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"Are you getting out of here on time?"

I looked up to see my boss Barry Masters looking into my office. He wore the same cheesy grin he always wore on the nights that he would be coming to my house for dinner. He enjoyed rubbing it in that he was going to fuck my wife.

I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Bill Jaczwenski, pronounced Jacks-win-ski. Most people know me as Billy Jack, or just Jacko. I am a 35 year old account executive for a small time piss ant advertising agency in Houston Texas.

Now being an account executive in one of the large New York, or Los Angeles agencies would mean a lot of power and responsibility, not to mention money and respect. At BM and Sons it just means that I handle everything while Barry sits on his fat ass and reads those horrid bodice ripper novels. As if it isn't bad enough that he reads these books meant for lonely and bored housewives, he has to masturbate after he reads the love scenes.

So here's this douche bag sticking his head in my office asking if I am getting out of here on time, when he knows damn good and well that I will be. Since he hired Amy, an intern with an awesome set of tits, and an ass to match, leaving the office on time has been no problem at all. But since tonight is "the night" I told him I had a few things to finish up and that I would be out in half an hour.

"Fine. I'll go eat at The Royal Fork, but I expect you and Lynn to be ready when I get there. And Jacko, I do mean "ready."

"Ready" meant Lynne was to be naked and I was to be wearing my chastity device. I know most males wouldn't consider me to be a "real man" but I do what I have to do to survive.

I met my wife Lynne ten years ago at a Christmas party given by a local bank. They were Barry's largest client and their dedication to us is what mainly kept the agency afloat. Since I was the one who mainly handled their account I was invited to the party as well. Lynne was a teller in their drive up only branch.

I spent the evening making small talk with some of the personnel that I knew from my dealings with them. I was talking to the manager of the loan department about a planned golf outing they had planned for shortly after Christmas. It seemed that his usual partner was going through a rough divorce and had in fact been assaulted with his own clubs. Since Barry closed our office from Christmas Eve until New Year's Day, I agreed to play.

As I was talking golf with the group who were attending the golf outing, I began to notice a few women were gravitating towards our little gathering. We were discussing our handicaps when a well-developed blonde spoke up. "Hey Bob. Why haven't any of the tellers been asked to this outing?"

She was wearing the proverbial little black dress. Her bosom was truly testing the limits of its bodice and my eyes were locked on like a hawk on a field mouse. I almost didn't realize she was talking directly to me when she asked, "So what's your handicap?"

Now I am no neurosurgeon. Nor am I any kind of expert on the functions of the human brain. So I cannot explain why the only word to fly out of my mouth in response to her golf question was "Great tits."

Guffaws of laughter came from everywhere. I could feel my face turning red. "That's fuckin funny," said someone. "Damn why can't I come up with original answers like that?" asked someone else. The girl in the black cocktail dress and "fuck me" pumps gave a chuckle and then said, "Well I guess you will be in the traps all day."

Luckily I had the presence of mind to play it off as a joke. "I seriously doubt I'll spend all day in the traps. Not many scratch golfers do."

"Wow! Are you considered a scratch?" asked Bob.

"No, but it sounded good." This brought another round of laughter. I didn't bother telling them that I had been close to going to Q school before I got hired by Barry.

The conversation turned back to golf and I felt relieved that I hadn't made a complete ass out of myself. Barry might not have liked it much if I had. Soon the group went separate directions and I found myself back at the bar.

"Care to buy my tits a drink?"

I turned to find myself looking into the ice blue eyes of the little black dress' owner. "No, but I will buy their owner one as an apology for my Freudian slip."

She laughed and we talked the rest of the night away. When the party was over she kissed me good night and headed for her car. "I'll see you at the golf course sir. Just wait until you see what I wear."

I swallowed hard as I imagined her in some tight shorts, or a miniskirt bending over to pick her ball out of the cup. "If her ass was anything like her tits, the golf outing might be better than a porno." I thought to myself as I waved good bye.

I figured that Barry and his wife Joan were off fucking whom ever. The only reason they ever went to these things was to find new fuck buddies. I wondered if they ever fucked each other, and I had my doubts that Barry was truly the father of all of his sons that no one has ever met.

During the first month that I worked for Barry, Joan propositioned me four different times. In the end my morals and the fear that Barry would fire me won out and I never took Joan up on her offers. Truth be known I was probably also saved from a few social diseases.

Wednesday morning I went to the golf club and found the group from the bank. The day was damp and chilly so I felt sure that everyone would be in long pants rather than shorts. Having been born and raised in Wyoming, I wore shorts 90% of the year. Unless I was at work of course

Half of the people from the party didn't show up. They were trying to figure out how to divide up 13 people when I walked up.

"Billy! Damn glad you came," Bob said as he greeted me. "We thought we would have five or six foursomes, but as you can see, we are well short of that number. Do you mind playing in a twosome?"

I told him that I didn't mind playing in a twosome. I was profoundly disappointed that Lynn wasn't among the attendees. I was told that I would be in a twosome with Jerry Montez, a commercial loan officer, but when a member of the first foursome wasn't there at their scheduled tee time, Bob asked Jerry to go join them.

My new partner still wasn't there as the second group was about to take the tee box. Just as Bob was trying to figure out what to do he exclaimed "Ok, here's your partner Billy. Try to stay out of the traps." As the group began laughing I turned to see my partner approaching.

