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My cabin mate Robert and I looked forward to dinner. The fact that there was going to be a business meeting afterward was only a minor drawback. Steak tonight!

We were exhausted after spending a very long day getting the place ready for the first invasion of kids the next day. We were junior counselors at a summer camp, this was my second year, Robert’s first.

We walked to dinner together and while eating spent our time talking to two girls who were counselors at the girls camp across the lake. One of them, a vivacious brunette named Fran, made it a point to mention to Robert that there was a nice clearing between the girl counselor’s and the boy’s counselors cabins.

The other, an adorable redhead named Becca, mentioned the meadow had a great view of the lake and with a full moon tonight it would be a great place to relax.I had known Fran and Becca since junior high. Robert met them as high school seniors.

I had a crush on Becca all the way through school but she did not know I existed. At last summers camp we became friends but barely so. I knew Becca and Fran had been lovers once but although I was sure Fran was gay, I was also sure Becca was not.

Getting closer to Becca had been my goal in life for quite sometime.

This was Becca’s third year as a counselor, Fran’s second. All four of us would be college seniors in the fall, Robert and me at the State University, the girls at a private college eighty miles away.

This was the first day of summer camp and I was surprised that Becca and Fran had come over to sit with Robert and me. I panicked for a second thinking Becca was going to put the make on Robert but as it surprisingly turned out it was Fran making moves on him. Apparently my crush on Becca had survived another year.

Becca pretended to put the make on me just as the camp owners and the head counselor started the meeting. The session included the do’s and don’ts for the kids and for the counselors. We were told that while the kids were in camp we were not to fraternize. There was a pause before they went to the next subject. Nearly everyone in the room caught on to the fact that there were no restrictions tonight, there were no kids in camp.

Only Saturday dinners were coed, again because there were no kids from noon Saturday until two in the afternoon Sunday. The boys filled up the dining hall during the week. The girls dining hall was smaller as their camp was smaller. We had an average of 150 boys in camp and they had around 65 girls.

Immediately after the meeting Robert and I allowed the girls to lead us to the clearing by the lake. They both looked like sexy tomboys and they had each starred in high school athletics. I was stunned that Becca chose me as her escort to the meadow, it was known as ‘The Make Out Fields’ by all the counselors.

We sat together at first but soon Becca led me a few feet towards the lake. As soon as I sat on the grass she sat on my lap and started kissing me with enthusiasm. Her long legs were astride my hips and she soon began to grind her pussy on my already very hard dick.

I was waiting for the punch line in the joke, after all those years my dreams of her just could not be coming true.

She suddenly removed her t shirt revealing a much larger than expected pair of tits. They were milky white and seemed to glow in the moonlight. I decided that while it lasted I would take advantage of my good fortune as best I could.

I pulled her to me and tried to devour first one tit then the other. While I was occupied she unbuttoned both our shorts and pulled hers off and mine down enough to free my cock. I was shocked by her aggression. This was the girl I had pined for and never expected to get. Now, suddenly, she wanted to fuck me.

She mounted me with a groan and I suddenly remembered that we were not alone. My eyes found Robert and Fran and saw that she was on her hands and knees, Robert was fucking her hard from behind. I returned my concentration to Becca as she slid my cock in and out of her pussy in long, slow, strokes. My hands went to her tits and I gently mauled them.

Becca stopped completely and gasped for breath. I could feel her cunt muscles spasm. She had cum but I found myself nowhere near mine.

She recovered and stood. She pulled my hand and I also stood, my dick pointing at the moon. As she picked up her t shirt and shorts she made me step out of mine. As she bent over to pick up them up she kissed the head of my dick. It jumped and she giggled.

We walked to where Fran and Robert were still fucking. Becca stepped in front of Fran and laid down with her pussy directly under Fran’s head. Becca motioned for me to straddle her head. I did as instructed and she inhaled my dick in her mouth. It was an awesome feeling. I was naked from the waist down on my hands and knees with my dick being absorbed by a girls mouth. Once when Becca moaned and gently bit on my cock I turned my head and watched Fran lap up Becca’s juices from her pussy.

