- 4 years ago
- 23
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You know all the usual stuff, don’t read if it’s illegal or you don’t like sex or sex between two males offends you. All characters are purely fictional, and any likeness is coincidence. Joshua Glynn reserves all rights to this story, the characters, and the world they live in.
This story is about an 18/yo boy struggling with the gifts that he possesses, and trying to find out where he fits in a modern day society.
Joshua’s gifts have gotten him in trouble with a psycho stalker, so his family has moved to a new state to get away from the hassle. They are moving to Charleston, South Carolina, and his sisters are pissed at him for make them move away from all of there friends, after school has already started.
Gifted: Book One
Soul Mates
A New Start
I woke up Sunday morning around Twelve-Thirty. I had stayed up last night playing Halo two, finally finishing it. I awoke to noises outside my window. Looking out, I saw a new family was busy moving into the house next store. This past spring was the last time anyone had lived there.
I saw two blond headed girls. One was pretty and looked to be about fifteen or sixteen. The other was much younger maybe nine. They were going through a large bin. A nice looking man was taking a box into the house, followed by a beautiful blond haired woman with a handful of blankets.
‘Hey Mom! We got a new family moving in next-door!’
‘Well, you would have known that hours ago if you had gotten up at a decent hour!’ she yelled back. ‘I invited the Kingstons over for dinner tonight.’ About that time, a saw a boy walk out of the moving truck carrying a large cardboard box. He looked my age, with long light brown hair, and he must work out, not so much because he looked built, but the box looked very heavy. It was then that I saw Carrie, my twin sister, running from the truck to open the front door for him. She seemed way too happy. ‘They have a boy your age. You should go over and see if you can help.’ Mom yelled again. ‘I think his name is Josh.’
With that I put on some clothes quick and went out to see if I could help, and to meet the new kid. None of my friends live in this neighborhood. Most were at least a 10 minute drive away. So I was really looking forward to making a new friend, hopefully.
Well the drive to Goose Creek was boooorrring! We arrive Saturday night late and stayed at a nice hotel. We had one day to move in, Sunday, because my sisters and I were expected at school and Dad at work Monday morning. Evidently, there are two high schools in this town. Funny, with a name like Goose Creek you wouldn’t think it was that big. The town was divided down the middle by a highway, one school on each side. I was going to the one that had the highest academic records in the state, Stratus High. Kind of an oxymoron isn’t it? Stratus as is the sky, I thought it was funny.
Anyway, we arrive at our new house Sunday morning around 7, and it was gorgeous. It had a huge porch, a two car garage, and trees in just the right places. It was a really cool house. Dad unhitched the car carrier from the truck in front of the house. Then, he backed the truck in to the front yard. Mom pulled the other car, our van, into the driveway. We all took a tour of the new house, it was the first time any of us had seen the house other than dad, when he had came down to set things up. I L O V E D it! It had a master bedroom, three smaller bedrooms, a large kitchen, dining room, a huge living room, and a pool in the backyard with a hot tub. I was blown away.
Then, dad told me to follow him. He took me to the hallway that connected to the garage. There was a door to the left in the hallway that opened to a set of stairs, and up the stairs to very large room. Suddenly it dawned on me, the room had its own bathroom. This was another bedroom. Was he giving it to me?
‘Dad, whose room is this?’
‘Yours of course!’
‘No…way! Dad I can’t…’
‘Yes, you can! You’re a man now and you need a space of your own. But! There will be some rules, no parties in the wee hours of the morning!!’ he chuckled, so did I.
After the tour we got right on the process of moving in. We had been working about Twenty minutes, when the neighbors from next door came over to welcome us to the neighborhood. A nice looking man, his lovely wife, and they had a daughter my age with them. She was hot, short black hair, blue eyes, wonderful face, and a nice body. I noticed Josh jr. was flexing slightly. Nice looking girl, huh son. Dad sent me smiling. I could feel heat on my face.
‘Hi, my name is Herald Toma. This is my wife Trish and my daughter Carrie.’
