Photographs Ch. 05 free porn video

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DISCLAIMER: This is included in the novel/novella category because of length. It is a mother/son incest story. There are also instances of abuse (two of them, which are not the focus of the story). As far as heat level, this story is quite tame, and if you are look for page after page of screaming sex, you might want to look elsewhere. If you want a STORY, please read on.

The next day was Friday. Steve left for Miami. It was also the start of spring break for Danny, and Christie had decided to take the week off to be with him. After searching the house for bugs when they got home from work and school, they celebrated by going to dinner at a burger place Steve hated and then to a popular movie he wouldn’t have enjoyed. They laughed when Danny imitated Steve: ‘I do not see the appeal of blowing up valuable property.’ Steve hated action movies but loved ‘Fight Club’. They laughed about that, but it was hollow. Steve loved raw violence too much.

‘I think,’ Christie said as they sat in the breakfast nook and ate Rocky Road ice cream, ‘that I must be immature.’


‘Because I think an eighteen-year-old boy is my best friend.’

He licked at his spoon. ‘My best friend used to be Artie Knutzen.’

‘He isn’t any more, is he?’

‘Nope. Caught him having sex with Meghan at that Halloween party last year.’

Christie blinked and put down her spoon. ‘Oh, Danny. I’m so sorry. That’s why you broke up with her. You refused to tell me.’

‘Yup, but that’s not the worst part.’ He took a big spoonful. After swallowing he said, ‘She told me all along she didn’t want to have sex with me because she was under eighteen and it was illegal.’

‘Can I be frank?’

He looked at her warily. ‘Um, sure?’

‘I always thought she treated you like shit, but I didn’t say anything because you seemed happy. I thought you broke up with her because you finally got wise.’

‘She did treat me like shit,’ he agreed. ‘We’d go to parties or dances, and she’d say she needed to talk girl-talk with her friends. So she’d go off and leave me wondering what to do with myself. I was so happy to be dating the most popular girl in school, I ignored it. Then I got wise the hard way.’ He scraped his bowl and licked the spoon. ‘And… there’s more.’

‘Worse than sleeping with your best friend?’

‘Uh huh. She had daddy issues. Is there more ice cream?’

‘Help yourself. What Daddy issues?’

He rose and went to the freezer, bringing the carton back with him. ‘Her dad kind of ignored her. She really tried to find ways to get him to notice her, like dating one of the only black kids in school.’

‘Danny…’ she said softly. She reached out and touched his hand.

He shrugged. ‘I go to a lily-white school. It’s something I have to live with, Mom. I can get all furious and outraged, which I do now and then, or I can find ways to show how I’m better than they are. I’m the best basketball player the school has ever had. I have straight A’s, and I’m going to be a doctor.’

‘You are without doubt the most even-tempered person I’ve ever met. If you weren’t such a slob and didn’t eat like a horse, you’d be the perfect kid.’ And then there’s that issue of trying to seduce his mother, she thought. He was so calm and easy-going most of the time, she might have overlooked some hidden depths.

‘You know,’ he said with a sly grin, ‘I’m feeling awful vulnerable right now. Can I sleep with you?’

She gave him a playful slap on the arm. ‘No.’


On Saturday morning, Christie woke to find herself wrapped in the warm presence of her son. Even with her eyes closed, she knew it had to be him. Steve, on those rare occasions when he fell asleep in her bed, usually lay sprawled on his back, taking up his entire side of the bed and part of hers. He was not a cuddler and wouldn’t understand affection even if presented with three highlighted psychology textbooks and a puppy.

Danny’s arms enclosed her a little tighter and he buried his face in her hair. He inhaled deeply and let it out with a sigh, warm breath on the back of her neck. Strong arms around her.

‘You sneaked in again,’ Christie said.

‘It’s not like you locked me out.’

‘In case you didn’t notice, there is no lock.’

‘Why is that? Don’t all master bedrooms have locks?’

It should have been a bad memory, but for some reason, here in Danny’s arms, it couldn’t reach her. ‘The first time your father hit me I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in. I was crouched on the floor, he was screaming and pounding on the door. It woke you, you were almost three at the time, and you started screaming, too. I wanted to go to you, but I was so afraid. Not one of my better moments.’