I heard Robert grunt as he quickly pulled out of Fran’s cunt and shoot his load over her back. I concentrated on my ready to burst dick until I felt a tongue licking my ass. I exploded into Becca’s mouth.

She swallowed the first load but then took me out of her mouth and pushed me back enough so my loads were now hitting her tits.

After some panting and caresses the girls announced they were going back. Robert and I watched as thirty feet from us they stopped, gave us a sexy look, and embraced each other in a deep kiss, complete with tit groping hands. They were still naked.

Soon they were gone. Becca’s lack of concern for my efforts towards her appeared to be because she really was gay. Perhaps this was just a lark for the two girls, maybe daring each other to get a guy tonight.

My disappointment was short lived. I had been fucked and been sucked off by the girl of my dreams. Maybe it would happen again.

The week went by uneventfully and the following Saturday night Becca immediately claimed the seat next to me as Fran sat next to Robert. Our conversation was mostly about camp events as we ate. When the meeting itself started, however, Becca’s hand found its way to my shorts, unzipped the fly, insinuated her hand inside and gripped my dick.

After I recovered from the surprise I decided two can play this game and quickly pushed the loose material of Becca’s shorts to one side and plunged a finger into her pussy. She allowed a sigh to escape which brought the attention of several others to us. It seemed only the girls understood what was going on. We did not attempt to masturbate the other, we were happy with the caresses of our sex organs.

At the end of each meeting there was always a video show featuring the kids that had departed camp that afternoon with as many embarrassing shots of the counselors as could get mixed in. Becca and I stood so we could see the screen above the crowd. One nice sequence showed Robert carrying a boy out of the pool at full speed to the nearest restroom. The boy was doing his best not to throw up.

Robert had related the incident to me including the fact that they had not quite made it to a stall before the kid threw up.

A short sequence of me holding Wanda the Tarantula in my hand while a very apprehensive boy tried not to run away brought out the usual chorus of ‘eeews’ from most. I was accustomed to being alone in my appreciation of creepy crawlies. Becca had gently jabbed her elbow into my ribs during the sequence.

Another sequence showed Fran and her canoe full of girls in a slow motion rollover. It was very funny and I looked for Fran to see her reaction. I did not immediately see her, I did see Robert, still sitting, his hands moving under the table. As my eyes adjusted I saw Fran under the table sucking Robert’s dick.

Becca was standing in front of me, I had my arms around her waist. I brought her attention to the scene u
nder the table.She watched for a while then leaned over and put her elbows on the table in front of us. She jammed her ass against my groin. I pulled her shorts to the side and again stuck a finger in her pussy.

She pulled away from it and again jammed her ass at me. It dawned on me it was not a finger she wanted.

We were at a table in the back corner. The only light in the hall was from the projection TV. We were in no ones line of sight to the screen.

As surreptitiously as possible I pulled my dick out and slid it deeply into her pussy. She arched her back and I began to rub it as if trying to soothe some pain. I moved just enough in my massage on her back that we were doing a good job of fucking.

The girls were amazingly bold. I was absolutely astounded that I had joined them in their bravado.

I saw Fran’s hand come up from under the table just far enough to pinch a nipple on Becca’s breast. Becca fell into what I now knew was a quiet yet intense orgasm. Fluids bathed my dick. I was on the verge of cumming but did not want to risk pregnancy and could not just let it fly in the dining hall, so I pulled out off Becca’s pussy and jammed the head of my dick between the cheeks of her ass.As luck would have it the head of my dick was at her rosebud and my first cum shot flew into it.

Becca pushed back hard as my second stream invaded her nether opening and the head of my dick went into her ass. I had perhaps four or five more pulses of cum. By the time I was done my dick was buried in Becca’s ass.I started to withdraw but Becca pushed herself back into me and hissed ‘No.’

