SamChapter 5C free porn video

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After a couple of minutes, he let my nipple slip back out of his mouth. It was swollen from the workout he had given it and it was bright red. He licked it again with the back of his tongue. This time the rough feeling made me shiver. He pulled my other breast to his lips and I knew my other nipple was in for the same treatment.

Instead of taking the other nipple immediately he paused. I felt it swell in anticipation and my breast was already beginning to produce milk as well. When the swelling became an ache, I said "Please. Do it." He quit torturing me and began to suck on my other nipple as well. When he had it halfway into his mouth I came. I had no idea that I could cum from breast stimulation alone, so it was a shock to me. I managed to keep my legs under me, but my arms jerked and dangled at my sides and my head dropped back on my neck. Jim had such a firm grip on my breasts that I felt like he could hold me up by them alone.

He sucked my nipple all the way into his mouth, just like the first one. He gave it the complete treatment and when he was done, both nipples were swollen and puffy. Both felt like they had been thoroughly used and both glowed with pleasure.

"Damn! That was good!" I said with a big grin on my face. "You have a rare talent."

"And you have milk," he said. "Delicious, too." Seeing that I was in no hurry to leave, he kissed my breasts and licked my nipples some more. I purred with pleasure at the feeling of his mouth on me. When he squeezed my breast and pulled it roughly to his mouth I made no protest, but shuddered with the expectation of further stimulation.

This time he sucked even harder than before. It felt like he wanted to suck all of me into him. It made me even more excited and milk practically spewed out of my nipple. He started to alternate between breasts, each time sucking harder than before. Soon, both my nipples were very red and sore from being sucked so hard.

Jim stopped to look at them. I thought he was admiring his work, but he looked concerned, so I told him, "You can't hurt me, remember. Suck as hard as you want. Suck as hard as you can. I love it."

Encouraged, he renewed his attack on my tender flesh. He became a tiger and I was his prey. He mauled my breasts and sucked my nipples so hard I thought they would burst. Milk was dripping from both nipples continuously, whether he was sucking them or not. I came again. Then again. I surrendered my breasts to his rough treatment and vibrated where I stood as orgasms wracked my body. Jim had found my weakness. I loved having my breasts abused.

Jim must have finally accepted that he could not hurt me and that I was thoroughly enjoying everything he was doing. He stopped sucking and started biting my nipples, gently at first and then harder until he was almost chewing them.

"Oh, God! YES! I love it. Oh, damn! Oh, don't stop. Don't ever stop." I shrieked. I was cumming so hard that he could have bitten my nipple right off and I would have loved it. He dug his teeth into me and tugged like he was trying to rip them off my body. He squeezed my breasts until they were about to pop. He started biting my bulging flesh. He became like a wild animal trying to eat me alive.

Finally, I was cumming so hard that I could no longer stand up. I collapsed onto Jim and he caught me and held me tightly. I felt him pick me up off my feet and carry me over to a loveseat where he laid me down. My smile was so wide that my back teeth were showing. I was in a state of bliss. Jim went into the bathroom and came back with a towel which he used to mop the rivulets of milk that were drying on my breasts. His tender touch was a sweet counterpoint to the brutal way he had savaged me.

As he tended to me, I managed to pry my eyes open and focus on his face. He saw me looking at him and smiled back. My nipples were raw and so hugely swollen that I could see them sticking out on the tips of my beasts like purplish-red muffin tops. The feeling of ecstasy radiating from them was intense. I had to touch them. I softly ran my fingers over them then I put my palms over them. The heat of my hands on them was like fire.

Jim watched me play with my breasts with almost as big a smile as I had. "You fraud." He said, chuckling. "You let us think you were being tortured. You had to get free before you had a climax. The game would have been up, then."

I put a finger to my pursed lips. "Shhhhh!" I said. "Don't tell on me. Neeka already scolded me for getting free too quickly. She says I cheated her out of being ass-raped with Bubba's big cock."

"You and Neeka are just alike; a couple of horny girls who are up for anything. Damn! Bubba and Leon got off light. If they hadn't got out when they did, you two might have fucked them to death."

"What an interesting idea. Careful I don't try it out on you, Jimbo."

"I'd go willingly and die happy. I have an idea. Wait here." He went over to the wet bar and bent down. I couldn't see what he was doing, but when he came back he had his hands behind him and he was grinning wickedly.

"What are you up to?" I asked. "Nothing good, I hope."

"Close your eyes and I'll give you a surprise."

