The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 1
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Randy was only on tap to pickup Rico and Luis -- which he did from Lucky's. Louise took Fred to Carpenter's -- and she didn't bother hiding where they were going, because he was going to know where the place was, afterward, anyway. Neither of them could find much to say, so the trip was mostly silent; there would no doubt be talk afterward, and CERTAINLY during...
Since this was a command performance from an audio and video point of view, Toby was obliged to be present, like it or not. After some discussion, Amy came, too -- which was probably a good thing, since Louise had a few touchy moments with Luis Garza...
Louise took Fred downstairs into the playroom and on into the bathroom to deliver a thoroughly enjoyable (for her, not for Fred) enema, before leading him into the curtained area. "So how ugly is this gonna be?" Fred rumbled, still feeling echoes of the pains the enema had caused in his gut.
Louise's lips quirked. "It's a little late for that, don't you think? Take your stuff off, climb up on the exam table and go with the flow. You've seen this kind of thing before -- from both sides..." She headed out into the main room, then upstairs, looking for Toby.
Toby and Amy were in the living room; Toby was hooked into the remote controls in the upstairs entertainment center. He was plenty close enough to control webcams via the wi-fi link. Louise eyed Amy but said nothing about her presence, moving on to, "How does it look, Baby?"
Toby poked a button on the laptop and video from the screen replicated itself on the big TV, showing a side view of Fred throwing his pants on the massage table and climbing naked onto the exam table. "Feet in the stirrups, I guess," he rumbled to himself. The audio came across clearly.
"So what do I not want to do?" Louise asked.
"You probably don't want to obscure this camera," Toby replied. "You can approach the table from the other side without getting in the way. I came in and spotted four cameras..." He flicked through a view from above the table at the foot end that caught Fred idly scratching his balls, then trying to extend the padded leaf at the head end of the table with his hands so his neck had support, then flicked to a floor-level view more or less centered on Fred's testicles, then last to a view from above and beyond Fred's head that also covered his crotch. "We should be able to get the penetrations, no problem." Amy said nothing; she'd been on the table thirty minutes before while Toby mounted cameras and wandered around with the laptop, making sure the views were the best that could be done from stationary positions. "All four are constant feeds, and I can zoom in if I see something that seems to beg for it. If you want to collect something special -- or just humiliate him more, I guess -- you can use this..." He pointed to a video camera on the coffee table.
Louise picked it up. "Can you talk me through this, Baby?" Toby gave a short refresher. A horn honked outside and Louise gathered up the camera. "We're on, I guess." She headed outside.
Opening the van doors, she climbed inside to deliver last-minute instructions, "Okay, I want to be clear on what we're up to, here ... Fred is downstairs on an exam table, naked. I'm going to blindfold him so you guys can arrive anonymously and get plugged in, then..."
"Then I fuck him in the ass!" Luis crowed, "Then I tell EVERYBODY he takes it up the ass! This is so..."
"No, Baby, no!" Louise cut him off, "You miss the point, here! Outing Fred might cash YOUR check, but we're looking at more than just you here! This is about blackmail; it's about me having a handle on the bastard to ensure that he does right by me and my boys, as well as the immediate revenge aspect! If you out him, he slips free and it's all over -- but if you don't, but you know his secret, that's a check that can be cashed more than once -- and by more than one of us! Understand, Baby?"
"You think about it for a minute, Baby. I'm getting this little party on video -- which means that it isn't just your word against Fred's. That little video is going to be dynamite -- and unless you blow the lid off the thing, it means you have an ongoing handle on ol' Fred and can twist the thumbscrews more than once, if you don't abuse things too much..."
Luis thought about it and his eyes glowed; Rico looked mildly disgusted. Louise caught it. "Second thoughts?"
"I made my choice," Rico muttered, "but I don't have to like it." Rico's dealings with Fred hadn't always been mutually satisfactory, which had led to Rico signing on with Louise -- well, that and Louise's bedroom skills -- but this wasn't the proper manner in which to repay Fred for the current sweet deal...
