Flawed Red Silk 12 linked stories
- 3 years ago
- 31
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Meredith was puttering around the hotel room waiting for Brock's return when she heard the keycard in the door.
Brock saw a room-service cart first. But his attention soon shifted to the scantily clad young woman in the room.
Meredith was wearing a very sheer negligee that clearly showed that it was the only article of clothing on her body.
"Hungry?" she asked with a devilish gleam in her eye as she sat down with her knees parted. Brock could see all the way up the short white gown. He licked his lips unconsciously and his plan to pick on Meredith about her reaction to his aborted home run was completely forgotten.
"Famished," Brock related. As after most games, he had grabbed something off the buffet table in the clubhouse but he hadn't eaten a full meal.
Meredith closed her legs and pulled the lids off the dishes on the table.
"I figured we should sample some seafood delicacies while we're on the Gulf Coast," Meredith announced.
"I was hoping what I saw first was on the menu," Brock admitted.
"It's dessert," Meredith said with a giggle. "Are we staying here tomorrow night, too?"
"If you want to," Brock replied. "We're off Thursday. When is Randi coming to Miami?"
"I show you my bush and you think of Randi?" Meredith asked with a smirk. "I think I should be offended."
"You?" Brock said, reverting to his original plan now that he knew Meredith wasn't interested in getting frisky immediately. "I find out the one person I thought was always on my side was rooting against me yesterday and that the whole world saw it!"
The smile disappeared from Meredith's face.
"I didn't know it was on TV," Meredith said. "I wasn't really rooting against you. I mean, I know how rare a perfect game is. But I wanted you to do good."
"Yeah," Brock said, shaking his head. "Jumping up and down when the guy stole my first homer since I came back. That sucks."
"I did not jump up and down!" Meredith insisted.
"Oh, well you probably should have," Brock said, realizing that Meredith was close to tears. "Jesus, if you had jumped up and down, they probably would have given you your own show instead of 15 seconds on a regional sports telecast. That might even be one reality show I'd watch: Meredith jumping up and down for 30 minutes a week."
He winked at her.
"You bastard," Meredith said. "I was about to freak out. I thought I'd really done something to hurt you."
"Nah," Brock said. "It might have been different if the game was close. But we were down two touchdowns. I'm not mad. I was just goofing."
"And here I was wondering what I would have to do to make it up to you," Meredith said. "You should have held out a little longer."
"Now you tell me," Brock laughed. "I think you should still make it up to me. I guess you should probably go with your first thought."
"My first thought is to kick your butt for making me feel bad," Meredith said.
"Second thought then," Brock said hopefully.
"That was my first through eighth thoughts," Meredith said. "I didn't make it to nine so you're out of luck. I guess you'll just have to make it up to me now."
"What do you have in mind?" Brock asked. "I am ever so eager to be back in your good graces."
Meredith lowered her head and batted her eyelashes at him.
"I'll consider it while we dine," she said.
"Perhaps I should feed you?" Brock suggested. He reached for a piece of chilled shrimp, dipped it gently in cocktail sauce and lifted it to Meredith's mouth. She half expected him to smear the red sauce all over her face but instead he held the crustacean in front of her until she bit into it.
"That would be acceptable for a beginning," she said in a haughty voice. "I believe I shall sit upon your lap while you feed me."
Brock slid his chair backward to allow her room to sit. She kissed his cheek as she settled onto his lap.
"I think we should stay here until Friday morning," she said as Brock lifted another piece of seafood to her lips. "Can we drive over together or do you have to go with the team?"
"I'm good," Brock said. "But I'm not crazy about riding in a car for five or six hours and then having to play a baseball game."
"Yeah, that would suck," Meredith said. "Well, we'll stay here tomorrow night and leave early Thursday morning then. What I want to ensure is that I have at least one night when I have you entirely to myself."
"We'll can leave Thursday morning and get into Miami by about 4 p.m.," Brock suggested. "I'll treat you to dinner and maybe some salsa dancing at one of the clubs in Little Havana."
"I think we should get to the hotel, order room service and not reappear – or get dressed – until about 10 minutes before you have to leave for the game," Meredith countered.
"Or that," Brock replied with a smile.
"I thought you might go along with that," Meredith replied. "Oh, guess what?"
"Um, I don't know," Brock said. "What?"
"I was on TV today," Meredith announced. "Isn't that cool?"
