They That Have Power - Book IIChapter 17 free porn video

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

“Are you still determined to have your memories restored, Marsha,” Jan asked.

“Yes, there’s no question. This is what I want.”

“Even though you may find that you can’t live with them?”

“I have to know.”

“Even though it may make you susceptible to post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and other psychological problems?”

“Please, I have to know.”

Jake read resignation in Mrs. Schaff. She didn’t like Marsha taking the chance but knew that there was no talking her out of it.

“What happens if Marsha decides later that she can’t live with the memories?”

“We can return her to her present condition,” Jan said.

“Except she will know that for a while she could remember and that the memories were bad,” Jake said. “She may find that disconcerting.”

“If we restore her memories,” Jan said, “even if she finds them painful, the next step would be to help Marsha incorporate them. It may prove to be arduous.”

“Are you really sure, Marsha?” Mrs. Schaff asked. “It sounds so risky and you’ve been doing so much better since your first treatment.”

“I’m not going to change my mind,” Marsha said.

“Very well,” Jan said. “We’ll take you into hypnosis again. Mrs. Schaff, can we get about half an hour alone with Marsha?”

“I’ll go back to my bedroom. Will that be okay?”

“That’s fine. Please close the drapes before you go. When we’re done you need to be prepared for the possibility that Marsha will be upset.”

Jan induced Marsha into a hypnotic state.

She’s ready, Jake, she sent.

Watch what I do here. I’m going to identify the memory recall indexes that bring back the memories. I’m going to follow the nerves that lead from them to the cerebral cortex. Whenever I come on one of Harris’s rings, I’ll destroy it. We’ll start with the most specific index — time.

“Marsha, think back almost a month now,” Jake said. “Think about the missing weekend. You worked at the coffee bar until quitting time. And then you left. Do you remember?”

“I can remember work, but I don’t remember getting off.”

Five different indexes are going off and on, Jan sent. Which one is for the time frame?

I’m going to change my question. See which one remains on.

“Think about the next thing you do remember. What is that, Marsha?”

“It was me walking up the street toward home on Sunday night.”

Did you get it, Jan?

Got it.

Show me.

Send it a little stream of energy.

I’ve never done that.

Just think it. Imagine shining a flashlight on it, but keep the beam small. Large bursts of energy to the brain are disruptive.

Jake saw the index become energized.

Good. Just like that, love. Now follow that nerve bundle into the cerebral cortex. I’ll send a little energy into the nerve as I follow it, so you can see where I’m looking.

Jake traced along the nerve until he came to a ring.

That’s so strange, Jan said, seeing something so obviously artificial in this poor girl’s brain.

Go ahead and destroy it. I imagine I’m breaking it open with a finger but you can use pretty much any metaphor of breaking or cutting or destroying.

Jake watched the ring disappear.

Now think another ring replacing the one you just destroyed.

A new ring appeared.

Good. Look at the activity on the nerve.

Jake energized the index again, sending a stream of impulses down the channel.

I want you to stop these impulses. Imagine a force that neutralizes the negative charge running down these axons. Physically speaking, a positive charge on the ring does it, but you don’t have to be that specific. Just project a quality into the ring that causes the nerve to lose the signal.

Jake watched Jan struggle with the change for a few seconds until the ring finally deadened the electrical activity. Jake ripped the ring open.

Again, Jan. Put another signal-dampening ring on that nerve.

An appropriate ring appeared and the signals went dead. Jake ripped it out.

Just like that, love. You’re a natural. Now let’s go back to the indexes and find the rings on the index for kidnapping. This is harder because the index will branch off to memories that won’t apply. We have to trace them all.

Jake had Jan clear the rings from the nerves that led from the kidnapping index and then do the same for all the other indexes involved with the attack.

How do we find the concept for Harris himself? She doesn’t know him by that name.

We can find a memory of him by using the time index.

“Marsha, think again about walking home after the attack.”