I was tempted to peek, but I was so aroused I would have let him do anything to me anyway, so I closed my eyes. I heard him lean closer and then I felt the ice cubes being rubbed on my nipples. It felt awful, wonderful, hot, cold, arousing, numbing and very, very intense. I arched my back and lifted myself off the couch with my hands. Jim rubbed the ice around and around and over my abused nipples. The sensation was so overpowering that I wanted to scream. I clenched my teeth and growled like an animal in the back of my throat. My climax roared back to life and my growl turned into panting as I twisted my torso around involuntarily, making Jim chase my breasts around with the ice.

It was such an intense experience that I felt like I was going to pass out, but I clung to consciousness and savored the whole thing. Eventually, the ice melted. My swollen nipples had shrunk to mere nubs from the chill of the ice. Water ran off my breasts and threatened the leather upholstery. Jim thoughtfully mopped it up with the towel. I lay with my head on the armrest of the loveseat and whimpered as echoes of my orgasm ricocheted around my spine, making me twitch and jerk.

Jim sat on the floor next to me and stroked me all over as my climax melted into afterglow. He touched my hair, my face, my breasts, my stomach, and my legs. I closed my eyes and let his hands sooth me. I was like a cat laying it its owners lap; just a love-sponge, soaking up all I could get. I did my best to purr for him so he would know how I felt.

I must have drifted off, because when I opened my eyes, Jim was gone. There was an afghan over me and my t-shirt had been folded and placed on the back of the couch where I would be sure to see it. I stretched and yawned before sitting up and putting on my top.

When I stood up, I saw Bud sitting a few feet away in an easy chair. He was reading the newspaper and he had earphones on so he could listen to music without disturbing me. When he saw me get up, he took off the phones and put down the paper.

"Hi, there, sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap?" He asked.

"Oh, yes. Thank you. How long have you been here?"

"I came in right before the snoring started. You have a pretty little snore if you sleep with your neck at the right angle. I took over from Jim so he could go do some homework."

I must have looked puzzled as I folded the afghan and laid it over the back of the couch, because Bud said, "I didn't want you to get cold, so I put that over you. I hope you were comfortable."

"Yes, thank you. But you didn't have to sit with me."

"There was nothing I would rather do."

"That's sweet. Thank you." I climbed into his lap and cuddled up to him. He hugged me and kissed me. I purred for him, too.

"You're just a big pussy-cat." He said.

"Would you like to pet the pussy?" I asked, as I let my legs slowly fall open.

"Always." He put his hand between my legs and started stroking up and down on the taut spandex where it stretched over my mound. I purred some more. I thought I could really get into being a cat. Maybe I could wear a cat-costume. I could be 'Cat Girl'. Somehow it didn't sound all that intimidating. I couldn't imagine evil-doers being terrified to find they were being stalked by 'Cat Girl'.

Bud was starting to make me hot with his rubbing. I could feel my juices start to flow inside me. I lifted my butt off his lap and pulled the waistband of my tights down. He finished peeling them off my legs and sent back to stroking me. It was so much better with his hand on my naked skin. I spread my legs wide so he could touch me everywhere.

He stroked my hairless outer lips and then ran his fingers in between, lightly touching and tugging on my inner labia. I clenched my pussy muscles and my labia slowly peeled apart to reveal my glistening hole. Bud circled my opening again and again with his fingers until I was desperate to get him to stick them inside me. I bucked my hips toward his hand and my opening gaped and shut as if crying out my need. At last he took pity on me and slid his middle finger into my hot, wet hole. It felt so good that I wanted to clamp my legs shut on his hand and trap in there. Instead I spread my legs apart as far as I could and I looked at Bud with a 'fuck me' look.

He pushed his finger inside me as far as he could. He curled it around and felt for my g-spot. I moaned and rolled my eyes back when he hit it with the end of his finger. He rubbed it a couple of times and then pulled his hand out. I whimpered for him to put it back in. When he added a second finger beside the first and pushed both of them into me, I felt like a virgin being penetrated for the first time. Bud was as surprised as I was at how tight I was.

I tried to relax as much as possible, and Bud was patient about working his fingers deeper into me. The feeling was fantastic. I was getting hotter and wetter all the time. I grabbed my breasts and rolled my nipples between my fingers while Bud finger-fucked me. When he was able to reach it again, he rubbed my g-spot with his fingers and rubbed my hard clit with his thumb.

The feeling was so strong; it felt like I had been plugged into an electrical outlet. I came instantly. All my muscles tensed and jerked while Bud continued gently massaging my hot spots.

My orgasm had just started to ease when we heard a voice from the foot of the stairs, "Bud, take your hand out of your sister and you two wash up and get dressed. We have a reservation at 7:00 and I'd like to be there on time." Mrs. Reynolds turned to go back up the stairs.

"Aw, Mom!" I called, "He hasn't fucked me yet! Just a few more minutes? Please?"

