The Bachelorette PartyChapter 3 free porn video

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With everyone looking more or less ready, I said I was about to go out and get things started, and asked for the first couple of dancers. Not surprisingly, Loren was once again the first in line, and I rolled my eyes at her as she stood beside me. She stuck her tongue out at me, then used it to sensuously lick her lips making it perfectly obvious as to her meaning. Fortunately, none of the other girls saw any of this little byplay.

As before, I used the remote to bring up the stage lights and start the music in order to get everyone's attention, then lowered the volume as I took centre stage and turned on my microphone. "We've got a special treat for you tonight. There is a wedding coming up, and the bride has decided that she wants one last wild night before tying the knot. Many of her friends are here to help her out, and they've decided to entertain you by dancing on this stage and taking their clothes off. Obviously, they're a little nervous, mainly because they've never been swimming with the sharks, so I'll ask you to be nice to them." As I expected, my final comment drew a round of somewhat sarcastic laughter, but I had expected nothing less so I turned the music back up and headed off the stage.

Loren passed me on the stairs and gave me a wink, then she strutted out to the middle of the stage just as a new song started playing. I knew that she would have no trouble dealing with the lesbians in the audience. After all, this wasn't her first time dancing for them, so she knew exactly what to expect. The rest of the girls, however, were a totally different story. I had no way to predict what might happen, so I decided to hang around and keep an eye on things.

Loren started out by dancing around the stage and letting everyone have a good look at her. A few women started to wander over to get a better look, and soon there were about a dozen people watching her expectantly. She started to get back into the groove about halfway through the first song, and I watched as she was running her hands over her body, squeezing her breasts and slapping herself on the rear. She gave a quick flash of her ass by flipping up the back of her skirt for about half a second, then faced the front as she started to play with the buttons on her blouse. Her blouse was hanging open by the end of the song, and she worked her way to the back of the stage to hand it off to the next girl.

She danced her way over to one edge of the stage and bent over, pretending to check her stockings, but also putting one leg right at the edge of the stage. Someone's hand took advantage of that, and began to move up her leg toward her thigh. She let it go until the hand found bare skin above the top of her stocking, then she suddenly stepped back with a surprised expression on her face. She wagged a finger at the owner of the hand, and got a laugh from a few people in the crowd.

A few seconds later she was squatting down at the other side of the stage, this time playing with the catch on her skirt, in full reach of someone else. That person grabbed at the hem of the skirt, and since Loren had undone the catch and the zipper, the skirt slid down her legs as she stood back up. When it pooled around her feet, she brought her hands to her face and opened her mouth in an expression of shock and surprise. She lifted one foot clear of the skirt, and used the other to bring it up in range of her hand, then tossed it to the other girl at the back of the stage.

Her bra didn't cover all that much of her, and her thong qualified more as a G-string than actual underwear, so she was now barely covered. The crowd around the stage had grown in size, and a few hands were offering bills to entice her to come closer. She strolled out to the edge, gathering the bills, and moving slowly enough to allow the hands to run up her legs, although not far enough to reach her thong.

At one point she squatted down with her back to the crowd, and several hands reached out to squeeze her ass or run a finger between her buttocks. One hand reached up to her bra and popped the catch, but Loren was quick enough to clamp her arms to her sides before it fell free. She stood and looked down at the woman who had done it, then leaned over toward her. "Wanna see 'em?" When the woman nodded, she said, "It's gonna cost you." She straightened up and strutted away. At the back of the stage, she slipped the bra off and handed it to her friend, then covered her breasts with her hands and danced back out to the crowd.

The woman who had undone the bra was now holding a bill out, so Loren strode over and leaned down to her. "Put the money in my stocking, then lean closer." When the money transfer had been done, Loren leaned over and aimed one of her breasts toward the woman's mouth. She pulled her hand away just as the nipple slipped between the woman's lips. She allowed her to nurse for a few seconds, then covered her breast and pulled back, giving the woman a wink. She looked out over the crowd and asked, "Anyone else want a taste?" A number of hands appeared, all holding bills of one kind or another, and she laughed as she shook her breasts with her hands.

Since there were so many people, she knelt in front of them and released both of her breasts as she used her hands to gather up the money. In seconds there were mouths attached to each of her nipples, and hands holding each of her breasts and squeezing them. Several hands also started moving up her legs, and she was kept busy pushing them away from her thong.

A hand waved a twenty-dollar bill in her face, but when she reached out to take it, its owner pulled it away and yelled, "For that I want to taste your pussy." Loren rocked back and stood, then moved in front of the woman and spread her legs. The woman's mouth dropped open in surprise as she thought she was about to get her request fulfilled.

Instead, Loren stayed just far enough back that the woman couldn't reach her. As the woman stared, Loren pulled her thong aside and slid two fingers of her other hand deeply into her very wet vagina. When she pulled them out, they glistened brightly under the stage lights. She held the fingers out to the woman and said, "Go ahead. Suck them clean and taste me." The crowd loved it, and roared its approval; fortunately, even the woman laughed at Loren's antics, but I had a feeling that she would make sure she got a taste of that pussy later on.

Since most of the crowd had now seen what her thong was covering, Loren quickly pulled it off and began dancing to her last song, working along the entire perimeter of the stage. There were hands all over her legs, and she helped them out by bending over to let them reach her breasts, or to caress her pussy. I didn't see her have any obvious orgasms during her performance, but knowing how turned on she got by showing off like this, I was fairly sure she had come at least a couple of times.

