A Flawed DiamondChapter 68 free porn video

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Meredith was puttering around the hotel room waiting for Brock's return when she heard the keycard in the door.

Brock saw a room-service cart first. But his attention soon shifted to the scantily clad young woman in the room.

Meredith was wearing a very sheer negligee that clearly showed that it was the only article of clothing on her body.

"Hungry?" she asked with a devilish gleam in her eye as she sat down with her knees parted. Brock could see all the way up the short white gown. He licked his lips unconsciously and his plan to pick on Meredith about her reaction to his aborted home run was completely forgotten.

"Famished," Brock related. As after most games, he had grabbed something off the buffet table in the clubhouse but he hadn't eaten a full meal.

Meredith closed her legs and pulled the lids off the dishes on the table.

"I figured we should sample some seafood delicacies while we're on the Gulf Coast," Meredith announced.

"I was hoping what I saw first was on the menu," Brock admitted.

"It's dessert," Meredith said with a giggle. "Are we staying here tomorrow night, too?"

"If you want to," Brock replied. "We're off Thursday. When is Randi coming to Miami?"

"I show you my bush and you think of Randi?" Meredith asked with a smirk. "I think I should be offended."

"You?" Brock said, reverting to his original plan now that he knew Meredith wasn't interested in getting frisky immediately. "I find out the one person I thought was always on my side was rooting against me yesterday and that the whole world saw it!"

The smile disappeared from Meredith's face.

"I didn't know it was on TV," Meredith said. "I wasn't really rooting against you. I mean, I know how rare a perfect game is. But I wanted you to do good."

"Yeah," Brock said, shaking his head. "Jumping up and down when the guy stole my first homer since I came back. That sucks."

"I did not jump up and down!" Meredith insisted.

"Oh, well you probably should have," Brock said, realizing that Meredith was close to tears. "Jesus, if you had jumped up and down, they probably would have given you your own show instead of 15 seconds on a regional sports telecast. That might even be one reality show I'd watch: Meredith jumping up and down for 30 minutes a week."

He winked at her.

"You bastard," Meredith said. "I was about to freak out. I thought I'd really done something to hurt you."

"Nah," Brock said. "It might have been different if the game was close. But we were down two touchdowns. I'm not mad. I was just goofing."

"And here I was wondering what I would have to do to make it up to you," Meredith said. "You should have held out a little longer."

"Now you tell me," Brock laughed. "I think you should still make it up to me. I guess you should probably go with your first thought."

"My first thought is to kick your butt for making me feel bad," Meredith said.

"Second thought then," Brock said hopefully.

"That was my first through eighth thoughts," Meredith said. "I didn't make it to nine so you're out of luck. I guess you'll just have to make it up to me now."

"What do you have in mind?" Brock asked. "I am ever so eager to be back in your good graces."

Meredith lowered her head and batted her eyelashes at him.

"I'll consider it while we dine," she said.

"Perhaps I should feed you?" Brock suggested. He reached for a piece of chilled shrimp, dipped it gently in cocktail sauce and lifted it to Meredith's mouth. She half expected him to smear the red sauce all over her face but instead he held the crustacean in front of her until she bit into it.

"That would be acceptable for a beginning," she said in a haughty voice. "I believe I shall sit upon your lap while you feed me."

Brock slid his chair backward to allow her room to sit. She kissed his cheek as she settled onto his lap.

"I think we should stay here until Friday morning," she said as Brock lifted another piece of seafood to her lips. "Can we drive over together or do you have to go with the team?"

"I'm good," Brock said. "But I'm not crazy about riding in a car for five or six hours and then having to play a baseball game."

"Yeah, that would suck," Meredith said. "Well, we'll stay here tomorrow night and leave early Thursday morning then. What I want to ensure is that I have at least one night when I have you entirely to myself."

"We'll can leave Thursday morning and get into Miami by about 4 p.m.," Brock suggested. "I'll treat you to dinner and maybe some salsa dancing at one of the clubs in Little Havana."

"I think we should get to the hotel, order room service and not reappear – or get dressed – until about 10 minutes before you have to leave for the game," Meredith countered.

"Or that," Brock replied with a smile.

