Chez Amore
- 5 years ago
- 34
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Una missione come un'altra...
Per Anna non fa alcuna differenza chi sia il suo obbiettivo siano questi uomo, donna, bambini non fa differenza.
Con il tempo ha imparato a sopprimere il buon senso, se mai ne ha avuto, sviluppando anzi un certo sadismo per le sue... Imprese.
Kazuya Mishima: capo di Anna e leader della G corporation, azienda biotecnologica, oltre la sua odiata famiglia ha diversi rivali che minano la sua industria.
Uno di questi è un ricco e vecchio imprenditore giapponese, Tetzuo, il quale ha sempre cercato di porre fine alle attività illecite della G-corp.
Anna ovviamente è un identità segreta, sconosciuta all'opinione pubblica in quanto sicario prezzolato proprio come sua sorella Nina, odiata e da sempre sua rivale e nemica.
Anna riuscì ad entrare nelle grazie di Tetzuo facendosi notare da lui presso un lounge bar...
Sapeva che l'uomo era dedito ai posti lussuosi e raffinati, un po' come Anna, che si era messa a tiro solo per lui.
Abito cinese rosso con scollatura al centro lasciando molto spazio alla visione, calze ricamate e tacchi rossi.
Pettinatura a caschetto e rossetto rosso acceso.
Riuscita a farsi notare e dopo un drink si ritrovarono in camera dell'albergo soprastante.
Ormai nudi, Anna sì godette il momento anche se l'uomo era vecchio e sembrava sulla sedia elettrica da quanto ansimava... Cosa che eccitò molto Anna.
Si era messa a cavalcioni sopra l'uomo e sentiva quel insulso pene che sembrava chiedere pietà; decise che era il momento e mentre Tetzuo venne in un crogiolo di sudore sentiva le mani della donna attorno al suo collo.
Non credeva a quel che stava succedendo mentre veniva strangolato senza neanche riuscire a reagire, il cuore stava per esplodergli.
Esalato l'ultimo respiro muori così... Forse felice si chiedette Anna sicuramente lei lo era mentre guardava gli occhi spalancati senza vita della sua vittima.
Si alzò facendo colare sull'addome dell'uomo il poco seme che era riuscito a emettere
" Onorata di essere la tua ultima..." Ridacchiando.
La missione era compiuta.
Anna lasciò l'albergo come nulla fosse con tanto di occhiolino al giovane receptionist preso a guardare le curve della donna.
" Avrei proprio voglia di un corpo giovane dopo quel.. anziano.. magari potrei aiutarlo a fare esperienza"
Qual è il desiderio segreto di molti ragazzi della mia età?? Frequentando molte chat nelle quali si parla di argomenti “piccanti”, un desiderio alquanto diffuso è quello di avere un’esperienza sessuale tra le mura domestiche con la propria sorella, la zia, la cognata o come me con la propria mamma. Mia madre, infatti, è sempre stato il mio desiderio sessuale più segreto. E’ una bellissima donna di 46 anni, alta, formosa, un bellissimo seno (una 5^taglia credo) e un culo ed una figa da...
Afterward, I enjoyed peeling that totally slutty lingerie off my property, and puling her into me to cuddle with. The warmth & the feel of a woman you’ve just dominated is a powerful feeling, and I won’t lie, I damn-sure needed the break. After we lay there for a while, just enjoying not having a time fence, I let my property watch what I had just filmed, enjoying her watching as I fondled her. Anna-Brooks found that she enjoyed watching herself being dominated. She also got to...
Me costó un poco de esfuerzo y tres azotes más conseguir que me dijera el nombre de su compañera de trabajo, la propietaria de la regla con la que me estaba dejando el culo rojo, pero valía la pena. Sabía que durante mucho tiempo, recordaría aquella sesión y agradecería a Aurora el haberse dejado la regla olvidada el viernes encima de la mesa. Le conocía de Internet. Habíamos chateado varias veces y un par de encuentros a tomar unas cañas habían despejado mis miedos sobre si sería un asesino o...
fue también de mis primeras experiencias, sucedió una noche en que salí a caminar, iban a dar las siete y estaba lista para salir a vivir afuera, ¡dejar el closet por unas horas!, me observé en el espejo de cuerpo entero en la habitación, me gustó la chica que se asomaba ahí, convencida de mi presencia salí y me dirigí hacia Diaz Mirón, por supuesto que me sentía nerviosa, y una sensación de algo parecido a estar flotando, a veces era como escuchar todo muy lejano, y a veces el corazón...
