The DST Agent, Part 5 free porn video

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The DST Agent, part 5 By: Malissa Madison We ate our Waffles staring into each other's eyes, him smiling because none of the others enjoyed them with Blackberry Jelly. Me because he Had my favorite waffle topping. We never noticed when they left the room, just that we were alone together. After a while I gathered the plates, and dishes carrying them to the sink. And he joined me, taking them and plunging them into the hot soapy water to wash. "I don't want you ruining your pretty nails," he said as he kissed my fingers. So while he washed I dried, and then as we were putting them away Link said from the doorway. "Damn you talked him into doing the dishes?" "He was afraid I'd chip a nail," I giggled. "Besides it's very romantic to do dishes together." "Yeah Lt. you might try that at our place once in a while," commented Mona. "Cool it gang, we gotta figure out what Carson is up to," Tawny said. "So far nothing she's gotten is classified. But how's she getting it, and why?" They looked at me, as if waiting for some revelation. "OK so what I know so far," I started. "I'd already decided to give her my attention before I knew you were on her. She's a first LT. who likes to change and wear Captains bars from time to time. And she has a Sp4 at MRADCOM as a boyfriend. One who likes the Butterfly Lounge." "She also has a tie in with some of the prostitution on post I think. She asked me if I was interested in how to make a little extra cash." "She what?" "I knocked on her door to borrow a coffee filter. She invited me in, said she thought maybe I was interested in ways to make extra cash. Then Sp4 what's his name on the AH63 project showed up." "Wait, you know about the AH63 project?" "Yeah it has one major design flaw. But it's nothing that can't be fixed." "And how is it you know about that?" Tawny asked. "Before the bust I was one of the Security detail that escorted the container trucks. Scientist types like to talk." "Crap, I knew it. but how does all this shit fit together?" Mona asked. They piled all the collected information on the table. "Come on Babe, brainstorm with us," Jerome offered. "Nothing we have so far ties together." "Yeah and nothing is classified either, it's all just Confidential," Link pointed out. I was looking at the unit rosters, the vehicle maintenance reports. The duty rosters. The MTOE's, (Military Table of Operations Equipment lists). "You're right by themselves not one of these is classified, I pulled out the individual units information's for the one I knew best, and put them together. "Now what are they?" "Fuck me to tears," Tawny said. "Yeah like why didn't we see this before?" asked Link. "This is fucking huge, we gotta call the General on this one now." "Right come on Link, you take Mona. I'm taking Tawny and Stephanie with me. We'll set up a private meet." "No way I can't get that close to the bitch, I'd be too tempted to kill her." "Relax, Stephanie and I will go to the Billets, and she can call the WOC and set something up," explained Jerome. "Who's the WOC?" I asked in ignorance. "Your running partner, she's twenty one. Graduated USAMAPS last year. Decided she wanted to be a girl, instead of following daddy's footsteps. We brought her in on the team. She's our communications expert." I grabbed my purse. "I'm going to run her, 'I'm only fourteen year old little ass,' into the ground tomorrow." I was smiling as I said it. The phone rang as we were about to leave. But I couldn't see which of them answered I thought it was Mona. "Link you stay here," she said. "Tawny that was Joanne, there's a fifteen year old in the ER. She mentioned Miss Carson's name." "she'll either be at the Billets or off post, I said. We'll go watch the billets. I was feeling giddy, maybe it was the prospect of finding out I was right about Carson. Maybe being on stakeout with my boyfriend. We rushed down highway one till we got to Knight Road, where Mona and Tawny turned off to use the unguarded gates on north post. I flashed my ID at the main gate and we were waved through. It was a short drive to the Billets, and I finally got to pull the DA form 1408 off my windshield. It was a warning ticket for not having gotten my car fully registered with the state of Virginia yet. At the bottom was a note that said "Nice Driving Ma'am." Jerome laughed, as we surveyed the parking lot not seeing Carson's car anywhere. She drove a sporty little MGB. We headed into the building, and I spotted someone waiting near the top of the stairs. Before I hit the top one Stephie launched herself into my arms. "You did it, you really did it." I winked at Jerome. "Yes and he was a perfect gentleman too." Her eyes got big. "Oh," she giggled. "I wasn't talking about that, was it really good?" "You my dear aren't old enough for those kinds of details." I playfully smacked her butt as we neared my door. Once it was closed behind us she said, "I thought you were going to tell her? The Ma, er Tawny said so." "Calm down and you tell me," I said. "Do you know what a WOC is?" she blushed and giggled. "Sorry," "A WOC is something you beat your clothes on," I said. "No a WOC, is something you use to cook a dog," Jerome countered. She set her purse down on the desk and it clunked. "I brought you something." She fished out a little .32 automatic. "Keep it. it's too noisy and too hard to get at if I need it fast. But thank you for the offer," I said hugging her. She sat playing with the Kubaton on my key ring. "So you like unarmed defense huh?" "Be careful with that it's loaded," I reached out and took it from her. Then gave it a practiced twist and motioned to her to move her leg away from the bed. When I jabbed it against the bed it made a popping sound. Then I raised it up and blew the smoke away. "Now you can play with it" I handed it back to her. "Where can I get one of those?" "From a master gunsmith, if you know the right one to ask." "You know a gunsmith?" Laughing, I said. "I made that myself." Going to my wardrobe I opened it and reached into one of the secure drawers and took out a second one. "Here, but don't get caught with it they're illegal." She watched as I twisted off the cap resetting the trigger. Then reloaded it with a new.22 hollow point. And set the safety. "You only have one shot, point of contact. So it's a last resort, got it?" She saluted. "Yes Ma'am." She was smiling happily at me. "Have you had your JCS interview yet? " "No I haven't. I meet with the ACS on Thursday though." After a minute I said. "It really has to suck for you not being able to drink, or drive. I mean your only fourteen." "Sure but no one pays any attention to a kid, especially one that can't even drive." Mona and Tawny slipped in to the hospital to interview the girl. She'd been given five hundred in cash by, 'Major' Carson to party with a couple of her friends. She hadn't known that they would be way older and want to do things that were so painful. She was covered in bite marks and small electric shock burns. Stephie slipped out to meet Link, and they tracked down the Motel that was used. It was right outside the east gate behind the Korean run Bar called "Momma Moon's". Mona had already rented a room and when they got there it only took Stephie a few minutes to find the hidden cameras in the room. Link boosted her up through the ceiling tile in the bathroom where she found that half the rooms were wired. And she found where the wires went to. After crawling back out she said, oh yeah we got us a solid lead right here. I can totally splice and dice and add a few of my own tricks to that set up. We'll have