Resort Weekend pt2
- 3 years ago
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The next morning Reece woke up stiff, rolling his tongue around in his mouth. His mouth tasted funny.
Oh yeah, its pussy. He thought with a smile.
But not Gias pussy!
Panic erupted in him, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked in the bed, Tasha was sleeping soundly beside him.
It wasnt a dream. He actually had done it. He cheated on his wife.
Gaping anguish threatened to swallow him whole now as his stomach lurched. He felt sick.
He looked around the room trying to get his bearings.
This wasnt his room. Where was he?
Thats right. He and Tasha had fucked for hours, finally making it to the company dinner last night some 45 minutes late. Each coming in a different door.
Then they had stayed out drinking with everyone, sneaking away when the party was breaking up, making out in a bathroom first then finally making it up to Tashas room. (Hers being on the 4th floor and Reeces being on the 5th.) They fucked each other senseless until they passed out.
Reece angrily raked his hand through his hair, grabbing a handful and yanking it hard, before a loud bitter groan.
Playtime was over. He looked at his cell for the time, it was 9:44 am. He hadnt slept in that long.
He checked to see if Gia had at least called him.
No calls from her but a few dozen calls and texts from Salvo.
Reece was just about to open a text when Tasha rose up beside him, wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his shoulder.
Good morning, sexy.
Hey. Reece replied somberly with a weak smile.
She began kissing him on the cheek and neck, but he pulled away and slid from the bed.
She gazed at his beautiful body, his cock was stiff and bobbing. She smiled reaching for it.
He stepped back out of her range.
What? she asked frowning.
I have to go.
You know why. he said indignantly. I love Gia, my wife.
That didnt matter last night. She said smugly, her eyebrow cocked.
Her words jabbed at his heart. He felt sick again.
You had to know this was just a onetime thing. he replied blankly, beginning to pace.
We can make it a weekend thing.
Reece hesitated.
Tasha smiled, she still had him.
NO! No. I gotta get home.
Cmon. Tasha said moving to her knees on the bed, the sheets falling away from her toned beautiful body.
Reece stared at her as if it was the first time. She was so fucking hot.
Shes not here. Shell have you for the rest of your life. Besides, you cant tell me you didnt like what we did. Hmm?
She stepped from the bed and walked to him, moving her arms up around his neck.
You know, I loved it. Her full lips curled to a sexy smile as she talked.
He took her hands in his and kissed them.
He was wrestling again. His thoughts churning. He had already turned that corner, so what was a little further.
I know, Tasha chirped. Lets just take an early morning dip in the ocean, just you and me. Well walk down the beach where its secluded and then just play around in the water. Then Ill be hands off from there on out. I promise. You can even go bring Gia back up.
I dont know.
Please, she pouted. I want you to see my new bikini.
Reluctantly, Reece agreed.
A half hour later, they hadnt made it halfway down the beach before they found one of the many dozen huge plush canopied daybeds that were dotted all over the resort.
And now Tashas turquoise bikini top was untied, her amazing breasts exposed and wobbling. Her bikini bottoms, that were basically nonexistent on her luscious round ass, were down around her knees, as she lay bent over on the daybed.
Reece was on his knees at the side of the daybed, behind her, lapping at her swollen honey dripping pussy lips.
His long tongue licked the length of her slick cunt all the way up the dark puckered button of her ass.
If Im going to hell in a hand basket, I may as well ride all the rides. Reece said to himself, standing quickly and coating his cock in her nectar that was mixed with his cum, which was still oozing from her pussy.
Tasha looked back startled as she felt Reeces mushroom head at the entrance of her ass.
Baby, tell me what youre gonna do. She moaned, her voice slightly muffled by the bedding.
Im gonna fuck you in the ass, girl. He growled, stroking her round ass roughly.
Do it, baby. Fuck that ass! Let me feel that fat cock in my tight ass!
Reece, reeling with unbridled lust at how raw and wild this girl was, steadied himself and grabbed Tashas large round ass cheeks, squeezing them hard, his fingers digging deep into her supple brown flesh. He began squeezing, kneading and pulling her ass cheeks apart in random directions, watching the sensitive flesh of her anal ring move and stretch.
Then he pulled one of her arms back and placed her hand on her ass, and she brought the other back to hold her ass open for him.
His cock still glistening with their combined fluids, he pressed the head of his pulsing rod against her ass again and slowly began his assault.
In unison, they groaned in lewd delight as he entered her.
Tasha began panting immediately. As thick as he was in her pussy, now she felt like she would faint as shards of raw erotic delight pulsated through her.
Reece watched himself disappearing deeper and deeper into her, her ring around his cock was so tight it was almost uncomfortable. Be he kept going, sinking deeper and deeper. Letting himself go to the maddening pleasure of fucking this insanely hot girl.
Soon he was rooted deep inside her, he paused as they both tried to catch their breath.Once deep inside her, Tasha released her ass and began furiously rubbing her clit.
Then without warning, he began to stroke himself in and out her. Slow and steady, slow and steady. In and out, loving the hot gooey depths of her bowels on his cock.
Over and over languidly, he stroked in and out of her.
And again and again, she came hard and fast, like hitting a brick wall. While Reece kept stroking in and out, slowly picking up his pace.
Until he curled over her, breathing hot and heavy in her ear as she rubbed her clit and she felt his cock throbbing.
They kissed each her as best they could in the odd angle. Until Reece stood, his hands digging into her hips.
FUCK TASHA BABY, YOUR FUCKING HOT ASS IS SO GOOD! He shouted not really caring who heard him at this point and slamming into her as his cock erupted spewing coils of white hot cum into Tashas bowels.
She arched her back feeling the heated fluid filling her, sending another orgasm shooting through her whole body.
Reece slowly pulled himself from her as cum slid in clumps down her chocolate thigh.
Some ten minutes later Tasha and Reece came strolling up the beach, both having decided that Reece would stay the rest of the day and head home the next day. Then theyd leave this little tryst behind.
They were holding hands when they suddenly released each other seeing Salvo running frantically down the beach towards them.
I wonder what he wants. Reece said just remembering all the calls and text he had received.
Ill let you handle it. Im going to change. Tasha said stepping in front of Reece and grabbing his cock before she started jogging to the hotel.
Hi, Salvo, she said as they passed each other. Hmm, bye Salvo.
Hey whats up? Reece said smiling as Salvo reached him.
Salvo returned the greeting by punching Reece in the stomach.
What the fuck was that for? Reece chocked out doubled over.
Do you know how to use a damn cell phone?!
Ive been calling you for 6 hours!
Did you fuck Tasha?