Jan, follow the nerves from the time index to the cerebral cortex. Memories of Harris will be among the connected memories. Sort through them until you find one. Tell me when you have located one.

Just a minute. I’m looking ... There! I’ve got one.

Trace the nerve that leads back toward the recall index.

They did until they found a ring. Jan destroyed it.

Keep tracing all the way to the recall index.

Okay, I’m there.

Now we follow that nerve bundle back toward the cerebral cortex, exploring each branching, finding any other rings that have been installed.

Soon that job was done. They repeated the process with the other indexes that applied to the missing weekend.

Finally, Jake sat up in his chair and rolled his head around to work the kinks out of his neck.

How do we prepare her for these memories? Jake asked.

I can calm her down with a hypnotic suggestion. You should be ready to tamp down her emotions if she gets too upset.

Go ahead.

“Marsha, you can now remember what happened the weekend you were kidnapped, but don’t think back to that time yet. Do you understand me?”


“Before you go back to then, keep in mind that you are safe and secure here. You will never run into your attacker again. I can promise you that. You won’t remember my assurance after the hypnosis, but it is still so. Your attacker has been imprisoned, and he will never trouble you again. Do you understand?”


“Think of the attacks as something that happened to someone else. It was horrible and you feel bad for the victim but you don’t identify with her. You are content to know what happened. You’ll think about what it means, but you won’t be horrified by it. It has no power over you. You are safe now and on your way to recovering from your ordeal.”

Jake, go get Mrs. Schaff. I’ll wait until she gets here before I bring Marsha out of her trance.

Jake sensed Mrs. Schaff back in the house and knocked on her door.

“Mrs. Schaff, Marsha is still hypnotized. Please come with me. We’d like for you to be present when she comes out of it.”

She followed Jake back to the living room and sat.

“She’s received a hypnotic suggestion designed to ease the effect remembering will have on her,” Jan said. “But we are dealing with emotionally-powerful phenomena. She may still be upset. If the hypnosis fails, we will have to try to comfort her. She will be experiencing the events for the first time in her mind. Please be as supportive and non-judgmental as you can. She really is blameless for what happened to her.”

Mrs. Schaff nodded. Jan turned back to Marsha.

“Marsha, in a minute I’m going to bring you out of your trance. You won’t remember anything you heard while you were under. You’ll wake up relaxed and rested. You’ll be curious about your new memories, but they will have no power over you, like they happened to someone else. I’m going to count from five down to one. When I reach one, you will come fully awake. Five ... four ... three ... two ... one.

“Can you remember what happened the weekend of the kidnapping, Marsha?” Jan asked.

Marsha sat up straight and looked around. Tears were filling her eyes.

“Yes, I can. It was horrible.”

“Start at the beginning. Tell me everything that happened. Remember that it is over and you don’t have to worry about something like this happening to you again.”

Marsha recounted the weekend. Jan asked her for more detail when she was tempted to gloss over specifics. Jake suppressed her fear, shame, and anger when they became strong enough to interfere with her narrative.

Mrs. Schaff was shocked and mystified by the story. She didn’t know what to make of the way the attacker had been able to manipulate Marsha’s emotions. Jake finally installed a control in her to make her overlook the fantastical aspects of Marsha’s account.

After half an hour, Marsha finished her story. Jake removed the controls that were keeping her emotions under control. She began to sob. Her mother rushed over to comfort her. Marsha grabbed her tightly and let loose her grief.

Do you think that she’s going to hate all men because of this? Jake sent.

Could be. I don’t know how to tell in advance. But being able to tell her story to others will have a therapeutic effect.

I kept her negative feelings in check enough for her to get through it. What if they come back and overwhelm her?

She’s got to grieve. It’s appropriate for her to feel the pain. PTSD perpetuates itself by keeping sufferers from dealing directly with the source of their anguish. They keep shying away from thinking about the incident and the issues involved. I’m cautiously optimistic for this girl.