"Uh, well, yeah," Brock replied, slightly confused. "How did this come about?"
"I was the 'Fan in the Stands'," she told him.
"Well, there was more than one fan but you could probably count them on two hands," Brock replied.
"It's a part of their TV broadcast," Meredith told him, rolling her eyes. "They interview someone in the stands. After my impressive performance during your almost-homer, they chose me."
"OK," Brock said warily. "What did you talk about?"
"Oh, I gave the all the juicy details about your contract fight and the battles you've had with the Dodgers organization all year," Meredith said seriously. "Then I talked about our sex life and let them inspect my bra."
"Meredith!" Brock said.
"I'm kidding," she replied. "Jesus, do you think I'm a moron? I set some ground rules before I agreed to do the segment. I told them no personal questions and no questions about the organization. I said I wasn't your agent and I wasn't authorized to discuss anything pertaining to you."
"You're my publicist," Brock pointed out.
"That wasn't mentioned," Meredith replied. "They wanted to talk to Meredith the fiancée not Meredith the publicist. By the way, I think I'm in serious need of some sexual harassment. I figured by sitting on your lap I could at least get a hand up my nightie."
Brock complied almost at once, running his fingers through the silky texture of Meredith's fine pubic hair.
"Much better," she said as his finger delved a little lower. "Anyway, we talked about the game today and yesterday. I explained that ... ooh, I like that ... I, uh, crap. I forgot what I told them. I think I mentioned how much I loved having you finger me at the dinner table. No, wait, that's what I just told myself."
"Do you want me to stop?" Brock asked.
"Not on your life," Meredith said. "I want you to move enough stuff off the table to put me down and get on top of me. I want to do it right here on the table."
Brock hastily slid the dishes to one side and laid Meredith on her back. He wasted no time in disrobing and neither did she. Meredith wrapped her legs around his butt and pulled him into her.
The conversation about Meredith's segment on television would apparently have to wait until the next morning.
Brock awoke to find Meredith's eyes gazing at him from only a few inches away. She wore the beatific smile that he usually didn't see until much later in the day. His first thought was that he had slept until noon.
"Good morning, my soon-to-be-husband," Meredith said. Brock realized he had woken up because Meredith was stroking his member beneath the sheet. "Could I interest you in a little fun this morning?"
"I believe I could be so moved," Brock agreed.
"Let's attend to our morning needs and I'll meet you back here in three minutes," Meredith said, hopping out of bed. Brock watched her buns as she headed to the bathroom. He gave her a few moments to attend to her bodily function before he joined her and they brushed their teeth side-by-side. Then Meredith departed while Brock drained his bladder.
She was back in bed when he came out.
"You're a horny minx this week," he joked.
"I've decided this is our pre-honeymoon," she replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him down to join her. "So I'm practicing for the real thing."
"Have you thought any more about where you want to go on our honeymoon?" he asked as his hands gently stroked Meredith's sides.
"I've come up with a plan," she said firmly. "We tell everyone we're off to Paris and Rome and all those other so-called romantic cities. Then we find a remote cabin completely cut off from the outside world and spend two whole weeks doing this as often as you can get it up. The only time we'll stop is when you're tired or I'm sore. How does that sound?"
"You realize that we'll be able to make love even after we're married," Brock told her with a smile. "I don't care what Esmi and Mandy have been telling you. There is no law against it."
Meredith returned his smile and pulled him to her for a kiss.
"Well, I wouldn't care if there was a law," Meredith answered when she broke the kiss. "I'd do it anyway. Maybe I'm just making up for lost time. I wanted to do this the first time I saw you. Well, maybe not the first time but definitely by the second or third time. When we were in my basement after our first date, my mind was screaming, 'Whoa, slow down there, Girl, ' but my body was telling me, 'Take him now. Make him yours. He's the man you'll spend your whole life with.'"
"It sounds like both voices were right," Brock replied. "We will spend our whole lives together and we probably should have slowed down."
"Absolutely to the first, maybe to the second," Meredith said. "I was ready, Brock. I was ready for that step. I mean, I gave my first blowjob to you on our first date. Well, I had a dick in my mouth for the first time. I got my little pussy licked for the first time that night, too. I was really, really ready to take the next step. I guess I've always been a horny little minx."