"No, young lady. Go get ready. He can screw you when we get back, or in the back seat of the car if you can't wait that long, but we are going to be on time at the restaurant. It's discourteous to be late."

Needless to say, the look on Bud's face was priceless. I just loved messing with boys' heads. His mother started it, though. She was probably upstairs now having a giggling fit. I knew what started it. She had walked in on us and did not want to embarrass us, so she decided press on with her purpose and ignore the element of embarrassment. She had done the same thing earlier to Sara.

"I guess we'll have to pick this up later," I said to Bud.

"I guess," he said. He still did not stop finger-fucking me.

"Yep. We better run up and get ready to go," I said.

"Unhunh. We better. Can you come again so soon?"

"No, I don't think so. But that just feels sooooooo goooood. Oh, heck! Unhand me and let's go." Bud slowly slipped his fingers out of me, but he teased all the way. Twisting his hand, spreading his fingers, he made me feel it all the way out.

"God! You're driving me crazy," I said. "Stop that or Mom will have to come back down here with a bucket of cold water to get us apart."

"Well, we wouldn't want that." He took his fingers out, but he took my clit between his thumb and index finder and squeezed it. It bulged under the pressure and I thought I would cum again right then, but instead it just pushed me right to the edge. Then he rolled it gently between his fingers and I moaned way back in my throat. My stomach muscles clenched of their own accord. I was panting and glassy-eyed and needed to cum again in the worst way. Bud let go of my clit and pulled the skin back down over it. He pressed my labia back together and pulled my legs together. He slapped me on the butt and pushed me back to my feet.

I stood there pouting at Bud, with my hands on my boobs, squeezing them and rubbing my nipples. He laughed and said, "Serves you right. Now you get a taste of your own medicine." He held up his hand beside his head, with his thumb and finger almost touching. "Remember Darth Vader? Think of your clit in here." He rubbed his fingers together and chuckled, "Heh heh heh. Now let's see how long you can stay hot and wet without cumming! Go get dressed. No panties. And I want to be able to see that your nipples stay hard the whole time, so wear something they show through."

"OK. I'll do it.," I said. I ran off up the stairs with my juice running down my thighs. Bud was right. I had been doing this to people all weekend. It was only fair that I taste a dose of my own medicine. I wondered if I was up to the challenge. I was already having a hard time keeping my hands off. My clit seemed to be getting harder and hotter with every step I took. I found myself walking with my knees together so my thighs would press my pussy lips together and they would rub and tug on my clit. I quit that because it was just making things worse. My clit had pushed its way out of its hood and was waving in the air like it was looking for something to stimulate it. Bud's instructions notwithstanding, if I tried to wear panties in this condition, I would probably cum in a matter of seconds.

I had to be very careful in the shower. It was very tempting to let the water bring me off. I had to turn up the cold at the end because I was feeling a buzz starting in my clit that meant I was going to cum any second.

I dressed in my green empire-waist dress. The hem came to just above mid-thigh on me, so I would have to be careful about bending over or sitting down if I did not want to flash everyone around me. The bodice above the waist was sheer chiffon, but was gathered enough so that you had to look carefully to see through it. With my engorged and reddened areola standing out in sharp contrast to the white translucent cloth, a casual glance would be all that was required to pick out my protruding nipples under the bodice. Knowing that my nipples would be on such prominent display seemed to make them even redder and larger. When I took a deep breath they rubbed deliciously on the thin fabric.

A pair of patent-leather mary-janes with white socks made it a perfect 'little-girl' outfit. I also enhanced the rosy color of my 'make-up' to give myself a more doll-like appearance. I thought the 'little-girl' impression very nicely balanced my large bust and faintly visible nipples. Overall, it was an unusual look but, I was very happy with it.

I skipped down to Bambi's room to show it to her and ask if she had a small pocketbook I could borrow to go with the shoes.

"Oh you look just adorable!" She exclaimed. "You don't see many buxom 12 year-olds. I love the way it makes you look both innocent and sexy at the same time."

"I'm glad you like it," I said. "I really love the look, too. I think being bottomless and shaved will work with it too." I held up my dress and gave a knock-kneed twist of my hips.

"That's too darling! It looks like you forgot your panties and you are too innocent to realize that you are exposing yourself. Ah, is there some significance to the fact that your clit is poking out?"

"None other than Bud made it that way and then made me promise not to touch it. I'm going to need to take a pad or something to sit on at the restaurant if I'm not going to leave a wet spot on the chair."

"I guess I don't have to ask where he got that idea. This is certainly a case of the 'cows coming home to roost'."

"Isn't that 'the chickens coming home to roost'?"

