Heavenly Pleasure free porn video

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I was in the lobby of a five star hotel in Washington DC when I saw her. My jaw dropped. I stared shamelessly. Never, ever in my whole life had I seen a woman like this. Beautiful… yes, but it was much more than that. She was sensuous beyond description.  Her dark brown hair bounced off her shoulders with a luster and energy that defined how she carried herself. She was confident but not cocky. Her smile radiated a playfulness, a joy of life.

Her deep brown eyes were full of passion, yet there was an air of innocence about her. She looked to be in her in her late twenties, but despite her youth, moved as if she knew who she was and where she was going. She dressed with style. Her tight black pants accentuated long legs and a shapely derriere. A low cut white top showed the naked swell of her breasts with a hint of nipple poking through. She moved with complete grace and a gentle sway of her hips. She was descended from the gods. She was royalty. She was perfect.

She walked by me towards the front desk. I caught her eye and nodded. She flashed me a big friendly smile molded from full lips and pearl white teeth. She said hello and moved on, almost as if acknowledging a loyal subject with sincere kindness. She was so far out of my league that we were hardly on the same planet. I didn’t see a wedding ring but I was sure she must have a billionaire boyfriend. Either that or she was daddy’s little rich girl.

The image of her perfection remained etched in my brain. I tossed and turned most of the night thinking of her shapely body, her beautiful smile and her sensuous demeanor. Why did the gods have to make women like that and then torment us mere mortals? The next day I went to work out in the hotel gymnasium after my conference ended. The place was packed and all the treadmills were taken. I was about to go lift weights while I waited when the treadmill in front of me freed up. I started to get on it just as the perfect woman showed up to use it.

I stood there speechless with my mouth open. She was dressed in a skin tight two-tone leotard that was dark blue on the bottom and white on the top with a narrow silver belt around her thin waist. Needless to say, every curve on her body was on full display. I was speechless and dumbfounded.“Oh, you want to use this, don’t you? I’ll just do something else until another one becomes free.” Her voice was soft and somewhat gravelly with a very slight European accent, almost an Audrey Hepburn tone but more subtle. She smiled her killer smile and turned to leave.

“No, please. You take it. I actually prefer the stair machine and one just freed up.” After a few “are you sure’s” she put her hand on my arm and thanked me with another heart melting smile. Her big eyes penetrated all the way into my soul and almost sucked the breath out of me. I got on the stair machine which was directly behind the treadmill and watched intently as she started to walk, then trot.

My eyes were glued to her perfectly formed ass on full display beneath the thin material of her leotard. The rounded cheeks moved up and down along the valley between them clenching and unclenching with each step. Twenty minutes later she finished and stepped off the machine. Every male eye in the place followed her. “It’s all yours if you want it.”

The million dollar smile flashed at me. Yeah, I wanted it, but not the treadmill. She walked over to the free weights. I got on the treadmill hoping to work out some of the sexual energy she had stirred up in me. By the time I was finished she was gone and I was dripping with sweat. I showered then went out. I was waiting for the elevator when Miss Perfect rounded the corner. The smile. The nod. I was trying to think up something clever to say, but she beat me to it. “You’re the guy from the gym. The one that let me use the treadmill.”

I nodded, still trying to think of something clever to say. “I’m Mansi.” She put out her hand. I took it, and for some reason raised it to my lips like a French Gentleman would. It was totally out of character but somehow seemed appropriate at the time.” “my name is Shailendra. It’s a real pleasure to meet such a stunningly beautiful woman.“Why thank you. I knew there were a few gentlemen still left in the world.”The elevator arrived. I held it open for her and watched the gentle sway under the short skirt she was wearing as she entered.

She pushed the top floor button then looked over at me questioningly. I told her ten. She started to push it then looked up with a gleam in her eye.“You know, Shailendra, there’s a lounge up on my floor where you can get a complementary drink. Do you want to join me for a nightcap. I sure could use one, and I would really appreciate some company.”I could hardly believe she was inviting Me for a drink. I mumbled something in the affirmative. She put her hand over her lips and giggled.

“That’s not really very ladylike of me, is it? I mean inviting you for a drink just like that. I doubt that a gentleman like you is used to such behavior. I hope you don’t think I was out of line.” “No. I… I’m honored, Mansi. Really.” The lounge was reserved for the top floor occupants where the privately owned suites were located. It was quite lavish with a night view of the monuments. No one else was there. The waiter informed us that the lounge was going to close in twenty minutes, but that we had time for a quick drink. We ordered champagne and sat on a black leather couch looking out the window.

Mansi really didn’t talk much about herself, and asked very little about my personal life. I did learn that she was from California and was visiting Washington for a few days to complete a project, but she never said what the project was. I didn’t talk much. I mainly listened to her most interesting musings and laughed along with her at the appropriate moments. It seemed like we were just getting comfortable when we were informed that the lounge was closing for the evening.