"You just feed his face, Baby, and be the strong, silent type -- I'll make your case for you," Louise assured him. "This is Fred's fault, anyway -- remember that. He probably expects you, too." She turned her attention to Luis, "Baby, remember this is on video, and we want Fred embarrassed. If you jam his ass you'll hurt him, and that'll probably be all well and good for you, but tearing him a new asshole with your dick is gonna be painful for YOU, too! I want you to think on this: What's worse -- more embarrassing -- a video of him howling while you tear up his ass, or a video of him getting a nut with you pumping away in him? What's the better video from the perspective of making him look like a butt-boy? If you're tearing up his ass and he's screaming and yelling, who is a viewer going to have sympathy for?"
Luis frowned. "So how do I get MY enjoyment from this?"
"Humiliate him. Taunt him. Say nasty things about what you're doing -- and how he's handling it. It'll actually be more effective than just hurting him. Call him a butt slut while you make him like it. Gloat. I'm sure you can think of something, Baby..." Louise eyed Luis sidelong. "Then, when he shoots jizz all over himself with your cock up his ass..."
Luis nodded. "Yessss ... Are you sure he will get off?"
"He will if you give him reason to," Louise assured him. "If I have to, I'll jack him or blow him -- we want him to cum. All right?"
"Yes." Luis nodded.
"Okay, let's go. Wait at the bottom of the stairs while I blindfold him, then get naked and come on in when I call," Louise directed. "Get plugged in and going, then I'll pull off the blindfold and you can start giving him shit, all right?" She waved and exited the truck, the men following.
At the bottom of the stairs, she picked up a blindfold and waved for the men to undress, then went behind the curtain to Fred. Playing to the cameras, she smiled and said, "Okay, Baby, I've got your surprise all organized so I'm going to blindfold you now while everybody gets set up." She wrapped the blindfold around Fred's head and tied it off. "This will only be a minute or two..." Going back outside the curtain, she got nude, too, and pulled on some rubber gloves, then collected a bottle of lube. "I'm gonna grease his ass," she whispered. "Luis, why don't you feed him some dick while I do it so you're nice and stiff when it comes time to do his ass? Rico can take over when he's ready for you..." Both men nodded and followed her behind the curtain. "Okay, Baby," she told Fred brightly, "I'm going to push that leaf back in so you can drop your head and give up some face -- then I'm going to lube you, okay?" Not waiting for a response, she circled and pushed in the leaf; Fred merely sighed and tried to get comfortable. Luis went around and pressed his half-hard erection against Fred's lips and Fred opened up while Louise circled the table on the far side from the cameras and drizzled lube on her gloved fingers. "There you go! Open up -- on both ends ... That's it..." Fred grunted softly as she penetrated him with a finger, but he was clearly working hard to be receptive. Louise drizzled more lube along the crack of his ass and started going for depth.
Luis wasn't gay by any stretch, so he started up lank, but there was the whole revenge thing going in his head and Fred's lips, objectively, felt good, so he stiffened up fairly quickly, the flanged head of his sinewy cock expanding to its full size. 'I've never had this one, ' Fred realized. It was different from Rico's, definitely. 'Shit.' There was someone else involved, and Fred figured he had a nasty surprise coming, obviously. Thankful that whoever it was didn't try to jam his cock down his throat, Fred wondered vaguely when the worm was going to turn; right now, Louise was busy pretending that he wasn't here under duress ... Louise introduced a second finger into his ass, then reached through and applied her other gooey hand to Fred's erection, surprising him. 'This is all too easy... ' Fred thought. 'Oh, SHIT! She wants me to get a nut!' Memories of how they'd played Fernando flickered through his brain. 'Okay, there are gonna be head games. Fuck... ' The last couple of times, Fred had been on the delivery end; now he was going to have to take it ... His cock didn't care; the rubber glove wasn't the perfect working surface for a hand job, even lubed, but it was adequate to get it started.
Luis, watching Fred's cock firm up, forgot himself and let out a chuckle. Louise was right; making Fred enjoy things physically would add to his humiliation -- and humiliating him would be extremely pleasurable, even without the feel of Fred's lips or ass on his cock.
Louise gave Luis a look, but it was time. "You ready, Baby? Come on over here and get you some man pussy..."
