Decades Ch. 04 free porn video

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‘Your fondness for these floral patterns continues to elude me, Doug,’ Kelly said. Setting down her beer, she took yet another look down at the loud print dress she’d found herself in after playing ‘Stayin’ Alive’ on the jukebox. ‘Feels like acres of fabric here.’

‘Too much fabric beats too little, doesn’t it?’ Doug replied. ‘I feel like somebody must’ve poured me into these pants.’

‘But you sure look cute in them,’ Kelly said with a laugh, shamelessly admiring the taut bulge in his too-tight bellbottoms. ‘Aw, is that inspired by my dress?’

‘That and what’s probably under it,’ Doug whispered with a grin as he glanced around the mostly-empty interior of Bob’s by the Bay. To his relief, there was still no one he recognized from three decades later in their own time, or from his two trips to the years and decades before.

‘Oh, that’s why you just had to give the seventies a visit!’ Kelly teased. ‘The seventies porn-star bush, of course. I’ve got to hand it to you, Doug, that was a nice surprise to learn about you. It’d be so much more convenient if more guys still did like that look.’ Her own two prior trips had been enough to learn that even the most intimate of grooming styles were accounted for in their travels.

‘You can’t fool me, Kelly, you don’t do anything just to please men,’ Doug said under his breath. ‘You shaved your bush because you liked the way it looked!’

‘Of course I did,’ Kelly admitted. ‘But I have to admit, I’m getting to like the natural look now that I’ve tried it on for size.’ She smiled at him, enjoying the newfound lack of tension in their growing relationship, and they were both silent for a moment before bursting into laughter over the unlikely turn in the conversation. ‘Now, really, Doug,’ Kelly said when the moment had passed, ‘there must have been another reason to come to the disco era! If it were really just that, you could have chosen any decade before the nineties.’

‘Morbid curiosity about the clothes,’ Doug allowed. ‘I’ve always heard the seventies were a costume party, and I’m not disappointed in that.’

‘Come on,’ Kelly persisted. ‘Who are we here to save this time? Wait, I know, it’s the gal your high school is named for, isn’t it? What was her name?’

‘Janice Payne,’ Doug confessed. ‘Yeah, you got my number.’

‘Nice idea,’ Kelly allowed. ‘Really, Doug, I’m impressed. That’s noble of you. But you know, they always say it’s 1977 when things started spreading. That’s the year when they won’t let men give blood if they’ve had sex with another man since then. So you know, we might already be a year late.’

‘Damn, hadn’t thought of that,’ Doug said. ‘What should I have played on the jukebox?’

‘For 1977? Some Fleetwood Mac probably would’ve done the trick,’ Kelly said. ‘But honestly, Doug, did you really think we could save this Janice gal? I don’t suppose your school ever told you how she got it, did they?’

‘Quite the contrary,’ Doug admitted. ‘The plaque in the hallway avoided that entirely, but you sure heard a lot of stories. You heard what Aunt Doro said about her, too.’ Feeling a bit of panic at what he might be implying, he turned to Kelly and added, ‘I mean, she did make it clear – and I agree – it wasn’t a crime to be promiscuous. I’m no slut shamer!’

‘I know you’re not, Doug!’ Kelly put a comforting arm around him.

‘Wow, thanks,’ Doug said. ‘I don’t mind admitting I’m surprised. In any case, it wasn’t Janice that Aunt Doro was condemning, it was the school board or whoever was in charge of naming the school, for thinking it was good to pretend she hadn’t been having lots of unsafe sex. How did they expect that to scare us into using condoms, if they wouldn’t even say how she got AIDS?’

‘But you said it did scare you into using condoms,’ Kelly reminded him.

‘Of course it did,’ Doug said. ‘Whether she got it through dangerous sex or not, we all knew you could get it that way. But it couldn’t have hurt that I knew at least part of the truth.’

‘And that you had two no-nonsense older women to give you the facts of life,’ Kelly added.

Doug laughed, but he also gazed down into his nearly-empty beer glass, and Kelly was quite sure she detected a sad tinge to the laugh.

After paying for their incredibly cheap beers, Doug suggested a diner across the street for dinner. ‘I remember Grandma and Aunt Doro taking me there on visits when I was a little kid,’ he explained. ‘It was a special treat, only if I’d been on my best behavior.’

‘Weren’t you always well behaved anyway, Doug?’ Kelly needled. ‘You and your evil Y chromosome in the otherwise all-female house?’

