Effet Papillon 6 free porn video

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Effet Papillon. 6e partie. Note de l'auteur: J'ai mis un peu de temps pour poster cette suite. L'inspiration est toujours pr?sente, mais le temps l'est moins. Merci ? tous pour vos encouragements. 11. A ma grande surprise, cette premi?re sortie en fille s'est tr?s bien pass?. Ou plut?t devrais-je dire mal pass? ?tant donn? ses cons?quences. Le caf? dans lequel Elodie m'avait emmen? ?tait bien loin du bistro traditionnel. A mi-chemin entre la brasserie et le pub, il accueillait toutes sortes de clients, depuis des jeunes coll?giens jusqu'? des piliers de bars qui venaient regarder les courses hippiques en hurlant pour encourager les chevaux sur lesquels ils avaient mis? leurs espoirs de fortune. Nous pr?mes une table en plein milieu de l'?tablissement, bien en vue de tous les clients. Avec le recul je suis sur qu'Elodie avait fait expr?s. A la table de derri?re, il y avait une assembl?e d'?tudiants, pas plus vieux que nous, qui refaisait le monde autour de bi?res qui ne devaient pas ?tre les premi?res de la journ?e. A elle seule Elodie avait de quoi attirer bien des regards. Mais la vue de deux jeunes filles ne pouvait que susciter la curiosit? des m?les pr?sents ? cette tabl?e. Avant m?me que nous n'ayons command?, deux d'entre eux vinrent ? notre rencontre et nous pri?rent de les joindre. Elodie acqui?sca avant m?me de me laisser le temps de r?pondre non. Il s'av?ra qu'ils ?taient plut?t sympathiques, et m?mes charmants. M?me s'ils voulaient ouvertement nous draguer, ils n'?taient ni trop entreprenants ni trop d?monstratifs quant ? leurs intentions. ?Donc toi c'est Elodie. Et ta copine, comment s'appelle t'elle?? La question du pr?nom devait se poser ?tant donn? ma tenue. Pas question de r?pondre Pierre, ou pire Pierrette. Il me fallait improviser, et vite. Au m?me moment, je reconnus la musique de fond qui passait dans le caf?. C'?tait un vieux morceau des ann?es 80, Joe le Taxi par Vanessa Paradis. Machinalement, je r?pondis: ?Je m'appelle Vanessa.? J'?tais ?tonn? par la voix que j'avais employ?e. Sans r?el effort, j'avais r?pondu avec une voix tr?s douce qui pouvait parfaitement faire illusion. Le regard d'Elodie et son sourire amus? m'indiqua que je l'avais agr?ablement surprise. Le reste de notre passage dans le bar se passa sans encombre. Je dois bien avouer que j'ai m?me commenc? ? ?tre relativement ? l'aise. En tout cas, j'obtenais sans efforts deux num?ros de t?l?phone de gar?ons avides de me revoir sans m?me bouger un cil. De retour chez Elodie, il ?tait ?vident que j'avais perdu mon pari. Je ne pouvais plus me d?filer: il faudrait que je parte ? Rome dans la peau d'une fille. A croire que Vanessa avait de beaux jours transalpins devant elle. ?Tu t'en es bien tir?. Tu vois, je te l'avais dit. Tu peux te faire passer pour une fille sans effort. Je crois m?me que tu as appr?ci? la situation.? ?Je dois bien avouer que c'?tait marrant. Et puis ils ?taient sympas.? ?Oui tr?s. Encore deux heures et tu te serais ?clips?e dans un recoin avec l'un d'entre eux pour faire des cochonneries? ?N'importe quoi. Ils ?taient justes sympas.? ?On ne me la fait pas. Tu as jou? les parfaites allumeuses!? ?Non je t'assure.? ?En tout cas, il va quand m?me falloir que tu t'entra?nes un peu. Ils ?taient faciles ? berner mais tu as eu quelques gestes, quelques attitudes pas vraiment f?minines. Il va aussi falloir qu'on fasse un peu de shopping entre ?copines.? Tu auras besoin de tes propres affaires.? 12. Elodie a insist? pour que je sois habill? en fille pour l'accompagner faire les boutiques avec elle. C'?tait une sorte d'entra?nement comme elle aimait me le r?p?ter, et puis pour essayer des v?tements du sexe faible, il valait mieux que j'ai l'air d'y appartenir. Ma panoplie pour cette excursion se diff?renciait l?g?rement de celle de ma premi?re sortie. M?me si Elodie s'en d?fendait, elle m'avait choisi des v?tements nettement plus f?minins. Je portais un pantalon noir assez large mais qui s'arr?tait ? la moiti? de mes mollets, laissant appara?tre tr?s nettement mes chevilles. Pour l'occasion, j'avais mis un collant opaque et ? nouveau ces bottes qui m'avaient assassin? les pieds. Pour la partie haute, un chemisier tr?s sage d?passant d'un pull bien trop moulant avait pour effet de bien mettre en valeur ma fausse poitrine. Une petite