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Chapter one ? The Brothel

Chapter one ? The Brothel???????????????????


Pete?s view


I looked around the room and couldn?t believe where I was.?? It was not the sort of place I would normally visit; in fact I had never seen the inside of a brothel before.? I had always imagined that there would be a line up of underdressed girls with too much makeup on but this place was like a luxury motel.? I was on a night out with the boys and after a more than a few drinks at the club my friend had decided he wanted to see what really went on in side a brothel.? He was upstairs right now with my brother but I had held back, happy just to observe things for a while.


I had been looking around the place and had just stepped into what seemed to be another waiting room when my attention was caught by the sight of a pretty young girl coming into the room with a man dressed in very expensive suit.? She had long blonde hair and was dressed in a tight but not overly revealing dress. She didn?t look too happy and I was starting to wonder why, when he pulled her aside.? They had not noticed me and as I was the only one in the room, they acted as if they were alone.? I could not hear everything they were saying, but by the body language, he was angry with her about something. She had started to cry but her tears did not move him and I almost gasped as he pulled her hair back sharply.


I was trying to decide if I should do something to help her when a noise outside made the man go and see what was happening. Before he left, I had seen him whisper something in her ear, his hand gripping her chin firmly in his hand. The girl had tears running down her face. She still had not seen me and I was starting to feel as if I was intruding on a private moment.? I was trying not to move when she suddenly looked up and saw me.? In her eyes I could at first see sadness but then it changed to what seemed to be fear. Looking around her, I wondered if she was in some kind of trouble.


?Hey, are you OK? Is there anything I can help you with??? She did not answer me, so I tried again. ?My name is Pete, what is yours.?? She still did not answer, just continued to look in the direction the man had gone in. I could hear talking outside the room, so knew he was still occupied.? ?Come on, something is wrong. I know you don?t know me, but I am a good listener.?? Giving me a sigh, I thought she was going to tell me her worries, so what she said totally surprised me.


?Go away, he will be back soon and he won?t like you talking to me.?? This just made me want to find out more, despite her warning. ?Why, he doesn?t own you? Surely you can decide who you talk to.?? She went pale and I began to think that there was a lot more to her story.? ?Pete, you have no idea what is going on. Now just go away before you get me into trouble.?? This time she almost hissed her reply to me and actually pushed me away.?


About to protest, I realised that the voices outside had stopped and that there were footsteps heading back this way.? One look at her face told me she needed me to be gone, but I could not go out the door without being seen, so I looked around for somewhere to hide. I had just ducked down behind the couch when the man entered the room again. This time they were closer and I could hear every word they said.


?Julie, get over here now!? You have a client waiting for you upstairs and I don?t want to hear any complaints this time or you will feel the kiss of my whip. Come on, we don?t want to keep him waiting.?? I couldn?t believe what I was hearing and had to clench my fists to stop myself from running out and saving her from him.? When I heard them leave, I stood up slowly, slightly dazed by what I had just heard.? Had he really threatened to whip her?? I just I had to find out more about what was going on between the two, but how?? All I had was her name, but maybe I could find out who the guy in the suit was. Going out of the room, I made my way up to the reception area and waited to see if he would come back down soon. I had no idea what I would do, but I just felt moved to try something.


Julie?s view

The client was one I had been with before, so I knew it would be a hard session.? It had been over year now since I had run away from home and my life had become a nightmare.? I had been almost eighteen and I thought my parents were still treating me like a child. The things I had run from, bossy parents and not being allowed out on weeknights, now seemed like my idea of heaven. To be able to see my parents and just spend a normal night at home would be so nice. Instead Sean now controlled my life and I had learnt not to upset him.?


The clients name I didn?t know but he made me call him Sir.? The last time I had been with him I had forgotten this and he had really made me suffer, so I was determined not to make that mistake again. Sean?s grip on my elbow was firm and he almost pushed me into the room. I had to regain my balance as I tripped slightly and looked up to see Sir smiling at me.? It was not a nice smile but one that sent shivers down my spine.? He shook Sean?s hand and then grabbed my nipples through my shirt and pulled me over to the middle of the room.? I didn?t make a sound, although in my head I was screaming.? He liked to hear me scream and I didn?t want to give him the pleasure so early on, knowing he would get plenty out of me later.


I heard the door closing and knew Sean had gone, leaving me alone with this man I had grown to fear and detest.? The first thing he did once he had let go of my nipples was to tell me to undress.? While I was undressing he went over to CD player and placed a CD into the machine.? I already knew before the music started playing what I would hear, as he used the same CD every time.? I was not sure of the name of the band but it some kind of heavy metal band and it just made what he did to me seem even worse.


As soon as the first note began, I felt myself start to shake, my fear overtaking my senses. He was still smiling at me, knowing that I was anticipating what would happen.? Moving closer to me, I fought the urge to back away and waited for his first move. It did not take long, his fingers twisting in my hair as he pulled me to him.? Spinning me around, he pulled my elbows together, my shoulder crying out in silent protest.? He then tied my wrists together and reached around to grab my breasts from behind me.


?Ah Julie, I have been thinking of you since our last time together.? Have you been thinking of me??? As he spoke he moved to pinch my nipples, his grip causing me to squirm in his grasp. ?I?m not letting go until you scream for me Julie.?? I knew he would be true to his word and as he twisted them even more, I just had to scream.? His laughter mixed in with my screams and the roaring of the voice on the CD.? I knew that no one could hear us, as all the rooms were sound proof, but I still felt like the whole city must be able to hear us.? He let go and before I even had a chance to catch my breath, a ball gag was pushed into my mouth. Opening my mouth wider to allow it to go in, I almost gagged as he pulled the straps tight around my face.?