She finished with a flourish to a great round of applause and cheers, and she had once again set the mark that the other dancers would have to meet. She climbed down from the front of the stage and was immediately surrounded by at least a half-dozen women. I saw her get led to a table at one side, then she was covered by bodies as one woman started kissing her, several hands claimed her breasts, and I could see a head of curls between her legs as someone's mouth latched on to her pussy.

I heard the music for the next dancer start up, but wanted to keep an eye on Loren to make sure that she wasn't getting overwhelmed. As I drew closer, I heard her yell out her first orgasm and I could see that they had laid her on top of the table. The head at her crotch suddenly moved to let someone else in, and Loren started moaning as a new tongue claimed her clit. I wasn't sure how many women planned to get in line; I decided to stay close by to make sure that things didn't get ridiculous.

In the meantime, a large crowd had gathered at the stage to watch the second dancer. This time, it was Lisa, the girl who had originally not even wanted to strip in the back room. I remembered that she had enjoyed herself dancing on the men's side, and I was a little surprised to see her up this early for the women. She was either very eager, or very horny, as she was letting her body be felt by anyone waving a bill. As I watched, she was also allowing the spectators to undo buttons and fasteners, so she was shedding clothes very quickly.

She was down to her thong before the second song was half-done. A minute later and she was kneeling near the edge of the stage, taunting someone with views of her pussy as she flipped the thong out of the way and back again. A hand slid up the inside of one thigh, and I saw fingers swipe through her slit the next time she flashed the crowd. She looked a little surprised, and rocked back to stand up, but then tore her thong off and tossed it out to the crowd.

She spent the rest of the song strutting around the stage, bouncing in time to the music and running her hands all over her body. As the next song started, she dropped to her hands and knees and began moving along the perimeter of the stage acting as if she were some kind of wild cat. Needless to say, there were groping hands all over her, as her breasts were squeezed, her nipples were pulled, and her ass was slapped. A few hands rubbed her wet pussy, and I saw several wet fingers come back out after probing her depths. She came at least once during this part of her show, but the orgasm seemed to energize her rather than slowing her down. She finished her show by jumping back to her feet and spinning into a big flourish before stepping down into the crowd.

She was immediately surrounded and carried off to one side where she was laid out on another table and attacked in the same manner as Loren had been. It seemed like only seconds before I heard her wailing through an orgasm. I was wondering if I might need to intervene as I watched one of the women straddling Lisa's head. When Lisa's hands came up to pull the woman down to her mouth, I realized that whatever was happening seemed to be consensual, so I left her to check on Loren.

Surprisingly, Loren no longer seemed to be the centre of attention of a large group. I found her sitting on someone's lap with her legs spread wide open and draped across the woman's legs. There was a hand in her pussy rubbing her clit, and another hand roughly working over one of her breasts. Her head was tipped back, rolling back and forth, and it was obvious that the woman holding her was about to make her come. Loren didn't seem to have too much energy which made me wonder how many orgasms she had been subjected to by this point.

A moment later she stiffened, then started grunting and jerking as the orgasm took her away. The woman's hand cupped her whole vulva, massaging it and rubbing over the entire length of her slit as the orgasm worked through her. When she started in on Loren's clit once more, Loren grabbed her wrist and pulled the hand away. She closed her legs and twisted in the woman's lap, then kissed her and said something to her. She stood up a little weakly and saw me watching her from a few feet away.

She slowly walked over to me and kind of draped herself against me. I wrapped my arms around her and whispered into her ear, "Had enough?"

She groaned and I felt the vibrations in my chest. "I don't know how many times somebody made me come. It feels like it was just one continuous orgasm, but I'm pretty sure there were different people involved."

I chuckled as I started to move her off to one side. "There were. They pretty much had you pulling a train, although I think in your case they were just going for your body. I didn't see your face in anyone's pussy, but I might be wrong." I held her head and leaned in to look closely at her face, then kissed her while I ran a tongue over her lips. "Nope ... you don't taste like pussy."

I laughed out loud when she smirked and said, "Good. I was kind of saving myself for you." Together we walked over to a couple of stools at one side of the floor and I helped her sit down. I wanted to be close to her, but I also needed to be able to keep an eye on things, and this was a good vantage point.

Just as we sat, I heard Lisa yell out, and looked over to see her riding someone's face while someone else seemed to be pulling on her nipples. On stage the current dancer was down to her thong, and I saw several hands trying to reach up her legs to pull it off. She looked to be having a good time, as there was a huge smile on her face and she looked like she was talking to someone in the crowd. A minute later she handed her thong to someone, and then stepped close enough to let a hand caress her pussy before she danced away. I could see the next dancer watching raptly, but strangely, she didn't seem to be at all nervous.

I snagged a couple of beers from one of the waitresses, and passed one to Loren, who took a few large gulps, then looked at me with a soft smile. Given the way the girls seemed to be getting along with the lesbians in this part of the bar, I was a little curious, and decided to just plunge right in.

"Did you warn your friends about what might happen when they danced on this side? They seem to be having fun, even though it looks like they're each going to get well worked over by the sharks."