"Sorry. I got hung up trying to buy tees." I turned and found myself face to face with Lynn. She was wearing a purple fleece pullover and heavy knit yoga pants. While the pull over hid any hint of cleavage, the pants definitely displayed her curves. "Where is everyone?" she asked.

"First group is probably on the green by now," said Bob. "Do you mind playing in a twosome with Billy here?"

She gave me a wink. "Not as long as he brought his money."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We bet on everything. Usually during a foursome we bet drinks, or stunts, or whatever anyone is willing to bet. High stroke counts cost a person drinks at the turn." explained Bob.

"I hope you brought enough money Billy," she said. I didn't say anything.

Bob was laughing as he teed up on the white box. He hit what looked like a respectable drive and then the foursome was on their way down the fairway. Lynn and I made our way onto the tee box.

"Ladies first," I said as she bent over to place her tee. I was admiring the shape of ass as she bent over to make her set up.

"Stop staring at my ass pervert!" Damn! Did she have eyes in the crack of her ass?

"I wasn't even looking your way. I was watching your colleague hacking away in the rough over there." She stood up and looked down the fairway, where a guy was swinging wildly in the long grass about a hundred yards away.

"Oh," she said. 'I didn't mean that you're a perv by the way. I just figured that you were..."

"Yeah you figured I was staring at your delectable ass, I know."

She gasped, "Oh! So you were. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you buster. Just so fair's fair, I get to stare at you while you tee up."

"Ok," I chuckled. "I think you can go ahead and drive now, they are on the green."

She swung and drove the ball about 170 yards and turned to me with a smirk. "Top that Mr. Nice Tits."

I stepped up to the black tee box and set my ball and tee. "And if I top that, what do I get?" I asked.

"If you outdrive me from there, I'll play the back nine in my tight white shorts and tank top," she said wiggling her ass. I felt my cock beginning to rise and had to fight it. I had never driven with a boner so I didn't know how it would affect my swing.

I gulped audibly, and addressed my ball. Then she started cheating. While I was aligning myself she was making comments about my ass. Then she said she'd make me play the back nine in my underwear. Fortunately I was able to tune her out and hit a 280 yard drive that bent around the dog leg and came up 50 yards shy of the green. I turned and said, "I know your ass will look fantastic in them shorts."

All she could say was, "Shit!"

Needless to say I enjoyed watching her play golf in her tight white shorts and tank top. I also ended up not paying for our first three dates. Three months later we were an exclusive couple.

I found out early on that she thought that Barry was a jerk off. We were finishing dinner when she asked if there were any women in my office. Thinking that she was worried that I had a wandering eye I told her that the only woman was Jane, a 65 year old grandmother who basically answered phones and made coffee.

"I bet the creep ogles her chest anyway," Lynne said and chuckled.

I laughed when a mental image of Barry checking out Jane's rack hit my head. I pictured her slapping him with the big ass purse she carried with her everywhere.

I Lynne's parents at Thanksgiving. They flew in from San Diego and spent the week with her. I met them Thanksgiving morning and we all had the dinner that she and her mother had prepared. After dinner I offered to bring her a slice of pie. I instead returned from the kitchen with a ring on a pie plate and I proposed to her.

George Carlin once mused that people don't seem to get laid much at Thanksgiving. He definitely wasn't there that Thanksgiving. Once Lynne's parents had returned to their hotel, she proceeded to fuck my brains out.

We were married on a boat in Galveston that following May. My parents bought me a house in an upscale section of Pasadena as a pre-wedding gift. "That way if you end up in divorce court, you still have a roof, sonny boy," were my dad's words of wisdom as he handed me the keys.

I told them that divorce wasn't in my future but thanked them for the forethought. Lynne and I moved in after our honeymoon and settled into our life. During our first four years of marriage I could never complain about our sex life. Other aspects of our life, however, left a lot to be desired.

When Lynne and I got together, she was barely making ends meet. I assumed that was because she didn't make a lot as a bank teller. As they say, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.

I allowed Lynne to handle our finances for the first six months of our marriage. I figured that since she worked in a bank, she'd be good with money. I was wrong! It took me a year and a half to get us back to even afterwards. I was constantly paying the shut off notices rather than the utility bills. We had several long discussions and quite a few arguments. I even spent several nights on the couch.

Eventually our raises and my fiscal head got us a tidy savings built up, but it didn't last. Within two years we were back to struggling. Her paycheck covered most of her credit card bills. My salary went to pay everything else. Barry wasn't paying me near enough so I was getting ready to start spreading my resume around in hopes of a better paycheck, but I knew most reputable agencies won't count small time experience.

The week it all turned to shit started out just like any other week. After paying the bills, I had managed to buy food for the week and fill our gas tanks. I had even managed to tuck away a few bucks in case it was needed.

Work was fairly normal Monday morning until Barry called Walt into his office. I couldn't tell what was being said but I could hear Walt's voice gaining in intensity. In minutes they were screaming at each other. The only thing I definitely heard was Walter telling Barry that Marion and Joan were both worthless whores and that he hoped that Barry's cock would rot off.

I had no clue who Marion was, but Barry seemed to take his wife being called a whore in stride; probably because it was true. As Walt stormed out of Barry's office he made a b-line for my desk. As soon as he started approaching me, Barry was telling Jane to call the police. Walt got to my desk and said, "You better watch your back Jacko!"

