Lori s Story 1 The Birth Of Lori
- 3 years ago
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When you're poor, white and live among the Mexican Americans in LA, you're already at the bottom. Mom says dad is dead, but we all know he ran off when I was born 16 years ago and the twins are two years older than me. Public Housing in Los Angelus is a good place to live, but your inside the Gang Zone. The LAPD sends two squad cars many times and each car has two cops, safety in numbers. Mom worked at MacDonald's we were moving nowhere fast. There would be no College, no future for us. I couldn't even find a part-time job and the twins were frightened all the time. The Mexican and Black guys say nasty sexual things to white women.
Mom got connected to the Robinson Foundation through her friend Mary Beth. Things changed fast mom moved us to a Townhouse near Brea in Orange County. Now we attended a good School and the kids were so different here. The twins and I both studied hard and mom sent us to the Huntington Educational Program after school for tutoring. Our marks soared and life started to look great. The Foundation got us physical examinations, a new Doctor and our Townhouse.
We had a Foundation case worker, Mrs. Brill, from the Robinson Foundation and she was our case manager. Things were going great now. Mom did say we couldn't date and was strict with us. Mom is a Baptist and born-again. Every week we meet with Mrs. Brill and mapped out our rise to the Middle Class. Mrs. Brill told us about scholarships sponsored by the Foundation and momma confided in us that the Foundation got her the new job in Orange and even paid for a car.
At our weekly meetings Mrs. Brill had tested me and the twins several times. She asked me once if I had secret thoughts about my twin sisters. I looked down, blushed and said no. I am sure that most guys have sexual thoughts about their older sisters. Hell how could you not with Lori and Sue eating breakfast wearing panties and little nylon tops that they slept in. Mornings I got wood looking at the sheer tops they sometimes wore and I could see the outline of their nipples and when they stood see their buttocks and jaws through their tight panties.
Lori and Sue are sheer eye candy, both short, blond with pouty lips and babydoll good looks. In the City I had to ride the bus with them to protect my sisters. I had a few fist fights over my sisters. Lucky for me old Mr. Martinez had trained boxers when he worked before retirement and taught me to box. He took me to the YMCA to work the heavy bag. Protecting my sister's had bonded me with both sisters and I would do anything to protect them.
Mrs. Brill was telling us all about the Robinson Foundation and all the benefits available. She was saying we had been picked and this was an opportunity of a lifetime. Momma was nodding and smiling encouraging us. "The Foundation wants to encourage sibling marriage and we facilitate it."
As I listened, Mrs. Brill continued about the educational and economic benefits, but she had said sibling marriage. Momma did not appear to have noticed that statement. Mrs. Brill was talking about us owning our Townhouse outright and my sister looked surprised. "The Foundation pays all medical costs for each birth and a cash award. The sum increases with each child born from the union."
Both of my sister's were staring at me and as I listened I knew this was not right. Mrs. Brill finished our session and gave momma an appointment for next week. We went to the car and were driving home on the highway and everyone was silent.
"Momma, did I hear Mrs. Brill correctly?"
"Yes Jon you did" momma said simply.
Both my sister's look somewhat embarrassed and looked at each other. We drove along in silence.
"What does the Foundation want?"
All three looked at me silently. I already knew in my heart.
"Well" Lori said and looked at Sue.
Sue has always been the bolder of my sister's, they are physical twins but Sue is bold and Lori shy. "The Foundation wants Lori and me to each have at least one baby or more. We are not moving back to poverty" she offered bluntly.
"Mom isn't it a sin what Mrs. Brill wants?"
"Son, we have to think this seriously. The Foundation has changed our lives. The girls do not want to go back to our old lives."
Lori said "I want to go to College" and never finished her statement.
"Jon, we'll talk in the house" momma offered.
The drive home was slow with the rush-hour traffic. My mind whirled with the implications. Soon we were home and we sat down in the living room.
"We will get the deed for the townhouse once Lori and Sue have each had a baby as a bonus for the girls being twins."
I was a little stunned, but I knew what my part was going to be. "What does the Foundation want of me?"
"Jon, they want you to marry either Lori or me, or both of us." she paused and looked at me.
"They don't want Lori or I too have relations with other men just our brother. Your role is pivotal and they are more interested in us because we are twins."
I saw Lori nod her head, "Ok Sis, what do you and Lori think."
"We hated life in the City. It was awful for us. We don't want to go back to LA and poverty. The Foundation is giving us an opportunity most people would jump at. We can have wonderful lives here in Orange County. Your part is easy Jon all you have do is fuck Lori and me."
