Gift Of Eternity free porn video

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The sun beat down upon Set Maat, ending the relief of the night. Wind whistled through the valley, carrying the sand of the desert into the village, where it gathered in every nook and cranny. The cliff faces seemed to dance in the rising heat, taking on a semblance of life in the valley of the dead.

Isetnofret smiled as she wished her father farewell, but once he vanished into the morning bustle of artisans and laborers, she sighed.

Today, he would finish his painting in the tomb of an overseer. It was a project that was no challenge to his skill, but a necessity if he wished to have the means to complete the preparations for his own journey into the afterlife. By now, he should have been able to pick and choose only those jobs that indulged his passion for painting and increased his status, but such was not to be.

Though he didn’t blame her, Isetnofret certainly blamed herself. Her wealthy husband had passed from sickness after two years of marriage. Because she had not borne him a child before his passing, his family had cast her aside, forcing her to return to her father’s household. She also felt responsible for the early death of her mother, who had never truly recovered from childbirth. The cost of preparing her body had further set back her father’s plans.

Her mother rested in a small, temporary, but lovingly decorated tomb, awaiting the day when her final resting place would be complete. Once, Isetnofret had thought she would give her parents a grand burial that would ensure their place in the afterlife, and now she was a burden instead.

Though she was a nearly unrivaled beauty, the wind whispered with rumors that she was cursed and barren. No man sought her hand, though many still sought her body. She had rebuffed them all. Though she ached for pleasure, she would give herself to no man who would not relieve her father of the burden she had become.

Her heart heavy - as always - she made her way into the rising heat and the stream of laborers who ogled her with unabashed lust, on her way to her toil, baking bread.

It was near to the time of high sun when the women of the bakery glanced at each other, wondering at the nervous posture of their overseer. He had stepped outside to speak to someone, and returned looking as though he had discovered a scorpion in his sandal.

Whispers traveled, as whispers do, and Isetnofret learned the reason for the odd behavior of the overseer. The youngest son of Pharaoh had come to the valley. The news left her with a mixture of fear and awe, as it did all in Set Maat. Little was known of Dedumose beyond his name, and that his mother was a woman Pharaoh had bedded once on a hunting trip.

When the child was old enough to travel, his mother had journeyed up the Nile to present him to Pharaoh. Despite his mother’s prior, humble status, she had been granted a place amongst Pharaoh’s concubines, when he saw the child. Dedumose was an acknowledged heir of Pharaoh, and thus he had power.

None knew how he would wield that power over them.

When Isetnofret left the bakery, she took a moment to marvel at the young heir’s tents, set up far from the dwellings of the common people. They were elaborately decorated, and trimmed with glimmering gold. Servants scurried amongst the tents, attending to the wants and needs of the man who took shelter within their shade.

She turned away, as the opulence reminded her of her husband. Though the marriage had been a practical means to advance her status, and that of her parents, she had grown fond of her husband in the end. She thought that perhaps she had even loved him. Surely she had mourned for more than her possible fate when he was laid to rest in the tomb her father had painted.

She returned to their small home, in order to prepare for her father’s comfort upon his return from the dark tomb in the valley.

Father and daughter both started some hours later, as the sun dipped toward the horizon in preparation to pass through the underworld. A loud, brazen knock sounded on their humble door. Her father shooed her away, and went to answer it.

Isetnofret peeked out from behind the reed mat covering the doorway of her room, and had to hold back a gasp when she saw the soldiers at the door. One of them announced “Dedumose, son of Pharaoh...”

The rest of the lengthy introduction was lost on her as she stood frozen. The fear and awe she had felt earlier filled her to overflowing.

The soldiers stepped aside, and her father bent his knees to abase himself before one of royal blood.

“Rise,” Dedumose said as he stepped forward. “I seek your skill.”

Again, Isetnofret had to hold back a gasp. Pharaoh’s son was clad in nothing more than a thin kilt of fine linen, trimmed with gold. If any doubt that he was born of the gods had dwelled within her, one sight of his magnificent body would have carried it away as if a feather upon the wind. Yet another emotion joined those roiling within her - intense arousal. He was the most beautiful, perfect man she had ever seen.

