Matron free porn video

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Eileen's invitation to the party was somewhat unexpected, since we had rarely talked since we stopped dating a few months ago. The split had been amicable. I had found her intriguing and very sexy, but she was not interested in giving our relationship another try. Her intent was to introduce me to a friend of hers; someone she thought would be just perfect for me. Although I sounded interested on the phone, my real goal was to just mingle at the party, and see if another man had made a significant presence in Eileen's life. When I arrived at the party, it was in full flow, with people all over her small house. The music was loud and the drone of many small conversations increased the noise level so that nods and eye contact were required if any distance separated the guests. Not seeing Eileen at first, I got myself a drink and began to mix with the other guests. Most of the people I didn't recognize, except for some friends I had met when Eileen and I were dating. Soon, I spotted Eileen, she was standing with a group of people and I was engaged in small talk with some old acquaintances. Unable to break away, I gave her a small wave and continued the conversation. Soon, I was able to end the engagement and worked my way over to where she was now sitting. She was perched on a small ottoman in front of an older, although still quite beautiful, woman. When I arrived, Eileen stood up and introduced me to her friend, Kathryn. I smiled and took the offered hand, but was somewhat puzzled. This was the friend, who Eileen wanted me to meet? As I said, this woman was pretty in a mature refined way, but was not the type of woman I usually found attractive. I mean I was only 30, and this lady was likely in her mid-50s, she looked more like a matron to me. Kathryn was dressed in an elegant teal satin cocktail dress with long lace sleeves and a heart shaped cutout provided only a modest look at her large breasts. Eileen chatted on, seeming unaware of my slight disinterest in Kathryn. Unlike Eileen, Kathryn sat and remained silent, attentively listening to Eileen while she eyed me up and down. Her obvious appraisal of my body struck me as unusual given her refined appearance. I thought, perhaps she is looking for some young stud for a quick fuck, or even a limited sexual liaison. This could at least lead to an unexpected bout of sex tonight, and perhaps even some pay for play. Although she was older, I certainly could be convinced to be her gigolo. Eileen finished her story, and then excused herself to mingle some more. Left alone, I turned to Kathryn to begin some small talk. Looking up, she handed me her champagne glass and asked if I'd mind. Smiling, I said it would be my pleasure, and went to the bar for a couple of refills. Returning, Kathryn indicated that I should sit on the ottoman, at her feet. We began to chat, mostly trivial details. What I did for a living, where I lived, how close I was to my family, etc. She seemed pleased that I lived alone and my family was some 300 miles away. I liked it that my rather pedestrian job was not an issue for her. Thirty minutes into the conversation, I realized that I knew nothing about her; all the questions had been about me. Trying to shift the direction, I asked her about her occupation. With a sly sexy smile, Kathryn said she would be glad to fill me in on herself. Perhaps, if I accompanied her back to her place, she could give me the details. Always quick to pick up on a sexual invitation, I readily agreed and we made our way out of the party. Kathryn said she would prefer driving, and when I saw her car, a jazzy Viper, I concurred. The ride to her place was fast and the sexual tension was thick. She gave me a quick synopsis of herself. She was very successful, a real estate manager, with offices throughout the metro area. It was obvious she was a driven personality, a person used to being in charge and acquiring whatever she needed in life. I thought to myself, this must have been her night to contract a sexual fix. Someone like her would be too busy to play the dating game, and probably not really in need of a full time relationship. Married to her career, a woman like Kathryn would want a man only for sexual pleasures. The only question would be whether this would be a one-night stand or a long term contract. Arriving at her house, I was impressed. Gates swung open, and we drove up a long curving driveway to a large Spanish style mansion set back from the road. Kathryn pulled the Viper into a large parking bay under one wing of the house, and we walked up a marble staircase to the main floor. The inside was painstakingly furnished, with lots of indoor plants, detailed antiques, Persian rugs, and massive marble floors. As she led me through the house to the first floor kitchen, Kathryn repeatedly pointed out features of the house and gave me details on how she liked it kept. The floors must be polished at all times, the tile counters in the kitchen must be scrubbed thoroughly at least twice a week, and the plants all have unique watering and fertilizing requirements. Although this seemed odd, I thought it was a reflection of her real estate background. It probably counted as intimate chatter to her. Smiling, I just knew she couldn't wait for me to pin her to the bed. As we entered the entertainment room, Kathryn pointed to the bar and asked me to make her an Absolut on the rocks. She left the room, saying she needed to slip into something a little more comfortable, and then she'd return. Again, I smiled to myself as I made the drinks and looked around at this opulent setting. When she returned I was struck by tightness of her body. She had changed into a sleek tight fitting silk nightgown. It hugged every curve of her body and draped down her from the uplifted bosom into a small waist, over broad hips and finished at mid-calf. Slits up the front of the gown showcased her well defined legs as she strode in matching high heeled slippers toward me. Yes, this was my lucky night. Not only was this lady rich, but was much more