Gamers Pt. 05 free porn video

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I apologize in advance if the next chapter is delayed. Sometimes life intervenes … on the positive side, if you are enjoying this story so far, you will be happy to know that it is taking on a life of its own. There will be several more chapters – at least. Again, thank you for the positive comments and constructive criticism.


The summer job was just about perfect. It paid extremely well, and some of the work was both challenging and interesting. There were also long stretches of time where all I had to do was be physically present. It gave me lots of time to work on my new game idea.

And plenty of free time to spend with Jazz. She took me to High Tea, and to the Art Gallery. It was a fascinating experience. Jazz knew a great deal about art, and was able to communicate it to me without seeming pedantic.

– ‘You’d make a great art teacher.’ I said. ‘How is it that you know so much?’

– ‘I’ve always loved art.’ she replied. ‘It’s what I wanted to study, but my father is paying my tuition, and he insisted on something practical. Something that would lead to a job.’

– ‘What’s your favourite kind of art?’

– ‘I love the Impressionists. And Art Nouveau. But I also like the Old Masters, and I have a soft spot for Albrecht Durer. Vee is more into impressionism, too. We argue about it all the time.’

– ‘I find it hard to imagine Vee arguing. With you, especially.’ I said.

– ‘Why?’ Jazz bristled. ‘Because she’s so sweet and innocent, and I’m such a … dragon? Is that what you’re implying?’ She poked me in the ribs. ‘Don’t be fooled. Vee is tougher than she looks. There’s a lot more to her than meets the eye.’

Jazz also took me to a basement comic shop around the corner from her apartment.

– ‘I was always curious.’ she admitted. ‘But now that I have my own personal guide to the world of gaming …’

– ‘I don’t know that much about comics.’ I admitted.

But there was a room in the back, where the store sold new and used games.

– ‘Are these any good?’ she asked.

Most of the new games were titles I had seen, or read about online. But among the used games was an absolute classic. It was Avalon Hill’s Kingmaker. I took it down from the shelf with complete reverence. The pieces and the cards were still in good shape, and they all seemed to be there.

– ‘Is this one special?’ she asked.

– ‘Very.’

– ‘Let’s get it, then. And you can tell me about it over lunch.’ she suggested.

– ‘Really? You want me to tell you about a game?’

– ‘Why not?’ she said. ‘You let me drone on about art.’

– ‘That’s different.’ I began. ‘I’m interested in art.’

Jazz laughed. ‘If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m interested in games. Especially if it’s you telling me about them. If you’re passionate about this particular game, I’d love to know why.’

I looked at her in wonder.

‘C’mon.’ she continued. ‘Any others you want to buy? Let’s get this one. Time for lunch: my stomach is starting to make noises.’

I had been about to say ‘I love you’.

But the moment had passed. It would sound stupid, now. Out of place. I was also afraid to say it. Jazz kept telling me that she wasn’t ‘girlfriend material’, or that she wouldn’t make a good long term girlfriend. Was that her way of trying to keep me at a distance? Yet we had done everything a couple would do – physically, socially, intellectually – all that was missing was the verbal expression of an emotional commitment.

Maybe there was some way that I could express to her how I felt – to tell her that I loved her – without putting her on the spot. I didn’t want her to feel as if she had to answer in kind.

She punched me in the arm. ‘Pay the man!’ she said. ‘I’m getting lunch.’

As we walked out of the store, Jazz asked me ‘Where do you go, Dean? When you start thinking, it’s like your consciousness shifts to another place. You get that thousand-yard stare, and you don’t seem to hear anything, either.’

– ‘I don’t know.’ I admitted. ‘Been that way since I was a kid. Les calls it ‘zoning out’.’

– ‘I like Les.’ said Jazz. ‘So tell me about me your friends.’

– ‘What do you want to know?’

– ‘The usual. How you see them, what they mean to you. Secret insights, inside information about their gaming style, so that I can pound them into dust the next time we play … that sort of thing.’

– ‘Well, Gerry is funny. He makes us all laugh – himself most of all. He usually sees the lighter side of things. He keeps his promises in game situations. Gerry won’t backstab you, or break an alliance, but he’ll remember it forever if you do.’

– ‘And Max?’ she asked.

– ‘Max is an athlete. A good one. He’s always had a foot in different worlds. His teammates think he’s odd, but they respect him. He seems to be able to balance sports, girlfriends, and gaming. I don’t know how he does it.’