Luis unplugged from Fred's mouth and circled around between the stirrups, passing Louise as she shifted to the side of the table away from the camera. Rico stepped up and rubbed his erection against Fred's lips and Fred opened up to take him in. "Aaahhhh..." Rico groaned. Fred knew what he was doing; his mouth was hot and wet and his thick lips gripped his shaft softly as Rico worked it in and out.
"Okay, this is probably Rico," Fred guessed, just before his attention shifted to the flanged glans battering the door of his colon, using the lubrication and pressure to defeat the weakened defenses and expand Fred's sphincter. Blind, Fred didn't see Louise strip off her gloves and lay a hand on Luis' forearm, urging him to control himself and not jam his cock root deep in one powerful thrust. Luis was cooperative, however; the tight grip of Fred's sphincter was reward in itself for his patience in the penetration as it squeezed his glans. Luis popped through and stopped there, the tight ring of Fred's asshole clenched around his shaft at the base of the head -- the most sensitive area of his throbbing poker. Rather than push back and forth, Luis rocked from side to side, twisting, rubbing his enervated shaft against Fred's inner lining, working against its clutch to extract his pleasure.
Louise gathered the eyes of her two co-conspirators, nodded, and reached down to undo the blindfold, "Surprise!" She gave a little wave and Rico backed off so Fred could raise his head and see his tormentors.
Fred blinked a couple of times then muttered, "Rico." There was resignation there, but little surprise, if any. Luis gave Fred's ass a little bump and he raised his head. Fred's eyes widened, "Luis!" He turned to Louise, "Holy shit!"
"Surprised?" she crowed. "I knew you would be. When I discovered Luis, I knew there was no way he would want to miss THIS party!"
Luis took the opportunity to snap his hips, driving himself deeper into Fred's ass; fortunately for Fred, both his ass and Luis' shaft were well lubed. "This is a little different, eh?" he taunted Fred. "I don't do this, but since the ass is yours..." He started working back and forth, moving deeper into Fred's colon. "Or, maybe, I should say since the pussy is yours..." Puffing, he worked himself into Fred until he was balls deep. "Mmmm, yes. It's pussy, right? Man pussy? From a pussy man?" He took a few strokes, then went on, "Speaking of pussy, your old lady, she's pretty good, you know? Too bad you don't appreciate her. I appreciate her -- I LOVE to fuck her! You know why? Because when I fuck her, we're BOTH fucking YOU -- just like this ... What do you think of that, eh?"
Fred groaned. Louise had outdone herself; Luis was probably Fred's worst enemy! Luis had threatened Fred on a couple of occasions, angered over that silly bitch Juanita ... In the end, they'd stayed away from one another, in order not to come to blows -- and now, the little Puerto Rican fucker had his dick up Fred's ass!
Louise greased up her hands and started giving Fred a hand job to keep him erect; Luis' flanged cock head running over Fred's prostate was additive, as far as pleasure was concerned. Luis grinned nastily, "I hope you are enjoying this, Fred -- because I'm LOVING it! I may want to do this seven, eight times! How many times did you fuck Juanita after you convinced her that I was a diseased little pervert, eh? A dozen? Of course, I'm gonna fuck your old lady a bunch more times, too..." Luis pumped away a few times before adding thoughtfully, "You remember all of those nasty diseases you told Juanita I had? Maybe I have them, now. Maybe I'm gonna make a present of them to YOU now -- shoot them up your ass! Wouldn't THAT be a bitch? Maybe..." Luis threw a significant glance at Louise ... Louise looked back, poker-faced. "Maybe you ought to suck Rico now, so I can concentrate on enjoying my pussy, eh?"
"Shit," Fred grunted, "Shit, shit, shit..." He dropped his head back to accept Rico's cock.
"You better not, Pussy, because if my cock stinks when it comes out of you, you're gonna lick it off..." Luis snarled.
Fred just sucked Rico in; it wasn't worth adding to his misery to try to talk about it. Louise was getting her revenge -- in spades!
Jacking Fred's familiar cock and rolling his balls in her hand, Louise said, "Rico is kind of embarrassed to be here, but you know, you haven't always been that loyal to HIM, either. When you fuck people over, Fred, it comes home to roost, eventually. I like Rico -- you may have to get used to him, because I don't plan to give him up any time soon..."