“Marsha, I know it hurts to remember what happened,” Jan said when she had calmed down. “But tackling it head-on is key to your recovery. You’ve got to face it directly. You have to confront it so that it has no power over you. We’ll come back next week and talk again. I have a task for you to do before then. I want you to write down what happened that weekend from the moment you left work with Harris until you showed up here Sunday evening.

“I want you to remember every detail you can. Colors, sensations, emotions, sounds, everything. Write it all down. Then write a second draft. Polish the language. Make it as good as you can, as though you were going to have it published. Use blunt, graphic language. No one else will see it but me. Don’t spare anybody’s sensibilities.

“Make the story yours. Become so familiar with it that you can read it without crying. Live with it. Look at it objectively. In a week you’ll print the story and give it to me. When you do, your life will belong to you again, not to this horrible experience. Any questions?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Don’t procrastinate. This is a hard thing I’m asking of you, both difficult and time-consuming. Get started on it and work at it at least eight hours a day until it’s publication-worthy. I think you are going to be okay, but there may still be times when the emotions overwhelm you. Call me if you need help.”

Don’t forget to make her unable to talk about us.

There was a pause and then Jan said, “Marsha, tell your mother my name.”

Marsha turned to Mrs. Schaff but froze before she could speak.

“Try again, Marsha.”

“She’s Jan Harrison.”

Her mother, too.

Jan installed the control in Mrs. Schaff and then stood up.

“This has been a productive session,” she said. “We may not be totally out of the woods but we’re getting close. Jake and I will see you this time next week.”

“I think you are one impressive psychologist,” Jake said as Jan drove them back.

“Thank you, Jake. I think we make a good team. I did the talking but you provided the technique and the support that made it bearable for her.”

“Please, don’t tell Ellen about what we did with Marsha’s memories yet. I want to see how Marsha responds before I talk to Ellen about doing it for her.”

“Okay. Let’s give it a week or two, but I don’t think that it will be as hard on Ellen. She’s had a lot of time since then plus she’s had a similar experience that she does remember. She’s not as likely to be overwhelmed by it. Her submissiveness also buffers her. And we’ll both be there to help her through it.”

“Has she told you about her range?”

“No, what do you mean?”

“She came home from work last night complaining about being overwhelmed by all the mind noise at her office. I gave her a range test like I did with you. Her range is a hundred feet.”

“Holy cow,” Jan said, and then began to laugh. After a few seconds, she pulled the car into a parking lot, put it in park, and began to laugh hard.

Jake let her get it out of her system. He tried to figure out the cause, but all he could read was mirth. She began to calm down.

“You don’t get it, do you?” she finally said and began to laugh hard again.

Jake began to get irritated. Jan tried to sober up.

“Jake, my true love, I think I can guess what you were doing with the world’s sexiest woman while you were stimulating her nerves.”

“We were in bed. She was...” Then Jake froze. Panic followed a moment later. “What have I done to her?”

“Relax, Jake. I’m sure you didn’t hurt her any more than you hurt Carol when you were nurturing her affection during sex.” Jan began to giggle again. “But what do you want to bet that Ellen has superhumanly efficient nerves?” She began to laugh hard again.

“So what about her problem with the mind noise?” Jan said when she had finally run down.

“We went to talk to my father. He says that it’s all under conscious control. We can filter out the mind noise at will. I’m anxious to see Ellen tonight and see how she managed at work.”

“That’s good to know. It’s too bad that you have to kill him. He could have been a valuable source of information.”

“I never said that I had to kill him.”

“But you can’t let him go and every day that goes by increases the chance that he’ll escape or be discovered.”

“I know. Maybe there’s another option. I despise him for what he’s done to Ellen and hundreds of innocent women, but he’s still my father.”

“Don’t ruin your life and everybody else’s by trying to show mercy to a rabid dog.”

