Beach House Part II free porn video

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After we all piled on the bed. I made it clear I was getting some sleep. I kissed the boys and got under the covers and said snuggle with me and before I knew it was in dreamland. I woke up sweating and had thrown the covers off of me in my sleep. We had forgotten to turn down the thermostat.

Every light in the beach house was on, I walked through the house turning off switches and feeling really good about the day. I turned on the faucet and was so relieved when a spray of hot water came out. I opened the shutters and smiled at the morning sunshine.

I checked on the boys and had to hold my hand over my mouth to quiet a giggle as I walked out of the room. Each had a very hard and very stiff penis sticking up. I looked back and mentally kicked myself and said Anna, get in the shower for god’s sake.

I stood there letting the hot water wash away the physical events of the night. I carefully went over in my mind the sexual things that took place between Richard and I. As much as I’d liked to have blamed the “ drunk factor “ and the ‘ staying warm factor “ there was little I could do but face the fact I let my son have sex with me.

What was I thinking when I let them talk me into that silly game of “ Chicken “ . My mind flashed back to my words “ I wouldn’t do this if I wasn’t drunk. “ Well yes having a few drinks did have a role in it. In the end though I could have stopped it if I really wanted to.

I closed my eyes and looked back in my mind as I watched Joshua’s hand moving up my leg, I shivered in embarrassment when I felt my own hand brush my pussy lips. I shook my head and thought I need to stop thinking like this and just shower. I was shaving my underarms when I heard a voice go woo who. I giggled and said get out of here.

Well I would mom but it’s the only toilet in the house. I stepped out of the shower and said um Richard we need to talk. I glanced down at the sizable cock that was getting harder and harder as I spoke. I looked up and a surprised look crossed my face. In a shaky voice I said Richard. Richard said I can’t help it mom.

Well take your shower then we’ll talk. He said ok and got under the water. I was tidying up and brushing my hair when I heard him say hey mom, wash my back. Sure I said. He stood there facing me his hard cock bobbing up and down in the air. Oh please I said , turn around this minute Richard.

As I washed his back my mind kept wondering about what was going on in front of him. I could see his arm moving. I turned him around and whispered what in the heck are doing? Then stopped as I realized he was just washing himself.

Richard threw his head back and said oh god mom you thought I was jerking it?. I said no, no I did not. I didn’t sound to convincing though. Richard hugged me to him the water poured over us both. He said look mom, it happened. I’m not going to make this into some evil thing, because it wasn’t. I love you mom.

Oh god Richard I sobbed as I held him tight to me. Honey look I said it shouldn’t have happened, but it did mom Richard said and it was the greatest most loving thing to ever happen to me. I held his face and searched his eyes. You really believe that Richard? Yes mom I really do. My heart ached with joy.

I said we still have to talk about this more though I said. Richard said mom, seriously. What’s there to talk about? I silently moaned and backed away when I realized his throbbing hard cock was firmly planted into my tummy.
Huh Richard went. Is that it mom are you afraid it’s going to happen again? I stood there staring at his very hard veined wet cock. I looked at him and bit my lip and stammered out no, no, tha…that’s not it at all.

I didn’t know if he was holding me close to him in a hug on purpose but there was that huge cock of his poking me again. I love you mom Richard said and kissed me. I was startled when I felt his warm tongue pushing into my mouth.

My lips parted and our tongues wetly entangled. My knees felt weak and I felt a gushing flow of newly aroused juices making my pussy moist and ready for penetration. Oh Richard I love you so, but is this right Richard?

Yes he said as I felt his finger slide into me and explore the inner walls of my dripping wet cunt. Oh my beautiful darling boy your mother loves you more than life itself. I stepped back and went down on my knees. I took Richards thick hard cock in my hand.

I stared up into his eyes as I took the head of his fat cock into my mouth and pumped his wet shaft as my tongue danced over and around the soft silky head of his large cock. I spread my legs further as my fingers lightly waltzed over my sensitive swollen clitoris.

Mom , mom I heard Richard say as his legs trembled and I felt his body tighten up. My hand vigorously pumped his throbbing hard shaft as I sucked the head of his cock in and out of the slurping vacuum my lips created as I wrapped them around his swollen cock.

I felt his cock jump and buck then gobs of his hot sweet sperm began to fill my mouth as I feverishly sucked at the head of his massive cock like a woman dying of thirst and his hot sperm was like a fountain of cold refreshing water.

I moaned deep in my throat as I felt his hot cum flooding my mouth and running down into my waiting tummy. I looked up at him and said does that thing ever go soft. As I pushed him back on the edge of the toilet and straddled him and guided his cock into me.

I leaned forward and bit into his shoulder and shuddered as his thick cock worked it’s way into my scalding hot tight pussy. Mm Richard I teased as I bit his ear and whispered oh my god Richard that thing is huge.

When I had him completely in me I looked at him and smiled and said I could so get used to that big fat thing of yours in my pussy. I began to raise myself up and ease back down onto his thick hard cock. My vaginal sheath tightly holding his cock as it slid in and out of me.

Soon my pussy was transformed into a hot wet dripping creamy hole as Richard held my butt cheeks and began to pound his cock up into me. Oh god Richard I moaned out uh huh oh god yes my loving boy that’s it give it to mommy uh huh fuck mommy’s tight wet cunt with your big huge cock.

Oh god I grit my teeth and held on to him as his fat thick cock pounded my pussy into a series of stabbing bites of pain that sent me into a long moaning wailing orgasm that echoed off the bathroom walls. Yes , yes, oh god yes, oh god Richard oh my god you’re so big. You feel so good in mommies tight little cunt.