The waiter/host told Mansi she was free to take the champagne with her since it really wouldn’t keep overnight.“Splendid. My room is just down the hall. We can finish it there.” Once again I sort of stuttered an affirmative, being absolutely floored that her royal highness would invite me to her room.“Oh, I’m sorry. That’s awfully aggressive of me isn’t it. I must learn to act more like a lady. But I do have a perfect view and a nice place to sit and sip champagne, and I would hate to drink all by myself. Please?”

“I would love to join you, Mansi. I… I’m just not used to being in the presence of such beauty. I’m really quite honored that you invited me to join you. I’ll do my best to be good company.” Mansi put her hand on my arm, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I was quite aware that her thigh and the soft bulge of her breast pressed against my arm as she did so. She looked into my eyes and flashed that radiant smile.“Shailendra you are such a gentleman. It is I who am honored to be with you. Shall we go?”

The suite was magnificent. It was a corner room with windows on two sides and a perfect view of Washington and the monuments. The room was lavishly decorated with Persian carpets, leather couches and chairs, a patterned glass coffee table. A huge dining table and several paintings that could very well have been originals.“Why don’t you just take a seat over there while I get some glasses.”

I walked over by the sofa and looked out at the clear night. Besides getting glasses and bringing over a fruits that she said was in her room when she arrived, Mansi put on the radio and tuned it to a soft jazz station. She dimmed all the lights so we could look out and enjoy the view, then came over and stood beside me. She handed me a full glass of champagne, then hooked her hand around my arm and rested her head on my shoulder.

“It’s really quite romantic, don’t you think? And very peaceful. I much prefer this to the real world.”We touched glasses and stood silently sipping our champagne while looking out at the world below. After several minutes Mansi put her glass down and turned to me. “Dance with me, shailendra. Please. I’m just an insecure little girl who needs someone to make her feel special. Humor me for a little while.”

“You are special, Mansi. Everything about you is…well, perfect. I am truly humbled to be in your presence. I would be honored to dance with you.”She looked up at me and smiled, but this time I detected a hint of sadness. I could see tears welling in her eyes. She put her arms around my neck and pulled herself close. My hands went behind her and slipped around the small of her back. We began to slowly sway with the soft music.

We danced through two songs, barely shuffling our feet as we held each other close. Her hands caressed my shoulders and the back of my neck. I slid a hand up her back until it touched the naked skin above her top. My other hand slid down and caressed the swell where her lower back curved out just above her shapely cheeks. Her breasts were firmly pressed to my chest. I could feel the heat from between her legs against my thigh.

She had to feel my hardness growing the way she had her lower stomach pressed against me. I could detect a very gentle grinding motion as she moved against me. My hand slid lower until I had clearly violated the forbidden zone that marked the beginning of her derriere. My fingers pressed into the upper part of the valley between her cheeks. Mansi responded by grinding her womanhood against my thigh. Her lips pressed into my neck, opening to allow her tongue to taste me. I felt her shudder as if she were being touched for the very first time.

Our feet stopped moving. We looked deep into each other’s eyes. She was searching and probing for something she desperately needed as if she could find it somewhere inside me. Our lips met. Softly and tenderly our mouths explored – opening, closing, caressing, probing. When we were ready the tips of our tongues met, then slowly tasted each other while becoming entwined in a dance of passion.

Mansi hooked her leg around mine and pressed herself hard against my growing manhood, grinding the mound of her sex against it. I moved my hand under her cheek and caressed the perfect sphere through her skirt. Now we were kissing aggressively, almost recklessly. Our passions flared. Our touching, fondling and caressing became more intimate. Mansi’s hand moved around to my hardness. My hand went under the back of her skirt and over her panties rubbing the valley between her cheeks.

Mansi kissed around to my ear and shoved her tongue into it Her hand grabbed the bulge in my pants and squeezed it with her fingers. I pushed two fingers down the valley of her ass and between her legs. She tilted back until the tips of my fingers pressed into the soft crotch of her panties. My fingertips pushed rubbed up and down her moist gash. She moaned and pushed back against me.“Make love to me, Shailendra. Right now. Right here. I want you. No… no, I need you.”

Mansi slipped off her panties then laid back on the couch, her legs spread open and her hands on her blouse caressing her breasts. She looked absolutely stunning. I had to pinch myself to ensure I wasn’t dreaming. Her dark hair fanned out across the cushion. Her eyes were full of passion as they looked up at me and begged me to mount her. Her skirt was hiked up her thighs and barely covered her juicy treasures.

She looked absolutely delectable. I had to taste her. I dropped to my knees and started kissing up her leg and along her thigh until I could smell her tasty peach. I pushed up her skirt and got my first glance at heaven. The pink petals of her opening were folded open like a flower in the midst of a tuft of soft curls covering her swollen mound.

