Bachelorette Party Ruined My Life free porn video

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This is the story of how my little sisters bachelorette party ruined my life and destroyed my marriage. The only good thing that came out of this nightmarish evening is that my little sister's life was just as devastated as mine was. This was all her fault..... well kind of.

My name is Katie and my sister is Maryanne. We both grew up in the Midwest to a rather conservative and conventional Irish Catholic family. Neither of us are knockouts but we a have been told that we a cute all of our lives. We both have red hair and we are cursed with freckles from head to toe. For those of you that are interested, I am 5'4??? tall and weigh 135 lbs. Maryanne is a bit taller. She is 5'7??? and weighs a bit more, about 150 lbs. I have an a-cup and Maryanne is fuller with a c-cup. I have been married since I was 20. Maryanne never settled down and she dated casually but was never what I would call a slut, she was however a lot more experienced than me. I married my boyfriend from high school. In fact, the man I married was my next door neighbor growing up. He was my first and last..... until this damned party.

My little sister and I are only 13 months apart in age. She is 26 and I am 27. Because of our closeness in age we have become very competitive in almost every aspect of our lives. We always have to one up each other and this is not the first time our competitiveness has gotten us in trouble but this is certainly the worst.

The whole family was so excited that Maryanne had finally finally found ???the one???. She was actually going to settle down. We were all in a flurry putting her wedding plans in place. She asked me to be her Matron of Honor. Of course I accepted. That is when things started to go horribly wrong.

You see, Maryanne was my Maid of Honor and she through me a real blowout. I had three strippers, champaign, a limousine and one hell of a good time. Remember when I said that we always had to one up each other. This was no different. I vowed to spare no expense and set up the biggest raunchiest bachelorette party in the history of our city.

I rented an old building on the outskirts of town. When Maryanne and I were little girls it was a strip club. It has been closed for years but the owner has kept it up pretty well. It has a bar and a stage and room for a group of drunken women to have a ton of fun.

When I was explaining to the owner of the old bar why I wanted it for only one night, I thought I had struck gold. He told me that he could arrange everything from the bartender to the entertainment, including a couple of limousines. He bar owner asked me what I had in mind and all I could think to say that I wanted this bacheloertte party to be nasty. I work in the office of one of our city's grade schools and having been somewhat sheltered I guess I didn't really know what nasty really was. The old man smiled an evil grin and asked me if I wanted the entertainment to be full service. Of course! I said, thinking that that meant that everything was included. If I had known what full service meant at that moment I would have called the whole thing off. But I didn't and now here I am.

The big night came and all of Maryanne's girlfriends were ready to party. These girls are a really wild bunch. I have met most of them over the years and some of them kind of scare me. Most of them are from Maryanne's college days and don't live close by. Anyway, we were All loaded up in the limousines and dressed to the nines. We arrived at the club and it was wonderful. The bartender was set up and the DJ was playing his music. The place was decorated really nice and the alcohol was soon flowing. We were doing shooters and Jello shots by the dozen. Soon we started bringing out the novelty gifts, you know dildos, vibrators, lingerie. Just when I thought things were getting raunchy, the strippers came on the stage with an announcement from the DJ. He said ???it;s time for this party to get started ladies!??? ???gather round and enjoy???.

One after another, the biggest and most muscular black men I have ever seen came strutting from the back room. I counted six of them and the most shocking thing to me was that none of them had any clothing on at all. There was no stripping... these men were just totally naked. I was just about to make a protest when I realized that all the girls, including my sister were cheering and clapping and egging these men on. I sat back down and reminded myself that I wanted to out do my little sister and it seems that I had... or so I thought.

These dancers began to mingle with us and shake their wieners in our faces and rub up and down on the girls simulating sex acts. Then the DJ came on and asked for the bride-to-be and the maid-of-honor to please take a seat on the stage. I must admit I was oblivious to the stage and anything going on up there. I was caught up in the revelry.