everything they have, plus a shot of whoever services the equipment. She called to get a ride from Jerome, who picked her up to go get some things she'd need. Also to get one of the few rooms that wasn't wired. She needed a place to work out of while she did her thing. I sat at my desk, writing up my report on the Rape case. Leaving out the names of my new friends, referring to them as associates and assigning each a letter, A, B, C, etc. I'd just finished it when Jerome returned. "You know there's no guard on the door during the weekend? Anyone could walk in or out of here and you'd never know it until it was too late." "Yeah and they don't check ID's during the daytime hours either. I just called Gilmore to come and pick up my report too." He leaned over and kissed me. "Good, I'll be glad when you're not working for the CID anymore." "That makes two of us Serge," I kissed him back with more urgency. "Cooper said he'd call him at the house so I'm not sure when he'll get here." "Damn," he said as he let his hand fall away from my chin. "Knowing my luck he'd show right in the middle of you demonstrating your interrogation skills." We both laughed. "That sounds better than Debriefing." Gilmore showed up twenty minutes later. "I gotta hurry. The wife is really going nuts. That idiot Cooper told her I was needed to take the report of the Female DST Agent Langley loaned us. That fucking moron, Sorry Stephanie, you know what an idiot he is." "You said it, you didn't have to work as close with him as I did the last six months," I confirmed. "Hey ladies, I work DST. Wanna fuck in the parking lot." I mimicked his voice pretty good. "No wonder you always ditched him, it's a miracle he's still alive." "Not really, they knew who he was so it was easy to distract him while they dealt under his nose. He got more free pussy that way. He just didn't know they were getting paid in drugs to moan and squeal like they enjoyed it." I looked him in the eye. "None of his busts were legitimate, they were gimme's while the real deals went down." He skimmed over my report, and took my statement, then as he was getting ready to leave someone started pounding on my door. Jerome stepped into the cover of the bathroom, as I went to open the door. Carla Gilmore charged right into the room past me looking straight at her husband. "Is this the fucking slut you're banging every other night?" she wheeled around to face me. "Well? Is he fucking you, Bitch?" she moved to slap me and I blocked it. Then pushed her up against the wall. "Look, I know he'd be one hell of a catch if I was the type. But I'm not interested in stealing some other woman's husband. If you can't see how fucking much he loves you Lady you have serious problems. I've seen him tie himself in knots because he had to work later than expected. Worrying about whether or not you'll like the flowers he bought just because he loves you, or if you'll accuse him of sleeping around. And if you want to drive him off then you keep right on playing the jealous Bitch from hell. But if you want to keep him I suggest you accept that he really is buying you the flowers and gifts because he loves you. He told me the night he got shot to be sure I brought you to the hospital so you'd know he was ok, and you jumped his bones right there while I guarded the door, Remember?" She looked at me kind of funny. "No you didn't bring me to the hospital. That was that arrogant young man they shanghaied into working DST." "Carla," I said. "What I'm about to tell you cannot leave this room ever. Do you understand that? because if it does, not only me but Gil and a lot of others could be court martialed or worse." "OK, I'll bite but only because I want to know how you know about that night." I got right up to her ear and whispered. "My real name is SP4 Don Madison, I took this assignment so they wouldn't bring in some other girl that would probably get hurt or worse. By the way, your panties that night were blue lace. And you said when I picked them up off the floor to hang on to them I might find a girl like you, of my own someday." I giggled shyly blushing. "You just never realized I would become that girl." "Oh My God, is it really you?" "Yes it is, but you can't tell anyone. Even though that assignment is over. I was given another one just as important and I have to keep this Identity for a while longer. OK?" "Oh god I feel like such a fool. Can you forgive me?" "One girl to another, I'm not the one you should be asking." She looked at her husband. Leaning over I said. "I'd take him home and fuck his brains out every night so he doesn't forget to bring you flowers and jewelry to show you how much he loves you." She blushed and giggled. "You're good, you said that just like a real girl." Jerome coughed, and she jerked her head around to see who was there. "Jerome it's ok, come on out. Carla, this is Jerome for all intents and purposes you should treat him as my boyfriend if you see him or us together." "I think I like this version of you better," she said bluntly. "You're a lot nicer than the other you. Prettier too. and I can see why you both make a good team, you complement each other fully. And you do look so much happier than that young man." She winked. "Why don't you two come by Saturday? We'll barbecue." "We'd love to, if duty allows it that is." "You know I think you wish you could stay this way forever, I wish you could too. we could be really good friends. Maybe I should invite Nora, I bet she'd like to meet you too." "Love, you can't invite outside friends to a barbecue with secret friends," Gil said. "You're right, I'm sorry. That's the last thing we need to do, draw attention to them." After a bit they left and I could see Jerome had picked it up too. "Shit, I bet I know who went through my room." "Yeah, was there anything in here that could have given her your old name?" "No, nothing everything in here at the time was only what I needed to begin my new assignment." I tried to think of anything at all. All my ID, even the ones I couldn't change were on me." I giggled pulling my old dog tags out of my purse. "Even these." He took them from me gently, looking at them with a frown. "I feel like a walk along the water front how about you?" "Oh that is both perfect and romantic," I rose up on tip toes and kissed his cheek. "And then you can tell me why Link wants to kill Lt Carson." We drove the short distance to the Marina, walking along the pier. Looking at the yachts belonging to Senior officers. When we came to an open dock we walked holding hands out to the end. Where he held my dog tags out to me. Gathering them in the palm of my hand I kissed them. "Good bye, I hope I can live up to the opportunities you've opened for me by disappearing." I threw them out as far I could get them to go. And he gathered me in his arms. "You have an early day tomorrow. You have to run with Stephie, then get your car registered. And Tawny has another surprise for you," he teased. "She's barbecuing on her balcony, Joanne will be there too. I think she's in charge of bringing some of the surprise." I was looking at him like I expected more, but I knew he wouldn't tell me. When we got back to my room, he kissed me sweetly. "Sorry love but I have to work tonight." I'd forgotten all about having to live two lives, and merge them together. "Don't worry you get so used to it, it becomes second nature." "Tell me, is Irene working tonight?" "Yes but you have nothing to fear, I'm not interested. I never was." "No but she is, that's why I'll see you there," I kissed him again and giggled as two of the other tenants of the billets walked past us in the parking lot. He opened his