veste noire toute simple et une pointe de maquillage finissaient d'achever mon apparence de jeune fille r?serv?e mais finalement assez sexy. Je n'ai jamais ?t? un adepte du shopping, mais tout compte fait cette journ?e ? faire les boutiques entre ?filles? ?tait loin d'?tre d?sagr?able. Je n'avais pas ?norm?ment de choses ? acheter, deux tenues maximum suffiraient pour l'excursion transalpine, mais il fallut de longues heures d'essayage pour y arriver. Nous avons commenc? par la lingerie, bien sur. Maintenant qu'Elodie savait que les petites culottes et les strings ?taient devenus une habitude chez moi, c'?tait de loin la partie qui m'int?ressait le plus. Mais cette fois, en lieu et place de culottes, c'?tait les soutiens gorge qui allaient avec que je devais m'acheter.. Mon premier choix fut classique: un soutien gorge bustier en dentelle blanche orn? d'un petit n?ud rouge entre les deux bonnets. Le second fut plus chaud: un wonderbra tirant sur le rouge qui mettrait mes fausses formes bien en ?vidence. D'apr?s Elodie, c'?tait un v?tement d'allumeuse, mais au moins Franck ne s'en remettrait pas. Elle insist?t pour que j'ach?te aussi des collants, un couleur chair et un noir. Je fis en revanche de la r?sistance pour des bas autofixants. Il y avait un pas que je n'avais pas envie de franchir. La seconde phase de notre journ?e shopping fut moins ?vidente. Se choisir une tenue ou un pantalon, c'?tait aussi l'essayer devant tout le monde. Ma premi?re id?e, me trouver un jean s'av?ra assez mauvaise. Autant il ?tait facile de duper les gens avec de la fausse poitrine, autant je manquais de hanches pour tenter un pantalon trop moulant. Finalement, je me rabattis sur un pantalon marine dans le style de celui que je portais: assez large et droit et s'arr?tant juste au-dessus de mes chevilles. Port? avec une tunique beige, le r?sultat ?tait des plus convaincants. Je pris ?galement un pull en V de couleur blanche, une veste mi-longue en faux cuir et deux tee shirts tout ce qu'il y a de plus f?minins Par jeu, Elodie insista pour me faire essayer une robe, par ailleurs assez courte. Elle a bien insist? un quart d'heure, mena?ant de me planter au milieu d'une cabine d'essayage si je ne c?dais pas. Elle trouva finalement l'argument ultime pour me faire c?der. Profitant de l'affluence dans la boutique et dans les cabines d'essayage en particulier, elle chuchota ? voix basse ?T'es mignonne pour un gar?on, montre comment tu porte bien tes petites culottes ? tes voisines.? Elle r?p?ta la phrase une demi-douzaine de fois, montant peu ? peu le volume de sa voix. Avant qu'elle n'ait alert? toutes les autres cabines, je dus me r?signer ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. C'?tait ?a ou la honte de ma vie. Elodie me tendit l'un des collants que j'avais achet? pr?c?demment. Je n'ai jamais eu une pilosit? tr?s prononc?e, en particulier au niveau des jambes. Mais les quelques poils pr?sents risquaient de me d?masquer. Le fait est que cette petite robe m'allait comme un gant. Etroite en haut, plus ?vas?e sur le bas, j'ai appris plus tard que c'?tait une robe trap?ze. Je n'avais pas l'impression d'?tre particuli?rement sexy ou ?aguicheuse? mais certains courants d'airs inhabituels me rappelaient la nouveaut? de cette tenue. Avec les bottes j'avais comme l'air tr?s f?minin, pr?te ? aller draguer ces messieurs. ?Tu es magnifique! Tu es n? pour porter ce genre de robe! Remplace le collant opaque par quelque chose de plus clair comme des r?silles et tu vas tous les rendre dingues!? J'?tais partag? entre la g?ne et une certaine forme de fiert?. Elodie voulut me faire essayer d'autres tenues, des robes et des jupes bien sur. Heureusement, la journ?e ?tait bien avanc?e et nous avons du rentrer. En d?ballant mes affaires, je vis qu'elle avait discr?tement ajout? la petite robe ? mes colis. Sans doute l'avait-elle pay? pendant que je me rhabillais en cabine. Je lui fis part de ma d?couverte mais elle me r?pondit que c'?tait un cadeau. Une jeune fille se doit d'avoir une petite robe, c'est obligatoire. J'eus beau lui rappeler que je n'?tais pas une jeune fille, elle pouffa de rire. ?En tout cas, ? Rome tu en seras une.? Le soir venu, Franck nous a rejoint. Visiblement il ?tait ?pat? par ma transformation. Pour lui, j'?tais suffisamment ?jolie? pour ?tre sa copine pendant son p?riple transalpin. Vanessa irait donc ? Rome. A suivre...

