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(having a change of heart about those blacks)
Pete is my hubby and his black workmates having seen me told him they wanted to fuck and abuse me...!
He explained what I was very narrow minded and would not even speak to black people if I could avoid it! So, they laughed and told him to get me to come to a party that weekend and they could and would change all that!
He did ask but omitted the bit about them wanting to screw me and abuse me, the party was to be at Aston in Birmingham very much a black dominated area and I was naïve enough to believe it was ‘just a party,’ not a sexual setup to get me hitched on the ‘sex with black`s trail!’

Naturally at first, I said “NO!” but then realising he had to work with them, so I relented. He was over the moon and even asked me to wear clothes that he picked, which I agreed to mainly as he knew the people better than I did but also to just turn him on, after all he is my hubby.
He asked me to wear a blouse, skirt and high heels so I agreed, it all seemed quite reasonable...
Friday night came and I got dressed as he wanted, but also put a coat on the top...We arrived and parked on the drive, a group of blacks who hubby knew most of, came out and greeted us but strangely paid a lot of attention to me, passing complements about how I looked and making me ultra-welcome.
Once inside and my coat off, I was made most welcome, asked what drink I wanted and men came and said hello, some even kissing me in my cheek... I did like the attention I can`t deny and after a few dances and drinks was soon feeling very relaxed.... I still don’t know if those drinks were spiked but I do have some very grave suspicions, I was well happy and flirting with them outrageously and my feelings and outlook I knew were changing rapidly. so much so that I was starting to act a little sexily with them even perhaps flirting a little. Oh, nothing actually physical but enough to inflame passion, in both me and them.
Pete was watching me and laughing and shouting to me to “relax” and to “enjoy, and have a good time” and that he was “happy with whatever or who-ever I decided to enjoy!” He grinned and then disappeared with a couple of them into another room…
I now found myself the only woman surrounded by men and all of them black, dancing with first one and then another in the middle of the floor, surrounded by these randy men who kept touching my body and telling me to “strip...”
Perhaps the drink, perhaps the looseness of the ambience or perhaps the just the excitement of the moment but I found myself beginning to do as they asked, removing my blouse, though that didn’t satisfy them though they applauded, and cheered loud enough, so just in the spirit of the evening I slid off my skirt till I only had on bra and panties... probably attracted by the noise Pete then appeared, laughing and cheering with the rest of them and reassuring me that he “didn’t mind at all! ”
He gave me a passionate and reassuring kiss, slipping his arms around me and hugged me tight in his arms, he then unfastened my bra and stepped back taking the bra with him releasing me and allowing the men to see my breasts. A huge cheer went up, and I blushed a bit but for some strange reason I felt not so much embarrassed as excited, happy that my exposure was exciting so many men at once, it was almost a surge of power, adrenaline, or whatever but I loved it, centre of attention, any doubts I had about my body gone, and I felt great! Pete had melted into the crowd, in fact I don’t remember seeing Pete again till after the evening was over! The ring of black faces began to chant at to drop my panties and by now I was caught up in the euphoria of the moment, so I did just that.
I was too distracted now to care, Hands that till then had had little contact with my body were soon caressing all and I mean all, of my white skin everywhere from my knees to my neck. Strong black hands held me down, not that I had by then any thoughts of leaving. Black fingers on me and fingers playing on and then within seconds in side me, deep up into my body, rapidly working me up to the first climax of the evening, and what a climax, it was huge.
after the climax, I was lifted by a multitude of soft black hands and carried into another room, a biggish bedroom, where a porn video was showing on a large wall mounted screen...though I was too busy to see the porno showing it did provided a background of erotic sexual sounds that added to the whole massively sexual attitude, big black cocks were taken out and I was surrounded by some of the biggest and most rampant cocks I had ever seen either on either porno films or pictures. They were soon invading my fanny and I had no intension of in any-way of trying to stop them, I was in just do what you want with me. Just bring me off’ mode especially after the second massive climax and then the third, after which I lost count, stiff black dick after dick came and went, as they took me one after another, to my later shame I did not even hint at trying to stop them. I found that as soon as one had finished filling me with his hot jizz and not all in my pussy either, another crammed his way into my body, then he too would flood me before yet another took over and I just did not care, it was just amazing by now I was out of my mind with the fantastic pleasures of multi-orgasms it was awesome, beyond anything I can describe.
