Aunt Sue
- 2 years ago
- 43
- 0
As I drove towards Julies place a traffic light turned red so I pulled up. As was customary with me, I looked into the rear-vision mirror. I noticed a car slow down well back from the traffic which was quite unusual so I took a second look. The car fitted the description of my wife, Sue’s car.
I moved on to the next set of lights and slowed to allow them to turn red. As I pulled up, I again observed the car behind slow well back from mine. I realized that it was my wife. She was following me.
I immediately changed direction and headed out of town. Once on the open road, I accelerated hard to increase the distance between my car and hers. Over the top of the first hill, I turned hard left and pulled into a long driveway out of sight of anyone looking ahead on the main highway. I watched as her car sped past the turnoff and into the distance.
I then took a different road back into town to arrive at Julie’s place just on time. Julie was dressed and ready to go. We hugged and kissed and headed off. I drove in the opposite direction to the direction that Sue was headed. The restaurant that I took Julie to was not the one that I had planned on but it was quite a nice one.
We ordered and while waiting for our meals Julie asked, “How did it go with Sue last night?”
“OK, it went okay.”
“It just went okay? You had been apart for weeks. Did you make love to her?”
“Not initially, but we did eventually.”
“If you left it till later, she would have suspected something. A husband doesn’t go away from his wife for weeks and then not want to make love to her when he gets home.”
“She was dictating to me. It made me angry. Any urges that I had went out the window. I couldn’t get it up till later on when she backed off a little.”
“What was she dictating to you about?”
“She told me that she intended stopping her cheating and then came on heavy about me committing to be with her and only her.”
“She’s got a nerve. How did you handle that?”
“I didn’t make any commitments at all. I simply turned it back on her.”
“That wouldn’t have gone down well. It probably would have confirmed to her that you were having an affair. At least, it would have made her suspicious.”
“Yep, she tried to follow me this morning. I had to give her the slip before I came over to pick you up.”
“Shit, she’ll know for sure now. It will drive her insane trying to catch you out. We’ll have to be extra careful from now on.”
“Guess so. Maybe we should let her catch us to teach her a lesson. Let her understand what it was like for me.”
“No, I want to be with you but I won’t let you use me to get revenge on her. I don’t want to hurt anybody. What we have is between you and me. It is not about anything to do with anyone else. I’m not going to play games with your marriage.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t offend me. You just pissed me off, is all.”
I had purposely intended to go to a restaurant out of town on the north side because I knew very few people in that direction. Sue’s actions meant that we were now on the south side where our kids went to school and where Sue and I did most of our socializing. I had expected that just for once I might get away with not meeting someone that we know but luck was not with us.
“Hello Goyse, long time no see.”
“Hi Gay, how’s Al?”
“The arsehole is okay. Still up to his old tricks but I guess a leopard doesn’t change its spots, does it? Who’s your friend?”
“Sorry Gay, this is Julie. Julie is a lady that I’m coaching at present.”
“Hi Julie, Goyse is a good coach. You won’t be disappointed, I’m sure. Do you mind if I join you? I’m here by myself today.”
“No, we don’t mind. Is that okay, Julie?”
Julie was probably taken by surprise but she nodded. “Join us by all means. We have ordered. I’ll add yours to our order. What would you like?”
I got up. After Gay told me what she wanted, I told the girls that I would order her meal on the way to the restrooms. I then got up and left them alone. I actually didn’t want to go to the restrooms but I did want to leave them alone for a while to allow them to talk. Once I placed the order, I quietly returned to the other side of the high-backed seating where they were. I could hear what was said from there. It went a little like this.
Julie: “So your husband cheats on you.”
Gay: “Yes, He’s done it all our married life. He’s not even good at it. I don’t even have to try to catch him out. He cheated with Goyse’s wife, Sue, around four years ago and Goyse caught them at it.”
Julie: “That must have been horrific for him. How did he handle it?”
Gay: “Quite well actually. With people like Al and Sue, there is no use getting upset or angry with them because cheating is just part of their life. I don’t even think they can help it. It seems to be in their DNA.”
Julie: “So Sue still cheats on Goyse?”
Gay: “Definitely. She goes from one guy to another. If one gets too close to her she simply dumps him and moves on to the next. My husband tried to convince her to leave Goyse and go live with him after I chucked him out.”
Julie: “But I thought that Goyse asked you how he was. Are you still good friends?”
Gay: “My goodness no honey, I was pregnant and once he heard he came back on hands and knees begging for me to take him back.”
Julie: “So you took him back. You saved your marriage.”
Gay: “It may look that way but it is just an arrangement that we have. He sleeps in the guest room and I sleep in the master bedroom. He still has his floozies. I live alone. The deal is that if we have love affairs, we must never bring them back to the house. I have a couple of girlfriends that I occasionally spend a night with. I never know where Al is sleeping and I don’t want to know.”
Julie: “So you don’t have any men friends these days?”
Gay: “No, I only have one man that I’m interested in but he is taken, at least for now.”
Julie: “Just like me.”
Gay: “Hmm, yes, I thought so. Just like you, Julie. Goyse is pretty special. Isn’t he?”
Julie: “How did you guess it was Goyse?”