"I thought you might go along with that," Meredith replied. "Oh, guess what?"

"Um, I don't know," Brock said. "What?"

"I was on TV today," Meredith announced. "Isn't that cool?"

"Uh, well, yeah," Brock replied, slightly confused. "How did this come about?"

"I was the 'Fan in the Stands'," she told him.

"Well, there was more than one fan but you could probably count them on two hands," Brock replied.

"It's a part of their TV broadcast," Meredith told him, rolling her eyes. "They interview someone in the stands. After my impressive performance during your almost-homer, they chose me."

"OK," Brock said warily. "What did you talk about?"

"Oh, I gave the all the juicy details about your contract fight and the battles you've had with the Dodgers organization all year," Meredith said seriously. "Then I talked about our sex life and let them inspect my bra."

"Meredith!" Brock said.

"I'm kidding," she replied. "Jesus, do you think I'm a moron? I set some ground rules before I agreed to do the segment. I told them no personal questions and no questions about the organization. I said I wasn't your agent and I wasn't authorized to discuss anything pertaining to you."

"You're my publicist," Brock pointed out.

"That wasn't mentioned," Meredith replied. "They wanted to talk to Meredith the fiancée not Meredith the publicist. By the way, I think I'm in serious need of some sexual harassment. I figured by sitting on your lap I could at least get a hand up my nightie."

Brock complied almost at once, running his fingers through the silky texture of Meredith's fine pubic hair.

"Much better," she said as his finger delved a little lower. "Anyway, we talked about the game today and yesterday. I explained that ... ooh, I like that ... I, uh, crap. I forgot what I told them. I think I mentioned how much I loved having you finger me at the dinner table. No, wait, that's what I just told myself."

"Do you want me to stop?" Brock asked.

"Not on your life," Meredith said. "I want you to move enough stuff off the table to put me down and get on top of me. I want to do it right here on the table."

Brock hastily slid the dishes to one side and laid Meredith on her back. He wasted no time in disrobing and neither did she. Meredith wrapped her legs around his butt and pulled him into her.

The conversation about Meredith's segment on television would apparently have to wait until the next morning.

Brock awoke to find Meredith's eyes gazing at him from only a few inches away. She wore the beatific smile that he usually didn't see until much later in the day. His first thought was that he had slept until noon.

"Good morning, my soon-to-be-husband," Meredith said. Brock realized he had woken up because Meredith was stroking his member beneath the sheet. "Could I interest you in a little fun this morning?"

"I believe I could be so moved," Brock agreed.

"Let's attend to our morning needs and I'll meet you back here in three minutes," Meredith said, hopping out of bed. Brock watched her buns as she headed to the bathroom. He gave her a few moments to attend to her bodily function before he joined her and they brushed their teeth side-by-side. Then Meredith departed while Brock drained his bladder.

She was back in bed when he came out.

"You're a horny minx this week," he joked.

"I've decided this is our pre-honeymoon," she replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him down to join her. "So I'm practicing for the real thing."

"Have you thought any more about where you want to go on our honeymoon?" he asked as his hands gently stroked Meredith's sides.

"I've come up with a plan," she said firmly. "We tell everyone we're off to Paris and Rome and all those other so-called romantic cities. Then we find a remote cabin completely cut off from the outside world and spend two whole weeks doing this as often as you can get it up. The only time we'll stop is when you're tired or I'm sore. How does that sound?"

"You realize that we'll be able to make love even after we're married," Brock told her with a smile. "I don't care what Esmi and Mandy have been telling you. There is no law against it."

Meredith returned his smile and pulled him to her for a kiss.

"Well, I wouldn't care if there was a law," Meredith answered when she broke the kiss. "I'd do it anyway. Maybe I'm just making up for lost time. I wanted to do this the first time I saw you. Well, maybe not the first time but definitely by the second or third time. When we were in my basement after our first date, my mind was screaming, 'Whoa, slow down there, Girl, ' but my body was telling me, 'Take him now. Make him yours. He's the man you'll spend your whole life with.'"

"It sounds like both voices were right," Brock replied. "We will spend our whole lives together and we probably should have slowed down."