He squeezed her and placed a kiss on her shoulder. ‘I seem to have survived. What happened?’

‘He broke the door down. Then he got that spooky calm he has and explained to me that some things in our arrangement were not negotiable. The way he chose to have sex was one of them.’


The pain drew closer, threatening to pierce this bubble of contentment they lay in. ‘Not now, Danny. I feel good right now.’

‘Then explain about the doors.’

‘The next day I came home from school to find the bathroom door replaced, and all the interior knobs in the entire apartment replaced with ones without locks.’

He kissed her again, this time in that sensitive spot at the base of her neck, and she shivered with pleasure. It felt good, she couldn’t deny it any longer. It felt good when he touched her and it turned her on. Christie knew she should put the brakes on right then, but decided to let him for just a few more minutes. He burrowed his face in her hair and kissed her throat. A little gasp of pleasure escaped her, and she could feel him chuckle silently. His lips traveled up her jaw to the corner of her mouth, and Christie turned to meet him, her lips on his in a searing kiss. Her legs twined with his.

‘Why do you want this? Isn’t there some girl your age?’

‘There is no girl I ever met, or ever will meet, who is as beautiful and sexy as you. I’ve wanted you for years.’

‘You certainly know how to talk to a woman, that’s for sure.’ She pressed her lips against his again, just because he flattered and pleased her, and in spite of the fact that she suspect he was coaxing her to go further. ‘Flatterer,’ she said. Gradually, as they kissed deeper and longer, she shifted her body until she was facing him. Her mind and her conscience kept up a litany of stop now, just a little longer, stop now, just a little longer, until it was buried under the onslaught of sensation. His hands roaming her back over her camisole, and further down to caress her butt. The hardness of his erection against her stomach, and the satin smooth texture of his skin under her hands when she slipped them under his t-shirt. Soon her hand pushed down his boxers in back as she ran her hands over the firm muscles of his ass.

Danny slid his hand under her camisole, drawing it closer to her side, and then her breast. He was cupped it, kneading it gently. When he pinched her nipple, Christie gasped and lost what remained of her reason. There was no other excuse for what she did next.

She had to feel his cock. She pulled his boxers down and grasped it firmly. Danny groaned. Big and hard, and warm to the touch, it jerked in her hand when she stroked it from base to tip.

‘I’ll come if you keep that up. I’m so turned on, it won’t take much.’

‘Hmmm.’ They were still kissing, and her happy sigh purred into his mouth. She opened her eyes and looked at his face. ‘Come for me, Danny. I want to see your face when you come.’ Watching a man come was the most erotic thing Christie could think of. She loved the expression on their faces, lost in some ecstasy world that only they could see. Their bodies taut and shuddering, right before cum
spurted out. She loved the power it gave her to make it happen.

His eyes opened, too, but soon they closed to slits, and then completely as she stroked him nearer and nearer to orgasm. He would twitch and gasp, until she was stroking him hard and fast and his gasps turned into moans. Christie herself was so turned on she threw her leg over his and pushed her pelvis into him. Danny’s hand on her breast moved to her pussy, but soon began to falter, his body shuddering, and then he was coming, his cum pulsing onto their stomachs. Christie continued to stroke until Danny protested that it was too much.

She sighed and closed her eyes, reliving the moment, etching it in her memory. Unfortunately, a thing that turned her on so effectively only happened when the sex was all over for the man.

When she opened her eyes again, he was watching her, smiling contentedly. Her own smile was a little coy as she scraped her hand over his stomach, brought it to her mouth, and licked cum from the space between her thumb and forefinger. Danny watched this with rapt fascination.

‘You like the taste of cum?’ His voice was rough.

‘It’s not the taste. It’s the fact that I’m licking up your cum.’

He laughed and pulled her closer. Christie snuggled into her son’s chest, but panic flooded her. What have I just done?


Danny dozed for a few minutes and woke to the sound of the shower running, the bed empty beside him. He waited, comfortable and content, hoping to get a glimpse of his mother naked when she left the bathroom, but she emerged a few minutes later fully dressed. She had brought her clothing with her into the bathroom, and he could guess what that meant. He had fallen asleep with his boxers down around his thighs in the middle of a puddle of cum. He wanted a shower himself. First pulling up his boxers, he rose to sit on the edge of the bed.

