Gamers Pt. 06 free porn video

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I thought of Jazz as my beautiful girlfriend. But I never used the word in front of her, or with anyone else, for that matter – except my mother. She would ask me ‘How is your girlfriend?’, and things like that. So I had to take precautions.

– ‘Mom, could you do me a small favour tonight?’

– ‘What’s that, dear?’ she asked.

– ‘Could you try not to refer to Jazz as my ‘girlfriend’? Just use her name, or …’ I wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. ‘She’s just not comfortable with that expression. We don’t use it.’

My mother looked concerned. ‘Isn’t that a bit odd? I’m sure that she cares for you. What does she call your relationship?’ Mom saw my confusion, and decided not to press. ‘I’ll try, Dean.’ she said.

I tried to cover things from the other end, too.

– ‘Listen,’ I told Jazz, ‘please don’t get upset if my mother says ‘girlfriend’. I tried to explain to her, and I asked her not to use it, but …’

Jazz’s response surprised me. ‘It’s OK, Dean. I don’t mind if she says it.’ That answer should have had me jumping for joy. Jazz was saying that she didn’t mind being called my girlfriend! But it was the way she said it. It sounded like she was conceding defeat.

But then she smiled, and touched my cheek. ‘I like your parents.’ she said.

Thank goodness for that. This evening was her idea. We were getting together with my folks, and with Les and Lucy, to play Stalag 15. I still couldn’t believe that my Mom had agreed to play a board game.

Dad was quiet. Luckily, Les knew my parents well, and had some practice at drawing my Dad out. Lucy was especially nice to them, too, and considerably more outgoing than usual. She had tied her hair back, so that her face was revealed. I wondered if it was for Les’ benefit, or my parents. With her pale blue eyes, and her bright red hair, Lucy was a striking girl. Not my type, I hasten to add – but very attractive.

We made Dad Big X, and put him in charge of all the escape plans. Mom was Big Y.

– ‘Why am I Big Y?’ she asked.

– ‘Chromosomes, Mom.’ I said.

Luck was with us. The dice were mostly favorable, and the cards we turned were a perfect mix of challenge and good fortune. Dad was over-ambitious: he seemed to be trying to duplicate the Great Escape, going for a mass breakout. The Commandant came within a whisker of discovering our tunnels. But it worked. We got 61 POWs out in a single night, and created chaos for the Germans in Nazi-occupied Western Europe. To cap it all off, five of our POWs achieved homeruns – two made it to neutral Sweden, one to Switzerland, and two made it all the way to Britain, via Spain.

Dad had a blast. He enjoyed himself thoroughly. Mom also had a good time. And my ‘girlfriend’ laughed and smiled throughout, chatting with my parents as if they had known each other for years.

We finished fairly early that evening. Everyone said their goodbyes to my parents, and I took out the car, to give my friends a ride home.

– ‘That’s OK, Dean.’ said Les. ‘We’re going to walk home.’ Lucy nodded.

– ‘Are you sure?’ I asked. They had almost an hour’s walk ahead of them.

– ‘We’ll be fine.’ said Les. It was a beautiful summer night, without a cloud in the sky, and very little humidity.

– ‘Nice night for a walk.’ said Jazz. ‘Enjoy it.’

In the car, I thanked her for the evening.

– ‘For what? I should be thanking you.’ she said.

– ‘Thank you for being so nice to my parents. I think my Dad had a great time. And Mom seemed to be into it, too.’

– ‘She was. We all had a good time.’

– ‘And it was largely due to you.’ I said. ‘And to Les and Lucy.’

– ‘You give me too much credit.’ she said, wistfully. ‘But how about Lucy and Les? A long walk home at midnight? Romantic …’

When we reached her apartment, I turned the engine off and pulled the keys from the ignition, expecting her to invite me in. I was planning to eat her into submission, partly as a thank you for being so nice to my parents. But Jazz put her hand on my arm.

– ‘Dean. I’m sorry.’ she said. ‘I’m not going to ask you to come in tonight. I have … some things to do. And my father will be calling me around 2:00 in the morning. He’s in Australia, visiting my sister, and doing some business.’

– ‘I could be gone before that.’ I suggested.

– ‘But I have other things to do, first. I’m sorry.’ She put her hand on my leg. ‘I’ll make it up to you. How about tomorrow night? I have a little surprise for you. If you dress up nice, I’ll take you out on the town.’

– ‘It’s a date.’ I said. ‘What kind of surprise?’

