Menage A Ty free porn video

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"How are you doing lately, Ty?" Vicki asked her ex, as she picked up Trevor from his place. Her son was busy gathering his stuff, so they had a private moment that allowed for candid discussion.

She was sincerely concerned, as it had been more than three months since Dinah's demise and Ty still seemed to keep to himself. Vicki knew that grief was never easy, especially under such circumstances as the way that Dinah betrayed him right before her death. Even so, the way that Ty simply hung around his house and wallowed in self-pity worried her. Vicki still cared about her ex, as a friend and as Trevor's dad, even if she didn't love him anymore. Trevor had told her more than enough to raise her hackles.

"Not so great. Damn it, Vicki, how can you still see through me like that? We've been divorced for the longest time now, and yet you still know the real me. I can safely say that we're no longer in love, but I can't lie to you worth a damn. Alright, I'll be frank with you. I'm lonely, but I also feel guilty. The last woman that I brought into this house, into my life, harmed my only child. She molested our son. I can't forgive myself for choosing that poorly. My stupid infatuation with that woman resulted in more than my humiliation. It caused a lifetime of scars for our boy.

"You once called him the only good thing that came from our marriage and I suppose that's true. I, however indirectly and unintentionally, left him vulnerable to a predator. Sure, I miss having a woman around, but I fear exposing Trevor to that again. What if I goof up again? I thought only with my dick last time and look what it got all of us. I can't repeat that mistake, Vicki," Ty sighed as he swallowed more beer from his bottle.

His bloodshot eyes indicated that booze was his only companion whenever Trevor wasn't around. Well, her son hadn't even left yet, and Vicki suspected that he would switch from lager to hard liquor as soon as he was alone. At this rate, he would kill himself and deprive Trevor of his father. Whatever her feelings about Tyler, she owed their kid a better childhood than one without the man he worshiped as Dad. Ty owed him more than that as well. For Trevor's sake, if not Ty's sake, Vicki had to intervene. Otherwise, guilt, self-loathing, self-pity, loneliness, and alcohol would kill this man who was so crucial to her son's life.

"Ty, I hate to be the one to nag you or give you hell, since you're my ex-husband. This doesn't come easy for me. I'm a very non-confrontational woman, as you know. Still, if I don't speak up, you'll ruin your own life and Trevor's for good measure. So, I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind. There are some things that you need to do, even if only for Trevor.

"First, you should either quit drinking or cut back significantly. Secondly, it's time to look at getting a social life. Yes, you can do that without booze. Don't even start that crap. You miss having a woman in your life. I understand that. I was lonely, too. Then Dan and the others entered my life, but especially Dan. If nothing else, you need to get laid. That will help your mood a lot and reduce your stress. It will boost your confidence and let you go at your own pace in picking your next girlfriend, wife, or whatever. Next, you need to get back into your usual hobbies. You've all but abandoned them, and that's not healthy for anyone.

"Finally, you need to get close to your brother and sister again. I know that you're still pissed at Ryan and Stephanie for being lovers, but don't you think that the time has come to accept that incest is as natural for them as chasing skirts is to you? Stop being such a hypocrite about sex! You need to relax about things like that. I have learned to accept you for what you are, a lecher. That's just your nature.

"I've accepted it about Dan for certain, even to the point of sharing him with four other women. I've embraced my bisexuality as well. Those women aren't just his sex partners. They're mine, too. I know that Dinah was despicable. She was a real pervert, a pedophile. That's far different from me. Call me a slut, if you must, but I like sex. I never cheated on you, though you certainly cheated on me. I can guarantee you that I jilled off a lot at the end, however, when you stopped sleeping with me.

"Things are different now. Even what Dinah did with those other men was no worse than what you did with her when you were with me. No better, either. Just the same. Equally bad, flawed, human, and forgivable. Only what she did to Trevor was worse. You need to forgive your other brother, Red, too. He's just a horny, hot-blooded man who was more thoughtless than disloyal.

