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Resort Spectaculars

By DolSade

©2004 by DolSade

Faraway, Exotic Places

Joe was on his way to the Indies; a promising source of meat girls (dolcettes)had recently opened up. The meat girls were all prime, beautiful and young.Their meat was tender and juicy, well marbled with fat. The body shape wasmore lush and fuller than traditionally raised local meat girls but asidefrom a thicker waist there was no other apparent difference. The breastswere about the same size as domestic stock but given the fuller body, theoverall effect was of a more normal figure. The breasts were also, almostalways, perfectly symmetrical and round, with just enough sag to emphasizetheir fullness. The asses were nice and round, comparable to domestic stock,but again the overall effect on the total body was one of a body in balanceand harmony and when cooked, the meat was tender, moist, flavorful and wellmarbled
Surprisingly, the meal girls were ethnically diverse. And there was no troubleobtaining light skinned girls of European extraction but the faces of the meatgirls, overall, showed a mixing of racial characteristics always harmoniousand balanced to create stunning beauties.
The girls were almost always less docile and less easy to control but thatwas generally put up with by the "fattening" farm and treasured by the PleasureCentre.

Joe was to examine the facilities of the dolcette farms and make sure thatthey were up to the standards of the Mansion. He was to verify that they couldmeet all the rules and regulations of sanitation, the Mansion management required.He had a list of items to check. But, most importantly, Joe was to check onthe farming practices to make sure the livestock had been raised to the kitchen'sstringent standards – no additives, no hormones, no chemicals or otherforeign substances, and so on. In brief, all livestock had to meet and conformto the requirement stipulated by the Mansion.

If he was satisfied, he could recommend that a contract be negotiated toset up a business agreement. Based on past use of this new stock, "fattening" time,could be drastically reduced for the new stock, almost halved. Only the domesticstock would need the entire "fattening" cycle. That would allow cuts in thespace, the feed, the services, and the staff require to maintain the farm "fattening" operationor it would allow the Restaurant and the Pleasure Centre to expand. On theother hand, transport would have to be upgraded and the manifest concerns ofthe government addressed. The government had only allowed the increased importationof meat girls as a result of intense lobbying and a number of well-placed bribes.The fact that, a number of high-powered politicians and captains of industryheld club membership was helping a great deal but the outcome of continuedincreased import allowances was in doubt. That genetically engineered humanmeat animals were akin to apes and properly food for the fodder, in an increasinglyhungry world, was now a widely accepted tenet of every day life. Also, thegovernment was making so much money selling "criminals" to the farms for conversionto meat girl (dolcette) status that laws were being amended constantly to includemore and more petty indiscretions that were subject to the penalty of conversion.The public would believe the government ad campaigns and propaganda which weredesigned to convince the average citizen that the conversion process effectivelyreduced the humanity of convicted criminals to that of a meat animal, and theirreligious demagogues managed to persuade their moral majority that conversionwas ultimately the wrath of God being visited upon unholy sinners and thattrue believers had nothing to fear from such laws. Anyone who pointed out thathuman meat animals were to a large degree female, quickly joined the ranksof the converted or was conveniently disappeared. And, moreover, the governmentclaim that population control could be enhanced by a wide spread emphasis onculling young females, who were just entering fertility, could be easily maintainwith cooked studies and bought off scientists.

However many government policy makers felt that allowing too many foreignmeat animals into the country, especially of obviously ethic orientations might,give cause for their ethnic minorities to claim the campaign was, in pointof fact, aimed at ethnic cleansing and oppression of the poor, in the nameof justice and population control. That the critics were right, made it necessaryto keep as tight a lid on as many things as possible.
Sadly, to many of the government elite, the legal consumption of human meat,especially harvested from beautiful young females, had become their ultimateperk, a constant ongoing reminder of their sense of power and their feelingthat their insatiable greed was paying astronomical dividends to their lustand egomania.

None of these considerations really affected Joe as he landed, preparing tomake his evaluation and issue his recommendation. On the advice and at theinvitation the company, Joe arrived Thursday and checked into an exclusiveresort hotel.
Joe was, only, mindful that the resort was opulent and modern when he checkedin and slept off the jetlag and change of time.

Friday, he spent the day preparing for the work that was to start Monday,only leaving his room for meals in the resort dining room or café.

That evening, as he was preparing to retire, there was knock at the door.The concierge of the hotel entered and offered his best wishes. Then a youngwoman was led in, on lease, by a bellhop. The girl was about twenty years oldwith long straight jet-black hair. Her face was a vision of innocence and graceand her skin was a pale white. She was clad in very skimpy white lingerie thatlooked like it had come from Victoria's Secret and matching white high heels.Joe studied her body, intrigued by her lush figure especially the full roundbreasts that strained at her white bra. The concierge told him. "This a giftfrom New World Traders. They ask that you allow their representative to entertainyou tonight and that you join them tomorrow, at The Hunt, here, tomorrow",and then handed Joe a ticket. After Joe finished examining the ticket, theleash was passed to him and the hotel staff departed.
Joe closed his open mouth, returning his attention to beautiful girl. The girlimmediately started a slow sensual erotic striptease. She wasn't wearing much,but made the most of every piece of clothing, rubbing each item over her entirebody, lingering on her magnificent mammaries and masturbating her cunt.
Nude except for the neck collar, she pulled Joe to the bed. Not a word hadbeen said.
Her actions and carnal skills were a testament to intense practice and shefucked with animal lust.

She deep throated Joe with as sloppy a blowjob as he had ever had. She lickedthe tip of his penis until it throbbed, then licked the erect shaft from tipto base, for what seemed an eternity, similar attention was paid to the scrotumand balls. When she finally put her mouth around the cock she was soon slurpingit into a dripping mess, seemingly trying to shallow it. Even when she gaggeda little, she released the penis for only a moment, gasped and sucked the cockeven deep. Joe though he would pass out.
All this time, she moved Joe's hands over her breasts, constantly.

She quietly moaned, "Lube my cunt", and moved her cunt over his mouth,
Joe was only allowed a few licks when she mounted him and fucked him with wildabandon. She allowed and encouraged Joe to fuck her in every position possible,sometimes blowing him again to relube his cock. She even presented her upraisedanus to him and gaped the ass hole, inviting him to analingus, and when Joeresponded with vigor, she banged her butt onto the shaft to cause maximumpenetration. Joe was lost in sea of moans, groans, yelp, cries and quietscreams.
When Joe finally climaxed with an explosive orgasm, he was truly spent.

The angelic beauty used her incomparable skill to enable Joe to repeat thesexual fuck fest two more times that night before the couple collapsed intoa deep slumber.

Joe awoke to a bright blue sky with no sigh of the girl, in sight. He debatedgoing to The Hunt, but remembered the surprising $1,000 price printed on theticket and felt twang of guilt. Besides, he quickly reasoned, he had an obligationto meet the clients, who had already supplied a significant number of qualitydolcettes and wished to furnish even more. And he had to meet their rep again.

The Hunt

Joe just managed to make it to the coliseum, just in time. The coliseum wasaptly named; it was based on a Roman coliseum, only on a small scale. Thiscoliseum seated only about a five or six hundred people. He had noticed portablebleacher stands designed in Roman motif, lining the road leading to the largeroad entryway onto the coliseum grounds and quickly calculated that the bleacherstands would accommodate an additional three or four hundred people. He,also, saw throngs of people sitting on the parkland around the structure.

He sat by two distinguished men, who immediately jumped up and greeted him.Joe recognized one man, the representative of New World Traders. Pleasantrieswere exchanged before Roman coronets blared. One man pointed to the road, aseyes focused on it. A small platform, with a number of figures on it, couldbe seen rolling up the road followed by a gang of people. As the platform drewnearer, Joe noticed that the platform seemed to be being pushed by ten youngwomen in Roman gladiator attire. The platform had women in brief gowns witha breast bared and men dressed in furs and hides with Viking style horned helmets.The platform was followed by a group of young teenaged girls in short whitetogas, strewing flower petals, followed by a larger group people dressed inassorted Roman garb. The platform stopped outside the gates and a number ofpeople entered the coliseum grounds and took up positions. After all had seemedto move into position, the coronets blared again and a group of women appeared.There were the ten girls in white gowns surrounded by the teens and followedby a pair of the gladiator women. The ten men, in Viking attire, came in next,followed by the rest of the gladiator women. The last group of gladiator womenpositioned themselves at the entrance way as if to block the exit, while thelarger group moved to centre of the ground, to the loud cacophonous blare ofthe coronets and trumpets.

A crier bellowed, "All hail the heroes and their quarry", silencing the musicand the crowd. People took their seats as the crier continued, "Welcome lordsand ladies. Welcome gentlemen and gentle ladies. Welcome all, to The Hunt.
Today our heroes will go on a hunt that will bring glory to themselves andentertain you.
They with sate your lusts and hungers with spectacle and wonder.
Honor them all."

After the applause ceased, he continued, "Behold the daughters of our enemies.We offer then forgiveness and redemption, today. They will be allowed to entertainus and win their freedom. To prove their worthiness, they be allowed to RUN.But our heroes will pursue the unworthy and return them to this place for cleansingand purification.
And you will be able to sate your lust and hunger with their final offering,their cleansed and pure flesh.
Honour them."

Women in the robes of nuns, moved to the maidens, stripped off the maidens'robes and washed the ten young women and oiled their nude bodies. The maidenswere then paraded around the ring by the female gladiators.
Joe was startled to see the girl, he had spent night with, paraded before hiseyes.

A number of youths entered carrying stools and chairs, and started grabbingthe maidens and fucking them in everyway possible. The girls reacted differently.Some were turned on; some took the advances as rape; with the variety bridgingthe gamut. Joe's eyes focused on his little black hair beauty and she was awild sexual animal.
The crier sang out, "We honour the daughters with our finest seed, to energizethem on their trial."

The youths departed and the nuns returned, to clean and oil the girls. Thegirls were once again paraded around the coliseum
 An altar structure rose up and the girls were spread-eagled over the platform and a gold coin inserted into their vaginas. The crier explained, "We offer the iniquitous, passage to salvation. They must retain this token in their core, to pay for their passage. If it drops out or a hero removes it, the chance for salvation is gone."

That done, the girls were lined up, in front of the altar. A golden arrowsang out and lodged itself in the throat of a beautiful blonde girl, as theother girls scattered. The crier boomed out, "This one has already proven herselfunworthy by rejecting the love of our citizens."

The fallen girl was not dead, protected by the collar around her neck butshe was in shock. A gladiator cradled the fallen girl in her arms and paradedher body around the coliseum finally placing her, spread-eagled, on the altar.

The crier next explained, "The daughters will now be allowed to vent theirfeeling of betrayal on this ingrate so that they might continue their questfor forgiveness and absolution without rancor and hate."
That was the cue for each girl, in turn, to abuse the little blonde. They weretold, on the way to the altar, that the coliseum audience would determine theirexit order based on their performances. The attacks were viscous, with thebreasts and cunt enjoying special attention from each girl.

The first girl fisted the cunt;

Number two, one upped it by fisting the anus;

Girl three viscously attacked the breast, biting deeply into a nipple, drawingblood;

Girl four was just stopped from completely biting off a tit;

Five pounded the torso and cunt with her fist, then tried to bite off theclit;

Six pushed a clench fist into the ass as deeply as she could, drawing blood;

Seven, Joe's little sweetheart, kissed the girl's body all over, rammedher fist into the victim's ass and cunt cracks and managed to bite off thetongue and spitting it on to the torso, before being slapped away;

Number eight began hitting the body and then fainted and was dragged away;

The last girl pulled the carcass to the ground and stomped on the breastand cunt of the poor blonde.

The arrow may not have killed the girl but the abuse of the other girlscertainly did.

The girl was moved back to spread-eagle position on the altar, When mandressed in a red robes moved to the altar and cleaned the body, again, oilingit so that it gleamed in the bright sunlight. He applied pink tint to the nipplesand the prominent structures of the vagina.
Then he kissed the body passionately.
He was then heard over the p.a. to chant, "We bless this meat and offer itas a gift. The offending organ of this daughter will be removed so that nonethat partake of her girl will be tainted". Then with practiced skill, he crackedopen the girl's bosom and cut out the heart,

Raising it to the applause of the audience. Then the bloody heartwas thrown to the ground."
The body was left on display for the duration of the hunt.

The girls were reassembled and once again, cleaned and oiled, this time bythe nude young teens, with a sensuality and sexuality that belied their age.

A blare sounded and the crier yelled above the din, "The daughters willnow depart according to your wishes. But, first we pay tribute to you, by havingthe three daughters most blessed by your offerings of love and seed last nightand during the past week, thank you."
The crier moved to Joe's sexy little minx and held his hand toward her head,saying, "Most blessed" as the black hair beauty curtsied.
A vivacious blonde bowed as she was proclaimed, "Second most blessed."
And finally a short cutie with a thick mass of light brown hair streaked withblonde highlights was acknowledged as, "Third most blessed", to the applauseof the audience.

A tall gladiator moved down the line of girls holding her hand over eachgirl's head. The audience voted their preference, with noise. The gladiator,taking cue from a man in the VIP area of coliseum, moved behind Joe's littlelover and pushed her, yelling "GO".
The ritual was repeated at five-minute intervals till all the girls had fled.

The crier, boomed out, "We call forth our heroes", and named them, finishingwith Saul the true hearted, the champion of the last hunt. The men, as theirnames were called, each stepped foreword and stripped nude. Most had visibleerections and some were rubbing their cocks. When all were nude and standingin a line, Joe noticed that, in fact, two of them were women.
"Our heroes are now commanded by you, to embark on their noble mission, to see if any are worthy of receiving our blessings of forgiveness and our invitation to enjoy the freedoms of being a human."

As the warriors scrambled off, to cheers of the audience, a number of displaybig screen TVs rose up into position and Joe read text explaining,
"Rules of the hunt:
The warriors must pursue, capture and subdue as many daughters a possible,and bring then to a kill station in the arena. The daughter must still be aliveor no points will be awarded and the warrior must have, in his procession,the daughter's token. Any daughter returned without a token will be awardedonly half points.

Any warrior that has not made a capture within the first hour will be disqualified.

Any daughter able to make it to sanctuary, with her token in place, willbe allow to petition all of you for your blessings of forgiveness, redemptionand freedom.

The hunt will continue till all daughters have been captured or reachedsanctuary or three hours have passed.

Points will awarded to each warrior for his or her captures. Violationsof rules will result in penalty deductions.

The Gods have ordained that captured daughters are unworthy and must besacrificed.

The warriors will symbolically perform ritual sacrifices of the fallen girlsat killing stations.

However, the sacrificial rituals must leave the girls alive. Points willbe awarded and deducted, for the most entertaining performances.

Our champion shall be the one with most points.

Our champion will be rewarded with honours and prizes.

The fallen girls will be allowed redeem some honour and forgiveness by offeringtheir meat for your enjoyment and to sate yours lusts."

On the big screen TVs Joe could see scenes of the hunt, tracking the plightsof both the hunters and the prey.

The scene suddenly went black and a message flashed across the screen. "Thewagering on First Capture is now open", and Joe could see people raising cellphones and making calls.

All screens then focused on a man running toward a fallen girl, sobbingon the path, and zeroed on the face of the girl that had previously fainted.A gasp when up, from the audience that broke into a cacophony of bits of dialogue,as the man ignored the girl and jogged by her. The TVs, then, went back tovaried scenes of the hunt.

A few minutes later the screens displayed notification that wagering wasnow open on who would be champion. And then, return to scenes of the hunt.