Gay: “I saw the way you looked at him, honey. You know that you will need to get on the end of the line, don’t you?”
Julie: “I don’t understand.”
Gay: “Well, let me explain it to you this way. My son’s name is Gordon. My husband has had a vasectomy and is infertile. There are a few kids around with the name Gordon or nicknamed Goyse if you understand my meaning.”
Julie: “So Goyse has been cheating on his wife with a lot of women. Is that what you are telling me?”
Gay: “It’s not really like that, exactly. When a man’s wife runs around the way that Goyse’s wife does, women who are attracted to him often try to console him. This is especially so if it is the woman’s husband that the wife is having an affair with. There is also the other side to it. Sue often pushes him onto another woman to give her the opportunity to do what she does best.”
Julie: “Yes but you are suggesting that there is a line. Surely, just because a woman’s husband cheats on her, she would not want to join a lineup.”
Gay: “Did you intend getting hooked when you first slept with him?”
Julie: “You are assuming a lot, Gay.”
Gay: “It’s all written on your face, honey. Like me, you are hooked. I know that look because I sometimes see my own reflection.”
Julie: “Well, I’m not joining any line, Gay. I’m with him and that’s not going to change. I have no intention of moving aside for you or anyone else. The day his wife leaves him, I will be there with him. I won’t be going anywhere for you or for anyone else, no matter who they are.”
Gay: “That’s the spirit, honey. You stand your ground. You realize that at the end of the day it will be him who decides, don’t you? It won’t be up to you or to me.”
This was getting out of hand. I stood up walked around to them and asked, “You will decide, what?”
They had both been caught out and the looks of surprise showed. No doubt they were both wondering how much I had heard. Being a little older and more experienced it was Gay who responded.
“We were just talking about sporting judges. They make their own decisions. The athlete can perform as well as they are able but in the end, it is the judges that decide who wins or who misses out.”
“I guess in theory that’s true. Judges, like everyone else, must work within certain rules and meet certain criteria in making their decision. If the decision isn’t reasonable there are others who can overrule them or make life difficult for them in most cases. It is no different to any decision that we make in life. If anyone of us makes the wrong decision then we have to suffer the consequences. Julie, you need not worry about decisions that you may need to face in the future. If you do it right and do the best you can, you will come out on top every time.”
“Thanks, Goyse, that helps me. I was having doubts about things for a while there.”
“We all have doubts at times. We don’t always make the right decisions but then that is life. Sometimes we have to learn from our mistakes. Sometimes we see things and hear things that tell us that we may have made a mistake or two in the past. Once again that’s life.”
Gay looked at me and then said, “I hope you’re not referring to me when you said that?”
“Gay, you helped me through a very difficult time in my life. I will be forever grateful to you for your support and as a result, I will always feel close to you. You and I had, I hope a mutual need at that time so what I got from the relationship you also got. We moved on, Gay. You went back to Al and I stumbled on with Sue.”
“You heard our conversation then.”
“I didn’t hear all of it, no. I did hear enough to tell me that I should put the record straight, if not for my sake or yours, then for Julie’s. I want to be your friend, Gay but that can’t be possible if you seek to interfere in my relationship with Julie.”
“I’m sorry, Goyse. I didn’t mean it that way.”
“I accept, Gay. Enough said. Now let’s have our brunch and move on. Are you okay, Julie?”
“Yep, I’m okay.”
When the meal was finished, we said goodbye to Gay and we made our way across to Ronny’s place. Her husband was out. Ronny served us coffee. The girls got on fine. Ronny asked a few pointed questions about Julie’s knowledge and the answers she gave fit very well. As I expected, Julie knew her stuff.
Afterwards, we returned to Julie’s apartment. Once inside we kissed and Julie led me to her bedroom. She undid the buttons on my shirt and removed it. She undid my belt and dropped my trousers. She then pushed me down to sit on the end of the bed.
She moved over to a small table and started playing a CD. The music had a nice swing to it and she moved in time with the music. First, she shed her shoes. She swayed seductively with the music as she did. Next, the top came off, followed shortly afterwards by her skirt. She was now in just her bra and bikini panties. I admired her body. She was so fit that as she moved you could see her little muscles working. Sexy was not the word for it. Years ago, I had thought of Cherie as the sex goddess but she had been dethroned. Without any doubt, Julie had taken her place.
The big question that loomed in my mind was, why me? Here I was, a married man with a lover who could have any man she desired, but she had chosen me. Was this just a dream, or was it real? What had I ever done in my life to deserve such a beauty who was willing to wait for me to become disentangled with my stupid, uncaring wife, Sue?
Gay had been right about one thing. There was a long list of women who may try to lay claim to me if Sue was to move on. I had never wanted it that way. It was all a product of Sue’s deceptive behaviour, or was it? I guess it was easy to blame Sue, but in the end, it was me who allowed it all to happen. There were times like this when I wondered if I was just as bad as Sue. Was I simply escaping responsibility for my actions by blaming her?
Marg had been the first who meant anything to me. That happened because I needed someone to talk to. Marg was in the same position and so it happened. I don’t think Marg wanted it any more than I did. It just happened because we were both lonely and bursting for someone we could trust to talk to. Neither of us expected that we would become emotionally involved.
