Gamer Girls Gone Nude
- 3 years ago
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I woke in pain, with the booze and pain-killers worn off. My back was in agony, and I felt sore in places I didn't even know I had. The girls took care of me, even giving me a massage, and fixing my bandages which had worked themselves loose during the night. We didn't have any sex that morning, but we did have lots of cuddling and loving, and that was fine by me.
Room service delivered breakfast, and when it was done, Sandy begged off. She gave us both toe curling kisses. "Tomorrow night?" she asked.
"Open door," Sheri told her. "Anytime. Right, handsome?"
"I'm not going to complain."
Sheri giggled. "I bet not. You have fun last night?"
"Best ever. I can only wonder if my heart can take it, when I get all of you," I told her.
"Soon baby. Don't worry, I know CPR."
We spent a relaxing day, going for a walk in the park, exploring the hotel and immediate environs, chatting on the phone with friends. We stopped by her house, and reassured her parents that she was doing fine. We stayed for an early dinner, and spent some time playing with Max. She showed me her room, which I'd only seen a little of over Skype.
"So this is where the magic happens," I teased.
She laughed. "Where I lost my heart to the most wonderful man in the world."
"Who is it? I'll kill the bastard," I growled, taking her in my arms and swinging her around.
She kissed me, blushing. "Do you really love me?" she asked.
"More than words can say. With all my heart, Angel."
"Devil," she reminded me.
"Only in the bed," I told her. "Speaking of, you are a wild thing, aren't you?"
She giggled, walking around me, her hand dragging across my skin. "Only for you, lover."
"And Sandy," I teased.
"Alright, only for the ones I love. You're first now, you understand? Think you can handle that?"
"Patience. That's all I ask. I had no idea what I was getting myself into."
She giggled, her arms around my neck. "All I ask is the same. You've been so patient with me all this time, in game and out. Think you can put up with me a little longer?"
"I don't know," I teased. "I guess I'll give you another seventy, no make that eighty years. But that's all. If you don't come around by then, I'm gonna start looking."
She stepped on my toes. "You do, and I'll take my toys and go play somewhere else. Including Sandy."
"Alright, damn it. Ninety. Ninety years, that's my final offer."
She hugged me. "No. Forever or nothing."
I picked her up, hugging her tight. "Fine. But I get to choose which side of the bed is mine."
"Of course! It's always the other side next to me."
"Damn it, girl. Leave me some pride. Do I get to at least name our kids?"
She looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Do ... do you really want to have children with me?"
"If at all possible. A house full."
"Really?" she asked nervously.
I drew her over to the chair, and sat her on my lap. "Of course. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Raise a family together. Is something wrong?"
"I, I don't know if I can have kids. There was some concern after it happened." She looked on the verge of tears.
One more reason to hate that bastards that hurt her. I pulled her into my arms for a big hug, ignoring any stray pangs in my back. "Whatever we can do. If you can, great. If you can't and there's anything medical that can be done, we can afford it. If you can't carry, but your eggs are good, we can have a surrogate. If not, we can adopt. Whatever. Even if we can't have kids, you're mine, Sheri, no matter what."
She nodded, hugging me. "I haven't thought about it much. I don't know why. I guess it never occurred to me I'd ever be with a man again. Be part of a real, normal family. Not for real."
"No hurry. You're young. One step at a time, Ok?"
"One step at a time," she answered softly.
Sheri gave me a hug, and looked up grinning. "Middle name."
"The middle name of our third child. You can choose that name."
"Are you always this rotten?"
"Absolutely. Completely spoiled. Not my fault. You're going to have to get used to it. Blame Dad if you must."
We returned to the hotel late, and retired to the bedroom. No gaming at all for once. We got in bed together, and our kissing and cuddling evolved into a wonderful evening of oral sex. She was cautious, and nervous, but by midway through my second erection, she was playful and teasing. She gave me a hard time about my own skills, telling me that she'd have to get Sandy to give me lessons. I guess she saw that hurt a little, and she swarmed over me, begging forgiveness, and telling me she was teasing.
"No you're not, I saw what Sandy does to you," I told her.
She blushed. "She knows me. She's been with me for years. It's different. I love what you do for me, I swear. Don't be angry or jealous, please! It would kill me. I'm sorry, I was only teasing."
"I'm not angry. Maybe a little jealous. Not of her, but of what she has with you. How well she knows you."
She kissed me softly. "I know. Believe me. You don't think I'm not a little jealous over your posse? Your complete and total faith and trust in them? The way they hovered over you? Even their damn women are in love with you. They've had you all their lives. How do I compete with that?"
I gave her a squeeze. "No competition. I love them. I'm in love with you. You are number one in my life."
