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“Why can’t I find someone like you?”

That was the question that started it all.

Looking back on the unbelievable sequence of events that had led us to this point, I suppose it was inevitable. I mean, I’m a red-blooded man, with hair on my chest, an impressive power tool collection, and more than my share of pubic scalps hanging from my belt (metaphorically speaking, of course). So when my attention was attracted by a hot young thing 25 years my junior – not that 42 is old, mind you – with flaming red hair, the face of an angel, and the body of a Playboy centerfold, there is absolutely nothing untoward about entertaining fantasies about the lithe young goddess in question. It’s perfectly natural for a virile gentleman such as myself to be picturing that nubile seventeen-year-old body intertwined with mine, contorted into naked, glistening poses of lusty abandon and sheer physical pleasure, is it not? I’m a man, I like women. Nothing wrong with that.

Except, of course, when the stunning young lady in question is your niece.

A little backstory. I have a brother, a few years younger than I. My brother has a lovely wife and together, 17 years ago, they produced a daughter. I’ve been a bachelor my whole life; I’ve had girlfriends here and there and come close to getting engaged once, but had basically resigned myself to the fact that I would never have kids of my own. This being the case, I welcomed my niece with great joy. I was her favorite uncle and she became the light of my life.

I watched my niece grow, taking pleasure in her happiness as though she were my own daughter. I was the one she called first with any piece of happy news, I was the one who cheered her up when she was down, and I was the one she came to when she needed someone, even more than her own parents. We became very, very close. She had her own room in my house and, even during those rebellious teen years when her parents became The Enemy, she never treated me as such. I was her co-conspirator, her confidante, her partner in crime.

I suppose that was how we ended up where we are now.

My niece, Rebecca, came to my door one Saturday night. She rang the bell and then let herself in with her key. I’d been in the den beating the crap out of bad guys on the bigscreen, a video game controller in my hands, a cold beer on the coffee table. When I heard the bell and then the key in the lock, I knew who it was. Even though she practically lived here, Becca always announced herself before letting herself in (credit my brother and sister in law for instilling the same respect in her that we’d been raised with).

I paused my game and went out to the hallway to greet my niece. “Hey Punkin,” I called – the nickname being a cross between endearment and a joking reference to her hair, which as a child had been rather orangey but had darkened to a gorgeous flame red as she got older. “You know I love it when you’re here but wouldn’t you rather be anywhere BUT here with your old uncle on a Saturday night?”

One look at her face killed my teasing mood. She stood in the hallway and appeared positively ghostly. She simply stood there looking at me, her pretty face ashen, her normally gleaming emerald eyes looking empty. “I can leave,” she said in a flat voice.

I rushed to her and put my hands on her shoulders. “You’re not going anywhere,” I said, worry in my voice. “Come here.” I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight. I could tell she had something going on, and I knew she’d get it off her chest in her own time, so I held off saying anything else for the time being and instead I just hugged her.

She stood like a statue for a moment, then her breath hitched and she flung her arms around me. “Oh Uncle Ronnie,” she said, then broke down and started sobbing.

I stroked her hair and made comforting noises. I held back the inane platitudes like “it’s okay” and “let it out;” she and I were both realists and we’d had many conversations about just such philosophical topics as the utter uselessness of such empty words. Instead I just hugged her for a moment and rode out the storm of tears. When they began to subside in a hail of sniffles, I cupped her cheek in my hand and kissed her forehead. “Come on,” I said softly.

We went into the kitchen and I made some hot chocolate. We took our mugs and went into the den, where I shut off the video game and the television and sat down next to her on the couch, turning to face her. She curled her legs up underneath her and held her mug as if hoping the warmth would permeate her soul. The pose was sweet and innocent and unbelievably sexy. I frowned inwardly at that stray thought, as if to chastise it and drive it away.

Finally, after sipping her way through half her mug of cocoa, she began. “Something happened tonight,” she said in a low voice.

