My Wedding free porn video

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My Wedding Well here I am getting ready for my wedding, I am dressed in a white Basque and sheer stockings, white frill panties, about ten acrylic petticoats which make my pure white wedding dress stand out about two feet all around, a pair of white high heeled shoes with a bow on the front. The dress is down to my ankles, made from pure silk and goes up to my neck where it goes into a frill going all the way around my neck keeping my chin up. My hair is intricately platted with flowers. I have been told many times that I make a beautiful bride. Nothing wrong in that you say. Just a stunningly beautiful bride on her wedding day. No it wouldn't be, if I were born a woman and not a man, and I was not in the capital of Thailand in the middle of know where, with no chance of escaping back to a life, normal or not. First let me tell you who I am, or who I was, My name was Andrew Chilton, I am 23 years old, five foot seven inches tall slim build and was born into a nice family in London. I work for a large solicitors firm as an intern; I have worked there for a year and a half now. I met a man called Hakim, through my work as an overseas charity adviser, I help plan of where the money goes from the charities, not a very important job, but a step on the ladder. Hakim is an administrator, which compared to me is quite an important job. I think he got it through his father, who is a high end diplomat. Our paths crossed many many times, and we became firm friends. We worked very closely together for about seven months, so we drew even closer as friends, we were both unmarried or so I thought. I lived in a small flat in London, and he lived in a large, in fact quite a large house in London owned by his family. His father was something important in the government in South Africa, he rarely talked about him, and so I never really enquired. We used to spend quite a lot of time at his house, playing in the games room swimming, just being really good friends, etc. It was after such a session in the swimming pool that he said to me, in a matter a fact way, "Andrew, you know you have a lovely body, but why do you not have any hair on it?" I must admit I was taken back a bit by that statement, he laught and quickly said, "Please don't take me wrong, it's that all the people I know are more like gorillas than anything, and it is so nice to see a body not covered in hair." We laught about it and I said, "I know what you mean, I was always teased at school about it, some of the boys asked if I was a girl pretending to be a boy, as I looked more like a girl than a boy, with my slim figure, hairless body and long hair." I just said, "You're jealous because I got on with the girls better than any of you monkeys, and yes, I was beaten up quite a few times for that." Hakim looked very sorry for me and said, "In my culture you would be highly prized." I laughed and said, "Thank you, you've made my day saying that." Little did I realise what he meant by it all. Nothing more was said until few weeks later, when we were having lunch at our local wine bar, When he said, "One of the reasons that I came over to England was to look for a wife,. My father thinks it's about time I started looking for a second wife," I was shocked to say the least, I said, "You're married! I thought you were single." He looked straight into my eyes and replied. "No," he said smiling, "in our country it's quite different; our first wife is the child bearer that is wife number one, my one and only true love. My second wife is not allowed to have children; she is there for when my wife is too tired to do her duties to me, through the pregnancies or children or illness the second wife steps in and replaces her, for all of my wife's duties to me. For this, she is well rewarded, and has her own part of the house and a good allowance; in your money about ?800.00 per/month she becomes one of our family, having all the same rights and privileges that my wife does, and she has free rein to go out when and where she wants, provided she is with a chaperone. I was stunned. "What does your second wife think about all of this?" I asked. "Well that is why it takes so long to find the right person; they must be willing to sacrifice everything they have, for a position of luxury. It is that important that I find the right person as there is no going back, once they have agreed, they can never leave or go with another person, on the penalty of being expelled from the house with no money, no clothes or jewellery or anything. They would just become a beggar in the streets, shunned by everyone," All I could say was, "Blimey." "So where do you think you might find this person then," I said. "I mean what are you going to tell her, or even how. Don't tell me you're going to drug her and transport her off to you palace," I said laughingly. "Well Andrew if I tell you, I will have to kill you." We both burst into laughter again. We seemed to end up seeing quite a lot of each other after that. No nothing like that! We had so many of the same interests, we liked the same films, and we even had the same type of humour. It was like having a close brother. Well this went on for quite a few weeks, until that day that we got a little drunk, and started telling Hakim some of my personal secrets. That was my biggest mistake of my life. I think? I told him that sometimes I like to cross dress, he said to me, "What is that?" I felt so foolish and embarrassed at what I had told him, and I tried to palm it off, "No it's nothing really, don't worry, just forget it please Hakim. It's quite personal and I shouldn't have said anything to you, please just forget it." "Okay my friend, it is forgotten," he replied. The evening passed quietly and we left to go to our respected homes. Nothing was said for a week or two, and then we were having a coffee that night in the local wine bar before we left for our homes. When Hakim said quietly to me," Andrew, I looked up what you said, "I went red in the face, "It is nothing to be ashamed, of it is quite common in our country, some of my friends dress as woman now and again, and some all the time. It is quite common as there are far too many men for too few women." I said, "I wish I could leave in a country like that, no one to judge you, nothing to fear." He thought for a moment and said, "I am going home for three weeks this year, why don't you come and stay with my family, and I can show you all of the sights. You can even dress up if you