Reece stood up with devious smirk spread across his face.
You, idiot! Salvo grumbled and punched him again.
Gias here. Salvo snarled through gritted teeth.
What? Reece gulped, the color instantly draining from his face. His knees started to buckle, as he felt light headed.
Gia. Oh, shit.
She got in late last night. I saw her wandering through the lobby after she checked in looking for you.
Did she see you?
Not until this morning when I was looking for you and calling you like crazy.
What did you say?
I told her we were out drinking last night and got wasted and thats why you werent in your room. And that you left my room early to get some fresh air.
Panicked desperation filled Reece, as he looked around for a way to escape.
Shes been walking the grounds looking for you, while Ive been calling you, you fucking stupid shit! How could you sleep with her? You had it made man. Salvo continued to grumble.
Reece couldnt gather himself in the whirlpool of his thoughts. He couldnt focus, he couldnt breathe! His heart was pounding frantically in his chest so hard he could feel it, hear it, as a cold sweat broke out on him.
Oh hooray here she comes, Salvo said out of the side of his mouth. Hey Gia, I found him.
His mouth tasted funny. No, it was pussy. And it wasnt his wifes. Reece turned his back to the approaching girl. Swirling his tongue around gathering up as much saliva as he could, then spitting it out. He did it another time before wiping his mouth desperately.
Then he got a whiff of his hands, they smelled like ass and sex.
He began wiping his hands off on his shorts.
Hey look Reece, its your wife. Hey Gia I found him. Salvo said nervously.
Reece turned around and planted a smile on his face.
His panicking stopped for a moment as he looked at Gia. He gasped, his cock lurching to life all over again.
She had her dark hair pulled back and off her beautiful heart shaped face, large rimmed sunglasses atop her head.
She was wearing makeup, more than she normally did. Not too much, just enough to accentuate her large sparkling hazel eyes. She had glossy pale mauve lipstick on her full lips, and large dangly earrings in the shape of stars.
She was wearing a red flower print string bikini top that barely covered her large breasts, that were bobbing nicely as she walked. She also had on a short flowered red sarong that showcased her lean, toned thighs. She was radiate and incredibly sexy.
You should have seen her last night, Salvo whispered seeing Reeces stunned reaction. I guarantee you, you would not have been with Tasha. Just ask Jordan. He was chatting her up all night.
Reece looked to the side of Gia, seeing Jordan talking to her as they both approached. He hadnt even noticed him walking with her until just now.
There you are. Jordan said with a cocky smirk as they stopped a few feet in front of the panicked man.
Reece didnt answer, just staring at his beautiful sensuous wife, who seemed to be scowling at him.
Hey, baby. Reece croaked stepping towards her before he stopped himself.
So you were out with Salvo all night? She said , cocking her eyebrow.
He hesitated a moment thinking whether or not to tell her the truth. Seeing Salvo then Jordan.
Yeah, we just started talking and drinking next thing I know, Im waking up on the floor in his room.
Gia stared at him, when suddenly her body relaxed and her face brightened with a smile.
As long as you had a good time, Barlow?
What? Yeah I did. You know me and Salvo always have a good time.
Yeah, I know. she said brightly.
You look great baby. Im happy to see you.
Im hungry, she said without responding to his statement, and turned heading back to the hotel.
What do you want for lunch? Reece said coming up beside her, but not close enough to be smelled.
What do you suggest? she said to Jordan.
Theres a place up here that has great burgers and stuff.
Reece looked back at Salvo wide eyed and confused. Salvo just shook his head and shrugged.
Ah, while you guys get a table Im gonna go upstairs and change.Im all sweaty. I was running on the beach.
You were running? Gia asked.
Yeah, a little bit. Trying to clear my head.
Reece was running now, up the stairs. His adrenaline was pumping so fast he couldnt wait for the elevator, and he ran up to the fifth floor in and into his room in no time.
He ran into the room and directly to the bathroom, falling to his knees at the toilet. He opened the lid and threw up. Thinking about all lewd crazy things he had done over the last several hours, he threw up again until only dry heaves remained.
He brushed his teeth without looking at himself in the mirror. Then he ran back out into the room.
He looked around. It had already been cleaned by the maid, but worse, Gia had been in there since last evening. He wracked his brain trying to remember if he had gotten Tasha to take all her things with her before they parted company prior dinner.
He went over a mental checklist and was pretty sure he had.
He pulled off his clothes hastily and bundled them together and threw them in the trash. They reeked of sex. Then he jumped in the shower turning on the water as hot as he could take it, scrubbing himself from head to toe, rinsing. The doing it all over, then once more.
As he stepped from the shower catching glimpse of himself in the mirror, he quickly turned away, running from bathroom.
He was taking long deep breaths as he rode the elevator down, trying to calm himself, gathering his thoughts, making a plan of action if there was one. He could see himself in the reflection of the stainless steel walls of the elevator and he stared at the floor.
He barreled out of the elevator bumping into someone waiting there.
Hey. Tasha said grabbing his hand.
My wife here. Reece said urgently pulling his hand away.
What? She said looking around frantically.
No, outside. Shes waiting for me.
Wh- when did she get here?
Last night, thats what Salvo was calling me about.
Reece glanced at her apologetically once more before he headed outside.
There he is. Salvo said, hating being in the middle of a growing disaster.
You must have been really dirty. Jordan said, his deep gravelly voice almost mocking. I hope you dont mind, we already ordered.
No, I dont mind. Reece said sitting down next to Gia. He looked at the back of her chair where Jordan had his hand draped across it.
Oh, sorry. Jordan said moving his arm.
Reece glowered at him as he leaned in to kiss Gia.
Heres a menu, Barlow. She said lifting it up to block his kiss.
Oh, thanks. He said gloomily, taking it, a lump forming in his throat. Are you mad because I went out drinking last night?
Not at all. She said smiling, but not looking at him.
Cause we can do something tonight, anything you want. You look won-
Hi all.
Reece almost came out of his skin seeing Tasha approach and sit down at the table next to him.
His eyes widened in panic as he looked back at Salvo.
You know what? My stomach is not doing well from all that drinking. Im gonna go lay down. Salvo said, throwing his napkin in the table and quickly leaving.
I dont blame him.Reece thought to himself.
Tasha sat back in her chair, lifting her sunglasses and looking at Gia. She was not all all happy with the changes the girl had made to her appearance. But that was neither here not their. Tasha wasnt finished with Reece yet and she sure as hell wasnt going to let his wife get in the way.
Hey Gia, I see you made it. Tasha said happily.
Yeah I did, not it time though.
What? Reece gasped looking at her, his pulse beginning to race.