“So I gathered.” I reached over and squeezed her hand briefly, eliciting a fleeting smile. I said nothing else, waiting for her to continue, giving her the time to do so.

“You know I’ve been dating this guy,” she said. I did know; being the most attractive girl in the senior class at her high school, she’d naturally attracted attention from every guy in the school and had been dating a football player for a couple of months. “We went to this party. He was drinking…we started making out…we went into another room for a little privacy…he said he loved me, then he started getting…insistent.”

I already knew where this was going, and I felt the rage rising up inside me. I sternly pushed it down and just listened.

“I said no, I wasn’t ready for that. He kept pushing and pushing and when I wouldn’t…do what he wanted…” She sobbed quietly, then took a deep breath to steady herself. “He got so mad. Started yelling at me, calling me horrible names, saying I didn’t care about him, that I was a tease, that I only wanted to latch onto him because he was going to be a football star…then he tried to, tried to…” She sniffled again and broke down into a fresh batch of sobs.

I put down my mug, took hers from her hands and set it on the table, and once again gathered her into my arms. I simply hugged her, letting her know I was there. Every fiber of my being ached to go find this asshole and beat him within an inch of his life.

“Oh Uncle Ronnie, it was horrible!” Becca sobbed.

“Shhhhhh,” I said, and kissed the top of her head. “It’s ok. He can’t do anything to you. And if he does, you just tell me and I promise you the only football he’ll ever be able to play again will be on Playstation.”

Her sobs had gotten quieter and a chuckle slipped in there with that statement. “This is why I came to you,” she said. “I always feel safe with you. I love you so much!” she cried out and hugged me tighter.

“I love you too, Punkin,” I said softly. I just sat there holding her for quite a few minutes.

After a while, I heard her voice, muffled by her hair, rising from where her face was pressed against my shoulder. “Why do guys suck, Uncle Ronnie? All I want is a good guy but all I find are assholes.”

“Hey, we don’t ALL suck,” I teased. This was a familiar conversation, one we’d had many times before. We both enjoyed going back and forth on this topic, which usually resulted in both of us laughing.

“I know,” she sighed. “Just most of you. Almost all of you. All of you except you,” she said, her eyes looking up at me with a little of their regular spark in them. I grinned in reply. “Why can’t I find a guy like you? A guy who can actually talk with me, who gives a shit about me, who wants to make me happy the way I would make him happy? The way you make me happy?” She sniffled again, her green eyes shining up at me. “Why can’t I find someone like you?”

I smiled slowly. “Well, Punkin, you deserve nothing but the absolute best, but unfortunately, they broke the mold after they made me. Too much awesomeness like this would make the world implode.”

She barked a laugh then dissolved into giggles. “You always know how to make me feel better,” she said, then reached up and kissed my cheek. “I wish I could be with someone like you.”

Her kiss lingered on my cheek longer than it should have. I turned to see her staring at me, her eyes smoky. “I want someone like you to love me,” she said softly. Then her voice dropped to barely a whisper. “I want you to love me…”

“I do love you, Punkin,” I said, wondering what was going on. The look in her eyes was a little strange, though the vibes she was giving off told me exactly what the situation was. She’d shifted in her place, so her legs were almost draped over mine. Her hair was mussed, her lips slightly parted, the whole thing so erotic I felt my cock stirring in my pants despite everything.

Becca said softly, “I love you, Uncle Ronnie. I’ve always loved you. You’re the only one…” Her voice trailed off and she leaned forward and kissed me.

I pulled back, shocked. “Becca, what do you think you’re doing?”

“I want you to love me, Uncle Ronnie,” she said plaintively. “Love me the way I love you.” She climbed into my lap, straddling me, pressing her firm young body against mine. She kissed me again and I was so flabbergasted and blown away and, yes, turned on, that I didn’t pull away.

I don’t think I could have even if I wanted to.

