ElevatedChapter 11 free porn video

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Corvus was so used to seeing Crispa Iunius dressed outlandishly that when she came to the front door of her house wearing a sleek, red sheath dress that hugged her like a snakeskin and made her look like a nightclub hostess of the previous century, it seemed surprisingly traditional. Even the matching pillbox hat and thin veil only enhanced the appearance of classic elegance and femininity.

Corvus realized he was staring when she gave a small curtsy. "You like?"

"Very much." He grinned and kissed her on the cheek. "You're not trying to pass as part of the staff tonight. Are you?"

Crispa shook her head and tapped the cheek he'd just kissed. "I'd need a provenance mark."

She was right of course. Nearly the whole staff of the Butterfly Club were highly-trained, well-bred slaves brought up either in the Temple of Venus or one of the associated Temples Venereal. As Crispa walked past, Corvus saw that the back of the dress above the waist consisted of a single diagonal strap from shoulder blade to hip. He considered her lower back. "You'd need both marks actually."

She grinned at Corvus over her shoulder as the driver held the door to one of the Gallicus family's limos open for her. "Thank you again for doing this. I felt like I was going to go berserk if I had to stay home tonight."

As Corvus followed her into the limo, he caught a faint sillage of orange blossoms and alcohol. Crispa had expressed a need to "cut loose" tonight - a singularly fascinating idea to Corvus, who assumed she was cutting loose pretty much all the time. He'd offered to take her "somewhere nice" and, when Crispa had asked where, he'd grabbed the first name that came to mind - the Butterfly Club. It was the only place he could think of that he'd aspired to see that rich patricians actually attended.

"I could use a night to get out of the house and unwind myself," Corvus admitted as they pulled out of Crispa's driveway.

Crispa draped herself skillfully around his forearm. "You have to tell me what's been going on at your house. It's so much better than the soap operas they show on TV." Before Corvus could answer, she looked at the refrigerator embedded in the facing seat. "But first, is that thing stocked? I could use a drink for the ride."

Corvus leaned forward, popped the top of the refrigerator and looked down into it. "Does bottled water count as 'stocked?'"

"Only if the water's at least forty proof." Crispa popped open her clutch and, after a moment's sorting, extracted a sleek gold case and matching lighter. Corvus pressed a button to activate the car's reverse ventilators, which hummed to life. The thin black cigarette she extracted and lit smelled like it was mostly marijuana if there was any tobacco in it at all. She took a long drag. "It really was sweet of you to offer to take us all out tonight. I was planning to engage my feminine wiles in the hopes of getting just such an offer, but my nerves are so frayed, I'm not sure I would have made a very good showing of it."

Corvus chuckled. "I'll take a rain check on your feminine wiles, then. I do prefer them when you're at your best." He watched Crispa. Even with a few drinks in her, she was all grace and poise - except in the too-quick way she brought her cigarette to her lips and drew smoke into her lungs. He asked, "Still worried about your father's visit?"

Crispa nodded and blew out smoke. "Yes, but probably only until about six months after he goes back to Europe. Sometimes, I swear he chooses his little plots based on which ones will cause me the most grief."

Corvus sighed. "Is there anything I can do to help?" It wasn't the first time he'd offered. The number of remedies at his disposal were probably a lot bigger than he realized and he already had a good half dozen in mind, but he was still hoping Regula would offer one rather this his suggesting it.

"Take me out someplace expensive and get me roaring drunk?" Crispa asked.

"Consider it done," said Corvus dryly. "Anything else?"

"Some of the options at the Butterfly Club can get pretty expensive," Crispa pointed out. "Don't let my friends take advantage too much advantage of you."

"No chance of that," said Corvus. "They don't have your feminine wiles."

"Well, Cato has a few," Crispa observed. "But I don't think he's really your type."

"Not even if he dresses up as a slave girl," said Corvus.

"Slave girls!" Crispa snapped her fingers. "You were about to tell me about what's going on with your household before we were so rudely interrupted by this car's deplorable lack of alcohol."

Corvus gave a wan smile and told her the whole story, leaving out only a few details that seemed too personal or too unflattering to recount. When he finished, Crispa gave him a puzzled look. "So, what's your angle?"

"I don't know if I have an angle," admitted Corvus. "I've pretty much been winging it."

She raised her eyebrows. "You're spending an awful lot of money if you don't know what result you're looking for. Hiring a good trainer to come on-site can cost more than a new slave."

Corvus shrugged. "That's probably true. But, I got some kind of special deal. My mother called in a favor from an old friend she worked with during the Britannic Wars who does this sort of thing. Apparently, she's pretty hard to get a hold of."

"What's her name?" Crispa closed her eyes and took another long drag off her cigarette. "If she's any good, I've probably heard of her."

"Paphian Nova," said Corvus. "She used to be an actress."

Crispa's eyes shot open. "Seriously? Your mother's friends with Paphian Nova?"

Corvus nodded, frowning. He'd been hearing his mother talk about the former actress for as long as he could remember, but never in particularly flattering terms. It had come as a bit of a surprise to learn the two were actually good enough friends that one would do a favor for the other. "They worked together during the war - as pinups."

"What's your mother's name?" Crispa sounded suspicious.

"Lucretia," said Corvus.

"Lucretia ... Octavius?" Crispa asked. When Corvus nodded, she laughed. "Oh, gods! I know you said you mother was a pinup during the war, but you didn't say she was Lucretia Octavius. I used to..." She shook her head and laughed again, swallowing whatever words she'd been about to say. "I still have posters of hers at my house."

"I'm sure she'll be flattered to know that," said Corvus. He was used to older men being fans of his mother and even some of his own peers, but Crispa was the first woman he'd heard make such comments.

"She sure did work with Paphian Nova, didn't she?" her smirk made Corvus blush deep red. He'd been hoping she hadn't seen any of those particular posters. "Can I meet her?"

"My mother?"

"Well, yes ... and Paphian," asked Crispa. "Do they still ... I mean are they still a couple ever?"