One the things that Sir liked was to have me struggle and I knew today would be no different. I hated this more than anything else he would do to me, as I usually ended up bruised all over.? He pushed me away and I knew that meant the chase was on.? I took a deep breath and forced myself to twist as if I was trying to get my hands free. Behind me I heard him laugh and then suddenly I was tackled and landed under him on the floor. He gripped my hair and forced my head up at the same time as he found my nipple with his fingers. ?Go on bitch, try to fight me, you know you can?t get away.?? He got off me and pulled me up, my hair feeling like it would come out, and again pushed me away from him.


I tried to run for the door, another move he liked me to try and felt his body slam into me as he pushed me into the door. I tried to regain my breath as I felt him pull me back down to the ground. He used his feet to pull my legs out wide, the muscles in my legs burning. He spent the next few minutes squeezing and pinching my breasts as he rubbed his cock against my lower back.? Of course, I had to pretend to fight him by twisting in his arms. The drool from my gag was running down my chin and I stiffened when a strand of it hit his hand.? Pushing me down, so that my head was close to the ground, he began to grind my face into the carpet.


I was finding it hard to breath as he pushed my nose into the carpet and I felt the need to sneeze as the fibres started to go up my nose. Pulling me back up, I fought to breathe through my now blocked nose, my sneeze at least clearing my nose, though Sir did not seem to appreciate it very much. As he wiped his hand, I expected him to push me down again but instead he pulled some clamps out of his pocket and attached them to my nipples. They were the kind that got tighter as you pulled on them and I had to gasp as he pulled out the chain that linked them together. He pulled me up to my feet again and lent down to whisper into my ear.


?Now my girl, I believe I promised you something last time, do you remember what it was?? I froze, my hope he had forgotten gone.? ?Sir, you said you would try your new cane on me.?? That is what I tried to say but what he heard was anyone?s guess.? He must have understand me enough though, as he picked up a cane from somewhere in the room.? I hated canes anyway but in his hands I knew it would be nothing but torture.? The song on the CD changed and now there was someone yelling about something, the lyrics lost in the screaming of the singer.?


Sir walked around me, hitting his hand lightly with the cane, his intent to scare me working.? Suddenly he pushed me to my knees and used the cane to hit my bottom, not too hard but enough to force me to crawl around the room. I was stopped when I reached the big brass iron bed that stood on one side of the room.? Sir came around and lifted me up by my tied arms and lay me face down on the bed. I moaned as my clamped nipples were pushed onto the bed and m heart was beating faster as I sensed he was getting closer to using the cane for real. ?I was moved on the bed until I was lying in the middle and then he tied my legs off to each side.?


I should have been used to having my body exposed by now, but each time still felt like the first time, my shame still overwhelming. Sir seemed to know how I felt as he leant down and whispered in my ear. ?Ah, this is what I like to see, my beautiful girl all ready for me? He pushed what felt like his hand but was only two fingers into me.? I was not wet, my fear keeping me dry.? He continued to work his thick fingers into me, my moans sounding loud in the room.? I could feel my natural lubrication starting to flow and was grateful. I used to think that I was a slut each time my body would react to something like this, but I had learnt that it was just my body?s way of helping to ease the pain.?


He pulled out his fingers with a loud squelch and wiped them on my back. ?What a little slut you are.? Fancy getting wet while tied up and being fingered.? I think that kind of behaviour deserves to be punished, don?t you??? I nodded my head, knowing that he would punish me anyway.? My arms were lifted up off my back and the rope tied to a pulley that was up on the wall above the head of the bed.? As he kept pulling, the pain in my shoulders doubled and I started to moan.? He kept on pulling and just as I was sure my shoulders would pop out, he finally stopped.


The CD changed to the next song just as I felt the first strike of the cane on my bottom. Unlike before, this was not a gentle hit but one that took my breath away. He did not give me any time to recover as he brought the cane down again and again.? My bottom and back were starting to feel like they were on fire and my screams would have deafened him if it had not been for the gag. As it was, my muffled screams still filled the room as the pain rocked through my body. I was vaguely aware of him moving around me but it was not until the sole of my foot exploded in pain, that I realised where he had gone.? He gave the other foot a whack as well, my tears now covering my face.? The music continued to blare, my pain seeming to be one with the singer?s screams.


?Well, my beautiful Julie, you seem to have coloured up rather nicely and I think now it is time you thanked me, don?t you?? Again I just nodded, knowing what he meant.? ?If I remember last time, you still needed some practice with your deep throat technique.? Do you think you can do any better this time??? I nodded but it seemed that this time he wanted more, as he pulled my head up off the bed.? ?Answer me, girl, or you will be sorry.?? ?Yes sir, I can do better.? Again my answer came out all muffled, but he let go and started to unbuckle his belt.? Despite all the blowjobs I had been made to give, the act still embarrassed me and I still could not manage to control my gagging. I suppose it didn?t help that I was never just left to go at my own pace.


The removal of the gag meant that I had a moment to take a deep breath before he pushed his cock into my mouth.? It was a fairly large cock, not as big as Sean?s but still big enough to cause some pain as it worked its way down into my throat. Gagging as he pushed further down, I could feel the strain on my shoulders as he lifted my chin up.? To add to my woes, he then gripped the sides of my face and began to pump his cock into me.? I was barely able to breath as he blocked off my air each time his cock went into my mouth. My body rocked as he worked his cock in and out of me at an ever-increasing pace.??