“How may I serve you, my lord?” her father asked.

Dedumose answered, “My mother beheld your work in the tomb of her father when she was young. She said it was the most pleasing to the gods that was ever offered in their favor. I seek such favor when I stand before them, and would have your work within my own tomb.”

Her father responded, “I would be honored to serve you so, my lord.”

Isetnofret knew her father well, and could hear the excitement in his voice. It was entirely possible that the son of Pharaoh might expect the work to be done for free. Still, the value of painting the tomb of a member of the royal family was priceless. It would allow her father to attract wealthier patrons, which would in turn attract even more. Surely the gods would reward him in this world and the next for serving the blood of Pharaoh as well.

Dedumose lifted a hand and beckoned someone who waited behind him. A servant approached bearing a vessel. Isetnofret’s father gasped upon looking into the vessel, and she barely held back her own. The ground glass was normally reserved for the blue in only the most important paintings within the burial chamber. The color symbolized creation and rebirth. What was within the pot would be sufficient for every painting in a large tomb, even used liberally.

The young heir said, “It would please me for you to use this for the blue in your paintings.”

“With this, my work will have life of its own, my lord. To paint with this is a blessing,” Isetnofret’s father said, and gave a bow.

Dedumose smiled. “You will have servants to aid you, meat, bread, and beer made by those who serve me. I would see to your comfort that you may devote your energy to the work.”

“When may I begin?” he asked. His enthusiasm had grown to such a point that any could hear it in his voice.

The son of Pharaoh chuckled. “It will be some time before the tomb is ready for painting. I would have you oversee the plastering, to ensure you have a suitable surface upon which to paint.”

“That will serve you well, my lord. If I may, my lord, I would like to sketch your likeness, that you may approve of my rendering before the true work begins.”

Dedumose nodded. “This is the reason I sought you out. My mother said you captured her father’s likeness, yet cast him in the most perfect light. That is what I wish. I am prepared to sit for such a rendering at this time.”

“Oh. Oh, of course, my lord. Daughter, fetch me papyrus, ink, and pen.”

Isetnofret’s heart skipped a beat. Fear and anxiety swelled within her, but she mastered them to step out of her room and respond as appropriate. “If it pleases my lord, I will do so at once.”

The young heir’s eyes widened, and his lips curled into a smile. “It would please me greatly. Join us as your father works. How are you called, beautiful one?”

Warmth flooded her cheeks - and wetness gathered elsewhere - as she answered, “Isetnofret, my lord.”

“The beautiful Isis,” Dedumose said. “It suits you. Please, bring what your father requires and join us.”

“At once my lord.”

Isetnofret breathed a quiet sigh of relief when she stepped out of sight to gather her father’s tools. The look on the young heir’s face had made her weak in the knees. It had been some time since a man had looked upon her with such mingled admiration and desire, as opposed to pure lust.

When she stepped back into the main room, she saw that Dedumose’s preparation to sit for a likeness had included a chair brought from his tents. While a pair of his servants remained, the soldiers had stepped outside. The heir’s smile widened as she entered, and she found herself smiling back.

“Thank you, my daughter,” her father said when he took the implements of his art.

“Please, sit,” Dedumose asked her.

Isetnofret took her place at her father’s side, sitting upon the floor. Her father was already hard at work, glancing up at the son of Pharaoh, and then making careful marks on the papyrus with a charred stick before committing with ink.

“I am a man of action,” Dedumose said, addressing her father. “Is your daughter promised to wed?”

“She is not, my lord,” her father answered.

Isetnofret’s heart raced.

“Would you be pleased if I were to join the suitors seeking her promise?” the young heir asked.

Her father quickly answered, “Most pleased, my lord.”

Dedumose turned toward her, and Isetnofret’s next indrawn breath was a shuddering one. He asked, “Would it please you, beautiful one?”

“It would, my lord,” she answered, thankful that her voice sounded strong, and carried none of the nervousness she felt.