‘I’ll help you change the sheets,’ he offered. ‘Dolores will be here soon and she shouldn’t find cum on them.’ Christie and Danny did the everyday tidying up, but she had a maid who came in once a week to do the heavier scrubbing and cleaning.

‘That would be nice,’ she said. ‘Good morning.’

‘Morning.’ He watched her with dread blossoming in his gut, then blurted out, ‘This is where you tell me what we did was wrong and we’ll never do it again, and please leave you alone from now on. Right?’

Christie reached for a bottle of perfume from her vanity table. ‘This is where I tell you that I’m highly conflicted about what we did, and please leave me alone for a little while to think.’

‘So you’re not saying never?’ Hope returned and he sat up straighter.

‘I’m saying what we did is illegal. I’m saying I’m living with a sociopath who watches my every move, who bugs my home, and who would probably kill you if he found out. You’re my son, and although I’ll freely admit I find you highly desirable, and I enjoy the attention, I feel like I’m taking advantage of your youth and teenage male horniness. Mostly, though,’ she walked over and sat down beside him, ‘I don’t want to ruin the best thing in my whole life.’

‘It will make it even better.’ He raised his arm to put it around her.

‘No, Danny.’ She shied away, rising from the bed, and in that instant revealed how truly conflicted she really was. ‘Please let me be. I feel awful and I need some time.’

‘I don’t feel awful, or at least I didn’t when I woke up. It felt like I had something special all to myself and I wanted to hold it close and never let go.’

She just looked at him, her mouth tight and her expression pained. ‘If I say ‘no more’, what will that do to you? Would you even honor my wishes?’

He thought about it for a moment, about giving up the hope of sex with her, the touches, that feeling of specialness. He would feel like a fool for having tried, and a failure for not succeeding. Danny never liked to give up, he hated it more than failure, but he recognized that to keep trying to seduce her when she truly did not want it would ruin their relationship and that would be far worse. He would become his stepfather, pushing Christie out of obsession, taking what he wanted from her with no regard for her needs. But with the way she responded to him…

‘I know you like it, Mom, but if you really couldn’t go further, I would respect that.’

Her shoulders relaxed, and he realized he had been her first consideration. Not her own desires or needs, but what her son wanted and how to keep him happy while doing what she felt was right. He stood and headed for his own shower, but paused at the door. ‘Some day, Mom, you are going to learn that what you really want matters, too.’


One by one, Christie slid closed the drapes in the large hobby room, covering each wall of glass that looked out onto the back lawn and the pool. What am I doing? This is crazy. Danny might come to her. That was all she could think of. It didn’t matter that there was a wall, shrubbery, and immense trees on every side, and even the nosiest neighbor with glasses probably couldn’t see anything. That little possibility made her shutter the room tight against prying eyes, because Danny might come to her, and who knew what could happen.

Even Christie wasn’t certain what she wanted to happen, but she knew that this morning ignited a flame that no amount of logic and self-recrimination could douse. She paused what she was doing, the edge of a drape clutched in her hand as she forced herself to admit the truth. Stroking him off had been coming for months, and she had waited for it with anticipation. Every time he sat too close and let her cuddle up to him, she had made the choice to let him. The hugs, the extra kisses on the cheek, even the long looks he hadn’t thought she’d noticed, all excited her both sexually and on some deeper level that was desperately needy. And now she was watching him in return, seeing the strong, beautiful, attractive young man he had become. No, Danny wasn’t male model perfect, but his face had a warm openness, his features a pleasing combination of Irish and African. Looking at his athletic body gave her electric twinges that ran from her clit to her nipples. When he touched her that electric heat flooded her entire body, making her dangerously aroused.

And she liked it. Steve never made her feel these things, and she wanted and needed to feel something good with a man like she needed to breathe.