attractive than I had given her credit. Silently, I thanked Eileen and handed Kathryn her Absolut. Kathryn acted as if she had never left the room, continuing to point out each feature of the house and how it was to be maintained. As we worked our way through the first floor and then up to the second floor, I thought she must be leading to her bedroom. We did wind up there, but again it was just for a tour and lecture. As we descended the back stairs toward the ground floor, I became more puzzled. Finally we stopped at the back patio and went outside to walk around the pool and Jacuzzi. Even though this was not how I expected it, I couldn't keep my eyes off Kathryn's feminine form highlighted in the moonlight. After a walk around the back, we again entered the house through the garage entrance and started up the first set of stairs. Although, I was quite tired of the tour, I noticed Kathryn walk right past one door without a mention or a look. Speaking up in a joking manner, I inquired about what secrets lay behind this door. Unexpectedly, Kathryn turned and smiled. She said, "I was saving this for last", and she used a small key attached to a gold bracelet to unlock the door. Stepping into the room, I was struck by several inconsistencies. First the room was much smaller than any other room in the mansion. Second it was furnished with simple, but feminine style bedroom furniture, which did not coordinate with the rest of the house. Tiny flowered print wallpaper covered the walls, except for a full mirror spanning the end of the room over a small vanity and sink. I noticed there were some clothes laid out on the single bed and what appeared to be woman's make-up and toiletries on the counter. Handing me her empty glass, Kathryn looked me straight in the eyes. Grasping my belt, she began to undo it and the zipper to my pants, and lowered my trousers. Then she spoke. "Jimmy, this is your room. Eileen told me all about you, and when I spoke to you at the party, I knew you were perfect for my needs. Eileen found you interesting, but when she poked around your bedroom, she's really quite a curious girl; she didn't think your secret interests appealed to her. But she knew of my tastes and happily passed you on to me. She even arranged to go out with you a few more times after her interest faded so she could get more information on you and take you some place where I could see you. Later she gathered a little more detail on your particulars." I was totally stunned. I tried to think back, about what Eileen might have found. And then it struck me; my hidden clothes, my cache of female underthings. Although they weren't in plain view, with a little nosing around, Eileen might have seen them in that dresser in my closet. I did have an attraction for female things, but hadn't really ever done any more than slip into a few silky undies and masturbate. But now, this must be what Kathryn was talking about. As these thoughts raced in my head, Kathryn continued to remove my clothes, efficiently and quietly, until I was left holding only the glasses totally in the nude. Grasping my penis she slowly stroked it till I was rock hard and ready. Then she continued. "You see I am much too busy for most men, and I really don't relish having to deal with their silly egos and self-centered sexual wants. I much prefer a malleable man, someone with a hidden weakness. Someone I can manipulate as I want, someone who will focus only on my sexual desires, who will kneel before me and worship my womanhood, and who will submit himself totally to my direction. So a man who likes to wear sissy clothes is just up my alley. Not only can I break him of any aggravating male traits, I can also keep him at home, attired only in sweet women's wear. There he will spend his time keeping my house as I prefer it. With the constant reinforcement of his submission evident in the clothes he wears and the tasks he does, I know any rebellious characteristics will be successfully eliminated. Eileen provided me with sizes of a few of your private stash of panties and bras. With these sizes, and my earlier, hidden assessment of you, I was able to stock your wardrobe. You'll find an assortment of lingerie, shoes, and uniforms in your dressers and closet. All to fit you like the clothes I laid out on the bed for you tonight. I will expect you to wear them for me at all times. You will make your body feminine looking too; you will mold your image to one that I have dictated, smooth, silky and feminine. I am right, you have dreamed about being a ladies' maid, haven't you Jimmy?" I tried to respond, but I couldn't. My mouth was suddenly dry and all I could do was inhale her perfume, a strong, sweet and decidedly feminine scent. I don't know if it was the suddenness of the whole thing or just the way she seemed to possess me, but I was overwhelmed. The thought of being a woman's maid was frightening but alluring, an unreal erotic fantasy. Smiling, Kathryn continued to stroke my rock hard cock and lightly fondle my sack, and then she started to leave. "Jimmy, change into the clothes on the bed. Then make me another drink and come up to my bedroom. Take some time to look at your new life. But not too long, I still have plans for the rest of the evening." She left the room and started up the stairs, carrying my clothes in her arms. I was left, nude with the glasses, standing in the maid's quarters, totally overcome by the events that had just transpired. Standing there, hesitating, I looked in the mirror over the counter, trying to decide what to do. All I could see was my cock sticking straight out, as stiff and erect as it had ever been. Even if my mind didn't know what choice to make, my cock did. The scene with Kathryn had been unexpected, but amazingly erotic. Walking over to the counter I put down the glasses and began to look at the items sitting there. I lifted up a bottle, a bottle of foundation in light tones. Blushing, I knew it would be just the color to blend in with my skin. Other cosmetics were also there. Blusher, lipsticks in several colors, mascara, and a whole palate of eye shadows were