I was about to ask Walt what the fuck I had done to him when Barry screamed at him to leave or he would press charges. Walt looked at him and yelled "Fuck you, you dickless son of a bitch," as he headed out the door.

"You better watch your back Jacko!" For the rest of the day Walt's words would play through my mind. So much to the point that I was dwelling on them and almost got killed by a fast moving truck as I got off of the beltway onto the feeder. I am grateful that his brakes worked better than my brain, or I'd have been a statistic.

When I got home the first thing that struck me was that Lynne was already home. Usually she worked until seven. I walked into the house to find her lounging on a new white couch. That couch had not been in my living room that morning when I had left for work; neither had the matching love seat and easy chairs.

"Hey baby," she said. "You like? I called off work today and went shopping at that new furniture store over in the Galleria. I fell in love with this set and bought them on the spot. Are you mad honey?"

"Were they free?"

She scoffed. "As if. I got a good deal though for opening a new account with the store. I got us good payments."

All I could do was smile. I knew that if I opened my mouth a torrent of vulgarity would flow and we'd have a war all night. Instead I smiled and went into the den to figure out just how bad she'd just made things.

After I'd figured it all out I knew there was no way I could take a pay cut to move to a new job. I hated the idea that I was going to have to slave for fucking Barry. The only upside was the fact that after Lynne bought something like this I got some pussy. I might just take her ass for this.

After dinner we were sitting on her expensive purchase watching TV when I started making my moves. I started sucking her earlobes and trying to work a hand under her skirt when she stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Uh uh lover boy. We aren't doing anything on this couch, but if you take me to bed you can take me back there." She must have been a mind reader.

I was pretty much worn out when I made it to work the next morning. My head was still stuck on the sight of my Lynne flat on her stomach with a pillow under her hips, and my cock buried between her delightful ass cheeks.

I had pounded her into a sweaty ball of whimpering jelly before I was done. I was sure that she'd call off of work or call in late. She usually did after an all-night fuck fest like that.

I was tired but a few cups of coffee had me running full steam when Barry got to work that day. He gave me a funny glance as he went to his office. I never paid much attention to Barry so the look didn't mean anything to me.

Ten minutes later a most striking young lady walked into the office. Jane greeted her. "Can I help you ma'am?"

"AH yes. I'm Amy Stewart and I have a nine o'clock with a Mr. Barry Masters."

Jane picked up the phone and spoke. Then she hung up and said, "You may go on in Ms. Stewart," as she pointed to Barry's office.

I called Lynne later on. She was at home as I figured she'd be. "You didn't go to work baby?" I asked her. I was mildly annoyed but also a bit proud.

"I called in and said I'd be late," she replied. "Someone wore me out last night. Is that someone ready to wear me out again tonight?"

"You know he is baby," I said. After a few minutes we hung up. I was setting an ad up when Barry came out with the young lady in tow.

"Amy, this is Jacko, we call him Jacko because his name is too damn hard to pronounce. Jacko, this is Amy. She's taking Walt's place and will be following you around for the next few days." With that he turned and made his way back into his office.

"Bill Jaczwenski, but please feel free to call me Jacko."

"Amy Stewart," she said as she offered me her hand. I had the insane urge to kiss it like in the movies. "Can I call you Bill?"

I told her she could indeed call me Bill, and we set about the tasks of the day. I showed her the ropes and tried damn hard not to stare at her. Her scent was intoxicating. Of course I wasn't too surprised that Barry had to keep coming out and sticking his nose in.

I had at first worried that Barry might have hired Amy because she was a knock out. She soon proved to quite a smart woman who knew her way around the ad game. I was curious why she'd be in a Podunk shit-hole agency like Barry's when she could have easily been a star on Madison Avenue.

I went home that night and fucked Lynne again. We didn't pull the all-nighter like the previous night but we finished just as sweaty. I was pretty clear headed when I went to work the next morning.

Shortly before noon Barry called me into his office. I could tell he was irate but I hadn't a clue why. "You fucked up Jacko."

"I fucked up? What ... how?"

He pulled an ad for a car lot I had worked on and showed me. They were going to hold a drawing for $500.00. I remembered the ad well. When he showed me the ad it said the drawing was for $5000.00. Alan, who owned the lot was livid and was threatening to pull his account.

"I got him calmed down and we are printing a revised ad as we speak. I ought to fire you on the spot Jacko but I have a better idea. I want to meet you at your house tonight for dinner; I like fish by the way. I want to discuss this with you and Lynn before I decide what to do about you. I'll be there at 6:00."

I had no idea why the asshole wanted to involve my wife but I knew she hated him and would most likely do whatever she could to spite him. I didn't give it much more thought as the day went by.

"What does that asshole want me to do?" asked Lynne when I told her all about my foul up and Barry's idea.

"Dirty old prick probably just wants to stare at your tits for a while tonight, or wants us to join them for a swapping party."

"I'll cut your cock off before I ever let you fuck Joan Masters, buddy boy. And I am sure that if I ever saw Barry Masters naked I'd want to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon," she said as she shuddered.

I shuddered. "I'd cut my own cock off before I'd fuck her."

Dinner was good. I was a little pissed off that Barry kept eye-balling my wife. I noticed that she kept moving in ways to avoid giving him a decent look at her body. She'd even wore a long sleeved turtle neck sweater despite the late spring heat.