There was a knock at the door and then footsteps, as Sean entered the room. He always came back to get me before the session had ended, claiming he was checking everything was OK.? I thought it was more likely that he wanted to see what torment I was being put through.? Sir?s cock began to cum in my throat, my air being blocked as he held it in the one place.? I could feel my chest beginning to burn as his cum pumped into me.? In the background the heavy metal music thumped, by head pounding at both its noise and the lack of air.? My vision started to blur and I was sure it would not be long before I would pass out, until Sir pulled out his cock.



My head hit the bed as he let go and I just lay there, aware of the men looking at the marks left by the cane.? I jerked as my back was touched and then I felt my hair being pulled up again to see Sean?s face. ?Are you having fun baby?? What a shame your time here is almost up. Oh well, there is always next time.?? As hard as I was trying to become, he always knew how to make me cry.? He dropped my head again and then I felt the pressure on my shoulders being lessened as my arms were lowered back down.? It was only a few moments later when I was pulled back up to my feet, my back protesting each move I had to make.? Sir still had my arms tied, so they were rubbing on my now sore back.? I am sure that if his time were not nearly up, Sir would have made me stay this way.? However, he had to untie me and the relief was great as he undid first my elbows and then my wrists.?


The only decent thing about my sessions was that I was allowed to have a shower, especially if I had another client who had booked time with me.? Today was no exception and once I had been made to thank Sir for spending time with me, I was allowed to take my shower.???



Chapter one ? The Brothel???????????????????


Pete?s view


I looked around the room and couldn?t believe where I was.?? It was not the sort of place I would normally visit; in fact I had never seen the inside of a brothel before.? I had always imagined that there would be a line up of underdressed girls with too much makeup on but this place was like a luxury motel.? I was on a night out with the boys and after a more than a few drinks at the club my friend had decided he wanted to see what really went on in side a brothel.? He was upstairs right now with my brother but I had held back, happy just to observe things for a while.


I had been looking around the place and had just stepped into what seemed to be another waiting room when my attention was caught by the sight of a pretty young girl coming into the room with a man dressed in very expensive suit.? She had long blonde hair and was dressed in a tight but not overly revealing dress. She didn?t look too happy and I was starting to wonder why, when he pulled her aside.? They had not noticed me and as I was the only one in the room, they acted as if they were alone.? I could not hear everything they were saying, but by the body language, he was angry with her about something. She had started to cry but her tears did not move him and I almost gasped as he pulled her hair back sharply.


I was trying to decide if I should do something to help her when a noise outside made the man go and see what was happening. Before he left, I had seen him whisper something in her ear, his hand gripping her chin firmly in his hand. The girl had tears running down her face. She still had not seen me and I was starting to feel as if I was intruding on a private moment.? I was trying not to move when she suddenly looked up and saw me.? In her eyes I could at first see sadness but then it changed to what seemed to be fear. Looking around her, I wondered if she was in some kind of trouble.


?Hey, are you OK? Is there anything I can help you with??? She did not answer me, so I tried again. ?My name is Pete, what is yours.?? She still did not answer, just continued to look in the direction the man had gone in. I could hear talking outside the room, so knew he was still occupied.? ?Come on, something is wrong. I know you don?t know me, but I am a good listener.?? Giving me a sigh, I thought she was going to tell me her worries, so what she said totally surprised me.


?Go away, he will be back soon and he won?t like you talking to me.?? This just made me want to find out more, despite her warning. ?Why, he doesn?t own you? Surely you can decide who you talk to.?? She went pale and I began to think that there was a lot more to her story.? ?Pete, you have no idea what is going on. Now just go away before you get me into trouble.?? This time she almost hissed her reply to me and actually pushed me away.?


About to protest, I realised that the voices outside had stopped and that there were footsteps heading back this way.? One look at her face told me she needed me to be gone, but I could not go out the door without being seen, so I looked around for somewhere to hide. I had just ducked down behind the couch when the man entered the room again. This time they were closer and I could hear every word they said.


?Julie, get over here now!? You have a client waiting for you upstairs and I don?t want to hear any complaints this time or you will feel the kiss of my whip. Come on, we don?t want to keep him waiting.?? I couldn?t believe what I was hearing and had to clench my fists to stop myself from running out and saving her from him.? When I heard them leave, I stood up slowly, slightly dazed by what I had just heard.? Had he really threatened to whip her?? I just I had to find out more about what was going on between the two, but how?? All I had was her name, but maybe I could find out who the guy in the suit was. Going out of the room, I made my way up to the reception area and waited to see if he would come back down soon. I had no idea what I would do, but I just felt moved to try something.


Julie?s view

The client was one I had been with before, so I knew it would be a hard session.? It had been over year now since I had run away from home and my life had become a nightmare.? I had been almost eighteen and I thought my parents were still treating me like a child. The things I had run from, bossy parents and not being allowed out on weeknights, now seemed like my idea of heaven. To be able to see my parents and just spend a normal night at home would be so nice. Instead Sean now controlled my life and I had learnt not to upset him.?


The clients name I didn?t know but he made me call him Sir.? The last time I had been with him I had forgotten this and he had really made me suffer, so I was determined not to make that mistake again. Sean?s grip on my elbow was firm and he almost pushed me into the room. I had to regain my balance as I tripped slightly and looked up to see Sir smiling at me.? It was not a nice smile but one that sent shivers down my spine.? He shook Sean?s hand and then grabbed my nipples through my shirt and pulled me over to the middle of the room.? I didn?t make a sound, although in my head I was screaming.? He liked to hear me scream and I didn?t want to give him the pleasure so early on, knowing he would get plenty out of me later.