mixed in with creams, lotions, and nail polish. There were also, hair brushes, hot rollers, and a curling iron. In the drawers were other personal items I would need, toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, deodorant, a variety of makeup brushes, and other feminine items. Even, tampons. If the rest of the room was as well stocked, it was apparent that Kathryn meant to keep me for some time. There was also a small velvet bag. Opening it, I saw a curved metal cage, with a lock. I recognized immediately, it was a cock cage. So she must have plans to control me that way as well. My pulsed quickened even more, as that was a truly secret fantasy that I had never told anyone. How had she known about that? I stepped over to the closet and opened the door. Hanging on the closet rod were 5 or 6 maid's uniforms, each one was slightly different in color and design, but each had its own apron and was trimmed in lace. There were a few other dresses and skirts in the closet, but the uniforms dominated in my mind. On the floor were a variety of shoes, mostly pumps and all with very high heels. Turning toward the bed, I shut the closet door. Laid out on the bed, was a body briefer made of pink spandex. Lace trimmed the built-in bra and a restraining tummy panel that provided firm control. Next to the briefer was a pair of opaque white tights, made of a silky Lycra. A white cotton pinafore apron was carefully folded on the pillow and a pair of 4" pink pumps set on the floor. I picked up the tights; they felt soft, and sensual in my hands. I had always had a weakness for stockings, pantyhose and tights. Something about the way they felt on my legs and how delicate they were, susceptible to runs or tears so easily, made them seem the ultimate feminine wear. Looking at my image in the mirror, I still couldn't believe it. Upstairs was a beautiful, commanding lady who wanted me, no expected me to present myself to her attired in these silky feminine clothes. My cock was begging to feel the nylon of the tights against its skin. I soon satisfied it, as I drew the tights up my legs and around my waist. They fit perfectly, Kathryn had researched me well. Stepping into the pink body briefer, I pulled it up and slipped my arms through the straps. It also fit perfectly, the lace panel smoothing my rampant hard-on up against my body. The thong rear fit tightly between my cheeks separating them to display their roundness under the silky material of the tights. On the bed where the body briefer had lain, there were two small boxes. I picked one up and opened it; a silicone breast form with erect nipple greeted my eyes. I plucked it from the box and slid it into the bra cup. It looked and felt real, with an appropriate weight and jiggle when I bounced it with my fingers. I matched it with one from the other box and turned to see my profile in the mirror. They gave my body a more feminine shape on top, the outline of the nipples visible through the material. Looking down, I stepped into the pink pumps and uncertainly took a step. I hadn't worn heels since I was much younger, when I used to slip into my sister's room. Walking around the room, I tried to affect a feminine stride with a swivel to my hips. Walking back to the bed, I picked up the apron and slid it over my arms, tying the apron strings in back with a big, if somewhat off center bow. The apron came down to the top of knees, had wide lace trimmed shoulder straps, and looked from the front like a dress. Time was running out, I knew I must go upstairs, where Katherine waited. Picking up the empty drink glasses I headed out, up the stairs. Walking down the marble hallway, I couldn't tell which was louder, my heels clicking on the floor or my heart throbbing in my chest. Although I was extremely aroused, I was also scared and kept thinking this can't be real. I reached the bar and made Kathryn another drink, passing on another for me. I didn't need any more stimulation, as my nerves were almost short circuiting as it was. I resumed walking toward her bedroom and soon found myself at her door. I hesitated, not knowing how to enter or what to do. Cautiously, I knocked. Kathryn responded. "You may enter." Stepping into the room, I carried the drink to her. She sat at in a large armchair by a small table reviewing what looked to be real estate listings. She sat with her legs crossed slowly rotating her foot in its high heeled slipper. As I approached, a satisfied grin spread across her face. She put down her papers, and looked me over from head to toe. I just stood there, holding her glass and feeling scared but excited. Finally, she took the drink, sipped it briefly and then put it on the table. "Jimmy, turn around for me and lift up your apron." I did as instructed, turning slowly with my apron held up and away from me. Stopping when I had made a complete turn, I awaited her next command. "Step closer, I want to feel your silk covered cock." I moved closer and Kathryn began to stroke me through the silky briefer. Her touch sent tremors through me and I felt as if I might collapse. As she did so, she shifted her body, uncrossed her legs, and spread them apart. It was heaven, it felt better than I had ever imagined. "Very nice, Jimmy, I think your cock is maybe the one thing I will let you keep to remind you that you're a boy. I may have need for it too, as it seems sufficiently big to be useful. But for now, I want you to be my girl. I expect you to respond to all my requests, so that eventually you can sense what I want from you without my asking. I have no doubts that you will be the perfect little house pet for me. Show me how much you want to be mine." For many years I had fantasized about sharing my love of silky feminine clothes with a woman. I longed to serve a woman in a way that allowed my submissiveness to be my over-riding emotion. Now the time and opportunity had come and I knew I had to seize it. I fell to my knees between her legs and thanked her. I placed my face in her pussy and happily lapped away with my tongue. I was determined to show my matron that I was ready to begin my new life.