"That was the hardest part about being around you when you first came out to L.A. I knew there were barriers in the path that I needed to navigate. But I just wanted to run right through them. That night I spent at our house – the first night we talked again – I barely slept. I had to fight myself to keep from coming to your bedroom. Every time I would hear a noise, my heart would jump, thinking it might be you headed to where I was sleeping. I finally gave up and went to sit outside. I was already sitting out on your porch when Randi came over. I got my swimsuit out of the car and joined her in the pool."
"When I saw you standing in the doorway watching us, I thought I was going to have to finger myself with Randi standing two feet away from me. That's how much I wanted you. It took me almost three months to get up the nerve to tell you. Then it was three more weeks before I could get you to take me to bed. I figured out right then that you are really lousy at hints. So now I just tell you when I want to be naked with you – which is pretty much always, by the way. I guess I tell you when my desire to be naked with you can't be controlled any longer. Like now."
Meredith concluded her speech by swinging her leg over Brock's midsection. Her hand found her goal and she slid backward until his member was firmly inside her. Then she moaned slightly and smiled down at him.
"In case you didn't hear me when I whispered it to you while you slept," she said, "I love you. I am completely and totally in love with you."
Brock noticed that Meredith wasn't moving or attempting to stimulate herself. She just wanted the ultimate closeness that her position astride him provided.
"Well, that's a mighty big coincidence," Brock told her with another smile. "Because I feel the same way about you – word for word, in fact."
"It's not coincidence," Meredith said, shaking her head. Brock noticed the wonderful things her movement made her breasts do. "It's the way it was supposed to be. I know you're cynical about fate and destiny. So was I until you came back to Los Angeles. We were supposed to be together. Our cosmic thread or whatever is intertwined. It's why I never felt like a complete person before I met you or while we were apart. I wasn't whole. I was missing my other half."
"We're together now," Brock assured her. "Now and forever."
"Yes," Meredith replied as she snuggled down on his chest and increased her movement backward and forward. "Now and forever."
It was after noon when Brock and Meredith emerged from their hotel room. Neither seemed the least bit disappointed that any morning plans they might have had were disrupted.
They met with Zack, Al, Fred and Josh for a light lunch before the guys had to head to the ballpark.
"The Rays changed their scheduled starter," Josh said. "I saw on TV that Stewart is going to skip his start. They're starting some guy named Ernie Walsh."
"No shit!" Brock said excitedly. "I thought I saw him in the bullpen but I wasn't sure. Man, I own that bastard."
"Oh, yeah?" Fred asked.
"Oh, yeah," Brock said firmly. "He was drafted like three players after me. He and I have been facing each other since college. He went to Florida State. I bet I'm batting close to .600 against him – and we're talking 40 or 50 times at the plate, too. Man, I hope I'm playing today."
"There is no way you're batting .600 against anyone in 50 plate appearances," Al said. "I don't care what you say."
"I don't know for sure but I'm positive it's something like that," Brock said. "The guy, well, I guess I should make sure he still does it before I say anything."
"Does what?" Josh pressed.
"He tips his pitches," Brock said softly. "It's barely there but I picked up on it when I was a sophomore in college. If there is some way for us to check his minor league games, I'll bet you he has always gotten rocked against the Indians affiliates."
"He got rocked against the Indians the only time he faced them this year," Josh said. "The guy on TV said if you throw out the start against the Indians, his ERA is below 3.00. The Indians must have kicked the shit out of him because his ERA for the year is above 5.00."
"What's he do?" Fred asked.
Brock shook his head.
"I want to make sure he still does it," Brock replied. "That's why I didn't mention it to anyone in the Indians organization until I was in Triple-A. I thought I was just imagining it. But I wasn't. I just want to make sure I don't set you up for something. I'll fill you in after I watch him warm up."
"You better," Josh replied. "That's the kind of information I love to have."
"Do I tip my pitches?" Zack asked.
"You only have one pitch," Al replied with a laugh. "Everyone in the stadium knows what's coming. They just can't hit it. Hell, if you ever develop an off-speed pitch, you'll have hitters screwing themselves in the ground when they swing."
"I have a changeup," Zack insisted.
"Your fastball is 99 miles an hour," Brock said. "Your 'changeup, ' as you call it, is 96 miles an hour. To a hitter, that is not an appreciable difference."
"Screw you guys," Zack said. "It's not that fast."
"We're kidding," Josh said. "You could never survive with only one pitch. I caught you enough last year to know. The thing is, you have four different types of fastball and that's enough. They all look the same leaving your hand."