console and took something out, handing it to me. "That's an Alley parking permit. It lets you legally park in the back lot behind the Butterfly. A gift from Frankie." After we'd talked during our walk, I decided that Lt Nora Carson belonged on my own better off dead list as well. And I understood why Link could never come to visit at my quarters. Still I couldn't imagine anyone doing that to a little sister, even a Step Sister as Leila had been. Irene was gorgeous, with a pair 36DD's that she could get swinging in opposite directions at the same time. And she definitely wanted Jerome's attention. I parked in back and walked around to come in the front door. She'd been in the dressing room getting ready for her first set. Lisa winked at me and said. "There's a single table over behind the curtain open. She won't be able to see who's sitting there from the stage." She handed me a glass of wine. As I sat there watching her dance my mind turned to wondering what kind of shape they'd be in after ten years from now. As if reading my mind Lisa appeared with another glass of wine. "They'll be hanging to her knees, trust me. I've seen it happen to the best of them. Anything bigger than a C Cup and they can't take the stress without the constant support." I thanked her for the refill. "Your regular waitress just showed up." I turned to see Joanne tying on her apron and arranging her drink tray. Damn that girl had drive and determination. "Can I get you anything to, oh Hi Ma'am." She blushed. Can I get you anything?" "Well I'd order a boob shot but that might be considered fraternization," she blushed bright red, turned around and rushed to the bar. I was about to get up and go apologize when I saw Lisa hand her a Shot glass filled with clear liquid. Then with it on her tray she came back to the table where she sat her tray down then placed the shot glass between her breasts. "Bar rules say if I make you spill it I have to let you lick it off." Hands behind my back I leaned forward curling my tongue into the glass slurping out the Vodka. When she straightened up a bit, and the remains ran down between her breasts. "Oops," she giggled untying the knot of her halter top. "What are you doing?" I whispered. "Giving you credibility. You're being watched. Besides I wondered how it'd feel to have you lick my tits." She giggled again. "Just for that you get the next shot," I told her. "Oh god you're going to be so fun to work with." She blushed and turned toward the bar. When she came back we had a full audience now as I lifted the shot glass off her try after unbuttoning my blouse to exposed my breasts. "It's water," she whispered. "The alcohol would dissolve the glue." She made a real show of it, and then we had guys buying us shots just to watch. Irene was really pissed because the attention was on us instead of her. When she came off stage she demanded to know what that was about. "That love, was my way of saying keep your hands off my man. I know how to play dirty. Now run along before I decide I want a lap dance during your next set." Joanne giggled. "You wouldn't?" "Try me Corporal." "I never did a lap dance before," she admitted. "There's a first time for everything, Sugar." I patted her butt and stuck a twenty between her breasts. "Now bring me a cup of coffee." Near the end of the night I'd given her enough attention that anyone from post would believe I was another Bisexual Girl. I kissed her lips softly on the way out the door. "Maybe next time I'll get that Lap Dance," I said out loud so the two guys watching would hear. "I'll be out back when you're ready to head home," I said loud enough only for her. Stepping out the door I turned toward the left side of the building. There was a narrow drive leading to the parking lot. The two guys followed but one of the Butterfly regulars intervened. "You don't want to be following the Butterfly Ladies down this alley. You could end up in the Potomac." "Crazy old bastard." They moved on, and I figured they were going to try for one of the other alley's. Joanne came out the back door and Frankie stood and watched until was safely in my car. I surprised her when I leaned over and kissed her lips. "I've wanted to do that all night," I admitted. She sighed and closed her eyes. "I wanted you to do that too." after a moment as I waited for the car to warm up a minute she asked. "So who were those two creeps?" "PFC's Sparkman and Ginerro, my former roommate and his best friend. Perverts extraordinaire." She giggled. "No I'm serious, I told her they like their girls in high school. Of course I could never catch them with one." Something I just said hit me. "I think we just got us a couple of suspects to watch." "Who those two clowns? Come on be serious." "I am, Sparkman bragged about having a friend who could set him up anytime he wanted for the right price. They were both also on the same escort mission for the Cheyenne." We were pulling out onto 14th street when Link and the ladies waved goodnight to us. I cruised down until we were opposite them, and made a motion to cross at the next corner. I cruised slow letting them get ahead and start to cross. I stopped and they stepped in front of me, then came to the window. Our two party boys might know Carson," I said. "why don't we see if the witness knows either one of them." A beat cop walked behind the car then up to my window. "You're holding up traffic." "Sorry officer," I apologized. "Thanks for the warning." I slowly drove away as Tawny made a call me later sign. Joanne busted out laughing. "Oh my god you just got tagged." "I what?" "Pull over and I'll show you." I drove to a pull off near the Washington Monument, and we got out. Leading the way to the back of the car she pointed to the little sticker on the bumper. It was a silhouette of a scantily clad young woman leaning on a street lamp. With the words, 'The driver of this car was seen conversing with ladies of the evening on 14th St.' "Oh my lord, that's all I need." She laughed again. "It's like a rite of passage. Take a look at Jerome's bumper some time." We talked about things on the way to post. How she got into the squad, how she liked the work. And then after we got on post she said. "Hey you missed my turn." That would be if I was taking you to your barracks, but you're coming to my room tonight. Unless you'd rather not that is." She glanced in the side mirror as the car behind us passed under a street light. "Oh good idea, give them the wrong idea about you." I didn't say anything I just bit my lip hoping she wouldn't freak out on me. I turned into my parking lot and cruised to my space. Then watched as they passed slowly by on the street. Smiling at the door guard I said. "Good evening Walter, thank you for helping the other night." "My pleasure Ma'am. I'm just glad he didn't hurt you. Oh Miss Stephie left you a message I slid it under your door." "Thank you, goodnight." "Goodnight Ma'am." Opening the door I picked up the envelope from the floor. Joanne wandered around looking at my room. "My god this is like so huge, I always knew officers had it easy." I smacked her but. "Relax, and take your shoes off. I'll be back in a minute." I opened the note from Stephie. "Confirmed, Carson's finger prints are all over your room." Smiling I handed the note to Joanne, who's eyes rose up in question. "Why I brought you home tonight, keep her guessing." "So you don't really want to continue what you started earlier with that Boob Shot?" she was pouting. Looking deep into her eyes I wrapped my hands around her hips walking her backwards until she was against the edge of the bed. "Marines are supposed to be highly disciplined, now, parade