"I'm just trying to tell you to get a grip. Sorry about getting sidetracked there and preaching at you. The point is that you need to let some things go and enjoy your life. Find a woman, maybe a couple of women, or even a man, if that's your thing. Do what makes you happy. Get some action. Get out of the house a little. Go fishing. Play golf. Hunt some game. Go bowling with your buddies. They probably miss you by now and are worried sick about you.

"Live your life. Stop just existing and haunting this place like some damned ghost. Stop moping and whining. See what I mean? Have some fun, damn it! Kick back and have a good time! Practice shooting at the range again. Go to a movie. Laugh a little! Just stop being such a damn hermit!" Vicki gave Tyler the verbal equivalent of a swift kick in the ass.

"As much as I want to tell you to butt out and leave me to my own devices, you're right again. Damn you, Vicki, but you're right! I've been sitting in my own despair for far too long. Forgive me for dragging everyone else down, especially Trevor. Well, you have him for the week, so I guess that I have no excuse. I'll do something fun. Thank you, Vicki. Have you ever considered counseling? I mean, giving it for a living, not seeking it. You'd do well at it," Tyler Marsh stroked his stubble and stood up.

"Good for you, Ty. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to find our son, who seems to have fallen off the planet into a black hole somewhere," Vicki hugged Tyler, before she went searching for Trevor.

When Vicki got Trevor home, he saw Aunt Michelle washing her car and decided that she needed help. It probably had something to do with the hope of getting into a fight with the water hose, not to mention a minor crush that he had on her. He knew that it was wrong and hopeless, because he was only eleven and she wasn't a sicko like Dinah, but he was a healthy boy and the sexual genie was already out of the bottle now. He couldn't touch, but he would definitely look. Where Michelle Velasquez was concerned, looking was quite understandable. She had curly, jet-black hair and a sultry, earthy complexion that just hinted at her Tejana origins.

"Mom, can I help Aunt Michelle wash her car? She looks like she could use the help, even if she's too proud to admit it. I know that Dan is on his last business trip with Aunt Haley, so who else is there to assist her? Aunt Sandy and Aunt Julie aren't visiting right now, either," Trevor begged his mother, who wasn't fooled, but trusted her girlfriend completely.

"Okay, but you still have to get your homework done and don't forget that supper's at seven. Don't let Aunt Michelle forget it, either. She's almost as far into her pregnancy as I'm into mine, so she needs to eat for two as well. Run along now, champ," Vicki kissed Trevor on the forehead and let him go. Then she shook her head and laughed lovingly at her son. He was just like his father, for better or worse.

Thinking of Tyler again, Vicki realized what the best solution was, though it might not appeal to Sandy and Julie. She had to try it, anyway. They needed daily access to cock just as he needed it with pussy. Dan was great in bed, but even a superhuman like him was limited by certain factors, such as time and space. The arrangement worked well for visits back and forth, but it wasn't any good at 2 am on a regular Tuesday. It was understood that five women and a man in one house would make it impossible for anything but sex to get done by anyone, so the couple moving in with Dan wasn't a practical alternative.

Vicki's germ of a plan wouldn't mean that Sandy or Julie would stop screwing any of them. After all, they wanted to get pregnant eventually and there was still a mutual desire among the six partners. It would simply add a man to the equation and thus help both men out. Tyler Marsh might resist at first, but he wouldn't be able to do so for very long. Sandy and Julie weren't a financial burden, since they ran their own business and probably made more than Ty did. They weren't nags or shopaholics. They were two of the sexiest women that Vicki had ever known.

As long as Tyler accepted that Sandy and Julie were "married" to each other, even their lesbian relationship shouldn't be a problem. They wouldn't kick him out of bed. They could have each other as a wife and still have a boyfriend in common. If they respected that it was his house and had been in the family for a generation, she didn't see any difficulties for a menage a trois between Tyler, Sandy, and Julie. He would still be man of the house and he would get to live every man's wet dream.