"Welcome to FLASFOCON", the banner over the door of the hotel said, and I wondered if I was supposed to know what a 'flasfo' was. I pondered that for too long and almost got run over by a bunch of people pushing a luggage cart that they had so overloaded with suitcases, boxes and bags that it took all six of them to get it up the low rise to the door, leaving no one in charge of steering the thing. I jumped nimbly to one side and it rolled by me like a juggernaut, barely clearing the...
Esta historia es verídica. Me pasó este verano en las playas de cerca de Alicante (España). Os pongo en antecedentes. Soy hetero, muy hetero sin ningún interés en hombres. CAsado hace mas de 10 años, treintañero, muy deportista, ojos verdes, buen cuerpo, vamos que no tengo problemas para ligar y eso que me freno bastante.Siempre me han gustado las playas nudistas, que el sol te de en todo el cuerpo, ponerte morenito el culo (uno de mis mayores encantos). El caso es que hay varias por aquí...
AmoreBy: Sue(White Woman/Black-Puerto Rican Man)------------------- Taiwan walked up the stairs of the six floor story apartment building, he,his wife and c***dren;Ty and Eriana lived in for the past three years. Looking to the elevator Taiwan seen his neighbor Danielle holding the door for him."Thank You ma"He said slipping into the metallic doors."No problem"Danielle replied with a big smiled.Taiwan glanced at her and smiled. She was a beautiful young lady around 5'7 in height,mocha colored...
Pues ya tenia un par de meses saliendo con mi novia, todo viento en popa, salimos a caminar, a comer, al cine y pues todo lo que hacen las parejas. sin embargo llego el momento de ir a conocer a su mama, la señora se habia separado hace ya algun tiempo. y conoci a su mama. Al cabo del tiempo nos intercalamos un fin de semana en su casa y otro en el mio, llegamos al punto en el que nos quedabamos a dormir en casa del otro. Aqui es donde todo comienza ya que en momentos me quedaba solo con su...
Todo comenzó hace 2 años , Yo era una persona muy celosa con mi esposa regularmente peleabamos mucho tanto yo como ella nos celabamos demasiado , ya no era lo mismo como cuando fuimos novios con el tiempo ella pensó que la engañaba ( claro jamas me atrevi hacerlo por la razon que la AMO). Claro como todo hombre nos pueden gustar otras mujeres mas sin embargo un dia , me dijo es que tu me engañas sin dudarlo dos veces le mencione que no! , fue cuando le dije mira eh visto mujeres y realmente me...
Il racconto che sto per farvi nasce da quanto accaduto anni fa. Vivevo in un piccolo paesino del sud , ultimo figlio di una numerosa famiglia. Mio padre quinto di sei fratelli faceva il contadino. Tutti gli zii erano persone con il fisico robusto temprato dal duro lavoro dei campi. Il secondo fratello era uno scapolo è raggiunti i 50 anni ne dimostrava qualcuno in più , braccia forti e colori scuri peloso quanto basta.Fin da quando ero ragazzino si divertiva a farmi giocare sulle sue ginocchia...
Siempre he sido fanático de las películas de Superhéroes , cómic, manga era todo un friki en la Universidad me miraban como el "rarito " de la clase . pero eso nunca me importo. .Al principio del curso llego una chica nueva, su nombre era Alicia una rubia muy atractiva ese día llevaba puesto una licra color café mmmm que rico se le marcaba toda su vagina me daba la sensación que no llevaba puesto ropa interior pero supongo que eran mi imaginación.Los días pasaron y cada vez me obsesione mas con...
PART ONE Andrea Williams was ecstatic. The phone call told her that the part-time job was hers. Just what she wanted. Nine to three, five days a week. She could get her kids off to school by 7:30, jog for half an hour, shower, dress for the job, and be home by the time the kids came home from school at 3:30. Her son, Jeremy, was in the second grade, and now that her youngest child, daughter Megan, had started first grade, Andrea at last had the time she dreamed of to get out of the...
Anna - My Patient and My Love - UpdatedA Completed and Restructured Submissive Love Storyby Lewis Chappelle(Author’s Note: This story was originally written in seven chapters. Due to confusion in the publishing process, I have decided to reorganize the story as one continuous work.)She signed the new patient information form stating her name was Anna Bree; her health insurance card indicated the same. She said her reason for seeing my assistance was that, ?She wasn’t sleeping at night, she...