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Mothers Submission Chapter 10

Her ex-husband, William, had showed up out of the blue yesterday, professing his love for her. The man who had cheated on her multiple times, broken her heart, and destroyed her confidence, had told her that he was sorry and wanted another chance. She had thrown him out, but the whole thing had made her feel very upset, ruining her plan's with Alex for the day. And Alex had been very sweet, bringing her her favorite flowers and fruit from a local farmer's market. But it just wasn't...

3 years ago
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Pool Party

I was at a pool party at a friends house. I was 25 at the time.I was standing near the house away from the pool so I wouldn't get splashed by the k**s in the pool.I was wearing a tie dyed half t-shirt tight sleeveless top exposing my belly,incredibly flat at that time,a pair of short shorts and a pair of Roman sandals,the ones that had straps up my calf to my knee.Very sexy even today.My hair was straight and long,to my shoulder blades.A real hippie.My girlfriend,whose house it was ,was...

3 years ago
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City of Sex

You are Jacqueline Nereleb, a member of the city of Ravnica. You're an extremely attractive young woman. You're about 5' 5", very curvy, with full ripe breasts and firm shapely thighs. Your pretty face is framed by long dark hair. Your body gets you a lot of attention from people which you thoroughly enjoy. Today, you turn 18, and you have to start making a life for yourself. Your plan is to join one of the guilds, make it big, maybe even guildmaster, and live as peaceful a life as you can in...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Sexventure 8211 Part 3 Lesbian BDSM

Thank you all for the positive comments/reviews on the previous parts. Now to make things a little more clear. This story is fiction about lesbian BDSM. The characters and events are fictitious and are not intended to represent anyone or any event in the real world. To some extent, I would also try to avoid using real places. But still, someone somewhere could have had similar experiences. If yes, then let me know in my email. I have made this story such that it completely fits in reality. The...