Christie finished closing the drapes and went to the entertainment center. Yoga, pilates, weight-lifting, aerobics, she had tapes for everything to work out her body evenly, but mostly she danced. As a girl, Christie took dance lessons from age three until her pregnancy at fifteen forced her give them up, but she had never stopped dancing. The radio, exercise videos, night clubs and swing clubs, she danced with them all. Surprisingly, Steve also liked to dance, and they had taken swing and Latin dancing lessons together. Early in their marriage, it gave her hope. She accepted him as a partner because to not dance would be to let a part of herself die. Danny could dance, as well, and showed a talent and enthusiasm. But this afternoon she hoped to avoid him. He was at a weekend basketball practice, a perfect time for her to exercise her most sensuous dance moves without enticing her son into doing something they would both regret. Or she would regret. She was beginning to doubt Danny ever would.

She had dressed in black — a leotard, tights, a sheer little skirt that hid nothing, and high-heeled dance shoes. It was sexy, but not overly revealing like the midriff-baring crop tops or the mini-skirts would be. Choosing a Latin dance CD, she spun out onto the floor for some free dancing, a slower rumba to warm up. A samba came on, then jive and salsa. The disc she’d prepared cycled around to a tango, and she started to really wish she had a partner. She could move to any beat, but the tango was a dance that was meant to be shared.

Then hands
were on her. She shivered. Danny or Steve home days early? But she knew his touch, dammit, already. His hands caressed her waist in a slow way that probably had much to do with his hesitancy but achieved a sensual slide along the fabric of her clothing. Steve would have grabbed her and spun her around so that she was forced to face him, demanding, possessing.

And his smell was the same earthy body wash and shampoo he had used since junior high school. A faint hint of sandalwood and spice. It had been too mature when he first insisted upon using it, but now it fit him.

‘You didn’t have practice,’ she said. Feet still moving, she turned and gathered one of his hands into hers. Her own shook, but she couldn’t stop herself.

‘I forgot it was canceled.’

‘Do you remember the tango? We haven’t danced that in a while.’

‘We need to fix that.’

His palm in hers was cool and dry, his other hand firm now on her waist. The music came to a place where she had taught him to dip her, and he did so in one smooth move, her left leg automatically rising, forcing her pelvis against his for a few seconds. For that moment, briefly, it seemed right and natural. They separated, turning side by side, his arm around her, her hip brushing his. The dance progressed, moving them apart and then together again. An erotic tease. Thighs touching, hands sliding along arms and shoulders. Each time they drew together, Danny pulled her a little closer. Each time his arm encircled her waist, his hand crept a little lower on her hip, until the heel of his palm rested on her ass, fingers spread. When the time came in the dance, she pressed against him in the same way.

The music ended with them face to face, foreheads touching, mouths millimeters apart. His warm breath caressed her face. The disc had no other tracks, the room fell into silence. Christie’s hand rested against the center of Danny’s chest. She could feel his heart hammering inside it, like her own heart did in hers, far more than from the exertion of the dance. Exhilaration warred with panic as she wondered what she would do if he kissed her right now. Let him? Break away? She couldn’t move and the moment became Danny’s to do with as he chose.

He kissed her.

And she let him.

Softly at first, not like the demanding kisses of the morning. His lips brushed hers, parting slightly. Then his tongue licked at her upper lip. She opened her lips to let him in, and met the tip of his tongue with her own. Their tongues danced for a moment and then dove deeper. Danny’s hands spread over her back and ass, Christie’s hands clutched at his shoulders but slid into his thick hair as he pulled her closer, tighter, his erection a hard ridge against her abdomen. Weak with passion, her breasts and clit inflamed, she clung to him as the kiss deepened. Danny broke the kiss with a soft gasp to move his lips to her jaw and then the side of her neck.

She had no idea he could kiss like this. Where had the boy learned it? That thought brought her back to reality. This was her son. Obviously a sensual young man, but still her son. With reluctance, she pushed him away to arm’s length.


‘You want it,’ he said. ‘I know you do.’ He was looking at the floor, rather than at her. It was a determined look he finally gave her. Not angry, not embarrassed or humiliated. Determined. Intense. ‘You want it.’

Christie separated from him, backing away. ‘No. I can’t. I–‘ She turned and ran for the doorway, her steps light as a nymph’s as she ascended the three steps. At the top she paused and turned toward him enough to only show him her profile but not enough to meet his eyes. ‘Don’t come to my room tonight, Danny,’ she said before leaving the room.