Once dinner was over Barry said "OK, we've had a great dinner," he looked at Lynn. "Very good dinner my dear." She blushed slightly and thanked him.

He cracked his knuckles and said "I don't know if you know this or not Lynne, but your husband nearly cost me a huge account today." I had to stifle a laugh. Lynne and I often talked about how Barry believed himself to be the "King of Madison Avenue," when he ran such a penny ante little agency.

"I see no reason to punish him if it was saved."

"Because my dear, he needs to learn not to be distracted by the new young lady in the office and concentrate on his job."

Lynne threw me a look as I scowled at Barry's words. He knew I had never been anything less than professional. I had told Lynne all about Amy as well. I might have downplayed her attractiveness, but Lynne knew I wasn't interested.

"What do you propose we do to teach him Barry?"

"I propose we fuck right in front of him."

I was stunned. My mind was screaming that I should get up and beat the living dogshit out of Barry whether I needed a job or not. Lynne looked as if He had just asked her to eat a bucket of pig shit. I almost laughed at her look of revulsion. Barry however seemed to not notice.

"That's a lovely offer Barry," she said in a placating voice. I was instantly reminded how silly the thought of her ever giving in to him was. I knew she'd shoot him down in flames.

"There are two problems with your offer though," she continued. "First, I am sure my husband would divorce me in a heartbeat for even considering it. Second I only have eyes for him. I say we forgive and forget and move along with our lives."

"He wouldn't divorce you Lynne. Most men fantasize about seeing their wife fuck another man."

"I don't," I chimed in but Barry carried on with aplomb as if I hadn't even been in the room.

"If he divorces you my dear he ends up paying for you to live in this house until you decide to marry someone else, and then you get half of its value from him. If he divorces you I'll fire him and then he'll be hard pressed to meet the large alimony payments you would be due to receive. You have him over a barrel my lady."

"Look Barry," she said. "I love him and I know he loves me. Why would I want to hurt him?"

"You wouldn't hurt him. You'd only be taking control." She looked unsure so he continued. "Do you mean to tell me Lynne that you like having to have his approval to go out with your friends? You have to justify buying something pretty for yourself? Do you mean to tell me that you aren't even the slightest bit ready to make him crawl for you?

"Lynne what I am proposing will give you absolute control over him. All you have to do is tell me that he isn't toeing the line, and I'll ruin him. I can make sure he never works in advertising again and he'll have to work several jobs to stay out of prison.

"Not to mention the fact that it will improve your sex life by leaps and bounds. Think Lynne; not only could you have sex any time you want, but you could have sex with any guy you want. Jacko there will eventually realize his love for you goes deeper than mere sex. He'll be happy to see you fulfill all of your fantasies. And, when you do allow him the enjoyment of your body, he'll appreciate it so much that he'll bend over backwards to please you. You can't lose Lynne."

"He's fucking nuts!" I thought, "Or stupid." I was wondering what exact words my wife would use to shoot him down. I was sure he'd fire me after she lit into him, but it would be worth it. I would also track him down some night, ring his doorbell, and kick the shit out of him.

Needless to say I got the shock of my life when she asked, "What are we waiting for?"

I just sat there in shock. I kept expecting her to start laughing and tell him he had been sucked in. Usually when she did that to me she'd go for an old term and say "Psyche!"

Even as they were stripping each other I expected her to call the joke off. Finally I got pissed and grabbed Barry by the scruff of the neck and began frog marching him out of my house. He was chattering on about firing me and suing me for assault when Lynne hollered from behind "Damn it Bill you stop right there!"

"What? You can't be fucking serious Lynne. I know you can't stand this bastard."

"I am serious Bill. You almost fucked his business up and he isn't going to fire you, so this is the least I can do."

"You best stop this foolish bullshit right now or I will..."

"You'll what? Divorce me? Fine we'll get a divorce and then you can work your ass off in menial jobs trying to keep my standard of living high enough to keep me from having you thrown in jail."

"And I'll have you locked up for laying your hands on me," chimed inn Barry. "I was going to make this easy for you, but now you have to get in here and watch."

"I'll fucking ki..."

"You'll do nothing. You'll sit back and take it. You have no other choice. Cuckolding or prison? Come on Lynne; let me show you how a real man treats a woman."

I'd like to say that Lynne came to her senses and tossed Barry out on his ass. I'd like to tell you that she laughed when she saw his pathetic cock. I'd really like to not tell you how she actually squirted when she came.

When all was said and done Barry left, admonishing me to be on time for work in the morning. If I hadn't been broke, I would have bought a pistol that night and sent two certain people to meet Jesus.

Lynne came out of the bedroom a little while after Barry left. I was sitting on the new expensive couch. "You can stop sulking Bill. It's over for tonight. Come to bed."

"Fuck you. I'm not sleeping in that bed ever again. I'll sleep on the couch. I'm sure glad Barry doesn't turn you on. If he had you'd have fucked him on the table and then I'd never be able to eat."

"Look. I'm sorry Bill, but I ... I don't know. He was talking about all of the power I'd have and it turned me on immensely. I think he's a disgusting pig, but he had me so hot that I was ready to explode."

"Yeah, the way you were urging him on and telling him how fucking great he was sure made you sound disgusted. And telling him he was better than me? That was so fucking out of line. Unless you have been lying to me about how good I am, and there was no way he's bigger. I've seen bigger cocks on new-borns."