"Absolutely to the first, maybe to the second," Meredith said. "I was ready, Brock. I was ready for that step. I mean, I gave my first blowjob to you on our first date. Well, I had a dick in my mouth for the first time. I got my little pussy licked for the first time that night, too. I was really, really ready to take the next step. I guess I've always been a horny little minx."

"That was the hardest part about being around you when you first came out to L.A. I knew there were barriers in the path that I needed to navigate. But I just wanted to run right through them. That night I spent at our house – the first night we talked again – I barely slept. I had to fight myself to keep from coming to your bedroom. Every time I would hear a noise, my heart would jump, thinking it might be you headed to where I was sleeping. I finally gave up and went to sit outside. I was already sitting out on your porch when Randi came over. I got my swimsuit out of the car and joined her in the pool."

"When I saw you standing in the doorway watching us, I thought I was going to have to finger myself with Randi standing two feet away from me. That's how much I wanted you. It took me almost three months to get up the nerve to tell you. Then it was three more weeks before I could get you to take me to bed. I figured out right then that you are really lousy at hints. So now I just tell you when I want to be naked with you – which is pretty much always, by the way. I guess I tell you when my desire to be naked with you can't be controlled any longer. Like now."

Meredith concluded her speech by swinging her leg over Brock's midsection. Her hand found her goal and she slid backward until his member was firmly inside her. Then she moaned slightly and smiled down at him.

"In case you didn't hear me when I whispered it to you while you slept," she said, "I love you. I am completely and totally in love with you."

Brock noticed that Meredith wasn't moving or attempting to stimulate herself. She just wanted the ultimate closeness that her position astride him provided.

"Well, that's a mighty big coincidence," Brock told her with another smile. "Because I feel the same way about you – word for word, in fact."

"It's not coincidence," Meredith said, shaking her head. Brock noticed the wonderful things her movement made her breasts do. "It's the way it was supposed to be. I know you're cynical about fate and destiny. So was I until you came back to Los Angeles. We were supposed to be together. Our cosmic thread or whatever is intertwined. It's why I never felt like a complete person before I met you or while we were apart. I wasn't whole. I was missing my other half."

"We're together now," Brock assured her. "Now and forever."

"Yes," Meredith replied as she snuggled down on his chest and increased her movement backward and forward. "Now and forever."

It was after noon when Brock and Meredith emerged from their hotel room. Neither seemed the least bit disappointed that any morning plans they might have had were disrupted.

They met with Zack, Al, Fred and Josh for a light lunch before the guys had to head to the ballpark.

"The Rays changed their scheduled starter," Josh said. "I saw on TV that Stewart is going to skip his start. They're starting some guy named Ernie Walsh."

"No shit!" Brock said excitedly. "I thought I saw him in the bullpen but I wasn't sure. Man, I own that bastard."

"Oh, yeah?" Fred asked.

"Oh, yeah," Brock said firmly. "He was drafted like three players after me. He and I have been facing each other since college. He went to Florida State. I bet I'm batting close to .600 against him – and we're talking 40 or 50 times at the plate, too. Man, I hope I'm playing today."

"There is no way you're batting .600 against anyone in 50 plate appearances," Al said. "I don't care what you say."

"I don't know for sure but I'm positive it's something like that," Brock said. "The guy, well, I guess I should make sure he still does it before I say anything."

"Does what?" Josh pressed.

"He tips his pitches," Brock said softly. "It's barely there but I picked up on it when I was a sophomore in college. If there is some way for us to check his minor league games, I'll bet you he has always gotten rocked against the Indians affiliates."

"He got rocked against the Indians the only time he faced them this year," Josh said. "The guy on TV said if you throw out the start against the Indians, his ERA is below 3.00. The Indians must have kicked the shit out of him because his ERA for the year is above 5.00."

"What's he do?" Fred asked.

Brock shook his head.

"I want to make sure he still does it," Brock replied. "That's why I didn't mention it to anyone in the Indians organization until I was in Triple-A. I thought I was just imagining it. But I wasn't. I just want to make sure I don't set you up for something. I'll fill you in after I watch him warm up."

"You better," Josh replied. "That's the kind of information I love to have."

"Do I tip my pitches?" Zack asked.