I mean to catch you before you and Salvo went drinking last night.
Oh, right. He said smiling sheepishly.
What is everyone having? Tasha asked.
Oh, Barlow hasnt ordered yet.
Im having a Big. Fat. Round. Juicy stake. Jordan said slowly looking up at Tasha then cutting his eyes at Reece with a smirk.
Does he know? No. Salvo wouldnt tell.
Reeces mind began to race, thinking of where he and Tasha had been. Who could have seen them? As the night wore on they became more careless thats why they headed to her room.
Reece was numb, his thoughts swirling. His life was unraveling right before his eyes.
I love that bikini. Tasha said referring to the red print bikini Gia was wearing.
Yeah, red is Barlows favorite color. I thought he might like it.
I do, baby. I love it. I love you.
Tasha squirmed in her seat hearing Reece fawn over his wife and under the table she grabbed his knee.
Reece froze and sat up, taking a drink of water, while glaring at her and moving closer to Gia.
He felt himself starting to sweat even though there was a nice cool breeze wafting through the veranda they were on.
Reece couldnt stop his racing thoughts, regret circling at the forefront. Tasha was turning into more than a handful.
Shes talking to you, Barlow.
Tasha asked when our anniversary is. Oh, see, now Im embarrassed. Gia said with a slight smile. Its next month, on the 6th.
Reeces stomach lurched. He thought he would throw up again. He had never screwed up this bad in his life.
Wheres your wedding ring? Tasha asked.
Reece looked over at his wifes hand.
Oh, shit. Gia said looking around and wringing her finger. I must have lost it.
Were you swimming this morning?
Right, I must have lost it in the pool.
Reeces throat tightened as his hear sank.
She loved that ring. She loved it. Now she was acting as if it was nothing that it was lost. Maybe it was a sign. His life was over.
Ill get you another one, G. He reassured her as put his hand on the back of her chair.
Dont worry about it, Barlow. Itll show up. She said with a warm smile.
On the outside, Gia was smiling but on the inside, she wanted to stab him in the throat with a fork.
And that bitch. She said smiling brightly at Tasha.
I oughta bust her face in.
Gia was small and quiet but she had a wicked evil temper when pushed. And it was being put to the test.
She took a bite of her food to try to mask her rage.
Gia had seen the whole thing, walking the grounds looking for her husband, she had seen the whole fucking thing.
She had seen him fuck her, lick her pussy then fuck her in the ass.
I know this must be hard. Jordan had said. He had found her, as she stood paralyzed by what she was seeing.
But Im here for you&hellip, however, you want me.
Lizels words were ringing in her mind.
Dont get mad get even.
She looked over at Jordan as he ate now. She would definitely take him up on that.
After having seen the two, she didnt allow herself to cry. And it was all she could do not to go on a rampage in the hotel room, but she told herself if Reece told her the truth or at least attempted to then all would be forgiven. If he didnt, then Jordan would be getting lucky that night.
But Reece failed miserably. And now Gia would pretend everything was all right, be in Jordans bed before the night was over.
Inside, Jordan was laughing his ass off. Things couldnt have worked out better if he had planned it all. Gia Barlow was already his. He smirked as he stroked her leg under the table.
She looked over at him, smiling nervously. He could tell was still anxious about the whole thing. Cheating that is, but with Reece having lied so poorly and Tasha actually showing up like nothing happened, Gia was pissed enough to do anything.
Reece couldnt eat, he was just watching Gia. He did love her, very much. Even after all he had done that hadnt changed at all. Fuck, it had never been about anything other than sex, which was incredible, wild and shallow. It was no where near the amazing depths he had with Gia when they had been having sex.
Hed have to distance himself from Tasha, but she wasnt making that easy. Sure, she was still as hot as ever, but so was his wife and he loved her.
Hed have to tell Gia sometime too. Hed have to tell her sooner rather than later.
Gia could forgive most anything and she could put up with a lot but when she reached her boiling point, she had a horrible, horrible temper.
Reece shuddered. The longer he waited the worse it would be.
But what if she leaves me?
NO! No, he wouldnt allow that. He couldnt take that, he could take her screaming, ranting, breaking things, even slapping him. But not leaving him.
He had told Tasha repeatedly that he loved his wife, and he meant it every single time.
He felt sick again.
Suddenly, he felt something on his leg. He looked over at Tasha, her foot was gliding up his calf and in-between his legs.
He stood up quickly.
Let go snorkeling.
What? Gia said mid-bite looking up at him.
When I told you were we coming here, thats what you said you wanted to do.
I thought you werent supposed to go swimming after you eat. Tasha said.
He cut his eyes at her, then continued.
Well we can go for a hike. You like hiking, baby. Then we can go snorkeling.
I want to go to the spa, and get a backrub or mud bath. Gia said with a long sigh, stretching her arms over her head, both men stared at her breasts as she did.
Tasha scowled.
Ah, they have couples things here, we can do that. Reece said.
The spa sounds nice, Tasha chimed in.
It does. Jordan added. Unseen his left hand under the table squeezed Gias knee.
Reeces jaw tightened. Everything was falling apart, and Tasha was not helping.
Reece lost the battle as they all went hiking, then snorkeling.
The women had gone through the mud baths and were heading to massage tables.
As they undressed for their massages, Tasha made it a point to stretch and turn so that Gia could get good a look at her exquisite body, not knowing the she already had.
Gia, being about 4 inches shorter than Tasha had just as lovely a body only in a smaller package.
Tasha noted the girls creamy caramel colored skin, her berry brown nipples standing erect on her large swollen breasts. Gias little pussy was clean shaven. For a moment, she looked like a teenaged girl staring up at her.
What? Gia asked.
Nothing. Youre very beautiful. She said trying to hide her bitter tone.
Thank you. She said lying down on the massage table.
I still dont see what he sees in you. Both women said to themselves.
The women continued inspecting each other, under the guise of pleasant small talk. Trying to see what Reece saw in the other.
May I ask you something? Gia said to Tasha in the middle of the rub down.
Do you use birth control?
Ah, Tasha sat up looking around the room.
The two masseuses continued working as if they heard nothing.
Yes, I do. I have one of those control devices that you can leave in for a few years to prevent pregnancies. Why do you ask?
Just wondering. Jordan had mentioned you date a lot. And I was just wondering how you handled things she said with a sweet smile.
I wouldnt say I date a lot.
Well he said you dated him and several other people at your office, and even in the building.
Oh, did he. Tasha replied indignantly.
Its no big deal I was just asking.
Tasha was huffing, thinking on whether or not she should continue this conversation as Gia settled back down on her massage table. She decided not to.
