Family Easter Gathering
- 3 years ago
- 28
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For years we'd been going up to Blue Mountain Lake where my parents had built and owned a cabin, though my grandfather had been the one to originally purchase the land. It had become a family tradition, and one in which we had all come to look forward to especially as it was so far tucked away, affording us a great deal of privacy. As such, running around in the nude was never a big deal for any of us, including mom and dad back in those days. They had brought each of my siblings and I up with the same sort of openness about being nude in front of one another, so much so, that none of us even gave it a second thought as we grew up and matured.
The other interesting thing about the four of us was, we were all paired fraternal twins. Jack and Jessica, (though my father had initially fought to have my older sister actually named Jill, which my mother adamantly refused to do) were not quite two years older than my twin sister Darlene and I. They had named me David after my grandfather, and Darlene after my mother Darla. So in some ways it was cool being paired twins as that was a rarity of sorts, though I believe that kept the four of us a lot closer than most siblings because of that.
We had all been looking forward to our annual stay at the cabin especially with my sister and I both planning on attending college soon, which meant it might be a while before we'd find and have the time to do so anytime soon. Jack along with Jessica were both engaged to be married, and that meant there would be inevitable change coming soon after that, so it might very well be the last time we all went to the cabin together alone as a family, not to mention the fact that though we called it our annual trip, it had been nearly two years since all four of us had been able to go up there together. So it was another reason that we truly were looking forward to going. With so much going on in our respective lives now, it was a chance to renew the closeness we had all shared together during the course of the years, an opportunity then to just enjoy being around one another again the way we all used to do.
And then only a day before we were scheduled to leave dad experienced some chest pains, requiring an emergency trip to the hospital, though the preliminary tests they ran, soon ruled out his having had any sort of heart attack or anything like that. But his doctor did want to keep him for twenty-four hours for observation, and then run some follow up tests the first of the week. And with that, our planned trip seemed to suddenly fall apart understandably so.
Unfortunately, with everyone else's plans there was just no other time that we could all reschedule and make the trip up to the lake, which is when mother stepped in and insisted that the four of us go up anyway, especially as it might indeed very well be the last time we did so as just the four of us together. After that, we all knew there would be additions to the family, including grand kids knowing Jack and Jessica, shortly after their respective marriages.
With the assurance that dad was doing just fine, and that it might not be anything more serious than intestinal flu or something, our parents insisted we still go up anyway, making the trip without them this time. This would be a first, and in a way fitting as we had never done so before, nor in all likelihood, would we ever be doing so again.
Maybe it was the realization of that which caused the four of us to decide to take a bit more up with us to drink than we normally would, especially with mom and dad around, though they never frowned on us for that either as long as we kept things to moderation. Without them being there this time however, we decided to make the best of it, and planned on having a really good time together enjoying the rest and relaxation of the Lake, fishing, and rowing around in the small boat we kept there. Though I for one enjoyed going for long walks in the woods, something that Darlene and I had both enjoyed doing ever since we'd been going up there as kids.
It wasn't an enormous cabin, but it wasn't a small one by way of comparison either. There was a large family gathering room with one entire wall holding an enormous fireplace for when the nights grew cold. There was a master bedroom which was our parents of course, and then two additional bedrooms each with king sized beds that we had shared together as kids growing up, all of which were on the top floor with an overhanging balcony which we called the loft, both inside as well as outside the cabin, giving it a really unique feature to enjoy the surrounding mountain view with.
Perhaps out of respect for our parents, we took our old rooms with Jack and I taking the one, and the girls taking the other. After we'd put away all the provisions we'd brought along with us, we did some general cleaning and straightening, just as we'd always done, and then settled in preparing the evening meal we had planned.
We had gotten a nice warm fire going in the fireplace as the nights were definitely cool now, making it all warm and cozy inside, almost unbearably so. Both Jessica and Darlene were wearing next to nothing to compensate, simple tee-shirts and panties, which is what they normally wore to bed to sleep in, though it had been a couple of years since I'd seen either one of them naked. Something I became painfully aware of as they soon after came downstairs to rejoin us wearing only that. Jessica didn't appear to have changed too much, though again it had been a while, but my own twin sister certainly had, as her breasts were noticeably fuller.
Jack and I had even looked at one another sheepishly upon seeing them, the unspoken acknowledgement that our very own sister's were actually quite hot looking, passing between us. Darlene soon brought out a tray of Jell-O shooters which they had made earlier in the day in anticipation of our first evening together, and we also knew that Jessica had brought along some sort of a game she had purchased at a novelty store thinking it might be fun to check out and try amongst the four of us, though even Darlene had raised her eyebrows upon seeing it and reading some of the directions on the back.
"You do know this is one of those naughty games don't you?" she'd asked her sister.
"Only if you include the 'sex-cards'," she'd responded. "Otherwise it's not really all that bad, and might be fun to try out anyway, see if it's something we might enjoy with some of our other friends," she'd stated smiling.
