A Newyear s to Remember
- 3 years ago
- 72
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Introduction: There were some bugs in the first one, just a few thoughts not highlighted. My bad. I apologize for not being able to continue the mermaid chronicles, but this story has actually flowed out of my fingers quite well and I think it may have more of a future than the chronicles. Kyle wasnt sure about going to school. His mother insisted it would be all right but&hellip,
What if nobody recognizes me? What if Hannah doesnt&hellip,? Hed spent the entire summer before his senior year with his aunt, uncle and cousins. Much to everyones surprise, Kyle had still had some growing to do. Hed gone from 58 to 62 in a few months, and that was after the growth spurt hed had the Christmas of junior year. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he barely even knew who he was. Where once an overweight seventeen year old kid had stood, an eighteen year old giant with a slim muscular form stood, theyd told him his father was tall but hed never expected to get anything other than his fathers strange golden hair and hazel eyes, both of which had never really done much to help him look handsome. He was nervous about it, to say the least. He sat on the edge of his bed and stared at the mirror until he heard a knock on the door.
Come in. He saw his sister Casey walk in and shut the door, leaning back against it and keeping her eyes on the mirror. Shed been acting strange since hed gotten back last week, but he didnt really want to ask if it was because of how different he looked, or how different he acted. So much had happened while hed been gone&hellip, He wondered if theyd ever be the same happy go lucky bonus siblings theyd been.
Whats up?
Mom wants you down stairs for breakfast.
Okay&hellip, Ill be down in a second.
You really dont have to wear that shirt. He plucked at the collar and frowned at his reflection.
What do you mean? Mom always wants us to where nice clothes for the first day. Casey just smiled sheepishly and walked in the room a few steps. Kyles bedroom was made so that the only thing anyone could see when entering was the mirror propped up in the corner, and even that hid most of the room. The small hallway was one of the reasons he liked the room. He turned and looked at her, really looked at her. She was beautiful, really, always a girl he found himself measuring potential girlfriends against. Her hair was long a brown, falling down to her mid back in a super long braid. Her eyes were blue and they had a tendency to be outlined with glitter, something shed picked up when she was younger. Although he abhorred himself for it, he scoped her out as he did every girl: a very nice chest, probably a large B cup, sexy hips and legs that made every guy who looked at her drool. She was stunning. He made sure to keep his eyes locked on her as he checked her out, or at least he tried. She grinned shyly at him as she sat on his bedside table, still keeping very far away he noticed.
You hate dressing up. Collared shirts make you itch. And the slacks are a bit much, dont you think? She chuckled behind her hand, one of the many nervous habits she had, and it made him smile to see. Immediately though she let her eyes drop to the floor and his smile vanished.
Yeah but mom will get onto me if I dont&hellip,
Forget her. Do what you want for a change, youre a senior this year! Im not dressing up. This time he looked at her and noticed that she wasnt exactly right, shed picked out a pair of Nike shorts, black leggings and a shirt from her gymnastics tournament. Her hair was fit with a dark blue bow. He smiled.
Yeah, but you dont have to worry about looking good today&hellip, I dont know what people are gonna think when I walk in. Casey sighed in exasperation and walked around his bed, heading for the closet. She immediately began sorting through his clothes. Kyle stood up and tried to grab her.
Hey now, dont worry about it Ill do fine&hellip, She swatted his hand away and grinned up at him.
Just sit down and Ill make sure you look fine. Dont you trust youre sister? He just sat down on the bed and put his head in his hands. Then clothes started to hit him in the face until he was buried under a pile of them.
Casey what the fuck&hellip,!
Careful not to let mom hear you say that, Kyle… there we go, thisll work. He pushed the clothes off the bed and sat up, taking a breath and then sneezing. The dust thrown out of his closet was thicker than he though it would be. He looked up and Casey threw a pair of jeans, a plain blue t-shirt and a black pull over sweater.
Theres no way that mom will&hellip,
Just put them on and get your ass downstairs! He grabbed them and threw her a glance.
You just cussed&hellip,
If you can, I can. She grinned and patted him on the shoulder as she walked out. He just sighed and stripped, wondering just how bad the lecture would be when he got to breakfast.
Oh honey you look great! I knew your sister would pick out something good for you! Kyle gaped at his mother as she loaded his plate with eggs bacon and pancakes.
Wait, since when is this okay? I thought&hellip,
Kyle, its your senior year. You need to be able to dress yourself at this point. His mother grinned at him and put some dishes in the sink before walking out of the kitchen. He glared at Casey.
You made me think she was going to kill me. She just laughed and took a bite of bacon. Most people thought she was a dainty little girl, no matter how tall she was, theyd never seen her eat. She put away more than most guys.
I dont know what youre talking about. He grabbed the salt and put some over his food, still glaring. She just laughed harder. When she stopped she cocked an eyebrow at his smile.
What? Whatd you do?
Nothing. Just&hellip, nothing. She gave him a look before finally returning to her food. She put away three plates in the time he took for his one. By the time they were done their mother had returned and offered them a ride. Kyle grabbed his old long board, something left over from his father, and smiled as they walked out the door.
Maybe things will be all right, even if I am a bit different.
When Kyle walked threw the front door, he knew something was different. People threw glances at him as he walked through the halls. He grabbed his schedule and locker, suddenly wary of the strange atmosphere that followed him everywhere, dropped off his board in the locker and walked to class. He walked in and smiled, Hannah was already here, sitting in the front row and talking to the teacher. He checked the board and grabbed his seat, thanking god it was one near the window. He hated having people on all sides. Once he was seated, he mulled over the situation, thinking of what he could do. He hadnt seen anyone from school since hed gotten back, which meant almost no one would recognize him, his hair was shorter, he was taller, he walked and talked differently&hellip, Hannah would freak out. Suddenly she threw a glance at him and smiled, but didnt say anything. He smiled back, amazed.
If shed recognized me, shed have come over&hellip, hell she nearly killed me when I told her Id be coming back so late in the summer. Ill wait til roll I guess&hellip, thatll surprise everyone. He grinned to himself and pulled out a book. Finally the bell rang and the teacher stood up, looking over us all. She was a very attractive young redheaded woman in glasses.
All right, my name is Ms. Callaghan. Im your new English teacher for the year. Most of you are seniors&hellip, I guess Ill call roll first. But I think we have a new student, first. She looked over at Kyle and he grew pale. He shook his head and she got confused. A knock at the door saved him. She opened it, throwing glances at him as she did so. He could see Hannah eyeing him curiously and smiled.
Excuse me&hellip, oh, okay, that makes more sense. Please come in. Ms. Callaghan came back in, followed by a young guy Kyle had never seen before. But when Kyle looked at him, something was off. It wasnt the blond hair or the way he walked, it wasnt the confidence or the height&hellip, the new students eyes settled on him for a bit and suddenly Kyle felt chills down his spine. Those eyes&hellip, they were grey, normal eyes. Still Kyle didnt like the feeling. Ms. Callaghan waved from him to the class and he spoke up.
Im Jack. Jack Byne. I just moved here from a small town in California. The class shouted some strange jumble of greeting and Kyle just looked down at his desk.
All right then, theres an empty space there in the front, by miss Frey. Now for roll&hellip, Ms. Callaghan went down the sheet and Kyle drifted from thought to thought. He heard Hannahs last name and perked up. His was only three below hers. Kyle Wade.
The moment she said the name people looked around. Every one knew Kyle, whether they were friends with him or not. Hed grown up with most of these kids, and they all knew his name and face if nothing else. He was really only friends with Hannah in the end, and she looked around confused as all hell.
Present. Immediately the class shot him a look. He grinned and waved, but the shock was there. Girls looked at him for a bit and then whispered. Guys looked at him and nodded, done with the shock of the whole thing. But the whispers continued for a bit. Ms. Callaghan looked around, confused, but finally continued the roll. She went through the usual first day stuff and Kyle ignored most of it. It was going to be the same throughout the day, all dull and boring shit he didnt want to do. Finally the bell rang and he put his book back into his messenger bag. He heard someone walk up and looked up just as Hannah plopped herself down on the desk, glaring at him and looking him up and down.
Hannah Vandren had moved to town fifteen years ago, and the two had been friends since second grade. Shed always seemed a bit odd, and so had he. People had let them keep to themselves, though Hannah actually made a lot of friends other than him. Sophomore year, shed changed. Hed watched her change for years and slowly felt emotions boiling in his gut, but that year everything had changed. Shed grown a bit, putting her at 56, and shed filled out. She stopped cheerleading and started working out for herself, though she never told him why. The girl in front of him was the result. Her long black hair ran straight down her back and her tiny frame was strong and lithe. Her green eyes glittered like emeralds and her lips were pursed in a frown. Her legs stretched down from the desk, sexy as all hell in her dress. She had taken his mothers philosophy of dressing up on important days to heart, and Kyle had never complained. She was dressed in a blue dress that hugged her curvy frame and cut in the midriff, exposing her stomach behind a lighter, slightly opaque, blue and a pair of heelless slippers that sparkled the same deep shade as her dress. Just looking at her made Kyles heart leap in his chest.
Youre&hellip, different. Her tone made him cringe.
I thought it would be funny&hellip, youre mad arent you?
Well you could have said something&hellip, and what happened to dressing up? Did your mom throw a fit?