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A new day A new Us copied

His page: http://www.sexstories.com/profile733722/P.O.I. Part 1 It’s the second week of October, and school year started and has progress nicely for me and the girls. My family finally took our vacation that was meant for the early summer and while I had a good time my Dad and I aren’t talking much. Mom tries to keep us both communicating but with Dad wanting complete control of my life and me just wanting to have some say in the matter it’s getting rough. In August the school districts...

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I was 27 years old when I decided.I had been married to a very pretty woman by the name of Mandy for 3years. She was about 6 years older than me and very much into her"career". She traveled a lot in her business and most of it took her tothe city her parents were retired in. What that meant was that there weremany times when she would go on a business trip and then spend the weekendwith her parents and then work in the same city the next week. It alsomeant that I had about every third weekend...

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For Friends and Family Part 24 White and Black

For Friends and Family Part 24 - All White and Black? I finally got into the bathroom and cleaned myself up after our lovemaking - the swine! I douched and showered, moisturised my body and face, slipped into my underwear and went back into the bedroom to dress. As I was going shopping I wore black shiny leggings, a cute tunic dress that came to 4" above my knees it was in a blue soft jersey fabric with a satin front which had a multi coloured butterfly across the chest it was...

4 years ago
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Ricky Maggie

Where to start? The beginning I suppose. I was a late starter – 18 years old when I finally got my first shag (which to be honest was nothing special – a d***ken affair after a party). Up until then it had been a reliance upon my right fist and the porn of the day – back then we had to be content with a copy of Mayfair or Men Only, and very occasionally a rare porn VHS video. Today’s youth don’t know how lucky they are with the likes of XHamster etc. to satisfy their viewing needs. A bit about...

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The Tick Moth Mistake

The Tick - Moth Mistake By Mellissa Lynn "DAMN!" American Maid swore as she hung up the phone. "What's wrong?" Arthur asked from where he and Carmelita were sitting. The diner was fairly empty; only the three of them (well, the Tick was there, of course, but he had dozed off in the next booth). "I just lost my catering team for the affair I'm doing next week," American Maid replied. "I promised that I'd do this, and the head of the NCCA won't be happy if I can't help....