She kissed me, and slid out of the car. ‘What kind of surprise would it be if I told you? Get some sleep, Gamer Boy – you’ll be up late tomorrow night.’


Gerry made me spend two hours working out with him. I came to the conclusion that he was trying to kill himself, or possibly both of us.

– ‘I’m too young to die.’ I told him.

– ‘Gotta lose some weight.’ he insisted.

– ‘Then you have to cut down your intake. Working out won’t be enough by itself, unless you get on to a good diet, and stick to it.’

– ‘Doing that too.’ he huffed.

– ‘Okay.’ I wouldn’t criticize his goal. And he certainly appeared to be motivated.

In the late afternoon, I got ready to go out. Showered, freshly shaved, and wearing a sports jacket, I was ready for whatever she planned to spring on me. Jazz arrived to collect me, in a taxi.

– ‘We’ll both be drinking. Probably a fair bit. Don’t want either of us to have to drive later.’ she explained. Jazz was wearing the black dress she had worn that night we had gone dancing. She looked very classy, and yet supremely desirable. I told her so.

‘Flattery? Good start. You look very nice, too.’ she said.

Our first stop was a little bistro in the downtown core. It was a bit chi-chi, if you know that expression: small portions, artfully presented. Very tasty, but hardly what a hungry man would order. Luckily, I was hungry for something other than food.

We talked through the meal. At the risk of treading where I ought not to, I asked Jazz what she did for money.

– ‘You always seem to have plenty of it.’ I said. ‘I’m not saying that you have expensive tastes, or anything like that, but you’re really generous. You’re the first one to pick up the tab when we’re out with the girls, and I’ve never seen you show up for a game without a bottle of wine, or something.’

‘It’s never $8 dollar plonk, either. You have good taste in wine, too. But you can’t possibly be working more than 20 hours a week. Cabs, this restaurant. How do you do it?’

– ‘I’m Daddy’s little girl.’ she said, simply. He makes good money, and pays my tuition and expenses. As far as he’s concerned, if I’m in school, I should be studying, not working. So he picks up the tab.’

– ‘How is it that you’re not spoiled?’ I asked.

– ‘Who says I’m not?’

– ‘Alright.’ I conceded, with a chuckle.

– ‘Hey!’ she protested. ‘You weren’t supposed to agree with me.’

– ‘Just changing the subject.’ I said. ‘So tell me: what’s the deal with you and Cyn?’

– ‘What deal?’

– ‘Hmm … answering a question with a question. Bit evasive, wouldn’t you say?’

Jazz’s smile vanished. ‘Okay. Dead serious. But this goes no further – you understand? I’ll tell you, but it never gets repeated.’

I agreed to her condition.

‘Cyn and I go back to high school. But I’ve known Lucy and Vee since … forever. Lucy never dated much, but in high school, she started seeing this guy. They were starting to get serious … and then there was this wild party.’

‘Cyn didn’t know that Lucy and this guy were getting serious. She had a bit too much to drink, and so did the guy
. Let’s call him … Stupid. So Lucy goes looking for him, and finds Stupid in a bedroom, with his pants around his ankles, and Cyn’s mouth around his dick.’

– ‘Shit.’ I said.

– ‘Precisely.’ said Jazz. ‘Lucy did a good job of hiding her hurt feelings. And to her credit, once Cyn found out the truth, she dumped Stupid like a hot potato. She also apologized profusely to Lucy. And Lucy forgave her.’

– ‘But you haven’t.’ I guessed.

– ‘No, I forgave her, too.’ said Jazz. ‘But I haven’t forgotten. And Cyn knows it. So we have this little ‘competition’ thing going on. It’s her way of saying that she won’t cringe or back down around me, even when I know what’s she’s done. It must be annoying for her, to have this old mistake held over her head.’

– ‘So … why do you do it?’ I asked. ‘The competition thing?’

– ‘To remind her.’ said Jazz. ‘To let her know that I haven’t forgotten, and that the next time she fucks up may be the last.’

For the last hour, I had been admiring the way Jazz looked in that black dress, and surreptitiously checking out her tits – sometimes when she wasn’t looking, and sometimes when she was. At this particular moment, though, I was reminded that she truly was an Amazon. Not the stock fantasy subject, the hot chick with the metal brassiere and the bare midriff, but the real thing – the warrior woman who would slice your guts open if you suggested a roll in the hay.

‘Besides,’ she continued, ‘I’m a bit competitive.’

– ‘I’ve noticed.’ I said.