Moments later the hubbub grew again and people pointed to the road wherea figure dressed in a black robe, hooded so that the face could not be seenand carrying a body candled in the arms approached. As the figure entered thearena the hubbub grew with chants of Red Sonya, first princess of the Amazons.Horns blared and a bell tolled. The black figure circled the arena carryingnude body of the fainter. Red Sonya hung the limp body by bound hands so thatthe girl dangled from the upper crossbeam of a wooden frame. Joe noticed thatsix new altars were now arranged in a grid around the original altar. Withthe girl securely hanging by her arms, the figure removed the robe to reveala beautiful tall red headed women with a lean but well muscled body, nude exceptfor high heel black leather, laced boots that ran up her legs to mid thigh.The Amazon beauty waved to audience, reveling in the applause and then insertedfingers into the vagina of the hanging girl and pulled out the token that hadbeen placed there earlier. She took the token to man in red robes and handedto him, slightly bowing. He raised the token, while the crier announced, "Firstcapture has been made by Red Sonya, first princess of the Amazons". The loudnoise grew deafening as the Amazon once again cradled the girl in her armsand paraded her around the arena.
Joe was startled when he heard the Amazon yell at the, now squirming, girl, "Quitthrashing or I'll hurt you bad", only then, realizing how close to the actionhe was.

The first capture was hung on the beam and the nude Amazon jogged out ofthe arena, back to the hunt.

Joe again returned his attention to the screens watching the activity, whenall cameras zoomed in on a man brutally raping a struggling girl. Pinning thegirl to the ground by her hands, he was violently and deeply thrusting intoher cunt. Close ups of the girl's blonde face showed pain agony and Joe felthe could almost hear her wild screams. The camera pulled out and faded, asCedric choked the girl into unconsciousness. A message on the bottom of thescreen said, "Cedric, of Gaul has been awarded bonus points for first pleasuringa runner". In this contest, rape was rewarded.

Suddenly the horns blared again and the bell clanged and a tall woman withshoulder length straight black hair entered with a girl cradled in her arms.Both women were nude, except for the woman's thigh boots, identical to RedSonya's.
She circled the arena displaying the unconscious form, a petit young blondeto the chants of, "Ilsa, Warrior Queen." The girl was hung by her hands, atthe end of the beam, displayed furthest from the first capture. And, the WarriorQueen reached into the cunt of the girl taking out the token and as she presentedit to the red robed man. The crier called out, "Second capture is awarded toIlsa, Warrior Queen."

The woman waved to the audience and she jogged out to rejoin the hunt.

The horns blared again and the bell tolled announcing the entrance of anude Cedric, of Gaul cradling a limp body. As Cedric paraded the limp bodyto the arena crowd, to the chants of Cedric, Cedric, Joe could see blood stainingthe cunt of the girl. The girl was hung between the other two, now crying girls.The girl stirred as Cedric removed her token and presented it. Cedric joggedout of the arena to the cry of, "Points have been awarded to Cedric of Gaulfor third capture."

Joe watched with muted interest as a man entered and earned his points.

He was indifferent, when warrior five entered with his victim, even thoughthe crowd noise had intensified with chants of "Saul, the true hearted", untilhe saw the limp unconscious form of his black hair beauty, cradled in the champion'sarms. He studied her and could see signs of blood on her inner thighs and redmarks around her neck. He grew angry, as the champion manhandled the girl,as he hung her in the middle of the beam, even relocating Cedric's captureto the side. But he sighed in relief, when he saw his lover began to stir andcould see her moan, as her token was removed and presented to robed man whilethe crier was yelling, "Saul the champion has been awarded fifth capture. Saulthe champion has been awarded bonus points for capture of the most favoured.Saul the champion has been awarded bonus points for the pleasuring of the mostfavoured." The eyes of the audience moved to focus on the screens that wereshowing in close-up detail, including slow motion and stop frame, Saul's violentbrutal rape of Joe's black-haired beauty. Joe couldn't watch, even when Paulwhispered, "It's all staged. She didn't suffer." Joe knew better. The bloodand bruises told another story. Saul had bypassed the little fainter to earnbonus points at the expense of Joe's girl.

 One more hunter made it to the arena, before the horns blared anewand the crier shouted, "First time over. All hunters who have not yet madea capture are hereby eliminated."

The TVs zoomed in on a hunter carrying a limp body. Referees stopped himand ordered him to put down the girl. As the camera zoomed in on the face ofthe girl, Joe identified her as the "third most blessed". The referees revivedthe young cutie and she wobble away, as the hunter was escorted down the path.

Joe watch the rest of the action, indifferently, for the next little while,not noticing the Warrior Queen cashing in a runner, choosing instead to studythe form of his beauty. She was stirring; at first looking around dazed thenrecomposing herself. She began to cry and then sobbed quietly. After the blareof the horns, announcing the arrival of the huntress bearing a runner, cradledin her arms, the little black haired beauty stiffened her body and stood asupright as she could with her toes stretched out to barely touch the ground.

She surveyed the audience and looked to be trying to draw someone attentionher. Then she began to wiggle and gyrate her hips. For a time she rubbed herthighs together and bounced her hips in and out. A voice yelled, "Look thatcunt's trying to get off" and a youth pointed at the black haired girl. Eyesfocus on her and her face broke out into a radiant smile. The little show continuedwith the girl continuing to wiggle and gyrate; changing the expressions onher face, imploring, excited, sad, smiling, even once of twice causing a tearto roll down her cheeks. A quiet chant rose in volume, in a section of thecoliseum, "Free the most blessed, free the most blessed". Joe couldn't believehis ears.

However the blare of horns and trumpets sounded again and the bell tolled.Saul entered again with a blonde body cradled in his arms. Saul had again shaftedhis love, Joe thought.

When he paraded the limp body by Joe, Joe could see it was the blonde. Thepeople's "second most blessed". Joe watch with mild curiosity, hoping for anaccident to befall Saul as he hung the blonde and claimed his rewards. Thecrier yelled out, "Saul, the champion has been awarded prize for his secondcapture. Saul, the champion has been awarded bonus points for the pleasuringof the second most blessed."
The screens flashed to a scene of Saul raping the vivacious blonde beauty,again in close up with slow motion and stop action. Joe watched in anger thatgave way to disbelief as Saul reached into the blonde's cunt and removed thetoken and then fisted her. The poor girl writhed in pain, and screams emanatedfrom the PA. The beauty could barely be contained by the ropes and wooden pegsthat the champion had secured her limbs with. Then the hunter replaced thetoken, plugging the cunt opening with a rag. He then lifted the girl's ass,placing pieces of wood under it till it rose high enough for him to fist herass hole. He fisted the poor victim till her screams went silent and her bodyslumped into unconsciousness. The cameras faded to a quiet crowd.

About fifteen minutes later, the random camera shots being shown on the screensuniformly flickered to an image of a white octagonal, latticed pavilion;then camera pulled back to show a naked girl running toward it. As the girlwas about to enter, she was tackled by another woman. The two struggled andfinally the larger woman arose. It was Red Sonya; she brushed off herselfand then rearranged the limp body of the other girl spreading her legs asJoe heard voices saying, "She almost made it to sanctuary".
Then Red Sonya went down on the girl and proceeded to eat her cunt. The cameradidn't catch much. But Red Sonya's actions were frenzied."
As the camera pulled away, the crier yelled, "The last daughter has been felled.The trophies of the hunt will be cleansed and purified for you while we awaitingthe return of the hunter."

The nuns reappeared and cleansed the eight hanging women, paying specialattention to their genitalia and breasts. Then the red robed man walked amongthem chanting, swinging a smoking urn at them in a religious fashion and finallykissing there lips, nipples and cunts. The girls, merely, remained still. Thecleansing and purification of the trophies was complete.

The horn blared as Red Sonya appeared carrying the limp form that Joe couldsee was the little brunette, "third most blessed". After presenting her trophyto the crowd and delivering the token Red Sonya waited for her rewards besidethe slumped body. None ever came.

The Bell was tolled loudly ten times, signaling the hunters, in the field,to return.

The hunters returned and took up a line between the altars.

The crier yelled out again, "Our heroes have returned, you may come downonto the arena grounds and honour them and give thanks". Some people came downand bowed to the hunters and examined the hanging girls. Some spectators evenlightly stroked one or two of the girls including the black-haired beauty.

Joe noticed that there were now two more altars.

The crier cried out, "Our heroes will now honour you by performing the ritualsof sacrifice upon their trophies, thus completing the cleansing and purificationof their bodies and their flesh."

The six hunters each released a girl and carried her to an altar, some securingthe girl to the altar. Ilsa and Saul did so twice and when Sonya attemptedto get her second girl, she was stopped. Joe noticed that Saul did not bindthe black-haired girl to her altar although he had done so with the blondegirl, and that Ilsa had restrained both her girls.

The crier went to the first altar and cried out, "You will be pleasuredand choked with a rope", as he placed his hand on her forehead.

For the next girl the sentence was, "You shall give pleasure to your captorwhile she smothers you with her love."

The next. "You will bring pleasure to all, by inhaling overflowing, copiouslove fluids of your captor."

Joey looked with interest as the sentence was pronounced for the vivaciousblonde, Saul's second victim. "You will have your sex torn from the insideyour body and the air crushed from your breasts." The girl screamed pitifully

Next, "You be pleasured and whipped without mercifully".

Next, "You will be pleasured and your sex will be doubly purified with burningcoals."

Ilsa's last victim was told, "Your captor's pet will be used to crush theair from you as she pleasures your sex with her mouth."

Joe perked up to hear what Saul had intended for his love. "You will enjoyyour captor's manhood till you cry for pity and then it will still your cries." Hewas going to fuck her but then what, wondered Joe".

A roar came up from the crowd as the spectacle began anew. Various huntersbegan having sex with their captives and only Saul's blonde victim seemedoverly horrified.
Joe watch as Saul brutally fist fucked his blonde victim, occasionally glancingaround to see Sonya with her ass sitting astride her victims mouth, buckingwildly and screaming and a girl being whipped into unconsciousness and beyond.The crowd seemed to love it when a hunter forced his trophy to blow him tillhe cummed on her face and pissed down her throat and end by pouring a tub ofpiss, taken from a port-a-pottie, over her open mouth.
The smell of a hot coal being administered to a gaping pussy was also wellreceived.

But Joe interest remained focused on Saul. He had just unbound the blondegirl and was subduing her with his hands over her breasts. He pulled the girlforcefully on to his chest and was collapsing her lungs. Finally he releasedher and she fell face forward onto the ground.

Then, Saul slowly moved to Joe's love and Joe watched as the two kissedpassionately and hugged and then had sex. Joe couldn't believe his eyes. Theywere making love by mutual consent. The hunter wasn't raping his sweetie. Graduallyhe realized that the girl was using the same techniques, she had used on him,on the hunter. The love fest continued for what Joe seemed like hours, untilthe girl was screaming in pleasure. The fucking continued until the girl shriekedloudly showing that she had orgasmed. The hunter wrapped his hands around theneck and almost lovingly strangled her while continuing to thrust his pelvis.And after awhile, he released the black-haired girl, allowing her to fall tothe floor of the arena. She was still a beauty, even with mouth gaping wideopen and her tongue sticking out. As the hunter turned, Joe noticed Saul'scock limply handing down.
He began to boo.

The hunters assembled, once all had finished, and marched out of the arenain pairs.
The nuns, only more of them, and the little teens entered, carrying tubs andbasins of water and bathing supplies and ran to the altars as gladiator womenwere repositioning the bodies atop the altars.
All the females began washing and cleaning the bodies, making a show of scrubbingthe genital orifices with brushes and sponges. The bodies were oiled once again.
A man in a gray toga examined each body and uncovered a yellow patch on eachaltar after the examination was done. 

The nuns and the teens withdrew leaving the gray clad man and the gladiators.
The horns blared anew and the hunters entered, again, carrying long steel spits.

The crier called out, "The rituals of cleansing and purification are nowcomplete. No trophies has been lost, save for one lost in the field. The fleshhas now been made suitable for harvesting, so that we may enjoy the final offeringof our sacrifices. Be glad. Allow all your hungers to be sated."

The hunters moved to their victims and began trying to spit them. First,the girls were roused, and given a drink. Next, they were tied down in variouspositions. This was made easier by the fact that many were still groggy. Someof the hunters, including Saul and both women began by gutting their victims,causing screams to fill the air. Two hunters immediately started pushing polesinto their victims, one in the ass hole and the other the vagina. It was apparentthat they had never done it before. To Joe's amazement, they continued to pushthe poles into the screaming writhing girls until the points of the spits appearedout of the body, one in the upper chest and the other the shoulder.

Joe returned to Saul and saw him carefully moving the pole through the writhingblonde until it approached the head and alternately adjusting the head andpole, he thrust the tip of the pole out of the blonde girl's mouth. The twoAmazons were using each other's aid, to perform to same feat, successfully,on their victims. With the same help and techniques, the two Amazons helpedeach other with their second victims. Red Sonya had been allowed the privilegeof spitting the girl she had inadvertently and prematurely killed.

Saul went to his last victim and kissed her. She was positioned like theblonde girl on her knees, facedown with her head resting on the front edgeof the altar. This was the ideal position for spitting and gutting so Saulimmediately gutted the girl, who aside from flinching when the knife enterher, remained motionless and silent. With the same practiced movements, Saulslowly and successfully spitted the black-haired girl

After the spitting had been completed, the hunters assemble in front ofthe main altar again. The gray robed man inspected the bodies again, this timeuncovering five green cards, indicating successful live spitting with a livegirl, two orange cards for a live spitting, leaving a live but marred girls,and a red card for a dead spittee.

Joe noticed that the screens were flashing a message saying, "Wagering isnow open on which spit roaster will survive the longest".

The crier yelled out, "Our Champion is declared……
SAUL, the pure of heart.
He will now indicate what prize he wishes." Saul spoke to the man in gray andhe moved to the black-haired girl and tied a purple cloth around her head.After the spit roasting, Saul would be awarded the scalp of the raven-hairedbeauty.

"Rejoice. They will now be taken to the roasting pits." The crowd cheered.

The screens flashed a message that reservations could still be made forvarious dining rooms and that tickets were available for next event. "CookingUp A Fortune" as the people started to move to the roasting pit area, to watchthe meat cooking and see if their betting pick survived the longest. Joe didn'tbother going. He'd seen that before and hadn't placed a bet.

Of course, the businessmen insisted that Joe join them, for dinner. After abit of cajoling, Joe finally agreed, thinking that he had only to go to theresort dining room for dinner.
He did manage to convince them that he was in need of some time to rest. Thejet lag, his night of passion and the unfolding of the events of the afternoonhad depleted his energy reserve. He crashed on his bed minutes after enterthe room.

Joe was awaken by a call from the front desk, and feeling refreshed, hetook a shower, groomed himself and rejoined his new business associates inthe dining room. His associates carried on a polite conversation to Joe's relief,steering away from business affairs, telling him to enjoy himself and thatbusiness could wait till Monday.