Becca’s kisses became urgent and she started pulling at my shirt. When I reached up and gently removed her hands from my chest, she instead grabbed her own shirt and pulled it up and off, her marvelous red hair cascading down over her bare shoulders, her small perky breasts bared to me. I gasped at the beauty of this angelic creature in my lap and she again tugged at my shirt, fumbling with the buttons.

“Becca honey you can’t, we can’t…” I halfheartedly protested, as she got my shirt undone and leaned inward to press her bare chest against mine, her nipples like two hard points digging into my chest. She kissed me again and started wriggling in my lap; I pulled back and looked down to discover that she was squirming out of her pants.

“Becca,” I started again, but she cut me off. “You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met, Uncle Ronnie. I’ve been in love with you forever. I want to be with you. I know we shouldn’t, I know we can’t, but just this once, please, I need you inside me, I need you to love me tonight…”

I couldn’t stop her from kissing me again, and as her hands started working my belt and undoing my pants, I realized I didn’t want to. I kissed her neck, making her gasp softly, and I felt my hands sliding down her lithe young body. I felt the sleek curves of her hips and the roundness of her pert little peach of an ass filling my hands, then it was my turn to gasp as I felt my cock entering her.

My eyes went wide as I felt the marvelous sensation of her engulfing me. Her pussy was tight, and wet, and steaming hot, the slick ridges of her inner walls caressing the throbbing length of my shaft. I stared into her sparkling emerald eyes and saw need, and love, and intense desire. I ran the fingers of one hand through the magnificent silken curtain of her hair and pulled her to me for a kiss that was as deep as an ocean and as hot as a blazing inferno.

Her slender young hips started swiveling, back and forth, slowly, as she ground herself into me. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against mine, her eyes closing, her full pink lips open, panting for breath as she worked her tight teen pussy back and forth on my cock. I reached down to cup her ass again, squeezing hard enough to leave finger marks, feeling her muscles bunch and shift as she rocked back and forth.

We shifted to the side and I laid down on my back, my arms encircling her and pulling her down with me. The sensation of being inside her, her amazing young body pressed against me, was intoxicating. I’d been with my fair share of women, some of them incredibly hot, but none of them could compare with the heart-breaking beauty and sheer sexiness of my gorgeous niece.

Her eyes opened and she slowed her rhythm until she stopped, her pussy quivering around my rock-hard cock. A look of desire came over her face and she whispered, “Do you love me, Uncle Ronnie?”

“Yes, Becca, sweetheart, I love you,” I replied, my own voice a whisper.

Her face blossomed into the most beautiful smile I’d ever seen. She lowered her face to mine, kissed me, then leaned into my neck, breathing hard. She started moving again, her sweet young cunt sliding up and down my shaft. I moaned softly and my hands started squeezing and caressing her ass again, guiding her up and down, up and down. Her breathing became ragged, gasping, and I felt her body becoming tense as she worked my cock with the velvet vise of her pussy. I could feel her getting close to orgasm.

I held her ass tightly, stopping her movements. She looked at me quizzically for a moment, then her eyes went wide and she moaned out loud as I started moving my own hips, fucking her tight little cunt, my cock pumping up into her like a piston. Her arms went around my neck and she held on tight, moaning my name. I fucked her faster and harder, wanting her to know the pleasure of being brought to orgasm by someone who cared for her…ah who am I kidding, she was hot as hell and I was fucking her and I wanted to make this breathtaking young beauty cum for me.

Very quickly, she obliged me. Her body grew rigid and her hips started bucking against me, her legs shaking, as she cried out “Uncle Ronnie!!!!” and her little pussy clamped down around my cock as waves of pleasure shook her slender frame.

I slowed my thrusts, my own orgasm just about ready to burst forth, until her body stopped shaking. While still inside her I whispered to her “Becca honey, lay on your stomach for me.” She complied, sliding off me and laying down next to me, her eyes on me, her face glowing with delight and a desire to please.