Jessica had always been considered the wild one of the family, including my brother Jack, who had a fair bit of a reputation himself with the girls, though his fiancé' Patricia, soon to be my sister in law in a few months, had somehow managed to take him off the market. Even so, Jack was a bit leery about playing the game as he knew how Jessica could get, especially after she'd had a bit to drink when her inhibitions really flew out the window. She'd once been dared to run out to the street in a blinding snowstorm completely naked, which she'd done, and which should have been simple enough. But she had done so waiting until a car finally came by, shocking the hell out of the passengers, before running back inside the house, cold as she was by then.
She and Darlene had already had a couple of the rum-filled Jell-O shooters before Jack and I had had any ourselves, so the girls had gotten a pretty good head start as Jessica laid out the game and began explaining the simple rules to us.
Although we'd decided not to even use the "Sex cards" as Jessica called them, there were two other decks to be drawn from, which were labeled "naughty" and "nice", though even the nice ones weren't anything you might expect as we eventually found out.
"So what happens if someone refuses to do something?" I asked curiously, as I was already wondering about a couple of situations that might possibly arise as I thumbed through a few of the cards beforehand.
"No fair peeking!" Jessica said taking the cards away from me as she did so, placing them back where they belonged on the game board. "But you're right, there should be some sort of penalty involved, should someone chicken out or refuse to do something."
"Like what?" Jack asked curiously.
"Well, for one ... if you guys refuse to do something when it's your turn, then I say you have to wash and dry all the dishes for the week while we're up here."
"Then you guys need to clean all the fish we catch should you refuse," Jack counter-offered, knowing full well how much both Jessica and Darlene hated having to do that. Jessica even thought about that for a moment, and then agreed, though Darlene wasn't too happy about going along with that decision when she made it. Eventually we all decided we'd be allowed a single 'pass' letting us all off the hook just once, but then after that, the penalties would come into play.
Since Jessica and Darlene had very little on themselves, Jack and I had stripped down to socks and shorts to even things out. The fact we were, and had been used to seeing one another naked before wasn't a significant factor in playing the game even though there was a good chance that eventually we'd all wind up being naked anyway. The problem as I saw it, was what sort of things we might all be required to do while we were playing it. These were after all my own brothers and sisters here, and though we'd all gone through periods of sibling curiosities while growing up, it had never really gone beyond that.
"Let's just play and see how it goes," Jessica finally stated after seeing Jack and I's still concerned hesitation. "You can always refuse to do something," she added.
"Yeah ... once!" I reminded everyone, catching a laugh out of Darlene, which surprised me, as she actually seemed to be growing excited about playing the damn game, though I was already beginning to wonder if the Jell-O shooters she'd so quickly consumed had anything to do with that.
Jack was the first to roll the dice, landing on a square that said simply "Take a Drink", so he got off easy, consuming one of the Jell-O shots sitting on the tray beside us.
"My turn!" Jessica said excitedly, rolling the die moving her nude little caricature forwards on the board landing on a "Naughty or Nice" square, thus drawing a card which happened to say "Nice" on the top when she drew it. "Show the person on your right something nice they'd like to see for thirty seconds," she read, which just happened to be Jack.
"Hmm," he pondered teasingly for a brief moment. "Ok, it's been a while since I've even seen them sis, so ... show me your tits!"
Jessica rolled her eyes. "Like you haven't seen them before," she said lifting her tank-top tee shirt up and over them, revealing herself as she sat there, though Jack only really glimpsed at them briefly, just as we all had before replacing her shirt.
Then it was my turn. I soon landed on a square that was a silhouette of two people engaged in some sort of sex act, which would have normally required the drawing of one of the sex cards.
"Free space?"
"Not hardly," Jessica said, "Not in this game anyway. But since we've decided not to use those particular cards, we'll declare those an article of clothing to be removed space instead then."
Since everyone agreed, I removed one of my socks though there was some discussion about that as well since Jessica was only wearing the single tee-shirt and panties, though Darlene was wearing a bra beneath hers giving her three items as well.
Darlene then rolled and was required to draw one of the Naughty/Nice cards, this one showing as being Naughty as she reached for it. "Ah oh!" she said somewhat red faced as she looked at the card.
"What?" Jack asked seeing her expression as she quickly glanced over towards her sister.
"What's it say?" Jessica asked as well, "Read it!"
Darlene took a quick swallow, and then did so. "Show everyone how you prefer touching yourself when you masturbate!" she exclaimed with a somewhat shocked tone of voice, and then looking up. "No way!"
Jessica laughed, "So ... you taking your first refusal?" she asked. Darlene thought about it briefly, as bad as that might be, it could get a lot worse, and we all knew it.
"No ... but you're really going to make me do this?" she asked once again as though somehow Jessica would take pity on her and let her off the hook.
"Are you kidding? Hell no sis! I happen to know you masturbate all the time," she announced telling Jack and I that she did, though I think we all knew that from the number of inadvertent discoveries we'd all made throughout the years, but being placed in a position of openly doing it with everyone else watching was something else entirely.
"Jessica!" Darlene declared back indignantly.
"Well, you do ... so don't even try denying it!" she answered back boldly.
"Didn't say I was denying it," Darlene responded in a much softer tone of voice, "just didn't think I'd end up sitting here showing everyone how I did," she finished saying even more softly.
Personally, I was surprised that she'd actually consider doing it instead of taking her refusal, but she did, though I could see both Jack as well as Jessica took a serious interest in her doing it as she decided to actually do so.