want, no one will mind at all." I said I," would think it over, and let you no." "That's fine," he said and the subject was changed and no more was said about it. But I could not get it out of my mind, going somewhere where I could dress freely and even go out, and nobody would take any notice of me, a dream come true. Then I could return and carry-on my life until I could go again. It would be perfect. I broached the subject with Hakim, and said, "If I came over to your house and met your mother and father and the rest of your family and they found out about me dressing as a woman, would it be acceptable to them all, and would it be safe for me, you know what I mean." He replied," If you are known to be with my family or me there will be no problem at all. The whole family will accept you with open arms." I grinned like a Cheshire cat, and said, "Okay I would like to come with you." "There is only one thing though," my heart sank, "do not take any women's clothes with you, you would look out of place, we will buy you some when we get there, we will make it our first job. Is that all right with you?" What could I say but, "Of course anything you can suggest, I'm all yours." How I was going to regret that offer and those words. A month later our flights were booked, Hakim had insisted that his family would pay for everything, as it would be a honour. Well what could I say, I knew that they were very well off, and I also knew that I had some money put aside but not that much, so I replied smiling, "That would be an honour Hakim". We arrived two days later, a chauffeur was waiting for us along with his wife, Prebala they greeted each other affectionately, then in perfect English she looked at me and said, "I have heard so much about you Andrew, I think I know you well already," I just smiled and thanked her for everything. She said quite an odd thing then," No Andrew it is we who should thank you." I met the family that evening, their Mother, Shreem, their Father Matsu and their two sisters, Shdaes and Jafner. They welcomed me with open arms, more of a lost brother than a friend of Hakim who they had just met for the first time. We had a very good evening together, they asked me lots of questions, where was I born, did I have any family, it went on forever, It was more like an interrogation than anything, but who was I to complain, they were my hosts. Later that evening their mother and father retired too bed, as Shreem the mother was leaving, I heard her say to Hakim, "Is he for Chaeka, I like him a lot. The two sister, Shdaes and Jafner joined Hakim and his wife Prebala and myself in the lounge, or what I would call a lounge. We sat down drinking our coffee when Shdaes turned to me and said, "You like dressing and being a woman, don't you Andrew." I blushed, I went red, I wished there was a large deep hole in the ground I could craw into. She just laught and said, "Don't worry Andrew, Hakim has told us all about you, so there is no need to worry, we quite enjoy it all. I suggest that tomorrow you me and Jafner go out shopping for some clothes for you, and see if we can make you look like a real girl, what do you say." I started to calm myself down inside and replied, "All right, but I don't have a great deal of money." "That's no problem it's our treat to our Chaeka." There was that word again. "Now if we are going to go out girl shopping, we must first give you a girl's name." Prebala replied, "How about Andrena?" They all agreed that it would be perfect for me. "You will have to dress to go out, but Jafner and I will help you there. So I suggest we go to bed now, as I want us to be up and out tomorrow, bright and early, there is lots to do." I felt if I were caught in a whirlwind, everything was happening all at once and I had not said a word about anything. When I went into the bedroom I found a pink nighty and matching pants waiting for me. That night I could not sleep, all I could think about was what had just happened, a girl's name, getting dressed to go out, going shopping to buy women's clothes and the word 'Chaeka', eventually I dropped off. Next morning I was awaken by one of the girls knocking on the door saying, "Come on sleepyhead, have a good shower, put your dressing gown on behind the bathroom door and then come into Shdaes bedroom, will be waiting there for you." I shouted back, "Okay I won't be long." "Good we don't like to be waiting." I showered and shaved, not there was anything there, and then I thought I had better do my legs and body and my underarms, just to look good. When I had finished I got the dressing gown which was a silk pale pink with three-quarter sleeves and a wrap around cord, there was also a pair of pink matching panties, I put those on as well, they were like nothing I had seen before, and there was a tight pocket in the gusset to put your man parts in, when they were in, it felt cold and slippery, but as you pulled the panties up it folded everything away underneath, so you were left with nothing showing at all. I went to the girl's bedroom knocked the door, Jafner called out, "Come on in Andrena, have you put you panties on as well?" I said, "Yes." "Good come on in and we will get you ready." I entered with some hesitantly. Both girls were in there with a load of clothes in their hands. "Were just sorting out some clothes for you." They passed me a purple Basque and said, "You will like that one, it really pulls in your waist in and gives you a good figure, and gives your breasts a lot of uplift. So you will have some cleavage showing, so as we give you the clothes you can start putting them on, all right Andrena." I just replied, "Okay Shdaes." Next came a pair of sheer stockings which I attached to the suspenders of the Basque, then a purple pair of panties, slightly larger than the ones I was wearing now. "Shall I take these ones off first?" I asked. "No," said Jafner, "they have been treated everything down below has now been made totally numb, so that you cannot have any accidents with anything showing when it's not supposed to, it will only last about thirty six or so hours, oh! Before I forget if you want to pee, you will have to sit down and squeeze hard because your muscles are all totally numb down there as I said." I tried to move it a bit, but there was no feeling at all, as far as it felt I no longer had any manhood down there at all. I slipped on the purple pair of panties, then a three quarter length white petticoat and a light sky blue dress which zipped up at the back and just came below my knees, it was quite