"Could be. I always heard 'cows'. 'Chickens' would make more sense, but since chickens and cows fly about equally well, it makes no sense either way. Most Southernisms don't make too much sense if you examine them closely. It's just part of the culture, I guess.

"I suppose a diaper would be too much. Hmmm. We could ask for a booster seat, you're almost small enough for one of those. I know! We'll take you a cushion. I have a stadium seat that has a zipper on it so a hot pack can be put inside. The cover is washable and we can stuff a phone book into it instead of the hot pack. It will add about three inches if we use the yellow pages. That should also be enough to get your feet off the floor. Will you be comfortable with your feet dangling? I think it will look perfect."

I said, "Oh, yes! That's great! I certainly won't mind sitting higher at the table. I'm always getting my elbows into things as it is. And if you haven't noticed, for someone my height, most chairs feel like my feet are dangling anyway.

"You know, it's strange. When I was 12, I hated being short because it made me look younger than I was. I always tried to look older. Now, here I am trying to look 12 again!"

"Sam, most women eventually start trying to look younger than their real age. You're just getting a jump on things, honey."

My booster cushion worked great when we tried it out on the breakfast room chairs. It was made to be used on hard wooden bench seats common to school stadiums, so it was very comfortable. The terry-cloth cover would soak up anything that might endanger the fancy upholstery at Chez Whoever's and it added a good three inches to my height at the table. I thought I wouldn't mind using the thing on a regular basis. Having my feet dangling was a small price to pay to be closer to eye-level with everyone else at a table for a change. One of the worst things about being short is that people talk down to you a lot of the time, both literally and figuratively. The really annoying thing is that the former often leads to the latter.

Bud continued to torture me on the ride to the restaurant. I sat on his lap while he stroked my pussy just enough to keep me on the edge of an orgasm. By the time we arrived, I was buzzing with arousal; I had a goofy grin, and I'm sure my eyes had a glassy look. It was a wonderful and familiar feeling. I had reached the same pre-orgasmic plateau before and I liked it almost as much as cumming, because it lasted as long as I wanted it to.

Jim carried my cushion into the restaurant where a seriously cute waitress in her early 20s showed us to our table. He put it on my chair and I crawled up onto it knees first, before turning around and plopping my naked butt down on it. I started swinging my legs and looking around. The waitress was looking at me funny and I knew she had just got a free show when my dress rode up as I climbed onto the chair. When I looked again she was staring at my chest, and her eyebrows had gone up noticeably, so she must have been trying to figure me out. Just to keep her confused, I stuck my tongue out at her and made a face before appearing to be distracted by the candles on the table. It wasn't a hard act to do. I felt high as a kite and I was in a very playful mood.

Jim bent over the back of my chair to grab the arms and scoot it up closer to the table for me. I know what effort that took, to lift 100 pounds at arms length without appearing to strain. He was playing the game, but he was also trying to show me that he wasn't a complete wimp, even if I could bench-press 50 pounds more than he could. Or maybe he was doing it for the waitress' benefit, although she was looking at me, not him. I smiled at him and he smiled back and then quickly moved to hold the chair for his mother.

The waitress introduced herself as Connie and recited the specials for us before taking our drink order for iced-teas all around. When she came back to take our dinner order, she kept glancing at me. I tried to look the part of a child, but I suspected she was wise to me. Still, I tried to keep the Connie guessing until it was my turn to order. She stood close beside me and suggested a choice from the children's menu. I wasn't sure if she was kidding or if I had her bamboozled, but she did not bat an eye when I ordered the nine ounce filet mignon, medium-rare, baked potato, creamed spinach, and a Caesar salad instead of the mac-and-cheese kid's plate that she had pointed to. I would have let her off with that, but I saw her looking down my top as she took my menu, so I ran my hand up the back of her skirt and stroked the inside of her thigh. I expected her to freak, but to my surprise, she gasped but didn't flinch away. Then she stood right next to me while she took everyone else's order. Since I had my back to a dark corner, there was no one to see that I kept my hand on her thigh the whole time. When she was on the last order and still hadn't shown any sign of distress, I stroked her all the way to the top, where it was me who got the big surprise. Our waitress and I shared a lack of undergarments. Not to be outdone, I petted her furry beaver while she ran down the selection of salad dressing for Bud. When she bent over to take his menu, her legs parted enough for me to slip a thumb between her outer lips. It came away quite wet as I dropped my hand back into my lap.

Connie promised a quick return with our drinks, and turned to look at me last before leaving the table. I stared right into her eyes as I stuck my wet thumb into my mouth and started sucking. When she almost stumbled as she tried to walk away, I knew I had finally got the upper hand.