"Come on Bill. He wasn't that small."

"What? He makes me look like a fucking porn star. I had to look twice to see if he HAD a dick. Of course the way you were carrying on, I would have thought you were fuckin' Long Cock Magee."

"Yes I enjoyed it. Having power and humiliating you was a huge turn on for me. Seeing you humble and powerless got me going. Even talking about it makes me horny, come fuck me baby. I need it. I won't tell Barry."

"Get bent whore. I can't even look at you without feeling betrayed, anger and revulsion. No fucking thank you."

"Come on Bill. I am sure Barry won't keep this up for too long."

"Once was too long. I'm here still only because I am between a rock and a hard place. I'm still here because I have no options," I said trying hard to keep from crying in front of her. "You fucking humiliated me. I have to look at that asshole everyday now knowing he thinks he's a better lover than I am. I have to deal with knowing that he took the one thing in this world that I held truly precious."

I lay on the couch and crossed my arm over my eyes. I heard her shuffle off to the bedroom. I couldn't even think straight. I knew there had to be a way out of my predicament, but I couldn't see it.

I went in early to work and tried to get to my tasks. I was doing well until Barry came in and shot me a smirky grin. It took everything I had not to walk over and smash his smug face. I didn't know exactly how I was going to deal with the whole situation, but snippets of a plan were coming to me.

After doing a little research on the internet I knew what steps I had to take first. I needed to leave work early. That would be no problem. I also needed Lynn to be at work. She probably was, because Barry surely didn't wear her out.

I spent most of my morning on the internet locating the things I needed to turn the tables on my wife. I would lose my job but I wouldn't lose my home. I located several places in Houston where I could get what I sought.

Around noon I went to Barry's office and told him I was leaving. "I never said you could leave early," he said.

"Yeah you did. I made this appointment three weeks ago and told you about it then. I cleared this with you long before I made the appointment." I was lying through my teeth but Barry never remembered things. Jane usually conned him out of three weeks' vacation every year.

He stared at the wall stupidly for a minute and then said, "OK. Yeah I remember. GO ahead but you better be at home when I get there this evening."

"What? No one ever said..."

"Jacko, this was set up last night. Maybe if you hadn't been sulking you would have known. I'm also going to have a surprise for you. I know you hate me, but that just makes it sweeter."

"I don't hate you Barry. But I can't say I'd piss on you if you were on fire."

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"You did say 'anything, ' didn't you?" Kevin had slid into the bed only a moment ago, cozying up behind me, his front pressed to my back. He was naked and ready. As he whispered his somewhat cryptic question, his right hand caressed my side—slowly, gently, his fingers tracing a long line from my thigh to my breast and back again. He knew what he was doing. I opened my eyes and looked at the wall. "What'd you have in mind?" I asked warily. But he wasn't giving out information....

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Chapter 1 Laurie opened her eyes wide open as she woke up. She couldn't believe what had happened the night before at all. This skinny geek Gary had come over to her dorm room, and she had had sex with him. Not merely that, but she had a clear recollection of begging him to fuck her in the ass. What the hell was going on? She got out of bed, got herself a glass of water, and tried to recall what had happened. It had started last night a bit after eleven. There was a knock on her door while...

3 years ago
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CONTROL --------2012 :Written by Jo AND Lyn, and we're still BESTIES, five years on. This is more than can be said for Nick and I, you will not be surprised to discover.cockSO, TO SET THE SCENE- all this is most important, and without you understanding the relationships, gentle reader,the story would have no impact whatsoever.So: I was married to Nick, with three c***dren. I was taking numerous other lovers, often in the company of my best friend, Lyn,and very much INCLUDING Lyn.Lyn and I...

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While I was looking at Bullchat, I spotted a profile that said "Looking for straight guy who wants to give up control". Intrigued, I said hello like the profile. He said he wanted someone under 50, but I hit him up anyway.Soon I got a reply asking for a picture, which I sent. He talked about how he like taking control of straight guys and playing with them.We figured out that we were on the same page and talked about various scenarios that we could play out. Eventually we decided that I would...

2 years ago
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I arrived early to Mark and Christie's place. I wanted to chat with them both before the party. To put it simply, I was nervous as hell. Yeah, ok I knew I was sexy, after years of turning heads and almost causing accidents, it finally sunk in. Despite that fact I was still self-conscious. Christie laughed as we talked, "Hon I only wish I had your figure. You'll do fine." She proceeded to tell me about the first time she was a center and about how her nerves almost got the better of her. Granted...

1 year ago
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"This fantasy is all about control, in some ways. It's not what you think though - well, actually, let me just explain the fantasy first, and then you'll understand it better. "I don't have a good lead-in, I realize. I always get so caught up in the "fantasy" part of the fantasy that I don't think about the mundane things, like how we get there. So you're going to have to bear with me, okay? "The place it starts, in my mind, is with us sitting on a bed. It's not my bed - we're in...

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Jan had huge tits at a young age. She learned that the males loved big tits and she could use them for most anything she wanted. She grew up with her dad sucking her moms huge tits. He would lift the moms shirt and suck on her nipples anytime he felt like it. Her mom used her tits to get what she wanted from her dad. Jan did not realize how much her father hated the way her mom used her body for sex at her terms. When Jan was in high school her mom told her "Your dad knows the only way to my...

