Numbskull free porn video

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Numbskull -- a tale of misery By Janet Baker "What the hell is this crap? Answer me, damn you! Well I guess you can't with that gag in your mouth. Wait a sec, I'll get it out." "Oh, what a relief" he said, gasping for breath. "Jay! What the hell happened? Who did this to you? Shall I call the police?" "Ahhh, no Jan, please. Ahh I'll explain... give me a moment, please." A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind as I took in the spectacle before me. He was chained and cuffed hand and foot, dressed in a cute little maid costume, wearing a harness that held a gag, the one I'd just removed. He didn't want me to call the police. Did a friend do this to him? "Jay! Talk! What the fuck have you been up to? Who did this to you?" I demanded with increasing disgust. "Please Janet, let me explain," he asked, almost cringing with shame. "Well?" "Uhh, Jan, please undo me so I can explain this... this affair to you." "Undo you? You're chained and cuffed. Who has the keys? Where are they?" "The keys are on the floor Hon. One of them unlocks the handcuffs." "Hold on buster! First. Who did this to you? Has someone been in the house while I've been out? Wait a minute! There hasn't been time for someone to come in, do this, and leave. I haven't been gone that long. I started out to pick up my sister, do some shopping and return later in the day. Then I realize I forgot my coupon stash so I return prematurely and find you like this. Again, what happened?" "Please Jan, let me loose and I'll explain everything. The keys are on the floor." H'm, I'm thinking. Something really bizarre happening here. I'll pick up the keys and dangle them in front of him and see... "Yes, that's it Jan, the cuff key, the funny looking one, please undo my cuffs." "Your cuffs? YOUR CUFFS?? What the fuck do you mean? Your cuffs?" "Jan please let me loose and I'll explain everything," he pleaded. "You already said that Jay. H'mm, I'll be back shortly Jay, when you feel like telling me the truth. I have the keys and I'll keep them. Meanwhile, I'll make myself a drink, call my sister and tell her the shopping is off for today." "Please Jan, don't leave me here like this." "When you have decided to be truthful, call me. That is a darling little costume Jay. What are you wearing underneath the dress? H'm? Lingerie? And those net stockings? Very sexy! And your heels! Locked on! Oh my! Petticoats too! Well! Whoever did this to you did a very pretty and sexy job. You really look good -- especially lying there with your ankles cuffed and chained and your wrists cuffed behind you. Did a friend do that to you? Who is she? Oh! Or is it a he who restrained you so carefully? So professionally. Ta ta, darling, I'll return shortly." I'm beginning to think that that shithead dressed and cuffed himself. No other answer. If he were forced there would be evidence of it, but all seems normal. I'll leave him there until he comes clean. "Janet!" Finally he was calling me. "Please! Please let me loose Janet, please!" "Are you ready to come clean and tell me what's going on here?" "Yes. Uh, one of my friends likes to play bondage games and he came over and did me up as you could see," he said rather unconvincingly. "Why did he leave you?" "We heard your car drive up and he left too quickly to release me. That's why you found me still cuffed." "Who is it?," I asked. "Well, I'd rather not name him." "Until you name him, you will remain cuffed. You must like it. After all, you let a friend do it to you. Did he dress you? After he cuffed you did he play with your little thingy? And what did you do for him? Something with your mouth perhaps?" Silence. "Jay, your silence is deafening. I'll be back, I'm going to start supper." "Please Janet, uncuff me!" "Fat chance numbskull! Truth, Jay, or lie there all fucking night!" "I told you the truth Janet. Now let me go!" Ah me, he needs more time. I'll eat, then try him again. "Janet, don't leave me, please!" "I'll be back after I eat. Don't go away!" "Janet, please! I'd tell you but you don't know him anyway. He's a fellow from work. We got sort of acquainted and discovered a mutual interest. He likes bondage and I told him I was willing to go along with him." "What's his name?' I repeated. Silence "What's his fucking name?" "Please Jan!" he pleaded as he squirmed off the bed. "Sooo, he leaves you on the bed with the keys on the floor?" "Well, not usually but he rushed when he heard you coming." "Not usually? Usually? What's his fucking name?" Silence. "Bullshit buster, I think you did this to yourself. There is no way someone could come in and do this to you and then leave in the short time I was out of the house. You're lying to me and you'll stay there until you fess up." "Janet darling, I love you. Please forgive me. Yeah, I was trying to find a way out but you're right, I did it. I'll tell you all about it but please, let me loose." "I'll let you loose when it pleases me. Now speak." "I get a kick out of this... self bondage and out of the dressing. I like to dress... cross dress and I like the fantasy of being restrained, chained, cuffed. It's fun, I enjoy it!" "OK, explain how you get yourself to this point and how you expect to get out." "Yeah well, OK. First I get dressed. Lingerie, petticoats, dress, stockings, garter belt and heels -- high with locks, jewelry and wig. Sometimes a corset, sometimes pantyhose. Then I decide what restraints I'll use. I usually use chains and cuffs. Simpler and yet secure. I put on my leg irons then chains around my legs above the knees. Sometimes I gag myself, occasionally use a blindfold. I put a chain around my waist with the cuffs behind me. Lastly I put my hands in the cuffs. Totally secure now I grind myself against the bed for a while. When I'm tired or when I've had an orgasm, I wriggle off the bed and search on the floor where I left the keys. I then unlock the handcuffs, then the rest -- I undress, putting everything away for the next time." "You jerk! You kept this a secret from me!?" "Honey, I never thought you would understand, you seem so tough and proper and always in control that I thought that you would ridicule me, laugh at me." Well well well, is what I was actually thinking. This is most interesting. I'm going to think about this revelation for a while. The potential is awesome. I slipped my heels off and slowly padded my way to the kitchen where I popped the lid of a beer can and poured my favorite beer into a mug. Then wandered thoughtfully back to my spouse, still lying, cuffed on our bed. I sat in a chair facing him and sipped some beer. He stared helplessly at me, wondering what was going through my mind. "Jan?" Silence, a sip. "Jan, I told you the truth, now please uncuff me." "Shut up!" I said as I replaced the gag in his mouth, tightening the straps almost to the point of pain. He squealed and pleaded with his eyes. I rose, walked to our study, retrieved a digital camera, and returned to the bedroom. Standing before my now terrified spouse I took many photos of him from different angles. Then I made him stand and took more pictures, many closeup shots of his gag harness, his leg irons and handcuffs. I pushed him back onto the bed and left. Returning to the study, I turned on the computer and transferred the digital images into storage locations on the computer, then transferred them to flash drives -- several flash drives. I removed the memory strip from the camera and concealed it along with the flash drives. I placed one flash drive into an envelope and addressed it to an attorney along with a cover letter. Hearing movement, I turned and found my husband walking carefully toward the study, the leg irons permitting only short steps. "Well? What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Of course he could not reply, he was still gagged, but he pleaded with me with his eyes. I grabbed him, turned him, held his arms, and kicked his legs out from under him, forcing him to kneel on the floor. He moaned pitiably. I then ran to the bedroom, returned with a leather belt, and ran the belt from his cuffed hands to his leg irons, pulling it as tight as possible. I rolled him onto his side and asked, "Should I take more pictures Jay? What is your girly name Jay? Do you have a femme name?" He just moaned, trying to articulate but unable to do little more than mumble through his gag. "Jay, things are going to be different from now on. I'm not sure what direction our relationship will take but I assure you that life will change for you and for me. Stay there a while, I want to think." Jay, thoroughly hogtied and immobilized, could do nothing but wait -- frightened, wondering what his suddenly outraged and dominant wife might have in store for him. "Jay, I'm going to the mailbox to mail this flash drive to an attorney for safe keeping in case you decide to beat me or something. I'll be back shortly. Don't run off!! Ha!" Poor Jay squirmed as best he could against his confining restraint and glared at his triumphant spouse. I put on my heels and coat, stepped over my recumbent spouse, and left the house. Jay, frustrated, flustered, and furious, had no choice but to simply lay there on the floor impatiently waiting for release. Eventually -- hours had passed -- Jay heard the car return and me enter laden with packages. By now Jay was in severe pain because of his tight restraints. He groaned and moaned. I removed his gag. He gasped for relief, thanked me for ungagging him, and again asked for release. "Jay, while I was shopping I was doing a lot of thinking about our future. From now on darling I am going to be the dominant partner in our marriage. You will do as I tell you or there will be punishment of one sort or another. Now is the time for you to decide if you want to walk out or remain with me. If you remain, you accept my rule. Of course don't forget that there are many, many pictures of you in all your glory, dressed, chained, hogtied, and gagged that could -- perhaps would -- be released to the web world." "That would be cruel Janet. My little hobby certainly would not justify that level of retribution, and you would look stupid too for having published the pics." "Do you want to take the chance Jay?" Silence. "H'mmm," I mused to myself, mulling over the next step. I took off the belt, removed his ankle restraints and stood him against a wall. His terrified expression moved me to say something comforting. "Jay darling, don't be frightened. I'm not going to castrate you... but... Jay, what do you think about while you're dressed and restrained? What gives you pleasure?" "I really don't think about much of anything, the dressing and bondage are what please me." I'm sure he's lying.... But... let's see... "Jay, when you project yourself as a woman, a maid, it seems to me that you want to be subservient... to assume the role of a woman and also the role of a maid. This is an interesting dichotomy in that at work you are a hard driving vice-president of IT and here you are a pussycat -- a pussy? H'm, I could call you Pussy or just Numbskull or even Shithead. Do you have a preference?" "Uhhh...." was his noncommittal grunt. "Well Jay, what is your female name? Janine? That's pretty." I moved close to him and put my hand on his crotch area. He had no erection. Good. "Jay darling... if