On the stage there had been placed two folding chairs. The spotlights were on and the girls were chanting our names. Maryanne and I got up on the stage and sat in the chairs. The DJ came on the stage and explained that we were going to have a game of chicken. Again I was totally lost in his meaning and I gave him a confused look. He smiled and explained that we, Maryanne and I, would have challenges or dares put to each of us and if the person getting dared refused the dare, the other person could complete it. If the other person completed the refused dare the game was over and that person would be named as the best of the two. I grinned and resolved to myself that I would never lose a battle with my little s*s. She looked me right in the eye and said ???you are going down Katie!??? I just told her to bring it. Oh what was I thinking.

The game started out with me being dared to drink a shot of tequila from the DJ's shoe. It was gross but I didn't waver a bit. After what seemed like a dozen drinking dares between us thing got nasty and I had lost far to many inhibitions to the alcohol to have the sense to give up.

The DJ dared my little sister to strip down to her bra and panties. I was sure she would cave. But right before my eyes she dropped her skirt and peeled off her blouse. Standing there was my soon to be married little sister in a pink lacy bra, a pair of pink thong panties, and a brides veil pulled back over her head.. She glared at me and said ???top that s*s!???

The girls were going wild. The DJ came to me, started to laugh loudly, and said ???I dare you to strip down to your birthday suit!??? My mouth fell open and I was speechless. I sat there just looking at the crowd of drunken ladies chanting ???Strip! Strip! Strip!.??? I was brought back when I heard the DJ say it looks like we have a winner with the bride-to be. I stood up and shouted ???No Way!??? I Stripped off my slacks an top, of course I wasn't wearing a bra. I never have, a-cups and all. I slid my panties down to my ankles and stepped out of them. There I was in all my glory.

Maryanne leered at me and flipped me off. She stood up and dropped her thong and her bra and shouted loudly that ???Nobody outdoes this redhead!???

again the girls were going wild waiving the dildos in the air and yelling for a new dare. I was hoping they would call a draw, but no such luck.

We both sat back down and the DJ asked us both if we were ready to continue. Maryanne shouted ???Bring It On!??? The DJ said that you asked for it. He walked to the edge of the stage and escorted two of the dancers over to us. The DJ positioned one of them in front of each of us. I was eye level with the first black penis I have ever seen up close in person. It hung heavily and thick. Not massive but heavy and thick. What I couldn't get passed was the size of his balls. They just hung there like a black bag with lemons in it. He was completely shaved and his muscles were magnificent. I looked over at Maryanne and saw that she was staring at her dancer's package. His penis hung lower and seemed just as thick as the guy in front of me.

I was kind of mesmerized by the whole thing. Between the chanting and shouting of the girls and the alcohol I was really getting into the game. By now, naked and exposed, I had lost any shred of dignity I had and any inhibitions were long gone.

I heard the DJ's voice. It seemed so distant and faint but he was standing right in front of me speaking loudly into a microphone. I regained a bit of focus and heard him give me my next dare. ???I dare you to kiss the black cock in front of you.??? I looked at Maryanne and she smiled, knowing that I have never even touched any penis other than my husband and knowing that our family would never condone any type of interracial mixing. She said, ???gotcha s*s. You can just quit now and I will again be the best!??? well, that just pissed me off. I reached out and took the dancers thing in my hand and I felt it twitch. It was so heavy. I lifted the head and gave it a quick kiss. It swear it felt like it kissed me back. I looked at Maryanne and said ???take that whore!???'

Suddenly I felt the cock begin to swell in my hand, realizing that I had never let it go. I released my grip and looked at it. It was still hanging bit it had a curve to to and it was thicker and longer but still not hard.