Danny wasn’t about to let this go. He took off after her, the squeak of his basketball shoes loud in the quiet room. He bounded up the steps and caught up with his mother seconds later in the hallway outside. Grabbing her around the waist, he spun her and firmly but gently pinned her to the wall.

‘You want this,’ he said again.

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Denise couldn't stop smiling as she and Jill pushed their way through the crowd of Christmas shoppers at the mall. She loved this time of year, fighting the crowds, looking at the holiday decorations and, most of all, shopping. Denise was especially enthusiastic this year since she was buying things for Jack. It had been too long, she decided, since she'd had a special guy to buy Christmas presents for since it was more fun than buying for a girl. Of course, not having school for a few...

3 years ago
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People of the TigerPart 6

After the Chinese had left, Davdan took Tira aside to inform her that there would be Meds arriving to speak to her in a little over three hours. Then she had Raz light a fire, and gathered them all around it. "Know this; when one becomes an Elder, and ceases fighting and hunting for excitement, most of us contest with one another with our power. We compete for status, influence, wealth, and yet more power. It is fun, and often allows us to do important work. "Aside from my other feelings...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 17 June Coming to Terms

Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...

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Teen sissy finds Adult bookstore

So horny, so driven by lust. Like most boys that age, all I thought about was sex. Although I’m not sure if most boys had the urges that I felt. I wanted to pleasure men, at that young age I was exactly sure how to, I just knew I wanted to be with them. I had found a “Playgirl” magazine a few months before and even then my young cock ached as I looked at the pictures of naked men, Their beautiful, soft cocks looked so manly, so amazing. Looking at those pictures gave me feelings and urges I...

2 years ago
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The Road to ChaosChapter 14

The Naval Officers Club. Zo was very polite and quite sophisticated, but she’d not had a normal life. Daddy was a rather high-up functionary in the Brisbane political sector ... and never tell yourself that he was a common harbor cop. When it comes to getting your boat cleared for insurance ... nobody is common. Zo was used to circulating among the bureaucrats of city and national politics. Elected officials serve at the whim of the electorate ... bureaucrats are trans-party. The place...

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The Ugly Duckling

"Oh!" was the muttered comment by Merv as he surveyed the array of boxes that littered his shed/workroom. "I know I have said it many times", he muttered to himself. "I must examine what is in them, but as usual it was 'I'll do it tomorrow' of course tomorrow never comes. However, if I want to get that new machine in, I need the room; so today is the day I start sorting what is in the boxes and that will be interesting as a number of them come from my grandmother's old house and have...

4 years ago
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Seasonal Daughters Book 2Chapter 9

It wasn't long before we found out that our baby would be a boy. That started a debate! Our son is due next March. I was all for naming him, "March." Laura wanted to name him after me. My parents weighed in as did Mother Munroe. My dad finally handed the decision to Laura and me. He said, "It's up to the two of you. Pick a name and everyone else will be happy about it. Everyone has a backside and everyone has an opinion. It's up to you because your names will go on the birth...

2 years ago
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Sisters Teen friends take advantage of my innocence

Tina, who was about 5' 7" and really skinny but with a chest that bounced better than almost anyone I'd ever seen got up and walked toward me. She entered the kitchen and said "Hi Ron. You look great! Having a good summer?" I told her I was and asked about hers. We got to chatting and I realized every time she moved and her tits would giggle a little I looked at them for a second. She did not say anything about that but seemed to notice. She smiled and then pushed things a little...

2 years ago
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Sweet Sweden Couples Getaway

Sweet Sweden It was a hot and sticky day in London. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, splicing through marshmallow like clouds. I was in the flat, just finishing up some last minute packing. I checked to see if my flight was on time and everything looked good. For my outfit I had finally settled on a denim mini skirt and a teal tank top. I had quite a bit of walking to do so I packed my straw espadrilles and sported a pair of black Nike runners. I looked over the flat one more time...

3 years ago
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Cock 2 Go part 2

I slowly undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans pulling them down just enough for me to see that glorious cock straining against the fabric of his tight black boxer briefs. Once again I began to lick and suck at his cock through the fabric as I pulled his jeans right off. As I went to remove the final barrier that stood between me and my prize I gasped, I saw a zip that went right down the side of the boxers which I hadn’t seen before “Wow” I thought “this guy was prepared”. He took advantage...

