Nuns Vs. Knights free porn video

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In front of a smaller than average congregation, unusually attended by a few of the kingdom's notably agnostic Knightly Order of Dyna, the head priestess of the Holy Church of Merridan addressed "her flock," as it were... even though the warriors in attendance actually outnumbered her faithful.

"In conclusion, give generously, my brothers and sisters. A heart that strays from our divine creator, Geod, is a heart that is susceptible to corrupt thoughts and malice against one's fellow man. A being with such a heart cannot receive Geod's love nor reciprocate it... Our city of Merridan only survives in these dark times thanks to the protection of the church. Indeed, our prayers and Geod's divine intervention have protected this city for centuries. Do not let our proud traditions fall in favor of, ahem, sacrilegious fashion..."

The speaker in front of these lines of unfilled pews was the high priestess of Merridan, Clara Fauxbright. Her gold and white raiment resplendently identified her as the leader of the holy church, but just as much so did other elements: her flaxen golden hair, curled neatly into a bun behind her head, which, loose, apparently reached down to her massive bosom. That charitable bosom had brought many a wayward soul to seek congregation. Atop it and upon her robes, a golden trinket jingled: a necklace with a pendant, made in the shape of a silver heart, cut into quadrants by a gold cross. Her face, with glistening blue eyes, long lashes, and full, red lips, made her seem ageless, no matter how long she served as the head of the church.

Today, her peaceful countenance was at odds with her words, a passive-aggressive sermon intended to lash out at her most hated enemy, the knight's order. Directly disrupting her, a recognizable knight in the back raised her hand, as if asking to be called on to speak, then simply continued giving her piece anyway. "Yo, Clara! How about throwing in some words of thanks for Captain Dyna and all of her knights?" the warrior lady chuckled, looking at the back-pew attendants next to her as they all nodded in agreement. "We're the ones who're using our swords and shields to drive back demons. Maybe there was some kind'a barrier of Geod at some point, but these days, the people rally behind us!"

"The people of the city of Merridan are... briefly... confused," the priestess spoke, working hard to maintain composure on her smiling face. "In time, they will realize that all the safety they enjoy is due only to their faith in Geod and their generous donations. Then, that faith will be redoubled and those donations returned ten-fold! The church is the only force that can protect our beloved city."

"Yeeeeeah, well, good luck with that," the other woman responded, sighing and kicking her shapely legs, clad in tight black trousers, up on the pew in front of her, shaking her brown short boots defiantly and with boredom. The young lady was Knight Captain Dyna, but she was like no knight captain the king would ever employ... only in the backwoods sanctuary of Merridan could she have found a foothold. Her small (but voluptuous) body belay her fierce strength and abilities. If the church employed an invisible wall to protect the people, she was the visible one. Her bushy, purple-black hair and smirking smile, in combination with her simple red tunic and light armor, didn't lend her the same untouchable aura the high priestess enjoyed, but she drew crowds of loyal fans all the same. Her pendant, a shield with bat-like wings, hung loosely from a chain about her neck, with a matching one adorning the armor of every knight in her small band.

"If you keep giving sermons like this, you're gonna drive the rest of those confused people away too. This is the first and last time I'm attending, but I got business here!" the plucky captain shrugged, leaning back further in the pew and spreading both arms. The priestess gave no further argument, instead simply finishing her sermon with an "Amen," and gesturing for those attended to begin their exodus.

That business the captain spoke of? To the surprise of all, once the crowds cleared out, it turned out to be confession in the church's private booths. However, before she could make it across the regal red carpet to the confession booths, she found the door slammed in front of her. Clara Fauxbright had gone in first! Dyna groaned and returned to her seat in the back of the church, as she was still just a shade too moralistic to listen in on a private confession.

Confessor Broomi, one of the church's most trusted confidants, had risen from being a poor peasant girl to now serving in a role where daily, she heard the worst secrets of the upper crust in Merridan. They made her giggle and, at times, she couldn't help but abuse her position a little to offer funny advice or joke around with people. Still, she felt a sense of pride in resolving so many of the city's issues, offering a good word here and there and friendly advice. What she had learned was that, foremost, people only want a little confidence that they aren't such bad people and that perhaps one little white lie or slip of moral character could be forgiven. In a moralistic, prudish society, so long dominated by the church, she'd often found it hard to act out, so she got her fun where she could manage to.

