Gathering free porn video

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A sharp, white light burning into the core of my brain, scalding all trace of their existence... their very presence, as if to say "It never happened. We were never here." As if I could just forget the past few days and not wonder why. And yet even now I can feel my memory fading. The thoughts stripped from my brain, like weeds in a gardener's dirt crusted hand. Then the white light takes a shape... a shape that I now understand, but doubt I will until the next Halloween. When it will all start again. Now the bright, white shape increases in intensity, the only thing my confused mind can concentrate as it burns itself into my mind in place of all the memories.

All I see is a grouping of circles. One large circle forms the perimeter of the symbol. Four circles are then contained within the major circle. Somehow I know that all four inner circles are the exact same size. One of the circles is directly in the center of the outer circle. The remaining three circles form a triangular pattern, their centers lying upon the circumference of the center circle and their own circumferences coincident with the outer circle. This is the shape that haunts me in these days before Halloween. This is the shape that seers its brand into my mind like a cattleman's stake of claim, as if to label me as someone's property. If my mind would only let me focus on that thought long enough to realize its heavy truth.

But alas, I cannot.

The Gathering is upon me, once again.

My body reacts in violent protest to images that fade from my memory like cold breathe on a winter's night. Bracing myself up on sweat-soaked arms, my heart pounds madly in my chest and my lungs pump furiously as if to fight off suffocation. Perhaps that is not such an unusual physical response. Staring around the room I feel trapped somehow; pinned inside the plane white walls and ceiling and floor. On the recesses of my memory I catch a fleeting image. A single brief shape.

A grouping of circles.

My body shudders suddenly from the cold of the room and my sweat-covered body. At least that's what I tell myself. Tossing off the sheets and climbing out of bed I decide to go for a midnight jog.

Well, not quite midnight, but whose counting?

The cool night air feels much better on my mind and skin than I'd thought and my fears eventually drift away. All, that is, save one.

That damn grouping of circles. I find myself staring at generic patterns in an attempt to make some sense out of it. The Martins' mailbox post and its wrought-iron rings. The Thompsons' doorknocker. All are subtle reminders of that image, so that eventually I find myself anxious to once again crawl back into the sanctity of my bed and try and forget the dream.

Entering the apartment-complex parking lot I throw my arms above my head and walk around in a slow circle so that my blood can settle down for a bit before I make my way up the stairs. Suddenly the light to one of the rooms across the lot from mine comes on and I can barely make out two figures dancing with each other. Wishing that I could enjoy the same kind of intimate relationship I decide to let my blood simmer inside and stomp quietly up the stairs, if that is even possible.

Opening my door I toss the keys onto the kitchen counter and say a few soothing words to Oliver, my old gray Tabby, before wandering back to my room and stripping off my sweaty clothes. As soon as I've finished I realize that I can see directly into the room with the light on and the two figures are still dancing. Taking out a pair of binoculars that I'd bought for the weekend college football games, I steal a glance into the window and am stunned when I see two extremely beautiful women dancing with each other. One is slightly taller than the other, possibly due to a pair of fuck-me pumps, but I can't tell from where I'm standing. Her tight black dress stops just below the cleft of her ass and the tiny straps that drape over her shoulders can barely restrain the bulge of her cleavage. Her hair is shoulder length and black, and as she tosses it to the side, to get it out of her face, a brief note of recognition flashes in my mind. But it is forgotten as soon as it appears. Then I take in her partner. This one is clad in a low cut skirt that doesn't fall much lower than the dress of her friend. She also has on a spaghetti strap top, much too small for her full upper body figure, and, as a result, flashes a great deal of her stomach and cleavage. Her dark red hair cascades almost seductively down the curve of her back, ending just above the curve of her ass.

Immediately I realized that I was sporting a rigid erection as the two fondled each other through their clothes and I found myself tempted to stroke it a little in tribute to their little show. Then I realized what I was doing and that if anyone else was watching me watch these two girls that I could get in some serious trouble. Shaking my head I put down the binoculars and opted instead for a nice cold shower to sooth my racing heart and blood.

