- 3 years ago
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"Miriam!" shouted Rebekah, the girl's mother.
"Yes, Mother?"
"Miriam, get dressed. Your 2nd cousin Joseph is coming over today. He is your betrothed, remember?"
"Yes, Mother! I've barely even met Joseph! I have not seen him since my last birthday, and both you and Father want me to marry him. He's an older man, anyway. So, what is the rush about?"
"He is coming over to meet you again, and get to know you better, as well as renew his family connection to us. He is a successful carpenter, so you should pay him some respect, not to mention the fact that he is your betrothed."
Miriam hurried with her changing, and then went out to feed the kids. Her family's she-goat was quite fertile, with a proper number of kids to become either milk or meat for their subsistence. Miriam's side of the family was definitely not the wealthy part of it.
Her father was a herdsman, with several cattle, but not as much as the neighboring Bar-Levi family. They were the wealthy herdsmen of the hamlet of Nazareth, a de fact suburb of the Greek city-state of Sepphoris. Sepphoris was a Greek colony, virtually independent of all outside rule, and it pretty much eclipsed neighboring Nazareth. People from Sepphoris sometimes came through Nazareth, barely concealing their scorn for the locals.
Miriam's family basically hoped that her marriage to Joseph Bar-Jacob would enhance their prosperity and status. She was the only child left, since her brother Zadok had been executed as a supporter of Parthia by Herod, the country's ruler. Her burden to preserve the family line and assets was very much increased by that tragic event.
Joseph was related to her, which was considered a good thing, not a bad one, unless one was too closely related to one's betrothed, such as a brother or uncle. The Torah made it clear that such people should be stoned to death for close incest. Joseph was exactly as distant a relative as he had to be for their purpose. He was still of the same extended family.
When they all sat down to eat, Joseph could not help but notice that Miriam, now 18, was quite lovely, albeit in a rustic way. She had an earthy, olive complexion, smooth skin, very cute lips and plenty of dark, almost black hair. Part of him wished that they were already wed.
Joseph was not sure of how Miriam felt about the marriage, but he knew that he was rather pleased at the choice. Did she prefer to find some way of her betrothal, was she resigned to it, or did she get thrilled by it? He was not in love with her, but he liked the idea of Miriam being his wife. She seemed a very pleasant girl.
As for Miriam, she was starting to see that Joseph was rather smart, sensible, and not exactly ugly. She knew that he was somewhat well-off, and that certainly impressed her, but she did not know him as a person that well, until this dinner. His face was not beautiful, but he was strong, tall, and sturdy. He had a nice beard, not too bushy, and rather wavy hair, which was quite appealing as well.
What's more, he smiled at her frequently, was kind to her, and even seemed to have a sense of humor. Not such a terrible arrangement that her parents had made for her, after all. In fact, for some strange reason, her body was beginning to squirm with the thought of losing her virginity to this masculine fellow.
Something about this cousin of hers, this manly carpenter, was making her feel excited.
She would have some serious dreams about him tonight! Strange, that morning, he seemed like a future burden, and now, she felt rather thrilled at the idea of marrying him. She might not be in love with the man, but she at least liked and admired him. In fact, she found her hands doing something that she was embarrassed to have known- she was touching herself.
Miriam was fondling her womanhood, when suddenly, Rebekah entered.
"Miriam! Don't do that to yourself! It's wicked!" Rebekah yelled at her.
"But Mother, I'm a virgin, and I feel so excited when I see certain men."
"That doesn't excuse self-abuse, Miriam. You're my daughter, and we don't allow that kind of behavior yet. No touching that part of you until you marry Joseph."
"But, I was thinking of Joseph!"
"Were you? Well, you won't have to think of him in a month, when you marry him. Can't you wait that long?"
"In the meantime, how do I handle this desire for him? I need some release!"
"No, you just think that you do. Time will make you a satisfied wife. Until then, however, you are not to defile your body that way. It's like violating yourself."
With that, Rebekah left a much frustrated Miriam, who didn't understand her mother at all. What was wrong with taking care of her need to climax? Tonight she was getting so wet at the thought of her betrothed, and that should have made her mother happy, but apparently her pleasure didn't matter. Her mother just didn't want her "defiled" or "cheapened".