"And you have to do it for real too!" Jessica warned, otherwise, it's the same thing as a refusal, and I happen to know how you like and prefer doing it, so I know if you're trying to fool anyone and get out of actually doing it for real," she had thus told us all.
"Just remember when it's your turn to have to do something like this," Darlene somewhat playfully hissed back at her. "Because I'm not letting you off easy either," she warned her.
For myself, I was surprised, delightedly so yes, admittedly, when Darlene flipped herself around onto her tummy, then slid her hand down the front of her panties though she also knelt now on her knees with her head resting against one of the throw pillows.
"That's how you enjoy getting off huh?" Jack said as we all sat there watching her actually masturbating herself for the full 30 seconds of time that was required of her.
"Yeah, it is," she admitted after the time had expired. "Well ... one of the ways anyway," she said suddenly grinning though her face had turned crimson upon admitting that.
"Ah, don't get too embarrassed by admitting it sis," Jessica told her. "After all, we all do it ... and I've certainly seen everyone here doing it too!"
"When?" I said suddenly curious, "Whenever did you catch me?" which they all laughed at.
"I'll tell you all later about it," Jessica shot back at me, "Maybe as a naughty story requirement or something," she contemplated, already making me wonder what she had seen, and when, though I now knew, I'd probably hear about it soon enough, along with everyone else.
We continued playing the game, most everyone taking shots of Jell-O, and eventually getting entirely naked as we continued using the silhouetted spots for that purpose. In time, everyone but me was entirely naked, though all I had left on was my shorts. Jack then drew a naughty card, telling him that if he wasn't already erect, he was to play with himself until he was, and though shy at first to actually have to do so, eventually did, much to my sister's amused expressions as we all sat there watching him making it get hard.
"My turn!" Jessica soon after announced rolling the dice, likewise drawing a Nice card, which she then read. "Sit on the lap of the person to your right, and do something nice for them," she read to us all, as we all in turn glanced over at Jack who continued to sit with his nice solid erection showing.
"This could get interesting," Darlene commented giggling as she did so.
Jessica soon crossed over sitting in Jack's lap, but I watched as her hand actually slipped down between his legs, grasping his prick, which was indeed hard as a rock as she sat there holding it.
"I wonder, is this naughty? Or nice?" she asked jokingly.
"I think it's a bit of both," Jack sighed pleasurably as sis sat in his lap fondling his erect hard penis.
"Ok, I think time's up," Darlene stated as she now rolled the dice, though now landing on one of the silhouetted squares that we hadn't decided to do anything about yet as everyone except for myself, who was still wearing shorts, was already naked.
"Well, either we start using the "sex cards" or we need to come up with something else for anyone landing on those squares, including David here, though I think after he finally does lose the shorts, he'll be doing whatever we've agreed to do if anyone else lands on one of those," Jessica announced.
"Like what?" I asked curiously, though I was staring at Darlene's boobs as she leaned over, her twin nipples about as hard and erect as they could be as she did so. Seeing me looking at them so brazenly, Jessica smiled.
"I know!" She said suddenly, though the three of us all looked at one another worriedly. Whenever Jessica got that particular look in her eye, we knew she was up to something that was apt to be out there. "But first, before I say anything, let's all of us right here and now make a promise to one another."
"A promise?" Jack asked. "About what?"
"That whatever happens here this weekend, whatever we do stays here amongst the four of us, and that none of us will ever say or tell anyone else about what happened here this weekend."
"Ah oh..." Darlene said looking at her sister. "What are you saying sis?"
"Simply this, let's face it, we're ALL horny at the moment, can we agree on that?"
We all looked at one another, but there was no denying it. Jack certainly couldn't, his prick was still about as rock hard as it was when he first made it that way, and even though I was still wearing my briefs, my own cock was almost painfully concealed inside them as aroused as I was myself.
"Ok, agreed," We all eventually said with Jessica's prompting. "Whatever we do..." Jack added ensuring we were all willing to abide by that promise to one another.
Jessica sat back smiling, though I noticed her hand was unabashedly down between her legs as she nonchalantly sat there slow-fingering her slit.
"We use the sex cards, but ... there is one other option, you can either pick a card and do whatever it tells you to do, or the other three decide what it is they want to see or have that person do."
Once again we all looked at one another, but as we'd all agreed to the promise we'd made, there was a sudden air of expectation and excitement that transcended whatever inhibitions or misgivings any of us might have had.
"So Darlene, since you landed on the square, we'll give you a pass this time, but only if David removes his shorts, so that we're all totally naked and on even footing now going forward."
Seeing that that was only fair under the circumstances, and also seeing the look of gratitude on my twin sister's face, I soon after removed my briefs, revealing to everyone there that I was just as excitedly hard and aroused as my older brother was.
"Nice cock little brother," Jessica grinned looking at me. "Been a while since I've seen it," she added making me blush and raising a few curious questions by Jack and Darlene having said that. Jessica laughed, waving them off however. "Save that for the chat room," she'd said.
There were two squares we hadn't visited as yet, one was the orgy room, and the other was the chat room. With the incorporation of the sex cards now, it was very likely that at some point we'd end up in the orgy room now for sure. The chat room was part of the normal play where if you landed in that square and someone else either landed on it with you, or passed through it while someone was there, they could ask you anything they wanted to, and of course the rules were, you had to tell the truth about whatever that subject was. A short time later Jessica was in fact sitting in the chat room when Jack passed through though finishing his turn on one of the silhouetted squares.