Resting my weight against the wall of the shower beneath the showerhead I exhaled harshly as the cool water ran down my face and shoulders, relieving some of the tension, but not enough for comfort. Just then I heard someone knocking at my door and I cursed stupid people everywhere for the late-night interruption. The knocking became louder and more aggravated just as I stepped out onto the bathroom floor and threw a towel around my still-drying waist.

"Yeah, I'm coming. Keep your shorts on!!!" I yelled down my hallway. Stomping through the apartment I didn't even bother to check the peephole in the door before slinging it open madly. Which is why I found myself standing there in my doorway in nothing but a towel on and my next-door neighbor staring wide-eyed, with her fist hanging in mid-air where the door should have been.

Awkwardly she and I both stuttered out apologies as the embarrassment of the situation dawned on us both. She too was caught off-guard I soon realized as she stood in my doorway in just a white t-shirt, and it appeared nothing else.

"D-did you want something?" I asked, trying to hurry the situation along so that we both could return to our respective comfort zones.

"Oh. Yes. Right!" She flustered. "I heard a noise outside my door and stepped out to check it and the door locked behind me. Can I use your phone to call the landlord for a replacement?"

"Uh... sure!" I answered a little too quickly and hopefully.

Stepping aside I let Julia walk by, stealing a quick peak at the hint of her butt beneath her shirt as her hips swayed back and forth. Julia was a cute little number; a little bit shorter than most of the girls that I knew, but her pert little ass and tits more than made up for it. Her short blonde hair, cut off just below the ear, finished off her tiny stature, making her appear all the more innocent.

"Phone's in the kitchen." I called as I closed and locked the front door and turned on the living room light. I went and sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. while I heard her talking to the landlord in the next room. Again my eye was caught by movement from the apartment across the way and I found myself gawking as the redhead had the other girl bent over, on all fours, and was pumping her from behind madly with a solid black strap-on. Again I felt an erection stirring and I immediately sat back down on the couch and focused on the T.V. I knew that I was pitching a tent beneath the towel, but I hoped that it would die down before Julia returned and I completely embarrassed myself.

Just then I heard the phone hit the receiver and Julia came stomping into the living room as she sulked down into the seat across from me.

"That was the landlord and he says that he doesn't have a copy of my apartment key. Says that he gave me the copy a few months ago when I was having the remodeling done and that I never gave it back to him. So now I've got to wait till the morning for a locksmith. I hate to ask you this, but could I stay here tonight?"

On any other day I would have considered myself the luckiest man on earth. A beautiful girl, begging to spend the night in my apartment with nothing but a thin white t-shirt and a towel to separate us. But right then I wanted to release the tension that had been building up in my balls for the past few minutes. But, I did what the nice guy would do.

"Sure Julia, you can take the bed and I'll take the couch, just give me a bit to go get a change of clothes and you can have it." Standing up I started my walk to the back bedroom when Julia suddenly spoke out loud.

"Oh my god, would you look at those two women!"

Turning I found myself mesmerized as the two women were now locked into a violent and passionate sixty-nine position, their heads and legs vibrating with an intensity that I've never seen before. I was hypnotized by their lustful sex act. That is, I was until I felt something warm wrapping around the shaft of my cock.

"Well, I guess you did get a good look at those two women." Said Julia as she gently stroked the length of my cock that was pushing the towel away from my body. Following the length of her hand from the shoulder I saw it vanish at the bottom edge of the towel and my legs began to give a little as she stroked my shaft deliciously.

"But that looks much too uncomfortable. Let's let you relax a little bit." Julia added just before grabbing one of the seams of the towel and pulling it so that the self-made wrap unraveled and piled into a heap at my feet. There I stood, transfixed as I stood naked before her, my cock pointing out towards her face, like a divining rod. When I saw her lick her lips my heart skipped a tiny beat as I held my breathe in anticipation of what I hoped was about to happen.