We arrived at the restaurant, and got a table.

– ‘What about Les?’ asked Jazz. ‘He’s your closest friend, right? Even after the Kasia thing? That must have been awkward.’

– ‘He was pretty cool about it, all things considered.’ I said. ‘I think what bothered him most was that neither of us – his sister and his best friend – were telling him what was going on. But we’re okay now.’ I told Jazz about the tribunal, and my punishment.

– ‘So you are working on a new game.’ she said. ‘When were you going to tell me about it?’

– ‘I can tell you a bit now. In fact, I was going to ‘borrow’ a few ideas from this Kingmaker game.’

– ‘Isn’t that plagiarism?’

– ‘Plagiarism is when you steal somebody’s else’s idea, or claim it as your own. But if you steal ideas from three or four sources, you can create something original. Look at music. Many great artists have come out and admitted who their influences were. Multiple influences.’

– ‘Alright’, she said, ‘so tell me about this game you bought. What makes it so special?’

I began to tell Jazz about the Avalon Hill game company, and then about Kingmaker in particular. I frequently paused, or stopped, to ask if I was boring her yet.

– ‘No.’ she said.

– ‘Are you sure?’

– ‘Do I look bored?’ she replied. ‘Trust me, Dean, I will tell you if you start to bore me. If you ask me a question, I will tell you the truth.’

So I talked for a while longer. Then she steered me back to the subject of my friends.

– ‘They’ve all played this game? And they like it as much as you do?’

– ‘Les has a copy. We played it so often that we wore out the pieces and bent all the cards.’

– ‘Speaking of Les …’ said Jazz, as she started on her dessert, ‘does he have a girlfriend, too?’

– ‘Wait – what? Who wants to know that last part?’ I asked.

– ‘Lucy is interested. I think she took a shine to him over at your place.’

– ‘Really?’ I said. ‘Because Les is interested in her, too. She made a strong impression on him. He asked me if she was single.’

– ‘Good.’

– ‘Wait a minute! Are you suggesting that we should play matchmaker between our friends?’ I asked her.

Jazz held up her hands, and made a face. ‘No! Bad idea! Besides, they’ll be much more invested in a relationship if they start it themselves. And anyways – if we set them up, and it went bad, they’d blame us. Bad idea.’

– ‘Good.’ I said. ‘I’m glad we agree. Hands off, then.’

– ‘On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that we can’t drop a hint here, or give them a little nudge there …’ she said, with a grin.

– ‘What about Cyn?’ I asked her. I was thinking of the obvious attraction between her and Max.

– ‘Cyn’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. It’s your friend Max who should be worried.’

– ‘Max can handle himself.’ I said. ‘He’s been around the block a few times.’ I couldn’t reme
mber Max ever losing his head over a girl.

– ‘How about you?’ asked Jazz, with a grin. ‘How many times have you been around the block?’

– ‘Umm … not very many.’ I said. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to discuss my sexual history with her, as brief as it was.

Jazz mistook the reason for my mild embarrassment. ‘I’m sorry.’ she said. ‘I didn’t mean to make you think about Kasia.’

– ‘It’s OK.’ I said.

– ‘Did you have many girlfriends before her?’

– ‘Two. Well, three. I dated a girl for most of my senior year, in high school. She dumped me just before prom. We had never gone beyond third base. The first girl I slept with was a virgin. We both were. It was … pretty awful. Neither of us had a clue. We tried again, but it was still … painful for her. And embarrassing for me.’

‘I met another girl in first year. Carol. She seemed like a free spirit. I thought it would be better, with her. But it was more of the same. Awkward.’ I fell silent.

– ‘So maybe Kasia was a good thing. I don’t mean the lying and the … you know. But the sex must have been good, right. She said you were … I’m sorry, am I embarrassing you, Dean?’

I just blushed.

‘Seriously.’ said Jazz. ‘She said really … complimentary things about you. I know guys sometimes have anxiety … about their performance. But you have nothing to worry about.’

By this point, most of the blood in my body had rushed to my face.

Jazz reached across the table and covered my hand with hers. ‘Dean. I have zero complaints about the sex we’ve been having. Far from it. That’s why I brought up the subject. I wanted to know where you got the confidence, and the … I don’t know what to call it – the expertise? Was it Kasia who opened you up?’