I knelt behind her, parting her thighs, lifting her hips so her tight round ass was pointed at me. I slowly entered her from behind and she gave a low moan. I screwed her tight pussy slowly, letting the pressure build towards my own orgasm. She kept moaning, then started pushingTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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Anzu James Naked in OrbitChapter 8 Wednesday Evening

The first thing I had to do, of course, was to rush to Mr. Scott's room and deliver Tuesday's two chapters to him. And rush I did, ignoring Reasonable Requests along the way. I wanted to grant them, but there just wasn't time. I got to his room just as the warning bell rang, so I wasn't late. I gave him the chapters, asked him if he'd like a quick grope, and giggled like a little girl when he thumbed my nips. But then the Program kid for his Homeroom class came in. It was Marsha...

2 years ago
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The Story I Never Wrote

I have a secret friend and we love to tease each other. Jason and I are both happily married, but as everyone knows, marriage can get a bit dull. So we love to flirt and turn each other on, but we would never cheat on our spouses. No, that would just be wrong. We both love to read and write erotic stories. And there is nothing more arousing than reading each other’s kinky stories. We often send each other little bits of inspiration in the form of sexy notes or pictures to help the other write...

3 years ago
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SexFilled Royal Rumble

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Royal Rumble!" the ring announcer says, causing an arena filled with people to cheer. It is filled with adult men and women, no kids, because even though this is a 'Royal Rumble', it is a 'different' kind of Rumble. "Oh my god, Michael Cole, I can't believe something like this is happening!" Corey Graves says to his co-commentator "I'm just as surprised as you are." replies Cole, "We are about to witness for the first time ever, a 'sex-filled' Royal...

4 years ago
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Let Me Gaze Upon You

Faint hues of gold and copper began to streak across the horizon as the sun began its climb in the sky. Birds perched on long branches began their morning conversations, starting with soft chirps and whistles. The world outside was slowly waking. Aurora, however, was tangled in her taupe colored sheets, her long auburn hair curled around her face and neck, long dark lashes pressed to her cheeks as her eyes remained closed. When the soft amber light began to filter through the openings of her...

3 years ago
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Parents Are Gone

One night I was out in the night with a few girlfriends. I got tipsy, not drunk but enough drinks to feel good. It was 12:03 on my cellphone. And I also noticed that I have a text message from my mother. "Sweetie your dad and I will be staying at your grandparents for 2 more days. Love you -Mom" My grandparents wasn't feeling good so my mom rushed there yesterday. I was heading home. When I got there I was a little hungry so I popped in a frozen pizza. I demolished it when it came out...

3 years ago
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Bobby and Steves Anal Adventure

Bobby's Mother asked me to spend the weekend babysitting him. "Hells Bells! The boy's thirteen years old,Kayla. He doesn't need anyone to watch him!" I said into the phone. "You're one of his best friends,AND You KNOW he steals our booze every chance he gets! Do You Want him to die from alcohol poisoning while we're gone?" So,from that Friday night till the next Monday evening Bobby and I were to hang out together.I have known Bobby all his life. He's a great k**. He is slender,short,has blond...

3 years ago
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Hired Help

{An old Greek man told me once that real love comes with marriage, and babies. I think sometimes there is truth to that, and it is what gave me the idea for this short tale. For some less blessed than others life can be difficult, something I personally happen to know about quite well. This is not really erotic, nor intended to be.} +++ Henry sat in his wheelchair going through the mail while he waited for the person from the home care center to arrive. The mail had the usual ads for...

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Arkansas rain

Marie had known James for almost a year. There are folks in this small suburban town in Arkansas who gave her the look, because she treated James same as she would with any of the young white males around. James was black. Marie was the daughter of an upright, white, and church going family who ran the farm in rural Arkansas. That did not bother her. She did not care for all their snide whisperings or her own parents’ unspoken disapproval. James had come into her life when her daddy took him...