His spirits rose as he enjoyed some drinks and had an excellent girl meatconsume soup and Caesar salad with smoked girl meat bits. Both were first class.The restaurant asked that they serve their house specialty to him and he happilyagreed. The entrée arrived and as Joe expected, it was spit roastedgirl meat, a cunt steak. There was a tag secured to the clitoris. Joe knewit would have pictures of the girl whose meat graced his plate. He wonderedif it would be one of the hunt girls. He savored the moment and paused to mentalwork his way through the images of the girls, contemplating whose cunt he wouldmost enjoy eating, finally settling on the vivacious little blonde or the cuteEurasian. He flipped the tag and his jaw dropped as he gazed upon the pictureof the black-haired girl.
One of the New World reps, Paul said, "We supplied the little cunt for theHunt that's why we were able to get her for your entertainment yesterday. Shewas in hot demand all week long; remember the "most favored". We called ina few favours, and got the cunt's cunt filet for you. Enjoy her like no oneelse has or can." he chuckled. Joe studied the piece of meat for a minute ortwo, unclipped the tag, putting it into his pocket and then he wolfed downa big piece of the meat. The salty taste assailed his mouth and he found themeat, a touch tough, but he savored the chewy piece of flesh with a big grinon his face.

The rest of the meal was uneventful. Joe declined dessert. After persuadinghis colleagues that he really didn't want to go bar hopping or have anothergirl entertain him, overnight, Joe retired to bed with disturbing dreams ofthe raven-haired girl.

Cooking Up A Fortune

On Sunday Joe received a panic phone call from the Marquis. The spell of flu,going around before he left, had struck the Mansion dolcettes with a vengeanceand the staff were having problems. The kitchen was using meat girls notyet fatten to their normal standards and the Pleasure Centre using raw talentand cutting back. Alexa was fighting with Chef Tyler, over who would getthe best meat girls. It was decided that Joe should return immediately andsee if he could help restore the health of the herd.

Joe informed the New World Trader executives, agreeing to return to watchThe Resort's
"Cook Up A Fortune" show on the weekend. They had told him that the presentation was a joint venture with the resort and that they were supplying the livestock meat girls. Joe tried to cancel out, but the company rep wouldn't take no for an answer, finally agreeing to fly him in for the weekend. The clincher was allowing him to bring a companion. Things hadn't been going well with Linda. They had grown apart and weren't seeing each other, much. Joe was sure she was seeing someone else. Perhaps a weekend together would rekindle their flame, Joe hoped so.

The couple landed Saturday morning and they were immediately taken to the resortand shown to a fairly large auditorium. There was a large seated audiencesurrounded on three sides by wide platforms. They were ushered to the frontof the auditorium and seated in the middle of the front row. Linda couldsee that there was balcony overhead. The show had started and the emcee seemedto be wrapping up the introduction of the contestants and started explainingthe rules, "Now that you have been introduced to our beautiful contestants,lets run over the rules.

Our contestants are vying for a scholarship worth $100,000 at a French cookingschool. They will demonstrate their culinary abilities by performing certainjobs.
They will spin this wheel and do the job indicated by the pointer.
Next they will spin this wheel, to select the food animal.
The contest will continue until a winner is proclaimed. Only one winner.
All the women have signed waiver forms volunteering to be meat girls. So thepenalties for failure match the potential rewards.
Under no circumstances can any of the women back out or decline a spin." 

"Please wheel in the meat girl livestock" Two tall muscular women wheeledin a metal cage that contained ten young meat girls, all nude. The women woreblack meat girl leather corsets with half cut push up bras that revealed bigpink tits riding on enormous breasts. They wore short black meat girl leatherskirts that revealed their saved vaginal slits and the fact that they woreno undergarments. They had on long black leather mid thigh boots that Joe recalledgraced the two huntresses' legs and as he studied the women's faces he realizedthey were, indeed, Ilsa and Sonya.

From what he could see, the girls in the cage were young meat girls, dolcettes,of the same size and shape as he was used to getting at the farm. Perhaps fourblondes, two brunettes, a raven haired one and a cute petit red head, a Eurasianbrunette and a black girl. Some were squatting on the floor of the cage, othersleaning against the bars and a few just standing, waiting. Ilsa went over andran her nightstick over the bars rousing them all, to an erect standing position.

"Are we ready to begin cooking?" Alex, the emcee, asked, as loud applauserang through the hall.

"As is our custom", Alex continued, "We would like to offer a prayer ofthanksgiving, and humbly beg our creator to watch over our enterprise and provideus with guidance this afternoon. This will be done in the form of a sacrifice."

"I have been informed that we have a foreign dignitary with us, today. Arenown girl meat farming expert, who has, for years, raised prize winning meatgirl stock and acted as a judge at some of the most prestigious fairs, aroundthe world. I call upon him inspect our modest herd of meat girls. And I callupon him to select the animal that we will sacrifice."

Joe was beckoned to the stage and led to the cage where the Amazons broughtthe meat girls for him too inspect. Joe had grown accustomed to being calledupon to perform in this manner and performed for the audience. Beginning witha cute young blonde girl, he rubbed her torso as the emcee started an explanationof Joe's actions.

"Our expert is rubbing the torso of the meat girl, to test for any unnaturalbumps or hidden surprises. He is checking the muscle tone.
By weighing the breasts he can tell if they are firm and meaty or fleshy andfat.
Squeezing the breasts to elicited a moan or yelp will indicate how sensitivethey are, also an indication of meat quality.
He is tweaking the nipples to draw milk. Milk breasts, generally, are moremoist and tender.
Weighing round asses and pinching them, is a test of their elasticity and meatiness.
The fingering and rubbing clits and labia to see their engorged shape insuresthat the cunt filet, after it is cooked, will have the full attractive appearancewe all value in our filets.
And of course the final taste test is all-important.
OK lets leave our expert to his work.

The audience lapped it up, focusing on Joe and ignoring the emcee whilehe prattled inanely about a number of unrelated topics, to pass the time.

Finally Joe came over to Alex and gave the word that broke the audiencein thunderous applause, "These meat girls are all prime choice Grade A-onestock. Amongst the finest I have ever seen". The expert had pronounced theirmeat to be of the best quality and the members of the audience felt satisfactionin believing that the evening's dinner would be a culinary masterpiece, capablesating their most animalistic passions.

Joey thought, 'That ought to repay New World Traders for the price of theweekend.'

The emcee shook Joe's hand saying, "We realize that it's not really fairto ask you to pick a meat girl for our sacrifice so we can do it accordingto our usual procedure. Perhaps, you can have your lovely companion join usand spin the wheel?"

Linda came on stage and spun the wheel. It came up seven. The Amazons broughtup the beautiful petite brunette with the number seven on her clit tag, whileJoe and Linda exited the stage, to polite applause.

"Our animal will be pleasured by the contestants, to ease her passing." Oneby one the women came over to perform cunnilingus upon the meat girl. The couplingswere brief.

Alex explained the next step. "Our chosen one will be given spirits to lighther to paradise and then we will purify the meat with flame and fire"; whilethe Amazons dragged the meat girl to an altar which had been moved to a positionin the middle front of the stage and draped her body spread-eagled with herhead angled slightly up. A man dressed in red robes, maybe the man from TheHunt, moved to the meat girl, pulled her head back, opening her mouth, anddrowned her in alcohol. When he was sure that the little cutie was, at least,unconscious, he poured alcohol over her whole body, stepped away from the table,motioned the Amazons to withdraw, turned and bowed to the audience. Then heput the empty container of alcohol on a table, returned to the altar with aglowing torch and lit the alcohol. The meat girl's body was afire. The firedied down and the smoke and smell were sucked out by a huge kitchen fan. Thetwo Amazon were motioned to wheel the altar, bearing the dolcette flambé,out, and to the backstage kitchen for oven roasting.

Alex chanted, "Praise be to the creator"

A curtain closed and when it reopened the contestants were back. Alex droned, "Letthe contest begin".
"For round one we will split the contestants into teams and give them a task to undertake. The preparation of a meat girl for live roasting."

The girls spun a wheel and the girls with the closest numbers were namedas the teams. A tall blonde, named Crista, was teamed with a petit Eurasian,named Kim. Samantha, the other blonde, a studious looking beauty with big fullbreasts, teamed with the elegant slim brunette, named Monica.

Crista spun the wheel for the meat girl and the meat girl with the numbertwo was brought forward and held by Sonya. Meat girl number nine was chosenby Samantha for her team.
Suddenly there was movement all over. A panel was drawn down the middle ofthe auditorium, to mid point and curtains raised on the side stages to revealfully modern gleaming kitchens.
The women were cautioned about trying to watch the other team, a form of cheatingwhich would result in automatic disqualification.
With a wish of good luck, the contest began.

Linda and Joe concentrated on the team of Crista and Kim since their kitchenwas on the same side. Crista directed the Amazon to bring the girl meat toher and she rubbed her hands over the torso imitating Joe's technique and thendid a cursory examination imitating Joe, over the rest of the body much tothe consternation of Kim. This led to their first argument.

Kim directed the Amazon to join her at the cleaning tub and placed the meatgirl inside and as Kim turned on the water and started cleaning the meat girl,Crista joined them and started removing her clothes. She had an average bodywith breasts slightly fuller than average, conically shaped with no sag. Herass was firm and compact. Her skin was dappled with freckles. When she wasnude, she did a slow spin for the audience and winked at them before joiningKim, in the cleaning of the meat girl. Joe could hear Crista tell Kimto take off her clothes, too. Kim hesitated and then shrugged her shouldersand disrobed. Her body was compact with beautifully shaped firm breasts, aslim waist and muscular hips. Her skin was a golden almond colour.

By the time Kim got back to Crista, Crista was washing the meat girl's pussysensually, rubbing everywhere with the wash towel and obviously fingering thecunt and ass hole. She could be heard saying to Kim, "We have to pleasure hertoo".

Then Crista proceeded to kiss the meat girl all over her body, startingwith the girl's mouth and moving down, stopping at the breasts, to massage,lick and kiss them, sensually and explicitly sexually. She sucked the nippleseven though there was no milk.
Crista tongued her way down the torso to the cunt and treated it, as if werethe cunt of a lover.

Kim stared dumbfounded and then with a peck on the lips of the meat girl,she joined in, tentatively sucking a nipple and licking a breast. She seemedgradually to get turned on and soon was trying to outdo Crista, but she hadalong way to go. Joe was getting turned on watching Crista and he noticed Lindarubbing her cunt. Joe glanced around; Linda wasn't the only one with her handson her privates, those not rubbing some part of their body looked to be inthe minority.

After about fifteen minutes, Joe could hear an exasperated Kim asking Crista, "Isn'tthat enough? We have lots to do". She pulled a puzzled Crista off the meatgirl and Crista looked hurt.
The duo toweled off the meat girl and had Sonya transfer the moaning girl toa table.

The women argued for a while about how to gut the meat girl and as theyargued, Sonya had to restrain the poor frightened girl.
The debate continued until finally Kim picked up a knife and while Sonya heldthe little girl down, cut the stomach from just above the pubis to just belowthe sternum. The meat girl was screaming and Sonya had to cuff her, yellingat her to keep quiet. A mess of guts fell out. Kim turned to Crista and pushedthe knife to her. Crista looked mortified and turned away. Kim had to finishthe gutting, as Sonya slammed the meat girl on the side of the head, knockingher senseless.

Crista was directed to rub the body cavity with a mixture of olive oil andspices, while Kim used some meat girl smoked sausage, bread cubes and vegetablesto make a stuffing for the cavity. Crista did the job meekly, stopping as soonas she could. Kim brought the bowl over from the stove and started stuffingthe senseless meat girl. Kim sewed the cavity up and ordered Crista to oilthe body with olive oil and salt. Crista did so, at one point, checking onKim and then rubbing the meat girl's nipples sensuously. Crista turned to someonein the audience and winked. She checked on Kim again, and then worked the meatgirl's cunt, this time moving the brush to over her own cunt and making brushingmotions while smiling at the audience. Kim caught her and another argumentensued.

Kim ignored Crista after that. Kim arranged the body of the meat girl onher back with her arms tied together behind her back and under the area ofthe meat girl's breasts, raising the profile of the round globes. The legswere raised to an open fetal position and while Crista held them in the air,Kim secured them into the position she had adjusted them to. The hair of theeat girl was combed into a fan for the face and then Kim covered the tresseswith protective parchment. Kim surveyed the pan ready meat girl, made someminor adjustments and stood back proudly. Crista moved to stand beside herand put her hand around Kim's shoulder. Crista had been flirting with the audience,whenever the opportunity presented itself and she continued to do so.

Joe had been unimpressed by Crista when he first saw her, thinking she waspretty, but not a beauty. Her breasts while nicely shaped were average andher body was not toned to his standards. And her freckles were a turn off.BUT, she exuded sexuality. She was sexy in some mysterious way. Her flirtingwas charming and he felt sorry for her incompetence. Joe heard someone whispering, "See,that blonde must of sucked the producer off, to get on the show, like Johnsaid." Crista was a culinary amateur. She was a flirt, using her sex appealto charm her way through life and get what she wanted and this was to be onemore feather in her cap.

The focus switched to the front stage as the teams of women moved to standat the tables, along side each other, but rotated at a slight angle in aV-shape. All four women were nude. The Amazons moved the roasting pans, containingthe two live roasters, on to these tables as the emcee took up his positioncentre stage forward, joined by a man dressed in the attire of a head chef.The divider was moved once again and the side stages were dimmed as the focusof the audience moved back to the emcee. Alex introduced Chef Alfredo andgave a quick rundown of his credentials and asked the chef for his assessmentof the women's efforts.

Spotlights were focused onto the pans. The meat girls had been posed insimilar positions, on their backs; their heads slightly raised, supported bysmaller pans acting as pillows. Their hair was nicely arranged. Both had theirarms placed behind their backs to accentuate their ample breasts. However,whereas, Kim and Crista's girl had her legs raised into an open fetal positionin the air; the meat girl of the other team had her leg arranged horizontally,bowed at the knees to display the meat girl's cunt and ass hole, both agape,with the labia of the cunt fully engorged and decoratively framed around thegaping vaginal opening. The lips of the labia had been tinted pink, as hadthe nipples.

Chef Alfredo launched into his assessment, "The women did a competent jobin the preparation of these meat girls. Both were fully cleaned, gutted, stuffedand nicely arranged in the roasting pans. And, importantly, both are stillalive.

However, the presentation of the meat girls, while fine for a family dinner,is not at a professional level. Meat girls, as beautiful as these two, shouldbe presented in a manner befitting their physical attributes and emphasizingtheir sex appeal. While Team B did make an effort to highlight the meat girl'scunt and nipples, they could have posed the body more elegantly, so that allher prime attributes, including her rump were displayed, showing that she wasmore than a chicken for the oven.

Team A's meat girl is no more than a chicken for the oven.

Both meat girls were pleasured well to maximize their flavours but TeamA seemed to have gotten carried away and showed sloppy cleaning technique,not even administering enema and douche. Again perfectly adequate for homecooking, but a professional likes to know that his product is presented tothe table with the utmost cleanliness.
Both teams seasoned the body cavity and skin, well, but Team A neglected tofill their meat girl's breast with the human milk compound which is used tomoisten, flavor and tenderize breasts which are not lactating. A must for anyrestaurant and they didn't apply butter under the skin for self basting.

On the whole Team B did a better job."

Team B high-fived while Kim slumped and Crista flashed a worried look tothe audience as if imploring them to help her.

Alex announced that Team B would be declared the winner and that Team A hadlost.
But, because there were two women involved and blame could not fairly be attributedto either one of them, a cook off between Crista and Kim would take place.

A member of the audience was invited to spin the wheel. It came up, "Prepof Prime Cuts", which Alex explained, "The meat girls prime cuts: breasts,ass cheeks and cunt filet, the obvious and most prized sex organs of a meatgirl are to be harvested from her body while she was alive. This must be donewithout the meat girl expiring during the process or shortly thereafter."