"Now what?" he asked somewhat nervously.
"Well first, you get to ask me about anything you'd like, then after that, either draw a card or let the three of us decide what we'd like to see you do."
Jack thought for a moment, and then smiled as obviously something came to mind.
"Have you and Darlene ever fooled around together? And if you did ... what did you do?"
"That's two questions!" Darlene immediately stated, her face already beginning to blush furiously as she said it. Jessica laughed however.
"True, it is sis, but in all fairness, we need to abide by the intent of the question and not make it even more complicated in asking or the chat room won't be as interesting as it should be."
I noticed her face was even redder now than before as Jessica continued.
"Yes, we have," she began. "And in fact, the most recent time was just three weeks ago," she informed us all. "Darlene and I had gone out shopping, and had come home with several of the items we'd purchased, which included a few new sexy negligee's, one I picked up that I plan on wearing on my honeymoon, as well as a couple of others. Darlene picked up a couple as well, so we decided to try them on and show one another how they looked on ourselves."
I could see by the look on Jack's face he was sitting there envisioning all this, just as I was, not even realizing my hand had dropped down into my lap until I felt the delicious smear of pre-lubrication that I just then realized I was using to further stimulate the head of my cock with.
"Darlene was modeling a bright red baby-doll nightie she had purchased, and had told me that it even had a crotch-less panty, I told her to come over and stand closer to me so I could see it, which she did of course, but when she did, and as I sat there staring at her pink little split, I couldn't help myself, so I placed my finger on her hard swollen little clit, and rubbed it."
"Ok, I think everyone's got the picture," Darlene interrupted trying to head Jessica off from saying anything more, but to no avail as she continued on ignoring Darlene's pained very embarrassed look.
"Obviously she was enjoying it as she stood there, allowing me to continue fingering her, so then I simply leaned over and captured her clit in my mouth and tickled it with my tongue until she came."
"I did not!" Darlene claimed emphatically.
"Oh yes you did!" Jessica challenged her. "I heard and felt you cry out a few moments after that, so don't tell me you didn't enjoy it, or that you didn't actually cum when I did it."
Darlene looked at Jack and I, but finally acknowledged it was the truth, "I couldn't help it," she told us. "It really did feel damn good!"
"Well, now that that little secret's been shared, time to find out what Jack's decision is," Jessica said now looking over towards him. "So ... which one is it going to be?"
"I think I'm fucked either way," he said still trying to decide, though once again Jessica laughed at this comment.
"That depends on the cards, or on us," she said still laughing.
I honestly hadn't really considered that very real possibility until now. Though it was also true that Darlene and I had gone through a brief period of masturbating one another, we'd never taken it beyond that. And now ... the very real possibility existed that something far beyond that might actually happen. And though on the one hand I was unsure about doing that, on the other, especially as I felt my cock lurch with the anticipation of that, I also found myself looking forward to it if it did happen too.
"Let's go with the cards," he said almost immediately. "I have a feeling they'll actually be easier to do than something the three of you might decide to come up with!" Jack drew the card, his eyes widening as he looked at the silhouetted image of a man going down on a woman.
"Well?" Jessica asked curiously. "What's it say?"
"Roll the dice, and then perform oral sex on the person to your right for that number of minutes," he announced placing the card back at the bottom of the pile. We were all looking at Doreen expectantly.
"Really? Me? You're actually going to do it?" she asked.
"That's what the card says, and that's what we all agreed to," Jack stated. "Unless of course you're going to claim your first refusal!"
It was interesting, no one had even done that as yet, I had in fact almost forgotten about doing that myself, and was actually surprised when Darlene indicated she wouldn't.
"Roll the dice," she told him. Jack rolled a four.
"Four minutes then," Jessica confirmed looking at her watch. "So ok Darlene, lay back and spread em kiddo!"
She quickly did so, laying on her back as Jessica propped one of the large comfy throw pillows behind her head, Jack then positioned himself between our sisters legs and began licking her with his tongue as Jessica and I watched, my sister keeping one eye on her minute hand as we did.
"By the way, according to the rules, if anyone cums, they're out of the game. So the last one who does is considered to be the winner."
"Sound like they'd be the loser the way I see it," I added in, my arousal level suddenly going up a notch as Jack continued to probe and tongue fuck my twin-sister's pussy as they lay there next to me.
"Yeah, have to agree with that," Jessica giggled still watching them herself. "And by the look on Darlene's face, she might not make it through the four minutes either!"
She did though, just barely, her breathing becoming rapid well on her way towards orgasm when Jessica suddenly announced that the time was up.
"My turn is it?" Darlene asked still sounding a bit breathless. Jack returned to his own seat on the floor, though I noticed his cock looked even harder, certainly more angry looking than it had, all purple and swollen with a drop of moisture actually leaking from the tip of his prick as he retook his place.
Almost shakily, Darlene rolled the dice and ended up having to draw a Naughty card. "Go directly to the Orgy room and wait there until you roll doubles before you can leave," she read.