No, she wanted me to dress myself today&hellip, it was weird. I had already dressed up and then&hellip, well, it was a weird morning. I thought youd recognize me, at least&hellip, Im not that different. Her eyebrows rose.
Stand up. he grimaced and stood up, throwing his bag over his shoulder. She walked around him like a mother, or maybe an airport security guard. Youre different. VERY different.
Kyle watched her walk back to her desk, grab her backpack, and walk out with a hurt expression on his face. He sighed and went after her at a jog.
I forgot how blunt she gets when shes angry&hellip, next time I need to be quicker about letting her know this stuff. Maybe if it hadnt been during school&hellip, He dodged through the crowd, apologizing as he jumped around people. Finally he caught up to her, and she refused to look at him.
Come on, Hannah, it was just a bit of fun. Im sorry I didnt see you right when I got back, and Im sorry I joked around about this&hellip, it happened over the summer and I
Go to class, Kyle. Kyle stopped right there, watching her walk off. He thought for a moment before turning around and walking toward his second class, on the other side of the school from hers.
I&hellip, I couldnt have changed that much&hellip, Was it mean of me to wait, or to talk to her? He got to class and sat down in his seat, which was in the middle of the room. He put his head down and groaned. His history teacher started the lesson with the bell and Kyle barely paid attention. It was the same stuff as first period. He fell asleep until the bell ending the period told him to wake up. As he grabbed his stuff he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and glanced up at Natalie Herald, an old classmate of his whod never really spoken to him before.
Hi&hellip, are you a new student?
Not really&hellip, youre Natalie, right? She nodded. Im Kyle. Kyle Wade. Weve been in class together since like fifth grade.
Oh&hellip, Oh god, Im so sorry Kyle. I didnt mean to&hellip, I just wanted&hellip, Im so sorry! She apologized once more as she scuttled off, almost running out of the door. Kyle tried to yell for her to wait and failed. He glanced at his teacher, Mr. Fin, as the old man chuckled behind his desk.
Kyle, you really have a way with the ladies.
Thanks, Mr. Fin.
Youve really grown. Most of them were a bit curious as to who you were&hellip, I dont blame them. I barely recognize you.
Thanks Mr. Fin.
Whats got you down? Kyle sighed.
Nothing, Mr. Fin. His teacher gave him a stare. Not accusatory, just&hellip, a long look. As if he was just noticing Kyle.
You know, you can always talk to me, to any of the teachers here, actually. Weve watched you kids grow up, even if you dont think so. Youre one weve kept an eye on.
Okay, Mr. Fin.
Damn kid, you need to lighten up. Have some fun, make some friends.
Mr. Fin, I just lost&hellip, ah, never mind. It doesnt matter. Maybe youre right. Ill try and make some friends.
Kyle, sometimes you cant help changing. Just remember that, all right?
Yes sir, Mr. Fin.
Get to class.
Okay Mr. Fin. Kyle left for third period.
The rest of his day went the same way his first two periods had. Hannah had three more classes with him and ignored him in all of them. A total of ten people approached him and asked his name, where he had moved from. He just told them his name and they ran like he was the plague, making up some excuse as they did. By eighth period, he was so depressed hed given up on speaking at all. He finished his book in his last period and headed for the library as school ended. His mom wouldnt be off of work until late, and his father, Caseys father, wouldnt be back from his trip for almost another month. He had no schedule, and he didnt quite want to go back to someplace where the changes to his life were so drastically evident.
He returned his book and browsed the shelved, finding absolutely nothing that he liked. As he walked out, he saw Natalie sitting alone at one of the tables.
I should apologize&hellip, he walked over and made sure to approached from behind her, he didnt want to scare her off again. He pulled out a chair and sat down as he tapped her on the shoulder, making her jump about a foot into the air. He grinned at her as she stared at him with an expression of mixed fear and disbelief.
Natalie&hellip, Sorry. I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I didnt think youd jump like that. She fixed her glasses and closed her book, setting it on the table and fidgeting nervously.
Uh, yeah&hellip, I get really&hellip, into books when I read them&hellip, Sorry I jumped like that. And Im sorry I didnt recognize you earlier. You look&hellip, different. He frowned. I mean&hellip, I mean good different! You look really good, its just that I didnt think&hellip, no one really expected&hellip, Im so sorry, I sound stupid right now&hellip,
Kyle watched her blush and smiled. She was cute, She had brown hair that seemed to grow lighter and lighter as it grew out, falling just above her shoulders and curling. She always looked a lot younger than her age, and she was quiet. She wore a sweater with some strange abstract design of colors over some sort of yellow dress, though other than that and her flats Kyle couldnt guess. Kyle knew she had a lot of friends but he always saw her alone, reading or doing homework. She was a bit like him that way.
Its all right, Ive been getting that a lot. Its been a bit of trouble, really.
I dont know about that&hellip, He gave her a look and she stared down at her hands. I just mean&hellip, people are talking about you now. Before most of them wouldnt have given you a second glance before.
Yeah, youre right. Just&hellip, Hannah hates me for some reason. I think I did something to upset her&hellip, shes one of my only close friends. My family all avoids me and they look away when I talk to them.
Oh&hellip, Im sorry&hellip, He chuckled.
I forgot how shy you are&hellip, Im probably giving you a heart attack by making you talk this long to someone you dont know. Im sorry. He rose from the chair and pushed it in. Thanks for talking to me&hellip, I am sorry about earlier. Id like us to be friends, if thats okay&hellip, I think I need more of them.
As Kyle tried to walk past her, she grabbed his wrist. He looked at her and found her looking up at him, actually looking straight into his eyes. Hed never looked at her directly before&hellip, her eyes were pretty on her, a light brown that caught the light nicely.
I&hellip, you dont have to leave. If you dont have anything to do that is&hellip, Were already friends, is all&hellip, Kyle smiled and sat down again, this time putting his bag on the floor.
Well then, Im sorry I ignored you all this time.
You didnt! We talk a lot actually&hellip, whenever you come to the library we say hello to one another.
Yeah&hellip, yeah I guess we do. I hadnt really thought about it&hellip, She smiled at him.
Thats okay, most people dont. The only friends I really have are the&hellip, As she tried to finish she trailed off and covered her mouth.
Are you all right&hellip,?
Yeah its just&hellip, something I shouldnt talk about. I just meant I heave a lot of friends, just not here at school.
Right&hellip, I always thought you were a loner, like me&hellip, then again Im not really a loner anymore, am I? For some reason they both laughed at his joke. It felt natural. He looked at the time and realized it was almost five, hed been there for an hour. Shit, Ive been in here a while&hellip, I better go get my board before they lock the doors.
Kyle stood up, grabbing his bag and throwing over his shoulder. He almost ran straight into Natalie as she stood up too, clutching the book shed been reading to her chest. She stumbled backward and Kyle grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her back onto her feet. At the same time she tried to move forward and ended up being pulled into Kyles chest. He stumbled backwards before catching them both. He looked down at Natalie, now wrapped in his arms and gripping his sweater. She took a moment of pure cringing before she opened her eyes and looked up at him.
You all right? she nodded once, still looking up at him. Their eyes were locked in place. Kyle took the moment to realize she was taller than hed always thought she was. She was probably 58, maybe a bit shorter. But she was tall for a girl. She was really cute, too&hellip, cuter than hed always remembered her. Finally she laughed a bit and pushed on his chest. He opened his arms and let her out of the brief embrace, though he found himself reluctant.
Thank you&hellip, for catching me. Sorry I bumped&hellip,
I bumped into you, not the other way around. Youre good, Natalie, I promise. Are you gonna leave too? She nodded.
I need to get home I guess. It is a bit later than I thought I would stay, itll be late before I get home.
Can I walk you? Kyle was almost surprised as he said it. He hadnt meant to, but hed wanted to. She looked a bit shocked, but she smiled.
Yeah&hellip, please. She smiled as they walked out. She followed him to his locker to get his long board and they left the school. He gestured for her to lead and watched her walk in the same direction as his neighborhood. They talked a bit, best subjects and mutual friends and things like that, but they kept quiet mostly. Kyle didnt mind, and neither did she it seemed. They walked past his neighborhood and he was disappointed as they walked further and further away, at least, until they turned into the street two streets down.
You live here? I live just two streets back that way&hellip, She laughed.
I always forget people dont know&hellip, yeah I live over here. Ive been to your house once, with Casey. But it wasnt long&hellip, and it was a while ago&hellip,
Huh&hellip, Well have to hang out more. I didnt know you lived this close to me. Hannah is&hellip,
Just another street that way and left one, right?
Yeah&hellip, you know where everyone lives dont you?
Just a few girls&hellip, I know. Its really no big deal, friends go over to each others houses, right?
I guess. Ive actually never been over to Hannahs house before.
Oh&hellip, its nice, I guess&hellip, Im not a very good judge though. She turned into the drive of one of the biggest homes on the street, a three-story place that could fit his in its shadow without a problem.
Natalie&hellip, damn this place is huge! She laughed, a real loud laugh.
People always say something like that. Its not that big. My daddy had it custom built, but he works from home so he needs the space. They reached the porch and she pulled out a key as she turned to him. If you want, you can come inside&hellip,?