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All the way down

This is a sequel to my story “Sex, Service, Submission, Spunk”, and you may find it useful to read that first.You could still taste the salty flavour of his cum in your mouth; your tongue slurped around your teeth and gums, searching for a few more drops of his semen to swallow. He looked down at you, smirking.“Strip” he said. You realised you were still wearing your polo shirt and jeans. He had pulled off his tee shirt while you were serving his cock, and now he stepped out of his jeans and...

4 years ago
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The Chrysalis Solution

The Chrysalis Solution Allen Taggart is a Lieutenant assigned to an important diplomatic mission to end the war between the Terran Confederacy and the mysterious Celestian Union. Little did he know how much of a part he would play in ending the war. Chapter 1: Allen Taggart All I could see is large, thick penis in front of me. My eyes are so fixated that I couldn't look at anything else, or even begin to try to understand where I am or why I would be in a situation where I...

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Richards Pendant Part I

By Sinistra Part 1 Richard sat in his armchair, his gaze fixed on the grandfather clock on the other side of the room. 14:03. Open on his lap lay a large, leather-bound book, but he’d given up on even pretending to be able to focus over an hour ago. For a man who had so many bookcases stocked with endless tomes, collections, and novels they nearly covered every inch of his wood-panelled walls, this was not something normal. Normally he relished the moments in his study, where he could...

1 year ago
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my exam at base clinic

entering the room doctor had me disrobe no gown said normal for military clinic exami am on the examining table i have all my cloths off with me completely naked . the doctor comes in and asks me to lay on the table and scoot down to the end and put my feet in the stirrups. he ask me to spread my legs as far as i can then he push's legs back to were knees are by shoulders and butt pointing up towards ceiling with my ass and pussy wide open. He then left room for a min and had three new doctors...

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The Next Seat Over

The man that sat two rows away looked average and bored as he sat down, not even glancing my way as he checked his phone before turning it off and buckling his seat belt. As the plane took off the lights dimmed and the cabin remained silent. I accepted the blanket a flight stewardess gave me and settled in with my head against the cool window. A hand brushed my shoulder and I moved, started, looking all around me. It was the man, he raised his hands in mock surrender before...

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Suffering the Ups and Downs of Adhd

Here I am, 65 years old and still dealing with a disorder mistakenly considered to be a childhood malady. I am speaking of an all-too-common condition known as ADHD or Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is actually a combined condition. Attention Deficit Disorder is a fully separate issue from Hyperactivity. Each has its own problems and attendant difficulties. Combine the two and you have an extremely powerful problem to deal with. Talk to just about anyone you know and...

4 years ago
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Mom sisters and me watch a DVD with them

This is sort of long, I hope you enjoy it. If you do I will post more of me and my sisters. So vote. Mom had found a flick for us to watch (which meant I had to watch it to.) Just before we started to watch it she told us to go change for bed. She winked at the girls and then told me to ware what she had laid out. Going into my room I found a pair of shorts and that was it. They were red satin short pants. Just then mom walked into my room. Mike"ware just them no...

2 years ago
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A Tapestry Of Stars

A Tapestry of Stars The first thing that drew my attention when I came into my local Pride center for the first time was a large tapestry with gold stars covering it. Above the tapestry was the the words "We remember" in large glowing letters. I went over to one of the staff and said, "Wow. That represents all the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people who have lost their lives?" "Actually, that's just for the Trans people. We need a book for the others." I went over to the...

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Pokeacutemon Misty II

Introduction: sorry, im trying to figure out the grammar and reading issues. Charmander, we need you! The white light flashed from the poké,ball in Ashs hand and the fire lizard Poké,mon appeared in front of him. Ash didnt like using his Charmander, but Brock insisted on trying out a new recipe and they were out of matches. The Poké,mon didnt mind at all. He enjoyed being out of his Poké,ball. He enjoyed it so much that Ash let out the others as well. The six...