The number one complaint she heard wasn't related to the demon lord's army. It wasn't related to the waning profits of the church, nor the uphill battle of the knights struggling to be accepted by those staunch, devout church-goers. The most common complaint?

Sexual frustration.

And why not? The church was well-known to be filled with distinct beauties, so stunning that they were thought of by some as angels. The knight's order, while new in its establishment, was also founded by noted hotties, just as capable of stirring the loins to action as the most comely courtesans of that useless king's court. Day by day, men (and women) witnessed these spectacular celebrities defend their town... a town mired in old church laws and fear of Geod... and worried that their lust would go unrequited forever. She had even been privy to a person or two using her confession booth as a private place to masturbate! She'd cleared her throat loudly to run those few off.

But overall, she was sympathetic to the people. She was also mischievous. The young girl straightened her habit's hood over shoulder-length brown hair, looking mostly unremarkable, besides that cute, challenging smile that belonged on some tomboy playing in the church's yard, more than it belonged on the city's confessor. Broomi saw the people's unrequited passions everywhere she looked... and sure, she was sexually promiscuous herself, but it would take a lot more than the physical efforts of her lingeringly child-like body and the services of the city's over-worked whore-houses to get people what they needed. The people wanted those nuns and knights...!

She pondered the right answer as she sat in the dark confession booth, a simple, wooden, humble structure that she always felt suited her desire to fade into the shadows and make mischief. As the door opened and someone entered, she shook her head to and fro, trying to dispel her own impure thoughts as she focused on helping others.

To her surprise, the next voice to speak was that of the church's highest priestess... Clara Fauxbright.

"Forgive me, Confessor, for I come to you today a lost lamb of Geod," the voice sighed from the other side, laden with heavy considerations and hesitation. "You must know the state of the church. We are not as well loved as once we were and I fear the voice of Geod grows further all the time."

"Indeed," Broomi answered, wringing her hands together on the other side. This seemed like it was going to be a particularly difficult challenge for her... Miss Fauxbright was the highest authority of the church, next only to Geod. What advice could a Confessor offer her?

"Those blasted... ahem... those knights who've come in recently are making the work of the church harder than ever before. Our prayers- in combination with the people's gracious offerings- have always been perfectly sufficient to repel the demon lord's armies. Why don't the citizens see that?"

"Hmmm... Perhaps rather than blaming the citizens, you should be focusing on what can be done to win the people back?" Broomi offered, feeling more practical than usual. "You simply need to offer something that the knights can't. The problem, of course, is that the church and the knights are just redundant."

The voice on the other side scoffed, perhaps thinking that such blasphemous words didn't belong inside the church, but then it sighed. "You are right, my child. I have something else to confess... though perhaps you've known for some time now. I- and many of the other heads of the church- are actually angels, sent from Geod. We are... not so different from humans. We disguise ourselves and lead humans on the proper path of love for Geod, without revealing our presence. I only tell you now because these are such desperate times. I do not want to see the city fall to ruin as mankind surrenders its caution and allows the demons inside. Our powers are based on faith... and only faith in the church will repel those demons. Without it, we cannot maintain the barrier that keeps servants of the demon lord at bay. I've watched this city for decades now without aging... but I fear now these knights will take it from me."

Broomi's jaw dropped open. The high priestess... was a mythical angel?! Furthermore, she'd chosen to imbue kind of knowledge to a nineteen-year-old confessor?! "I see," she answered dumbly, not know what else to say.

"Even in my wisdom and with my love for our creator, I do not see the path forward. How can I fix the wayward wandering of my flock?" the lady asked more directly.

The metaphorical gears inside Broomi's head felt as though they were clicking together, jammed... then, finally, they loosened up. A magnificent idea began to form. If this worked... she could solve everyone's problems in one fell swoop. "Miss Clara, the chief problem is not with the knights and the people's idolatry. The greatest suffering of the citizens today is lust, you see," she answered quietly, trying to maintain dignity in her voice.

"Lust! I see... They're distracted by this lust," Clara answered with mournfulness in her voice.