Her sex glistened with excitement. The aroma from her secretions filled my nostrils with her female essence. I was about to clamp my mouth over her mound to taste her sexual treasures when she pushed me away.“Get up here and make love to me. We can explore later. I need you in me… now. Please, Shailendra.”

Her voice was shaky and her hands were trembling. Her eyes were desperate, almost as if she were afraid at the depth of her need. I ripped off my trousers. Mansi stared at my hardness which was fully engorged with veins bulging from its length. I pulled off my shirt revealing my muscular torso and climbed up between her legs, anxious to please her and desperate to fill my own needs.

Mansi reached between us and guided my manhood to her glistening petals. I propped myself above her. She lifted her legs. Her knees were bent on each side of me. She worked my bulging head into her opening. Mansi let go and gripped my arms with her hands, looking up at me and waiting to be penetrated as if she were a virgin on her wedding night.

I pushed my swollen shaft into her quivering sheath. She threw her head back and gasped as my manhood filled her. Her fingers gripped my arms tightly. She bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. I slid deeper and deeper into her churning furnace until I could go no further. I held my hardness inside her, slowly grinding myself into her steamy chamber.

I could feel her silky walls grip me tightly desperate to hold me there. She let out another loud gasp just before her body stiffened. Her fingernails dug into my arms. She started shaking. Her heels clamped against my buttocks and she pushed herself up to me trying to draw me even deeper.

“Oh… oh… oh god… aaaahhhhhh… mmmppphhhh…”

She came hard in a fierce and violent eruption. She squirmed and bucked and cried out as if driving demons from her body. She had a powerful grip on my manhood as she clenched and unclenched against me in a series or orgasmic spasms. A sticky wetness seeped around the base of my shaft and dripped down my swollen testicles.

I stayed propped above her and watched in amazement as she let go, finally regaining some semblance of control. Mansi slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me. Her body was still shaking. She relaxed her grip on my arms. I stayed embedded deep inside her and could feel her tight walls twitching against me.

‘Thank you,’ she mouthed before putting her hands on the sides of my face and pulling my lips down to hers. Our mouths opened, tongues wrestling as we sucked and kissed in a surge of passion. Mansi wrapped her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. I started moving in and out very slowly so that she could feel my entire length withdraw from her heated chamber before it plunged back into its depths filling the desperate void.

The sensations surging through my own body was surreal, almost as if I were standing across the room and watching. Yet here I was holding and kissing the most perfect woman I had ever encountered, and exploring her most intimate secrets. Our bodies moved together in perfect synchronization as she lifted to meet me each time my swollen sex drove into her steamy womanhood. We were like two machines racing out of control, ready to burst from the exertion and excruciating pleasure.

Mansi pushed up on my shoulders and stared through my blue eyes with her deep brown pupils welling with tears that streamed down the sides of her face. Her lips were trembling as she spoke. “Let me pleasure you, Shailendra. Sit up, but don’t leave me. I want you to stay in me.”

I swung my legs onto the floor and pulled Mansi over my lap in one swift motion. My manhood stayed buried deep in her belly. She sat back on me and pulled her top off over her head. Her skirt was bunched around her waist. For the first time I gazed upon her magnificent breasts . They hung full and upright in perfect pear shaped spheres capped by swollen brown nipples with erect tips pointing slightly upward. We both looked down between our bodies to where my swollen shaft disappeared into her steamy passage.

Mansi began to move against me. We watched as the slick flesh of my sex moved in and out of her body. She pushed herself up until only the very tip of my head was inside her, then slowly impaled herself back down my length. Mansi took my hands from her waist and moved them up over the warm swells of her breasts. I need the soft flesh with my fingers. My thumbs rubbed across the sensitive tips of her nipples. She was staring at me seductively, licking her lips as she ground her sex against me. She leaned forward and guided her nipple to my lips.

I sucked as much of her breast as I could swallow. My tongue teased her sensitive nipple. I continued to massage her other breast with my hand. She continued to gyrate against me, moaning louder and louder as I licked, sucked, slurped and nibbled on her swollen bud. I switched and repeated my oral ministrations on her other breast.

“Oh god, Shailendra… oh god… oooohhhhh… aaaaahhhhhhh…”

Mansi had another orgasm. This time she held me deep inside her grinding against the base of my shaft. Her body shook and shuddered against me. She bit into my shoulder to muffle her screams. Once again I could feel a wetness between us as the product of her passion seeped from her quivering chamber.

It was all I could do to hold off my own release. Holding this magnificent woman against me with my manhood buried deep inside her and feeling her experience ultimate pleasure had my body tingling. My testicles were churning. I could feel my shaft throbbing inside her, but the timing didn’t seem right. I bit my lips, closed my eyes and fought the release.