rest. Let me test your discipline Corporal," I giggled. She giggled then snapped to attention first, then placed her hands together in the small of her back spreading her feet shoulder width apart. Eyes straight forward. "Oh Damn but that position looks so sexy in four inch heels," I commented. I started by slowly kissing her softly all over, working my way down to her shoulders, as I pushed her halter top off letting it fall to my bed behind her. She wasn't wearing a bra and I let my lips and tongue tease their way to and around each of her stiffly erect nipples. I could feel her trembling as I sucked greedily on each one, my hand caressing up and down the insides of her thighs. Her breath was coming in short rapid gasps as I began kissing my way down to her navel, my fingers unfastening the little ruffled skirt at her hips. Her scent wafted up to my nose as it fell catching at her knees. I playfully smacked her butt. "You're out of uniform Marine. No panties, I'll have to give you extra PT for that." I leaned in and kissed her gently above her clit. "Nice I like it so smooth. You must shave every day." "I shaved tonight just for you Ma'am." I rubbed my nose downward parting her lips then inhaled as I lifted up slipping my tongue in gently to catch moisture beginning to ooze out of the soft folds. I dragged my tongue up slowly catching the underside of her clit, feeling it quiver on my tongue. A soft deep moan escaped her throat as ripples ran across her stomach, her thighs trembled. Pressing my nose against her clit I made little circles as I pressed my face in driving my tongue in hard curling the tip as I slurped at her nectar. She broke in moments, her hands gripping my hair as she sat back on the bed pulling me with her. Wrapping one leg around my back. "Oh yeah, lick me, lick my pretty pussy," she panted hard. I rose up my face still in her pussy pushing her further onto my bed. Latching onto her clit I sucked hard feeling her jerk and twitch, her body convulsing in orgasm as she flipped me over on my back, grinding her sweet pussy on my face. While she was riding my tongue I was wriggling out of my own skirt and panties. When she paused to pant catching her breath I reached up working my hands free to grab her waist. Lifting her up I moved her down and she gasped feeling my erection as it twitched against her wet pussy. She bit her lip pushing back and I thrust upward. "Unnnnn, yesss, ooohhhhh," she moaned as I thrust into her over and over. "Fuck me bitch, fuck me hard." "Take it, that's right bounce on it, grind it like you want it," I told her. We screwed like crazy for over an hour until we were both exhausted. I fell asleep cuddling her in my arms, petting her softly as she drifted in peaceful slumber. I woke up early and started the coffee, then picked up our clothing as it was strewn around the bed. Rolling over she looked up smiling. "Good morning Ma'am," she giggled throwing back the covers to get out of bed. She padded bare footed to the bathroom. "Good morning to you too, I have coffee ready if you aren't in too big a hurry." "Got any extra fatigues? And a T-shirt? I think I'll go running with you and the squirt this morning." "Sure you can handle it? we don't stop at two miles." "Neither do I Ma'am," she said with pride. "I used to run with her before." She left it unsaid. "Well you can't run this morning, you don't have a Bra, or suitable shoes. Of course you would look pretty cute in that skirt, I'd follow you for sure." "Fine I don't have enough time to get to my barracks and meet you two on the trail, so I'll just go down with you and say good morning," she was clearly not happy. I finished my coffee, and filled my water canteen. Then said. "Alright lets go, you can do my counts for me at least. Please." She stood over me counting my pushups. "Nine, keep your back straight." She was giggling. "Not low enough Ma'am I want to see those arms parallel to the ground. Now fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. Not bad for a big chested Bimbo. Now flip over and I'll hold your feet." "Tone it down a bit, your sounding like a Jarhead instead of a Sp4." She smiled and changed her wording a bit as she counted out my twenty sit ups in rapid succession. We had a few other people decide to join in our PT on the grass before running. I ran through a series of eight count pushups, then some jumping jacks, and started my stretches. I'd just finished when Stephie came around the corner at a nice slow pace. Joanne blew her a kiss. "Catch you tomorrow," she called out. I handed her my keys. "Take my car and meet me at Con One for breakfast." Then I took off after Stephie. As we ran we talked about what we both knew, what the others had found out. And tried fitting it all together, giving it our own possibilities. Nora Carson couldn't be doing it all by herself. She had to have an off post contact. And someone who was telling her what information to get. We knew she was a First Lieutenant, who liked to impersonate both Captain's as well as Major's. But why the information she was gathering, it almost made no sense. She had information on every field unit on post. Most of it on the 437th MP Co. "So why not the 524th." Stephie speculated. "The 524th is strictly Garrison, no field duty," I stated. The 437th is Phase One Straf. They have four hours to clear US Airspace in the event of an alert." Then it hit me, they'd had to delay transporting the AH64 Apache, because the unit had been Alerted and wasn't available for secure escort. Both birds were due to be transferred to Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Two weeks. Not only that there were two other highly classified projects coming up that the unit was tasked with. "Why don't you join me for breakfast, I want to bounce something off you and Joanne at the same time." She looked at me curious for a minute. "You figured it out didn't you?" "Maybe, it sounds too simple though. That's why I want to field it to you two before I give it to the Major." As we approached the side gate returning to post we both took drinks from my canteen letting the water drizzle down into our bras to create a fuller sweat pattern. The MP on the gate was new and decided he wanted to see ID. She pulled out her dependent's ID card and I pulled out mine. He saluted and said. "Sorry to stop you Ma'am." "Actually I'm glad you did. Some of your counterparts are a bit laxed in their duties. Carry on." He was wearing the FORCECOM Patch which marked him as 437th. I made a mental note of his name. Delpazzo, PFC. If my calculations were correct he'd be third platoon. The other two would be in their training cycles, so that meant Second platoon had just started. So why was Sparkman at the butterfly Sunday night? We got to my Billets and split up, I needed a shower before breakfast and I knew she did too. since I was still on technical leave I dressed in Civvies, A modest skirt and two inch heels, with a nice lavender blouse. I brushed out my hair, making sure it wasn't showing the extensions. Then I slung my purse over my shoulder, and headed off on foot for the three quarter mile walk to the Mess Hall designated as Consolidated Dining facility One, Con One for short. I had to cross through the NCO's Engineer BNOC Training Battalion to get there. It was right between the two MP Company's as well. As I stood in line waiting my turn I had several people ask me what unit I was in. obviously hoping they had a chance of scoring a date. When it was my turn I flashed my ID and paid my Per Deem, officers had to pay for their meals in the chow halls. "Ma'am, you could have just jumped line like all the other