you were chained and kneeling, you'd be at just the right height for servicing a man. After all, dressed as a woman you'd be playing the female role wouldn't you? Just think, Jay, your gentleman friend chains you, puts you on your knees, stands before you, smiles down at you, slowly drops his trousers, brings out his cock, holds it at your mouth, smiles and asks you to take it in your mouth and suck on it. You do. You wanted to. That's why you dressed and chained yourself. You want to serve -- to service -- a man." Ah ha! It worked! He got hard, very hard. His panties bulged. He looked embarrassed. I snapped my finger on his penis, trying to soften it for the next little game. "Jay! On your knees! Quick!" "Why?" "Jay darling, that's a question you no longer ask of me. I expect compliance. Immediate compliance. No questions. Get on your God damn knees!" He knelt, rather awkwardly with his wrists cuffed behind him. I chained his ankles close together so he could not walk. "Jay darling, kneeling as you are suggests to me that you want to do something to serve me, since there is no man present." I lifted my skirt, revealing my panties, already dampened from the excitement of this bizarre scenario. "Jay, pull down my panties with your teeth and lick me with your tongue until I have an orgasm." "I don't want to do that, Janet. You know I don't like it." "Stop whining Jay, you're going to do it and you'll learn to like it. I want it. Do it!" I grabbed his head, pulled it to my pussy and held it there until I felt his tongue against my labia. He unwillingly tongued me but did continue until I released him. I checked his erection and yes! He had become hard again. My technique was working, I was learning what buttons I could push to make him react. "I like that cute little maid's costume you're wearing, Pussy. In fact I want to see it on you every night when I arrive home from work. I'll have a cocktail and relax while you're serving dinner. Set the table for two. I'll either have you as my dinner guest or perhaps someone else. I need your clothing sizes, Pussy. You have treats coming!" ************************ "You look darling in that maid's costume Janine. Come into the play room with me, I want to show you a video." I started the video, watching Jay's reactions. The video showed a woman with her roped hands held high above her and a man fondling her breasts and privates. Jay became very excited, revealing a huge erection. "Janine, I'm going to do something like that with you. It should be fun. Give me your wrists, I'm going to tie them and pull you up until you're standing on tip toes." "Please Jan, don't hurt me." He didn't decline, he just didn't want to be hurt. This should be such fun! I stretched him by pulling him off the floor about three inches. Yes, that'll work fine when I want to corset him. In the meantime a little flogging I think. I'll strip him and see what he says. "Janine, you've been a bad girl. I'm going to punish you. Flogging would be best, don't you think?" Silence. He was clearly waiting to be flogged. God is he submissive! What did I marry? He has male equipment but his submissive character is a revelation. OK. I'll please myself with him but now and then I'm going to need confirmation of my womanhood by finding a dominant male and getting fucked. I may be a domme but I like fucking. "Ten whacks girl, five on your ass and five on your chest. Yeah, your flat chest. Ya know, Janine, you need boobs. We'll have to look into that. What do you think?" "I don't know Jan. How about breast forms? They'll give me a nice figure." "Yeah but I can't have fun flogging fake breasts. Maybe I'll flog your balls." That made him shudder. "Jan, please, do it and let me down, my wrists and arms hurt." "You'll get used to it, you like it, you did it to yourself. I'm helping you do what you want even though you may not know it or want to admit it -- even to yourself." "I don't understand Jan. What do you mean exactly?" "What I mean Janine is that you want to be feminized, you want to be abused, humiliated, even flogged and punished. You want me to do many things to you that you could never reveal to anyone except me -- even me. I have to delve into the deepest recesses of your mind to drag out your needs and desires. I will. And you'll love it whether you admit it or not." "I wonder," he said with resignation. "I'm going to place a number of orders, Janine. I want you to go to a hardware store and buy the things I have on this list." "Oh Jan, you're scaring me. You want me to buy all this rope and these chains and locks?" "Yessss, Janine, exactly!" ***************************** Orders for erotic paraphernalia began to arrive. He already had cuffs and leg irons but I was picturing him suffering with a tight corset squeezing his waist into a feminine shape. Oh what fun I'll have! All those toys! Ah yes, especially the chastity belt. The ultimate in humiliation for a man. The one I ordered is supposed to be the best and good for long term use. It's hand made and beautifully finished and ensures no access to his private parts. Oh God will I enjoy watching the frustration in his face as he realizes he can't touch any area of his genitals. When secured in the device his penis is forced between his legs with the tube preventing him from getting a full erection. No pain, just slight discomfort as the flow of blood to his penis tries to create an erection. I think I'll make him wear it 24/7. The D rings will permit cuffing his wrists to the sides or rear of the belt. My slave will be brimming with excitement in having his genitals locked, ass plugged, and wrists bound, totally at my mercy for release. But until my toys arrive I'll have to be content with what he has and the chains and locks I had him buy. "Numbskull!! Come to the playroom with me. The games are about to start!" "Please Janet, don't scare me, just assure me that I won't be hurt." "Strip!" He stripped, slowly, reluctantly, afraid. I tapped a cane against my leg, impatiently, glaring at him. "Hold your hands out, I'm putting your cuffs on you. You love it, don't you!" Silence. "Answer me! These are your cuffs, you should like them. You should like the feel of the steel bracelets on your wrists. Well?" "Yes, Janet, I do love them. I love to put them on, clicking them slowly to a tight fit, then locking them so they don't over tighten. It is a high point in my self bondage. I feel so helpless, so delightfully helpless when they're locked." "Well now darling, we'll take it to another level. You will like it. First my little slave... you like being called my little slave, don't you?" Silence, he hung his head in, I suppose, submission. I locked the chain to his cuffs, put the chain through his crotch, wrapped it around his waist and locked it, keeping his cuffed hands at genital height. I took another length of chain, wrapped it around his neck, locked it and locked the other end to the playroom center pole. "'Bye Janine. Play with yourself, shortly you won't have many opportunities." "Don't leave me Jan, please!" "I'll be back -- when I'm finished cleaning up. One of your jobs is going to be the clean-up. After all, that's what maids do, right?" ****************************** I returned two hours later. He had sat down against the pole, still securely chained. "Kneel Sissy! Yes, you qualify as a sissy. You're so cute on your knees. I'll hold my skirt up so you can lick my pussy for me. That's what sissies do for their mistresses isn't it? Isn't it?" "Yes Jan." "Hmm, I want you to address me with more respect, with a more suitable name reflecting our relationship. Mistress? That's trite. Hmmm. Mother? God no! Ma'am? Boring. I know! From now on I will be addressed as Miss Wilson." "Jan, that's your maiden name." "Yeah. Since I don't really have a husband worthy of the name I'll consider myself single. I'll address you as I please. If you're serving me as a maid I'll call you Janine. That's the name you chose, isn't it? But no matter what I call you, shithead, numbskull, Jay, or whatever, you will adress me politely as Miss Wilson. Got it?" "Yeahhhh." "Yeah what shithead?" "Yes Miss Wilson." "You're learning. When you lapse there will be punishment. It will be harsh. Gentle punishments for people like you are not adequate. They must be harsh. I will flog you until your ass is red. You'll learn quickly the real nature of a dominant woman. I'll have new toys for you in a week or so. I'm sure that you will enjoy them." ****************************** "Bradley! Would you care to have a coffee with me before work?" I said, using my most ingenuous and welcoming smile. "Love to Janet, how nice of you to ask me," he replied genuinely. "Great, let's go to the company caf?, coffee's cheap there." "I've been wanting to ask you but always a little reluctant since I know that you're married. You might think I was coming on to you." Of course he would love to, he's been leering at me for months. I knew exactly what he has on his mind, married or not. "Well Brad, I've been noticing you too, you're very good looking and I've been wondering what you're like in bed -- if you'll excuse my bluntness." Bradley leaned close to me and whispered, "I suppose I'm as good as any man but I do have some preferences, as do some women." "How interesting Brad. H'm, what sort of preferences?" "Well confidentially I do enjoy oral entertainment." "Do you mean talking or singing?" I laughed. "Nooo, I think you know what I mean," said he as he pecked me on the cheek. "Well Bradley, I don't do that! I don't do that at all!" Bradley was crestfallen. I raised his spirits somewhat. "Bradley, I have a girlfriend who loves and lives for oral sex. Her husband thinks it's dirty and won't let her do it for him and she's really frustrated. She gets out now and then and sometimes I help her but it's tricky. She has to find a fella, she has to get away from her hubby and even though I help her it's still difficult. I like to take her to my place but only when my spouse is away on business." "Janet, what do you like?" "Lots! Brad, is your tongue strong?" Bradley inhaled, gasped and said, "I'd love to show you." "Brad, maybe we'll think on it a bit. Maybe something can be worked out. I'll talk to my friend, check on my husband's travel schedule, and we'll see." ************************************** That evening Jay, dressed as Janine the maid finished cleaning after dinner and we adjourned to the library for wine and cheese. "Numbskull! Some guy at work covets me and wants to be sucked off. You are going to do it for him!" "Like hell I am!" "What!" "I'm sorry, I meant Miss Wilson, please I'd rather not do that." "Janine, I found you dressed and chained. It's obvious that you have a bondage fetish and a submissive character. Even though you say 'like hell I am' you really want to do it. He is a handsome guy and has been lusting for me for sometime now. I can offer you a choice, though in reality you'll do what I want regardless. The choice runs this way; he gets sucked off or I fuck him while you watch. He won't know you, you'll be dressed; he's never met you. I'll introduce you as Charlotte. After some pleasantries you'll drop to your knees, unzip him and suck him to an orgasm. If you are successful, I won't fuck him. Otherwise I may just take a week's vacation with him and get fucked silly and tell