He could help Dan knock all of the women up, too. It had the makings of a big, happy family. Hell, it would be like a tribe of sorts. Vicki even had fantasies of Dan fucking Tyler in the ass or giving him a blowjob. Dan was openly bi and she suspected that her ex was at least curious about it. Yes, it made perfect sense to Vicki to include Ty in their cozy inner circle. She would have to raise the issue with everyone and hope that they had the same common sense that made them agree to their existing pact. There would have to be a family meeting very soon. Time was money in terms of fixing Ty's problem in particular. He might talk bravely, but Vicki still doubted his resolve to shake off his despair and enjoy his life again.

Vicki steeled herself and dialed Sandy's number.

"Hey, Sandy, it's me, Vicki," she announced herself to her partner.

"Vicki, baby, I know your voice by now. It makes me wet just to hear it. What's up?" Sandy flattered her former boss.

"Thanks for the compliment, but my ex has a major problem. He's still very miserable since he learned about his wife's true nature. I have a plan to fix it that would also help you. I'll have to get all of us behind it, and then we'll have to outfox Tyler.

"Don't worry, you wouldn't have to give up sleeping with us. We'll just add him to the larger group as a second stud and you'll live with him as his girlfriends. You would still be each others' wives. When you're not visiting us, you'd still have a man on hand for your needs. That's my idea, anyway. I called you first because it won't work if you're not interested in Tyler. I need to know that upfront, so I can figure out a plan B," Vicki outlined her strategy.

"Sugar, I didn't know how you would take it, but now that I know that you're cool about it, let me tell you that I think that Ty is a hunk. I can see that Trevor gets his good looks from both sides of the family. There, I admitted it. Dan's still more virile, but that's not a fair comparison, since he's a freak of nature. I'd go along with your plan, and I think that Julie would as well.

"It would be nice to wake up with a man in my arms every morning. I'm sure that she would agree. Spooning with a woman is nice, but I miss doing that with a man, too. Yeah, let's do it. You have my full support in this matter, just as always. Great minds think alike, I guess. So far, there hasn't been any real conflict among us, thank God. Minor squabbles, nothing more. I like a country boy such as your ex, too. I think that we'd be more compatible than you and him, as long he doesn't object to two women loving each other," Sandy felt her panties getting damp at the very idea of sharing Tyler with Julie and vice versa on a daily basis.

"Honey, when has any man been opposed to that? He might protest, but we all know better. Now, two guys are a different matter, but I think that he would be fine with even that. I'm confident that Ty swings both ways. He hasn't said it, but I've seen him almost drool over Brad Pitt a time or two. He hangs out with a lot of muscle-bound jocks at the gym and I've heard him go on too long now and then about their hard bodies.

"I'm no airhead, even if I come across that way at times. I've figured out my ex a long time ago. I even knew about the affairs. I just chose to let them slide because they frankly turned me on. Yeah, I finally admitted that fact. Might as well, since it's been obvious, anyway. In any case, I chose to feign ignorance. Now I don't have to, since Dan and I are honest with each other. Speaking of which, I still need to call him and Haley, as well as tell Michelle. Please hurry up and update Julie on this plan," Vicki encouraged Sandy.

"Baby, I'm right on it. Knowing Julie, I'm likely to get some tail just for being the bearer of good news. Thanks in advance for the fun and games," Sandy hung up in a rush, her underwear smelling distinctly of her fluids.

Vicki called Dan up next and smiled as she realized that her calls tended to result in more sex for both of him. He must have been stiff as a board whenever he saw her number on his phone, if he recalled that tendency, which he probably did. Dan might not have literally been a MENSA member, but he wasn't far off. His IQ was probably the highest in the whole Von Greiner/Blois/Marsh tribe. It was an honor whenever she realized that she now carried his baby, only a little behind Haley in the development.