Lyn was forced on to me by Sue so that she could get photos to blackmail Marg and her husband. Maybe blackmail was the wrong word, it was probably threaten.
Cherie was introduced by Marg because she wanted her friend to know the difference between making love and having sex. Unfortunately, when you make love you become emotionally involved. It didn’t impact me like it did Cherie but I was not willing to hurt her so I kept her close.
Then there was Debbie and Gloria. Debbie wanted a child so she used me to get what she wanted. Her partner and long-term lover, Gloria, then asked me to do the same for her. Was I the one encouraging these women?
“Where are you, Goyse? Here I am trying to seduce you and you look as if you are miles away. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing Julie, nothing is wrong. I was just thinking about what Gay said, that’s all.”
“You looked as if you were off in a dream somewhere.”
“I was just thinking about the past, that’s all.”
“Come here!”
I got up and walked over to her. She took me in her arms and kissed me.
“Stop thinking about what Gay said. That’s the past. Think of now and the future. You always say don’t look over your shoulder. Learn from your experiences but don’t dwell on them. How about taking your own advice?”
I laughed and cuddled her close. I felt so close to this woman. I didn’t want to lose her. Of all the women I had been with, including Lyn, this was the woman of my dreams. I kissed her again and carried her across to her bed. I laid her down on her back and lay down on top of her kissing her as I did so.
“You’re very special,” I said. “I was just thinking how lucky I am to have you as a lover. I was wondering if I was in fact dreaming and suddenly I would wake up to find you gone or that I hadn’t met you at all.”
“I’m the one who should be thinking that. I’m the lucky one. I win all around. I have a great coach who has taken me forward what would have taken me two years in my water skiing and I get a great lover thrown in as a bonus. Not to add that you have taken me away from my nightmare of a life where my ex-husband was stalking me. Maybe this was meant to be, a relationship where we both care for each other and we both come out winners.”
I kissed her and I felt her taking her panties off. I reached around her body and undone her bra. I took one of her tits into my mouth and then the other. Her little hard nipples were pointing out towards the roof. I ran my tongue around one and then the other. Her little moan added to my excitement.
I smiled at her and rose up to kiss her again. She put her hand around my neck and pulled me in hard against her. In the years to come, I was to learn to recognize this as her trademark every time that we made love. She always pulled me into her body with a strength that initially surprised me. Her kisses were always long and hard. Not soft and tender like other women. Long and hard was her way.
When we broke our kiss I felt her pushing me downwards. We often thought the same things at the same time. That was where I was going and that was where Julie wanted me. When I reached my destination, I held back a little from her, admiring her tight little pussy. She had very sparse hair. It was more like fluff than hair but it got denser on her mound. She trimmed it where it was denser to form a neat little landing strip.
Her outer lips were always closed, concealing her little inner lips from sight. At the base of her tight lips, a little bead of moisture showed itself gleaming in the light. This was the only sign of her excitement. My tongue flicked down and it was gone. She tasted sweet with a slight touch of salt present. There was no odour. Every other woman that I had ever been with has had a distinctive odour. Some are sweet. Some smelled of perfume while others were even foul. Julie had nothing, no odour at all that I could detect.
I breathed heavy on to her. She squirmed and giggled in delight. I repeated it but a little lower. Her hips lifted and her legs spread to give me easier access. I did it once again and she giggled again. The next time my warm breath was directed towards where her little clit was hiding. She squirmed again and dropped her knees out wide and her outer lips parted to reveal her moist inner lips. Another larger droplet had appeared like magic at the bottom of her slit.
My tongue snaked out along her groove. The moan from deep within her sounded like the growl of a tortured animal. The droplet was growing and growing until it started to flow down towards her anus. I directed my attention toward the grove where I knew her little clit was hiding. Soon afterwards, I saw the telltale movements that I recognized as the announcements of a possible orgasm.
I placed a hand either side of the top of her pussy and gently pried her lips apart to reveal her little clit. It was gleaming like a little skin coloured pearl. I ran my tongue down alongside it around above it and down the other side. The effect was immediate. Her hips jerked upwards, a deep-throated growl emitted from her lips and she shot juices all over my chin and neck.
I placed my mouth over the upper section of her lips and sucked hard. I felt her little clit pop outwards between my lips where I could run my tongue around and around it.
“Oooohhh fuck,” she screamed. Then again, “Oooohhh fuck, Goyse. I looovvee yoouu. I looovvee yoouu. Oooohhh fuck. I’m cummiiinngg. I’m cummiiinngg. Oooohhh fuck.”
Her squirts became smaller and smaller until they stopped altogether. I immediately stopped working her and just wrapped my arms around her body and held her. Her body had gone into a period of tremors which probably lasted about twenty seconds but it felt more like several minutes.
As the tremors finished, I could feel her body completely relaxing. I looked up into her face and she was looking at me smiling.
“I’ve never experienced anything like that before today. Every day you give me new and more wonderful feelings and experiences. I love you very much.”
I smiled at her and replied, “I enjoyed watching you. That must have been pretty special. I was a little worried when you kept trembling like that. I didn’t know what was happening.”
“Yes, I couldn’t control it. I just kept shuddering right through my body. Come up here. I want to hold you.”