Rico ran his hand through his hair and rolled his eyes; if THAT didn't put an end to any friendship he had with Fred, nothing would...
"Hey, Frederica, you getting' kinda loose, there, Honey," Luis puffed.
"Give him a little swat on the ass -- he'll tighten up," Louise prompted. "It doesn't take much..." The addition was to remind Luis that they were looking to pleasure Fred physically to add to his humiliation.
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"Okay, then," Lon announced. "I think we're all square. Everybody even got a cum -- except Mary, and I'm gonna discuss HER piece of this little fiasco with her later!" Sally slid out from under Fred and he collapsed; first the abuse, then the more pleasant second round left him physically and emotionally drained. Lon and Toby dressed quickly and Lon stepped up with some duct tape, "Gimme the arms, Man." Fred didn't argue -- he had nothing left in him, it seemed like -- he was a...
People who knew Teela wouldn't have known her the next morning. She 'went straight'; going easy on the black make-up, she showed up for collection in a cropped V-neck T-shirt and a ridiculously short but colorful skirt -- and pink flip-flops. Rick cocked his head, bug-eyed, "Holy shit! Is that it?" "Yep." Teela flipped up the ragged hem of the T-shirt to display her breasts and turned around and bent over to display a bare ass. "That's everything." "Better pack mace in your...
There was a knock on the door that Vince and Antoine were occupying on the first floor. Abigail stuck her head through the door and said, "Kids are starting to come in from the dance. I'm going to be busy, although I hope to have help. Most will be headed for the second floor, so if you stay down here any contact should be limited." Vince thought about it. "What if we want to go upstairs? Our shit is up there..." Abigail thought about it. "Well, you might want masks. He still isn't a...
Fred went upstairs -- and was unsurprised to find Candace. "Louise sent me." Candace nodded. "Let's take a ride." "Where we goin'?" "To look at a house. I need a work estimate. This will be a professional consultation." Fred nodded. "Let's take my truck." On the way to the bed and breakfast, Candace eyed Fred sympathetically. "Put you through the wringer, did they?" "Yeah," Fred grunted. "Louise had some built up -- that's for sure! Luis was worse, though..." "Can...
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Morning had come too early for Toby -- the requirement to turn out and deliver the edited Cindy and Beverly Show came only an hour and a half after he and Amy collapsed in bed, exhausted, after a torrid bout of lovemaking. It needed doing, though, so he cranked it out, then tried to go back to bed. It seemed like he'd only just closed his eyes when Ma came in and said, "Candace is on the phone -- something about a sign painter." That call brought good news, though -- not only could the...
The pair didn't talk about it, but the fact that Lon and Sally thought Rick and Teela might make a couple wasn't a dead subject, by any means. Teela had gotten it from Sally, and Rick from Lon -- and the strange thing was that they hadn't killed one another, yet ... Rick had been having a blast until he realized where it was all heading -- and that left him more than a little freaked! Teela went over the whole incident thus far in her head and came to a couple of weird realizations: First,...
The good news was that Arlene got the whole bound and helpless thing. When Robert bent her over the couch arm, the position was a little uncomfortable, and the tail was also an issue, but that was okay -- she deserved it. She was a little sore from the workout the previous evening, too, but she'd earned that. Robert, usually a gentle and considerate lover, vented his demons in her to a certain extent -- and THAT was okay, too. It was a confirmation that he wasn't fooling around or just...
Julio's patience had already worn thin when Bonita and Terence arrived to pick him up, and having to wear a blindfold to the clubhouse was an additional trial. But Terence grated, "You're not a member, so the location is secret -- period! There are probably two dozen other people in your boat and they don't bitch. We can go back..." "No, no, that's fine..." Julio would be an hour behind schedule, at least, if he went out now to collect some stupid slip. "Do you have something, or am...
When it was apparent that lunch was over, Candace grinned wickedly, reached up and undid her halter top, saying, "So, how about dessert?" That got three surprised blinks. "Something specific?" Toby asked cautiously. "I hoped to try out two of you," Candace replied, dimpling. "Beth seemed to have such a good time ... Lon, you can have Beth, of course..." She turned to Beth, "Give him anything he wants." Returning her attention to her son, she added, "She can cum, but she has to...