“Let’s talk about your temper,” Jan said to Kate. “Tell me about the things that got you angry this last week.

Kate told her about the incidents with Brian and Jake. There had been another run-in with Brian that Jake didn’t know about. She mentioned Chris, the boy who had delivered the boat.

“Did Leanne or Kara or any of the women do anything to irritate you?”


“The common factor is obvious,” Jan said. “They all involve men. You didn’t lose your temper with any of the women. Why were you angry with the men.”

“Because they were coming on to me.”

“What do you mean by coming on to you?”

“You know, they were trying to force themselves on me.”

“Did any of them touch you?”

“Well, no.”

“Did they threaten to use physical force against you?”


“So it was all in how they looked at you?”


“How did they look at you?”

“They, you know, stared at me.”

“Did they glance at you, or was it more like they locked their eyes on you?”

“They looked at me directly.”

“For more than ten seconds at a time?”

“No, I guess not.”

“Five seconds?”


“Thinking back, did you stare at anyone else for five seconds at a time this week?”

Kate looked down. “Yes, I guess I did.”

“I’m not picking on you, Kate, darling, and I’m not minimizing your anger. But I do want to be clear about its causes. Emotions like love and fear and anger can be very strong and they feel very real to us. They are very persuasive, and we tend to trust them. The problem is that not all emotions are trustworthy.

“The more primitive parts of our brains manufacture them to motivate us to act a certain way. The next time you step up to a cliff, feel how your brain makes you afraid. Very useful to keep you from being careless. A mother’s love and concern for her children is another useful, appropriate emotion.

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 4

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 Jan parked Jake’s Cadillac on the street, half a block from the offices of Steven Cockrell, Builder. When Jake remained still, she nudged his arm. “We’re here already?” he asked. “You should drive race cars.” “Hush. I drove the speed limit. I have to say that that’s an impressive display of focus.” “It’s a lot of detail work. The problem is that too many of the neurons in the bundles are failing to forward signals. They probably haven’t developed a sufficient...

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Earths Pain Book I Justins StoryChapter 19 Rise in Power

I was awakened at 5:00 by Kristy; she told me that we could go outside now. I had her open the doors and I went up for a shower, a long one felt good. I then got dressed and went for a run. I was half way through my first lap when I realized Buddy was following me. I continued and completed 4 laps then made my way back to the house. Kristy was waiting for me. "You realize extensive modifications will need to be done to the runway and structures at the new airport, correct?" she...

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The Book of Power

My name is Mike and I'm 22 years old, I have an average build and looks. I have dark brown hair and a seven inch penis. I just moved out of the parent's place a few months ago and got a 2 bedroom apartment that I share with my best friend. My best friend name is Cassidy, she isn't thin but she definitely isn't fat either although the way she dresses in baggy clothes a lot of the time I feel like she think she is. She also has dark brown hair, she has what i assume are C or D cup breasts. She...

Mind Control
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 29

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Jake checked his email before the girls woke up. While he was waiting for them to stir, he replied to the message he had received from Donna on Sunday evening. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Sometimes old bones need warm waters Dear Donna, The idea of enjoying the company of a pretty woman like yourself for an entire baseball game sounds wonderful. Sadly we can never meet. Or at least not before October 2015. That’s my...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 39

Saturday, June 12, 2010 “Tell me what you’ve got,” Jake said “I’m at a Holiday Inn Express,” Mark said. “It’s on the edge of the city, right next to the interstate. There’re almost no cars here. But there is a big silver Mercedes.” “Two door or four door?” “Sedan. It’s an S600, just like Carol said.” “Hold on a sec.” Jake turned to Havel. “Get back to the interstate. Head north.” Jake went back to Mark. “Are you out of sight, Mark?” “I’m parked about a block away at the moment.” “Good....