I heard the door closing and knew Sean had gone, leaving me alone with this man I had grown to fear and detest.? The first thing he did once he had let go of my nipples was to tell me to undress.? While I was undressing he went over to CD player and placed a CD into the machine.? I already knew before the music started playing what I would hear, as he used the same CD every time.? I was not sure of the name of the band but it some kind of heavy metal band and it just made what he did to me seem even worse.


As soon as the first note began, I felt myself start to shake, my fear overtaking my senses. He was still smiling at me, knowing that I was anticipating what would happen.? Moving closer to me, I fought the urge to back away and waited for his first move. It did not take long, his fingers twisting in my hair as he pulled me to him.? Spinning me around, he pulled my elbows together, my shoulder crying out in silent protest.? He then tied my wrists together and reached around to grab my breasts from behind me.


?Ah Julie, I have been thinking of you since our last time together.? Have you been thinking of me??? As he spoke he moved to pinch my nipples, his grip causing me to squirm in his grasp. ?I?m not letting go until you scream for me Julie.?? I knew he would be true to his word and as he twisted them even more, I just had to scream.? His laughter mixed in with my screams and the roaring of the voice on the CD.? I knew that no one could hear us, as all the rooms were sound proof, but I still felt like the whole city must be able to hear us.? He let go and before I even had a chance to catch my breath, a ball gag was pushed into my mouth. Opening my mouth wider to allow it to go in, I almost gagged as he pulled the straps tight around my face.?


One the things that Sir liked was to have me struggle and I knew today would be no different. I hated this more than anything else he would do to me, as I usually ended up bruised all over.? He pushed me away and I knew that meant the chase was on.? I took a deep breath and forced myself to twist as if I was trying to get my hands free. Behind me I heard him laugh and then suddenly I was tackled and landed under him on the floor. He gripped my hair and forced my head up at the same time as he found my nipple with his fingers. ?Go on bitch, try to fight me, you know you can?t get away.?? He got off me and pulled me up, my hair feeling like it would come out, and again pushed me away from him.


I tried to run for the door, another move he liked me to try and felt his body slam into me as he pushed me into the door. I tried to regain my breath as I felt him pull me back down to the ground. He used his feet to pull my legs out wide, the muscles in my legs burning. He spent the next few minutes squeezing and pinching my breasts as he rubbed his cock against my lower back.? Of course, I had to pretend to fight him by twisting in his arms. The drool from my gag was running down my chin and I stiffened when a strand of it hit his hand.? Pushing me down, so that my head was close to the ground, he began to grind my face into the carpet.


I was finding it hard to breath as he pushed my nose into the carpet and I felt the need to sneeze as the fibres started to go up my nose. Pulling me back up, I fought to breathe through my now blocked nose, my sneeze at least clearing my nose, though Sir did not seem to appreciate it very much. As he wiped his hand, I expected him to push me down again but instead he pulled some clamps out of his pocket and attached them to my nipples. They were the kind that got tighter as you pulled on them and I had to gasp as he pulled out the chain that linked them together. He pulled me up to my feet again and lent down to whisper into my ear.


?Now my girl, I believe I promised you something last time, do you remember what it was?? I froze, my hope he had forgotten gone.? ?Sir, you said you would try your new cane on me.?? That is what I tried to say but what he heard was anyone?s guess.? He must have understand me enough though, as he picked up a cane from somewhere in the room.? I hated canes anyway but in his hands I knew it would be nothing but torture.? The song on the CD changed and now there was someone yelling about something, the lyrics lost in the screaming of the singer.?


Sir walked around me, hitting his hand lightly with the cane, his intent to scare me working.? Suddenly he pushed me to my knees and used the cane to hit my bottom, not too hard but enough to force me to crawl around the room. I was stopped when I reached the big brass iron bed that stood on one side of the room.? Sir came around and lifted me up by my tied arms and lay me face down on the bed. I moaned as my clamped nipples were pushed onto the bed and m heart was beating faster as I sensed he was getting closer to using the cane for real. ?I was moved on the bed until I was lying in the middle and then he tied my legs off to each side.?


I should have been used to having my body exposed by now, but each time still felt like the first time, my shame still overwhelming. Sir seemed to know how I felt as he leant down and whispered in my ear. ?Ah, this is what I like to see, my beautiful girl all ready for me? He pushed what felt like his hand but was only two fingers into me.? I was not wet, my fear keeping me dry.? He continued to work his thick fingers into me, my moans sounding loud in the room.? I could feel my natural lubrication starting to flow and was grateful. I used to think that I was a slut each time my body would react to something like this, but I had learnt that it was just my body?s way of helping to ease the pain.?


He pulled out his fingers with a loud squelch and wiped them on my back. ?What a little slut you are.? Fancy getting wet while tied up and being fingered.? I think that kind of behaviour deserves to be punished, don?t you??? I nodded my head, knowing that he would punish me anyway.? My arms were lifted up off my back and the rope tied to a pulley that was up on the wall above the head of the bed.? As he kept pulling, the pain in my shoulders doubled and I started to moan.? He kept on pulling and just as I was sure my shoulders would pop out, he finally stopped.


The CD changed to the next song just as I felt the first strike of the cane on my bottom. Unlike before, this was not a gentle hit but one that took my breath away. He did not give me any time to recover as he brought the cane down again and again.? My bottom and back were starting to feel like they were on fire and my screams would have deafened him if it had not been for the gag. As it was, my muffled screams still filled the room as the pain rocked through my body. I was vaguely aware of him moving around me but it was not until the sole of my foot exploded in pain, that I realised where he had gone.? He gave the other foot a whack as well, my tears now covering my face.? The music continued to blare, my pain seeming to be one with the singer?s screams.