She took another drink. "Well, I didn't tell them about you and me, but I told them that I went to the bar one night and watched what was going on. I told them that there was a girl up dancing, and when she came off the stage she got turned into a sex toy by a few women. I told them that no one got hurt, and it looked like the girl really enjoyed herself, so there probably wasn't anything to worry about."

After another gulp of beer, she went on. "They had a lot of questions, and I told them as much as I could without giving away the details. I know the bride and her attendants have played around, and you saw what they were doing on the other side. I'm pretty sure that some of the others have at least tried out a little girl-on-girl action. There are a few that are supposed to be really straight, and I need to keep an eye out for them. They were all in a mood to party, so I'm not too worried, although one or two of them have surprised me a little."

I looked in the direction of the stage, and saw Lisa in the crowd watching the latest dancer. She was still naked, and her breasts were in the hands of the woman standing behind her. She seemed calm and relaxed, even when her nipples got pulled out and rubbed. At one point, another woman stepped in front of her and kissed her, then rubbed a hand over her pussy; Lisa seemed to simply take it all in stride.

I nudged Loren and pointed out what was happening. "I wonder how many of your friends will be going home with someone else tonight?"

"Well, I'm sure I could get a few offers if I just walked over there like this."

I looked at her a little sharply as a strange bolt of ... something ... went through me. "Is that what you want to do?"

She looked at me a little quizzically, and started to laugh a bit as she said, "Well, I did tell you I was going to let a bunch of those women eat my pussy to get back at you, and you did tell me to take notes. I've had the first part happen, but I didn't have a notebook with me." She stopped for a moment, and regarded me with her head tilted a little. "Did what I said bother you? Are you a little jealous?"

I took a few swallows of my beer to give me time to think, then put it aside and took her hand from my thigh, holding it in both of mine. "I don't know why I reacted like that. I don't usually have strong feelings for anyone. I like to keep my life uncomplicated, so I usually look for sex but not commitment. I think it's just that what happened the first time we got together was just ... so strong and so different. I've never had anyone just consume me the way you did."

She squeezed my hand and smiled softly at me. "That's what's got you twisted up. You got blown away that time, and you're afraid you're not going to have that again." She caressed the side of my face with her other hand, letting her fingertips trail into the opening of my shirt and down between my breasts. "I guess this means that I really do know how to eat pussy, and I don't need any more lessons."

Before I could react, she leaned into me and kissed me hard, hungrily. She hooked her fingers into my bra, using that to pull me toward her, deepening the kiss. Her tongue rubbed over my lower lip, then shot into my mouth to tangle with my own tongue. I started to feel like she was dominating me again, claiming me for her own, the same way that we had come together the last time.

When she pulled back we were both breathless and panting. I could feel my pussy getting wet, and I knew that hers would be fully engorged because of all the orgasms that had been forced upon her. She leaned her forehead against mine, and cupped a hand around the back of my neck. "I'm not interested in eating any of that pussy over there. I'd like to practice on yours for a few hours, and you can take notes for the critique." She kissed me hungrily again, then released me to look into my eyes.

I locked eyes with her and knew that I could have a long-term relationship with her if I wanted it. The problem was that I didn't know what I wanted. I knew that, for tonight, I wanted her in my bed but I didn't know what I wanted after that. I already had a fairly steady relationship with my lawyer, who was also my business partner. Did I want to add Loren ... sexy, wanton, and crazy in bed Loren ... to the mix? For the moment, I decided to postpone the decision.

I kissed her again, softly. "Darlin', I will give you all the practice you want once this party is over. If you can't wait for that, then you may just have to take a walk over to the sharks and offer yourself for their use."

She chuckled and then grinned at me. "I actually do need to take a walk over there, but not to offer myself up. I should watch the next group of girls. As far as I know, they're all supposed to be straight, and I'm a little worried about how they might react." She gave me another quick kiss and climbed off her stool to stand in front of me. "There's only one problem."

"What's that?"

"Well, I don't know where my clothes are, and I probably shouldn't get dressed anyway. I need to provide a little moral support for them, but being naked may send the wrong signal to the sharks."

"Moral support?" I snorted. "This is the most amoral thing I imagine any of them have ever done, but I do understand your feeling, and your concern about being naked. Do you want me to stay with you?"

She traced a finger along the side of my face, and over my jawline. "If you were with me, then it would get really obvious about the two of us. If it's okay, I wouldn't mind if you'd just wander through the crowd and keep an eye on things, but not make it too obvious that there's anything between the two of us."

"The only thing between the two of us right now is the clothes I'm wearing, and I aim to be out of those later on." I slid a hand forward to cup her vulva and squeezed it. "You keep this nice and warm for me, and don't let those sharks wear it out before I get to it."

She kissed the tip of my nose. "Not to worry. The best they'll be able to do is heat it up. Every orgasm they give me just makes me want you a little bit more." She stepped back and spun around, and I watched her shapely ass gyrate as she strutted out to the crowd and turned to watch the show.

The newest dancer must have been one of the straight girls, because she seemed to be quite nervous. She wasn't smiling, and she hadn't really started dancing yet; she was pretty much just walking around on the stage, looking out at the crowd. I watched as Loren moved to stand front and centre before the crowd, and yell something until she got the girl's attention.

