Effet Papillon 6 free porn video

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Effet Papillon. 6e partie. Note de l'auteur: J'ai mis un peu de temps pour poster cette suite. L'inspiration est toujours pr?sente, mais le temps l'est moins. Merci ? tous pour vos encouragements. 11. A ma grande surprise, cette premi?re sortie en fille s'est tr?s bien pass?. Ou plut?t devrais-je dire mal pass? ?tant donn? ses cons?quences. Le caf? dans lequel Elodie m'avait emmen? ?tait bien loin du bistro traditionnel. A mi-chemin entre la brasserie et le pub, il accueillait toutes sortes de clients, depuis des jeunes coll?giens jusqu'? des piliers de bars qui venaient regarder les courses hippiques en hurlant pour encourager les chevaux sur lesquels ils avaient mis? leurs espoirs de fortune. Nous pr?mes une table en plein milieu de l'?tablissement, bien en vue de tous les clients. Avec le recul je suis sur qu'Elodie avait fait expr?s. A la table de derri?re, il y avait une assembl?e d'?tudiants, pas plus vieux que nous, qui refaisait le monde autour de bi?res qui ne devaient pas ?tre les premi?res de la journ?e. A elle seule Elodie avait de quoi attirer bien des regards. Mais la vue de deux jeunes filles ne pouvait que susciter la curiosit? des m?les pr?sents ? cette tabl?e. Avant m?me que nous n'ayons command?, deux d'entre eux vinrent ? notre rencontre et nous pri?rent de les joindre. Elodie acqui?sca avant m?me de me laisser le temps de r?pondre non. Il s'av?ra qu'ils ?taient plut?t sympathiques, et m?mes charmants. M?me s'ils voulaient ouvertement nous draguer, ils n'?taient ni trop entreprenants ni trop d?monstratifs quant ? leurs intentions. ?Donc toi c'est Elodie. Et ta copine, comment s'appelle t'elle?? La question du pr?nom devait se poser ?tant donn? ma tenue. Pas question de r?pondre Pierre, ou pire Pierrette. Il me fallait improviser, et vite. Au m?me moment, je reconnus la musique de fond qui passait dans le caf?. C'?tait un vieux morceau des ann?es 80, Joe le Taxi par Vanessa Paradis. Machinalement, je r?pondis: ?Je m'appelle Vanessa.? J'?tais ?tonn? par la voix que j'avais employ?e. Sans r?el effort, j'avais r?pondu avec une voix tr?s douce qui pouvait parfaitement faire illusion. Le regard d'Elodie et son sourire amus? m'indiqua que je l'avais agr?ablement surprise. Le reste de notre passage dans le bar se passa sans encombre. Je dois bien avouer que j'ai m?me commenc? ? ?tre relativement ? l'aise. En tout cas, j'obtenais sans efforts deux num?ros de t?l?phone de gar?ons avides de me revoir sans m?me bouger un cil. De retour chez Elodie, il ?tait ?vident que j'avais perdu mon pari. Je ne pouvais plus me d?filer: il faudrait que je parte ? Rome dans la peau d'une fille. A croire que Vanessa avait de beaux jours transalpins devant elle. ?Tu t'en es bien tir?. Tu vois, je te l'avais dit. Tu peux te faire passer pour une fille sans effort. Je crois m?me que tu as appr?ci? la situation.? ?Je dois bien avouer que c'?tait marrant. Et puis ils ?taient sympas.? ?Oui tr?s. Encore deux heures et tu te serais ?clips?e dans un recoin avec l'un d'entre eux pour faire des cochonneries? ?N'importe quoi. Ils ?taient justes sympas.? ?On ne me la fait pas. Tu as jou? les parfaites allumeuses!? ?Non je t'assure.? ?En tout cas, il va quand m?me falloir que tu t'entra?nes un peu. Ils ?taient faciles ? berner mais tu as eu quelques gestes, quelques attitudes pas vraiment f?minines. Il va aussi falloir qu'on fasse un peu de shopping entre ?copines.? Tu auras besoin de tes propres affaires.? 12. Elodie a insist? pour que je sois habill? en fille pour l'accompagner faire les boutiques avec elle. C'?tait une sorte d'entra?nement comme elle aimait me le r?p?ter, et puis pour essayer des v?tements du sexe faible, il valait mieux que j'ai l'air d'y appartenir. Ma panoplie pour cette excursion se diff?renciait l?g?rement de celle de ma premi?re sortie. M?me si Elodie s'en d?fendait, elle m'avait choisi des v?tements nettement plus f?minins. Je portais un pantalon noir assez large mais qui s'arr?tait ? la moiti? de mes mollets, laissant appara?tre tr?s nettement mes chevilles. Pour l'occasion, j'avais mis un collant opaque et ? nouveau ces bottes qui m'avaient assassin? les pieds. Pour la partie haute, un chemisier tr?s sage d?passant d'un pull bien trop moulant avait pour effet de bien mettre en valeur ma fausse poitrine. Une petite