I moved up to her. She held me in that tight embrace that was her way and we kissed.
“Are you going to... you know?”
“I’d like to, but no, as you pointed out, if I don’t perform for Sue, she will be suspicious.”
“That’s disappointing but then you are right. We shouldn’t do anything that makes her suspect more than she already does. Will I see you tomorrow?”
“That depends on Sue. Usually, she has some type of competition on Sundays. If she has a skating engagement, I will come over and we can go skiing together. I’ll get Debbie who does our house cleaning to come out with us to observe. I’ll give you a call later tonight to confirm.”
I washed up, kissed Julie and headed off home. I expected that Sue would be due home shortly but when I arrived I found her already home. Once again she came out to meet me as I entered the driveway.
She put her arms around my neck and kissed me once I got out of the car.
“I thought you might be home later. I’ve been doing some cooking. Your first day home from your trip, I wanted tonight to be special. Did your day go well?”
“Yes, pretty good. Ronny liked the new assistant. They seemed to get along well together. You know Ronny. She tested her out on everything and Julie seemed to give all the right answers. How did your day go?”
“Not bad. The girls are getting pretty good. They did well over east but we only got two medals. They really should have done better. What was missing was confidence and that only comes with experience. I really need to organize for them to attend more competitions over east before the next nationals. What do you think?”
“There is no reason that you can’t get them to go over east for an occasional competition. The only problem would be cost. I’m sure that some of the girls would be willing and able to come up with money for that.”
“Would you come with me if I went?”
“You want me to come? That’s a surprise. You have never wanted me to go with you before. Why now?”
“Don’t act dumb, Goyse. You know why I haven’t asked you before. It’s different now. I would like you to come with me now.”
“You know I don’t like skating. Sitting around watching skating competitions for me is like sitting on the road verge watching grass grow. Why should I come?”
“You won’t be disappointed. If you can come it would mean a lot to me. You won’t have to watch the skating. Just be there for me.” She stopped talking but I could tell that she had more to say so I just waited. “There are men who have come to expect things from me. If you are there to drop me off and to pick me up, they will keep their distance. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
“Yes, I understand. Why is it that you can’t just say no?”
“I’m frightened. If I’m there alone I may be tempted.”
“Sooner or later, you will have to confront your issues. You can’t go through life expecting someone to be there to help you overcome your weaknesses. Maybe you should go alone. If you can deal with it alone, I will know that it is over.”
“No, I will need someone with me. I won’t be able to do it alone.”
“What about my work. I’ve just had a heap of time off work and I will need to go to both the national water skiing later in the year and then the Pacific titles. How am I going to fit that in? Where did you expect to go anyway?”
“I’ll probably go to Sydney. They seem to have the most competitive competitions.”
“What if I organized someone to be with you? Someone who can take you there, pick you up and maybe spend some time with you in the evenings.”
“That would probably work. Do you know someone?”
“Yes, I think so. He may get his wife to come along too. She may even like to spend the time watching the comps. Hold on I’ll go into the office and give him a call.”
I went into my office and called. The phone rang for ages. I was about to hang up when he answered.
“Hello, Phillip speaking. How can I help?”
“Goyse here, Phillip. I have a favour to ask you and your wife if she is interested.”
“Goyse, how are you. How is Lyn? I was hoping she would call me.”
“I think we can both forget Lyn, Phillip. She has herself a new man, they are going to have a child and I expect any day now I will be invited to their wedding.”
“What’s the favour?”
“My wife, Sue is coming over to Sydney. She would like someone to chaperone her. The intent is for you and hopefully your wife to keep her away from getting with other men. She will probably be there for a week.”
“What about us? Is she off limits for us? Remember my wife will realize this is the famous Goyse’s wife we are talking about. She may think it is an invitation given the stories I have told her about you and Sue.”
“That, my friend will be something that you, your good wife and Sue will need to work out together. There is only one condition. If something does happen I would like it if you told me about it, no matter what it is. I should also tell you that Sue has told me that her cheating days are over.”
“So this is her test?”
“Not really, I know she will not stop. This is my way of finding out if her lying days are over.”
“OK, it’s a deal. Yes, I think Sheryl will be interested. She has often expressed interest in getting with a woman but as yet that hasn’t happened, at least that I know about.”
We finished our chat and I returned to Sue.
“All organized. All we have to do is let him know when you are going over. Phillip is a great guy. If anyone can look after you Phillip can.”
I don’t think she heard my little chuckle as I said it but she saw my grin. She probably thought the grin was because I didn’t have to go. A week alone with Julie is just what I wanted. Things could not be working out better for me.
Author's note: The story until now.
I had just returned from the US. Julie came back with me on the pretext that I would coach her in her barefoot water skiing. To allow that to happen, I had helped her obtain a job as a support person for my administration assistant, Ronny who was grossly overloaded with work.
After spending the night at home with Sue, I was heading across to pick Julie up to take her to meet Ronny and her husband. Sue had just got into her car as I pulled out of the driveway.