She stepped up onto the stage and pulled the girl into an embrace, talking gently to her, and I saw the girl nod a few times and shake her head once. Loren hugged her quickly, then held her at arm's length as they locked eyes. As soon as Loren released her arms, the girl's hands went to the buttons on her blouse and stated working them loose, one at a time. With Loren coaching her, the girl started to move around the stage, facing the crowd, and finally seemed to be getting into the mood. She quickly moved from a walk to a strut, and then into a few dance steps.

When she handed her blouse to Loren, a cheer went up from the crowd. I wondered if they had thought the girl might chicken out and leave the stage; with her blouse off, it seemed like they would get to see one more naked body. The girl had now started flashing her ass to the women on the floor, and her skirt was soon getting handed to Loren. Loren managed to convince her to move closer to the edge of the stage, and I saw hands starting to touch her for the first time. When one of those hands managed to caress her thong-clad vulva, the girl just took it in stride and laughed at the hand's owner as she backed away.

Loren moved back into the crowd as the girl now seemed to be fully into the swing of things. The crowd was surging closer to the stage, probably in anticipation of their next victim. For her part, the girl was now down to her thong and was working right along the edge of the stage, allowing any hand holding money to touch her anywhere it wanted. She didn't even get a chance to take her thong off as someone tore it from her, then slid two fingers into her pussy, attesting to how wet she was.

I was watching closely as the girl came off the stage and got absorbed into the crowd, and I could see Loren keeping an eye on her, even as two women seemed to be intent on making Loren come while she stood there. They each had a hand on her ass, and a hand in her pussy, and it looked like her clit was getting quite an energetic massage. I moved over toward the largest group I could see, and arrived in time to see the last dancer wailing through an orgasm brought on by at least three women working on her. She certainly wasn't fighting, as she had one hand twisted into the hair of the woman at her pussy, and was alternating kissing two other women even as they roughly played with her breasts. I decided she was safe for the moment, and turned back to make sure that Loren was able to look after the next group of dancers.

She was in the middle of an orgasm as I arrived beside her, and I watched as the two women kept working on her pussy, intent on pushing her into another climax from the looks of it. She put hands out to the two women, and pushed them back from her a little at the same time as I moved in between the two of them. They soon got the message, and went in search of new prey. I took Loren by the arms and looked into her eyes, making sure she was all right, then slipped an arm around her shoulders and led her off to one side. She could still see the stage clearly so she could keep an eye on the next few dancers, but she was out of the direct line of fire for the patrolling sharks.

The next couple of dancers came out and performed as if they did this every day, right down to being mauled by the watching crowd. Each of them got led off to a different table as soon as they came off the stage, and I could hear the orgasms they received so I knew that no one was under duress. Loren had recovered again, so I smirked at her and said, "It looks like everyone has decided to really take a walk on the wild side." I swept out an arm to show that every one of the dancers had stayed in the room, all of them were still naked, and they each had found at least one new 'companion' who was holding them and caressing various parts of their bodies while they watched their friends dance.

She leaned over to me, and said, "I wonder how many of them have been taking notes on the best way to eat pussy." We both started giggling, and were still laughing at each other when the bride and her two maids appeared on the stage. Loren nudged me, and said, "I have a feeling they're planning some kind of blowout since this is the last performance."

We both started raptly watching the three women. The bride was once again wearing the tear-away frumpy dress, and the bridesmaids were also back in the same outfits. The first part of their routine was mostly a repeat of what they had done for the men, ending with the bridesmaids being naked except for their stockings and shoes. They each allowed themselves to be groped by the watching crowd, and both of their thongs were torn away by one of the women watching. By the time they started to advance on the bride, they both had been molested multiple times, and quite a few bills had been inserted into their stockings.

The bride did a good job of feigning fear as they ripped her dress off, and the sight of her in the Merry Widow was welcomed by loud cheers. She really was a beautiful woman, and the Merry Widow displayed her body to its best advantage. The dance routine took a sudden turn after the bridesmaids had paraded her around a few times. First, they let someone in the crowd tear her thong away in exchange for a bill. That didn't seem like too much, since other dancers had done it, but their next move surprised me, and I sat up to get a better look because it also worried me a little.

One of the bridesmaids had run to the back of the stage, and came back with a handful of leather straps. They turned out to be a collar and a set of wrist cuffs, and the two made short work of putting the bride into the cuffs, which they then joined behind her back. The finished off by putting a collar and a leash on her, and then started parading her around the stage. They ended the parade by bringing the bride right to the edge of the stage, then had her drop to her knees. Immediately, a pair of hands reached out from the crowd to start playing with her pussy, but both bridesmaids worked together to fend them off.

While one of the maids did her best to defend the bride from groping hands, the other went to work on the fasteners for the Merry Widow, and the bride was soon revealed in all her glory for the cheering audience. That maid then took her clothes to the back of the stage, and picked up the microphone I had been using, along with a little cloth bag.

"You can all see how pretty the bride is, especially without her clothes. We're now going to play a special version of 'Here Comes the Bride'. Each of you will get a chance to make the bride come. You can use your fingers or any other part of your body." Another wild cheer went up, and the bridesmaid waited until the noise level went down. "You will have thirty seconds for ten dollars. Every ten dollars buys you another thirty seconds. The bride will yell out when she's coming. If the bride comes while it's your turn, then you get one of these." She took a plastic card from the bag and held it up. "If you get one of these, you can turn it in later, and the bride will return the favour."

This was a real surprise, and I looked to Loren for confirmation. She shrugged, and said, "I had no idea they were going to do something like this. I didn't think she was into women." A look of concern crossed her face. "Do you think there's any chance she could get hurt, or anything?"