"Yes! Distracted. The way forward... is to satisfy that lust," the increasingly confident confessor insisted. "What the people seek right now is an answer, an outlet for their carnal desires. If the church could be the body to fulfill those desires, I believe the shift in the peoples' attitudes would be quite favorable. I would highly recommend you find a way for the church, as an organization, to creatively satisfy those bodily needs."

"Is that... so?" the moralistic priestess answered hesitantly, but with a promising level of consideration. "I will think on this. Thank you, my child."

"Don't mention it!" the chipper confessor giggled, before fixing her tone. "I mean, it is well. Go in the peace of Geod. And remember: no less than full commitment to this new practice is going to make it work!"

In any ordinary day, that meeting would have been the highlight and Broomi would have begun the unenviable task of sweeping the empty church. Instead, a second attendant entered. She found herself amazed that they'd waited for Clara to finish her revelation and ask advice. Whoever they were, they definitely weren't kneeling... it sounded like they had leaned their shoulders up against the wall opposite the door instead. Furthermore, she heard something scratching the walls... it sounded a bit like an animal's claws. Unable to help herself, she took a little peak through the dark, cross-hatched grating separating the two rooms.

A demon! There was a demon inside the other room! Whoever was in there, they had small, leathery bat wings growing from their back with horned tips, which were scratching against the wood in the back of the confession booth!

Just as Broomi was about to shout in panic, she heard the knight captain's voice. Surely the knights would save her from this demon! Wait... the voice was coming from inside the room? Oh. Oooooh...

"Confessor Broomi, right? I feel like you're the one person I can trust in this place, since I also sorta feel like you're the only person here I've ever seen in the tavern before," the knight captain, Dyna, greeted her attendant. "So I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: I'm a demon."

Well, she'd figured that out by now!

"An imp, specifically. I defected from the demon lord's army and brought a couple of other demons here to protect this place, since I heard it's one of the nicer parts of the kingdom. Wanted to make sure the demon lord didn't get his hands on it. Only, once my friends and me got here, armed ourselves, and started kicking ass, your fucking church got jealous! Now we've got all kinds of sanctions against where we can hold our demonstrations and training drills, we've got restrictions on where we can use our weapons... your church has it out for us, big time! We need even more of the people on our side so we can finish taking the reins here and do things the way that works. How do we resolve this little dispute, you know, for the good of the common people I came here to protect?" Dyna questioned, her red eyes flashing as she grinned through the window. Newly revealed fangs glinted inside her smiling mouth.

Broomi felt frozen for a moment... until the same clarity as before hit her. The perfect answer...

"Weeeell... I shouldn't be telling you this as a member of the church, but the key to gaining power in the current climate would be to satisfy the carnal desires that the people feel. Honestly, they're hornier than they are anything else. If you want to win their hearts, the quickest way is through their, er, genitals," the confessor answered, trying not to sound too giddy as she offered her suggestion. "What I mean to recommend is this: you must find a way for the knightly order, as an organization, to creatively satisfy the people's bodily needs."

"What... the hell? Wait, no! That makes sense!" the demon on the other side resolved, slapping he fist into her palm. "Damn, you're good! That snooty Fauxbright never would have thought of something like this! If my knights and I give the people sex shows, a little under the table or back of the alley action, all that good stuff... then we'll be providing a new service the church'll never think up! That'll be the nail in their coffin! Heh heh! Don't worry, when you're out of work, the knights will take you in!"

"He he... It sounds like I've got a lot to look forward to, anyway," Broomi responded, feeling her face beginning to get hot. In fact, it was beginning to feel like a sauna inside the confession booth, wrapped in her heavy black nun's habit. What had she done?! In the span of about half an hour, she may have just turned the church and the knight's order both into gangs of perverts, looking to turn the city of Merridan into a carnival of sexual pleasures!

As the knights left the church, Broomi exited the confession booth nervously. She found the church empty... the perfect time to sweep up.

Or maybe to duck back in and masturbate for just a little while. She did so, thinking about all of those noble, lovely ladies, pillars of the Merridan community, who would soon be following the confessor's private advice.

In the span of a single morning, secret manuals described as hymn books had been distributed among all the priests, the clergy, the nuns, and the rest, detailing how, on a trial basis, the church was advised to use sexual favors of all kinds as a means of converting new faithful and increasing donations. When one such manual made its way to Broomi, she found her hands shaking, unable to believe the impact she'd had on the long-running organization.