I put one hand around her waist to work on her clit but found a hand already there. I could not tell if it was Becca’s or Fran’s hand so I just made myself useful by fucking her ass with long, slow strokes. Becca had a somewhat more subdued cum. She then allowed me to withdraw from her ass.

By the time the lights came up Becca was in her seat in front of me and I was standing behind her massaging her shoulders. I was zipped up and so was Robert. Fran was in her seat. She opened her mouth for us to see Robert’s cum, then swallowed it.

The meeting was over and after a quick stop to the restrooms, ( I managed to rinse and wipe my dick without drawing attention), we headed for the meadow.

We sat together in the meadow, kissing and caressing. Fran was the only one not to have cum during the slide show so Robert ate her pussy while Becca and I watched and cuddled.Becca whispered to me, ‘I am on the pill so you can cum in my pussy. Or in my ass. Or in my mouth,’ she giggled.

‘You forgot between your tits’ I said.

‘Oh, yeah, there too.’

We watched Robert bring Fran to a nice cum then start on her pussy again. Becca decided we needed to go for a walk. She asked me about the girls I had brought to the meadow last year and she was stunned to hear that I had not graced the meadow until the previous Saturday with her.

She looked at me incredulously and asked, ‘Did you even want to come out with a girl out here then?’

I remained silent as my brain digested some newly arrived data and possibilities, starting with the one that she may want me nearly as much as I wanted her. Becca sensed that I was holding back. She kissed me softly, tenderly.

She said, ‘You can have me as long as you want, any way you want. I ask for just one thing, don’t lie to me.’

Busted. Quick decision needed. Did I want Becca for the foreseeable future, (YES!), or was this a two or three week fling, (very likely), soon to be forgotten by her?

I did not think I could survive being dumped by her. Do I tell the truth or continue protecting myself from hurt?

‘OK, Yes, I have had a special someone in mind but had never been able get her attention. I think she is gay. Until recently I though she may have hated me.’

Becca mulled over what I said and asked ‘Why do you think she no longer hates you. What has happened?’

I could not very well tell her that since the girl had fucked me and sucked me I had my suspicions it was true so I deflected the question. ‘You remember how Robert and I competed against each other all the time? We fought over grade point average and batting average. Every school wide race for any student government position we ran against each other. I was convinced he hated me, he was convinced I hated him.

Our freshman year in college we became the new kids on the team and in the classroom. We had to lean on each other to get by. Once we were both on the same side of the eight ball we saw each other differently. In fact we are so much alike some are surprised to learn we are not brothers. He has been my best friend for two years now.’

Becca said ‘Fran and I started out that way. We competed in sports and in boys. Our biggest triumphs were when we could get the other’s boy friends attention. At the time I did not know her boyfriends were only for show. Come to think about it, I guess mine were too. We were the last two in the locker room after a game one night. We were wet and naked and in a foul mood after a loss. One thing led to another and we were at each others face ready to start throwing punches.

We were so close that our tits touched. It was as if a jolt of electricity had gone through me. I thought it was a trick of some kind she had pulled until I saw the look of shock in her face. She had felt it too.

Hesitantly I got closer to her. She closed her eyes. We moaned after our tits touched again. Suddenly we were kissing with abandon. Our tits were crushing each other. Her hand was on my ass and mine was headed there until we heard a polite cough and someone say ‘Excuse me.’

It was our coach. She marched us both into her office and started berating us on our carelessness. She told us in no uncertain terms that if it happened on school grounds again she would turn us in. Fran and I were terrified and held each others hand tightly. The coach softened her voice and said that she was very happy we had come to an understanding.

She said she hated that her two best students and two best athletes could not get along. She had suspected that there was something underneath the animosity and was glad to see it come out.

She herded us out of her office and making us swear that the public will never see anything. She swatted then caressed our naked asses as we walked out her office door.

The coach asked us to come see her after graduation if we wanted to visit.

Fran and I made a point to be at the door of her condo the morning after graduation. We nearly devoured her and we still make love to her at least once each time we return home from college.’

