Santiago (Narrative 1) free porn video

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It was the late nineties. I was twenty-two and had just arrived back in Santiago after six very long months in southern Chile.

Hired by a Canadian forestry company, I’d been managing a large timber survey about as far south in Patagonia as you could get. Further, in fact. When the highway stopped, we’d taken a boat for another eight hours to the isolated logging camp. What followed was backbreaking work, rain, wind, and a tangled temperate jungle.

Half a year later, now finally free of the damp and the mould and the leeches, I’d arrived back in civilization. I was flush with cash and in good shape after hacking my way through more than five miles a day of dense forest.

I literally hadn’t laid eyes on a woman the entire time I’d been there. I was achingly, maddeningly horny.

Walking out of the Santiago hotel after grabbing a shower and changing into something other than work clothes, I flagged the first taxi that I saw.

“English?” I said to the driver as I climbed into the back of the car. He waggled his hand. A qualified ‘maybe’.

Shit. How do I tell him that I want to find a place to get laid? Today?

I searched my meagre Spanish vocabulary for something that might work. “Tener sexo,” I said. I think this crudely translated, more or less, as ‘I really need to get fucked.’

He looked carefully at me in the taxi’s rear view mirror, and concluded pretty quickly that I wasn’t an undercover cop.  He smiled and nodded.

Thirty minutes later, we were far out in one of Santiago’s older neighbourhoods. Sharp sunlight on pale blank walls. Faceless two- and three-storey buildings hard up against concrete sidewalks. Not a tree in sight.

He pulled up in front of a small, nondescript door, yanked on the taxi’s handbrake, and looked at me in the mirror again. “Un momento,” he said.

He got out of the cab, knocked on the door, and was quickly admitted inside. It closed with a rattle behind him. A minute later, it opened again, and he waved his hand at me.  “Ven.” Come.

I got out of the cab and joined him at the front door.

He wordlessly handed me over to a short, thickset bouncer type, who seemed to reside in the little hallway between the front door and a shockingly steep staircase. The bouncer looked me over carefully, waggled his head noncommittally, and then indicated that I should go up.

I turned to pay the taxi driver and was surprised to find he’d already left. The bouncer urged me toward the stairs again. He hadn’t said a word so far.

I started up the staircase, noticing for the first time that the walls were covered with old, red, velvet-flocked wallpaper. The sconce lights were dim, but I could make out what looked like an ancient Persian runner on the stairs.

Finally reaching the landing at the top, I was met by a shrewd-looking older woman. She held up her hand towards me in a ‘stop’ motion. I obeyed, not sure what to do next.

She looked me over, seeming almost surprised at how young I was. She started rambling at me in rapid Spanish, and it was my turn to hold up my hand. “Solo un poco español,” I said, clearly demonstrating the fact that I could hardly speak Spanish.

She laughed and called back over her shoulder to someone.   

Taking me by the hand, she led me away from the landing into a large sitting room - also dim, and also lined with red velvet wallpaper. Leather armchairs and wooden side tables lined the walls. An assortment of beefy older men sat in the chairs, most smoking cigars and drinking pisco. The centre of the room had been left wide open, almost like a fashion catwalk.  

Looking at the men closely, I guessed that many of them were either military or police in civilian clothing. You could tell by their bearing and their hard air of entitlement. They clearly resented me from the minute I walked in. I could feel my balls retracting a bit.
To a man, they swivelled their heads and studied me. I was lean, tanned and fit, with a (now) trimmed beard. My ragged hair, though, still hung down around my shoulders after six months in the bush. I definitely did not fit in; I was someone these guys would feel far more comfortable throwing in jail than sharing a drink with.

The old woman clapped her hands again to get my attention and mimed knocking back a drink. Not a fan of pisco, I jumped at the first thing that came to mind. “Champagne?” I asked desperately.

“Champagne?” the woman echoed back, surprised. 

“Si,” I replied, trying to look more certain than I actually felt. What the fuck was I getting myself into?

She clapped her hands together again, this time with glee, and rushed out of the room.

Thirty seconds later, before the old boys could take advantage of her absence and start pummelling me, the woman swept back into the room. She was followed by an aged, tiny man carrying two thin glasses, and a champagne bottle in an ice bucket. He plunked them noisily down on the table beside me, eyed me carefully, and winked. He walked out of the room, cackling softly to himself.

I could hear a commotion in the hall outside the sitting room. Every few seconds, a different woman would peer briefly around the doorframe, scan the room, and then come to rest on me.  This was usually followed either by a giggle, or a gasp, as their heads withdrew. There now seemed to be quite the whispered debate going on in the hallway.