2 years ago
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My older sisterChapter 2

She came back down, in a sweatshirt and jeans, looking great. “How about, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER,” I suggested? “That sounds kind of scary, but the ad for it makes me think it might be fun to watch,” she said. “I could find something else, but it’s about to leave town. I’ll never get to see it with Lynn; she doesn’t like spine-tingling movies any more than you do. I was hoping to see it with her, so I could hold her when it gets real scary.” “Well, I don’t want you to miss seeing...

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Summer at the Neighbors Pool

My parents met T.J. and Lisa through a gourmet dinner club that they joined. The club met every couple of months at different houses and enjoyed a dinner cooked by the various members who were attending. They really enjoyed the people and the food; I enjoyed the leftovers. I was not invited to the big event, which was totally fine with me. Being a junior in High School created other interests which I was happy to indulge.What I found out later was that T.J. and Lisa only lived a couple of...

1 year ago
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Our Mantra Was Some Day Mya made it come true 3

I wrote a previous story about meeting someone from Lush. I got to thinking, ‘What if it hadn’t happened that way?’ All of them stand alone but the shift in settings is fun. I did use some personalities that I know quite well. I hope you enjoy this and I plan to write about a few more ways. If you have some neat ideas send them to me, I am interested. I won’t do violent ones and I’ll give very thankful credit if you want me to. Thank you for reading. Story: I was crouched down, peering over the...

2 years ago
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The boy who lives in my room

Looking out over the balcony, it was hard to describe the feeling of loneliness as all her desires came to her at once. Being averagely popular, Lena had enough friends to keep her occupied and had had her fair share of boyfriends, but nothing ever satisfied her growing need to be seduced. She looked down at her body which was carrying voluptuous 34E's, a flat stomach and curvy hips that she hadn't expected, and felt her stomach vibrate with longing. She could only think that, for a girl of 18,...

3 years ago
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She loves her Daddy Pt2

True story. Thanks for all the feedback guys, makes the effort worth it and again, to the negative types, you’re reading this, you got here by choice so stop beating up on people who lived it and are prepared to share. I’m not a professional writer just a guy sharing my adventures. Go visit a church or something……….I really don’t care . So, there I was, having a new and very exciting sexual tryst with my 16 yr old step-daughter, initiated by her, moved on by her and leaving me in that...

1 year ago
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Sex With Street Aunt At Madurai

Hi, readers, this is my first story but am reading the ISS for past five years. My name is Ramana 24 and is from Madurai. This is incident happened between me and aunty on our street. Her name is Sudha 38, married to a person who works in Dubai. As you know ladies get the sexual feeling more at this age. I met her at a gym in our area. I used to go the gym only after 9 am, as my business takes place only during the night. So only a few people will be at a gym.   When I was doing a workout,...

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Taking the Risk Ch 19

Pulling together and supporting each other allows us to make the ties that bind. Misha and Froo are dealing with her problems and without realising it becoming a family unit. This is a romantic story about two people who are falling in love, I have incorporated some of the suggestions that people who have been so kind as to send feedback into the story and have made. I hope you enjoy. * Froo stood very early the next morning watching as Misha sat on the machine, pulling against the weights,...

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Aila Donovan Roommates BBC convenience

Aila Donovan is a skinny toned bodied hottie. She is currently single. As she is lounging on her bed doing some selfies for her social media she overhears her roommate’s phone conversation, who is basically breaking up with his girlfriend. Her reason is that his dick is too big. Aila can’t believe that any girl would complain about that. What a stupid bitch she is… As soon as he hung up she knew that her chance was coming. She walked in the living room nonchalant pretending...

2 years ago
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Joans Story Ch 06

January 25th – Off To The Swingers’ Club For A Swap With Mike And Linda. I’m finally feeling much better so I join everyone going to the Swinger Club. Sue is off her night shifts, has a couple of days off and she is ready for a party. She said she ready for a couple of hard penises between her legs. Everyone is finally ready at 8:30pm. We hop in the car and are there in 35 minutes. There are about 15 couples tonight with a few extra women. There is also a couple with an extra man tonight...