‘Which coach was that? I asked mostly out of idle curiosity.

Becca looked like she was doing to tell me ‘None of your business’ but suddenly paused. She studied my face closely then said ‘Ms. Sokoloff.’

I sensed that her level of trust in me had been upgraded dramatically. She somehow knew I would never betray her confidence. It was made easier for me knowing and liking Ms. Sokoloff. I already knew she was gay.

Suddenly alarms started to go off in my head. My ears began to burn. I had to control my breathing. I could not allow the possibility that Becca had deep feelings for me to form in my brain.

‘Are you going to seduce this love of yours?’ she asked returning to her original line of interrogation.

There was a slight tremor in her voice.I thought about it and eventually said , ‘Yes, I am.’

Becca’s face froze in a forced smile. I had hurt her. I could not believe it. She cared for me.

‘Becca, that girl I like, the special one, it’s…..’

‘You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want.’

‘Becca!. It’s you!’

She was stunned. Her mouth was open as if she wanted to say something but could not remember what. I kissed her. She punched me in the shoulder telling me I was not funny. I kissed her again
while she struggled to break my embrace. I broke the kiss and while holding her tightly to me I looked into her eyes and reminded her that I had promised never to lie to her.

She studied my face carefully. I kissed her softly and I relaxed my hold on her. She suddenly beat her fists against my chest growling ‘You better be telling me the truth or I will rip your balls off and ram them up your ass.’ That outburst was followed by a bone crushing embrace and a loud, deep sob.

‘You are one strange dirty minded broad.’

‘Yes, but I am your strange dirty minded broad.’

And so it would stay.

We walked around the meadow and briefly stopped to watch a fuck here, a blow job there, even a threesome with a girl who couldn’t decide which guy she wanted so took them both.

It was a much more active night than the previous Saturday night. Becca told me that by the end of the camp even the gay couples were out here if only to escape the heat of the cabins.

Becca apologized for acting like a slut. After she had been convinced that I would never take the initiative she set out to seduce me. She did not plan the sex between us the first night or tonight. She just could not help herself.

Becca said she had wanted me for so long that once we were together it was like a dam burst. She told me she went on the pill for my benefit figuring that I was so damn polite I would let her rape me.

Becca began to recount her sexual history to me. I stopped her and told her it was not necessary. I also thought to myself that it would bother me greatly.

Becca insisted because she wanted me to accept all of her as she was, no secrets, and because she did not want us using condoms.

She had fucked three guys, one in high school, (I knew about that one), one her freshman year in college, (three times she said), and one her second year in college. She had lived with that guy the during spring semester but even before spring break their relationship had become one of roommates.

I was her first in over a year and the only one not using a condom. Mine was the first ‘real cock’ in her ass and the first to cum in her mouth. She added, ‘And I am disease and drug free, a mild exhibitionist, somewhat bisexual, (she said with a giggle), and crazy about you.’

I was pleased that my reaction to her confession had been mild, and very pleased at how little heterosexual experience she had. My mind did not seem to slot other women as competition.

‘Your turn’ she said

.’OK, I had sex with four girls in high school…

‘Becca interrupted and reeled off all four names accurately. I paused in surprise and had to be prompted to continue.

‘Two as a freshman, five as a sophomore, (I attended a lot of frat parties), one the fall semester of last year. I used condoms every single time. Drug and disease free, straight, (so far), somewhat of a voyeur. And, oh lets see, oh yeah, crazy about you’.

‘It does not bother you that I kiss women and eat pussy?’

‘Yes it does. I gives me a hard-on every time.’

We kissed as we walked which made walking a slow process. When we returned to our original spot we found Fran and Robert completely nude, holding each other closely.

Becca turned to me and undressed me then undressed herself. She sank into the soft grass and held her hands out to me. I covered her body with mine, her hand guiding my very hard cock into her waiting pussy.