Miriam for once ignored her mother. This time, she was just being unreasonable. Her body cried out for satisfaction, and she was going to have it! Her hand returned to her pussy, and she began to gasp a little, as her breath became a little heavier by the second. A watery fluid was soaking her cunt again, and Miriam knew that she had climaxed. What else was she to do? She was a virgin, and this was her only pleasure.
Joseph, however, was not counting on catching his betrothed pleasuring herself. He was innocently walking up to her house the next morning, when he saw her squat behind some bushes. He naturally assumed that it was to relieve her bladder, but then he noticed the moans that had to be from the orgasm of a woman. He had heard them in Sepphoris, the time that he and his friends all visited it, but they had not experienced one there themselves, because it was just too expensive. Instead, they had relied on boys for their pleasure, which were alot cheaper, and did not carry the risk of impregnating a woman.
He had come back several times, for different boys, but that youth seemed to actually enjoy what he did, which definitely made the difference. He had swallowed his seed, bent over for him, and offered to let him use him anally. Of course, he never told people in his town about those taboo acts, even if some would wink at them.
He had to see his betrothed in her moment of delicious ecstasy. He was certainly not going to interrupt it or inform her parents. This would be their secret, which he would keep for his own pleasure.
Joseph watched for quite a while, as Miriam's fingers brought her to the point of release repeatedly, and he soon found his own fingers wandering. They went under his robe, stroking his penis for several minutes, and making him rather hard indeed.
This continued for nearly half an hour, and then Joseph found himself ejaculating. He then realized that he had to urinate, and he started to do so, when he heard Miriam gasp.
"Joseph, you didn't see anything, did you, my dear cousin?"
"Oh, well, please do not tell my mother."
"Why would I tell her? I want you to do that. I want you to have pleasure."
"You don't think that it's wrong?"
"Where in the Torah is masturbation condemned, Miriam? Cite a passage, if you can."
"I can't."
"Exactly. Moses was no fool. He knew better than to condemn that."
"So, I can trust you not to reveal my actions?"
"If you won't reveal mine."
"I swear it, dear Joseph. I will keep it as a secret, which we will carry into our marriage."
"We will not interfere with our sons and daughters doing that to themselves when they're old enough either, will we?"
"No, dear cousin, we will understand it."
"Then, you will not mind if I touch you that way, in the future, will you?"
"Of course not, Joseph. Can I touch you like that?"
"Certainly. I would love that, my dear Miriam."
"Joseph, I think that I am starting to fall in love with you."
"I am falling for you, as well, my dear."
"This will be a great marriage, then."
"Even better than our parents wish."
They both laughed at that, as they resume masturbating, now with each other's full knowledge.
It was another week before Joseph's carpentry business allowed him enough time to visit his sweet betrothed again. However, he was still thinking of his dear Miriam as he worked, and he hoped that he would see her as soon as he arrived at her house. Instead, he ran into Rebekah, Miriam's prudish mother.
"Joseph, it is so surprising to see you here again! It has only been a week since the last visit. Are you getting impatient to see Miriam, my dear cousin?"
"You caught me, cousin. I am very fond of her these days, so I did hope to meet her."
"Good for you, but remember that there should not be any physical contact with her until the wedding. It spoils the wedding night."
Yeah right, Joseph thought. Nothing could "spoil" the wedding night more than a sad surprise, and "physical contact" might just prevent that. Joseph was not sure of how much initimacy he had in mind before his nuptials, but he felt that as the bridegroom, that was his perogative. After all, he was only touching what was rightfully his, in the first place.
Of course, it would come down to how well he could persuade his sweet Miriam, but he believed that he would succeed in getting what he wanted, since he was not about to harm her, and she seemed to be open to touching in some ways. Perhaps others would be next.
As he entered the house, and found Miriam finishing her lunch, he simply sat down at the table next to her, and winked, to see how she would react. If her skin had not been an olive complexion, she would have blushed for sure, as she shyly giggled in response to his flirting.