I shouted to the DJ saying that she is next! He smiled and said to Maryanne ???I dare you to lick the cock in front of you until it is hard???. I was shocked. She didn't even hesitate. Maryanne reached out taking the dancers penis in her hands and lifted it to her mouth. The crowd was split. Some were chanting ???Lick it!??? Lick it!??? and some were shouting that ???Maryanne is a chicken! She'll never do it??? She did it. But that is not all. Maryanne wrapped her lips around the black thing and started sucking it like a hungry a****l. I just stared at her. Her pink lips and the black penis. In and out in and out. The penis got longer and longer and thicker. My GOD this thing could have been on an horse. After what seemed like five minutes, but I am sure it was less, he was fully hard. Maryanne pulled her mouth off the man and the DJ pulled a ruler out of his pocket. He placed one end on the black man's stomach and placed it flat on the man's penis. He shouted out 10 inches. Again the crowd was going wild. I just couldn't believe it. Nor could I believe the size of that mans penis.

After a moment of awe I was again focused on the DJ's words. He told the crowd to listed closely because the final challenge was about to begin. He said that this challenge was for both of us and that the rules were simple. He said that we could do anything and everything within our power or ability to complete the challenge. Again he asked us if we were ready. We looked at each other and at the same time said yes.

The DJ laughed and spoke into the microphone saying look at these tramps that just love the black cock. He looked at me first and asked me if I had ever been with a black man. I said no I have never been with anyone but my husband. He seemed shocked. He looked at Maryanne and asked her if that was true. She said ???yep a total prude???. This time I flipped her off. The DJ then asked Maryanne if she had ever been with at black man. She also said no. I wasn't surprised considering our upbringing.

I was getting a bit worried then the DJ chimed in. ???Ladies! Your challenge is a follows.: The first of you to make your dancer cum wins the best woman award. Forever you will be known as the number one woman in your family!

I was not ready for this and I was about to get up and walk of the stage. I looked at Maryanne and she was already sucking her dancers penis. She actually winked at me. I was actually angry. Without thinking about it took my dancers penis in my mouth and started sucking it. I felt him grow and grow and grow until I could not get it past my teeth. I took my mouth off of his prick and just stared at it. Maryanne's dancer was longer but nowhere near a thick as this guy. The DJ said it looks like someone is giving up. I tried to jerk the man off but her started losing his erection. In a panic I asked him to sit on my chair. I got up, he sat and I straddled him. I started doing what my husband calls doing the canoe. My husband and I did this before we got married because we were committed to not screw until our wedding night.

To do the canoe I would straddle my husbands penis and rock up and down its length making what looks like a canoe with my vaginal lips. Doing this always brought him off quickly.

I started sliding up and down the length of this mans pole. Immediately her was again hard as a rock. I was rocking my hips in a fury and I started cumming. My God I was having an orgasm on a stage in front of all of my sisters friends, with a black man! My dancer was moaning but he still hadn't cum yet. I had slid up and down the length of his shaft until my hips started burning from rocking. I had had another orgasm and was starting to feel exhausted.

I was looking my dancer right in th eyes. Then I heard a gasp next to me. I broke my gaze and saw my baby sister lowering herself onto her dancers penis. What a sight. I thought I should feel disgust but instead I was fired up even more. Still rocking my hips on my dancer I watched inch by inch sink into Maryanne's baby box. Her pale skin and his blackness was incredible. Then I head her dancer say ???you gonna win for sure baby! Ain't no way I can hold out long with a pussy son tight.???

I shifted my position and pushed down on my dancer's pole. It was pressing into me and I pushed down harder but it just could not go in. I looked at my dancer in defeat and asked me if I needed his help. I pleaded with him to please cum.

He lifted me off of him and stood me up. He told me to gt on my hands and knees. I did and he positioned me right in front of my sisters ass. I could see her furiously riding her dancers long black dick. I could even see that a couple inches never went in. he was so long it just wouldn't all go in. I could even smell the sex and it was all heating me up even more. I couldn't think of anything but getting winning this challenge.

There I was on my hands and knees, a faithfully married wife and mother, facing my little sisters ass while she was getting impaired on a strange black mans penis the night before her wedding on a brightly lit stage in front a crowd of nearly everyone she has ever known.