Corvus rubbed his forehead. "I don't think they were ever a couple exactly. They worked together and I wouldn't be surprised to hear they ... performed together." He winced. "Mortified possibly, but not surprised. Even the son of a hetaera doesn't want to know too much about his mother's sex life."

Crispa laughed and shook her head. "Paphian Nova. Is she here yet?"

"She should be at my house by morning at the latest," said Corvus. "She was taking a train from Pax Dulci today, but it was delayed."

"And you're not going to be there to pick her up?" Crispa seemed incredulous. "That seems a bit high-handed. She was a big star not that long ago."

"I sent Malcolm to pick her up in the other limo," said Corvus. "I couldn't be there and here and I didn't think the train station was what you had in mind when you said you needed to get out of the house."

"That's ... unbelievably sweet." Crispa smiled and ran a fingertip along Corvus's cheek. It was a very intimate gesture and one of hundreds she'd shown him. It was becoming clear to Corvus that Crispa wasn't just friendly. She wanted him. It was a heady thought for a young man who, a month ago, had never been kissed and didn't expect that to change for years to come.

Even though he saw Crispa more than anyone outside his own household, Corvus had been surprised to realize they'd been conducting a courtship of sorts. He still wasn't sure what he was courting her for. They both knew they could never marry each other and he was pretty sure the only reason she wasn't already his lover was that he hadn't invited her to his bed. Even so, every time he saw her, there was a sense of anticipation as if something wonderful were just about to happen between them.

Corvus and Crispa were the last of their party to arrive at the Club. He'd rented what the hostess had called a "booth" for the night, but it was really more of a small lounge set off from the garden room, so called for its leafy-green atriums and rustic-looking wooden bridges where patrons nearly as well-heeled as Corvus and Crispa strolled the paths or sought the more secluded grottos.

As the hostess, a pretty redheaded slave named Terese, led them through the main atrium, Corvus looked at the series of round doorways they passed. Most had a gauzy white curtain closed in front of them and the lights low so that the occupants could look out into garden room without themselves being seen. Combined with the constant sound of the Club's three-story waterfall and the pools it created, privacy was all but assured.

When they reached their designated booth, Therese indicated the doorway with a flourish, but left the opening of the curtain to Corvus. Even when he'd pushed the light cloth aside, the young patrician had to lean in and let his eyes adjust before he spotted the low blonde table and his guests. Cato sprawled on a with a low back facing them so that only his one hand, gesturing with both a cigar and a drink, could be seen.

To one side, sitting forward and listening intently was Tullus Ovidius, Corvus's nominal tutor in comporting himself like a patrician. Corvus had barely spent an hour with the man since meeting him. He was pleasant enough, but he taught like Corvus was a small child who didn't understand a lot of Latin.

On the other side, listening but much less intent, was a long-bodied man with a neat, but unfashionable beard. Corvus didn't know, but Crispa rushed forward with her arms wide so that he could rise and hug her, sweeping her momentarily off her feet.

"Metallicus, you made it!" Crispa laughed as he spun her a little before putting her down.

"Wouldn't have missed it," said Metallicus gruffly. "After all the trouble he's caused us, a chance to leech off of General Gallicus for a night of refined debauchery was too much to turn down."

"Metallicus..." Crispa started to say, but Corvus cut her off.

"Tell me about it," he said with feigned jollity. "What trouble has he caused you?"

Metallicus looked back and forth between the two newcomers before narrowing his eyes at Corvus. "You must be the new Gallicus."

"Yes, the one you'll actually be leeching off of tonight," said Corvus dryly. "This is coming out of my pocket, not my father's."

Metallicus inclined his head. "You have my gratitude, of course. I don't get to come here very often on my income."

"Good." Corvus took the remaining couch and waved to Metallicus that he should sit back down. "Hopefully, you're grateful enough to tell me what sort of trouble my father has caused for you. There's a lot about the general's private business I still don't know and it never hurts to learn new things."

The hostess had followed Corvus and Crispa into the booth and took the opportunity to collect their orders for "refreshments or entertainment." Everyone ordered something to drink or smoke. Once they had, she knelt at the side of Cato's couch. "Your entertainment is nearly assembled, sir. Should I send them in when they're ready?"

Cato gave a dismissive little wave. "No. My friends have only just arrived. I really should catch up before I run off for the night. Do tell them I'm being an absolute bastard and refuse to see them until I'm damned well ready." He delivered the line with a light, airy tone and a sardonic smirk.

"Of course." As hostess rose and left, Corvus watched the stylized, elongated butterfly tattooed on her lower back, perched on the bar code that identified her. Once she was gone, Corvus turned to Cato. "It sounds like you have something pretty elaborate planned."

"Don't worry." Cato waved his hand again. "It's on my father's tab. Some of us don't need to leech off of our new friends."

"Not when you have family paying the bills," said Metallicus.

"No one is leeching." Corvus raised his hands in a gesture of supplication. "I offered. Remeber?"

"And we do appreciate it," said Tullus earnestly.

"Glad to have you here," said Corvus, not exactly lying. "Sorry I haven't had much time for diction and comportment lessons. I've been busy with ... well, everything."

"When you have time," said Tullus. "After the wedding maybe. That will still give you a couple of months before you enter the Academy."

"Right," said Corvus. He was torn between wondering whether a couple months of diction and comportment would help him and wondering if he needed them at all. Patricians seemed at least as diverse a lot as plebes and he seemed to fit in well enough most of the time. He turned his attention back to Metallicus. "So, you were about to explain the trouble my father's caused for you?"

"Well, not really for me personally, but for my department. I never much cared for the corpse formerly known as Labeo Vitellius." Metallicus took a drag from his cigar. "Naturally, it's awful that anyone got executed, but if I'd had to choose someone I worked with, I imagine his name would be near the top of the list."

He shrugged. "Unfortunately, he was the accountant for my R&D team at the Oracle Corporation and it appears that no one kept a local copy of the records. Now, we're going into budget season and everybody's got their cock in a winepress because they don't have the numbers they need in order to know how much to ask for." Gesturing with the cigar, he added, "No real skin off my ass, I suppose, but as a good and loyal employee, I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to be outraged. The Corporation is going to demand a formal inquest."