With one sharp word from the old woman, the murmuring stopped. She walked into the room, followed by her neatly organized chorus line.

There were twelve to fifteen women in all, looking like they’d come from every continent in the world. Scandinavian blondes, a redhead, women of Asian and African descent - someone for every taste under the sun.

Gathered in the centre of the room, they smiled at the men with practiced innocence, and thinly veiled boredom.  They’d done this many times before.

When their gazes paused at me, though, their vacant expressions vanished.  Each of them studied me carefully, trying to figure out what in the hell I was doing there. I felt like I was being sized up by a pack of wolves.

Finally, growing increasingly uncomfortable, I spoke up using the little Spanish that I could muster. 

“Canadiense. Tecnico forestal,” I stammered. The men relaxed slightly, now understanding that I was a bit more legit than I looked.  A Canadian forestry technician. Huh. No biggie.

Deciding to clinch things, I mentioned the name of the Chilean logging magnate I’d been working for. It was as if I’d said “Rockefeller” in a New York bar.  The generals, hiding their surprise, all nodded their heads sagely.  They looked at each other, and immediately pulled in their claws. I’d passed the test, I guess. They went back to evaluating the girls and sipping their piscos, now studiously ignoring me.

As the new bona fide celebrity customer, the women's attention turned back to me. They were giggling again, and whispering excitedly to each other.

One by one, the madam introduced me to each woman by their first name. Some names were Spanish, some weren’t. They truly were from everywhere.  

As they were called, they each stepped forward and twirled in front of me. It was almost like a beauty pageant with me as the sole judge. The women seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. The old men quietly watched the show from the sidelines, reluctantly ceding me first place in the whole affair.

Each woman was attractive in her own way - some in their late teens, some in their twenties, a few in their thirties.  Each, though, wore a certain look. It said that real passion was not for sale here: I’d just have to make do with a reasonable facsimile.

Feeling turned on and dismayed at the same time, I didn’t see any one woman that made me want to jump up and say “Yes, please.” Something just wasn’t clicking.

I started to panic slightly, not sure how the room would react if I said, “Thanks. But is there anyone else?” I didn’t even know enough Spanish to articulate it.

I’d underestimated the madam, though. She understood precisely what was going on, and nodded silently.  Turning towards the door, she called out gently, “Sofia?” The girls all muttered in surprise.

After a few moments of silence, a young, shapely woman stepped shyly into the waiting room. There was no artifice here: she looked completely out of place in the bordello.

She walked quietly to the middle of the room and stood looking at me. I was floored. Of Spanish and Mapuche heritage, she was a classic beauty. Barefoot, and dressed almost primly in a simple cotton shift, she stood about 5’8”, with flawless olive skin and jet-black hair. She had wonderfully full breasts and hips, and her legs looked like they went on forever. 

She looked pensively at me as I studied her. I was dumbfounded: I’d never seen darker, deeper eyes in my life. It was like looking into pools of ink. Sofia saw me take a sharp breath and then she looked away, staring down at her feet, embarrassed by the attention.

I looked over at the madam, who was watching me carefully. You literally could have heard a pin drop in the room. I nodded to her silently.

“Bueno!” the old woman cried out, and clapped her hands together again, sealing the deal. The crowd of women erupted in a flood of chatter, digging their elbows gently in Sofia’s ribs, and making what I could only assume were wonderfully lewd comments in whispered Spanish.

Sofia smiled nervously and hesitantly walked over to my table. She sat down gracefully as the madam pulled the champagne out of the ice bucket and flourished it to the room. Nodding in triumph, the woman poured us two generous glasses.

I raised my glass to Sofia and silently toasted her. She hesitated, and then did the same to me, taking a tiny sip.  As the bubbles fizzed in her mouth, she startled, looking almost shocked. Her first-ever glass of champagne? I wondered.


The room quickly moved on to other things - namely, pairing off the remaining women with the waiting generalissimos. One by one, they hooked up and departed.

By the time Sofia and I had worked through the bottle of champagne, we were alone in the room. I wasn’t sure where to take things from here: we didn’t exactly speak the same language, and the bordello experience was brand new to me. Who was supposed to make the first move?

Sensing my unease, Sofia put down her glass, picked up the empty champagne bottle, and put it back into the bucket of melting ice, now upside down. Another dead soldier, I thought, remembering my grandfather’s favourite phrase.

Reaching over, she took my hand and stood. She moved with a cat-like grace, gently leading me out of the room and down a long, narrow hallway filled with closed doors.

