to let you know your daughters are there with mine. I didn't want you to be worried about them." "So it is true, you have a daughter who is living with you." They smiled. "Yes and she is Montanyard. And teaching me so much every day." "You are not married, and you have a Montanyard Daughter? Then you must have been overseas." "I told you I could smell the jungle," added the older one. "What is your daughter's name?" "Mina, she is four." I smiled, "I'm so happy to know that she will have others her own age to play with though. I was afraid she would feel like an outcast. Most of the oriental children around here are Korean." When I got back to my room they were sitting in floor playing with their dolls. "Is everything ok Ma'am?" asked one of the two other girls. "So," I began. "Mina would you care to introduce me to your playmates?" "This is Kimmi, and this is Anna." She said. "And this is my Mommy Stephanie." It sent a thrill through me having her tell her friends that I was her Mommy. I poured a large bag of M&Ms into four bowls then sat them on the low traditional table. They looked at me funny when I set out four sets of chopsticks. "I am still learning to use them," I explained. "And this will help me. Isn't that right Mina?" "Yes Mommy." We sat eating our M&Ms one at a time. And one of the tricks I picked up watching them was to lick the ends before I started. It allowed them to stick to the individual little round pieces.

Same as The DST Agent, part 8 Videos

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 3

Just before dawn, a group of people were gathering in a meeting room inside the main building of this military base. Most of them only knew that it was for a very urgent job. There was one long table in the room, three people were sitting on one side of it while another person was sitting to the left and at the head of the table. This last person was the team leader. They were all facing a wall with four big television screens on it. Each screen showed a side of the area around their...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 15

While Sofia was having a nice massage from Agent 8, Sylvia was slowly waking up in her own room. She was still having erotic dreams and in her dream, she was now back in her hotel room in Brazil, enjoying the soft caressing hands of that woman she had picked up in a club. Those nice hands had been going all over her body and one of those delicate hands was now at her right breast, playing with her nipple, while the other hand, and especially those playful fingers, were bringing her to her...

4 years ago
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Agent Kask Part I

Agent Kask Part I By Teaser I sat hunched over a computer screen rubbing my eyes. It was late. I was tired. Dirty and smelly too. But surprisingly, not in too bad a mood. I was finishing off a computer virus detection program I'd been working on for pretty much most of the last six weeks. And now, I was testing it against a brand new virus, provided as a courtesy of the boys at the Department of Defense. This virus had been eluding me for most of the week. But this time I had...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 25

Sabina's nanobots had sent the 'all clear' signal to the computer and not much later, Sabina was being lifted out of the healing tank. While still hanging down on the straps around her shoulders, they dried her body off with towels and removed all sensors. A doctor checked her out, and then she was laid on a bed, to bring her to the recovery room. While some nurses rolled her away, the head nurse called the office of Agent 4, to inform him that Sabina would be in her cell soon. In the...

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Ovid 13 The Agent

Almost eight weeks ago, I promised a new Ovid in three weeks or so. So what happened? Well, an unexpected illness followed by surgery and a hospital stay slowed me down. Although I was in the hospital for less than a week, I just didn't feel like finishing the latest Ovid tale. Well, I'm fine now, and the story is finally finished. It's the first Ovid story in several months. I try to alternate between an Ovid story and a non-Ovid tale, but after I finished Deity 2, County Fair...

2 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 16

When Agent 1 awakened and checked the clock next to his bed, he was surprised to see that it was already past nine o'clock. On a normal day, he would wake up around seven from his own. Of course, he also knew that it had taken him a lot of time to get to sleep last night. His mind had kept on drifting towards Sylvia and her predicament. The more he thought about her, the less he thought that she could be the person that they were after and the order that he had received to treat her like any...

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Agent Zulo The Cabal

In Altered Fates: Agent Zulo we met an amnesiac private eye with the same abilities as the Medallion of Zulo but no idea who he was or how he came by them. In this story, we get a few answers...and some more questions. AGENT ZULO: THE CABAL by BobH (c) 2012 Note: This story is a direct sequel to 'Altered Fates: Agent Zulo' and contains spoilers for that tale. - 1 - Maria watched me from the the other side of the hotel room...

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AdvExGen A Field Agent of Valentinas Espionage

The guy was hovering over one of our displays, pensive with an odd mixture of curious and confused. I opened with "Let me guess, you don't know her size?" and followed it with a small, calculated guffaw. It was something of a standard opening at this point. I'd worked hard to make it sound understanding and compassionate rather than accusatory. I don't want to lose a sale on a bad introduction, if I can avoid it. Hi, my name is Michael, and I'm a "Field Agent" at...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 14

When Sofia woke up in the morning, she didn't know where she was at first. In the back of her mind, she thought that something had awakened her, but she wasn't sure what it could have been. It had sounded like somebody screaming, but she was alone in the room and couldn't hear anything besides herself breathing. She decided to get up and walked over to the door to check it, as expected, the door was locked. She placed her ear against the door, but again she couldn't hear anything. She...

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The Adventures of Agent Long Agent 96

Agent Long was searching around the headquarters of the Evil Wicked Wanda, looking for his partner, Agent 96. She was last heard from while working undercover here. She had called in saying she had discovered something very important when her connection was abruptly cut off. Suddenly, Agent Long felt a sharp stinging sensation in his neck and then everything went black. Several guards quickly carried him before Wicked Wanda, who ordered that the agent be stripped naked and tied spread eagled on...

