What We Do For LoveChapter 7: Mistress Creates David free porn video

It was just so darned hard. I’m not a bad person. That’s what made it the hardest. All I could do was pretend that I was Samantha Grail from school. She’s a real bitch. She treats everyone the same - badly. Even the teachers avoid her. I wonder if she’s one of those kids that Kathy talked about. One of the ones that abuse other kids and blackmails teachers. I wouldn’t know now for at least a week, while my family trained.
My poor dad put up with so much more than I could have. I knew I had to be as hard as I could, be as nasty as I could, just to be half as bad as I imagine the bad people will be. My mom took everything much better than my dad. He’s just so sensitive. So many times I wanted to stop in the middle and crawl into a hole and cry. But then mom could be lost. I had to Marshall my strength and pretend that the abuses I was heaping on my parents would be enough to prepare them for what’s surely coming. We all need to get tougher than we are. Maybe except mom. She’s tougher than I ever gave her credit for. She took a caning for heavens sake. Her bottom was almost raw by the time we finished with her.
I had planned more, but I’d gone way past my limits already and I just couldn’t. I need to snuggle with my parents and have them tell me they don’t hate me. I was watching my mom laying on the bed when she moved. She went to roll over and the pain in her bottom woke her.
“Are you okay, mommy?” I asked. I wasn’t ready to get back into character yet.
“Evelyn? What time is it? I have to get to wor ... work,” she said and stopped. “It wasn’t a dream, was it baby? We really did all those nasty things? You didn’t mean the things you said though, right? Do you really hate me that much?”
“Mom I love you so much! More even! I’d never say those things and mean them. I had to pretend, to make it real.”
“Oh, it’s real, baby. My ass is proof of that. Oh God, I’ve still got that butt plug in me, don’t I?”
“Yeah, mom. And it’s the smallest one Lotta had. Once dad wakes up, we need to talk about what we did. I don’t know if I’ve got what it takes to see this through. You’re way stronger than me.”
I went to the bed and curled up next to my naked mom. I was still bottomless and I could feel the heat of her ass next to my groin. She had to be in a bunch of pain. That just made me feel like I wanted to cry again. We watched my dad sleep for an hour before he stirred. As soon as his eyes opened, I launched myself at him, trying to hug my way inside him, repeating over and over how sorry I was.
Surprisingly, he didn’t need confirmation that I still love him, like mom did. He understood that I was playing the part of the viscous dom trying to break a slave.
“So was it everything you hoped it’d be?” Was his only question.
I repeated how the experience left me feeling and the desire I had to quit.
“Pumpkin, we got through what we did this morning, so we can get through anything. I don’t know if I can ‘perform’ again for a while though. Do you think they could try to make me?”
“I don’t even know if they’d involve you. They might think that keeping things a secret from you would keep mom doing what they want. I just have no way of knowing. Should we just sell up and try to hide from them?”
“I can’t speak for Patricia, but if she can continue, I will be there right next to you guys.
We do have to keep going, don’t we?” I sad sadly. “Mom?”
“If you’re sure you don’t really hate me, then I can do this. Can I tell you two a secret?” Mom asked.
“You can tell us anything, mom. I hope you know that.”
“It’s embarrassing...”
“I tried to make this morning as embarrassing as I could,” I said, interrupting her.
“That’s just it dear. I came so many times this morning. Only the one big gusher near the end, but tons of little times before that. Even the caning ... I am so naughty.”
“You LIKED it?” Dad asked incredulously.
“No, I hated every demeaning, degrading thing. But at the same time ... well ... I’m ready to do it all over again. I had no choice. I kinda WANT to have no choice. If only you could be that rough and powerful when you fuck me in bed, darling,” she said, reaching for dad’s hand.
“Then I have one more idea,” I said.” Both parents looked at me, thinking I was going to order them straight into another ‘scene’.
“Mom, if I ever call you a whale, you’ll know I’m really, truly disappointed in you and I really can’t stand your guts. Anything else negative, derogatory, mean or hurtful is just an act. Dad, if I call you pompous, I mean I would really crush you under my thumb if I could. Every single other thing I do or say up till then is an act, okay?”
“Whale for mom and pompous for me. Got it. Your mom is so tiny I can’t even imagine you using that word by mistake.”
“Yeah, like you even know what pompous looks like, dear,” mom squeezed dad’s hand. “You are just the sweetest honey I’ve ever tasted.”
“Then we’re going to continue. But I need dad to play a different role for now. Dad, are you up for it?”
“As long as it doesn’t include gay stuff, pumpkin. That shit freaked me the hell out.”
Dad had cussed again. I understood perfectly how intensely he felt about it.
“Can you pretend, dad? Like I pretended I was the school’s biggest bitch?”
“I don’t know, pumpkin. Maybe.” He said doubtfully.
“I know you have it in you, dad. I saw you roughly fuck mom twice now and that’s not your usual way. But this will be a really big challenge for you. I want you to pretend to be the most crass, nasty, self absorbed, selfish asshole you can imagine. Whatever you’d say or do in almost any situation, you need to say or do the opposite as this person.”
“So instead of saying your mom is beautiful, I’d say she’s ugly. I guess I can do that.”
“Well dad, you think mom is beautiful, but you say something like, she’s a ridden hard, put away wet, prune-faced scarecrow whore with used up dry cow udders, a pregnant horse’s ass and a disease ridden, stretched out, fist fucked cunt. That’s just off the top of my head.”
“Wow. I know ... I’m sure ... I ... there’s no way I could come up with that stuff like you just did.”
“We can pretend for the most part. But you just have to do your best. You’ll be playing the part of someone that thinks mom is lower than dirt. It’s really, really hard. I know. I’ve done it already today. And we need more guys. Mom’s going to have to fuck way more guys than just one. Can you cope with that, dad?”
“Jail or sex with other guys. That’s really the choice isn’t it? I know this sounds horrible, but that’s a really hard choice.” I could see my dad thinking hard.
“No it’s not a hard choice,” he finally decided. Where can we find degenerates that’ll treat your mom like dirt? There are no politicians around here to ask,” he said with a smile.
It seemed to me like his smile was masking his pain at the thought of his wife being used as a sex object.
“School!” I blurted, suddenly thinking of what Kathy had said. There were depraved teachers and sadistic boys riddling that school, if Kathy was right. “I need to go to school. What did you use as an excuse for keeping me home?”
“Umm ... I said your mom was really sick. I told them I needed you to look after her.”
“Perfect!” I exclaimed. I explained what I was thinking and said I could use going to school to get a week’s worth of assignment as my excuse to visit a certain librarian. A librarian names Miss Starr.
I got a chuckle out of watching my dad pace around the bedroom, talking with the school on his cell phone without a stitch on. I knew he was talking to Mrs Brinkley, the office lady, who was about a thousand years old and hard of hearing. Dad was just about shouting into the phone to make himself understood.

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