Their eyes met, and she was lost within them. Their souls silently whispered within that gaze - laid bare to each other. Time was but one exquisite moment, stretching out into eternity within his eyes.

Dedumose and Isetnofret both started slightly when her father said, “It is finished, my lord.”

He continued as he held up the papyrus to present it to the son of Pharaoh. “This is but an unrefined sketch, my lord. May it please you.”

Dedumose took the sketch, shook his head and smiled. “If this is what you believe is unrefined, your final work will surely inspire awe. I am most pleased.”

“Thank you, my lord.”

“I will take no more of your time this night,” the young heir said. “I will stay for some time to approve of other work in my tomb. I will have it be known that you are welcome to deliver further work to my tents. For now, I must attend to the duty I have forestalled, and deliver the word of Pharaoh to the overseer of his tomb.”

“I have this day completed my most recent work,” Isetnofret’s father said. “My time shall belong to you, my lord.”

“Then, the gods have surely guided me to come at this time.” Dedumose turned to Isetnofret and said, “It would please me to have you join me for my evening repast, beautiful one.”

“It would please me as well, my lord,” Isetnofret responded.

“Then I am doubly pleased,” he said as he rose from his chair. He nodded to the older female servant at his side.

“I will convey you to my lord’s tents,” the woman said.

“And I will count the moments until I am free of my duty,” Dedumose said, and then caressed Isetnofret’s cheek.

She shivered from his touch.

The young heir nodded, and then took his leave. Once he was outside, the older woman said, “Come. I am Khepri.”

“Go with my blessing, daughter,” her father said. He picked up a second sheet of papyrus.

Isetnofret could see the light of passion in her father’s eyes, and cautioned, “Do not stay at your work too late, father.”

“Yes. Yes,” he said, already beginning a new sketch.

Khepri chuckled. “I can send a servant to ensure he seeks his bed, if you wish.”

The woman’s demeanor was infectious, and Isetnofret’s voice carried notes of laughter when she said, “Perhaps that might be wise.”

Her father blew out a dismissive sound, but otherwise continued his sketch.

Khepri gestured toward the door. When Isetnofret nodded, the older woman led the way.

“I will prepare you to dine with my lord,” Khepri said as they walked across the sand and stone, in the rosy light of the setting sun. “I have served him since his arrival at the palace. I believe he is smitten.”

“Do you think so?” Isetnofret excitedly asked. “I mean...”

The older woman chuckled. “Speak freely. Yes. I believe you find him pleasing as well.”

“I do.”

“This is good. I am tasked by his mother with seeing to the matters of his heart, and heirs.”

Isetnofret swallowed hard, knowing that after a two-year marriage that had not resulted in a child, she might very well not be able to offer heirs.

Khepri continued, “To such ends, I am prepared with clothing and jewelry to present yourself to my lord in a manner befitting one of his blood. I will assist you in bathing, shaving, and adorning your face. Worry not.”

That was easier said than done. At any moment, the knowledge of her widowing and rumors that she was barren could reach Dedumose, and all would be lost.

It was a wondrous scene that greeted Isetnofret when Khepri led her into a tent set somewhat apart from the others. Several carefully worked pieces of stone formed a square of solid floor, around which servants were at work. The men and women ever so slowly poured the water of the Nile through linen, filtering out the silt. Jugs that stood near the stone floor contained the clearest water Isetnofret had ever beheld.

In the opposite corner of the tent was another stone floor, connected by stepping stones. There, a low table supported numerous wooden boxes - all marvelously decorated with carving, gems, and gold.

Khepri inspected the jugs, nodded in approval, and then ordered all the male servants to leave, and continue their work in another tent. Two other women remained.

“Bring the stones,” Khepri told one of the women. She then turned to Isetnofret and said, “I will see that your wig and clothes are cared for.”

Isetnofret removed her wig and undressed, eager to bathe. One after another, hot stones from a fire outside were dropped into three jugs of water, warming it. Khepri carefully folded her clothing, and sent the other female servant to attend to their washing. Once nude, Khepri took Isetnofret’s hand and led her to the stone floor.