‘Since I tended to get fingered whether I was guilty or not, not always,’ Doug recalled. ‘Why bother behaving if your sister is going to get away with framing you, after all?’

‘Oh, Doug, I’m sorry.’

‘It’s okay! You know why? Grandma and Aunt Doro figured it out early on, when I came to live with them and suddenly I was the perfect gentleman. They figured out then that it had been that way all along, and that my mom just couldn’t see it.’

‘No doubt Aunt Doro will back you up on that now.’ Kelly couldn’t help but have a glint of skepticism in her voice.

‘I’m pretty sure she will, actually,’ Doug said. ‘She had my sister’s number, and she’d known my mom all her life, after all.’

Kelly slipped her arm through Doug’s and gave it an affectionate squeeze as they crossed the street. Doug waited for the inevitable snippy comment, or for her to tear herself away when she realized they were getting close. To his surprise, it didn’t happen.

‘God, it’s like a costume party where we’re the only ones who know it!’ Kelly exclaimed under her breath as they watched the waitress guide two men – one in a butterfly collar under a tan polyester jacket, the other in a green jumpsuit – to the booth next to theirs.

‘Don’t I know it,’ Doug agreed with a grin, admiring the women in their brightly colored pantsuits and full skirts out of the corner of his eye. ‘I wouldn’t want to live like this all the time, but it sure is fun to visit.’

‘I guess I’d have to agree,’ Kelly admitted. They both knew this was where she’d have tossed in a judgmental comment in the past, now she reached across the table and clutched his hand. ‘You know, Doug, the more I think of it, I just don’t think we know enough about her story to help. I know you might feel invincible after what you did for Mrs. Kittredge, but remember you couldn’t stop her from smoking. And if we don’t know anything about the guy Janice got it from, or when…’

‘You’re probably right,’ Doug admitted. ‘But we’re here, and maybe we can learn a little more, and you never know.’

Kelly wasn’t convinced, but she was enjoying the scenery and ambiance of her parents’ teenage years, and she resolved to make the best of it. ‘Fine,’ she said. ‘That’s true. So tell me, this place, when you were a kid?’

‘Well, it had been renovated at least once by then,’ Doug said. ‘It wasn’t contemporary like this, it was restored to look like an early 20th century ice cream parlor, and the waitresses all wore these frilly white dresses…’

‘No wonder you liked it then,’ Kelly replied with a grin. ‘But really, I meant your memories. I take it when you were still living with your mom and your sister, being on your best behavior was a pretty big deal?’

‘Not so much here,’ Doug said. ‘Remember, Grandma was Mom’s mother, so if Mom was unreasonable, she’d get called on it. For once. My sister tended to follow her lead, too. So all I had to do was mind my own business and I’d be treated like a hero. God, that sounds manipulative, doesn’t it? But living with those two, you had to be a little manipulative, I guess. Anyway, coming here for dinner…I remember my favorite was the fish and chips, and my favorite booth was over there behind you where the condiment stand is now…’ His voice trailed away and he felt tears welling u
p, but to his pleasant surprise he wasn’t ashamed to let Kelly see him that way.

‘Doug?’ Kelly squeezed his hand again.

‘Grandma,’ he said. ‘She saved me from becoming the worst sort of misogynist pig – growing up with my mom and my sister, that could have happened so easily! I miss her, is all.’

‘I’m sorry I made you come here, if it’s that…’ Kelly said gently.

Doug shook his head. ‘It was my idea. And I’m grateful, really, although I wish you could have seen it in my own time. You didn’t miss by much, it just closed down when I was about halfway through Columbia. Three years, maybe? That was another reason why I vowed never to come back here, and now look at me…’

‘Doug! If you hadn’t come back, we never would have met! And what about the jukebox?!’

‘Sorry! You’re right.’ Doug smiled again and clutched his other hand over hers. ‘I guess there are some ghosts of my own past I still need to cope with, as much as the ghosts of Pascatawa.’

The waitress – Doug was nearly certain she was his high school buddy Jimmy’s mother – arrived before Doug’s soul-baring could get any more maudlin, and their attention turned to lunch. Kelly decided to give his old favorite fish and chips a try, while Doug opted for a meatloaf sandwich. ‘Say,’ Doug said to her once she’d taken their orders, ‘Do you know a gal named Janice Payne, by any chance?’

‘Who doesn’t know Jan?’ the waitress asked. ‘Never knew anyone to use her full name like that, though, except a couple of our teachers back in high school.’ Lowering her voice a bit, she leaned down and almost whispered to Doug, ‘That’s her at the far end of the counter. Are you that guy she’s waiting for?’