"I usually don't do this for just any guy, but this once I'll make an exception." And having said that she resumed her stroking rhythm upon my member and slowly and appreciatively began to lick the tip of the head. Tilting my head back I leaned back against the back of the chair that she was sitting in as she continually devoured my head into her hot, moist mouth, running her tongue around the base of the head in tight-fitting circles. Stealing a glance I saw her pull her shirt up and over her hips as her free hand found a warm place between her legs, rubbing small circles around her clit as she savored the taste of my never-ending pre-cum.

"This is hurting my neck a bit dear, why don't you move your leg up here so I can really get down to business."

Following Julia's lead I let her lift my right leg up and place my foot up on the armrest of her chair, spreading my legs wide before her, my cock pointing straight out from my crotch with its characteristic upward curvature.

Reaching forward Julia took the base of my shaft into her hand, encircling it with her forefinger and thumb as she pressed her lips against my head. Slowly as she pushed her head forward I watched inch by inch of my head, and then shaft, vanish between her full pink lips. All the while her tongue ran back and forth along the underside of my cock, moistening it as she went to make it easier to swallow.

Glancing downward I could still see her finger working away at her pussy, only now she had two fingers side by side thrusting in and out of her opening, making loud slurping noises with each penetration. Once she'd pulled the entirety of my cock into her mouth she slowly started pumping her head back and forth, using her tongue to drive me closer and closer to outright insanity. Hungry with lust after so many years of abstinence I could help but relish the delicious feel of her mouth and tongue. Placing my hand on the back of her head I grabbed a handful of hair and proceeded to thrust my shaft in and out of her pretty lips.

Removing her lips from my cock with a loud popping sound Julia took my slick shaft in her hand and proceeded to stroke it very slowly as she lowered her head and whipped her tongue out onto my balls. I moaned loudly in response as her tongue toyed with each of the balls, before she finally swallowed one of them in between her lips. Gently she suckled on the solitary nut as her hand continued its treatment of my shaft. Then she moved her tongue down and started tonguing the region of my balls closest to my ass. The sensation was peculiar at first, almost like a tickle. But soon she had me moaning in outright ecstasy. Finishing with my balls, Julia trailed her tongue back up my shaft, stopping just south of the head where she placed her lips and began to suckle powerfully, as if to give my cock a hicky. Intense pleasure shot through me as she did this, whipping her tongue out between sucks to cool the nerves a bit. Then, satisfied with her work, Julia slid her lips back over the rim of my cock and sucked it in.

Just then I looked up and caught a glimpse of the two women across the way, their bodies thrashing around wildly as they ground their pussies together in a wildly energetic climax. Julia chose this time also to begin her own orgasm as her body began to tremble noticeably on the chair and a muffled moan vibrated against my cock. Then as if to add one more chime to the chorus, I heard the hour bell go off on my alarm clock signaling that it was midnight, and I lost it.

My head felt like it was swimming through a river of warm jell-o as my cock twitched inside Julia's mouth and six large jets of cum erupted inside her mouth. Soon after I fell off of my cloud and realized that large droplets of sweat were running down my back. I too realized that Julia was moaning deeply on the chair in front of me and was still pumping my slowly softening cock in and out of her mouth. Sighing and wiping my forehead I let my foot fall back off the chair, forcing my cock to slip out of Julia's mouth, which elicited a short-lived pout. Stumbling backward I found myself collapsing onto the couch as every ounce of energy that I had drained out of my body. My eyes felt heavy and droopy as I felt myself nodding off to sleep.

Then I felt Julia climbing onto the couch on top of me.

"I'm sorry Julia. I don't think I can go another round."

Giggling, she wrapped her arms around me. "Who said you needed to? Are you satisfied?"

"And how!!" I yelled.