"Well, a lot of those women are very aggressive, but I don't think anyone will hurt her, especially if they're getting to feel a new tongue. They all love to get a chance with a new girl. That being said, I think we should keep an eye on things for the next little while." I was put in mind of what had happened to one of my waitresses during her first shift, and decided to keep a cautious eye on things.

On the stage, the bridesmaid with the microphone was finishing up her spiel. " ... all of the money we raise will go to charity. As well, to help the bride out, you can also choose to play with one of her bridesmaids for half the price, and the same rules apply, including the chance to have one of us do one of you." She ran to put the microphone back, then came back to supervise the collection of money from anyone wanting to make the bride come.

A line quickly formed in the crowd. Surprisingly, things seemed very orderly as the women queued for their chance to taste the bride, and to maybe have the bride do them later on. The second bridesmaid was kneeling beside the bride, and was helping to collect money.

The first woman to step up handed over a twenty-dollar bill, and the first bridesmaid showed her a stopwatch, then told her to start. For about the first thirty seconds, the woman used only her hands, squeezing the bride's breasts and pulling her nipples, then rubbing her pussy and sliding two fingers into it very quickly, fucking her at a quick pace. The bride was obviously being aroused by this treatment, and she yelled out when the woman switched tactics, covering the bride's pussy with her mouth. The bride was deeply into her climb toward an orgasm when the bridesmaid yelled that time was up, and tapped the contestant on her shoulder.

The second woman in the line handed over her ten dollars, and immediately dove for the wet pussy in front of her, bringing her tongue to bear on the bride's clit. I was closely watching the bride's reactions, and was ready to bet that the bride was about to lose it when time was called. I leaned over to Loren. "I think the next woman up is going to win the first ride on the bride's tongue."

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A Crazy Bachelorette Party In The Maldives

Hey guys, I’m back to share about a crazy bachelorette party with you guys. All the stories I write here are real experiences from my life so far. I’m Sarah, 24 years old, living in Mumbai, a short introduction for the new readers. A corporate worker turned full-time model. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. So a couple of months ago one of my friends got engaged, and now she’s about to get married next month. Like the good friends we are, we decided to throw her a grand bachelorette...

2 years ago
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Private Bachelorette Party For My BFF

Hi everyone, this is Karan again – I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable Diwali 2021. Seeing my BFF Ekta’s Diwali pic with her husband brought back old memories. From a weekend we ended up spending together, accidentally making it her private bachelorette. And so, I thought of sharing it with everyone here. Ekta has been a childhood friend of mine – after school, she moved to Delhi with her parents. I used to meet her annually then. She had blossomed into a gorgeous woman. She had an awesome...

1 year ago
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The Bachelorette Party

Kate and I had been dating for two years and engaged for the last ten months. With just under three weeks left until the wedding I, like most twenty-four year old prospective grooms, was nervous. Although Kate and I had been sexually active since about two weeks after we met we had resisted the temptation to live together. I was in love with the idea of having Kate for my wife but the idea of living together made me a little nervous. It was the adjustments we would have to make that worried...

3 years ago
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Jennas bachelorette party part 1

Rodger proposed to Jenna and she said yes. I was asked to have the privilege of being the maid of honour to their wedding and helping with a lot of the things leading up to the big day. During the course of a few months leading up to the wedding Jen and I met up on a few occasions to discuss a few things and to get her guest list for the wedding and the bachelorette party.Being the maid of honour i decided to throw Jen two funfilled bachelorette parties, as I knew her sister the one bridesmaids...

4 years ago
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Birthday Party To Bachelorette Party

Hi folks. Hand shake for boys and boobs shake for girls. I’m going to narrate another fictional story. This story is how I got lucky at a party full of girls. Sounds complex, but let me explain. My colleague invited me and a couple of my friends to her birthday party at her house. Her name was Swati. She was the most beautiful girl in our office. She was tall and slim with an eye-popping 34-26-34 figure. She had a nice accent and always smelled awesome. She was casual drinker and a smoker. She...

3 years ago
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Bachelorette Night

Lori's friend Stacy was finally getting married. Stacey was the youngest of her group of friends at 35 and was disappointed when none of her friends was up for a trip to the coast for a night of dancing. I offered to help Lori make it up to Stacy by hosting a bachelorette party at our house. Little did I know hot wild her friends could get and how far they would go to make sure Stacy had a proper send off. I've recently gotten back into shape so I was flattered when Lori suggested that I would...

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Orgasmic Massage To Sister8217s Hot Friend On Bachelorette

Hey readers, welcome! This is my true experience with Manu on her Bachelorette that was planned by my sister and her friends. I am from Karnataka and I work in Delhi. I own a flat in Greater Noida and I live alone there, as sometimes my parents accompany me for a few months or my friends on weekends. My sister and her friends had planned a bachelorette for Manu in June as in July she was getting married. So they planned to visit Manali in June first week. My sister asked me to arrange...

2 years ago
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Brad’s parents and Kim’s parents had been neighbors and friends for forever, so both families saw a lot of Brad, Kim and her older sister, Teri, as the three of them were growing up, and as Brad and Kim dated. Even after Brad’s parents divorced, Glenn stayed in their house and remained friends with Kim’s parents, so having the bachelorette party at Glenn’s house seemed like a natural thing to do. Over the years, Kim had a pretty good relationship with Brad’s father. Glenn could be handsy...