I was feeling so lost and distant then wammo I was back. I felt my dancers huge tool pushing into me. I thought I was being torn open. Then I felt the head push fully past my opening. My vaginal muscles snapped around it like a rubber band. Within seconds I felt like I was giving birth again. I cold feel his massive black balls slapping against me. His hands were on my hips and and I was pushing back as hard as I could. All I could do was stare at my sisters ass as she ride her man. My dancer started speeding up his onslaught. I was in so much pain but again I started coming and coming. I was having the strongest orgasm of my life. I felt like I was going to pass out. I was humping back as fast and as hard as I could to win this race when again panic hit me. Not for the reason that panic should have hit me but because I watched Maryanne's lovers balls draw up tight against his body. I thought it was over and then I felt my dancer pull me close and hold himself deep inside me. I pushed back and felt wave after wave of what I can only describe as hot lava pouring into me. At the very moment I felt the expansion of my dancers pole and the first wave of his cum I was watching my sister jam herself down on her dancer. Those last couple of inches disappeared into her and I watched his big black balls pulsing and twitching and pulsing and twitching. I was still cumming, she was still cumming, my dancer was still cumming, her dancer was still cumming. It felt like an eternity as splash after splash of this black strangers cum flooded my insides and I had never felt so satisfied in my life. It wasn't until Maryanne raised up off her conquest and I watched what seemed like a gallon of sperm poured out of her and I felt my dancers black sperm running down my legs I realized what I had just done.

Not only had I been unfaithful to my husband. Not only had I had sex with a black man. Not only had I enjoyed it. I allowed a stranger, a black stranger to shoot his seed into my totally unprotected womb. As I mentioned before, traditional catholic. I have never used birth control, in fact I have never even thought about it, but I was thinking about it now.

I was so dizzy and out it by now my dancer carried me off the stage and took me to a back room with a futon on it. He laid me down and left me. I started crying and I don't remember any more events of the night. When I woke up it was morning. Light was coming in the window of the room I was in. Maryanne was sitting near my feet. I was so sore. My stomach hurt. I was sick from all the booze and all I could ask was who won. Maryanne said that it was declared a tie. I asked her if it really happened up there on the stage. She said yea it really happened. I asked her what all went on after I passed out. I was so embarrassed.

Maryanne said that I didn't pass out in fact she said I went wild. Maryanne told me that I had sex with every dancer, the DJ, and the bartender. I called her a liar. She assured me it was true. I stood up and could barely walk. We made our way outside and called a cab because Maryanne had a wedding in 4 hours.

This isn't the worst of it. As you can imagine we both ended up pregnant, I got the clap. Maryanne and I cast out faith aside and both got abortions. Here is the worst of it. I never thought of anyone taking pictures or video with their cell phones. One of the girls, Shelly Bates, who thought she should have been a brides maid, took video of the whole thing. She sent it to both of our husbands. We are still married to our faithful catholic men, but there is no love, there is no sex, there is no joy.

The only fun either of us have now is reminiscing what was and that fateful night.

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Wife is Ruined Barry couldn't wait for he and his wife Joyce's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest...

2 years ago
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Anaacutes ruined sweet cunt

That late afternoon I was leaving my office, when I received a call form Ana. My sweet wife asked me not to hurry up, or I would find someone else in our marital bed.I smiled and asked her who was the lucky bastard, but Ana replied it was a secret…When I pulled in our driveway, I recognized Anita`s cousin car.I had known Noelia for many years, since my marriage to Ana. She was a very sweet girl, polite and well educated, younger than us. I had never imagined she would be able to fuck my sexy...

4 years ago
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Anita and her ruined pussy

On Friday afternoon my loving Anita called me at work, saying she was going for some late Christmas shopping with her new friend Tom. I had met that guy a few times when he brought my wife home from a date but I had never watched him have sex with her. Later that evening, I was surprised to see Ana's car in the garage when I pulled in at home. When I came in the house I heard music playing…When I entered the kitchen I saw my wife bending over wrapping a gift. My sexy Ana was wearing a short...