"Now it's really going to get interesting!" Jack stated upon hearing that. Jessica then read the rules regarding the orgy room. Once someone was there, anyone else either landing on, or even passing by, had to stop and remain in that room until they were able to roll doubles on the dice before being allowed to leave. In the meantime, one of the silhouetted sex-cards had to be drawn, and whoever was inside the room had to do whatever the card told them to do, for the entire time they remained in the room, or until someone else joined them requiring the draw of a new card, though both cards then had to be incorporated together as much as possible.
"Holy shit!" Darlene said drawing the card, which showed the picture of a female on her hands and knees getting fucked from behind.
"Ah ... what if it's Jessica that ends up in the room before one of us?" I openly asked out of curiosity.
The girls looked at one another simultaneously and laughed, "We'll figure it out," they said almost exactly in unison, causing an even bigger laugh saying that.
But as luck would have it, I was the first to roll the die and move through the "Orgy Room", and since Darlene hadn't rolled doubles on the dice yet, I was the one that was now stranded with her, the sudden realization of the position we'd soon be taking foremost on my mind as I did.
"So have you two ever..." Jack began the question.
"Not with each other, no," I said simply, "and that sounds like a chat-room question anyway," I quickly added as I scooted around behind my twin sister, who was kneeling now waiting with eager anticipation as I came around behind her. "You?"
"Ah, same same," Jessica said jumping in. "Guess you'll have to wait and find that one out," she teased, though she had once again gone back to gently frigging herself as I placed the head of my prick at the opening of Darlene's very wet slippery opening.
"You ok with this?" I did ask before sliding inside her. But she merely smiled, nodded her head in approval, and then spoke.
"I'll be honest David, I've often wondered what it would be like if we ever did, so I guess in a moment or so now, I will."
My head was still buzzing from the Jell-O shooters as we'd finished one tray and had started on a second, but my cock was buzzing as well, especially as I began to slip it inside my own sister, feeling the slickness of her cunt as it began to wrap itself around my shaft.
"Oh fuck that's nice!" I moaned pleasurably, the sensation of her sweetness robbing me of my senses as she wiggled back against me, likewise moaning out her pleasure as well.
"Damn that's nasty looking!" Jack said as he sat seriously stroking his cock now all the while watching Darlene and I as we sat there fucking in front of them.
"Just remember Jack," Jessica warned him. "You cum ... you're out!" she teased looking at him as well as he sat stroking his prick, though she was frigging herself now just as furiously.
"Come on, roll!" Jack half demanded. "It's your turn!"
Jessica did, just managing to land in the Orgy room along with us. Drawing a new card, it again showed the image of a woman getting eaten. "Hmm," she murmured, "under the circumstances, it looks like there's only one real option here!"
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My Mistress Cherie is in the habit of masturbating me regularly. She'll do this last thing at night before locking me away in my cage and again first thing in the morning. My cock raises to her hand expectantly each time, trained in a Pavlovain way to her demand. At times too I am wanked, or she has me wank during the daytime too. She tells me she does this to keep me docile, to reduce my maleness and increase my servility to her feminine domination. She knows too that it is good for me, good...
Agreeing, I invited them to make themselves comfortable and instantly I was surrounded by 2 scantily clad long legged asses wearing tight boy shorts, a tiny and tight matching set of tank tops, white tennis shoes, and nothing else. Feeling over dressed I asked if I needed to dress like them, and they only smiled as we enjoyed a bottle of good wine and the cheese and crackers I had made. Doing so we discussed our jobs and how they kept us all from meeting people, having a need for companionship,...
A sharp, white light burning into the core of my brain, scalding all trace of their existence... their very presence, as if to say "It never happened. We were never here." As if I could just forget the past few days and not wonder why. And yet even now I can feel my memory fading. The thoughts stripped from my brain, like weeds in a gardener's dirt crusted hand. Then the white light takes a shape... a shape that I now understand, but doubt I will until the next Halloween. When it will all...
What is a rift? The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. A rift is exactly that, a straight line between two points. A link between worlds can always be drawn. The only factors to consider about rifts are their starting point and their ending point. A rift is opened at one point, leading into the void. A second opening is created from inside the void. What is the void? The void is a place that has no location. There is nothing in the void, hence its name. It is emptiness...
She had thought it was good news, not even sure how she ended up in this position Family RitualsCopyright 2006Co-Written by Powerone and SummerElizabeth8 M+/F, incest, oral, anal, mast Chapter 1The Marriage Proposal She had thought it was good news, and wasn?t even sure how she ended up in this position.?? Her parents had always been strict, not strict in the same sense that others used it, but strict in the sense of corporal punishment.? And it wasn?t just her, but also her mother,...
The kids were told to put away their things and get ready for lunch. Both were unsure what to do as the two didn't want to go into the wrong room especially as the twins were going to move in over the weekend. Paige led them up to the rooms and told them either of the smaller rooms was fine. Anne chose the room off front porch while Hugh chose the one overlooking the backyard, she liked the early morning sunlight while he liked the trees and shade. As they were putting away their...