Crista and Kim spun the wheel and the meat girls, to be used, were picked.The meat pans were taken to an off-stage kitchen where professional chefs wouldreprocess the meat girls into acceptable fare for presentation, at the eveningmeal. The tables were replaced with butchering tables, as Alex explained, thatsince this exercise was a matter of expertise and skill with a knife, therewas no need to place the women in positions where they could not see each other.

The Amazons brought the meat girls to tables and secured them.

Kim step forward and immediately started cleaning her meat girl. Cristaglanced over and followed suit. Both girls did a sensuous erotic job, playingto the audience. They used the Amazons to turn and hold the meat girls whilethe backs were done. The meat girls relaxed and enjoyed the attention of thehands over their bodies rubbing and massaging them. As usual, Crista reallygot into it and again seemed to get carried away; giving the prime meat cutsan inordinate amount of attention. After Kim glanced over and saw what Cristawas doing she picked up her pace and seemed to be trying to out do her rival.
During this time, Crista outrageously flirted with the audience. They wereher source of salvation.

Both women remembered to enema and douche their meat girls, this time. Andonce again, Kim seemed to be going for cleanliness while Crista aim seemedto be sensuousness and eroticism.

Crista, quickly, moved to pleasure the meat girl, while Kim was reachingfor her knife.
Kim paused and considered. Perhaps the rubbing of the genitalia was not sufficientpleasuring, and they had been told to ham it up and use any excuse to movetheir performances to a sexual nature. So Kim put down her knife and went towork on the meat girl's cunt, ass, breasts and mouth. Licking, groping, sucking,nipping, pinching for all she was worth, occasionally checking on Crista. Whenshe saw Crista probe her meat girl's vagina and then attacking the girl's G-spot,a sly grin crossed her face and Kim followed suit and soon the loud exhalationsand sighs of the meat girls told the audience that the dolcettes had attainedorgasm. Crista had progressed to her meat girl's ass hole and was trying foranal orgasm. Kim took the hint and followed but quit a short time later. Enoughwas enough.

Kim went to reach for her knife again, then paused. Her meat girl was notlactating. There was no warm sweet milk when she sucked on her meat girl'snipples and she realized she had not thought about making sure the tits wereengorged and stayed engorged after she had cut them off. She considered andreflected upon what she could do, while mixed up a batch of meat girl breastmilk with the gel and herbs commonly used. The Eurasian beauty returned withthe large syringe and start injecting her meat girl's breasts causing the girlto writhe in agony. Kim made sure to press the syringe to the bone a few timesto make sure the meat girl screamed in agony. The audience would love that.The pain and suffering of the meat was a palliative to the outrageous pricesthey were paying for their show and dinner.

Kim decided to make a thicker meat girl breast milk mixture with more geland a little arrowroot starch and injected that around the meat girl's nipplesjust under skin. That should keep them engorged and taut when she harvestedthem without detracting from the taste.

Crista turned to see what the screaming was about. She hadn't checked onKim while she was pleasuring her meat girl. There was nothing Kim could teachher in that department.
When she saw Kim filling her meat girl with human breast milk she flashed awicked smile at the audience. Crista's meat girl was lactating and Crista hadtaken great care not to drain to much breast milk from the breasts. She knewthat most dinners, given the choice would pick a lactating breast meat ratherthan breast meat that had been filled, so she gabbed both nipples and tweakedthem hard, causing her meat girl to scream in pain and eject a stream of milk.Crista made a great show of licking clean the breasts of her meat girl. Theaudience and the chef would know that her meat girl's breast were swollen withmilk and Crista had not overlooked checking to make sure.

Both women knew enough to massage the clits and labia of their meat girls andboth injected them with usual basting oil mixture, used for that purpose.However, true to her form. Crista used this opportunity to eat out her meatgirl's pussy.

Kim paused and seemed to be doing over a checklist in her head. She wasn'tgoing to let her animosity to Crista make forget something again or make hercareless.

This time Kim forgot nothing. She moved to the meat girl and gave her victima large glass of fortified alcohol to calm the dolcette down and sedate hera little. Purist would also claim, that Kim was adding a little marinate toher animal's meat.
Kim made a show of noisily sharpening her knives, to allow the booze some timeto work.

Crista, again, glanced over looking to Kim for guidance, and followed Kim'sexample.
Her use of the sharpening steel showed an inexperienced hand and she gave upafter nicking herself with her chef knife.

Kim moved to her table, elevated an end slightly so that it was at an angle,allowing the audience to more easily see her actions and the effect those actionwould have on the meat girl. The she grabbed the breast and massaged them lightly,indicating that they would be the first cuts of girl meat harvested. She checkedto make sure that all the bonds, holding her meat girl to the table, were secureand then placed a sheet of clear plastic over the bosom of her victim. Kimknew she could score points by ensuring that blood didn't splatter and squirtto far and not on the members of the audience. The little Eurasian beauty,then, removed the plastic and wiped the breast of her meat girl with a dampcloth.

Kim covered the bosom with the plastic, went through her mental checklistonce again and moved her hand, holding her boning knife, under the plastic.She moved the blade to the fold where the lower breast meets the torso andinhaled and readied herself to start cutting. Suddenly she stopped, consideredfor a moment and then removed her hand from under the meat girl's breast. Sheremoved the plastic and then exchanged knives. She had chosen a paring knife.Kim then traced an oval bloody circle around the complete meat girl's breastwhere it rose from the bosom. She exchanged knives again, replaced the plasticcovering and once again positioned the boning knife under the fold at the lowerbase of the breast. With an economy of motion she moved the blade up till thedetached breast was freely sitting on the meat girl's chest.

Kim removed her hand bearing the knife, carefully, from under the plasticwrap and using a towel reached under the plastic shield and cleaned the bloodymess. She exchanged towels, getting a pristine white one, Lifted away the plasticsheet and removed the breast and quickly covered the bloody wound with a whitetowel. With an economy of motion the plastic sheet was quickly dragged overthe now quickly reddening towel, to the applause of the audience. The secondbreast was also sliced off in much the same manner but with less show and morehaste.

Crista intently watched Kim and tried to match Kim's every move. She showeda lack of understanding of what she was doing but displayed an amazing abilityto ape the actions the diminutive Eurasian beauty.
Kim next got a thick bag and filled it with small ice cubes from the freezerand crushed the cubes into slush. She double bagged the, formed it to the shapeshe wanted, sealed the bag, trimming away excess plastic. She took that bagand plopped on the meat girl's breast wound that she had cleaned and packedwith gauze pads to stop the bleeding.

There were lots in the audience that probably would have preferred to seethe bloody mess, Kim thought, but her meat girl might die if she didn't stopthe bleeding. Kim applied the same procedure to the other breast wound andcovered the plastic bags with paper towels which she had soaked in pink dyedwater to match the meat girls skin tone and shaped the paper around the bagsin the form of the missing breasts. To the unwary eye, it might look like breastshad returned.

Crista took a completely different course. She cauterized her meat girl'sbreast wounds with a browning propane torch and then passed the bloody breastsover the black cauterized flesh to give it the look of a raw untreated wound.It was a risky procedure that might have sent the meat girl into shock. But,the bleeding was stopped and she could present a blackened, bloody mess, whichCrista was sure the audience would love.

Both women moved to the cunt area and cut away the prime filet of girl meatemploying the same technique with the towels and plastic, with no apparentproblem. This time Kim molded the paper towels to show a pubic slit.

Kim was ready to move on to the final harvesting of the meat girl's asscheeks but she was unsure about how to maneuver her meat girl's body to getit into a position where she could harvest the girl meat. She looked over atCrista wonder if Crista had any good ideas and wondering what was taking Cristaso long. Kim's mouth dropped as she caught a glance at Crista's girl meat filet.It was round and Crista was wrapping smoked girl meat ham bacon around it.Kim considered. Yes, she had heard about cunt filets with girl meat bacon wrappedround them. Expensive restaurants served girl meat filets like that, callingthem "Filles Mignon", after the French word for girl. Kim could trim her girlmeat filet into an oval shape and wrap it in girl meat bacon too. The girlmeat bacon was made available, what else could it be for. Maybe, the bitchwasn't a total airhead.

The two women glared at each other, wondering what the best way of harvestingthe ass-rump girl meat roasts. Kim didn't really know of a way, without flippingher meat girl, resulting in real mess around the breasts and vaginal area.
Crista had seen a rump roast being harvested in an expensive restaurant; adate had taken her to, to impress her. But, that meat girl had been hangingby her arms from the ceiling and the chef just had to turn the body aroundand he was in an enclosure, so he didn't have worry about blood splatteringeverywhere.

Kim had an idea; she had spotted a pulley hanging above her head. She couldlift the meat girl's legs up with it, exposing the cheeks of the ass, and thenKim could easily slice them off. But there was a problem. The crank for thepulley was across the room and if Kim attempted to hoist her meat girl's legsaloft, the cunt wound would probably reopen creating a mess and she would notget a clear enough, unobstructed view from the crank to make sure that amountof movement was correct. Kim didn't want to raise body off the table. She wasnot allowed to get help from the Amazons for anything other than moving themeat girl. Kim surveyed the stage but could come up with no other solutionand Crista seemed no better off. They would have to trust each and cooperate.Would Christa even consider doing so? Kim had to find out.

Reluctantly Crista agreed. Kim's idea worked. The rumps of each the meatgirls were easily moved into position and once the crank was locked, the twowomen could help each other control the squirting blood and quickly clean upthe mess. Both employed their own methods of treating the ass wounds.

A trimming of the edges of the cuts of girl meat, to enhance their appearanceand a quick check to make sure nothing was missed and the contest was over.

The prime cuts of girl meat were presented by the two nude women, to thepanel of judges for the verdict. The house lights went down.

A few minutes later the house lights brightened revealing the two cleanedup, still nude women standing side by side, slightly askew, so that the audiencecould clearly see both of them beside the emcee. The emcee reminded the audienceof the consequences that would result from the panel of cooks' decision. Oneof the two women would be relegated to the girl meat cage to be processed forthe evening repast

Alex reintroduced Chef Alfedo to pronounce the verdict.

"Both women did admirably." He looked at the trays of girl meat and pronounced, "Allthe cuts of girl meat had been cut to standards one would expect in a firstclass restaurant.
Most butchers, let alone cooks, would know to prepare the girl meat filetsas "Filles Mignon". A little extra work to increase the value and desirabilityof a prime cut of girl meat." Crista did know best.

"The breasts are exquisite. Nice and plump and no doubt flavorful. The milkysmell tells us that all of them are swollen with tasty meat girl milk. Theengorged nipples enhance the presentability of the breasts. Who could turndown such a tasty treat?

The rump roasts a look plump and tender. They are cut right to the boneso that all possible girl meat has been harvested."

"However, there has to be a winner", concluded the venerable chef.

Crista inched a bit closer to the chef and when he glanced her, she slowlybut visible thrust her breasts toward him. She fluttered eyes and crossed herarms under breasts to push them out and frame them. She was trying to flirther way into his heart.

"In such a close contest as this, it boils down to the demonstration ofskill and technique.
Which knife cuts are smoother, less ragged.
Who has been able to cut closest to the bone and cut the girl meat in a formwhich is more attractive to the eye." Crista began to rub her thighs as ifit was a nervous reaction, at that comment.
"Who has taken the most care and effort in trying to maximize the appearance of the cut of girl meat. For example which cook has taken the most effort see that the girl meat breasts have attractive nipples engorged to their maximum
Which meat girl has been injured the least? Have the wounds been treated tomitigate further trauma which could result in premature death. Does the meatgirl still have a presentable body for the public to enjoy viewing?"

He paused, turned the Crista and Kim. A quiet chant of  "Crista, Crista" started.
And he spoke, "The panel has decided that the most skill and ability was shownby Kim!"

Crista slumped and a tear fell from her right eye. The Amazons had to dragher to the meat girl cage, crying.

The house lights dimmed and rose to a deserted stage. The audience filedout to recover from the decision and get drinks and libations.

After about a half hour, a bell tolled, signaling to patrons that the contestwas to resume.
The stage lights brightened showing the meat girl cage, now, with a moroseCrista in it.
Kim, Samantha and Monica stood together slightly askew, now dressed in shortmini-dresses. They had been cleaned up and make-up professional applied, theirhair shone and with big smiles on their faces, they were all sex stars.

The emcee walked to the mike and announced, "The field has narrowed to threebeauties.
It has been decided by the panel of judges that since the field is so competitiveand the skills and abilities of our contestants so equal that we fill foregousing the wheels to decide tasks. Instead the women will compete in face tobeautiful face competition to decide the winner.
All three will perform the next task.
The two completing that task best, in the eyes of the panel, will then competeagainst each other to determine the winner of the contest.
The losers of round three, and the final, will join Crista in the meat girlcage, unless they are, at any time, chosen to be processed into girl meat.Good luck to you all."

"But, before we start, there is some unfinished business we have to takecare of. Have the Amazons bring Crista to centre stage. Crista will spin thewheel to get her number. She will spin until a free number comes up and thatnumber will be assigned to her. That number will then be branded into her upperfront thigh. Usually identifying numbers are tattooed onto our meat girls butthe shortage of time necessitates this action. Crista is a brave girl, so Idon't expect that she will suffer much. Also since Crista has not had the benefitof acquiring the wherewithal to produce milk in her breasts, we will ask thather former colleagues remedy that situation by filling her mammaries with ourmeat girl breast milk substitute.

Crista was brought forward looking bewildered and sobbing. After spinningthe wheel her number came up. Lucky Seven? The number of the meat girl thathad been sacrificed. The Amazons were ordered to tie Crista to crossbeam overheadby her two joined and bound hands. Then Kim, Samantha and Monica got a bitof revenge. Kim especially seemed to want to inflict pain, driving her needledeep into Crista's breasts and the new dolcette screamed in agony, she neverbeen treated like this before. Uncounted cocks were rising throughout the auditoriumand many a pussy was moistening. As blood was allowed to stream down Crista'stormented breasts, Sonya made a show of heating a branding iron to red hotin a charcoal brazier and then burned the number seven into Crista's thigh.Who knows how many orgasmed at that moment, to Christa's shill blood curdlingscream. Crista fainted. The Amazon dragged and threw back into the meat girlcage.

The three remaining contestants were then told that their next task would beto live spit a meat girl. The spitted meat girl had to remain alive so thatshe could be put on to roast in the pit BBQs immediately after they had performedtheir task. The meat girls would be monitored, to track the order of theirexpirations. The contestant whose meat girl lasted the longest would receivea bye into next round.
The contestants spun the wheel for the number of their victim. Jaws all overthe auditorium, including Kim's, dropped when the arrow stopped on seven, forher spin.
A hubbub broke out and emcee announced that it would not be fair to Kim, thatthe number seven meat girl be assigned to her, due to the fragile state ofmeat girl. Kim spun again and came up with four.

Three Amazons each brought the chosen meat girls to tables, side by side,at which the three contestants were stripping off their clothes. Alex explainedthat the Amazons would assist the contestants in moving and restraining themeat girls but otherwise could not help them. Breach of this rule would resultin disqualification.

The women were told where they could get water and cleaning supplies andbegan washing the nude meat girls. All proceeded to quickly and competentlyclean their girls. None missed the douche and enemas, although Samantha receivedan expected gush of vile brown liquid over her legs when her meat girl expelledthe enema solution. The next step caused only minor difficulties. Kim, again,proceeded to pleasure her meat girl, in a somewhat relaxed mode, going aboutthings mechanically and efficiently, missing nothing, inducing both a clitoraland G-stop orgasm but without passion or evidence of pleasure for her. Samanthafucked her meat girl and had her meat girl fucked her in a frenzy of cunnilingus.Monica enjoyed her liaison with her meat girl as they both explored each otherand pleasured each other to satisfying relief.