We made love, slowly, with deep passion. Fran and Robert sat up to watch us. Fran was between Robert’s legs, he had his arms around her, hugging her to him. The girls exchange loving glances until Becca allowed herself to become completely immersed into our love making. Our orgasms came quietly but with great intensity. We were lovers.

Becca and I rolled to our sides and kissed. The kisses held promises.

We got up and dressed while Robert and Fran started their own slow fuck. I walked Becca as far down the path to the girls cabins as was allowed. We stopped and embraced. We kissed for a while until we saw Robert and Fran approaching in the distance. I kissed Becca one last time and started walking away.

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He is wearing just tight fitting skimpy black briefs and is obviously well hung. In contrast to her long blond hair she has a beautifully trimmed patch of jet black hair above her cunt lips. One of my major fantasies and turn ons is a voluptuous woman in a garter belt and not much else. I am instantly aroused as I watch and take in her almost naked body. “Did you two fuck last night?,” are the first words Nikki says. “We did as we discussed about our plans for you today.” “Yes, we did. And...

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Strange Sounds Coming From The Music Rooms Miss Downeys Story Chapter Eleven

Lucy Williams sat down in Mrs. Hatton’s leather-backed swivel chair as she waited for the Head of Music to return to her classroom. The eighteen-year-old sixth former knew that her opportunities to be punished by the quiet Head of Music at St. Katherine’s Girls School were running out as the end of the summer term approached. Lucy, who was one of Head Girl Kim Campbell’s team of Prefects, realised that she had feelings for Laura Hatton, who had been her favourite teacher at St. Katherine’s ever...

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HussiePass Koco Chanel 20 Year Old8217s 1st Ever Scene

Lovely newbie ? Koco Chanel, who just turned 20 last month, makes her industry debut this week here on Hussie?Pass and we paired her up with ripped stud Danny Steele for this week’s update. After the Johnny ?? Robins interview portion of the program ?? Koco gets her juices flowing, first with her fingers, then with a big pink rubber dong. In steps Danny with some lube ? for the coed cutie and we get to see Koco twerk her lovely backside ? She then gets on her knees and begins to suck on...

2 years ago
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The Mysteries of Avalon Pt 02

Chapter 6: The teachings The next morning at breakfast, they talked about his first experience at a ritual. He admitted he was shy to touch her body in such private places, but loved the experience. In the afternoon, after dinner, she brought him to the power circle again, where she previously had wood positioned. She shows him the powers of the control of elements. After she points the wood with her hands, it suddenly catches fire. Surprised, Lancelot took a step back, obviously he did not...

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Men Strike Back the Bad Girl Zoo

Men were getting angry. They had been stripped of political power. They were the humiliated servants of women. There was also a fertility crisis that could be solved by lots of sex, but women showed little interest. Men’s efforts to redress their grievances were outlawed by President Chelsea Clinton as creating a climate hostile to women. Men still dominated the military, and when they couldn’t take it any more they took power in a coup. The tables turned -- and how. Among the rights men seized...

3 years ago
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Le pouvoir suprme

Je me réveillais comme tous les matins, un peu fatigué, et surtout malheureux de la nouvelle journée qui s’annonçait. Jusqu’à hier j’avais encore une raison d’aller à la fac, de supporter les cours les plus ennuyeux du monde. Cette raison c’était Marie, la plus belle gonzesse que j’ai rencontrée. La bombasse absolue, des seins comme des obus, un fessier à se damner, une peau douce comme de la pêche… Depuis le début de l’année, je n’avais pas arrêté de la draguer. Sauf que ça avait été en vain…...

Mind Control
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Uncivilized Part Two

“Wash these.” He commanded, the rest of the group eating crisp rabbit by the fire. The pregnant woman, Hana, was eating among them. Being treated by this hoard’s standards like a queen. Her belly fat with child, she dug in to her stick of meat. Her long blonde hair practically glowing from her daily washes she received. The other women were by the wash tub, scrubbing that the clothes being thrown to them by the men as they ate and laughed in their nakedness. Telling stories of their old...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 74

We all slept in on Saturday morning. I think we knew there would be no sleep that night with all the fun and games planned. We even splurged and went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast. After that we hit the Food King. I tore the list into three pieces and sent each pair of girls on a mission. When it was done we had three full carts. The downside of all the help is there were some things that were not on the list. To my surprise they each handed me fifty dollars towards the groceries....