Oh god I screamed out as I threw my head back as rocketing bolting shivers of pleasure shot up and down my spine. Orgasm after orgasm radiated out from my sopping wet pussy until a final gut wrenching orgasm made me fall forward on Richards chest.
Richard stood up keeping his hard thick cock buried to the root in my quivering spastic cunt. I held on tightly. Surprised and a little amazed at the strength of the powerful stabbing strokes he pounded my slippery wet pussy with.

His breathing was deep and hard, his chest heaving. I took his face in my hands and moaned out oh god my baby darling boy that’s it darling, oh god yes fuck your mother, fuck her hot wet cunt. Fuck her hard and fast. Just like that my darling baby boy.

Cum for mommy, cum for mommy Richard, cum in mommy’s pussy my darling son. Yes , yes, oh god yes Richard uh huh I screamed out when I felt his thick cock balloon and swell inside me and his grunts and groans combined with mine as we screamed our way through our simultaneous orgasms.

He carried us back into the shower both of us sliding to the floor me still on top of him as I felt his thick hard cock going soft and wetly slipping out of me. What felt like gallons of sperm poured out of my wide open cunt. I smiled and said, mm I think mommy won that one. It finally went soft.

We sat there both smiling, both knowing this was a magical moment shared between a mother and her son.

The story should end there, as it’s the perfect ending, but in reality it’s the perfect beginning of our long and passionate love making that we shared over the years…

We both heard Joshua laughing over the down pouring of water that had since turned cold, but we were both impervious to it. I stood up on shaky legs and said how long you been standing there. He glanced down, my eyes following. I cracked up laughing oh god I said, by the looks of that thing long enough I laughed.

He jokingly said my turn? I turned and swished my hips and said as soon as you get cleaned up. Great he mumbled the waters fricking cold. I stopped and shocked myself when I put my hand over my pussy and said. This isn’t cold. It’s nice and wet and very hot. Oh god he rolled his eyes.

I said I’m worth it and walked out of the bathroom. Richard came out and said you’re suddenly in a much better mood mom. Yes I am Richard, you’re right you know, what we did, is done, no lightning bolts came down and zapped us. I walked up to him and said. You’re also right about it being so tender and loving.

I smiled and said. Even if you did get a little rough. He started to say something and I put my finger on his lips. I took his hands in mine and said. If ever you hurt me, sexually I mean, I’ll let you know. So you were saying? He shook his head and hugged me and said. I was saying you’re the best mom in the whole world. Our lips tenderly met in a soft kiss.

My own words and actions were shocking to me to say in the least. I thought of Richard’s big hard cock and knew I wanted more. A picture of Joshua’s fat hard cock flashed through my mind and I smiled and said yup I want some more of that too.

Joshua came walking out of the bathroom with his towel hanging from his cock. I never laughed so hard in my life. I said calm down, we need to see what items we’re going to need. I opened the fridge and mentally ticked off the items we needed. Richard? You feel like braving the daylight and bringing back a list of what I write down.

He screwed up his face and I said. Look here mister this was your idea now you’re going up to the house to get what we need. Hey Joshua said. That means were staying another night? Maybe I said with an impish devilish smile.

I made a pot of coffee and sat on the couch with my legs curled under my butt. Joshua poured himself a cup and sat down next to me. Richard came over and I pulled him to me and said hey you know what? I was watching you in your sleep. You look a lot like your grandpa, from my side. He said really? With a huge grin. I kind of thought I did. Yes you do Richard. Now go get us our provisions.

Oh I’d say bring me a change of clothes but, I’m not sure we’re going to be wearing much. That brought the grin to his face I was looking for. He laughed and said. Oh mom and ducked out the door.

No sooner had he gone. Joshua turned to me and said want to play that whistle game? I smiled and shook my head, but shrugged my shoulders and said why not. There’s not much to eat around here until Richard get’s back. Joshua smiled and said there’s plenty to eat. He looked at my crotch as he said it and I laughed.

Josh said hey you need to lay back on the arm of the couch and face me to play though. With your legs spread he added. I smiled and said ok. I grabbed a throw and put it over my legs as I lay back. I spread my legs but kept the blanket over them. There I said I’m ready. Josh laughed and said so I can still see your tits.

I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. He reached underneath the blanket. I felt his hand on my ankle. Let’s start from there he said. I smiled to myself and thought if you only knew just how gushing wet my pussy is right now. Josh made more of a game of it today.

He’d move his hand an inch and look at me and raise his eyebrows. I only gave him a shrugging look. When his hand was about mid thigh I could feel my pussy juices trickling out and seeping down onto my butt hole. When he was close enough to feel the warmth of my pussy I whistled.

He looked up at me with a look of confusion. I said let’s play a different version, in fact you may like this one even better. I pulled the throw blanket off me. Immediately I took in the scent of my aroused and hot pussy.

I lay more in a lounging position and spread my legs even wider. I looked at Joshua and said now in this version you start with your lips and tongue on my ankle. When I whistle you have to stop. This time there was no question in my mind. I was not going to whistle or even think of whistling for that matter.

He lay down and said oh yeah I like this game better. Remember when I whistle you have to stop I said. I saw the doubt in his eyes, and laughed to myself, now he wasn’t sure if I’d stop him this time either. Anna I thought, you’re so evil, and went uh huh to myself.

I had Goosebumps on my skin. I felt sweet shivers as Josh’s warm wet tongue licked and paused and nipped at my soft skin as his wet mouth got closer and closer to my hot syrupy enflamed pussy.

I tangled my fingers in his hair and let out soft quiet moans as he inched closer and closer to his waiting prize. His breathing quickened with each soft wet lick of his tongue. The scent of my dripping wet pussy filled his nostrils. I heard him moan when he was just millimeters away from my hot fragrant vagina.