Same as Sam
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“Last time when we did this, we enjoyed it thoroughly and we want to do it again. We are 2 bombshells – I am Preeti, dusky and chubby, and she is Neha, fair and a figure to die for. If you are interested, reply with your introduction and let’s see where it goes. Limited period offer – tin tin ṭi tin!” This ad on the famous dating site stood out in the crowd and caught my attention immediately. What I read sounded tempting and I immediately responded to it. The response came in a couple of...

4 years ago
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it all started in 2005

I took my daughter Kim 11; swimmg to our local pool, she had been going a while with my wife. My wife Pam has just got a promotion in her job; she doesn’t have time to take her, I seem to have plenty of time. I inherited a small two screen cinema in the UK, back to the story I took Kim swimming, I sat...

1 year ago
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Master abd His slut The Weekend PART THREE

Lord Dariff gets up from the table and approaches me. I can feel my cunt juices dripping down my thigh. My pussy has never been wetter and I can smell the cum filling the air.“Turn around and face me whore” he demanded. “You know you did a good job with the boy, but I think this cock hungry slut still needs more!” “Yes Lord Dariff!” I said. My mouth was sore obeyed. He picked up a small crop and whipped it against my tits. The cropped kissed my tits leaving small welts across my skin. Then...

2 years ago
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MY SEXY AKKA LOST HER SAREE TO ME – II Hai, I am seenu…most of the people will call me raj…. fair and handsome guy. This is continuation of my earlier story. If you have not read my part 1 please go through that. Anyway here is the introduction of my sexy cute akka. This story is about my sexy akka, her name is Madhurima. She is a very beautiful lady I saw ever in this world. She is a sexy shape woman. She is very simple, humble and helping nature. She studied B.Ed and recently she got married....

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The Mole

The Mole By Alyssa Davis and Caitlin Rose Police work is a paramilitary occupation. Uniforms, rank, weapons, discipline... It can be exciting and interesting for some and boring for others. Some officers seem to find lots of action during their career (or maybe it finds them) while others never use their sidearm except for target practice and hardly do much more than help children cross streets. This seems to describe my position. I have become completely unimpressed with my...

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Land of the GiantsChapter 1 Prologue

To refresh your memory, It has been eight years since the sub-orbital passenger craft 'Spindrift' took its ill-fated flight towards for London, England. The pilot for this particular flight was Captain Steve Burton. An athletic man, with a slim physique. Along with his copilot and engineer, Commander Dan Erickson, a blackman who had previously participated in the Olympics Decathlon. Also part of the flight crew was flight attendant Betty Ann Hamilton. This beautiful blonde woman had been...

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Apni Saheli Ke Jiju Se Chudi

Hi indian sex stories dot net doston Main pinky hu delhi ki rahnewali hu aur call center me job karti hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya uske liyea thanks ap sab mujhe mail karte rahiyea main apse ayeshe hi whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi apko apne bare me bata du main bahut hi chuddakad ladki hu aur main daily sex karti hu kyuki ab mere bahut sare boyfriends ho gaye h aur main apne figure k bare me bata du meri figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut hi hot ladki hu mere colony...

1 year ago
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Blacked Mailed Into sex

I was sitting in the bleachers, watching the football squad practice, two class mates came and sit on each side of me and started to talk to me. 'David, we know that you are a fuck boy and have been told that you can suck a good dick.' I looked at the young boy that was talking and recognized him from passing in the hall on my way to class.The other boy said 'I heard that David has good boy pussy, and will fuck like a fish.' I looked around and noticed that no one was paying attention to us...

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Jakes Fantasy P2

... Lora stopped and began to move towards the door. Jake pulled back, but then relaxed when he saw Lora reach for the bedside drawer. She fumbled and impatiently dug through the drawer. She seemed to know what she was after; she was in search of something specific. Then she found it! Out of the drawer came one of my favourite toys, I think it might be one of Lucy’s too. It was a starter sized dildo with gentle little ribs. We had often used this one as a warm up to anal sex. Lora quickly...

3 years ago
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The Squirter Nurse

During my time helping women reach their first squirting orgasms I soon came to the conclusion that every woman is capable of squirting. I found great joy in making a woman squirt who, never had squirted before, didn't believe she could squirt, and was of the belief that only a select few women where capable of squirting. I guaranteed them that I would be the one to make them squirt and that my technique has never failed in doing so. Till this day I still maintain a 100% success rate. ...

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The Kidnapping A Fantasy

Introduction: My first attempt at a fantasy instead of a real story. Hope you like it! The Kidnapping: A Fantasy It had been weeks since I received his email. Im not really sure why I kept it. He was nice when we first chatted, but I chat with a lot of guys. Chatting has always been a good outlet for me. Nothing too serious since Im married, just some harmless fun to make my mind go spinning. Ive always liked feeling wanted and sexy and somehow meeting the right man, under the right...