4 years ago
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Character profiles for upcoming story

Introduction: This is just the character profiles for my upcoming story: Confused Jessicas story At the age of 25 Im looking the best I have ever done but Im beginning to doubt myself. I mean how many more guys do I need to meet until I meet The One or Mr Right? Is there even such thing? Or is it just a lie parents tell their little girls to make them think the world is a happy place where fairy tales come true and Prince Charming is out there waiting for you? I dont even think Ive been in...

1 year ago
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The 3 of us

The two of them, one 19, one 20, both fit, hairless & muscluar, knelt on either side of me as I lay on my back on the bed, their large firm young cocks just inches from my face, their fists furiously pumping their rigid tools, occasionaly teasing me by bringing the tips of their cocks to my lips to tatse their pre cum & smell their fresh young forseskins, my hand was wrapped tightly around my own throbbing cock, bringing myself closer & closer to the edge, almost in sync, they...

2 years ago
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Fantasies of A Babysitter

Fantasies of A Babysitter Chapter 2 Powerone Copyright 2005One of my best jobs is to house sit.  No kids to take care of just stay at someone’s house for a couple of days.  And these are not just ordinary homes, most are multi-million dollar homes at the beach.  Last week I was house sitting one of my favorite places.Let's just call him Bill; I wouldn't use his real name.  Bill used to be a movie star about ten years ago.  Very famous.  He did quite well and just retired from entertainment,...

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The Irish Stranger

Tim had just spent the last several hours on a secluded farm helping to deliver a calf. His demanding job as a veterinarian took him all over rural Ireland and kept him extremely busy. His only complaint was that it was difficult to meet available women, seeing as he spent most of his days in the company of sheep and cows. Plus, all of the farmer’s wives he encountered were not exactly blessed in the looks department.The sun was starting to set and Tim was anxious to get home so he could put...

Oral Sex
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My first experience with Domestic Discipline

My Experience with Domestic DisciplineMy experience started as a c***d, when I was being a bratty k**, my mom would apply the hairbrush to my butt no matter where I was.My experience with partner Domestic Discipline started with my now ex-wife, who always had this in mind. Patricia was 6' and 200 lb. when we met. I found her to be big,soft and the best kisser in the world. She was a farm k** and always so darn healthy that she just glowed. I am 5'6" and 145 lb.The first time she tested the...

2 years ago
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Steve and ChuckChapter 51

Steve Ah, Friday morning, the close of a busy, crazy week. As I slipped out of bed, Sue's eyes came open and she smiled at me. I figured she would sleep a few more minutes, so I used the bathroom, put on some shorts and a T-shirt, and went out to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. When I went out to the patio to see if the big pot was done, I turned the lights on, which is the signal. I heard Glenda's screen door slam and soon saw her coming across the grass in her morning robe...

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All tied up and no place to go Part 2

All tied up (and no place to go) Part 2 of 2 – by Rod Houston With unexpected pleasure, you feel him once again caressing and fondling your breasts. Playing with your nipples, lightly rolling them around with fingertips and then squeezing them gently between his fingers. Cupping and holding them, squeezing them in his hands. Playing with your nipples. Finally you feel warm breath and his warm moist tongue lightly licking them. First one and then the other. Your skin has turned into chicken...

2 years ago
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Interview to

I had gone for interview at an Upcoming MNC in Mumbai. I am from Pune and had come to Mumbai just for the interview. I was staying with my cousin who is an AirHostess. The interview was the last round with the boss himself. So I had to go to his Office. I had waited in the loby for 2 hours as there was a General Board Meeting going on.I had to call up my cousin and tell her not to wait for me at dinner. My cousin is a party freek. When she is not working, she is either sleeping, shopping or...

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A Mother with Extra

You hear a little pained moan as your eyes slowly open to the new day's sun - slowly pushing his naked body off the bed is your husband of nineteen years, James Doe. "Bit late for work, huh," you ask playfully, smirking at him. He sighed, but tiredly smiled back, "Yeah, well... you kept me up so late! Its really your fault Jane. God, even with all the lube we used it hurts like a bitch!" You giggle at his discomfort, pulling your sheets down to show off your proudly erect fifteen inch long...