veste noire toute simple et une pointe de maquillage finissaient d'achever mon apparence de jeune fille r?serv?e mais finalement assez sexy. Je n'ai jamais ?t? un adepte du shopping, mais tout compte fait cette journ?e ? faire les boutiques entre ?filles? ?tait loin d'?tre d?sagr?able. Je n'avais pas ?norm?ment de choses ? acheter, deux tenues maximum suffiraient pour l'excursion transalpine, mais il fallut de longues heures d'essayage pour y arriver. Nous avons commenc? par la lingerie, bien sur. Maintenant qu'Elodie savait que les petites culottes et les strings ?taient devenus une habitude chez moi, c'?tait de loin la partie qui m'int?ressait le plus. Mais cette fois, en lieu et place de culottes, c'?tait les soutiens gorge qui allaient avec que je devais m'acheter.. Mon premier choix fut classique: un soutien gorge bustier en dentelle blanche orn? d'un petit n?ud rouge entre les deux bonnets. Le second fut plus chaud: un wonderbra tirant sur le rouge qui mettrait mes fausses formes bien en ?vidence. D'apr?s Elodie, c'?tait un v?tement d'allumeuse, mais au moins Franck ne s'en remettrait pas. Elle insist?t pour que j'ach?te aussi des collants, un couleur chair et un noir. Je fis en revanche de la r?sistance pour des bas autofixants. Il y avait un pas que je n'avais pas envie de franchir. La seconde phase de notre journ?e shopping fut moins ?vidente. Se choisir une tenue ou un pantalon, c'?tait aussi l'essayer devant tout le monde. Ma premi?re id?e, me trouver un jean s'av?ra assez mauvaise. Autant il ?tait facile de duper les gens avec de la fausse poitrine, autant je manquais de hanches pour tenter un pantalon trop moulant. Finalement, je me rabattis sur un pantalon marine dans le style de celui que je portais: assez large et droit et s'arr?tant juste au-dessus de mes chevilles. Port? avec une tunique beige, le r?sultat ?tait des plus convaincants. Je pris ?galement un pull en V de couleur blanche, une veste mi-longue en faux cuir et deux tee shirts tout ce qu'il y a de plus f?minins Par jeu, Elodie insista pour me faire essayer une robe, par ailleurs assez courte. Elle a bien insist? un quart d'heure, mena?ant de me planter au milieu d'une cabine d'essayage si je ne c?dais pas. Elle trouva finalement l'argument ultime pour me faire c?der. Profitant de l'affluence dans la boutique et dans les cabines d'essayage en particulier, elle chuchota ? voix basse ?T'es mignonne pour un gar?on, montre comment tu porte bien tes petites culottes ? tes voisines.? Elle r?p?ta la phrase une demi-douzaine de fois, montant peu ? peu le volume de sa voix. Avant qu'elle n'ait alert? toutes les autres cabines, je dus me r?signer ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. C'?tait ?a ou la honte de ma vie. Elodie me tendit l'un des collants que j'avais achet? pr?c?demment. Je n'ai jamais eu une pilosit? tr?s prononc?e, en particulier au niveau des jambes. Mais les quelques poils pr?sents risquaient de me d?masquer. Le fait est que cette petite robe m'allait comme un gant. Etroite en haut, plus ?vas?e sur le bas, j'ai appris plus tard que c'?tait une robe trap?ze. Je n'avais pas l'impression d'?tre particuli?rement sexy ou ?aguicheuse? mais certains courants d'airs inhabituels me rappelaient la nouveaut? de cette tenue. Avec les bottes j'avais comme l'air tr?s f?minin, pr?te ? aller draguer ces messieurs. ?Tu es magnifique! Tu es n? pour porter ce genre de robe! Remplace le collant opaque par quelque chose de plus clair comme des r?silles et tu vas tous les rendre dingues!? J'?tais partag? entre la g?ne et une certaine forme de fiert?. Elodie voulut me faire essayer d'autres tenues, des robes et des jupes bien sur. Heureusement, la journ?e ?tait bien avanc?e et nous avons du rentrer. En d?ballant mes affaires, je vis qu'elle avait discr?tement ajout? la petite robe ? mes colis. Sans doute l'avait-elle pay? pendant que je me rhabillais en cabine. Je lui fis part de ma d?couverte mais elle me r?pondit que c'?tait un cadeau. Une jeune fille se doit d'avoir une petite robe, c'est obligatoire. J'eus beau lui rappeler que je n'?tais pas une jeune fille, elle pouffa de rire. ?En tout cas, ? Rome tu en seras une.? Le soir venu, Franck nous a rejoint. Visiblement il ?tait ?pat? par ma transformation. Pour lui, j'?tais suffisamment ?jolie? pour ?tre sa copine pendant son p?riple transalpin. Vanessa irait donc ? Rome. A suivre...