As she sat exposed and aroused in her bed, she wondered who could have been doing this to her. Each night she'd tried to stay awake, but simply could not resist sleeping, she was kicking herself for not waking up during the experience as well! She fantasized about Tony's thick neck and shoulders, about Andrew's bodybuilder physique, or maybe Michael's lanky runner's body - maybe his height gave his cock the reach to make the back of her throat as sore as it was, maybe it was Lewis,...
Anna looked again at her reflection in the mirror. Nature had been good to her. she stood five eight, with long blonde hair that flashed a ginger shade in some sunlight. Herm waist was a trim 26 inches, with hips that gently swelled to measure 34 inches. But it was higher up that nature had been really good to her. her breasts, the dark hard nipples topping her 38 D breasts. Lowering her gaze she smiled at her shaven crotch. Her parents had never noticed she shaved, but, they never saw her...
When Anna opened the door to leave the bathroom, she noticed Mr Davies had left. In a slight panic she looked around the room and found he had left her a note.Dear AnnaI know tonight seemed cruel of me but I couldn't resist. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. I just simply couldn't turn down the offer once I had seen you. I have signed the contract and will keep to our agreement.Yours sincerely Alan Davies."Turn down the offer?" she said out loud to herself.Anna sat...
Anna and I have been best friends since university and like all best friends we have had our ups and downs mainly fuelled by far too much drink, my insecurities over Anna's stunning looks and her ability to attract far more attention from guys than I ever could, but despite this we have remained truly loyal to each other and as my best friend I really value that in our friendship. Anna and I are very similar looking and we are a simular size as well, (which has always been fab for swapping...
I was staring at her now, watching as she peeled down her shorts, slowly exposing her gorgeous ass. Her naughty bits were concealed by a conservative bikini. Her shirt was already in the pile of clothes at her side, and her big tits were being held snugly by her elastic top. I was lounging at her side in my patio chair, sipping on a margarita by our pool.My wife, Anna, is a beautiful specimen of a woman. She has dark flowing hair, grayish-green eyes, and a soft feminine face. Her body is curvy,...
Anna thought she had the perfect life, at 27 years of age she was young, beautiful and intelligent. Married to her husband of 2 yrs, they both had good jobs and made each other very happy. They weren't rich by any means but they both had good salaries and were particularly careful with their money. This however was about to be put in jeopardy, as the world braced itself for a recession. Anna was one of six office staff working for a small clothing firm. The company had taken off extremely fast...
Anna by Michelle Lurker Part 1 Alan and Janine were best friends. As long as they could remember they had been together. They went to the same university, and when they graduated they shared a house in the city. Though Alan was out of work, Janine made enough at her new job to support them both. They shared everything, and considered themselves lucky to have such a wonderful friendship. Everything seemed perfect... Except for one...
Anna was born into slavery and was married at age 13 by the age of 15 she had two healthy boys. As Anna cleaned her sparse living quarters in her mind she kept hearing the words of the landlord Cyrus. She twisted and wrung her hands fitfully. How she wished for her husbands return from the battle of the Moors.A longing filled her heart as tears filled her eyes. For she knew not if he was dead or alive.As she made her two son’s beds her mind drifted to thoughts of her and her husband. How she...
-------- Anna 3: Anna and the Principal --------Anna's young son was looking for a cartoon video when he found the stack of photo printouts on the TV cabinet. Curious, he leafed through them. He was amazed to see his mother's face in many of them! But she was always naked! And there were men, one was a huge fat black man! In many of the pictures the men had their things, their wee-wee's sticking out! Except they weren't like his wee-wee: these were big, long, stiff, not short and floppy...
My name is Dewayne Williams. I'm the 37 year old Vice President of Operations for Quik Connect Media Group Southeast Region here in Marcustown Georgia. I am married with no children. For the eight years Rose and I have been married I've never cheated on her, at least not until now. You see, I am now a firm believer that every man has his own personal vice that can greatly weaken his resolve to the point where he would compromise things that he ought not compromise. No one is exempt. No one! My...
Oral SexANNA A SHORT STORY BY IMPLACABLE Anna can't sit down today, well at least not comfortably. Nothing unusualin that; today is Saturday, and Anna is always rather circumspect about sittingdown on Saturdays. By Monday she will be to manage her office chair as longas it has her usual cushion, a nice soft fluffy one. But for now she sips coffeein her best friend Julie's kitchen standing up. The reason Anna finds sitting rather less than comfortable is that her bottomand thighs are covered in black...