Huh?… Oh yea, please! Id love to. She smiled and opened the door into a big circular entrance hall with a spiral stairwell rising all the way up. The floor was hardwood, but Kyle could see linoleum take its place further inside. A hallway lined the right side of the house. Natalie took off her shoes and Kyle followed suit, still in awe of the high ceilings and the number of windows in the place. He heard Natalie laughing and looked over at her. She was already at the stairs, watching him.
Sorry, its just that&hellip, well Ive never been in a place like this&hellip, She laughed again.
Its okay. Im used to people acting like this for their first time inside. Cmon. She grabbed his hand and started up the stairs, moving more quickly. He chuckled as she dragged him up all three levels and to the third floor. Finally she opened up a door and dragged him in. Again he was awestruck. His room was pretty small&hellip, he had a queen-sized bed and it took up most of the room, barely leaving enough for his desk and computer. Natalies room was huge, large enough to keep a king sized bed and still have enough room for a wardrobe of old dark wood, a makeup stand and makeup mirror, a computer desk and two different nightstands. The room was carpeted with thick green, which made the pink walls a little strange. He threw a look over his shoulder at her and she just laughed at him again.
You really think its so… big?
Yeah I mean&hellip, my room barely fits a queen size bed, and yours is&hellip,
I grew up with this so it seems like just enough. She walked in and sat on the bed, looking around at everything. Kyle grabbed a chair and turned it around, facing her and bed and sat down. She giggled.
You dont&hellip, you dont have to sit all the way over there&hellip,
I didnt think it was this far, and I didnt want to seem too comfortable&hellip,
You can be as comfortable as you like, I have people over here a lot, though I think youre the first guy. He laughed nervously, she laughed a lot louder.
Its fine: my dad is always&hellip, encouraging me to actually make friends with boys. Hell be ecstatic if he meets you but&hellip, dont count on meeting him&hellip,
Ha, thats easy for you to say but&hellip, This is the first time Ive ever been in a girls bedroom at all. Not even Caseys&hellip, I was once barred from ever entering her room on pain of death. I think we were like eight, and I havent gone in there once since she told me that. Natalie busted out laughing.
Youre&hellip, serious arent you?
Yeah, why would I lie about that? He watched her laughing, falling over on the bed and laughing like crazy, and felt the urge to do so himself. He didnt though&hellip, he was too confused. Wait, what&hellip, whats so funny?
Casey always says you avoid her like the plague! Whenever I hear from her she has some story&hellip, If she knew thats why you avoid her&hellip,
I&hellip, I dont avoid her&hellip, I just keep my distance. There are other things she could be doing, I dont want to just waste her time&hellip, Natalie spent the next few minutes trying hard to keep from laughing. Kyle just rubbed the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on the floor.
I dont avoid her. I like her, shes great but&hellip, is that why she acts so weird around me? Because I dont act more friendly? He sat there for a few minutes, lost in thought, before he noticed Natalie standing over him waving a hand to get his attention. She looked concerned.
Can I&hellip, can I use the chair? My laptop&hellip,
Oh&hellip, Oh yeah sure Im sorry. He stood up and moved out of the way. He moved over and sat on the edge of the bed, not wanting to push his luck. Natalie was being really accepting, seeing as this was the first time they really talked. He watched her typing at her laptop for a few minutes, enjoying the view of her ass, before he realized what he was doing and pushed his gaze to the carpet.
You ass, she invited you inside, not out on a date! Get over yourself. Be polite.
Kyle&hellip, are you okay&hellip,? Kyle tried to look up and bumped his head into Natalies hand. She pulled it back and apologized at the same time he did, which made them both chuckle a little nervously.
Yes, I&hellip, Im fine, I promise. She smiled a sad smile and sat on the bed next to him, scooting closer to him, and put her hands in her lap. He looked at her computer and saw a light flashing on top, catching his eye. He looked over at her and her smile turned a bit less sad. What was going on with your computer?
Oh nothing, I just had to check in with something. My friends and I keep a chat open, so we use that to keep in touch.
I was just wondering. You left the webcam on. She blushed.
I&hellip, damn&hellip, She walked over and tapped a few keys, turning it off. Kyle watched the light shut off and made sure it stayed that way, feeling a bit more at ease.
It must have just turned on with the chat function up&hellip, nothing to worry about. I wonder if she knows that it does that? She came back and looked at him sheepishly.
You can sit more on the bed. You look like youre going to fall. He looked down and realized hed slipped forward a bit.
Oh, Im fine. I just didnt want to sit on your bed, I dont know how clean the school is or&hellip, She giggled and looked at him for a minute as he trailed off. He sighed.
You can sit on the bed… You arent… dirty… or anything.
Yeah. Im okay though, I promise.
Im serious.
Of course. She stepped forward suddenly and pushed him backward. On a reflex he grabbed at her arms to catch himself, which only brought her forward and then down on top of him. He looked down at her, lying with her head on his chest.
Are you okay? I didnt mean to&hellip, He trailed off again as she started laughing again. Whats so funny?
&hellip,The face you made&hellip, when I pushed you&hellip,
Sorry, I wasnt expecting you to push me!
I just wanted to make sure you didnt fall!
Both of us fell! They both busted out laughing at that. She rolled off of him and curled up next to him as they stopped. The room seemed to sigh around them as they lay there, smiling at one another on the bed breathing fast. Time seemed to stretch as Kyle stared at her, thinking of how wonderful the afternoon had been and how kind she was whenever he took the time to watch. For once he didnt think of Hannah, or compare the two. Natalie was beautiful. Kyle slid his head forward a bit, a question. She cocked an eyebrow at him and her smile became a bit cheeky, but she didnt move away. He slid forward until they were nose to nose and then a bit further, until his lips were a hair from hers. She closed her eyes and kissed him. They were tentative at first, pulling back after a moment or so. Kyle reached forward and placed a hand on her hip, pulling her closer. Natalie cupped the back of his head gently and kissed him again, this time with more force. Their breathing grew heavier as they pulled each other closer. His hand on her hip became His hands around her waist and lower back, her hand on his head became both hands with her fingers in his hair. Their kiss changed from tentative to romantic to desperate, pushing each other faster and faster until they were finally forced to break apart, breathing like theyd gone for a run. Still they kept close, letting their noses graze one another as they got their breath back, staring into each others eyes.
That was&hellip, that was great. Natalie smiled at him, stretching her arms out and draping them completely across his shoulders, holding him even closer. He could feel her breath on his lips. She sounded stunned, happy&hellip,
I guess I did okay then. My first kiss&hellip,
That was&hellip, you were incredible. She grinned at him.
You cant say that yet. She pecked him once on the lips, a tease. But you can say that later.
And what would I say that to?
You would say that&hellip, after Ive given you&hellip, some relief. She blushed and Kyle laughed.
You didnt have to say that, Natalie&hellip, though Im glad you did. Id be happy if a kiss was as far as we went.
Me too, but&hellip, I want more&hellip, Again she blushed, this time even deeper.
Thats not a bad thing&hellip, She looked up, not sure whether to meet his eyes or not. Just because you want more doesnt make you a bad person or give you any reason to be embarrassed. Its normal&hellip, I mean, were teenagers.
Natalie laughed a little bit and sighed. Looking back up at him. He slid forward and kissed her again, starting light again. She slid closer to him, pressing her body against his and slowly moving against him. He tightened his arms around her, slowly slipping a hand up the back of her sweater. Her fingers tightened in his hair as he did, encouraging him. Their kiss began picking up speed as his hand slid up her back further and further, pushing the sweater up further along with it. He felt her tongue gently touch his lips and did the same, the kiss became faster, her grip on his hair and her movements against him more and more heated. His hand touched skin and he began to rub her back lightly, until she shuddered and they pulled apart.
Sorry just&hellip, your hands are cold.
Sorry Ill&hellip, She grinned at him and shook her head a bit before sitting up and grabbing the hem of her sweater to pull it off. Kyle was stunned at the dress beneath: a yellow skirt connected to a black, backless top just above her hips. On top of that she had grown herself over the past summer, her breasts pushed at the fabric of the top invitingly. She glanced back at him, caught him staring and blushed again.
Youre breathtaking. She blushed deeply and sighed a bit. He sat up and grinned, wrapping an arm around her waist as they on the bed. She leaned back against him and he wrapped his other arm around her waist, letting her lean back against him as she pleased. She sighed again, this time longer than before.
Thank you&hellip, for the compliment. And the kisses&hellip, and for&hellip, Kyle reached around and gently grabbed her chin in two fingers, bringing her around to face him. She stopped talking and just looked at him. He leaned in and pecked her on the cheek, she tried to lean forward to return his kiss, surprised at where hed placed it.
What was that for?
Because I have all the same things to thank you for. She grinned. This time when he leaned in, he leaned in and kissed her on the lips, pulling her back against him as they slowly worked themselves up on one another. Her hands found his and intertwined her fingers in his, at least for the beginning. As they pressed, she moved a hand upward, slowly inching him toward her chest. His other hands wrapped around her a bit tighter as she guided him, pulling her against him even tighter. She lost herself in the kiss then, moving her other hand to the back of his head and letting her nails dig lightly into his skin. Their hand finally reached her top and she slid his palm over one of her breasts, moving her own hand as if she were alone. She gasped as he took the hint and squeezed it in his hand, gently massaging her breast until she was moaning into his kiss. His hand slid up even further, letting her free hand slip down into their lap and onto his thigh, gripping his skin through his jeans as she felt his hand slip into her cleavage and just barely drag his fingers up the side of her rise, tracing her outline. She moaned louder and slid her hand up his thigh, feeling the fabric tighten and slacken a little bit every few seconds. Kyles hand slipped back down and found her full breast again, grabbing her and gently massaging her soft skin as the kiss got even faster, becoming almost desperate in their heat.