‘Huh?’ Doug dared not look just yet, but he could scarcely believe his luck. ‘No! No, thanks. I’m just a family friend. Haven’t seen her since we were kids, so I probably wouldn’t recognize her now.’

‘I don’t know about that,’ the waitress told him. ‘She’s the same mousy little thing she was then, really.’

‘What?!’ Doug couldn’t hide his surprise. ‘Didn’t you say everyone knows her?’

‘We all do! As a mousy little thing who thinks she’s Farrah Fawcett, as long as I can remember her. Pathetic, really. Ain’t nothing wrong with being a shy little bookworm, but why pretend you’re not, you know? She always had such an attitude about guys, and the way she flaunted what she didn’t even have…’

‘Wow.’ Doug was perplexed and so, recalling all she had heard to date, was Kelly.

‘Anyway, if you want to go say hello, you’ve probably got all afternoon. She always comes here to meet her latest knight in shining armor and they’re usually hours late. I don’t think they even tell her when they’ll roll into town, she just comes here so her mother won’t know. Her mom’s a real Nazi, always telling her ‘good girls don’t’ and all that baloney.’

‘Thanks,’ Doug said. ‘Maybe later.’

‘Didn’t your Aunt Doro say she was really wild?’ Kelly asked as soon as they were alone again.

‘Yeah, and so did everyone else I ever met who knew her,’ Doug said. ‘But I’ve got to admit, I don’t recall anyone ever quite saying she looked the part. Maybe I was just imagining that part.’

‘I’m just as guilty of that as you are, I guess,’ Kelly admitted. By then they had both taken a subtle, passing look at the unassuming young woman with bobbed hair in plaid pants and thick glasses, who was absentmindedly stirring a chocolate milkshake with her nose buried in a book whose cover they couldn’t make out. She couldn’t have looked less the part than Kelly had imagined, and all at once Kelly felt horribly guilty for engaging in the same sort of assuming she was always hassling Doug about. ‘Maybe it really was a blood transfusion?’

‘Now who’s being sexist?’ Doug couldn’t resist asking.

‘Both of us, I think.’

‘Yeah, me too I guess,’ Doug said. ‘Until now anyway. At least now we know where to find her.’

‘I could’ve sworn, though – ‘

‘Oh my God!’ Kelly cut him off. ‘Doug, don’t turn around!’

‘What?’ Doug remembered to act surprised and concerned.

‘It’s…Yeah, it is. It’s Aunt Doro!’

‘Oh, no, is it that day?’

‘What day?’ Kelly asked.

‘Well…’ Doug pulled out his wallet as an excuse to shift in his seat, and darted his eyes at the table in the center of the room where Kelly had been trying and failing not to look. Sure enough, there was Aunt Doro, thirty years younger than she’d been that morning and still with some dark hair mixed with the grays that she had divided into two neat plaits, dressed in green slacks and a floral top that was even more garish than Kelly’s dress. She looked just as Doug had always imagined her when caught between his mother and grandmother in one of their battles, keeping a poker face and doing her best to pretend she wasn’t there. Doug tried his best not to let his eyes stray to the other side of the table, but he couldn’t quite avoid seeing his twenty-one year old future mom just as she had always looked in the pictures he’d seen of those days. Younger, but with the same perpetually pissed-off expression that he had always known as her resting face. Last but not least, his heart caught in his throat as he saw his beloved grandmother settling herself next to his mom, trying to keep her cool.

‘Yeah, it must be that day,’ Doug said, turning back to Kelly. ‘I mean, I wasn’t there, obviously, but the way all three of them talked about it years later when I was around, it’s got to be.’

‘What day, Doug?’

‘I know it happened here, Mom even used to accuse me of always wanting to eat here only because it hurt her with the memory, and she accused Grandma of always saying yes when I asked for the same reason. You know, like we all had it in for her.’

‘Doug, what day?!’ Kelly didn’t want to spoil the agreeable rapport they had managed to sustain all trip, but she was getting annoyed now.

‘Sorry!’ Doug blinked his eyes hard. ‘I should’ve told you we might run into this, but I never imagined we’d land on the exact day.’ He took a deep breath. ‘When my mom was twenty-one – that is, now – she came home from college for the summer and announced she wasn’t going back. She’d met a guy who was going off to Alaska to work on an oil-rig and she wanted to go off with him and live off the land. I guess they spent the whole summer fighting like cats and dogs about the whole thing, how she only had one year left and if she just had to waste her education, at least finish it first, but that only made her all the more determined to do it.’