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My Submissive Sister

Third person until Emma/you arrive at Sarah's house. The photo was of Emma, but it came from Elena's number. That wasn't the only weird thing to come from the same number 'Emma has a crush on you' the message said, that had followed the photo. Sarah was confused, but calmed quickly, thinking over the times Emma acted off. She did have a crush, but why did Elena tell her, and how did she know? Emma wasn't very open, nor was she very strong in social skills. Emma still wouldn't have her sister,...

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Time Traveler Chapter Three

TIME TRAVELER third chapter By The Storyteller 2002 Copyright [email protected] Llegue al trabajo a las 10:00 am, me estacione en el lugar de costumbre y me dirig? a la puerta de entrada de la empresa, hasta este momento todo era igual a la ?ltima vez que entre al trabajo. Sin embargo, el constante taconeo de mis zapatos al dar cada paso, me recordaba mi condici?n actual. Mi oficina se encuentra en el tercer piso o al menos ah? estaba la ?ltima vez., normalmente tomo las escaleras par...

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Surprise on blind date

A threesome on blind date with two hot chicks It was the time when i was studying in my final year of engineering. And what should i tell you about engineering students of mechanical branch there are no girls to date in our branch so i was used to use dating app to find a girl and finally one day a message pinged on my app “Hi” I was shocked because since i was using that app none of the message pinged yet and it was blind date app so everything was hidden for other side I replied...

3 years ago
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Watch what you wish for0

I’ve been with the same woman for ten years now and we have a great sex life. But recently I have been thinking back on the days of when I use to suck Mike’s dick, and it makes me horny. So I decided to tell Tammy about that part of my life, and she told me I should find a dick to suck on and get my fill of it. This way I could get those feelings out of the way so that her and I could move on in our relationship. I felt that was a great idea. Since I don’t know anyone I can blow, Tammy...

2 years ago
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One Good Change Gets Another

One Good Change Gets Another By Paul G. Jutras The night was cool and dark. The wind blew up his short leather skirt and against his nylon coated manhood. As he dropped some change while paying the driver of the taxi he had taken, he bent down and noticed he had a run in his jet-black pantyhose. "Darn it," Paul thought as he adjusted his wig. "I just opened the pair tonight." Paying the man, he went into the club and headed straight to the ladies room. As he walked in, a woman...

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Never Judge a Person By Their Smile

There she was, Ashley Connors. My god was she hot; dark hazel hair, not too fat yet not too skinny, great ass, near perfect breasts, but what got me most was that smile. I remember moving to my new house, I saw a young girl my age sitting there. She was smiling the most innocent smile I have ever seen. From the moment I saw her I knew I wanted her more than anything on this planet. My phone vibrated wildly on the kitchen worktop with my alarm going off, I grabbed it and rushed upstairs to my...

Straight Sex
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Clinic In the Mountains

“I say that we’ve got to do something. The ignorant savages and their unchecked breeding is costing the state millions,” Cindy had just exclaimed. “If we don’t, soon we’ll be as bad off as the folks up in Fertile Valley.” “You don’t know what you’re talking about, you silly twit,” Alexi replied. The friction that was developing between Cindy and Alexi did neither of them any good. Why couldn’t the two women see that it...

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The Cornholing

The CornholingWhen I was a k**, there was a slang term used to describe anal sex between boys or men. It was called “cornholing”. No one thought of cornholing as gay or queer. It was just another sexual activity. It was an activity that I developed a fascination with and it became a favorite sexual fantasy of mine. Since I cannot write about early sexual contacts here, I will have to be intentionally vague and fast forward to my adult life. I have always been a voyeur and many times I have...