?Well, my beautiful Julie, you seem to have coloured up rather nicely and I think now it is time you thanked me, don?t you?? Again I just nodded, knowing what he meant.? ?If I remember last time, you still needed some practice with your deep throat technique.? Do you think you can do any better this time??? I nodded but it seemed that this time he wanted more, as he pulled my head up off the bed.? ?Answer me, girl, or you will be sorry.?? ?Yes sir, I can do better.? Again my answer came out all muffled, but he let go and started to unbuckle his belt.? Despite all the blowjobs I had been made to give, the act still embarrassed me and I still could not manage to control my gagging. I suppose it didn?t help that I was never just left to go at my own pace.


The removal of the gag meant that I had a moment to take a deep breath before he pushed his cock into my mouth.? It was a fairly large cock, not as big as Sean?s but still big enough to cause some pain as it worked its way down into my throat. Gagging as he pushed further down, I could feel the strain on my shoulders as he lifted my chin up.? To add to my woes, he then gripped the sides of my face and began to pump his cock into me.? I was barely able to breath as he blocked off my air each time his cock went into my mouth. My body rocked as he worked his cock in and out of me at an ever-increasing pace.??


There was a knock at the door and then footsteps, as Sean entered the room. He always came back to get me before the session had ended, claiming he was checking everything was OK.? I thought it was more likely that he wanted to see what torment I was being put through.? Sir?s cock began to cum in my throat, my air being blocked as he held it in the one place.? I could feel my chest beginning to burn as his cum pumped into me.? In the background the heavy metal music thumped, by head pounding at both its noise and the lack of air.? My vision started to blur and I was sure it would not be long before I would pass out, until Sir pulled out his cock.



My head hit the bed as he let go and I just lay there, aware of the men looking at the marks left by the cane.? I jerked as my back was touched and then I felt my hair being pulled up again to see Sean?s face. ?Are you having fun baby?? What a shame your time here is almost up. Oh well, there is always next time.?? As hard as I was trying to become, he always knew how to make me cry.? He dropped my head again and then I felt the pressure on my shoulders being lessened as my arms were lowered back down.? It was only a few moments later when I was pulled back up to my feet, my back protesting each move I had to make.? Sir still had my arms tied, so they were rubbing on my now sore back.? I am sure that if his time were not nearly up, Sir would have made me stay this way.? However, he had to untie me and the relief was great as he undid first my elbows and then my wrists.?


The only decent thing about my sessions was that I was allowed to have a shower, especially if I had another client who had booked time with me.? Today was no exception and once I had been made to thank Sir for spending time with me, I was allowed to take my shower.???




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It had been a couple of days since our first visit to the sex shop and myself and my wife Lynn had done little else but discuss how we had both found ourselves tied up and used by the gorgeous assistant whose name I discovered on the way out was Helen.We had agreed to return on Saturday night and we were both in a permanent state of excitement as we counted down the time to our visit until it was a matter of hours before we were due to set out."Right", said Lynn, "Let's make an effort before we...

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She was trapped in her chair, trapped by a severed spinal nerve; her legs were useless, her body limp and wasted below her shoulders. But her mind was still sharp, her thoughts, ideas and musings were as full, bright and normal as they always had been. She hated her life, often thinking she would swallow her entire bottle of prescription sedatives. She thought often how free she could be; free to float in the afterlife, free of the captivity of her useless body. But she didn’t want to leave...

1 year ago
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"You did say 'anything, ' didn't you?" Kevin had slid into the bed only a moment ago, cozying up behind me, his front pressed to my back. He was naked and ready. As he whispered his somewhat cryptic question, his right hand caressed my side—slowly, gently, his fingers tracing a long line from my thigh to my breast and back again. He knew what he was doing. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall. "What'd you have in mind?" I asked warily. But he wasn't giving out information....

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Chapter 1 Laurie opened her eyes wide open as she woke up. She couldn't believe what had happened the night before at all. This skinny geek Gary had come over to her dorm room, and she had had sex with him. Not merely that, but she had a clear recollection of begging him to fuck her in the ass. What the hell was going on? She got out of bed, got herself a glass of water, and tried to recall what had happened. It had started last night a bit after eleven. There was a knock on her door while...

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CONTROL --------2012 :Written by Jo AND Lyn, and we're still BESTIES, five years on. This is more than can be said for Nick and I, you will not be surprised to discover.cockSO, TO SET THE SCENE- all this is most important, and without you understanding the relationships, gentle reader,the story would have no impact whatsoever.So: I was married to Nick, with three c***dren. I was taking numerous other lovers, often in the company of my best friend, Lyn,and very much INCLUDING Lyn.Lyn and I...

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While I was looking at Bullchat, I spotted a profile that said "Looking for straight guy who wants to give up control". Intrigued, I said hello like the profile. He said he wanted someone under 50, but I hit him up anyway.Soon I got a reply asking for a picture, which I sent. He talked about how he like taking control of straight guys and playing with them.We figured out that we were on the same page and talked about various scenarios that we could play out. Eventually we decided that I would...

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I arrived early to Mark and Christie's place. I wanted to chat with them both before the party. To put it simply, I was nervous as hell. Yeah, ok I knew I was sexy, after years of turning heads and almost causing accidents, it finally sunk in. Despite that fact I was still self-conscious. Christie laughed as we talked, "Hon I only wish I had your figure. You'll do fine." She proceeded to tell me about the first time she was a center and about how her nerves almost got the better of her. Granted...

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Jan had huge tits at a young age. She learned that the males loved big tits and she could use them for most anything she wanted. She grew up with her dad sucking her moms huge tits. He would lift the moms shirt and suck on her nipples anytime he felt like it. Her mom used her tits to get what she wanted from her dad. Jan did not realize how much her father hated the way her mom used her body for sex at her terms. When Jan was in high school her mom told her "Your dad knows the only way to my...