1 year ago
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Damn! It was ruined! Would it ever be the same??? Red, swollen, stretched and gaping open. But wow was it HOT! I obeyed her as she said lick it clean but go easy I'm sore. On my knees I bathed her used pussy with my tongue. Sucking the 2 big loads of come out of her loose hole. So let me tell you how her once little pussy got this beat up.With my permission we went out with the goal of getting her fucked by another man. Wearing her fuck me heels and a short yellow sundress, we went to a hotel...

4 years ago
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Damn! It was ruined! Would it ever be the same??? Red, swollen, stretched and gaping open. But wow was it HOT! I obeyed her as she said lick it clean but go easy I'm sore. On my knees I bathed her used pussy with my tongue. Sucking the 2 big loads of come out of her loose hole. So let me tell you how her once little pussy got this beat up.With my permission we went out with the goal of getting her fucked by another man. Wearing her fuck me heels and a short yellow sundress, we went to a hotel...

1 year ago
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Swollen wet open slippery and ruined

Early afternoon my wife called me at work, saying she was going for some late Easter shopping with her new friend Teddy.I had met that guy a few times when he brought my wife home from a late night date but I was sure that he was gay…Later; as I finally got home, I found my sweet wife in the kitchen, bent over as she was wrapping a gift box.My sexy babe was wearing a short black skirt, a red sweater and her legs where covered in seamed stocking; standing on stilettos.I came up behind her and...

2 years ago
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PART 1 Them fuckin’ Armed Services get all the credit, but who gets their asses blown out of the water to get them their crap, for chrissake? Us fuckers in the Merchant Marine, that’s who. Goddamn sub-bait. And then they don’t send nobody to fish us out. Goddamn Krauts. Goddamn war! Cookie bobbed in his lifejacket and watched his ship disappear, a sorry excuse for a vessel, to be sure, but nonetheless, his ship. Sailors deep-six all the time, the risk they signed on for, perhaps. Bad luck,...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Party of My Life

Which leads me to the best night of my life. The summer before I went off to college for my freshman year, my parents told me they were going to go away for a weekend for their "second honeymoon" in Bermuda. Right when they told me they would be gone, I started planning a party in my head. I called my friends up and told them the situation, and they we're ready to party that night. My rents we going away the second weekend of August so my party was pretty much going to be the last time...

2 years ago
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The Rumor That Ruined MJs Life

It started as most rumors do as whispers in the hallways of her high school, Midtown School of Science and Technology, before turning into catty jeers from the more popular girls in the school. She was never very popular herself, her snarky attitude and her grating habit of pointing out uncomfortable truths always kept people from getting too close to her. Despite that, she never really was bullied herself, at least she wasn’t until she became a slut. That was when the coughing sounds of...

2 years ago
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Five TonesChapter 3 Afterparty Party

I went home to my apartment, and sank into my couch and watched some of the local news. The regular newscasters were on a middle-aged man and an attractive blonde, probably in her early thirties. The female newscaster spoke first, “Our top story tonight, an unusual pirated ad appeared on the Super Bowl, during the halftime show.” They cut away to the commercial, and repeated the message. The woman anchor evidently hadn’t seen it before, because she was staring at the camera with a blank...

3 years ago
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I Ruined her White Pussy Blacken

It has been almost four months since Amber has slept with anyone other than her husband, the pale blonde slutwife moved three months ago for her husband's career leaving all her old playmates. When they first moved in she considered starting a family but Kyle, her husband, didn't feel ready to stop their exploring, he suggested they wait until they were well settled in the new place and then they'd discuss it. In those three months Amber started to follow her fertility chart just in case but...