Clearly, Miriam was very pleased with the attention, but she was also new to this kind of thing, unlike the boys he had met in Sepphoris. He would not want to embarrass her too much- she needed to be gradually enlightened. She was still bashful with praise and compliments on her beauty and charm.
He decided upon something that would be another secret between them, since it was the technique that worked so far with her. Mischief seemed to be the way to seduce her, and he had to admit to himself that he was trying to do that. Seducing one's own betrothed, he thought, how simple and yet how incredibly difficult it was to attempt.
Joseph slowly extended his left hand and ran it briefly along the palm of Miriam's right one. She grinned in impish pleasure, and returned the favor. Emboldened, Joseph then lowered his hand to her thigh, which was covered by her dress, but still sensitive to being touched. She snickered again, and, since her father was still away in the stables, she suddenly brushed her right foot against her betrothed's left.
This was rapidly becoming a game of upping the proverbial anti- raising the stakes. Joseph took it another step forward, lightly caressing Miriam's neck and right shoulder with his fingers. She shivered, then made a clear move to indicate her growing enjoyment of this frolic. She gently fondled the head of his penis from the outside of his tunic.
Some of Joseph's relatives and neighbors would have been stunned by this sort of blatant foreplay, but this was another indicator to him that his strategy of releasing her from the constraints that inhibited them from fully expressing their passion was close to success. Who knew what might follow this major breakthrough?
Miriam then broke his train of thought by getting up, and heading toward her bedchamber.
"Miriam, what are you doing, dear?"
"Going to my room, where, if you decide to join me, we can act on that plan of fondling each other's genitals."
He was not about to refuse that invitation, and so he joined her eagerly, letting her lift his tunic, to view his private parts and touch them for a second. Somehow, Miriam found herself becoming soaked by the sensation of his smooth penis, especially the way that the circumcised head felt in her hand, so sleek against her fingers.
Her manual attentions were also affecting Joseph, as he became stiffer by the moment. He even started to groan, which was a new sound to Miriam, but oddly, a pleasant one. Her fingers then worked themselves up toward the base of his phallus, making him even harder, and when she reached his testicles, he was fully erect. She had successfully masturbated her betrothed for the first time- she had given him a hand job.
Joseph found himself determined to reward her for this effort, so, as he could take care of himself from there, he pointed to the bed, indicating to her that she should lie down on it, and then he hiked up her dress, finding her bare underneath it, and quite smooth.
"Where is your hair?" Joseph asked in shock. Only the whores of Sepphoris had ever shaved their cunts, as far as he knew. Miriam giggled.
"I took a razor yesterday and removed it, so as to impress you. I thought that this was something that would feel good to you, as it has felt good to me whenever I have tried it. It just feels very smooth, doesn't it?"
Joseph knew that it did, and suddenly, he was entertaining a few thoughts of entering her right then, but some part of his mind warned him that she was still in the process of breaking free, and not fully delivered from her inhibitions, so that would have to wait for a month or so, as he had suspected.
His hands would have to do for now, and he used them to his greatest effect, lovingly massagining her labia with his fingertips, and then his full fingers, even to the point of inserting his thumb between her lips, as an initial probe of her sex. He kept casually stroking and tickling her womanhood, including her clitoris, as she began to moan with delight.
Her moans were soon joined by sighs, as she continued to respond to his "work", feeling her vagina release its lubricating juices. He noted the slippery pussy that she now had, and used it to stick yet another finger, his pinky, into her genitalia. She gasped for a minute, and then suddenly joined him in fondling his manhood, as he pleased her sex.
The pair began to cooperate completely in feeling each other's genitals, focusing one minute on hers, the next on his, in rotation, for several more minutes, until they both grunted, and came at close to the same time. Their simultaneous orgasm having exhausted them, they lay back and relaxed for a moment.
When she was rested enough, Miriam then made her boldest move. She rolled on top on Joseph, planted her lips on his, and began kissing him hungrily on the mouth. He passionately reciprocated, even adding his tongue, which she found delectable, and they lip-locked, twisting their tongues together.
Joseph knew it now: this was not just about seduction. The girl loved him, and he now understood to his surprise that he loved her. He had to seduce her now, because he had to enjoy his lover at least once in his life, in case of a tragedy. There was no more time to waste.