Corvus nodded. That wasn't particularly good news. The Oracle Corporation was by far the most powerful company in the New Roman Empire. It wasn't part of the government, but existed through some convoluted arrangement with the senate that seemed to involve massive sums of money moving back and forth on a daily basis with no one really clear which side was coming out ahead. He'd once considered the possibility of seeking a job at the Corporation as a fast-track to a senatorial staff position. Along with money, people seemed to move back and forth between the two institutions through some complex internal logic that outsiders would be hard-pressed to understand.

If they pushed the senate to look more deeply into Labeo Vitellius's execution, it might cause trouble for everyone involved. He felt a momentary frisson of fear before remembering he hadn't been involved at all. He'd only stepped in after the treason and the execution for treason had already been carried out.

"Maybe they should," said Corvus noncommittally. "Just to make sure everything was in order. But what do you think Gaius Gallicus had to do with it? He's not even on the senate, much less the judicial."

"Nobody's ... really clear on that," admitted Metallicus. "But his name keeps coming up in relation to the execution. People at work will say, 'I bet General Gallicus is behind this' or, 'If this is Gallicus's doing, he's gone too far this time. I don't really follow the news much, so it was a bit of a surprise to hear his name in two very different contexts. I ... hope you won't take what I said earlier too seriously. Normally, I think at least a little bit before I speak, but now..." He waved the cigar as a prop.

Corvus frowned even as he gestured that Metallicus wasn't to concern himself. He wanted to assure the other man that Gaius had nothing to do with the execution of Labeo Vitellius, but he'd spoken true. There was a lot he didn't know about his father's business starting with why he was marrying Lucretia for her keen political mind and stewarding Corvus himself into a senate seat which at the same time refusing high political office. It seemed highly improbable that the general had even known who Labeo Vitellius was before he'd been executed, but another possibility occurred to Corvus to go with that thought. Gaius was extremely unlikely to have know Labeo Vitellus, but Lucretia certainly had. Corvus loved his mother, but he couldn't entirely put it past her to use her new position to seek some revenge on people who had wronged her when she was a plebeian.

"Everything clearly wasn't in order," Metallicus grumbled almost to himself as Corvus reflected. When Corvus cocked an eyebrow, he went on. "Well, it was damned peculiar. Whoever heard of a Roman citizen being arrested in the middle of the night and executed before dawn? It sounds like something they might do in Europe, but not here."

Corvus wondered if that was true. He could only remember one other treason case and it had been pretty spectacular, but for all he knew, this sort of thing might happen all the time - a quick, night-time execution followed by a total media blackout. He'd never heard of it happening, but by definition, he wouldn't have.

He wondered if someone inside the Oracle Corporation might be deliberately spreading rumors about Gaius being involved. He didn't think his father had any enemies on that front, but imagined there must be operatives who would routinely try to tarnish any rapidly rising star before it could threaten their own position.

Thinking hard on the subject, he lost track of the conversation, but he probably hadn't missed much because, when the hostess returned, Cato said, "All right. I'm all caught up now and rapidly approaching bored. Let's get to the entertainment."

The hostess smiled. "Very good." She turned to Corvus, "Do you have anyone specific you'd like to serve you tonight? If not, I can recommend someone based on your tastes."

Corvus frowned, looking down at the glass in his hand. He'd drunk all of his first drink and had it replaced almost as if by magic. "Aren't you serving us."

"I can," said the hostess cheerfully. She looked around the room, doing a mental count. "There are rather a lot of you, though."

Crispa laid a hand on Corvus's arm. "We're fine with refreshments for now. Maybe someone can serve us a bit later."

"Of course." The hostess's smile never faltered as she gave as perfect a little curtsy as her dress would allow and exited.

"I just ... missed something," said Corvus slowly.

All his friends burst out laughing. Even Tullus was apparently in on the joke. It was Metallicus who recovered first and said, "You just offered to gangbang the waitress."

Crispa laid her head on Corvus's shoulder. "Not a terrible mistake. She is awfully pretty."

"Well, yes," said Metallicus. "But I'm not sure I want to put my cock anywhere that Cato has been."

"A wise, though thoroughly unnecessary precaution," said Cato with a put-upon sigh. "She's completely not my type - all that ... flesh up front."

"You mean her breasts?" Crispa asked.

Cato gave a mock shudder. "Exactly. You might as well fuck a cow."

Corvus winced inwardly at the harshness of Cato's words. Their waitress had been voluptuous, but not remarkably so. "I'm sure the cows here at the Butterfly Club are only the most beautiful, but I'd still choose our waitress first."

Cato gave a snort. "She'd do in a pinch, but I have something much better planned. You could join me if you wanted to try something a little less ... common than you're used to."

Corvus chuckled and lifted his fresh drink in a mock toast. "I haven't been at any of this very long, Cato. None of it feels common to me yet."

The fell into conversation about their day-to-day lives. Crispa talked about helping Corvus pick out furniture and shared a few amusing anecdotes about the process while skillfully avoiding any mention of who had owned Corvus's new house before him and who still lived in it. Metallicus was all about his work and Cato all about being a dissolute sybarite. If Tullus had anything going on in his own life, he hid it behind talk of current events and questions about the others' stories. Considering how much he and Crispa weren't saying about his own life, he wondered if the rest of them had similar secrets.

As they talked, men and women passed by outside the booth. About half of them wore one of the Butterfly Club's many provenance marks, all variations on the eponymous creature in blue, purple, and pink. Most of the rest were well-heeled patricians and plebeians. At first, Corvus had assumed those strolling by would be less wealthy or powerful than the ones who took private booths, but he recognized a number of famous faces around the crowd and realized the Club was more of a see-and-be-seen location than he'd previously assumed.

Cato told an amusing story involving two of Senator Petronius's staffers, a goat, a a dare, and copious amounts of cheap wine. At the end, Crispa laughed and turned to Corvus. "You should keep an eye on those two."

Metallicus raised an eyebrow. "You're going into politics?"

Corvus nodded. "I'm being groomed to take over for Senator Petronius when he retires ... assuming the plebiscite accepts me, of course."