Near the end of the hall, she stopped, turned to her right, and opened a door to a small, very tidy room. Maybe 8’ by 8’, there were no windows and only veiled table lamps for light. A crisply made single bed lay against the far wall, and there was a plain wooden dresser holding folded towels, soap, and a basin of steaming hot water. There was no other decoration in the room; it obviously wasn’t meant for overnight stays.

Closing the door, Sofia stopped while she was still facing away from me. I watched her take a deep breath, throw back her shoulders, and then turn towards me. Her smile looked forced.

Oh shit, I thought. Now I know why I was attracted to her… she’s a rookie. Ah, Jesus… I was suddenly very uncomfortable.

She pointed at my shoes. I reluctantly kicked them off, now standing barefoot.

Visibly gathering herself together, she reached out to my belt, and slowly, almost awkwardly, slipped it out of the buckle. My cock jumped. I wasn’t sure at that moment if I wanted it to.

Sofia persisted, now unbuttoning my jeans and pulling down the zipper. My prick pressed out against my black underwear, already at full mast.

She looked down at my groin, and then back at my eyes.  She smiled again, this time with more certainty.

Leaning over, almost like a mother undressing a little boy, she pulled my pants and underwear down my legs to the floor. I stepped out of them, my cock waving fiercely only inches from her face.

Straightening up, she proceeded to unbutton my shirt, still not making a sound. I realized that, except for a few mangled words in the waiting room, we hadn’t said a thing to each other. This both shocked me and turned me on. Mime sex? I thought.

As my shirt dropped to the floor, Sofia stepped back to look at me. My prick was throbbing, almost bouncing with excitement.

She picked up a towel and laid it out across the middle of the bed. She gestured towards it, wanting me to lie down on my back. She stepped back to the dresser, fiddling with something.

I climbed onto the bed and stretched out, the towel now under my ass. She turned back to me with a hot facecloth in her right hand. Quietly stepping over to the narrow bed, she knelt down on the floor beside me, looking tentatively at my massively swollen shaft. I felt deeply awkward. And in immense need of relief.

Gently, she reached out to drape the warm, damp cloth over me. It smelled of soap, and bay rum. It felt absolutely fabulous.

Working the fabric up and down my cock and then over my balls, she sponge-bathed me, now and then stopping to squeeze me almost playfully before resuming.

Washed to her satisfaction, she pulled the facecloth away and dropped it on the floor beside the bed. Picking up a small bottle of oil from the night table, she squeezed a few drops onto the palm of her hand. Nodding to herself ever so slightly, a determined look on her face, she reached out and grasped me between her slippery fingers. Slowly, rhythmically, she began jacking me.

I groaned, in heaven. Male to the core, my moral discomfort simply evaporated… I’d been waiting for this for six months. I completely collapsed into it.

Raising my ass up off the bed, I tried thrusting myself up into her stroking hand. This really wasn’t going to take long…

Sensing that I was quickly moving towards climax, Sofia eased off and released me from her grip.

She sat back on her haunches, studying me for a moment, and then reached down to the hem of her dress, pulling it off over her head in one easy motion, never breaking eye contact with me as she did so.

Ah, Christ, she was special. Firm, pendulous breasts, a narrow waist with the beginnings of a sexy small belly, a thick, shiny black bush, and legs that could stop a parade.  

As she saw me staring at her breasts, she shyly pulled her arms up in front of them, hiding her nipples. Quickly reaching out, she grabbed another towel off the bed and draped it over her lap. She was now both totally exposed and totally hidden at the same time. I don’t think I’d been more turned on in my entire short life.

Rising up off her knees, she sat on the side of the bed and leaned forward over me, taking me in her hand again. Pumping me slightly, she bent over, and gently took me in her mouth. It was like being wrapped in silk - delicate, and wonderfully warm.

For the next few minutes, Sofia slowly tongued my shaft, occasionally pulling back to power-stroke me for a few moments before taking me between her lips again.

I moved my left hand over to her inner thigh and began running my fingers up her soft, exposed skin. As my hand moved higher, her legs separated slightly, opening to my exploring fingers. I lightly touched her labia, sliding one finger gently up and down between them.  I was surprised at how wet she was. Moving higher, I sought out her clit. Flinching for a second, she seemed to pull away from my hand, and then change her mind.  She slid her ass back towards me and opened her legs wider. She was now making a soft, ‘mmph'-ing sound as she sucked the head of my cock.

Ever so lightly, I twirled my thumb around her clit. She gasped over my cock, and then took me deeper into her mouth.

Feeling an orgasm brewing, I clamped down on myself, and gently pulled away from her. She looked at me, confused, as if she’d done something wrong.  I smiled up at her, took her by the hand, and silently pulled her down towards the bed. We lay entwined, not moving, breathing deeply.