The two women lifted one of the jugs, and carefully poured it over Isetnofret’s body. The shower was far more luxurious than what she was used to, and Isetnofret sighed in satisfaction as she rubbed her hands over her body, washing away the dust, grit, and sweat of the hot desert day that had accumulated since her bath upon returning from the bakery.

Next, Khepri provided a natron soap that had an exhilarating floral and mint scent. Isetnofret scrubbed her body, and then two more jugs of warm, crystal clear water rinsed the residue away. She felt cleaner than she ever had in her life.

Khepri helped blot her body dry with thick, remarkably soft towels of linen, and then she went to the table to retrieve something from one of the exquisite boxes. Isetnofret regarded the implement with curiosity. Projecting from a carved wooden handle was a stone blade of shiny black.

The older woman noticed Isetnofret’s stare and smiled. “Obsidian. You will see.” She then directed the other servant to bring a chair, which was placed upon the floor of stone.

Once she was seated, Khepri spread a thin layer of scented oil on Isetnofret’s head. Isetnofret braced herself for the scraping of the blade, but she was surprised to feel it gliding over her skin with almost no bite at all. Khepri worked quickly and carefully, until she finished by wiping away the excess oil.

“Feel,” the older woman suggested.

Isetnofret ran her hand over the top of her head and gasped. It was perfectly smooth, without the slightest hint of stubble.

Khepri chuckled and said, “See?”

“It is wonderful,” Isetnofret remarked, still caressing her scalp.

“Let us attend to the rest,” the older woman instructed.

Though it took a while, Khepri shaved away the stubble on Isetnofret’s body in a fraction of the time it would have normally taken using a copper blade. Running her fingers over her freshly shaven, oh-so-smooth mound caused Isetnofret to shiver. Khepri and the other woman then filed her finger and toenails into smooth, attractive hemispheres.

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 22 I Do

The day of the wedding arrived, and Willow had the jitters. She was surprised she was worried, but Grace helped put her at ease, saying that she had felt the same. Prue was going to be her matron of honour and Ulani had agreed to be the maid. Bethany got to be the flower girl again, of course. Ulani felt honoured to be asked. She even received a message from her father saying he was happy with her new choice of friends. He supported her mother in her choice to stay and attend the Academe....

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 00

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. _________________________ Gifted: Book One Soul Mates Prologue: Moving ...

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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 8 Traveling

There was no good news in the next couple of days. Albert and Frankie had disappeared. Inspector Tyrone came out to tell them they had searched the taverns and dives and couldn’t find them. Apparently, Anne’s boys were looking too, and they hadn’t had any success either. A Constable reported that a carriage had been stolen from one of the Estates and they now believed the men had left the area. Paul decided to head back to Terville with the news. There wasn’t anything left for him to do...

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Celestial WarsChapter 18 Talking of Eternity

Don't fret my sweet. Endings don't last forever... -Forgotten Lovers -Alarial- It wasn't painful. Not like I expected it would be. When Jon and Cariel had talked about Hell's 'call' I had imagined an uncomfortable and irresistible pull. But there was none of that. It felt more like a question than a pull. I felt a cool presence embrace me, and it seemed to ask me if I would like to go with it. It did not try and trick me. This 'presence' seemed to make it clear that Hell was...

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Gift From A God Ch 08

I appeared down on Mill Avenue, in the parking garage near Harkin’s Movie Theater. He’d got me dressed so that I wasn’t walking around in swimming trunks. Mill Avenue is the main drag where a lot of college kids hang out. It runs right through the middle of campus. There’s several clubs and restaurants and weird little shops and art galleries. It’s a pretty fun place. It’s great for just girl-watching. Unfortunately that was not on our agenda this evening. I was still too weak to put up much...

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Gifted Book 1 SilenceChapter 12 Dignitaries

Willow was very nervous at meeting the King. She wore the green striped dress and found a lovely necklace and earbobs in her mother’s jewellery box. She didn’t like wearing powders on her face so she didn’t. She did smear a pink gloss on her lips and darkened her eyelashes. She grabbed her cape and purse and headed out to the sitting room. Ty turned when he heard her door open and he stood transfixed. She was beautiful, that was all he could think. Then she smiled that little smile she gave...