To further that surprise, rumors had it that the knights were beginning to take a similar stance, using such behavior to increase donations to the city's army and win over the hearts of the people, chipping away at the influence of the church.

So began a cold war, fought not with weapons, but with bodies! The bodies of sexy nuns and knights, as well as the sexual tactics they employ, will be what determines the future of the city of Merridan!

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Erotic Letter from a Lady to her Knight

My Liege do you remember your life thirty-one years ago? I do. It was the first time I saw you. You took my breath away and I found myself hoping that we would meet within the confines of Cleveland Castle. I watched you from afar, longing to feel your sensual lips on mine. Wanting to get to know you, to bask in your beautiful smile that could light up a room.One night the stars aligned and I found myself in your bed. That night I gave to you the only thing a virgin has to offer; myself and you...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Fall of a Knight

You were one of the most respected knights of the southern kingdom. You had been trained by the best since young age. Allowing you to reach a position of respect and power that few could ever acquire even through a lifetime. You had sworn an oath to keep the grown and kingdom safe against anything and up to this point you had been more than successful. You were a hardened warrior at barely 26 and thanks to your intense training many considered you to be the best of the best. No other soldier...

2 years ago
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Nun so Lovely

This is a following story to my earlier "Turkish Delight", and starts a new set of tales of a magical book. If other authors wish to use this theme of the magical book, with the guidelines outlined in my stories, they are welcome to do so. NUN SO LOVELY By GENEVA Lord Ricardo speaking. "No hint of trouble today, Sir?" It was my secretary, speaking over my shoulder. "No, quite peaceful," I replied. "The fair will keep their minds off mischief. Yes, just give them...

3 years ago
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The Beastmen and the Dark Knight

She could not explain how she knew. Perhaps it was the mage intuition. The Taru who trained her had told her she should never use her gifts for personal gain. That it would only lead to danger. She must never let desire or emotions lead her astray. Could this be the danger he had warned her about? For a moment she thought about the teleport scroll he made for her in case of times like these. No, she must find the Elvaan. The need arose once more and clouded all sense of reason. She moved...

2 years ago
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Foolish White Knight

I was one of several people invited to a private poker game. Not an average poker-night-with-the-boys kind of game. No, an exclusive high stakes game, played on the estate of one on my good friends. Guests arrived in formal evening wear. Our host’s home was stately and beautiful. Servers and staff were precisely guided by one of the best butlers in the business. It was a classy gathering of power and influence. I knew many of the guests from my own business dealings. These men and women were...

2 years ago
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Starry Knight

Selena sat at her desk. Her laptop screen glowed brightly in the darkness of her dorm. She read and re-read the words on her Facebook screen. ‘Meet me at the library at midnight.’ She knew it was crazy to even consider it, but she had had a huge crush on Tyreese Jackson since the very first time she had seen him. It was the first day of summer school. She was taking a couple of classes at the local university as part of a gifted and talented program at her high school. She was seventeen and...

3 years ago
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Patchwork Knight

Author’s Notes: ‘Patchwork Knight’ is set in the Sweet Dreams universe, but is otherwise a standalone story. *** ‘Patchwork Knight’ *** Does everyone remember their first crush with such clarity? Forgetting his is impossible, and if he were honest with himself, he would acknowledge that she is the standard by which every other woman that he has admired or dated is judged, and has found them lacking. He knew that he was not the only one who fell in love with her in those glory days of high...

4 years ago
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SwtorThe Eternal Dynasty Jedi Knight

Wth Peace Restored and The Eternal Alliance now the dominant Galactic Power in the Galaxy, a New Leader is Required to lead Zakuul, and based on a popular Vote Jango Cadera The only person who has killed Valkorion's Physical Body and Lived has been Chosen, as one of the Eight Outlander's he was chosen as the Successor of Vaylin, but he is yet to accept, due to obvious reasoning. And now Zakuul faces a unique threat, its old Pantheon of Gods, Tyth was Destroyed, and the Alliance had cautiously...