clingy, and I was sure you could see my Basque through it slightly, but the girls were ecstatic I was given a pair of light blue shoes with a three inch heel, and told to walk around the room, to get used to the shoes and wearing a dress. I then had to sit in a chair where they proceeded to comb, back comb and curl my hair, I was not allowed to see what they were doing until it was all finished. After the hair they did my make-up, first foundation, then eye liner mascara, blusher, lipstick and lip liner, some perfume clip on earrings and a necklace with matching bracelet. Then I was allowed to look, as the girls said, "Isn't she beautiful, being a woman suits her so well, she's perfect." Then turning to me Jafner said, "Well Andrena what do you think? Are you happy as a woman? What do you feel like?" All I could splutter with tears in my eyes was, "Thank you girls, thank you so much, I feel like a million dollars, I feel gorges, Thank you so much." Shdaes said, "Look she's crying that's so nice and girly, it's wonderful. Hakim chose well, she will make a wonderful Chaeka." I didn't really register what had been said, I was so excited. "Well come on girls we have things to do today," Jafner said. So off we went, as we were leaving we saw Shreem Hakim's mother, I blushed as she said, "Oh Andrena you look so lovely, I'm so, so pleased for you." Then she smiled and we left. Well the first place we went was the hairdressers Jafner said, "First of all you need your hair done properly, and we can change it back later if you want." "Please nothing too drastic," I said. I might as well been talking to a brick wall. First it was washed and cut, and then combed and I had a rubber cap put on me and loads of strands of my hair pulled through. These were then soaked in a solution, wrapped in tinfoil and I was left for about half an hour. While we were there we all had our finger nails shaped and polished they agreed on a pillar box red, with a hard lacquer on top so they didn't chip. Next we had a pedicure, for this I had to go in the back room and remove my stockings; again our toes were done a pillar box red with a top coat of hard lacquer. All this time my hair was in this rubber cap, with my tinfoil wraps on. When it was removed I had blond streaks in my hair, then it was put into tight small hair rollers, and I was put under the dryer. About three quarters of an hour later, the dryer was taken away and the girl started to brush and tease my hair, spraying hair lacquer on as they went. So I ended up with blonde streaks and curls which could not have looked more feminine if I had tried, they had cut my hair as well in a very feminine way. When I started to day something to the girls, they just said, "You know Andrena, that hairstyle suites you to the ground, and it will stay like that for weeks now, so you won't have to do much to it in the mornings, just a quick brush and it will go back into its proper shape, but come on there is more to do yet. I just went along with them, I must admit I was really enjoying the experience. "I will have a lot to look back on when I get hoe," I said. They just smiled. The next shop was a jewellers where they convinced me to have my ears pierced, three in each ear, telling me, "Its okay when you take your earrings out the holes will close and nobody will ever know." I had two diamond star shaped studs put in the top two holes and a red heart shaped one in the bottom hole, which was slightly bigger than the rest. By this time I was feeling more like a woman than I have ever felt, it was an amazing feeling, everything was going by so fast, and I felt I needed a few minutes to compose myself. There was no hope of that. Next was the underwear shop, where I was measured for a new bra and Basque, which I found a bit embarrassing, but no one else seemed to notice that I was a man? The girls went around picking up a half a dozen pairs of panties and bra's, several Basques all different colours and shapes, they got what seemed like a dozen pairs of stockings, telling me, "A girl can never have enough pairs of stockings, you always end up laddering them", I will be honest I thought they were buying for themselves as well. This was soon pointed out to me, that this was for me. We went to the dress section where I tried on about two dozen dresses, and about a dozen skirts and blouses, I had to come out and parade around for the girls so they could pick out the ones that suited me. All of this was taken by the assistant who was following us around. Next the shoe department, I had to try on three inch heels, four inch heels, heels with buckles, heels without buckles, then walk around so again the girls could choose what looked good on me. Last of the make-up department, they bought goodness knows what, but it included, perfume, different body sprays, nail varnish, just about everything a girl needs. I called Shdaes over whispering to her, "Shdaes I can't afford all of this, it's been fun shopping but I just haven't got that type of money to spend." She laughed and called Jafner over, "Andrena thinks she has to pay for all of this, what a silly girl, Andrena this is our present to you to start you off, we have everything arranged for you, the family will explain tonight, so you had better choose something really nice out of what we bought today. "I think she needs a rest poor girl, it's hard trying to take this all in. Everything is being delivered to our hose and put away for you, so you don't have to worry about anything. Now let's get a cup of coffee." We arrived home about five thirty in the afternoon; by then my feet were killing me, I had been in heels nearly six hours, I now understood why women complained so much about aching feet. Shdaes told me that dinner was at eight, so I was to allow two hours to get ready. I said to her, "Shdaes I'm really worried, we've had great fun today and I can't thank you enough, but going down to dinner with your mom Shreem and your dad Matsu there, let alone Hakim and Prebala, dressed all up like this, I wouldn't want to embarrass them, or any of you. I'll stay in my room if you wish, I don't mind." Shdaes replied, "That is so sweet Andrena, I knew as soon as we all met you, you were a thoughtful, caring and lovely woman, and you have just proved me right I am so pleased, thank you." I went back into the bedroom and looked into the mirror; there was no trace of Andrew at all, there was just this beautiful woman called Andrena. I started to cry, I had always dreamt about something like this, going out with other