She gasped as he pulled away and pushed her back onto the bed, further up onto the bed, and sliding up next to her. She smiled as he drew close and kissed her again, this time slipping one his own hands into her hair and pulling her mouth to his own. Her fingers found his hair as well and they pulled at one another until their kiss had grown back to its desperate, heated speed. They gasped and moved, gliding against one another as they held each other close, the heat of the other fueling them to go faster and faster. Kyle slides his hands down her back, resting them just above her ass and gripping her tight. Her gasps are music to his ears as her fingers tear at his hair and their lips meet in frenzy. She moans as he pulls her closer and one of her hands slides down to slip into the front of his jeans, gripping his belt and pulling him closer. He grins as they break for just a moment, a grin she returns as they dive back in and his hands move again, one up and one down, grabbing her ass as the other finds her bare back and slips into the fabric on her side, forcing her to gasp and slide her hand deep into his jeans, feeling him through his boxers and grinning up at him, desperate for his touch, his kiss, anything he can give her. She gasps as he grips her ass, making her shiver with need. He slips his hand out of her top and back into her hair, pulling her in for more kissing and keeping her there. Her moans excite him, drive him. His hand slides down further, finding the skin of her calf as she lifts her leg up and slides it over his hip. He feels her grip tighten around his aching shaft and moans as he slowly slides his hand up her leg until her reaches her thigh. She can feel what hes doing and her hand begins to stroke him faster as he gets higher up his thigh. He reaches her hip and slides back, cupping her cheek again and massaging her as she strokes him through the fabric of his underwear. She moans at the feeling and gasps as she feels his hand slide the opposite way, stroking him faster as he slides under the fabric of her dress and over the damp fabric of her panties, gently applying pressure as his hand slides between her legs as finds her soaking crotch. She shudders at his gentle touch and stops their kiss as he slowly presses his hand down on her clit. She gasps, gripping his hair so that he knows it feels good, and feels him press harder, filling her with pleasure and a bit of pain. She pulls her hands from his shaft and grabs his wrist as she shudders in a bit of an orgasm.
Did I do something wrong? Natalie laughed.
No, hell no&hellip, but when your fingers are dry… and you press there&hellip, it can hurt a bit. It feels amazing, but it hurts. Kyle closed his eyes and pressed his face to the bed.
Im so sorry&hellip,
Kyle, dont be! Look at me&hellip, As he pulled his face from the mattress her hands slip back into his hair to pull him in for another kiss, this one a bit more tender. I just&hellip, if youre going to do that&hellip, maybe take them off first?
All right, but not tonight. I think we should have a date or two before we do much more&hellip, She smiled sheepishly.
Yeah, probably. So now were&hellip,?
Thats up to you. She grinned at him and pulled him in for kiss. I take it that means were a couple then.
Almost. Well have to talk tomorrow&hellip, but I think so. Itll be&hellip, interesting. He looked at her questioningly and she waved him off. He pulled away and she groaned. I dont want to get up. Please just stay here bit longer&hellip,?
He smiled and stood up as she groaned. She squealed as he picked her up and walked her further up the bed and laid her down on the bed, with her head on the pillows. She smiled as he pulled off the sweater he wore and kicked off his shoes, pulling off hers as well and climbing up after her, holding her close until she fell asleep in his arms.
It was seven thirty before he got back to his house. As he walked in the front door Casey poked her head out of the kitchen, smiled and disappeared again.
Since when do you stay out late? Hanging out with Hannah?
Actually no&hellip, she got super pissed at me earlier today and wouldnt even speak to me. I went to the library and took a walk is all. And got myself a girlfriend probably, and made out with her for almost an hour&hellip, He walked upstairs and threw the sweater and his bag on the bed. He had no homework, so he found himself back downstairs on the couch before long. Casey sat in their fathers armchair, on the other side of the room, with her dinner and the remote to the television.
Hey Casey&hellip,
Yeah Kyle?
Do you&hellip, do you not like me? Her eyes dropped to her sandwich and she started picking at the edges.
No, I like you. I mean, youre my brother. Why?
You seem nervous recently, like youre afraid of me or you dont want me around. So Ive been trying to leave you alone&hellip, She looked at him in disbelief.
Wait, you thought I didnt like you? I always thought you didnt like me! You avoided me most of the time&hellip,
I think youre awesome! I just thought you didnt like me.
You avoid me like the plague!
No, I just try and give you space! They both started laughing nervously. A thought occurred to him. I mean, a long time ago when we first met you got mad at me and banned me from ever going near your room&hellip, after that I just sort of tried to leave you to your own devices.
Wait, you remember that? He nodded and she laughed, really laughed. I said that cause I was a little brat, not because I didnt like you! And then when you got back from Aunt Beatrices and you were so&hellip, She trailed off and Kyle looked away.
Is it really so hard to look at me? Everyone has said the same thing today, last week, even over the summer! Its always youre so different or wow, Kyle, youre so tall!. I cant even talk to my best friend now, and its all because of this damn growth spurt. Im the same person, I havent fucking changed! He sighed and dropped his head in his hands. He felt the couch move and a hand on his back, gently comforting him. Looking up at his sister Kyle wondered just what was running through her head when she looked at him. She carefully reached out and pulled him to her in a sort of one-armed hug.
Im sorry, Case. I probably just made you hate me even more&hellip,
Whoa, who said anything about hate? He looked at her and she just smiled at him shyly. I was careful because I wasnt sure what you thought of me, but I could never hate you&hellip, youre kind and sweet, youre funny sometimes, you know how to be a gentleman, youre quiet&hellip, I dont know a single person who hates you. No one in the school ever says anything cruel to you, no matter what. You keep to yourself is all.
Then what the hell is wrong with me?
Its because people used to look at you and go oh, hes a nice guy, hes adorable. Then you left over the summer, and let me tell you people asked where you were pretty often&hellip, you come back and, suddenly, the nice adorable little kid who everyone can rely on is this tall, dark and handsome stranger&hellip, it was enough to throw people off. They dont know what to do with you, maybe. He grunted and put his head back in his hands. Kyle, you want to know a secret?
Every girl in school had their eye on you today. No one knew who you were and when I told my friends that it was Kyle Wade, they were stunned.
Why? What is it?
I told you, people used to brush you off because you blended into the background. Now no one can take their eye off of you. Youre hot! Youre smart! And on top of that everyone knows that Kyle Wade is a kind, loving person to everyone. People know youre a nice guy, what are they supposed to do with that?
Is that it? Was it just that no one knew what I would do now that Im&hellip, wait&hellip,
You think Im hot? Casey blushed.
Kind of&hellip, I mean, youre my brother so I shouldnt, but its really hard to ignore you now. She looked away as she talked, keeping her eyes on the coffee table.
So THATS why youve been acting all shy?
Maybe. He grinned at her and saw a smile trying to creep into her expression.
Oh quit it, were alone its not like it matters. I want to know. If thats why, my conscious will be eased knowing that it wasnt anything I did.
Okay fine, yes, its because I suddenly had a hot brother where I used to have a nerdy little kid brother&hellip, no offense.
None taken, I pride myself on still being a nerd.
I dont know why&hellip,
It means I can talk to more people.
Why would you want to talk to more people, you only talk to like five.
Im just saying, bro. She elbowed him and he chuckled.
I might have been a weakling before, but youre about to get it if you keep talking like that.
What? I cant tease my brother when hes nervous and upset? Thats no fun. I want the little kid back. Then I can tickle him.
No you cant. He wasnt ticklish. Kyle tried hard to keep a straight face, if she went for his sides or his neck, or hell even his knee&hellip, hed be done. He felt her reach and flinched out of the way, only to feel something on his side that made him squirm and laugh like crazy. He was on the ground in seconds, writhing as she climbing on top of him and continued the barrage. Finally he got her hands and stopped her, trying to get his breath back.
Casey, this is a two way street. She grinned at him.
You dont have the balls.
You want to bet?
You know it.
He rolled them over with little effort and grabbed her sides, forcing her into the same unorthodox dance hed been caught in just a few moments ago. She squealed and slapped at his hands, laughing until tears fell form her eyes. Finally he let her breath and she swatted at his hands as he sat back on his heels.
Kyle&hellip, Im gonna&hellip, kill you later&hellip,
Yeah right. Im stronger than you now, Sis.
Wanna bet?
We both know it.
Nah uh. Im stronger than you for sure.
Fine, Stay there and Ill get you off of me for sure.
Thats not strength, thats leverage.
Arm wrestle.
Too childish.
Fine, wrestling match.
Fine. Let me move the coffee table. Kyle stood up and helped Casey up as well. He slid the coffee table out of the way and they stood in front of one another. He grinned at her.
Okay, Ill give you a chance. I wont use my left arm at first.
Oh, youre going down, you cocky little bastard.
Not little anymore.
I wasnt talking height… bro. He flinched at her comment and put an arm behind his back. She charged him and he braced himself. Before he knew what was happening shed leaped at him, taking him down to the ground under her. He barely got his arm out from under him in time. Still it knocked the breath from his lungs and left his gasping for air with his sister on top of him.