Slowly coaxing her over onto her back, I began exploring her body with my mouth. We hadn’t kissed yet. I wasn’t sure if I should try that at the moment. Maybe too familiar, I thought. 

Instead, I nuzzled her neck, and then slowly worked my way down her breasts to her swollen nipples. Moving lower, I kissed her stomach, and then gently trailed the tip of my tongue down towards her bush.

I could feel her grow tense as I approached her clit. Reaching out, she placed her hands on either side of my face, murmuring something that sounded like “No se que…” I don’t know that. She’d never had someone go down on her before?

“Por favor,” I pleaded in bad Spanish, desperately wanting to taste her. Trust me, I thought.

Slowly rubbing the tip of my thumb over her clit, I gently slipped my middle finger into her moist vagina. 

I could feel her gradually relax, and her resistance fade. Looking almost embarrassed, she eased her legs apart again, closed her eyes tightly, and then sighed. She was going to give it a try…

Still slowly fingering her, I stopped massaging her clit and spun my tongue down towards her sweet spot.  She smelled so… singular.  Deeply female, but as light as the sky.  Even today, I still can’t describe the sheer joy of her scent.

My tongue glanced across her nub as softly as I could possibly manage. She shuddered. This was something totally new for her: someone pleasuring her, not her just going through the transactional motions.

I could sense a gush of fluid surge out of her - not coming, just welcoming me. My cock almost warbled with excitement.

Gradually, I slipped my tongue down through her parted lips to her opening. She made a sound I’d never heard before, something both joyous and heartbroken. Hearing her, my heart broke a bit as well; I wasn't sure why, but I suddenly sensed that Sofia had known great loss.

She raised her hands to her breasts as I slid my tongue into her. Slowly squeezing them, she pinched her nipples almost unconsciously, moving herself towards completion. Panting, she began to buck her hips slightly.

Looking up at her writhing on the bed, I had the irresistible need to be inside her. Pulling my mouth away, I arched up between her legs, shifted forward, and without hesitation slipped my cock into her as far as I could go. There was no resistance, no surprise. Just acceptance. She pushed back towards me, wanting as much of me as she could take.

Pausing, slowly melding. And then fucking: calmly, in slow deep strokes.   

Sofia opened her eyes, looked at me, and stopped moving. With surprising grace, she rolled me over onto my back while still keeping me firmly inside.  She sat, straddling me, looking happier than she had all night.  

“Buen,” she whispered, and started grinding herself on my pelvis.

Gradually, her pace picked up. She began lifting herself higher and higher on my prick, losing me almost completely, and then plunging herself back down as if there was no end to me.

Her breathing sharpened. I looked up at her, breasts now swinging, a sheen of sweat on her belly, her glistening bush surrounding, then rising up on, and then surrounding my cock again. The shy woman I’d toasted with champagne an hour ago was nowhere to be seen.  She’d been cut loose.

Our fucking was now far closer to frenzy than finesse. We were truly heading over the top.


Minutes later, we lay together on the bed in the darkened room, still recovering. Sofia had finally, truly, smiled for me, and I was totally smitten.

Outside, the madam walked down the hallway, firmly rapping on each door, telling the patrons that it was time to leave. As I heard her approach Sofia’s room I cringed, waiting for the knock. The old woman stopped in front of the door, said nothing, and then moved on up the hall.

Sofia clasped her arms tightly around me and sighed happily. Against all rules, we’d been spared.


We spent the rest of the night exploring each other. First sexually, and then, using my badly broken Spanish, spiritually.

I learned that Sofia was only twenty-three, with a one-year-old girl.   

She'd married her childhood sweetheart, a man she loved deeply. About seven months ago, he'd been killed in a mining accident up north. She had moved back in with her parents in Santiago after losing him. 

During the day, she worked at a maquiladora, making useless widgets for American consumers. At night, to make ends meet, she worked here.

I’d already decided to give her whatever cash I had before I left. I asked her what, other than money, she might need.

She looked at me and said (translated):  “All my life, I have wanted a watch... a Mickey Mouse watch?” I pulled back, looking at her, incredulous. She was serious. I wondered how something so simple and small had come to mean so much to her.


The next morning, we woke up together, kissed, and got out of bed.

Sofia slipped on an old terry housecoat, already thinking about her day ahead at the factory.

I pulled on my clothes, picturing my crew waiting back at the hotel.  We were on a flight home to Vancouver that afternoon. They were probably panicking, sure I was languishing in a jail cell somewhere.