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"This fantasy is all about control, in some ways. It's not what you think though - well, actually, let me just explain the fantasy first, and then you'll understand it better. "I don't have a good lead-in, I realize. I always get so caught up in the "fantasy" part of the fantasy that I don't think about the mundane things, like how we get there. So you're going to have to bear with me, okay? "The place it starts, in my mind, is with us sitting on a bed. It's not my bed - we're in...

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"Are you getting out of here on time?" I looked up to see my boss Barry Masters looking into my office. He wore the same cheesy grin he always wore on the nights that he would be coming to my house for dinner. He enjoyed rubbing it in that he was going to fuck my wife. I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Bill Jaczwenski, pronounced Jacks-win-ski. Most people know me as Billy Jack, or just Jacko. I am a 35 year old account executive for a small time piss ant advertising...

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While I was looking at Bullchat, I spotted a profile that said ‘Looking for straight guy who wants to give up control’. Intrigued, I said hello like the profile. He said he wanted someone under 50, but I hit him up anyway. Soon I got a reply asking for a picture, which I sent. He talked about how he like taking control of straight guys and playing with them. We figured out that we were on the same page and talked about various scenarios that we could play out. Eventually we decided that I...

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There was no strange lightening bolt, no mysterious dream, no dull lamps, just a sudden, inexplicable feeling of power while riding home after school on the bus. As an eighteen year old with no control over your life this undeniable surge of power is all consuming. You feel you can enact every fantasy you've ever had, no matter how crazy, debase, or pointless it may be. You're somewhat logical though, so you decide you need to test things out first. You start with yourself, toning out your...

1 year ago
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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

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I love the way you look at me I feel the pain you place insideYou lock me up inside your dirty cageI like it when you chain me to the bedI need to feel youYou need to feel me I love the way you break my skin i feel the hate you place insidei need to get your voice out of my head, Cuz I'm the guy you'll never findI think you know all of the rules, There's no expressions on your faceI hope that someday you will let me go, Release me from my dirty cageI love the way look at me I love the way you...

1 year ago
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"Finally," sighed Hanna Cord out loud, "the last appointment of the day!" And it had been a long day, up at six, first appointment at 7:30, drive thirty miles through heavy traffic for her ten o'clock, well, it was enough to frazzle anyone! Just as she was about to get out of her new Lexus, her portable phone rang, "Hello," she answered, "who is it!?!" "It's me," said a stern male voice on the other end of the line." "Sir David," Hanna replied softly, "how can I serve you!?!" His reply was...

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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

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one day you find a strange device laying around on the street. you pick it up to see what it is and you get a shock and faint. once you wake up you have a terrible headache that you just wish would go away. and as soon as you think that thaught, it does. confused about what happened you look around and you realize that you should have drove here instead of walking so that you could get home easier. as soon as the thaught enters your mind your car is next to you. you wander what the heck is...

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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

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Beth was sent to America. She was just ten years old. For a couple years she lived with a married couple and loved the household. But then things changed and she had to go live with Frank. It was ok there but she did not like it as well. Frank was older but very handsome and he brought several pretty women to his house. Beth used to peek and watch them naked in the hot tub. The women were so pretty and so sexy. They all had big firm tits and nice asses and shaved pussies. She hoped she would...

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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

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Naked in School Bobby and KathyChapter 6 Saturday

Waking up that morning, I felt Bobby's hand caressing my boob. Looking over my shoulder at him, I could see him smiling in his sleep. I really didn't want to wake him, but I figured this would be a good time to really explore his body. The first thing I wanted to examine was his penis. Although I'd touched it a few times, I wanted to look at it a little closer. The morning light shining through the window helped me get a better look. Pulling the covers with me, I scooted toward the foot...

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Introduction: Naturist kid falls in love with cute girl. Hero baseball coach be my dad, he [b]9 SQUEEZE BEES After baseball practice, Sean takes Jeff home with him because Rachel is working. Sean, youre the best, as Jeff jumps up on him for a full bear hug. And youre a special kid, one arm wrapped around Jeffs back, the other around his bottom. As he leans to put him down, Jeff quickly holds on tighter. Im too happy up here. How about we cuddle in the living room instead, so I can...

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 24

Sarah finally managed to get some sleep. We both woke up early in the morning, the gee who owned the old drum had a stocked refrigerator, a coffee pot and a stove so Sarah cooked them all a big breakfast. She cooked enough for four people which included Paul, the owner of the speakeasy, Roxy his flame, myself and Sarah. Paul was a good friend of mine so I gave him the low down on everything. He was sympathetic to our problems, but the coppers were putting the screws to everyone and we...

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She could put both her hands on it on top off each other and wank it, He then picked her up and lobbed her on the bed’ I know Holly said she can take wot you got but fuck how is she going to take that lot, well we found out’ Bob was the first to sink his nod in, It went in easy from tip to balls deep in just one stroke, He then started slamfucking her right from the word go, She said she loved it hard and she dose, With Bob slamming away she got hold of two cocks and put one in her mouth...

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SullyChapter 29 Epilogue

Well dear reader, this is the end. The story has to end somewhere. There are however, several loose ends which I shall try to remedy here and now. First off, let's pick up where I left off. A business trip kept me from co-joining with Sully, Merry and Bernie for roughly two weeks. However, I did manage to pay several visits to Shelly, who couldn't get enough of my cock. I recall spewing a gigantic load on her face as I knelt over her recently enhanced chest. It was on my third visit to...