He took his hands away from his plate momentarily and ticked off the pitches as he spoke.
"You have a cut fastball that rides in on right-handers," he began. "You have a sinking fastball where the bottom drops out at the last minute. You have one that tails away from righties. Then you have 'Roy Orbison.'"
"Roy Orbison?" Meredith asked.
"The straight cheddar," Al said with a nod to Brock to continue.
"I got nothing," he said after a moment. "Wait, the Ryan Express."
"What do you mean?" Meredith asked, getting slightly irritated.
"Those are nicknames for a good, hard fastball that you dare the batter to hit," Josh explained. "Zack just rears back and turns it loose. It doesn't break. It doesn't dip. It doesn't do anything but hit the catcher's glove. Nolan Ryan was one of the best fastball pitchers of his day. His heater was called the Ryan Express."
"And Roy Orbison had a good fastball?" Meredith asked. The table laughed at the question, further pissing Meredith off.
"Roy Orbison had a song called 'Blue Bayou, '" Al clarified.
"So?" Meredith asked.
"Say it out loud slowly," Brock urged.
"Blue Bayou," Meredith repeated. "Blue Bayou. Oh, shit. That's stupid."
"That's what I said when they told it to me," Zack agreed. "I didn't even know who Roy Orbison was. I think he was dead before I was born."
"Whippersnappers," Brock said with a laugh.
"I wouldn't have known who he was either," Meredith told them. "I mean, I've heard of him but I haven't heard any of his songs."
"Well, maybe Randi can remake it," Josh suggested. "That way we can name it after her."
"I'll suggest it," Brock said with a nod. "Maybe she can do 'Blue Velvet' and 'Blue Suede Shoes' on the same album."
"And 'Blue Christmas'," Josh added hopefully. He broke into song and the rest of the table cringed.
"Yeah, maybe not," Brock said. "Anyway, I'm going to get some extra BP in today. Are you heading to the hotel, Merie?"
"Yeah, I'll see you after the game," Meredith replied. Brock was already in the taxi headed toward Tropicana Field when Meredith remembered that she hadn't told him about her stint in the booth that evening.
Brock got his first look at Ernie Walsh in two years when the second inning rolled around. Brock was taking Cesar Davis' spot in right field, a position he'd never played before in the Majors or Minors. Brock couldn't recall having played it even in Little League. Still, that's where LaCross had stationed him for that evening's game.
With a day off on Thursday, LaCross gave Wade a chance to rest his ailing back, too. He inserted Rafael Mendoza at first and plugged him into the lineup batting seventh. Eddie Cruz took over at second for Fred Hartman, mostly because Fred was starting to wear down. He had played in 122 of the team's 137 games. That left Matt Driesbach to hit ahead of Brock, who was still hitting sixth.
Al was the cleanup hitter and led off the second with a sharp single to left field. Driesbach followed with a walk. From the on-deck circle, Brock could see everything he needed to see. Walsh still had the same mannerisms he'd had since he was 19 years old.
Brock took two pitches just to make sure he was able to judge what pitches were coming. He predicted a fast ball for the first pitch and a changeup for the second. Since he was correct both times, he looked carefully as Walsh got his signs from the catcher. Brock almost broke into a smile when he saw a fastball was coming next.
Sure enough, the ball had no break and was situated on the inside portion of the plate. Brock turned on the offering and deposited the ball over the right field fence for a three-run homer. The outfielder that robbed him on Monday gave chase again but this time the ball was several rows back.
Brock didn't get the chance to tell Mendoza what to look for – and he knew Eddie Cruz and Will Courson were such terrible hitters it wouldn't matter if the ball was on a tee for them. So he went to the bench and sat down.
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Author’s Note: This chapter is non-erotic and is meant to act as a bridge to the conclusion. Week 9: Is Trust Enough? Making a Choice ‘You really like fucking me over, don’t you?’ Jeremy asked, walking into the bathroom. Tyler was at the sink, spitting out toothpaste. He had expected some backlash from Jeremy about the move to get rid of Quinn, but he should not have been surprised. Tyler had been trying to get rid of her for the last three weeks unsuccessfully. ‘What are you talking...