Mansi collapsed against me. Her body shuddered one last time. The length of my engorged manhood stayed buried deep in her belly. The softness of her creamy breasts pressed against the light hairs of covering my chest. Her lips pressed against my ear.“Oh Shailendra… you make me feel like this is the first time I have ever experienced pleasure. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” She nuzzled against me and kissed my neck.“Will you stay with me tonight and be my lover? Please don’t leave me. Please…”

I pushed her back to look at her beautiful face. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but she was smiling at me. She was a mystery… so full of beauty and passion, yet carrying a sadness tucked away deep inside. I wanted to find out who she was, wanted to track down the pain inside her and sooth it but I knew if I tried it would spoil everything.“Yes, my sweet, beautiful, sensuous Mansi… Of course I will.”

I carried her into the bedroom and put her down on the oversized bed . I stood staring down at the naked goddess below me. She smiled at me . She reached out and wrapped her hand around my rod. “I think this needs some attention. I’ve been a very selfish girl giving myself pleasure without thinking about your needs.”

Mansi rolled over onto her stomach and propped herself on her elbows facing me. Her legs were slightly spread below her rounded cheeks separated by a crevice which curved between her legs. Her breasts hung down from her chest with her erect nipples barely brushing the bed. Mansi’s hand was still wrapped around my hardness. She leaned forward and flicked her tongue across the sensitive head which bulged from the top of my shaft.

She continued to roll her tongue around me, exploring the ridge of my crown and the slit in the tip. Her eyes never left mine. Mansi’s oral skill erased any doubts I may have had about her innocence. She knew exactly how to pleasure a man. She kissed and licked her way down the length of my shaft exploring every ridge and vein pushing out from the engorged flesh. She took each testicle into her mouth, then the entire sack while pressing against the sensitive ridge of my scrotum.

Her lips and tongue moved back up my shaft until her lips were perched against the smooth skin stretched over my head. Mansi moved her lips back up to the tip then back down to the crown. She did this again and again torturing me by stimulating every nerve ending in the swollen head of my manhood. I had no chance of holding back the impending orgasm. I squirmed and tried to push up into her mouth, but she wouldn’t let me go further.

Just as I was about to explode, Mansi grabbed the base of my shaft and squeezed hard. I felt a mixture of excruciating pain and pleasure for about two seconds before the urge to release was forced back into my testicles. A small trickle of white fluid did escape. She quickly flicked her tongue and scooped it up into her mouth.

Mansi gave me a wicked smile, then reached around behind me and grabbed my buttocks. She opened her mouth and let my hardness slide between her lips and deep into her mouth. She rubbed her tongue along the underside of my shaft moving her lips up and down my length. Her hands pulled me into her on each thrust, trying to draw me deeper and deeper. I grabbed her head and matched her movements. I felt her throat open. I went deeper and deeper until her lips were pressed against the soft curls at the base of my shaft.

he held me there massaging me with her throat muscles before pulling back and continuing the in and out motion. I knew there was no way I could hold back this time. Mansi knew it as well. She looked up at me with her big eyes and nodded her head in consent just as she felt my manhood begin to swell. Her fingers went back to my scrotum and rubbed the firm ridge to encourage my release. It worked.

Every ounce of energy in my body rushed to my groin. My testicles let go, shrinking rapidly as they forced hot creamy seed up my shaft. My head started spinning and my mind went blank. I felt the hot liquid surge through my expanding manhood. The milky essence of my being blasted into her mouth in a long and steady stream of release. I let out a loud groan. I continued to pump stream after stream of hot creamy seed into Mansi’s mouth.

She helped to milk it from me by pressing on my scrotum and sucking on my spewing manhood. She swallowed what she could but as I looked down I could see white liquid drooling down the corners of her mouth. I was weak and wobbly in the knees when I finally finished. Mansi kept licking and sucking me until I started to go soft in her mouth.

“Wow! That was at lot of stuff. But I’m glad I could taste you. I hope you didn’t mind.”Mansi rolled over onto her back and cleaned the excess with her fingers while looking up at me. No, I told her, I didn’t mind at all. I was still having a hard timing believing any of this was really happening. If it was a dream I sure hope I would never awake. And if I had died I was surely in heaven.

I sat down on the end of the bed and cradled her foot in my hand. I smiled at her teasingly as I lifted it to my lips. I kissed each of her toes, then pressed my tongue between them, finally sucking the first two into my mouth. With her other foot Mansi rubbed my semi-hard manhood, caressing it with her toes as she slid along its length.“I want to taste you, Mansi. I want to taste every inch of your perfect body and then I want to pleasure you with my mouth.”

She smiled at me moving a hand up across her breast and teasing her nipple.“Yes, Shailendra… I want that too. God, you know just how to make a woman feel special.” I kissed along her calf then rolled her over and kissed up the back of her knee and thigh caressing her smooth skin with my lips and tongue. When my lips were just below the swell of her cheeks I could smell the powerful aroma of her sex from between her legs. Her legs spread as I kissed down the inside of her thigh then up over her creamy cheek.