Monday April 9 Carla had set her alarm for early enough that the couple had time for a quickie in the shower. She had to be at work by 8:00, the same time Matt’s class started. His first class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday was creative writing. When he arrived at class, early as usual, a girl he hadn’t seen before was standing outside the classroom door. When she saw Matt, she looked at him intently. Nervously, she asked, “Are you Matt Young?” “Yes,” he replied. “I’m Denise Connor. I...
Having just finished her shower, Sue walked to the bedroom to get dressed. She put on matching black silk panties, bra and garter belt. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she slipped a light colored nylon stocking onto her left foot, pulled it up over her calf and thigh, and clipped the garters to the top of the stocking. She then repeated the process with her right leg. She slipped her feet into black, open toed high heels and buckled the straps around her trim ankles. Standing up, Sue...
Teri Sue walked down the yellow brick-road wearing her trademark red-riding hood and carrying a basket with cake and wine for her grand-aunt. She was in a rather good mood as the sun shone on her smiling face with its rosy cheeks. The weather was perfect for the delighting trip she had been looking forward to for so long.Her shoes, also the same color red as her hood, clapped on the yellow bricks in an upbeat rhythm and you could tell how full of energy she was having just started on her trip....
My thirty-ninth birthday was approaching, I was taking stock of my sexual situation and I wasn’t impressed. A cv including two ex-husbands and several former lovers was nothing to boast about. Nor was my current solitary state. No doubt I was responsible for some of the difficulties but that didn’t make me feel any better when I looked back. Although not all the problems and shortcomings were sexual, and anyway sex isn’t the be-all and end-all of my life but it is certainly one of the most...
My thirty-ninth birthday was approaching, I was taking stock of my sexual situation and I wasn't impressed. A cv including two ex-husbands and several former lovers was nothing to boast about. Nor was my current solitary state. No doubt I was responsible for some of the difficulties but that didn't make me feel any better when I looked back. Although not all the problems and shortcomings were sexual, and anyway sex isn't the be-all and end-all of my life but it is certainly one of the most...
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When you're poor, white and live among the Mexican Americans in LA, you're already at the bottom. Mom says dad is dead, but we all know he ran off when I was born 16 years ago and the twins are two years older than me. Public Housing in Los Angelus is a good place to live, but your inside the Gang Zone. The LAPD sends two squad cars many times and each car has two cops, safety in numbers. Mom worked at MacDonald's we were moving nowhere fast. There would be no College, no future for us. I...
Many thanks, once again, to neuroparenthetical, my most amazing editor who relentlessly teases out what I hope is a decent story from the half-baked drivel I send to him. As always, I’ve fiddled with it, so any errors left are mine; let’s say that they’re deliberate attempts to get you to leave comments, if only to complain. P.S. He even edited this part!!! Having said that – on with the show. Caleb 21 - Sue I sat in my truck, in the driveway, having neither the motivation nor the...
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When I arrived at the dance hall the following Friday night it was New Year’s Eve. It was a country area so people had come from far and wide. I was feeling fairly good actually because I was probably the best-dressed guy there. The girls had done a great job on me. It was as if I was their son that they were sending out into the big wide world to find my first lover. I guess it was working because that is exactly how I felt. Jatz bathed me. While doing so she managed to have intercourse with...
CuckoldMy job had taken me away from home, only to return for two days at most and not every weekend. Our relationship had always had an element of fantasy and fun. It was a good relationship and strong. I had just returned home for the weekend and as usual we always preferred plenty of sex play before making love, sometimes it could last for hours. We were gently playing with each other and chatting about our respective weeks. Sue said that she had been swimming, not unusual but I sensed...
Introduction: Watching my wife have sex with my friend does this make me cuckold Monday. My job had taken me away from home, only to return for two days at most and not every weekend. Our relationship had always had an element of fantasy and fun. It was a good relationship and strong. I had just returned home for the weekend and as usual we always preferred plenty of sex play before making love, sometimes it could last for hours. We were gently playing with each other and chatting about our...
Sexy Sue, does she look too good to be true?Sexy Sue is incredibly pretty. The blonde beauty's boobs first thing which puzzled me.Too good to be real, was my first idea. I looked through all her galleries with photos.Puzzled by her lovely looks is only the sweet start of my bewilderment and seduction.I was amazed by her profile stating she works at high level at the Interior Ministry.I know that everyone with a public job only publishes photos of private parts, no facesI know pilots on long...
Let me start by telling you a little about us. My name is Phillip and I am 23, I have been married to Sue for 2 years. She is 21. I always considered our sex life was great until one day when Sue and I were watching a porno flick. I could tell she was hot as she watched the big dicked stars pound away at the female holes on the screen. She asked me how long my cock was. I told her it was average, around 6 inches. These monsters on the screen were double that and I felt a little jealous of...
Sue grew up in a strict Catholic family. Although corporal punishment was politically incorrect by the time she reached high school, the nuns could still resort to pretty horrific discipline when necessary. Of course, her mother was under no such restrictions, and could teach the famed nuns of old some lessons in child discipline. Immediately after graduating, Sue married a prim and proper young man: a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus who often served communion to the parishioners. But Sue...