‘After growing up with two teachers for mothers?’ Kelly said.

‘Grandma and Aunt Doro always said that was probably just why she did it. Something about feeling inadequate next to them when it came to book learning. Anyway, in the end, she did do it: she ran off one night, while Grandma and Aunt Doro were spending the night elsewhere. They didn’t see her for a couple of years after that.’

‘Was the guy your father?’

Doug shook his head as his mouth was full of ice water. After he’d swallowed, he explained, ‘He didn’t come along until after Mom had gone back to college. No, this guy took her as far as somewhere in Canada – Calgary, I think – and he lost all their money in a poker game or something and asked her to get them some more money by, you know, the world’s oldest profession.’

‘Oh my God!’

‘Hey, I don’t know if it really happened that way or if that’s just what Mom wanted Grandma to think once she’d gotten back. In any case, she always said she refused to do it and she left the guy then and there. She hitched a ride back south – you didn’t need a passport in those days – and got a job as a waitress at some dive in Montana to earn bus fare home. But she ended up staying there for a while. She always said she liked the mountains and she was too embarrassed to come back.’

‘Wow,’ Kelly said. ‘But what’s that got to do with this place?’

‘Oh, shit, that reminds me!’ D
oug said. ‘Be quiet a second.’

As they both listened, Doug’s future family’s argument stood out easily above the other parties’ banter. While they couldn’t hear all the details, both Doug and Kelly could tell the argument was over his mother’s plans to drop out. ‘We didn’t raise you to be a loser, Donna!’ Aunt Doro admonished at one point in an especially stinging tone that resonated throughout the restaurant.

‘You didn’t raise me, period!’ Doug’s mother retorted. ‘You’re not my mom.’

‘She’s as much your mother as I am!’ Grandma snapped. ‘And how dare you say that in public? Act your age!’

Doug dared another look around just in time to see the waitress – the same one who had pointed out Janice Payne to him – venture gingerly up to their table. ‘Ladies, can I start you off with a beverage?’ she said in a very wary tone.

‘Oh no!’ Doug grunted under his breath, and he jumped up.

‘I’ll have a beer,’ his mother declared.

‘The hell you will, Donna,’ Grandma was saying just as Doug arrived at the waitress’ side.

‘I’m twenty-one! I’ll drink what I want!’

‘Excuse me…’ Doug began.

Aunt Doro looked up at him – Kelly was certain she saw a knowing glint in her eye as she watched the scene from the safety of their booth – but the waitress pulled Doug away before he could interfere any further. ‘Hey, look,’ she said, pushing him gently but firmly back toward their booth ‘You do not want to get in the middle of this.’

‘You don’t understand!’ Doug protested, trying in vain to step around her.

‘Oh, yes I do!’ she said. ‘Those teachers I mentioned before when you were asking about Jan? Those are them, and the girl is their daughter, or Mrs. Collison’s daughter at least. They’re lovely people but they’ve had a lot of family problems, and stuff like this happens all the time in public. They’re famous for it, I’m afraid. You do not want to get mixed up in it!’

‘But-‘ Doug began, and then saw at once that it was too late anyway. In the scuffle, he had missed seeing his mother throw her glass of ice water in her mother’s face. But he could see that it had definitely happened, for Grandma was now soaked and glaring at her daughter, who stood up and gripped at the table with both hands. Doug did not miss the moment when, as the entire restaurant looked on, Donna flipped the table over in both her mothers’ laps. As three guys from the next table jumped up to set the table right and see if Grandma and Aunt Doro were all right, Donna stormed out of the restaurant.

‘See?’ the waitress asked. ‘You did not want to get mixed up with that.’

‘If only you knew,’ Doug said, near tears as he sat back down.

‘Don’t let it upset you,’ she told him. ‘Just be glad it’s not your family!’

Doug’s dejection turned to morbid amusement, and he burst into laughter.

‘Listen,’ the waitress said, ‘Your lunch is almost ready. Let me get you a couple of milkshakes, on the house, to make up for that. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?’

‘Doug,’ Kelly said gently as they munched on their lunch a few minutes later, when the drama was over and Aunt Doro was apologizing to the staff, Grandma having taken off after Donna. ‘We didn’t really come here to save Janice Payne, did we?’

‘I figured we could try while we were here,’ Doug said.

‘But you really wanted to come here to stop your mother running off, didn’t you?’