"Hi, Vicki, sweetheart. What's the news? Good or bad? The last time I had a sudden call like this at work or a business conference, I learned that you were pregnant. I'm hoping for more news like that," Dan smiled as he recalled that time. He had been in the middle of butt-fucking Haley and the announcement made him cum instantly. Haley still teased him about that, but in a good-natured way as always.

"Honey, I have an idea. I hope that you like it. Sandy does. I had to tell her first, because it directly affects her and Julie first. I want them to move in with Ty. They would continue to swing with us. It would be more like Ty was a partner now. In case you're worried, I'm not even remotely interested in going back to him. Fucking him now and then, yes. Living with him, no. Marrying him again, hell, no!

"I'm your wife and slave now. I'm happy and proud to be those. This is just helping a guy out who's in need. Well, that and helping Sandy and Julie, too. They need a man's body in their bed every night. They miss that. I also recall your saying that you're bi. I think that Ty might be, too. The two of you could even get it on from time to time. How does that sound? Was I out of line? Do I need to be punished?" Vicki awaited her man's response anxiously.

"Vicki, as always, you come up with ideas that are pure genius and then worry yourself sick that you're going to upset me with them. I guess that's better than taking my approval for granted, but sometimes I wish that you had more confidence in your own judgment. We're nearly always on the same wavelength.

"Are you kidding me? I fucking love it! It solves our dilemma about Sandy and Julie, while also giving Ty what he really needs. He still feels himself to be less of a man because he couldn't satisfy his wife. It's that old-school thing of 'can't hold your woman'. He still wears the cuckold's horns, honey. This will shake things up and chop off those horns at last. Not to mention get his mind off his needless guilt over not knowing everything before he married Dinah. So he's not God. Newsflash! None of us are.

"And, for the record, I'm never worried about you and your ex. I never forget about my extraordinary powers. I'm not jealous or threatened at all. Trust me, this will happen. It will also answer the question at the back of my mind at last: does my ability work on men, too? If so, I could use a little male booty. I haven't had any in a long time.

"Not since I acquired these magical traits, certainly. That would make it at least a year, since I've had these qualities for about that long. As much as I think that I know about my powers, there are limits and they sometimes surprise me. I've even been wrong about them now and then.

"I did pretty well before then, but this supernatural stuff has changed me in ways that I still don't fully grasp, as much as I tend to think that I've figured it out. I only have this side to me because I was struck by lightning last fall. I'm the same basic guy as back then, but with the addition of this strange power.

"Suffice it to say that I'm thrilled with your little idea, as I always am. We'll hold a family meeting when Haley and I get home and go over the details. I take it that some seduction will be required. He's not in the loop yet.

"The final stage, with me, will naturally involve a 'moment of truth', since we don't want to make that choice for him. If he's gonna be my boy-toy, he needs to volunteer for it. Granted, it will make things more convenient for us if everyone is bound that way, but he has to have some way, if possible," Dan signed off on Vicki's plan.

Vicki couldn't help but laugh at this point. It was comforting and amusing in a way that this wise and powerful man whom she loved so much didn't know everything. For once, in fact, she knew something that he didn't. Vicki didn't really care about knowledge as power; it was just that too much disparity would make her feel even less worthy of his affections. As it was, she sometimes wondered he could possibly see in her, yet she knew that he never picked the wrong woman for his purposes. She understood that intuitively.

"Sorry, dear. I don't mean any disrespect, but it is reassuring to know that you're not omniscient. Honey, that little scene that you performed for Sandy and Julie didn't really mean anything from a practical viewpoint. I don't know how it applies to men, but we ladies are helpless once we meet you.

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We’d been playing the “game” for years now. Only these days the gameplay seemed more for our convenience than anything.Last time my sister came to my room and spooned me from behind while she pressed her pussy against my tailbone. I could feel how urgent it seemed for her to grind against me. I suggested that we remove our clothes.After we were naked, she reached down and loosely wrapped her hand around my cock. She began stroking it up and down. The sensation was dizzying. I could feel the...