Sue and I were neighbours that occasionally bumped into each other in the village. One day Sue invited me back to her house for a cup of coffee. As we sat on the sofa together I got the distinct feeling that she fancied me. I brushed away the thought until she said ‘do you think me tits are too big?’ I couldn’t believe my luck! ‘I suppose its possible’ I said, feeling my 8′ cock growing harder In my boxer shorts. “Why don’t you show me what they look like?’ I said adventurously. Sue pulled...
My name is Richard. I am twenty-two years old and I'd just returned home having been on a ten mile run and I was looking forward to having a nice hot shower followed by an evening sat watching TV. My mother was in the kitchen and called me over before I had time to go upstairs to the shower room. "Richard," she said, "nip down to see your Aunty Susan for me will you? She's just been on the phone and she's a bit upset and I think she's started on the wine already and it's only six o'clock."...
IncestThe Switch aka (Turned into Sue) by Karen Elizabeth L. (KarenTV720) My fiancee Susan and I were do to get married in six months when she suggested we go for pre-marital counseling. I didn't really see any need for it, we hadn't had many arguments and I had no complaints about our relationship but she insisted. Somehow she even persuaded our friends Ed and Mary who were to be best man and maid of honor to come along. I couldn't see any harm in it or good for that matter so...
Sue and I were neighbours that occasionally bumped into each other in the village. One day Sue invited me back to her house for a cup of coffee. As we sat on the sofa together I got the distinct feeling that she fancied me. I brushed away the thought until she said "do you think me tits are too big?"I couldn't believe my luck!"I suppose its possible" I said, feeling my 8" cock growing harder In my boxer shorts.“Why don't you show me what they look like?" I said adventurously.Sue pulled her...
Saturday was a very 'normal' day. All morning and into the afternoon, Carol and Bob did their chores around the house, Carol was especially tender with Bob. He had done everything she had wanted him to with the Daniels. He had also revealed a lot that surprised her. Now she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him and said, "Honey... I appreciate what a 'good boy' you were last night. I love how obedient you have become at times. How can I show you my appreciation? Would you like to...
Their cousin, Bill, was an unprincipled, amoral young man. He had learned, when much younger, that his extraordinary equipment tended to intimidate (or attract women, depending on their experience) and he had used that edge to his advantage. He learned, also, that some women could be subdued by spanking and he had also used that as a means of conquering them. Eighteen-year-old Cathy, a practiced cock-tease, had been his most recent conquest. At first the young man had no particular thoughts...
Sue was a friend's older sister ,she was only 8 years older than I.Just at 26 she had quite the body and liked to use it .. She was a tall, blonde hair beauty,thin ,long legs, and topped with a pair of firm 34” breasts. Whenever she caught her eye on someone of interest she went on a mission to get them in bed. How she caught me was when I was out in the woods with a long time friend Janelle.It was the first time we were having sex after being apart for 2 years. Janelle was only 16...
from {Dan} here4fun [26/10/2013 9:59 pm] One day we were at a party at your house and I was helping in the kitchen. Taking stuff out side and such. “Out this way.” I say to you and playfully smack you on the ass. You jumped but didn’t seem to mind. Throwing a towel at me “You better leave my ass alone.” you replied.Well, I went outside and put some stuff where you wanted it. I walked back inside to see what else you had for me to do. You must have been upstairs, so I decide to use the...
Jack had a date with Sue for Thursday night. Dinner at her place. That should be cozy. He was still recovering from Saturday’s performance, or orgy, or whatever the hell that was, followed by some playing around with Aunt Peggy. She didn’t want to have intercourse, but lots of other things were possible. He lay on his bed, and thought about everything that happened on Sunday evening. It was all a swirl of amazing sex. He thought about the fact that he didn’t have to hide things from his aunt...
FetishI was totally taken aback by what my mum had just said to me. She’d just confessed that she had just offered me up to her twin sister, my Aunty Sue, to have sex with whilst she listened over the telephone. And that she did this regularly when she sent my dad over to 'look after' her. The worst bit though, was that during my sex session with Aunty Sue, I had actually called out my mum’s name and Aunty Sue had played on this and encouraged me to call out her name even more, and of course mum had...
IncestJohn Henshaw lay on the family room floor late one Saturday afternoon flipping through the channels on the TV. His sister, Sue, was laid out on the sofa behind him, daydreaming. They had the house to themselves for a week, as their mom was on a business trip. Their dad had walked out on them years ago.John tuned in a football game, and put the remote down. "Hey, you're not watching this," his sister protested. At 20 years of age, Sue was 2 years older than John. She attended the local community...
I watched as she walked up from the ocean, her body glistening with little droplets of water, her eyes shining with pleasure. The beach was crowded with holiday makers many of them almost naked like her, some of them completely naked, but not one of them was as stunningly beautiful as her. Her heavy breasts jiggled delightfully, the delicately pierced nipples catching many an eye. Eyes that went from her breasts down to the tiny gold clitoral piercing that was clearly visible through the thin...
TabooJanet got out of bed after our night together. She thought I was still asleep. I watched her walk very gingerly to the door. I saw she was sore from getting her ass and pussy fucked last night. She closed the door and I moved to where I could hear the women talk. Janet told them how gentle I was with her. She told them I took my time to make sure both her ass and pussy was ready for my cock. I slowly stroked my cock as she told them about our night. I could tell from the way the others talked...