you all about it when I return home." "You really hate me don't you?" "Heavens no, I'm just having fun with you. I'm going to spend years controlling you, humiliating you, and running you ragged. The alternative is exposure or divorce. You may leave me if you wish but you know the economic consequences. But look at it from the bright side. You do enjoy dressing. You love bondage. You are a submissive. I am a dominant woman. Whether you admit it or not, we are perfectly matched. Once you come to an understanding of your real needs and desires we can be quite happy and content." "So I've got to spend the rest of my life doing your bidding?" "Yes! Isn't it wonderful!? Let's start now! Get down on your knees, you know what I want." I'm going to tease him unmercifully, while wearing this white satin corset that projects up between my breasts and holds them up and out. "Jay, would you like to suck my nipples? They're just waiting for you." "Mmphf." With his face in my bush that's the best he could do. Oooo, I think I'm cumming. Yes, I'm cumming! Right in his face. Ooooo splat! "Do you like that Jay? Right in your face?" "I'm thinking -- I'm thinking! Let me suck your nipples Jan, uh Miss Wilson, please." "Maybe. Do you like the way they're held? Up and out for the men to see? I'm going to work wearing a cone bra and a tight sweater. That'll fire up the troops." "Will you dress like that for me please?" "Oh no! You'll dress like that for me, numbskull. I have another treat for you, little girl." "What?" "Well, you like being the girl and you know what girls do. They suck and fuck and I think I'll fuck you. My fucking panties have arrived and now's the time to try them out. You do have to develop an educated anus if you want to play at being a girl. Are you shaking with eager anticipation or are you just scared?" "Oh God, Janet, I'm excited. I'm also scared. It might hurt. I don't want to be damaged. I'd love to try -- but be gentle, please." "Come to bed, strip and wait for me. When you get into bed, put your hands in the cuffs attached to the bed head." I watched him comply, as he hesitated at first, then got into bed and cuffed himself into submission. I stripped to my corset and pulled on the vinyl panties with the dildo sticking out, ready for action. He took one look and gasped, saying "oh my God, that's .... that's enormous. It's going to hurt me!" "Oh shut up, it'll only hurt a little, I'll lube it and it'll slide right in and it'll make you a woman. You want that, don't you? You want to be a woman, to experience the joys of being a woman, to experience being fucked by a hard prick -- like this one. But I don't want you screaming, so I'm going to gag you. Open wide darling." "Mmphf." "Good little numbskull, now roll over. First, a little lube in your ass and lots on the prick. Are you ready? Good." I press the tip against his anal opening, he tightens. Relax, I tell him. He can't, he's too scared. OK! The hard way! Push a little, get the head into him. Feel him relax. Now! Slam it in! Get it well in beyond the sphincter. Stop! God is he squealing! Thrust gently now, slight movements in and out, getting him used to it. Farther in now. As far as possible. Enough! The prick's balls are resting on his ass cheeks. More gentle thrusting. Ah, he's pushing back. He's liking it! Yes! He likes getting fucked! He'll be my woman, my maid and soon my resident cocksucker and pussy licker. I'll roll him over now. I want to watch his face while I fuck him. And now I'll take the gag out. "Well my darling numbskull, you really like getting fucked don't you?" "I'm not sure, Jan. It hurt but it's getting better and I like seeing you there above me. I like having my legs over your shoulders but I'd like to suck your tits Jan, please." "Maybe... maybe. Maybe if you had tits we could suck each other's. You're my woman now, shouldn't you have tits?" "Jannn, how could I go to work with breasts?" "You are forgetting yourself. I am Miss Wilson stupid." "I'm sorry... Miss Wilson." "We'll see, maybe we won't give you breasts, we'll see. Shut up, I want to concentrate on fucking you. I want to watch your face as I thrust into your ass. You like my cock panties don't you? I could also wear a strap-on or a double dildo. Yessss, that's it! I'll wear a double dildo so as I'm fucking you I'm getting fucked too. I wonder how some of the men at work would be in bed. Would they want to fuck me or would they rather be fucked the same as you are. After all, you are having a ball down there aren't you?" "Yes Jan, it hurts but I'm loving it. I'm loving you. Please release my hands so I can play with your breasts." "No! But I'll bend down so you can tickle the nipples with your tongue. Go ahead, tongue them. I like it. Good! A little closer now. Suck my nipples Jay. One at a time. Gently Janine, if you hurt me I'll punish you. Mmmm, that's good little girl. Janine, I think we'll make great lesbian lovers. But you know Janine, some modest body modifications might enhance our romance -- our fun." "Please Jan, I don't want my body changed. I like bondage, I like dressing and I like what you're doing to me but I really don't want my body changed." "Numbskull! You will do what I want but don't fret, I love you and won't hurt you -- much. Janine, I'm pulling out now. I want you to wash my prick and practice sucking it. I told you that sometime soon you'll suck cock for a colleague." After a little washing Janine fell upon her knees and learned how to suck cock. She wore a black bra with forms and I made her pull on a pair of dildo panties with the prick up her ass. Her walk then was kind of cute, with an emphasized wiggle. A peg in the ass will do that. *************************** A week passed and I could see that Bradley was panting over the idea of an affair with my unknown friend. We met in the caf? at break time and I told him that my husband would be out of town Thursday and Friday. I flagged my 'friend' telling her to stand by for Thursday night. "Well Brad, are you able to join us for an hour or so this Thursday evening for a little 'entertainment'?" "Oh yeah, absolutely. I'll tell my wife I have to work a little late. Where? Your place?" "Of course! Six, sharp, OK?" "I'll be there with bells on." ************************** "Numbskull! Bradley will be here at six! Get dressed -- now! You're due for your first suck, guy. Enjoy!" "I'm not happy about this, Janet. Not at all!" "Tough! You'll do it and do it right and you'd better enjoy it. You may not admit it but you really want it. You want to experience that cock thrusting in and out of your mouth, faster and faster until he spurts his load right down your gullet." "Yeah, yeah, I hope so but I'm still not convinced." "Maybe you'll like it better if I chain your ankles, cuff your wrists and have you kneeling while waiting for him. Wouldn't that be erotic? You'd love it wouldn't you? It might make him orgasm faster, seeing you restrained." "My biggest concern is that he discovers my identity." "I understand. I'll put a blindfold on you that will also hold your wig on. I'll watch to be sure all is well. I'll take pictures to prevent him from saying anything if he does learn more than we want." "I'm scared Janet, I've never done anything like this." "No, but you've fantasized about it haven't you? What else have you thought about? Have you thought about some man fucking me? Fucking me while you are forced to watch?" "Oh no Jan, never." "You're lying, your erection proves it -- proves that cuckolding is a powerful stimulant for you. Maybe after you suck him off, I'll fuck him for you. You really want me to, don't you?" "No! No! Please!" "We'll see. He'll be here at six. You better get ready. Maid's costume with all the accessories. especially the exotic high heels. I know that he's a heel and leg man. He's spent enough time admiring mine. Why else do you think I wear heels to work? I'll help you with makeup and your wig. I want you to look perfect. I'm going to wear some erotic clothes to aid his excitement. I want him to finish quickly. While we're waiting we'll watch some sucking porn. You need to be good. After all you are an amateur." I'll put on my black patent corset that displays my breasts and a skirt around my hips. A black patent collar with rings and very high heels should help excite him. I'll check on 'Charlotte'. She's got to be perfect. I'll bring Bradley into the library, seat him and call for Charlotte to bring in the drinks. When he sees that vision of erotic loveliness he'll get an instant hard on. There's the doorbell. He's here, right on time. "Hi Brad, c'mon in. Let me take your coat Brad, Charlotte's in the kitchen preparing the wine. Let's go to the library. Please sit down, she'll be here in a moment. How do you like my outfit Brad?" "Uhhh, striking Jan, uhhh, you're really uhhhh sexy." "Thank you Brad, oh here she comes with wine, cheese and crackers and more importantly, herself. May I pour you a glass?" "Please." "Charlotte, show our guest how much you like to entertain men. On your knees girl!" Janine dropped to her knees, coyly unzipped Brad's trousers, and gently, shyly reached into his boxers and took out his cock. Looking up at him she smiled and fondled his quickly growing cock and took the head in her mouth. Bradley gasped and as the cock became quite hard he started to thrust, fucking Janine's face. He came rather quickly, the erotic ambience having the desired effect. He softened, but Janine kept his cock in her mouth, sucking gently. "Well Brad, satisfied? She's good isn't she? Would you like to visit us again sometime?" "Hell yes, that was the best head I've ever had. When? " "Tell you what Brad. You buy her a pair of knee length black patent ballet boots, bring them with you, put them on her, and she'll give you head again, ok?" "Odd request, Jan, but ok, give me the specs and source and I'll do it." "I'll give them to you at work. 