I must eventually have blacked out, just from simple sexual overload, I believe they still carried on filling me, until they had all had their fill but I have in truth no idea how long for, I just know I was filled at all three holes big time.
I must have passed out because it was midday next day in that same room, when next understood where I was, I woke up and My god I felt ill, my belly still full and sore everywhere on my body. After a moment, I called out for Pete to come and help me! Instead a couple of smartly dressed blacks came in and ask how I was and told me they would help me recover as they were Doctors so could I get out of bed use the toilet and then I was to let them examine me. I unquestioningly did as they asked, anything to feel better... they helped me still naked to the toilet and I felt a little better after using the loo, but not a lot. the examination was also internal in my vagina and arse... (so high on the sex had I been It didn’t register that they had used my arse and mouth so badly till then!). They proclaimed me “un-torn, and physically ok!” Then they chatted to each other, before telling Pete who had by then appeared, that “her body is ok but needs to have an injection to calm here down and keep her that way as she is stressed” to that he agreed and they duly injected my ravaged body in the arm. They also gave him some tablets for me. The injection soon worked and I was floating on air in a couldn’t care less fashion so Pete dressed me and took me home with arrangements made for one of the doc`s to call in and check on me later, they told Pete that I would feel very guilty when I was next with it which was oh so true.
When we got home I was ok, not thinking of what had happened to me I just felt tired and was soon in my own bed and well asleep! It was next day the Sunday that the after effects started. I began to have flashbacks, vivid images of me stripping for the crowd, of being held down as they had me one at a time to start, then of my submitting to sex in multiple, in my arse, in my mouth, huge black dicks… cum by the cup-full in all my holes… a kaleidoscope of images that had been stored away in my mind at the time I was being used.
So complete, so vivid and so very clearly guilt, that at the beginning I kept bursting into tears as each image played in my mind. In addition, I had, exactly as the doctors had fore-told, a terrible feeling of being dirty, and morally debased, both physically and mentally!
Pete gave me the medication they had prescribed and I calmed down a lot, the images and the feelings quelled for a while. later one of the doctor from the night before appeared, no doubt by arrangement with Pete. He chatted with me for a while about what I remembered, told me that the memory was good and clear, (though in my heart of hearts I wished it had all been a fantastic dream) then he said that I would be ‘OK’ and gave me another of those lovely calming injections. I slept for a while and felt better about myself when I awoke. For a week this continued, the medication being reduced at each dose but the stuff easing me putting me into a really, well, a sort of relaxed and laid-back mood. Strangely it also made me hyper sensitive to sexual things, even randier than ever before; I was soon describing to Pete details of the whole episode, which turned him on, just by me telling him, and saying how I now needed to get fucked again and bloody soon!
Which naturally made him happy and as randy as me, luckily, he reacted by having me in every hole which kept the feeling if not gone away completely, at least at bay for a while!
At one stage I blamed Pete, my husband, which of course was the truth, though I think it had exceeded even his wildest dreams, but slowly I passed the guilt stage and I understand for him this was just a sexual tryst, a cuckold style evening of enjoyment, the fact it backfired on him and I`ve become a slut for blacks is just one of those things he will need to live with. I did have a narrow-minded slant on life, and the blacks were a no-no to me till that evening, but after taking my body way past its usual limits, and finding I loved being a slut, I would now try anything, bar of course sex with c***dren, which fortunately my “friends” don’t do anyway!
These blacks just love to own white women, it`s in their nature and they treat me now like their slave, which I totally enjoy, especially being at their beck and call and not knowing what they have planned for me.
They use me for whatever they want now, though I still live with Pete as his wife, I love the extremes they put me too, I`ve even been branded and regularly I am used to service groups of their friends and some quite large groups at that. Occasionally there is something I get asked to do that my body rejects as an idea, but at my request my medical friend helps me by one of his injections, then I no longer have any fears and I can allow my friends to enjoy whatever it is that they want to do with my body, and they and I can hit that sexual high with my full blessing, if I am lucky and I usually am, I too, get the best climax ever.

