Effet Papillon 6 free porn video

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Effet Papillon. 6e partie. Note de l'auteur: J'ai mis un peu de temps pour poster cette suite. L'inspiration est toujours pr?sente, mais le temps l'est moins. Merci ? tous pour vos encouragements. 11. A ma grande surprise, cette premi?re sortie en fille s'est tr?s bien pass?. Ou plut?t devrais-je dire mal pass? ?tant donn? ses cons?quences. Le caf? dans lequel Elodie m'avait emmen? ?tait bien loin du bistro traditionnel. A mi-chemin entre la brasserie et le pub, il accueillait toutes sortes de clients, depuis des jeunes coll?giens jusqu'? des piliers de bars qui venaient regarder les courses hippiques en hurlant pour encourager les chevaux sur lesquels ils avaient mis? leurs espoirs de fortune. Nous pr?mes une table en plein milieu de l'?tablissement, bien en vue de tous les clients. Avec le recul je suis sur qu'Elodie avait fait expr?s. A la table de derri?re, il y avait une assembl?e d'?tudiants, pas plus vieux que nous, qui refaisait le monde autour de bi?res qui ne devaient pas ?tre les premi?res de la journ?e. A elle seule Elodie avait de quoi attirer bien des regards. Mais la vue de deux jeunes filles ne pouvait que susciter la curiosit? des m?les pr?sents ? cette tabl?e. Avant m?me que nous n'ayons command?, deux d'entre eux vinrent ? notre rencontre et nous pri?rent de les joindre. Elodie acqui?sca avant m?me de me laisser le temps de r?pondre non. Il s'av?ra qu'ils ?taient plut?t sympathiques, et m?mes charmants. M?me s'ils voulaient ouvertement nous draguer, ils n'?taient ni trop entreprenants ni trop d?monstratifs quant ? leurs intentions. ?Donc toi c'est Elodie. Et ta copine, comment s'appelle t'elle?? La question du pr?nom devait se poser ?tant donn? ma tenue. Pas question de r?pondre Pierre, ou pire Pierrette. Il me fallait improviser, et vite. Au m?me moment, je reconnus la musique de fond qui passait dans le caf?. C'?tait un vieux morceau des ann?es 80, Joe le Taxi par Vanessa Paradis. Machinalement, je r?pondis: ?Je m'appelle Vanessa.? J'?tais ?tonn? par la voix que j'avais employ?e. Sans r?el effort, j'avais r?pondu avec une voix tr?s douce qui pouvait parfaitement faire illusion. Le regard d'Elodie et son sourire amus? m'indiqua que je l'avais agr?ablement surprise. Le reste de notre passage dans le bar se passa sans encombre. Je dois bien avouer que j'ai m?me commenc? ? ?tre relativement ? l'aise. En tout cas, j'obtenais sans efforts deux num?ros de t?l?phone de gar?ons avides de me revoir sans m?me bouger un cil. De retour chez Elodie, il ?tait ?vident que j'avais perdu mon pari. Je ne pouvais plus me d?filer: il faudrait que je parte ? Rome dans la peau d'une fille. A croire que Vanessa avait de beaux jours transalpins devant elle. ?Tu t'en es bien tir?. Tu vois, je te l'avais dit. Tu peux te faire passer pour une fille sans effort. Je crois m?me que tu as appr?ci? la situation.? ?Je dois bien avouer que c'?tait marrant. Et puis ils ?taient sympas.? ?Oui tr?s. Encore deux heures et tu te serais ?clips?e dans un recoin avec l'un d'entre eux pour faire des cochonneries? ?N'importe quoi. Ils ?taient justes sympas.? ?On ne me la fait pas. Tu as jou? les parfaites allumeuses!? ?Non je t'assure.? ?En tout cas, il va quand m?me falloir que tu t'entra?nes un peu. Ils ?taient faciles ? berner mais tu as eu quelques gestes, quelques attitudes pas vraiment f?minines. Il va aussi falloir qu'on fasse un peu de shopping entre ?copines.? Tu auras besoin de tes propres affaires.? 12. Elodie a insist? pour que je sois habill? en fille pour l'accompagner faire les boutiques avec elle. C'?tait une sorte d'entra?nement comme elle aimait me le r?p?ter, et puis pour essayer des v?tements du sexe faible, il valait mieux que j'ai l'air d'y appartenir. Ma panoplie pour cette excursion se diff?renciait l?g?rement de celle de ma premi?re sortie. M?me si Elodie s'en d?fendait, elle m'avait choisi des v?tements nettement plus f?minins. Je portais un pantalon noir assez large mais qui s'arr?tait ? la moiti? de mes mollets, laissant appara?tre tr?s nettement mes chevilles. Pour l'occasion, j'avais mis un collant opaque et ? nouveau ces bottes qui m'avaient assassin? les pieds. Pour la partie haute, un chemisier tr?s sage d?passant d'un pull bien trop moulant avait pour effet de bien mettre en valeur ma fausse poitrine. Une