Problems happened when Monica started syringing meat girl breast milk intoher non-lactating dolcette. As the needle penetrated her taut nipple, themeat girl tried to jump off the table, surprising Sonya and as Sonya grappledto restrain the meat girl, the table was toppled onto Monica. Monica recoveredquickly but was nonplussed for a time and started making mistakes and althoughshe corrected them, she grew panicky, as Kim and Samantha forged a head.

She dropped the decanter of fortified alcohol smashing it, in an effortto catch her rivals.
And the screams of the other two meat girls having their stomachs slit openand their guts removed, caused Monica's dolcette to try to bolt again. TheAmazon cuffed the terrified girl into quiescence but Monica become furtherunnerved.

By the time she had gutted her meat girl, the other two women were pushingtheir spitting poles into the body cavities of their dolcettes. Monica spedthings up and appeared to be catching up. She had her spit pole entering thebody cavity of her meat girl, as Kim and then Samantha pushed the pointed tipsof the poles successfully out of the mouths of their meat girls, to politeapplause. A task made infinitely easier by the proviso that the body cavitiesof the meat girls did not have to be stuffed and could be left wide open. AsKim and Samantha completed their rough closure of the belly tears, in theirmeat girls, to protect that now very sensitive area, Monica pushed her poleout of her meat girl's mouth. She had caught up, not that it made any difference.No time limit was ever specified and it was not a race.

The judging panel came over to examine the work of the contestants whenthey noticed a great deal of blood oozing out of Monica's meat girl's belly.Monica had not properly sealed all the bleeders caused by the gutting or shehad perforated the lung tissue or heart.
Her spitted meat girl would expire soon.

Monica had lost.

The examination of the spitted meat girls was terminated and their bodiestaken to the roasting pits. There was no need for further deliberation. Therewas also no need to respit Monica's meat girl; her technique had been soundenough and her fatal mistake would simply mean the spit muffin would not lastas long as the other two
The audience followed the Amazons and the contestants, including Monica, asthey carried the spitted bodies of the meat girls and installed them on therotisseries. The wagers still wanted to know if they could cash there bettingchits.

When the contest resumed, Monica was ushered to the meat girl cage and throwninside, landing on Crista. Monica had been morose but had not been seen tobe crying. The refreshment interval, after the audience had moved to theroasting pits, had given the unfortunate woman a chance to recompose herself.But upon landing on Crista, the two losing contestants hugged each other,both weeping and sobbing woefully. The audience loved it.

Alex stepped to centre stage and announced that the final contest would bethe skinning of a live meat girl. The chosen victims would be placed hangingby their joined hands and daggling, so that their toes barely touched theground, in a glass enclosure, where the remaining two contestants Kim andSamantha would cut off their skin. The skin was to be removed in one pieceand the meat girl was to remain alive for roasting or spitting.
And since, both women had already demonstrated their adeptness at cleaningthe meat girls prior to processing, that step would no longer be require havingbeen taken care of already.

If, the task was completed by both women, successfully, the winner of thecontest and the $100,000 prize would be determined by an examination of thebodies of the meat girls and the completeness of the skin.

The emcee then called for Monica to be assigned a number by the Amazons.Monica was brought to centre stage, spun the wheel. It came up nine. The Amazonstied Monica to the ceiling and while she was dangling inscribed the numbernine on the thigh with a marking pen. The branding and the abuse of Crista'sbreasts had been for the entertainment of the audience. And although Monicawas a beautiful woman with a lovely innocent baby face and a shapely lush body,the audience wasn't interested in achieving orgasmic release from her torture.A bewildered and relieved Monica was returned to the meat girl cage, to awaither fate.

Kim and Samantha came on stage. They had again cleaned up and been expertlygroomed during the intermission. The spotlights were trained on them in amanner to cause them to glow in the lights. They started stripping off thelingerie and they had arrived on stage, to a hushed audience. In the background,the enclosure was moved to centre stage.

The two women spun the wheel again. Samantha drew her dolcette and Kim onceagain drew number seven. A Eurasian meat girl and a delirious Crista were broughtto the enclosure and Crista was hung from the ceiling. The crowd hushed asthe beautiful statuesque blonde Samantha and the petit dazzler Kim, enteredthe enclosures to pleasure their meat girls. Samantha, once again, inducedher meat girl into a frenzy and came to orgasm with a ear piercing scream ofsatisfaction. Some in the crowd wonder how real her orgasm was, while a fewwomen swooned.

In the mean time, Kim attacked Crista with the mechanical sex making ofthe previous round but with a new intensity. Kim seemed to be intent on destroyingCrista's breasts and genitalia with her exaggerated sex acts. She seemed tobe trying to twist off the meat girl's nipples. She seemed to be trying tosuck all the milk the three contestants had syringed into Crista's breasts.She seemed to be intent on licking the skin off Crista's pussy. She seemedto need to eat Crista's cunt raw, literally. She seemed to needed to destroyChrista's ass so it could never be used again.
Crista, on the other hand, seemed the writhe in sexual rhapsody accepting everyinsult to her body as if it were a blessing.
The contestant and the meat girl rode each other to screaming ORGASMS. Kimcrumbled to the floor. Crista visible convulsed and fainted. The audience wastransfixed by the unbridled passion.

It took Kim a few minutes to recompose herself. And then she strode to theenclosure with her skinning knife in hand, stopped retraced her steps and tradedthe knife for a towel. She slowly towel cleaned Crista's body in a deliberatenon-sexual or sensuous manner, looking as if she was wasting time or furthergathering herself. Kim went back and got her knife and a chant of  "SaveCrista, Save Crista, Save Crista!!" started. Kim turned to look at the audiencein bewilderment and the audience responded by increasing the pitch and loudness.By the time Kim got to the enclosure, it was a roar. Kim approached the hangingbody and punched into Crista's stomach with her fist. Kim was grabbed and draggedout of the enclosure by an Amazon.

The emcee spoke, "There seems to be a problem. Shall we continue?"

A resounding, "NO", reverberated through the hall.

"What shall we do then?" Alex asked.

The audience continued with, "Free Crista , Free Christa", that graduallychanged to, "Let us pleasure her, Let us pleasure her, LET US PLEASURE HER" witha few, "Let us fuck her, Let us fuck her", thrown in.

A group assembled off stage and called the emcee to them and then Kim wassignaled to join them. Kim looked to be arguing with them. And then the emceereturned to the stage and spoke. "We hear you but the rules are clear Cristahas been reduced to a meat girl, with no rights. Her only function is to serveyou. Or more accurately, to be served to you.
But we cannot turn a deaf ear to you."
Kim has rights, too. And she demands to be allowed to earn her reward. We cannotdeny her."
The chants grew louder even still as the emcee continued, "OK, OK, WE hearyou and respond."
"Crista may not be used today. She may be allowed to recover and serve you. She may be made available to all of you, to sample and to enjoy her many gifts, all next week as a dolcette."

The crowd cheered.

The emcee continued, "But Kim insists that Crista fulfill her obligationas a meat girl, today. And since Crista cannot satisfy all of your lusts todayand she is supposed to be turned to meat. Instead Crista will entertain you,to sooth your passions until next week.

It has been agreed that Crista will be hung by her neck, along side themeat girls while they are being turned to girl meat.
If Crista is still alive when the contestants have finished, you may use Cristaall next week.
If Crista expires, Kim will spit her and the girl meat will be taken to theroasting pits.
This is Kim's gift to you."

The audience quieted and applauded softly.

The contest was restarted with Crista being hung by her throat between theother two meat girls. The last of the original meat girls was chosen to takeCrista's place.
Kim and Samantha would continue without the pleasuring of the replacement meatgirl.
As Crista swung in the air, Kim slit a line into skin of the back of her meatgirl, slowly, deliberately and cautiously. The blade slipped at bit causingan inadvertent cut in the skin. She thought, 'I had better quit thinking aboutCrista or I'll be in the same predicament.' She proceeded to skin her victimin her usual methodical, cautious manner. Forgotten was her plan to stall untilCrista was dead.

Samantha was having difficulty. She had never skinned anything except asalmon and she couldn't control her thrashing, screaming girl meat. She wasjust making a big mess of pieces of girl meat, girl meat skin and girl meatblood and starting to panic. The panic grew more intense every time she glancedat Kim, methodically peeling a growing flap of skin from her meat girl.
As Samantha's mess grew and Kim's flap of girl meat skin grew, the contestwas stopped. Crista was taken down and off the stage.

The emcee explained to a quiet audience that the contest was stopped becauseSamantha was ruining her meat girl's flesh. And that if they allowed her tocontinue, the girl meat flesh might be made inedible. To Kim, a poor excusebut to many of the epicures in the audience an astute move. They couldn't abideminced girl meat flesh unless it came as Femme Tartar.

Kim was declared the winner.

The bodies of the meat girls were taken to a back stage to be prepared forthe roasting pit.
Kim was moved to centre stage and given her original clothes to put on andshe waited for emcee to name her the winner.
The audience grew increasingly restless.
The emcee moved to centre stage followed by two Amazons and said, "I am hereto declare our contest winner.

But we do not have a winner!

The panel of judges has determined that Kim and Crista should have beendisqualified for helping each other while they prepared the girl meat primecuts.
According to the rules, disqualification must result in the contestant beingmade a meat girl".

The Amazons grabbed the Eurasian beauty's arms and dragged her to the girlmeat cage, stripped off her clothes and threw her into the meat girl cage

The cage now held three contestants Monica, Samantha and Kim.

The crowd exited the auditorium, as a voice implored them not to miss thenext gala event. The Peril of Paulines.

Monica, Samantha and Kim were taken the resort kitchen. Samantha had been orderedby an enamored patron, for an evening feast. He, first, had her brought tohis room and he and his friends pleasured her, brutally, all afternoon. Theyhad a contest to see who could duplicate or better Samantha's orgasm in theskinning enclosure. The winner was to get her cunt filet.

Monica and Kim were spit roasted. There had been a deluge of preorders forexotic, erotic Asian food, that morning and management had ordained that Kim'sonly exit from the resort would be in patrons' stomachs.

Monica's girl meat was a hit too. There was a bidding war for the few pleasuringsessions that were available before she went on to the spit and no one wasdisappointed in her performances that afternoon.
She was roasted to a juicy golden brown with only a little charring. Her choicebreast and rump slices were a popular, if not expensive, treat for many andthe bidding on her cunt filet reached astronomical proportions. The resortmanagement was not surprised; the contestants always brought big profits. Therewas an endless stream of foreign girls that could be lured to the resort withpromises of wealth and fame, made to look beautiful and disappeared from theirfamilies. The rich patrons were willing to pay almost anything to sate theirlusts and they never asked questions.

Perils of Paulines

Joey arrived back on the islands, early. The mounting expectation and forebodingmade him so restless that he had to leave the Mansion and dolcette farm muchearlier than he had originally planned. Based on the last two spectacles,he was expecting an outstanding show. The resort had advised the attendeeto dress casually, to come early and to expect a long leisurely day of funand thrills

Joey noticed that coliseum had been reconfigured and the seating capacitywas now reduced five hundred people, divided almost equally between men andwomen.

He noticed that there was a lot of equipment everywhere. A "Y" shaped raisedwalkway dominated the middle of the arena, its three arms running from thecenter of the arena to the edges like spokes of a wheel.  He recognizedportable roasting pits just out side the gates and four tent pavilions at thefour corners of the compass. along the rim of the arena.

After what seemed like an eternity the crier yelled out, "Good sirs andgentle ladies we welcome you to our extravaganza.
Today you will be able to feed all your appetites and sate your deepest passions.
You will be privy to a spectacle, unseen by most.
For your pleasure and entertainment, we have obtained a herd of wild she animals.
Today you may enjoy all that they have to offer, in any way you see fit."

A wagon pulled up, drawn by horses, and stopped. A group of fifteen beautifulyoung women were pushed out of the wagon enclosure by ten Amazons. The meatgirls were all lovely. There were eight blondes, two redheads, two brunettes,two Hispanic or Eurasians and a black girl. The meat girls looked to rangein age from about eighteen and twenty-four. They looked bewildered and scared.Joe felt like he could feel their drumming hearts. They were dressed in casualordinary clothes, a bit grubby but otherwise no different from what one wouldsee on any street.
There were ten Amazons, dressed in their usual attire of black meat girl leathersand thigh boots. Joe noticed that all of them had cattle prods.

The Crier droned on, "These are wild untamed meat girls recently capturedby our hunters worldwide. They have not been domesticated or fattened for thepot. Their flesh is gamy and chewy. But, they have the sweet savor of recentfreedom.

Today, you the privileged elite will be able to sample and enjoy to theutmost, all that they have.

We affectionately call this presentation "The Perils of Paulines". The meatgirls will be put through a number of trials so that you might see what theyare made of and which you might enjoy. Those not successfully completing atask will be punished by you, in a manner of your choosing, using your cellphones. Our Amazons will administer the punishment."

"The Paulines will now be cleansed and made pure for you". The Amazons forced the meat girls to strip completely naked, encouraging any who were reluctant with their cattle prods. The nude girls were washed in two small tubs, in a sensual erotic manner with much rubbing of the breasts, asses, thighs and cunts.

The nude meat girls were then paraded around the arena and then made towalk the three spokes of the runways, like models. They paused at the end ofeach runway and sat on a padded chair so that they could raise the legs andasses, spread their legs and show their pussies to the admiring crowd. Anyreluctant models were encouraged to comply by the cattle prods of the Amazons.Joe noted that they all had cute attractive faces. Their bodies ran the gamutfrom short and chubby to lean and athletic. Their breasts and asses were notas plump and round as his farmed meat girls, with a more natural appearance.

After all the Paulines had walked all three runways, the crier informedthe audience,
"The time has come for holy devotion to our creator. During the cleansing of the bodies, it was discover that there was one pure of body, untouched by her past life with her maidenhood intact. Our holy father will now raise this pure one to bosom of the Heavenly Lord, prepare her sex to accept his blessing and raise her soul to the heavens that she might wed her flesh to his and we can all partake of her holy sacrifice."

A man in a red robe strode to the altar that had risen into the arena, asan Amazons picked up the little blonde. She was nude with a chubby body butnot overweight. Her breasts were of medium size, with big pink puffy nipples,her waist was a not as narrow as most of the girls but her plump ass gave hera full smooth hourglass figure. She looked terrified but did not struggle.She was placed on the altar, spread-eagled, with her body on an angle so thatall could see her face. A pillow was put under back to push up her bosom andmake her breasts appear larger. The priest kissed tenderly on the lips andthen kissed her breasts and nipples. The little girl was frozen in fear. Thekissing progressed down the body to the cunt. The priest moistened the pussyby licking the area. He placed a white linen sheet under the lower torso andlegs and the picked up and enormous cross with a shaft thicker than the headof a baseball bat, rubbed gently against the girl's torso and then thrust deeplyinto the girl. Her back arched and she convulsed slumping into unconsciousness.

The priest pulled out the now bloody end of the cross and blessed the girl'stemple, mouth, breasts and cunt with cross motions and then reinserted thecross and thrust it in and out while chanting, for about five minutes and thendislodged the cross, bowed to the unconscious girl and left chanting, "Praisebe to our Heavenly Lord." Blood continue to drip from the vagina, of the meatgirl. The girl was taken away a little later, when crowd was distracted bythe Paulines pleasuring each other. She wasn't quite dead yet and was sureto make a tasty and tender roaster when she was put into the oven alive, tocook. Offers were already being accepted for her prime cuts.