– ‘My turn.’ she said.

– ‘Your turn?’

– ‘For a question.’ she said. ‘Since it looks like we’re playing 20 questions. And you’ve had two. So it’s my turn: do you not care about money, Dean?’

– ‘It’s a means to an end.’ I said. ‘It’s better to have money, than to need it. I’ve seen people who were short, and it came to dominate their waking hours. I would like to have enough to be comfortable, and not have to worry about it.’

Jazz nodded. ‘I noticed that you didn’t react at all when I said my father had money. You really don’t care, do you?’

– ‘I would take you naked and penniless.’ I told her. ‘In fact, I think that I prefer you naked.’

She laughed. ‘Enough! You don’t have to butter me up. I already told you that you were going to get lucky tonight. But we have other things to do first.’

– ‘Ah – the surprise?’

The surprise was only two blocks away. Jazz walked down the street with me, holding my arm, making me feel like one of the Lords of Creation. Then she stopped in front of the Paris Jazz Club.

– ‘Ready for this?’ she asked.

– ‘With you?’ I answered. ‘Ready for anything.’

It was very dark inside. My dominant impressions were of low ceilings and potted plants. We had a drink – a martini for her, imported beer for me – and settled in.

The entertainment consisted of a jazz trio, with piano, a drummer, and a guitarist.

I hated it.

Jazz had introduced me to some music earlier, and I had tried my best to like it. Pat Metheny was OK, and I could feel the passion of Keith Jarrett. But much of the stuff she played for me left me cold.

Blues, for me, come from the guts – or perhaps a little lower down. There’s also a recognizable rythmn, a beat and a pattern. Jazz – the music – originates in the mind. At least, that’s the way it seems to me. They innovate, and regularly leave the pattern behind. I get lost, and can’t recognize what the hell they’re doing.

Jazz was nodding her head, snapping her fingers. Maybe it’s something that an artist just gets. To me, it was like listening to a speech in Korean. And I don’t speak Korean.

I listened. Honestly, I tried my best. Maybe it’s my background in math, but I kept trying to find the pattern – and it wasn’t there. I found it frustrating.

When the trio took a break, Jazz turned to me with a big smile on her face.

– ‘What’d you think?’ she asked. Then her smile evaporated. ‘You didn’t like it.’

– ‘I’m trying.’ I told her. ‘But I don’t think I get it. Can you explain it to me? What you like about it? Maybe if I hear it from you …’

Jazz leaned across our little table, and kissed me softly on the lips.

– ‘I love that you’re trying.’ she said. ‘You are so getting lucky tonight. But you don’t have to pretend to like jazz just to get in my pants.’

That made me feel better. ‘But I like being in your pants.’

‘Save that thought. But try this.’ she said. ‘Stop trying to figure it out. It’s not blues. The musicians know the pattern – but they deliberately leave it, and go for a wander, before they come back. Don’t think about it. Just feel it. Think about sex. Imagine what I’m going to do to you later.’

We ordered another drink, while Jazz rubbed my leg under the table. When the trio returned, she started to rub my growing erection through my pants. By the time they started to play again, I was fully erect.

– ‘You – are – evil.’ I mouthed to her. She didn’t have to be a gifted lip reader to decipher what I was saying. Jazz just laughed.

Then she lifted one hand to her mouth, and stuck one finger between her lips. That wet finger she then moved below the edge of our table.

I think that the trio played another set. I tried to concentrate on the music, and from time to time, I succeeded. But I couldn’t keep my eyes off her.

Somehow, some way, the second set ended. Jazz took my hand and led me out of the club. She hailed a taxi, and we got back to her apartment. I don’t remember the ride. I was staring at her all the way there. She held my hand, and smiled frequently.

– ‘What did you think of the second set?’ she asked.

– ‘I love Jazz.’ I said.

She flushed, and couldn’t meet my eye after that. But she did squeeze my hand.

Once inside my apartment, she wasted no time. She reached under her dress, and pulled her panties down to her knees. Then she looked up at me. Jazz struck a pose. One hand was covering her crotch (thought she might have had one finger inside herself). The other hand she raised to her mouth, partially covering it. The effect was vaguely reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe on the heating grate, with her skirt billowing up around her. But blonde Marilyn, with her white dress, couldn’t compare with my dark-haired Jazz in her black dress.

I picked her up by the ass and carried her to the bed. She fumbled with my pants and my belt. Somehow, she freed my cock.