‘I didn’t know today was the exact day that happened,’ he protested. ‘I couldn’t have known that.’

‘What does it matter that it was today?’ Kelly asked. ‘She didn’t run off from here, did she?’

‘Tonight’s the night she does,’ Doug explained. ‘I’ve heard it a hundred times from all three of them. Grandma was so upset after this blowup that she and Aunt Doro decided they just had to have a night away from Mom, so they ordered Mom to stay home for the night or else, and got a room at a B-and-B down the beach. When they got home the next day, she was gone.’

‘Did they really expect your mother to stay home just because they told her to when they weren’t there?’

‘You’re obviously not from a small town, Kelly. If she went out when they’d told her not to, it would have gotten back to them. You’ve got to remember, everyone in town knew and loved Grandma and Aunt Doro.’

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After several encounters with my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had decided that she wanted to try some really different sexual experiences. I had shared her with her husband, Tim, and we had explored both bondage and pain, and she found she loved everything we did. She had also learned to love eating cum, both mine and Tim’s and her own. But, after all that, she wanted more. She had expressed a desire to have a number of men fuck her, and to learn to eat pussy, but she was still a...

1 year ago
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ExploitedCollegeGirls Katie Carmine 06252020

Today we have 23year old redhead Katie Carmine for you and she’s making up for lost time. Katie is a late bloomer losing her virginity at 20 and having her first kiss at 18! Don’t hear that very often these days but trust me, when asked how many guys she’s fucked since she replied, “Oh it’s a lot. I don’t even know the number.” Yeah I’d say you’re making up for lost time because she revealed that number to me back at the hotel. It’s a...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 44 No Need for Worries

Tsukayama Estate Servant: It's kind of you, but he's said he doesn't want to see anyone. Kaoru: Really. Well, please give him this. (handing him a cloth-wrapped bundle) Servant: Thank you. Kaoru: We'll come again soon. Servant: Thank you very much. From myself as well. Sanosuke (as they walk away): Shutting himself up's no good. But, he was betrayed by his master, and he'll never be able to do kenjutsu again... Kaoru:... the Kamiya Kasshin school is "the sword that protects...

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EvilAngel Jesse Pony Anal Gaping A2M Blowjob

Jesse Pony is an adorable, dirty blonde baddie that loves hard buttfucking. The petite vixen looks stunning in pink fetish-style boots, teasing and stripping to initiate a crude anal encounter. Jesse lewdly spreads her cheeky crack for the camera, welcoming bald stud Zac Wild with an open asshole. Zac hungrily rims her butthole as she whimpers in ecstasy. Nasty Jesse returns the oral favor with a messy, throat-gurgling blowjob. Spirited cocksucking leads to an intense cunt fuck. Jesse shouts as...

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Whoops Wrong Number

I frowned at the dressing room mirror. The skirt I was trying on was cute, but I couldn’t tell if it was too short or just short enough. I snapped several photos to send to my friend for her opinion. Unfortunately, I wasn’t really paying attention and accidentally sent them to the last person I was texting, a cute guy I’d met at the gym yesterday.Shit! I frantically sent him another message:“omg wrong number sorry!!!”I tried to suppress a groan of frustration. I liked this guy. He was tall,...

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“Thud!” His side exploded in pain that radiated to the back. His body curled up instinctively and tried to move away from whatever caused the pain. Whoever it was did not care and he felt every twig, pebble, clump of dirt as he was dragged over them on the ground. “What do you want?” He was trying to think, who had he pissed off so much? What was going on. He tried to stay small and protect his organs, he had been in a street fight or two and sometimes the key was just to survive to fight...

2 years ago
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Melissa There are moments, in an otherwise unhappy life, when it all seems to go right. Perhaps the stars and planets align just so, or fate’s roll comes up a double six, or it’s just plain dumb luck, but it seems that at certain moments the world just arranges itself so that, for once, I win. The day I met Melissa was a day like that. She was absolutely stunning, she was absolutely fascinating, and best of all she was absolutely interested in me. That last is rare indeed for me, but the...

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My neighbour aunty

Hi horny site viewers.This is sanjay from hyderabad,29yrs.I like sex stories very much.But I think most of those stories are not true.But this is a true incident in my life and it is a sweet memory.I was deeply attracted by sex when is was studying in degree std.I always fantasy about my neibourhood aunty.Her name is visali.She lives in the ground floor.My family is in 2nd floor.we are living in this flat for more than 10 years.She is a close friend of my mom,since they both are housewifes.They...