Dad took his hand, ‘Well, my name is James Kingston. This is my wife Amanda, my daughters Kim and Adria, my son Joshua, and the midget is Danny.’
‘I have a son as well, but he’s being lazy this morning’ Ms. Toma said. ‘I would love to invite you all over for diner tonight. I know the last thing you want to do after a hard days work is to cook!’ she said all smiles.
Reluctantly, dad accepted. (Mainly because he got from Ms Toma that she would be offended if we refused.) So it was set, tonight at six o’clock we would have dinner at the Toma’s. We started back up moving boxes and things. Carrie stayed behind to ‘help’.
‘So how old are you anyway?’ Carrie asked.
‘Just turned eighteen two months ago.’
wow, cool…’Really, me too. I’m senior.’
‘Same here…’
We continued to small talk as I bought in the large boxes, while she got something small or nothing at all and opened the door for me. She was in the band, and JROTC and a few AP classes. She flipped when I told her all of my classes were AP. She told me the school was very big, but cool. She warned me to not be a loner, but she didn’t think that was going to be a problem after ‘hanging’ out with me today. After a few boxes I found one of mine and headed for the garage. She followed me up to my new room and about fell out. She couldn’t believe how cool this room was. I was getting starting to get the sense that she liked me.
After a few hours a boy walked over from Carrie’s house. Wow, he was a masculine version of Carrie! He walked up to me with his hand out. He just as beautiful as she was! It was hard to explain, I don’t think I’m gay, I mean have never been attracted to a guy before. This guy, however, was doing the same thing his sister was doing to me when I met her. It was something I couldn’t explain about them.
‘Hi, I’m Casey. Yea, we’re twins!’
As soon as I took his hand I felt a strange feeling, one I’ve never felt before. The look on his face was strange too. I broke our hand shake and we snapped out of our trance. He just looked me like he was trying to figure out what had just happened and not coming up with anything. Carrie knew some thing was up.
‘What was that? You two kind of spaced out for a second.’ She said frowning
‘I don’t know.’
‘Me either. But that was weird!’ I said. ‘Um, Carrie, would you mind shaking my hand?’ I said as I offered my hand.
‘Um, OK’ as she took my hand the same strange feeling came over me. I’ve felt this before, but I’m not sure where. Her eyes bugged out as she looked into my eyes. Then I looked over at her brother and he had the same look.
This is too weird! I heard from Casey and Carrie at the same time.
‘That felt funny… Not bad, just weird.’ Casey said.
‘Yea, is that static or something?’ Carrie asked.
I closed off my mind and the feeling went away. I must be sensing something from them that I don’t recognize… I’ll ask dad later. ‘I don’t know, but it seems to be gone now.’ Until I figure this out I’ll just have to k
eep my mind shut around them.
I looked around and realized we were in the middle of the yard, staring at one another.
Just then, Dad came out of the house. ‘No time for breaks! What do you think this is a union!’ we laughed at that.
‘Hey dad, this is Casey, Carrie’s twin brother.’
‘Twins huh?’ Dad smiled, waved, and went back into the truck.
‘Let’s get back to work.’
‘OK’ they both said in stereo. Too weird…
We continued hauling things inside. Casey was a big help, with my bed and other heavy things, to carry them upstairs. I noticed that most of the heavy furniture and the beds felt lighter than they should. My working out has really helped. We both helped dad do the same with their stuff. By three o’clock we were finally finished. We were so busy putting up stuff we didn’t talk much until the truck was cleaned out.
‘We’re going up to my room to get me settled in.’ I said to mom and dad, after we had all had a break and a cold beverage.
They both just smiled at me making friends so soon. ‘OK, don’t loose track of time. Dinner is at six.’
‘But, why does he get the room over the garage.’ Kim said upset. ‘It’s his fault we had to move here in the first place!’ She puffed out her bottom lip.
‘Kim, go to your room and unpack we’ll discuss this later!’ from mom.