My tongue trailed up the valley between them. Mansi squirmed trying to push herself up to my face. My hand teased the inside of her thigh then brushed up against her moist sex, probing gently through the smooth folds of her opening. I held my finger there and let her squirm against it as I continued my oral journey up her body. I kissed the small of her back, then along her side to the bulging swell of her breast mashed against the bed. I kissed and licked along her shoulders until I reached the back of her neck then climbed onto her back pressing the length of my manhood into the valley between her cheeks.

My hands massaged her shoulders as I kissed the back and side of her neck. She moved her ass against my hardness, clenching her cheeks. My lips moved to her ear. I pushed my tongue in and swirled it around. Mansi turned her head. Our lips and tongue met in a hot and wet kiss.

Mansi rolled over so that she was facing me then pulled her lips back to mine, sucking my tongue into her mouth. I kissed down her neck, sliding along her body until my lips touched her nipples. I kissed and nibbled each one while fondling her soft melons with my hands and fingers. My lips trailed down across her flat stomach until they brushed against the soft curls covering the mound to her womanhood. She pulled her legs back and pushed my head lower.“Eat me, Shailendra. Lick me. Fuck me with your tongue. Make me feel like a woman.”

I moved my lips and nose down her gash then back up. My tongue flicked across her sensitive clit. Mansi trembled briefly and let out a gasp. I clamped my mouth over her mound and shoved my tongue into her steamy passage. Her legs went over my shoulders as she bucked up into my face. My hands grasped her ass cheeks and pulled her hard against my mouth. Mansi was squirming against my face trying to drive my tongue deeper into her sex. Her moans and gasps become more intense. My tongue flicked around inside her, caressing the smooth walls of her juicy chamber. I sucked, slurped, kissed, licked and made love to her with my mouth.

I could feel her release building. My two fingers were digging around deep inside her love chute. Juices of passion were flowing freely coating my hands, lips and chin. I sucked, licked and nibbled her swollen clit, rolling it around on my tongue. Mansi put her feet on the bed and pushed up hard into my face. Her legs were shaking, her muscles getting tense. She had her hands over her tits pinching her nipples.“Oh god, Shailendra… I’m going to… cum… oh god…”

I pulled my fingers from her and clamped my mouth over her pussy. My tongue shot deep inside her. Mansi came hard. Her entire body jerked and thrashed below me, but I kept my lips clamped tightly to her gushing chamber. Her female essence filled my mouth. I sucked it out of her and swallowed it down my throat. She finally collapsed onto the bed breathing hard. Mail your comments to

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Heavenly Experience With An Aunty

Hey, what’s up my friends, I am kk back with another story of mine. Thank you all for your feedbacks, I really appreciate that. So, people who haven’t read my earlier stories, I am 23 yrs old, 5 ft 9 inches tall guy, who loves to adventure around. My email id is So, let’s start the story. And yes, all my stories are not true. Some are true and some are just fantasies. So, this happened with a married woman, a lady who was 40 yrs of age. And man what a shape she had. We all know that married...

1 year ago
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Heavenly Sex With Mommy

Hi to all and this is is Preethi from Bangalore narrating an real horny incident which changed my life completely. My dad died when I was 10. So my mom went to work for our living as she could not care me well, I was sent to a hostel type school which is very far from my house. I usually come once in 5 or 6 months only to my house to spend few days with my mother. My mother Viji is so affectionate towards me and very free and open to me. We are from a very conservative family and so my mom...

2 years ago
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Heavenly sex with lovely uncle

Hi to all ISS readers. I am Vinay first of all let me describe about myself, I am 5’10” height, 73kg, 32W very fair, 9inch thick hard hot and 3inch wide dick with nice round ass and heavy thighs. I want to share my first childhood experience with u all. This incident happened when I was in 7th class. My family and I used to stay in Hyderabad city but my father got transferred to a town nearby. I then joined in a school. Near to our house there was a playground in which I used to play with my...

3 years ago
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Heavenly dreams1

NC and was making new friends. From going to my community pool, I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only two years older than me,17, she always seemed unapproachable to me because she was an upper class-man...funny how you see things when you're young. Sara always had guys...

2 years ago
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Heavenly dreams

Introduction: this happened in the early 80s loosing my virginity, where do I begin… This story happened when I was in 10th grade. I had recently moved from upstate NY to NC and was making new friends. From going to my community pool, I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only two...

4 years ago
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Heavenly dreams

loosing my virginity, where do I begin… This story happened when I was in 10th grade. I had recently moved from upstate NY to NC and was making new friends. From going to my community, pool I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only a year older than me,17, she always seemed...

3 years ago
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Heavenly Trip With My Lovely Colleague

Hello ISS readers. This is Happychap again from Bangalore and I am 30 years old. Thanks for the good responses for the last story. I am sharing one of my recent experiences today. Now moving onto the story. It involves my colleague Celina (name changed). She had joined our company a few months ago. She is her in the ’30s and good looking. She has wheat complexion and pretty voluptuous. I slowly became good friends with her. Our friendship grew strong with time. She slowly started to tell about...