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NewSensations Adira Allure Adira Cums Out Of Her Cage To Play

The blonde wild slut in a cage Adira is ready to cum out and play with her master Tommy. As he sets the tone of this fuck session, dripping wet Adira is already squirting pussy juice as Tommy teases her mouth, tits and ass with his leather whip. Now that Adira is out of her cage she is on her knees enjoying her cock face fuck, balls deep. Her hot tight pussy takes a great deep pounding from Tommy’s hard cock and slurps up every ounce of his cum exploding onto her face, mouth and perfect...

2 years ago
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My Brothers Toy

It was around 2pm when l re-joined the world and decided to take a shower as l walked across the landing to the bathroom l heard music coming from my brother Dave’s room, once in the bathroom l vainly stood in front of the mirror took off my bra then wriggled out of my knickers turned on the shower then glanced back at my reflection and saw bruising in the shape of finger as if l had been held very tightly on the back of my legs l put it down to more than likely falling over, l stepped into...

2 years ago
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Blood Sweat and Fears

   He would be arriving shortly to pick me up from work, Usually I had a pretty good idea what he was up to with his late night antics that he has become so accustomed to. My husband and I have been together for about 2 years and we were the best of friends for several years before this. So when it comes to knowing each other we have it down pat.    I was nervous this time, he didn't give me any clues and he usually stumbles up and I don't have a hard time figuring out what he is up to. But...

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Ms Erikssons Cock

  Late for school again. I threw the door to my classroom open. ‘Sorry I’m late mis Erikson.’ I said to my teacher. ‘Sit down.’ she said sternly. I didn’t care much for school, my teacher mis Erikson was the only good thing about it. She was in her mid thirties and she inspired awe in all the boys at school. Her rather big but oh so perfect ass looked very beautiful in those tight skirts she used wear. Her breasts couldn’t possibly be as nice as her cleavage suggested I used to think to comfort...

3 years ago
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Best Mate

"?Best Mate?" Still no response. Danny had been trying to get Nick's attention in class for a number of minutes now, and having grown bored with essentially chanting Nick's name, had gone on to basically exhaust all other terms he could use to describe his friend. Realizing he was amusing no one but himself - the few people who could actually hear him clearly irritated by his incessant whispers - he picked up his ruler and jabbed Nick between the shoulder blades. At this, Nick finally...

4 years ago
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Quid Pro Quo Part 2 She Does Me

There we lay, Erin and I, for many minutes letting ourselves bask in the afterglow of the erotic events that had just transpired. The sun baking our sweaty skin yet the breeze off the ocean cooling our overheated bodies. I lift my head, looking up and down the beach, wondering if anyone had noticed me masturbating Erin and witnessed her powerful orgasm. Erin herself, eyes closed, still wears the expression of bliss and contentment on her pretty face. Only now that my girl’s body is satiated (at...