‘I mean, you have the repertoire of an experienced lover. I’m not saying that I’m an expert, or anything, but I can tell the difference between awkward fumbling and skill. You know how it’s been with us. But you also have the enthusiasm … the passion of a first love. I’m doing a shitty job of explaining it, but I feel very fortunate, Dean.’

This was the moment I had been waiting for. I took her hand in mine. ‘I’m the fortunate one, Jazz.’

But before I could say anything more, the waitress came to our table, to ask if we wanted coffee. We declined.

Jazz waited until she was gone. ‘Look – I’m trying to compliment you on your love-making skill. And to say that you’ve been … awesome. But you’re forgetting what I’ve been telling you all along. I’m not girlfriend material, Dean. Save some of this wonderful intensity for your next girlfriend.’

I laughed. Maybe it was just a nervous reaction.

– ‘I’m serious!’ she insisted. ‘We’re barely 21. You’re going to have many relationships after me. And you’re going to make somebody else very happy.’

– ‘I’m sorry, Jazz.’ I said. ‘I can’t take you seriously when you say things like that. I’m not worrying about years down the road. I’m only thinking about this afternoon, or tomorrow.’

– ‘Fine!’ said Jazz, crossing her arms. ‘Then you can just take me home. Right now.’

– ‘Jazz – I said I was sorry.’

– ‘I know.’ she replied. ‘I want you to take me back to my place. I need to sample some more of that expertise.’

We raced to her apartment. Inside the door, she started grabbing at my clothes. I stopped her, pinning her hands to the wall.

– ‘Wait!’ I said. ‘I want to … undress you.’

She just smiled, and stopped resisting.

It was like unwrapping a gift, but better than any birthday, or even Christmas morning. She cooperated in every way possible, lifting her arms, or standing on one leg. The whole time, she was smiling at me, or kissing my ears, or my cheeks. I let her interrupt a few times, and stopped to kiss her.

Her shirt came first. She wasn’t wearing a bra, as usual. Her beautiful breasts came free, until I cupped them in my hands. I paid homage to them with lips and tongue, stroking and caressing them with my fingers.

I undid her jeans, and pulled them down her legs. Her panties stayed on, for the moment. I kissed her thighs, and ran my hands across her ass. Then I traced the outline of her pussy lips, through the panties, with my fingers.

By the time I peeled her panties off, Jazz and I were both breathing heavily.

– ‘Wait!’ she said, as she disengaged herself, and disappeared into her computer room. She returned, still completely naked, but with a doctor’s stethoscope around her neck. She lifted my shirt, and placed the cold metal against my skin. Up my stomach, across my chest … she slid the stethoscope across my nipples, and then held it over my heart.

She listened intently for a few moments, and then pulled the plugs from her ears. She reversed our roles, tucking the plugs into my ears, and placing the metal against her own chest. I listened to her rapid heartbeat. I’m sure that my own began to speed up, in response.

Jazz lifted the stethoscope, and placed it against my lips. Then she removed it, and pressed her lips to mine. She started moving the stethoscope, putting it on my cheek, my chin, my throat – and each time she moved it, she replaced it with her lips, kissing my face, and then my neck. Then she pulled the plugs from my ears, and replaced them in her own.

She pulled away from me, and danced back towards her bed. When I followed, she put a hand on my chest to slow me down. Jazz put the stethoscope against her own lips, and beckoned to me with a finger.

When I approached, she lifted the stethoscope away, and I kissed her on the lips. She began leading me on an excursion across her naked body, indicating where she wanted to be kissed by placing the stethoscope there for a moment. I followed her lead quite happily, kissing my way all over her face, across her throat and neck, to her breasts and nipples, and down her stomach.

The end result may have been utterly predictable, but getting there was more than half the fun. She teased me mercilessly, prolonging the inevitable. Eventually, I put her on her back, and ate her into submission. When she recovered from that, I pulled her up on her hands and knees, and fucked her from behind.


Gerry called me up. We were playing with the girls, at Trisha and Angie’s apartment. Gerry wanted to know if he could offer me a ride in his car. Obviously, he had something on his mind. I agreed to let him pick me up.

Once I was in his car, he played coy.

– ‘Spill it, Gerry.’ I told him.

– ‘What? Spill what?’

– ‘When was the last time you offered me a ride on a gaming night? You have something on your mind. So spill …’

Gerry pursed his lips. ‘Okay. I’m … I want to lose weight.’

– ‘I see.’

– ‘You’re not gonna laugh at me?’ he asked.