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College Changes a Boy Part 7

Thanks very much to everyone who has encouraged me to continue this story. I'm sorry it took so long to finally get this chapter completed. If you haven't read the prior chapters (or it's a been a while!), you'll get much more enjoyment out of this chapter if you read the prior ones first. I was very flattered that Chirenon chose to create one of his amazing illustrations for Part 1 of my story. You can find it here: Be...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 53 The Footage

With those two indisposed for the rest of the evening knowing Nate she would need to do something to entertain herself until she was ready for bed. All she knew was that she really couldn’t think all that good and decided that after a nice hot bath with Amanda’s special soap she could figure out what she will be doing for the rest of the night. Steph got up to her room and started the bath while she got undressed. She quickly stripped down to nothing and waltzed over to the tub. She measured...

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Greedy Pussy No Brain

Hello my name is Harshvardhan and I am a businessman and age is 36yrs old and I am married to Bharti who is 33 yrs old and attractive woman and we have one kid age is 4 yrs .In the house my parents and one my younger brother Aditya also live as a joint family and I have one sister who got married in 2004 and living happily in Bangalore .This is brief history of my family. Last year my younger brother got married with Pinky a nice beautiful girl and she is a only child of a very wealthy...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 37 Warren Lends A Hand

Warren and Sophia were at Sophia's house. They had been babysitting, so they weren't fooling around-just sitting on the sofa, watching TV, chatting. "Pookie, I think there's something we should start thinking about," Warren started. "What?" "College." "I've already started, a little. Just trying to find out schools with a good meteorology program that I think I could get into." "Yeah, I've done that for pre-med. But that's not the big question." "What is?" "Are we...

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Enjoy With Hottest Batch Mate

Hi Everybody, I am new to this site and I like it a lot to read hot stories here. Now I want to share my story, it would be better if I call it a fantasy bcoz I am still a virgin guy and waiting for a beautiful girl to enjoy. So it is a story about my batch mate whom I like most and imagination to have sex with her. No name is real here. If you like my story and any girl want to enjoy chat or contact or friends please mail me at I am Manoj from New Delhi 26 years old, fair, 5’10” height and...

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Teenage Boys Part 2

The next morning Jackson woke up with a huge hard on. It was no mystery why because he had dreamed of Owen for almost the entire night. He just couldn't get the hot blonde boy's picture out of his head. He then decided to go for a shower. He began thinking of Owen again, so he began to jack off. His dick was long and hard and he was jerking so fast that his whole body was moving. "Oh yeah, fuck I'm hard," he moaned as he continued his masturbation session. Soon he felt his entire body tensing...

Gay Male
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Blue Balled

I feel bad and yet satisfied. We use to work together and always hanged out even though when I met her she had a boyfriend. So I fell into the friend zone. I got along great with all her friends except her boyfriend of course. Long story short fast forward she had left her boyfriend and started to spend time with me at my home she would ask for a drink and massage and would tell her girlfriends how much she enjoyed them. Many times I would massage her I would pop a boner, how could I help it...

3 years ago
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It Felt Like a Gangbang

In college, I dated this guy named Reggie. Reggie was a cool dude, but he never left me alone. As big as his dick was, he was that annoying and paranoid. Reggie had a bad habit of accusing my friend Cameron of trying to fuck me. First off, Cameron was gay. Secondly, Cameron was white.I’m not racist or anything; it’s just that everyone knows white guys don’t have the biggest dicks. And more than anything, a big dick is what I needed. And besides, my extra dark chocolate skin tone only attracts...

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Chapter 1Her naked body hissed between the sheets as she slid into bed. It was a luxurious feeling, like hotel sheets always are, cool, crisp and fresh, nearly crackling. She felt like purring as she snuggled down, allowing the soft comfort to ease the tension of the day's drive from her.Fresh from the shower, glowing with a pampered warmth, she rolled to the center of the king-size bed and languidly stretched. A satisfied smile danced across her full lips as she once more came alive....