– ‘In me.’ she panted. ‘In me. Now.’

That was exactly what I wanted. Oral could wait. I pulled her panties off her legs, and then lifted the dress over her head. Somehow, Jazz lifted her breast and lowered her head enough that she was able to lick her own nipple.

We were both out of control. I spread her out on the bed, parted her thighs, and moved between them. She was wet, and more than ready. I placed the head of my cock between her nether lips, and leaned forward. Once past her lips, I lunged all the way in.

– ‘Aah!’ she groaned. Or maybe it was me.

It was not the smoothest of couplings. We wrestled, and fought, as I tried to pin her to the bed, and she tried to drive her pelvis through my lower body. There would be bruises after this.

At one point, I pulled back, my engorged rod slipping from her soaked pussy. I flipped her over. She didn’t want to go, but once I got her three quarters of the way around, Jazz settled on her knees and thrust her ass up at me.

I entered her from behind, hard and fast. The contrast of her light brown skin, the darker brown of her vaginal lips, and the bright pink of her inner depths was simply intoxicating. Maybe it was all of the alcohol I had consumed, but I wasn’t at all worried about coming too soon.

I pounded into her, slamming my hips against her luxurious ass cheeks. The slap-slap sound as I hammered her filled the room. I grabbed her hips, and incre
ased the pace.

She came.

I am happy to say that she called my name as she came. That was enough to send me over the top. I shot my load inside her, pulling on her hips and trying to wedge myself as far inside her as I could.

The night wasn’t over. It was dark when I felt her stir. She disengaged and went off to the bathroom. I needed to clean up as well, so I gave her a few minutes, and then followed. On the way to the bathroom, I detoured to the little room where she kept her computer.

Two things struck me. There were a couple of boxes of her art supplies in the middle of the floor, taped up and stacked one atop the other. Also, her easel had been moved from the corner, closer to the center of the room, next to the boxes. I was too drunk, or too dozy to make anything of what I saw.

I followed Jazz into the washroom. With a warm, wet face cloth, she wiped me clean, and then went down on me. It was urgent, and passionate, and effective. Many minutes later, I fired off a second time, inside her mouth.

That had to be answered. I hustled Jazz back into the main room, and over to her bed. I tossed her on her back, and went down on her. It was passionate, but not so urgent. I took my time, and worked her onto a near frenzy before she came.

Jazz couldn’t concede a tie. She coaxed me back to full erection, and then straddled my thighs and tucked me inside her. She rode me like me an equestrienne, facing away, holding on to my lower legs as she rolled her hips.

Then she backed up, planted her ass onto my face, and giggled, before turning around and facing me. She slid herself down my body, and impaled herself on my cock again. Then she leaned forward, and fed her breast and engorged nipple into my mouth.

To this day, I can’t listen to jazz music without thinking of her nipple in my mouth, and her hot, wet pussy gripping my dick.

I still don’t understand jazz. But I appreciate it – a lot.


Cyn’s parents had money. Their house was one of those split-level suburban monstrosities, with hedges and fences surrounding their landscaped yard, with a vast patio and kidney-shaped pool. She invited us in, and showed us where we could change.

– ‘Let’s have a swim before we start the game.’ she suggested.

It was the wrong day to introduce my new game. We were no strangers to beer and wine with our games. But, in this case, we had several drinks, in the hot sun, sitting around the pool. Yes, we could cool off by jumping in and swimming around. But there’s no question that everybody had more alcohol on board than usual before we even sat down to play.

Second, there were those three simple words: girls in bikinis. Now, 80 to 90% of my attention was on Jazz, because she looked amazing. She looked so good I had to snap a few pictures. It was my game, and I could think of a few things I would rather be doing.

Lucy looked surprisingly good, too. Without her usual loose, punky clothing, and wearing a swimsuit, Lucy revealed a sexy little body, with a flat tummy, and a pair of small tits that sat up proudly on her chest like hand grenades – and the pins were poking through her suit.

But Cyn was positively indecent. Her bathing suit should have been illegal. There wasn’t much material involved, for one thing, but when it got wet, it turned out to be virtually see-through. She had perfectly round breasts. Too perfect, if you asked me. They looked fake. But her round, pink nipples were clearly visible. As for her bikini bottoms … camel toe doesn’t describe it. She was one of those girls with prominent outer lips, and they were on full display.

Les was trying to ogle Lucy, while simultaneously pretending not to notice the other girls. Max had his eyes glued to Cyn’s crotch. Gerry was practically drooling.