2 years ago
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The Day I Had My First Sex

Hi… I’m Tania. I’m pursuing computer engineering at a reputed institution. To be frank, I’ve become more of a lesbian kind with my girlfriend Neha. But I do love having sex with males too! About me, I’m a spoilt girl who lost her virginity at 17. People often admire my perfect shape “36D-24-37”. I was born and brought up at Bangalore. Hemanth was my friend since my 6th grade. This eventually made us become lovers at the 11th grade. We roam around as a couple since then. We even skip our...

1 year ago
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Back At Melissas Place Secret Powers 2

continued from Beach EncounterMelissa and I dress, and she leads the way to her house. As we are snaking through the narrow path across the dune, my knickers pull against my crotch. That, along with watching her lovely arse wiggle from behind, keeps me wet.When we reach the car park, I catch up with her and put my arm around her shoulders. She puts her arm around my waist as we walk the remaining steps to her place.Her place is one of four units among the dunes. "This is lovely," I tell...

3 years ago
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Rider Ch 0609

Chapter 6 A Riding Lesson At least I was right about there being no mice in the loft, and even though everything in it was incredibly dusty and only after she was sure I’d checked it thoroughly she insisted on following me up in to the treasure house of memories, memories triggered by the innumerable assorted objects we found there, many of which had been mine. Amongst other things I found an old cowboy hat and as I shook the dust off it I smiled, remembering the Christmas my aunt had given...

1 year ago
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A Massage

I guess you could say I’m a fairly lucky girl, I have a good paying job that I love and I live in a high rise only three blocks from my job in a middle size city. As for me, I’m a five foot six inch tall red head and weigh one hundred and twenty pounds with a thirty four C chest, twenty seven years old and have not been in a relationship for almost a year, ever since I broke up with my ex boyfriend. Every day I walk past a combined massage, nails and bikini wax business that seems to be...

1 year ago
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Money is Power conclusion

“Are you alright?” I asked tenderly, as I embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her gently on the lips. “My ass hurts. You’re gonna have to register that thing as a deadly weapon” she replied as she grabbed my cock and smiled. Mindy was going to be fine. I had been worried about her. Mindy is here with me, as my sex slave. Yes, I know that kind of thing only happens with people you don’t know or on television. But, when you are suddenly given close to 2 million dollars, strange...

1 year ago
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Slut is Disgraced

A few weeks ago I arranged a meet up with 2 guys Simon and Dominic the were both early forties good looking guys. they picked me up on a Friday outside college and Dom drove us to a secluded spot while was kissing si in the back seatSoon we were in the middle of nowhere near a beach Dominic got out and dragged me out the car pushed me over the bonnet and pulled down my jeans, I was wearing a pair of my sister little pink lacy knickers stretched with my hard throbbing cock. Dom pulled me back as...

3 years ago
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a wet dream dat was actually real

Me and a few mates decide to go out to a night club just having areal boys night so I had no intenion trying to chat up women and just to see if I've still got it.But since I don't drink alcohol I'm always the designated driver. The night started of early around 7pm we just hoped from club to club and in between someone slipped in a sleeping pill into my around 3 am we decided to head back to my friends place his wife was suppose to be out visiting her mum and staying over so we all...

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Outward BoundChapter 32

The bridge was crowded. Everyone that could come up with an excuse, and some that couldn’t, were standing around. I was in the command chair. April stood to my left, and Agnes stood to my right. There had been some discussion that she be seated in the command chair. Until I pointed out that the bridge was my command, and I should be the person sitting in that chair. I did suggest that another chair be brought in for Agnes. But she laughed and informed everyone that she wasn’t so old or...

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Cum Loving Couple

A few years ago my marriage was breaking down. I thought as a forty-year-old male, my sex life was over. I took a while to recover but once I did, my sex life became wonderful. I met a lovely woman who had experienced the same problems as myself, I will call her Jaq.Jaq was a very understanding lady who had led a sheltered life, I, on the other hand, had a varied sex life previously. We got married and purchased a nice house together.Sex was wonderful but Jaq was a little shy when it came to...


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