2 years ago
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heavenly fuck

So ever heard of a game called 2 hours in heaven. I got invited to a friends party where she always plays this game. Now you have a choice, you can talk, makeout, fuck, etc. It was my go to pick from the hat and so i pulled out a silver chain. This gorgeous blonde guy (who is now my boyfriend carlos) stood up and took me into the bedroom. Lights off. Door locked.He isn't one to wait around and went straight into kissing me with passion and force, slowly moving down my body, stripping me as he...

1 year ago
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Heavenly Weekend

My husband and I are avid golfers and for the last three years we have belonged to a private club, where on the weekends he plays with three other guys and I play with three women. We are the only group at the course in our age bracket, twenty six to thirty, so the only time we play with other club members are in club tournaments and we like it that way. Now four times a year the men go on a three or four day golfing weekend somewhere and we ladies do likewise, kind of a mini vacation four...

2 years ago
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Heavenly dreams Round two

So, I just lost my virginity to the most amazing girl I knew and she wants more. Sara quietly collected her panties and teeshirt and walked towards the stairs and gestured for me to follow. I started to feel scared again but now I was hooked! I looked around the living room and was sure everyone was still asleep so I quietly followed. Instead of walking up the stairs to her room, Sara grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the stairs down to the ‘play’ room and she whispered for me to...

4 years ago
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Heavenly fun

I decide we need to move to your bed and lift you with my hand under your pussy, with my other at the small of your back to support you, I walk over to your bed and gently place you on it, removing my hand from your jeans. I break our kiss and move my head down to your breasts and start sucking and lightly nibble your nipples. I undo your jeans and push them down your legs, you returning the favour. I move up onto your bed and turn around, lying on my side, I lean over and kiss your the...

3 years ago
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Heavenly Night Ch 02

Joseph had to leave Miriam’s house soon after their passionate night. He headed back to Sepphoris on business for his firm. He was convinced that his betrothed, given her background, would be faithful to him in his absence. Given that probability, his own sense of fairness forbade him to use the youths of Sepphoris as he had in the past. As for Miriam, she was quite pleased to have lost her virginity, but she was also rather worried about it. All well and good for Joseph to claim that her...

2 years ago
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Heavenly Skye

Finally, college was virtually over with only finals and graduation remaining. My parents had visited and loaded most of my things in their truck. I had my bike and they would return for graduation and collect the last of my bits and pieces.I stood looking at the near empty room. Everything that had made this a personal dorm, including posters on the walls, had gone. But I had memories. The memories of where I’d met the love of my life, where I grew into who I am now. The room was where it all...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Heavenly Suck

Summer had been and gone and Melissa and I seemed to be busy all the time. I was in catering college and she was in university. She had made it abundantly clear to me that we were not an item, we were just good friends that happen to have sex. That was fine by me as I had become close friends with one of the girls at college.  One evening Melissa came over to hang out. As usual she looked sexy as hell. She seemed a bit withdrawn and I asked her what the problem was. She looked at me and told...

Oral Sex
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Heavenly Night Of Sex With Cousin Sister Arshiya

Hi all readers, this is Madhan here. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the . About me: I am Madhan, 27 years old, 6 ft tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest cities in India – Mysuru. I am currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of chicks/aunties). This is the story of one of my readers (Sonu) and his mail id is “”,I am writing this in his...

3 years ago
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Heavenly CousinInLaw

Hi, my self manoj agrawal from raipur (C. G.). Main ek married person hu. Meri shadi ko 4 saal hue hai. Story ki heroin meri dedh saali hai jiski shaadi ko 9 saal ho gaye hai. Wo bhi raipur main hi settle hai to usse milne main koi takleef nahi hoti. Uska pati uspe shak karta hai, jisse wo bahut pareshaan rehti hai. Aur use uski is pareshani ka solution maine diya. 34d-40-40 figure hai uska. Behad sudar dikhti hai. Height kam hai lekin height ka kya kaam. Uske paas duniya jahan ki jaanat hai....

2 years ago
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Heavenly Travel

i am achu(name changed) from Bangalore, 35yrs, athletic body type and fair. Married. I am a very frequent visitor of this site and like the sex stories very much. Though I have a too much inclination to sex since my high school days, I had a cousin about 5yrs older who used to keep my hand at her boobs and pussy when I was quite young, when sleeping beside her whenever we met in festival and other functions of relatives My first wet dream started when I was in 10std as most men do. First time...

3 years ago
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Heavenly Feeling With My Presence

I am regular reader of ISS and I would like to narrate a true incident happened to me in my office. This is the first story I am posting and please send your comments. Before going to story let me describe about me , i was in my late 20’s and I had no experience on sex. I was 160 cms height and weighed 50 kgs with average body. Coming to the story, we needed a receptionist for our office as the other had left due to marriage. We called for an interview and many of the girls/woman turned up. We...