4 years ago
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Another ruined her white Pussy

It has been almost four months since Amber has slept with anyone other than her husband, the pale blonde slutwife moved three months ago for her husband's career leaving all her old playmates. When they first moved in she considered starting a family but Kyle, her husband, didn't feel ready to stop their exploring, he suggested they wait until they were well settled in the new place and then they'd discuss it. In those three months Amber started to follow her fertility chart just in case but...

3 years ago
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My Doctor Ruined My Pussy

I am Deepti from New Delhi. This is my second story on this site. Thanks a lot for liking my first story “My Driver and his monster cock!”. I got to know about this site from my friend so thought of sharing my experience with you all. This is a true incident which happened with me. Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes if I did any. Your suggestions are always welcome.I am Deepti, 29 year old married lady, live in Pitampura, New Delhi. It’s been 4 years since I got married. I have one c***d....

3 years ago
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My Doctor Ruined My Pussy

Hello ISS readers. I am Deepti from New Delhi. This is my second story on this site. Thanks a lot for liking my first story “My Driver and his monster cock!”. I got to know about this site from my friend so thought of sharing my experience with you all. This is a true incident which happened with me. Hope you all like it. Sorry for mistakes if I did any. Your suggestions are always welcome. I am Deepti, 29 year old married lady, live in Pitampura, New Delhi. It’s been 4 years since I got...

4 years ago
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The Vengeful Spirit or How You Possesed the Popular Girls Body and Ruined Her Life

You were never the popular girl. Hell, no one at your school really knew who you were. So when the news broke that you were hit and killed by a drunk driver, nobody really cared. But your spirit lives on! Fueled almost entirely by lust and regret for never having kissed a boy, or given a blowjob or getting fucked, your spirit clings to the living world, begging for a host! You finally find the perfect girl, Mackenzie! Prom queen, soccer star, valedictorian, humanitarian, she had a scholarship...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A ruined friendship part 2

So many feelings were surging through me as I stood in the doorway to my bathroom, staring open mouthed at my best friend Chloe. I was horny beyond a doubt, still a little tipsy from the drinks I’d had in the club, and concerned I’d just lost my best friend. As I re-ran her words my brain I couldn’t help but blush, she had said that it was my turn. Excitement bubbled low down inside me, making the thin knickers I was wearing so damp that they felt stuck to me. Seeing the colour rise in my face,...

2 years ago
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Ana brings home her ruined pussy

I got home very late that Tuesday night. There I found some meal on the fridge and a note from my sweet Anita, telling me she had gone out for a drink after work with some of her office’s mates.When Ana finally arrived home I heard a lot of noise at the front door. I helped her get inside, because she seemed to be unable…Ana had left for work that morning in a sexy Channel type suit but had arrived home in a summer dress. While one of her tits was almost visible the other was in plain view as...

2 years ago
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ruined at the porn theater

"you need to go suck cock... and tell us about it"Went to video store to spend some time sucking cocks in the gloryhole booths, but it was closed, so i looked online and found another one near by that was open.Went in and looked around, there were 4 or 5 cars outside but no one in the store. Asked clerk about video booths."10 dollars fro video room"Paid clerk and walked through door. The area was brightly lit with drink machine and then another door. I go through the door and it is a small room...

1 year ago
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Wife Ruined

 Wife Ruinedbycukydreams©Chris couldn't wait for him and his wife Jamie's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the...

3 years ago
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Wife is Ruined

Barry couldn't wait for he and his wife Joyce's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...

3 years ago
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Wife ruined

Wife Ruinedby cukydreams©Chris couldn't wait for him and his wife Jamie's hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn't wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the...

3 years ago
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The Ruined Maid

The Ruined Maid Belladonna Charles' heart raced as he slipped up the steps of the servants' staircase to their corridor. Not a sole girl was remaining there as they had all changed into their black, afternoon uniforms, leaving their freshly worn lilac dresses from the morning to him for the take. Charles searched the floor in silence to ensure that he was alone as he set about proceeding with his plan. A grin came upon Charles's face and grew wider as he removed his clothing...