I got some looks from Casey and Carrie, but I just headed for my new room. They followed. After we got there…
‘OK, Spill! What’s up with you being the cause of the move?’ Casey asked
‘Well, lets just say, a girl at my old school started stalking me, thinking I was her boyfriend, and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She turned violent and my dad didn’t feel safe there, because she threatened my sisters.’
‘Oh, what’s the matter was she butt ugly or something?’ Casey again
‘No actually she was one of the most beautiful girls at school. She had just broken up with the captain of the swim team. I had gone to try and comfort her, and she chose me as her new boyfriend, right there on the spot.’ I lied a bit, no sense in showing all my dirty laundry, especially in front of Carrie. ‘I just didn’t want to be the rebound guy, especially that quickly and she wouldn’t take no for an answer!’
We continued to set up my room and the small talk resumed. Casey was the older of the two by four minutes. They loved the area. Every thing was so laid back. After a bit the subject of school came up…
‘You’ll like it. There are like twenty or so cliqs in the school though. Not that big a deal just hang with any of them and you’ll be ok. It’s kinda weird actually, the only kids really looked down at, are the loners that don’t hang with anyone. Even the geeks are cool at our school.’ Carrie said
‘Yea, James Carlson, the coolest kid, in school hangs out with all the right cliqs, is the captain of the chess team, head quarter back, and throws the best party’s at school. There are a lot of cliqs to choose from, The Cowboys, Dog town, the dragons, the gutter sluts, the Joes, the actors, the band, the chorus, the crusaders, the preps, the jocks. Most of the students are members of various cliqs. Me, I hang with about five of them myself, but I like the knights the best, that’s the chess club. We have about twenty-five members’
‘Wow, ok so let me get this straight, almost the entire school is members of one club or another and if you’re not a member you looked down on?’
‘That’s about the jest of it, but don’t worry, we’ll introduce you to lots of people, it’ll be cool!’ Casey said.
Great, I hate molding myself into someone else’s idea of what’s cool, and this new school is brimming with it. At least I had already made some new friends. Hopefully this wouldn’t be all that bad.
We unpacked most of my stuff and set my room up in about one hour flat, even with all the talking. I really liked these two! I was just happy to have friends already. Less then one day, it had to be a record! They continued to fill me in on the new school, and I must say I liked it the more I heard about it. It sounded cool, the way the power structure was split evenly among the various cliqs. No one, mean, dominating, cliq that ruled it all, that was the norm at most schools, and popular geeks, what’s the world coming to (Geeks of the world unite!).
It was going on five o’clock, and I wanted to get a shower and change clothes before dinner. I thanked my guests and told them I’d see them in an hour. I was grateful for the help. This could have taken a week or more. As it was I only had about two hours of one person work left.
At dinner, the mood was light, until…
‘Mom, could you pass the gravy?’ Kim asked sweetly, not looking at me, or the fact that the gravy was on the other side of me and Mom would have to reach over me to get it.
‘Ask, Josh for it dear, it is by him, I can’t reach it.’
So, my sister sits there, looking at her plate, and begins to eat her mash potatoes without any gravy. ‘Josh, would you mind…’ I picked up the gravy bowl and set it next to her plate. She continued to eat the dry potatoes. Miss Toma noticed the sibling rivalry and said something about it being only natural at that age. Well that just made Kim more upset. She hated being thought of as a little kid, even though she is only eight.
Well the rest of the night was quite uncomfortable. Good thing my mind was elsewhere, I kept thinking of the twins. There is something about them… I can’t shake them from my mind. They took turns looking at me and smiling the rest of the night. I think they liked me back. Well they must have, they stayed an entire day to help me clean my new room.
That night mom sent Kim to her room as soon as we got home. I excused myself as I wanted to get things ready for my first day at the new school. I went up to my room, and lay on my bed thinking of the day’s events. I don’t know how long I stared at the ceiling… A noise came from by the window. Startled I looked over and saw Carrie climbing through the window.