officers," the Pv2 keeping the count said. "Do I look at all like the other officers?" I asked. "Besides I'm not on duty." I picked up a tray and silverware and proceeded into the line. "Officer in the line," yelled the Pv2. I glared at him, then as people started moving out of my way I realized he thought he was doing me a favor. "Carry on soldiers, keep your places in line." "Holy Shit, Morris, you let me hit on an Officer. God I'm so dead, and I was like totally thinking of trying to get in those panties." "Specialist Reardon, you had no way of knowing. I accept your attempts as a compliment since I am neither on duty or in uniform. Just don't let it happen again." "Yes Ma'am." I got my chow in the usual sloppy manner as everyone else. Then stepped out into the main hall. I surveyed the tables. To my right were the NCO only tables. The left was what was known as officers country. I started that way passing the daytime K9 units. They were allowed in officers country because the dogs didn't like people getting too close. The Black German Shepherd started wagging his tail, he was off leash. The other larger shepherd was on both leash and a choke collar which were securely fastened to the handlers chair. This one's name I knew was Magnum, his service record was as long as well as distinguished. But the last three years it had become tarnished. His original handler had been injured and medically separated from the Army. His following four had been medically discharged after he'd mauled them during training. He laid his ears back, raising his lips in a snarl. "Excuse me Ma'am. You really should give Magnum here a wide birth, he's a bit off this morning." "Sgt Lowery is it? I don't think he'll bother me," I said. And took a seat a few tables away. Then spotting Joanne I motioned for her to join me. Soon Stephie made her way through the line. As we sat waiting for everyone to finish I watched the two dogs closely. PFC Cruise walked past and Triune went on alert his ears pricking up as he raised up off the floor. Magnum followed suite, only he lunged for him. Magnum's handler had trouble regaining control but no one was hurt. Both handlers looked around nervously, and I motioned for both to approach our table. "Stay," Triune's handler commanded and he sat at the table. My two friends edged away at Magnum's approach. "Good Morning Sergeant, haven't seen you in a while." I said. Puzzled the handler a E5 asked. "Do I know you Ma'am?" "Sorry I was talking to the Master Sergeant here," I said as I reached down to scratch Magnum under his chin. "I saw you're reaction to Cruise, yes I did. And I'm sure you are right, but you shouldn't react so. I know you don't like him, he's not a nice person." "Uhh, Ma'am how do you know my dogs rank?" "Everyone in security or intelligence knows Magnums rank. Have you never read his service record?" I asked. "It's understandable the way he reacts to certain people." "Sorry Ma'am I'd like to stay but I have to get over to North post. Triune and I have a visit at the Eleventh Engineer Bn." The other handler said. I knew of course that Patrol Dog was Triunes secondary Duty. His Primary was Narcotics Detection. After they left Magnums handler sat down at the table. "I'm Warrant Officer Madison from the AG's office. I've read his record," I explained. "Magnum here has a purple heart, as well as nine ARCOM's, and a Silver Star." "I didn't know that," he admitted. "He entered training in 1974 as a Scout Dog, transferred to Vietnam in '75'. Upon arrival however he sniffed out a large amount of Heroin, being loaded onto the plane they were exiting. Two days later he was wounded during the first evacuation off the roof of the Embassy. While wounded he dragged his handler onto the Helipad." I paused to take a drink of coffee. "Unlike the other Dogs in the country he was not shot by his handler when ordered to do so. He was airlifted out." "He became the only Scout Dog to successfully transition to Patrol Dog, after going through Security Dog Training, before being stationed here. up until last year he was over at USAMRADCOM." I looked his handler in the eye. "You might want to remember that he outranks you when you're talking to him. He deserves and responds better to respect. You see he knows, Don't you boy?" "You know more about my dog than I do," he admitted. "But why are you telling me this?" "Because if you fail as his handler, Lackland will step in. and you don't want the Air Force putting him down. Remember, Respect and you won't need a leash." After he left they asked. "What was that about?" "Neither of those dogs are being used in keeping with their training. But in Magnums case, he's far smarter than his handler and he resents being talked down to. We'll see if my talk helps." "So how do you know so much about him?" Joanne asked. "I always try to keep up with everything I might need to know on a job. And as DST he was a possible source. His last two handlers were users. The two before that were just idiots." We got down to my reason for our little meeting. And I explained what I thought was going on. They listened intently, then said they thought I had something. Every unit Lt Carson was interested in had a contribution to the projects either current or upcoming. We dropped Stephie off at home, then I headed into Alexandria with Joanne to get my Car legally registered. I didn't have to worry about a driver's license yet, and was very happy about it. I was able to meet with the others since it was the only day of the week that the Butterfly was closed. I could tell that they thought I had something too. they had only been looking at the current situation, not the future. USAMRADCOM handled all the top secret Electronics packages being put into the new projects. Especially the communications gear, and the friend Foe Ident. One of those packages alone was worth hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts. Not to mention the security breaches if one was lost or compromised. And the two Birds, actually Four counting the backups, were being transported by secured container rigs rather than being flown. MRADCOM had no air fields. "Think about it, they get enough people on the escort details compromised they better their chances of scoring at least one of those secure devices. Can you imagine what it would mean in combat if you could paint your air craft as friendly? Or listen in on all the chatter those pilots do?" "Holy shit you're right they don't want the Birds. They want the boxes. Granted the birds technology would be a boost but they haven't got a chance of getting away with one," Joanne said. "So what's our next move?" Looking at them I said. "Finding out how many people they have compromised. The 437th was actually designated as a transport security company, and POW operations. That's why they got detailed." When we got to DC I met up with Tawny. "Look we have to assume that Carson knows I'm DST. Gilmore's wife knows her, so she may be getting some good Intel on CID as well." They actually had several people they had identified as definitely compromised. I went over the list of names, and yes I could see them selling out rather than take the hit to their careers. "What do you have planned for me, I mean what do you want me to do on post since she obviously suspects me?" "Go to the Education center and enroll in the Officer Basic Correspondence Courses." "How is that going to help?" "Look, you're a acting Warrant Officer. The General put in the promotion for reserve Status. But if you don't have at least an Associate Degree in a year you can kiss that goodbye." She looked at me like she was surprised I didn't know that already. "Stephie's