"Miriam, I want to make love to you- to deflower you. Are you prepared to lose your virginity?"
Miriam did not even hesitate.
"Yes, Joseph, my dear cousin, I want to have you before it's too late."
They had to wait a few more hours, until that night, but, when their father and mother were both elsewhere, Miriam decided to sneak into the special guest bedchamber they had given Joseph for the night.
"Joseph, it's Miriam! Let's go ahead, and consummate our marriage early, like you wanted."
Joseph looked up to see his lovely betrothed, with her beautiful dark skin looking so soft and feminine. She seemed such a contrast to the pale boys of Sepphoris- sensual in a different, more sentimental, more Hebrew way than those Greek youths.
"Oh, my lovely bride, this is the right time! There is no reason to deprive ourselves of the act of love and pleasure, and be miserable until our wedding night! Let's not take the chance that we might never get to enjoy each other."
Joseph lifted her dress, yet again, and began to sample her womanly place- that beautiful, but as yet untouched, part of her. His lips planted a sweet, loving kiss on her labia, and then his tongue inserted itself into her sex. He began to lick the insides of her vagina, and then move outside, to taste that as well. He even nibbled a bit on her pussy.
The next step, however, was the real trick. His tongue lifted and commence a sucking of her clitoris, which began to cause her juices to soak her cunt. He noticed that she was squirming, and her body seemed feverish, as if she were shaken or ill. Instead, of course, as he knew, she was wet- she was stimulated, aroused.
Joseph's mouth kept sucking on her clitoris for a while longer, until she simply could not tolerate this tantalizing anymore. She wanted him to deflower her, now!
"Joseph, take my virginity! Make love to me, dear betrothed, please!"
He eased his dick into her sex, and started steadily pumping in and out of her, in a number of strokes. His growing hard-on, and her increasing wetness, made both of them wonder how long each of them could last without a release. It would have to come soon for both of them, especially for her, as she was already quite excited.
Hi, thank you all for taking your time to . Thanks for the lovely feedback. Hope you will like this incident too. ISS has blessed me with a plethora of opportunities now. There was one such interesting mail from a lady. The mail was both cryptic and interesting. It just said these sentences, “My body is a temple of sacred divinity, the more you pamper it, the more you will be blessed”. After reading this, I was intrigued. A curious feeling of wanting to know this person arose in me. I then...
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NC and was making new friends. From going to my community pool, I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only two years older than me,17, she always seemed unapproachable to me because she was an upper class-man...funny how you see things when you're young. Sara always had guys...
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loosing my virginity, where do I begin… This story happened when I was in 10th grade. I had recently moved from upstate NY to NC and was making new friends. From going to my community, pool I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only a year older than me,17, she always seemed...
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My husband and I are avid golfers and for the last three years we have belonged to a private club, where on the weekends he plays with three other guys and I play with three women. We are the only group at the course in our age bracket, twenty six to thirty, so the only time we play with other club members are in club tournaments and we like it that way. Now four times a year the men go on a three or four day golfing weekend somewhere and we ladies do likewise, kind of a mini vacation four...
Lesbian"Wow, these are just so, ouch, neat!" Christi snapped the shiny plastic clip onto her nipple. It changed colour quickly from dark blue to a bright green as it bit into the blue-eyed brunette's soft pink flesh. "Kathy, you've got to try these!" "What are they?" Kathy answered distractedly as she admired the big black strap-on in the full length mirror. "They're called Mood Clamps. They change colour depending on how turned on you are." She put her arms around Kathy waist and began...
KEVIN Andrea’s spending the night with my sister. Most girls their age hardly have nipples, but Andrea’s are totally obvious when she’s adjusting her goofy nightcap, a Night-Before-Christmas type, except it’s not Christmas. Katie’s breasts, I know all about from wrestling around. When the three of us play Monopoly, the two complain I own too many hotels, so I make them loans to keep the game going. Banker Andrea in her nightgown has to lean forward to make change while Katie pretends to sort...