I softly whistled. Joshua’s head shot up, his eyes wide open. No , no you can’t whistle now. He said in an anguished voice. I smiled and said. But Joshua that’s the way to play the game. I whistle and you stop. You’re messing around right? I am I asked him?
I stood up and began walking away. I stopped and poured myself a glass of wine.

Joshua I said. Are you going to sit there looking like a sad puppy dog or are you going to come finish the game. With that I walked into the bedroom and fluffed some pillows up and lay back. My head propped up and my legs spread in an open invitation.

I looked over the rim of my wine glass at his huge grinning face. I reached down and patted the bed between my legs. I raised my eyebrows in a questioning look as he stood there mesmerized as my finger slowly slid between my wet shining pussy lips.

I looked him over and decided that it was his small boyish frame that made his cock look so big. Then I giggled and told myself , no Anna his cock is that big. Come Josh I said, come play with me.

That broke the spell and he quickly got on the bed his head diving between my legs. I stopped him and went ah, ah. you have to start at my ankle, or did you forget the rules already? Mm no he said. He once again started at my ankles, only this time I knew I wouldn’t stop him for nothing in the world.

I dribbled a little wine down onto me and moaned out at as the cold wine mingled with my hot flowing pussy juices. As josh neared my pussy he put his hands on my thighs opening me even more. His hot breath made me shiver and when his warm wet mouth came into contact with my burning hot cunt I sucked in my breath and moaned out long and slow.

I sat my wine down and lay back and languished in Joshua’s timid and sometimes rough oral skills. A pleasing mixture of his inexperience, but his enthusiasm was immense. I reached down and held myself open. I gently nudged his head and said. Put your tongue in me Joshua.

Oh god yes I hissed that’s it, just like that. Make it pointy Josh, make your tongue pointy and pretend it’s a little penis and put it in and out of me. Uh huh I moaned yes Josh uh huh yes I moaned out. See where my finger is? I had it on my clit. I said put your tongue there Joshua. Make butterfly strokes. Oh god I moaned when his tongue began to flick softly and quickly over my clit.

Kiss and lick all of my pussy Josh. Not just in me or on my clit but all around it. Suck on my pussy lips gentle and softly. Yes I hissed and moaned in response to his tongue oh god Joshua, yes oh god yes. Mm your tongue’s so warm and wet on my pussy. Your doing just fine I assured him.

I felt an orgasm begin to stir deep inside me when Joshua’s tongue probed into my hot wet pussy hole. I whispered finger me Joshua, finger fuck my pussy and do the butterfly thing with your tongue on my clit. Ah yes I moaned out as my hips rose up and I held his face pressed to my dripping wet cunt.

Yes , oh god Joshua yes , yes faster uh huh oh don’t stop Joshua no, no do what you were doing. Do it again. My hips were gyrating and rolling as a violent exploding orgasm ripped through me.

Come here Joshua uh huh yes just like that, oh god yes I moaned out as his thick cock pushed it’s way into my quivering orgasm riddled pussy. Tiny electric shocks of pleasure made my cry out as Joshua’s hard throbbing cock brushed my cervix when he buried himself in me.

I spread my legs wider allowing him deeper access to my sopping wet cunt. I clawed at and frantically grabbed his firm muscled butt and tried to pull him even deeper into me as I felt my pussy bursting into another orgasm that had me screaming out over and over. Yes, yes, oh god yes Joshua oh god you feel so good in my pussy.

Yes I whimpered as he pounded my soft yielding pussy with his thick hard throbbing young cock. Oh god oh god I moaned out. Yes , oh god yes fuck me Joshua uh huh fuck me, oh god yes fuck me, uh huh fuck my pussy. Oh Joshua you feel so good in me, your cocks so big and hard. Uh huh yes, yes I moaned out that’s it oh yes, uh huh just like that.

I reached up and held my breast as they jiggled with each hard deep thrust he made into my hot wet pussy. I wrapped my legs around Joshua and whimpered and moaned as he pounded and pulverized my sloppy wet cunt.

Joshua’s hips went into overdrive as he mercilessly hammered my cunt into a spastic quivering wet sheath of pleasure for his blood engorged cock. Oh my god I screamed out when I felt his cock swell and wildly throb as hot molten strings of sperm shot out of his cock coating my pussy with spurt after spurt of burning hot cock crème.

Yes I screamed out as my pussy gripped and clutched at his hard cock in orgasmic delight when I felt his hot sperm filling my pussy and squirting noisily out around his hard thrusting cock. Yes Joshua oh god yes, that’s it uh huh yes , yes come in me Joshua fill my pussy with your burning hot sperm.

Oh god Joshua I screamed out as I had a violent orgasm around his big hard shooting cock. Oh god yes, oh my god I’m coming I’m coming so hard oh god yes fuck me, uh huh fuck me with your big hard cock you’re making me come I screamed out as my head thrashed from side to side as I was gripped in the wild orgasmic pleasure of a very long intense mind shattering orgasm.

Joshua fell off to the side of me and quickly threw his leg over me. He surprised me with the gentle and tender yet passionate way he kissed me. My lips parted as his tongue explored my mouth. Our tongues meeting and dancing sensually. I could taste myself on his lips and groaned out thinking of the way he had just fucked me.

His lips slid down and engulfed my nipples. They hardened instantly as he suckled and gently nipped at them. His finger searching out and finding my sensitive clit. Mm I quietly moaned as my hand blindly reached out and found his hard cock. A slow smile touched my lips as he rolled on top of me and gently entered me.

He kissed my lips and whispered I’ll go real slow this time. I smiled up at him and whispered back uh huh take your time Joshua we have all night still. My hips began to gyrate slowly as Joshua fucked me with slow twisting grinding movements that had my pussy once again churning and dripping wet as our mixed juices ran out of my pussy and down onto my butt hole.