By the time we finally sat down to play, we had too much booze on board, and – for the males, at least – something other than board games on our minds. It didn’t help that Cyn changed out of her wet, transparent bikini, into another skimpy bathing suit before she came to the table.

I should have simply called it off right there and then. But I was finishing my fourth or fifth beer, and my judgment was not what it should have been. I was explaining the rules – or trying to – with no success whatsoever. Gerry has a short attention span at the best of the times. Cyn was sitting next to Max. I wouldn’t swear to this in a court of law, but I think her hand was occasionally straying to his lap. What game can compete with that?

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Chapter two—Jen Jen was having second thoughts. She had made out with boys a few times, but her enjoyment would always stop when her date started grabbing at her boobs. She didn’t think it was possible for her to enjoy a full sex life. She also doubted that the three of them could maintain their friendship while sharing a lover. She did not want to lose their friendship and jealousy could rear its ugly head at any time. They did promise each other however, and breaking a promise would be...

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Tatto Parlor

It was late as I walked into the tattoo parlor in the center of town, away from my suburban home, so no one I knew would see me. The only person that was working that night was a cute girl with pink hair and dark horned glasses. Her eyes were deep and piercing and she smiled at me with her red painted lips. As I reached the counter she was behind, she stood up to meet me. She was about five foot four, wearing a pink tank top that barely held her huge breasts in, and a black pleated...

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The WaifsChapter 11

This was not a conversation Don had ever expected to have. Lessa had brought a large breakfast tray up into his quarters, and both she and Shelly were now seated at a small table quietly breaking said fast with him. Don wondered what looks Lessa had gotten, acting the part of a waitress as she walked through the bridge to get up here. That was another problem to add to the pile he'd have to deal with that morning. He looked over at Shelly, and saw that she, too, was in a thoughtful mood....

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Dream MasterChapter 15 A Day in the Life

Jimmy Waking up between Amber and Christine brought back fond memories of happier times — was it really only a year ago? — waking between Shannon and Allison, and I found myself wanting to skip my morning run, but I knew I'd regret it if I did. So, I carefully extricated myself from the tangle of arms and legs and started into my day. By the time I came back out of the bathroom, the girls had already moved to fill the gap I'd left, and Amber was once more spooned up behind Christine with...

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My first bi MMF experience

My first bi experience was in a 3some.........................I use to live in Minnesota and was a chef for a small upscale restaurant. After work we would all hang out at this Irish Pub down the street from the restaurant. After a short time, a woman (Beth) and I became good friends. Her husband (Daniel) would stop by the pub when the restaurant he worked at closed. We all became good friends. After about 3 or 4 month, Beth and I would flirt back and forth even with her husband around and he...

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Butterfly Love A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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True Stories of a loving husbandrsquos experience

Stories of a loving husband’s experience at all male bathhouse. I compose this Story from the memory of my first hand experience at a male only Bath house. I am a male in his prime. Though I am not very tall I am very confident in myself. Well at least confident enough to not get in my own way too much. I have a wife who I love very much. And to be blunt and vulgar, I enjoyed her pussy and mouth pretty regularly. However lately I have been craving sme fat cock so I decided to take a quick trip...

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Male Chastity Beginners Experience

As some of you know, hubby and I have been experimenting with male chastity. It's been going on a few months now so I thought I'd write about the experience so far.The Beginning.Hubby has been hinting / nagging for ages for me to get my lips pierced. Finally I relented and agreed that I would as long as we went to another town to get them done. In the end we chose a weekend in Glasgow.We agreed that as it would take a long time for the piercings to heal we would have to really reduce the...

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Family Life Ch 12 Life changing moments

David was out with his mates until the early hours of Sunday morning and so it was mid afternoon before he finally rose from his bed. He was in the shower when there was a knock on the bathroom door.“Who is it?” He called.“It’s me,” Laura said, “l need to pee and Dad is in the downstairs toilet, he takes ages, you have to let me in or l will wet myself.”David stepped out of the shower and unlocked the door, not bothering to cover himself. As soon as the door opened, Laura rushed to the toilet,...

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My first Glory Hole experience

Hello again :)It's taken a bit longer to jot this down after my first story, but better late than never I suppose!So, after I'd worked out that I was bisexual following my beach experience, it opened up a whole new world of sexual possibilities for me. I can't speak for other guys, but my teens and twenties were one long marathon wankathon. My sex drive was through the roof, and even having a nubile girlfriend wasn't enough to satisfy me.I used to go fishing when I was younger. It was a great...