After that initial party and how it had an effect on me and had to have medication to calm me down. The doc visited me for a week and injected me I must admit I was sort of out of it floating on cloud 9 without a care in the world... Pete was good he looked after me and did all the shopping etc. plus we had sex like never before and I must admit I was loving it and he was getting anything he wanted.
After just a week of rest and getting my mind into not thinking I was shit and that had let myself down, we had a visit from a couple of blacks from the party they had been the first ones to get me to strip and fuck me....my reaction was a bit cold but we made them welcome and gave them drinks....they asked how I was and had the Doc helped me? After saying “yes everything was now fine” I was given another invite to a party on the same evening and I instantly said “yes!” they both came and hugged me gave me a kiss then one felt my breasts and the other put his hand between my legs and felt my cunt....next thing I was being told to strip and without a moment`s hesitation, I did just that.
All this happened in front of Pete and he just laughed and sat in a chair watching them take me!
For me the mental tussle was subdued greatly by the medication the doc have given me I seemed to be at peace with myself and all around me...the feelings I was getting were out of this world I had never been there before and I never wanted them to stop hammering away at me one in my ass and the other in my cunt.
That very night Pete took me to the party, it was a different house this time, it was set in its own grounds over Sutton Coldfield way. I was greeted at the door and made welcome then shown into a room with all blacks and a couple of white women...a drink appeared in front of me which I took and I was then shown around and introduced by my name to the people and they all seemed very pleasant.
One of the women came to me and took me into another room where a big screen was showing a video and I soon realised it was of me from the last party.
I stopped and watched it....god I was being used cocks in every hole no condoms....cum all over my head, my face in fact everywhere...the woman with me said what a whore I was! Laughing I agreed then she asked would I do it again to which I replied a loud “YES”....my feelings were running very high and I was getting wet in my knickers and my head was spinning knowing I needed sex, and to be used once again.
The room had quietly filled up a bit while I was watching myself on the screen, a guy I recognised from the video came and stood by me and started talking to me about the video and how good I was in it, considering it was my first time and I was not keen on blacks! Would I do it again he asked?
Without hesitation I said “YES” upon which he put his arm around my waist and briskly walked me out of the room and downstairs to another room which was dark and cold, it had things I did not begin to understand in it, I looked about amazed at the selection. My positive reactions to wanting sex, had been, I was told later due to the injections I had been given and they had increased my sexual feelings and the need to do new things! They also made me climax which was a very rare happening with this injection. Not only all that but it calmed me down so that I had no negative reaction to what I was seeing as I stepped into that room.
A couple of black guys appeared from behind a curtain and asked me to step in and have a look... my mind working overtime with excitement as I had never seen anything like this before, it was a dungeon with just ropes and chains hanging from hooks...one of these guys came closer to me and I recognised him as the doc, he asked me how I felt and would I trust him and his friend with my body? I said “yes no problem just use me!”....I as then asked to undress completely, which I quickly did and handing my clothes to the woman who had followed us from upstairs.
next I was pushed to a wall and had chains put on my ankles and arms, well out my comfort zone, as they were rapidly pulled tight forcing my legs wide open making me feel oh so vulnerable. Then the same to my arms...The guy I had walked down with came up to me and swiftly grabbed my nipples a pulling and twisting them till I screamed, it was like I had pressed his start button, he then punched me in the stomach. the next thing I remember was pain from my tits and saw hooks embedded in my nipples being pulled up tight by strings passed over hooks in the ceiling and to my surprise, I was enjoying it, what-ever was happening to me, and that included the pain, I was thoroughly enjoying it!
That single punch was just to show me who was in control, also remember, that the punch did make me pass out and it was only when I came around that I knew about my nipples being hooked and lifted.
They blindfolded me, all my senses doubled, I had something large shoved up into my arse not only in width but length and I heard the doc` voice shout that's enough or you will rupture her bowel, then something was put in my cunt and they started to be moved in and out, it got faster and the feeling was fantastic then it suddenly stopped and I was released from the hooks from being chained and the blindfold removed.
They took me back into the room and told the guys to have fun with me but first the doc will check her out and yes he did give me another injection in the arm again but whatever it was soon put me in a very relaxed mood were all my body was craving to be touched and I wanted an orgasm which happened just by somebody and I have no idea who, sticking their finger in my wet cunt and rubbing, and boy did I shoot a load, I don’t remember much more that night, orgasm after orgasm I do remember, but it’s a haze. No doubt I will see the video soon.