God, I thought youd take that better. She looked down at him, now straddling his hips as he coughed until his throat was raw, and then a little bit more. Finally he took a strangled breath.
Sorry I wasnt prepared for a woman of your considerable size tackling me. She swatted at him, actually looking a bit hurt. Hey, I was just joking! Youre a fucking knockout, dont think for a second that I was serious.
You really think that? He nodded and rubbed his chest, looking up at her form the ground still. His male brain had just begun to notice that one of the most attractive girls he knew was sitting on top of him. She patted his chest before slowly climbing off of him and walking back to her chair. He grunted as he stood up, trying to hide the new semi erection hed spouted. He patted her on the shoulder and felt her hand hold him there as he tried to pass by her, on his way up to his room. He looked down at her and she smiled up at him. Her smile was different though, brighter, maybe, or&hellip,
No, theres no way shes smiling at me like that. She would never want me&hellip, and shes my sister anyway. Shes just happy. He grabbed her hand and held it a bit before wandering up to his room and throwing himself on the bed. He checked his phone for messages and found none. He shot Natalie a text and chuckled to himself, hed checked her phone for her number after hed left her place and placed his in her phone. Soon after though he found himself dozing off.
Natalie opened her laptop, ignoring the buzz of her phone on her nightstand. Shed been checking every hour, trying to get her group together. But then, it wasnt the usual night for a meeting, they wouldnt be able to all get online. She messaged them and slowly icons began popping up on her screen until all eight girls were online. She sighed and typed out the beginning of the chat.
Bookworm: I may have a boyfriend&hellip, but I know that I have to run it by you guys first.
Four eyes: You know the rules, Bookworm. We all share him if you get him&hellip, if we want him that is. Otherwise we leave him to you.
Spineless: You cant say a damn thing, Four eyes. You broke that rule three months ago, you shouldnt even be here, and we all know you dont get privileges here. Only five of us get anything, including Bookworm. Those are the rules.
Snake: But we dont even know who this guy is yet anyway, so theres a max of five. I probably wont want any&hellip, but well get to that in a minute. Anyone else? We know Nightmare, Spineless, Bookworm, myself and Mermaid all get privileges&hellip, unless any of you broke up with someone?
Four eyes: Nope, happily together and stuck. You guys can share youre second hand guys however you want. Natalie watched her friend log off and smiled. She was nicer in person, when they didnt talk about the Privileges.
Mermaid: Well we need to know who it is first. Booky?
Bookworm: No one is going to believe me&hellip, and you guys arent gonna be happy about it.
Snake: Just tell us Bookworm. Im not in the mood.
Spineless: Yeah he cant be that bad.
Nightmare: Im curious as to what guy in our school could possibly have the balls to approach Bookworm. Not saying youre not super hot, girlie, but you do hide in plain sight.
Bookworm: Kyle. Kyle Wade. It just sort of happened&hellip, I dont think either of us meant for it to happen but we kissed. A lot.
Snake: Everyone knows that Kyle isnt yours. We all had a claim on a single guy at the beginning, hes off limits to anyone here. You know that Booky.
Spineless: I remove my claim. Hes free game, but Im declaring open rules to him&hellip, he has to know. If youre going to share, he has to be okay with it&hellip, none of us wants to hurt him. Were all too close. But&hellip, well hes different now. Something happened over the summer, not only is he hot but hes even kinder than before&hellip, smarter too, I think.
Snake: Hold on. This is going to kill him, he cant handle having too many girls at once&hellip, we claimed him off limits!
Spineless: Snake, you almost took Kyle too many times to count, even dropped out of the chat after you told us you couldnt take it anymore. Now you get to have him, but you have to share him with the rest of us.
Snake: I honestly dont think he can handle this. After today, after how insecure he seemed&hellip,
Spineless: Trust me, hell be fine. He can take all of us easy, and honestly I wouldnt mind just staying in his bed permanently&hellip,
Snake: Apparently I cant stop this&hellip, Im with Spineless. If I get to date him after all this time, even if I have to share, Ill do whatever it takes.
Bookworm: Open rules were declared though&hellip, so anyone who wants him has to be declared now and Ill let him know tomorrow. I want to be the first though, whatever claims anyone else has on him. Spineless and Snake will just throw him off too much for either of you to be his first.
Nightmare: Ill get in on this. Kyle seems tasty enough now, and I could use a good time&hellip, though Ill still look for my own guy. One guy with three women is enough.
Mermaid: I kind of want in on this too, but maybe only once or twice. Kyle isnt my type&hellip,
Nightmare: Tall blond and nerdy?
Mermaid: Tall buff and blond, thanks. I prefer my surfer types. Like that new kid! Im looking forward to taking him and putting his name on this chat. Sharing is caring, after all.
Spineless: He creeps me out. He hit on me earlier today, and I felt this chill running up my spine&hellip,
Snake: Wait, so Kyle Wade is in play? On Bookworms end, for now, but in play?
Bookworm: Ill tell him tonight, if I can. Tomorrow otherwise. Thanks, girls&hellip, Im sorry, Spineless.
Spineless: Bookworm, youre everyones favorite, and I get some of him anyway&hellip, plus you should be apologizing to Snake first, not me. Shes the one in love with him. But we have to be careful with him. Dont tell him at first. Just date him for a bit and then well worry about letting him in on the rest of us. Hes got a complex with cheating&hellip,
Snake: I am not in love with him! In fact, Ill stay away from him. Completely. Ill get a guy by tomorrow, just wait! It wouldnt even matter, you all will break him doing this anyway, I want nothing to do with it.
Bookworm: Snake wait, you dont have to do that. Itll be fine, love or not&hellip, I mean cant you share? I like him a bit more than I thought I would&hellip, and Spineless likes him a lot too&hellip,
Nightmare: Snake, calm down. Hes special, you dont have to worry about how you feel in front of US&hellip, were your friends&hellip,
Snake: Fuck that. Ill have a guy by tomorrow, and youll all be jealous. I am not in love with Kyle Wade, I dont know how anyone could be in love with him, hes a fucking asshole anyway, and creepy as all hell!
Bookworm: Im logging out&hellip, Im sorry Snake. You can come back&hellip, Im not accepting that youre out. We all know how you feel&hellip, Hell, if you want him for yourself, hed probably take that. I just&hellip, I trust him enough for him to be my first&hellip, my first everything. Im so sorry. I love you.
Natalie logged off feeling both happy and miserable. Snake&hellip, that was just a codename, but then they used them for a reason. She grabbed her phone, gaped at the time (11:54) and checked her messages.
Kyle: Hey. I put this in after youd fallen asleep&hellip, dont worry I didnt snoop or anything. Just wanted to wish you a good night. Text me when you get this I guess.
She smiled to herself and bit her lip as an idea popped into her head. She was already typing the keys and sending the message before shed realized how cruel it was for her to move so fast. She shook her head. Snake would come back. They were a team, after all&hellip, good girls stuck together, and Snake would never betray Kyle. She loved him&hellip, anyone could tell that. Just listening to her talk about him was enough. But shed been in love with that Thompson guy before Kyle&hellip, Natalie just smiled. Snake had loved Kyle before that guy. Theyd all known. Snake was just a bit loose with her heart. She smiled and slipped into her pajamas before crawling into bed. She watched her phone for a bit before her fingers reached down, under the covers, towards her pajama bottoms. Her thoughts turned to Kyle, to his kisses and his hands…
Kyle got Natalies message through a fog of nap grogginess. Hed slept almost two hours, in his clothes. He grabbed his phone and stared at the message for a full minute in sheer disbelief.
Nat: Hey, can you come over again? I know its late&hellip,
He shot a message back, asking if she was up and got a yes in reply. He grinned. He told her to wait a bit and crawled out of bed, walking to his window and throwing it open. Hed rigged it to open easily months ago, with nothing to do and the inability to sleep, so he tugged the screen and it popped out, letting him crawl out, close the window, and pop it back into its shaky space again. He stood on the garage roof, something hed always been thankful for having. He hopped down onto the garbage cans and nearly fell off, causing a bit of noise before he righted them. When he was sure his parents light hadnt turned on, he started jogging away. He put a street between him and his house before he stopped running. Five minutes later he stared up three stories, wondering how the fuck he was getting up there. A balcony was on the second floor, easy to get to if you could climb.
Thanks Gabe, I never thought climbing trees would get me so far in life. He grinned and started climbing, making it onto the balcony with little noise. With that he put his foot in a potted plant and started scaling the wall up to the third story. He reached her window and knocked, holding himself up with a bit of trouble. The window opened fast, swinging outward and nearly knocking his fingers off the window ledge. He smiled up at her, her short brown hair catching the light breeze that cooled the night air.
What are you doing, Kyle? I could have just gotten the door for you!
This seemed so much more&hellip, logical, at the time. He pulled himself in as she laughed at him and shut the window.
My dad doesnt care who or when I have people over&hellip, even if its a boy he hasnt met at midnight. He just leaves me alone when it comes to that. My mom might care, but shes off visiting my aunt and her new baby&hellip, Natalie grinned at him. It was pretty lucky that you chose this week to try and walk me home.