3 years ago
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Last weekend with sub wife

We have not been playing much wife has been sick however she is better. As mentioned in my blog we are looking for a sub bi female to use with wife. On Friday night I got home from work was real hot. Walked in and my wife was standing in the family room dressed in a brack shirt very short and white blouse and nylons and FMH eels and her red collar. She had her blonde wig on. I said and what does my slut want. She came out and said she wanted to go to an adult theater or truck stop. I said ok...

2 years ago
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Dear JohnChapter 15

He fell into the seat across from her. It was clear from his look that he didn’t want to be pushed. She was anxious, but she held back waiting for him to get his bearings, calm down, whatever. He looked up at her. “That man...” he started and stopped. “It didn’t go well then?” she said. “No, no, it didn’t go well. He’s in a very bad place, Abbs. And, he’s not like any other man I’ve ever met. Whether because of his injuries or the divorce or whatever, he’s in a very bad place. Listening to...

1 year ago
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Perverse Justice formerly cgrevenge

Author's Note: You are of course extremely welcome to read this work, but you should know that I am actively rewriting it in a different tense and point of view. To this end, you might notice some inconsistencies for now. If you want to read something more polished, I may have other stories that will interest you. I can't say that I picked this job for myself, but I can say that I love it. Plus, I get to work from home (sort of -- we'll get to that, I'm sure). I get to dance behind the...

Mind Control
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First Expirences

A usual Wednesday night at the local bar joint that I work at, sat only a few of my close friends. My 20th birthday was just around the corner, so of course we were having some drinks. Jen, a new worker and old aquantince was also there. We all started testing out some new shots and celebrating my birthday which was only 4 hours away. Playing shot for shot and silly beer games we were soon a bit tipsy. Finally, midnight, I'd just turn 20. Going around the bar giving all my friends hugs and...

3 years ago
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Mandis train ride

About me:-I am a successful business executive, happily married and in my forties. I have a figure that attracts attention, men and sometimes women and I dress sexily always in stockings. I enjoy teasing and flirting with the people I meet or see as I go through my normal daily life. I suppose at some time it had to happen when a situation would arise where those I had teased would get their revenge. This was that day!!!Dressed as usual in a wrap over dress, stockings and heels, very skimpy...

2 years ago
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Step Daughter Halloween

Its Halloween and the annual Haunted House is up and running. You beg your mom to take you this year as its supposed to be the scariest one ever. She tells you that she can’t because she has to work but says that I might be able to take you if you ask me nicely. After she leaves you come to me dressed in your costume, a sexy teacher. With a tight skirt that hugs your ass like a second skin so you can’t have panties on, high heals that make your legs look longer and give your ass a lift, your...

1 year ago
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What i did for my husband written by my hubby

My fantasy has always been to watch my wife fuck another man,I have mentioned it many times when we have both been having sex, my wife has never really jumped at at the chance and my feelings were she was happy to use it as a fantasy, but that would be it, but over the years she has soften to the idea, and she has admitted that it would turn her on to have someone watch her having sex, especially if it was me.A couple of months ago we where invited to an all day party in our local pub, being an...

2 years ago
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The Scooby gang

It was one of the rare times for the Scooby gang everyone was separated valma was off in Florida for some extra schooling. Dafiny was on a trip with her family in France. It was just Fred, Shaggy, and Scooby. Fred wanted to have someone to come with him because his family is sending him to his uncles place after they found some sex toys in his room. So it’s just shaggy Fred and Scooby on the road to Fred’s creepy uncles. Fred tells the others that they are almost there.