Okay my name is ehmer and my age is 21. Mein story Urdu + english me likhu ga. Or sab meri real stories hai. Me sex stories ka bohar bara fan hu. And so I’ll update every week and for that you guys have to wait okay. Now coming towards the chudai story. I am doing fashion designing right now. Ye kahani tab ki hai jab I was teen or mujhe abhi sex ka pata chalne laga tha. Me sab ki tarha apne dick ka size nahi batauga bas I can rock till you stop me. Mere ghar me meri dad mom ke ilawa mere do...
As I woke up the next day, memories of the previous day came rushing into my mind. I felt a bit ashamed and wondered at my unseemly courage to exhibit myself in front of a complete stranger in the intention of sexually exciting him. But it was also strangely thrilling as I have never engaged myself in such daring act before. The thought of confronting him in broad daylight terrified me, but I had to spend the whole day with him in spite of how I felt. I quickly cleared my mind and tried to...
“Hello, Sandra,” I greeted one of my three most recent girlfriends, a sultry Cuban babe with golden skin to match her golden hair. “Hello ... Jack,” Sandra told me as if somehow expecting this reunion. “You don’t seem shocked at all. Not even by the involvement of Lilith,” Nicki observed. “Well ... somehow ... even with the breakup, I knew ... I have some family who are ... active in the occult, in Santeria, in fact. I just ... knew that you were supernatural somehow. You’re not ... the...
Introduction: We left off with Tavia raped and beaten while her oldest brother, Brad, stood beside the bed… Tavia curled tightly into the fetal position and turned so that she was facing the wall rather than her brother. Brad put a hand gently on her shoulder. Dont touch me, you sick fuck she growled, a pit of rage beginning to build within her. I wanted to say that Im sorry Father beats you. You dont really deserve it just for having dinner ready late. As if you even fucking care!, she turned...
I had to shake my head as Jeremy Pax came into the teachers’ lounge. I was under the impression that the new person always has to earn their place — you know, serve their time before they were accepted among the supremely ignorant with degrees, or at least that’s how I think of the staff at the elementary school I work for. It took me three long years before I really earned the respect of the others and managed to get more than just a casual head nod and smile in passing. No, now I finally get...
Straight SexHello everyone, hope you guys are staying safe and healthy. Thank you guys for your valuable feedback on my previous stories. Today, I am going to tell you how I fucked my mom. Coming to the story, we are a family of three. Mom, dad, and me. My name is Abhi. I am 22 and a virgin. My height is 5’10. I have a decent 6-inch tool which made my mom go crazy for me. Coming to my mom, her name is Deepthi. She is 43 years old. She is 5’6. Her skin tone is quite fair and most importantly, she is a thick...
IncestHey guys , it's been a while but as promised another experience with the gorgeous ladyboy.The last time i told you about my first experience with Luna , the lovely dominant ladyboy that used me as a cum dump. This time i'll tell you about our second meeting wich was 3 weeks after. We had been keeping contact via internet(or well i was keeping the contact alive). I was hooked on her already and couldn't get her of my mind... After a lot of chats , she called me back when i least expected it. She...
Based on sexual experience of mine. Hi my name is Dan I’m a 22 year old Caucasian guy from New York City. Last July the mother of my friend Kelsey had seen me outside working in my yard. I had been friends with Kelsey since before kindergarten. Her mom Bella came up to me and asked me if after I was done working in my yard could I come over to her yard and do some work for her. I said sure what do you need done. Bella said that she needed some to trim the bushes that around the pool area in the...
Chapter 2: Star Child Pain. The throbbing of my face stung even through my dream. It felt as though a wasp had been jammed into my mouth and it jabbed me over and over injecting its venom in the same place. The butterfly of black, green, red, and blue shattered like glass. My eyes twitched and I became aware of a soft sensation rubbing against me. Groggily I sat up in my bed. How did I get here? The mirror on the far wall tinted with my movement and I saw my bruised face. It was then that I...
There was one good thing about that first morning back. I got to wake Jen at 6AM, so that she could get home change and be at her office by 9AM. I made coffee for us both. My sense of taste wasn't refined enough to tell good coffee from terrible coffee, but I did remember how to make it. Like Eve had said the warm liquid was relaxing. I had the increased benefit of remembering how good coffee did taste. Memories was heightened, just because I no longer had the same feelings. Heightened to...