She nodded. "Ditto. I love Sandy. I probably always will. She and I are wonderful together. But my heart is yours. Totally. What I feel for her is a faint echo of my love for you. We have everything but the sex, and by the time I'm done with you, we'll be magical together. I know it."
She kissed me long and deep. "I love you. You love me," she whispered. "Truce on our others?"
"Truce. Hell, what am I saying? It's not truce, I accept her in your life without limits. Whatever you want, Ok? But no way I'm bringing Jaime into our bed."
She laughed. "Spoil sport. Did you see the size of his hands? Do you think it's true..."
"Rotten girl. I'm telling you, Maria would eat you alive, and spit out the bones."
She sighed dramatically. "Alright. This bed's too small for four anyway, and Sandy would kill me if I brought in any boy-toys and she wasn't invited."
She sat up and straddled me, leaning down and kissing my nose. "You know I'm teasing, right? I don't want any man but you. Ever. The only man I'd even think of inviting into our bed would be Robert, and that would be for Sandy. So he could see me and her together. I know that turns him on something crazy. I'd never let him have me. I'm yours, Bub. Only yours. Get used to it."
"Good. 'Cause I'm yours, too. Nobody else."
"Except Sandy," she reminded me.
"No. She's yours. Not mine. You want her with us, I'm happy to do it for you. But that's it."
She giggled. "I know you like her. You can't fool me."
"I think she's great. I love her, like I love my own. For what she's done for you, and how she is with you. She's a beautiful, wonderful woman with a heart of gold. Sexy as hell. Wild in bed. As God is my witness, as long as I have you, she's an afterthought."
"She grows on you," Sheri teased.
I laughed. "What do you want from me? I love her, and love being with her. I'll never kick her out of our bed. But, damn it Sheri, I'd be happy with only you beside me for the rest of my life."
She wiggled on me, kissing my face. "You haven't even had her ass yet. She's a wild fuck. You can tie her up and use her hard."
"Evil. You know you're absolutely evil. She's our toy. I get it. You're the love of my life. Keep it up, and I'll be tanning that cute little bottom of yours."
Gamer by Kellie Nadine Kurt Watson laid down the cash. This was going to be awesome! The new tGidia TIA's (Total Immersion Avatar) sensory throughput device was ready to turn the PC Gaming world upside down. Finally, a Matrix-like experience at home! When Kurt got home, he immediately opened the case on his shiny new 1.4 THZ (1,400 GHZ) PC and installed the DX 37A part. He then installed the game - Not Everyone Lives Forever (NELF) 3, the first game to be...
It was late the following afternoon. I was leveling my hardcore barbarian again, up to level 55. Progress was starting to slow down. I'd already finished Nightmare Act II. Champion Jailor Wasps damn near killed me, when I ran into a second boss crowd. I saw the rose colored writing in the corner. [CherryBomb] Amulet helps a lot. Thanks again I was too busy to reply, barely keeping my ass alive in a whacked out rare timed dungeon. Run-run-run. Not something I usually tried while playing...
We were playing at least a few hours together every day. She was improving rapidly, and I'd have to admit I was as well, if not quite as much. I was managing incrementally smaller upgrades on gear, but something improved every couple of days. Even my third and fourth alts were gearing up with top-notch items. Even better on our hardcore accounts. As for Cherry, her gear was improving exponentially. We started playing our alts more to see how they stacked up. My Demon Hunter was doing...
We split up after dinner, Dan and Robert going their own ways, and Sandy going home with us. She was laughing. "You guys have to be gentle with me. I'm serious. I'm so sore now I can barely walk. Between you two the other night, and then how Robert was when I gave him all the details, I haven't been pounded like that, since, hell, since ever!" She stopped, and grabbed Sheri by the hands. "Please? I'm serious. A little gentle, tonight?" Sheri hugged her. "I think I'd like to make...
It wasn't perfect after that. We still had issues. A couple of times she had to get on the phone with Sandy, and talk things out, before she could calm down enough for sex. Sandy came over at least a couple of times a week. We kept the suite for almost a full month, until I found a nice apartment for us. I had a surprise for her. When we moved out of the hotel and into our apartment, I stopped her in front of the door. Her eyes got big as I dropped to one knee. "Make me the happiest man...
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FantasySeven ist 38 und eigentlich nur am Computer um zu gamen. Doch eine Fantasie liess ihn nie los. Er wollte einmal mit möglichst vielen Frauen Sex haben. 1zu1 oder auch geile dreier. Diese Fantasie liess ihn nicht mehr los. Es war an einem regnerischen Sonntag, als er sich endlich den Mut nahm und im Internet nach geilen Kontakten suchte. Das zeigte sich als äusserst schwierig, bis er dann endlich auf eine scharfe Webseite stiess mit vielen Frauen, welche echte Dates suchten. Also registrierte er...