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Father and son and friend

Jo lived with his father and his fathers boyfriend. He knew his dad left his mom because he preferred men. He thought his dad was handsome and the boyfriend very sexy. Many times the two men were in the home naked and Jo loved to see their cocks. Both had nice cocks, long and thick.Jo was f******n when his dad pulled his pants down and played with his cock. He stroked his cock and lifted it and rubbed his balls. Jo got hard fast and then the dad kissed Jo on his cock. His dad told him "You have...

3 years ago
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The House of Many Bodies Part 2

Introduction: This is the second part… please leave comments on what you want to hear PART TWO I loved the way my body felt in bed. I loved the way my chest felt heavy, falling to my sides. Not being about to sleep on my chest was a bit annoying, but I felt sexier than I ever had. I had passed out pretty fast when I got back home, but was now fully awake. I checked my phone and it was only 10. I had slept for maybe three hours, but I felt alive. I wanted more. With this new body I wanted more...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Scarlett Sage What8217s Their Secret

Scarlett Sage, the owner of a massage parlor, is having a conversation with one of her employees, Delilah Day. They are interrupted when a man, Charles Dera, comes in and tries to book a massage. Scarlett and Delilah both seem to recognize him. Delilah is about to deny Charles but is quickly intercepted by Scarlett, who books the massage for Charles. She points him towards a private room, assuring him that she’ll be with him shortly. Once Charles is out of sight, Delilah asks Scarlett...

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It’s nature that every individual whether male, female or Transgender is curious and wouldn’t let a chance to act on their curiosity pass by and what exactly do I mean? Whether you are attracted to a certain person or not, you wouldn’t pass the opportunity to view their nudes or watch them go rogue in a sex clip, right? Or better still you wouldn’t think twice to view an uncovered story about some shitty stuff that went down somewhere, right?Well, I bet these were the exact thoughts the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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sex with coworker

this story is 100% true. the names have changed to protect the guilty.... lolI had been divorced for about a six months and living on my own with a few sex partners but that's another story. Michele was my co-worker and at first I did not get along with her. I was working for a non-profit agency in a large metropolitan area on the east coast. Michele had transferred to our office from another office of the same agency. She was promoted as the office manager. She was not my boss but we had...

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Nadiarsquos desire

The two people sat on the sofa and a person could see that Nadia was clearly fed up with her husband, Donny. "I wanta know something and I want a 'real' answer this time," Nadia said with a slur in her voice, wishing that she hadn't had three back teeth pulled last week. Donny was sick and tired of her constant bitching and complaining, he looked at her and replied. "Should I even ask?" he said and Donny wished that he'd never come home from work early. "What's wrong with me?" she asked and...

4 years ago
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Courthouse Liaisons

He noticed her immediately as he entered the Court. Her deep, blue eyes fixed upon him, he smiled friendlily and walked to the “Accused Bench”. He could feel her eyes on him as he faced the Magistrate. She could only but wonder why this kind, soft looking gentleman was in trouble with the Law? The Magistrate continued with her business in a rude fashion, yet he addressed the Court in a professional, polite way. She realized that he was definitely not the average criminal. He was embarrassed...

1 year ago
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My boyfriend made the switch

My boyfriend made the switch By Terry Hansay My boyfriend was perfect for my college thesis final. He already enjoyed wearing panties 24/7 and nightgowns every night. I think he secretly wants to be a woman, but he never admitted that. So here are the people in my story... Me, Cathy, the girlfriend doing my college thesis My boyfriend of several years - Terry Sue, my lesbian "friend". Sue lives across the hall in our apartment complex. My thesis... Hi, my name is Cathy...

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Dramatic Role Part 4

A few people have commented about the age I was when something very similar to this actually took place. I would just like to say that while I didn't want to offend anyone with this story I do live in Europe, where the age of consent varies greatly from one European country to another. For example, in Italy the age of consent for both sexes is still 14 and Germany the age for boys is 14 and girls 16. I was not in England at the time and while the responsibility, care and morals of the...

2 years ago
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Stranger Things Have Happened

“Oh God!” she screamed as he pounded her pussy from behind. Sure she’s had doggy sex before, but never like this. Maybe it’s that he’s a stranger; maybe it’s that they’re in a very public place and anybody could find them at any time. She never knew it could be like this, this good. Now that she knows what she‘s missing she doesn’t know if she could ever go back. Go back to missionary with her boring husband. The thought alone simply repulsed her so she focused on the wonderful feelings this...