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 41

Sunday, June 13, 2010 Jake’s cell phone rang. Julie moaned and rolled over. “Jake, Jerry here. The meeting with Ryan Caldwell is set. You need to get into the city. You’ve got 45 minutes.” “What time is it, Jerry?” “It’s 2:30. You have to be at the IHOP on Commerce at 3:15. This is very sensitive, Jake. If you’re not on time, Caldwell won’t wait for you. He’s putting himself in a dangerous position as it is.” “Is it just us?” “Yes, I had an intermediary set up the meeting, but there’s...

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A Shy Guys Notebook Part Two Following the Books Commands

James sat upright on his bed, with his legs crossed and hishands holding his head up. He just stared at the small, red notebook that lay in front of him, this mysterious gift that was granted to him. His own name was engraved on the front. It was almost like it was glowing, beckoning him to open it, to control reality even more. His mind was racing, full of thoughts of Amy, Kirsty and the words written inside the book: ‘Kirsty is going to change her mind and ask me to come over to work on the...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 15 Friday August 6 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010 Before Jake left the pool, he asked Kara to block his orgasms. Then he took Leanne back to his room, undressed her, and laid her on the bed where he lavished attention on her. He suckled her breasts to one climax and then ate her to a second. As she was recovering from that one, Jake put a pillow under her ass and pulled a tube of lube from his bedside table. He drizzled some onto his fingers and began to toy with her anus. Leanne responded enthusiastically as all the...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 31

Thursday, July 1, 2010 As Jake sat, trying to relax, Alice came in. She put her hands on his shoulders and began to knead them. “Oh, that feels good, love. Smart and beautiful and you have strong hands, too. I’m glad you work for me.” “Seriously, Jake, would you let me know when all this is over? I’ll worry myself sick if I don’t hear something.” “Sure, sweetheart. I’m planning on visiting him Saturday. I’ll call you that night to let you know it’s over.” Jake stood. “Now tell me how...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 35

Thursday, June 10, 2010 “What’s this all about?” Brian asked when they were in the car. Carol sat up front with Jake. “You may know that Carol and I have an arrangement.” “What? No. I don’t know anything about that.” “Carol and I have sex. In fact, we have a lot of sex.” “You jerk. What about Julie, Kara and my mom?” “Carol and I have been together about as long as Julie and I. You don’t know that they come as a boxed set?” “How would I know that?” “Well, I can’t help it if you’re not...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 28 Thursday August 12 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010 “The MRI was inconclusive,” Dr. Worden said. “We’d like to schedule the electrophysical study next.” “No,” Ellen said. “No more tests. Please arrange for Jake to be discharged.” “But, Mrs. Fielding, we need to learn what happened to Jake yesterday. If it happens again, it could kill him.” “If you’ll give us a referral to a cardiologist, we’ll follow up.” “Any other cardiologist would just have Jake admitted to a hospital for this same test.” “Perhaps. But we’ll...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 37

Friday, June 11, 2010 Jake knocked on the Harrison’s door. Christine answered. When she saw him, she dropped her eyes and asked him in. “Thank you, Christine. Can you tell me where Jan is?” “Out back. By the pool.” Jan was lying in a lounge chair, reading a book, and sweating in the heat. She smiled at him. Though he wasn’t sure how it was physically possible, her swimsuit was even scantier than his last visit. Jake changed in the pool house and sat in a nearby chair which he...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 15

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Jan laughed when she saw Jake’s new bed. “What is this, Jake? You’re already set up for orgies?” “Neat, isn’t it? It was a present from Leanne.” “Hmmm. What does that say?” Jake sat on the bed and began to unbutton her shirt, kissing her chest and belly as they were exposed. “She did it as a surprise for me. The biggest surprise is that she did it at all. She’s the least adventurous of my women.” “I’d say that at some level she wants to become more adventurous....