Family First By: Light Clark Synopsis: Adam had always known his family was unlucky. Since before he was even born, it seemed like misfortune was just drawn to them. Now a grown man and off in the army, he'd thought that string of bad luck had finally come to an end, but apparently, life had one more curveball to throw his way. Warning: This story takes place in my Tannen universe and contains spoilers for events in Trials of Tannen 04: The Sword That Was Lost. It is not necessary...
Paige and Bryan went to bed with an ominous feeling as Valerie Finn didn't mince words when things are getting serious. They had to cancel their plans to visit some of the children's activities but it wasn't catastrophic to their week. The girls would be fine riding horses and playing with Lucy while helping Chef Paine with some of the meal preparations, something that Elise had always enjoyed but never let anyone else know. If they were lucky, Hamish Paine may come by to see them and...
Chapter 1 The week before school vacation is always a tough week, but for the large Finn Family this 2nd week of February was the toughest. It started with a wedding but quickly turned into fear and anxiety as two members of the family went into premature labor. Marcus Quentin Sylvester, the elder by one minute, was alright but Brent Louis Jones, the younger of the two, was in very real danger. Brent had trouble breathing and was on the small side for babies at his state of...
In the morning, the girls were tough to awaken as they were a bundle of nerves and fearful of what the kids would do. They showered and ate breakfast, then dressed in silence while Paige gathered her work before heading to the school. All seven were going to the school so there was no denying they were all a family and may get some of the biggest jerks to eat crow about Elise being a bastard or unwanted. The drive was short but it felt like hours to the girls. They were scared but...
Late September, 2037 It has been over 22 years since the "Finn Family" was established as the family knew it. Over that time, the family saw their youngest members born then grow into kids and teens and finally find their roles in life. Some were still finding their way but had the family to help them along their paths in life. Not everyone in the famly had it easy. There usual were bouts of illness, the unfortunate passing of four elders of the family, and fighting typical bigotry...
My Family's Legacy By Jennifer Allison For the first thirteen years of my life I lived the normal life of a boy of a middle class family. Except my family had one very strange quirk. The men in my family would have a men's-only outing at least once a month. You could count on them being at these outings for every three day weekend. My Dad would disappear for these weekends by himself until my seventeen-year-old brother John reached his thirteenth birthday. After that, John...
Do you ever see a happy family eating out at a restaurant and ever stop to think to yourself, ‘gee, I bet the reason they are so happy is because they are fucking each other.’ Then you start to fantasize about the grandfather eating out his granddaughter’s tight college-age pussy while the grandmother watches and sucks off her son-in-law. All the while their daughter eats out the asshole of her dad.Be real with yourself: it would not be the first time that you have had these fantasies after...
Premium Gangbang Porn SitesFamily Abused in KenyaBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Gatamaiyo Forest Nature Preserve. This is where Abigail discovered the baby leopard tortoise. It was so cute, that when she saw it she had to have it. So, she picked it up and popped it in her purse. She didn’t even tell her brother, Heath, about it until much later. Actually, back at the hotel, Heath saw some movement in her purse, jumped up and said, ?hey, there’s something in your purse.?He reached for a shoe to beat...
"Kneel down and unzip my fly," Glenn said in a hoarse voice. Her green eyes widened with shock. She couldn't have been more than twenty-one or two, and they'd met just twenty minutes before, but it wasn't her age that bothered Glenn. What he really craved was a lush, blonde like his on beautifully curved daughter, Becky. Glenn quickly tried to push that thought aside as too dangerous. But it clung fiercely like a burning obsession. "Go ahead," Glenn said harshly to the...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 18 years ago; since then, the 3...
IncestI remember the sound of my knee breaking. The crisp snap of dry wood, and an unbearable pain that tore straight up my spine. Blood dripped from a gash across my left cheek, and my right eye had already swelled closed. I don’t remember why I left the safety of the motel room, and I wish that I had stayed in bed. There was a good chance that I was never going to see my sister again. Jake was responsible for most of the damage. Two of his fellow teammates took pleasure in holding my arms, and...
My wife Pari, her younger sister (by one year), Ara, and their Mother, Mae. 3 Ladies – and me, man of the house so-to-speak, our Family. Quite an exhausting role it has become. Where we live in Asia, I am a foreigner, being born way down-under. But I have lived in Asia a long time now, and understand how important Family is. In the case of my wife’s family, her Father died (of smoking and drinking-related illnesses) over 15 years ago; since then, the 3 Ladies have been together, hiccups...
Chapter 9 That very afternoon, as I was cleaning the house, my phone rang and saw it was Rob. He just wanted to see how I was doing, and asked if I had any second thoughts about last night, or going out. I assured him I had no second thoughts, except for having him in my bed right now, which I did not tell him on the phone. I did ask him to call me later that night, when he got home. It was a little past 10pm, and I just crawled into bed. I usually wear a t-shirt to bed, but lately, I have...
The Family Feud IV Chapter OneSlut GamesSTAR COUNT:WENDY: 43Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 1,3,0,0,0JAMIE: 51Get out of jail cards: 1WHORE: 4,3,0,0,0?Yes Sir, actually I?d prefer to clean your house in the nude.? Jamie smiled at the old man as he ate up her playful fibs. She had just finished mowing, trimming and edging his yard in the skimpy bikini her mother wore to the pool party last night. She stepped completely out of it and thought she might give him a heart attack as he looked her naked...