"Well, so am I." She giggled again. "Now get some sleep, you've got a long day tomorrow."

I started to ponder the curious nature of Julia's words just before I found myself once again trapped within the dream that had awoken me earlier that night. And throughout the many times that I woke up beneath Julia's sleeping body, the only constant was that damn grouping of circles.

The next morning I awoke to find myself alone except for Oliver, who made a very dramatic show of being hungry when he realized that I was awake. Stumbling half-blind to the kitchen I poured him a small bowl of dry mix and saw the note from Julia thanking me for the wonderful bed to sleep on and a few other pleasantries. Rubbing my hand through my hair I tossed on a pair of boxers and had a quick shave and shower. Then I ate a quick bowl of Cheerios and threw some clothes on in an effort to keep myself from seeing those circles. Those damn circles. But everywhere that I went... they were there too.

Until finally I'd had enough of it. Flipping the switch to my computer on I sat down and typed in the search "circles", which of course gave me nothing even close to what I wanted. So then I decided to focus my search in on patterns. "Circular patterns" also came up with nothing substantial, but I did notice a link referring to archaic symbols and patterns. Adding that kind of branch to my search came up with a huge list of sites that gave me some general information, but nothing specific enough for my needs. But I looked through most of the sites for a few hours, taking the chance that I might come across something meaningful.

And finally, some time around 10:00 a.m. I got lucky. On a site almost at the bottom of the search results list there was a page detailing mathematical symbols and their pertinence and importance in ancient archaic languages and magiks. The last part of what the page talked about scared me slightly, possibly because of my recent nightmares.


The symbol that I had seen in my dreams belonged to a family of similar symbols known as tetragrams because of the grouping of four equally sized geometric shapes in symmetric respect to each other. When I thought of the definition the symbol of the pentagram immediately flashed into my mind and I could only imagine how that one symbol must also belong to a larger "family" of symbols, but because of its repeated appearance in witch mythology it had come to hold the family name as its own.

Next I tried to find a bit more by typing the search "tetragram" but again I came up with nothing. I tried a few more related terms to no avail and finally gave up to the fact that I'd discovered all that I could online. To find out anything else of importance I'd have to take my search to the library.

Throwing on a baseball cap and my backpack I locked the door to my apartment and jogged down the stairs and hopped into my car, revving it up and shifting it into a gear.

"Excuse me! Could you wait a second!" came a woman's voice behind me. Turning I saw the redhead from the window across the parking lot. Shifting the car into neutral I waited for her to run up to my car in a pair of high heels and another low-cut skirt and top.

"Excuse me but you wouldn't happen to be going to campus would you?" she asked me, with obvious need in her tone. "My roommate left this morning without me because I slept in and if I don't make it to work on time this time I'm out of a job."

I let a minute sigh escape my lips before I caught a brief flash of her cleavage as she bent over to readjust one of her heels. At the very least I'd get to ogle her for a bit, at a much closer view than before, so I agreed.

"So where to on campus?" I asked as she tossed her purse in beside her.

"Oh I work at the campus library." She informed me.

"Well, you're in a lot of luck this morning. I was headed there anyway." I said with a quick smile. Smiling back she closed the door and I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the open road.

"So did you and your roommate have a fight this morning or something?" I asked.

"Do what?" She almost jumped at my question.

"Your roommate? Is that why she left this morning without you? Did you two have an argument?"

"Oh... heh... yeah." She blushed slightly. "We had a bit of a tiff this morning and she stormed out and left me stranded."

"Well, I guess your misfortune is my fortune, huh." I said as I gave her my best charming smile.

Turning slowly towards me she flashed me one of those "give me a break" glances and said, "You're not one of those guys who thinks that just because you're giving me a ride that I'm going to fuck you, are you?"

Her open and blunt honesty caught me by surprise. "Bu... well, I... uh...No, of course not." I said as I stared straight ahead.