3 years ago
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Fucking a girl in hallway

This is the story about my first high school sex.I met this girl in school she kept staring at me.So i went in a quiet hallway and asked why she kept staring at me for.She said that she like me.The next day we go to class together and i whisper something in her ear and she noded.I put my fingers in her pants and in her pussy and she started moanining,then i went deeper and fater she was tight and she was tight liped.the next day i talked to her in the hallway i groped her titties and smack the...

4 years ago
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Dterminisme naturel1

D?terminisme naturel Marc fron?ait les sourcils devant son exercice d'?conomie, mortifi? de ne rien y comprendre.Alarm? parce que tout le monde dans la salle ?crivait rapidement, il ?tait apparemment le seul qui s?chait, encore une fois le seul... Il sentait la prochaine banane venir, enterrant ses derniers espoirs d'obtenir sa ma?trise d'AES. Apr?s avoir redoubl? sa premi?re ann?e, puis sa seconde ann?e, et puis naturellement sa licence pour faire le grand chelem de l'?chec, c'?tait sans aucun doute logique que la m...

3 years ago
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Speeding Ch 02

‘Baby, do I need to pick anything up on the way home?’ Reid was getting used to making this call. He could hear her rustling around the kitchen before she answered, ‘We could use cereal, Bisquick and eggs.’ After they hung up, she laughed at herself. She couldn’t believe how happy she was living with Reid. Sure, she hadn’t spoken to her brother in more than two months, but otherwise things were good. She’d fallen into a good groove with Taylor, allowing her friend more time in the shop while...

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A Little Bit of a Change Part 2

This is a sequel to "A Little Bit of a Change" You may want to read that story first in order to understand the nature of Dave's changes. Chapter 6 I could hear Kari's voice in the distance. It was soft and loving and calling gently to me. "That's my baby. That's a good, good baby." It was like I was in a fog; I couldn't quite make things out. "Shhh, just be good, now." I couldn't understand what was going on, though. I was trying and trying and trying to focus. I wasn't...

1 year ago
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Life Gets A New Blast Payal I Love You

This story is real and took place around one month back. Let me tell you about myself. I am Subh. I am no call boy stuff. I am a simple average looking plump Marwari boy, coming from a well to do family, of Kolkata. This was my first sex experience and was unexpected but gave me the feeling of ecstasy. I am in third year of my graduation and am a rank holder in academics. I have rarely given time in my life for sex as was always busy with books. College changed my life. Friends, Hookah, Drinks...

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Yes Sir

I’ve been meaning to write this story for some time. It could have easily happened had I taken the initiative but instead, I chickened out. It remains a favorite fantasy of ‘what if’ though. I hope you enjoy. Saturday evening and I’m sitting in the living room of my small mobile home. Nothing to do but cruise the porn sites on-line. The usual buttons are being pushed on my libido and I find myself looking at the strap-on dommes sites, the f***ed crossdressing, f***ed bi, shemales, fucking,...

2 years ago
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MOTHER AND THE FRENCH MAIDThe Royalmount Hotel was conveniently situated in the centre of a middle-size city in California. It was a touristy area, but it was late in the season and the tourists had been replaced by university professors from all over the US pretending to exchange priceless information concerning the expansion and security of wineries in danger of more punishing bush fires.In fact, these specialists were there for good food, good wine and a good time, and some serious sex....

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boarding schools are best

The Meeting (Part 1)The interview was with the Beardsley School for Girls, a school in Hampshire. Beardsley was similar to his last school, a place for girls from wealthy, prominent noble or rich families that did not have the credentials to get into the elite schools that their parents expected from them. Most of the girls' problems were social, not necessarily academic, the ones who, it seemed, rebelled against their parents. In order to maintain its accreditation, the school had to take in a...

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Sardar Meri Weakness Hogayi Part 8211 2

Iss ki safi readers ko kumari ki tharap se namaskar.Meri peechle likhi story ko aap loko se khoob prerana mili isliye fir likhne ki mood aagayi.Bahuth lok ko doubt hai ye sab real hai ya nahi.Bilkul real hai ye sab kahaniya.Meri hindi uthani achi nahi hai.Ase fi kuch lok bole.Mem kerala se hum.Isliye hindi me kamjor hai.So aap lok se kshama mangthi hum.Jara sahan karlena.Iski pahali part nahi pade wo padne ke bad hi yeh part pade ye meri request hai.Ab chalthe kahani par. Usi dhin beech se...