The crier bowed to the altar and continued, "The Paulines will now be allowedto pleasure each other so that all may assess their skills and charms. Afterwhich our pavilion rooms will be opened so that the Paulines may be used tosatisfy all your cravings and lust. Since these meat girls were not made availablefor sampling and pleasuring, during the week, as is customary, we offer thisas recompense. The pavilions will open for two hours. The attendants and usherswill be able to assist you in getting the Pauline, of your desire, to yourpavilion as expeditiously as possible. As is our custom, the most generousoffers will be given priority. Feel free to come down and examine the Paulinesand feel free to make use of any one of the pavilions. Of course, if you wishyou may also use the arena mats.

The meat girls were divided into three groups and led to the mats in the threesectors where they pleasured each other, in frenzied activity. They had beentold that the only way to survive the day was to play the game, to the utmost,and completely satisfy every requirement; that the surest way to live wasto acquire a paramour who would buy them and take them to his or her home.The meat girls had no other option but to believe that that was the caseand act accordingly.
The audience wasted no time in placing their orders and moving to the arenafloor or their closest pavilion. The anticipation had already made many ofthem extremely horny.

When fifteen minutes was over, the fucking started immediately and for thenext two hours, the arena was alive with a cacophony of sounds: screams ofpassion, pain and ecstasy, loud moans and all manner of grunts, squeals andsqueaks. Joe could see humping silhouettes through the sheer pavilion walls.On the arena grounds, many of the patrons were using the opportunity to examine,explore and probe the bodies of the Paulines, some in cruel ways that had tobe controlled by the Amazons.

After two hours, the crier announced that the first trial was to start.There was flurry of activity as the proper equipment was brought out and positioned.When the preparations were complete, there was a circular track around therim of the arena and a series of three rope lines stretching between two ofthe spoke runways.

The crier explained, "The first trial is the trial of the noose.
The Paulines will be herded around the arena two times and then they will beherded up to a platform where a rope noose will be put around the necks. Therope is short. The other end has already been secured to the rope line. Thehands of the Paulines will not be bound and their hands can be used to movethem across the rope bridge to the other side.
If a Pauline looses grip of the rope, she will fall and be hanged.
Such a fate would be so fast that it would deprive us of proper entertainment,so the Amazons will remove the Pauline and take her to face the trial of slowimpalement."

The Pauline were chased around the ring, by Amazons wielding whips and lashes,the required two times, and then passed up to the runway, a noose placed overtheir necks and they were pushed off into space.

All but one Pauline made it across. A pale-white slightly built cutie, withbright deep blue eyes and an angelic face, lost her grip and was hanged. Alsothe last girl, a busty Latin temptress with thick wavy brown hair, streakedwith blonde highlight, was pushed violent back as she attempted to climb backto the runway landing. It had been ordained that at least two Paulines shouldface the trial of impalement.

The Paulines that had successfully transited the rope bridge were takenaway to be cleaned for next phase while the two hanged Paulines were takendown using long poles with hooked ends. They were taken to the spot on therunways for peril two.

The crier explained, "These two Pauline have sore necks but otherwise theyare unhurt. They will now undergo the peril of impalement. A spitting polewill be put into their ass hole or vaginal tunnel and the pole has been riggedso that every movement will cause it to penetrate the body more. Of coursethe Paulines can halt the penetration using their sphincter muscles or vaginalmuscles. If they survive to the end of the trial without damage that wouldruin or taint their girl meat, they will be returned to the fattening farms.If the chefs, monitoring them, deem that the internal organs have been ruptured,they will intervene and prepare the meat girl for live spit roasting. The Paulineswill then be placed on the spits.

The little blonde had the spit in her anus. Her pretty face and the torment,that the cruel punishment would cause, would make her cunt filet worth a fortune,by the time her girl meat was served. The Paulines stood stiffly expectingthe worst to happen with their muscles clenched but at the same time knowingthey were doomed. Nothing happened, the tips of the spits were dull so theydidn't penetrate any further than they had been pushed in, the Paulines weremeant to last awhile longer.

The Paulines were cleaned up, this time by a group of young teen cherubs, whilethe crier announced that the pavilions would reopen for two hours more ofdebauchery.

After two hours the crier announced, "Trial three. The gauntlet. In this trial,the Paulines will run gauntlets formed by the Amazons. The Amazons will formtwo lines through which the Paulines will run. Paulines will have to run completelythrough the gauntlets. The Amazons will not use weapons, only the hands andfists to try to catch or knock down a Pauline. The Amazons will have theirrange of movement constricted by neck restraints tied to ropes parallel tothe pathway. Paulines caught will be given a second chance, by undergoing trialtwo, the peril of impalement. The gauntlet will be run three times so thateach section of the coliseum can enjoy a close view.

The Paulines ran between the lines of the Amazons, to a hue of cries andscreams. All told, four Paulines were caught.

The four were taken to be impaled. The impaling apparatus was slightly differentthan the first. And, the impalements were distributed to each runway so thateach runway had two Paulines on it. They crier reiterated the specifics ofthe trial and four more terrified girls were left to their fates.

The remaining eight Paulines were cleaned and the pavilions open for businessagain. The flow into and out of the tent was constant.

After two hours, peril four was announced, "This peril is the peril of theroasting pit. A pit of hot coals has been prepared. A narrow log has been placedacross the pit for our Paulines to cross over the pit. Any Pauline loosingher balance and falling in has been made meat.
Since we could not install a full hot coal-baking pit in the arena, the Paulineswill be retrieved from our pit and baked in our ground charcoal ovens. Howeverwe would not want to deprive any of our esteemed audience of the spectacleof the preparation of the meat, so that chore will be done in the arena, beforethe meat is moved to the baking pits."

The Paulines, some now crying, were led to a smoking fiery red pit, witha very thin branch across it.  Three Paulines fell in. As with the hangingperil, one of the Paulines had been deliberately caused to fall. Preordersfor the luau style dinner had been brisk and the management didn't want todisappoint anyone.

The Paulines in the pit realized that there was really no fire; smoke andmirrors, just a mass of ropes to entangle them so that they could not get up.The Amazons extricated the Paulines, knocked them unconscious and laid outtheir bodies side by side beside the pit, a smorgasbord of colors. The onlyblack girl, a Latin beauty and a tall lanky blonde. It made pretty picture.

Chefs arrived to prepare the meat. The Paulines were wiped clean and thengutted alive. The pain of the gutting knife aroused the Latin into frenziedand she had to be restrained by two Amazons. The blonde girl was aroused bythe screaming but merely glanced around, unable to move. The three Paulineswere gutted with their hearts and lungs intact so that they would remain alivethrough their ordeal. The black beauty was shaken awaken and feeling the burningpain in her torso, screamed, "Kill me, Please kill me." The Amazons restrainedher.

The Paulines were taken one by one to a nearby butcher block, one by one,where their arms were chopped off just above the elbows and their legs choppedoff just above the knees. The chefs had tied the areas off with tourniquetsso there wasn't a mess. And then the heads were chopped off. The blonde, theLatin and the black girl stared off into the abyss one final time, no longerfeeling pain.

The cooks finished removing the internal organs, stuffed the body cavitiesand stitched them up. The meat was taken to the in-ground roasting pits, layeredin palm leaves and piled high with hot coals and sand. The meat was allowedto bake till it was moist and tender long pig.

The five remaining Paulines were mortified and in shock.  They meeklysubmitted to their cleaning with occasional attempts to bolt or woeful sobbing.They had to be tried to the beds in the pavilions, when the pavilions wereopen, and rather than fuck, the Paulines meekly lay back and let the patronsrape them. Not one person complained, some even offered to pay double for anothergo or longer time. Rape was a pleasure to them and the show by the pit wasa real turn on.

The next trial was announced. Trial by water. The crier explained, "The Paulineswill have choice of using their anal sphincters or their vaginal muscles. Anenema will be administered and the Paulines have merely to run to the otherside of the arena to expel the liquid or a Pauline will have this plug insertedinto her vagina and a bucket, attached to the plug, will be filled with water.The Pauline has merely to transit the arena before the bucket falls."

Of course the final test was impossible, the anuses would be filled to therupture point and if the Pauline got to close, she would be tripped or theseemingly small bucket would be weighted with lead and, again, if it lookedlike a Pauline was going to make it, she would be tripped. The field had alreadybeen bisected with wires, which were almost invisible until they were raised.The meat girls had to all go on the flame. Time was slipping away. The meatwould not roast sufficiently if the show went on much longer. Some of the dinnerswere scheduled for mid night but even that might be too soon.

The peril went on. The two Paulines who had chosen enemas didn't even makeit half way. The Paulines that chose the water buckets faired almost as poorly,one broke down crying, only a few yards from the start and one other tripped,even without the wires. The fifth Pauline made it; management had decided tomake it appear that the final trial was possible. The last Pauline was laudedand feted for a while and went into the luau pit with her head cut off andher limbs shortened, the next day. The guests all said she was delicious andher meat melted in they're mouths.

That left the six impaled girls to deal with. Management debated whether tokeep them alive for live spitting and live barbequing or just to pull theplug and let the poles do their job. All impaling devices were, in pointof fact, sophisticated spitting machines that were programmed to performin any manner decided. The Paulines had been put on them so that an appearanceof death by impalement would occur; but in fact the spitting pole would barelypass the anus or vagina and more importantly no internal organs would beruptured, thus avoiding a bloody smelly mess. It was argued that the audiencedidn't really care as long as they got their girl meat.

The other side argued that the reputation of the resort would suffer, if theshow ended in a mess of blood and shit.
And in the end, they won. It was decided that it was the show that mattered.If the patrons just wanted human flesh, it was always available and they wanteda fine dinner of girl meat, the dining room and other restaurants were almostalways open for business. They went to a lot of trouble to create illusions,to sate the lust and greed of the customers while ever maintaining a veneerof civilized behavior.

The show would go on as originally planned.
The Amazons went onto the runways and checked the bonds holding the Paulines.They aligned poles along the backs of the girls that were oriented in anidentical manner to the poles penetrating the ass or vaginas and securedthem to the base of the floor. The crier explained, "The poles are exactlyparallel to the poles inside this Paulines. As the poles penetrating thePaulines go in deeper into each of the bodies, you can follow a parallelpath of the pole through the body using the reference pole, you can see.This way you can determine the path the internal pole is taking through thePauline's body.
The movement of the pole upward can be tracked by watching the machine's thrustingmovements and the rise of the end of the pole."
A cover was removed from a small glass window. "Through this window you cansee the action of the pole going in, more easily.  A computer programmetracks the path so that vital organs were missed and with a little adjustmentto the head the tip of the point would pop out of the mouth like manual spitting",he continued
"The machine is not on yet. We waited so that you could watch the impalement peril of these Paulines without any distractions."

The machines came to life, noisily, and the Paulines screamed. The polesseemed to rise into the Paulines, as blood streamed from each of their orifices.The machines continued to a din of screams and moans with occasional swearingor pleas for mercy. The poles seemed to rise and the crowd was in pandemonium.An Amazon went the first girl, the fragile little blonde with the angelic face.She pulled back the head, by the long blonde hair, opening the mouth and inserteda tube. The crier explained, "The small tube, put into the mouth of the Pauline,will be pushed down to meet the spit coming up, allowing the Pauline to continuebreathing and helping to bypass the heart. Watch for the tip of the spitingpole exiting." And as the tip seemed to exit, to a cheer, he added, "Successthe Pauline has become meat."

In a like fashion the other Paulines were spitted.

The crier further explained, "The meat is still alive so that it can startroasting alive; this with ensure moist tender meat. However the meat has notbeen fully cleaned, the internal organs must still be removed; this will bedone adjacent to the spit roasting barbeques.
All are invited to watch."

The Paulines were moved to the spit roasting barbeques, after the crowdhad left. They had not been impaled. The mouth tube and short pointed metalstakes were removed from their asses and vaginas. The girls were given thefortified alcohol to drink and taken to the spit roasting area where a smallcrowd had assembled and with great ceremony, really spitted in the normal mannerby two skilled chefs. The alcohol had made the dolcettes drunk and almost senseless.The crowd thought it was the effect of the prolonged impalement.
The chefs used sharp knives, so the meat girls barely moved. All went well.Well past midnight the meat was served. No one was upset by the wait. The littleblonde Pauline was tender, moist and flavorful. Many patrons said it was thebest girl meat they had ever tasted.

Joe went with Paul and the other New World executives to the luau. It was onthe lawn adjacent to the resort dining room. The crowd was boisterous andwild, fuelled by copious alcohol that flowed freely. The management had madesure that there were lots of play-for-pay party dolls, of all shades of sexualorientation, to satisfy even the most jaded sexual appetite.

The party proceeded apace with Joe taking every advantage he could. He enjoyedthe company of a beautiful brunette, who sucked his cock so hard he thoughshe would suck it off. He enjoyed brandy after brandy, till he was staggeringaround.

By the time the girl meat, dark brown coloured with crisp skin, was servedhe was flying. Pointing to the uncooked head, which lay along side the platterof steaming female flesh, he giggled, "The little Spanish meat. I hope shetastes as good as she looked", as his face fell onto his plate. His new friendslet him sleep it off, for a while and as the gathering grew sparse, they helpedback to his room. And put him to bed.

Joe was starting to come around when he felt hand pulling off his pants, andlifted his head to see a mop of long, curved, dark blonde hair. He staggeredup asking, "Who are you." And plopped back down.

The blonde coyly answer, "I'm your genie and I'm here to grant your everywish.

 Joe thought, 'Room service from the resort. Gee, I hopes its not oneof those sex fiends from New World.'

The beautiful blonde began sucking Joe off, as he drifted off. After anhour Joe glanced up at an angelic vision with large sky blue eyes, who wassaying to him, "I think you're up and ready to play." The vision moved towardhis face and kissed him. The couple was quickly French kissing, passionately,but with a measured serenity. Sensuality seemed to be the focus on love ratherthan carnality. Joe was enveloped by her sweet musky smell as she kissed hischest and then raised her breasts to his mouth, pushed one of her engorgedpink nipples into his and implored him to suck it. A jet of warm milk squirteddown Joe's throat causing him gag, a little, and then he sucked with passion;a little baby clinging to his mother's breast, sucking for life sustainingsubstance. When that breast was dry, he went to the other, lost in time andplace. When Joe had sucked the second breast dry, she mounted him aside hiscock and slowly and gently rocked. As the rocking slowly intensified, the minxtried to suck Joe's cock into her as deeply as possible with her vaginal muscles.The blonde lifted her self off Joe and bent to him, kissing him and tellinghim to make love to her. She helped Joe turn over and mount her. Joe mechanicallyfucked her, on his sex autopilot. He came in a flood, turned over and wentback to sleep. The blonde cleaned Joe off with a towel and went to the bathroomto clean herself. Returning to the bed, she lightly kissed Joe and got intothe bed by side him, briefly hugging Joe before she nodded off.

The next morning, Joe got up and looked over to the glowing vision of beautybeside him. It hadn't been a dream. She was there. He studied her face. Shewas beautiful, a halo of thick dark blonde hair, that curled lushly downto her shoulders, framed her face. The lips move a bit, they were a dullpink, full and wide and symmetrically equal in width and length. They conveyedinnocence and youth, and then Joe remembered those startling blue eye thatseemed to glow at him in the subdued light of the night. He had to awakensleeping beauty with a kiss.

The kiss did awaken the blonde and she beamed at with a great big smileand flashed those incredibly sky blue eyes. She cooed, "Good morning, Lover.Is it morning already."