'Bye now Brad." Brad left reluctantly, but left. "Well Numbskull, fun huh? Did you enjoy your first real cock? Brad seemed to be well pleased." "It was not as bad as I expected. Maybe I really am somewhat of a woman. I don't know. Why the ballet boot request, Jan?" "Oh, just a tease and a time delay. I don't want him back too soon and the boots will take time, cost money, and boy will he get hard lacing them up on you. When you finally suck his cock he should explode in moments. Now Janine I'm going to exercise a little discipline on you - - just for fun -- just for my amusement. Come to the play room with me and strip. Back yourself up against the pole, I'll cuff your hands behind you around the pole. I'm going to flog you. A girl should understand discipline." A few whacks and Janine started to cry. "What are you howling about, I hardly hurt you." "You did, that thing hurt my testicles. You hit my prick, dammit!" "Humph! H'm let's put something on to protect your valuables." I fastened a chastity cage to his genitals and resumed flogging him. He resumed howling. A few more whacks and I let up and walked away. He screamed at me, asking me not to leave him. I turned and uncuffed him, leaving the chastity cage attached. "Janet, take this thing off me, please." "No, Janine, I like it there. With that charming little attachment you'll do as I say without any argument. To bed now darling, you need a fucking. Cuff yourself to the bed -- you know how -- and wait for me." The cage hurt him as his cock tried to become erect with the anticipation of my fucking him. "You like it, don't you darling? You like me fucking you, don't you my sweet little girl?" "Yes I like it but I'm not your little girl." "Are you gay?" "No, of course not, you know that." "Are you? I'm not so sure. You did a good job at sucking your first cock. Girls suck cock don't they? I suck cock. I'm a woman. You sucked Brad, you suck the dildo on my panties. There's a lot of woman in you Janine. Janine darling, just reflect on all the things you like and do and then tell me there's not a lot of woman in you. Darling you've the right build and face for a woman. A little makeup, the right clothes and you'll pass easily. In fact I think I'll take you out somewhere -- somewhere suitable for a man becoming a woman." "I'm not a man becoming a woman Janet! No way!" "You don't think so? Your cock is caged and useless, you just finished being punished like a woman. You just sucked your first cock. You liked it -- don't deny it, I watched you, you loved it. And here you are, cuffed to the bed by yourself. You are a born submissive. Admit it and life will be much more pleasant. We'll shop together, fuck together, I'll find real cocks for you to suck. Maybe someday you'll have some real breasts, not just breast forms." "Please take this cage off me Janet, it's uncomfortable and it'll show when I'm dressed." "When I'm ready. Meanwhile, get used to it. I'm buying you a new one that may project less. I want you to look more girly. I don't want your genitals to project, giving women the idea that you are well endowed. In fact I want them to be less prominent, less noticeable. That way you can better wear women's clothes. A maid's costume with petticoats can't always be worn. Now my little slave girl, I need your tongue." I straddled him, lowering my cunt onto his face. He tongued me well and I enjoyed multiple orgasms. I rose, checked his chastity cage for a good tight fit, uncuffed him from the bed head and sent him off to shower. **************************** "Janet, I have to go to work today, will you please take off this chastity cage?" "Yes, go to our bed, cuff yourself and wait." He did as I demanded. I checked his cuffs, they were tight. I removed the chastity, and replaced it with some fine chain and small locks, securing his cock and preventing it from becoming erect, requiring that he sit to urinate. "Oh Jan, c'mon now, dammit, that's not necessary. I don't like it." "Darling, you'll love it. Every time you feel it, you'll be reminded of your submissive state. And if I don't control you, you might get independent and not let me replace it with the cage when you get home. Behave yourself Janine, if you're a bad little girl I might pull hard - - very hard -- on the little chain. That would move you quickly toward womanhood. It would only hurt for a little while and then think of the joy." "I will, I promise." "Promise what numbskull?" "I promise to behave. I'll be good." "Good. These things are not your decision. They're mine. I tell you what to do and when to do it. Understand?" He slowly nodded affirmatively. "When you arrive home this evening before me, I want you to dress in your maid's costume as before and prepare dinner. When I arrive, you'll cuff yourself to the play room pole and I'll replace the chain with the cage. Understood?" "Yes Jan, I understand." Work was fun. Bradley could hardly stay away from me, remembering my appearance the other night. "Janet, I'm ready to order the boots. I found a great website with lots of good erotic stuff." "Uh huh. Uh, Bradley, there's something else you could get also. Something for me." He panted, said, "Yes what?" "Order a pair of the same boots in my size, I'd like to wear them for you. You can help me put them on and lace them up. Would you like that?" "Oh yeah, oh yes, I would like that a lot. When can we get together again?" "I don't know, I'm working on it, I'll let you know." ************************* That night Janine performed as expected, waited as instructed, stood patiently while I fastened on the chastity cage. I put a head harness with gag on her and flogged her standing against the pole. I hit her hard enough to make her squeal and yowl, then released her to finish dinner. She rubbed her sore ass and minced off to the kitchen. I shoved a rabbit up my cunt and came a few times. "Janine! Bradley wants a repeat performance and I'm sure that he would like to fuck me. I want you to practice sucking my dildo. You did alright the last time but you must become more versatile and learn to deep throat. If you don't make him cum he'll want to fuck me and I don't to... yet. He may want to fuck you and we can't allow him to find out that you are still partly male." "What do you mean, partly male? I'm all male." "Oh my darling little submissive, no, no no! No man would dress as you are. He would not wear a chastity cage. He would not suck a man's cock as you did with so much relish. You are no longer and maybe never have been a real man. Partly male? Well maybe. We'll see. One of these days we'd better visit a doctor to determine your real orientation. It's possible that you never were a man, just partly male. Janine, you look really cute and very convincing in that outfit. When we visit a doctor, you'll wear a nice dress or separates and modest heels, certainly not that maid's costume." "I don't have anything like that to wear to a doc. Why can't I wear jeans? Anyway I don't want to look stupid at a doc's office." He grumbles sooo much. "You'll dress properly! You'll dress as I say and that's that! You like jeans? 'Tell you what. We'll buy you women's jeans and when you wear them with heels you'll look perfect." "What about a top, Jan, I don't have anything proper." "Not a problem little girl. We'll get breast forms for you and the right lingerie and a little makeup and you'll be very convincing. The doc should be impressed. But now, Janine, come to the study. I have a disk to run for you. Turn around, I'm cuffing your wrists behind you and I'm going to show you some deep throat techniques. This disk will help you to become a world class sucker of cock." The disk showed a man with an enormous cock and some women who could take the entire thing right down their throats. The actor didn't cum, he remained hard... stiff as a stick, and then fucked the girl both vaginally and anally. "See that, Janine! That's how it's done." "But Jan, we don't want him to fuck me after I've sucked him off. What do we do?" "That's a good question, Janine. What would you suggest? If you do more than suck him, he'll know that you still have a small amount of male equipment. What shall we do?" "Send him home." "If we can. He may become forceful since all he knows is that there are two women present. I see no choice but to invite him into my bed. Once he's been fucked and sucked we can probably send him home. He won't visit until he has received the ballet boots but when he does, he'll put them on us and we'll be soooo helpless. I think we'll have to do whatever he wants." "Janet, I see where you're going with this, you want to fuck him. You want me to be cuckolded. I don't like it." "'Miss Wilson' darling. It won't be cuckolding. It's only cuckolding if it's done in secret. If you were all man, it might be cuckolding, but you're not. He is a man, all man. You sucked his cock, you know he's all man. Are you? Of course not. I must remind you that when I found you all cuffed and chained and dressed like a little maid, you had abdicated your role as man and became my little woman. As my little woman, you are expected to do womanly things. Today all you can do is suck cock. So do it and do it well. I don't expect to fuck Bradley but if I do I will want you to watch and actually help. You can put condoms on his cock, lube them, and aid his entry. After all, we portray ourselves as friends with my husband out of town. If he fucks me in the ass, you can shove the rabbit into my cunt. My God, will I scream with delight! You liked my fucking your ass. I'm sure I'll like it too." "Janet! If all you want is an ass fuck, I'll do it, and right now! Uncuff me, take the cage off and I'll give you a good fucking." "Oh no darling, men fuck, women get fucked. You're my little woman and you've been fucked by me and you've sucked cock -- even my cock. You're my girl now, aren't you?" "Grrrll." "Smile sweetie, don't be naughty, you know I'm right, and we're going to have so much fun as girls. Come now little one, I'll uncuff you and we'll shower together and then to bed. A week or so from now Bradley should have the boots for us and we'll have a lot of fun." Of course I left the cage on him, locked securely. What else? ************************* Erotic sex toys arrived and I made Janine construct a fucking bench and a bondage cross and chair. You never saw a man construct something so willingly and quickly. Maybe in the depths of his mind he might have pictured me being bound. Uh uh, brother, dream on. This stuff is for you and you alone. God! Am I going to have fun with that numbskull. My little woman! Ha! I know, I'll sit him on a dildo, concealing it with his skirt while he sucks Brad's cock. Still, there are times I think this is so screwy, and I'm fucking confused. This isn't at all what I wanted when I married. I've got to sort out my feelings and decide what the hell I really want to do. Meanwhile I've set things in motion and I'd better see them through. Bradley is next -- then what? God, I'm tired of all this play acting with good 'ol Numbskull. There are times I long for a normal relationship. But what do I have? A panting Bradley and a wimp for a spouse! Think girl! Think! **************************** "Janet, the boots have arrived," said Brad one morning at work, a leering smile on his puss. "That's so nice Brad, I have good news also. My hubby is going to be gone for a few days on a business trip. How about Thursday?" "I think so. My wife has been planning to visit a sister. This might be a good time for it. I'll see and let you know." Bradley might be a good fuck but he's certainly not marriage material, catting around on his wife as he does. Oh well, it should be a good evening. "Janine! Bradley is coming over this evening, so get dressed and prepared for some head." ************************************* "Good evening Bradley. I see you have packages. I hope they are what I think they are." "Yes Jan, the ballet boots have arrived." "Oh, goody. You have work to do Brad, you have to put them on us, both Charlotte and me." "Love to Jan." "Put Charlotte's on first then she can start serving while you're putting mine on me. I have thigh top stockings on for convenience. Charlotte is wearing pantyhose -- she can't be fucked. That time of the month you know. Let's see them. They are so gorgeous, so high. Let's do Charlotte first. You lace up the right, I'll do the left. I'll put the toe pads in first then slip her feet in one at a time. Now we'll lace them up Brad, all the way up to her knees. They are so erotic, don't you think so Brad?" Bradley could hardly speak he was so taken with her boots. "Now Charlotte, try walking. Keep your knees straight, short steps. Walk to the end of the room and return." Charlotte's first attempts at ballet heel walking were awkward but