Aug 8, 2011 I tried to get this info into my biography - but couldn't. I've written a paperback book of three of my long stories that I normally sell separately at magselectronics.com There IS a great discount offered by the publisher, but only until August 12, 2011 If you're interested go to beastv.blogspot for details. I hope that you enjoy the following story. It's a lot different than my usual. Hugs Bea AUDITION FOR A KNIGHT By Bea The horseman appeared out...
A night with Knight by Ronde To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subject: Our chat last night I enjoyed our chat last night. Think the other guys did too, if their comments were any basis to judge by. Bet you got a lot of offers after I left the room, but hope I’m the only one who got your email address. Sorry that your husband doesn’t have much time for you anymore. You sound like a beautiful lady, and beautiful ladies should never be ignored. Wish I could do something to make you...
I. The Message Paul Norton sat in his dimly-lit room somewhere in the suburbs of Boston. He looked outside and saw a blizzard pounding the neighborhood. White-skinned and with blond hair, Paul suffered from an overactive intelligence which compelled him to notice things that other people did not. He disliked authority’s instructions, and frequently called people names which they would not otherwise deserve. Fortunately, those same people had been understanding as Paul learned to keep his...
Jonathan grunted as he pulled himself up onto the stone ledge, his light armour rattling as he steadied himself and looked into the mouth of the cave. Here it was, he thought to himself. The dragon's cave. About six months ago, the young man had turned eighteen. Ever since he was a young boy, he wanted to be a knight. He had grown up idolising them, those armoured heroes who would fight for the king, protect the innocent, strike down villains. Everything that a knight was, everything...
The Knight scowled as he glared at the Succubus sitting before him. His armoured hands were bound above his head, the chains bearing an unnatural purple glow. "My, my, my..." the purple-haired demon teased as she leaned forward, her red eyes running down her captive's body. He was exactly what you would expect of a knight; tall, muscular, and clad from the neck down in metal. She had already disposed of his helmet, exposing his handsome, bearded face. "You're quite the catch, Sir...
Carmine wiped the sweat off her brow with the dirty towel she was using to clean the table. Although it was nearly dark, the heat of the day still had its grip on the land. It was even worse in the dark, windowless inn where she worked. Grunting with the effort, she hoisted the pail of water and sent another splurge of water coursing down the long wooden table, sending several chickens flying out from under the table cackling and complaining loudly that she had ruined their meal of table...
The Knight, from the novel ‘War of the Walkers’ A slow, steady alarm could be heard throughout the complex and the red flashing lights sensors warned every person that the jump team was ready to report to the laboratory sub station immediately. The scramble was chaotic. Meals were deserted, sleep was interrupted, and conversations ceased without proper ending as staff quickly piled into the waiting express elevators. Twenty-six floors below, the team leader awaited his staff. “Ladies and...
London, England 1275 ‘Who is that knight in red over yonder?’ ‘Too small to be a seasoned knight, must be a man-child.’ ‘Whoever he is, has won most of the contests today. Remarkable chap I say.’ Everyone in the jousting fields and stands were debating who this newcomer was, that has put most of the competitors to shame. The King has sent his man-at-arms to request an audience with the elusive young knight, that has sent even his cynical courtiers in an uproar. Aye, this is definitely worth...
So, I just lost my virginity to the most amazing girl I knew and she wants more. Sara quietly collected her panties and teeshirt and walked towards the stairs and gestured for me to follow. I started to feel scared again but now I was hooked! I looked around the living room and was sure everyone was still asleep so I quietly followed. Instead of walking up the stairs to her room, Sara grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the stairs down to the ‘play’ room and she whispered for me to...
I decide we need to move to your bed and lift you with my hand under your pussy, with my other at the small of your back to support you, I walk over to your bed and gently place you on it, removing my hand from your jeans. I break our kiss and move my head down to your breasts and start sucking and lightly nibble your nipples. I undo your jeans and push them down your legs, you returning the favour. I move up onto your bed and turn around, lying on my side, I lean over and kiss your the...
Joseph had to leave Miriam’s house soon after their passionate night. He headed back to Sepphoris on business for his firm. He was convinced that his betrothed, given her background, would be faithful to him in his absence. Given that probability, his own sense of fairness forbade him to use the youths of Sepphoris as he had in the past. As for Miriam, she was quite pleased to have lost her virginity, but she was also rather worried about it. All well and good for Joseph to claim that her...