He smiled and sat down in her office chair, only to have her laugh at him and grab his hand, pulling him over to the bed and pushing him down into a sitting position. Immediately she sat in his lap, strangely outgoing. Kyle grinned and grabbed one of the Hello Kitty faces on her shirt, looking at the My Little Pony bottoms and laughing.
I didnt know you were so adorable in your pjs. She laughed.
Im not, its what I have. I havent gotten new ones in years, okay? She smiled at him. Kyle&hellip, I want us to be a couple.
Okay. He grinned at her. You had me come all the way over here to tell me that?
That&hellip, and I thought you may want to spend the night. I could use the company&hellip,
We just decided to date and you want me to spend the night?
I want you to do a lot more than that&hellip, She blushed as Kyle stared at her.
Youre serious? You want us to&hellip,? She nodded. But I mean, we just started talking, I mean really talking, like&hellip, today&hellip,
He watched her lean closer and closer as he talked, with a smile so unbelievably sexy he almost couldnt bear the idea of walking out, it was as if she had some sort of secret to share, a secret that made her want to lean in and whisper it right next to his ear. Finally her eyes stared into his, half lidded, and her lips hovered a fraction of an inch away.
You were saying? Her voice made him stiffen instantly as the rest of his body melted. She grabbed his hands and pulled them to her waist, letting go only to drape her arms around his neck in a more intimate fashion.
I was saying that maybe we should wait a while&hellip, before we go further&hellip,
Yeah, I thought that too&hellip, until we shared that kiss earlier, and I felt you touch me&hellip, Her fingers slipped back into his hair and he pulled her closer, pressing her chest up against his. Their lips met slowly as their hands began to move. She moaned as she felt his hands slip under her shirt and grip her bare sides to pull her closer. He felt her fingers dig into his scalp briefly before pulling free and yanking the hem of his shirt up. They stopped just long enough for her to pull of his shirt and for him to do the same for hers, only to dive back in for more kisses. Kyles hands drift around her back, holding her breasts tight against his chest as she played with his hair again. After a few minutes he slid a hand down under her legs and stood up, holding her close as he turned, laying her down on the bed gently before following her and kissing her once. She moaned as his lips moved down her neck to her collar. His hands cupped the underside of her thighs, pulling them apart as he settled between them and moved his lips again, this time to her ample breasts and the light pink nipples that stood up from each one. He slid the tips of his fingers around each, teasing her before a hand gently grabbed and squeezed one.
Kyllllle&hellip,! He chuckled and sucked a nipple into his mouth, enjoying her moans as his teeth teased her tiny little nip. He released it to kiss her, moving the hand unoccupied by her pleasure into her hair and pulling her in. Her legs encircle his waist, pulling his crotch against hers as the heat of their kiss grows. One of her hands covers his on her breast, squeezing it roughly and twisting the nipple as her moans fall out of their kiss and her hips buck against his jeans, rubbing her dripping sex against the fabric of her pants and the coarse denim of his jeans. They begin to writhe against one another as they kiss, tongues dancing roughly into each others mouths as they try and sate their thirst. Natalie gasps as Kyle pulls away, sucking on her breasts again and this time gently biting down. His hands force her legs down onto the bed and he grabs the waistband of her pants, sliding them down her thighs to her knees before yanking them off roughly. She pushes him off of her breast and onto his back, unbuttoning his pants and tearing them off his legs with his boxers. She grabs his shaft and begins to stroke, amazed at the feeling, at how hard he is. He groans as she delicately dips down and licks the underside of his shaft, even taking the head of his cock into her mouth for a moment before pulling off. She strokes him a few times before throwing a leg over his waist and touching the head to her lips. He grabs her hips, stopping her from doing anything else.
Wait, Nat&hellip, we should stop&hellip, I mean do you really want your first time to be like this? She leans down and kisses him.
Yes. I want you, I want this, and I want to remember this exactly the way it is&hellip, He removes his hands and kisses her one more time, this time a gentle kiss and she presses her hips down on his shaft, felling the head press against her labia. She moves him and this time feels the head push inside of her, stretching her more than shed imagined. Kyle watches her face as she slowly lets him slide deeper and deeper inside of her. He feels a resistance for a brief moment before it snaps away and her face turns to an expression of pain briefly. She continues her descent and finally he feels the end of her pressing against the tip of his cock, then pushing against him as she tries to go down even further.
Natalie, wait&hellip, I&hellip, think I bottomed out. She looks at him, still looking a bit hurt.
I cant go any deeper. Youre full. She smiles at him, leaning down and pressing her lips against his in a brief kiss. Does it hurt?
Just a bit&hellip, But I want this. I need you. She rises again and places her hands on his stomach, lifting herself up on him and slowly dropping back down.
Fuck&hellip, it feels&hellip, good&hellip, he groans as she picks up speed, amazed at the tightness of her. Shes hot inside, and so wet that he swears shes dripping down his shaft. He watches as her breasts begin to bounce when she gets faster, moaning now.
God, youre deep&hellip, so fucking deep&hellip, Kyle, I think Im gonna cum&hellip,! He grabs her hips as she gasps and shudders, her entire body shaking as her orgasm runs through her. Her sex tightens around him and he barely keeps himself from firing. As she finally stops shaking he pulls her down for a kiss and rolls them over, letting her rest.
Kyle, that was&hellip, oh god, please, fuck me&hellip, I need you inside of me&hellip, Another kiss as he begins to thrust in and out of her. Her moans become cries and one of her hands finds her breasts, gripping them with little mercy as she shudders in pleasure.
Nat, I cant stop it any more&hellip, Im about to cum&hellip,
Cum inside me&hellip, Faster, Kyle, please&hellip, He speeds up, this time pressing against the end of her with every thrust. She cries out as she cums under him and he groans as rough, burning pleasure races up and down his shaft and he fills her. Her hips buck each time he shoots and she moans as her body relaxes and Kyle tries to pull his softening cock out of her body. She gasps as he slips out of her and cum oozes from her.
That was amazing&hellip, Ive never felt anything so good. They share a kiss as they relax. Um&hellip, Kyle, do you think you can&hellip,
You want to go again? She blushes and he smiles.
Yeah, but I may have to wait a bit.
What if I&hellip, what if I sucked on it? another blush.
That would help, but Nat you dont have to if you dont want to&hellip,
I want to try&hellip, and I want to know how you taste&hellip, She pushes him onto his back and slides down his chest until she reaches his limp, cum covered member. She grabs it first, stroking a bit and licking her hand before she hesitantly leans down and slips his limp form into her mouth. After a moment of swirling her tongue around she begins to suck and move her head up and down with him as he grows. Finally shes pressing the head against the back of her throat and gagging, trying to take his full shaft. He reaches down and pulls her face off of his cock, kissing her despite the idea of tasting their cum. Immediately she grabs him by the hair and throws herself at him, pressing her body against him and rubbing her pussy along his shaft. Kyle cant help feeling her energy and his cock begins to throb as he feels her drip down on his shaft again, so wet for him that shes moaning into the kiss as if he was already inside of her. She gasps as he pulls away for a moment, only to dive back in, grabbing her hips and yanki
Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do ?Well, I know a lot you guys don?t find Janeway hot and sexy but I happen to do. Well when I was a younger man and she was younger. But I still find her kind of sexy for a mature woman. So sue me for using my talent to have a little fun with what I consider a hot older babe. I enjoyed writing it. How you enjoy reading it.???????????????????????????????? ??? ??????????????? CAPTAIN JANEWAY CAPTAIN?S...
After the midnight toast, most of the other couples went home. However, John convinced two couples to stay, Rod and Susan, and Tim and Karen. John told them that he had a good movie he thought they would all enjoy. Before starting the movie, Steve asked the other two couples how they felt about group sex. Susan blushed and said that she met Rod at an orgy last year. Susan told everyone how she fell in love when Rod walked into the room with his 12-inch black cock leading the way. Susan...
Mark was still mortified the following day and called in sick rather than face his boss, Ezra DeZam. But DeZam surprised him, and came by his motel room to see how he was and to impart some important information to him. “Listen Mark, here in Monroe, some of us play it fast and loose. We have good reason for it. Other folks have tried to fit in here ... this climate sucks. We get torrential rain followed by floods and the humidity and heat are enough to drive you crazy. Seemed like everyone...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...
It was the year 2001. 15-year-old Newt looked at himself in the mirror. He could see some of his mother Laverne’s African American features looking back, but also blue eyes and a lighter skin tone that must have come from his unknown father. He growled, angry. Why didn’t his mom ever tell him who his father was? Her insistence that she didn’t know didn’t make any sense! She said that Newt didn’t look like who she thought his father was, and she hadn’t been with any blue-eyed white boys. His...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Langdon Beech-Thorndyke III was 'a catch.' Mother and Father thought that he would be a perfect match for me. He was twenty three and I was fifteen. My parents hoped that we would become betrothed that summer and then a grandiose wedding would follow in three years after I turned eighteen. This was my sister's summer, though. Miranda would be married in August to a Vanderbilt cousin who she barely knew. The opulent affair...
Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University. ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...
Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept. The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke. As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed Sarah and...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...
From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...