expected. She returned to us, standing rather nervously, waiting for further instruction. "Now Charlotte darling, a little jewelry for your boots. You'll love these leather and steel ankle cuffs that I'm locking around your ankles. Bradley and I don't want you taking your pretty boots off until we want you to do so. Charlotte, serve us some wine and cheese while Bradley is helping me with my boots. OK Bradley, slip the right one on first and lace it up -- nice and snug -- I like the snug, tight feeling. Now the left. Good! Now Brad, help me stand. This is my first time in ballets. I love them but I need practice." "They are so hot Janet, I love 'em. Walk a bit Jan, lets see how you do. Good Jan, I think you were born to wear heels, especially high ones." "Bradley you don't have to hold my breast while I'm tottering along. But I like it. Charlotte, are you ready to please Bradley? His erection feels ready." "Yes'm but I can't get down wearing these sexy boots. Please help me Brad." "There you are, Charlotte." "Janet, cuff her hands behind her please, so she can't play with herself. I want her focused only on my cock. It was terribly erotic, I loved to see her restrained that way. And please, lock her ankle cuffs together also." Janine, now Charlotte the French maid, waited patiently while she was cuffed and while Bradley undressed. I washed Brad's prick, showing Charlotte that he was clean and ready. I smiled at her, held his prick at her mouth and waited for her to lick her lips and take the head in her mouth. Slowly, lovingly she ran her tongue around the head and then started moving her head back and forth as she progressively took more and more of the length into her mouth, finally taking it all in until his balls rested on her chin. She withdrew, gasping for air, then plunged her mouth again onto it's length, holding, then again withdrawing and gasping for air. Bradley came closer to an orgasm and started thrusting into her mouth as he held her head tightly, forcing her mouth to become her virtual vagina. Soon with a mighty grunt he came in her mouth, spurting until her mouth overflowed with ejaculate. "Oh God Charlotte!! That was sensational! God you are good! Oh God that was good!" I was so aroused by the show, I wanted desperately to be fucked and fucked well. Bradley wouldn't be good for a while, I couldn't use Jay, of course.... So... "Bradley darling, I need you but I know you're not recharged so.... You'll do something special for me won't you?" "Of course. What?" "Pick me up and carry me to my bedroom, I can't walk too well in these ballet boots Bradley honey." Brad picked me up and carried me to my bedroom as I looked back at Jay, still kneeling on the floor. I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled wickedly. He figured I was going to cuckold him. Maybe so. "Undress me Brad, not my stockings or boots but everything else." Brad was so excited he fumble fingered my buttons, but finally succeeded in stripping me. I decided to use a dildo that had vaginal and anal probes. I laid down, spread my legs and showed Brad the device. "Bradley, I guess you can tell how to use that little toy. Lube it first please and then..." He did and did and did. He thrust in and pulled out again and again until I started emoting loudly. I threw my arms around him, holding him tightly as he continued the dildo fucking. After a few orgasms I gasped for air, telling Brad to quit. "Oh God Brad, that was soooo satisfying, so fucking good. Only your cock in my cunt would be better." "Janet, I'm revived, I can do it!" "Sorry, Brad, I'm exhausted -- I'm done -- at least for the day -- I'm getting sore. But that was great!" We returned to the living room where Janine was still on her knees, well cuffed and immobilized but looking at me with reproach, thinking I had fucked Brad. "Bradley! Look! Charlotte is still on her knees. Since you couldn't fuck me why don't you use Charlotte's mouth again? I'm sure she'd love it." Needless to say, they coupled again with Brad's revived prick performing yeoman work in Charlotte's willing but tiring mouth. With Brad finally completely spent I tottered carefully to the door to say goodbye to him, gaining some confidence with my ballet heels. "Well Janine, he's gone. Wasn't that fun!? I loved every minute! I only wished he'd fucked me, I was so jealous seeing that formidable tool thrusting in and out of your mouth, but he didn't -- he just used a double dildo on me. I hope you heard me." "I heard you," he grumbled. "Stop griping! You got what you wanted even if you won't admit it. Right?" "I guess so... yeah, I really did. I loved being booted, cuffed and I loved having his cock thrusting in my mouth. I actually liked giving him pleasure. It pleased me to give pleasure." ********************************** "Hey, Numskull! Get thee to the playroom, strip to your stockings and ballets, stand on the little stool, and cuff yourself to the cross. Use your suspension cuffs. I'll help you don them carefully. When you're ready, you may kick the stool away and hang from the cross. While you're hanging I'm going to put a corset on that I bought for you. By hanging you'll stretch your body and the corset will fit better." He went to the bedroom, undressed, and tottered to the playroom in his ballet heels. He suspended himself and I put on the corset, tightening the laces as he grunted and groaned. He was in for a surprise. "Janet!! Whack!" "What?" "Oh fuck -- Miss Wilson! Damn it I never know whether I can call you by your real name or not." "When in doubt -- Miss Wilson." "Miss Wilson. This corset is awfully tight." "Tough! Take quick short breaths. Spread your legs, I'm taking the cage off." "Oh thank God, I need relief. I need an orgasm. Why are you tying my legs apart?" "I have a new and wonderful thing for you to wear. It won't show at all and you'll love it. It will protect you from someone trying to play with your prick." I unpacked the custom made chastity belt I'd bought for Jay and showed it to him as his eyes grew wide, with fear and perhaps also a little anticipation. This belt went around his waist, locked in the rear, and it had a tube for the penis and a shield over it, thus giving the feminine appearance of a flat front. He hated it. Ha! "Miss Wilson, this is worse than the cage. Please!" "You'll grow to love it -- love the restrained feeling, the feeling of submission to me, your mistress. Every time you sit to pee you'll think of me, your loving but stern mistress. And best of all I'll know that you are not masturbating and depriving me of your full sexual attention. I'm going to let you down now and I want you to sit on that bench you built and I want you sitting on the dildo. I want it well up into your rectum. And -- my little sex slave there will be more...." I pushed the stool under his feet so he could unhook himself from the cross. He tottered uncertainly to the bench, lubed the dildo and very carefully lowered himself onto it. As he relaxed and adjusted himself on it, I cuffed has hands behind him and linked his ankles to the bench so he could not raise himself off the anal peg. He looked at me wonderingly and asked, "What now Mistress? Do I just sit here? I like it but it should really vibrate or move in and out." "You horny bugger. Never satisfied. Good point. I'll buy a fucking machine for you -- and for me! But now I want tongue service." ******************* The D?nouement "Janine, I'm having some girls over for wine and cheese. I want you to dress as a maid -- heels and all. Noooo. Not just heels -- ballet heels!" "Sorry Janet, no! I'll quit! I'll leave you! I don't mind -- in fact I love our sub domme relationship. I even liked the Brad thing. But to publicly display me, and in ballet heels at that, is just too much. We're through!" I'd been half expecting but half-hoping for this moment. At last it had come. "OK!" I said. "That's it! I've had it! We're through! I've tired of playing your silly self serving games. They don't give me any pleasure. I tried but I can no longer play the domme, Janine, or whatever your name is. It is not my nature. When I married you it was because I loved you and you were my man -- my man. I gloried in my role as your little woman, your wife. I loved having sex with you. But you changed. Your bondage games have turned me off. I've tried to satisfy you. But we've been doing this for months now and I am sick and tired of the whole thing." "Jan! I'm sorry! What can I do to please you? I can stop -- stop dressing -- forget the bondage games. Whatever you like. I love you Janet. I don't want to lose you." "No Janine, it won't work. Our visits to the doctors and therapists have told me that the problems you have are deep seated. If you try to stop you'll become frustrated and irritable and it will only be a matter of time before you regress and start all over. You know that CD's often purge from guilt, then start again. You are what you are and that's that!" "Please Janet, let me try. I love you." "Sorry Janine but we're through. I want a man! A real man! A man who wears boxers not panties. A man whose cock bulges his jeans, a man who'll pick me up and lower me onto his rock-like cock, a man who'll roll me over and slam his cock into me. I want to feel his balls slapping against my ass. I want a man! I want a man! I need a man!" "Oh God Janet I didn't understand the depths of your discontent. Are you saying you want Bradley? If that's it, I'm sure we can work it out. He'd love to help give you what you need." "Hell no! You still don't understand! Bradley sucks! He cheats on his wife. He comes here to get sucked off. I want nothing to do with good 'ol Brad, the shit. I want a normal life! I want a normal husband. Listen! You are leaving! We are divorcing. We are both young, attractive and employed. We can start over and hopefully find the mates we need and want. We'll do a no fault divorce. You leave, and I'll remain here and liquidate our assets -- we don't have much and we'll split the proceeds." "You fooled me Janet. For months now we've been playing with Brad, playing bondage games, me playing the submissive and you the domme. I though that you enjoyed our lifestyle. I am so sorry Janet. I had no desire to wreck our marriage. Why didn't you say something?" "I thought I could do it. I even enjoyed doing it, at first. But time and evolution of thought finally persuaded me that I was wrong in playing a dominant role in our marriage -- it was not my nature. I realized that our behavior was bizarre and threatened to wreck our marriage. Simply put, your serving as Brad's frequent cock sucker, disguising yourself as a maid servant, may be fun for some but ultimately -- not for me! Not at all! The few times I fucked Bradley were also revolting to me. I went along with it for a while as part of the scene but finally I realized that I was treading on very thin marital ice." Jay stood tall, anyhow, as tall as he could in his maid's dress. "I never knew that you fucked Brad, you bitch! That was not part of any understanding we may have had. Very well, I am going to go my own way, live my own life. Maybe sometime I'll find a soul mate -- someone similarly bizarre." And he stanped off in his heels. I watched him go. Even this had gone as I'd anticipated. And that, I suspected, had been the problem. He was too easy. End © 2010 Janet Baker