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I completed my seven levels, and we started farming, careful since we were still working our hardcore characters. PerZeus donated a couple of hours of his time, and GnuMeat pitched in for a while. I received a few texts from my buddies, and some improved level 63 gear started dribbling my way. "You play the trades and auction house like it's more of the game than the leveling," Sheri observed. "In some ways it is. Almost impossible to farm all your own gear, if you're going for the...
The meeting went well. The numbers guys had done their due diligence, and the price was right. I liked the product and their IP. Couple of nice patents. Dan, my best friend since childhood gave it his full approval. We closed the deal. My biggest yet. This would one would hurt if it didn't work out. "You going to fly back tonight?" Dan asked afterward. "Want to grab a drink? Celebrate?" "Maybe another time." He gave me a knowing grin. "You're going to go play with CherryBomb,...
Date night. I was nervous. No denying it. I had a few preparations to take care of, but I pulled up in the stretch limo by 6:30 p.m. Not by accident. By invitation. Sheri's father came down the steps of their brownstone, stealthily peeking back at the house. The driver opened the door, and he climbed in quickly. "Jon Elsworth," he said by way of introduction, extending his hand. "Steve Jeffery, pleased to meet you." He leaned back and looked me over. "So you're the magic man." I...
I put my elbow out to escort her, and a few seconds later I felt her hand slip in and grab my bicep. I kind of wished it was bigger. She gave me a squeeze. "Take lead." We walked up and through the outside door. In the vestibule a man opened the door for us, letting us in, and the noise of the festivities out. There must have been close to 100 people in there, and it was crowded near the door. I felt Sheri's hand grip my arm tightly. "Dan," I said. He stepped around us, and started...
I shifted and bolts of pain shot through my back. I tried to move my arm and the pain moved to my ribs and forearm. Son-of-a-bitch, it hurt. I opened my eyes, and saw nothing but gray and white. I heard footsteps, and a hand was on my shoulder. I tried to push it away and had to stifle a scream. "Relax, Mr. Jeffery, don't try to move," I heard a strange voice intone. I looked over and saw a figure in white standing over me. "You've been injured," she said calmly. "Don't move." I...
I had one last checkup with my doctor, and was given strict directions on how to take care of my wounds. I was forced to take the obligatory wheelchair ride, with a large escort. Dan, Jaime, Sandy, Maria, Angela, even Carolyn, Sheri's Mom. I was disappointed that Sheri wasn't around. I had to wonder what was so important, that she'd be missing. Sandy leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Cheer up, handsome. How about a little smile. You're finally free." I forced a smile and...
I thought of Jazz as my beautiful girlfriend. But I never used the word in front of her, or with anyone else, for that matter – except my mother. She would ask me ‘How is your girlfriend?’, and things like that. So I had to take precautions. – ‘Mom, could you do me a small favour tonight?’ – ‘What’s that, dear?’ she asked. – ‘Could you try not to refer to Jazz as my ‘girlfriend’? Just use her name, or …’ I wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. ‘She’s just not comfortable with that...
I apologize in advance if the next chapter is delayed. Sometimes life intervenes … on the positive side, if you are enjoying this story so far, you will be happy to know that it is taking on a life of its own. There will be several more chapters – at least. Again, thank you for the positive comments and constructive criticism. ********** The summer job was just about perfect. It paid extremely well, and some of the work was both challenging and interesting. There were also long stretches of...
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Introduction: A recounting of the trials and tribulations that have turned me into the woman I am today. Sarah: An Auto-Fession — Hello. Im Sarah Hopkins, and this is my auto-fession. If youre reading this, then youre one of three possible types of people. The first type is the oppressors, the type of people that persecute and put down others to make themselves feel better, more important. Ive met a lot of oppressors in my life. The second type are the narcissists, the abundant group who...
Hi, all horny readers. Here I am with my first ever story to ISS and indeed was a real experience of mine that I would remember for the rest of my life. I’m a fair sex story teller but still, want to share my experience.Catch me on Myself I’m Vinay 25, 5’10 ht, 70kg weight, working in an MNC. I am athletic and wit a tool of about 6 inch which is very fit as is my body. Coming to the sex story, This is a complex sex story of how a homo experience led me to fuck the guy’s wife and I still thank...
Gay MaleHi guys and this is Chandhan from Bangalore and this is my first story so please ignore me if any mistakes and your feedback is awaited any hot aunties, widowed ladies interested can contact me onto And a little about myself and I’m still 20 years old and I am doing ma 2nd UG in a reputed college and coming to the story. i used to stay in m uncles home,my uncle had a big firm he lived with his wife S and his daughter. He was my Dad’s Brother as I was week in accounts he used to teach me even...