4 years ago
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While I was looking at Bullchat, I spotted a profile that said ‘Looking for straight guy who wants to give up control’. Intrigued, I said hello like the profile. He said he wanted someone under 50, but I hit him up anyway. Soon I got a reply asking for a picture, which I sent. He talked about how he like taking control of straight guys and playing with them. We figured out that we were on the same page and talked about various scenarios that we could play out. Eventually we decided that I...

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There was no strange lightening bolt, no mysterious dream, no dull lamps, just a sudden, inexplicable feeling of power while riding home after school on the bus. As an eighteen year old with no control over your life this undeniable surge of power is all consuming. You feel you can enact every fantasy you've ever had, no matter how crazy, debase, or pointless it may be. You're somewhat logical though, so you decide you need to test things out first. You start with yourself, toning out your...

3 years ago
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I love the way you look at me I feel the pain you place insideYou lock me up inside your dirty cageI like it when you chain me to the bedI need to feel youYou need to feel me I love the way you break my skin i feel the hate you place insidei need to get your voice out of my head, Cuz I'm the guy you'll never findI think you know all of the rules, There's no expressions on your faceI hope that someday you will let me go, Release me from my dirty cageI love the way look at me I love the way you...

1 year ago
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"Finally," sighed Hanna Cord out loud, "the last appointment of the day!" And it had been a long day, up at six, first appointment at 7:30, drive thirty miles through heavy traffic for her ten o'clock, well, it was enough to frazzle anyone! Just as she was about to get out of her new Lexus, her portable phone rang, "Hello," she answered, "who is it!?!" "It's me," said a stern male voice on the other end of the line." "Sir David," Hanna replied softly, "how can I serve you!?!" His reply was...

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You wake up. You can help but feel like something about you has changed. It's weird but you can figure out what the change is. You get up and walk into the hallway. You notice your sister is gone and your stepmother is sleeping on the couch. You wish she would make some breakfast for once. She wakes up and enters the kitchen. She sees you. " hi Adele" that's her name. "Hello master" you question her choice of words she has never been one to joke around with you much so you really wonder why she...

Mind Control
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       When you wake up bound to the bed frame and realize that this is the best you could’ve asked for, you know that you’re broken. The question is whether it bothers you or not. For me, waking up with my wrists and ankles encased in steel, warmed from my body heat over the course of the night, is a pleasant morning. Squirming, a slight moan works up my throat. Last night’s invader is still firmly in place, stretching me deliciously.        Many men claim that they can get ‘rock hard,’ but...

1 year ago
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It had been a couple of days since our first visit to the sex shop and myself and my wife Lynn had done little else but discuss how we had both found ourselves tied up and used by the gorgeous assistant whose name I discovered on the way out was Helen.We had agreed to return on Saturday night and we were both in a permanent state of excitement as we counted down the time to our visit until it was a matter of hours before we were due to set out."Right", said Lynn, "Let's make an effort before we...

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I’m a young guy, just starting out on his own. I live in an apartment with a few other guys. Friends of mine. I have a good job, I’m going to school, and a beautiful girlfriend. Things are going OK. But my sexuality is still in its exploratory phase. For the longest time, I’ve jacked off watching shemale and crossdresser porn, reading gay and transgender/transsexual stories, and looking at Yaoi hentai. I have a thing for feminine guys. Because I’m curious, and it’s taboo, I think. I love the...

1 year ago
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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

4 years ago
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My Dream For Double Dick

Hi my name is sheela. This is my very first story which I am going to share. I am very big fan of ISS. I noticed everyone sharing their real story ISS, so decided to share my one too. I am 5’3’’ and weight 49kg and my body size is 34c-29-36. I have black hair and black eyes. My husband Rakesh is 5’6’’ and 60kg with dark hair and black eyes with a 7’’ cock. We have been married last six years we have a kid age 4yrs. This is my real story which is happened last summer when my husband out of town...

3 years ago
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The Slut Academy Part 4 Graduation Suma cum Louda

“Mildred, Graduation is two weeks away, what shall we plan as festivities?”I answered my adorable husband, “It’s all taken care of, James. Don’t worry your head about it.”“What do you mean? How can’t I worry about it? Do you realize that this will be our showpiece which will set the tone and demonstrate our capabilities? It’s critical that our patrons see us at our best so they can spread the word.”“Relax, James. Your role will be to do what you do best. All the rest is taken care of.”“What I...

Group Sex
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Mausi Ki Pyaas Bujaai

Hi everyone. Mera naam shlok hai aur iss par yeh mere 1st story hai waise toh mein is site ka regular reader hu. Aap mujhe apni feedback ya contact karna chahte ho toh par kijiye. I wil also satisfy any kind of girl or women with pleasure. Mein mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Story aise start hothi hai. Mere mom ki 3 sisters hai aur jo mere chotti mausi hai woh mujhse sirf 5 saal badi hai age mein aur unka naam hai meghna bohot gori beautiful aur hot figure hai uska. Waise i m 23 yrs old. Meghna...

4 years ago
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Learning With sis

Hal was a very frustrated boy!He was horny all the time and he thought about nothing else but having sex. The real problem was that he is a virgin. Other than his frequent jack off sessions there was no relief. You see Hal was extremely shy and had no idea of even how to talk to a girl let alone talk one into fucking him.On the other hand there was his sister Sadie. Sadie was discovering the joys of sex and loving each new experience. Her first sexual experience had been the year before when a...