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Gifted Grifter Ch 12

Gifted Grifter #12: Julie Whips Wall Street Our seed money now in hand, we opened up two online stock trading accounts, one in my name and one in Julie’s. To avoid the suspicion two separate accounts doing substantially similar trades might generate if noticed, we set our accounts up with different brokers. For an additional fee, we arranged for the brokers to pay estimated taxes and capital gains out of our accounts as needed, leaving us free to just do day trading. With any luck, they would...

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Gifted Grifter Ch 05

Gifted Grifter #5: Lake Country Girls I decided to go up the lake country area for the weekend again. I put in a call to Erin, my red-haired real estate agent up there, and told her what I was looking for and at what price. The first time I had rented through her, I had seduced her using my mindreading sunglasses, but the second time she had been all business. I guess this time would be the tiebreaker. In order to have any chance at seducing her again, I figured, two things had to happen....

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Gifted Grifter Ch 06

Chapter 6: Julie Pays the Bills, Part I For nearly a year I had been living as the Gifted Grifter, and I was getting into an established routine. I would travel to Vegas or Atlantic City under an assumed name, betting horses and sports during the day, using my mindreading glasses to pick up tips from knowledgeable bettors. At night I would hit the poker rooms, using my glasses to know what everyone else at the table had in their hands when the table stakes got big, with those advantages, I...

2 years ago
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Gift of the Goddess Ch 03

Author’s Note: This story includes mind control and anal sex. Enjoy! ——————————— Jonathon was very pleased with his life… ever since he’d gotten the gift from the Goddess things had been going very well for him. He’d gotten revenge on Dana and Robert, Olivia was no longer bothering him at all – in fact whenever she saw him in the hall she blushed and put her head down. Office gossip said that she was dating one of the interns. And on top of all that, he himself had been dating Kay for the...

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 02

Author’s Note: This story involves male/female regular sex, and mind control. Enjoy! —————————————- Jonathon gritted his teeth as Olivia made another snide comment as she walked out the door of his office. That woman was REALLY getting on his nerves. Ever since he, Dana and Robert had returned from Greece, and the office had found out that Dana and Robert were now together, Olivia had been horrible. Constantly sniping and mocking him for losing his girlfriend – not that he was sensitive...

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 01

Author’s Note: This story involves elements of reluctance/non-consent (since it’s mind control) as well as oral, vaginal and anal sex and group sex. Enjoy! ————————————— Jonathon staggered down the hill, looking delirious and grinning like a complete loon. Although his girlfriend had been cheating on him with his best friend for the entire trip, both of them were still worried about him. He wanted to laugh at the expression on Dana and Robert’s faces as he walked up to them, instead he...

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Gift of the Old Pt 2

When I returned dawn was just starting to brighten the sky, and I was standing in front of my house and saw Madi walking down the driveway. “Hey Madi.” I called to her and waved my arm. “L-Lisa? What're you doing back?” She asked, then added, “And where are your clothes?” I looked down at myself and only then did I realise that I was stark naked. “Come inside and I'll tell you everything.” I told her and gestured towards the house. Once inside I explained the demon, the roses, and my...

2 years ago
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Gift of the Old Pt 1

My name? I cannot really remember, it's like a dark cloud shields it from my mind's eye. If anyone must call me anything then call me Bael. What am I? I cannot answer that either, my mind is unclear and everything related to my personal past seems lost to me, almost as though it were sealed away. What is my gender? This I can answer; I am both, male and female, but not a hermaphrodite; I have the ability to be one or the other. How old am I? I am unsure of this, but I seem to recall having...

4 years ago
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Gift To A Job Seeker

Hi To all the lovers of sex stories. This is mady and I am a job seeker. I completed my engineering in this current running year and started a deep job search where I had no luck as I was rejected by almost 20 mnc’s and almost all local companies. I almost lost hope in the job and even myself. Then came a twist of lifetime which settled me. Suddenly one fine morning i got a call from the company named PCL(name changed). When i picked up I heard a sweet voice asking me to attend an interview...