Joe glared at her, lost in those big blue eyes, unable to talk.
The blonde knew Joe was lost. She could almost, physically, feel his eyes penetratinginto her. She broke the spell singing, "I'm going to get cleaned. I'll onlybe a moment. We have a big day ahead of us." The vision got out of bed andslowly and majestically made her way to the bathroom showing no concern thatshe was nude."
Joe kept staring watching the smooth unblemished lightly tanned skin of theback and the big well-muscled taut ass cheeks move away from him.

Fifteen minutes later the blonde returned with only a wet towel flung hershoulder. To Joe, her breasts were like beacon, they were large, slightly conicalbut with a full heavy bulge on the underside, a very slight amount of saggingand only a pencil width of space separating them as they rode high on her chest,slightly bouncing. The nipples were a light pink and fully engorged. They dominatedher breasts. Joe was salivating and he didn't know why.

Joe stammered, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The woman identified herself a Lena Sanchez and she was from New World Traders.As Joe responded with a moan, she giggled saying, "I'm an executive, not ameat girl or play-for-pay girl. I volunteered to be your guide for your visit,and I just couldn't wait to introduce myself. I hope I didn't inconvenienceyou." Lena finished drying her self and dropped the towel and moved to herover night bag.

Joe looked away slightly and gushed, "No problem." Considered and said, "WasI OK last night? I didn't do anything I shouldn't of, did I?"

Lena giggled and as Joe turned back to her, she was reaching behind herback to fasten her bra said, "No you were a perfect gentleman." And after snappingthe hooks into place she clutched her breasts lifting them in her hands saying, "Butyou drained these dry."

The two broke out into laughter, the ice completely broken now. Lena continuedto dress putting on a simple floral mini-dress, over her lacy t-back, skimpypanties and put on white high heels. She picked up her small over night groomingkit and headed for the bathroom, again. Suddenly she turned back to Joe andwith blushing bright cheeks said, "I hope I didn't embarrass you. I shouldhave dressed in the bathroom. I'm a single girl, not used to having strangemen around."

Joe blushed back, assuring Lena that it was OK. Wondering if Lena was reallyembarrassed or merely showing off her magnificent body to him. He intendedto find out.
Lena emerged fifteen minutes later looking even more radiant chiming, "Howdo I look?"
Curtsied a little and beamed when Joe complimented her.

Joe completed his grooming in fifteen minutes and the couple was off.
They drove in Lena's Audi conversable to their New World site, stopping toget a quick breakfast and some aspirin for Joe's now pounding head.

The site was small with only two buildings; a well cared for modern large brickhouse and a large Quonset style hut. The grounds around the house were well-tendedgreen lawn while the Quonset hut was amid rough brush with a walkway to thedoor.
Lena led Joe into the house, where he was introduced to the other principalsof New World Trading, by Paul and group chatted amicably for a while.
An accountant brought out the books and proceed to make his presentation. Joelistened, not really knowing what the guy was talking about. He was no accountant.
Joe eventually convinced the execs, to let him tour their facility despitetheir many excuses and reasons for him not to do so, at that time.
Led by Paul, Joe and the self-designated tour guide, Lena, set off to the hut.

As the door opened, Joe herd screaming and saw two men whipping a suspendedgirl.
The men stopped immediately but the girl continued to cry.
Joe scanned the room and quickly focused on three piles of thrashing pink brownskin.
There were nude girls rolling around in bundles of squirming arms, legs, torsoand other body parts. When he could finally look away from the body piles hecould see two couples in intimate embrace and two or three girl masturbating.They appeared to be young teens ranging in age from about fifteen to twentyyears old.

Lena was apologizing and Paul was yelling at the men. Lena pulled Joe outthe door, while Paul stayed to lecture the guards. Joe assured them that itwas no big deal and that, on a farm, one couldn't control all the animals,all the time. He asked to be permitted to examine the meat girls but Paul resistedand begged for the opportunity to prepare things so that he could do his inspectionthe next day. Lena kept Joe busy for the rest of the day, treating him to sumptuousseafood diner at a nearby posh restaurant.

Lena drove Joe back to the resort asking if he wanted her to have dinnerwith him and later go out. Joe begged off, saying he was tired and wanted toturn in early, cautioning Lena to make sure no more girls would be sent overfor his enjoyment.
None were and Joe did turn in early.

Lena picked up Joe the next morning and this time; he did make his tourof the Quonset hut. The guards were in neat uniforms and the girls were cleanand groomed, dressed in brief white slips. Lena undressed them, as Joe didhis meat girl examination taking care to do a totally professional job; rubbingwhere needed, pinching lightly, here and there, weighing breasts and ass cheeks,checking the elasticity and firmness of skin, in various places, etc; not doingtests that were unnecessary or overtly sexual in nature. He was sure Lena wasimpressed. He didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. They were representativeof the stock sent north, earlier. His only lasting impressions were of a cutebaby-faced, blonde girl with blue eyes and a pixie-like, Latin sprite witha big smile.

The rest of the week was equally uneventful. Joe's only concern was a naggingfeeling that he was missing something important. There were only twenty girlsin the hut and Paul had earlier mentioned a shipment of six girls was beingprepared for shipment, north and since the spectacles and festivals seemto consume about eight to ten meat girls, each time, there seemed to be shortage.Paul had tried to explain that their main ranching facility was further inland,requiring days to get to, because of the poor roads. It was an effectiveand cheap security arrangement and one of reasons that they could supplysuch high quality meat girls at such a low price. Joe was buying that reasoningfor now but he intended to nose around some more.

Lena played guide all week and by Thursday they were inseparable. The ate alltheir meals together, in expensive restaurants with Lena always picking upthe tab, saying the company was paying and it was on her expense account.They never went to a restaurant that served girl meat and when Joe suggestedone, Lena always had a better beef place or chicken place or a seafood place.They did the nightlife like courting couple and they made love every night.Lena also stayed every night. Their lovemaking was, as before, passionatebut gentle and caring. They celebrated each other sensuality and sexuality.They probed each other's bodies to find new ways to please each other andreach new heights of ecstasy. Joe was falling in love and he was sure Lenawas too.

As the week came to close Joe agreed to pass on a favourable report or as heput it "a report showing no serious problems or barriers to a long term agreement".The execs were satisfied and presented him with a ticket to the final festival.
Joe was disappointed there weren't two tickets; he would have liked to takeLena. When he asked if she was going, she turned away, so Joe didn't pursuethe subject. Perhaps she's angry because she wasn't invited, he thought.

Then he remembered that Lena didn't want to talk about the last spectacleeither.
Lena left, right after they arose, Saturday morning, and bid Joe have a goodtime.
When Joe asked if they were to dine together after the festival or if he couldmeet her later, she declined saying she had previous plans. Joe wondered ifhe had once again received a Trojan horse from New World Trading.

Let the Games Begin

Joe arrived about a half hour early for the final extravaganza in the seriesof resort festivals. Paul had told him earlier that this was to be a Romanstyle girl gladiator fight, to the death. He also mentioned that if Joe wished,he could sample the offerings of the warriors but the demand for those pleasuringsessions was extremely popular and the bidding would be high. Paul said hewished he could afford it, because from all accounts, when the meat girl wastold that in a few hour, her girl meat would be digesting in the patron's stomach,her ultimate destiny fulfilled, she responded by going into a frenzy of lustand passion, producing an orgasmic experience, unrivalled by any other.
He said that the rumour was that the bids for the final coupling with the WarriorQueen, the meat girl that had been pleasured the most and at the highest pricesfor her charms, had reached a record, especially since the evening had beenset aside for the participants to prepare themselves for their starring performances.Moreover, the rumor was that the Warrior Queen had always been masked duringthe lovemaking and was believed to be Crista.

Joe thought, "This must be some event, the traffic around the pleasuring tentsis still frenzied, I'm glad Lena was such an accommodating partner for me,last night or I might be in line to."

In due course, five women entered the court, escorted by four Amazons and followeda bevy of cute nymphets. The women wore black girl meat leather, semi-cutpush-up bras that allowed for a full display of their rouged nipples. Insome a cases, the bright pink of the woman's tits was the only thing thatdifferentiated that woman's nipples from the other nipples that studded theirbras. They wore black meat girl leather aprons that barely covered theirpubic areas and left their asses fully uncovered. The aprons were studdedwith tanned leather dolcette cunts carefully spread open to display theirmaximum finery. Paul whispered to Joe, "I bet those costumes the warriorsare wearing will start a bidding war."

The women wore gladiator style helmets that hid their faces.
Amongst the four Amazons, Joe recognized Ilsa and Sonya.
The nymphets were all devastatingly cute, with innocent baby faces and massesof long curly blonde hair highlighted with brown steaks. They wore short unblemishedwhite togas that hung to just under their bare shaven cunts and left a plumpwhite breast bare. Their nipples also shone of bright red colouring.

The group paraded to the altar and arrayed themselves into position, witha warrior maiden standing directly in front of the altar, at its mid point,and the other warrior maidens standing in two pairs in front of her, widelyspaced. The nymphets stood in a casual line at the back of the altar. The Amazonstook up positions forming a box around the other females.

The same crier that had presided over The Hunt came out and sang out, "Wethank for sharing in our festival and pray that our efforts will entertainyou and sate your appetites and passions."
"Let the games begin" The horns and trumpets blared.
"In keeping with out customs we will now make our offering to our lord creator."
"Please bring the appointed one to the altar." Two Amazons strode over to one of the nymphets and stripped off her toga, leaving her nude except for her white high heel shoes." The Amazons dragged the struggling nymphet to the altar and bound her, spread-eagled, across it. Then Amazons resumed their positions.
"This chosen one was the beauty that pleased us most during the week with her youthfulness, beauty and talents. The Gods rejoice at our sacrifice, at giving such a one to them."
"For the next two hours any of you that so desire can offer their vital fluids to the Gods, using the chosen one as a vehicle. Let the virgins act as our intermediaries."
"First, let us initiate the virgins."

Four handsome men, including Saul, marched out, clad in gladiator uniforms,carrying padded backless chairs. The warrior maidens assisted the men, blowingthem until all had erections and putting condoms on the penises. The menthen walked over to one of the nymphets, cradled her in his arms and carriedher back to the chair, placing her in a spread-eagle position. The warriormaidens kissed their nymphets in turn; and then the men began their brutalassaults on the cunts of the little cuties. The girls thrashed and screamedas if in agony, noisily climaxing with a loud shrill ear-piercing screamof pain and pleasure. The men flipped the nymphets over and brutalized theiranuses, in the same manner, with the same results. As the men withdrew, thenymphets could be seen to be quietly sobbing. A bevy of young cherubs, nakedexcept for rings of white lace around their ankles and wrists, all showingbright pink fully engorged large nipples on small budding breasts, enteredcarrying basins of water and towels.

Upon their arrivals, at the various chairs, the warrior maidens undressedtheir nymphets, some wiping away tears, some kissing their girls and then,as one, the warrior maidens wiped the chairs with the nymphets gowns and wavedthe clearly blood stained garments, like flags to the audience. The audiencecheered even through they all knew the nymphets had not been virgins and, indeed,many of onlookers had enjoyed the sexual favors of their favorite cutie duringthe weeklong build up to this festival. The warrior maidens then cleaned thesweet young beauties, making a show of sensuality and sexuality, in all thatthey did. The sounds of lovemaking wafted through the air through the coliseumsound system.

As the cleansing of the nymphets neared completion, the crier called out, "Offeringscan now be made." And he pointed to four tent pavilions, sided with sheer curtains.

Each warrior maiden picked up her nymphet and cradled the nymphet in her arms.The nymphets were carried to the pavilions and placed inside. Where upon,men and women began to enter the tents and could be seen, in silhouette,to be having sex with the nymphets. As the first person to finish left apavilion, a warrior maiden stationed at that pavilion, entered the tent andemerge cradling the nymphet in her arms. The little nymphet was taken tothe altar and placed upon it, her legs were spread and the Warrior Queenpenetrated the girl's cunt with a dildo and then took the glistening wetdildo and inserted it into the vagina of the spread-eagled sacrificial offering.The beautiful sacrificial offering arched her back to force the thrust ofthe dildo deeply into her cunt and let out aloud moan of pleasure. Afterthrusting the dildo in and out of the sacrificial offering, a few times,the dildo was returned to spot on the altar from which it had been taken.In the meantime, one of the adolescent cherubs cleaned the nymphet and thewarrior maiden returned the nymphet to her pavilion to accept another offering.

This procedure was repeated for the allotted two hours.

The crier announced that the period for offering gifts to the Gods had ended.
The warrior maidens carried back their nymphets to their chairs and the nymphetswere cleaned sensually and erotically by the adolescent cherubs. As the cherubswithdrew, the women reassembled at their posts.

The crier announced that the warrior maidens and the nymphets would be allowedto show their gratitude to the chosen one for her gift, to all of them.
An orgy of female lust and passion ensured. An ever-mounting crescendo of carnalecstasy, accompanied a riotous display of ever moving, ever rubbing breasts,asses, arms legs pussies and all other female parts.
After a half hour, the crier announced that the period for giving thanks wasover. The females all returned to their appointed positions without delay.

The crier announced that the time had come for the chosen one to be made intofood for the Gods.
"Our chosen one will be made into divine sustenance for our Creators. And that we might all partake of her blessed flesh.
She will be raised to her heaven, in an ecstasy of love.
To guide her on this quest, our noble Warrior Queen will use all her inexhaustiblelusts and passions.
And the handmaidens, of the chosen one, will accompany her on her journey toher ultimate orgasm."

The nymphets were then moved, by the warrior maidens, to the corners ofthe altar and nooses placed over their heads. The hanging ropes were attachedto scaffold rods that had been pulled out of the altar corners and extendedso that their end points were well away from the altar.

In the meantime the Warrior Queen was doing a sensual highly erotic strip.Finally she was nude, except for her black girl meat leather thigh boots andher helmet. The Warrior Queen climbed the altar and flagrantly displayed herbody. She continued to rub her breasts and pussy, sensuously and erotically,until all the nymphets were secured to their nooses and being held, by thewarrior maidens.

It could be Crista thought Joe, "The body did looked similar but the breastswere a fuller, bigger. And, the body was smooth and unblemished with no freckles.But her breasts could have been pumped up with meat girl breast milk and shecould be in body makeup."

The Warrior Queen moved her masked helmet away from her mouth, a little,and knelt to kiss the chosen one, a sloppy moist passionate French kiss. Thiswas the signal for the altar to rise. As the altar began to rise, the WarriorQueen began to make love with the chosen one. A loving sensual display of licking,gentle sucking formed a counterpoint to the taut ropes lifting the nymphetsoff the ground, by their throats. Soft moans and sighs of pleasure intermixedwith choking sounds and forced muted screams.
One nymphet was even holding the rope to relax the noose but she was pulledback sharply, by her warrior. The other three nymphs let their arms hang unbound,at their sides.

But, almost everyone's attention was focused on the two females atop the altar.
The Warrior Queen was now a frenzied whirlwind moving all over and all around.Into and out of all the sexual parts of the sacrificial offering and the youngbeauty seemed totally gone, moaning loudly and writhing in ecstasy. Methodologicallythe warrior attacked the clitoris, ass hole and the vagina to induce the tinything to spasmodic clitoral, anal and G-stop ORGASMS. The wild woman rubbedher pussy over the subdued girl for what seemed an eternity, finally gruntingwith the satisfaction of her orgasm.
The warrior moved her mask aside, again, and kissed the nymphet, tenderly,telling the chosen one that it was time to fulfill her destiny and become thefood of Gods and all mortal men.

Those close enough, could see a radiant smile break over the face of theradiant CHOSEN ONE.