2 years ago
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Mom In A Tshirt And Panties

Mom In A T-shirt And Panties Almost every day of my life I have seen my mother in just a T-shirt and her panties during breakfast before I went to school. She is an executive and doesn’t want her clothes wrinkled. So she never sits down at work, she puts on a wrap around dress at the very last minute, and doesn’t put on her blouse and skirt until after she actually gets to work. She has a big van with dark windows to change in. She has the back converted into a dressing area...

1 year ago
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a cousin and a friend

a year ago when my cousin came to my house with his friend to sleep over since they were visiting the town for a couple of days it's been like 3 years didn't contact with each other it was a surprise they entered and sit in the living room drunk some beer and talked for a while before they went upstairs to get some rest half an hour later when i started to listen some voices sounds like moaning or something coming from their room i get upstairs to see whats going on the door was slightly open...

2 years ago
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Chori chupke

Mera naam danish hai,bihar ka rahne wala hu ludhyana me kam karta hu,ek sal pahle rubi se sadi hui,use sath rakhta hu koi aulad nahi hai,mera duty aksar night me rahta hai,ek din chanak mill break down ho gya,sab ko chutti mil gai,mai bhi apne ghar agya,ek room ka ghar tha khidki road side hi tha,mai khidki se rubi ko away dene hi wala tha ke koi mard ka awaz sunai pada,mai chok gya,piche se bondry se andar gya aur darwaza ke faak se andr dekha,andar ka nazara dekh kar mera gussa satwe arman...

1 year ago
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Actress Me Part 5 The Awards

Things settled back down to normal. Shannon was back at acting school, doing long hours to make up for lost time. Also the tutor was over 3 nights a week for a couple of hours to work with her on her weak points. Meanwhile I was busy working on my first movie script. The title I chose was Winner Take All. It was loosely based on a beauty pageant, with back stage drama. Of course I am writing it with Shannon I mind for the lead part. Both girls having been in many pageants, were...

2 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 71

The landing, like the takeoff, was fast and efficient. We were quickly on the ground and taxied to one end of the terminal, where we could see three people standing next to a large motorized cart. The Citation rolled up and came to a stop and Dave Lopez had the hatch opened a few seconds later. He came back and got Kelli's bag down for her. "Guess I didn't need this after all," she said, elbowing me in the ribs. "But since I didn't know where we were going..." "All will soon be...

4 years ago
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Aunt Lynn

“Ricky, you want something to drink?” “Sure, Aunt Lynn.” “Come on in. Jim, you want anything?” He looks up, laying the tire iron down and wiping the sweat off his brow. “Nah, I’m fine. I still have water here. Rick, you go on up.” See, Jim is my uncle-in-law. He was working on his baby, his 1969 Camaro SS. Me, I just watch. I’m not much into cars. Aunt Lynn is my mother’s sister, baby sister. Though, to me, she seems kinda old, probably at least 35. Maybe even older. I head to the house....

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Alexs Initiation

Alex’s Imitation By keithb1002 This story is pure fiction.  It was developed late one night when I got the idea for this story.  If you are under the age of 18 or if reading this story is illegal where you live, please don’t read this.  If you like this story or have any comments or suggestions, you can contact me at [email protected] or Chat with me on Yahoo IM under the name keithb100272.Alexandra ?Alex? Palmer was on pins and needles all day in class.  The girl who had just turned 18was...

4 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 4

Sherry was sitting next to me as I drove. “Put your arm around me and feel my titties, Jerry. I love my big titties so much, and I wish we could stop and fuck before we get to the country club.” “My sister has the most beautiful titties in the world. I can’t get over how huge they are, and yet they’re so high and firm. “Your nipples feel like small spikes, they’re so erect and pointy.” “I love the way you touch me like this. If we weren’t brother and sister, I’d marry you.” “You just keep...

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Turned into a Slut for BBC PT9

After my last performance for Jerome on Monday, I was eager to set up the next one. Partially because I enjoyed being a willing slut for him, and partially because he said he would have a friend that was going to be incorporated in our fun as well. However, on top of the desires and fantasies of what our next meeting would bring, I had news to tell him that I hoped would lead to an extended amount of fun for all. Tuesday morning as both my husband and daughter were getting ready for their days,...

1 year ago
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Aunt Robyn

Robyn told John that her niece Amy was coming by for the weekend. John sighed, but Robyn told him that Amy was hawt, and liked to party, so who knows where this could go. John’s face lit up, he’d always wanted a 3-way, and hoped it would happen.Upon Amy’s arrival, she had an over night bag and a 4 month old black lab named Spunky. Amy hugged Robyn and Amy hugged John, as John awkwardly hugged this cute 20 something cutie. Robyn showed Amy to her room and John petted Scooter who seemed...