We stepped out together into the hall. It was now a totally different place than the night before.  Sunlight streamed in through open curtains, and women bustled around in various states of undress: hair pinned up, hair in curlers, hair freshly washed. The smell of strong coffee filled the air.  

As I walked with Sofia down the hallway to the landing the women clustered together, watching us, now suddenly quiet.

At the top of the stairs, I turned to look at her. A deep sadness flitted across her face, followed by a resigned smile. She kissed me, stood back, and said goodbye.

I walked down the long staircase, stopping at the bottom to look back up. Sofia still stood on the landing, looking down at me. I could no longer read her expression. The women were gathered behind her like sisters.

I waved. Sofia mutely waved back.

I stepped out into the brilliant, blinding sunshine. The door closed solidly behind me. Last night’s taxi was waiting patiently at the curb.


Two months later, I finally managed to find an original, working Mickey Mouse watch. It cost me a fortune, and it cost me nothing at all.

I sent it off to Sofia, care of the bordello’s Santiago address.  

I never found out if she received it.









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We met online. When we first started talking, I really wasn’t looking for a relationship. I had been scanning he pages of pictures people put up when I came across hers. I thought she was gorgeous. So I left her a little comment telling her that. I moved on along through the pictures, looking for something to masturbate to when I was notified that I had received a message. Not sure who it was from, I ignored it for a bit, figuring it was probably someone spamming the site with ads for cheep...

2 years ago
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Gaon Ki Gori Ko Khetmai Choda

Hi Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, Mai ek average ladka hu aur sex ke liye hamesha ready rehta hu meri height 5’9 hai aur mera land 8 inch Lamba Aur 2.5 inch Mota hai. Yeh meri life ki real story hai kaise Maine gaon ki ladki ki chudai ki aur use apni rakhel banaya aur uske behen Aur apni maami ko bhi khoob choda. Agar meri sex story padh kar mujhse koi ladki sex chat ya chudna chahe toh mail kare Mujhe apna feedback zarror bheje. So let’s begin….. Mai Mumbai ka rahne wala hu, apni...

1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 8

Ricky and his mom had just finished clearing out the kitchen after supper. They were settled comfortably on the couch with the Sexual Health book on mom's lap, not yet opened. They were chit chatting about the upcoming school year and what classes Ricky wanted to take. Soon they would continue their lessons on sex - and then what? Ricky and his mother had their first love making session and there were indications that there would be more to come. Ricky was a bright boy, but he attributed...

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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 6

My classes dragged, and since my last class was an elective, I skipped it and left early, driving north on I-35. I’m not an auto shop kind of guy, but although my Fairlane looks rough on the outside, it runs great. I change the oil and filters myself. Cruising north on the Interstate with the engine purring away made me grin. I had absolutely no complaints about my life. I had the smartest, sexiest, most beautiful wife in the world, a healthy, pretty daughter, and a Ford V-8 taking me to the...

4 years ago
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Story Reader Ko Choda Uske Ghar Mai

Ye story bhi meri ek fan matlb ek story reader ki hai jo pune mai rehti hai 2 saal se married hai with 7mnth kid.Her name rupali(name changed) age 29. I am neel age 27 well educated firom pune simple in looks and slim body with good pussy licking and kamsutra style sex expert If any single,married,widow/seprated woman wants to enjoy hot wild romantic sex please mail me.And ha to all the story reader I have a good news just a story reader ko maine choda rha 3 din she is paregnat and after 4yr of...

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Soldier Send Off

My wife and I have been married and in the military for 11 years. I am 5'5" and a power lifter and my wife is 5'4" 115lbs and measures at 36E 18 22. And yes she is firm DD, when she walks in a room with a lot of guys, they all stop to look. Well I have deployed many times and every time there is always some soldier with no one to see him off. So after four years of talking about it with my wife, she wants to make sure all the soldier’s get a great send off. So my last deployment with the...

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What was never ment to be Day 2 morning romp

What was never meant to be, day 2 morning romp I finally woke up in a daze, I had no idea what time it was. It took me a while to realize that Sarah was indeed laying naked against me. I had ended up on my back with her against my side, head on my chest and arm across my stomach. I smiled thankful that last night wasn’t a dream. She still seemed to be fast asleep so I did my best to slide out from under her without waking her. I managed to, but just barely. She rolled onto her side in her...

2 years ago
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The Mermaids CourtshipChapter 2 The Mermaids Passion

Kolin – Calthin Bay, Kingdom of Thlin Willa shuddered as my fingers rubbed on her clit. She was perched on the edge of our fishing boat, her ass pointed out to the calm waters of Calthin Bay. My fisherwife gasped and moaned, her white hair falling about her youthful face. "Kolin," she gasped. "Make me cum. Let's attract a mermaid." I rubbed harder. I knew a mermaid wouldn't come. None had been seen in Calthin Bay for a hundred years. Once, the mermaids would rise to the surface,...