3 years ago
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Isolated Hurt and Full of Despair

  Isolated, Hurt, and Full of DespairStephanie finally found a moment alone. It was the fifteen minute break between second and third period at Boswell High School, an old dinosaur of a building that stood in the middle of town. The students were cluttering the hallways and everyone was laughing, playing, and having fun. It was that lazy time of year at the beginning of fall, when everyone was more focused on the football season than school work. Boys were chasing each other and goofing around...

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Daddy Please Marry Me

Peter was 38. He was divorced and lived alone. He had an eighteen-year-old daughter, Tammy, who he adored but didn't see very often. His wife had left when she was only four and had moved to another city. However, Tammy was going to visit for the entire summer break and Peter was looking forward to it. Peter waited at the gate to the airport for Tammy and she finally appeared and ran towards him. Rather than look happy Tammy burst into tears on reaching her father, then held Peter very tight...

2 years ago
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The Shy Gets Horny And Submits Herself

I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened some months ago. I am a party gal and was raised in Kolkata, I moved to Gurgaon after finishing my graduation and started my career with an organization in its management department. I am a 22 year old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I am working under the head of my friend cum boss Danny,. He is a guy, 25 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As you...

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I was laying on the bed nude day dreaming about some of the nice round asses in pantsuits I had seen at work. Friday must have been tight black pantsuit day because if I had seen one pair of tight black pants I must have seen ten pairs. With only about two of them that I would not have fucked as hard as I could with my six inch dick. As I lay there thinking about these pantsuits I started to get a hard-on. At first I worried what the wife would say when she saw my cock. But then with her small...

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Summer Hire Ch 13 Part 1

Pony RideMelissa walked out of the exercise studio with a towel around her neck, her martial arts jacket bundled up under her arm. Mike had told her it was called a judo-gi and had shown her how to tie it into a tight bundle using the long cotton belt.She was tired, but not as exhausted as she had feared. In fact, she realized she felt energized. Learning from Mike was very different than the session with Amy. “Mistress Amy,” she quickly corrected herself.Walking back to the house, she...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Daisy Stone Vina Sky You Want Me Too

Daisy Stone and Vina Sky are hanging out in the kitchen as Daisy shares information about her husband, Tyler Nixon. As soon as Tyler walks over to shake Daisy’s hand, Daisy knows that Vina will be sharing her man whether she likes it or not. Tyler leaves to take a shower and Daisy bides her time before sneaking into the bedroom while Tyler is drying off. Stealing a kiss from her friend’s husband, Daisy lets her hand slide down to the obvious desire that’s poking out from the...

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Thief in the Night

The moonlight silhouetted her curvaceous little frame as she seemed to almost flow like liquid to the car door. Like me she wore all black but her hair shone a deep red as it was whipped up by the gentle breeze. Her sleeveless blouse was barely held closed by two buttons that strained desperately and did all they could to maintain her modesty. As she pushed herself up against the vehicle I could see the creamy flesh of her flat stomach perfectly contrasted with the black blouse and the black...

4 years ago
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BlindsidedChapter 4

It's funny, I suppose. When you've changed so much, you don't expect anything else to remain the same. I drove around the town square and nothing had changed. Well, I had changed, quite a lot. I had arrived in town the night before and stayed with Evie. Truth being stranger than fiction, we had spent the night in unsullied chastity, even if there was only one bed at her place and we had both slept in it. The spark between us that had flared up so brightly for that one evening had pretty...

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Trip to South Texas

I wanted to visit a friend down in Brownsville and thought a bus trip would be fun. Boarding the bus I found it almost empty and sat at the back. An older gentleman came on and took a seat across the isle from me. After a few minutes and only a couple of people got on the driver closed the door and pulled out. As we pulled up on the freeway the driver turned off the interior lights making it dark with only the freeway lights shining in. The older man asked where I was going, I told him...

2 years ago
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The Irish Cutie and the Viking Priest

The Irish Cutie and the Viking Priest My Irish Cutie from New York will remember this well! ------------------ Standing before the Viking tent in full costume I had a great view of the crowd. Lots of people were in costume and it was plain that that beer vendors had been having a banner day as groups of revelers made their way from shop to shop and venue to venue. I pulled up the two foot cow’s horn and blew a mighty call that echoed through the village of Lesser Willy Nilly. I watched as a...

1 year ago
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Part 1 true story

Mums story part 1 

I am Paul's mum this Is my story. It all started when my ex left me to bring up paul all on my own . I struggled to be a single parent we both became very close and did everything together and paul never went with out anything. As paul was growing up I noticed he was growing up to be a nice young man and when I used to bath him his penis would get bigger when I washed him and it turned me on knowing I made him grow . As paul got older he took a bath buy him self . I missed...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

2 years ago
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Mrs Smith Part VI

Mackenzie:"What the fuck are you up to now?" I asked, stunned."Just checking out your toys. I was wondering which one you used last night when you called out my name""You bastard. Were you listening at my door?""No, actually I was in the room," you lied, "I was hiding in your closet using my phone to tape you. I'm sure my friends would love to see it""Why do you always have to ruin everything. I was so happy with what you did to my boss that I was going to give you a treat anyway. You don't...