The tense atmosphere lingered, but it didnt seem to bother Gia.
After pampering, they were dressing in their robes, getting up, ready to head up to their rooms and change for dinner.
He wont leave me, you know. Gia said pulling on her robe.
You heard me. Reece wont leave me. I dont know what youre planning or think youll accomplish. But he wont leave me.
Ah, Gia I dont know what you think is going on but-
Thats pathetic.
What? Tasha snarled.
To lie like that, its pathetic. You want my husband. Youve made that crystal clear. But he doesnt want you. Gia said calmly, leaving the massage room, and leaving Tasha to brood.
Jordan had already gone sometime ago. Reece was hoping for good, as he waited for Gia.
Reece was nervous about the two women being stuck in a small room together, and was relieved to see Gia come out unscathed and looking refreshed.
Did you have a good time? He asked walking to her.
Yep, I feel like I could do anything. Gia said stretching and walking past him to the elevator.
Reece looked back seeing Tasha. He waved apologetically, but she ran to him took him by the hand and pulled him into a small nearby alcove.
What are you doing?!He snarled in a hushed anxious voice.
I think she suspects something?
What? Why? What did she say?
She pretty much told me to stay away from you.
Well, considering everything, I think its best.
What? You promised me tonight.
That was before Gia showed up. Listen Tasha, I never lied about loving her. I never hid that from you. Shes here now and I want to spend my time with her. Reece pulled away from Tasha almost violently and headed to the elevator, leaving her brooding again.
Gia hadnt waited and was already in the shower when he got to the room. He undressed and headed to the bathroom to join her, but the door was locked. They had always showered together, prior to two months ago. She had seemed happier today, she was talking to him more he had hoped that the rest had gone back to normal to.
He sat beaten, on the bed, trying not to think. But what Tasha had mentioned kept playing in his head.
I have to tell her, soon.
Soon enough the water stopped and she emerged from the bathroom in a towel.
He just stared at her. She was so beautiful, as hot as Tasha was, she didnt compare to his beautiful wife.
Then why had he fucked everything to hell.
He tried to stop Gia as she was rummaging through her things for something to wear, grabbing her hands and leaning into kiss her.
Get your hands off me, Barlow. She said pulling away roughly.
What did I do? The minute he said it he was sorry he did, he knew what he had done. He was just hoping she didnt.
She didnt answer him though.
Besides, he continued trying to stay off topic. I told you I dont like when you call me Barlow. Its embarrassing to do that in front of people, especially Jordan.
Dont forget Tasha. she replied mockingly.
Reece tensed.
Anyway, it drives me crazy when you do that?
Who cares? Gia said pulling on a pair of tiny panties under her towel.
I care. Fuck, Gia cut it out.
You cut it out. Youre over reacting, Barlow, Gia said trying to calm herself, as she pulled out the beautiful form fitting red dress she was going to wear and slipped it over her head, letting her towel hit the floor at the same time. Reece hadnt seen her naked in two months and she wasnt going to start now.
The dress was off the shoulder and showcased her firm large supple breasts.
Im not overreacting, Gia! Reece said angrily grabbing his wife by her arm and turning her to face him. For the first time since she got there, he was touching her. And as angry (more so at himself) as he was it felt good, to look at her, touch her. He loved her so much.
He had to tell her, but how?
Get your hands off me, Barlow. She shouted pulling away and beginning to put on her make up.
Damn it, Gia. I fucking swear if you say it once more Ill fucking take you over my knee and spank your ass until its red and sore.
Gia paused for a moment, her body flooding with unexpected, unwanted arousal. She looked over at him, his green eyes flashing. She could easily see why Tasha wanted him, that same reason she wanted him. The same reasons she had loved him.
He was gorgeous and now so alpha male. She felt her pussy swelling and warming with her honey.
But she couldnt let him off that easy. Shed only hate herself later if she did.
Its your name isnt it? She snapped back at him, mussing her hair.
Its your name too, Gianella Barlow, he spewed, articulating each syllable in her name. And youre my wife. Dont forget that.
I havent! She shouted, turning and glowering at him.
He took a step back, his muscles tense.
Tell her now. He thought. But the words didnt come.
Anyway, you should shower, Reece. She over articulated his name for him. I left you some hot water.
She checked herself in the mirror and put on some strappy high heels.
Where are you going?
Downstairs, to get a drink.
Cant you wait 10minutes for me to get dressed?
Id rather not, she said striding through the living room. Then he heard the door open and click shut.
When Reece got downstairs, straightening the open collar on his white button down shirt and brushing off his black slacks that complemented his lean physique, Gia was talking to Jordan and Tasha.
Fuck. He thought. They were like parasites.
He couldnt get away from the two.
Jordan was dressed like a club going douche. The black jeans, the black tight t-shirt with huge ornate designs on the front and back.
Tasha was wearing an extremely short and tight, satiny, dark violet strapless dress with a bustier top that pushed her huge breasts all the way to her neck. It was much too much for a so called relaxing dinner, which she wasnt even invited to.
The dinner conversation was shallow and boring, but Gia smiled and seemed happy.
Reece wanted it all to end so he could be alone with his wife, hell, he wanted the whole weekend to end at this point.
Gia insisted on drinks for everyone afterward, and they headed to one of the many lounge bars on the resort.
Now, Reece was downing tequila shots like water as he watched his wife dancing very sensuously with random men and getting more heated by the minute.
Then there was Jordan. He had kept a safe distance but he couldnt keep his eyes off Gia. And it was eating Reece up.
Reece downed another shot, and sat up in his chair as Jordan approached the table. Gia was still dancing.
Im out. Jordan said taking a tequila shot. Gonna take a leak then Ill see you all sometime, tomorrow.
I hope not. Reece snarled under his breath.
Gotta a hot date? Tasha asked sitting down beside Reece, who was glowering at Jordan.
Yeah. He said glancing at Reece. You two enjoy your evening. He continued before turning and heading to the mens room.
Reece was fed up. That asshole had been cock blocking him with his wife all evening.
Where are you going? Tasha called after Reece as he headed towards the restrooms.
Just then Gia came to the table.
Great music isnt it? Tasha asked.
Gia just picked up her purse, looked at her phone. Then turned and left.
Bye. Tasha said sitting back.
Jordan was washing his hands and looking at himself in the mirror smiling when the door swung open.
Hey Reece. Jordan said casually.
Reece took several angry steps toward Jordan and punched him in the jaw. The surprised man slammed against the wall in pain.
Youve been watching her all night, now stay the fuck away from her!