"Damn, that's too bad, cause I'm really frustrated right now and that would be a terrific way to start the day."

Staring straight ahead silently I cursed myself, unwilling to press further to find out whether she was just joking or being serious.

Finally, after a quiet remainder of the way to the library, we arrived and she almost leapt out of the car before I even had a chance to park it. Reaching over the seat she grabbed her purse and turned to trot away before she stopped and turned around to face me. Leaning over she moved in close to my ear and her hand clutched the bulge in my pants.

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WebYoung Jillian Janson Scarlett Mae Teen Sleuth

Scarlett Mae is at school, hurrying through the empty hallway, worried about being late for class. Suddenly, Scarlett stops when she sees a piece of paper on the floor. She picks it up and is shocked that it’s a photocopy of someone’s pussy. She tries to laugh it off, saying SOMEONE’S going to be embarrassed that they dropped that. Scarlett continues to her locker but slows down when she sees another photocopy of the same pussy taped pointedly on a wall.’Hey, THIS was no...

3 years ago
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Adventure With One Hot Lady In Car 8211 Part 1

Hello Indian sex stories readers, I really like this site. Helping people to live others real experience as fantasy. Let me Introduce myself, name hardik, 23 age, 5’8″. Gujarati. I work in surat for an MNC, one of the most bold and attractive city of Gujarat. Here people are more fashionable than other cities. They like to show off. Its heaven for guys of my age. :P So let’s come to sex story. This happened some one month ago. I was bored at room. So went out to have some food. Was alone so I...

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Female Lifestyle Dominant

I did not become a dominant by accident! It was party fate and it was a combination of three factors. The first factor is any hypothesis and only theory, but I'm sure it was a important part in my path towards the dominant side of B&D.A) PhysiologyWe all have male and female hormones; science has proven that the behavioural traits come from these hormones. Meaning male hormones produce an aggressive behaviour and female hormones produce a passive behaviour. Some females produce xxy factor...

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I was in a Book Store where I shouldn't have been, looking at Video tapes in the "alternative Lifestyle" aisle when I heard, Hello there." I turned, there was an older gentleman there beside me with a stupid smile, he had on a cap from which beneath I saw a shock of snow white hair. He wore a leisure suit with the front zipper down to the middle of his chest that revealed snow white chest hairs. Hello I responded, he smiled turned and walked away angling towards the back of the store, where the...

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Demigod of WarChapter 31

Day 86 & 87: The two men popped into existence at the Final Harbor portal just as Svend and Skyald were departing the Arena. Both stopped dead, staring at John and Ellis. John nodded a greeting, but received only blank stares in return. “Just my luck.” John muttered. Ellis was rubbernecking, as much as he could in the fading sunlight. “What’s that?” He asked. “Those two,” John pointed, “I was hoping to keep my Traveler ability secret. It’s not like I can trust anyone here.” Ellis’s...

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The Package DealChapter 6 The Mayonnaise Chapter

Mayonnaise! How do you make chicken salad without mayo? I can't find any mayo in the stores. Mom reminds me that mayo would be a dangerous food to sell here as it goes bad quickly without refrigeration. Even if you have a fridge here ... well the power can go out for two days! So there isn't any mayo in the stores. I am grumbling because we have some cooked chicken here and I wanted a sandwich. Gel says make it. How? Ah she means make the mayo. So I get on the internet, look up recipes for...

4 years ago
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A long weekend

Candy was sitting in the cocktail lounge after a long day at work. She was listening to her friend going on about how her boyfriend gave her an amazing orgasm. As she sipped her drink Candys mind drifted to a fantasy she's been wishing came true. Friday evening after getting home candy ran the bath water, she laid out the black dress she had bought earlier. Setting the matching set of silky red half cup bra and bikini panty, she found the perfect pair of stockings. Off black with a dragon...