The humor that had been there a moment ago was gone from Metallicus's eyes. "Do you have any idea when that might be?"

Corvus considered dissembling, but it didn't really fit his rapidly-evolving style. "The end of this term, I believe."

A smile split Metallicus's face. "Well ... that is good news ... obstructionist, old bastard."

Corvus leaned in a little. "How so?"

"Old Petronius is the head of the science and innovation commission," said Metallicus. "He's been squeezing the purse on the Corporation ever since he was appointed there - demanding proof that research is going to pay off before he'll fund it, even when the hypothesis comes straight from the Notebooks themselves. If we had proof, we wouldn't need to do the damned research! Canus Petronius has done more to slow the march of progress in the Empire than any two plagues."

Corvus sat back with a smirk. "And you assume I'll be more pliable?"

"I assume you won't be the chair of science and innovation - at least until you get some seniority," said Metallicus earnestly. "And I assume anyone would be more flexible than old Petronius on the subject of research."

Corvus might have answered, but a shadow fell across the doorway and, when he glanced at who was casting it, his heart momentarily skipped a beat. The man was dressed as a centurion. But conscious thought slogged through the alcohol in his system to arrive only a second later and point out that the man was dressed as an ancient centaurion complete with bronze breastplate and plumed helm. There were other men gathering behind him and, in short order, a half-dozen of them entered the room in two ranks, marched across the small space, and stopped in front of Cato's couch.

"Citizen Cato?" the lead centurion demanded.

"Yes?" said Cato lazily.

"You're to come with us."

Cato raised an eyebrow. "What are the charges?"

"Perversion," said the lead centurion. "We have strict instructions to bring you down to the dungeon and fuck it out of you."

"Well, if you must, you must." Cato turned to his friends and gave a dramatic sigh. "Don't wait up. This may take a while."

The others were silent until he'd been marched out. Finally, Crispa let out a sharp laugh. "Well, he certainly does know how to make an exit."

"I guess that means the entertainment portion of the evening has begun?" Metallicus suggested. When no one gainsaid him, he added, "Was anyone else interested in our hostess? I thought I might give her a go."

Everyone looked around to see if someone else would speak. Finally, Corvus made a "go ahead" gesture. "Be my guest."

As the hostess returned to the room, Tullus asked Crispa a little too eagerly. "I've never been here before. Is there someone you'd recommend."

Crispa grinned and looked to Corvus. The wealthy young patrician laughed. "Sure. Why not? My treat."

Crispa gestured to the hostess. "Could you see if Germanica is free? My friend Tullus would like to experience her special gifts."

"Of course," said the hostess. She looked at Metallicus. "If you'd like to wait up in room four-oh-seven, I'll be up as soon as I escort your friend down to Germanica."

As Metallicus said his goodbyes, the hostess took Tullus by the wrist and led him out of the room. He shot one questioning look back to Crispa, who managed to keep a straight face just long enough for his to be out of sight, then dissolved into laughter against Corvus's shoulder.

"I take it Germanica won't be to Tullus's liking?" Corvus asked in a deadpan.

"She might be." Crispa shrugged, eyes still twinkling with mirth. "Maybe Tullus is a natural submissive and about to start a life-long love affair. It would certainly suit him."

Corvus wasn't sure how he felt about that. He didn't say anything, but it must have shown in his face because Crispa smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't look at me like that. He's just so ... eager all the time."

"I think Cato's right," said Corvus. "I Tullus is in love with you."

"Then he should do something about it," said Crispa, a little cross. "Being silently worshipped gets tiresome after a while."

"It must be exhausting," Corvus offered.

"It is," agreed Crispa. "It's why I should never be allowed to have a lapdog. I'd feel the need to kick it once in a while."

Corvus sighed. "Did you have someone in mind tonight, dear? My offer to treat goes for you, too."

Crispa considered for a moment, picked up her nearly-empty glass, drained it, then picked up the fresh one the hostess had brought and shook her head. "Not really. It ... doesn't really match my mood tonight. You?"

Corvus made a negative gesture. Once, the Butterfly Club with its seemingly endless supply of beautiful slaves trained to be good lovers would have seemed the closest he could come to Elysium without dying, but tonight, none of the offerings he'd seen tonight seemed to address the unnamed longings he felt. "Not really. No. What would you rather be doing?"

Crispa pursed her lips and looked considerate for a few seconds before she seemed to come to some decision. "I'd like to see your new house."

Corvus probably didn't need the new hostess's guiding hand on his elbow to keep him walking straight to the limo, but he accepted it because Crispa clearly needed her helper. Even in her high heels, she didn't stagger, but she did seem to be listing to the right if left to her own devices. With practiced grace, she maneuvered herself into the car's back seat, but she sat down heavily like the effort of staying on her feet had finally become too much for her.

Corvus climbed in and sat next to her, telling the driver to take them to his house. As soon as the car was pulling away from the curb, Crispa had shifted and her mouth was on Corvus's, warm and inviting. Corvus returned the kiss, hands going to her shoulders and sliding up to cradle her head.

Their last kiss had been so quick, Corvus had barely had time to register he was being kissed before it was over. This one went on and on and, when Crispa slid up onto his lap, he started to wonder just how far it would go.

He drew his head back. "Crispa..."

Her eyes flashed with desire and a trace of amusement. "Corvus."

He looked down at her perched on his lap, unsure how to say what he wanted to say. "You're ... kissing me again."

She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Well spotted. I never can slip that past you."

"You're also very drunk," Corvus said.

Crispa nodded. "If you're waiting for me to do it sober, you may be waiting a good long while. I generally only sleep with guys when I'm drunk."

"Fair enough," said Corvus. "But you're very drunk."

"Mission accomplished then," said Crispa brightly. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. "Wait. Are you saying I should stop kissing you because I'm too drunk?"

Corvus sighed. "I really like kissing you."

"But you don't want to have sex with me?" There was a hint of warning in the question.