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Gift of the Tooth Fairy

Gift of the Tooth Fairy By: Katie Anne, aka, Malissa Madison Hillary rushed into her brothers room in a panic. "Harold you have to help me, please. I, I don't know how I did it but I have two babysitting jobs tonight." "Yeah right, like I know you just want to go out with What's his face," Harold told his sister. "No seriously, I know you wanted to go out tonight. But I have two babysitting jobs. The O'Leary's and Mrs Stanton," she informed her brother. "Look if you fill in on...

2 years ago
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Gift from a Stranger

As an army brat, moving from state to state was a common occurrence with me and my parents. My dad was a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and my mom did a lot of work around the house that he wasn't able to tend to. I was an only child, so the days got boring and lonely. At 18 years old, I'd been the new kid at school a total of seven times which was equal to the amount of states I'd called home. Our most recent stop on the tour was in Indiana. My first day of school had come, and I...

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Gift Never Forget

By: Rathna It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200 km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can...

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An Unknown entity has entered the earth looking for someone who will inherit the power this unknown entity have. This entity circled the world to find not the worthy one but the capable one. This entity can neither be good or bad, does not seek peace nor looking for a place to destroy. A month after looking for candidates, he found several possible people to inherit the power. Decided on the candidates, the entity went into a form of an old man. He now uses his omnipresence ability. A soaring...

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It was a week before my husband George's fortieth birthday when Dr. Ward first hypnotized me. I have to wonder if the therapist had ever heard a request like mine, or if any therapist anywhere had, for that matter. The house was covered in white wood siding, and there was a sign on the front lawn, complete with two small spotlights, proclaiming the house to be the office of Dr. Charles Ward. Under his name, happy looking script advertised his services as therapy, couples therapy and...

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Gift of Humanity

Laura noticed him as she approached the ducks. He didn’t belong here in the fashion-conscious business district. His pink polyester shirt and worn pants would have clashed anywhere. His pants were at least one size too large, while his large arms stretched the fabric of his shirt sleeves. But he wasn’t homeless, or at least she didn’t think so: he was clean. Although he could use a hair cut and beard trim. The other picnic tables were all crowded. He was sitting alone; she sat across from him....

1 year ago
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Gift Never Forget

It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok. “ Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can you guess?”...

4 years ago
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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 01

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua’s gifts have gotten him in trouble with a psycho stalker, so his...

1 year ago
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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 8 Paulartica

Upon arrival, the crew found her a carriage and sadly loaded it for her. Prue looked up to see Stuart standing on the deck. He had a pensive look, and she too felt some sadness at parting from him. He had been an enjoyable lover. Prue’s driver took her to the orphanage. She had been amused by the look he gave her when she told him her destination. Apparently, she wasn’t the first pregnant woman he had escorted there. “Hello, I was told to see a Druid Sandie,” she said to the nurse she...

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Gifted Book 2 ChemistryChapter 9 Tah

Prue and Tina soon settled in on the ship. This trip would take six weeks, and Prue was glad she could afford the bigger accommodation. It was designed as a family unit. She had a decent sized bed in her cabin, and one of the two smaller cabins had enough room for Tina and Nianna. They had a railing surrounding half of the lower bed. So Nianna could sleep safe and the other half of the bed made for a change table. A tiny sitting room divided the main bedroom and bathroom from the two...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 03

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 05

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

2 years ago
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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 04

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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Gifted Bk 01 Ch 02

You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in. This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society. Joshua moved to Goose Creek, South Carolina, just outside of Charleston, due...

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Gifted Book 3 IntentChapter 10 Memories

Carol had started playing up to Vincent. She acted as if she was his old lover and that Ulani was in the way of them being together because he had to marry her. She staged little scenes to make it look like Vincent was pursuing her. She would give Ulani little guilty looks but then look at Vincent as if he was the love of her life. She was really pissing Ulani off. Vincent had noticed the tension between the two, but with all his other problems, he didn’t realise what Carol had been doing...

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