1 year ago
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Heavenly experience

Hai, all ISS lovers & admirers, I am lokesh, back again to continue part 2 of my experience. First of all my hearty thanks for all of you who sent me ur overwhelming response & love to my mail , thanks again & would love to get such replies but I am sorry cant reply immediately as there is no much time and so many mails r there. Well I said you all how I enjoyed my night with roopa – the sex goddess of that night , now to continue the incidence after that – I was forced by aunty (roopa mom to...

2 years ago
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Heavenly Healing

Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to my Proof Reader The drive to the hospital always starts my day on a positive note; there is usually very little traffic. The hospital is located in countryside setting, far from the city; built in a picturesque area with rolling hills, in the middle a natural ravine now intersected with numerous wheelchair paths for the numerous patients. When visitors first view the complex, the intricate layout makes a lasting...

2 years ago
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Heavenly Night

Chapter 1 "Miriam!" shouted Rebekah, the girl's mother. "Yes, Mother?" "Miriam, get dressed. Your 2nd cousin Joseph is coming over today. He is your betrothed, remember?" "Yes, Mother! I've barely even met Joseph! I have not seen him since my last birthday, and both you and Father want me to marry him. He's an older man, anyway. So, what is the rush about?" "He is coming over to meet you again, and get to know you better, as well as renew his family connection to us. He is a...

1 year ago
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Heavenly Sex With Friend8217s Big Butt Mom 8211 Part 1

Hey friends, I am Raj, age 26 from Mumbai. I stay with my parents and handle my dad’s business. One day I was shopping in a supermarket when suddenly I bumped into my college friend Ketan’s mom Seema. Ketan was my college junior and he must be 3 years younger than me, maybe 23 years old. Ketan’s mom Seema aunty was 48 years old and was a writer and his both parents worked for some publishing house. My friend’s mom Seema aunty recognized me and she called my name out. I too quickly recognized...

1 year ago
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Heavenly Night

"Miriam!" shouted Rebekah, the girl's mother. "Yes, Mother?" "Miriam, get dressed. Your 2nd cousin Joseph is coming over today. He is your betrothed, remember?" "Yes, Mother! I've barely even met Joseph! I have not seen him since my last birthday, and both you and Father want me to marry him. He's an older man, anyway. So, what is the rush about?" "He is coming over to meet you again, and get to know you better, as well as renew his family connection to us. He is a successful carpenter, so you...

3 years ago
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The boys next door The forbidden pleasures

It was a hot summer day, the mercury touching 42 degrees Celsius and still climbing. Even though it was evening, it felt like a furnace. Thankfully I had the day off from work. The ceiling fan in my room barely provided any comfort. Living alone has its advantages, so I spent most of the day lounging around in my underpants, or naked. The heat was making me hornier with each passing hour.Some time later I heard voices in the corridor and looked through the keyhole. Someone was moving in to the...

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Offered at MissMaud in the village of pleasures

Offered at MissMaud in the magic village.Meeting the accomplice partner, tuned in to the same wavelength, to practice these delicious and tasty exquisite games; is not an easy thing to do.Until the day I entered the place dedicated to these games, in the magic village, this club offering the light-dark of being able to practice this for real.It was a thrilling sexual revelation, orgasmic both cerebral and physical. But I needed to find a partner with whom I could surf with regularity on the...

2 years ago
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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter Four Return to Hidden Pleasures

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Reader - the story continues from Chapter One - Hidden Pleasures Chapter Four - Return to Hidden Pleasures As Linda was finishing the kitchen cleanup Lady P strolled in looking lovely and ready to go out. "Linda dear, I laid out some clothes for you. We have a mani/pedi scheduled at Mistress Beth's salon in an hour and then we're taking you shopping." "Yes m'lady," Linda replied. As she left the kitchen Patricia reminded her that...

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Awakening to New Pleasures

AWAKENING TO NEW PLEASURES ? by: Zay I am awakening. I hear gentle music. A soft voice goes deep into my thoughts. Something like "sexy calm," or "calm sexy..." I feel the headphones on my ears. I feel the silky mask over my eyes. I feel so calm and sexy... My arms and legs feel so comfortable and secure, wrapped snugly in silky material. My feet and knees are spread, so comfy... I feel the air caressing over my body. My cock feels like it sticking straight up. I feel so...

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The Evolution of Sub Linda Chapter One Hidden Pleasures

The Evolution of Sub Linda By LindaK Hello Readers. If this is your first exposure to my tales of Linda I suggest you begin with 'A Tale of Submission'. For those returning readers, welcome back. The first book was based on some real-life experiences I had but mostly built around a lifetime of fantasies and attempts at making those fantasies come to life. Unfortunately real life isn't the same as fiction and those fantasies mostly remained unfilled. Nevertheless, they fueled my...