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Young Justice A Chivalrous Sprite

The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics, a division of AOL Time Warner. It is written solely as a fan fiction and the characters are used without their permission. It is not intended to alter the established continuity of any story line in any book published by DC Comics. The story that follows was written purely for fun, with no thought of profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided that the author is given...

2 years ago
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City Bus Ke Karan Mummy Chudi

Hello friends, I’m Vineet mujhe ISS ski stories bhaut achi lagti hai. Specially jisme mummy apne son ke friends se chudati hai. Mai bhi aapko ek esi hi story batne jar aha hu jo ki meri mummy ki hai. Mummy ke age 48 hai aor unka fig tik tik hai, veek house wife hai. Mai rajasthan k eek shar ka rahne vala hu and aaj kal jaipur k eek engineering college mai padta hu aor ab 3rd year mai hu. Mai jaipur mai ek rent ke room mai rahta hu. Jaipur mai khane ki problem hai is liye meri mummy bhi mere...

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One of my friends says I'm the biggest fool there is, because I let my wife treat me the way she does. I don't agree with him. Just because she's a little strong headed and likes to have her way is no reason to say she's making a fool of me.My friend says that because Jessica [not her real name], my wife, is heavily involved in improving racial harmony. You see, she's a member of a group, which I've overheard her refer to as the "Cause". She says it's a group that is relatively secret, such...

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It had been too long It had to happen

100% fiction! I was well into my eigth year on a fifteen year prison sentence for robbery when the unthinkable happened. Either my mother or my sister would come stay a couple days on in the prison sponsored conjugal visit program, designed to help hold families together. On this one particular visit my sister came up with her daughter and the visit proceeded to go about as they normally do. She would update me on the latest news while I helped her unpack the food bags. She would then head into...

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First time in a theater

So our lives continued normally , we continued our role playing, when weekend planning came up, i would often suggest going to a swinger club in babylon, just to check it out...... to watch, and she would say she didnt want to. I had become aware of a video store on route 109 that had been posting on craigslist about how many couples were in their "theater" the night before. I got the impression that it was a hopping place.About mid week, Mila wanted me to go to her sisters place for a...

2 years ago
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An Ordinary Adult Sex LifeChapter 22 San Francisco

-- SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 2008 -- The sky outside was dark and gray, not only because “foggy” is the standard daily weather forecast for San Francisco, but it was still quite early, way too early for any reasonable 23-year-old to be awake on a weekend morning. At this hour, the sun had not yet cleared the horizon, its rays not yet angled properly in accordance with simple geometry to shed any light on the floor-to-ceiling windows of our apartment’s great room, and even then they would need to...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Ch 01

My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She’s sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can’t imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn’t realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was… Millie is what you call a ‘big-titted plumper,’ and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you’re not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie...

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JapanHDV Kai Miharu Enters into a world of sex testing

This is the most bizarre day for Kai Miharu as she enters enters into a world of sex testing at the clinic. It is a strange world of wild sex and this young lady has no idea what she is getting into. She had thought that she was there to be interviewed for a trial and a study. She applied as she needed some money and thought this would be easy. She had no idea that she would end up in a crazy place with the strangest happenings around her. After her interview she returns the next night to start...

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Swinging 2

So while Mrs B was taking a rest and a well earned G &T I was getting a lovely blowjob from a bubbly blond with a curvy body and great tits. Mrs B has always been as big a voyeur as I am, so she settled back and watched as my cock was licked up and down the shaft and taken deep into Mrs F’s throat. This is one thing my wife can’t do, she gags, so I loved it as Mrs F pressed my cock against the back of her throat, before slowly drawing out to lick around the glans. Ginny, a beautiful slim...

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My early days

I remember first getting involved with men. I remember this local toilet that used to be frequented by lots of different men who wanted more than just using the facilities. This particular incident that still lingers in my memory occurred some years back.I went to the toilet as usual to see if I could meet someone who might like to play. I went into a cubical that had glory holes in the panels and took my trousers and my favourite white Y fronts down and sat down. After some time and on the...