Jordan started laughing as he felt the warm blood fill his mouth.
Hphm.He doesnt know anything.
Whats so fucking funny? Reece asked.
Youve got balls Ill say that. Youre worried about me talking to your wife when, Tashas been practically sitting in your lap all night. She cant keep her damn hands off you. How do you think that makes Gia feel.
I dont know what youre talking about?
Sure you dont. Jordan said standing and brushing himself off.
I mean it Jordan, stay away from her or were gonna have some real problems. Reece growled.
Whatever, asshole. You and Tasha have a good night. Jordan replied smugly pushing past Reece and out the door.
Wheres Gia? Reece asked seeing her purse gone and looking around not seeing her dancing, as he came back from the restroom still fuming.
I dont know. She came and got her purse, then left.
Gia was walking side by side with Jordan, down the side walk of the resort heading down away from the main hotel to another club.
Gias heart was pounding. She could hardly catch her breath, but she had to do this. Shed make Reece sorry and make herself feel better in the process.
As they entered the club, they were swallowed up by the swirling crowd, and thumping loud music.
Do you want something to drink? Jordan said in Gias ear as they inched forward.
No! Gia replied loudly over the music. She wanted to be cleared headed for the whole thing. She just wanted to let herself go and let herself go to desire, just as Reece had.
Gia moved back on to the dance floor. Dancing always loosened her up. Just feeling the music course through her, relaxed her and turned her on.
She had seen Reece watching her when they were at the previous club and she made sure her dance moves were deliberate and sensual. She wanted him to see how much all the other men on the dance floor wanted her.
She pulled Jordan to her, her back to him and began moving. Closing her eyes letting the music take her as his arm snaked around her waist.
Jordan wasted no time, as he began nuzzling Gias neck and grinding his hips into her, he had been waiting for this for far to long. He cupped his hands under her breasts and she stiffened for a moment.
Are you okay? he whispered in her ear.
Im fine. She said taking a deep breath.
Jordan bent down behind her, pulling up the bottom of Gias dress and gliding his hand up her lean thighs to the apex of her legs, that was already warm and moist.
Gia moaned in his ear as his hand gently slid over her mound.
She grabbed his hand to stop him.
Not here.
Nobody here cares. He said looking around.
He was right, they were in the middle of the dance floor and the other bodies around them writhing and dancing were paying she and Jordan no mind.
Gia relaxed back into Jordan and his fingers drew slow circles on her mound. She sighed deeply as she arched her back. A lustful moaned escaped her lips as she felt her lascivious desire mounting.
Jordan continued with one hand to titillate her pussy and with the other grope and squeeze her breast.
She moved languidly to the slow pulse of the music while his hands slowly explored and teased her.
She felt his stiff manhood on her back straining against his designer jeans, as she put her hand behind her back and grabbed it, stroking it through the stiff denim.
Jordan moaned hot and heavy in her ear, his tongue flicking at her lobe when she did. Sending jolts of rippling pleasure through her whole body.
Jordan was finding it hard to contain his lust. The excitement of moment was almost too much to bear.
He curled his finger into the leg of her panties pulling them over the mound of her pussy.
The cool air hitting her bare skin made Gia take a sharp breath as Jordan let his long fingers trail across her puffy moist flesh.
Gia bite her lip in erotic delight as he spread her nether lips with his fingers and let them slide and circle across her slit.
He was practically holding her up now, her legs giving way to pleasure, as his fingers stroked her juicy hot pussy.
Gia turned her head to Jordans ear that was right at her shoulder and said something to him.
Say it again, he said grinning. Louder.
Will you lick my pussy?
Jordan shuddered, she sounded so sweet and sincere when she asked. His cock jerked in his pants.
Now tell me. His gravelly voice sent shivers of pleasure through her, as he trailed kissed across her cheek and down her neck.
Lick my pussy. She hissed.
He watched her mouth with baited breath.
Again, and say my name.
Lick my pussy, Jordan.
Jordan took Gia by the hand and led her to a deserted corner of the club. He pushed her back against the wall, gently taking her face in his hands, gazing at her for several moments before he captured her lips, kissing her deeply and feverishly.
Gia was surprised by the eager affection she felt from Jordan, but she let herself succumb to the kiss as his hot skilled tongue probed her mouth.
He lingered at her lips several minutes, pressing his body into hers, feeling her melt into him.
Soon his kisses trailed from her lips to her chin, and neck.
He smiled as she moaned, stroking his head, while he traveled down her body.
He knelt in front of her, as he slid his hands up her legs, under her dress to her waist. He hooked her panties and pulled them down and had her step out of them.
Jordan balled up the wet fabric and put it in his pocket before lifting up her dress, He couldnt get a good look at her with the dark lighting of the club, but that didnt matter.
He could smell her arousal. She smelled light yet musky. He rubbed his face across her mound just taking in the smell of her. He could even feel the heat coming off of her.
He leaned in, flicking his tongue over her. He could hear her moaning even over the loud club music.
He buried his head between her legs, his tongue splitting the puffy folds of her engorged skin.
Gia looked out at the busy night club under heavy lids, as raw voluptuous desire built in her.
Jordan licked hungrily at Gias pussy slurping down her free flowing nectar. He put his left arm under her right leg and lifted her leg up so it was on his shoulder, while his other hand traveled up her body to her heaving breasts kneading and groping them.
He let his tongue wiggle around across her slit feeling her swollen hot clit. Her body jerked and shuddered as he hit the sensitive bundle of nerves again and again.
He took the small nub and sucked on it roughly. Gias eyes snapped open at the aching raw pleasure of what Jordan was doing to her
She grabbed at his hair but it was cut too short to get a hold of anything. Jagged jolts of pleasure crashed into her and she ground her pussy into his mouth roughly hoping to prolong the intense orgasm that was running through her.
She didnt stop rolling her hips for several moments, as a blissful orgasmic haze took her and at the same time cleared her mind. Made her feel beautiful and loved again.
Jordan kissed her sensitive skin as her orgasm ebbed.
The he stood looking down at the panting satisfied woman lifting up his dark t-shirt and unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his cock.
Gia squinted. It was near to impossible to see anything where they were, but she reached out in front of her and felt the wand of meat. It was hot to the touch, and sticky with precum. It was long too, as long as her husbands but not as wide.
Gia let out a surprised yelp as Jordan easily lifted her, her thighs hanging over his forearms and positioned himself to enter her. Her could feel her tensing up, as she wiggled to get free, but pressed her against the wall and stabbed the thick head of his cock into her entrance.
She stiffened again, digging her nails into his shoulder.
Do you want me to stop?