"Sue don't use profanity. Your brother will be your husband not just a breeder."
"Mom he can be involved in our lives as little or as much as he desires. Lori and I do not like that we can never have other relationships and he can!"
"Sue means, they have no provision for you having fidelity in our marriages'."
Sue nodded to Lori, "yes exactly."
My mind was in overdrive, they wanted me to get both girls pregnant, get my sisters both pregnant and we would prosper. So far the Foundation had been good for us. Owning this Townhouse was an unheard of dream for people like us, mom now had a real job and didn't have to wear a paper hat, College for all of us and better lives. They had me when they said I could get Sue and Lori pregnant. I smiled.
"Jon you're such a pig. You didn't even hesitate" Sue snapped at me.
'Ok your asking me to make babies with both of you, marry you two, most boys would jump at the chance!"
"Jon you're our brother and you didn't even hesitate about all this. Lori and I needed to discuss it for days. It was disgusting to talk about. You just want to fuck us, and I told Lori you'd jump at the offer. If we stayed in LA, we both would have had to do it with you sooner or later. Nothing has really changed just now we get great lives for allowing you, in LA it just would have been dirty. Everyone at home knows that boys that protect girls fuck them!"
"Sue please language."
This was the best day of my life!
"Jon what do you have to say about all this, Sue, Mom and I have talked it all over for the past few months. What are your feelings?"
"Well our old lives were a dead end. Now we have a future. You and Sue are both beautiful beyond dreams."
"He thinks we are beautiful Sue" she smiled.
"Lori; wait till your fat and pregnant and then see how pretty he thinks you are. He wants us for sex!"
"Sue. I truly love you and Lori." I never knew that back home that they'd have to both put out.
"You didn't want to fuck us?"
"Sue that is another story; back home I knew that girls paid for protection with their bodies. I never knew that you or Lori thought you'd have too put out for me. I protected you both because I love you."
They both heard what they wanted too. Sue stormed out and went upstairs to her room.
"Why is Sue mad at me Lori?"
"Well you want the long or the short of it Jon?"
"All" I said.
"Sue is not exactly mad at you. Your smirking did not help. Sue was mad at me when this first surfaced."
"Well Lori, she is protective of you and this is a rough call. She probably wanted to save you."
"She was not mad, over the Foundation, she was mad that I'd be having your baby, sort of jealous."
I looked stunned and Lori smiled. "At our old High School maybe a third of the girls are either having sex or were pregnant by their brothers. You know the rule in the Ghetto, a girl is protected and she pays with her body; don't matter if it is a brother or who, she pays. Sue wanted to have a relationship with you, you protected us both. Sue wanted to pay for her protection and we knew that would come one day."
"OK and the Foundation wants me to marry both of you now."
"Well the Foundation does not stipulate marriage, Mom made that rule, she thinks if we are each having babies with you in a monogamous relationship to you, even with you having both of us, mom wants wedding rings and marriage."
"I know there is a lot on the line Lori. I am a little surprised your taking all this so well."
"Well mom wins, she wants the deed to this townhouse, didn't you ever wonder how mom could afford the rent on a place this? The townhouse had four bedrooms and a finished basement. The Foundation will make sure all our lives are better. Sue says she'd rather kill herself than return to our old lives in the Ghetto. She knows what we both have to do. We'll have College, money for each baby born and we are now sheltered."
I smiled looking at Lori and she blushed.
"Jon, you're the real winner in this deal. All you have to do is make love to both your sister's and we have to have the babies."
I smiled. "That is the smirking smile that set Sue off. " My sister laughed.
"Let's get the rules straight buster, stay out of our rooms unless you're invited in. You can look but don't touch without permission. Mom thinks you should date Sue and me separately a few times before we start to do it" and she blushed.
My mind whirred, the fucking should start now! Sue had a crush on me, I wondered about Lori. "Lori how do you feel about me, same as Sue?"
Lori blushed walking away, "see you later" and she walked upstairs. I waited a few seconds and followed her upstairs and entered my room.
Lay on the bed and thought, all I had to do was get both my sisters pregnant and we'd have the deed free and clear to our townhouse. They'd said there would be a cash bonus for each baby we had and it would increase with each child. The Foundation must be loaded to waste money on this. Giving money to boys to impregnate their sisters, crazy Foundation, but a stroke of luck for me.
I heard a knock at the door and called "enter."
Sue came in my room "I hope you're not mad at me Jon?"
"No, Sue I am not."