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An Ordinary Mans Life Ch 46

Dear Readers, I apologize for the delay of this chapter, however, please take into consideration that writing it, editing it, going over it again and finally submitting it takes time, sometimes longer than expected or wanted. That’s life. We can’t change that. So please be patient for the next chapters to submit. My editor is currently ill. This chapter was kindly edited by Mike. Great job. Thank you. ***** Wednesday at 3 pm the hired van picked Amanda, Kate and Todd up at the apartment...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 4 5

Part 4 Gayu was still feeling shy, she did not want to look in to her FIL’s eyes directly, and did not want to take any kind of initiative. Suguna asks Gayu and Shankar to come out for dinner, Gayu tries to reach for her cloths, but Suguna says no need to wear any dress, Suguna takes shy Gayu holding her hand to dining table, makes Shankar and Gayu sit by each other side and she sits on the opposite side, all the dishes are kept on the table, Suguna asks Shankar to feed Gayu, and asks Gayu to...

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SexAndSubmission Lauren Phillips The Reformer One Man8217s Quest for the Perfect Pussy

Tommy Pistol is on a mission to reform the hot slutty lesbian that stole his wife away from him. It’s a wild ride for curvaceous redhead Lauren Phillips when Tommy kidnaps her with a plan to fuck her cheating ass straight! Hidden away in some dingy warehouse Tommy has Lauren captive tied up tight in skimpy lingerie with her big tits exposed and a ball-gag in her mouth. He torments her with the zapper and throat fucks her with his hard dick fully convinced her lesbian ass will crave cock...

3 years ago
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All I Want To Get To Be Fucked Or Fuck Her 8211 Part I

I and my wife are in 8th year of our marriage and we often fantasize other man and woman in our sex life to get a strong orgasm. Believe me it works for us in a great way to get a huge and amazing orgasm with utmost level of satisfaction. We fantasize our friends, strangers and even distant relatives. The most erotic fantasy which gives me strongest ejaculation is when i find her get fucked by my friends in a wild sex position and vice versa works for her. She always fantasies another girl with...

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la vie dune fille prologue

La vie d'une fille prologue Le futur, un monde auquel personne ne s'y attendait. On est au 22?me si?cle, et la vie ? radicalement chang?e depuis la fin des ann?es 2010, ? l'?poque les gens vivaient dans une relative ?galit? de droit, bien sur pas partout dans le monde mais une bonne partie des pays en ces temps l? ?prouvait un besoin immuable au respect de certaines valeurs comme la libert? ou l'?galit?. Les lois des hommes ?taient fa?tes pour que les hommes et les femmes, quelques soit leur origine ou leur r...

4 years ago
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New Beginnings how it started

This is written to be erotica I hope you enjoy it for what it is.Jean.Eric and I had been dating for a year or so, and things were ok, but my friends all seemed to be having much better and more erotic sex. I was 19 when all of this started, blonde and blue eyed. Standing at 5'8" in bare feet people told me that I was attractive, a typical cheer leader look. They also said that I would be stunning if I'd lost a few pounds, Eric had commented but he loved it because I had large firm breasts.Back...

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XChange Variables

Click here for the original X-Change Story by Noah_Peal. The opening premise is inspired by X-Change Life, a web-based game created by Aphrodite. This story serves to add variables of various characters that you can name yourself. This also serves as an update to the current X-Change Pill variations and the Flavors, though keep in mind that this is my interpretation of the provided information. Most of the descriptions for the pills and flavors were taken from the X-Change Subreddit. You are...

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My Bear Doctor Part 2

A few sundays after my hospital visit, I came back from my football game, took a shower and sat down to continue reading a book. Under the book on the table was the card given by my bear doctor. I picked it up and was pondering for sometime whether to call him or not. A few minutes later I decided to call him. He picked up the phone. He was panting, I thought he was in the middle of a work out. I apologized and introduced myself. He said a cheerful Hi and and asked how I was doing and if there...

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Leave Her to Heaven

The first thing I remembered was the pain in my chest. It wasn’t really bad; it was just persistent. I seemed to be walking through a room full of mist. I began to swirl my arms, hoping to dissipate it, so I could get my bearings, or at least see where I was. Suddenly, the mist cleared. I found myself standing in front of an older man in white robes. He had long hair, a long beard, and a long face with a pissed off expression on it. I had no idea or at least no recollection of how I had...