3 years ago
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2 Fast 2 Feminine

This is my first, and last story of any kind. This was a one shot deal. I've been reading stories like these for about 3 weeks, and I thought I'd make a story that didn't follow the stereotypes as far as the characters, their interests, their attitude, and how they handle changing. Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about it. In not any of the races thats in the story, but they should be well represented. If you know places that this should be posted, tell me. If you like...

1 year ago
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Threesome pt 11

We hit if off right away. We began to bowl and Amber and Jen were on the opposing team. We would high five one another in a friendly gesture of sportsmanship. As the weeks went by, the three of us would greet with a quick hug while passing by. During mid season, we hugged a little more and a little tighter. By the end of the year they would both rub those perfect tits in my chest and kiss me on the cheek. I would get an instant hard on. The two girls did not bowl the summer league but I...

4 years ago
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Mutiny on the Bunte KuhChapter 8 Inkiersquos Growing Family

Inkie no longer had concubines. Her originals had either matured into volunteers or left with those who had. Most of the time, they all traveled with her. They were members of her band, after all. When her itch needed scratching, and self-stimulation with Helva just wouldn’t do, she could reach out. They weren’t friends with benefits; she was the friend with benefits. Her family was Helva and her growing children, Dinky and Armand. Vivie had a plethora of extended family, and she was fond of...

1 year ago
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An employment change Chapter 3

Lisa headed out of the office, corporate credit card burning a hole in her handbag. Taking a taxi to the shopping centre she thought about what was necessary to look sexy and please Barry, her boss. Lots of cleavage? Tick. Lots of leg? Tick. She looked in a few places but the clothes seemed rather mundane. Then she found a small shop tucked away in a corner. The front window looked promising but some of the clothes inside were, well, practically obscene. She looked through the racks and picked...

2 years ago
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Bus Ride with sister

How could I refuse?My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination to destination on a large bus. And suddenly I was being pressured to go with her.Let me explain: Our family has always been adventurous. Meaning, we traveled a lot, especially when Christine and I were young. Christine's then-boyfriend was well aware of that fact, and he surprised her with tickets for a 3-day...

3 years ago
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First Job in Highschool

100% TRUE STORY it happened to me Oddtastes - EnjoyAbc rental party supplies storeIn high school I went to the guidance counselor to see about getting a job outside for some extra money. I didn't have a license yet so I had to be dropped off and picked up. There was a guy that owned a party rental supply house. You know the kind they write wedding supplies they set up tents they have set up tables. He was an older guy tall and skinny or the workers uniforms it was pleasant kind of an...

1 year ago
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Cuckold 3

It's been 7 months since my last update, and a lot has happened since then! I've become braver and much more sexually active outside of my marriage, which incidentally is still fantastic and strong My first encounter since my last blog was with an older man that id met on the bus, he must have been in his late 50s, we caught each other's eye and it was an unspoken attraction, we both got off at the same stop at the local shopping centre, I walked over to him and brushed his hand with mine,...

3 years ago
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Jeffs Daughter Part one

“Mmm, that's it baby” Jeff moaned as I took a seat next to him on the couch. He looked over at me a little bewildered. This was the second weekend my daughter Jessica had greeted him with a blowjob in my living room. Even my wife had blown him a couple of weeks back, but both times I had left the room and given them a little privacy, but here I was one cushion away from him. His golf pants around his ankles while my naked 18 year old daughter sucked his middle age dick. “There's something I...

2 years ago
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CAROL MY CAT DREAMS PART ONEI had a dream last night, i woke up to a noise coming from the back yard, I went down stairs and looked out the kitchen window and the there was a party going on at the at the naborS that the hole goes to through the wood fence to, I put on the cat pows and other things, went to the back door and opened it, as as soon as I entered the yard I turned into the cat, I slowly crawled across the wet grass to the hole, it was open and I looked through, there was a lot of...