– ‘No, Gerry. I wouldn’t do that.’

– ‘Sorry – I know you wouldn’t. Here’s the thing. I started a diet, and my Granny is monitoring me. But I need to work out, too. So I was wondering: would you go and work out with me once a week? Max said he would go with me, and my cousin Manny said he would, too, but I figure if I don’t go three or four times a week, it won’t work, so -‘

– ‘Sure, Gerry. I’ll work out with you once a week.’ I told him. ‘Does this have anything to do with meeting the girls?’

He looked at me as if I had lost my mind. ‘Duh!’ he said.

Four guys and four girls were there. It was the same group that had played at my house, plus Vee, who was living at Trisha and Angie’s apartment for the summer.

The chemistry between Cyn and Max was obvious – it looked like they were about to catch fire. Lucy and Les were much more subtle, but they did sneak looks at each other from time to time, especially when they thought the other wasn’t looking.

I thanked Vee for the second set of drawings.

– ‘They’re awesome.’ I said.

– ‘They are pretty good, aren’t they?’ She was blushing as she said this, and looking to Jazz, as if for confirmation.

– ‘Are you working on any more?’ asked Les.

Vee was a little hesitant. ‘Hopefully, we’ll be able to complete the set.’

We played co-operative games that night. There aren’t very many competitive games for eight or more players. First we ran a Zombiepocalypse game, which turned out to be hilarious. With this many players, the degree of difficulty increases significantly. There are more wandering zombies, more negative events that can cause significant problems, and a much more difficult finish.

The only solution is to search every building thoroughly, hoping to find the weapons or equipment which can provide an edge. Of course, every minute spent rummaging around dramatically increases the likelihood triggering a particularly nasty event.

Gerry stepped on some kind of land mine, and blew his leg off. We couldn’t abandon him, or perform a mercy killing, so we had to carry him, which tied up two of our party members. Then Max stumbled across a open tunnel, from which zombies began to emerge – cutting off half of our party.

No amount of dice heroics were going to save us. The only question was who would die last. That turned out to be Cyn. We lost so badly that it was pretty funny.

– ‘Rematch!’ said Jazz.

– ‘Would you girls like to try a new game?’ asked Les.

– ‘Such as?’ said Jazz.

– ‘It’s cooperative, and needs five or more players – which is why the four of us haven’t tried it yet. But it looks cool.’

The girls exchanged looks. Cyn answered for them. ‘Bring it out.’ she said.

Les set up the board and the pieces, but left me to do the explaining.

– ‘It’s called Stalag 15.’ I told them. ‘It’s a World War Two prisoner-of-war camp. We play the POWs, trying to escape, while the Nazis try to stop us.’

– ‘Zombies, and then Nazis.’ said Gerry, with a sigh. ‘What could be better?’

– ‘Nazi Zombies?’ suggested Max.

We could try to arrange many small escapes, or to organize a really big one, a la ‘Great Escape’. As you might expect with several strong personalities at the table, we ended up trying both. Since we hadn’t played the game before, we didn’t know the odds of success. Most of what we tried to do was based on gut-feeling, or on our viewing of WW2 movies, or prison break movies.

Jazz and Cyn were the most aggressive, so we put them in charge of the short-term, individual or small group escapes. Les and I planned a major breakout, involving two separate tunnels and most of the manpower in the camp. Max and Lucy did their best to steal from the guards, while Vee and Gerry played support roles.

Everybody seemed to like the game mechanics, and the game was built for success – it wasn’t possible to fail completely. Everybody tasted some kind of victory, and we all had a good time.

– ‘Your Dad would like this, Dean.’ said Jazz.

I smiled at her. She was right. Dead right. Beautiful, and perceptive. So I whispered in her ear: ‘Would you be willing to play? With my parents, I mean.’

– ‘Of course I would. But … don’t you need five or more?’ she said. ‘Maybe we could invite Les and … Lucy?’

– ‘Careful …’ I warned.

– ‘Just a nudge.’ she said, with a grin.


Les hosted a gaming night, as he had said he would. And he warned everyone, in advance, that Kasia might be home. In addition, he asked me to arrive a few minutes early.

Kasia was there. She had gathered her courage, I guess, and was ready to face me. She looked awfully small, and vulnerable. The bright light of her vitality seemed dimmed, somehow.