‘Um, Carrie, ah what are you doing here…?’ I didn’t get to say much as she placed her lips to mine.
As she broke, ‘Josh, I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you’ she replaced her lips to my egger mouth. I felt her hand messaging me through my shorts, making me very hard, very quickly. The next thing I know my shorts are around my ankles and her head was moving down to my aching member. I lean my head back arching my back as she begins to devour my manhood. Oh God that feels good! I reach down to grab her short black hair, but something feels different about her hair. It is much too short, and spiked at the top…
Spiked at the top! I looked down at her as she rose off my cock with a smile, but it’s not Carrie. Casey is looking back at me with a wicked grin and I feel something pressing against my ass. Oh my God!
I sat bolt up in bed. The lights were still on. What the Fuck!!
It was only a dream, and what a dream. It had only been about two hours since I came upstairs. And, UGGG! Damn it! I got to go change my shorts. The smell of sex hits my nostrils and my mind wanders back to the wet dream I’d just had. I can understand Carrie being there, but… why was Casey in it? I had never felt this way towards another guy before.
I lay back in bed and sat restless for quite a while as I lay there pondering the dream. I realize I am attracted to him, but why. This is all very confusing. After another hour and a half of tossing and turning and thinking, sleep finally overtook me.
Next: First Day of School
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It was a week before my husband George's fortieth birthday when Dr. Ward first hypnotized me. I have to wonder if the therapist had ever heard a request like mine, or if any therapist anywhere had, for that matter. The house was covered in white wood siding, and there was a sign on the front lawn, complete with two small spotlights, proclaiming the house to be the office of Dr. Charles Ward. Under his name, happy looking script advertised his services as therapy, couples therapy and...
We had been married for five years and each year I tried to make Paul's birthday extra special with something that he would remember. This year I had made reservations in a romantic restaurant and I had planed on giving him a night to remember. The restaurant was dark with candles at each table. Violins played throughout the place making it one of the most romantic places in the city. The waiters wore tuxedos and would wisk the plates away as we finished each course. Never had I been waited...
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We have had a lot of discussions recently since she has started up being with other men and it seems that things are moving forward into the kind of relationship that I've been desiring. She's become more active and also become more dominant towards me. She has now got a couple of fuck buddies and will even be doing a first tomorrow (which will have its own blog entry) in that she will be staying out all night while she spends the night at her new black lover. She knows I'd like to serve her...
Why I'm a Daddy's Girl----------All very young girls love their Daddies unconditionally, but of course, this may change, as they grow older. I have always been a 'Daddy's Girl' and cherish every moment with him. I quickly learned that even if Mom said 'No' with the right look and plea, her 'No' could become a 'Yes' from Daddy. If upset or crying, his touch seemed to sooth my troubles and he has a knack for making people smile. We are a close family, and we frequently played games together when...
Skinny, tattooed Euro babe Tabitha Poison is no stranger to backdoor decadence. The young, cock-hungry hottie teases in tight jean shorts and a tiny top, stripping and performing anal masturbation. Tabitha spreads her sphincter and lewdly stuffs a dildo into her rectum, moaning while fingering her wet pussy. Angelo Godshack and Damien Soup make her acquaintance by stuffing their sizable erections down her throat as she gives a graphic double blowjob! The studs take turns fucking Tabitha,...
xmoviesforyouNamaskar dostno aap lonogo ko merii story kasii lag rahi hai bataiye ga jarroor batiye ga merii email id hai ,Mai aap lnogo ka jyada time naa barbbad karthe hue shidehe storry pe aatha hnu. Nadeem nai merii gaand pe bahut tez laat maara tha or ye laat merii zindagii kii phali laat thi or woo bhi gaand pe, mere ko kya malum tha aane waale time pe mere ko iski aadadt pad jaye gii. khair mane turant hii aapni t-shirt uttar dii or ek dum nanga ho ke aapni bhan ke piche jaa ke khada ho gya. mane...