Finally, college was virtually over with only finals and graduation remaining. My parents had visited and loaded most of my things in their truck. I had my bike and they would return for graduation and collect the last of my bits and pieces.I stood looking at the near empty room. Everything that had made this a personal dorm, including posters on the walls, had gone. But I had memories. The memories of where I’d met the love of my life, where I grew into who I am now. The room was where it all...
College SexSummer had been and gone and Melissa and I seemed to be busy all the time. I was in catering college and she was in university. She had made it abundantly clear to me that we were not an item, we were just good friends that happen to have sex. That was fine by me as I had become close friends with one of the girls at college. One evening Melissa came over to hang out. As usual she looked sexy as hell. She seemed a bit withdrawn and I asked her what the problem was. She looked at me and told...
Oral Sexdeleted
Hi all readers, this is Madhan here. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the . About me: I am Madhan, 27 years old, 6 ft tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest cities in India – Mysuru. I am currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of chicks/aunties). This is the story of one of my readers (Sonu) and his mail id is “”,I am writing this in his...
IncestHi, my self manoj agrawal from raipur (C. G.). Main ek married person hu. Meri shadi ko 4 saal hue hai. Story ki heroin meri dedh saali hai jiski shaadi ko 9 saal ho gaye hai. Wo bhi raipur main hi settle hai to usse milne main koi takleef nahi hoti. Uska pati uspe shak karta hai, jisse wo bahut pareshaan rehti hai. Aur use uski is pareshani ka solution maine diya. 34d-40-40 figure hai uska. Behad sudar dikhti hai. Height kam hai lekin height ka kya kaam. Uske paas duniya jahan ki jaanat hai....
i am achu(name changed) from Bangalore, 35yrs, athletic body type and fair. Married. I am a very frequent visitor of this site and like the sex stories very much. Though I have a too much inclination to sex since my high school days, I had a cousin about 5yrs older who used to keep my hand at her boobs and pussy when I was quite young, when sleeping beside her whenever we met in festival and other functions of relatives My first wet dream started when I was in 10std as most men do. First time...
I am regular reader of ISS and I would like to narrate a true incident happened to me in my office. This is the first story I am posting and please send your comments. Before going to story let me describe about me , i was in my late 20’s and I had no experience on sex. I was 160 cms height and weighed 50 kgs with average body. Coming to the story, we needed a receptionist for our office as the other had left due to marriage. We called for an interview and many of the girls/woman turned up. We...
This story is for mature audience as it contains descriptions of erotic in nature. If you find it interesting then send me a message at: The second day of my stay in hostel was more than interesting as all that I could wish for was happening in real. After all the students left for the athletic events in the stadium some 3 kilometers from the hotel I closed my door to go out and at this moment I saw one girl from our team roaming freely in the hotel corridor and I immediately summoned her to...
Hai, all ISS lovers & admirers, I am lokesh, back again to continue part 2 of my experience. First of all my hearty thanks for all of you who sent me ur overwhelming response & love to my mail , thanks again & would love to get such replies but I am sorry cant reply immediately as there is no much time and so many mails r there. Well I said you all how I enjoyed my night with roopa – the sex goddess of that night , now to continue the incidence after that – I was forced by aunty (roopa mom to...
Copyright © 2000, Jack Spratt. ALL Rights Reserved Special thanks to my Proof Reader The drive to the hospital always starts my day on a positive note; there is usually very little traffic. The hospital is located in countryside setting, far from the city; built in a picturesque area with rolling hills, in the middle a natural ravine now intersected with numerous wheelchair paths for the numerous patients. When visitors first view the complex, the intricate layout makes a lasting...
Hey friends, I am Raj, age 26 from Mumbai. I stay with my parents and handle my dad’s business. One day I was shopping in a supermarket when suddenly I bumped into my college friend Ketan’s mom Seema. Ketan was my college junior and he must be 3 years younger than me, maybe 23 years old. Ketan’s mom Seema aunty was 48 years old and was a writer and his both parents worked for some publishing house. My friend’s mom Seema aunty recognized me and she called my name out. I too quickly recognized...