I felt the bed shift and looked over at Richard who had gotten on the bed with us. I shyly smiled at him. Then quickly remembered our talk earlier. I reached out and brushed his hair with my fingers and smiled up at him. He said god, your so beautiful mom. I blushed deep red and fought back tears at his words.

This time without hesitation I grinned and said bring me that thing so mommy can suck it for her sweet baby boy. You two take it easy and make soft sweet love to me this time I said. I held Richards thick cock. I moaned in anticipation of having it in my mouth again.

Richard said mom, it’s ok. You and Josh finish. I said , are you sure Richard ? Yeah I’m sure mom. You look so beautiful right now, besides he added this is like having my own porn show. Josh said . Dude you’re going to whack it to me and your mom fucking? That’s too hot.

Joshua twisted his hips and ground himself into me. Oh I moaned out yes Joshua that’s so good, uh huh slow and gentle. I glanced over at Richard he had his fist wrapped around his fat hard cock slowly pumping it up and down. An immense thrill rushed through me and my pussy gushed at the thought of being so closely watched. By my own son I thought.

A devilish decadent shiver raced through my body and exploded in my sensitive clitoris flooding my pussy with dripping hot juices when I realized I was now moaning for the benefit of both my own son who sat inches away from me and for his friend as he pounded my delirious pussy with his steel hard fat cock.

That sent me over the edge and I whispered so both boys would hear me as I encouraged Joshua to fuck my pussy, to fuck me real slow. Yes Joshua fuck me with your hard young cock, uh huh oh god yes Joshua I moaned as I reached up and grabbed my breast and slowly massaged them as quiet little whimpers escaped my lips.

I pinched my nipples and pulled them up and arched my back and sighed out as Josh’s fat cock began to hit my cervix in an irregular pattern as he would grind his cock deep inside my tight wet pussy making sweeping circles that sc****d and brushed my cervix with his fat cock head.

Oh god yes Joshua mm god your so deep in me I moaned and moaned and bit his earlobe. You make me feel so good. I love your cock in me, uh huh Josh that’s it, uh huh fuck me slow, fuck my pussy with your big hard cock. Uh huh fuck it real slow just like that. Oh Josh you’re going to make me come. Oh god you’re going to make my pussy come again.

Joshua put his arms behind my knees and grunted out as he bent me in two and began to pound my pussy again with fierce hard relentless strokes. My head was flying side to side as I gripped down on the sheets and literally screamed out in wild sexual a****l abandonment for him to fuck me, to fuck me so hard and fast until he split my pussy in two.

Orgasm after orgasm washed over me until I was reduced to a sweaty sexual creature of wanton lust. My breath came in great rasping gulps of air as Joshua pounded and drilled his thick young cock into me. I looked up at him and screamed come in me Joshua hurry oh god I can’t take it no more please come, please come in my pussy.

Yes he hissed as his hips drove his cock deeper and deeper into me. Oh yeah fuck, oh shit, yeah I’m busting oh fuck he screamed out as I felt what I needed to send me one last time over into sexual bliss. When I felt his hot gobs of sperm violently shooting into me. I screamed out as an exploding orgasm like many shooting stars exploded before my eyes’

Mm I quietly whispered into his ear that was amazing Josh. Thank you so much. No he grinned down thank you. I smiled as I felt his cock slowly deflating and sliding out of my gooey cum filled cunt. I looked over at Richard who was furiously pumping his hard thick cock. I said Richard and he looked at me.

I said let mommy help you with that part at least. Come in mommy’s mouth baby. Let me suck you until your hot gooey sperm pours down mommy’s throat. He grinned like the Cheshire cat as I took the head of his hard throbbing cock in my mouth. I sucked and teased the head of his cock as his hand flew up and down the thick shaft of it.

He grabbed my head and shoved his cock into my mouth. I felt his thick fat cock slide down my throat as I heard Richard roar and grunt as spurts of hot thick sperm ran down my throat into my tummy.

I fell back and said come here you two. Lay with me and kiss me all over. I smiled happily and said. Oh how I could get so used to this. Why shouldn’t you mom Richard said. We could come down here a lot you know, that is if you want to. Oh honey I want to but…But what Richard said.

Josh you wouldn’t ever tell anyone would you? I heard Richard say. Holy shit no dude are you tripping? Replied Joshua. I don’t know about this I said. Even if I did this? Asked Richard as he began licking and pushing his tongue up inside my cum filled pussy. Oh god Richard you’d better stop I moaned out.

I pushed his head away and said. That you may do later but for now I need another shower and I seriously need something to eat and get out of this bed before you two fuck me to death. I bent over and kissed them both. They pulled me down back between them. Their cocks sticking up and waving back and forth.

I shook my head and laughed and said. Later you two. For now I need a break I said as I got up from the bed. You promise right mom, right that we can get some more, Richards voice trailed off. I said. Pussy? Is that it Richard? Ok I promise you two can have some more pussy, after we eat and rest up.

They ran up and hugged me. I shivered as I felt one throbbing hard cock pushing into my tummy and another into my back. I laughed as I felt hands on my breast and kisses on the back of my neck. You two are terrible I laughed out. Wiggling and twisting away. I shouted oh no, oh no as Richard picked me up and laid me on the bed.

No, no, a long oh god no came out in a breathless sigh as I closed my eyes and spread my legs open as I felt Richard’s thick fat cock tunneling into my sloppy wet cum filled cunt. I looked up at him and shook my head and kissed him. He said. Well you did promise mom.

I smiled and said yeah after we got something to eat. I reached up and held his face in my hands. I said. Kiss your mother Richard, then make love to her my darling boy. Yes Richard I whispered as I nipped at his neck and gently raked my nails down his back. Make love to mommy my darling.

I closed my eyes and quiet whispering moans escaped my lips as Richard’s cock found the deepest nether regions of my until then untouched pussy. I just couldn’t help myself as I whispered and moaned out oh Richard your cock is more than any man has ever given mommy.