women, dressed as a woman, no one taking any notice of me, being referred to by a woman's name, and doing all the things I have always wished I could do. I was so happy; I felt I never wanted it to end. If only I had known what I was going to agree to, I might have second thoughts, or would I? I went and got undressed and put on my pink dressing gown, and went to my drawers, I saw everything had been put away all in their correct places, I took out a light blue Basque with suspenders attached, a pair of light blue panties with a white frill all around, a pair of seemed stockings, a dark blue three quarter length petticoat with a light blue frill around the top and bottom of it. I laid these on the bed carefully and went and had my shower. I had a shower cap so my hair didn't get wet, I took off my panties which had the cream in them and got into the shower, I could still feel nothing below; it was quite a funny but nice feeling, having nothing there. Afterwards I put on my body creams to make my body softer, it smelt like strawberries, and then I used my face and hand cream. I decided to put the special panties back on; my excuse was that I didn't want to be embarrassed if anything came back to life at the wrong moment. I went back into the bedroom and put my Basque on, it fitted like a dream I now had a small waist and a cleavage, I got my sheer stockings rolled them up and slowly and carefully pulled them up my legs, attaching them to the suspenders, then my panties, I glanced into the full length mirror, I ran my hands over my Basque, feeling the shape of my boobs, and the curve of my waist, and no reaction below, I was really happy. I put on my three quarter length petticoat and went to my wardrobe, I opened the door and gazed at what the girls had bought me, there was so much, I didn't know where to look first. Eventually I decided on a three quarter length light blue dress with imitation gold buttons down the front, but having a back hidden zip, I slipped this on and managed to zip it up, it fitted me like a glove, tight in the right places to show my figure off well, Then a pair of four inch blue suede heels, that seemed to set everything off. Last of my make up, I was quite good at this as I had been doing it for so long but that had been in secret. I put on a lovely gold three chained necklace and a bracelet to match, and then a hint of perfume on my neck and wrists, I was feeling wonderful, even more than wonderful. It was nearly eight pm by the time I had finished, I was now starting to get very nervous, almost shaking with fear. Then the door opened and Shdaes and Jafner walked in, they both looked at me and said almost together, "Oh, doesn't she look lovely, I don't think she could look any better than she is now, everyone will be so pleased, a real Chaeka. I ask what that was, as I had heard it a few times now, they replied, "Just you wait and see, if everything goes as well as this has gone for you, well you just wait and see." Then arm in arm we went downstairs to the dining room. As I entered everybody looked at me and smiled, then clapped, I went bright red to say the least, I had a chair pulled out for me and I sat down. Hakim's mother and father were talking to Hakim's wife, Prebala; Hakim started talking to me as this was going on. He said, "You look stunning, Andrena, I thought I had made the right choice when we were in London, we both have the same interests and we get on well with each other and you get on really well with Prebala and the rest of the family." I said, "Thank you, but I'm not too sure what you mean." But I did really, I had a little thought at the very start, but by the time the girls were buying me things, I had a very good idea, but I pretended not to understand, he looked at Prebala then his mother and father then his sisters, they were all smiling and nodding their heads. Prebala looked at me and said, I think deep down you have always wanted this Andrena, and I must say that I approve, so does mother and father. If you are willing to accept the chance of becoming Chaeka, which if you didn't know means second wife, there are something's you must know before you commit yourself. After dinner we will all sit down and explain, if you do not want to accept the terms then you will be flown straight back to London, and we will never meet again, do you understand Andrena." I replied with a faint smile on my lips, "Yes I do." After lunch we all went into the main lounge and sat down in a semi circle with ne facing everybody else. "Now, let me explain," Prebala said, "Hakim has already explained to you our customs, earlier on, and since you did not say anything against them we carried just on. First if you agree you will have to sign a contract which will bind you to us, for a minimum of fifteen years, after that you can either stay as a Chaeka or leave with all that you posses. Do you understand Andrena?" I again replied "Yes I do." "Now we come to the most important and irreversible part, to become a Chaeka you will have to become a full woman, that means you will no longer posses any male parts only women's ones, do you understand Andrena. You will no longer be a man in any sense of the word or meaning." I knew what I was going to say long before Prebala ask me." I again without hesitation said, "Yes Prebala, I do." We will supply you with everything you need, including our own doctors and surgeons; you will also have a breast enlargement to give you real full size breasts as well as electrosis for any hairs on your body. Again I must ask you is this acceptable to you." I just replied," Yes it is all acceptable to me." "One last thing and it is the most important, you will have to comply to Hakim's every wish, whether you want to or not and whether you enjoy it or not, you are here for Hakim's and my owns pleasure, is that all understood, or would you like to take time to decide, as it is a big step, of which you cannot have turned back." It took me two minutes to look around the people, watching them smiling at me, and the two girls grinning almost hysterically, to say, "I would be most honoured to be your Chaeka, Hakim and Prebala." So here I am now dressed in my lovely white wedding dress waiting for Hakim and Prebala to arrive so that the ceremony of Binding, I have had the full operation now, including my breast implants, everything went very well indeed. So now I am a full woman with a man or woman to please when and how they want, plus two lovely sisters and a very close family. What could any girl want more in the world.