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----------- Kim’s and Brad’s wedding took place two weeks later. It was a gorgeous day and beautiful ceremony. At the reception hall afterwards, everyone was dancing, eating, laughing and enjoying themselves. It was perfect in every way. Kim wore a non-traditional tube-style wedding dress that came to mid-thigh. There were no shoulder straps…so she didn’t wear a bra…which accentuated her natural 34E tits and slim waist beautifully. She looked radiant and sexy as she danced with her husband,...

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The Bachelorette Party Part 4

The Party Amy sounded excited and sexy, both at the same time. Maybe she would be the aggressor tonight and I should let her think that she is seducing me. Amy was one cute sexy girl and now that I know I'm bisexual and like eating pussy, I would like to fuck her. The front door doorbell rang and I opened the door and let Amy in. "Come on upstairs to my room, let's see what that movie is about," I said. I led Amy up the stairs. I looked back once and saw her avert her eyes. She had been...

Group Sex
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The Bachelorettes party

Christine didn't want the bachelorette party. Her friends were making her have one, but at least it was at her place. That should at least help to keep things pretty tame. Her fiance Brad was going on an overnight boating trip with the guys but she knew he would rather have stayed home as well. She sent him a text. "Miss you baby. Wish you were here". I should just make the most of it she thought as she put her cellphone down, left the bedroom and rejoined her friends. They did also promise to...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Party

Something about bachelorette parties makes us girls do all sorts of naughty stuff. My friend Jackie, 24 years old was ready to settle down for one cock for life (or at the very least till her pussy takes over and she cheats). She and I both knew each others slutty side as we have partied for three years together. Her maid of honor, Carrie was a bigger slut than either one of us and she was responsible for organizing the bachelorette party. We knew it would be wild. On the evening, the limo...

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Interracial Bachelorette

Your name is Jane Doe, and you are a recent high-school graduate (and even more recent college dropout) from a small town middle-class christian upbringing. You were spoiled by family, teachers, friends and acquaintances devoted to keeping you from needing to rely on wits or whatever intelligence you have to get ahead in life due to your obvious attractiveness: long naturally honey-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and fair creamy white skin, as well as long legs (toned by years of cheerleading...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Party

Jason Moore stood in front of the bathroom mirror and looked at the reflection staring back at him. Condensation on the glass made it difficult to really see himself, but that didn't matter. In his mind he knew what was looking back at him. A freak of nature. That is how Jason thought of himself. At 6 foot 4 inches tall with a lean muscular physique, short black hair and piercing blue eyes, one would think that he would be overjoyed with his looks. But it was not his physical appearance that...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Party Ruined My Life

This is the story of how my little sisters bachelorette party ruined my life and destroyed my marriage. The only good thing that came out of this nightmarish evening is that my little sister's life was just as devastated as mine was. This was all her fault..... well kind of.My name is Katie and my sister is Maryanne. We both grew up in the Midwest to a rather conservative and conventional Irish Catholic family. Neither of us are knockouts but we a have been told that we a cute all of our lives....

1 year ago
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Random Encounters 8211 Bachelorette in GoaPart 1

This is the second of my stories in Indian sex stories dot net and probably my hottest sexual experience till date. This happened when I was visiting one of my friends in Goa and it could not have been a luckier coincidence. I was roommates with an exchange student from Europe for a brief while and years later, he happened to visit Goa for work. I was then based out of Mumbai and decided to visit him in Goa for a week. Both of us were active on Tinder and we used to discuss how Indian woman...

1 year ago
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Bachelorette Party

Something about bachelorette parties makes us girls do all sorts of naughty stuff. My friend Jackie, 24 years old was ready to settle down for one cock for life (or at the very least till her pussy takes over and she cheats). She and I both knew each others slutty side as we have partied for three years together. Her maid of honor, Carrie was a bigger slut than either one of us and she was responsible for organizing the bachelorette party. We knew it would be wild. On the evening, the limo...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Party for My Bitch Sister

My older sister and I have never really gotten along. I love her. But I can’t stand her. If you have siblings you probably understand what I mean. She’s only four years older but she acts like she is sooo much more worldly I am. For this story I’ll be referring to her as “Emily”. Emily was always my opposite. If we were comic book characters she would be the hero. I would be the bad guy. That’s how it’s always been. She did her homework. She brushed her teeth. She was polite to her teachers. I...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette ? by: Alana The third date with five men and Trista didn't go quite how any of the men would react. The limo pulled up in front of a dress shop. Trista got out, grinning wickedly. The men followed. They all thought they were going to help Trista pick out something to wear. Once inside, they faced make-up girls, fashion consultants, production assistants, and salesgirls all of them staring at the men with mysterious smiles on their faces. "OK, boys,"...

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The Bachelorette Party Part 1

The Beginning After graduating college with a degree in Anthropology, I went hunting for a job. Guess what, no jobs available for this degree, I should have done my homework before choosing it, I was a teenager and I made a huge mistake. My parents wanted me to continue pursuing another more in demand degree and were willing to pay for it. I told them I would think about it but first I would do some research to see if there was a degree that I would be willing to tackle and the job market would...

Group Sex
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The Bachelorette Party Ch 02

I want to thank The Torrid Temptress for taking the time to proof read this story for me. I hope you all enjoy the story. ***** The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o’clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of...