3 years ago
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Darkroom Thursday

The daily email came in the middle of the afternoon. Hello boys, It’s not every day I feel like I need to wash my hands as much as Lady Macbeth. Wednesday’s naughty little prank last night has earned her Jill Kill status for the rest of the week. It’s going to be a very long couple of days for her. Sorry our little letter is coming to you so late in the day. We had been hoping to keep our normal schedules, but this week is going to be a total loss in terms of our higher education. We’re all...

1 year ago
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Ride Me BabyChapter 3

The tannoy announcement that it was morning woke Louise from a deep sleep. Yawning heavily she opened her eyes and struggled to recall where in the hell she was. A gentle rocking movement soon reminded her she was on board a ship and she hesitantly glanced over the edge of her bunk, half expecting to see Sonya and Brigitte curled up together. Much to her surprise, Sonya was alone in her bunk and Brigitte was in the other bunk beneath. Maybe the whole memory of the two women making love was a...

4 years ago
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Wild WoodsChapter 8 Troubled Waters

“Sick. It’s just sick,” Mead muttered as Nina left the room. At a few minutes before nine o’clock, she stood and asked if she could go to bed. The poor girl looked like she was still in shock but had answered all Mead’s questions. “Not only the people who bought her but that she was ... erased ... made ... created ... here. The cabins. The children. The doctor. It’s all too much. That our town has been a hub of child trafficking.” Mead shook his head and stood to leave. Karen and Gee walked...

4 years ago
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DragonChapter 5

Hunter felt a little put out with the morning interrogation. He politely excused himself from the table without showing his irritation. Leave them alone to mull over his half-truths, lies and evasions, he worked out in the backyard where he was sure he wouldn't be disturbed. Afterwards he went for a shower. He locked the bathroom door, he stripped off his clothes, and gave himself a good look in the mirror. He ran his finger over the contours of his now well-defined abs. Even at the peak of...

1 year ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Athena Palomino Check Out My Tits

Palomino calls her stepbrother Tony to her bedroom to ask if he thinks her boobs are getting bigger. They rinse and repeat the same interaction several times, with Palomino demanding Tony check out her tits and with Tony telling her to cut it out. The final time Palomino’s breasts pop out of her top, enticing Tony to the point where he no longer denies her. Soon she has popped his hard dick out of his pants so she can wrap her puffy lips around his head and shaft to suck him off in a deep...

3 years ago
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Loving Alternative Marriage

Please feel free to leave feedback. I would love to hear your comments, suggestions and criticisms. By all means please let me know if this story is a turn on for all girls and admirers out there. Nothing makes me more excited xoxoxo The following is told from the authors perspective. Joyce had a wonderful day at the office. She received an unexpected call from her new Vice President Charles who had just been promoted from corporate attorney. She knew Charles very well. ...

3 years ago
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My Time Square Education pt 1

I once had a married college professor cruise me after school one day.Things moved along very quickly. In no time i was being summoned to his office between classes he would lock the door sit at his desk pull out his cock and plow my throat. Creaming my face and lips. I went crazy every time he praised my oral skills while simultaneously running down his wife's.Once he got a taste for head on demand it was never enough.Took me to an adult theater had me get on my knees and blow him telling me...

2 years ago
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The Pianist

What I am about to describe, is a place where I enjoy the most unusual nights of my life. I regularly found myself in the most exclusive, high-class establishment of erotica. Well, it certainly was exclusive, but to all intents and purposes, it was otherwise known as a sex club. It was, however, a very, very different type of sex club.I was drawn there, not for the sex, but for the ambiance, the music and the pianist. The sheer eroticism of this place had gained rave reviews, not to mention its...

Love Stories
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Celias journey to sissy slave

My first time with a guy, orally was a bit different than what usually happens with young teenage boys and their sexual experimentation, but not as much as it might seem. Growing up, next door to me was a pair of sisters, the youngest was 3 years older than me, which during this time in the story, I was 14 and she was 17 and her sister was 19. One summer day, we lost power in the neighborhood cause of a bad train wreck. Well, the sister's, their names were Cathy was the younger one and...