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Mom8217s Sex Ride

This is Royden and I am 18.I love in Goa with my mom. I am currently studying in an university and doing my BCom first year. My mom was divorced when I was 8 when my father left her for some other women. She is extremely beautiful with a well maintained figure. She is 39 but seems like she is 25. She is very much sophisticated and men find her very much attractive. She never remarried but she used to hang around with many men and sleep with them. She meet s them in clubs and have one night...

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Episode 113 Mothers Milk

Ms Jones the Human Biology and Sex Ed teacher had already exhausted all the legal material for her Year 11 class, attended by Molly and Rachel.The GCSEs were nearly over and most ch*ldren would be leaving soon for the long summer holiday and then start at the local Sixth Form college.Ms Jones planned one last day for her class to remember - a trip to the slightly obscure Mothers Milk farm. It had no web-site and no need of any advertising, but was very well known by the local maternity units...

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Youre mine 2

Layla fixes her blouse and looks at me, “So, tonight?”I smile at her. I would do anything for her, “Kristin and the kids left for her mother's this morning. The ENTIRE weekend is ours,” I kiss her softly. Picking her up off the desk by her waist.“So my place or yours?”*We end up getting dinner then heading back to my place. She lives in an apartment downtown above a restaurant and it wasn’t the quietest place. Kristin at one time had offered to put her up in our guesthouse but she turned it...

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Ssterrsquos Underwear Picture Message

S!ster’s Underwear Picture MessageMy phone vibrated along with the sound of the tone to indicate a message had been received. I was nearing the end of the game on my PlayStation in my room as I glanced at the phone to see my s!ster’s name as the sender so decided to finish the last 90 seconds of play guessing that she was only abusing me in some way or was sending me a funny picture she had found on the net.As the last few seconds counted down my phone went again indicating a second message...

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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 04

“Well, Alicia and Jackie are really smart,” Murielle replied, “like us – you and me, I mean. For example: Holly and Haley? Total fruit loops, know what I mean? And Tia and Tara? God! How horny can two girls get?” “I like sex,” Miranda protested. “Remember that wake we held for Lisa? Wow! I still feel tingly just thinking about that!” “That’s what I mean,” her sister replied. “Except for Macario, that’s the last time we had sex. And Horry and Harey were always hogging Macario – at least...

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That Duck was Pissed Parts 1 2

That Duck Was Pissed!Part One Wetzel, a popular high school friend of mine and me use to set together in class and although I had, had the boyhood exploration, experimental gay attraction encounters when I was in grade school, I was never! in lust with anyone like I was with Wetzel. Wetzel was a comedian, very energetic and one hell of a looker. He had honey brown hair that he kept so clean that you could count every gleaming strand. His facial features were smooth and delicate and very!...

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UniversityChapter 82

While I was reporting to dad, Rachel arrived. I told her that I still wasn't certain and asked about her day. She was unhappy with the simplicity of merely deriving Pop Art from cartoons and adverts. "He makes it so-o-o simple! Dots from cartoons. Warhol's shoe adverts. Rosenquist's billboards! And it's all American pop. And he slights Oldenburg, even though he was an American, because he was born in Sweden! The Op Art class is so different. Maybe it's because Bridget Riley is a...

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Maisy and Harriet

I lusted after both of them, but for most of their time at school, our interactions were strictly business. Maisy, however, being the more mischievous of the two, often sprinkled our interactions with some suggestive wordplay. She often asked when we were going to “eat tacos” together, with a sly grin on her face. Another time I was discussing a dish I had in Asia, saying that “it tasted better than it smelled,” to which Maisy remarked “That is true about so many things,” spreading her legs...

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Second coupling with Joe

Having left Jane & Ken to their own fun, I had this older guy for all my desires. A quick shower and I used the showers movable massage head to clean myself out as best I could. Joe joined me and I had a lot of fun lathering him up.Outside the bathroom I pushed him against a wall, dropped to my knees and went to eat his cock. As best I could anyhow. Semi hard again and I did everything I could with it. Used it to slap my face numerous times, covered him in spit and worked him between...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy It Is Then

I get asked alot about what my fantasies are and I usually answer that "I get to live out most of my fantasies and I don't know what to tell you, sorry bud." which is mostly met with disappointment and flacid dicks.However!I was listening to Queen's Save Me and it's got a lyric that goes: "I'm naked and I'm far from home." Now all of a sudden my mind floods with a fantasy that I've been trying to wank away, but it's sticking, so I figured I'd write it down here so I can point all o' y'all there...

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I am Amy Palmer and I'm 24 years old. I have a slim build with pale skin and a firey, orange curly mess of hair thanks to my Scottish heritage. And I have a rather odd problem. I'm not sure when exactly it started, but it's been happening more often recently. I'm being haunted. Not just in my house, whatever it is, it follows me. It isn't like a normal ghost story you may have heard of. No, this one seems to enjoy ripping my clothes in public to cause me to flash people, it'll wait until I'm in...

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KatieChapter 11 Katie the pimp

And indeed it was. We cleaned up the towels, clothes, put away the film and went to Katie's room. That is, after I went to relieve myself and scrubbed off that ridiculous eye-liner mustache. As I got back to her room, Katie and Andy left for the bathroom. I discarded the rest of my costume ... that is, the stockings and garters, but left the boxers on. I sort of understood why Katie liked them, now. When the girls came back into the room, Katie winked at me. "Pete, Andy wants you to make...

4 years ago
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Sexy club encounter

++ Written mostly by a fan with input from myself. All consensual and enjoyed ++++ Imagine this is what i'm wearing ++I'm going to get you drunk and pull off your panties in the middle of a club. I will slide my hand up your dress as your ass rubs against my hard cock as you dance up against me. I slide my fingers across your dripping pussy, you push your ass into my cock harder. You want to feel it between your ass cheeks. I slowly slide...