As far as love compatibility is concerned, some people see this as one of the more challenging Star Sign combinations, with one sign – Aries – ruled by the element of Fire and the other – Virgo – ruled by the conflicting element of Earth. In reality though, things aren’t necessarily quite as difficult as they might initially appear! True, a fundamentally different approach to life – enthusiastic, go-ahead and impulsive in the case of Aries – cautious, diligent, and a little pedantic in the...
On Monday morning, the first day of class I milled around the until everyone was in the room. I checked out all of the women. Of the ten three were in the mid to late fifties, three more were very much over weight, two of the remaining four were in their twenties and both wearing wedding rings. The last two were early thirties and attractive. One of then was blonde, about five feet five inches tall, big breasts and beautiful blue eyes. The other was brunette, five feet nine inches tall,...
There I was minding my own business, taking a leak, when some guy yells at me and tells me to knock it off. So, I figured I'd better explain to him why I'm pissing on a grave. It all started with my best sales rep. for the last few years. Larry Wilson was a 35 year old salesman and had a territory that was about 1000 miles from the home office outside New York City. So he lived with his girlfriend in a small house he had rented when assigned the territory four years ago. He was good at...
"Fellows," said Myron, "there is only one rule tonight -- the girls are in control. They decide what they want to do with you and who they want to do it with. Enjoy!" he said with an evil leer.The night soon devolved into a wild sexual orgy as the girls removed all cocks from the confines of the men's' jeans and trousers and began to either jack and suck the rock hard bones of all the studs. Through his d**g/liquor-induced haze, Melvin looked down to see his own bone being removed by Marie, a...
Chapter 4 — Jambalaya: She must pose in a public bar without underwear. Notice: The author listed Jamaican Beauties Jaunt under Literotica’s umbrella category Novels and Novellas: Erotic fiction with a broader scope. However, the events in this chapter cover a variety of Literotica categories including: Exhibitionist & Voyeur: this chapter continues the story of a young Jamaican woman’s adventures during a series of challenges, including going to a public bar wearing revealing clothing and...
"Dani? Are you telling me... ?" She was nodding her head. The right side of her mouth curled up in a smile. I suppose it was pretty hard to work the left side of her mouth with the stitches, bandages, and wiring. "I'm with child," she said through her teeth. If I didn't know she was wired shut, I'd have been worried about her saying that through her teeth that way. But I still needed to make sure. "Is it ... Is it okay, sweetheart? Can I ... Can I be happy about it?" I said. She...
Hi all readers. I'm a guy aged 23 years. I am from Bangalore. I have a little healthy figure and do possess a good 6" tool under my underwear. I always read the couple fantasy of lushstories.com and write for the same also as I am a big fan of it. Therefore today I am narrating the very truly incident about a widow who is a social worker. This is not any kind of great work or contribution story, infact it is a great sex story. This incident happened when I approached her for a helping-hand in...
AnalAn Englishman's Home Alex 2021 Agnieszka made sure that her final exit through the front door was at least as dramatic as any other during the term of her relationship with Alex. This time, however, she didn't pause to shout up to him from the hallway before she stomped off to her car to drive off to one or other of her many friends and relatives who would soon once again be reminded just what kind of bastard, shithead or cunt Alex was. This omission was a novelty to Alex and probably...
Hi ISS Readers. First of all thanks for your reviews and appreciation about my stories. I am so glad to know that you guys like me stories. I am back again with a new true story. As you know I am New York these days. I am going to tell you the story about one of Guajarati girl. Who is living in USA with her family, her two sons, her husband and parents? Her name is Lucy (name changed). Let me explain first how she looks like. She is only 34 yrs old girl with 36DD boobs and beautiful ass. One...
I had to go to School, and my Big Sister who had been my legal Guardian since my Mom and Dad died My Sister name was Laura, and mine was Roy. She then asked for a hug before I had to go to school, of course sis I say. “Ok” I say as I give her a hug, and she then pushed her tits into my chest. I even think I saw a nip slip, I then quickly look away. Then my Sister breaks the hug, and I go to school thinking nothing of it. I then think about this all day while I’m at school. I kept thinking to...
IncestRemembering back, it's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a boner recalling those splendid days. When I was fifteen, my mom slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had just left for a one year tour in Korea. He was a sergeant in the army. The doctor put my mom in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the...
My post-nap jerkoff session concluded, I decided that I would make myself presentable for the events of the evening. I still had no clue what Paul had in store for me -- well, there were some murky ideas floating around in the back of my mind if I’m perfectly honest -- but I wanted to be absolutely sure I was ready for it.Grunting my way upright and out of bed, I stopped for a moment to appreciate the crackling layer of dried cum on my chest and the weighty slap of my cock against one thigh....