petite veste noire toute simple et une pointe de maquillage finissaient d'achever mon apparence de jeune fille r?serv?e mais finalement assez sexy. Je n'ai jamais ?t? un adepte du shopping, mais tout compte fait cette journ?e ? faire les boutiques entre ?filles? ?tait loin d'?tre d?sagr?able. Je n'avais pas ?norm?ment de choses ? acheter, deux tenues maximum suffiraient pour l'excursion transalpine, mais il fallut de longues heures d'essayage pour y arriver. Nous avons commenc? par la lingerie, bien sur. Maintenant qu'Elodie savait que les petites culottes et les strings ?taient devenus une habitude chez moi, c'?tait de loin la partie qui m'int?ressait le plus. Mais cette fois, en lieu et place de culottes, c'?tait les soutiens gorge qui allaient avec que je devais m'acheter.. Mon premier choix fut classique: un soutien gorge bustier en dentelle blanche orn? d'un petit n?ud rouge entre les deux bonnets. Le second fut plus chaud: un wonderbra tirant sur le rouge qui mettrait mes fausses formes bien en ?vidence. D'apr?s Elodie, c'?tait un v?tement d'allumeuse, mais au moins Franck ne s'en remettrait pas. Elle insist?t pour que j'ach?te aussi des collants, un couleur chair et un noir. Je fis en revanche de la r?sistance pour des bas autofixants. Il y avait un pas que je n'avais pas envie de franchir. La seconde phase de notre journ?e shopping fut moins ?vidente. Se choisir une tenue ou un pantalon, c'?tait aussi l'essayer devant tout le monde. Ma premi?re id?e, me trouver un jean s'av?ra assez mauvaise. Autant il ?tait facile de duper les gens avec de la fausse poitrine, autant je manquais de hanches pour tenter un pantalon trop moulant. Finalement, je me rabattis sur un pantalon marine dans le style de celui que je portais: assez large et droit et s'arr?tant juste au-dessus de mes chevilles. Port? avec une tunique beige, le r?sultat ?tait des plus convaincants. Je pris ?galement un pull en V de couleur blanche, une veste mi-longue en faux cuir et deux tee shirts tout ce qu'il y a de plus f?minins Par jeu, Elodie insista pour me faire essayer une robe, par ailleurs assez courte. Elle a bien insist? un quart d'heure, mena?ant de me planter au milieu d'une cabine d'essayage si je ne c?dais pas. Elle trouva finalement l'argument ultime pour me faire c?der. Profitant de l'affluence dans la boutique et dans les cabines d'essayage en particulier, elle chuchota ? voix basse ?T'es mignonne pour un gar?on, montre comment tu porte bien tes petites culottes ? tes voisines.? Elle r?p?ta la phrase une demi-douzaine de fois, montant peu ? peu le volume de sa voix. Avant qu'elle n'ait alert? toutes les autres cabines, je dus me r?signer ? faire ce qu'elle voulait. C'?tait ?a ou la honte de ma vie. Elodie me tendit l'un des collants que j'avais achet? pr?c?demment. Je n'ai jamais eu une pilosit? tr?s prononc?e, en particulier au niveau des jambes. Mais les quelques poils pr?sents risquaient de me d?masquer. Le fait est que cette petite robe m'allait comme un gant. Etroite en haut, plus ?vas?e sur le bas, j'ai appris plus tard que c'?tait une robe trap?ze. Je n'avais pas l'impression d'?tre particuli?rement sexy ou ?aguicheuse? mais certains courants d'airs inhabituels me rappelaient la nouveaut? de cette tenue. Avec les bottes j'avais comme l'air tr?s f?minin, pr?te ? aller draguer ces messieurs. ?Tu es magnifique! Tu es n? pour porter ce genre de robe! Remplace le collant opaque par quelque chose de plus clair comme des r?silles et tu vas tous les rendre dingues!? J'?tais partag? entre la g?ne et une certaine forme de fiert?. Elodie voulut me faire essayer d'autres tenues, des robes et des jupes bien sur. Heureusement, la journ?e ?tait bien avanc?e et nous avons du rentrer. En d?ballant mes affaires, je vis qu'elle avait discr?tement ajout? la petite robe ? mes colis. Sans doute l'avait-elle pay? pendant que je me rhabillais en cabine. Je lui fis part de ma d?couverte mais elle me r?pondit que c'?tait un cadeau. Une jeune fille se doit d'avoir une petite robe, c'est obligatoire. J'eus beau lui rappeler que je n'?tais pas une jeune fille, elle pouffa de rire. ?En tout cas, ? Rome tu en seras une.? Le soir venu, Franck nous a rejoint. Visiblement il ?tait ?pat? par ma transformation. Pour lui, j'?tais suffisamment ?jolie? pour ?tre sa copine pendant son p?riple transalpin. Vanessa irait donc ? Rome. A suivre...