1 year ago
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Mum Youve Got to Stop This

“Mum, you’ve got to stop this.” I was getting close to my wits’ end with her. Dad died in a motorway pileup when he ran into a thick bank of fog. He had been driving, cautiously we were told, and braked well in time to stop behind a stationary truck but a big all-terrain vehicle slammed into the back of him and he was crushed under the truck in front. He never stood a chance and Mum just went to pieces. Scarcely a day went past that she didn’t collapse to the nearest chair sobbing, maybe two...

1 year ago
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Twins n best buds V

First off, something about our fun with Gavin, the kid at the water park. After we met him on one of the water slides the 3 of us started hanging out. We sat by the wave pool checking out the girls and judging who we thought was hot and who wasn’t and that got us talking about sex. Gavin asked us what we had done with girls so we told him and he told us about stuff he had done. His experiences were pretty close to ours except he had been to a Rainbow Party and we didn’t know what that was...

2 years ago
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If we had just one night together... The first thing I'd do is give you a sponge bath. I'd slowly undress you before letting you get into the water. I'd lift your nightgown over your head, letting my hands slowly brush their way up your body, caressing your sides and running over your breasts as they did so. Next, I'd stand in front of you and reach around to your back to unhook your bra. Of course, I'd have to press my face between your beautiful, small breasts as I did so, letting my tongue...

Love Stories
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Wrestling in Pantyhose

When I was in high school, I was already very into wearing pantyhose. A friend of mine one day asked me if I wanted to join a wrestling club (not the high school team). I really had no interest in wrestling guys, but I was aware that wrestlers wore an outfit very similar to a leotard and tights which did intrigue me. I said no at first, but when he said the matches would take place in those outfits, I agreed. He said that we had to get outfits, but real wrestling singlets were expensive, but he...

1 year ago
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I discover Daddys uncircumcised dick

Note : This story is completely fictional! My name is Yvonne, I'm 18 years old and I live with my father. I'm blonde, I could stand to lose 5 or 10 pounds, I have a D cup and I'm 5ft and 4in tall and I have dimples when I grin or laugh. My mom only left a few months ago, some people think it's a strange situation, Mom lives with 3 guys, but she comes back home every so often and fucks Daddy for a couple days and then leaves again, which is OK 'cause I'm a pretty good cook and Daddy says I'm a...

3 years ago
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Just The Tip Part 2

Before I could see it, I could feel it between my tits, the ripple of motion traveling up his huge shaft, making his cum-channel bulge out against my sternum as it rose like the magma from a boiling volcano.I was making the mistake of looking right at it when he groaned, a veritable lion’s roar into his orgasm. As a result, the first shot blasted from his cock in a fat airborne rope, time seemed to slow down, and I could only watch in mute astonishment as the finger-thick stream of spooge flew...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Sitting In His Lap

Sitting on His Lap It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn’t fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV. ‘Where are you going to put the...

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Mick and Maggie Make a PornoChapter 2

About a week has passed since I started this new job, and everything is going so well in my life. In fact, Maggie and I made two more videos aside from the first one for our own personal use. The following morning after Maggie and I had that hot night, I distributed the first video that we made to my boss. He looked at it and said: "Great stuff, kid, got anymore?" I said: "No, but, my cousin /partner and I can make a new one if you'd like." He said: "Good, I'll give you a...

3 years ago
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Cant Resist the Urge

Ever since the first time I felt the smooth skin and stiff heat of a man’s erection in my mouth I was hooked. When I experienced the taste and scent and throbbing of a cock exploding in my mouth and the pungently salty flavor of cum that first time I knew I would love to suck men’s cocks. I was reluctant the first time and very tentatively took him into my mouth but that all disappeared very quickly. The skin was so smooth and his erection felt hot. The skin moved with my mouth’s movement and...

1 year ago
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Carries Second Chance

WARNING: Our leading lady blots her character, becoming involved in adultery and sister-sister sex. But the clean-cut man becoming increasingly influential in her life will almost certainly improve her morality through example. Er hopefully. —– CHAPTER 1 After the funeral and the last visitors had left, Helen Nelson sat with her three daughters while Harry fetched drinks. Helen held the hand of her youngest Carrie Lamb, red-eyed and newly widowed, while across from them sat Beth Nichols...