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Pornwriting MotherChapter 9

"Please, baby. I need you to fuck my ass. I need my son's prick stuffing my butt." Stephanie whimpered the words at her teenage son as she was on all fours, her head down on the pillow, her ass up in the air pointed into Marty's direction. The lewd mother flexed her anus, making her rear orifice wink at the 15-year-old boy, inviting him to do as his mother requested. Marty, in turn, was sitting back on his haunches looking at his pleading mother in front of him, looking straight at her...

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Darkness and LightChapter 23 Uncommon Plans and Improper Hindsights

Kassja felt weary after spending hours on negotiating and planning. She wanted to rest her tired mind in solitude, but when she entered her bedchamber she noticed she wouldn’t find it. Yvaness, a Priestess of Nuna, one of her mother’s favorites in the western lands, was waiting for her. “Too many lies, daughter, you’re playing a dangerous game,” the woman too young to be anyone’s mother warned. “Before you continue lecturing, remember it was you who came to me asking for help with your plan...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 48

I awoke in the middle of the night with Marlit sucking on my enlarging dick, and Gerona was munching on Marlit’s pussy. Gerona’s pussy was up by me so I reached over and started diddling her pussy and clit, but Pauloa started moaning. By now I could see a little bit by the light of the two digital clocks in the room, and Pauloa was the pussy I diddled and Gerona was closer to me than I thought. I looked over and Ambat and Nadira were alternating on sucking Barbara’s tits. One had the right...

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Bill Sutherland 6 in STOPWATCHChapter 14 The Devil went to Georgia Megan went to Louisiana

And this little piggy stayed home. Bill was pretty busy getting ready for the next adventure ... with three beautiful teenagers and a perfection called Mom, there was sure to be one. Mrs. Fox wouldn't let him into the safety deposit box but Mina had arranged for replenishment funds ... up to a point. Bill's Debit card had a million dollar limit ... but he didn't know that. Megan had slipped one of her Harrahs Debit cards into Bill's wallet ... but he didn't know that either. The only...

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The Angel Next DoorChapter 6

Robert Sebastian was balls deep inside Michelle La Marchand when he felt a tongue gliding across his butt-crack, but he didn’t worry about it just yet. It felt amazing, as did the fingers slipping into his backdoor, followed by the oil applied to lube him up for sodomy. The next thing that he knew, there was a cock inside him, fucking his ass while he screwed Michelle’s twat good and hard, and this just made things more delightful to him, of course. He didn’t know who the owner of the dick...

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Thats An Order Pt2

Alan turned round to see where the voice was coming from. The person he saw was a stranger to him - a man in his mid to late 30s with thick black rimmed glasses, untidy stubble and a balding hairline, and a sizable beer gut that hung over his black jeans. The man was around 6ft tall, considerably taller than the 5 foot 6 figure Alan now had. Alan almost felt a perverse sense of relief. Whoever this was, the body he was in right now was leagues ahead of this loser. He certainly...

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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

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Teaching Ingrid

During my third year Ingrid came into our house. She was just starting college and was a bit of an outsider from the start. Most of the girls in our house were experienced party animals that enjoyed college life to the full. Ingrid was a classical case of a naive hick. With wide eyed surprise she looked around at her new life in the big city. At first she was very shy, but she had a charming naivety that won everyone’s heart. Quite often she’d react quite shocked by the free acting of the...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 19 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...

2 years ago
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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 8

Roman is parked outside her door, having just cut the engine off a couple minutes ago. He is early today, earlier than Lucy expects. When the door finally opens the woman breaks out into a grin at seeing him. She quickly races off the porch and rushes right into his arms as he stands next to the hover bike, hugging him tightly. “Afternoon,” she says. “You’re off a little earlier than usual.” “Afternoon to you too,” he says back. “I got my work done pretty fast today ... well most of it...

3 years ago
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Boyfriend Or Switching Teams

Sam's POV:I have been with boys and girls. I think I do prefer girls to boys... they know what other girls like, where they want it, and how much they want it. Whilst dating, girls have a little more sensitivity than guys do. There's only one girl I'd like to try, seeing as I've tried out the other ones at Ridgeway High... that's my best friend.Carly Shay. The prettiest girl by far, and of course, she has a boyfriend currently. And why wouldn't she? She's hot. I mean, drop-dead gorgeous.And I...