3 years ago
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Friends Girlfriend Ruined Me

Hello Readers, No One would believe a sex story to be true until it happens to them. The same has happened with me. When I was doing BE I used to read a lot of Sex stories especially from ISS. Not beacuse I believed them to be true, it was just because I wanted to dream, dreams about having sex, dreams about having an affair, fucking a girlfried a teacher, house wife. I had loads of fantasies in my mind and of them came true finally! Let me start the story straight away with a very less...

4 years ago
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A ruined friendship part 2

So many feelings were surging through me as I stood in the doorway to my bathroom, staring open mouthed at my best friend Chloe. I was horny beyond a doubt, still a little tipsy from the drinks I'd had in the club, and concerned I'd just lost my best friend. As I re-ran her words my brain I couldn't help but blush, she had said that it was my turn. Excitement bubbled low down inside me, making the thin knickers I was wearing so damp that they felt stuck to me. Seeing the colour rise in my face,...

3 years ago
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A ruined friendship

I love my job, and getting to work with my best friend Chloe just makes it so much better. Chloe and I met when I applied for a Christmas job in a little lingerie shop in town, the manager was running behind so we got chatting while I waited to have my interview. I got the job and we quickly became friends, we would go out dancing after work on Saturdays, then crash at my flat and recover together on Sunday watching DVDs and eating bacon sarnies. We had so much fun at work, trying on stock and...

3 years ago
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My ass ruined by sexy Stella

So I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...

3 years ago
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Cage Cumming A Ruined Orgasm

Cage Cumming - A Ruined OrgasmIt had been five days since Eva snapped the weird penis cage contraption on me, and I was starting to get really desperate. My mind kept wandering to sexy stuff and I could feel the strain against the cage. I wanted to rub one out but even the semi-boners were painful.When I got home that day, she was wearing a thin blouse that was barely hiding her bra. My breath caught in my throat as I felt a tingle down my spine that told me dinner across from her might be more...

4 years ago
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My poor asshole ruined by a BBC

Monday would be my third night home alone, since my beloved hubby was out of town in a long business trip and he did not even know when he could be coming back home.On late afternoon I went to the local mall; some shopping would calm my horny arousal down for sure. I felt really horny; my desire of fucking a good cock was keeping my cunt on fire. I was really, really hot and horny…But there was nothing I could do than wait for hubby’s coming back home…When I was on my way back, I met a black...

2 years ago
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Tracey the Lifeguard

Tracey the LifeguardBy: Jake OliveNote: As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. [email protected] had finally come to England and Tracey was very happy to be working as a pool lifeguard. At 22 Tracey was probably a bit too old to still be holding temporary summer employment but she had spent the last four summers working as a lifeguard and she couldn’t think of any reason to stop now! Tracey’s wasn‘t always the brightest or most mature girl in the world and unfortunately she had...

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The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 28 Live at the Lifesaver

“So, how should we do these Stone’s songs?” Phil asked at our rehearsal session. “I think we all know the music, we just need to come up with a pretty awesome arrangement; we don’t want to sound like yet another cheap cover band.” “I had some ideas, if it’s okay for me to make some suggestions,” Allison said. “Of course it is,” Phil said. “Everyone can have a say, there’s no rule that says you can’t participate in the discussion.” “Thanks, Phil, I guess being the newest here, I’m a bit...

4 years ago
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The Party of a Lifetime

Nothing could have prepared me for this. I was face to face with the man I love naked and grinning at me. I made my move and got on my knees. How did I get here? 4 HOURS AGO: "Hey Alex!" Josh said as my mom dropped me off. I was first to the party, as usual, so we waited outside as everyone piled in. "How many are coming?" I asked. "Like twenty people." Josh said. "Alright!" I responded. During the next 30 minutes, people trickled in. Then, the last to arrive, was Jon. "You...

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After hours with the lifeguard

“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.” “Do I need to wear this?” The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig. “Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied. The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the...


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