It touches me in such deep places. Hold mommy baby, hold her tight uh huh. I tightly closed my eyes as a deep rocking orgasm engulfed me. Oh god yes, I whimpered and moaned out, uh huh yes Richard uh huh go slow baby. Let mommy feel you so deep in her pussy.

Oh god Richard how I love you so. Our lips were locked in a passionate kiss as my quivering cunt had unending mini orgasms. I love you too mom Richard whispered in my ear. This feels so good so right it’s not wrong at all mom. I know baby I answered back. Your cock fits so perfect in mommy. It makes mommy feel so good.

Our tongues wetly explored and danced together as our hips moved in perfect unison. Oh god Richard I want you to make love to mommy all night long. Oh my darling feel my pussy baby, feel how hot and wet your big fat cock makes it. Uh huh I quietly moaned. Yes baby uh huh fuck my pussy Richard. Make love to me my darling boy.

My voice came in quiet intimate whispers. My moans of pleasure only for my sweet darling boy as he softly and gently made love to me. Yes, that’s it Richard uh huh oh god yes you make love to mommy so good. You make mommy’s pussy ache for you. Oh god darling feel mommy’s pussy quivering around your big fat cock. You’re making mommy cum again.

Mommy can’t stop I whispered. You make me cum and cum over and over with your sweet hard cock. I felt Richard’s cock swell even bigger than I thought possible as he held me tight and buried his face into the pillow. Oh uh oh mom oh god mom , mom. Yes my baby, it’s ok do it Richard cum in mommy’s pussy.

Oh god yes Richard it’s so hot. Oh god Richard I let out a sighing moan as my pussy exploded in orgasm as I felt Richards balls crushed against my pussy as his cock emptied it’s sperm into places no man had ever came inside of me before.

We lay there slowly breathing. The sounds of our wet kisses and the wet sucking sound of his cock gently moving in and out of my pussy filled the room. Our quiet mummers were lost in gentle whispers. I smiled up at Richard and said I’ll never feel bad about what we’re doing again that’s my promise to you my son.

Richard’s gentle smile creased his lips and I saw myself in his face as he said and I promise to never feel bad either mom. You’re my mother and I love you like nothing in this world. That’s my promise to you. Hot tears rolled out of the corners of my eyes. Richard gently kissed them away and said don’t cry mom.

As he rolled off of me I rolled with him and snuggled up and within minutes I was fast asleep…Until next time…Mrs. X…Part three to soon follow ( Josh fucks me in my ass )

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Beach House Sleepover

It was summer time; the sun was hot, the grass was green, everyone was tanned and walking around in as little as possible. That is why I love summer. My friend Alex had invited me down to his beach house which was quite a long drive down South, but I like going South... Before I get into this, I'll give you a little background about Alex and myself. We are now both 17 in our last year at an all-boys' school and have been at school together since we were 11 but only became good friends...

3 years ago
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Living along the Gulf Coast with flat beautiful white sandy beaches, I enjoy the warm summer evenings on the beach. I love to take a couple of fishing rods, sift the sands for Sand Fleas to use as bait and sit back in my lawn chair waiting for the fish to bite. A small cooler for some cold refreshments and a larger one to hold any fish I may wish to keep. A small wind-up type of lantern keeps the place visible so I can bait and tie on hooks as necessary. A small gaff made of a rope and large...

3 years ago
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Beach House Girlfriends Twin

First off, I'll tell you a little about myself. I'm 21 but still in college, 6'1 and workout all the time. Light brown hair, blue eyes and never been embarrassed about my 7.5 inch dick. My girlfriend at the time, name not important, was a cheerleader and has gorgeous blonde hair, blue eyes, just over 5 ft and about a 100 pounds. Her body was a knock out, perfect round ass and perk 34 C's. It started out as a summer vacation to the beach with her family. We all went down to an island in the...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Beach Party

Copyright © 1998 The Gwins were visiting the beach with the Robinson's, Joan's sister and her family. It was just past noon and Greg had been down at the beach all morning. He was hot, hungry and horny and all alone since everyone else had gone into town earlier to eat and catch a movie. The families had rented two large cabin type houses by each other overlooking the beach and it was only a short walk back up to his cabin from the beach. Stopping by the porch, he washed the sand off...

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Beachhouse stub idea

I had nothing to do and great weather to enjoy at my beachside shack, and plenty of company since my friend Karen and her daughter Anna were staying. They had packed for a picnic this morning and we all went to the beach for brunch. It was a nice quiet beach, partly due to it being situated in Maui, the less popular, yet still populated island. My little slice of heaven was worth millions due to its section of sheltered beach, multi-hectare size, and most importantly; privacy. It was priceless...

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The sun was low, but still hours from setting. She rested on the chaise, enjoying the ocean view from her rental cottage. She smiled at passersby, with her sarong around her shoulders, her bronze skin in sharp contrast with the white 2-piece bathing suit. He cancelled their late lunch, which, she reasoned, was probably for the best. This was a business trip for him, however, they had managed to meet everyday for lunch since they met. Playing with fire. She knew that she was attracted to him...

2 years ago
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Beach Party

Many years ago my then girl friend and I were on holiday together in a Spanish beach resort. It was a fortnight of sun, sea and sex. Things had been a little rocky between us for some time and I thought perhaps a couple of weeks away together might help. Down the coast a few miles was an 18-30 centre but they stayed pretty much where they were and we had only limited contact with any of them. That was until the beach party. Jenny, my girlfriend was nineteen with a slim but nice figure and a...