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Black Susan

At age 65, I retired, ending a 45-year obsession with work. I had always thought that this would be the time when I should try again to form some kind of romantic relationship, and I took up reading the personal ad- vertisements. Nothing much came of this, as no one I was interested in seemed to have interest in a short, balding, slight- ly overweight 65-year-old man. Then I noticed Susan’s add; beautiful 19 year-old Christian girl, in Uganda, has won 1/2 athletic scholarship...

2 years ago
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I Made Her To Feel Special

Hello friends, this is my first story and 100% based on a real experience I am Sanjay a male masseur (that I do to earn money) my age is 29 I m tall and good looking if any lady does not matter how she looks but should be romantic and searching for romance and sex can contact me at Coming down to my story I have posted one online ad for massage service for ladies, days passed I haven’t received any mail or call my savings were almost end I cant afford royal living that I wanted… After couple...

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the begining

At 18 I would get my first sex and it was awesome .that feeling of being deep in her pussy our bodies locked together and of course I got to go down one her on a regular basis .I absolutely love oral the taste of a girls pussy and asshole the different tastes as my tongues dances across her body . The sex was pretty straight forward it wouldn’t be till my next girlfriend at 21 that it would get a little wilder. We were together for 3 years and as time went on I became more open and it...

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Primeval UrgesChapter 4

Mercy’s eyes open. She bolts up into a sitting position, sliding back against the wall. Quickly, she scans the small cavern, searching every dark nook and cranny. She is alone, sitting in the still, glowing blue water. Above her the same light falls through the open hole. “Where the fuck is it?” she asks herself aloud. She braces herself for the creature to suddenly leapt out from the darkness and ravish her once more, but it doesn’t. Mercy is truly alone. She is grateful, but deep down,...

3 years ago
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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poachers ProgressChapter 20 Some Answers but More Questions

“What on earth are you doing here, Callum?” I said. “On account of the letter you sent MI5 regarding a quasi-Prussian Hussar. We have been checking upon him and discovered he’s a wrong ‘un.” Callum’s gaze lingered on the torn sleeve of my tunic, ripped by the crossbow bolt. “I gather you have already found he is an imposter...” “Was an imposter. His body is in a room upstairs, along with that of Captain Hutton of the Fourth Light Dragoons.” “Talking of bodies, I found one of your men lying...

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My Real Fairy Tale

I want to tell my "Fairy Tale Story" that when I was in 12th STD, I was in single side love within one of my female lecturer. She was no pretty and slim that I used to dream about her each night and used to fuck her in my dreams.. She was my favorite, even she had knew that I'm on of her biggest fan, as I used to offer a Chocolate bars after the class. Unfortunate, our church authorities sent her to different organization where she had become Nun.. :( ..After 3 years, when I was in final year...

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Spoil The Princess! There are a variety of reasons you might want to spoil the princess. Maybe that coronavirus stimulus check is burning a hole in your pocket, or maybe your insider stock trading has been going well and you just have money to burn. Perhaps you want the joy of helping put a young mother through college, or you just want the thrill of having some mean bitch take your money while telling you how pathetic you are. Hey, I ain’t going to judge you for it. In fact, I’m about to tell...

Hookup Sites
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The CompoundChapter 7 Earl grey tea

From the chip manufacture, I was taken to a hotel with an underground parking garage. Where I disembarked without anyone seeing me. Rode up an elevator with a different security agent and was handed off to Nick, who was waiting for me. It was then that I realized that the girls hadn’t been in the reports as Nick and his agents had been, yet I knew now from the other night that they were a part of my security as well. Just how they fitted in, I had yet to find out. But they were an open...

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Steve sleeps over

This story takes place about 4 years ago. Steve was 15 years old back then. He has brown hair and glasses, and in general looked like your stereotypical nerd. He was thin though, and his ass looked like it could have been on a girl. That was possibly an exaggeration, but you get my point. At this point he have been friends since 4th grade (by this time we were sophomores in high school), and throughout middle school I thought I had something of a man crush on him. Then I got a girlfriend in...

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My Summer Boss 10

“Why so gloomy panda bear?” my sister’s amused voice eased into my room. “Go away,” I mumbled, putting my arm over my face. I was in no mood for her garbage. The next thing I felt was her hand on my chest. “But don’t you have a date today?” she persisted. “It’s not a fucking date! And how the hell would you know?” I growled, annoyed with her near perfect ability to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. “A sister knows these things,” she said in a hurt voice,...

1 year ago
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I Love Fucking Black Guys

Hey, my name is Tere. I love being fucked by tall young black studs. I am really turned on by Tall guys, over 6 foot tall, black guys, and love to be fucked by black studs who know what to do and have the huge cocks to do it with, and do it so well.My daughter has many black friends since she dates mostly black guys and she invited four guys over to visit and drink with us and her friends. She introduced me to her friends, and one of them, Tim, is 23 years old and six foot six, and a beautiful...