– ‘I’m so sorry, Dean.’ she said. ‘You didn’t deserve what I did to you. I was selfish … and thoughtless. And incredibly stupid. I’m sorry if I hurt you.’ Her words sounded rehearsed, but no less sincere for that. She had trouble meeting my eyes, but she was trying.

– ‘I’ll get over it.’ I told her.

– ‘You and Jazz are together? That’s good. I hope you two will be happy. She’s great. And you are, too. I’m sorry.’ Kasia managed not to cry – but just barely.

Her resolve lasted until the other girls arrived. Then Kasia broke down. She couldn’t even speak, except to say ‘I’m so sorry’ over and over again. Vee was the first one to hug her, followed by Cyn. They cried right along with her.

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CyborgChapter 2

Eric started on a regimen of exercises to shake the long cold sleep he had been under. While he had been frozen totally, it was still advisable to recondition himself, and he did so with a passion. He also listened to a short list of systems that were non-functional or were operating on back-up systems. The forward boat bay had been damaged, and was not going to be operational without extensive yard repairs. CCS-14 said it could blow the doors, but that might not be advisable, as hull...

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Hailey Danielle

I had admired Danielle for quite some time. We had been in a high school class together for almost a year now, talked on occasion, but never much more than that. She couldn't have stood much taller than 5'3'', and couldn't have weighed more than 100 pounds. Danielle had natural blond hair and blue eyes, with tan skin and an extremely petite, though toned frame. In the few times I had seen her outside of school, she wore tiny cheerleader shorts that showed off how beautiful her slender, firm...

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Dream Girl

Here is a little story, You are free to archive this story at any no-fee website. Dream Girl By Rena So I've been given this gift. I have the ability to fulfill my own dreams. What do I mean? Everynight when I sleep my dreams are reality. Every touch, taste, sense, that I experience in dream world is just as real as going to work or eating breakfast. In my dreams I choose the plot and the natural laws. I have to formulate the rules before I go to bed and come up with an...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 212

Laura planned to spend Saturday night and most of Sunday at Deshona's house in Burlingame, but on Saturday afternoon, before driving down, she ran into Brenda while shopping at Macy's. Both were browsing the perfume counters, and sparks almost flew when they discovered one another. Their eyes met and locked, and palpable electricity seemed to flow between them. After all, Laura thought, feeling her very skin tingle and glow with heat, they had done some pretty explosive fucking together....

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Danny and JennyChapter 2

Sensing my rage as I got into the car and tossed the tape onto the back seat, she kept quiet until I'd done about four miles at a ridiculously dangerous speed and calmed down a bit. "Danny?" "What?" it came out almost as a growl and I regretted it instantly. "Sorry Jen" I forced a smile and laid my hand on her leg, "What is it sweetheart?" "Thank you" "No need for thanks Jen, I regret hitting him though" "What was said that made you snap like that?" "Nothing really, it...

4 years ago
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Ships Passing In JamaicaChapter 2

Ronnie's eyes filled with tears. "I know, I cry for days each time. But we should make these times happy and fill ourselves with each other. Let's laugh and share our lives, and enjoy the sex as well. I know we are sad and we cry, but don't we have great memories to relive and feed our fantasies when we need each other?" Jamie turned and hugged Veronica as tightly as a human could hold another. "You are so sweet. Your words are like a warm massage to my feelings. I guess I want it all,...

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Meghna8217s Night Alone

This is my first story on ISS. I hope you will enjoy and relish the content. It’s about the girl named Meghna. She is alone at her appartment on the 7th floor and today something really amazing was happening to her. Meghna, after her day off from the office, she came back to the appartment and finished her daily routine chores like preparing dinner and then having it alone. Then she sits for watching the TV. Suddenly she got up and went to bathroom and started taking bath. Under the shower she...

2 years ago
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This Fucking Economy

My wife Kayla and I came from meager backgrounds. We met in college, each of us the first from our families to attend. We graduated with degrees in our respective fields, and soon each managed to obtain employment in them. We spent most of our savings on the wedding since our families were unable to help much with the expense, and we signed a rent-to-own contract on a house, complete with a backyard swimming pool. We were excited to build a life together in our hometown. A few months later, the...

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TeamSkeetExtras Kali Sudhra Experience

It’s been ten years since they’ve seen each other, so between them Paloma and Kai have organised a reunion for their friends – but deep down, Paloma just can’t wait to get Kai alone. Spending an afternoon together before the rest of the group arrives, the pair enjoy playing in the pool, and it’s not long before the old flames are kissing. Lying down in the shade of an orange tree, Paloma is finally where she’s wanted to be for years: naked, rocking back and forth over Kai’s cock. Sensing...