"You only have one pitch," Al replied with a laugh. "Everyone in the stadium knows what's coming. They just can't hit it. Hell, if you ever develop an off-speed pitch, you'll have hitters screwing themselves in the ground when they swing."

"I have a changeup," Zack insisted.

"Your fastball is 99 miles an hour," Brock said. "Your 'changeup, ' as you call it, is 96 miles an hour. To a hitter, that is not an appreciable difference."

"Screw you guys," Zack said. "It's not that fast."

"We're kidding," Josh said. "You could never survive with only one pitch. I caught you enough last year to know. The thing is, you have four different types of fastball and that's enough. They all look the same leaving your hand."

He took his hands away from his plate momentarily and ticked off the pitches as he spoke.

"You have a cut fastball that rides in on right-handers," he began. "You have a sinking fastball where the bottom drops out at the last minute. You have one that tails away from righties. Then you have 'Roy Orbison.'"

"Roy Orbison?" Meredith asked.

"The straight cheddar," Al said with a nod to Brock to continue.

"I got nothing," he said after a moment. "Wait, the Ryan Express."

"What do you mean?" Meredith asked, getting slightly irritated.

"Those are nicknames for a good, hard fastball that you dare the batter to hit," Josh explained. "Zack just rears back and turns it loose. It doesn't break. It doesn't dip. It doesn't do anything but hit the catcher's glove. Nolan Ryan was one of the best fastball pitchers of his day. His heater was called the Ryan Express."

"And Roy Orbison had a good fastball?" Meredith asked. The table laughed at the question, further pissing Meredith off.

"Roy Orbison had a song called 'Blue Bayou, '" Al clarified.

"So?" Meredith asked.

"Say it out loud slowly," Brock urged.

"Blue Bayou," Meredith repeated. "Blue Bayou. Oh, shit. That's stupid."

"That's what I said when they told it to me," Zack agreed. "I didn't even know who Roy Orbison was. I think he was dead before I was born."

"Whippersnappers," Brock said with a laugh.

"I wouldn't have known who he was either," Meredith told them. "I mean, I've heard of him but I haven't heard any of his songs."

"Well, maybe Randi can remake it," Josh suggested. "That way we can name it after her."

"I'll suggest it," Brock said with a nod. "Maybe she can do 'Blue Velvet' and 'Blue Suede Shoes' on the same album."

"And 'Blue Christmas'," Josh added hopefully. He broke into song and the rest of the table cringed.

"Yeah, maybe not," Brock said. "Anyway, I'm going to get some extra BP in today. Are you heading to the hotel, Merie?"

"Yeah, I'll see you after the game," Meredith replied. Brock was already in the taxi headed toward Tropicana Field when Meredith remembered that she hadn't told him about her stint in the booth that evening.

Brock got his first look at Ernie Walsh in two years when the second inning rolled around. Brock was taking Cesar Davis' spot in right field, a position he'd never played before in the Majors or Minors. Brock couldn't recall having played it even in Little League. Still, that's where LaCross had stationed him for that evening's game.

With a day off on Thursday, LaCross gave Wade a chance to rest his ailing back, too. He inserted Rafael Mendoza at first and plugged him into the lineup batting seventh. Eddie Cruz took over at second for Fred Hartman, mostly because Fred was starting to wear down. He had played in 122 of the team's 137 games. That left Matt Driesbach to hit ahead of Brock, who was still hitting sixth.

Al was the cleanup hitter and led off the second with a sharp single to left field. Driesbach followed with a walk. From the on-deck circle, Brock could see everything he needed to see. Walsh still had the same mannerisms he'd had since he was 19 years old.

Brock took two pitches just to make sure he was able to judge what pitches were coming. He predicted a fast ball for the first pitch and a changeup for the second. Since he was correct both times, he looked carefully as Walsh got his signs from the catcher. Brock almost broke into a smile when he saw a fastball was coming next.

Sure enough, the ball had no break and was situated on the inside portion of the plate. Brock turned on the offering and deposited the ball over the right field fence for a three-run homer. The outfielder that robbed him on Monday gave chase again but this time the ball was several rows back.