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The Beginning

“The Beginning” Part 1This is a 4 part series that traces the life of a group of k**s as they experiment with their newly awakened sexuality and how it defines their lives from the mid 50`s untill now.School was over for the year and we looked forward to a long break thru the months of summer. In a small fishing village at the end of the world there wasn’t much to do. Here the summer nights were very short and the day almost 20 hrs long. The winters were a bitch. At the depth, the sun, when it...

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Seduced by my sons friend Chapter 3

We sat naked at the dining room table. I was surprised how easy it had been for me to be naked after years of normality. I was feeling 20 again and fancy free. I looked at Trevor. His cheeky smile, broad shoulders and “equipment” was bringing out the hidden sexual me. Lunch over I put the dishes in the sink. “They can wait until later” I thought to myself. “Come into the lounge Anne” I heard Trevor call out. The lounge? Why not the bed? What was he up to? I walked into the lounge and he told...

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Mass Effect Revenge of the Shadow Broker

When you awake you are exactly where you expect to be. Layed out flat on a medical bed - naked - and surrounded by white bright lights. You groan as you attempt to get a feeling of your condition - your more fatal injuries have dissapeared thankfully but you are still suffering from slight bruises and perhaps a broken bone or two. You shouldn't be too surprised, after all the beating you took from that damn N7 and her Asari companion was brutal. Too brutal. You got careless --- But one does...

4 years ago
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Mike was trying to sleep. Actually he was trying to act like he was sleeping. But even the dead would have awoken by the racket his wife Stephanie was making. He heard her stomp across the floor to the door of their bed. "Alright Mike. It ends here and it ends now. You either tell me what's going on or... or, damn you Michael talk to me." Michael rolled over. "There's nothing to talk about." "Michael. Honey. Our sexlife has dropped to almost nothing. You hardly touch me anymore. And...

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Freeze FrameChapter 3

I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee. Nat was sitting at her desk reading something, drinking down a cup fabulous smelling fresh coffee. My motions, or maybe my emotions, made her notice me. "Hey Em, how's your head?" Nat said sipping her coffee. I sat up and checked, the room wasn't spinning, neither was my stomach, and there was no headache in evidence, "Fine, I feel pretty good," I said. "I was a bit worried you had drunk too much last night. You were out like someone had...

1 year ago
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Ten Years After High School

I was scrolling through social media looking for long lost friends I had known in high school. I wasn’t really looking for a hook-up, but I have to admit, my inattentive husband had driven to desperate measures.Then, there he was Dan. Dan Shackleford. Dan had been in my JROTC class in high school. I had always thought he was a cool guy, and I loved the way he looked in his uniform, but I was too shy at that time to say anything.I married Ray right after high school, and we very quickly got...

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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 2 The aftermath of my first threesome

Previously: As you read in chapter one, my husband's best friend and college roommate, Glenn, stayed with us at our home in Aurora, Colorado during his internship during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier, and was breast feeding her. Soon after Glenn's arrival, I became aware that he had discovered some naked pictures of me that my husband, Chris had taken when we were still students at Penn State University. While embarrassed, I was also...

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Anal cherry poppin

anal cherry poppinThe following is one of my fantasy's of losing my anal sitting alone on my computer browsing older mens profiles on collarspace, squirt , silverdaddies, fetlife and nzdating occasionally checking grindr on my phone searching for a older dominant man, when out the blue after many profile views and taps a older dominant man messages me asking if id like to meetup for a coffee and chat to discuss limits and so forth i agree to meet him at a local cafe at this point...

2 years ago
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Sex Memoir

Reader, I will fail you. You want something from me, and I don’t have it. Maybe you want to cum, and you think I will help you, but I couldn’t care less about helping you finish. If that’s why you’re here, well, you’ll be edging the whole way through. Stop. You don’t want this. And if you’re looking for an entertaining piece of writing, you’re clearly barking up the wrong tree. You will quickly come to the crystalline conclusion that I am in dire need of an editor. The truth is... I’m using...

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My favorite brother

My brother and I have always been close. We grew up in a small suburban town where you know everyone and everyone knows everything about everyone. Secrets are hardest to keep when you live here. It’s amazing how we’ve kept ours so long.I’ll start off with telling you a little about me. My name is Carson, I’m 5ft. 3in., with super long, down to my butt, dark brown almost black hair. I have been a dancer all my life so I’m very flexible and in quite good shape. Now a little about my brother....


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