HardcoreThis is my first story, please be gentle.I had just gotten home from work that afternoon, when I walked in the kitchen to find my mom on the phone. She waved with little interest to me as I made my way to the fridge, whoever she was talking to must have had serious news. As I pulled a pop out of the fridge, I heard her say “Okay Peg, he just walked in, I'll let him know, and we can be off in the morning.” Peg was my aunt, she was a widow (uncle Dave died when I was young) and lived about a...
Long before Peggy Sue Johnson came close to prom night, a meeting took place at the local prayer meeting headquarters with her parents, the new minister from upstate and the bishop from the upscale residential section on the other side of the river. They discussed the fact that the new reverend was in dire need of a spouse to attend to his urges of the flesh and it looked like Peggy Sue was nominated since she was decidedly nubile and headed directly to the road to perdition unless they...
My wife, Sue, is a professional woman in her 40s. Although only 5ft 2ins tall she packs a lot of sexy body into that height. Blond hair, matched with deep brown eyes, a come to bed smile and 38dd tits make her a proper cock-magnet. However, until recently she had never gone over the side (or so she tells me). This summer, however, that was to change. Our kids had recently grown up and flown the nest and I noticed a discreet but very noticeable, increase in our sex life. Although never bad, it...
My wife, Sue, is a professional woman in her 40s. Although only 5ft 2ins tall she packs a lot of sexy body into that height. Blond hair, matched with deep brown eyes, a come to bed smile and 38dd tits make her a proper cock-magnet. However, until recently she had never gone over the side (or so she tells me). This summer, however, that was to change. Our k**s had recently grown up and flown the nest and I noticed a discreet but very noticeable, increase in our sex life. Although never bad, it...
Chapter 1 A dark, stormy night. Thunder, Lightning, and heavy rain fills the night, You are at the mall, I've been watching you for weeks, the way you wiggle that sexy ass, the way you smile, the way you flirt, the way you walk, the way you tease, Now its time for you to realize your lesson. I waited patiently, and as you left the mall, no one else was near, So I jumped out and grabbed you as you unlocked your car door. I covered your mouth and nose with a drugged rag, and you quickly passed...
This is a re-write of a story I did a few years ago. Hope you all like it. Tomboy named Sue The story is fiction, however, it is based on some of my early life’s happenings, and Sue was real (but not her real name).Our parents owned houses next door to each other. The neighborhood was lower middle class, so almost all families were living hand to mouth. Her Dad was a union machinist and did well enough so her mom did not have to work. My Dad’s goal in life was to own a home, something his...
CHAPTER ONE ? THE INTRODUCTION OF SUE Of course, I am compelled for legal reasons to state that this is a work of fiction, written with no actual person in mind.? Any likeness to actual events or people is a matter of coincidence. The Saga of sue By Master Rick? ([email protected]) CHAPTER ONE ? THE INTRODUCTION OF SUEGood Morning.? I am sue.? It is the name my Master has given me, among many others.? I have been serving him for nine years and I have been his slave for five.? I am...
Sue and I had worked together and were friends because I was married, happily so, or so I thought. Sue had quit her job earlier, the year before my wife and I separated. She had moved to a small town, north of where I lived and started her own business. I hadn’t seen her in nearly two years. After my separation, I went back to haunting the local bars. One Monday night I ran into her, in one of the neighborhood bars. As luck would have it, she had a date. I did get to borrow her for a couple of...
A buddy of mine had asked me to watch his house while he was out of town for a week. The usual, mostly checking the mail and making sure the house was alright and that lights were on and it showed signs of being lived in. As I was leaving, I heard him tell his wife I'd be watching the house and I could already tell she wasn't happy about it. Sue and I had never really gotten along. I just couldn't stand her. She was an overweight priss who was only good for spending her husband's money,...
I watched as she walked up from the ocean, her body glistening with little droplets of water, her eyes shining with pleasure, the beach was crowded with holiday makers many of them almost naked like her, some of them completely naked, but not one of them was as stunningly beautiful as her. Her heavy breasts jiggled delightfully, the delicately pierced nipples catching many an eye, eyes that went from her breasts down to the tiny gold clitoral piercing that was clearly visible through the thin...
The car pulled up outside the house - it was a converted barn, standing in its own grounds with large trees all around it that gave it a well established feel, even though it had been a home to humans for only a couple of years. The man turned to his wife - "last check now before we go in", he said. "You are sure you want to go through with this? Once we go into the house there will be no turning back you know." "I know", she said, "I trust your judgement and I want to do it for my...
And so I spent the latter part of my Middle School years fucking Mom, Carrie, Molly and a half dozen other girls from school, still managing to get pretty decent grades. The worst part of it all was keeping Carrie from finding out about any of the others. As for my fucking Mom, Carrie and I never discussed it again, though I have no doubt that she knew that it was continuing. What the heck, even a lover can't expect to take a guy away from his mother's welcoming cunt. Author's Note — my...
You better watch out, you better not cryYou better not pout, I’m telling you why!!!Santa Clasu is coming to town!!!And that dirty old bastard spends all year looking into the bedrooms of boys and girls across the world deciding whether what they do is naughty or nice!! He is pissed with one young woman that is spoiling Christmas by telling k**s that he is not real!!!! So he made a special trip down from the North Pole just to set some things straight!!!And does he ever get it straight!!!Hope...