3 years ago
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Out of Twilight0

Sarah looked in the mirror, she had long ago stopped worrying about roots, her hair was now its natural straw blonde, which looked odd when she wore her black boots, her necklace of pearls was wrapped tightly, like a collar, tight round her neck, and her red top didn't match her blue sports skirt, but she merely thought, what the heck. Slow unadventurous Sarah, her portfolio growth was so slow, yet in the deep depths of depression, those small profits continued to flow, and while all around...

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Willing Victim Ch 05

* Although the first four chapters of this novel are considered non-consent/reluctance, which will be the main sexual actions occurring in this whole novel, this chapter itself does not contain any actual nonconsentual sex.* Hope you enjoy… ‘Well, I won’t bore you with the details, but if he wakes up tell him not to make anymore phone calls, unless they are to me. And if he doesn’t wake up, well…I’ll be back in a week or two, try to stay alive until then. Chow.’ With those final words she...

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BigCockBully Anny Aurora 25682

Anny Aurora thought she was sending her boyfriend nude photos of herself. Apparently her boyfriend owed Louie some money and since he didn’t have cash on hand Louie took his phone as collateral. Anny goes over to try and get the phone back from Louie so he won’t have access to her nudes, but Louie refuses to give the phone back unless Anny provides the money her boyfriend owes. Anny doesn’t have the money so instead they make a deal, Anny fucks Louie’s big cock to ensure...

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Suhag Raat Kaise Manaye Bhaiyo, I found this very interesting. Wanna share with you all. read it fully….waise mujhe malum hai ki sab is maamle mai guru hain phir bhi yeh padiye.. aur pls apni tippani jarur paish karna……..achha lage to +repo ki pratiksha rahegi…. The Beginning:-================================================== ======== Both Of You will get ready by 9.30 pm to 10.00pm. The bride will have her own make up wearing traditional saree, ornaments, mehendi.TheBride might have a...

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Fucked at a Wash Room

I was working a little late and needed to go to the washroom. When I went in a guy that I work with was at the urinal. I stood next to him and saw that he was stroking his cock. It was a good thickness and length and I was turned on by it. I pulled my cock out and started jerking off. He asked me if I wanted to have a fuck. To be fucked by that huge cock was a complete turn on. I knelt at the urinal and took his cock deep into my throat, sucking him had and making him wet. His groans were...

2 years ago
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First Piss Game

I eased her to her back, the taste of her lips on my tongue. But that sweet savor was replaced by her musky vaginal excretions as I buried my face in her crotch. I licked her to orgasm and then I rose up, creeping up her body, feeling every inch of smooth skin on mine as I went. "Oh honey, that was great! I want you inside me now." Her wish was my command. As a matter of fact, by the time she'd finished saying it, I was inside her. I slipped in and out, taking my time, building up the...

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My Bitchyhot Niece Denise

My Bitchy-hot Niece Denise Femdom Fiction by James Pendergrass - ( 2008It was meant to be a simple month-long visit while I got my life together.  Thanks to some horrible managerial maneuvers by my banker employer (sub prime loans, etc) I was out of a job two weeks past my 30th birthday.  I wasn’t the type of save money for a rainy day and within two months I had serious cash problems.  No longer could I afford my Manhattan luxury apartment.  I needed help.  Mom and Dad...

1 year ago
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Union RebellingChapter 22

Kat was almost back to the bridge when a pair of armored men came out of a side passage and spotted her. Their weapons snapped up, pointing directly at her and one of the men lunged forward, grabbing her arm and shoving her against the wall. "What the hell are you doing out here? All passengers were ordered to the dining area." His voice was rough and filled with contempt. Kat looked him defiantly in the eye. "I am a paying passenger and not some crew member that can be ordered around. I...

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My second encounter back for more

It was my second time. I’d been there once before and had the most delicious blow job and couldn’t get it out of my mind. I drove the car to the car park and went to the toilet block. The cubicle door was open, I glanced in and it was empty. My heart rate was already higher due to expectation and it eased at the emptiness of the place. I looked at the hole where the guy had peered through at my cock on that first visit. I got a twinge of hardening at the thought.I exited the cubicle but...

2 years ago
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Betrayed Over Conception Ch 05

Engineer Mike Giles and wife were unable to start a family and neither would undergo tests, fearful of being identified as the problem party. Gloria took a lover leading Mike to suspect her motive was pregnancy. Then his girlfriend at his worksite 200 miles north becomes pregnant which answers the question about his alleged infertility problem. Gloria agrees to a divorce and Mike’s reunion with his girlfriend Nancy ends in disappointment so he’s back playing the field. THIRTEEN I arrived...