AnnaKapitel 1 Lange hatte ich die Entscheidung hinausgez?gert, hatte, wie viele unverheiratete M?nner der unteren und mittleren Einkommensgruppen, die ?ffentlichen Bordelle und sogenannten Clubs frequentiert. Gr??tenteils aus finanziellen Erw?gungen: ein Auto, eine halbwegs anst?ndige Wohnung verschlangen schon einen nicht unbetr?chtlichen Anteil meines Einkommens, den frei verf?gbaren Rest wollte ich eigentlich so gro? als m?glich halten, da war an eine erhebliche Kreditaufnahme zur Finanzierung eines S...
It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...
Anna's young son is looking for a cartoon video when he finds the stack of photo printouts on the TV cabinet. Curious, he leafs through them. He's amazed to see his mother's face in many of them! But she's always naked! And there are men, one is a huge fat black man! In many of the pictures the men have their things, their wee-wee's sticking out! Except they aren't like his wee-wee: these are big, long, stiff, not short and floppy like his. He looks closely at some the images: yes, it's...
AnnaAnna got home from work early and set about her housework. It was a rather pretty day outside with a nice breeze, so she opened the windows and put on some soft music. Not much needed to be done, just some laundry mostly and perhaps vacuuming if she was feeling ambitious. No reason to be uncomfortable though, so she went into the bedroom and slid out of her work clothes. Once she was nude she caught sight of her reflection for a moment in the full length mirror and paused to stare at...
Besides being a world-class tennis player, nineteen-year-old, Russian born, Anna Kournikova was also in great demand by the sportswear companies. Her supermodel good looks made her the top choice by them when they had in mind for the female clientele. This made her tennis competitors envious and jealous of her financial success because she was so much prettier than themselves, yet not as good a player as they were. This time it was a swimsuit company that had hired her good looks to promote...
Anna stands 5’2” tall with dark brown hair spilling curls over her shoulders. Her smile and laugh are very infectious. When her killer smile breaks out, her big brown eyes light up. She has a trim figure with B-cup breasts and smooth, flawless tan skin. Her pussy is always shaved clean with little labia that look like shiny butterfly wings when she spreads them. Her waist is small, but her glutes are round and her hips are wide, and when she touches her knees together you could almost toss a...
I'm sparring with Botilda, and I'm beating her. Badly. I can tell she isn't really trying. Then I'm sparring with Bret. I didn't even know he knew veegeewushu. But he does, and he's good. But I find I'm beating him even worse than Botilda. It's like he's throwing the match. And then it's back to Botilda, and I know she's throwing the match, and worse than she has to. I suddenly realize that each is trying to get beaten worse than the other. What the hell? I woke up. It was at...
My stepson Allan and I were sitting in his back yard, enjoying a beer and talking in general. I complimented him on how nice his wife Anna looked today, and what a lucky dog he was to have such an attractive and sexy woman. He shrugged. "Yes, Anna certainly takes care of herself; she's still a very attractive woman. But .. I donno .. the excitement isn't there like when we were first going together or when we were first married, you know?" He shook his head and asked, "Did that ever happen...
-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2--[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't last...
Sexy Seduction of Awesome Anna by Pretty Petra, as Young as YummyI see Anna enter my sexshop for ladies only in old Amsterdam at my closed circuit and immediatelyI know that my last shop-assistant, my only granddaughter Petra, will not let her leave untouched.I raised her from young age, after her parents died in a car-crash. Petra copied my sexual taste.I see what we both love in looks: tall, slender, small breasts, wasp-waist. Even a real redhead!I sit upstairs in our private rooms and smile...
Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeeze Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she has, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She's collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddles in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeeze her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I can roll her over, throw her legs over my shoulders, and fuck her hard and fast for my own...
---- Anna 1: Anna and the Firemen ----Trying to ignore the pain in my back, I gently squeezed Anna's firm buttocks. Such a sweet ass she had, a great handful to hold on to, to pull her against my penetrating cock as she rode me to an orgasm.She'd collapsed on my body now, her heavy breathing still puffing against my neck as she cuddled in post-orgasmic satisfaction. I squeezed her buttocks again. Let her get her breath back, and then maybe I could roll her over, throw her legs over my...