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"What the hell is Vargas' Syndrome? Is that one of those new psychiatric disorders where the guy can claim he's the victim of a mental disease and try to walk free? I hate those bastards." "Well, no. It's not a recognized description of a disease at all. The term is being used informally to describe people who are obsessed with impregnating women. There's a writer on various web sites that cater to readers of sexually oriented fiction who goes by the name of Homer Vargas. I'm not sure...
It was a difficult time for Gail. Her parents had been in a hostile divorce over the past few years. Every event, every conversation, every visit was laced with petty tactical ploys by both of her parents to win her loyalty and in a way, choose a side. Even now, eight months after her parents finalized their divorce, Gail found it difficult to feel comfortable visiting either of her parents. She wanted to enjoy her last summer vacation before graduating College. She decided not to spend her...
Straight SexHe made my short heavily busty beautiful wife Rashmi squirt a river! While she gasped for breath, my best friend pumped her harder making her his personal slut! [email protected]this is my real story about my beautiful busty wife Rashmi. This one just makes me hard as I write it self as this was a fantasy turned reality.Rashmi and I have had extremely below average sex life. Though love marriage, we never were sexually compatible and as any other cuckold with a small 5 inch limp dick, I...
CuckoldHi I am Huma, I am glad that readers have appreciated my recent stories greatly. My present story is a hot one in which husband offers his wife to be impregnated by her real brother. A hot sister brother incest with lots of vulgar dialogues is a dish I am offering you. Post your comments at ” AUR JOR SE CHODO MUJHE MERE RAJA, MERI CHOOT KAB SE TARAS RAHI HAI TERE LUND KO. KAHAN THAY ITNE BARSON SE MERE BHAIYA, MERE SAINYA, MERE MALIK, APNI BEHAN KO CHOD KAR NIHAL KAR DO AAJ MUJHE CHOD LO APNI...
IncestAs always, thank you to my editors, LadyCibelle and Techsan, for making my story a much better read. I remember years back when I was a kid. We had all our traditions and the Holidays meant so much. Family and friends were there to enjoy the good times with us. As teenagers they were still fun but a little different. Other than the actual holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas we wanted to spend more time with our friends. Eventually we all grow up and meet our mates and start our own...
Ahh... the Anima Portal. The artifact you have searched for since you received your powers. The machine that can finally send you into the cartoon universe to live out your sordid fantasies. Where to begin? You are Lingham, a being possessed of a strange power granted to you by a mischievous Genie a couple years back, a power to seduce any woman, and get into her pants, while never running out of endurance or..uh...bodily fluids. As they always say, it works on paper, but in reality... not so...
POV: Gia I walked down the hall and jiggled a bit myself. "You two GILFs better brace yourselves, you have two horny daughters-in-law, and we need to do favors for our moms and husbands. So, we're gonna give you experiences to remember," I mentioned, before I set my eyes on the door. "The sign says 'Copy Room' right above the door, so this must be it," I pointed out. I strolled in there and immediately saw him. 'He's facing the copier and is not paying attention to anything around him....
TabooButterflies filled my stomach for no apparent reason as I was walking to his house. I’ve been down the same route so many times I know it like the back of my hand, never had nerves, yet this time was different for some reason. The butterflies were starting to hurt as if they were trying to escape my tummy. Maybe I should start by explaining that the ‘his’ I’m referring to is my best friend Henry. What can I say about Henry? Gorgeous, luscious blonde hair, amazing green eyes that I can never...
Mark continued his travels around the region, meeting with girls and sometimes privately with their mothers. As he conducted his questioning of each girl, he found himself comparing the answer that she gave to those of Sandy Mason. He didn't know why he was making these comparisons; he certainly had never compared other candidates to one another, but he just could not get Sandy Mason out of his mind. Invariably, whatever response a candidate gave to one of his questions was a disappointment....
When he came down stairs he saw pat wearing a bikini top and short skirt, she was doing something at the sink so he walked up behind her and gave her a hug. In doing so his hands cupped her breasts. “ iv been thinking about you while I was in the shower, feel how big you got me.” while holding her breasts he pushed himself to her, his cock thrust into her bottom and that’s when she slipped away from him. “ what the hell you doing.” “ you didn’t say no before when I was in your mouth, nore when...
MatureTHE ULTIMATE REVENGE (mm, nc, magic, tg, femdom) By: RealmanThis story is intended for adults above the age of 18. If you are not18 years or older, please do not read any further. Jack woke up nude and strapped on a bed in some kind of clinic and wasasking himself why he was there and who brought him here. The door openedand a very good looking woman came by the bed. "Who are you and why I am naked and strapped on that bed?" asked Jack. "My name is Brenda and I run an agency that...