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Hotel Pink Flamingo chapter 1

Sammy sat on the edge of his sisters bed. The chill air of the slightly ajar window prickling his naked skin. Nervous at what he was about to do. His heart lept as the curtain fluttered in the breeze. He sat frozen and motionless. His heart pounded in his ears. He listened to the sounds outside, a nervous twitch in his hands and joints. He sat perched and ready to flee. It was quiet and still, the night air oppressing with it’s heavy silence. Hiking up his right leg to the edge of the bed he...

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CherryPimps Angela White Gets Put On Santas Naughty List

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from December 2019’s Cherry Of The Month Angela White. There is one thing she really wanted this Christmas and it was Santa’s big fat dick! She got her wish and he gives it to her without her having to wait.She rides him hard making those tits bounce and bounce before she goes down to bob her head up and down on that cock in some hot 69ing. Santa knows how to eat that pussy! Angela teases that hard cock with her pussy letting it go in and out...

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Apni Bhanji Ko Choda

By : Muntazir Mera naam Aaftab hai mai Maharashtra ka rahne wala hoon meri ye kahani haqikat hai, mai 30 sal ka nau jawan hoon meri shadi ho chuki hai aur mera ek beta bhi hai meri zindagi badi maje se kat rahi thi, kismat se maine badi hi sexi patni paii hai. par ek din achanak mere bade chacha ki beti hamare ghar aai aur saath me apni beti ko bhi le aai, jiska naam simran hai aur didi ne kaha ke ise 2 saal ke liye aap ke ghar rakho to ye collage bhi pad legi aur kuch ghar kaam bhi sikh jaegi...

3 years ago
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Harsha My Colleague

From the first day I laid my eyes on her, I wanted her. When my boss told me I’d get a team mate, I was relieved as I was being overworked. I knew that from now on, my life would be a lot easier. I of course didn’t know that from then on, my life would be filled with pictures of me fucking my new, sexy team mate. As is it is the only moral thing to do for a married man, I did never ever think about actually fucking Harsha. My wife still looked her bit, with a nice, well-rounded body and black...

2 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 24 New Routines Part I

August 29, 1981, Columbus, Ohio “What are you talking about?” I asked. “Despite spending two days screwing like bunny rabbits,” Jocelyn said with a smile, “I think you’re STILL afraid of sex. May I ask another question?” “I guess,” I sighed. “Why haven’t you and Emmy done it? Because of her? Or because of you?” I could give her the answer that immediately popped into my mind - that Emmy wasn’t sixteen and was under the age of consent. But I knew there was some truth to what Jocelyn said....

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The Summoning of Verenestra

Tammet checked over his shoulder, for the hundredth time. Today was the day he’d been preparing for. He looked around the forest again, making sure none of his captors, or a stray hunting party, had followed him or happened upon him by sheer luck. A light wind made the leaves overhead rustle like a soft summer rain. Sunlight filtered down through the leaves upon his long straight black hair. He reached into the hollow of a long dead tree to retrieve the items he’d carefully stowed there...

4 years ago
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The Rain of Pharaoh

She slammed her hand on the countertop. “What do you mean, there’s no reservation? Rhianne Fitzgerald, PhD. I made the reservation a month ago.” “Sorry miss,” said the harried clerk behind the counter. “I’ve got one room left with a king sized bed. I can give you a cot.” It was late afternoon, and a few rays of sunlight faded to yellow through the tinted windows of the lobby. Dr. Fitzgerald was flipping through the pages of her pocket calendar. “Here it is… Oh wait.” She turned to me...

1 year ago
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First Hetero Sex

There's no doubt I love cum. I love cum when it's being shot in or on me. I don't know where I got this love. But I do have it. I do get aroused by the thing that provides the cum. A penis. Any and all. Big, small, long, short, fat, skinny, pierced, etc. As long as it's in my hands, mouth or ass, I am happy. What's weird is I am not attracted to the man the penis is attached to. I don't get aroused walking around and seeing men or boys. I just don't. I think I happened to be...

3 years ago
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A Date With My Wife

When you have k**s it can be hard to get alone time with your wife. This was the case with us lately and we both needed some alone adult time that's for sure. We had a friends wedding coming up and we had made arrangements for the k**s to stay at grandma's house.I had gotten ready first and took the k**s to grandmas and when I got home I walked in to find my wife ready to go. She had a sexy black skirt with a white silk blouse and to top it off she was wearing the Cecilia de Rafael hose I...

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