4 years ago
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In the Heat of the Knight

"I spent my 18th birthday in a goblin prison. I have no intention of arriving home looking like some peasant's housewife!" Princess Lycena shouted, when I offered to buy her new dress from the village tailor. She wore the fur loincloth and brassiere the goblins made her wear. "Okay, whatever you wish, your HIGH-ness" I said. Her-barely covered cantaloupe-sized breasts and shapely hips were making enough of the villagers stare. I didn't want them to come after us with pitchforks. We made camp...

3 years ago
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Anastasia and the Knight

Anastasia and the Knight The kiss that could last a lifetime ended as Edward released his embrace on Anastasia and they moved apart so that he can hold her as she sits in his lap in the beautiful garden they know as the place of the beginning of their great love story. Danielle broke the silence when she began to speak. “Eddie” she said “Yes” he replied “I love you.” Anastasia stated as she looked up adoringly at the face of the man that is the love of her...

4 years ago
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Ladys Knight

Ladys Knight by K. Moore I managed to check my watch despite being handcuffed to the arm of the chair in the "waiting area" of Precinct 32. I tried to look as calm as I could at Detective 3rd Grade Morton, blowing a strand of long black hair out of my face before I replied. "Look," I started, still unaccustomed to the soft soprano that came out of my mouth, "I know you'll never believe this story, but if my watch is correct, and seeing really IS believing, I think you'll come...

4 years ago
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Air Knight

I was seventeen and a noble which was how I became a knight. First was military training and then flight school. After an evaluation they determined I should fly fighters. After months of training I turned eighteen and was sent towards the border. We had been at peace but the neighboring country to the south was aggressive and known to be hostile. I was on the wing of a seasoned pilot with the whole squadron. We were doing routine border patrols when I saw the planes above us. I opened the...

2 years ago
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Another Dark Knight

© 1999 Fantasy Train Story It still happens occasionally. "It" being something I've always called the switch. I'll be living my normal, quiet all-American life one moment and with little warning I'm sucked into the other realm to live out an adventure of my alter ego-Virago Blue. Yes, I know, you're confused. Virago Blue is a pseudonym I use when writing. Virago Blue is also a fantasy character, my alter ego. It's hard to explain and even more difficult to understand, especially...

2 years ago
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The Good Knight

The knight was totally confused. He was absolutely certain that when he had entered the castle, there had been an elf with him. In the very far recesses of his mind, he was sure that there was something about this particular castle, rumours, but no matter what, he couldn’t for the life of him, think what it was. Thus far, he had encountered a troll, quickly and easily, perhaps too quickly and easily despatched; and a wyvern, also despatched much quicker than he would have expected, almost as...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 8 Date Knight

Friday Afternoon and Night, May 23, 2008 “Sam, I know what you want, but I had an idea about something we could do now to stretch the night out. How would you like to go on a date? An overnight date?” “What! A date?! How ... what ... where ... I have nothing to wear.” “Yeah, big surprise, I figured that might be the case. Yuk Yuk Yuk ... Now, I am not objecting to you having nothing to wear, but knowing you, how about we start there? Then supper, and maybe a stop or two after. Night club...

3 years ago
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Autumn Knight

A seasonal Clef story Preface: (If you have read ‘Summer Nights’, you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. **************** I knew it...

4 years ago
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A Dark Knight

I threw my keys into my bag as I rushed towards the door and took a backwards glance over the flat that I shared with my boyfriend Michael. I felt a slight pang of guilt but not enough to stop me from leaving our shared apartment complex to meet the man I had been seeing for the last month. Melvin lived in the next block of private apartments but funnily enough, that wasn’t where I had first spotted him. Two miles from where we lived was an up and coming suburban area with a thriving strip of...

2 years ago
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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight

I will be the first to admit, I have always been a little wild and out of control, My parents spent years of therapy and whatever else they could find to try and make me behave. Not that I did not want to behave for them, it was just that I could never bring myself to do it. Even when I told myself I was going to be good for the day or make changes, something happened that pulled me back into my old ways. So here is where my story begins, but first let me go ahead and tell you a little more...