a WOC. Working on her reserve commission as a Lieutenant. She went to the Military Prep School, USAMAPS. She was on her way to west point before she decided she'd rather be a Girl." "When she entered USAMAPS she was automatically promoted to Sgt, when she joined us they made her a WOC. She'll probably make Lieutenant before the end of the year, and out rank you." I laughed. "Hell tell me which courses I really need. I mean which ones are worth the most points." "Good Girl, you're smart. Go for the big points first. Most of the lesser point courses are covered in general basic training anyway. now what do you want to get a degree in?" Smiling I said. "Juvenile justice." "Oh you are a glutton for punishment. You'll have to have Police administration. And all the other law enforcement courses too." "Yep, I did the Officers Basic course already by the way. The score results and records in my old wall locker locked up." "Shit girl you're full of surprises. What's your GPA?" "Four point one," I said with a giggle. "I know you saw my high school transcripts right?" "How does someone with a high D average in high school carry a 4.1 college level GPA?" "High School was boring." "Wait you got a one forty eight on the ASVAB that's basically the same thing as the IQ test." Holding my finger up in front of my lips I said. "shhh, it is the same thing. Just the Military's Version." "We need to get those copies, and we definitely have to clear all your old stuff out of that room," Link said. "I think we need a favor from CID," Jerome commented. "I'll call Gilmore." We sat around talking getting to know each other. Eventually even Stephie showed up at the Apartment. Pretty soon Mona broke out a deck of cards, and we played Hearts until it got late. I followed Jerome back to his place, and we got hot and heavy. He had me begging him until his phone rang. When he let the machine answer we heard it was Gilmore. He snatched it up before he finished leaving the message. "That was quick," Jerome said. "So how are we going to do this?" "Myself, Cooper, and WO Madison will be going to the barracks at 07:00. Where we will meet with K-9 Triune, she's familiar with him. She'll accompany him on his rounds through the barracks and let him know when to alert on her former roommates wall locker. Then myself and Cooper will stand guard while she collects what she needs." "Too complicated," I said. "How about you show up with PCS orders or something?" "I got it, you tell Cpt K that he's been Apprehended in connection with a security breach. They won't have any choice but to give us everything in his room that we want. We can process and bag the entire room at our leisure," I suggested. "OK we'll do it your way. I suppose you want to hand over the seizure warrant?" "Hell yes," "See you at 07:00 then." He hung up. "Shit there goes or fun filled evening," Jerome pouted. "Damn were you so going to walk funny tomorrow." I giggled and slipped down under the covers, to find him still stiff as a rock. He lifted the covers back smiling as my hand slowly stroked up and down. Looking into his eyes I softly kissed the tip, smearing the clear precum over my lips. I loved how my fingers and thumb couldn't quite encircle it completely, and it twitched, more clear fluid oozing out as I stroked it. "Oh fuck girl," he moaned as I licked out my tongue to swirl around the head, behind the crown. I let my saliva drool all over it before pursing my lips and slowly letting it open my mouth. I was thrilled to see him forcing himself not to thrust upward as I lightly raked my nails along his inner thigh to cup his balls. I twisted my head around sucking inward as I pushed my head down. Feeling my jaw stretched wide open, oh god how wanted it down my throat. But I knew it was too big and stiff. But that didn't stop me trying. I had to keep backing off, but each time I got a little closer. I felt the crown stretching the inside of my throat as it tried to curve downward. "I, I'm going to C, cummm," he warned me. "Cum, cum in my mouth, cum on my pretty white face." I giggled as he erupted in jets of creamy thick semen. Hot and musty, salty and tangy as it burned my tongue and throat. It coated my face, and strings of it caught in my hair. And I kept licking and sucking on the head until it was finished. Then I hugged that beautiful cock, rubbing his thick cream into my face. "God you're one cock crazy white girl, you know that?" I giggled. "I wouldn't say that. I like pussy too," I winked. As I crawled out of bed he asked. "Are you sure I can't talk you into staying the night?" "I'd love to stay the night. But if I do you'll end up slamming that big black sausage in my tight little white ass. And then I wouldn't be able to walk straight in the morning." He smiled. "Just think, by tomorrow night you'll be ready for a lap dance." His eyes shot open wide. "Only if you let me tap that ass afterwards." I winked. "You'd better." Six AM dawn way too early, but I rolled out of bed and hit the shower. Ten minutes later I stepped out to start getting ready. At fifteen till I stepped out of the billets in full view of Carson, and walked to my car. We pulled up in front of the barracks at the same time. Then stood waiting for the company to return from PT. at which time I stepped up to the commander. With a salute I introduced myself. "Captain K. I'm warrant officer Madison, with CID. I'm afraid we need to inspect a room, number 211." "What's going on?" he demanded. "National security. One the occupants is on TDY, he's been apprehended for Espionage. He was caught with IFF incriptions." The whole unit was kept outside waiting while we went up to the room. It only took me a matter of minutes to pack everything up that I needed. Then seeing Sparkman's locker unlocked I took the opportunity. "Bingo," I had him dead to rites. There were pictures of him with underage girls in a motel room. Not just him but his running buddies as well. And in the background of one picture the mirror caught the image of Lt Carson. I snagged the pictures. On the way out I told the Captain I hoped that none of the others in his unit were involved but the investigation was still open. And that we'd left all of the units issued equipment and gear in the wall locker. He turned the unit over to the first sergeant and said. "Ma'am I'd like a word with you in private." We went to his office. "I'm sure it's just coincidence that the two of you have the same last name." "Not at all, I'm sure you'll understand why I take it personally when a relative is messed up in something like this. He could have had a really good career. But he blew it." He looked at Gilmore who said. "Did you know his whole family is Law enforcement to one degree or another?" "I knew he had a cousin who's a US Marshal." I left the room headed for the door, but paused outside to wait for Gilmore. "So who is she really?" "Langley, Sir." "CIA! Shit I can see why she'd take it personal then." Standing at my car loading my old life into my trunk I said. "Gilmore, I think you should have left that last part off." "Why? Now no one in this unit will give you any shit." "Yeah well I need answers not closed lips. And damned sure ain't none of them going to talk to me now." I headed off post to Jerome's where the rest were waiting for me. I walked over to the table and dropped the pictures in front of them. "Unsecured wall lockers are fair game during a search and seizure," I said. Picking them up Tawny began to smile even bigger. "This little guy here next to Carson is Andre Cerkovik. But what's that thing on the table?" "That's an IFF Black Box," Stephie, Link and Jerome all said at the same time.