1 year ago
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Beach Belle 1 Juicy Jewish Julia


2 years ago
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Beach Day

Wearing my sexy panties to the gay beach always gets the men turned on for me. Being the only girlyboy there, I get hit on by lots of big studs. The attention they give me is flattering and leads to lots of sexual pleasure. Being topless, I get to show off my nice titties and the sexy panties I'm wearing let the men know I want some dick like a woman gets.It was a beautiful day for the beach and I had off from work. Just a few miles from my house is the gay beach where lots of men go to meet...

3 years ago
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Beach Bums

This is a recent, true and genuine (if slightly light-hearted) e-mail conversationbetween two BDSM Library friends. Only the names have been changed to protectthe innocent. I have deleted the links to the on-line store where Meg buysher bikinis, to avoid embarrassment and so as not to provide free advertising. ****************************************************** Dear Meg, I've been thinking more about what you've told me in your previous messagesabout your love of thongs and I thought I...

3 years ago
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Beach Princess

Beach PrincessFriday night I read Peter Pan's If the Shoe Fits. Over the top, of course, but I couldn't help being caught up in the sheer bawdiness of his tale and the delight in loving the beauty of young women that energizes his writing. His stories always rekindle my own lusts, fantasies and memories of the gorgeous young creatures I've been close to, or wished I could have know more intimately.Saturday morning I went to the Post Office. As I entered the Mail Box area to pick up my "junk...

3 years ago
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Beach House at Bali by SMXena

It's night and I am sleeping on the bed... with a couple of windows open... the windows / doors...they are ceiling to floor length glass, but with sliding openings. They have these sheer curtains, white ones...billowing in the sea breeze... I have a simple short knee length night robe on... but I have covered myself with the blanket. You were out for a night walk on the beach and you are now returning to your beach house which is next door to mine. You notice the bedroom doorway to the...

2 years ago
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Beach House

She awoke to the gentle sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Sitting up in bed she stretched her arms up above her head and yawned, getting up and walking to the other side of the room, careful not the wake the gorgeous being in bed next to her. She pulled the toiletries from their suitcases, headed to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, then slipped up to the front of the beach house. Looking out of the Grand window onto the beach she watched the waves and all the gorgeous colors...

2 years ago
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"This is a sex vacation," Tommy said."You know what that means."I was quiet and did not reply feeling both excitement and trepidation atthe prospect of another beach vacation."I know you know what that means," injected Tommy into the silence."Yes," I said."So be prepared."Tommy had purposely given me 10 days notice of his intentions. 10 days towonder. 10 days to speculate. 10 days to be anxious. 10 days to thinkabout our past two beach vacations. One thing I knew for sure: I would be naked...

3 years ago
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Beach Change

Patrick and his wife, Alissa, recently had a wild sexual experience that has totally changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were both madly in love with one another, both were so full of life. Alissa is a stunning brunette who is quite shy and very reserved. Patrick had always been very proud of his sexy bride. Pat would constantly encourage her to dress in revealing clothing so other men would envy what a gorgeous wife he landed.Alissa, being the loving wife that she was, would...

2 years ago
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Beach Vacation

Introduction: First time on a nude beach I thought Id share my latest erotic experience. As background, my daughter just graduated from high school last spring and for one of her graduation presents we decided to go to a beach for a weekend in the sun last summer. We looked on the internet for a fun beach. Padre Island looked promising, Daytona beach looked interesting, but when we read about Haulover beach, we decided that it would be fun to try it since it would be a new...

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Beach Session

Mistress loved the beach boasting to me what better place to discipline someone in a session. Our favorite beach called “R Beach” is far enough away from civilization and voyeurs that we can do pretty much anything we wish. We liked going to the beach right after breakfast around 9 o’clock and stay till noon while there’s not a lot of people. Depending upon what we want to do we make sure we packed food, water, toys, sunscreen, perhaps an umbrella or a beach tent for some privacy. There’s...

2 years ago
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Beach vacation

I don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took last last winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jim decided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, of course. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combination of things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocent of these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her first assfuck, her first time naked in...

4 years ago
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Beach house shower

It was a long holiday weekend and my boyfriend and I were spending it at my mom's beach house with the rest of my family. The house is amazing, huge, and literally 40 feet from the ocean. The first day there was so busy with k**s running around, my sisters wanting to chat, and cooking and cleaning underway. All day I gazed at him longingly. I was so insanely horny for him! I thought about when we might finally be alone and could feel the heat between my legs and my pussy throbbing along with...

2 years ago
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beach house Part III

I woke up and leisurely stretched and rolled over on my side. I was watching the two boys now dressed in jeans and t-shirts. I could definitely smell food. I got up and walked out to the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast nook. Well Richard I said. When did you become a chef and laughed at my own remark.Well all those conversations in the kitchen with you might of helped, you think? Stop being a smart ass, I laughed, it smells good whatever it is. I leaned over and said. What is it anyway?...

2 years ago
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Beach Debauchery

 I had heard that a beach called False Cape State Park was a good place to go for alternative beach activities. So I told my wife we were going to VA Beach for the weekend and were going to try a new place for some nude sunbathing with the possibility of other recreational activities. She was only to happy to pack the cooler and bag, then put on her jean mini skirt for the 3 1/2 hour ride down.  My wife is a petite 53 year old Asian with an adventurous spirt, high sex drive and a sex body. At...

3 years ago
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Beach Vacation

I don't know how many of you have read about the skiing vacation I took lastlast winter. It was a rather boring until my boyfriend Dave and his friend Jimdecided to do some very kinky things to Jim's girlfriend Cathy and me, ofcourse. None of the individual activities were new to me, but the combinationof things did get me very excited. Cathy on the other hand was quite innocentof these kinky entertainments. The vacation turned out to include her firstassfuck, her first time naked in front of...