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I used to go a lot to adult bookstores back in the eighties when I was on the road. I was always horny and ready for some sex. It excited me to be around the erotica of toys, magazines, movies, and books. I would buy something to read and go back to my room, read and masturbate. I would slowly rub my erection and pause, rub and pause, building a huge climax. When I finally rubbed fast to cum, I would cum huge all over my hand and stomach. At one point, I became curious and licked my hands and...

4 years ago
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Revenge and Blackmail

A couple of years ago I was away attending to commitments. One of those commitments was attending a symposium out of state. In case you don't know, a symposium is an excuse to drink massive amounts of alcohol while exchanging life experiences that gradually turn to sexual experiences as the night becomes older, the scotch bottle becomes emptier and inhibitions become non-existent.This night, we'd shut down the hotel bar and five of us went to my room where an un-opened bottle was waiting. We...

3 years ago
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A Fate Worse Than DeathChapter 5

Cynthia's eyes fluttered open with the welcome heat from the fireplace warming her face. She smelled bacon being fried. She stood up and followed her nose to the kitchen. She looked at the man and knew he had the appearance of someone famous. He had freshly shaved and looked clean. "May I use your bathroom?" she asked, making him jump. "Sorry to startle you." "That's okay, I'm just not used to having another person around. The bathroom's right around the corner. The bigger one's...

2 years ago
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Her Guessing game

I had never heard of a game called “Guess Who’s” until the other night at the CROSSFIT Social. It was the first time I went to one of these, but had always heard everyone say what a great time they are. It's always a little interesting to see people dressed in clothes other than their workout stuff. I was wearing short body hugging skirt with a loose v-neck top. I was wearing a lacey bra which still couldn't hide my nipples when they would become erect. I was wearing heels, which showed off my...

2 years ago
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Payback can be fun 2

As they drove away from my home, Ruth burst into tears, ruining what was left of her makeup. Laura glanced at her before looking back at the tree lined drive that ran up to the big wall lined house. “What’s the matter with you, you stupid cow?” Ruth sniffed as she searched for a handkerchief to blow her nose. “I’ve I’ve never done anything like that before. I mean sucked a mans balls or licked a woman’s…” She stopped as if the very word would start her crying again. Laura gave her a...

3 years ago
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Getting Some Asian PussyChapter 15

Susie, Tom and Larry went back to her home (and Larry's) after they'd finished their sexual interlude in the hotel room. They were all excited about their newfound sexual relationship and Tom contemplated when he and Susie would really let Larry in on all that had gone on in his absence. Once they got home, Larry put all his stuff away from his extended trip and Susie got busy washing up all the dirty laundry he'd brought home with him. Larry was really tired from the long trip back on...

3 years ago
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A Dream Come True

Please, please... add a thread, and don't forgett to vote!! Note: Since this is a story about a dream, anything is possble. The story can make dramatic shifts, just like dreams do. ================================= He couldn't see her face, and wasn't even really sure who she was... she was turned away from him because he was fucking her from behind, pressing her over the copy machine. The copy machine was old and well worn. They needed a new one. The noise it made disturbed most of the people...

1 year ago
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The final chapter of She wanted it but was scared

I ordered the drinks and the food and we sat in the hot tub for about ½ hour. It was around 6:30PM and there was almost no one at the pool. They were either still in class or getting ready for dinner. There was another couple in the tube but they looked like they didn't care who else was around. She was straddling him as she sat on his lap facing him and we could hear the moans coming from both of them. The clouds were moving over the in front of the sun and it was starting to get dark. The...

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Gift of the Goddess Ch 02

Author’s Note: This story involves male/female regular sex, and mind control. Enjoy! —————————————- Jonathon gritted his teeth as Olivia made another snide comment as she walked out the door of his office. That woman was REALLY getting on his nerves. Ever since he, Dana and Robert had returned from Greece, and the office had found out that Dana and Robert were now together, Olivia had been horrible. Constantly sniping and mocking him for losing his girlfriend – not that he was sensitive...

2 years ago
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Charlie and Cassandra Part One

Please note that this story is based completely on fantasy, any feedback is welcome but go easy on me this is my first story.~Charlie I awoke to the feeling of an intense heat overcoming my body. I lay there with Mistress Cassandra’s arms wrapped gently around me; she slowly and passionately was kissing my neck. I had met Mistress while soul searching in Europe; we were both passengers on the 114 to Pearson. I had made my way to my seat looking out the window wondering if I still knew who I...

4 years ago
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Unexpected Pleasure

Hi everyone, am writing story for quite sometimes. After reading my story a girl named Janani send me mail to my id. We started to chat, she was very reluctant in giving few details like her contact number. But we kept chatting whenever possible, and started role play. I used to call her kutty, chellam and so on. she calls me as mama. And address my wife as akka. this has been going on for a month. While chatting casually she said that she is going to call me after lots of persuasion she...

