Gamer Girls Gone Nude
- 3 years ago
- 59
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It was late the following afternoon. I was leveling my hardcore barbarian again, up to level 55. Progress was starting to slow down. I'd already finished Nightmare Act II. Champion Jailor Wasps damn near killed me, when I ran into a second boss crowd.
I saw the rose colored writing in the corner.
[CherryBomb] Amulet helps a lot. Thanks again
I was too busy to reply, barely keeping my ass alive in a whacked out rare timed dungeon. Run-run-run. Not something I usually tried while playing hardcore. Those places were death traps. I had a ton of interruptions, both in game and in RL. It was over an hour before I had time to respond to Cherry.
[AceHole] Glad you liked it. You upgrading anything else?
No reply. Maybe she was pissed at me for ignoring her for so long. I hit the auction house to see how my bank was doing.
[CherryBomb] Sorry about that. Party play, crazy times. You should have been there, could have helped a lot
[AceHole] I don't play open or with strangers. Especially not hardcore
[CherryBomb] We're not still strangers are we?
[AceHole] No
[CherryBomb] You didn't tell me that Attack Speed and Crit Chance together were stupid expensive
[AceHole] They're not. Shop a little. You can get some decent stuff for under $400K
[CherryBomb] As if. At $200K I'd be broke again
[AceHole] I hope you're kidding
[CherryBomb] I wish
Cute girl. Great tits. Total noob. Gold was too easy. How could she not be able to afford the basics? She did have decent gaming skills, but was horribly short on game knowledge. I smiled to myself. Legendary tits made up for a lot.
[AceHole] Got some time? Do a little softcore farming?
[CherryBomb] Cool. Where?
[AceHole] WhimseyShire
[CherryBomb] No shit? You got the staff?
[AceHole] Upgraded to Inferno. Ready in 5? I'm gonna stock up on pizza, Coke and Kleenex
[CherryBomb] :-) Invite when ready
It was slow going. She'd never been there before, and these were some of the hardest fuckers in the game, in a cartoon setting. We wiped out the first Elite pack, and she went to click on the Happy Cloud.
[AceHole] Stop. Don't. Not yet
[CherryBomb] Why not? We share evenly right?
[AceHole] Clear level first. Then loot after switch to MF gear
[CherryBomb] Magic Find? Does it help?
[AceHole] Silly Noob. My MF buffed is 304. It helps a ton
It took us another 40 minutes to clear the rest of the level. She died three times, and I died once. She did a good job of staying alive and rezzing me, I'll give her that. It normally takes me less than a half hour to do the whole thing solo. We still needed work, but by the end we were getting the hang of working with each other.
[AceHole] Now. Let me swap out gear and we'll hit the loot
[CherryBomb] My pack's almost full already
[AceHole] Should be. Portal to town. Dump pack. Grab MF gear. Loot. That's the way we farm places like this
Everything I'd looted was trashy, but I did get one decent rare. Probably worth 40K or so. Not worth the effort so far, but we weren't done. I had picked up maybe 25K in loose gold. I grabbed my MF gear, and portaled back. I had to wait several minutes.
[AceHole] Took your time
[CherryBomb] I'm not good at figuring what's good or not
[AceHole] Link the rares to me, and I'll tell you. Not now though. Let's loot
We ran the level. I picked up nine rares, including one good one, one excellent one, and a remarkably useful legendary. The girl was good luck.
[CherryBomb] I'm full
[AceHole] We're done. To Town
In town she spent another 15 minutes with me explaining what would sell and what wouldn't. She had a lot of stuff, but nothing as good as my best three. Too bad.
[AceHole] Take this. Take this. Take this.
I dropped the best of the loot at my feet. I didn't need it. Nothing would upgrade my personal gear, and I had plenty in my stash to auction for the next few days.
[CherryBomb] One is a legendary
[AceHole] Great boots. Use them
[CherryBomb] Sh*t. This is all great stuff! You just picked these up? Is it because you have better MF
[AceHole] All picked up this run. MF is shared, so you should have had better luck
[CherryBomb] Two of these are upgrades to my gear!
[AceHole] Because your gear sucks. We'll get you better
[CherryBomb] You gotta leave soon?
[AceHole] Yeah. More RL bullshit. Sorry. I'll show you better farming later. We'll work on your DPS too
[CherryBomb] Do you have 5 more minutes for me?