I want to be more like my Dad. He was a man of great confidence, and he was fast to make friends. The star quarterback of the football team, and the dream date for many of the cheerleaders. Including his own sister. Dad knew exactly what he wanted out of life, and he wasn’t afraid to take action. I hope to live up to his memory. The longest journey begins with a single step. Aunt Jane drove to the hospital to see Cassie and the new baby, and Mom was home long enough to get ready for work. I...
I’ve learned to respect my Dad. He loved beautiful women, and he surrounded himself with as many as he could find. He embraced the future, and he wasn’t afraid to take chances. More than anything Dad understood the importance of family, and he did all that he could to protect the ones he held dear. A way of life that has been passed down to me. It’s Halloween. My sisters demand their share of candy, and they are looking forward to an evening of fun. I don’t care about the treats, and I hope...
FamilySwap! Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had to swap families for a day? It would probably be fucked up. Living in a new home, family members that are looking at you like you’re a fucking outcast, and all of those new fart smells you’re not used to sniffing. It would be a real pain in the ass. But that is unless everyone in your new temporary home looked as sexy as fucking porn stars!That’s the concept behind Nubiles’ porn series Family Swap. Well, it’s unclear why families...
Premium Incest Porn SitesFamily Randi (Bitch) Family Randi (Whore) M+/f, incest, humiliation, non-consentMy mother wasn?t the prettiest but wasn?t bad looking either. Simple and traditional are two words that fit her nicely. At 40 her figure wasn?t bad either. 38-28-38. Ok, so it wasn?t great either. As I said she was moderately fine. A perfect housewife. Traditional Indian dresses was all that she wore. Daily poojas (prayers) was part of her routine. Not once did I see any skin on her other than her arms and...
I don’t often wake up alone. The bed feels cold, and the house is very quiet. Emma’s cell phone remains on the night table, and I assume that she hasn’t gone far. My sister loves to cuddle, and she doesn’t usually get out of bed before me. I’m still waiting to wake up from this dream, and to come back to a very different reality. A world where I haven’t bred with my Mom, and I’m not sleeping with every girl in my sex crazed family. A life that was conceived long ago. Emma woke me up early...
Family Issues Chapter 1 - Innocence and Acquiescence Your life is a story, a narrative pieced together over time, expanding, evolving. It is the only thing that is truly yours, the very essence of what it is to be you. It is not however, your only story. Each decision that you have made throughout your life, from the most mundane, to the grandest, has taken you down a path, branching away from what could have otherwise been. This is where the full scope of your life becomes...
I have much greater respect for my Dad. He had the world on his shoulders, and family always came first. Dad never backed down from a fight, and he knew what path to take. I didn’t expect to take his place, and I hope that I’m up to the challenge. We are very different people, and yet we share the same beliefs. Family is everything. I didn’t expect the last fifteen years to pass by so quickly. My sisters and I are about to turn thirty, and Mom wants to have a huge kick-ass party. A...
FamilyStrokes! Staged taboo porn or family sex has seen a massive spike in popularity over the past few years. More specifically, faux incest porn has become one of the most commonplace genres in the adult industry. What started as a small, niche market kink has quickly skyrocketed in demand to become as popular as any other genre in the mainstream porn market.Thanks to sites like Family Strokes, Dad Crush, Sis Loves Me, Bratty Sis, and Step Siblings Caught, every dirty old pervert who has ever...
Top Premium Porn SitesTwo families and their children explore nudism, family sex and learn a few family secrets. This story takes up after Chapter 26 of BSC07 the First Lifestyle Nudist (also found on SOL). I have the author Murray Wilson’s permission to post this chapter. I have imagined a course of events for the families. The story is not canon to his universe. He has reviewed a draft. Any errors are mine alone. The following is all fantasy the characters and situations are all imagined. No relation to...
This is the story of an Indian managing director who went to Thailand with his family for a vacation. There he met a car accident. The driver was killed & his man organ had been crashed in the accident. The doctors suggested him to go for SRS to live the rest of the life normally. He reluctantly accepted his fate & took the identity of the missing daughter of the dead driver & subsequently married his son. Family Transition: Transformation from a father to...
Introduction: This fictional story is sick and twisted but is legal due to my constitutionally given freedom of speech. If you dont like it, you can take my first amendment and shove it up your ass… if your not into grown ups and young ones, or incest, or rape then dont read it. If you do read it then we both know that you like it… regardless of how many negative reviews you give to it after you bust your nut and feel guilty. Dont be a hypocrite or a dick, its only a story: other than that…...
FAMILY FUN(by Eros)Part 1. Tina opened the door to find her older brother standing on the front doorstep, surrounded by a pile of suitcases. "Ray!", she beamed affectionately, "Hi! How are you?" "Fine, Tina! Real fine!" smiled Ray, giving his sister a big friendly hug. He lifted her bodily off the ground, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her strongly against his powerful, muscular body. Tina marvelled at the strength of her brother's grip. He had always been the athletic type, and...
Family Values By Alebeard Family Values Prolog Our government estimates that 17,500 people are trafficked into the United States for the purposes of slavery every year. Other estimates are even higher. The vast majority end up working in the fields, the garment industry, warehouses, restaurants or brothels. Some end up being sold to private individuals and households. Of those sold to households, most become servants. Still, there are a percent, a small percent. ?Between four and five percent...