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Soccer Mom Slave

Soccer Mom SlaveBy: KahiltnaAs she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was doing this again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. ?My God?, she thought, ?I’m a happily married mother, what keeps me coming back here??  Brenda was the prototype ?Soccer Mom?.  She was 36 years old, married 10 years, with a 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter. Her husband was just what girls dream of, loving, hansom, dedicated to her and the kids and a good...

2 years ago
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Mixed Zone Operation

All the chattering employees heard a door swing open and the tapping of heels. The room immediately fell silent. They knew the boss' secretary only came out if she had news for some unfortunate soul. It was a slower day than usual at the Mixed Zone Bureau of Economic Analysis. Endless forms came in and out, hastily checked and processed by lackluster employees who'd rather talk to their mate the next cubicle over than actually do their job. There was an exception to this trend of...

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Finding my pride

My name is Jason and I am twenty-six years old. I have always been somewhat curious and knew that I preferred the company of certain types of people to others. Since my late teens, I had become besotted with the thought of transsexuals. I had become curious to an extreme. I counted myself as bisexual and had slept with boys and girls, both had their plus and minuses, but I seemed drawn to transsexual girls more. It may have been the fact that they were the best of both worlds for me. A...

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Market ForcesChapter 17 Kalinins Castle

Wales was wet. From where I'd stopped the car there should have been a view of Snowdon. Instead all I could see was the Glaslyn valley and a sheet of cloud. Porthmadog was sitting sulking in the last of the winter afternoon's light at the other end of The Cob. I looked along the causeway that the road shared with the narrow gauge railway that once hauled slates down from the Ffestiniog quarries to the coast and now hauled tourists. There wasn't another car in sight. I drove on across the...

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Havana Club Ch 05

Chapter 5 – Scouting Locations I think in the shower. I get a lot of good ideas there. That morning, I did a lot of thinking. I decided that, as depressed as I was about leaving, I didn’t want Felicita to have sad memories of our last times together. I would try to make things more upbeat today. I would do everything I could to emphasize the positive. I wanted both of us to have happy memories of our time together. After breakfast, I bought my morning Granma and read it on the veranda, as the...