2 years ago
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A sharp knock at the door

Tonight she was at a party of wealthy people, most of whom she hated with a passion, the way they looked down their noses at her as if she was commiting a crime just by having not attended oxford of cambridge, the only thing that was good about these parties were the young rich men, although she had recently discovered that they were all good for nothing scum bags too, since her latest lover had recently been smelling like another girls perfume, she would've slept around too, but she was far...

1 year ago
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Note 1: Readers may not agree with the category I chose, as there are in fact many erotic aspects to the story, and there are 3 or 4 other categories that could also be appropriate, but this story is my own attempt to process and come to terms with a life-changing encounter that has affected me so deeply, on so many levels, that the non-erotic category seems the one most suited to my own physical, emotional and rational reactions to the events that took place over a span of about 5 hours. ...

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Ladies Day continues

The next day, the sun creeps in through the curtains of the guest suite at the stables, awaking what appear to be two lovely blonde girls from their slumbers. The girls are Alice and Sarah, lazily stretching in the two queen sized beds in the luxury suite that the brothers showed them to last night. Before they went to bed last night, they removed all their make up with plentiful supplies of cold cream, but in the pink nighties and still with their long blonde hair, prominent boobs,...

3 years ago
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Tease Ch1

"Oh, I hope you're still here." I murmured as I ran out the front door with my backpack. I looked at the house beside me, noticing my friend's car was still there. I walked across the lawn over to the car and waited. "Sorry for taking so long." Ryan, my best friend apologized as he walked out of the house. His older brother, Troy, right behind him. "Yeah, it's all this dumb ass's fault. He needed to finish his stupid essay." Troy informed as he got into the car and started...

2 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 8 The Barque Returns

10 November, 1686 Afternoon Several days later the crew of the Maidens Revenge saw the sails of the De Droom heading toward the inlet of the bay. Even through the glass no other sails could be seen behind her. A number of days prior they had made the Maidens Revenge Sea worthy and had anchored her near the entrance to the harbor with her starboard guns readied and pointing out to sea in the event of any trouble, which afforded them the options of either fighting or running without any...

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Little Eddies MotherChapter 3

The sight of Carl Bradley standing, in her doorway looking as he did had unnerved Lily Granger somewhat; he was a hell of an attractive man and it had been some time since she had been fucked by a man of any kind... She could feel his eyes on her, as he gazed at her breasts as if he could see through her thin blouse. "What... what do you want, Mr. Bradley?" she demanded, a little unsteadily. "I just came over to see how you and Eddie got along last night," Carl answered in his deep...

4 years ago
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When a TVs dogging outing doesnt exac

I was asked on kik, by a dom mature admirer I know, what was the most kinky experience I have had as a sexually sub TV, when I asked him to clarify, he said "the one you never want to repeat?" This instantly evoked the following memory of a dogging session I had had, that could have got out of hand, perhaps it did, but not repeat? well, I didn't exactly do that...I was invited / told to goto a dogging site in rural Lancashire, this site was notorious and it was a weekday evening.I was to go...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 85

On the way home from the yoga studio, Betty Ann was driving, Samantha was in the passenger seat, and Kelly and Kat were sitting in back. It seemed like a perfectly normal family scene, one that the four of them had enacted a hundred times; the only thing different this time was that they were basking in the afterglow of an intense, kinky lesbian yoga orgy.At first it was totally quiet in the car, all four of them feeling contented and a little drowsy. But then a few minutes into the drive,...

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Indian Bhabhi8217s hot threesome for uninvited guests

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read . Convinced that Savita and Annie are Vedant and Kiran’s fiancés, their parents lend them a huge amount to settle the wedding expenses. Vedant and Kiran had never expected their parent to lend them such a huge amount. The men decided to treat Savita and Annie for their immense help. They took the ladies to a posh night club. They ordered a personal booth at one corner along with expensive champagnes. Savita was...

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Stupid Boy Sophomore YearChapter 38 Elite Camp

I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....

2 years ago
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Getting my nephew naked

Introduction: An incident which revives the CFNM moments in my life. Now its my nephews turn. Part 1 Ive recently come across this CFNM fetish across the internet. Ive seen many people, including women like me, who grew up watching their fathers or brothers penises . I similar stories that I wish to share, Ive never have shared this with anyone and I hope you all enjoy it. Well first things first. My name is Samantha and I am now 32 years old. I have long black hair, dark brown eyes, white...

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Virgin For HorsesChapter 10

Marylou was tugging her tight shorts back over her hips, putting her pussy away. Rachel smoothed her dress down. Kingfisher had gone to sleep next to the woodpile, once more to chase rabbits in his dreams, now that the pussy had been dealt with. Rachel watched Marylou's curly blonde cunt bush vanish behind the shorts. Rachel was sorry to see it vanish, too. Although she was only a novice cunt-sucker, the teenager had loved eating pussy so much that she was looking forward to the next time...