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Anonymous Encounter at the buffet

Anonymous encounter at the buffetKris had gotten hungry while he was out, and being a little indecisive about food, he decided the best thing to do would be to hit the buffet and just have a bit of what he liked the look of, and make life easier for himself. He didn’t really like going to the buffet alone. It made him feel alone, especially as whenever he went on his own, he seemed to be the only person there without company of one sort or another. But, as he needed to eat, he always pushed...

2 years ago
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The Sissy Contest

Author's Note: This is a quick one off story written from a reader request. I was especially motivated to write this as a genuine sissy training fantasy, with the hopes that somebody would read it and use it as a blueprint IRL. That certainly got my clittly interested! Enjoy! And as always, please feel free to comment here or contact me directly at [email protected] xoxox Emshoninque The Sissy Contest My phone rang just after 3am-caller unknown. I normally don't answer...

2 years ago
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Guy at the SEX Girl School

Your name is John Doe, you are an 18 year old guy that is really an average guy in most way and you have been accepted with a few other guys into an all girl school, The Sarah Evans of Excellently School but for those in the school it was S.E.X School, you have wondered why it was an X instead of another E. The school has decied to have a trial with having guys in the school. You are going to the school that your mother, Kate Doe and really the rest of the females in your family have went too....

2 years ago
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Hiring a Teacher

The Indian who taught in the Golden Palace was tall and old, but he fell nimbly to his knees when His Magnificence, the Emir Mahmoud Abdullah, may he live for ever, known in his student days at Oxford as David Ransome, strode in to the anteroom of the harem in the Golden Palace in Kobekistan. The Emir stopped, a little surprised at the scene before him. Instead of the usual sparsely furnished room with a small dais in the middle of the floor and a few chairs against the wall, he was transported...

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My sexy mom

Hai readers, I am Praveen from southern part of kerala. I am 22 year old guy with 6.2 inches ht and 73 kgs wgt. I would like to tell you a story of mine with my mother. Her name is Shooba. She is 48 year old housewife. She had a sexy fig of 38c-32-42. She has deep oval shaped navels which make her sexier in saree. She wears her saree below her navel. She wears nighty at home. My father is working abroad and comes homes once in a week. It was 2 years ago first I had sex with her. One day I came...

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ReBoot It Up

Alright, Camp Counselor, I think that Rocky requires your assistance in finding food more suited to her unique vegetarian tastes. You have brought her into the kitchen, and no one is around because they are all outside eating or serving food. You are all alone with Rocky, and you would like to show her a healthy protein-rich meal. You unzip yourself and reveal your special pastry bag to the teenager. Your special meal dispenser fills with both excitement and a creamy meal for your camper. You...

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Art History Class

For my first story, a experience that happened in my last year at school (before Uni). I was still a virgin at the time (17). Names have been changed, but it is based on true events which happened a long time ago. I have taken some poetic license but mostly it is true.I was sitting in a darken room with about 20 other students watching a projector slide show of 20th Century art. Our teacher Mrs Ingley, I suspect, was a bit of a sex addict, because she showed lots of nude pictures and painting...

2 years ago
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Obsession Lust and Perversion Chapters 8 9

As she was finishing up, her doorbell rang. When she opened the door, it was Connie, her neighbor, with Spartacus. “Alisha, darling, could you do me a big favor…..I have to go to Denver right now……..could you keep Spartacus for me till tomorrow about noon…….he really likes you.” Perverted thoughts crossed her mind as she told Connie, “I’d be more than happy to keep him for you, you know that……..I just love him.” Connie thanked her and handed the leash to Alisha as she ran to her car. ...

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My Encounter With My Teacher

Hello, this is Vicky, writing for the first time! This is a short sex story about how I and my biology teacher got into some nasty things and then were in a beautiful pleasure give and take agreement! I am a guy from Pune, 20yrs old now. Nice physique, not so tall but good body and excellent foreplay skills, can make you cum just by words too.Kik me @ sumadhur, for some decent sexting! So, this is a story from Junior college days. I had a biology teacher named Neha mam (name changed) aged 25...