Damn. It was always like this. You help somebody out, and they keep beggin' for more. She should be happy I gave her the extra loot. The legendary boots would sell for a couple of million easy, maybe three. Sigh.
[AceHole] I do have to go. But I can give you a few minutes. What do you have in mind?
[CherryBomb] Skype. Now
I didn't even have to log out. My old laptop was up, hooked up to my 24" display, Skype running. One button press, keyboard, mouse and monitor switched machines, and it was on my main 32". I made the call.
The window popped up, bigger today. Her cute face filled the screen. "That was nice of you to give me your drops."
"Not a problem. I would have sold them. You could use them. The boots are sweet, I'll admit. You'll have a hard time ever replacing those."
She grinned. "Well I think you earned a reward. Close your eyes."
I closed them, smiling. Tits, Lord, let her show me her tits.
"You can open them."
I opened my eyes and almost fell off my seat. She was sitting back in her chair. A top of the line Aero, the girl had good taste. I'm almost ashamed to admit I even saw the chair. She had one foot up on the desk, the other extended to the side. She was wearing nothing but a pair of adorable striped panties. This babe had a body to die for.
She laughed. "Breathe, Ace. Don't go dying on me. I still need in game help."
"Nice. Are you sure you're a gamer girl?"
"You got lucky. I was playing in my underwear today. Figured you deserved to know after such a good deed. I appreciate it all. The info on what's good. The help with the game play. And of course, the awesome gear."
She leaned forward, putting on a little less of a show. It might have been even more exciting, seeing her moving around, her breasts in motion, looking so natural. "These boots are worth over a million, aren't they?" she asked.
"Three to five, depending on your luck at auction."
She grinned at me. "Think this is a fair trade?" She asked, opening her arms and exposing her body to me.
"Please don't ask that. I can't afford a fair trade this time."
She laughed beautifully, her tits bouncing up and down. "No, I think you've given me plenty today, as long as you don't think I'm cheating you."
"Worth everything and more. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
I couldn't believe I was casually speaking to a nearly naked game girl. "You going to go back to farming?" I asked.
"I don't know. I was thinking of leveling my hardcore monk. You already passed me." She stuck her tongue out at me. It was so cute I wanted to die. Of course I couldn't let her know.
"Don't. Farm softcore. You need the gear. Write this down."
She leaned over the desk and started typing as I spoke. "Act one Inferno. Start at The Cursed Hold. Go to the Festering woods and clear the two dungeons. Usually good for two to three stacks. Portal to town. Go to and clear Halls of Agony. Clear Cursed Hold. Make sure you have five valor stacks. If not, do Leoric's Manor backwards. Good for one, sometimes two more stacks. Then kill the Warden, and Kill the Butcher. Go to town, and do Dank Cellar north of town, if it spawns. Got that?"
She was nodding. "Five Stacks?"
Noob. "Each rare Mob gives you a valor stack. The five stacks make your magic drops much better. Don't kill the Warden until you have five stacks. Once you have five stacks kill everything and open everything. Try it for a couple of hours. One run should take less than thirty minutes. The first few times will take longer, until you get the hang of it."
"Good loot?" she asked.
"Some. Lots of loot. You can vendor, you can salvage. You can auction. Do it for a few hours and you should have enough gold to buy things you need."
She finished typing and sat back, turning toward the camera. "You still here? Don't you have someplace to go?"
I grinned. "Yeah. But a few minutes won't kill me. I can't seem to tear myself away. I wonder what it could be?"
She laughed. "I'm sure. Perv. I'll let you know how the farming goes. I'm going to get dressed now. I'm not going to have you blaming me if you're late."
"Spoilsport. Leave the camera on. I've got Skype on my phone. Nice distraction from the meeting."
"Now you're being silly. Go on." She had her T-shirt in hand, and she turned it right side out before putting it back on. She looked at the camera. "Go! You're embarrassing me. I'm sure you've seen tits before."
"Once or twice. These are well above average. Like their owner."
She rolled her eyes, hit the keyboard, and the window went black.
When I logged in the next day, I saw the new friend request. I popped up the friends box. Three new requests. Two complete strangers.
Deny. Deny.
The last one was from CherryBomb. I thought about it. I did. For several long seconds. Which was a lot more than I usually spent. There was something about her...