Rick and Teela approached things a bit differently. Of course, Teela never escaped Rick's grasp and both were soaked before they had been in the pool for thirty seconds. Repeated dunkings washed the magenta spritz out of Teela's hair and left her looking like a drowned rat, but she gave a good account of herself. Finally, breathless, they staggered to the edge of the pool, where Rick pinned Teela against the edge. Teela, laughing, said, "You know that tale you told me about Lon having his...
"Let me up! Why are the lights on?" Julio demanded. "Come on, Julio, we caught you talking hours ago." The voice came from the intercom. "We just didn't see any reason to cut things off before the two of you finished enjoying yourselves." "It's not fair!" Julio whined, "I was half-asleep!" "You two needed to be formally introduced, anyway," the voice on the intercom replied inexorably, "You KNOW you're going to want to see one another." "I don't know if..." Julio...
Candace presented Fred with a check for twenty thousand dollars at ten a.m. Fred called Rico and they started pulling permits, largely for plumbing and kitchen work. Candace called in Jiang Yi and Toby and Amy -- and Randy, who, as it turned out, was taking architectural drawing in school -- and began working on the detailed plan. Toby was in charge of electronic entertainment -- and surveillance. A portion of the servant's quarters off one of the back wings of the old house would house the...
"Mama! What are you DOING in there?" Terence roared, thumping on the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a minute!" Louise called, wiping her self down with a bath towel. She'd been in the bathroom for a considerable period, what with the shaving, and trimming her pubic hair, and the shower ... One bathroom for the four of them could get to be inconvenient. Throwing on a light robe, she breezed out the door, "Sorry!" "Thought I was gonna piss myself!" Terence grunted, rushing through...
Harmon entered his kitchen and froze. Noreen was standing at the stove wearing a T-shirt and panties, turning bacon with a fork, humming. He turned to Mack, "How did SHE get here?" "Donna? I brought her home." "Oh. I thought for a second she was Noreen..." "Wishful thinking, Pop?" Mack's eyes glinted. "Let's not go there," Harmon growled. Donna turned around, putting her unfettered breasts on display through the thin T-shirt. "Momma would probably be thrilled to...
Damian and Terence were totally lost, of course, but the others got it -- and Lon assumed a leadership role. Whistling, he gathered the others off near the pool edge while Candace sauntered toward the lounge chairs, the other women following slowly. "Okay, that's the game, then," he announced. For Damian and Terence's benefit, he clarified, "The excuse is suntan oil, but what this really is, is an opportunity to feel up the woman or women of your choice. Basically, nothing is off-limits...
Friday morning, Rick and Teela met Lon and Sally about a block from the construction site. "Ready?" Lon asked Sally. "Yes. Teela is going in with me," Sally replied. "Cool." Lon nodded, while Rick looked aggrieved but let it pass. "Toby's at the house already, in case this guy gets in a hurry -- but I'll be following as fast as possible." "Why don't I cover things here, and you can bail and get there in advance?" Rick suggested. Lon thought about it. "I...
Abigail's standard briefing for new arrivals included the statement, "There is some kind of a party that they're trying to get rolling in Dark Room One. Pay attention to the lights indicating what's in there and who is invited, so you don't get surprised. We're not gonna blame them if you screw up and then discover you're somewhere you shouldn't be." This narrative caught the attention of several couples -- but most took one look and headed elsewhere. Clint and Brenda, however, had...
"Okay, that's the easy part," Jean announced. Teela was reclining on her elbows at the side of the bed, her feet on the floor. Beside her was a towel and a washcloth. Jean was wiping shaving foam from her razor onto the towel, which contained ample evidence that Teela's hair was not naturally black, but rather a rich, dark brown. The pair had messed around a bit, trying to get a diamond pattern shaven into the unusually dense but relatively straight fur on Teela's mons -- the classical...
Julio Vasquez sat at the breakfast table and glanced around; Mama and Papa were elsewhere. "Bonita? That woman ... What did she look like?" Bonita eyed her brother and smiled widely. "You would be horrified, Big Brother." Pursing her lips, she added, "It was good, wasn't it?" Julio masked his irritation. "Perhaps." "Would you see her again?" Bonita asked. "I didn't SEE her the first time!" Julio quelled Gabriel with a glance. "You didn't answer my question," Bonita...