Brock didn't get the chance to tell Mendoza what to look for – and he knew Eddie Cruz and Will Courson were such terrible hitters it wouldn't matter if the ball was on a tee for them. So he went to the bench and sat down.

Same as A Flawed Diamond
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Hottie Alicia Reign struts in high white stockings and red platform heels, showing her nubile body. She flirts with dirty director/nasty fucker Bryan Gozzling, and he squeezes her perky ass cheeks. Dominant Bryan licks her hard nipples and spanks her ass aggressively. She squeals in heated anticipation as he wraps his fingers around her neck. Alicia opens her mouth wide and swirls her tongue around the head of Bryan’s boner. She gives him a throaty blowjob, drool covering her face. Bryan...

1 year ago
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Life After the Divorce

After twenty one years of marriage, and of being with the same man since I'd lost my virginity to him, I found myself faced with divorce papers. Attracted to a young assistant in his office, she and my husband had an affair, resulting in the slut getting knocked up. Choosing the young pussy over mine, the bastard had divorce papers served on me a short time after he discovered he was going to be a daddy again. Not only was I crushed, but so were our three kids, our twenty-one year old...

3 years ago
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The Adventures of Ranger Rick

THE ADVENTURES OF RANGER RICK There was a gentle wind blowing off the lake. From where he stood in theranger's station, Rick Breyer could see the tips of a thousand Douglas firsbending with the breeze. The treetops rolled like a dark green ocean. Rickpoured himself a cup of coffee and picked up his binoculars. Taking a sip,he put the high-powered lenses to his eyes and scanned the woods. Mid-morningis a good time of the day for a forest ranger. There's nothing much to do,the coffee is fresh...

4 years ago
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School Teacher Raani

Vanakam friends, indru Tanglish kathaiyil teacherai eppadi usar seithu matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Vasanth, enathu veethiyil oru school irukirathu, angu thinamum niraiya teacher nadanthu selvaargal. Appadi oru naal sexiyaaga iru mulai matrum soothu thukalaana pen teacherai paarthu viten. Avalai paarkum pozhuthu ennai oru kama paarvaiyil paarthu vitu sendru vital, en vayathu 27 aagugirathu. Enaku innum thirumanam nadaka vilai, intha vayathil oru aanai entha pen...

2 years ago
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OLD WEST Plart 4

Tried to use paragraphing, but my iPad won,t cooperate so please bear with me? Hank Mitchell was relieved when charge hand Ted Koomins detailed him to search for stray cattle on the Connelly,s large spread near Hudson, Dakota Territory especially after Anne Connelly the owner,s only daughter had told him she was going fishing in the creek where Hank had saved her from the sexual perversions of former hand Tom Blacker who was now awaiting the circuit judge and the trial for the murder of Anne’s...

3 years ago
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The Ultimate Make Out Part 8211 3

Hi guys, This is the third and final part of the story “The Ultimate make out”. If you’ve not read the earlier two parts, please go through them and enjoy. Keep sending your feedbacks on For any conversation/relationship in Delhi, girls/aunties can mail to and I guarantee your privacy. Your feedbacks and praises makes me get back to portal. I’ve been getting mails to submit the next part of the story.So, here it goes : Kara was tired and asleep. Tara was drunk and extremely horny. Arun, their...

1 year ago
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Best Gore

Oh shit, BestGore! A site that became famous for showing the real-life murder committed by Luka Magnotta aka "1 lunatic 1 ice pick"! If you’re one of the few select internet users with nerves of steel who can easily watch beheading gore videos and other content which includes uncut, bloody gore, then Best Gore is right up your alley. Now I know that I’m mostly known as ‘The Porn Dude’ and you’d wonder why I’d be reviewing a site like this, but little do most porn-lovers know that there actually...

Extreme Porn Websites
4 years ago
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Bicurious In College No Longe

I always considered myself straight and definitely acted the part. However, when I was learning about sex and started looking at porn online, I would find myself searching for guys as well as girls. Something about comparing my cock to another guys interested me. I would get glimpses in the locker room and shower, but I was so nervous that I'd get caught looking that I never was able to take it all in. Early on I noticed a pair of my sister panties in the laundry room. It was a white lacy...