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Anna 3 Anna and the Principal

Anna's young son is looking for a cartoon video when he finds the stack of photo printouts on the TV cabinet. Curious, he leafs through them. He's amazed to see his mother's face in many of them! But she's always naked! And there are men, one is a huge fat black man! In many of the pictures the men have their things, their wee-wee's sticking out! Except they aren't like his wee-wee: these are big, long, stiff, not short and floppy like his. He looks closely at some the images: yes, it's...

4 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Jamun

Hi dear friends… Rajani again with the new story. I am from Ahmedabad and Thanks a lot for all the replies for last story My email id is Do contact me for some special service. This happened around one month back with my cousin. Uska naam rani tha dikhne me ek dam pataka and uske boobs to maano water melon size i just love that.. Woh hamare ghar aayi hui thi kuch time spend karne. usse dekhke mein bahot jyada bechain tha k kaise isse chodu. Ek din hum ne movie jaane ka plan banaya aur...

3 years ago
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MagicChapter 57

Having nothing better to do, Sean walked down the path that led to the convenience store to pick up a soda. It was a nice Saturday afternoon and the weather had convinced him that it would be nicer to walk there rather than take his truck. Traveling the well worn path, he reached the junction that led off to Max’s house. Much to his surprise he found Max seated on a fallen tree trunk tossing pebbles across the path. After checking around to say hello to Clea, Sean realized that Max was alone...

2 years ago
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Stood behind Terri with my arms around her waist and my chin rested on her shoulder as we looked out the window at the ocean. The sun slowly crept toward the horizon. “I’m going to miss this place,” she said wistfully. “We’ll be back,” I told her. “I hope so. Leslie, honey, can we watch one last sunset before we have to leave tomorrow?” she asked sweetly. “Hmmm … I’d love to,” I murmured. I tilted my head to kiss her neck and reluctantly dropped my hands from her waist. “But we better get...

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Sucking a black chub

I had just moved into a new town and found a small single room house to rent. I had recently broken up with a girlfriend and was ready to move on and find something to get my mind off of her. The neighborhood I moved to didn't have a lot of people walking around on the street. When I was moving everything into my place I noticed this chubby black guy walk by on the sidewalk a few times, like he was circling the block. He was about 5'10" and had to be over 300lbs he had a big gut that hung out...

2 years ago
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A Matter of TrustChapter 3

"Jeff," she said, "You have to find someone else to cash in as the winner. Someone you can trust to give the money back after all the excitement dies down." Of course I'd thought of that. The catch was that there was no way to make a legally enforceable agreement, like a contract. Normally that would have to involve a lawyer, and any lawyer would be duty bound to reveal the existence of the deal once he or she learned about the divorce. What we were talking about would be a transparent...

3 years ago
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Learning to be submissive part 1

Before the days of internet chat rooms and social media I was very lonely as a young cross dresser. I can’t speak for everyone of course but I would use telephone messaging services to talk to like minded people. I had received my first mobile phone for a recent birthday and I would often call up to chat to people. Sometimes things would turn into phone sex and on the rare occasion I would give out my phone number. One person whom I deemed worthy enough to have my number was a man called Jack....

1 year ago
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Analized Dana Dearmond Putting Harcore Anal Porn Back In Fashion

LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!!! Dana DeArmond has returned to ANALIZED.COM and she has brought her brand new big tits for us to play with. Wearing her new MILF crown, Dana DeArmond shows us all that she still has what it takes to hold the title of “best anal whore in the world”. She teases the camera before demanding a cock to be shoved deep into her tight asshole. Dana DeArmond takes a huge Russian cock up her ass with ease. She giggles and gapes her anal cavity for all to see. Her mad...


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