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The Making of a Sub

It was a number of months since the last sub left. She had met someone and thought she wanted a life with him. That was fine I would never step in the way of love. If that was what the sub thought she wanted then so be it. So the search started again. The sub had to meet a number of criteria - intelligent, naturally sexy, classy and of course eager to explore her submissive side. The search always took so long as a number of promising starts fell by the wayside. Fifty shades had made so many...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

2 years ago
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The Real Sub

IntroductionWhen I first started writing this episode it was a mixture of conjecture and fantasy; my ‘virtual’ Mistress Anna Dominatrix and her real sub, Dave have both confirmed that most of it actually happened over the weekend of 16-17 Feb 2019.Stockbridge, HampshireSunday morning, Dave collapsed into the softest armchair in his Stockbridge pub after another exhausting night being the plaything of Mistress Anna.As usual, he ached all over from being chained to the floor, beaten, fucked...

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Episode 107 the real sub

IntroductionWhen I first started writing this episode it was a mixture of conjecture and fantasy; my ‘virtual’ Mistress Anna Dominatrix and her real sub Dave have confirmed that most of it actually happened last night.All characters are real users here on xhamster (their profile names in brackets), except for Gillian who as my teenage avatar is able to go places I never could.Stockbridge, HampshireSunday morning Dave (used_sub) collapsed into the softest armchair in his Stockbridge pub after...

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Taming The Cougar Part 2 From Cougar To Sub

I left Pam's apartment, bewildered. I had not been a choirboy in the past and had done much plain and fancy fucking. Never, however, had I been so drawn to a woman. I had at all costs avoided relationships though many women had tried to entice me into one. Why was this woman affecting me this way? I wanted more than a one-night or two-night stand with her. I had a difficult time knowing what I wanted, but I knew I wanted more.A bonus for me is that she seemed to be submissive, which really...

1 year ago
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The Lady Catherine

Introduction: A young lady comes to a established lord with a dilemma. Note: The sex took a lot longer to get to then I planned. Things got a bit… away from me. I had to rewrite this concept a few times to get it to work, but even with the slow start Im pleased with the final product. Constructive criticism is always welcome. ————— This certainly promised to an interesting meeting. I wasnt sure why the young granddaughter of one my chief political allies wished to meet with me, but I...

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Learn to Swing as a sub

This weekend my Husdom took me to a Swinger event with over 400 people and instructed me to engage sexually as his 3 hole slut with whoever he decided - man or woman, young or old. I was nervous and excited but ready and not wanting to let my Husdom down. A couple my Husdom knows picked us up in their car. To my surprise I was told to sit in the front passenger seat next to the guy. My Husdom disappeared in the backseat with the guys girlfriend. Note to self: remember we are in the Swining...

4 years ago
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So You Think You Can Sub

(Intro: this story is written from the point of view of a willing Submissive [?Paula?].  Paula hasn’t yet truly understood what it means to be the Sub she claims she wants to be for her Sir, and Paula is about to have some humiliating life-changing experiences that will show her what it means to be owned by another.  Paula is going to learn that it’s more than a fun temporary risqu? thrill while in the bedroom: Paula is about to learn what the word Submissive means.  And the result? Paula may w...

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A Naughty Girl Becomes a Sub

A birthday gift for my Hubby opened a new door for us to explore. The world of Doms and Subs. A Naughty Girl Becomes A Sub 0livia here with another story of my erotic adventures. This one takes place at the “Raven’s Nest” a semi-private party for sex and other adventures for fun minded people. For his birthday, I wanted to do something special for my hubby. After all, he puts up with my sexual dalliances and I love him dearly. I have always had an interest in BDSM, and impact...