When their children went upstairs, Steve and Cindy went to their bedroom and stripped each other. They began kissing while running their hands over one another’s naked bodies. Then, dropping to her knees, Cindy took her husband’s cock into her mouth. She cast her eyes up at his as she began bobbing her head. Steve tangled his fingers in his wife’s hair, guiding her sucking mouth on his dick. Cindy engulfed his cock, cupped his balls, and rubbed them against her chin.“I wonder if our...
Incest"Are you looking forward to tonight Joe?" my girlfriend, Jenny, asked me. "Absolutely," I replied, "I've been looking forwards to it for ages!" "It'll take a while to get there," replied Jenny's father, driving the car we were in, "It's about forty-miles." "Bet you've got a hard on Joe," Jenny's mother, Susan, commented. "I sure have," I replied, "I've not cum all day. I've been saving it up." I was sitting in the back of the car, sandwiched between Jenny and her...
Carrie was hopeful that she was making the right impression. She had worn the most matronly clothes she owned, a conservative deep blue two piece suit. As she stood at the head of the table, she tried to surmise the effects of the speech she had just made. The members of her family sat quietly enough, and she felt that she had won them over. At the beginning of the lunch in the spacious private dining-room of the big house, both her son and daughter had declared their intentions of leaving...
My Chapter 17 Wendy was awakened by her husband telling her it was time to get moving to start the day. She was really wanting to stay in bed all day and just do nothing, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. Last night had been an interesting one in many ways, and the ending of the night with the ceremony for stars and her sister being there were only part of it. She had went to bed with her husband. That wasn't so unusual in itself. She had been doing so all week, but this time it...
Truth is the daughter of time. Saint Lisbon has a very long history, and an uncertain future. The people keep to themselves, and they hold many secrets. Families hide behind lies, and breed their own version of the truth. My family isn’t any different. It’s Saturday morning at the mayor’s house. My sisters don’t have school, and we don’t have any plans for the day. I hope to sleep until noon, and I look forward to a good morning kiss from Emma, Amber and Payton. The four of us remain quite...
Family Home By Morpheus ([email protected]) The four college students looked around the dusty living room of their new house, with mixed emotions. Bill Walters, the tall, slender, English major snorted. "It looks like a pig sty." He ran his hand through his dark blonde hair, then wiped a finger alongside the table next to the door, picking up a thick layer of dust on his finger. He shook his head in disgust. Carl Sutton laughed. "You ought to feel right at home...
Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, much of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age in the mid- to late-70's. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality, references to incest, and drug use. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, I can't help but to wonder: what were you were thinking when you...
This is nice story, Family reunion? You got to be kidding me! was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, mend some fences. explained Sheila. My sister was right about that. “Some fences” I spent my entire young life...
IncestAs always, comments, criticisms and kudos always welcome and encouraged. Family Movie Day Family movie day, what a joke, all that meant was, I got dragged to a movie that my bratty little sister wanted to see. Spoiled little brat always got anything she wanted. The funny thing is my older brother was just as excited to see the same lame animated Disney movie. What a dork. I tried my best to get out of it, but my mom insisted. I was hoping to have a little alone time, and maybe even sneak...
My parents had a clear vision for Saint Lisbon. The clinic brought new life to the women who lost their husbands in the mine disaster, and Dad secured his own legacy. I have been handed the torch, and I accept my role as Dad’s successor. A birthright that allows me to breed with my many sisters, and begin the next generation of our loving family. Mom is proud to carry three of my babies. She wants every able bodied girl to have at least one baby, and that includes all of my sisters. My role...
Note : This story is completely fictional! “Family reunion? You gotta be kidding me!” was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. “But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, mend some fences.” explained Sheila. My sister was right about that. “Some fences” I...
IncestFamily Curse By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold & Barry G. Chapter 1 Alyssa Strasburg poured herself another drink as she glanced at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight. She nervously took a sip of...
From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his hand on what belongs to me?" "Dad, please....
Ted Rodgers was enjoying the new state of the art computer that his sister had just bought for him. Ted was fourteen and enjoyed working with computers. Along with the computer, Amy also purchased for him an Internet access account, which he was just getting up and running. Amy Rodgers was Ted’s older sister. She was a pretty girl with an ample vivacious body. Amy had graduated with a degree in computer science and Art. She lived at home with their parents Frank and Carol. Frank was a...
Adam's younger sister Emily also went to the same school. Emily however had long blonde hair. She did gymnastics so also had quite a slim toned body. Emily was also quite tanned from being outside a lot. They were both excited to finish for the summer. As they walked home together they talked and laughed about everything they would get up to over summer. They lived in a large house and their parents were quite wealthy. Their Dad John had a successful business and their Mom Katie helped...
The Porters were a typical upper-middle-class family. Steve Porter was a successful attorney and a partner in his father’s firm. Steve’s wife, Cindy, worked as a receptionist in the same office. The two met at a party while Cindy was in high school, and Steve was in his first year of college. She was smitten with the tall, handsome man, and soon they were dating.It wasn’t long after they met before their kissing turned to petting, then to oral sex. The two virgins developed their...