Same as The DST Agent, part 5 Videos

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The DST Agent part 6

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Agent Kask Part I

Agent Kask Part I By Teaser I sat hunched over a computer screen rubbing my eyes. It was late. I was tired. Dirty and smelly too. But surprisingly, not in too bad a mood. I was finishing off a computer virus detection program I'd been working on for pretty much most of the last six weeks. And now, I was testing it against a brand new virus, provided as a courtesy of the boys at the Department of Defense. This virus had been eluding me for most of the week. But this time I had...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 25

Sabina's nanobots had sent the 'all clear' signal to the computer and not much later, Sabina was being lifted out of the healing tank. While still hanging down on the straps around her shoulders, they dried her body off with towels and removed all sensors. A doctor checked her out, and then she was laid on a bed, to bring her to the recovery room. While some nurses rolled her away, the head nurse called the office of Agent 4, to inform him that Sabina would be in her cell soon. In the...

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Ovid 13 The Agent

Almost eight weeks ago, I promised a new Ovid in three weeks or so. So what happened? Well, an unexpected illness followed by surgery and a hospital stay slowed me down. Although I was in the hospital for less than a week, I just didn't feel like finishing the latest Ovid tale. Well, I'm fine now, and the story is finally finished. It's the first Ovid story in several months. I try to alternate between an Ovid story and a non-Ovid tale, but after I finished Deity 2, County Fair...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 16

When Agent 1 awakened and checked the clock next to his bed, he was surprised to see that it was already past nine o'clock. On a normal day, he would wake up around seven from his own. Of course, he also knew that it had taken him a lot of time to get to sleep last night. His mind had kept on drifting towards Sylvia and her predicament. The more he thought about her, the less he thought that she could be the person that they were after and the order that he had received to treat her like any...

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Agent Zulo The Cabal

In Altered Fates: Agent Zulo we met an amnesiac private eye with the same abilities as the Medallion of Zulo but no idea who he was or how he came by them. In this story, we get a few answers...and some more questions. AGENT ZULO: THE CABAL by BobH (c) 2012 Note: This story is a direct sequel to 'Altered Fates: Agent Zulo' and contains spoilers for that tale. - 1 - Maria watched me from the the other side of the hotel room...

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AdvExGen A Field Agent of Valentinas Espionage

The guy was hovering over one of our displays, pensive with an odd mixture of curious and confused. I opened with "Let me guess, you don't know her size?" and followed it with a small, calculated guffaw. It was something of a standard opening at this point. I'd worked hard to make it sound understanding and compassionate rather than accusatory. I don't want to lose a sale on a bad introduction, if I can avoid it. Hi, my name is Michael, and I'm a "Field Agent" at...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 14

When Sofia woke up in the morning, she didn't know where she was at first. In the back of her mind, she thought that something had awakened her, but she wasn't sure what it could have been. It had sounded like somebody screaming, but she was alone in the room and couldn't hear anything besides herself breathing. She decided to get up and walked over to the door to check it, as expected, the door was locked. She placed her ear against the door, but again she couldn't hear anything. She...

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The Adventures of Agent Long Agent 96

Agent Long was searching around the headquarters of the Evil Wicked Wanda, looking for his partner, Agent 96. She was last heard from while working undercover here. She had called in saying she had discovered something very important when her connection was abruptly cut off. Suddenly, Agent Long felt a sharp stinging sensation in his neck and then everything went black. Several guards quickly carried him before Wicked Wanda, who ordered that the agent be stripped naked and tied spread eagled on...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 21

Sofia was still lying on Di's bed, nicely tied down and a little annoyed about it. At first, she had been struggling with her restraints, but nothing what she did, helped her to loosen the silk scarves, they were surprisingly strong and the knots were done very professionally. In the end, she just resided in her situation and waited for what would happen next, she was sure that Di would return sooner than later, and maybe she would even have some extra fun planned for her. While she was...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 81

His mind was clear and free, his body weightless and without pain. James knew instinctively that he had left his demonic appearance behind, and he was now back in the body Lilith had given him. "Lilith…" James spoke his mistress' name wistfully. He would never see her again. He had died, and he was being carried to whatever afterlife awaited him. As James lamented his sad fate and mentally said goodbye to his family and friends, he began to descend into the clouds below. "Down?" he...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 11

Sylvia was lying on her bed and looking at the white ceiling. She was sure now that the recruitment thing was just a hoax and that she and the other girls were, in fact, prisoners. The reason about why they were here, she didn't know for sure, but she suspected that this couple that she had met in Brazil had something to do with it. Why else would they have shown her their pictures. When she heard a noise at the door of the room, she looked at it, and then she saw how a guard opened it. It...