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Innocent Mom Crying And Moaning 8211 Part 1

Hi guys, let me go directly to the story. I’m from Chennai and studying in Coimbatore and my mom Anu is 40 with a great ass (34-30-38) all this started when I came to my home for vacation from my college. One day I was sitting and playing on the sofa, my mom as cleaning the house and asked me to lift my legs. I looked at her.. That’s when all this started.She was in her nighty and it was torn on the side giving me a vision to her white bra holding those boobs so tight. All the incest I read at...

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Little Red Riding Hoodie

The afternoon summer sun felt hot as I reached for my drink. Relaxing in a chaise lounge, wearing only my sunglasses and swim trunks, I had just gotten out of the water and toweled off after a much deserved swim to cool off. Most of Saturday morning into the afternoon was spent mowing the lawn, working on the dock, cleaning the boat, etc. It was nice to finally be able to take a break and relax and enjoy the beautiful summer day. I had our summer lake home all to myself as my wife Lorene and...

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Porn Shoot

Well, I had said I wasn't going to do another photo shoot.  That however changed when the company I had been to before contacted me.  I had told them, no, but they were persistent and offered what seemed like a lot of money.  Eventually, I conceded, it was just too good an offer to turn down.This time they wanted to do a photo set with a guy and me, involving full penetration.  I wasn't sure about it at first but then thought at least that was I knew in advance what I was getting into.  They...

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The Slapping Game

This one is a little big different. It's not even really about our adventures in this whole cuckolding/hotwife thing. It's more about us exploring our sexuality as a couple and trying new things. We were driving home from grocery shopping and stopped at a red light. (I know... that's one hell of a sexy start! wait until I tell you about the deal on sliced jalapeno-jack cheese!) We were driving to meet with some friends and this was supposed to be one of those times when we put all kinky sexy...

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Second life of Emily

I have always wanted to get fucked by another man. Being 5'6" and weighing little over 60 kilos, my effeminite and near hairless body bore no signs of an able bodied alpha male, so i decided to explore my inner girl since my mother and sister are the only people i live with. It started with simple things, like my sister's school clothes, then her underwear. After a while i found my mom's erotic stash of old skimpy lingerie and outfits, and began to slowly wear them under my clothes in public....

2 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 11

That night Betty and I hung in the wind, naked in my backyard. There were times I found myself falling asleep only to be woken up by a stray snore or queef from Betty or the sound of a snapping twig or bird in the distance. I was shocked that Betty was able to stand this or get used to it. I told myself I needed to be able to do it if her and her daughters could sleep bound. Betty had told me once that she found it difficult to sleep without rope or bondage. I thought she was bragging but...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 49

When Jack and Kim pulled into the school parking lot, Megan was waiting for them. Jack parked next to her car, got out of his truck and put his arms around her when she sprang against him. The two kissed and held each other as Kim looked on. Tom and Sally walked from his truck and joined the three teens. After everyone greeted one another, Kim pulled Sally out of earshot of the others. "I think somebody got laid last night," Kim giggled, glancing at her brother and Megan. Sally watched...

4 years ago
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Banglore Adventure With A Milf

This is dedicated to a guy who wanted his wife to have sex with a stranger. I got an email regarding a fantasy by a guy who wanted to read about his wife getting fucked, not watch or listen but read and imagine. Looking at this curious mail, I responded with surprise. Our email went to hangouts, and we chatted for a while. The only condition was that he didn’t want to know who I was, but he wanted his wife to be safe. This was a problem for both of us. He then figured out that his wife could...

4 years ago
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Aunt Pussy Killed On Bed

Hi guys and this is Chandhan from Bangalore and this is my first story so please ignore me if any mistakes and your feedback is awaited any hot aunties, widowed ladies interested can contact me onto And a little about myself and I’m still 20 years old and I am doing ma 2nd UG in a reputed college and coming to the story. i used to stay in m uncles home,my uncle had a big firm he lived with his wife S and his daughter. He was my Dad’s Brother as I was week in accounts he used to teach me even...