Corvus couldn't help but chuckle. "Considering where you're sitting, you have to know that's not true. I just ... don't think I could take the ego hit of you throwing up or passing out on me." It was probably true even if it wasn't the main reason.

"I never throw up," Crispa protested. She leaned in and kissed him softly. "Some other time then?"

"Sure." Corvus smiled. "Some time when you're only a little drunk."

Crispa laid her head on his shoulder. "It's too bad. You could probably do all sorts of things to me that I probably wouldn't even remember in the morning."

Same as Elevated
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Hello My name is Mike and let me tell you about my sister Kelly. She is 5`8" 120lbs with an athletic build blond deep green eyes. Me I am 5’11 around 250, I would not say I am fat but a large guy.Kelly just got out of real bad relationship she thought this guy was the one, but he cheated on her with his secretary and it was all over from there. Now she is moving to a new city in a different state and I’m the one who gets to help her move.I guess the day started like any other day I got up...

3 years ago
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Payback House

Payback House Eugene Morrison waited for the House to arrive. The need for vengeance had led him to being approached by a strange man who offered him a way to pay back those who had wronged him, which led to this moment, waiting for the House to appear. Just getting the key to the House took exactly half of everything he owned, and the search that led him to meeting the man with the key had cost him much as well, but as far as Eugene was concerned, it would be worth it, if the...

4 years ago
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Discovery On Mommy With Me And Uncle

My uncle Mahesh is around 38 and is married. His sister my Mom is 44 years old and is supposed to be very decent looking woman. Mahesh is known to be bullish in his village and it is said that he rarely misses any woman in his village from being mounted by him. It is also said that once someone allows him to get between their thighs she would be his permanent customer. He used to visit our house to stay here for a week or so. By the by, I am Krishna aged 18 and my sister Kumudha was 22 and yet...

3 years ago
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New Beginnings The Maid Part 1

John stumbled through the doors of the hotel, dragging his travel case behind him. This would be the third he had tried tonight, it was close to midnight and he desperately needed a place where he could have the breakdown that he was struggling to contain. The receptionist, a bored looking woman in her mid-twenties, noticed him and immediately recognised the signs of a man in distress. She'd seen her fair share of distressed folk looking for a last minute room. She sat up straight. She also...

3 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 15

Peter pulled out and came, spraying his come all over her body. Crystal was fascinated by the spurts of white from his tip. The warm fluid splashed all over her, but none came near her open mouth except for a few drops that landed on her cheek. "You were supposed to come in my mouth," she said. "Open wider." Crystal was on her back with her legs apart and nearly flat on the ground. "I'm about as open as I can get." He looked at her sex. And quite a sight. I love your...

3 years ago
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Pantyhose Part 7

Pantyhose Part 7: So on getting out of the shower I brushed back my hair and put a scrunchie in and watched as my pantyhose turned to fishnet stockings and suspenders and then zipped myself into my French Maid uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror. My wet look long blonde hair had to make me virtually irresistible. I pouted at myself in the mirror and blew myself a kiss then picking up my keys I went to knock on Mr Jones's door. "Oh, it's you," he said opening the door...

2 years ago
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Every Other Sunday Pt 02

‘Are Jackie and Tom coming to the barbecue?’ ‘Yes, Mike, turn your head and hold still.’ ‘Will they bring Eddie and Stevie?’ ‘Well, of course, they’ll bring the boys. Hold very still, now. I’m going to trim your sideburns.’ Whenever Jackie and Tom come to our house, it’s like having a cyclone land in the driveway. They have strollers and high chairs and Tom is rushing around and talking really loud. This is funny, because all the kids and noise at our house used to drive him crazy before he...

2 years ago
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Death Brings Out Lover

I love making people as excited as me. Hearing someone’s breathing speed up and become short and ragged makes me want to rub my body against theirs. I love when you press up close to someone and feel and hear their heartbeat speed up until you think they will have a heart attack. Seeing someone aroused makes me aroused. When I am dancing for a guy and I can see and feel his cock get hard, I get so wet, even he can tell. And that works, because it makes them happy to see that they can affect...

4 years ago
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Wendy-Don-TylerWendy had been cheating on her husband for a long time now. He was away working on oil rigs for weeks if not months at a time and Wendy had needs.Wendy had been working rouge young men for some time and while she always dressed professionally while at work, she often met some guys she knew while out shopping or maybe at the gym. At first, she was flattered by the attention and would role play a situation in her mind as she masturbated on her own. Her first time with a young man...

3 years ago
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The Fitting Room

Oh hello, I didn’t see you there. Well, come in. Excuse the untidiness; I’m just sorting my underwear draws out. I have a bit of a problem you see. Hello! I’m over here, stop looking at my underwear and pay attention. I’m trying to tell you about my problem. Okay, let me just sit on my bed and get comfortable, puff these pillows out a bit. That’s better, now, you may as well make yourself comfortable; this isn’t one of my hundred-word stories. I’m not sure where I should start, actually, the...

1 year ago
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Best things in life are free

It was already late when the last one of my four intimate male friends left the house. I was too tired to take a shower and I also wanted to go to sleep with the juices still on and in me. I was just about to go to bed when my husband came home very unexpectedly. It was not really a problem when I had other men but my husband did not like the others to cum into my pussy or butt. So my heart started beating faster out of fear what will happen when he finds out. Anyway he could tell that there...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Britney Amber Horny MILF Loves Black Cock

Busty American pornstar Britney Amber is back, hotter and hornier than ever, with a hankering for thick black cock in today’s hardcore premium porn scene. Well it’s the horny Milf’s lucky day because Eddie Jaye is the contractor that comes to her home to give her a paint job estimate and she takes the opportunity to get into sexy lingerie and put on a pair of lace top thigh high stockings to turn the seduction on. When Eddie gives her a steep price for the paint job, she...

2 years ago
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Force Fucked By The Cop

Nicole was in deep shit. Moments earlier, her now ex-boyfriend dropped ship. Note to self, never date jobless pot smoking losers ever again, even if they’re fun and exciting at the time. Slowly, nervously, she wound down the window. “Is there a problem, officer?” Even though it was dark, she could make out the heavy muscled contours of his body, straining tightly against his shirt. Her question was met with silence and a steely gaze. Without much choice, she exited her vehicle. She was...