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First time fucking on web cam

So I always had this fantasy that I wanted to fuck my girl friend on web cam in front of strangers. There was always something hot to me about seeing strangers getting so turned on by us that they just had to get off watching us. The big problem was how I approached this issue with my girlfriend. One night we'd been drinking at home and I confessed my fantasy to her. She thought about it for all of two seconds before smiling and turning on the computer. I was so happy that I failed to notice...

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Lisa 8

So I promised to let you know how things panned out last week with your wife. I worked on the ‘Craigslist’ angle as you suggested and as I told you before, it took a couple of emails to her to elicit a response. I think it was mentioning her sister that changed things. My email had obviously stirred her up and to my delight she phoned me, as we talked she promised me, rather she asked me to do those same things, that I'd done with Anita, with and to her and I got really hard; she has a...

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Project PrometheusChapter 26

Captain Joseph Briggs sat in the captain’s chair aboard the Dominant. It was a Federation battleship, Arbiter class, which had been slated for decommission. It was because of Briggs’ contacts within the Federation, which allowed him to purchase the frame of the ship. It was mostly panels and old wiring when he had acquired it. But he had the time and resources to refit the ship into a fearsome vessel once more. Briggs listened to the voice who had told them to fuck off. She had refused to...

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Visit with my Teacher

II come from a small town, barely big enough to even need stop lights, the type of place where everyone knows everyone else. I had known Mrs. Anderson my entire life, she had been my grade school teacher and was a really good friend of my grandparants. Mrs. Anderson and I had always stayed in communication as she was so much like famiIy.It had been almost a year since I had seen her as I had been away for my junior year of college. This year instead of partying it up like most other college...

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By the Personnel Book

By the (Personnel) Book If the job market had been bigger, or I had been a little larger, life would have been entirely different. At least I like to think so. I had just joined SPS, which was short for Specialized Personnel Services. It was a progressive, female-owned firm that provided high- level temporary professional services, and business was booming. CEO Valerie Stinson explained my role on my first morning at work. "If you look around, you'll notice that you're the only...

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Lashes Chapter 3

Chapter three Several weeks passed since our little game at Cindy's house. I was just getting over how pretty I was when the phone rang. "Hello." "Mark, quick, come over. My mom has something to tell you." Remembering the last time Mrs. Meyer got involved in my life I couldn't help wonder what she had in mind. "Come in Mark," Cindy yelled, when I knocked on the door. "We're in the kitchen." I walked back to the kitchen and saw Cindy and Mrs. Meyer sitting at the table with...

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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 9

As I sat there drinking my warm milk to help me sleep, there was no way I could ignore the sounds of love-making coming from Jason’s bedroom. I could clearly hear Claire’s voice as she moaned and sighed as Jason made love to her. It was Tuesday night and I realized Claire hadn’t seen Jason since Friday, a week and a half ago.As Claire normally saw Jason two or three times a week, to have gone without her well-hung black lover for nearly eleven days must have been incredibly frustrating for her....

Wife Lovers
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The Interrogation of a Mother and Daughter

The Interrogation of a Mother and DaughterBy Shabbadew2002Email me @ [email protected]  Berlin  June 2009Offices of the Die Welt Abendblatt (The World Evening Paper)The man, Otto, was 63 years of age.  The woman, Ilse, was 61.  They sat nervously in the two chairs and smoked incessantly.  They drank a lot of coffee too.  Otto had never been good looking, even in his youth.  He was heavy-set and paunchy. His hair was now thin on top and he wore it close cropped.  She had been fairly...

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Rachel and Daniel Killingsworth

It's Saturday, 9:00AM, the next town over from ours, to the south—Centerville. I was watching her and some asshole coming out of a motel room. She was looking really well fucked, I thought. She'd stayed the whole night. I'd not objected to her being gone since she was supposedly on a business related overnighter. She'd had several of those in recent months; now I had to wonder if all of the business wasn't monkey business. I put my camera away. I'd gotten all I needed after she'd gotten...

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