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Bigger Isnt Always Better

Johnny moved slowly down the alley, keeping an eye out for anything he could turn into cash. He was a big football fan and dreamed of owning a giant, wide-screen television to watch his favorite team every Sunday. Instead he lived in a dreary, one bedroom flat and watched the game on a 13" black and white set that he had salvaged from the garbage. He wasn't having much luck today, some cans and a bit of copper wire that might get him a few cents, when he spotted the bottle in...

1 year ago
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My Sister Kelly Pt 4

Note: This story is completely fictional! It was the night before my sister; Tisha came home from studying abroad for a year. My mom and my sister Kelly had gone out with some friends. When they got home I could tell my mom had one hell of a buzz going, Kelly had to help her into the house. My mom went into her room to go to bed, actually to pass out. Kelly was looking really hot; she had on a short skirt and button blouse top. We talked for a bit, giving our mom time to pass out before we...

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Mila Kunis seduces Natalie

For Natalie Portman the most important thing in a interview was not to be caught off guard. Most interviewers were nice enough to let any potential interviewee know what they would be asked ahead of time, but sometimes they would slip in something and Natalie always try to guess what, if anything it could be. It kept her up at night, tossing and turning in fear that she'd be caught off guard, or worse so fixated on watching for an unplanned question, that she let something slip in a pre-planned...

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How It Began Chapter 2

I was not only Jack’s wife, I was his slut as well. After our threesome with Dave, Jack was eager to share me with more men, even with strangers. Jack posted an ad in craigslist personals, and we met a man through it. His name was Peter. We met with Peter at a local bar after he responded to our ad. We gathered in a booth and ordered drinks. It struck me odd to be meeting with a stranger for the first time with the knowledge that he might be exploring all of my womanly virtues before the night...

Wife Lovers
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Inch by inch

The story begins with my girlfriend acting different, I'd only ever wanted to give her everything; it wasn't mean't to be. We’d were having a conversation using the webcam, eventually we both became distracted; as time went by her screen must have darkened. Hours went by and eventually sounds were coming from the computer, laughing and talking. Moving the mouse I’d discover something that froze me silent, something that changed me. She was completely naked,...

2 years ago
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A New Lease Chapter 6 I Sold My Soul for Rock and Roll

I woke with a start to the dogs going nuts. They were howling wildly at the door, which someone was knocking on. Liz was holding onto them as I got up and answered it. There was a man standing there, in an expensive suit with a fake smile, a fake tan, and fake hair. I stood there, not opening the storm door, sizing him up as best I could. I was far less intimidating in this new body, however. "Can I help you?" "Ahh, yes," he began. He didn't sound local, his accent revealed...

4 years ago
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Dad teaches Me

You must be of legal age to read this story. if you are not into male onmale and i****t do not read. it's all in fun and for enjoyment. write andif you state age I'll answer and trade pictures from NJ [email protected] Dad was surprised when he came home from school that Friday tofind the house full of his friends and mine, there to be with him on his40th birthday. somehow I managed to pull it all off without his eversuspecting. Dad teaches History at the Local University and is the...

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Trapping My FatherInLaw 8211 Distance Leads To Desperation

Hi Guys , This is Sunitha. Sorry for posting the sex story late. Firstly let me thank all all of you for your love. I was afraid in the beginning about how the readers will respond, how they are going to see my relationship with my father in law but I am overwhelmed by their response and support. Most of the readers ask me if it is a real story or not. I am just going to say only one thing to them. Yes it is. I don’t wanna say that we just had sex , I say that we made love. We have made it...

3 years ago
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Always hard the beginning Chapter 8

August 1958 Eddie’s MotherThe idea of fucking Mrs. Rooney never once crossed Vic’s mind. Why would it? Not only was she his best friend’s mother, she didn’t do for him what her sister did. In other words, Vic never got stiff from looking at Eddie’s mother like he did from looking at his aunt. Marion O’Rourke got him big and hard. Mrs. Rooney didn’t. It was as simple as that. No, it wasn’t. Eddie’s aunt had Vic seeing her sister in a whole different light.It started when Marion asked to...

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