2 years ago
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Sex Du JourChapter 8

I just don't comprehend it. What is this guy—surpassingly and extraordinarily and truly nice-looking—looking for in a worthless and valueless and rubbish girl like me. Well, if you opinion and think that because I see myself as this chicken-shit and pitiful and rubbishy and wretched, I can be simply and undeniably taken advantage of, then you are far and away and beyond question off target and erroneous and untrue about me. In truth! He is long-legged and towering high above my steep and...

2 years ago
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Annies WayChapter 12

No one noticed the life drain from Annie. That was it! Looking down at the police report that she still had in her hands, there it was. On the Personal Property form, they returned two sets of car keys to her. The car was totaled so she hadn’t even thought about the keys but now she knew, it was the keys. The day that she left Ron, he was chasing her, and she was frantic to get away. She couldn’t find her keys, so she just grabbed Ron’s set lying on his desk. He wants those keys back for some...

2 years ago
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LebenChapter 18

Angelika - Like an angel Truda - Fighting woman Varick - Protecting Ruler Harman - Man of the army “You cannot win,” the voice from the speakers yelled as soon as the screaming stopped. “You may have placed blocks in me it won’t help you escape. This entire room is a prison for you. Nothing you can do will allow you to make it out of here!” An evil laugh sounded as Alan felt a strong probing then an almost titanic force start to push him from his mind! “You obviously haven’t looked at all I...

4 years ago
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HeadacheChapter 9 A Day In Court

Monday we relaxed and in the late afternoon drove within 2 hours of Denver. We talked about our friends and wondered how they were doing. We talked to Pop who had returned to his house. Pop said the State Troopers were miffed about our leaving but he gave them Mr. Simon's phone number. Of course the next call was to Mr. Simon who said that the Colorado State Patrol had talked to him and he had filled them in with all he knew then explained why we left and that we would return as soon as we...

3 years ago
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Brain Hack Incest Chapter 01

I guess you can call me a regular eighteen-year-old high school student.Or maybe irregular. I don’t really know what the fuck other guys my age get up to, not really.I sit at the back of the class, away from the jocks and bitches.My only friend, Kevin, was the only other guy I know who kinda got me. He was equally eighteen and a fucking virgin.“Tom! You gotta check out this girl I found last night!”He practically shoved his smartphone into my face. He had an obscure adult website running, a...

Mind Control
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The naughty mom chapter 2

The drive to the health club was nerve-racking, to say the least. The rain was coming down faster than the wipers could keep it clear of the windshield. The rush hour had started, and the freeway traffic was beginning to slow. On any ordinary day, Alicia would have been cursing the weather and the traffic, telling herself that they ought to move out of the suburbs and into the country, or else into the center of the city where everything was within walking distance or only a...

1 year ago
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Teacher of the YearChapter 7

Lamar Williams looked up from his desk as his office door squeaked open. The opaque glass hid the silhouette figure until he entered. It was Andrew Reilly and he sighed thinking that the boy was back to plead his case. “Coach, can I talk to you?” he asked shutting the door before walking toward him. “If it’s about pitching I said I’d have to think about it.” “No, it’s not that this time, but I’d really like for you to consider me. My dad says I could be picked up by a scout and get a...

2 years ago
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K T and FamilyChapter 7 Adjustments

Interlude: 25th Anniversary Cindy: Dad tells me that the secret to anything is to put good people on it, then to stay out of their way. In the case of the wedding it was a synergy of the staff, Special Events, Aunt Francine's set crew and the Amish. Supervising all this was Aunt Jo and her team of students. Some of them are here tonight—give us a wave. Aunt Jo says that all she ever said was, "That's fine. Keep going." I ask this, who got them out of the motel before the media...

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A Bad Day for Skiing part One

Before I begin my story, I'd like to take a moment to thank those who read my prior stories. I really hope that this doesn't sound bigheaded, as I know that hardly anybody knows who I am, but I'm completely reworking both of those stories into a larger, more complete one. Characters have been redesigned, the plot has been thought through, and I really hope that it'll work out much more smoothly than I think it did last time. I'm thankful for the critique I've gotten both here...

4 years ago
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Savannah 02

Author’s note Thanks to all who added comments on the site and emailed me. Also thanks to those of you who gave the story such high marks. I have published this second part more quickly than I probably will subsequent episodes, which I aim to submit to Lit every ten days or so. I am sorry about the errors in the first part, especially literals. Editing is not my strong point, but I have tried harder with this and will continue doing so in future. Thanks Georgie ...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Kate Bloom G351

Kate Bloom told us in her interview how excited she was to be the center of attention for FIVE COCKSMEN, more than she has ever had before. She wasn’t lying; you can see the excited lust in her eyes. You can also see it in how wet her pussy is already up on the pedestal. Solo makes it just a little bit wetter by lubing her up before sinking his dick into her. No need to start off slowly, Kate likes to get pounded. You can tell this girl loves getting used. The cocksmen rotate around...

1 year ago
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A Hard Lesson Chapter 2

I stood there, bent over Mr. Carlo’s desk feeling a slight breeze tickle my wet pussy. Where on earth was he? I was starting to panic and knew I had to choose a good punishment before he returned… Just as I was thinking he would never return, I heard the door handle turn. Crap. What if it was another teacher?!"Cara?" I heard Mr. Carlo bark at me. "Have you decided on your punishment yet? I have brought along a friend to help me with your training." I had no idea who this mysterious person was...

3 years ago
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Bird Watching

There have recently been sightings of both eagles and osprey near one of our county parks. I’m an avid bird-watcher, so when I heard, I knew I had to try to photograph them. Reports were that early in the morning and at dusk were the best times so I set my alarm, got up and dressed, and headed out early. It was August, so early meant about five thirty AM. My wife was still asleep; I left her a note, grabbed my camera bag, and off I went. She had turned me down again last night. We’ve been...