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beach cfnm

This was officially the first day of the 2019 summer and we noticed that the temperature at the beach was the highest one up to the date. Although there were some clouds on the sky it was a good day to be at the beach, as I said the best one we had this year. We reached the beach and as always I made my boyfriend strip naked as soon as he put a foot on the sand, while I keep my clothes on. Once he was naked I started to put the lotion over his skin, this always takes some time that I enjoy...

2 years ago
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Beach Changed Wife 1

Patrick and his wife, Alissa, recently had a wild sexual experience that has totally changed the dynamic of their relationship. They were both madly in love with one another, both were so full of life. Alissa is a stunning brunette who is quite shy and very reserved. Patrick had always been very proud of his sexy bride. Pat would constantly encourage her to dress in revealing clothing so other men would envy what a gorgeous wife he landed.Alissa, being the loving wife that she was, would...

1 year ago
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Beach Babe

Beach Babe By Jennifer White Hi dudes. I'm Linda, and I'm a surfer chick. I love to be on the beach every day, and catch some waves. Dude! It is such a rush! If you can learn how to get up on your board, it is like so cool. But I wasn't always a surfer girl. I used to be a guy. My name was Chuck, but everything changed. *** Back then, I was a normal surfer dude. I had the good tan, long messy hair, I hung out at the beach, like all the time. If I wasn't in the water on...

2 years ago
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Beach Shack0

Taylor looked around the small, sparsely furnished beach house he just walked in to. He had never been to Rick’s place before, though he had been to this particular beach many times. The house was a lot like this beach; not too big, rather shabby, and pretty clearly outdated but with a comforting sense of seclusion. Taylor knew it belonged to Rick’s grandparents, and he guessed it hadn’t been refurnished since it was purchased. The rest of the people there were Hunter’s friends. Hunter...

4 years ago
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Beach meet

It was one of those rare sunny days in the South of England so Mark decided to make the most of it and go to the beach for the day. He knew exactly where to go, since he had discovered the enjoyment of being naked in the sun he had been going to his local nudist beach as much as he could.After the short drive to the beach, he parked up his car and made the walk down the path to the cliffs and scrambled down them to reach the beach. Ok so it may not have been Hawaii but it did allow for some...

1 year ago
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Beach Fun

It was early September and i usually try to hit a beach for my birthday treat.Im a naturist so made my way down to a famous nude beach about five miles away from where i live.Waiting for the ferry to cross the Harbour entrance i noticed a good looking couple in their car waiting in the queue also, looking like they were beach bound.I thought nothing more as we all drove onto the ferry in the bright sunshine, gulls screaming and sailing boats passing in the tidal entrance.I got out of my car,...

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Beach Girls

I don’t know about you guys, but I love going to the beach. And I don’t care if it’s a regular beach or a nudist one. I’ll go to any beach to have a good time. I can go there to approach girls to have sex with, to swim, eat ice cream… I don’t know; it’s just a really fun time. In some ways, I enjoy nudist beaches more because I can show off my huge cock and girls usually can’t take their eyes off of it. On these kinds of beaches, approaching any chick ends with her asking for my number and we...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Beach Vacation in Mexico

Next thing I know, I’m walking the beaches of a beautiful, warm, and exotic beach resort. And fortunately, there are plenty of college girls around here, too. I was recently single at the time, and open to just meeting new people and having fun. I’m not bad looking, a tall and thin swimmer. I feel comfortable walking around the hot girls on the beach. And yeah, I’m discreetly taking peeks at the girls in their small bikinis. I could tell it was going to be a fun trip. I met a few people my...

2 years ago
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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

2 years ago
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Beach Blanket Gang Bang

It had been a long, hot day in South Central Los Angeles and the A/C in the building where Cathy worked had been out since before noon and she had spent much of the day working on her computer with streams of perspiration running down her back and cleavage, soaking the back of her white, satin blouse and outlining where her bra cups stopped and the swell of her breasts rose out of the lace that strained to contain her round, plump "C" cup breasts.The mid-fifty redhead was still very pleasant to...

2 years ago
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Beach To Bed With A Married Lady In Chennai

Unlike my previous stories, this is purely a fictitious one. All characters in this story are fiction and the concept is a replica of my sexual desire. About me, I’m 32-year-old male, Madhusudhan from Chennai working in one of the reputed Indian company. I love sex and I love married ladies. :-) Back to story after this small intro of mine. My work timings are from morning 9 am to 6 pm every day. I love roaming alone. So, every day after office hours, I used to go to Marina beach and be there...

3 years ago
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Beach Master

Cathy and I stand beside the sign that says Nude Beach: No Photography. We strip off our bathing suits and put them in the holdall with our mobile phones and sun lotion. Two naked men approach, one short and dark, the other tall and blond. Both sport large penises.The blond introduces himself as the beach master with a hint of Scandinavian in his English accent. He says the nude beach is on his private property, at least the access to the beach is his land, so he makes the rules. Unlike most...

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Beach gender bender

Thought I'd share another story about an experience on a beach a few years ago...A few years ago I spent some time living and working in Spain, near Tarragona in the north west. I used to visit the local beaches as often as I could and found a few quieter spots that I liked to go to. Sometimes I'd strip off if there was no-one about and I had a great all over tan!During one of my more fem phases I decided to go to the beach. I'd admired all the lucky girls who got to wear little bikinis and go...

1 year ago
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Beach camping

It's been an interesting couple of weeks, lots going on at home and at work.  I really love my life right now, my husband lets me, and encourages me to explore my wilder side, and I have really gotten into it.  I love sex, all types, and have been trying many new things these past couple of years.  Up until about 5 years ago I was a nice middle class housewife living in Hawaii, than my hormones got the best of me and I started flashing guys,this  leading to blow jobs, than getting fucked, to...