3 years ago
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Help Wanted

Help Wanted! I was low on funds and needed away to raise cash. This was the way I did it. My thanks to Belle Starr for helping me tell my story. I just got home from work and noticed the mail. The most of it said Final Notice or Payment Due, then the one from my bank. I was overdrawn. I talked to my bank and got a loan that paid off all my debts and all I had to do was make one easy payment. The trick was, I was still overdrawn and had raise money. I took a second job. It was a...

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Rising Star 3

I never saw Becca again after those few lovely days, even when we were both in the USA. I can’t explain why but our paths simply never crossed. I often thought about her, of course, and we did call each other a few times but my work and hers seemed to conspire to prevent us. I signed the contract with Michael Gordon and my life seemed to change with the drying of the ink. I may not have been quite A-List but I was definitely up there and all of a sudden I had an entourage: a secretary, a driver...

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Claire 1 The Seduction

As she pulled into the mall parking garage, Claire's thoughts turned to the ad she had seen in the local newspaper--OPENING FRIDAY!!! BOUDOIR LINGERIE!!! Claire had been taken by the ad immediately, and she really could use some new bras and panties. Even though she and Frank had been married for eight years Claire had managed to stay in good shape, and for a thirty three year old she still could turn a man's head, and the only real change in her body was her chest size. When she graduated...

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A husband talks his wife into having sex with a bl

Several stories I’ve read in this and other sites havedealt with interracial pregnancy, and many of thewriters have said they would like to hear from similarpeople. After reading the letters and at my husband’ssuggestion, I have decided to write about myexperiences.At the age of 29 after seven years of marriage, myhusband and I felt it was time to add some spice to ourlives. My husband, Larry, admitted that he very arousedby interracial sex and so we began to fantasize aboutit when we had...

4 years ago
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Kim Possible Dreams Can Come True Chapter 7

Kim Possible: Dreams Can Come True - Chapter 7 - Four Play"I see that my girls had their fun," Drakken said, standing on the door.He was naked and fully erect. Ron was beside him, his hands tied behind his back, naked with his dick semi-hard, looking at Kim's and Shego's naked bodies.He had seen them both naked earlier that day, but it was the first time he was seeing Kim naked in the flesh.Kim was highly aroused.Despite the fact that she was naked in front of Drakken and Ron, she felt good....

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A Prayer Answered Chapter 11

Sandra's Grandfather causes more problems and a few unexpected parishioners come to her rescue. A Prayer Answered Chapter Eleven By Sara D The next morning Dad, Mom, Grandma, Brian and I arrived at the church in our best clothes, Grandma was holding my hand as we entered and were greeted by Pastor Gene. "Well good morning Mrs. Simmons," Pastor Gene said with a smile then continued. "It's good to see you again so soon, where's Mr. Simmons?" Grandma looked a bit upset and...

2 years ago
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When Secrets Come Out

Introduction: So, this is part 1 of a story Im thinking about. Let me know what you think. All criticism is welcome. This part is not sexual and merely introductory. My name is Jess. Im about 54 and have long blonde hair. I have 34C boobs and Im pretty skinny. I play a few sports, so I stay in good shape. I dont really have many friends. I talk to a lot of people, but my two best friends are Dani and Lex. Dani is about 57 and is really skinny. She has dirty blonde hair that is a little shorter...

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Filling Mrs Claus with Holiday Spirit

It was the Friday before Christmas, and I was bored to tears. Every one of my friends had family festivities to attend, but I desperately needed to get away from mine. Don't get me wrong, their enthusiasm is great, but I knew that in another hour or so, the photo album would make its annual appearance, and the generous amounts of spirits would encourage the stories and tears to flow freely. I grabbed the gift I bought for my friend, tossed it in a gift bag with some tissue, and quickly made it...