I was trying out some different skill combinations on my Barbarian, while farming Act III. It was good loot, and consistently difficult. Gave me a good feel for what was and wasn't working.
[CherryBomb] I'm a sad Panda. Nobody wants to be my friend
I quickly cleared the room and moved back to a safe distance before responding. She did deserve a response.
Gamer by Kellie Nadine Kurt Watson laid down the cash. This was going to be awesome! The new tGidia TIA's (Total Immersion Avatar) sensory throughput device was ready to turn the PC Gaming world upside down. Finally, a Matrix-like experience at home! When Kurt got home, he immediately opened the case on his shiny new 1.4 THZ (1,400 GHZ) PC and installed the DX 37A part. He then installed the game - Not Everyone Lives Forever (NELF) 3, the first game to be...
We were playing at least a few hours together every day. She was improving rapidly, and I'd have to admit I was as well, if not quite as much. I was managing incrementally smaller upgrades on gear, but something improved every couple of days. Even my third and fourth alts were gearing up with top-notch items. Even better on our hardcore accounts. As for Cherry, her gear was improving exponentially. We started playing our alts more to see how they stacked up. My Demon Hunter was doing...
We split up after dinner, Dan and Robert going their own ways, and Sandy going home with us. She was laughing. "You guys have to be gentle with me. I'm serious. I'm so sore now I can barely walk. Between you two the other night, and then how Robert was when I gave him all the details, I haven't been pounded like that, since, hell, since ever!" She stopped, and grabbed Sheri by the hands. "Please? I'm serious. A little gentle, tonight?" Sheri hugged her. "I think I'd like to make...
It wasn't perfect after that. We still had issues. A couple of times she had to get on the phone with Sandy, and talk things out, before she could calm down enough for sex. Sandy came over at least a couple of times a week. We kept the suite for almost a full month, until I found a nice apartment for us. I had a surprise for her. When we moved out of the hotel and into our apartment, I stopped her in front of the door. Her eyes got big as I dropped to one knee. "Make me the happiest man...
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FantasySeven ist 38 und eigentlich nur am Computer um zu gamen. Doch eine Fantasie liess ihn nie los. Er wollte einmal mit möglichst vielen Frauen Sex haben. 1zu1 oder auch geile dreier. Diese Fantasie liess ihn nicht mehr los. Es war an einem regnerischen Sonntag, als er sich endlich den Mut nahm und im Internet nach geilen Kontakten suchte. Das zeigte sich als äusserst schwierig, bis er dann endlich auf eine scharfe Webseite stiess mit vielen Frauen, welche echte Dates suchten. Also registrierte er...
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I completed my seven levels, and we started farming, careful since we were still working our hardcore characters. PerZeus donated a couple of hours of his time, and GnuMeat pitched in for a while. I received a few texts from my buddies, and some improved level 63 gear started dribbling my way. "You play the trades and auction house like it's more of the game than the leveling," Sheri observed. "In some ways it is. Almost impossible to farm all your own gear, if you're going for the...
The meeting went well. The numbers guys had done their due diligence, and the price was right. I liked the product and their IP. Couple of nice patents. Dan, my best friend since childhood gave it his full approval. We closed the deal. My biggest yet. This would one would hurt if it didn't work out. "You going to fly back tonight?" Dan asked afterward. "Want to grab a drink? Celebrate?" "Maybe another time." He gave me a knowing grin. "You're going to go play with CherryBomb,...
Date night. I was nervous. No denying it. I had a few preparations to take care of, but I pulled up in the stretch limo by 6:30 p.m. Not by accident. By invitation. Sheri's father came down the steps of their brownstone, stealthily peeking back at the house. The driver opened the door, and he climbed in quickly. "Jon Elsworth," he said by way of introduction, extending his hand. "Steve Jeffery, pleased to meet you." He leaned back and looked me over. "So you're the magic man." I...
I put my elbow out to escort her, and a few seconds later I felt her hand slip in and grab my bicep. I kind of wished it was bigger. She gave me a squeeze. "Take lead." We walked up and through the outside door. In the vestibule a man opened the door for us, letting us in, and the noise of the festivities out. There must have been close to 100 people in there, and it was crowded near the door. I felt Sheri's hand grip my arm tightly. "Dan," I said. He stepped around us, and started...