3 years ago
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Disqualification Round

DISQUALIFICATION ROUND Round, They hang and float Past Manly gazes and womanly ways, Begging To be squeezed, ogled, left alone; They change Their minds or change the minds of men Who see Them and stare, formulating A hundred reasons and a thousand ways For their display. I myself, who love breasts best (after feminine buttocks), Have had to impose limits, Seeking Only breasts that hang and float-- At least for today. Tomorrow I may hunt for breasts Which are shown only...

3 years ago
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I Dont Pick Up Guys At Bars

I entered the darkened room, uncertain as to what to expect. I could hear the sound of a low bass beat from the apartment above, but other than that there was no other noise. I hesitated for a few moments, and turned around to exit through the very door I had entered through only seconds before. “Wait,” came the voice through the darkness. “Why are you leaving?” I stopped, and tried to catch my breath before answering. “I’m not sure I should have come here at all.” I hated that my voice...

4 years ago
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Double Delight At The Pool

It had been a long day, not in hours but intensity. Susan felt the tension in her arms as she slipped into the pool for her daily laps. Her company’s big project was scaling up and that meant more work, more stress and more knots in her shoulders.She felt her age more every time she went to the pool, (not from the workout, she kept herself in good shape, a pleasing sight for a woman expecting to be crowned a grandmother sometime in the foreseeable future) but rather she felt dismayed by the...

3 years ago
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AIChapter 15

That first night I took her to a posh resort in North Carolina, slightly out of route but cutting the long drive about in half. She was duly impressed by her surroundings, but it was me she cared about most; as soon as we'd got checked in to the luxury cottage I'd reserved we found ourselves on the bed making passionate love. It lasted a long, glorious time. Then we went to dinner, also long, also glorious in its own, albeit less intimate, way. We each had a couple of glasses of wine,...

2 years ago
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Vanished Ch 17

“You’re an uppity bitch, aren’t you? You think you can just do as you please. Even when you’re told not to. You still do what you want. Haven’t you learned anything yet, you slut?’ My Master growled clipping his words as his eyes narrowed to slits, his nostrils flared, his lips curled cruelly. He looked like evil personified. I hated him with every fiber of my being. His breathing was fast and shallow as he grabbed me by the hair pulling me off his bed. He held me suspended by my hair as I...

4 years ago
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Teaching Brandon

Brandon was the shy one, whenever he came over he’d always look away when I was sunning or swimming. Richard and his friends teased him about being gay or a virgin.Which I always put and end to. The other boys were in swimming and Brandon came out of the house. I asked him if he would put some lotion on my legs and back. I expected him to say no, but to my surprise he said sure. I lay there loving the feel of his hands on my calves. Eventually he made it to my thighs, which were slightly spread...

2 years ago
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Three of Hearts

Three of Hearts "Him?" My wife Sarah looked across Shady's bar, where the bearded man moved slowly, squeezing in between tables. He was a handsome man, early 30s with short-cropped hair. He was tall, with dimples and brown eyes. You could imagine him at a department store, spraying cologne at passing customer. I watched him walk, considering the possibilities. He approached a table, then leaned down and kissed a blonde woman on the lips. He turned, and then he kissed a black...

1 year ago
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The HeirChapter 2

The ambient light was bright enough that I could see that the tunnel came to an end after only a few feet. It terminated at a large, steel door, the kind you expect to see on bank vaults, except it was completely smooth. There was no latch, no wheel, no combination dial, no electronic keypad, not even a keyhole to open it. Of course, my imagination was going crazy as I pictured stacks of hundred-dollar bills and bars of gold hidden behind the door, but there was no visible way to get to it....

4 years ago
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Beauty and the Smurf pt 1

Fan Art / Fan Fiction / General Fiction Beauty and the Smurf--Chapter 1Beauty and the Smurf Chapter 1: First DiscoveriesThe next morningAn elderly woman, appearing to be in her early-mid 50’s with pale blonde, almost white hair, bright gray eyes and dressed in maid’s clothes was returning to her kingdom after going out to gather fresh exotic fruits from another town the day before. Accompanying her was a robot Smurf who sat on her shoulder. “What a beautiful summer day, isn’t it, Clockwork?”...