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Copyright© 2006 by DB. "Hi guys, come on in. Glad you could make it," Christy greeted, handing glasses of wine to Allison and Frank. "Good to see you too," Allison replied, taking a sip of the Cabernet as she followed her hostess into the house. A smell of incense was in the air. Some soft Celtic harp music played in the background. As they walked into the cozy living room of the small house the newcomers noticed that four appropriately colored candles were set at the four...

4 years ago
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Lost Love

I remember Bradyn like it was yesterday. He was a tall boy for his age. He had curly brown hair, long enough to run my fingers through it. It always felt soft and it always smelled like fruit. He was thin but muscular. His voice was smooth and calm. His smile made my stomach flutter. It was bright and big. It was contagious. He was a normal 17 year old boy. I met him when I was sixteen. I went on vacation to Charleston, South Carolina a few summers ago with my family. I was standing on the pier...

4 years ago
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Changing Minds

Changing Minds by TGBear "You are such a slut." It was an old argument now. I tried not to rise to the bait, no matter which "button" she pushed. "I can't believe you're actually going out dressed like that. It's obscene." I looked across our bedroom at her, my face expressing my inability to understand what was pissing her off so much. "Are you trying to get laid? No, that's not right. How many times are you going to get fucked tonight?" "One less that you want." I...

1 year ago
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My First Erotica

My Erotica–by Bethany Celeste I always hated going there alone. But I was hungry and stopped in and got a Tomato Special. I sat at the very top of the restaurant’s balcony, so I could see everyone coming and going on Fry St. As I was nibbling on my slice and staring absent-mindedly into space in the downward direction of pedestrian traffic, I noticed that a very peculiarly dressed individual was staring right back! A tall, muscled-yet-wiry red head dressed in Navy Blues was staring up at me....

2 years ago
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The TGI Chronicles Part 1 Too LateChapter 10

The next week at work was just simple hard work. I was beginning to realise that I was still trying to do my old job, plus project managing the ITP project, and that was hard work. The ITP team had been demoralised, they needed time and loving care. But loving care cost time, and time was something that neither the project nor I had. On top of that, I had to build a new relationship with Neil as my new line manager, and play my role as a senior member of the company management team. My hours...

2 years ago
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My Mom Surrendered To A Swami

Hello, girls and guys. I am Shivang here. I am 25, from Mumbai. Your feedback is welcome on So this sex story is about a guy- Naveen and how his mother was fooled by a Swami to engage in a sexual relationship. Here on, in Naveen’s words. Hello, friends. I am Naveen. I am 25, unmarried. I live with a small family in a small town of Nashik near Mumbai. My mother-Swati is 49 and a housewife. My father-Kamlesh is 56 and in Government service. My sister-Aditi is 29 now. My mother-Swati is an...

1 year ago
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When Worlds Collide a Vision Spring Story

When Worlds Collide: A Vision Spring story (Authors note: It's probably a good idea to read the first two stories before reading this one) Last time... (From This is how a Heart breaks) "He told me his story Itzel, and it doesn't change anything. I.. I love him anyway," Sara said "Love?" the creature said. "You can do more than summon shadows Sara. Look into his heart, and see the darkness there!" Unable to resist, Sara looked at Gregory, and suddenly her...

4 years ago
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My first MILF (III)Connie and I have tried to arrange another get together a couple times but either her family or my work load have changed things time and again. but today, things worked out, and I found myself once again in the arms of the most pleasant friend, and sexual lover I think I will ever see... Sneaking her into my room isn't difficult. My living arrangements take care of that... but the sneaking nature of the whole thing drives us both sexually crazy, and we both just get...

2 years ago
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Country Bumpin

‘Bobbie Jo Wakefield, you git your butt back in here young lady!’ Mama yelled as the young girl ran down the driveway to the waiting pickup truck. But her words were of no effect, drowned out completely by the rumble of the lifted 4X4 truck and its loud straight pipe exhaust noise. Not that Bobbie Jo would have heeded her mothers words anyway – Bobbie Jo was a wild, free-spirited young girl, and waiting inside that truck was the sole object of her attentions. As she got to the truck, the...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Soccer CoachChapter 4 Linda

I almost gave up coaching after the Ravens broke up. I knew I had already tempted fate too often, and one more dalliance might turn out to be a disaster. But I had discovered during those three years that I really enjoyed coaching, and I was reluctant to just give that up. I decided to try something different. I called the coaching coordinator of the club I had worked with, and asked him if there were any boys' teams that were looking for assistance. He got back to me a week later and told...