4 years ago
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Marrying a Conservative GirlPart 3

After few minutes I saw Angela coming to the front and behind her my wife, the moment I saw her full body, I was shocked. My hard on was back and my imagination was travelling at light speed. She was standing with 4 models, all of whom were having big boobs, big ass, full muscled and toned figure wearing the transparent, skimpy bikinis and Alia was wearing one of the red bikinis with same material, half of the boobs were popping out from both the sides. It could hardly contain her...

1 year ago
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HouseOfTaboo Lucy Heart Submissives Anal Gift

There is nothing like the gift of anal that a submissive can offer her master, just as Russian slave girl Lucy Heart does in today’s House of Taboo premium porn scene for her Master Raul Costa. Her master enters the bedroom and proceeds to handcuff and chain her to the bed so that he can do with her as he wishes. What he wants is her treasured asshole, which the obedient sub offers for spanking and hardcore ass fucking. Watch in 4K as Lucy rides his rock hard shaft in reverse cowgirl...

2 years ago
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AvatarChapter 12

Nicole and Anna went down to a local dance hall/bar that Anna used to frequent before she had become preoccupied with Nicole. As soon as they entered the bar, the bartender, a pretty, tall, dark haired, slightly overweight woman, waved her hand and said, "Anna, long time no see! How've things been?" Anna walked up to the bar, and the two leaned over and gave each other a friendly hug. "I've been well. Much better recently." "That's great. Who's your friend?" "Oh, where are my...

4 years ago
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Chosen Ch 04

‘The bell, and book and the candle all have this in common. They speak, they do not listen. The bell rings, the candle has a tongue of flame, the book is made of words. They call, they enlighten, they instruct and demand and declaim, but they do not bargain. It is not coincidence that all were used in the pronouncement of excommunication. The bell is rung, and falls silent, the candle is extinguished, the book is closed with a snap. You will no longer be called to worship, shown the light or...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

The woman broke down as she watched her ride disappear. Her companions rallied around her trying to give her support, but failing. There was no way I could just leave them, so I gently urged them into the coach so we could get out of town before their friends showed up with reinforcements. We could talk about who they were and who was chasing them once we were someplace safe. “Please ... Please let’s get in the RV and get out of here before whoever is chasing you figures out where you went...

3 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 38

Lisa opened her door and got out of the car, Megan followed her up to the front door of Tom's house, and they waited for someone to answer the bell. "Hi Lisa, hi Megan," Tom said after opening the front door and inviting the girls in. "How are you guys doing? Jack is in the family room, we have been waiting for you. I put a new roll of black and white film in my camera so we can take some pictures." The girls listened to Tom talk non-stop as they followed him. When they got to the...

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A Flight to Remember

I can’t believe it’s been a month since meeting Robin and Tiffany, I think to myself as I drive to the airport. I begin to replay in my mind the events of that glorious day. It had been a busy day and I was on my way home. I had spent the previous three days in Washington DC on business. I was ready to get back home to Southern California. My meetings ended early that day allowing me to arrive at the airport three hours before my flight departed. I returned my rental car and entered the...

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Cock CandyChapter 12

Luke slides into his desk and leans over to whisper to Candace once her lesson is over. “Have you heard anything about anything?” he asks. “With Brandy gone I’ve got no new information,” she explains. “I haven’t heard from Randy since that night. Brandy left me all the money, so I assume she went back.” “No call or anything?” he asks. “Nothing,” she says. “With the exception of going back, I don’t know how to contact her. And most likely, my tribe has moved on to someplace safer.” “How...

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Dutiful Husband

Five minutes to go-home time. Yahoo! The day had lasted about eight hours too damn long. Nothing had gone right, I managed to spill coffee all down the front of my new shirt, and to make it all so much better, I had a job-shadow all day. I was really looking forward to dragging my ass home and taking root in a chair in front of the tube all night. Five minutes left before vegetative nirvana, when... RING!!! (Okay, it was really more of a BLEEP!!, but you get the idea... ) Fuck. Probably...

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The Road to Chrissie

Who would ever have thought that something as simple as a domestic apron could lead to so many changes in a marriage. It had been the last thing on my mind that evening 12 months ago when I'd asked Chris to help me in the kitchen. We'd entertained two other couples to dinner and now they'd left, all that remained was the huge pile of washing up and cleaning up. When Chris declined saying he was wearing one of his best shirts I'd tied him into one of my aprons. Well it was more a pinafore...

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In the desert

[][/image]20 years ago I worked in the Middle East in a small team of researchers. We were often based in a small camp in the desert, living in tents. The tents were either 2 or 4 person tents and in total out team ranged from 10-15 people, mostly men. However, there were 2 women in the team and it wasn’t long before I hit it off with one of them, I shall just call her D here. Unfortunately, we could not share a tent, partly because the project...

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Holes In My Wall Part 3

My name’s Christina. If you’ve been reading my adventures you know that I’ve been utilizing two peep holes in my closet wall that lead into my family’s guest bedroom.The peep holes provide an honest love. If someone loves what they see, they’ll peep. If not they’ll look away.A few weeks later my parents announced that they would be out of town on a business trip but that I wasn’t allowed to have any parties since I would be quasi babysitting for the Smith family down the street.The Smiths were...