Tgirls.xxx aka shemale.xxx! There are plenty of great tranny sites out there, but there are also those that fall way short. But when it comes to the hottest premium shemale porn, there is every reason for you to choose Tgirls.xxx. I wasn’t sure of what I was getting myself into the first time I saw the site, but once I landed on the tour page, I realized that Tgirls.xxx is part of the Grooby Production network that specializes in hot transsexual porn and exclusive content. Now, anyone familiar...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesThis next premium site is going to be a real treat for anybody who likes to jack off on their lunch break while also enjoying a big, fat sausage. Black-Tgirls is exactly what it sounds like, and Black Tgirls are exactly what you’re going to find there. As much as I appreciate clever porn site titles, I like the no-bullshit approach here. Nobody is going to be surprised to see all the ding-a-lings on these Ebony whores unless they’re illiterate.The tagline at the top of their landing page calls...
Premium Shemale Porn SitesNydia's boots made a rather strange sound as I plunged my cock into her ass from behind. Ninve wasn't kidding about her fetish for wearing them, not that I had any complaints. It was funny to know that this proper Mormon girl had such naughty fantasies and ideas, but she did so, much to my delight. I wouldn't want a serious deal with her, however, since she could be such a bitch at times and a real hypocrite about the whole religion and morals BS. Still, her ass was delightfully tight and...
Reddit Tgirls, aka r/Tgirls! What looks good to you may not look good for other people. A lot of women can be beautiful to their husbands even though the rest of the world would find them to be total eyesores. That jacket you like wearing so much might only look good to you because it holds sentimental value for you - but other people might think it’s nothing special when they see it. Hell, even your favorite pornstar could look like a flawless queen to you because you’ve developed an...
Reddit NSFW ListWhere Ponygirls come from Summer was not your typical 15 year old girl. She didn’t go to school (well not any school you would recognize). She didn’t keep up with the latest fashions (those were useless to here). She didn’t spend her idle time online or on the phone. She had a job in the family business one that she loved, and that business was being a ponygirl. Ever since she was 13 years old she had been a pony girl like her mother before her and all her younger sisters on the compound where...
The Cheerleader Rubber Ponygirls The Cheerleader Rubber PonygirlsBy Sarah ??????????? Sarah was like the rest of the college cheerleaders at her school.? She knew she could have any boy she wanted.? But little did she, or the other girls, would get when they crossed the wrong guy. ??????????? It happened when the squad was on its way back from an away game at Flagler College.? Flagler was UWO?s rival, and for the past five years UWO had not had a win against them.? Then the game...
Chapter 6 - The Newsagents I had found initially when The Club and my position in it had been explained, I expected strangers everywhere to hand their cards and show me their keys to my chastity belt. Forcing me wherever I happened to be into some sex act. It was both humiliating, nerve-wracking and really, really exciting. When nothing happened I began to think it had been exaggerated or perhaps something said to arouse me. Or maybe there weren’t very many members outside of those I had...
Now they were both 18 and were going off to different universities, there was a bittersweet feeling about the long hot summer. They knew that things would change somewhat in their relationship once they travelled to different parts of the country to explore their respective passions. What neither had bargained for was the exceptional passion they would awaken in each other that drunken night. And so, here they were, at Liz’s house, discussing their excited plans for university and kissing...
To describe myself a bit, I'm 24 years old, 5'7", 115 lbs. I have long dirty blonde hair, C-cup boobs, and green eyes. I like running and working out and going to the gym on base. I've been told I have an athletic body and the guys at the gym are always hitting on me. I don't have any children. I have been married since I've been 18 years old - right out of High School. I got ready to go to the interview at the office I would be working out of. I wore a nice blouse, knee...
It started out as a simple thought, and as all thoughts go, this one was pretty far fetched, even for me.My name is Tom Sloane. I’m a scientist, a physicist by education, but I work in renewable energy. It’s been my passion. The last fifteen years of my life have been dedicated to alternative forms of energy creation, and I think we’ve cracked it. I truly do.I run a pretty small business; at the moment it consists of a few well-informed colleagues who are also friends and of course my wife. It...
Humor" not much honey just checkin you out." as he smiled back he replied,"oh thats right youre a biter. I like that!" She laughed a bit and pulled him on the bed with her "yea I'm a biter but you love it! Want to come curl up with me?" she said with a twinkle in her eye. "yea, let's cuddle babe." he said opening his arms to her. "Mmm." he smiled slyly as he already knew what was gonna happen next. She curled into his arms facing him. She kissed his neck, then traced down his chest...
Toni and Justin just got back to her and her sister's, Davina, new apartment from spending all day at the mall shopping. Justin just bout Toni some new outfits but had not seen them on her yet. It's been a long day and they are both tired. "Well it looks like Davina isn't home again," Justin says as they walk inside the apartment. Justin likes it when they are alone because Davina is always all over the place and not letting them get intimate. "I see," Toni sarcastically...
Toni and Justin just got back to her and her sister's, Davina, new apartment from spending all day at the mall shopping. Justin just bout Toni some new outfits but had not seen them on her yet. It's been a long day and they are both tired. "Well it looks like Davina isn't home again," Justin says as they walk inside the apartment. Justin likes it when they are alone because Davina is always all over the place and not letting them get intimate. "I see," Toni sarcastically...
* * * * * Frank, the division manager, called me into his office. He and I had gotten fairly close over the years. My wife, Julia, and I had gone out to dinner with him and his wife a few times, and we had been to parties at each other's houses. “Shut the door,” he said. “Come, sit down.” I did, and he just stared at his desk. This wasn't good. “Frank, what's ....” I began. “Look, Mike, I don't know how else to tell you this. I just got off a conference call with...
He had probably been waiting up for her. She told him not to and that she would be out with the girls all night and wouldn’t see him till the next morning. But, there were no other lights on, so maybe he was in bed. She walked up to the front steps, moved the cute little gnome that she had bought to give the place a little character and grabbed the key from beneath it. Her legs were a little wobbly from the night of drinking and lack of sleep. She probably shouldn’t have been driving, but...
They both wanted more than just casual sex, they wanted something new and exciting. So they decided to look into other things. A few weeks later Kellan came across an idea in which he wanted to use. One day while Ashley was at work Kellan decided to surprise her. When Ashley arrived he was waiting for her behind the door. As soon as she shut the door he took a blindfold and placed it over Ashley's eyes She gasped but allowed Kellan to slowly lead her to the bedroom where he handcuffed...
It had been one of the worst weeks of my life. On Monday, I arrived home from work and discovered that my girl friend had moved out with no explanation. We had been living together for six months and dating for over two years. She had just packed up and disappeared. Her note said that it had been fun and wished me a good life. I stood dumbfounded holding the note in the middle of my now sparsely furnished apartment. It was like I was stuck in a bad dream and unable to awaken myself, only this...
I had been doing my typical thing all winter long, working around the house, remodeling, and refurbishing my older bathroom and bedroom, while I continued writing new stories as a side income. My full time job became less important due to increased income from royalties I began to receive from different online publishing companies. I was making almost twice, what I was taking in as a marketing rep for the once well off operation I was involved with. It’s popularity declined due to bad business...
Part Seven CHRISTIANA I must say they gave me a bit of a shock on the Friday evening. Miki was already at home when I got there and I gave him a kiss as I stroked him through his trousers. ‘I’m looking forward to this tonight,’ I said. ‘So am I,’ he laughed, but I couldn’t see why he laughed, not then. I went and got myself a drink and poured one out for him too. ‘How was your day then?’ I asked sitting down with my drink after passing his across.
Part Two CHRISTIANA I’m glad that Paul has come out into the open and been frank and honest in not only our relationship but of others he’s had. Now that we’ve come to accept the facts I can also be as honest as he has been. I must admit that the failure of our marriage was as much my fault as his. I will not cover the ground that he has already trodden, but only to say that our first few years were happy ones. I blame the circumstances that caused us to drift apart. He was so tired on the...
Part Five He liked it when I dressed up for him and he was instantly aroused and had me over the kitchen table. Lifting up my dress and fucking me without even stopping to put on a condom. He had me again in bed that night and I loved having his strong arms about me which made me go all soft and gooey. Work was the same over the next fortnight and the sex was never better with Miki, fucking and sucking each other nearly every night. I had told Miki of what went on between Christiana and...
Part Three CHRISTIANA Thank Christ the x-rays showed that my pelvic bone and my leg were now mended for I could now have this damned plaster cut off and I can scratch myself. That was the worst part of being in plaster to get an itch that you couldn’t scratch. I’m sure I was to claw my skin to ribbons when it finally comes off. I didn’t, but came close to it when they got the damned thing off and I was able to walk. Well, stumble as I was helped along back to my bed after it was off. I...
Part Four PAUL Miki and I had a lovely weekend, well Sunday really. I was dressed up to kill and we went as normal to the gay bar in Clapham and later went to a fancy restaurant where we had an excellent meal. Miki got quite a few envious looks that pleased me no end. Though I also got some dark looks from some of the white males, the thought being that a white woman shouldn’t be consorting with a black man. But it was really a common sight in that part of London to see white women with...
Last time we saw Jay and Amanda was when Amanda and Jeanette were doing a special video for Jay as an anniversary gift. The football season has ended for Jay. He currently has been spending his free time with his two favorite girls Amanda and Jeanette. Whenever he isn’t with his girls he is spending time and cheering on his cousin Moira seeing how the soccer season has started for her. Currently Jay will be facing an interesting conundrum but he doesn’t know it yet. But let’s find out what is...