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The GovernorChapter 10

“Well, that’s round one I think. Umbra. Put that sheet round you and go and tell your mother and Verisa to bring us some drinks please.” He lay down beside the other two sisters, who wondered what he had in store for them. The drinks came and all of them drank, some from exhaustion and loss of liquid, some from relief. Smetna worried that her three girls were being made to watch the despoliation of these women, it was obvious from the looks that horrible things were happening. Then he slept...

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LA FunChapter 33

Beep, beep, beep, beep Wow, a new week. I wonder if this one will have as many surprises and events as last week. I slipped out of bed and into workout clothes. I kissed my two beauties awake and they were both smiling as they got up to get ready to drive to Shapes. I called Donte to make sure he was coming when they were ready, and we all went to the valet desk to get the rental car. Michi joined us, although he wasn't a workout enthusiast. Shapes wasn't that far, but it took a little...

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I Want to Play a Game

AWAKENINGS Trisha’s head was spinning. The last thing she remembered she was on her way home from work when suddenly everything just went blurry. Still trying to find her bearings she knew she was in unfamiliar surroundings. As far as she could make out she was in some sort of workshop. There were some tables and figures and also a large television screen of some sorts but her vision was still too fuzzy to see anything clearly. She tried to sit up to get a better view but couldn’t, her wrists...

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A WellLived Life Book 2 JenniferChapter 21 Plans Fulfilled and Promises Kept

August 1978 When we had brought the computer home, I had started to take the boxes to my room to set up. My mom stopped me. “We bought that, and it’s not to go in your room. Everyone needs to be able to use it. Set it up in your dad’s office.” I knew what had happened without even being told. Jeff was trying to interfere and cause trouble. This was par for the course. I am sure he told her that it wasn’t ‘fair’ if I had the computer in my room. I knew arguing with Mom would do me no good....

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Lost FoundChapter 56

Tuesday afternoon's C I 495C course brought me information I was anxious to have. My mentor teacher would be Mr. Scott Henderson. Mr. Henderson taught 9th grade U. S. History and an AP Honors European History course. Ms. Hamilton returned my letter of introduction from the previous week with minor corrections. It was time for me to introduce myself to my mentor. The letter went in the mail Tuesday night before I went to bed. I made a couple phone calls Tuesday night. I talked with my...

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One of those daysChapter 3

Another one of those days: Jimmy looked out the window at the countryside passing by in a green blur. His train had been on time, taking him to his grandparents for the weekend. He had a good idea what his parents would be doing while he was away and hoped Dan would give him all the dirty details upon his return. A familiar swelling in his crotch distracted him from the idyllic scenery as he thought about it, his hand softly stroking over the beefy bulge in his jeans. 'Why not?' He mused,...

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Would It Make You HappyEpilogue

(Vanessa) It was not an easy time for us over the next few weeks. First of all, Tom flew us to Las Vegas and we got married (I was pretty sure that he had sown his seed inside me the night before). We had a one night honeymoon, before we had to come home and face the music. My father was furious. He wanted to have the marriage annulled until I told him that there was a good chance I was already pregnant. My mother on the other hand, was surprisingly supportive. She and Tom had a good long...

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Aliens Ch 04


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Carolines Karma

(My deepest thanks go to ArthurianMorgaine for editing this story for me. It was a joy to work with her and her edit has made this story flow so much better. In turn I hope you the reader enjoy this story as much as I had fun writing it.) Karma: – For every unpleasant event that occurs, a second event will occur that will cancel out by virtue the first event by being pleasant. As the organist flawlessly changed the background music to ‘Here Comes The Bride,’ everyone in the church turned,...

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Meri life bana di

Dosto ISS reader banne ke baad ye meri only one i.e. Unique story jo main aur meri wife Supriya milke likh rahe hein kyon ki yeh hamare Milan ki story hein aur ise aap logo ke liye prastut karte huye muje badi khushi mil rahi hein. Hamari is kahani ka mukhya kirdar hein meri mousi ki Ladki Aur meri Patni Supriya ki Chacheri behan i.e. Wo ham dono ki cousin hein uska naam Prachi hein jo es waqt America mein apna sansar sajaye huye hein (uska bhi es kahani likhne ke liye pura support hein) to...

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