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Snowball Hypnosis Story

This is a collaborative story, based off Snowball Story Writing (credit to Whatsa) and Snowball Blowjob Story (credit to street0) except these stories are based purely on hypnosis/mind control. All sotries must have either a) an image that shows the women hypnotized or b) an image that a hypnosis based story can be written around. Someone posts a pic. Then someone writes a chapter inspired by that pic. Then someone else adds to the storyline. You can take turns ABABAB, or ABCABDCDE. Whatever...

Mind Control
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Tale of Two Mothers CH1

"Walter!" Patty brushed her long, wavy blonde hair out of her eyes and glowered angrily at her son's bedroom door. "Walter, I know what you're doing in there! I am absolutely sick of listening to you jacking off in your room every day! Walter, are you listening?" Her teenage son didn't answer. The rhythmic thumping continued louder than ever, the sound of the headboard banging against the wall as Walter eagerly beat his prick, flailing...

3 years ago
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friemd mary

My friend Mary from back in college dropped by unexpectedly and this was the beginning of some very wild happenings. She and her husband Mark where traveling through our area and decided to stop by. I asked them to stay over so they could meet my husband. After a little tugging, they agreed to postpone their travel plans. Once my husband David got home from work, we settled down with some drinks and conversation. David suggested we go out and enjoy the hot tub. Once everyone changed, we all...

2 years ago
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Didi Aur Aunty Ki Pyass Bujhaya

Hi to all ISS reader I m Gautam from Orissa. I am big fan of ISS since three years, I read lots of story in ISS but I love to read Incest part very much. I need to share one of my story here for all the ISS readers. 1st I introduce myself I am Gautam from Orissa staying in Gujart Ahmadabad due to my job, I am working for a MNC in Gujarat. I love to spent my time lonely due to I have no love affairs in my life till my college days. I am not handsome nor any special friends due to some family...

3 years ago
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Bangalore Busty Aunty Got Ultimate Pleasure

Hello everyone, This is my first story and a real incident. I know most of you aunties and hotties in Bangalore won’t believe me until you have a hot encounter with me. Please give your valuable feedback in my mail id Let’s begin the story… I am Rajiv working in a mnc in Bangalore, decent look with handsome attitude. I also belong to one of the IT crowd here. As i am a bachelor i stay alone in my flat. It’s near to it hub (no points for guessing the right answer), big society, fully secured....

3 years ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 6

I normally consider eavesdroppers to be the scum of the earth. I put people who listen into and tape other's telephone conversations without permission in the same scumbag. I felt guilty for listening, but it helped put my life in perspective. From the tone of her voice, I could see that Jennifer was in conflict. I also realized that she had someone in her life whom she had strong feelings for. I assumed that our encounters had been a sexual release effort in her troubled life. I closed a...

2 years ago
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New Order New OpportunityChapter 5 City Streets

James found himself outside the police, station faster than he would have thought possible. They hadn't quite thrown him down the front steps but they hadn't been too polite about showing him out either. He had no more idea of why they had freed him than of why they had picked on him in the first place. That was one of the problems with being a solitary — you were easy pickings as far as the police, the benefit squads, the tax enforcers were concerned. Maybe they were planning to follow...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 29

“Tell me a story. (Will ya, will ya.) A real good story. (I won’t leave til ya.) Spill your guts, old man. Leave out any secrets hiding in the... Any skeletons, and all your other sins. Any skeletons. (In the closet!) Any skeletons, any misfortunes. Any skeletons. (Hiding in the closet.)” -Anthrax, “A Skeleton in the Closet,” (Inspired by “Apt Pupil“ by Stephen King.) Everything shook and the swinging ceiling lights flickered again down in the bunker. General Werner Schell sat on a bench,...

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Four Times a Year Complete

Four Times a Year - Part 1Submitted by: Michael Freemont "Andrew. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way." She laughed. "And just as Bob and I were both having an orgasm. But maybe it's just as well you did find out. Now we won't have to sneak around anymore." Andrew was upset. He had come home unexpectedly and found his wife in bed with his best friend Bob. It answered so many questions. Why his wife was out so much. Why she couldn't go with him to events he had to go to. Why she wouldn't...