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 5 Tuesday August 3 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 “Kate, this is going to be hard for your mother,” Jan said. “Why don’t you let me handle the introductions?” “Is that her?” Kate asked, nodding in the direction of the waitress. “Yes,” Jake said. “She looks so much older.” “These three years have been hard on her,” Jan said. It took a couple of minutes for Marie to find her way over. She wearily pushed herself away from the bar and walked over, frowning. “You are too young to drink,” she said to Jake. She looked...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 28

Tuesday, June 29, 2010 Julie appeared a half-hour later. “Hello, beautiful,” Jake said to her with a smile. “I was just thinking about you.” “Oh?” “I’m looking forward to us being together tonight.” “About that...” “Yes?” “Emily wants to be with you.” “Be with me?” “Be with you.” “For sex?” “Maybe, but not necessarily.” “She decided that herself?” “She’s been talking to her mom. She’s not certain that sex is what she wants. She’d like to ease into it, maybe try kissing and...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 26 Wednesday August 11 2010

Wednesday, August 11, 2010 Jake dropped two handfuls of Wal-Mart bags on the kitchen counter at the farmhouse. The light of sunrise was shining in through the window. He went back into the car, brought back a McDonald’s bag, and handed it to his father who had been sitting at the kitchen table, watching him without saying a word. He glanced into it. “I’m sure they’ll enjoy a hot meal.” Jake selected one of the Wal-Mart bags and handed it to Harris. Harris pulled out a drip coffee maker, a...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 2 Monday August 2 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010 Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? What?” “There’s some good news and some bad news. Let’s go someplace where we can get some privacy.” Jan took Kate’s hand and lead her out of the kitchen. “Boris, would you come and deliver the news?” “Yes, ma’am,” he said and followed. Jan, Kate and Boris sat at one end of the dining room table. Jake, who had been out of the loop when it came to Kate’s treatment for two weeks, decided he needed to get a feel for how things had...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 31

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 There was a knock on the door. Jake sensed Gil and Jason. He let them in and offered them drinks. After they were served, they sat in the living room. “What’s this about, Jake?” Gil asked. “I’ve got a proposition for you. But before I tell you, you have to agree to keep it secret. What we talk about goes no further. Agreed?” “Okay,” Gil said. “Jason?” “Sure.” “Okay, here’s the deal. Carol wants to have sex with you.” Gil looked over at Jason in surprise. “Isn’t...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 35

Sunday, July 4, 2010 Jake let himself into the suite. As he had ridden the elevator up, he had been bracing himself for a wave of women. But as he got into range, he wasn’t able to connect to anyone. Well, good for them. Jake was glad they were out playing. Things had been tense for a long time. He had caught an early commercial flight to Chicago that day, hoping to spend some time with Lizzie and Emily before their flight back to Iowa. At least he would still be able to say goodbye. Jake...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 31 Tuesday August 17 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010 Jake tossed on the bed again, awakened from a shallow sleep by yet another siren. “C’mon, Jake. Go to sleep,” Shannon mumbled. Jake rolled out of bed. It was three a.m. and he was exhausted. But with the strange bed and the strange place, his sleep was fitful. He got himself a drink of water and stared out the window into the night. There was still a lot of activity down at the ground level. Traffic noise seeped in through the window. He had to get some sleep. He...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 30

Thursday, July 1, 2010 Boris gave Jake a ride to pick up his car at the dealership. They arranged to meet at the airport late in the afternoon. Then, after a trip to the grocery store, Jake drove to see his father. He backtracked a couple of times on the farm-to-market roads. When he was sure that he wasn’t being followed, he turned onto the farm road. Harris was waiting at the door. “As much as I appreciate being able to see, hear, walk and talk, it’s still good to see a person every once...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 14

Sunday, May 30, 2010 Jake waited a minute for Ellen to get inside, and then he followed. As soon as he was in the door, Ellen grabbed him in a bone-crunching hug. “Jake, that was the most fun I’ve ever had. It was perfect.” “You were perfect, Mom. And you did so well.” Jan Harrison walked out of the kitchen. “You’re home so soon? I half expected you to make a night of it.” “Jan wanted to hear how our date went,” Ellen said. Jake hugged Jan tightly. “Thank you for what you did for my...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 13