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Girlyboy Gone Wild Part One

Wearing sexy lingerie for a man is my favorite way to feel like a girl. I’ve been doing it since I was 16 and have never been shy about it. Every few months, I get the urge to do it. So, this month I did it again. To find men to turn on with my sexy lingerie, I placed an ad on the local dating line: ‘Hi. I’m a hot girlyboy who likes older men. I’m having a party in my panties this weekend and I want you to come. It will just be the two of us. All you have to bring for me is your big one. I like...

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The Cute Defendant

This is a fantasy about a friend who would love for this to happen to him but never has. My name is Robert but everyone calls me Bob. I’m the prosecutor in a small county. Being a small county I do almost everything when it comes to law enforcement. I’m in my late twenties and single. Six foot tall about 180 lbs., rather average looking, single with no girlfriend. One day a young girl came into Court on a stealing charge. Her name was Kim and she had just turned twenty one. She appeared...

Straight Sex
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First Visit To The Nurse Mistress

It's not often that an article begins with the ending, but in this case, the end of the story is very important. My visit to Lady Ashley - Nurse Mistress was excellent! She is a true professional and knows exactly what to do in a medical scenario. By her own admission, the medical scenario is her favorite. And, through at least ten years of experience fraught with many disappointments and money spent foolishly, I can tell you that there's every truth to the adage, "You get what you pay for." A...

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Since I turned eighteen and old enough to be extremely interested in sex, I would search for any object of stimulation available. Often times it would be a hasty search through my dad's collection of Porn magazines. While they were quite satisfactory, they basically just fueled my desire to see a real woman in the nude.As is the case with most young men, the closest one often gets to a real female is his own mother. I started to notice that while though motherly, Mom was very attractive. She...

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My horny friend

nothing very serious. I dont find myself very attractive that much, but I have had a few Girlfriends. It was a little after Christmas and I had Gotten a few gifts. Id been working out quite a bit lately and I had developed some impressive muscles. Anyway I had gotten caught up in talking on the phone with all my friends repeating all the "WHAT DID YA GET?" conversations. Yeah I felt like a happy little 8-year-old. All my Friends had gotten Dirtbikes and were all riding them outside...

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Judys VERY merry Christmas

It had been several months since I watched my beautiful wife Judy, give in to her carnal lusts and desires at the hands of three contactor buddies. It had been one of the most amazing and erotic experiences of my life, and judging by how many times she came, hers too. My beautiful wife, who had never been fucked by anyone other than me, gangbanged against her will by three men only to slowly give in to orgasm after orgasm, finally screaming, begging for them to fuck her.It was amazing! I waited...

2 years ago
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Recluse and GhostChapter 12

I was staring up at the ceiling knowing that it was time to get up. My mind was whirling, thinking about what today meant. Today was Mildred's and my public commitment to each other for something we already knew we had. Our relationship had grown together out of respect and working with each other. It really hadn't taken that long, but the more than 12 months since the two had come into my life had been special. Somehow, I was envisioning our life up here on the mountain and what it would...

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Fucked and Satisfied Keralite Lady In Delhi 8211 Part 2

Hi, all! This is Shankar age 28, single, having a hairy chest with an average body, back with the second part of the story. I was a little busy and so unable to upload my experiences. After reading about my experiences, I got many emails. Most of them were from males and very few from females. Coming to the continuation of my previous experience. Let me introduce her, she is Aarti Nair (a lady from Keralite), 28 years old, living in Delhi. She is a married lady but staying alone in Delhi. Her...

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Revenge on wife

This is a true story about my sexy and beautiful sex starved wife Sandhya. I was married in the year 1999, our sex life was OK till 2000. In early 2000 my wife joined a call center where many young good looking guys were her colleagues. I started noticing a very drastic change in the behaviour and attitude of my wife towards me. During sex she was more like a dead partner, I could easily make out she was no more interested in having sex with me.To cut the story short, after a rigorous...

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Secret Fun While Parents Are Sleeping

Her body lay partially on top of me as her hips ground into mine under the warmth of my comforter. In and out of the slippery warm opening between her legs my stiff penis slid. I had to hold her panties to one side to slip inside her, my other hand gripping her clenched butt cheek as she drove her pelvis against me over and over. I loved how her feminine curves felt all over me, the freedom she gave me to touch her anywhere. She was intoxicating. Her hair covered my face as I felt her hot...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 446

Not many Trump Jokes left so here is one last... ! Trump dies from the virus. He goes to Hell where the Devil is waiting for him. “I don’t know what to do,” says the Devil. “You’re on my list but I have no room for you. But you definitely have to stay here, so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got three people here who weren’t quite as bad as you. I’ll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I’ll even let YOU decide who leaves.” Trump thought that sounded pretty good so...