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Setting note: I was in the US Navy before DADT was implemented. Samuel and I weren't paranoid, there was actual imprisonment on the table if one was caught being gay. I subscribe to the belief that it is no crime to break an unjust law, but the military doesn't exactly share that view. I didn't realize my sexuality until after I'd enlisted, and the choice I made was to stay for my enlistment rather than taking an Other Than Honorable discharge. Samuel was problematic for me. We were...

Gay Male
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Teresa der lange Weg der Unterwerfung German

Prolog Colonel Garcia Valmira war ein Mann, der schon während seiner Militärzeitwegen seiner Unnachgiebigkeit und Härte von sich reden machte. Frühzeitigaus dem Militärdienst ausgeschieden konnte er sich auf Grund seines ungeheurenVermögens ganz und gar seinen bizarren sexuellen Neigungen widmen, ohnebefürchten zu müssen, daß man ihn deshalb belangen würde.Er hatte eine versteckt gelegene Estancia weit draußen in einem entlegenenBezirk Paramundos aufgekauft und sie ‚Los Limitas' genannt. Hier...

4 years ago
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Neighbor guys

I live in a town with a lot of vacation homes that are now short term rentals. Last week, 4 guys rented the house next door to me for a snowboard trip because we were supposed to get some snow. The storm turned into a blizzard and all of the roads were closed. I was shoveling my driveway while they were out playing around. I stopped and chatted with them for awhile. I told them if they needed anything to come over. Being snowed in unprepared could be tough. About an hour later, I was just...

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Adulteress Punishment

Miranda awoke in a large shipping container about 8 by 40 foot long. That's all she knew as she came to from whatever he'd drugged her with. Miranda Shaw was a beautiful 23-year-old girl. She was 5'4, slim almost to the point of petite, with long, charcoal-dark hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and perfectly shaped breasts which were neither too small nor too big. Jake Shaw, Miranda's husband, was her opposite in so many ways. He was built like a man's man. Tall and sturdy, muscles...

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The Stunned Pleasures

It all started back in December of 2010, the newly won independence from a rich but strict father of me as i started off with my studies out of the city. About a 100 mile away from my home sent me goose bumps as he dropped me to my new flat (obviously it was taken on rent)…. Phewwww… Obviously saw allot of hotties loitering around in the corridor. I was really getting bored after all the works i went with for the whole day and wanted some excitements. Got my feet into the boots and started for...

2 years ago
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The Least Possible Place

The Least Possible Place By Wolverine Reg Harrow and Matt Nichols had been friends since they were toddlers. Each one knew the other backwards and forwards. They would do anything for each other. Then, one fateful day, everything changed. Reg was a plain person. Light blonde hair and blue eyes. His height, weight, and muscle tone wouldn't set off anything. He wasn't very noticeable. Reg worked an unnoticeable job, librarian. Inside, Reg was an intelligent individual. He was also...

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FapHouse Parody

When is the last time you visited the Fap House now that you have been wandering on the internet to look for the best stuff to float your sunk boat? Back up, dumbass! I am not referring to your auntie's place, where you are not allowed to fuck your teen cousin, leading you to the bathroom to rub out load after load. (Chill, son, I just know how painful it is to not fuck a hot cousin. Fap House is a premium site that has ridiculously made a grand entrance in the porn industry, getting up to over...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Chris Grffin pt 1

Chapter 1This story is just something I made up when I was bored. It's not supposed to be good or bad,just an idea that popped into my head. Also, it's not canon to my other family Guy fanfiction,The Unknown Griffin, so don't expect to see Cindy, Britney or Jessica here. Enjoy this...thing.Hello. You mayhave heardabout me. My name is Chris Griffin, and not much is known about me. I'm mainly considered a "space occupier", among other things, but that's only because everyone's too busypaying...

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I can Steal Your Girl Lesbian PT3

It's interesting I tell you, I never know when or where opportunities will come up to find a girl that needs that gentle, or not so gentle, push I give into a life of sapphic pleasures. Sometimes it's really in the most unexpected of places.It was a few weeks after my vacation when I found myself in a very unexpected place. Things hadn't worked out with Vanessa. I'd done my job too well. She was too clingy, talking about how much she loved me and how great it would be when the two of us got...

1 year ago
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Centaur Girls

Do you appreciate women with a lot of junk in their trunk? Well, that is basically what r/CentaurGirls/ is all about. This subreddit is designed for all the lovely girls with an inexplicably large ass and a tiny waist. I mean, as long as their build can be described as the ‘centaur’, they are perfect for this subreddit. I am sure some of you lads might be confused as to what the fuck I mean by that, right?Well, I shall make all this shit a lot more understandable in a bit. First of all, Reddit...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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The Essence of Love

As Carolyn finished her bath and stepped out of the tub, I stood up and began to dry her off with a large soft towel. She looked into the mirror over the sink, staring at me as I ran the towel over her back and buttocks. "I need to dry off my chest and stomach," she said. I handed the towel to her and watched as she casually wiped the beads of moisture from the front of her lovely body. She gave me back the bath towel and instructed me to dry off her legs and feet. When that was finally...

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I found Michael already there getting ready to begin his physical routine. “Michael, the day you spent with Rose ‘talking’ what did you talk about? Did the subject of me come up?” “Why?” he asked. “Just had a problem with Kallie, involving Rose ... so?” “She asked me if she thought you would ... no ... dad, I can’t say those words out loud!” “Come on Michael, we have always been upfront with each other.” “She’s still a virgin, dad!” “Really? I thought you two had at least, attempted...

3 years ago
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Pinki Didi Fun During Tuition 8211 Part II

After that day I was not the same little Sonu anymore. Next day I had school, and I tried my level best to bunk school, but my entire attempt got wasted. I had my final examination in a month so my parents, wanted me to attend school every day. I was pissed, but i went to school. I saw my Arti Miss,in blue saree at the first bell as she was my class teacher but for the first time i noticed her big boobs. She was around my Pinki didi’s age only I guess. She was taking the attendance of the class...