I shifted and bolts of pain shot through my back. I tried to move my arm and the pain moved to my ribs and forearm. Son-of-a-bitch, it hurt. I opened my eyes, and saw nothing but gray and white. I heard footsteps, and a hand was on my shoulder. I tried to push it away and had to stifle a scream. "Relax, Mr. Jeffery, don't try to move," I heard a strange voice intone. I looked over and saw a figure in white standing over me. "You've been injured," she said calmly. "Don't move." I...
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I woke in pain, with the booze and pain-killers worn off. My back was in agony, and I felt sore in places I didn't even know I had. The girls took care of me, even giving me a massage, and fixing my bandages which had worked themselves loose during the night. We didn't have any sex that morning, but we did have lots of cuddling and loving, and that was fine by me. Room service delivered breakfast, and when it was done, Sandy begged off. She gave us both toe curling kisses. "Tomorrow...
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100% fiction! I was 18 and my brother was 19 (This was a year ago) and sometimes he would put up a porn site,pick a video and watch it even though I was playing video games. At one point he told me "Hey anthony,I'm going to watch some gay stuff,just to see it once. "I told him ok and just resumed playing assassin's creed. He then started to say "This is pretty hot"I looked at it and I had to say it was pretty hot from the looks of it. He then started to rub himself and looked like he may watch...
GayAfter Tyrone came in my mouth I stayed there onto the floor, on my hands and knees. My girlfriend Maura laughed and said it was just the beginning…One of Tyrone’s black friends moved over me, unzipping his pants.He showed me a big black cock, but not as huge as Tyrone’s.That black man kneeled at my back and grabbed me by the hips.Soon I felt his thick cock head invading my abused cunt.He pumped me very hard and made me cum pretty fast.Other Tyrone’s friends took me then, not one at a time, but...
Midnight in London is an amazing time of the night. No one but the street police patrolling the streets and the much known night whores who will hide in the shadows waiting for a customer, and with the flickering of the street lamps, it makes it very hard for the police to find “us”. By us, I mean the night whores. I am one of them, and I see my next customer slowly approaching me.He was finely dressed; with a modern, three piece suit with gemmed studs as his buttons. His shoes, being black in...
Hello Guys, andharu ela vunnaru? This is vikram back again for you with a new story. Na last story ki chala appreciation vachindhi dhaniki mukhya karanam meerandharu. So first thanks a lot to all of you. Prathi okkariki chala chala thanks, mi feedbacks and suggestions and mi viluvaina chattings. Please esari kuda story chadhivi meeku nachithey naaku msg cheyyandi, nenu wait chesthuntaa meekosam. Mail me at and . Meeku earakhamaina satisfaction kosamaina mail cheyyandi sadha me sevalo vunta....
Two of the FBI’s Chicago agents arrested Duke Arlington late on a Tuesday afternoon. Charge: murdering Gustav Hindenburg in Ft. Payne, Alabama. It was a quiet bust, no media alerts, no perp walk. It turned out that Gustav Hindenburg, had been a DEA snitch. I would later learn that he hadn’t been particularly reliable. He lied repeatedly to his handler. But he had provided one key lead regarding the Opium Highway from South Florida through Georgia and the Carolinas on up to the Washington DC...
We got to the airport in plenty of time, saw Elexus as she came out of the departing corridor, with Dani giving her a great big hug, then I did as well. Elle, my nickname for her, had been crying. We went to the baggage area, not talking much, got her three suitcases and her small bathroom suitcase – and went to the car. After we started home to the house I asked, "Elle, what's happened?" Breaking into tears again, she answered, "I've left that bastard Richard – he loves his job more...
Billy Watson’s camera slowly pans up from her feet, showing off Dixie Lynn and her tight, teen, freckled body. Dixie Lynn is the Real Deal, and being that, Dixie loves to “keep it real”. Nothing is fake is Dixie’s world. She’s a world-class dick sucker, as well as a world-class raconteur. Dixie loves spinning her real-life tales of sex & debauchery, and as this video roles, and as Dixie sucks Mr. POV’s blood-engorged boner, you’re gonna hear some of...
xmoviesforyouJodie makes her way slowly around the room while he watches her, and comes very close to touching her. She can almost sense him, but she is too slow when she reaches out to grab him. She trips over a large cable on the ground and when he looks down at her, he sees that she only has a skirt on with no panties. As she tries to get up, he can't control himself any longer. He grabs her arms and forces her back onto the ground lying on her stomach. He decides it would be better if he didn't speak...