2 years ago
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Wayward Wifes Punishment

                               Wayward Wife's Punishment                                                                                   Chapter 1                                             Prologue        Years ago, when beginning the writing of this story, there was no intention of turning it into a novella or longer. The initial concept however quickly changed from a "hit and run" sex and violence short story to this epic of self-discovery on the part of the protagonist. This work still...

3 years ago
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Suddenly A Girl Part 3

(Rob faces the second day after a chemical spill that changed him into a 15-year old girl.) "Here's the plan for today," said Deb, Rob's wife. "We have to go shopping to get you some clothes of your own. Then we go back to the doctor's office. Dr. Mann said the tests came in and he wants to talk to us this afternoon." Rob wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea. "Do I really have to?" he said. Frustratingly, his voice sounded whiney. "I think there's no choice," Deb answered. "You...

3 years ago
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My unexpected first gay sex

I am a black guy in my mid 30's, divorced and have always known that I was a bisexual. Ive only been with women this entire time. I would jack off to gay porn about once a week but never pursued gay sex or a relationship. It was the summer of 2017 and I received a job offer to move to the Orlando, FL area for a temporary assignment. After a couple of weeks of looking for a place, I decided to move in with a older white woman Tina, a 51 year old mother, and her son Nate, who was 23 years old and...

2 years ago
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A Blackburn Brothel story Joan

Joan was the oldest of the Blackburn Ladies, and would come along a couple of afternoons each week. She was not a regular visitor, but turned up on different days and for different lengths of time. About 40 odd, she had two teenage c***dren still at school. Her husband had an office job in Manchester and worked for some company that did import/export of goods through ringway Airport.Joan had been with her hubby since school and ,until she joined the Blackburn Girls, had never had another man....

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Its Your Bedtime

The following script is based on actual events....Parental Advisory ONLY!Background:I'm a 21 year old male college student out for the summer. College had just ended and a few days later, on April 27th 2011, Tornadoes struck all across the nation particularly in the south. The power was out for a few weeks and it was crazy. A lot of people were panicking, but me being a country boy that i am was totally fine...But there was one problem. At my house when there is no electricity, there is also no...

4 years ago
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A Margin Call Delayed

‘I’m sorry Carter, I can’t give you any more extensions, I have to call in the margin, today.’ ‘Come on Diana, you can’t mean that! That’s 50 million! I’ll be wiped out!’ ‘You shouldn’t have taken on so much margin.’ ‘Great risk means great reward, you can’t have one without the other.’ ‘Great risk also leads to disaster, like today for instance.’ ‘I took a risk on you didn’t I?’ His fingers softly grazed her cheek. ‘That was different.’ She turned her head away, her cheek burning. ‘You...

2 years ago
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Wife Strips for Husbands Nephew True Story

My wife who is normally shy and soft spoken. She has a small girlish body small breast and very nicely trimmed bush cut short and a large clit. Anyway one day she is tanning and nephew (my nephew not hers) is 18 and very shy around women ( she thinks he is a virgin or was at the time ) she is tanning and we are working on yard. He came over to help me as we have large yard. She has a few drinks while tanning (some type of wine cooler) and I see him looking at her every time he goes by her and...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Victoria Busty Blonde Russian Doll

– 47 years old Russian cougar – Is married and has been for 15 years – Hubby loved the idea of her shooting for MomPov – He likes to show her off and see men drool over her – He also likes to take sexy pictures and nude pictures of her – They like to make there own home made videos just for fun – They once did a public nude photoshoot on a beach in cuba – She has some of the nicest huge fake tits on planet earth – I was in titty fucking heaven, her tits are perfect for it – It turns her on to...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Hotwife Pt5

A couple of weeks later, I woke on Monday morning to find Dave gone. When I went through to the kitchen, he was sitting and reading his iPad at the island. He had a very mischievous grin. When I asked what he was up to, he just told me I’d find out soon enough.I turned, saying I needed a shower.When I returned, I saw Dave fully dressed and ready for work, walking out of the door with a bin bag. I thought nothing of it assuming he was putting out some rubbish. However, I was soon to find out how...

Wife Lovers
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Pilgrim of PassionChapter 7

There was much for her to learn and Alicia became more and more aware of her ignorance with each passing day. Rona was very good about sending people to her who could train her in the arts that she was to learn and she was a bit put out when she began to comprehend the delicate nuances of her arts. Janet worked with her and taught her all that she knew about using the instruments of flagellation and Alicia became very expert. Rona sent Orville to her every day and she whipped him and enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Virgin AirChapter 3

Lana and I sat quietly. At first it was a pleasant silence, but then Lana could feel I was tensing up. Before she could ask what I was thinking about the thump and rattle was heard again. This time there were two carts in each aisle. Dinner. Reading lights flicked on throughout the cabin as the main lights rose as well. A deceptively good smell flowed around, teasing the senses of passengers when there was nothing to appease them. When the cart arrived at our row, I recognized the stewardess...

2 years ago
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PreHoneymoon Honeymoon

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! If you're not an adult please stop reading and dispose of this file. You've been warned of the content, if you proceed I will not be held responsible. Pre-Honeymoon Honeymoon By Erica Wright April 7th-April 16th, 2000 He was my best friend from childhood; she was my best friend from college. I introduced them, they liked each other, they loved each other, and they got married. Less than three months later they were...

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My Fleet Experience Ch2

By Jax_Teller After weeks at sea, the day to day contact with Linda was getting to me physically. We’d both agreed that we should keep our physical relationship limited to shore leave. I went into the magazine of our missile system one day to check work that had been done that day shift and found Mike one of my missile techs balls deep in some female I didn’t recognize. Mikes’ pants were around his ankles and she was sitting on a work bench her pants and underwear in a ball on the...

2 years ago
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The SmallholderChapter 10

Friday 20 February 09 The snow lingered for two weeks, though Barry cleared the track after two days. The snow turned to rain, and then began to melt away more quickly. Joseph found his thoughts often turned towards Angela, wondering what she was doing. She had gone back to the life she knew, and to Trevor. He felt he could not blame her. She was a city girl after all. Perhaps Trevor was a better partner for a woman than he was. Joseph's wife had never looked back, had she? Once again...

2 years ago
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Caught wanking in the library

Even after a few weeks at college I was still finding my feet. I had made some new friends, but the place itself – it was so big! I wanted to knuckle down and, being a bit of a nerd, decided to get some books on English grammar. I had only been to the library once and then it had been locked. One girl told me that it was a good place to study because so few people went in. Mobiles and iPods were strictly prohibited. I opened the heavy glass-panelled door and walked in. It had a slightly musty...

3 years ago
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Loved Someone Who Blackmailed Me

Hello, guys and girls of Indian sex stories dot net, This is payal Sinha from a village near orisa. Currently working in Hyderabad. I’m a seasonal reader of Indian sex stories. I’m aged 23 . I never thought I will write a story here because I was virgin just up to a week before. But circumstances paved the way for that. Without wasting more time let me get into the incident. I’m from a very low background and finding few bugs for me was a dream. I struggled hard to study and I was placed in an...

3 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 51

Cassie took a deep breath as she stood before her fellow Harbingers and let it go in a sigh of relief that she had something substantial to say to them. "Mrs. Radson called me early this morning. She's finished the potion." She heard Diane's sigh of relief, but she did not need her empathic sense to see the fear in Diane's eyes as well. She shared some of it, and wished Ned had let her finish what she had to say to him earlier. She felt a spike of anticipation from Richie and could not...

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Physiotherapy home visit

As a community physio I was on my way to see Dawn and her husband Stuart, he was the patient he has what is known as Locked in syndrome LIS. This is where you are aware but cannot move, speak due to paralysis.I arrived to be met by Dawn, she is about 55 tall ,blonde with a nice figure for her age, I'd been seeing Stuart for a few months now and giving him passive therapy. I'd always got on with both of them very well, obviously not much input form him due to his condition, she was always a bit...

3 years ago
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QueenChapter 8

"Oh, how I missed you," gushed Cassi, hugging Linda as she entered the concourse after deplaning. They would have kissed but discretion dictated a somewhat less overt display of affection. Not that either would have minded except that while word of such an affair would have had little or no impact on Linda's career, it would have ended Cassi's. The police department was still quite homophobic, especially her Captain who while he could not fire her directly would have made life miserable...