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Buttplugged Nina 3 alternative versions

Having got her new butt-plug Nina wanted to show it off! What better way than on a webcam on a well known adult site! The title of her show was 'humiliate this fat sub with her new toy The large black plug slid into her loose arsehole easily as she got on all fours and wagged her pale white fat arse at the webcam. The first message popped up on screen saying "spread your nasty fat arse wide" Nina being the obedient slut she is happily obliged spreading herself exposing the large plug...

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Moms Laptop Part 7

Yes, baby, cum for me! I’m rubbing my cunt so fast now. Fingering my clit. Cum for me! I want it!im cummmmingI’d been chatting, so to speak, with Mike in Lushstories and, well, what I wrote was mostly true and I was pretty sure that what he wrote was entirely true. We’d been doing this for about a half an hour.After we were both settled down again (I hadn’t cum, but the night was still young), I posed my question: So I want to fuck Tony, but I don’t want to piss off Jen. And I’d never mess with...

2 years ago
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The House wife or step mom palaver in the house

I was home for the long holiday after my first year in college. The camcorder that I was using to document my stepmom’s sluthood was a reward from her and my father for making the Dean’s list. I was spying on her from outside. I had spent many happy hours in the detach shack watching the area with my new drone and telescope. The tower-like shack was only a dozen feet from my parent’s second-floor bedroom. I always hoped for a glimpse of my stepmom in the Nude or of her and Dad Fucking, but they...

1 year ago
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Sandy and Jos chocolate coated cum Part 2

The restaurant was downtown on Richmond Street, with its own parking lot right next to it. But the girls all insisted I park in another lot a couple of blocks away, because they wanted ‘a little exercise’. But I knew that they just wanted the fun of walking down downtown’s busiest street, as a red-pantied foursome at the busiest time of the day… 6:30. It still wasn’t dark yet, and the streets were well lit anyway, so there’d be no hiding them. And so the four of them confidently sauntered, all...

Group Sex
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A surprise for Sir

She had known him online a long time. He was one of those guys you just couldn’t help but to notice. She had never imagined anything would come of it, but to her great surprise, he noticed her too, and over time, things blossomed. He saw sides to her she didn’t even realize was there and as her eyes started to open, he became her lover, her Dom and her great love. One day she jumped on a plane to go see him and from then on there was no going back; She could no longer live without him, and as...

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Australian StoryChapter 16 The Only One

Thursday 17-May 2007 Knock knock. Chris looked up towards the door. Who would be visiting at this time of the morning? His mum hopped up and hurried to the door. "Good Morning, Eric." He heard from the entrance. Eric? Chris was still trying to figure out who that was when his mum led Mr Cartwright into the room. Mr Cartwright was carrying his bag that contained most of his books and his phone. "Ahh, Chris. Good morning. How are you?" "I'm okay, thank you sir. Actually it looks...

2 years ago
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UberDommes Society

Chapter One: IntroductionSix women sat around the large dining room table in the opulent penthouse apartment. The apartment was located on Central Park West, occupied the top two floors of the building, and covered at least 6,000 square feet. The dining room was large and well-appointed, with a beautiful Tiffany chandelier suspended over the center of the table. The buzz of conversation around the table ceased as the woman at its head intoned, loudly, "The Society of Uber-Dommes will come to...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Scarlett Bloom Caught With My Step Sister

Scarlett Bloom has to share rooms with her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, while their aunt is in town. Scarlett isn’t inherently opposed to sharing, but she has a bedtime tradition of masturbating before she goes to sleep. They climb into bed together and Scarlett tries to ignore the awkwardness and sleep without cumming. When that doesn’t work, she decides fuck it, it’s her bed and she’ll do what she wants. Nathan offers to leave, but Scarlett figures that maybe if it...

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African Slave Queen

The theatrically over decorated general gripped the podium tighter and tighter as his highly orchestrated news conference began to turn sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage; to impress and show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. “I’ll repeat my question,” said the young reporter. He narrowed his gaze at the attractive white woman and gave a forced smile. “Please do.”...

4 years ago
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I memba I useta fuck this Sista named CHARLISE in this 24-hour Laundry Mat.I worked there frum 12midnite to 8 in the morning.In the Summer Time.She useta always cum in da Laundry Mat to Wash her clothes at 2am in da Morning n shit — in a Sundress. Wit No PANTIES on.She was FAT but SHAPELY as hell.And I would fuck da shit outta her back in this Back Room I had.The room wasnt really set up for fucking--butt I made it so.When I first got the job the room was clogged wit boxes and boxes of cleaning...