4 years ago
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Student spanked 7

Lovely looking Lisa broke all my main rules for her that terrific naughty nightThe tasty tiny titted sexy student not only spoke to me without my permissionShe begged me to take her hard after she had come once without I'd allowed herSexploded once more riding my rod, knowing well she'll suffer terribly my mightAll day and probably quite a bit longer will the burning feeling of her skin lingerThe two tremblings in her limbs took their toll and soon she was in Morpheus armsAs Morpheus held her...

2 years ago
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Lottery WinnerChapter 13

In the morning, I had breakfast and left to meet Marianne and the inspector at the new house. I pulled up a couple of minutes early to see Marianne getting out of her car and a man getting out of a pickup truck. I went over and shook hands getting introduced to John, the inspector. I followed along as he went through the house taking photos and testing systems. He was wearing a tool belt with test equipment hanging from it. Overall, he was satisfied. We went outside to the hot tub and pool....

1 year ago
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Her 1st BBC client part 1

Beth was a 36, year old massage ther****t, Married with to k**s. She had only been a masseuse for less then a year because she had been a stay at home mom for most of her marriage. Now that her c***dren were a bit older she decided to pursue a career. Despite having almost a year under her belt at the parlor she'd never given a massage to a black man, and that's exactly who just walk into the door. Located in the suburbs the parlor doesn't get alot of black customers. Beth was a healthy, but...

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Master PC The ProtectorChapter 25 Truth and Consequences

As I watched Linda and Li drive away, another car pulled into the spot they had just vacated. I turned to go back to my other guests and a voice called out to me. I turned to find Chloe bounding in my direction. She nearly bowled me over as she leaped into my arms, wrapping her legs around me. Her lips locked to mine and her hands clung at me like a life line. I held her for a second, letting her maul me while I steadied from the imbalance. Chloe pulled her lips from mine long enough to ask,...

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Shopping Spree with sister in Law

“I would really value your opinion,” I said. My sister-in-law looked at me in thought and said, “Well, tomorrow after work, I can meet you at that store, where is it again?” Very happy to hear this, I told her where it was and we agreed to talk after she was done with work tomorrow. I reminded her that I didn’t want my wife to know that I received help and to keep it hush hush. She agreed and we parted ways. I could not contain my excitement and as soon as I got into my car, I began to...

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PyxChapter 6 Seduction

When we got to our suite, Vonda and I headed to our bedroom. Pyx headed to her room, giving us our privacy. Vonda called out. "Pyx, dear. Could you come in here, please?" Pyx popped her head in. I was laying on our four posted brass king bed; still wearing the shirt, slacks, and socks. I'd worn all day. My shoes were kicked off, beside the bed. Vonda was folding her panties, placing them on our loveseat. The rest of her clothes were already neatly laying there. She was completely...

4 years ago
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Ms Brohas

I have always loved the teacher and every time I saw her I just knew she was the one. Every day during 7th hour I have her for World Civ. class. I look forward to staring at her perfect ass and supple tits they werent that big but her ass more than covered for it. I walked into class one day and saw her standing by her desk, today she was wearing leggings that perfectly hugged every curve and she was also wearing a blouse with the top 3 buttons undone so you could see down her shirt and see her...

2 years ago
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You Will Love It

if you pretty gals are looking for a nice chat session and a gud frnd do write in it at herez d story: This is about me and one of my friend’s sister, Her name Alpa. My time with her when I was 21 and living in Mumbai, India. I was working with a media company than. If I tell you about myself in brief, 6’1″/195lbs/good looking etc. Anyways, me and Alpa were very good friends. If I describe her, she is Indian version of Keira Knightley, 5’5″ height, 100 lbs (about 45kgs) very slim,...

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Peter PrueChapter 2

Prue fell on a wooden bench, tears running down her cheeks. The bench stood on a knoll looking out over the dark sea, but she didn’t see it – neither the water, nor the clouds that chased the stars. Her trembling hand went through her bag until it found her ringing cellphone. “Pruts?” The tinny voice sounded urgent. “God, Jules, it was awful!” “I thought you’d meet him about now?” ““It’s already over, Jules. I ran! It was horrible!” “You mean you didn’t talk?” “He attacked me!” “He...

1 year ago
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First Time 4

You should read the first 3 parts first....Andy grabbed my face and stuck his cock in my mouth and started shooting into my mouth. I tried to gobble up as much as I could but much of the torrent of cum dribbled out of my mouth and onto my chest. Andy bent over and stuck his tongue into my mouth and started making out with me again. There was so much cum and as we made out he transferred a bunch of it to his mouth and seemed to swallow as much as I had. Andy sat down too and there we were...

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Camping pt 2

The next morning I get up to walk to the shower house to use the bathroom and to get cleaned up. I hear some moaning coming from a stall. So, of course I have topeak thru the crack to see what's going on. I see my mom sucking on some guy. I think it's the older guy from the campsite next to us.I continue watching, feeling my tits as my nipples grow hard and I rub my pussy. OOh mom you are doing such a good job, I think to myself. I reach down my pants to feel how moist I'm getting. I...

3 years ago
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The Karen Experience part 2 of 2

I had Karen drive to my place. Along the way, I rubbed her thigh, kissed her neck, sucked and nibbled her ear lobe. I squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples, occasionally running my finger over her full, pouty lips. My hand slid between her legs and I ran my finger up her wet slit, soaking my finger with her juice. I then put it in her mouth and watched as she greedily sucked it clean.In the elevator, I pushed her against the wall and pawed her hungrily while our tongues wrestled...


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