3 years ago
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Guilty Pleasures

Introduction: She needed an escape from her old hubby, she had no regrets about Guilty Pleasures. What would Robert say if he knew? Debbie thought. Her husband, Robert Fields was the CEO of several multimillion dollar companies overseas. She lived in luxury. He was an older guy, but she wasnt even twenty five yet. Though he wasnt a very pure man, he stronger agreed with the television evangelists when they started screaming and yelling about how terrible homosexuality was. What would Robert...

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Sallyrsquos Guilty Pleasures

Sally’s Guilty PleasuresSally was the local dealer… dealer in guilty pleasures, that is. In other words, she was the only Girl Scout on the block. If you wanted cookies, you had to track down this cookie girl and share some of her “stash”. Each year, I would see her in her green vest going door to door taking orders and later delivering the boxes. Sally was kind of plain until she smiled. Then her face would beam like the sun. She had skinny legs and a slight figure. Her blonde hair was...

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Salvation Ch 20 The Trustees Pleasures

Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the...

1 year ago
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Pans Pleasures

Pan’s Pleasures Cheila felt the tall grass tickle her bare legs and feet as the warmth of the sun bathed her exposed breasts and face. She ran her fingers through her long golden hair, smiling as the beauty of the day filled her senses with pleasure. Here in her private world, far from the cares of her village, she could wander sky clad and let the gods revel in the beauty of the body with which they had graced her. Her tanned legs were long and supple with graceful, sensual muscle tone, and...

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Riverside Pleasures

My wife has a good figure but is normally reserved about showing it off. She is happy to wear bikinis, as long as they cover her bits effectively.She is quite sensual and likes to wear sexy underwear, but insists that it is purely for my benefit. I know that it makes her feel sexy as well (and possibly a bit naughty when she wears skimpy or transparent underwear).I would like her to reveal more of her figure and have suggested outings to naturist areas or nudist beaches. I get a thrill from the...

2 years ago
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Salvation Ch 24 Herberts Pleasures

pleasures of being a patron at Avondale Academy. He is able to watch as the pupils learn some very painful and humiliating lessons, from Miss Hilda Ashton the Academy's sadistic Headmistress and her equally sadistic staff. Working closely with Miss Marchant, Herbert had gained her trust and it was Alice who introduced him to the ancient art of acupuncture and one day without telling him the reason why, made him accompany her to London's Haymarket. Requesting the coachman to...

3 years ago
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Sweet T and the Wicked Pleasures

I watch you walk from your car into the Wicked Pleasures store and decide to follow, just to see what tickles your fancy tonight…you seem to be in a rush and I can tell as you walk past the light, by the way your voluptuous butt jiggles and the bounce of your braless big breasts that you have been in a hurry…my my..insatiable baby must be extra horny tonite, I smile…I enter behind you and watch you go inside the “100 lashes spanking room”…right up my baby’s BDSM alley I think, just as the night...

2 years ago
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Guilty Pleasures

What would Robert say if he knew? He‘d do more than say things. He’d divorce her, kick her out, and smear her name throughout the whole city. Debbie was dressed in a black pants suit and black heels, she looked important. And sexy. Very sexy. Her hair was pulled into an elegant knot at the nape of her neck, and her makeup and nails were done perfectly just before she left the house by professionals. So why would a woman like Debora Fields doing on a city bus when there were three luxury...

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my Key Holder shows her displeasure

A couple days ago, my key holder came over for my weekly inspection. I was strung up from hooks in the ceiling. My hands restrained above my head and my legs were spread wide. My key holder expressed her displeasure with me as she picked up a rather large ball gag and forced it deep in my mouth. Then she removed her blouse and bra which then w=exposed the key that was hanging between her luscious breasts. She got down on her knees and unlocked and removed the chastity cage from my manhood.At...

3 years ago
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Bound And Pleasured

“Okay, Serena… Strip!” my black dominant lover said to me. The flatness of his tone sent a chill down my spine. “Now!” he insisted.I seductively wet my lips and smiled as I casually opened the buttons of my dark-blue, silk blouse, and then pulled it back to expose the powder blue lace bra that supported and accentuated my breasts. He nodded his approval, and said, “Leave the blouse on, for now. Take off your skirt.”With the same casualness as before, I undid the button on my white, pencil...

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Time Manipulation Mind Control Chapter 15 Sisters Wicked Pleasures

Chapter Fifteen: Sister's Wicked Pleasures By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Krystal Sampson I clapped my hands together, shouting, “Come on and cum in her! I don't care if you're gay!” “I'm getting closer, Mistress,” grunted Steve. He was Petra's ex-boyfriend, one of the three guys my brother turned gay yesterday by accident when he first paused time and started this wonderful mess. Steve had a fit, muscular body that I was appreciating a lot more since my girlfriend, Ji-Yun, turned...

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A Boathouse Orgy To House Of Pleasures

I was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...

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