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My fuck buddy sub

It all started Wednesday morning, while sitting at my work desk I sent out a mass text message to my friends basically to say hi, and give them all little encouragement. Soon after sending the text, I received a call from one of my past sluts. She called me using the text as an excuse. I am a black Dom, and for those of you that are BBC lovers, I am not a BBC. I am only about six inches, but never measured it, so it actually could be a little smaller. She is a big cock slut, so when we...

3 years ago
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Summer Sub

Did you ever say something you regretted? The thing I regretted saying was that I would give being a sub a try. He explained about how playful it was and about the safeword that would just stop everything if I got scared or really didn't want to do something. He suggested oxo. Of course the fact that this conversation took place when his hand was deep in my panties may have influenced my response somewhat, but there it was. I had said it.   So I shouldn't have been too surprised when he...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. A re-issue of the first of the stories in this series.I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the X, Hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (Andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a very smack-able arse and a joy in light Bdsm. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me,...

2 years ago
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26 From a faithful wife to a cucks sub

26 From a faithful wife to a cuck`s sub. I started chatting to a lass, called ‘Dawn’ on the x,hamster website, she astounded me by her frankness, and explained her situation being both married to a cuck hubby (andy) and a sub to a master named Ray. She also has a smackable arse and a joy in light Bdms. So I asked her of how she had come to be a sub to someone not her hubby and this is the true account of what she told me; “So how did you get into Bdms and sub and cuck scenario?” “Well Ed,...

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School Girl Sub

Chapter 1 — The Beginning I lie here in bed, thinking of the night we have had. The dawn light is trying to pierce my eyes through the dark blinds. Oh she is trying to wake me, but I ignore her and lay in bliss. I remember the way your hands felt on my skin. I remember how your lips felt against my own and how soft they were. As I drift back into a light sleep, I dream of what happened. You walked over to me in the hallway just outside my literature class. I was desperately trying to finish...

1 year ago
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Wife is a Used sub

PluIt has been some time for us to tell you what has been happening. We have been traveling in Europe and we have been busy. As you are well aware my wife is my slave. We were in Amsterdam and we met a couple that we met years ago in New York at a club. The wife was also a sub. They too,us around the town and we went by the red light windows. Our subs were dressed like some of the women behind the Windows however we were in very short skirts with fuck me hells and blouses without bras and both...

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Love Doll 2Technical description of the Real Girl Love Doll conversion process

All Real Girl Love Dolls are made from living men or women. What follows is a technical description of what takes place during conversion. The process is always lethal to the person being converted but if successful the resulting love doll will continue to respond as if alive. The vagina and anus will clamp down on the object inserted just as a living person does during sex. During oral sex a sucking and swallowing action can be felt. The love doll will maintain a temperature of about 99.5...

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Lady Catherines Fall

The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl. "Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested, in as haughty manner as I could muster. "In the town sir, Allerton, in the square sir, at the whipping sir," he said deferentially whereas by rights he should be ordering us hence. "And the Lady Catherine?" I asked. He paused as if...

1 year ago
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Lady Catherines Fall

I arrived at Allerton Hall unannounced, dressed in the classic style of a landed Gentleman while riding in a tolerably smart carriage pulled by a matched pair of Greys, driven by one Mr Barrington from Devonshire who had become my friend masquerading as a coachman.The Earl Howarth's Butler rushed out in agitation crying "Are you expected sir, only His Grace is away at the whipping Sir." His Grace indeed, as if he was a Prince or Archbishop not a mere Earl."Oh! Then direct me pray," I requested,...

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Conversion of Jasmine

Conversion of Jasmine Conversion of Jasmine Jasmine and Mike had been together for a year now, they had a good strong relationship and a healthy sex life. Mike had no complaints with Jasmines body as it got him hard whenever she stripped and showed off her assets. She kept it in shape by visiting the gym regularly; she loved showing it off as much as she did giving it exercise. Jasmine was 21 and had the most amazing breasts, and she knew it - her wardrobe focussed on making sure...