2 years ago
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The Bachelorette Soiree

As the plane descended, Delaney Hunter heard the pilot on the PA say, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen. We are just about to touch down at McCarren Airport in Las Vegas, Nevada, in just a few minutes, and we are right on time. The weather around McCarren is rather warm with temperatures in the low nineties. The local time is 10:43 pm, so those of you with regular watches might want to take a moment to reset them. Please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop and on behalf of...

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The Bachelorette Party

Hi, my name is Brooke and I'm getting married in just over two weeks. I've been with my Fiance Noah for just over two and a half years and it's been wonderful for the most part. I graduated medical school a few years ago and have been bouncing between jobs. I am currently working full time as a dental hygienist in pediatrics. It's not the greatest paying job but I love working with younger kids and developing a relationship with them over many long years. My soon to be husband works for a...

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Bachelorette Party

My wifes Goddaughter(Liz) was getting married and wanted to have a mini Bachelorette party with my wife and 3 other friends. Since I have a 10 passenger van my wife volunteered me as the chauffer for the night. All the girls are in thier twenties and my wife and I are in our fourties.My wife has stayed in great shape and can put most 20 year olds to shame . In the past we have done some swinging and MFM threesomes. And for Liz's 21st Birthday I had sex with her after a night of...

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Bachelorette Party 8211 The Stripper8217s Game

Stacey covered her mouth as the crowd of females emerged from their various hiding places with a shout of “Surprise!” She had heard of surprise birthday parties, but not surprise bachelorette parties. The girls came up to her one-by-one and offered congratulations on her upcoming wedding. She glowered at Megan, her best friend, who wore a smile indicating she was the mastermind of the affair. Stacey strictly instructed to her friends and co-workers that she didn’t...

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Brittneys Bachelorette Party

I never knew what my friends had in store for me my bachelorette party. If Id have known ahead of time I wouldve called the whole thing off. Fortunately for me, I didnt. It was supposed to be just us girls sitting around my house getting drunk and talking about men. I had NO idea that they had invited a bunch of men to join us. The first men to arrive were two Black males about 30 years old. I was surprised to see Black men since as far as I knew, none of my girlfriends even knew...

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My own bachelorette party

The night before my wedding day, several of the wild girlfriends of my group surprised me by dragging me out to a bachelorette party...I thought they wanted to embarrass me a little and have some fun with me.But nevertheless, I dressed up thinking we were just going out to dinner. I chose to wear a very short black strapless dress, a pair of shining black high heels and also a black silky thong; but no bra at all…We started the evening by going to a restaurant for dinner.At the end of the night...

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Bachelorette Party

It had been decided that my wife would host her cousin's bachelorette party. Our house was perfect for this type of thing because we had a beautifully finished basement with a big bar and sitting area. When I heard about this, my cock was immediately hard. I had always secretly fantasized about seeing my wife with another man. And although the idea of this was likely not to happen in our own house in front of her friends, I was still hard thinking about her seeing a stripper. Over the following...

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Sissy Bachelorette Party

'You want it again?' She said, as she climbed between my legs, spreading them with the force of her knee. 'Yes Mistress.' I said, turning my head to the side. Her gloved hand grabbed my chin and turned it towards her. 'You want to be my girly lesbian bitch?' She said, as she tweaked my puffy nipples with her other hand, the dry latex chafing me. 'Yes Mistress - I want to be your girly lesbian bitch,' I rubbed my horny cunt against her stocking clad leg, ignoring the pain, wanting, no, needing...

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Moms Bachelorette Party

My mom decided to get married after many years being single. I guess that since I just turned twenty one and would finish college soon and move on mom decided to tie the knot with this guy. Don't get me wrong, he is an alright guy, I just think she could do better. Mom is not a super model, she is just an average looking woman. They decided to have a bachelorette party and asked me if I would be the designated driver and I said yes. I thought this would be fun. All of mom's friends are...

2 years ago
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Bachelorette Dancer

“Okay now, Bonnie asked for the last time, you got everything under control!?! Uh, yeah, he replied, I’ve got the boom box, the CD’s, my wardrobe, and the address, I think that’s it! Good, she answered, make sure you give them a good show, now the deal is they give you five hundred up front, and you get to keep two, any tips you make are all yours! What if they pay me by check, he questioned?!? It doesn’t matter how they pay you, you bring back either the check or cash to me and I’ll cut you a...

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Bachelorette Party

I never knew what my friends had in store for me my bachelorette party. If I'd have known ahead of time I would've called the whole thing off. Fortunately for me, I didn't. Little did my future husband know his life would change that day too. It was supposed to be just us girls sitting around my house getting drunk and talking about men. I had NO idea that they had invited a bunch of men to join us. The first men to arrive were two Black males about 30 years old. I was surprised to see Black...

4 years ago
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Bachelorette Bang

Found this confession.I am twenty-two and just recently got married to my boyfriend of four years. We just graduated last spring. We met in college, and he's kind of a typical frat boy. He already has a great job making really good money. I am from a very well-off family. In fact, my parents had a debutante party for me. I have short blonde hair, and guys love my body. I work out and have a six-pack stomach. I get hit on a lot if my fiancé-now-husband is not with me. I did something really...