As you may recall if you have read my other accounts, my older sister is hot and has been a really big influence on my sexual identity since loosing my virginity to her when I was twelve and she was twenty. As the years went on we continued to experiment together but as she had only recently given birth to my nephew a few months prior to my first time with her, she was still producing breast milk and breast feeding my new born nephew. Sue was the first person I had ever seen who breast...
I am not at all ashamed of the fact that I had an incestuous relationship with my aunt Sue. As a matter of fact if it wasn't for her getting married and moving to England it probably would still be going on. I have since moved on but I do still think about her from time to time. Not just the sex but the dirty little things that transpired between us before we actually did have sex. I am haunted by those great memories and I have decided to write them down. To make a long story short. My...
Sitting at work one morning all my paper work completed and filed and waiting for further instructions I was surfing the I-Net and came across one of those "Meet Up" sites, After a few brief conversations with various women most from outside the area I got a message from this lady, Sue, We messaged small talk then over the course of the next few days we gained some intimate knowledge of each other, We made arrangements to meet at a local coffee shop not far from her house, I sat in the booth...
Back in the late seventies and early eighties I was a post graduate archeology student studying for my master’s degree in the UK. I had grants and everything but my girlfriend, Nicky, had a good job and that made life easy. In those days our relationship was what was called open. We loved each other but didn’t put too much emphasis on fidelity. I’d sat on the sofa and watched her get screwed by other guys. I’d joined in and even fondled their balls or licked her clit while she was being ridden....
Pardon the shortness, this is an intro thread. Let’s meet Mary Sue. She is totally perfection. Mary is brave and good. Mary is a hero She is the woman everyone fall in love with and seem to be perfect at everything. You may have seen her in fan fiction writing. She all ways save the day and seem to be connected to the main character in some way. Mary Sue is a tall leggy blond with gigantic breast and a beautiful face. It fact she the MOST beautiful woman in the world. Sometimes she has powers,...
Sue is a cousin of mine and we are the same age. We were 16 at this time. We lived about a half mile from one another growing up. We were more like brother and sister. She was a beautiful girl with a smoking hot body for her age. Some people thought we were either brother and sister or bfriend and gfriend. We were best friends and knew everything about one another. We even knew who about our love lives. Neither of us were virgins and I was kind of a player with the ladies. Something she always...
This story takes place in an adult bookstore in Northwest Indiana. I started visiting adult bookstores in NW Indiana between visiting clients for work about two years ago, and this story takes place just a month after my first stop.Right after I crossed the state line into Indiana, my dick started to tingle. I'd saved up a load for three days (nearly a record for me) for a specific adult bookstore that I had been to twice. It specialized in having women eager to swallow cum and I was more than...
I allowed myself to fall asleep next to Alicia knowing that sexual desire would awaken me in the small hours. When it did, instead of turning for relief to the gorgeous and compliant little creature next to me I went to the main bedroom where Wendy was sleeping. She was my wife, after all, and had been wonderfully understanding and supportive all evening. There are wives in this world, I reflected, that might object if their husband brought home a big-titted eighteen-year-old and shagged her...
Esme rounded on her. "Marjory, girl, you have just GOT to tell us what that was all about! It sounded so weird, what you were saying, that we must know what the other end was. It sounded like your fella was on his knees!" Marjory started to tell her sad tale, about falling for her Derek, and making love with him, in the expectation that he was the love of her life and they would get married eventually. She had had a series of shocks. It was a shock to discover how unyielding her parents...
He waited, then listened to a reply. "Right. Thank you. Please note that he is about to be arrested, so we don not want him leaving." He closed the call. "Thanks, Ruth, for reminding me. He will not be able to leave now. Now we just hav e to pick him up. Where will he be?" "This time of day? Probably heading out for his evening meal, either at home or in a restaurant. Do we know if he is married?" "The data we got for him does not mention any spouse, so presumably not," replied...
It had been three months since that fateful encounter with the erotic truffle, which had afflicted village schoolteacher Trevor Defreitas, Annabel Montford, a former pupil of his on Earth, her two younger sisters Tracy and Dinah, and their tour guide, Amelia Cross. That accidental exposure, in a shared meal, led to a night of drug-fuelled sex between Trevor and all four girls. Afterwards, upon considerable reflection, the girls realised that apart from all three sisters losing their...
George and Marina helped Georgina clear out her flat. Most of what she kept were pieces of inexpensive jewellery that she liked; her photograph albums; and mementos of Amelia’s childhood. George declared that it would be easy to copy the photos on to a digital file and keep them on a memorystick, as well as being available on her phone. They decided to deal with that on George’s computer at home. Georgina asked, “George, can we eliminate my late husband from some of the photos, when we put...
"You may be right about us humans, but The Personalia have blossomed too. They have become more involved with Earth as time has gone on. They have adapted to capitalism with a vengeance. They own a number of business on Earth, and have almost entirely monopolised the audit sector of business: numbers are their forte, you see, and they have established a reputation for probity. I have heard rumours of them pursuing criminals and removing their stolen assets: much more effective than jailing...