3 years ago
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Conversion Casino

The Cerebration Conversion Casino did not exist one day. And then, one boring Monday in early 2021, suddenly it did. It was willed into being by someone whose desire to turn her asshole of a boss into a airheaded nympho slut was so strong that the universe reconfigured its rules to allow it to happen. How do you get there? You have to be added to the membership list. Once your name is on the list, there's no removing it. From then on, when you go to sleep, you go to the casino. Once there, your...

Mind Control
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Lady Anns Brothel

The story below is based on an old Yahoo-chat environment long-since shut down. It was known as Lady Ann's Brothel, and I learned how to role play, as well as enjoy cyber-sex there. I spent a few years in the place and made a great many friends, a couple of whom I still get to stay in touch with, thankfully, but in SecondLife, instead of other chat rooms. If anyone from Lady Ann's ever reads this, they'll understand the conclusion of this chapter.As with my other works, I have posted this to...

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Katherine becomes a Lady

My father stood in the doorway to my room and through the bitter moonlight I could see he wasn't happy. His scowl had a way of sucking the air out of a room. We were all terrified of that scowl. I found myself wanting to do anything to make him not stand in my doorway with that look. My sisters rooms would be fine but mine, no way. “Daddy?” I said . He stepped into my room but the look didn't change. I felt tears sting my eyes. I was terrified! What had I done? What was he about to do to me? I...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

4 years ago
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Lady Victoria Part 2 Her Ladyship gets her just reward

LADY VICTORIA – PART 2 – Her Ladyship Gets Her Just Reward  Lady Victoria had been sent to Beddingfield Ladies College by her father Lord John for one reason only, to prepare her for marriage into high society. His phenomenal success had brought him huge wealth and his recent ascent into the House of Lords as a Baronet inspired new ambitions, which knew no bounds. His daughter would not only marry into high society but into Royalty itself and he had the money and the power to see it through....

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The German Sub

The German Sub. By Miss Irene Clearmont Synopsis: Georg, a sailor on U143, is swept overboard and falls into the clutches of a woman who takes what she needs from her captive. An Adult historical tale of Female Domination. Chapters The Death Of U143. The Survival Of Georg. Night Games. Daytime Games. A Glass Of Cream Sherry. Time Passes. Asking For A Date. Unconditional Surrender. The End and Notes Copyright © 2012 (June) Miss Irene Clearmont. The...

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The German Sub

The German Sub.ByMiss Irene ClearmontSynopsis:Georg, a sailor on U143, is swept overboard and falls into the clutches of a woman who takes what she needs from her captive.An Adult historical tale of Female Domination.ChaptersThe Death Of U143.                The Survival Of Georg.        Night Games.                Daytime Games.                A Glass Of Cream Sherry.        Time Passes.                Asking For A Date.                Unconditional Surrender.        The End and Notes        ...

3 years ago
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On the Road to Being a Sub

For several weeks I had been corresponding with a guy on a gay site. I am not new to sucking cock but this took things to a whole new level. It started out that he wanted to meet and have me suck his cock dry. This of course sounded good to me and I agreed we should meet. I am 67 and retired so I am fairly flexible but for some reason he was always seeming to put me off but he kept the conversations going. Perhaps that was a good thing because as we talked more he seemed to bring out some...

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The making of a sub

Second PostingHaving been in this lifestyle for 15+ years I am always looking for the next sub and finding them when I really am not looking. This was true with Cindy. Sitting at home I was just relaxing having a glass of wine, a nice Oregon Merlot, when the phone rang and Cindy said hi, time to talk. Well not knowing Cindy I was curious as to how she had my number. A friend in the lifestyle had said she should call me. We talked for about 15 minutes and toward the end it became clear that...

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Stepin Sub

I wake up in my bed with the covers off my curvy, naked body. It's so hot already and the sun is shining in through the curtains. I pull the sheet up to cover my eyes and maybe go back to my dreams but my mobile bleeps with my alarm. I shower quickly, put on my swimming costume and then head down to the community pool as it's perfect having an early morning swim and I'm nearly always alone. I throw my towel on a chair and dive in. As I come back up out of the water, I push my long blonde hair...


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