No. she said shaking her head. She had to do this, it felt too good to stop now anyway.
He lowered his arms and let her sink down onto his hot shaft. He moaned in her ear in satisfaction as he immediately started pumping into her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck looking over his shoulder into the dancing crowd as Jordan fucked her, a fast steady pace, rubbing and exciting the tight velvety flesh inside her pussy.
She was so tight and wet, Jordan had to concentrate as not lose it too soon. His hips rolling sensuously as he seemed to reach deeper and deeper inside Gia.
She held on tight to Jordan trying to block out the turmoil of thoughts swirling in her head, but she couldnt get the sight of Reece and Tasha out of her mind.
Gia kissed Jordan deep, hard, urgently as she wiggled and undulated her hips to meet his thrust digging her nails into his shoulders as an angry powerful orgasm shook her from the pit of her stomach radiating through her in sumptuous shattering waves of guilty pleasure.
Gia cried out in raw excited bliss, though it was drowned out by the music and Jordan kept feverishly pumping.
Oh&hellip, ohhh&hellip, fuckkk&hellip, Im cumming.. he grunted in her ear.
Her head cleared enough to say. Not inside me.
He looked down at her as he continued to piston.
Not inside me Jordan, please.
She began to wiggle and squirm wildly in his arms until he put her down. She sunk down in front of him, just in time to feel his cock burst with cum.
She swallowed all he had to give, stroking and sucking his dick for several moments until his orgasm waned.
Lets go to your room. She said standing and licking her lips. She took him by the hand after he had zipped back up his pants. Jordan smiled happily following her out.
To be continued.
Gianella Barlow stood anxiously waiting in the coffee shop line. Everyone called her Gia though, unless they weren’t planning on living very long. Having had a petty fight with her husband the night before, she was still on edge. Not that the caffeine would helped her settle down but at least it would help her power through her morning until she could get to her afternoon workout, and really release some steam. Gia was 5’6, and lean but curvy. She had large breasts and small waist all in...
Straight Sexfollow up to ; weekend at the beach was great, partying and enjoying the ocean and most of all the hot babes. I hooked up with a couple honeys who were sharing a place and we had fun, drinking and smoking. We watched some porn and started getting horny and soon we were all naked. One girl reminded me of Barbie a little. With the memory of our encounter still fresh in my mind, I relived it as we spent the night having sex. In the morning we...
Rick and Holly felt like they’d known each other forever. They’d chatted on instant messenger for years and even talked on the phone for hours at a time. Very soon, though, they’d get to spend a weekend together. No distractions, no phones, TVs, kids, or anything else – just the two of them and their ever-growing lust for each other. Since they’d known each other so long, they’d talked many times about what turns them on. Rick dearly loves to eat pussy, and he could spend all day with his...
please read pt one 1st Friday morning I dressed normal and went out for food before coming back to my room and transforming into the cock hungry slut I am. I had one man that was wanting to cum over around 3 that stood me up when he said he could not get away. It happens so no big deal. Next was a black guy that wanted to come meet me around 9pm, He had told me he wanted to fuck my sissy ass in his message so I was hoping he would not stand me up. I showered and cleaned up inside and out then...
Pt 2We sorted ourselves out a bit, after the hot introduction. Mich re-arranged her dressing gown and Doug dressed in his shirt and pants. Doug then showed Dee and I to our bedroom. We flopped our suitcase on the bed and turned to each other, hugging and once again kissing. Our tongues duelled, we could smell the fresh sex on our mouths and bodies. “Have you any idea what is planned for the weekend?” Dee whispered.“Sex.” I smiled and laughed. “Doug suggested that we, or should I say you and...
The headmaster pt2I am the Gardner/caretaker it may help to understand if you have read pt1.Victoria, the Head Girl is due any second at the Pavilion. I can see her crossing the rugby pitch in the moonless night. She has her short skirt swaying as she purposely strides my way. Her boobs bounce behind her crisp white shirt as she comes up the steps.We kiss and in doing so my hands grab her bum. Before our kiss parts I have manoeuvred her skirt up so that my palms cup her beautiful bum. The fact...
431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...
416 A SUNDAY SHOP GIRL REMEMBERS (PT2)(See 196 Sunday shop girl 1)Sadly, this is a very true story. It was sent to me by a lass that is now, a nurse in north America, where she moved to too escape these folk as soon as she was able Anne-Marrie (as we know from part 1) had been coached from an innocent young virgin to a used young lady, still a virgin technically but no longer the innocent, unable though because of the trap she had fallen into to tell anyone and wrapped in the shame of the web...
410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...
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274 Visiting a Yorkshire lady. Pt2 They sat talking most of the afternoon, filling in the inevitable gaps while they had the time together reinforced by sandwiches and her home-made cake. She pealed spuds, and prepared vegetables, for the main meal of the day, as they sat surrounded by the smell of a steak and k**ney pudding in the oven. He fetched a bottle of wine from the car, a present for Sharon, and some beer for Mark and himself, while he was away Mary slipped away and returned in a...
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But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...
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Charlie had positioned himself behind me and was rubbing his huge penis glans over my bung hole. I whimpered as his huge member probed my outer anal muscle ring till it parted and admitted his head to enter my neither region. I begged 'please, don't do me like this, please don't,' Charlie growled 'bitch, you just swallowed my cousins seed, I'm gonna breed this ass pussy, you ain't sucking me dry till I seed your ass.' Charlie pulled his penis back and slid more into me, I gripped the mattress...
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I looked at Claude's crotch and saw that he was stroking a monster of a penis, Joseph grabbed my feet and Brad held my hands. Claude crawled over my butt and bust my sloppy bung hole wide open with his enormous penis. I cried out all to no avail, Claude grunted and slammed his penis up in my butt without mercy for all of 20 minutes. With a growl deep from with in, Claude erupted a flood of semen that flushed out from around the massive shaft that filled my anus. With each throb of his penis...
After Bra had left, I filled the tub with warm water and slid down into it. My butt hole was swollen and painful to the touch, the tissue had traces of blood. After I had bath, I dried off and went into my folks room to find something to soothe my aching bung hole. I found some petroleum jelly and smeared a generous amount in and around my tender puckering bung hole. A glance in the mirror told me that it was a bright reddish color and hurt like hell. It was late Wednesday as my folks and I...
For a ... For a recap of the story so far read Curious pt1, and yes I know I have bad punctuation and grammar CURIOUS PT2 By Dake9872 8:05! The clock radio read. There we go! After pinching myself and slapping myself for five minutes it looked like I wasn't dreaming. I really was Brooke Morgan; I felt exactly what beautiful women felt like to touch, from the long hair and killer figure, to the boobs and clit. Hopefully Brooke wasn't me. I mean going to bed Esmeralda and waking...