2 years ago
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My Friend May An Unfinished Visit

Although whatever or whoever it was at May's window had scared the holly hell out of us, by the time we were half way to her house, we were laughing like a pair of real idiots."What do you think it was, Bill?""Probably a bird of some kind," I responded, taking her hand as we neared her house."I hope you didn't mind me laughing but you must admit, there is a funny side to it." May say cheerfully."All I can say is you must have a warped sense of humour, young lady," I told her, "You were in the...

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GirlsWay Amber Leigh Charlotte Star Better Late Than Never

Charlotte Star is going through a tough time in her life. With the help of her friend, Amber Leigh, she’s packing up and getting ready to leave her husband. Although Amber is supportive of her and just wants her to be happy, she’s confused since she thought Charlotte and her husband were in a happy marriage. She only becomes even more confused when Charlotte avoids directly answering her questions… As Charlotte carries another box outside, Amber grabs her own box to take out...

3 years ago
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FATHER SON BANQUET: Dessert Dad went on his way back to town, no doubt sated after our sexcapade that evening at the adult theater. He had given two loads while taking four or five through a glory hole. I had taken three and shot two. Now home I followed my mom into the kitchen and there behind a wine bottle and a glass sat the last female in the world that I wanted to see at the time. It was Donna Jean from next door my lifelong flame—or at least since 2 nd grade. I became aware of girls and...

2 years ago
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StepsChapter 2

Rupert and Henrietta married three months later. The marriage was conducted in the Registry Office at Pitsbury because Rupert was a divorcé. The reception was altogether bigger and was held at Carlton Parva. Henrietta sold her house and put the money in trust for Samantha. Henry had never known such happiness. As far as he was concerned there was no change in the time Rupert was prepared to devote to him or to the love he gave him. In fact, both decreased marginally but were more than offset...

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Free Trader Marys DreamChapter 11 Prometheus Plus Slinger equals Ozymandias

(in Low-Planet Orbit above the planet Dromes VI) Tomas Kendrick stared sightlessly at the control pad, as he waited for the numbers to count down. Once the numbers hit 0, the universe would change. Hopefully for the better, he thought, for his own soul’s sake at least. But he privately held his doubts. If he could back out at this, the very last moment, there was not a single iota of doubt in his mind he would do so and gratefully at that. But there was no chance of that. The other people on...

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An Affair With My Sexy Colleague

Greetings to all readers. This is Kiran from Bangalore. I am here to share about an affair I had with my office colleague. Please do send me your feedback after reading the story. Thank you for sharing the good responses to my . The main character of this story is Pamela (name changed). She is one bombshell with fantastic assets and having the right curves. Everyone in the office had secretly lusted for her. Even I had a lust for her. But I never made it evident to her for fear of losing her...

3 years ago
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Whore To An Amazon

Whore To An Amazon I was polishing some goblets when I heard the door to my shop open and Ilooked up. Striding into my store was an extraordinary sight, a lithe, strong,warrior woman, raven haired, dressed in buckskin, carrying a bow, the quiverhanging from her shoulder, and a short but lethal looking blade dangling nextto one of her well-muscled legs. We got occasional warriors stocking up in my shop in our little border townof Broken Wheel, but this was the first of the female variety. I...

2 years ago
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Kat and Cyrano Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Getting to Know All About Us This is the true story of the best sex I ever had, more than four years ago, the hottest and sweetest love I ever had in my life….how we got to the most magical and wonderfully sexual day of my life – Nov. 10, 2008 –but it’s also the story of how almost a year after that, and after cementing our relationship in so many ways but most especially sexually, I totally messed it all up between us and we can never, will NEVER be in each other’s lives again.

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 138

The flight to Dallas was uneventful. The memories of the night before were spine tingling. I wondered how the voyeurism episode would affect the girls. It didn't take long for it to come up in the conversation. It was the first time for them and they were still giddy about it. They couldn't believe that it added so many thrills to the sex experience. For them it was a new kind of kink. The two back to back seminars went smoother than I expected they would. The flight home was peaceful,...

3 years ago
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My name is Jonathan white. But I haven’t gone by that name in months, not since we escaped. I was named after a man named Jonathan Malcolm. He saved my mother’s live while she pregnant with me. Lucky for me she never actually gave the name Malcolm. That came in handy after we escaped. I go by mal these days. My sister on the other hand decided to keep her name. It’s all the same since she doesn’t really interact with people these days. She’s the reason we’re on the run. She feels bad about...

4 years ago
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As Day Follows NightChapter 8

“She’s been lookin’ like a queen in a sailor’s dream, and she don’t always say what she really means. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain. Sometimes, I think it’s a shame when I keep feeling better when I’m feeling no pain.” -Gordon Lightfoot, “Sundown” The ball continued. Several hours later, Julie Equals was seated with a group of wealthy old women, chatting away with a champagne flute in hand. “So, it took some persuasion, but we...

2 years ago
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TNWS02 A Summer to RememberChapter 27 Undressing Cheryl

As Keith lay on the bed in his bungalow with one hand slowly stroking his aroused penis he just couldn’t help but remember how lovely it had been undressing those five pretty girls surrounding him. In his reverie he had already taken Brandi’s clothes off before he did Portia only to leave her a screaming heap when he wouldn’t finish rubbing her pussy to make her cum. The girl had to finish herself off which she did while abusing Keith the whole time. Keith was, however, by now feeling his way...

1 year ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 67

The festivities had lasted a little while longer. Misti and Sharon were a bit tired from all that had happened that day, so they had asked to call it a night William took Sharon back to their house, and Billy. Rick, Robbi, and Cathy also headed back to the farm. When they got there, Cathy had insisted that she change the dressing on Ricks leg, to check for anything wrong, and to check the progress of the healing. Rick had asked one of the clerical staff to make copies of all his medical...

3 years ago
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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 43 Combined Success

The first of the girls to come in with Sarah was Rosie, now the longest serving member of the staff of working tarts. She had arrived on the opening day, according to her file, badly injured by Karl and had not actually started to work for three weeks after that. Of the others who were auctioned that day, Linda had died of a mysterious fever some years earlier, Sancha had been sold to a mine manager and had ended up in a dormitory when he tired of her, Carol was sold to Arthur but was now...

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