The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed.As Anna walked into the...
The bathroom was filled with steam. Anna and her mother had been in the shower for about 30 minutes now. It was Anna's birthday, and her mother Sharon had promised her a wonderful night. It was late in the evening. After spending the day with her friends, Anna had met her mother at home.Sharon walked in the door from work, tossed her purse on the couch, kicked her heels off, and wiggled a finger at her daughter, motioning her to follow her into the bedroom. Anna obeyed. As Anna walked...
Chapter 1 Jennifer Capriati was feeling on top of the world. She was finally back where she knew she belonged, at Wimbeldon, advancing toward the finals. Her last match had been a grueling one that seemed to drain the life from her. Though feeling great about her chances at making the finals, she was exhausted both physically and mentally. After the usual barrage of post match interviews, Jen made her way to the locker rooms to shower and head back to the hotel for some welcome rest....
Slavery of Nina Williams & Sonya BladeBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]: About two female characters from two different video games (Nina Williams is from Tekken and Sonya Blade is from Mortal Kombat), who were sent on assignments to go to Iran and kill the crazy President but get captured instead. They shall never return back to America and Ireland, and will instead spend the rest of their lives as the very things they dreaded. Both women ended up as a the...
Anna has me come over. She tells me it's been days since I had sex with her, and she understands. I'm not so young, I can't fuck as often as the younger men, but that's okay. She enjoys it very much when I just watch her playing with herself, when I help her pleasuring herself. She likes sucking on me, she likes me inside her even if I don't want to fuck her hard and come inside her.She then says she wants me to do something special just for her. She will suck me until I'm hard, and then...
-- Too Many For Even Anna! 2 --[Synopsis:My attractive daughter-in-law Anna had come to me with a very personal request. She'd always been fascinated with the thought of several men having sex with her, taking turns or even together. She asked me if I could arrange it, without her husband knowing.I collected two friends, the three of us met with Anna, and she enjoyed several very exciting sessions with us.All seemed to be going well, we were all having a good time .. but good things don't...
Anna's intimate introduction in a dirty daring dream after an inventive invitationAnna is my most intimate friend here. We live far apart, but dream about each other, right from our sexy start.Anna is as pretty and yummy as she is young. We share her taste, as she loves girls with similar sexy lovely lines.Anna is known by her breast size as username: 34a. Although she almost never wears a bra with her firm little tits.Anna is very fond of being naked. At her home in the cold she heats hot...
ANNA AND ERICA (a Lesbian tale)Moscow was bitterly cold and windy. Erica could have chosen a nicer evening but no, she had no choice. Her cover was less and less credible to the authorities and she had to leave by the night train. She was hoping to see Anna one last time before she left. Erica hadn’t seen the Russian since that time in the club. The Embassy had ordered her back to the US. Maybe she would get a chance to come back and convince Anna to join her. This is a summary of the short but...
She's an extremely attractive girl and I'm not the only guy in the bar checking her out, there's a few of us casting burning glances over to where she's ensconced with her somewhat frumpy looking companion. The pretty one is fully aware of what's happening (guess she's used to being ogled) and seems to be rather enjoying it. Certainly she's not discouraging the male attention: giggles, pouting, flicking of hair, shapely legs crossing and re-crossing in her tight little skirt, shoe...
Anna was laying on her couch waiting for her boyfriend Mike when she was startled by a loud knock at the front door. Thinking it was Mike she went to the door in her tiny tank top and shorts, Anna was surprised to see a large black man at the door who was looking for Mike. The mans name was Carl and it seemed that Mike owed him some money. After Anna told him Mike was not here Carl insisted he would wait and forced his way into the apartment. After a few minutes Anna notice the man glancing at...
InterracialAnna Terri Tremaine had been doing her homework. Two years earlier she'd been inside the interdiction field at a pickup. 'Where the hell did they go, dammit!' Anna's girlfriends, Stacy and Donna, were supposed to meet her, here at the food court. The problem was, when shopping, those two had the attention span of two squirrels on a diet of coffee beans. And the Tri-state area's largest outlet mall did not help. 'WTF! Why is everything outside gre ... Oh shit! It's a pick-up! I told...
//// "Look who's having a drink." Santana draws in her Spanish accent as she approaches the familiar older blonde sitting at the bar. Kathleen looks to her right as she sees Santana sit down and set her scotch on the bar. Santana still works for the Benefactor, as does she but she doesn't have any contact with him, only his people. Kathleen hides her feeling of surprise under a smirk. "I could say the same, darling." Kathleen drinks from the wine glass in front of her....