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Agent Kask Pt II

The good Assistant Director handed me off to an agent. Who handed me off to another agent, who handed me off to some one else, and on and on and on. Eventually I ended up with a young guy who introduced himself as Tom - no last name was given, none was needed. He was big. In fact - huge. And he had the thickest southern accent I'd ever heard. On the third try, I finally got: "Pleased to meet you agent, I'll be your transport to Walter Reed Hospital." He seemed very good...

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Altered Fates Hollywood Agent

ALTERED FATES: HOLLYWOOD AGENT Chapter 1: Laura Jenson was tired. At least she acted as if she was tired, and those who knew her well knew that even though she was the star of over ten highly profitable movies over the last five years, that Laura couldn't act her way out of a paper bag. Laura thanked her lucky stars everyday that the director's and the film editor she chose to work with, knew her acting faults and were only too glad to cover them up and make a ton of money from...

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The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer (A.K.A. The continuing perils and torments of a sexy lady Spy)CHAPTER 1Mission Failure, Suzzanne falls in with some very bad peopleShe heard a soft click and then something cold and hard pressed against the base of her skull, and a cold voice she spoke close to her ear ?Hello Agent Midsummer, we’ve been expecting you?. She shifted her weight and the gun barrel pressed harder, ?Ah Ah, no sudden moves, keep very still? The light clicked on and Suzzanne...

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Altered Fates Agent Zulo

ALTERED FATES: AGENT ZULO by BobH (c) 2011 "Yes, baby, oh yes!!" I moaned, bending over the motel room desk as my partner took me from behind, grasping my hips and snorting as he rammed himself into me. Red-faced and breathing heavily, the effort seemed to be taking a lot out of him. Giving one last thrust that almost pushed me into the wall, he came with a final labored grunt. Having shot his load he pulled out of me and sat down heavily on the bed, sweating...

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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

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The Further Adventures of Agent Trixie Daniels Ch 2

Chapter 2 A Serious Problem Special Agent Trixie Daniels had compiled her crack team of barely legal black cock sluts which included Hannah, the gorgeous brunette soccer star, Traci the pampered Vietnamese girl with a perfect ass and the sadistic MaryAnne, who was already responsible for taking the testicles of two pathetic whiteboys. The four sluts sat in an empty conference room waiting for their mission details. “Look alive ladies”, the Chief’s booming voice echoed through the room,...

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Retiring an Agent

I knew I screwed up. In my line of work you only get one strike, and I just struck out. We all knew working for an underground agency would not be easy, but they made it worth our while. It was simple, we would get assignments, we would complete them, then we would get paid. My phone would only ring a couple times a year and the amount I got easily paid all expenses my wife and I had. My wife, Sarah, she was so understanding for so long. But as time dragged on, she began to pry more...

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Agent G Fantasy I wrote this for a slutty friend

Agent G moved down the hallway insistently, glancing behind her as her heelsclicked against the tile. She knew she was being followed. Her steps were short. The black, pinstripe pencil skirt restricted her gait as it fell below her knees. She wore her crimson tresses straight to her shoulders with short bangs peeking out from beneath her black beret. Her shades hid the greenish pools of her eyes, fear and excitement, brimming to her silken lashes. A smart woman of fashionable class, she wore a...

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Jane Bound Agent Activate Chapter5 conclusion

Jane Bound Agent activate Chapter5: Conclusion Jane breezes into the offices at Imperium Corporation, smiling happily. Preparing for another wonderful day, at her reception desk. Each day passes by, she is never really able to remember what transpired during the day, but always a warm glow and happy thoughts accompany her home at the end of each day. She sets up her desk and prepares to organize Miss's calendar, and messages for the day, quickly peeks into a small hand held...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 24

When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...

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Curious night for Agent Annie

Curious night for Agent AnnieAgent Annie was lurking in the shadows, on the lookout for a new criminal cell dealing with d**g trafficking in her area.According to what was known, the organizers used nurses as mules to transport the d**g packets, but it was still unclear how the dogs had been unable to detect the smell of the d**g. d**g for an unknown reason.But it did not matter to Agent Annie, because when she was watching the grain, no detail escaped her.And precisely, in the semi-darkness of...

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The Secret Agent vol I

Introduction: This is the story of a fledgling secret agent named Jeanette on her first mission. It is also my first attempt at erotic fiction. Only the beginning of Jeanettes transformative journey is chronicled here. If the response is positive, and there is enough demand, I would like to continue her story eventually. But if that never happens, consider this just a dirty little experiment for me. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. Chapter I: The Assignment / The...

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MILF Real Estate Agent Becomes a Whore for Listings Part 1

The real estate business can be very lucrative, but most agents aren’t that successful. I got some good, although morally flawed, advice when I started my career in real estate, that helped me to be very successful. Looking back now, two years later, my husband, Mark, has accepted our somewhat perverse lifestyle, for the obvious monetary rewards that it provides.My name is Shari, and I grew up in a religious, upper middle-class family in the Jacksonville, Florida area. After completing my...

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An Inquisitive Federal Agent

An Inquisitive Federal Agent East Coast Slaver Organization Story - XII Chapter 01 ? Intrigued by theMystery (or What are You ? Umph!) By: Desert Dog Special Agent Sam Valiant threw the file she had been studying aside witha sigh of exasperation. She rubbed her aching temples with her fingertips whileglancing at her notes displayed on the twenty-one-inch monitor and her desktoplittered with piles of files. Despite her headache, her brain kept up a whirlof thoughts and possibilities while...

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Agent Hooters vs corporate America

A man in a perfectly tailored suit leans back in his leather armchair. He picks up a thin dossier from the solid oak-desk in front of him. It says "Report on Secret Agent Anna Smith" on the front page. He opens the dossier with a stern look on his face. The first page contains a set of photographs taken with a telescopic lens. A stunningly beautiful blonde woman is stretched out on the sun deck of a luxury yacht. The first thing he notices is her amazing body, tall and slim with long legs and...

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The Realtors Agent

It was going to be a hot summer. School was out and I needed a summer job. Unfortunately, because I waited until the middle of May;all the good summer jobs were already taken. I didn’t want to get stuck mowing lawns again for the summer, even though as a strapping nineteen year old guy, I had no problem with manual labor.One of my dad’s business buddies got a job transfer and placed his house up for sale. He hired a real estate agent to sell the house but asked if I would keep an eye on the...


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