1 year ago
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Adult Empire Blowjob

Ah, blowjobs! No porn is good porn unless there's a sizzling scene of cock-gorging somewhere along the way. Blowjobs are the beginning and the end of almost all porn, and the reason for that is simple. Nothing beats the view of moist lips going up and down a shaft while the hoe's eyes stay fixed on the man of her wet dreams. The dick-gobbling ordeal has mesmerized the masses for years, so it's no wonder that one of the industry's biggest websites decided to devote one of its categories to...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
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Mindcontrol Panties 15 Becoming a Submissive Teacher Pet

The figure trembled as it stroked the last pair of mind-controlled panties it had made. The fun of this game was exquisite. It savored shaping young girls’ minds into its sluts. Turning good girls into whores, bad girls into virgins, and a whole host of other naughty designs. But too much of a good thing was bad. It needed to move on to new amusements. The figure slipped unnoticed through the department store. It had been in one of these places many times. It knew through its waterfall’s...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E03 Glenda 50

Series 1, Episode 3: Glenda The beautiful scenic views of the Irish countryside. We’re on the hills outside Londonderry in the north west of Northern Ireland. It’s warm and sunny, but a wind is whipping across the open countryside and causing us a few problems with our sound. It’s also causing a few problems for our latest subject. Her long blonde hair being flipped across her face. She’s middle aged but in good shape, her make-up is a little overdone, particularly her fire-engine-red...

1 year ago
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Protection Fer WhoChapter 4

Shit! I must be the luckiest man in the world. All four of them wuz carrin' one of them Starr DA pistols. Later, when I looked in their saddle bags, I found four more of 'em. They must of robbed a supply depot or some such ta have that many of them valuable pistols. Ta my calculatin', that's $336 worth of guns, far an' away more than what a man, or even four men, could normally afford. I hated ta give up the nine shots an' the shotgun, but, right then, I decided ta swap my LeMats fer...

2 years ago
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New Career California 1850Chapter 4

My trip to San Francisco was interesting to me because it dispelled a few mistaken ideas. For one thing, I had not realized that the road from Sacramento to San Francisco actually ended in Oakland, an older city, and required a trip by ferry to reach San Francisco. Oh, it was possible to reach San Francisco by land, but that required a long circuitous route around the southerly arm of the Bay. I paid the outrageous fee to take the public ferry with my horse across the Bay to San Francisco....

3 years ago
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Laura part 5

"I hope you've all enjoyed your first term," Mrs. Houghton announces to the whole of the year as the bell rings, signifying not only the end of the school day, but the end of school entirely for the next two and a half weeks. "I hope you all have a happy Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you back here in January, refreshed and raring to go for another term!" With the assembly 'dismissed', we all file out of the hall in neat columns, though once we reach the car park outside the...

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Confessions of a Sex Crazy Crossdresser Part 7

Chapter 13: One Hour Photo I checked in at the motel and went to my room. It was a standard motel near the freeway, two levels tall and I was on the lower level in the room farthest from the office and facing away from the freeway. I opened the door and turned on the air conditioner. It was still about 85 degrees and it was after 5:00. After a quick shower, I picked up my voice mails from home and returned a couple of calls for work and then got dressed into some nicer clothes. I knew there...

3 years ago
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The Big Tease

The Big Teasing I arrive home to find my slave waiting for me asI had ordered her to in the email I sent earlier. She was blindfolded and nakedexcept for the high-heeled sandals that were a bit too small. She had alsoplaced the cuffs on her wrists and ankles as directed. As I had demanded, shehad diligently secured her nipples in the tight nooses that graced the endsof a foot long piece of 5/50 cord that I often use for this purpose. Wisely,she had complied with my directions to tie the...

1 year ago
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Finding My Self part 2

It was 2 days before I was back in Ann’s house, this time Ann had returned and phoned me, saying thanks for babysitting the other night, but she needed to see me this morning, I went over, wondering what would happen, had Peter told her anything, but No! She only wanted me in her bed, I was glad and enjoyed been in bed with her again, however it was so strange to be kissing her cunt in the same bed that 2 days earlier I had been sucking her husband wearing French knickers. It was so horny, I...

2 years ago
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Forced Feminization

Forced Feminization? Hello to all my friends and readers, I guess this little discussion should be written in a blog or something, but I don't know how to do that, so hey ho. As well as writing stories, I like to read them too and one of my favourite subject headings is "Forced Feminization", however, and this is the reason for this discussion, many of these stories disappoint. The heading is two words, Forced and Feminisation, yet so often I find that the key character appears to...

1 year ago
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Moms Loving WaysChapter 5

"Do what?" she asked, flirting with him. "Eat your cunt," he laughed, pressing her to the couch and spreading her legs. "Eat my cunt?" "Lick it... suck you," he said, going to his knees between her legs. "Tongue fuck you in the cunt, Mom." "Oh, you should have told me!" Denise squealed. "I'm a sucker for that." He looked op at her. "Mom, you're a sucker for more than that. You're one hell of a fantastic cock sucker." Denise laughed happily, lifting her legs and...

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Grandpa Tucks Me In

Grandpa Tucks Me InChapter OneOne year, I went to spend my summer vacation with my grandparents. I hadn't seen much of them for years after they retired and moved away. So I wanted to be with them while I could, before I went away to college, or got a job or something. My clearest memory of that summer was discovering my awakening hormones. I remember one night touching myself underneath my summer pajamas. I was fascinated by the intensity of my feelings. A few minutes later, Grandpa crept...

3 years ago
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sex with bhabhi

By: sandeep Hi ISS Readers. My name is Sandeep, basically from north India but currently working in Hyderabad. I am 5’4″ with average in build and looks. Well that’s enough about me. I am writing a true incident of my life happened around 5 years back when I was in college. I was doing my engineering, and since I was quiet shy and simple guy so I preferred to stay in a rented house instead of the college hostel. The house where I was staying was a two story building with first floor having two...

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Contact Sports Ch 03

Pain! My head clouded as I felt the layers of unconsciousness slip away. I hunkered down, trying to return to oblivion. Muted voices and noises intruded, keeping me forcefully in the present. Pain! A hand clasping mine gently. I struggled to open my eyes, but the effort was too much as I succumbed to the darkness once again. Terror at the edges of my mind as flashes fought to surface to no avail. Pain! A prick…Sleep… Waking again, I cracked my eyelids. Soft lighting in unfamiliar surroundings....

2 years ago
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Kavi Kavi Job Chutna V Aacha Hota Hai

Hi, it is me Deepak once again. As you know I am from Kolkata and my age is 23. I am working here in a call center. So the story is about my naukrani. Some months ago I left my last job. And at that time I was in search for a new job and generally used to stay in my room (about my room. I live here in a rental house which is in the 2nd floor and single room with kitchen bathroom attached) So now coming to the story. At that time i always stay in home and generally mai window ke pas khada ho kar...

3 years ago
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What Dreams May Come

He gets up and as he is now walking away from me, his ass looks HOT... he goes into a bedroom doorway and turns around to glance back at me, with a very strong, what are you waiting for look... I get up and as I enter the room, he closes the door behind me. The moonlight and street lights outside are enough light to see how bad I really wanna kiss all over his chest that I can now see up close! Without realizing anything, my mouth was already sucking on his nipple and I hear him moan. My...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 79

* I was devastated to find out my wife was having an affair but, by turning to religion, I was soon able to come to terms with the whole thing. I converted to Islam, and we're stoning her in the morning. * The wife suggested I get myself one of those penis enlargers, so I did. She's 21, and her name's Kathy. * Went to the pub with my girlfriend last night. Locals were shouting "pedophile!" and other names at me, just because my girlfriend is 24 and I'm 50. It completely spoiled our...

2 years ago
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Only his toy

I was his toy. There was no other explanation than that. He used me, but personally, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the way he threw me around and fucked me roughly. He didn't love me, this seemed obvious to me. But of course, I loved him. The first time we met, we were considered a couple. We would buy dinner and chat for a while, to get to know each other. Although on my part I considered it as the two of us getting to know each other, he considered it as luring me into his strong but abusive arms....

2 years ago
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Natasha Hamilton Atomic Kitten

Recently I won a competition in England for a vacation to a star's club with Atomic Kitten's singer Natasha Hamilton. In the evening before the meeting I had to get relief because I get a hard-on with only the thought of this dream woman and I didn't fancy spending the meeting with a hard-on all the time! So I got from my pocket the Maxim magazine which showed the three Atomic Kitten girls posed as schoolgirls. I released my stiff cock from my trousers and started to rub myself up and down....

3 years ago
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touched my pussy

I knew campus would be dead the day of July 4th, but I wasn't expecting it to be this dead. Normally, even during the summer session, my Psych 101 class would have a hundred people in it. Today there was maybe twenty of us s**ttered around the auditorium. But that didn't stop Dr. Mallory from droning on at the front of the room.I shouldn't complain. Psych was an easy A for me and watching Dr. Mallory was not without its perks. Like the tight khakis he always wore that cradled his amazing butt....

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