2 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 21

Sofia was still lying on Di's bed, nicely tied down and a little annoyed about it. At first, she had been struggling with her restraints, but nothing what she did, helped her to loosen the silk scarves, they were surprisingly strong and the knots were done very professionally. In the end, she just resided in her situation and waited for what would happen next, she was sure that Di would return sooner than later, and maybe she would even have some extra fun planned for her. While she was...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 81

His mind was clear and free, his body weightless and without pain. James knew instinctively that he had left his demonic appearance behind, and he was now back in the body Lilith had given him. "Lilith…" James spoke his mistress' name wistfully. He would never see her again. He had died, and he was being carried to whatever afterlife awaited him. As James lamented his sad fate and mentally said goodbye to his family and friends, he began to descend into the clouds below. "Down?" he...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 11

Sylvia was lying on her bed and looking at the white ceiling. She was sure now that the recruitment thing was just a hoax and that she and the other girls were, in fact, prisoners. The reason about why they were here, she didn't know for sure, but she suspected that this couple that she had met in Brazil had something to do with it. Why else would they have shown her their pictures. When she heard a noise at the door of the room, she looked at it, and then she saw how a guard opened it. It...

2 years ago
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Agent Kask Pt II

The good Assistant Director handed me off to an agent. Who handed me off to another agent, who handed me off to some one else, and on and on and on. Eventually I ended up with a young guy who introduced himself as Tom - no last name was given, none was needed. He was big. In fact - huge. And he had the thickest southern accent I'd ever heard. On the third try, I finally got: "Pleased to meet you agent, I'll be your transport to Walter Reed Hospital." He seemed very good...

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Altered Fates Hollywood Agent

ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...

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The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer (A.K.A. The continuing perils and torments of a sexy lady Spy)CHAPTER 1Mission Failure, Suzzanne falls in with some very bad peopleShe heard a soft click and then something cold and hard pressed against the base of her skull, and a cold voice she spoke close to her ear ?Hello Agent Midsummer, we’ve been expecting you?. She shifted her weight and the gun barrel pressed harder, ?Ah Ah, no sudden moves, keep very still? The light clicked on and Suzzanne...

2 years ago
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Altered Fates Agent Zulo

ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO by BobH (c) 2011 "Yes, baby, oh yes!!" I moaned, bending over the motel room desk as my partner took me from behind, grasping my hips and snorting as he rammed himself into me. Red-faced and breathing heavily, the effort seemed to be taking a lot out of him. Giving one last thrust that almost pushed me into the wall, he came with a final labored grunt. Having shot his load he pulled out of me and sat down heavily on the bed, sweating...

4 years ago
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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

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The Further Adventures of Agent Trixie Daniels Ch 2

Chapter 2 A Serious Problem Special Agent Trixie Daniels had compiled her crack team of barely legal black cock sluts which included Hannah, the gorgeous brunette soccer star, Traci the pampered Vietnamese girl with a perfect ass and the sadistic MaryAnne, who was already responsible for taking the testicles of two pathetic whiteboys. The four sluts sat in an empty conference room waiting for their mission details. “Look alive ladies”, the Chief’s booming voice echoed through the room,...

1 year ago
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Retiring an Agent

I knew I screwed up. In my line of work you only get one strike, and I just struck out. We all knew working for an underground agency would not be easy, but they made it worth our while. It was simple, we would get assignments, we would complete them, then we would get paid. My phone would only ring a couple times a year and the amount I got easily paid all expenses my wife and I had. My wife, Sarah, she was so understanding for so long. But as time dragged on, she began to pry more...

2 years ago
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Agent G Fantasy I wrote this for a slutty friend

Agent G moved down the hallway insistently, glancing behind her as her heelsclicked against the tile. She knew she was being followed. Her steps were short. The black, pinstripe pencil skirt restricted her gait as it fell below her knees. She wore her crimson tresses straight to her shoulders with short bangs peeking out from beneath her black beret. Her shades hid the greenish pools of her eyes, fear and excitement, brimming to her silken lashes. A smart woman of fashionable class, she wore a...

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Jane Bound Agent Activate Chapter5 conclusion

Jane Bound Agent activate Chapter5: Conclusion Jane breezes into the offices at Imperium Corporation, smiling happily. Preparing for another wonderful day, at her reception desk. Each day passes by, she is never really able to remember what transpired during the day, but always a warm glow and happy thoughts accompany her home at the end of each day. She sets up her desk and prepares to organize Miss's calendar, and messages for the day, quickly peeks into a small hand held...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 24

When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...

1 year ago
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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

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The Secret Agent vol I

Introduction: This is the story of a fledgling secret agent named Jeanette on her first mission. It is also my first attempt at erotic fiction. Only the beginning of Jeanettes transformative journey is chronicled here. If the response is positive, and there is enough demand, I would like to continue her story eventually. But if that never happens, consider this just a dirty little experiment for me. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. Chapter I: The Assignment / The...

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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 1

The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...

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An Inquisitive Federal Agent

An Inquisitive Federal Agent East Coast Slaver Organization Story - XII Chapter 01 ? Intrigued by theMystery (or What are You ? Umph!) By: Desert Dog Special Agent Sam Valiant threw the file she had been studying aside witha sigh of exasperation. She rubbed her aching temples with her fingertips whileglancing at her notes displayed on the twenty-one-inch monitor and her desktoplittered with piles of files. Despite her headache, her brain kept up a whirlof thoughts and possibilities while...

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Agent Hooters vs corporate America

A man in a perfectly tailored suit leans back in his leather armchair. He picks up a thin dossier from the solid oak-desk in front of him. It says "Report on Secret Agent Anna Smith" on the front page. He opens the dossier with a stern look on his face. The first page contains a set of photographs taken with a telescopic lens. A stunningly beautiful blonde woman is stretched out on the sun deck of a luxury yacht. The first thing he notices is her amazing body, tall and slim with long legs and...

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The Realtors Agent

It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...


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