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True Love Never dies

True Love, Never DiesBy: Londebaaz ChohanHow could anybody believe that Nadir Caleb; aged 29 and Sana Caleb, aged 18 did not know each other; although they were real brother and sister. It happened because of the at least 11 years between them, they had not only not seen one another but it was hardly 2 years since they had a telephonic contact and they spoke with each other may be 3—4 times maximum. As a matter of fact, Nadir had joined a mission service and had spent all those 11 years...

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Working With Walker Pt 5

Tyler joined Walker and I several more times since that first night. He was still trying to seduce Mike, so that's where most of his focus was. He had been hanging out with him almost every night. Mike was still being bashful, but had loosened up lately. Tyler said he'd cuddled with him on Mike's couch and they made out once, but Mike broke it off after only a few minutes. Since that night though, Mike went back to the cycle of flirting and rejecting Tyler's advances. Walker and I were...

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Erfuumlllung ist dort wo Leben beginnt 2

2. Teil der Reihe.1. Teil: hatte gefühlt ewig gedauert, bis ich mich dazu durchringen konnte, aufzustehen. Es war zwar nicht geträumt gewesen. Aber was ist, wenn Steffen diesen Fehltritt mit mir bereute. Ich mein, ich mochte Katrina, ich fühlte mich ja selber schäbig, dass ich ihr so etwas angetan hatte. Bei Silvana wäre es mir mit Karsten vermutlich egal gewesen. Denn auch Karsten war ein Bild von einem Mann.Dann...

2 years ago
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Seduce And Enjoy My Friend8217s Sister

Hi friends, the story is between me, my friend Karthik and her married elder sister Vani. I am a good looking boy from Nagercoil. It is in the south side of Tamilnadu. I and karthik studied together till our engineering. Today I am 29 years old the incident happen 2 years before at that time I was 27 years old and vani is 2 years elder to us. All the names used in the story are not real. That is including my name sursh. Myself I am 65 Kg slim athletic body with good looking Morden boy. Most...

3 years ago
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Krystenah is a Naughty Teacher Part III

I rubbed my ass cheeks until Matty told me to come to where he sat in the living room. “Krystenah. You haven’t done too well today following directions, but I am going to give you a chance to redeem yourself.” He flashed a heart-melting smile at me. I chewed my lower lip. “What do I have to do?” I asked him. “Now that’s the right attitude!” He said. “First thing I need you to do is strip.” When I hesitated, he leaned forward and glared at me menacingly. “When was the last time you were spanked...

1 year ago
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Meet the Buggermans

"Carl! Stop it!" She said frustrated but allowing herself a satisfied smile. They'd been married five years but she still felt the eagerness in his hands. Both their jobs had gone from strength to strength and now this new big home in the suburbs was a dream come true. As she turned and her handsome blonde husband lifted her down to the floor she finished her thoughts vocally. "And now all we need is a nursery." "No problem," he answered with a big grin and charming wink,...

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Mistis Adventures Part 99

The party had gotten a bit out of hand for Sue's taste. There was more drinking than she could tolerate, and some one, or maybe several, had brought d**gs to the gathering. She had seen a boy that she didn't care for, that much, pouring something into a girl's drink. Knowing the boy, a REAL scumbag, in HER opinion, she could easily figure out what it was. Sue had "bumped" into her, causing her to drop the drink on the ground. Sue had apologized to her, and got her a new drink. The boy had...

4 years ago
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The Pre Wake

Prologue Extract from the diary of Robert Sullivan, Bishop of the Diocese of Sandburg: “When I first found religion I hoped my life could be fulfilled. When I met the woman who was to become my wife I knew that a sacrifice by me was necessary. She did not quite see God as I did, but she too sacrificed enough in those early days to overcome any doubts she may have held. Time came when I was called upon to do my duty and my wife threw herself into meeting her calling and life was good. A child...

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Owned TeacherChapter 25

Mary walked to the back where the black dancer waited with 5 other dancers, 3 bouncers, a waitress and 2 other contest entrants. She hoped she could get through this and get home to bed. "My name is Goddess in case you didn't know that," said the black dancer. "You three have decided to become at least part time dancers here at the club. Tonight you will be initiated into the group. Most of the things we do are legal at least on the surface but to insure everyone's mutual investment we...

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