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Bachelorette PartyChapter 2

The door that led from the small room into the sanctuary was opened a crack allowing us a view of the large room. We still had twenty-five minutes to wait so as I waited for things to get started I began to reflect on how I got from the depths of my despair while driving from Las Vegas to Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning three years ago to the near state of euphoria I was in that Saturday afternoon. That night had been the lowest point of my life and it had taken the full three...

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The Bachelorette PartyChapter 1a Loren Comes to Dance

Two nights later I was mixing drinks behind the bar on the women's side when the door opened and she came in. It was a slow evening, and there weren't more than a half a dozen women in the bar at that point. She saw me, and came over to sit on a stool at the bar. She asked for a glass of wine, and I placed it in front of her, then leaned on the bar, in case she wanted to talk. She didn't say anything for a moment, so I decided to open the discussion. "Have your friends decided what...

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The Bachelorette Party Part 2

The Lost Virginity and More Robert wasn't done with Sarah's cunt by a long shot. As he withdrew his finger from her, he substituted his tongue. Robert was no slouch when it comes to eating pussy. His talented tongue soon had Sarah moaning, "Robert, please fuck me, I need your cock deep in me. Take my cherry, I don't want or need it anymore. Nobody taught me that sex would feel this good, I want more, I want your hard cock buried in my cunt, please, please fuck me, I'm ready." Jacob was intently...

Group Sex
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The Bachelorette PartyChapter 2

A week went by before the same three girls came back. As they arrived at the bar, I smiled at them, but noticed that Loren was hanging back a little. When I saw her shake her head slightly, I could tell that she had kept our night together secret from her friends, so I didn't say anything that would give it away. I looked the girls over as I poured them coffee, and asked, "So, have you decided on something? I assume you have since you're back." The one I had previously labelled as 'the...

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The Bachelorette Party Part 3

Beach, Sand, Cock and Pussy After Maria jumped on the bed, she pushed Robert backward and kissed him hard. She then started kissing her way down until she put his limp cock in her mouth. She started sucking him hard and it took only seconds for him to come to a full erection. Maria was an expert at cock sucking and I watched her turn Robert into a quivering mass. He was moaning and calling for her to "Suck him harder, that he wanted to cum and for her to suck him dry". As Maria withdrew his...

Group Sex
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The Bachelorette Party

I was ready to go out with the girls, but I just had to see ‘HER’ before that! So, I got dressed, the usual low neck tight salwar, no bra of course. Thought I would wear the jeans, but decided against it, as taking it off can be quite a hassle. I texted her letting her know that I’ll be in the same place. Went out of the house. While walking towards the auto-stand, Najeeb, Bunty, Arijeet, all friends of my younger brother came upto me. “Shunlam tor biye, sotti?”(is it true you’re getting...

2 years ago
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Cheating on my fiance at my bachelorette party

A few days before I married my husband, I cheated on him. There, I’ve said it. Only a few people knew, and he never knew. So, here is that story…. I was fairly introverted at the time and usually had been faithful to the guy I was dating at the time. I didn’t expect anything wild to happen the night of my party. A few girl friends, and one very gay guy friend, took me out for drinks and dinner and gifts. It was all very nice. I even chatted with my fiance via the phone an hour into it to...

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Bachelorette Party Cuckold

This is a story about Samantha, a young white woman in her late 20’s, and her fiancé Eric. Samantha has jet black hair that goes roughly half way down her back, blazing green eyes, and a very petite figure (think 32-22-32). Eric is a white man also in his late 20’s and has light brown hair and blue eyes, and is pretty athletic. Samantha also has a twin, Annabella, who looks just like her except Annabella’s eyes are blue. This is their fifth story. Other stories featuring them include...

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Indian sluts hen do Bachelorette

Myself and a group of 9 other guys were on a stag do in Vegas, and we were living the high life.Every night we would have a table at the best clubs surrounded by beautiful girls and too much booze!On our last night we did it big and had an awesome night as XS. Here we met a group of indian sluts from London who were celebrating a hen do.Three of them (including the bride to be) were absolutely stunning, great big tits and sexy kardashian asses. The bride to be was checking me out all night, so...

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Sex After Best Friend8217s Bachelorette Party

Hey, I’m back with another life sex story. This is Sharan, and I’m 25 and I am from New Delhi City. I have grown up among female friends. I don’t find their presence unusual. I and my female friends would share everything just like guys and gals does with their same. This is a real-life sex story and this happened last year. My friend Amy was getting married and she was all hoo-ha about that. I had been friends with Amy for past 20 years. We were grown up together and you know, we were kind of...

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Bachelorette Party Sexy Females

Hi everyone this Yug and back with a new experience, for those of you reading my story for first time you can know more about me by checking previous stories I have posted, for that you may click on my name and stories written by me will be displayed, however this story has no link with previous experiences. Back to story As part of my job profile my work demands me to travel extensively and gives me opportunity to explore various places both in and outside India, the crazy night happened...

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Cheating on my fiance at my bachelorette party

A few days before I married my husband, I cheated on him. There, I've said it. Only a few people knew, and he never knew. So, here is that story....I was fairly introverted at the time and usually had been faithful to the guy I was dating at the time. I didn't expect anything wild to happen the night of my party. A few girl friends, and one very gay guy friend, took me out for drinks and dinner and gifts. It was all very nice. I even chatted with my fiance via the phone an hour into it to...

Wife Lovers
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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