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Picnic Birds

I am a woman of thirty-four, and up until recently I led a normal life. Happy marriage, one kid,friends,the whole things. I never thought of my self as anything but straight. in fact, the only time I was ever unfaithful to my husband was with a man I met on a bussiness trip years ago. I enjoyed it a lot. And I enjoy sex with my husband too.So I' m not realy a lesbian or anyhing. At least I wasn't until I met Geetha. I met her last week, t a PTA picnic.Yes, she's married too, with kid, but she...

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Seeing a Great CountryChapter 2

Matt's children were shocked by the divorce and were questioning him as to the reasons why. All he would tell them was to talk to their mother. Eventually they stopped asking him and suspected that Lisa had done something which was the reason for the divorce. Matt didn't know if Lisa had told them what had happen and thought that she wouldn't but the kids who were now adults could put two and two together. As the farm fields passed by, this was the last time Matt thought that he would be...

3 years ago
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Marnies Clan Pt 2

Introduction: Day two, neighbourly favour Part 2 Mondays Favour Waking on Monday morning was a somewhat earlier than usual event, being in part triggered by a ringing in my head. The ringing persisted through my waking moments to become the sound of my doorbell. Quickly throwing on my robe, I made my way through to the hallway, and routinely checked the vid to see who was at my door. At 08:00 I was surprised to see Marnie at the door with Sami and Ellie and wondered what was afoot as I opened...

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Horny For The Labourer Part 8211 1

Hi, guys, it’s me again Akhila .im so sorry for being away and not replying to your emails. I was a little busy having fun. For those of you who don’t know me, I suggest you read my previous stories. These days, after my previous incident I was more in touch with my feminine side, I was behaving much more girlish in public and had quite a few hot, steamy and wild sexual encounters with a lot of hot men. I loved being a sissy girl and I loved being Akhila. So let’s get started with this latest...

Gay Male
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Dorasani to dengulata

Hi,im ,Priya,naa age ippudu,26, naaku marriage ayindi, na 22yrs ku,na husband village lo politision,surpunch, oori dora,village vallandaru bayapadataru, intlo kuda andaru bayapadataru, atta,mama,nenu maa ayana,panivandlu untaru, evary room varike, atta,mama,valla room ki maroom kasta dooram, maku privacy chala ekkuva,ika sex vishayanikivaste, maa ayana vatti chavata, na pooku lo modda petti, 2 oopulu oopi, moodo oopiki out,ennosarlu lopala tittukunnanu, kojja lanjakodaka, etla puttinavura ani,...

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The Accidental Gangbang MMMM

As told to me by a friend: I was fooling around on a gay hook up site and began to talk to a guy about playing around. We'll call him John. My wife was out of town and I was k**-free so I agreed to meet him at a lake not too far from my house I pulled in and drove to my favorite spot and parked where we could be hidden from the access road. He wasn't there yet so I sat on the picnic table and slid my shorts off and touched the black lacy thong that I had chosen to wear. My cock grew rigid as I...

1 year ago
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Gifted Grifter Ch 08

Gifted Grifter #8: The Return of Jessie My ‘sugar daddy’ weekend with Julie changed me. I missed her terribly after seeing her off at the airport. Since the time I had invented the mindreader until that weekend, I my primary objective had been to use my device to seduce as many hot women as possible. But now, when I thought of having sex with a hot woman, I always pictured Julie. Simple fact was, everything I liked to do—which was pretty much everything—she did better than any other woman I...

2 years ago
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Seduction and lust

Hi this is Kiran again the married guy from Bangalore with this new episode which goes like this.….Your suggestion’s can be mailed at My best friend and his wife came from Surat to spend three days with my wife and me. Nothing unique in that, we’d spent weekends together as couple’s dozens of times. This time things turned out a little different. We woke up on the Saturday morning and Manish mentioned he wanted to go home to pick up some stuff. My wife said she needed some things from home...

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Male Chastity

Janice and Mike are a married couple in their mid forties. Married about twenty years. About ten years ago they started playing with a male chastity device and discovered they were having a lot of fun with it. They have been using it ever since.The device is a stainless steel or plastic tube about three and a half inches long and about an inch and a half in diameter with a forty-five degree bend in the middle of it. A steel ring is attached to the tube. The flaccid penis fits into the tube and...

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Fucked A Girl From Internet

Hi guys and ladies, my name is Krish , I’m 26 years old, doing a job in in an it firm and live in Mumbai. It’s my first sexstory on iss. I love reading stories over here, so I thought to write a story over here. So the story is about how I met a girl on the internet and fucked her. The name of the girl is Priya, she is having figure 34-26-34 which damn sexy and her body colour is fair. Now without wasting time, I come directly to the story. One night I was feeling so bored that I opened my...

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womanly experience 2

In high school everybody thought I was a girl. I was just approved hormone replacement therapy and people thought it was just a late development of tits. I was mocked for that but I never really cared. My tits did grow to a formidable size later. I was pretty much disgusted at that time with my penis so I tried to not to touch except when I really needed to. And when I talked with the girls about girly things I always referred to my ass as my vagina. It was fun times.At least until I went home....

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