2 years ago
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Academic Hero a Late BeginningChapter 4

Edwin stepped out of the bank and looked around at his surroundings. The stench was mind blowing. The frontier town was nestled in amongst a cloud draped mountain. The clouds filtered out the sunlight giving the morning a dark oppressive feel. The air was thick with moisture, thick enough to see. It was the kind of damp that seeped through clothes making them wet and uncomfortable to wear. He looked up at the clouds hoping that it wouldn’t rain, but knowing that it would. There were a few...

3 years ago
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Virtue Unmasked

Work at the saloon wasn't what I had dreamt of doing, but since daddy died, I needed to find work. Thankfully Bill offered me this job with a place to stay upstairs. I knew some of the girls who lived there used their room for more than sleep. I had yet to find anyone that I wanted to bring upstairs, and I had promised myself that I wouldn't be a woman of loose virtue. It was time for me to go. I slipped on the mask. Made sure it was straight, all you could see were my ruby red lips and the...

Straight Sex
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Deep Secret Ch 17 Oh

”All right, let’s go, I give you half an hour,” she said to me, obviously quoting from the episode of Seinfeld entitled ‘The Mango.’ ‘OK,’ I said quizzically, attempting to rise to the challenge. ‘That’s the episode where Jerry and Elaine decide that they must have ‘sex to save the friendship,’ right? The one where she tells him that many of her orgasms were fakes.’ I held up my hand. ‘Let me remember,’ I said, pausing to gather my thoughts. ‘Give me a sec. It starts with the nightclub...

4 years ago
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Until His Anger is Spent

‘Is the front door locked? Don’t lie to me,’ He said. ‘No, Sir,’ I confessed. ‘Well, you had best leave it open. Get in position and lay out what you think I’m going to need to punish that body,’ He said. ‘Yes, Sir,’ I whispered, and heard Him hanging up.   i walked into the bedroom, nervous over the stern tone in Master’s voice. I went to the toy box, unsure of what He wanted. He sounded quite frustrated, so I took out the whip, the paddle brush, the ruler, the nipple clips and the butt...

4 years ago
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Snow Bunny BBC

Javonte Murchison was halfway surprised at what he was doing. His eight millimeter white gold, stainless steel dookie chain bounced against his broad chest as he slammed his generous 8-inch-by-5½-inch uncut cock in and out of the slim asshole. His firm beer-keg gut ground against the slut’s slight and satiny tushie. “Ooh, baby,” whined his gray-eyed, brunette coworker.“Damn! You taking all this dick,” the 26 year-old grunted.“You like this pussy,” checked the occupancy services aide from the...

3 years ago
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Neighbor lady ll

I laid in bed thinking about what happened. Never in a million years would I have guessed that would happen. For a woman in her sixties she looked to be in good shape. She wasn't that tall 5'2'' maybe, reddish gray hair, a nice figure, she had a medium sized ass which didn't look to flabby. Her tits looked to be 30-32 and full. A couple of weeks went by and I nearly forgot about it. Coming home from school mom said Mrs Scott asked if you could go over and help her. Going over I tried to hide my...

2 years ago
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Lost Wife 9

The next couple of weeks were hectic what with work and my three days in Spain. But at last I had time to think about what fun I was going to get up to next. True my husband still liked to put his hard cock into me once or twice a week but sometimes that was not enough. I'm in my prime and I needed more. I don't like to be unfaithful to him but sometime a girl got to do etc. My new toy was working out well though and I was already on my third set of batteries. It was nice to have it deep...

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Mud MagicChapter 11 Collapse

Author’s Notes: A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to the people who helped in refining and improving this chapter. My lady love for her undying support and the harshest critique one can hope for, my editor bikoukumori for his unending patience and a host of volunteers who suffered through the early drafts of this tale. In no particular order: Thornfoote, Pyvent, UKWaterRat and of course my Patrons. All participants in sexual activities are adults. This chapter contains scenes of explicit...

1 year ago
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Sweet Pussy

Note : This story is completely fictional! On cold winter mornings, my dad loved nothing better then to suck on my freshly shaved 18 years old kitty. I cannot tell you how many cold morning he would leave my mother asleep in the cold bed that she had made for him and slip into my room were he knew I would be waiting to give him what my mother had refused him just hours ago. I was sixteen when I fell in love with my father. However looking back to my early years, I think that I always knew that...