1 year ago
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Angies An AdultChapter 4

"Fuck me!" Angie screamed, as Sven Gustafsen pounded her sweet pussy. Right next to them, on a nearby sleeping bag, Ronald Mitchell screwed Susie Davenport and Samantha sat on her face. There was no doubt of how great it felt for the Episcopal minister to have her own sister eat her out while Ronald went balls deep inside the teacher, but the noise made it even better, as Susie screamed her ecstasy at taking it from the detective's fine cock. Just in the hallway, Miles Sloane rammed...

2 years ago
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Das Tor 3

Ich stand vor der T?r der Nachbarin - ich wusste nicht einmal den Vornamen - in Windeln und gekleidet wie ein Baby. Und dazu mit einem Schnuller, der Sprechen unm?glich machte, und dicken Handschuhen, die zwar niedlich aussahen, aber das Benutzen der H?nde unm?glich machten. Ohne Hilfe konnte ich sie nicht ausziehen, und damit war ich so hilflos wie ich aussah, wie ein Baby. Ich konnte nicht einmal in mein Haus zur?ck, denn ich konnte die T?r nicht ?ffnen. Ich stand vor der T?r und ...

1 year ago
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Mi VidaChapter 6

I'm groggy and I'm trying to parse Pat's words. "She's crying? Why?" "I dunno, Dave. Maybe the stress is catching up with her. Maybe ... You didn't, like, DO anything with her, did you?" "Pat," I gasped, "she's FOURTEEN! No!" "Well, at least come over and talk to her." "I'm on the way. I'm driving. Just in case." "In case of what?" "I dunno. Just in case." "Okay, I'll look for your headlights, then." "Tell Lita I'm on the way." Time to rescue Lita again....

4 years ago
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BDSM Birthday Gift For Riya

Hi friends, this is Vike (my online name), over the past four years I have helped girls around the world satisfy their needs through sext and have given them an experience of a lifetime. This is my first story on Indian sex stories. You can contact me on I live in Chandigarh; I stand feet tall with a tool of 7 inches. So this is story of a girl who wanted to explore the world of BDSM and how I gave her the gift on her 20th birthday. Riya was my college friend, she has a body which every guy...

3 years ago
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A Change in RebeccaChapter 2

Jeff was gone when I awoke in the morning. I panicked for a moment, until I came to my senses and realized it was almost nine and he was already at work. I checked to make sure the kids had both gotten off to school. Then I took a long hot shower. The tears started again as I stood there under the strong spray. I wasn’t even sure why. It could have been fear of what was to come or just my guilty conscience. I know I’ve given Jeff short shrift over the years of our marriage. I haven’t been a...

2 years ago
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I had almost forgotten her, when a few weeks later, she called me on my cell, wanting a ride from Weatherford to Mineral Wells. I had just left Fort Worth and was about 15 miles from the Iron Skillet where she was most likely plying her trade. It was a much better day, than when we first met. The temperature was now in the eighties and it was dry. She was standing outside of the restaurant in a sleeveless blouse and a pair of wranglers when I drove up. She eagerly hopped in, slipped over next...

1 year ago
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The Lake Pt 1

We'd holidayed at the lake for years; it felt like a second home to me. It was owned by my grandad and all the family took turns staying there a couple weeks a year. Last year, I was there with my folks, my three sisters and older brother for the first week, and for the second week my mum's sister joined us with her husband and four kids. The house was tucked away inside the wood and it was only about a ten minute walk through the forest to get to the lake. The lake was massive and had...

1 year ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 24

Roxie was wearing her nicest white, silk blouse, even though it was summertime, and her ‘almost-too-tight’ black pants. She was sitting in the front room of her aunt’s house, waiting for Cal to show up. She looked at her watch: seven-fifteen. “My perfume is going to wear off soon if he doesn’t hurry up and get here,” she said out loud. It had been a long, hard day. She worked the morning shift at the diner, actually traded with Bonnie so she would have time to get ready. She had endured...