Jean wasn't really fooled, either; Candace's movements and her spastic clutching of her lounger went beyond mere pleasure at a massage. Despite the fact that Jean couldn't see her expression, she was sure of what the rest of her reactions represented -- and it brought her to the point of desperation! Candace shuddered a few more times, relaxed, stretched, and turned over, smiling at Beth. Looking up at Rick over her other shoulder (facing Jean), she murmured, "Now do my back..." adding...
Mary more or less expected her unknown sex partner to proceed straight to pressing his cock into her -- but Ray knew better than that in the first place, and needed a moment to recover from the blowjob in the second! Instead, he slid under her spread legs and swiped her unseen slit with his tongue. Mary inhaled a gasp! Cunnilingus was HIGH on the list of things she'd never had done to her and she was taken totally by surprise, believing as she did that 'nobody would actually want to stick...
Antoine's early childhood had been in Haiti -- his family had moved to the United States when he was five. In the neighborhoods where he had lived for the next several years, there was a lot of the whole overcoming the stigma of being black and coming into one's own in a world where white guys still generally ran things and everybody seemed to remember when great-great-granddad was a slave -- but Antoine saw a lot of this from the outside; it didn't really resonate with him, largely...
Fred sat in his truck, remembering the events that led to his peculiar interest in 'the other thing'... It was a big group, fairly well organized, with a decent mix of males and females and a nice place to go -- a local gym rented itself out for private parties. There was more to it than that, undoubtedly -- they had mattresses instead of just mats, and things were organized into different areas in a way that said that the gym owner was undoubtedly a member -- but so what? Fred and Louise...
"Okay, your turn, Man." "Hey! What the fuck?" "It was two minutes, Man, not until you finished. You'll get another shot..." "Shit." Louise Carter heard this exchange through the door to the small room in her small house occupied by her two large sons. God knew what they were doing ... In the background were moans and groans and other noises that indicated that they probably had a porn video up on the computer they shared. She and Fred had decided to allow that in order to give...
Julio Vasquez had struck gold early -- but it turned out to be iron pyrite -- fool's gold. Julio had discovered a hot little thing in more than a bit of a hurry to lose her cherry and they'd gone to her dorm and Julio had shredded her hymen -- then hung around to get that second nut. But the little slip was bony and seemed unable to handle the pounding, whining and complaining about how rough he was and how painful it all was. Julio lost his erection in the face of her upset and discomfort...
"You're gonna be mad, I'm afraid..." Harmon jerked as if he'd been electrocuted! Instinct told him that there could only be one reason he might get angry... "Noreen?" Her sigh confirmed it for him before her voice did, "Yes." Harmon was suddenly very tired. "Whose bright idea was this?" "There seems to be a list -- it's a major conspiracy. I don't think I was invited to put my two cents' worth in until long after they put the thing in motion. Of course, I didn't stop...
Fred got home about four a.m., stone drunk; Louise figured he must have slept it off some in the parking lot at the bar, because if the cops would have seen him driving at closing time, she would have had to pick him up from the jail. He was in no shape to notice her getting up for work two hours later... Lon didn't see how on Earth he was going to get through Saturday's little party -- but with any luck, Beth and Louise would be less horny, too, given the fact that they'd seen recent...
Ed was prompt -- and nervous. Adele took the twelve-pack of beer he brought from him and led him back to the kitchen. Despite the discussion over appearing in his work coverall, Ed was in a plaid shirt and very new blue jeans. Adele forbore comment. She was in a halter top and a skirt -- and if Ed got that far, which was questionable, he would discover a distinct lack of panties. Adele had gone around and around with herself over that choice, and she decided that she would deal with the issue...
By Monday, Amy and Toby were beginning to see the shape of the week to come. There probably wouldn't be a big blow-off party Friday night, due to the Homecoming dance -- but several couples would want to use the clubhouse for after-party assignations. Adults, on the other hand, were shaping up to be something they were going to have to deal with all week long... Donna and Mac wandered over to see Amy and Toby at lunch -- and indicated that they wanted a private talk. Amy and Toby were happy...