As one of four hung nymphets gurgled, the Warrior Queen rose and masturbatedherself to her G-spot climax. She belted on a strap-on dildo and mounted thechosen one in sexual penetration. The little chosen one arched to engulf thehard thrust and pulled it deep inside her. The two continued in a wild displayof deep thrusts noticeably climaxing. Then the Warrior Queen wrapped hand aroundthe sacrificial offering and began to violently strangle the little girl. Thechosen one responded with frenzied writhing and bucking around the dildo untilher body convulsed in spasm and she slumped motionless. The Warrior Queen continuedchoking and fucking violently. Joe thought out loud, "Well if that isn't Crista,she would have loved that performance."

Finally the Warrior Queen stopped; put her hand over the heart of the petitgirl and rose atop the altar tearing off her helmet and mask yelling as loudlyas she could, "Our Chosen one is now meat!" The crowd broke in to pandemonium.

It was Crista in all her glory.

Crista was helped down from the altar by two Amazons. The Amazons now followedher to the front of the altar where a casual line formed with Crista in themiddle flanked on either side by two warrior maidens. The Amazons were positionedone step back, at both ends.

The crier stepped out into the limelight to announce the rules of this contest.

"Our warriors maidens will battle in one-on-one combat for our entertainment.They will be paired off into fighting couples, by lot. The winners of the twomatches will then fight each other. The Warrior Queen will be spared the inconvenienceof these two preliminary rounds and she will then fight that winner. A prizewill be awarded to the winner, at our whim."

"The fights will be done using fists and short blades to incapacitate one'sopponent.
Incapacity of a warrior will be finalized upon presentation of a token, placedin each warrior's vagina, to our priest." He pointed to the man in red robes.
"Should a token dislodge itself from a vagina, the maiden may reposition it or the adversary try to take it. However, to win a match, one must both incapacitate one's opponent and retain her token for presentation to our holy father.
There is to be a time limit of fifteen minutes after which the contest willcrease. At that time a token taken from an opponent by any means, will be sufficientto win that match. In all other situations the winner will be chosen by thesound of the crowd.
The audience may, at any time, disqualify a combatant by din of their voices.
Violations of the rules will also be subject to disqualification."

"All losers are to be spitted alive, for live roasting, as meat, in theBBQ pits.
All bodies of losers must be deemed to meet strict standards, as set by ourchefs
Injury to the flesh or cutting of skin are amongst the many prohibitions thatyou all have been previously warned of.
If the body is deemed unsuitable the victor will be disqualified and the resultwill be reversed.
Good fortune to all."

The pairs were set and the two pairs fought. And although the warrior maidensfought with zeal and enthusiasm, the audience was bored. They knew the outcomewas meaningless. All four women would likely go to the roasting pit, at leastthree them, this round and although the women were beautiful, there was littleof interest was being accomplished, except the toughening of their flesh. Mostof them preferred to relive the last act in their minds or watch the nymphetsexpire. Those little beauties were going to succulent and tender.

Some watched as the blonde hair was removed from a little nymphet. She hadexpired and her wig was no longer necessary. The only decorations that, now,mattered to this girl meat were her breasts, ass and cunt; for which some dinerswould pay a fortune

Finally two of the warriors had been eliminated. One had been knocked onthe head senseless. OK, since the bump was hidden by her dark hair. And, theother, a busty blonde, had been choked into unconsciousness without killingher.

The bodies of the fallen were displayed to the crowd. The crowd came aliveas the spitting carts rolled in and after a transit of the small arena, theAmazons restrained the busty blond and vivacious brunette, to racks alongside the spitting carts. The fallen warrior maidens had been tied to theracks, spread-eagled, and the racks sloped so that their lush bodies wereeasy to see. Warrior maidens were generally older than most meat girls. Theytended to have better developed bodies, which, with the fattening process,bloomed into very full figured, chubby, soft bodies. Their fat content wasmuch higher; offering more marbled flesh to somewhat offset their toughertexture.

Older meat girls, with such beautiful faces were often plucked from theprocessing line at the smokehouses to be used in spectacles, such as The Games,and their girl meat was usual cooked in a manner to match the flesh of theiryounger, more tender sisters. They were immensely popular in BBQ pit restaurantswhere they flesh was slow cooked till it fell of the bone.
And, that was to be the fate of these two beauties. They would be turned togirl meat on spit and slowly roasted for hours, to satisfy late night dinnersin one of the Resort's after hours cafes.

The meat girls had to be put on the spit quickly. Their vanquishers immediatelyset to work cleaning the lush full bodies, to the disappointment of the crowd,more for efficiency than lust. The little cherubs, who were helping, did addsome passion and lust but they were usually pushed aside, before things coulddevelop. Pleasuring of the meat girls was almost nonexistent, as the two victoriouswarriors wanted to prepare to battle each other.

Amazons were called upon to do the gutting and spitting for fear that ahasty spitting would kill the meat girls and maybe even ruin the flavor ofthe meat

This time, crowd would see a gutting in full view, brutally carried out.An Amazon ripped opened the body cavity without mercy and yanked out handfulsof intestine throwing them to the ground. A hose appeared to wash out the gristlyremains. A container of a compound was used to seal bleeders and the cavitywalls. The moaning, which followed the screams of anguish when the knife firstpenetrated, were a sign that the process had been done successful.

Two Amazons successfully helped each other; first the Amazons woman-handledthe blonde to the spiting cart; then restrained her in the proper positionand finally thrusting the tip of the pole out the mouth, without causing damageto the heart or lungs.

The other two Amazons similarly spitted the brunette.

Moments after the spitted girl meat was taken off, to the roasting pits,by attendants and spitting carts moved away, the third match began. It wasan uninspired shoving and pushing match that only reached the intensity ofa roll in the sand. The warriors were already exhausted. The crowd booed andthen one of the warriors stood tall while the other lay in a pile at her feet.

This time the Amazons did the cleansing and spitting trying to make looklike they were assisting the Eurasian winner. Sonya even managed to eject somesexual heat into the action with a hot tongue attack on the meat girl's breastsand cunt that climaxed with the red haired Amazon thrusting her open hand intothe ass of the meat girl, to the meat girl's ear-splitting screaming returnto reality. The crowd loved that and roared.

As that third meat girl was taken away, the crier announced the final match.He announced that the warriors would honour one another, a final time, as Cristastripped off hers few garments and the other warrior meekly followed. ThenCrista attacked, in a violent sexual assault of female rape. When Crista brushedaway the meat girl's attempts to ward her off, Crista used that, as a signthat she could violate any part of the meat girl's body at her will. She wentafter the breasts and cunt mercilessly, stopping only when a trickle of bloodflowed. Crista attacked the meat girl's vagina with her breast until streamsof breast milk, mixed with vaginal blood were, messily, evident.
Sitting aside the fallen body, Crista ground her pussy into the meat girl'stits, breasts and thighs, finally yelling out in orgasmic pleasure, astridethe meat girl's big white ass.
Her crowd was cheering in pandemonium as Crista stood up in triumph.

As the other warrior staggered to her feet, the crier started giving hisintroduction for the last match. Then the meat girl wobbled and fell back down.The crier stopped and gazed at the two women and announced, "The contest hasbeen decided. The winner is our Warrior Queen Crista". A chant of "Crista,Crista" rose threw the crowd, standing in all her nude splendor, Crista beamed.

Ilsa and Sonya rushed out to secure the fallen meat girl to the rack andthey quickly cleaned the moaning meat girl. Crista seemed distracted, lettingthe audience know that she felt cleaning her victim was beneath her, but whenSonya, with a sly grin on her face, began licking the meat girl's tits, Cristapushed the Amazon away, coyly and gently licking and then sucking the samenipple. Crista softly sucked the other nipple and then gently kissed her wayto the meat girl's red streaked pussy. She stopped to nip the tip of the clitorisand suck the labia. She pushed a single finger up the cunt and then withdrewthe finger. She rose up and gently kissed the lips of the meat girl's mouthand then turned away. The crowd was stunned and quiet.

Then Crista pointed to the spitting table, motioning where she wanted it.She directed Ilsa and Sonya on to arrange the meat girl on to the cart, intothe classic spitting position with the ass high and the head resting on theedge. Crista made a show of completely examining everything was proper andto her satisfaction. She got a damp towel and wiped the whole body. At onepoint she tweaked a nipple and then, discovering that no milk would flow, shegot tub, through out the water and milked her own big nipples. After aboutfifteen minutes, during which she ignored the crowd, she got out the syringesand began pumping her breast milk into the tits of the meat girl.

She got the biggest bowl she could see and then assembled a few other containers;bringing them to the spitting table. She got her knives and honed them dramatically.With the chef knife, the blonde vixen smoothly cut open the belly. The knifewas so sharp and the cut so smooth that the meat girl did not react. The gutswere unceremoniously dumped into the large tub and the body cavity treatedto minimize the damage.

Crista surveyed her work and smiled.

She motioned for Amazons to rejoin her with the spitting pole.
Shortly after cleaning the anal aperture, with exaggerated care, Crista thrustthe pole into the meat girl's body cavity and slowly pushed until she metresistance. She stopped, had Sonya hold the end of the pole and checked thebody cavity, reaching in to make minute correction of the path of the pole,while directing Sonya. Finally, Crista returned to the ass and pushed thepole until it emerged from the meat girl's mouth. Her voice rang out as Cristaannounced, "Now she is meat".

Applause and cheers rang out.

Crista curtsied and departed the arena to her fans' cheers.

After the applause abated, the crier announced, "Queen of the Warrior Maidens,Crista has been invited to join our glorious Amazon guard.

She thanks all.

She would love to make her body and soul available to all of you. She asksthat you enjoy the pleasures and passion she has for all of you."

Joe, along with a multitude of others, grabbed at his cell phone to putin his bid for a pleasure session with Crista.

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It did not take Dr. Harris long, he was ready to cum. He wanted to prolong his pleasure so he pulled his cock out of Linda and told Peter to open his mouth and get him wet. He pushed forward into Peter's mouth, where he fucked it for a few strokes and then back into Linda's warm hot cunt. He shoved himself as deep as he could inside of Linda. He just buried it all the way inside before he came inside of her. Peter could see the doctor's balls churning in his nut sack as he fed his wife his...

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Taboo friend

I met Louanna by her son hiring me. Been three years now. She plays the mother role calling me son, at first. We took to each other well and our circle of friends just knew we were fucking, including her husband that she doesn't live with! She liked it I think? After the rumors ceased down the road, a year later, I caught her checking out my ass wearing thin summer shorts so I kept up the show acting ignorant to her stare. Dressed in summer clothes every day I was catching her meat gazing me...

First Time
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Lost at Sea book 2 Drifters chapter 12

The night was everything an evening on ship should be. Clear skies, calm seas, land distant flecks on the horizon close enough that they could faintly hear the cries of seabirds. The sunset had been long and gorgeous, full of oranges and pinks that gave way to darker reds and purples before disappearing into dusk. The western horizon was a glowing purple haze that slowly faded revealing more and more stars above.The Nivalese had a strong musical tradition full of drums and guitars, and many of...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sherry Proves Herself Worthy

My name is Jim. I just turned 35 a couple of months ago.I married my wife Sherry nine years ago. We have twoc***dren, a son eight years old and a little girl threeyears old. We have a good life but there have been somerough spots. My story is about the end of one of thoserough times About two years ago Sherry and I had a bigfight. She was spending much of her time with the k**sand seemed less interested in spending time with me. Shegot involved in the PTA when our boy...

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Scappa o vieni schiacciato

Sono nella casa dell'annuncio sul giornale.Diceva:"riuscirai ad uscire da una casa piena donne di ogni età pronte a catturarti?se riuscirai avrai un grande premio in denaro.." Entro e vengo fatto accomodare da una signora di mezza età che mi dice:"Sei qui per l'annuncio?benvenuto!vuoi partecipare allora?iscriverti costa 100 euro,ma il premio che troverai in soffitta è molto più grande!" La guardo e le dico:"mi sta bene,solo siamo sicuri che non ci siano sorprese strane?" Lei sorride e mi...

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Massom maid ko choda

Hello reader. This is my first experience name is zafar and age 22.m from gujranwala. I have a good physical body, white complexion with 7″ animal. Let’s come to the point. Hamary ghar ek servant or us ki beti safai krnay aty thy. Servant beti hmaray ghar safai k liyay chor k kisi or ghar chali jaty thy. Us ka nam iqra tha. Us ki age 20 thy. White complexion or smart thy.. Kia bataon.. Aksar mom bahir jaty to ma or wo akailay hotay thay ghar ma or ma hamaisah atay jatay us ki body ko...

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Where it all started and how I became a little slut for my husbands friend

I think it is best that I tell all of you where things started and how I began my slutty little adventure with my husbands friend. As most things do it started off with some simple flirting through text. We were at a school party for the kids and I noticed him there. I figured I would text him and see if he was having fun. Of course he texted back, “oh just a blast.” I couldn’t help myself and I texted back, “Well you could have more fun with me.” I knew my text would get his mind running and...

Wife Lovers
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First my boss and then the receptionist

Everyone was hard at work and I was on my way to get some done myself before the weekend started, I got to my office and after logging into my computer I went down to the kitchen to get some coffee to help me get through the rest of the day. I had a brief conversation with a co-worker and it was back to business. The screen saver was on when I got back to the office; I sat down and moved the mouse to clear the screen. After putting down my coffee I saw that I had an email from my boss...

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Hot Wife Cuckold rules and Tips

There seems to be a lot of "Cuckold Rules". Most are written by men and for men. This is a hot wife's list of rules and tips to enhance a hot wife's enjoyment of the cuckold lifestyle.When a hotwife's bull enters enters the home, he immediately becomes the alpha male of the house. As the Hotwife you become his sexual submissive and slave. His sex toy! The husband becomes a eunuch knowing his loving wife will only have sex with the bull this time Tip: deprive your hubby of sex for the entire...

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Captain of the CheerleadersChapter 3

Brenda's reign as "queen of cheerleaders" was going well so far. She'd actually had two affairs on campus, fucking both her English teacher and the varsity football coach in their offices. That night Brenda tried to decide what she wanted to do next in flexing her newfound sexual muscles. Brenda had really enjoyed seducing both Ed Richey and Bob Williams, the two male faculty at the high school, but now she wanted to try something even kinkier. She wanted to expand her horizons. In her...

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Sheena by Jennifer Lorissa-Leigh "I tell you, Arnie, something's going on in there." Jeremy spoke as he and his friend looked upon the university's Institute for Human Sexual Studies. "I know Jerry went in there, and never came out." "Maybe he just quit school and went home to Nebraska, like they said," Arnie suggested. "What could possibly be in there that would cause someone to disappear?" "I don't know. Some kind of foul play's going on... maybe one of the...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 17

Wednesday, June 23, 2010 “Are you still determined to have your memories restored, Marsha,” Jan asked. “Yes, there’s no question. This is what I want.” “Even though you may find that you can’t live with them?” “I have to know.” “Even though it may make you susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other psychological problems?” “Please, I have to know.” Jake read resignation in Mrs. Schaff. She didn’t like Marsha taking the chance but knew that there was no talking...

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Beside the Brook of SorrowsChapter 13

Two Bears and Broken Stick sat and listened as members of the Northern delegation spoke of the misery that had overtaken their lands, and brought devastation to their people. The delegation was made up of four hunters, all from different villages that were located far to the north of Two Bears' village. There was a new type of warfare that they were speaking of. Large parties of hunters attacking villages without warning, or any provocation, taking whatever they pleased, after first subduing...

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