Trying to Scratch that Itch PT2 Thanks for all the reviews and some of the ideas! Please read the first installment because this is an ongoing story. Please enjoy Tabitha's adventures. "Don't take any longer than an hour you slut!" as she pokes her head out of the shower and gives me a wink. I blow her a kiss and close the door. I grab my purse and I wiggle out that door. I put my purse in the crook of my arm and have my elbow down and my wrist up and bent forward and my other...
Resort Spectaculars By DolSade©2004 by DolSade Faraway, Exotic Places Joe was on his way to the Indies; a promising source of meat girls (dolcettes)had recently opened up. The meat girls were all prime, beautiful and young.Their meat was tender and juicy, well marbled with fat. The body shape wasmore lush and fuller than traditionally raised local meat girls but asidefrom a thicker waist there was no other apparent difference. The breastswere about the same size as domestic stock but given the...
Hi, I’m Kathy, last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams, a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. But frankly, I was becoming bored with him, he just had no class. I had been a bodybuilder also and am still a large, but very muscular woman in her forties. I still love sex with my husband, but often I think back to my college years when I had...
Hi, I’m Kathy, last year my husband Phil and I bought the business of our dreams, a lakefront resort and bar in Southern Wisconsin. My husband used to be a wrestler in college and he still had a body builder’s physique that any women would die for. But frankly, I was becoming bored with him, he just had no class. I had been a bodybuilder also and am still a large, but very muscular woman in her forties. I still love sex with my husband, but often I think back to my college years when I had...
Hey, guys! This is the second part of my last story, where me Adi, and my wife Anjali went to a resort for a weekend. We met a hot and sexy energetic couple Jatin and Deepti. I have described how we guys met and had become friends. After enjoying in the pool, we came back to our room and got ready to enjoy our weekend together. For any feedback please mail me at . Then after getting ready, all four of us went to explore what fun can we have in that resort. Deepti was dressed in tight jeans and...
It was the following morning, the day of the wedding. I woke up early around 07:30, Jim was still fast asleep. I couldn't resist watching the video of Jennifer again. Watching her masturbate for her future brothers in law was something special. I was going to watch the 2nd video of the mind-blowing sex from the night before but Jim started to wake. "What the fuck did we do last night?" Jim said groggily, "Did that really happen?" "Yes Bro," I answered as he looked at me in...
After the bar, Kira and I crashed in the barn at my aunt’s house. Years ago, my Uncle Tim fixed the barn up for me, he said a girl always needed a place to hide. I loved spending nights in the barn as a child. From the outside, you would think there were horses inside. When you step inside, the light colored pink walls with black trim kind of pop out at you, black and pink were always my favorite colors. The room was large, set up like a bedroom. I had a T.V., couch and a small bathroom. The...
A couple days had passed and it was time for work at my mother in laws place again. I was anxious and excited in hopes of what I would find this time in Becky's dirty laundry. Wondering if she had seen the mess I had made in her panties from the other day. As we arrived, I noticed Becky was still home. I got kind of nervous at first, but when we walked into the house, he came up and gave me a big hug, asked how I was and chatted some more about some random things. All I could honestly...
This is a direct continuation of Part 1 which I recommend you read first. -phenylalanine After a small break to take a breather and as the groups finished up their punishments of their sacrifices, Tegan was taken down from her rack and half carried on wobbly legs back to the table she had been lain upon for the marathon session that had taken place earlier. Her mind leaped to the conclusion that they were finally going to finish the job they had started as she associated the table with...
Sir unlocked my cuffs, and my ankle restraints and said"Down the hall, second door on the right is the bathroom, go there, remove the corset, catsuit, boots and hood, remove the plug and clean it and yourself up.When your done I want you to put the corset on, and hood as well as the boots and then go to the room across from the bathroom.Don't worry about cinching up the corset, I'll do that when you get in the room.If you have to pee, your to sit or squat to do so, a girlyboi like you...
CONTINUED Vigorously it was a while before feeling comfortable then she hit a spot and l became very aroused my erection was spontaneous, and what an erection it was l gulped in air pushing myself on to Silvia and shouted ‘mummy l’m going’, she stopped fucking me and warned l was not to shoot my sticky load then gripped my balls tight causing me to lose my erection quickly, Silvia began fucking me again just as fast, she hit my g-spot ‘Bam!’ my cock was rock hard the sensation was electric it...
The morning came and over breakfast l asked where was the nearest sex shop, Molly said there was one in town but she didn’t want to go there as someone could see her going in but found another in Kingslyn and would prefer we go there, so Kingslyn it was, l suggested we make a day of it and have lunch, Molly liked the idea. She finished her breakfast and went for a shower when l joined her she had her back to me, l reached around to her front to play with her tits then slid one of my hands...
My brother and l got halfway through the pizza when he told me to take my knickers off and lay on the table, Dave tore off a slice of pizza and rolled up the slice then forced it into my pussy and began eating the pizza from my hole although it was exciting the pizza was very greasy, l was loving the things my brother was teaching me about sex. When he had finished eating the pizza and my pussy l was half slid off the table and had my knickers peeled off then got my arse fucked hard by my...
During the following week Dave and I talked about what had happened and what Kate actually men't when she said “I’m yours to do what ever you want with and whenever”. So Dave suggested I talk to her and find out how far she would go I guess pretty far as we have a film of her fucking our dog and me eating dog cum from her pussy. So when Friday come around Dave went to the pub with Tyson as normally and Kate and I stayed in and chatted over a couple of bottle of wine. I built up the courage...
What a night I thought. I’m pretty sure I had more sex last night than I have had all year. As I crawled out of bed I noticed Emily still passed out sprawled across the bed. I decided to head into work early so I could go for a run. I threw on some sweats and a T-shirt, packed my bag, and headed out of the house. I haven’t gone for a morning run in ages. It was a beautiful morning, and with the night I had last night, I was looking forward to clearing my head a bit. There is a great trail...
"Have you lost your mind? Please Alicia just get off of me!" I'm done playing her games! "Fine!" With a sly smile she jumps from my lap and a shameful wave of disappointment to washes over me. In my boxers I can feel patches of wet, evidence of my pleasure but on my leg there is another wet patch, this one evidence of her own pleasure. Keeping her eyes on me she slides between my legs coming to rest on her knees. My heart is going crazy as her manicured fingers work first the button...