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ObserverChapter 4 Day 3

After calling in to work to inform them of my absence, I went shopping. My first stop was at a hairdresser. Appointments were normally required, but several cancellations allowed me to be taken immediately. I asked for a total makeover and told the hair stylist what I wanted, then left myself in her hands. When she was done, I looked like a different person, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve. Kara's natural beauty was now being emphasized instead of hidden. I had watched closely as...

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UpHerAsshole Whitney Wright Anal Masterpiece

Whitney Wright’s curvy body is a work of art. Luckily, alarms won’t go off when you touch this teen, but the cumshots will! PervCity’s Ramon Nomar can testify to this when her sexy feet slide over him with a footjob. He can’t wait to make an anal masterpiece of his own by fucking her big ass. But this babe loves a little foreplay, and after he licks and fingerfucks her tight hairy pussy, she ravages his big dick with her mouth. He goes nuts as she gags him into her deep throat, but it’s...

2 years ago
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The Virus 1 the New RealityChapter 3 Redeemer Mega Church

The Virus: Breeding Females Network: Alison at the studio. She was wearing BFN logo bunny ears: “Hello to our female viewers of all ages. Today we have a special show from the Redeemer Mega Church. We have the exclusive broadcast rights to a very special event. Here to report on the event is our very own middle school reporter, 14year-old Mary Anderson who is black pregnant with her first litter. How is the pregnancy going, Mary?” Mary smiling rubbing her 8 month pregnant belly: “Hello...

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Saturday Morning

I awoke to the sound of my radio/alarm clock. I rubbed the sleep away from my eyes, yawned, and shut off my alarm. It was the first Saturday of the summer and I was glad that high school was finally over. I hoisted myself off the my bed and stretched out my sore legs. I slowly walked over to my window and lifted it open.I looked out my window and saw beautiful day. The sun was out, the temperature was warm, the birds were chirping, and the sweet sound of lawn mowers, trimming neighbor’s lawn,...

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Prince of Darkness vs Prom Queen 06

Chapter 1 The Heart of a Dominant What the hell was happening in Georgia? And why did it always seem to happen the minute his back was turned? It wasn’t as if he turned his back that often. One month. Not even one brief month. Not even thirty days. That was all he’d been away. It was only the third time in nearly three years that Donovan had left Georgia for a training session and, each time, it had gone remarkably well. He might have stopped training for a short period of time but he had...

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An Unsettled CalmChapter 20

The morning blat sure had the story on the fire yesterday evening. That fire had been in Lakehurst New Jersey at the Naval Air Station. It read that the Hindenburg, a German dirigible was trying to dock to a mooring mast after completing a two day transatlantic voyage. The airship had left Frankfort Germany on the 4th of May. A number of people on the Hindenburg were killed as well as at least one person on the ground. The cause has not yet been determined, but people in the know were hinting...

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PurgatoryX Harley Haze Jamie Michelle The Surrogate Vol 2 E1

A beautiful young woman (Harley Haze) finds out that she is unable to conceive. She and her live-in boyfriend (Oliver Davis) want a child more than anything. When Harley tells Oliver, the two desperate lovers ask Harley’s hot & sexy Step-Mom (Jamie Michelle) to be their surrogate. After some thought, Jamie accepts their offer but with one condition – Oliver must give her his seed naturally. Having little choice, Harley agrees, with a condition of her own… she must be present at the...

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Ryder cup part 2

Wills lucky adventure with his Mum Chapter 2Will was very confused. His mother had always been very conservative, especially when it came to being naked etc. This morning’s little episode, despite being the best experience of his life so far, was so unlike Hallie and he could not work out exactly how to cope with the situation. They retired back to their room after breakfast as it had been arranged to Skype with his father at 9am each morning, although it was early hours of the morning back...

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Hero Chronicles

It was November. The air felt crisp, fresh. The wind blew softly, not enough to disturb anyone but enough to show that it was there. It was a perfect day, especially when you realized that today, two hot babes would be coming to your house for a science project. You know why they chose you - not because you were good-looking, or anything like that. More like you were smart, and they... well, weren't very intelligent. Brittney was smarter than Julie, though not by much. Grinning, you had gotten...

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