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Country girl gets a job in the Big City

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI was overcome with temptation and I reached a point where I gave into his desires.I moved to Seattle in 2002, at the age of 24 to get a better job. I grew up in a rural white community and I found the mixture of cultures in the city to be fascinating and yet almost alien compared to my life in the country. I finally got a job at a night club and I...

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JennyChapter 6

Vincent "Vinnie" Blanton was not a mirror image of his older brother, Tom. In fact, the two could not be more unalike. Vinnie was two inches taller than Tom at an even six feet, but five pounds lighter at 185. While Tom had worked hard to become a talented athletic competitor, Vinnie was a natural athlete. It all came easily to him. He was a solid .350 hitter in Babe Ruth baseball with good speed, and a good glove in the outfield. He was slotback on his high school football team with sure...

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Lingerie Fetish

Hi everybody, I’m back again after a long time. This is my 3rd post in ISS and this time around I’m writing about an incident that happened some 6 years back when I was around 26. Well, to quickly complete the introductions, my name is Sudha and I am married and a mother of 2 lovely kids. My husband is a gentle, loving guy with whom I have fantastic relations but there is this “wild side” to me that he is yet to discover. Coming straight to the story that I’m about to narrate. We were living...

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The Drive

You hear a knock at your door...  open it to find me, standing there... short skirt and a low cut blouse... ''take me for a drive?''....  You smile...  a boyish grin... like you found the candy store unlocked and no clerk behind the counter...The top on the car is down and that is perfect for my naughty mind. In the car you ask me, ''Where do you want to go?""I don't care... it's a beautiful day out and I just wanted to go for a drive''. In the car we're chatting... talking about something to...

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Extending the FamilyChapter 42 Amanda Becomes a Woman

Amanda gasped and bit her lower lip as the head of my cock slid out of her ass. The abused sphincter quickly closed as I watched. As the rush of orgasm faded, I became aware that the audience was clapping and cheering raucously. I grinned in acknowledement and pulled up my pants over my finally subsiding erection. Sue picked up the birthday girl’s jar and held it up to Mandy’s asshole, which had begun to drip with my cum. “Squeeze that semen out, dear,” Mrs. Coffee instructed, pressing her...

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With Cousin Sister

Hai issreaders this is ur madan, today i share with u my sexperiece occured in my house within family members…..On that day my cousine sister arrived with her husband for a dinner. Infact my brotherinlaw, Sanju is a handsome person with sexy looks. We oftenly very close and gone several times to bf parlors. While seeing bfs heused to put his hand onmy thighs and rub even touched my hard dick on pant, similarly i too found his dick with more thick than me, we used to talk about sex...

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About Kasia 2

He woke her up not long before the border to Germany. “Did I snore? She asked.“No, not really“can I put them back on now?”“No, give them to me, please…She gasped, but quickly took them all the way off. He took them and put them in his inner pocket, just as her began to slow down for the border passing. She reached out for her sunglasses, but they didn´t need to stop, just slow down. She could see all the signs leading towards Berlin, but he took an earlier exit. Began taking a number of smaller...

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Skating Rink

“Why you act like a girl,” Londarrien Rawls hissed as he skated past the slightly older reveler.“Leave me alone,” glared Hampton McKinney as he recoiled from the shove his bully delivered.“We should beat his ass,” snarled Hampton’s best friend Jasmine.“It’s not worth it. He’s in like the eighth grade and probably has a troubled home life,” the straight ‘A’ student played it off.“Well, you know I don’t mind.”“Yes, girl. Calm down.”“Sissy,” the taller-than-average junior varsity basketball player...

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Stuck Too

Stuck Too 1 It was an odd looking pebble; odd enough to cause Abigail to pause as she led her four year old son Sammie by the hand across the play park. Someone had left it on a picnic table at the centre of the little park and she found herself detouring slightly to get a better look. It had odd carvings on it and in the dark grooves something glistened that seemed almost like liquid. Abigail frowned, looking round to see if the owner was close at hand. She didn't notice the...

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