3 years ago
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all rights reserved, 2012 I knew who he was referring to… the guest of honor, Giovanni Marcello. We found the handsome, dark-haired man in the center of the room, surrounded by several of the company’s chief officers, fawning over him, hoping for his signature on the contracts waiting back at the office. As we approached, the man’s husky, deeply accented voice was the only one heard. Even with some stumbling over English, I had to admit it sounded melodic. ‘Giovanni,’ my boss, Bill Weston,...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 267

Thank Petre for this one: A Marine squad was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi terrorist who was badly injured and unconscious. On the opposite side of the road was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state. The Marine was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Squad Leader asked the injured Marine what had happened. The Marine reported, “I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily...

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Raising Peter Chp 7

Life was going so good for me. I stayed with the Morgan’s most of the time. When I did have to go home I couldn’t help but notice that the tension between Mom and Dad seemed to be worse each time. If they even acknowledged I was there, it was just a grunt, glare or both.On the other hand, life with the Morgans seemed to only get better. Kay and I slept together most nights but we would usually have play time before we went to bed. Most of the time that was held in the Master bedroom and most...

3 years ago
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The Trip Chapter 2

The Trip Chapter 2 Last night was very unsettling for me. Several times I had decided to leave early this morning. I looked over at my gear that was all packed up and ready to go. I could be on the bike and gone in five minutes. But the little I slept, and I am not sure I really slept or not, my night was filled with dreams, all of them involved me going to Ryker in the bikini. Once I even got up and went to the bathroom and shaved my legs and under my arms, something I had done a...

1 year ago
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Schoolgirl Daughter Of The Milf Next Door

My mobile went and i could see that it was the milf from next door that i had been fucking occasionally."Pls cum rnd.Feel hrny.Pussy nds gud fukin.Door open.C U n bed'.I looked out just to make sure that her husband had gone to work,then headed next door.I let myself in and proceeded to the bedroom.The room was still dark so could not see her as i went in.I removed my clothes except for my pants and climbed into the bed.As i leant over my eyes began to adjust and i got a shock.Lying in the bed...

2 years ago
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Maliias Nightmare

Maliia's Nightmare By Maliia Kanaulahu From Maliia's Website at Maliia.com All Rights Reserved My name is Maliia. I am half-Polynesian and half-Caucasian. My story beginsat the start of my freshman year in college, and as an eighteen-year-old girlaway from home for the first time; I was both excited and nervous. Not beingfrom a wealthy family, I was like many college students in that I did not havea lot of extra money for frivolous expenditures. I was also really nervousabout who my roommate...

3 years ago
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Club Voodoo Part 3

Club Voodoo, Part 3 By Suzette We got back to the club at about 5. Tawny helped me take my bags up to my apartment. As I opened the door my heart nearly stopped. My wife was lying almost nude on the big blue velvet couch in the center of the living room. I was so happy to see her I could hardly breathe. She had one of her long legs draped over the back of the couch. A long black stiletto pump hung lazily off of her foot. Her other foot was lying on the floor; her long fingers...

4 years ago
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I had been out for most of the night with mates in the local park boozing to celebrate my 16th birthday, no girls were about so it had been a waste of time taking the 2 viagra tablets, I was now staggering back to the hostel where I had a room to my self, I passed a couple of the queer bastards who go to my school gave them some verbal which they ignored. when I went into the hostel old joe the night man who should have been in his grave years ago muttered something which as normal I could not...

2 years ago
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In Eden

This is the fourth in the series of stories written in collaboration with Alphamagus about Robert and Juliana and their love. Robert and Juliana had already been in the Maldives for a week. He had booked the trip as he knew how drained Juliana had been recently. They had both been under the pressure of projects, deadlines and keeping clients happy in their respective work, for months. It was time for a break before either of them burned out. They normally spent vacation time in Europe, but...

Love Stories
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Piggy TalesChapter 4

After the others left, Kit and Kat took their own turns, right there on the floor of the piggery. There was a very specific flavor to those last sex acts of the evening. There was, of course, the setting. The floor was covered in litter. Straw. Beer cans and plastic cups. Pig droppings. Discarded clothing. Shannon was caked in spit and lube and cum. Sex with these two sorority organizers was not frenzied, as was rest of the evening. They took their time, now that they were no longer hosting...