2 years ago
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Betting your life

Taylor Smith was getting ready for her calculus class. It was her one early class and she had to be there at nine. Math wasn't a problem other than the time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday she had calculus. She was good at math, just not getting up so early. Taylor was at the top of the social ladder at Hampton College, a small private college on the eastern seaboard, very expensive and very exclusive. She attended this college because her mother did, and so did her grandmother. The women in...

2 years ago
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DevilsFilm Kyler Quinn Boffing The Babysitter

Kyler Quinn is a babysitter. She is talking on the phone, telling a friend about what her job is like. She especially likes that her current client, Mike Mancini, is really hot… and he’s single. He hasn’t flirted with her yet, though. However, it looks like Kyler is in luck today, because shortly after the phone call, Mike comes in and asks her if she’d like to stay overnight. Kyler says that she likes to cuddle, and asks if that would be okay. He moves closer to her,...

4 years ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 48

After everyone was comfortable, Ken stood and looked at them. Then he focused on Annette. "Annette, do you wish to worship the Goddess?" Annette looked startled; this wasn't what she was expecting. Gary had promised her that some answers about how she was feeling would be forthcoming. "Yes," she said, confusion tingeing her voice. "But what does that have to do with anything?" "Because we worship a specific Goddess. Her name is Lea." Ken could feel both Genie and Annette begin...

4 years ago
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olderman and mature crossdresser part 2

We left the park and drove to his house which was very nice.I knew he was wealth when he picked up due to his car was new jag. He fixed me drink and we sat on his couch and kissed and made out an heavy petting.He kissed my neck driveing me nuts as he did I rubbed his cock thru his pants which was hard.He asked me if he had gone to far I said to him if you did I would have stopped him. I asked him how far did he want to go and he said it was up to me.I looked at him an gave him kiss an asked...

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It was Hot Outside In Texas

Tanya was a hottie and she knew it. She was a cute black girl that lived in my apartment complex and while, I didn’t know her on a personal level, we connected on a different level, each and every time, we would pass in the stairwell to our respective apartments. She’d always flash a toothy white grin and say hello and I’d have to turn and look back at her bubble butt ass, which drove me crazy.I took off from work one day and decided to go lay out at the apartment complex pool. Lo and behold,...

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2 Boys fucking a girl butal

I am a 22 year old girl weighed 56 kg and have long blonde hair. My name is Nancy. It's a warm sunny summer afternoon. I lay on the terrace and sunning myself. While I had read a book while I noticed how there was a rustling in the bushes. I thought nothing of it at first, thinking it might be a cat, and read my book on. But again and again there was a rustling in the bushes, so I was intrigued, and then ran to the bushes. But I could not see. Put me back on my couch and me on sunned. I did not...

2 years ago
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My First Mistake

My First Mistake I thought I would never be like most dirty men, but I am. This is my story. I came home, it was bad dealing with issues at work and my ex-wife calling me crying and worrying about our daughter. Ami had just turn eighteen and once again having issue at school, so I was going to go get her and bring her home with me. I now how to take her with me, where Ami could at least finish high school, at this moment I no longer give a hoot if she went to college. It was no big deal to me...

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First Time with Jerry

First Time With Jerry Penned by: Miss Deborah Leigh Johnson It was a rainy afternoon, a hot summer afternoon. I was with my friend Jerry. Jerry and I were both sixteen. But that was the extent of our similarities. Jerry was tall, about 5' 8", while I was almost 5' 4". Jerry was stocky. I was lithe, in fact, I was often teased for looking more like a girl than a boy. Jerry was a jock, no surprise there. I was not. I compensated for my lack of physical prowess with an alert...

3 years ago
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SullyChapter 6

"Jesus! James, that was hotter than hot!" Shelly said and took a long pull at her Budweiser. "You liked it huh?" "Wow!" Sully chimed in, "Told you." "So you did, so you did." I drained my beer and headed to the fridge for another round. When I returned, Shelly was kneeling between Sully's legs, examining his cock. I was curious myself and saw that head of his cock was like a small apple, with a deep cleft at the bottom of his glans that flared up like a big giant mushroom. She...

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