2 years ago
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Sissy HO and Whore House

It had been quite some time since I had had a rubber dress up session so I was quite looking forward to it. I stepped out of the shower having just removed all my body hair neck downwards. It was so much more pleasurable to run rubber over newly denuded skin plus easier and less painful! I drooled at the outfit waiting for me on the bed, the rubber dull at the moment but soon to be glossy dazzling PINK! Stockings, suspender belt, frilly knickers, leotard with a deep ruffled neck (all the...

3 years ago
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Wrestling On The Bed

We were pretty young, my cousin and me. He was about two years younger than me. His older brother was my age, same grade in school, but we were never close. We got along fine, just ran in different crowds. The younger one and I were always pretty tight for whatever reason. He was a big k**, already 6 foot and stocky when he hit his teens. I found out he had a man-sized cock to go with his height and build. I never thought of myself as gay and didn't know about bisexuality but I knew I liked...

1 year ago
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Awakenings Ch 33

Maureen looked at Ginger and said, “I've never met a couple like you and Scotty. I have lots of questions, but they're kind of personal.” Ginger responded, “We're actually not all that unusual. You'll understand that when you get to know some of our friends. Don't worry about asking personal questions. If we're going to take over your slut training we're going to have to get very personal.” She turned and looked up at the television screen. Maureen, Scotty and I looked up too. Ginger's friend...

1 year ago
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TonightsGirlfriend Sarah Jessie 31762

I can’t believe Sarah Jessie is actually at my house! We’ve been talking for a while, but only in my wildest dreams would I imagine that she would actually meet me in real life. But now that I got her here I want the full porn star experience. I want her the way her co-stars have her and Sarah is more than happy to provide that for me. She brought this sexiest piece of lingerie and tries it on for me before I rip it off her and pound her pierced pussy every way I can. A dream cum...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

The funeral had been a very private affair. It had been held in a small chapel in the Arizona town they called home. The body had been laid to rest in a small corner of the local graveyard. Beth’s mother and the Carter Clan were the only ones in attendance. The rest of the town respected their wishes and did not attend. The public memorial service would be held when her father left the hospital. The entire town would be invited as well as her colleagues from the hospital. In the mean time,...

4 years ago
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Stockholm Sissydom

"Go back into the bathroom," she demanded, "I told you to shave." "But I did," I protested meekly as I could (best not brave being too forceful), "I shaved my legs and armpits like you asked. Even my chest. I'm hairless I promise." She stood up from the bed. Had I angered her? Her six-inch stilettos clicked on the tile as she walked across the floor. Extending a long red painted nail, she prodded me in my pubic hair right above my penis. "This is unruly. It's like a 1970s hippie...

1 year ago
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Neuro submission transmitter 3

"I couldn't do it, Nick." Nicole says, taking the ear buds out and walking towards the bed. She's still naked; her pink nipples are pointing straight out from her small, white mounds and her face is flush."What's going on, Nicole?" I ask. A second ago she was going to zap me with the transmitter and make me forget all about... Wait! We're in uncle Harry's bedroom and my cock is throbbing like crazy; it's harder than I've ever seen it. The veins are popping out and the head is so dark it's...

2 years ago
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My life Who I am

I had been married for thirty five yearsOur sex life over these years had been really good I had always like to be dominated .I loved being tied up being spanked , caned and being a total slut for this manWeekends I would be in chains and sexy lingerie , he would fuck me three or four times a day I would rim him pushing my tongue deep in his anus, I would drink his piss because I loved this man so muchOver the years I had noticed my underwear draw had been disturbed my knickers​ and bras...

4 years ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 05

A little later in the summer it was Friday night and Rob was at home watching television when the phone rang. When he answered it, his room mate from school was on the other end. Bill informed Rob that he was going to be passing through Rob’s town tomorrow and did he want to get together and see if they could score some pussy. Rob is always up for finding pussy so he agreed with Bill. Bill said he’d stop by Rob’s house about 1:00 PM tomorrow. The next day Bill showed up at Rob’s house right on...

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