1 year ago
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Accidental Drunk Sex With Hot Cousin 8211 Pt 3

Hey everyone, it’s me John back with the final part of the incest story with my hottest cousin. If you haven’t read the other two parts go read it before you read this. Let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m 21 years old, having a 6-inch thick dick. I’m a Mallu. Coming to my cousin sister, her name is Audrey. She’s 20 years old studying in Canada. She’s my sexiest and hottest cousin, with a fair complexion. She has medium thick pink lips, good boobs, and ass and a sexy S curve....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 120 First Mass Lunch

Monday, April 25, 2005 I woke after the usual four and a bit hours. I didn't have to turn on any of the room lights to get out of bed, as a dim yellow blob did the job perfectly. I climbed over Carol and went to do some studying via the kitchen. The hallway's main lights were off now. Instead there were those small lights that plug into an outlet to provide a little illumination at floor level. That was useful, as I didn't want to use light blobs walking around the house. The risk...

4 years ago
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A Kitty Comes to Visit

I was nervous like hell. We had chatted endlessly about it, and what I had felt when she had proposed a visit at my place had been astonishment at her trust in me and growing excitement. I had pictured the moment and planned all kinds of things to entertain her, but now that the time of her arrival came closer, I found myself running a trench into the carpet and sweating my hands off. My nervousness, you see, wasn’t about her, it was all about me and about the questions if I could match with...

1 year ago
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Is There a Nurse in the House

One day when I was 29, I saw an S&M add in the classifieds. The add was from a woman who said she had several outfits she dressed up in. The one that hooked me was a nurse uniform. I called the number. I spoke with the woman and I explained that I was interested in her nurse outfit. I also told her that I wasn't really into S&M. She said she could do an "S&M light" sort of thing. She explained that there would be no sex/intercourse involved. Then she said she had to tell me one more thing, she...

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MotherInLaw Query

I’m 66 years of age and last week my 46 year old son-in-law stopped in to see me. Till today I still do not know if what he did was rape or consensual sex. When my son-in-law came in I had just lay down on my bed for a nap. He came into my bedroom and said hello and then sat next to me and gave me a kiss. We normally kiss each other, but this kiss was different. I wasn’t in a son-in-law way, but then it wasn’t totally sexual. As he began talking to me he began to rub my feet, something he does...

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I am a regular reader of ISS.I felt wonder and unbelievable when i read some stories of the encounters of family members but after this incident i am realized that there is possibility of this kind of sex. If i have to tell you about my brother and his wife both r working. They live in the street where my home is located. But they live separately. As my brother is so busy at his work he is unable to take care of her properly. Even they don’t have children. As I am the younger brother to my...

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Sharons Journey Part 9 Con te Partiro

Sharon's Journey Part IX - Con Te Partiro As Sharon sat in Julie's kitchen, gazing out the window, her attention was not on the park below but on the sky, a panorama of bright blue mostly shunted into the background by huge patches of thick clouds, the sides facing the sun fluffy and white while the mass away from it a brooding dark grey. Though November was not quite a week old, New York's November sky was apparent, bringing with it a brisk wind. "Wishing on a star?" Julie asked...

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Alle Protagonisten 18+ Bitte an die Chyoa-Regeln halten! An dieser fiktiven Fortsetzungsgeschichte kann jeder der möchte mitschreiben. Zu beachten wäre, dass es in dieser Geschichte um eine verheiratete, nymphoman veranlagte Frau gehen soll, über ihre Abenteuer, Sehnsüchte, oder Träumereien. Die Parts sollten im Tagebuchstil ( aus ihrem Blickwinkel heraus) geschrieben werden. Und vielleicht oben drüber noch eine kleine Anmerkung schreiben, um wen sich ihre Gedanken gerade drehen) - Wer lieber...

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SpiralsChapter 33

Missy had been a popular girl before her birthday, but by Monday, the news about her inheritance was out. Everyone seemed to be vying for her time and attention. As the effective owner of the most critical business in Ridgemont, Missy now had power to go along with her money. As someone they went to school with, Missy was also far more accessible and much less intimidating than some impersonal HR form, and everyone was trying to gain access and make that approach, looking for an in with the...

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Seducing Sophie

Who is that girl? Kirsty thought as she looked across thecollege bar she regularly frequented, sipping her bacardi and coke. Intrigued she stared long and hard as the pretty brunette strutted towards the dance floor, her short, purple dress hugging her petite frame perfectly. Now Kirsty knew she wasn’t doing too badly in the looks department herself. She liked to keep in shape and the C-cup breasts that capped off her well sculpted figure meant the eighteen year old student was never short of...

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