1 year ago
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My Chithi Latha Part 8211 2

Hi, readers hope you enjoyed my first story that happened between me and my chithi latha ( pls read my chithi latha (one) ) here I am going to say what happened next. As I followed chithi to her house without knowing what to tell when I face her, I was standing before her house door for nearly 5 min thinking about what to valuable, then I opened the door and locked it inside, she was in her bedroom with the tear rolling down her cheeks, when she saw me she turned her face and looked the other...

3 years ago
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Why Didnt I JustChapter 24

I spent the next week pretty much by myself. I had spoken with Connie twice during the week. The first time, over the telephone on Monday, after she had gotten home from school, and then again on Wednesday, when I ran into her at the public library. It was becoming more and more obvious to me that she was making an attempt to recapture the lifestyle that she'd enjoyed before her sexual awakening. We ended our Wednesday conversation with me agreeing to not try to contact her for awhile. She...

4 years ago
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Another Party

This happened last Halloween, I was home from my first year of college. Our small town always has a large all adult halloween party at the community center. I bet over three hundred people show up. My friend and I have been sneaking in the last three years. It is alot of fun as there are some very racy costumes and someone always get in a fight. Not to mention all the drunks that stumble around. And we both have managed to get laid every time we have gone. This year we had to sneak in again...

3 years ago
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After courting Shawna for a few months she announced it was time to meet her family. She had already shared many of the familiar family secrets. I knew her mother was recently divorced. She had told me that she only married Tom for the money and the stability that came with it. Her mother had grown up very poor, with little stability in her life. She had become pregnant with my wife at the age of only sixteen and had two more children with Shawna’s loser father before she was 21. She longed...

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These first chapters will be about setting up the story. At the moment I'm going to recommend to read Anne West's story as that's the one I'm gonna be focusing on the most until I feel like i have written enough to pursue other characters and possibilities. When it comes to the mens side of the stories I recommend Edward Lee, as that at the moment is my secondry objective of characters. I have a rough idea of what to do with those characters so they will be receiving the most amount of updates.

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Six Beautiful Cocks and I Cant Get Enough

I'd noticed them walking slowly around the bar. They were taking their time, seemed to be looking at every person seated there and whispering to each other. One was blond, tan, and clean shaven, with a white short sleeved polo, muscular arms, and thin waist in tight jeans. The other was a brunette wearing a button down shirt and slacks. They were both very sexy looking men.I tried to watch them without being noticed, but I failed. Almost every time I glanced at them, they looked right into my...

1 year ago
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Maa Beta ka Divine love aur Cosmic Sex 8211 Part 4

Pehle part 1,2,3, ko padhe. Usse aapko sequence or samajhne mein asani hogi. Nahito kuch samajh nahi ayega. Aur aap bhatak jayenge. Continuation of Story– Fir maa uthi, maine unke dono aakho ko deep kiss kiya. Unhone mere galo ko hatho se sehlaya. Yaha ek baat gour karne jaisi hai. Jab bhi main porn dekhta tha ya fir masturbation karta tha, ek samay ke baad mujhe yeh sab bohut bore karne lagta tha. Humne kal puri raat sirf kiss karte rahe, bohut deeply, pagal kutto jaise nahi ki ek dusre ke...

1 year ago
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I finally got caught by my mother in law

I found this story and want it to happen to me!!My wife and i went to visit my mother in law for the weekend, my wife went to out with her friends and her mum went to the shops.... so thats what i thought, i thought whilst i was alone i would have a wank so i stripped totally naked in the livivng room playing with my little boner, i suddenly felt like i was being watched and noticed out of the corner of my eye her mother stood watching me wank, i thought she would leave but she kept watching...

1 year ago
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You Never Know

Chapter 1 My wife Karen and I were going through a phase of swinging, when an incredible chance occurred which led to some great sexy fun. This is how it came about; my thirty six year old wife had booked an invite ticket to a swinger's soiree and only told me about it the evening before the event. When I got home she was sat in her usual satin Basque and stockings flashing her 38B tits as she seemed to constantly shiver, her black hair contrasting deeply with the bright red Basque and her...

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