3 years ago
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Before me sat someone who had never had that wild careless abandon yet she licked her lips suggestively at me telling me she had, an act i could see by her over the top sexiness. Again she licked her lips, her young want-to-be whore's mouth, all painted up along with the rouge on her cheeks. She had no idea what she was trying to get herself into. I didn't feel like teaching her the finer points from my experience, she was the type to believe because she was doing-that she was bad and got...

4 years ago
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Hell HoundChapter 02

After about three years Uncle Chuck drives a large single frame truck out of the workshop and over to our house, he calls it a Road Dog. Being a Saturday morning we’re all at home, mainly because he asked us to be there. The truck is a three axle one: forty feet long by thirteen feet high with a width of eight feet and the truck’s bed is twenty-seven feet long. Dad and Uncle Chuck are soon arguing over the capabilities. The maximum load for such a truck is sixty thousand pounds, including the...

1 year ago
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2014 A 50 Year Sex OdysseyChapter 34 Moving Ahead Full Throttle

The excitement of the week had drained me – both mentally and physically – enough that I crashed at 10:00pm Saturday night. But Sunday was a new day, and after a full breakfast (hotcakes included), and a long shower, I was ready to rock. It was cloudy and cold, making the bike ride to Mary's house a chilling experience. Both cars were there, when I rode around back and knocked. Mary opened the door with a lightly sarcastic, "Well ... remember me... ?" Before I could come up with a clever...

2 years ago
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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolWednesday part 3

Open House was hardly a new experience for me; I've done three of them so far. But in some ways it was utterly new, because for the first time, I, Arie Chang, was naked in school. Naked in Open House. And boy, did people stare. I was just glad that none of the parents could see my scars. We musicians were the opening act, so we had to be seated and ready on our metal chairs under the gaudy yellow-white neon lights before Dr. Zelvetti went up on the little stage that had been erected...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Angel Youngs Take It From Here

It’s Angel Young’s anniversary, and she has a bit of a surprise planned for her hubby. Decked out in sheer lingerie that really highlights her incredible body from her tits to her slim belly, Angel lays down to snap some naught selfies. She sends her photos to her husband, along with texts begging him to come home. Angel’s husband bursts her bubble by telling her he has to work. When Angel hears about her husband’s plan, she is disappointed but open to taking care of her...

3 years ago
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Backyard TLC

Just wanted to tell you all about the day I had recently while working for my Sister In Law Becky. I was over at her place doing some yard work. Cleaning up weeds, stacking firewood, just basic stuff her husband doesn't do. Getting lots of things done on a hot summer day around her place for her was always something I was happy to do. A couple of the times I worked at her house, she would come out and sunbath. About mid afternoon time, I noticed her outside on the deck, laying with her...

1 year ago
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The day started like any average Saturday morning, my GF was at work and her daughter and stepson were both out to the Mall. I sat at the computer for a while watching porn flicks and was getting quite horny as I watched. The phone rang, it was my neighbor Linda. She said "I hate to bother you but I was wondering if you had the time to come over to help me move some furniture around, my son isn't home and it's too much for me to do alone." I told her I would be happy to help her and that I...

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For several years I had fantasized about my wife Trixie being part of a threesome. I finally set it up on New Years Eve and Day (2015/2016). I posted a personal ad on a swinger's web site asking for a single male to be part of the experience. A military man named Jim replied to the ad and we set up to meet him at New Years Party at the Hotel . We weren't sure if we were ready to go through with this and told him so, but we wanted to be ready if Trixie got turned on. Trixie is 50 years old but...

3 years ago
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Journal of an AgentChapter 1 Rachael Leigh Cook

Following the death of my father, I became the inheritor of his business as a Hollywood agent. I hadn't known too much of my father, because he left my mother and I when I was 3 to pursue his dreams in L.A. and Hollywood. Having not received a birthday card or even a call in over ten years, I wasn't exactly excited about the idea of inheriting a business. I had just graduated college with a degree in English and was looking forward to finding a job as either a columnist or a teacher or...

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My Cousin Took Advantage

Hey guys! My name is Simran. I am a 1990 born girl and I am pretty crazy for sex. I mean going a week without sex is really a challenge for me. Describing me now I am 5’8” tall and d cups boobs with a figure 36 24 34.Now coming to the story, the story is of the time when I was studying in college in Delhi University. We had a three days straight holidays but my home was far enough that going there was a waste. So I decided to pay my cousin in Noida a visit. So Friday evening I took a bus to...

2 years ago
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Vadina tho oka roju

After a long time, I’m writing a new story, this happened between me and my bhabi (vadina). My mail is I stay in Hyderabad. So coming to the story okasari ma family function lo ma vadina ni kalisa oka 2 years tarvatha ,thanu chala change aiyindhi after marriage so chala sepu casual ga matladukunam about family and job. Na number adigindi so ichesa number dinner tarvatha vadina ki anna ki send off ichesam valaki flight time avthundi ani. Naku tana meeda em feelings levu but thanu chala...

1 year ago
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Erotic Dream Cream Catcher Ch 02

After four days and four sensual nights I believed in the pleasures of Steven. He was inventive in bed, he enjoyed the ceremony of being tied. We found out I didn’t. I went hysterical it made us both laugh later. We shared more of ourselves to the other. The afternoon was turning out to be a lazy one. I tuned in the television flipping through the channels. I was about to turn it off when the last station caught my eye. There on television was a woman performing oral sex on her partner. I was...

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