1 year ago
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As soon as we stepped inside the door, he grabbed me and threw me up against the wall. It was kinda scary, but wildly arousing at the same time. Without a single word he lifted my little black dress, pulled my wet panties to the side and slid his thick cock deep inside my pussy. We groaned simultaneously and quickly found a rhythm. With one hand he covered my mouth, and used the other to pull down the front of my dress so he could put a nipple in his mouth. The furious pounding of his...

4 years ago
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Part 2 Cherries Will Never Taste The Same

 HerJesus. Not a casual conversation anymore. The litany repeats in her head while she packs her things into her shoulder bag. She moves slowly. She can feel the flutter of nerves in her stomach. She looks up at you standing beside the table. Okay, not just nerves, she admits when a tendril of heat curls around the fluttering.You hold out your hand. She looks at it, looks at you. Her eyes close for a moment and she takes a deep breath she hopes you don’t see, then puts her hand in yours. Jesus....

1 year ago
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“This girl must be lost,” Kurt said, having picked out the lone figure coming towards them with his binoculars.Spence grunted and turned his attention towards the tall scrub on the eastern edge of the grassy hill they were camped out on. From where they were crouching, they had a commanding view of the entire escarpment that stretched out for miles all around them. He squinted for a moment trying to focus, before blurting out, “Is she—?”“Topless? Yes she is.” Kurt handed the camo-patterned...

3 years ago
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He She and Him

  “For a homosexual to even have the gall to say that they experience the same type of discrimination as a black person is ridiculous! You can even walk in a room and no one can fucking know you are gay. But let my black ass walk into a room and what do you think someone sees. They see a black girl and all the misconceptions they have start whirling around in their head. And, they make judgments. They do it whether I want them to or not. I can’t take black off Adam, not even if I tried!”

2 years ago
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My Sisterinlaw BethChapter 9

That night I woke up several times, I guess due to the fact Beth was sleeping so close to me. I had not shared a bed with anyone since Susan’s death. Around four thirty in the morning I was awakened again. I raised up on one elbow and looked at Beth sleeping. She was absolutely angelic, a very content look on her face. I watched her for what must have been about an hour, until finally I got up and went into the kitchen. I decided to cook her breakfast and surprise her. Halfway through the...

3 years ago
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2017 2

رفعت امي رجلها الاولىوالتانية لاتزال في البانيوو...وغسلتها من الرغوة جيداا...وقالت لي يلا لشوف مصلي اصبيعيوانا هون بلشت مصمصة وامي بدء الامر يعجبها وتان أأأأممممم اااي ااي وتقول اقوى حبيبي اقوى فزدت من قوة المص لاصبيع رجليها يليكانو في منتهى الجمال والاناقة والأعتناء الفائق والمينيكور الأحمر الغامق...وهنا كانت قدم امي التانيةلاتزال في البانيوو...وهي تلامس قضيبي عن طريقة غير مباشرة وسريعة وكانت خاطفة جداا....وكأنها تحلب ايري بين أصابع قدميهاوهنا انتهيت من المصمصة انا...؟وقالت امي برافو حبيبي...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 14

I went home and went to sleep, but only after I punched the bag for half and hour. I felt guilty and planned to run the first thing the next morning, since I missed my run that night. When the sun came up I was at the softball field. I checked for cars. I almost didn't stop when I saw the Grey Honda. The woman inside saw me drive into the lot and got out to wait for me. Since she had gone to all the trouble of walking up in the middle of the night, I figured I owed it to her to run along...

3 years ago
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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 6

The aftermath of Catharine's all-night fuck session with Gil Grissom hadn't been what she might have expected. Yes, she and Gil had fucked that night until they were both exhausted. But, it was not the beginning of a serious romantic or even lustful sexual relationship; Gil Grissom was far too complex for something like that to develop, even with a woman as hot as Catharine. He'd be around again; she felt sure of it, but for now, Catharine was free to pursue her own life and her new-found...

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