The Newtons Part One PAUL It was the car accident that changed my life, though it was bound to have changed anyway, but not in the way that it did. The change that had been foreseen was the relationship with my wife, Christiana, not, as it happened, with other people. I slowly came out of my coma completely disorientated as to where I was, eyes unfocused, seeing only whiteness all around me. I think I coughed for I found I couldn’t speak. My tongue felt twice its normally size and...
Part Six I went to work the next day, Saturday, but couldn’t really concentrate properly and was glad when it was closing time. I gave Christiana a kiss before I went upstairs where I met Miki and gave him a kiss too. I ran a bath and gratefully sank into the hot perfumed water. ‘Do you want me to stay and see to your make-up,’ Miki asked anxiously, knowing that this was going to be important for both of us. ‘No Miki,’ I said. ‘If I do it wrong it’s down to me. Go and have a strong...
I was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...
BisexualI was on the crowded London Tube. A fair-haired woman who had her back to me and was pressing against me as was talking to her friend. Both had an Australian accent. One was obviously of mixed blood and had a beautiful light tan skin tone.I was fascinated as the fair-haired girl sounded like a girl who I believe I had known in a country town in Victoria.She still had her back to me when I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if her name was Jenny.She turned and immediately recognised me, as...
BisexualI wake up in PJs...boxer shorts or what have you, but mostly comfy blankets. Big yawn being a sleepyhead has benefits. Throwing off my covers I get up climbing out of said blankets. Sit for a bit and enjoy a few stretches. -Knock knock- on my door.
IncestIntroduction to Story flow: Order of the R.E.D(Royal Eldritch Draconum) Council of the 2's(each seat on the council is taken by a joined couple, there are 6 seats total that report directly to Sovereign): Military & Cleric branch: Elder Vanquisher Samarah and Fey-Sylph Donovan. Logistics(Supply and Transportation): Elder VIvica and Emanuel. Order of the Grigori:(responsible for protection of His Eminence lair's): Commander's Jericho and Samantha. Sovereign Living Bulwark:(Ascension beings*...
FantasyI'm an athletic and fun-loving guy in his mid-20's, average height and weight. Trim and good-looking, I'm a pro shoot wrestler, and it shows in my lean, muscular build. I've recently married the love of my life, a beautiful mixed martial artist. My wife is just a couple years younger than me, and a perfect blend of cute and sexy. Though she trains hard at the gym daily and is a fierce competitor in the cage, she's the sweetest woman in the world. She's curvy, but it's all muscle, her only fat...
It was a rare late September New England thunderstorm that had Jan had my cute young blonde haired blue eyed Sweedish newpaper deliveryboy standing at the top of my back steps like a drowned rat as I opened my outside storm door. Being a Thursday evening when Jan always combined his daily paper delivery with his weekly collection, I wasted little time inviting him inside while quickly running to fetch a fair sized bath towel. With the latest downpour showing little signs of letting up, I put...
“How much longer?” Little Jack rarely displayed patience. His sister, Lula, had some patience, just not for her little brother. “Mom is always on at the same time. If you can’t work it out you don’t need to know.” “Be nice to your brother, Lula.” I sat on the sofa and Jack climbed onto my lap. “Your mom will be on very soon.” Occasionally, I let the kids stay up late to see their mom on tv. She was a newsreader and it was about to start. During the ads preceding the show a tingle in my left...
Fantasy & Sci-FiTitle of this story is intentional to help people find my profile which for some reason doesn't show on user search...Story was written for another user on spec about their wife:It’s All Business ... Or Is It?Carly relaxed as the powerful engines roared to life and pressed her into her business class seat at the start of her transatlantic flight to New York. While she hadn’t traveled that much, she always got a thrill during takeoff. Not so much fear, as a sense of being under the control of...
Fallon has rules even with the bad boys. This is a feel up afternoon. But Jarryn excites her too much and on only their second time together, the bitch gives him every hole....I came home a different way from usual. I was being surreptitious. Really sneaky and sly and knew I was heading extra slutty quickly this afternoon.There really is nothing more compelling for a rich bitch, aged eighteen, private all girls’ college lass than a parental off limits naughty high school dropout older boy with...
If you're like me, darling, you enjoy giving hawt, newd blow jobs in some dirty sweaty adult arcade video booth, using LOTS of tongue and saliva! HA HA HA! Naked Caucasian wimp, cowering at the feet of his negro mastah. A lewd and completely newd bareback blowjob! To be performed in the dayroom, In front of all the other inmates! Ha ha ha! Denewda! Little Caucasian sissy takes orders from his big Negro Bull! I love being with Negro men!! BORN THAT WAY! BORN SISSY! Ha ha ! I KNOW that I was born...
Milwaukee Cuckold's Wife and a New AdventureWe have been swinging for over 30 years. I am not well endowed and Judy likes bigger cocks so it has worked out well for us. Only a few people close to us know about the things we do. Two of Judy’s sisters and one of her best friends know. And one friend of mine knows or so I thought.The reason my friend Sandy knew was that she confided in me that she cheated on her husband. She even gave me all of the horny details and I could tell she was getting...
I was young and an avid reader; I read anything that I would get on my hands. There was a particularly hamburger stand store that sold magazines as well. It was very small and family owned. I used to stop by almost on a daily basis since it was forbidden to read the magazines but the owner, Don Pedro, Mr. Pedro would never really enforce the rule with me as I normally would buy one magazine albeit I would read anything that was on the shelf. Don Pedro was a man in his mid forties, about 5’10”...
I have always wanted to watch by wife get fucked by a big black cock but never thought it would happen. She is a beautiful blond a little on the heavy side with DD tits and a nice round ass. Several times we have shared our bed with other men, but then she got heavier then she liked and wouldn't let anyone see her naked. Last fall we both went on diets and she lost a lot and was looking great. We won a trip to New Orleans for mar die graw in a raffle. My wife Dee was one of the 8 winners. First...
Sam was out on a run for free cheeseburgers from Inside Out, and the k*ds they were going to babysit later on in the day hadn't arrived yet, so Cat was bouncing on her bed playing with one of her yoyos. She had a red lollipop, to match her hair, in one hand and the green yoyo, to not match the lollipop, in the other. With her hair tied up in two ponytails, one on either side of her head, she could have passed for a twelve year old if it wasn’t for the noticeable lumps on her chest. She swung...
I lived in Jordan, and when I finished HS, I applied to go for University in S. California. Flying back and forth for my holidays I would always end up making an overnight stop in Manahattan. I was considered to be a hunk and a ladies man and was used to having both men and women take stealing glances at me all the time.I had an overnight stop in Manhattan one time and I was staying at the NY Hilton which is only a block or two from Broadway, it was on sixth avenue. Ever since I was around 13...
Chapter 5Nikki considered the large black cock, just a few inches from her mouth. She'd never sucked or fucked a black guy before, and she'd thought Fabian's cock was huge! But hey! THIS was an excellent cock, and there's a first time for everything. The bulbous knob entered her willing mouth and Mahmoud's large hand started kneading a tit, and tugging her sensitive nipple. "Suck it good now, yo' white 'ho," she heard the deep voice of the butler instruct her. She fleetingly wondered what had...
Last time we saw Jay and Amanda was when Amanda and Jeanette were doing a special video for Jay as an anniversary gift. The football season has ended for Jay. He currently has been spending his free time with his two favorite girls Amanda and Jeanette. Whenever he isn’t with his girls he is spending time and cheering on his cousin Moira seeing how the soccer season has started for her. Currently Jay will be facing an interesting conundrum but he doesn’t know it yet. But let’s find out what is...
Love StoriesAbhi story ki oor aa jate hai. Ye tab ki baat hai jab main gaon jaa rahi thi apne mamaji se milne. Morning mein late uthne ki wajah se maine jo ac bus book ki thi woh miss ho gayi. Isi wajah se mujhe ST bus mein travel karne ke sivay koi choice nahi thi. Is ST mein bohot se gaon vaale buddhe the. Ye buddhe bade hi tharki the aur gandi nazro se mujhe ghur rahe the. Aur mere baare mein toh aap jante hi honge ki main kitni naughty aur slutty ladki hu. Maine ek yellow t-shirt pehna that aur niche...
Hello guys and girls, myself insomanicman 24/m from surat, Gujarat. Thank you guys for your compliment on the last story. Bohot time waste na karte huwe sidha story pe aate hai. To baat pichle mahine ki hai mere ghar k samne 1 family rehti hai usme hai uncle aunty or unki 2 ladkiyan. Unki dono ladkiyon ki shadi ho chuki thi. Par kuch prblm ki wajha se unki choti ladki ka divorce hogaya tha or wo apne husband ko chod kar uncle aunty ki sath rehne aagai thi. Wo ladki ka naam tha kusum, age hogi...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto , ye mera third encounter hai. Me pehle apne aap ko introduce kar deta hu. Mera naam sajan hai. Me pune me rehta hu. Meri height 5.6 hai aur dick size approx 6 inch. Me daily exercise karta hoo gharpe so my body is fit and hot. Ab aapko jyada boar na karte hue sidhe story pe aa jata hoo. Ye incident 2 mahine pehile ka hai. Me jaha rehata hoo wahi paas me ek aubty rehti hai. Uski height 5 ft hogi. Wo dikhne me bahot fair hai. Jab bhi wo mere samane se...