My name is Raj, from Chennai. In my family, there are 3 members(father, mom, me). I am studying 3rd year in college. My father is a businessman, he is always busy with his business & my mom is a housewife. This sex story is all about my mom & how she changed completely after her affair with my friend Jagan. First I introduce my mom. He is a conservative South Indian woman. She used to wear only sarees. She has a sexy body even at the age of 42. All men will see her sexy body while she was...
IncestI had a week off from work. A week off! This was my first real job after I’d graduated high school and this was my first vacation. Not one with my parents but mine! I could go where I wanted, do what I wanted. There was only one problem … money. I decided to use the week to hitchhike south to Decorah to see some friends. Then I’d see how much time I had left and go from there. At eighteen, I had no worries! I started out early and got good rides until I was about twenty miles from Decorah. My...
Gay MaleHere's a little something that just sort of came to me - almost as fast as I could type. I guess the idea / dream had been sitting in the back of my mind for quite a while, waiting for a chance to come out. Anyway, enjoy. Curiosity Cursed the Cal By Elrod W The swaying hips, so perfectly rounding the rear of the short red skirt, with long tanned sexy legs stepping in the high heels had a hypnotic effect. Cal sat, a dreamy look in his eyes as the young lady sauntered around the...
She moved in behind you nice and slow barely grazing your spine with her fingertips. Leaning over your shoulder she began to kiss on the nape of your neck and nibble slightly on your earlobe. She turned you around in your chair oh so slowly and lifted the shirt from your chest. Moving slowly toward the floor she began to unzip your pants and slowly take them off for you. This was so unexpected, so unlike anything she's ever done don't know what to think about this newfound soul...
EroticHi friends, I tell you my experience. I am Kiran and at that time I was 33 years and working as a researcher in a Southern city. I go to many colleges for guest lectures and before I start the session I usually describe the work my organization carries out, my specific field of expertise and also offer help to students in designing their research. One day I went to meet a colleague of mine in his residence and at that time he was taking bath. The servant opened the door and asked me to wait. At...
She was truly blessed under a lucky star as Sindee Lipstick found her gorgeous self being whisked away to Sweden to have a tour and sample the delights of the famous Swedish Milk House. She squirmed in her seat as she thought of the images she had only seen online. Titties of mammoth proportions, hanging waist length, bras bursting with over a foot of cleavage, wet leaking nipples creating contouring wet t-shirt spots over huge nipples, and beautiful women over six feet tall. She shuddered with...
Catholic Schoolteacher I had been a schoolteacher for quite awhile and had even retired after thirty years of service but when Father Tom asked me to join the staff at the Catholic High School I did. He asked me to do so as a personal favor to him. He was not in the habit of asking me personal favors so I knew that he needed my help desperately. I soon realized why he was so desperate in the first place. The money was ridiculous, the classrooms were only half full, and they were...
Sheriff Ernie walked to the door of his SUV, got tagged with a 'thank you' and a kiss on the cheek from Nikki. "Thanks, Ernie," I said. "We appreciate you taking care of us." "Not at problem, buddy," he said. "I'd stay and chat but there's a lot of people that need me to see 'em today. Some of 'em I actually want to see." As he slid into the seat, he said, "We still need to get together, you an' Nikki, and my bunch." "Well, If we both get back to sanity, we'll do...
Ivy Rose gets called in by a horny man who wants a busty maid to come clean his place. He ordered a brunette and is delighted when Ivy arrives in a slutty maid outfit complete with black stockings. She gets cleaning while the man who ordered her watches. She is very accommodating to him asking if he likes the view of her tits. She then moves outside and starts cleaning his windows while smashing her orgasmic tits to the window. Finally, she goes into the kitchen and puts her tits on a plate and...
xmoviesforyou"How are your joints feeling?" asked Woody, as he and Crystal walked out the doors of the conference center. "Fine," she said, looking around. "Oh," he said. "Good. I just thought you might need to stretch... or something." Crystal turned to him, her gaze level. "Just because I acted like a fool last night doesn't mean I'm a fool." "You didn't act like a fool last night," he objected. "You acted like a woman, who needed something. I thought I gave it to you." "Don't...