"She's in here." I hear a voice that I'm sure belongs to "naughty nick" and I no longer have to pretend to sleep. My body instantly seizes up and I lay rigidly still. "What would you like me to do with her Sir?" Its a softly spoken womam, an American by the sound of it. "Clean her, get her something to eat. The usual. But she's a feisty little bitch," His warning to the girl nearly makes me smile until he finishes his sentence. "The boys love it when she tries to fight but be...
******************************************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************************************* WARNING - Bisexual content FFM, Some Hetero Sex FM, if its not your thing, please dont read. We arrived into port at the same time as the big trawler. The captain was a big solid bald guy, probably early 40s. He waved to us in a friendly way as we tied up to a guest mooring. As...
Matt would text Tom on his way home and the two would meet at the grate that lead into the side yard of Tom’s house. Once behind the fence and out of sight of anybody, Tom would drop to his knees and open Matt’s pants. Tom would pull out Matt’s soft used cock and Tom would blow him there in the shadows. Since the first time Tom sucked Matt’s cock after he fucked Sara, Tom loved the new way Matt’s cock would taste. A mixture of his and Sara’s cum covered his dick and Tom would suck it clean....
It's Monday morning and we woke up early, I had to go to school and Janice had to work at the school. We are breakfast and got ready, as we drove to school, we didn't talk to each other, we knew what we had to do, go day by day pretending nothing was happening. We made everybody believe that my behavior was and would be better from now on. “Before we go in… remember there's nothing going on between us… we talked over the weekend and you have accepted us as your new family OK” she...
Call him, tell him you have had a little to much to drink you are going to have your friend Dottie drive you to her house to stay the night ,you be home in the morning. My wife, being ever reluctant started to resist,but Dottie would have none of it. “Call him,cunt,or you will be sorry.” With that she called me, told me the story, and I told her ,”great,that I would see her tomorrow.” No that was not so hard was it baby,Dottie said to my wife, c’mon get into the truck,don’t bother...
was getting much more confident. Her naughtiness kept popping up and she was beginning to experiment sexually. She decided to shave her pubic hair off, which when she showed me for the first time, I just couldn't help myself, I pushed her back into her bed, spread her legs and started working her clit with my tongue, and eating and tasting her pussy, while my fingers worked deep inside her pussy, first just one finger, then two, gripping my fingers hard. Even though my cock is quite...
he held my face in his hands and gave me a deep lip kiss our tongues danced together . he started pressing my boobs from outside he then removed my top and bra he saw no boobs so I got tensed and told him that I am an CD he laughed and started biting my nipples I felt great when he did it , he went down and removed my skirt and panties he made me turn around and started sucking my ass I started moaning mhhhahhhahhh and was pressing my nipples . He then came front of me and I lowered his...
The next day she didn’t wake up until midday. At first she didn’t seem to notice anything different, not until she sat down at the table and asked me why it hurt her butt sitting on a chair. She also wondered why her pussy and her asshole was so sore. I told her after dinner last night we had some drinks and she had gone a bit crazy with the sex. I told her it turned into a fantastic night of really wild fucking and asked her if she didn’t remember any of it. She didn’t and I told her she...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dad. Did you hear me?" Deb asked for the second time. "Huh" Oh sorry, I was in another world. What would you like to eat? (I know what I want he thought, then mentality slapped himself for thinking that) There is a great BBQ place just short of Dallas called Soul Mans that would be nice if you want BBQ." Sure, sounds great" replied Deb and she turned...
“Yes” he answered simply staring at her dribbling pussy before him.“Good” she replied and placed the replica of his cock on his sternum before she raised herself up and eased the tip against her vulva. She sighed loudly as she lowered herself down the dildo, feeling her soaking wet pussy open easily to accommodate the girth. Her eyes closed behind the mask as she savoured the sensations feeling every millimetre of the fake phallus ease deeper and deeper inside her. For a moment she forgot about...
BDSM“I see you finally got the nerve to ask Anah out, Jesse,” said Amber. Amber is a year older than me, but about half a foot shorter. She has long, dark brown hair tied back into a pony tail. Her wood brown eyes were complimented perfectly by her black glasses. “Actually, I asked her out a while ago, she just interested in a commitment style relationship,” I said having Anah release my arm so I could give Amber a hug. “Yea, follow me and I’ll explain it to you. Jesse, can we have a...
I then turned around and moved towards brad, who was lying on his side, his cock pointing at me and holding the jelly stuff in his hand. I told him to put it down, causing to look at me in alarm and say, "your not sticking your cock in my ass if you are not going to lube up first." I shook my head and told him that I had something better in mind than lube. He then put the jelly on the floor next to his bed and I got on the bed next to him, bent over so that his cock was only a few inches...
Once again comments and suggestions welcome. Marion road out from her family hall towards Sherwood hoping to catch a glimpse of this notorious bandit they called Robin Hood. Anna her handmaid accompanied her as Marion got close to the woods her called " Careful milady lest the bandits snatch you away". Marion heard but ignored the warning riding forwards into the edge of the forest she knew this area well she had oft played here whilst her father had ridden further in to hunt deer...
As I left you guys, my friend patch decided that she was going to scare me half to death after a cuddle-therapy session by grabbing the crotch of my pants. The issue is that she's a lesbian and had never been attracted to guys. I guess here and now is the best place to start again. So patch has asked me how big my manhood was. Needless to say my cheeks were getting a little red at this point. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my size, I'm just as average as any white guy. I was just...
Since our night out with Mark and Helen, I started to embrace dressing more sexy. Dave loved it. I was now wearing hold ups daily for work, nearly every morning he would sit and watch me getting ready. That I became to love, modelling my lingerie for him. I also had quite a collection of new heels as well. I was starting to embrace the hotwife idea of Dave’s, but still unsure.Could I do it?Three months after that night. Here I was. In my hotel room, standing naked, assessing my body in the...
Wife LoversRecap: After a deliciously naughty wee in the company toilet sink, Zara has left Mercedes taking an identical piss into the bowl, to go in search of her other office colleagues. Filled with the excitement of catching her friend Rebecca having a naughty leak in the gent’s toilets, Zara bursts through the door. Sure enough, the attractive data processor was indeed answering the call of nature. However, instead of pissing into the tall plastic bin or using one of the urinals, she had instead...
WatersportsAfter a while all three boys come into the kitchen for breakfast, Mark and Alex just grabs some toast as they rush out for their lift to school. That leaves Mickey sitting watching his mother. He asks her if she can suck his cock, being the nice caring mother she is Jackie squats in front of her son and gives her 13 year old son a blow job. Mickey wants to come all aver her tits so she slips her night dress down and as he starts to twitch she guides his cock to her tits, he shoots his...