-------- Anna Show And Don't Tell --------During a morning coffee visit with my daughter-in-law Anna, she seemed a little sad. She finally admitted she was unhappy with her current life, the way she felt about herself. Her husband wasn't paying much attention to her, she was feeling old and unattractive.I told her this isn't uncommon (avoiding the catch phrase "for women your age"), and I had a suggestion on how to change that. Interested, she listened as I explained."I've learned from other...
-------- Anna 5 : Rescued --------My lovely daughter-in-law Anna was still leading a very complicated life. Her husband's workers were still visiting her almost daily, repeatedly r****g her and collecting their cum from her abused cunt for her husband's perverse use.The school principal from her son's school continued his demands, using the pornographic images of her that he'd confis**ted from her son to force her submission.He arranged several more meetings with Anna at her home, forcing her...
“Hey Anna, I’ve got a bottle of vodka and Jason is out filming a movie. Wanna hang together?” the text from Olivia Wilde read.“Sure, I’m not doing anything. Be right over!” Anna Kendrick responded.After filming their movie “Drinking Buddies”, the two actresses became very close friends. After Anna broke up with her longtime boyfriend, Olivia was the first person she called and ended up living with her for about a week. It had been a month since she had moved back to her own house when Olivia...
"Total deviant freak!" Michelle flung her car keys across the living room so hard they left a dent in the drywall. Only then did she realize there was someone else in the room: her identical twin sister Anna. "Sorry," Michelle mumbled as she dropped her purse on the carpet. "Something the matter?" Anna asked. "You bet it is." Michelle kicked off her pumps and sank into the warm cushions of the overstuffed couch. "That Richard you set me up with is an absolute perv. He started...
It had been a few weeks since Annas experience with Carl. She kept thinking about his large dong and how amazing her orgazms were with him. He was so strong and good looking and just hung like a horse. She had just gotten out of bed with Mike and was thinking about how guilty she felt. Mikes penis was so small and the romps in the sack with Mike barely last 15 minutes. In fact, this afternoon she dressed in a cute little pair of shorts and a half top and Mike lost his load as she was given him...
InterracialAnna stepped from the plane not knowing what to expect, she had been sent to the UK by her husband his business failing and had found one possible investor. Anna strolled through the airport not knowing what to expect she had short brown hair, bright red lipstick and the rest of her make up done as you see in a porn film. She had picked 4 inch black heels, fish net hold ups matching black underwear a white shirt and skirt suit as a powerful executive would choose. As she reached the exit she...
Hi guys, Thank you for reading the story and also for your feedback. I hope you enjoy the second chapter as well. T-Wnjk ********* Present Day ‘Anna? Anna?’ Ramone called looking concerned. ‘What?’ ‘You’re crying.’ ‘Oh,’ Anna said while wiping her tears. ‘Excuse me Ramone.’ Anna bolted to her bathroom and locked the door. Her heart was beating furiously and she rested her elbows on her sink with her head bowed down. She didn’t dare look at the mirror for fear of what she would see....
We had arranged to meet at the local coffee shop. As soon as I walked in, I could see you over in the corner. Would you recognize me? I wondered. As I walked over towards you and you looked up and smiled, your eyes were the first thing I noticed. I recognized them from the pictures I had seen, but your eyes had never looked that alive in your photos. They completely gave you away the fact that you were ready for us to meet. I stammered slightly saying hello as I sat down opposite you. After we...
BDSMThis story is about how I made her fantasy come true. Anna's Fantasy Come True My wife is a very attractive and sexy woman. She is 5' 3" tall, 125 Lbs with the most beautiful green eyes and smiles. We have been married for 14 years and I have never regretted a minute of it. She has brought out my most sensuous thoughts and desires within me. Anna is devoted loyal, committed, and obedient. She is the sexiest woman I have ever known. When we first got together, she always tried to play the...
HomosexualAnna lay back on the wide bed, her body still trembling from her last orgasm. Her husband Allan continued to stroke her body with one hand as he slowly moved the big vibrator inside her cunt. She wondered if he planned to excite her to yet another orgasm, knowing she'd welcome even more excitement if he offered it. She also wondered why he was taking so much trouble with her this evening. She couldn't remember the last time he'd made such passionate love with her, come inside her so hard, had...