The heat makes me sweat uncontrollably, beads of it roll down my face. My tongue is a desert, every swallow painful. The air is acrid, stinking of sulphur and smoke. Every breath is torture in my lungs, making them burn with an evil intensity. The platform I'm lying on seems to be made of the same rock as the walls, hard and lumpy, digging into my back. Rusted iron shackles encircle my wrists and ankles, pinned into the volcanic rock with nails as thick as my forearm. I yank at them,...
Sara could feel her pussy waking up faster than she was. It quivered in her fleece shorts. “Ummm, yeah, sure. How long before you get there?” “Probably 35-40 minutes. Come to the back of the lot.” Click and Cliff was gone. Sara jumped up and rushed to the bathroom. She freshened up and tossed her t-shirt and shorts into the corner. She went to the closet and spotted the new floral sun dress that she and her sister Lauren had bought at the mall just two days earlier. It buttoned all the way...
Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...
Gay MaleChrissy's New Life Part 6 The eatery was crowded with those who had opted for Thanksgiving dinner out. The restaurant was the finest in the area, its oaken paneling and velvet draperies giving an impression of aged elegance. The maitre-d' greeted the trio warmly and escorted them to a table on the slightly raised mezzanine. All eyes were on me as a young lady as I made my way between the other tables. I couldn't help but overhear the whispered admiration as the other diners paused and...
Sandra is David's new daughter and is happy and content. Sandra takes over the story as we follow her through her exposure to Brian her best friend an appointment with a psychiatrist Dr. Louis. Authors note: I've never written like this, two people telling different sides of the story. I Hope you like it. A Prayer Answered Chapter Three By Sara D. I slept better last night than I had in...
After some early misgivings Mimi had finally agreed to us renting or buying a property in the Grantham area and enrolling Jean–Woodrow at The King’s School. As yet we had not travelled to England as Mimi was adamant that until our twin girls were fully weaned they would not be exposed to coach or sea travel. Thus, it was not until May of 1826 that the family set out for England. During the preceding two years I had kept in touch with my sister and the Slades, and Zinnia was searching the area...
My father invited a colleague from the bank to our home. Visibly proud, he announced a guest for the next evening with: "This is the youngest Vice President of our Bank. He is only 33 years old.” The next day the doorbell rang and my parents opened the door. I was in my room listening to a Pink Floyd record: "Wish you were here" and once again I thought about my dream man Michael. My father knocked on the door after a while and asked: "Don't you want to welcome our guest?" I said: "All right,...
I m Aditya , 28, Delhi. I live with my wife and her mother. We have been married for 3 years and since my wife is the only child of her parent, my MIL came as a dowry to me. I m 6 feet tall and my dick is quite big and I m tan. My wife , Niharika is 27 . She is a plus size woman with huge boobs and big ass. We have a gr8 sex life. We fuck each other whenever we get chance. I love my wife and she is crazy about me. She is hot at bed. Sue gives a nice blowjob. And we have sex on regular basis....
IncestIT FELT LIKE I’d been stabbed. A sharp pain in my gut, my heart rate somewhere over a hundred. I’d come home at the usual time to find the house apparently empty. Unusual. The ladies should have been home. Our Amy was six months old by then. Fred’s Julian was three months. Both women nursed and they hated pumping. Our temporary nanny, a luxury but a necessary one in this first year while we were still sorting out who would do what in the house, was reading in the nursery. The babies were...
Zach was on the interstate, making his six-hour drive home from college for the summer. He had just finished his junior year and although he was glad that his classes and finals were behind him, he wasn’t looking forward to living under his parents’ roof again for the summer. At college he could do as he pleased--party, stay out all night, raise hell, get drunk, whatever he wanted at any time. At home he had to toe the line or he’d get a load of grief from Mom and Dad. Zach was a good-looking...