4 years ago
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Unknown Knight

This story starts with a birth of a boy who has strange features at birth, He is born with two red eyes and green skin. Yes he is born a Orc, Later in life he grows to be about 7ft 8inches and he is considered to be a strong orc, With a Muscular body and weighing 450pounds, He also a 6 pack and to all the women Orc he is perfect candidate to birth children for them. He has no Mother as she died during child birth his father is gone as in he is missing, He was adopted by another family as a baby...

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The Sexy Knight

It is a bright sunny day as you walk into town. As soon as they see you the townsfolk run to you and ask for your help. "The Princess has been kidnapped by the Dragon and has been taken to the Cursed Mountain!" With nothing but your Armor, your Shield, and your Sword you head towards the Cursed Mountain to rescue the Princess!

4 years ago
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(First Name = Your Name, Last Name = Your Love/Sex Interest's Name) There is little that gives a man greater pleasure in life than fucking a very beautiful, and very willing, woman. It is therefore unsurprising that you are as close to ecstasy as can be as the girl in front of you, who is on her hands and knees on the bed, presents her tight pussy to you beneath the perfect sphere of her ass cheeks. Kneeling behind her, you press the head of your cock against her entrance. She whimpers in...

4 years ago
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A Dark Knight

I threw my keys into my bag as I rushed towards the door and took a backwards glance over the flat that I shared with my boyfriend Michael. I felt a slight pang of guilt but not enough to stop me from leaving our shared apartment complex to meet the man I had been seeing for the last month. Melvin lived in the next block of private apartments but funnily enough, that wasn’t where I had first spotted him. Two miles from where we lived was an up and coming suburban area with a thriving strip of...

3 years ago
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Lysandras Secret Desire by Michael Knight

The bright morning sunlight reflected back at Lysandra as she tilted her morning newspaper towards her for a closer look at an article that caught her attention:HOUSE SITTER WANTED Must be clean, professional, Bondable Some light cleaning duty, applicant must be willing to live on location in a three Storey Estate House, Free Room & Board Wage expectancy to be discussed. Apply by writing to: Margarete 365 Riverbend Rd. Hill valley.The Job was perfect, just the thing she needed to alleviate...

3 years ago
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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight

I will be the first to admit, I have always been a little wild and out of control, My parents spent years of therapy and whatever else they could find to try and make me behave. Not that I did not want to behave for them, it was just that I could never bring myself to do it. Even when I told myself I was going to be good for the day or make changes, something happened that pulled me back into my old ways. So here is where my story begins, but first let me go ahead and tell you a little more...

2 years ago
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A starry Knight

A lone outpost sits on the desolate surface of Despina. The home of station commander Maxeus Lomari and the mechanic Arica Mamewi. Of course Maxeus never uses his title. "A commander of what? A pile of rubble?" he always says when someone asks him. Which most of the time is his best friend/colleague/occassional fuck buddy Arica. Despina was once a lively place, back then when one of the new 'Boundless Space' probes of the UNSA (United Nations Space Agency) just vanished close to Despina. Over 7...

4 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 9 Queen Takes Knight

Almost a year ago, Jessica swore the Sisterhood would have central air. It was arranged in the spring and installed just in time as the days grew longer and hotter. The temperature, however, was never allowed to approach frigid. Women had suffered for ages in freezing work environments where the AC was cranked to accommodate men. At the Daughters of Lilith, women dressed as they pleased and men dressed as their Mistresses commanded. Most were confined to full leather or latex gimp suits,...

4 years ago
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Autumn Knight

Preface: (If you have read "Summer Nights", you can bypass this.) Oswald MacDonald (call me Mac) met and fell for June Jones during a battle of the bands at Naked City nudist colony. His band, Slip Stream, won the contest and a recording contract. Her band, Jonesville, won nothing but got a lot of gigs from the publicity. Their romance flourished over the summer, but now that it is fall school and working with the bands is causing friction. I knew it was too good to last. June was a...

2 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From HellChapter 9 Queen Takes Knight

The cool recycled air slid across Jessica’s bare arms as she exited her office. It was an early summer day and the Texas heat was already blistering. It was much too warm to wear a full latex habit. She’d forgone the traditional top, veil and her usual latex arm-gloves for today. Instead, she wore a lovely black leather corset with a long latex skirt below. Her luxurious, dark curls hung all around her head, complimenting her mocha skin perfectly. Almost a year ago, Jessica swore the...

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