Sunday, May 30, 2010 Jake knocked on the front door of the DeRizzo house still dressed in his church clothes. Julie answered the door dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. She pulled him inside and kissed him. Leanne came down the hallway when Julie finally released him. “You guys keep your hands off of each other this afternoon. Mr. DeRizzo is not the kind to approve of young love, so don’t give him a reason to come down on you.” “I’ll be good, Leanne,” Jake said. “By the way, you look lovely....

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 11

Saturday, June 19, 2010 Carol got into Jake’s car. Once she was belted in, Jake drove off, heading east toward one of the adjacent suburbs. “So what’s going on that you can’t tell me about on the phone? And why am I all tarted up?” “We’re going hunting.” “For men?” “Yep.” Her arousal surged. “Oh, man. Thanks, Jake. Where are we going to go hunting?” “Someplace where a herd of young, virile guys in good physical condition has been spotted.” “A bunch of guys?” “Yep.” “How...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 11

Saturday, May 29, 2010 Ten minutes later, Jake, Leanne and Carol knocked on Jake’s grandparent’s door. Gramma let them in. “Gramma, do you know Leanne DeRizzo?” Jake asked. “Of course. I’ve known Leanne forever. It’s been a long time, dear.” “This is Carol Finch,” Jake said. “Now, Carol is new. I’ve never had the pleasure. But this doesn’t look like a social call. Do you want to talk to David?” “We would like to talk to both of you, Mrs. Fielding.” “Call me Connie, Leanne. Let me get...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 29

Monday, June 7, 2010 “Tell me again why this 13-year-old boy is driving us home?” Shannon asked from the back seat. “I resent the suggestion that I’m only 13. I’ll have you know that I’ve got an official government document that proves definitively that I am, in fact, 16 years old.” “And how did you get that?” “The DMV gave it to me.” “Why would they give you an ID that says you’re 16?” “You’d have to ask them. I admit that if they were to review things, they might decide to take it...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 19 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 26

Monday, June 28, 2010 The room was sprayed with glass, blood, skull fragments, and brains. Jake felt something strike him painfully in the cheek, just below his right eye. A squishy mass hit him square in the face. Caldwell fell onto the conference table without the top part of his head. The court reporter screamed, loud and long. One of the lawyers vomited. Jake was buffeted by the shock and fear of all the people present. It took him several seconds to compose himself and filter out the...

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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 23

Saturday, June 26, 2010 Jake was up early. He took his laptop with him to breakfast and composed a message. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: re: Family is what counts Dearest Donna, It is probably best if we keep our distance. I admit that I have seen you in the courtroom. In fact, I was quite taken with you. But you would have been disappointed if you had met me. I am 97 years old and I haven’t been able to find my teeth for the last week. I don’t...

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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 7 Wednesday August 4 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010. Darrell pushed his chair back and stood. “Uh oh,” Alice said nervously. “Is this going to turn into a scene?” Darrell stomped across the lounge toward them. “Only if we let it,” Jake said. Jake made Darrell scared of him and Alice. “That’s strange,” Alice said when Darrell suddenly went back to his table, sat down, and stared down into his beer mug, his hands trembling. “Did you do something to him?” “Yeah, I did. He’s a little unstable. I didn’t want to have...

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They That Have Power Book IChapter 5

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 In the morning Jake was dragging. It had taken him a long time to get back to sleep. His mother, on the other hand, was positively giddy. She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. While he was eating cereal, she came into the kitchen carrying two outfits. One was a typically somber conservative skirt and blouse. The other was a light-blue dress he had never seen her wear before. “Jake, honey. Help me decide which outfit to wear today.” “I’ve seen you in that skirt...

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