Jeff set Jen up with his cousin Richard. We went to Vinnie T's on Lancaster Avenue. Jeff could absolutely afford a champagne budget, but he seemed to have beer tastes, even though he wasn't old enough to legally purchase beer, and I had never seen him drink it. "You really know how to impress a girl," I said. "This place is just a habit from my impoverished days as a young," he searched the right word, then shrugged, "nerd. The real reason is I know from experience that you can hear...
When the last report faded, Rick put his rifle down on the shooting stand and walked out to the target. It was an excellent grouping, all in the bullseye. He hung another target, and then headed back to the shooting stand.A couple of minutes later, he was retrieving yet another excellent target. If he could perform that well in the competition the following weekend, he stood a good chance of winning. Roy letting him come over to practice whenever he wanted was paying off.He heard the back door...
AnalYou are naked, spread eagle on the bed, waiting there for me to lick you. I move in between your legs and sniff toward your pussy. I want to smell you, that sweet smell I love so much....lady, that smell always makes me hot! I bask in the sweet aroma of your sex and notice that you shaved your pussy for me, Wow, this is a first, and usually you do not shave. But I told you that I really wanted to see your pussy completely bald. I wanted you to shave it because a shaved slit makes me so fucking...
Chapter 2: "Sunday night, I put on some good Flamenco guitar that Bill had recommended to us, and was just finished wrapping the blindfold on my wife when I felt the air move slightly from Bill opening the door. I immediately went around the corner to tend the food. I wanted Bill to see my wife, naked, helpless in front of him, pussy open and inviting... " Chapter 3 Sure enough, when I came back a couple minutes later, Bill was standing a couple feet away from my wife, revelling in her...
Wife Loverst was a late summer night and I was at home watching TV. The weather was hot and humid outside, so I got the idea to go for a swim in my backyard pool. I changed into my swim trunks, grabbed a towel from the closet, and went out to the yard, being careful not to wake my parents. I slipped quietly into the water, it was warm, but still very refreshing in the heat. After swimming around quietly I just started to float there looking up at the stars in the sky. Figuring no one would be coming...
Ten years I’ve hunted you, You think grimly to yourself. Ten long years, and it all comes down to these next few minutes. Indeed, it’s hard to believe that so much time has passed since the dark wizard Sindarion attacked your village. It happened a day before your fifteenth birthday, and if you had not been out in the forest practicing magic, you would now be dead...or worse. You had watched helplessly from the treeline as Sindarion’s demons marched through the smoldering streets of your...
FantasyI step out of the shower, my long slender legs wet and freshly shaved, I rub the towel down my leg as my long wet hair hangs forward covering my still naked nipples. I hear the door, you walk in, just finished from a long hard day in the office, your black lace dress creased from a days wear. "hey babe" I call "il be right with you". I finish drying myself before sliding my tiny thong around my round bubble butt. I then slide on my tight sports bra over my perky little breasts. i walk out of...
I had just come out of the army after my national service and had travelled home on the bus from a night out with my c***dhood friend Derek.We lived in terraced housed with an entry inbetween.It was a dark night and we stood chatting in the entry about the old days and what we did to each other.We both knew that the interest was still there.Within minutes we had each others cock out and were playing with each other as we talked,we had to be very careful because even t ho' it was dark we were...
Sandy, as all his friends called him was flying into Africa; a trip planned and looked forward to these many months back at college. A student of science he was soon to get a degree in Biology. Now though he was looking forward to three weeks of fun and friendship as he visited his Father's new African expedition. Dr. Francis L. Chapman, Sandy’s father, had for the past ten years working on a special project, "The Nunji Tribe and their plant enzyme medicines." As Sandy got off the plane, he...
Fantasy“Welcome everyone!” she announced. “This class is Sex 101”. The kids in the classroom giggled a little bit. “There are 3 things you must know in this class: #1) No condoms allowed. #2) You must follow the rules. #3) You do not want to break the rules. If you do you will be punished. Robert flinched. What kind of rules are those? You must follow the rules and you do not want to break the rules? What are the rules you do not want to break? His thoughts were interrupted by the...