Gay MalePart two Pamela felt like she must be looking like a hayseed as Cindy lead her to the back yard. Double glass doors opened out to a pool surrounded by a tall stonewall. A huge hot tube sat beside the pool, pool furniture for at least a dozen people sat on the smooth stone patio surrounding the pool, Cindy was beside her self with excitement, Cindy took both Pamela’s hands in her’s and faced her. “Pamela, lets go up stairs, I have some things to show you and we can come...
LesbianHeather smiled at the two young people the next morning as she swept into the parlor where they waited, both in clean but faded clothing. ‘Good morning. I am Lady Heather Westbrook. You are?’ ‘Good mornin, ma’am,’ said the young man. ‘I am William Franklin, and this is my fiancée, Renee St. Claire.’ ‘She is French, I assume,’ said Heather. The young lady smiled. ‘Oui,’ she said softly. ‘She doesn’t speak much English, milady, but she’s a hard worker. As am I.’ ‘Very well. William, you...
Chloe downed the remainder of her Red Stripe in one long pull and slipped away from the eclectic group gathered around the bon fire. The bass thrum of a boom box followed her up the beach, but the soporific sounds of the surf swallowed the reggae beat. The cloying aroma of hash was a bit more tenacious, though, and it carried on the humid sea scented air—a peaceful infusion that blended the edges of her being with the coming night like smudged charcoal under an artist's thumb. She didn't think...
Group SexDonna's abusive boyfriend had finally gone too far. He had made sexual advances toward the woman who lived next door to them. When the woman refused him, he beat her. He beat her so severely that she died a few days later. He had recently started serving a life sentence in prison. I first met Donna when she walked into my office looking for a job. Being a typical male, the first thing I noticed was her looks. She was 24-years-old, about 5'5", weighed 110 to 120 pounds, and had a nice set of...
Yes, as I watched them fucking across the room that night, my daughter’s nineteen year old friend was on the end of my own cock, and that should have been enough. But after that foursome I started to fantasize about putting myself in John’s place, stroking my daughter from behind, filling my hands with her big soft tits, emptying my balls into her pussy. More and more she reminded me of my wife when she was young. She was short, like her mother, with a mane of curly red hair and...
When I was about 22, my summer vacation had just started when me and my girlfriend separated. It just really did not work out for us, even though we planned to go on a vacation together. I had no fall-back plans at all and now I did not know what to do with my summer. My Sister Cathy and her friend Ashley had just turned 18 and the two girls planned to drive to southern France, about 1000 miles away but my parents freaked out. They would not allow the girls to drive alone and ask me if I would...
You will need to read part one first.I finished work that day and cycled home, had a bite to eat, showered and left, telling my parents I may be home late as I was meeting some of the lads from work.I took the bus this time and arrived at the guys house around 7pm. He was still in his dressing gown as he let me in the door and, without hesitation, pulled me to him and snogged me. I responded very eagerly. Bear in mind that earlier in the day was the first time I had ever even kissed another...
The day had broken with a indescribable dew and sunrise. From where I stood the shadows of last night's lovemaking were painted on the walls of infinity. Shreya's eyes had glowed in her Tantric moment and I was was the receiver of her luscious mouth and breasts as she leaned over to kiss mine. Shreya loved me like no other woman and I was happy to have her . I loved her long silken hair between my fingers when she got down on me, she caressed me with her beautiful mouth, to please. Her...
I go fuckin' crazy at the gym. It takes all my power not to stare constantly at all the smoking-hot be-spandexed babes thrusting out their firm asses for us men to ogle, under the pretense of stretching or doing squats or whatever. And then there's that damn thigh-toner machine which, gets them to systematically spread their legs, their cunt-lips pressing out from underneath spandex towards us men. Go ahead; call me weak-willed.One day at the gym, one such gorgeous young lady had been thrusting...
There was a soft knock on the door to his chambers. Who the hell wants to see me this late? Brandyn had told his guards explicitly to not let anyone see him tonight. He sighed, arranging the various maps into piles on his desk "Come in," Brandyn said, rising. His left hand rested on the pommel of the dagger belted to his side. You can never be too cautious in times of war. The door opened, and in walked a shadowy figure. As it glided into the warm...