3 years ago
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Beach Vacation I

---------------- The Close family: Beach Vacation I -------------Cast:Stepfather: FritzStepdaughter: EllenGrandson: MarkFritz had taken his young stepdaughter Ellen and her teenage son Mark to the beach for a holiday. On the drive to the beach, Fritz had suggested that they take a single motel room to save on expenses. Enjoying the wonderful weather, excited about her first vacation in months, Ellen agreed without hesitation. She hugely appreciated her stepfather taking her and her son on...

2 years ago
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Beach Apartment 1 of 2

BEACHAPT.TXT 1 of 2. by Cindy V. femdom, TV, humiliation "Are you really inviting me to share your apartment at the beach with both of you for a week, for free?" I asked incredu-lously, amazed at my good fortune. Lisa and Nancy smiled at each other. For two sisters who had ordinary jobs and are not models, I don't think there could be two more gorgeous women. Lisa is a secretary, about 28, with long wavy, blonde hair, a beautiful face, and a body that she likes to show off and tease...

4 years ago
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Beach Master

The blond introduces himself as the beach master with a hint of Scandinavian in his English accent. He says the nude beach is on his private property, at least the access to the beach is his land, so he makes the rules. Unlike most nude beaches, sex is not only permitted but also required, so if we want to sunbathe in the nude, we will have to show how liberal we are by having sex in front of an audience of nudists. We exchange a surprised look, laugh, flush with embarrassed excitement, and...

2 years ago
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Beach Bunny

I live right on the Atlantic Ocean in Florida and have a very nice beach for my front yard. It is well posted but you really can’t keep everyone out. Like most people that own ridding lawn mowers, snow blowers, and assorted ski equipment I own a beach combing machine that literally combs the beach and removes anything bigger than a dime down to a foot deep. In essence I have one of the best-groomed beachfronts in my area. I had a canal dug along one edge of my property from the ocean all...

1 year ago
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Beach Changed Wife 2

The freshly satisfied lovers made their way down the beach hand in hand. Alissa left her husband behind passed out cold. She knew he was exhausted and still way too high to follow them. She was really looking forward to spending some alone time with her new lover. She was hopeful that he would be willing to make love to her once more today, all on her own without the intrusion of her husband.She couldn't believe how out of control she had gotten today, but it was impossible for her to deny how...

2 years ago
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Beach Date

"Aw, c'mon, Mom, can I go to the beach? Please?" "As I told you, no. The last time you went to the beach, we had to come looking for you - the problem, kiddo, is that you love the beach too much." I loved this banter. Angie, my nineteen-year old daughter, and Samantha, my 35-year young wife, were veterans at it. I can't quite place the time they started these kind of healthy arguments, but I can assure you, it's always a pleasure to watch the two of them thrust and parry like...

3 years ago
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Beach Booze Foreigners Sex 8211 All About Goa

Greetings, This is my first story I am posting on ISS please pardon me for any mistakes. I am jotting down true incident that happened with us on our trip to most happening place of India, Goa. Myself Ashy, Monty, Harry, Chandu went to Goa to De-cafe ourselves from hustle and bustle of our jobs and city life and reached Goa. It was noon when we reached our hotel and sun was beaming hot on our head as we were welcomed by a beautiful lady who garlanded us with flowers and provided a drink to cool...

1 year ago
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Beach Blonde

Beach Blonde Synopsis: A beautiful but troubled blonde seductress meets a young man on the lookout for some fun. Too late, he realizes that "fun is in the eyes of the beholder." I was meandering along the boardwalk one summer eveningwatching the interaction among various groupings of people. Teenagecouples stopped to lean against the aluminum rails and press bodiesagainst each other and neck. Married people were pushing toddlersin strollers. Older people, some in...

4 years ago
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Beach Cum

The water was cold on my body, causing little goose bumps to rise all over me. I loved the feeling of the sun against my skin, then the feel of the cold water rinsing the suntan oil off. Nude beaches were my particular thing. I liked being a female and naked against the elements. I loved the feel of the wind, the sun, and the water against my naked body; my breasts always became super sensitive on these occasions. It excites me to be looked at, too. I like looking at other people too. I had...

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Beach Time Is The Best Time

After I got my umbrella set up and a beach chair, I laid out a towel for my dog. As I sat there, it was hard to not look over at the family, because they were very active. Later that morning, it was getting hot, but as I continued to watch this family, it seemed to be extended family, with lots kids, and adults of various ages. As I watched, I figured out they had rented the house that was right by the beach entrance, because every now and then someone either went up the house or came down...

4 years ago
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Beach encounter

Several years ago, my (now ex) wife and I took my parents to the beach in Florida. It was a purely family vacation and we were having a great time. My dad and I played golf most days, then relax on the beach and go out for dinner together. Despite being on a family vacation, I admit going to the beach ALWAYS makes me horny as hell. In fact, I had been really good lately. I would still see my long time fuck buddy, Pam, every so often. But, due to a variety of circumstances, it had been several...

3 years ago
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Beach Fun

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

1 year ago
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Beach Sex

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

2 years ago
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Beach of ecstacy

Hi I am Nithin. I am very happy with the responses I got from our dear readers. I was planning to write about my MBA days again. But then this incident happened. So I thought I must share this beautiful experience with readers. I got large number of e-mails from various parts of India. Few are from ladies and a large number from gents. In that too majority were impotent husbands who want their wives to be fucked and get pregnant. I believe in safe sex. I always use condom while having sex. Only...

4 years ago
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Beach holiday pt 2

Well we had such a fun day that we decided to try the beach again and this time we were going to the nudist part that our friends from yesterday were telling us about. I had convinced you to go nude and as we got to th nudist beach there was a big dune and some cabins to get changed in, We had never been to a nudist beach but as we had fucked on a regular beach I didn’t see it being much of a problem.We got changed and wondered out you holding my hand tight as we walked along in the dunes...

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