"Lori told you the rules then, mom wants you to take us each on a date, two or three times before we."
I nodded my head.
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Sure sis, ask away."
"Back in the old neighborhood you never had Lori or me, you know; why?"
"Sue because I love and respect you both, and I did not want to hurt either of you."
"All the girls in school thought you were screwing me, funny they never thought that about Lori."
"I don't know why they'd think that Sue."
"You could have if you wanted too, I hinted around a few times. I always had a little crush on you brother. I think you being a respected guy was a turn-on."
"I knew, but I was trying to be a good guy."
"Jon what do you think about this deal with Lori, you and me?"
"I think these people have too much money and are crazy. I cannot see any downside financially for us. I don't want to go back either. We are just getting ahead."
"Do you want Lori and me too?" She looked sad and hopeful.
"Yes I do Sue, you're both sweet and very beautiful, a lot of boys want their sisters. You two have always represented sexuality to me, your sweet and a little tough and Lori is soft and sweet. You're both hottie's."
"Dinner in a few minutes' Jon." Sue leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead lightly and ran out of my room with a devilish grin.
I stood thinking life is sweet, some rich foundation wants me to get Sue and Lori pregnant and having sex with them is the best thing I could think about. Fucking Sue would be wonderful, she'd be a tiger while Lori would be womanly. Back at home I had gone to see Jose and I always climbed over the back wall to use the back door entrance, I stopped there unseen near the wall. The curtains were open and there was Jose sitting on a couch with his arms around his older sister's Maria and Juanita, both were wearing only panties and their breasts naked and the nipples looked wet. Jose dipped his mouth and sucked one sister's nipples then moved the other's nipples. I watched a minute as Jose slipped his hand into their panty as he sucked their tits. I knew Jose wanted me to see and left.
Maria had given birth to a baby and people said Jose was the father. She'd left home for a short time and returned. Jose's sister's were pretty and both looked a lot like Eva Longoria, same type slim, pretty and busty Mexican girls. As I walked home, I thought about Lori and Sue, having both of them at once. Sliding my cock into their tight little pussies. Sue and Lori walk around with panties and sleep shirts' on, they have never flashed me or shown more but seeing those nubile teen bodies moving around or exercising dressed like that or even when they sit there and watch TV, is as sexy as hell. Sue has a nearly see through sleep shirt with large pockets over the bosom so you cannot see her breasts or nipples.
Since we moved to Brea, the girls have cooled the walking around in panties and little sleep shirts. Maybe because they knew soon I will be fucking them. I want to use them both like little slut's and at the same time love my sisters. The sexual need must be part of mankind, Adam screwed his sister Eve and their children took their sister's as wives. What I felt for Sue and Lori is normal, if I had to pick one it would be Sue. I have wanted Sue since we were kids.
We ate dinner in relative silence and a little chatter. After dinner the girls took me to the basement den. I was curious what was coming.
Sue, Lori and I sat on the sofa and talked. "How did mom ever consent to you two having kids like the Foundation wants?"
Lori laughed "Should I tell or do you want to Sue?"
"Shut-up Lori, this is not funny."
"Mom was always worried that Sue would get pregnant, by you brother!"
"What Lori? I; what are you talking about?"
Sue was blushing and Lori smiling ear to ear. "Mom always thought you'd put a bun in Sue's oven! We both thought Sue might end up doing something stupid with you and getting pregnant." Lori was giggling and Sue mortified.
Ken told the young woman that he was a man of his word. "She's all yours. I promised you Lori and her sweet, ass daughter, and I am a man of my word." He watched Kim's pretty face turn to sheer happiness knowing she was fantasizing about lesbian lust. He was setting the stage for one more arousing afternoon for his beer‑drinking buddies. 'If only she knew,' he determined. His plan was simple. Kim was in love with Lori. She would do anything for the woman. He would satisfy Kim's desire for his...
"Does your husband know?" I asked her. I was chatting with a beautiful southern lady named Lori I had happened across online. She, like many of us, was spending her day watching videos and fantasizing about the possibilities. Eventually, as I probed her with questions she began to open up to me and tell me little things about herself and her desires. As the days went along we continued to chat and laugh about silly things, like, who picks up guide dog shit, and we explored the idea of a chance...
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Ken's dreams had come true and he fantasized about the future. Not eager to start his day and the workweek, he lay in bed letting his mind linger on yesterday. It had to be the best day of his life, he readily decided, and visions of all his buddies having sex with Lori filled his mind. Not only did they now believe all his bragging about his gorgeous slut, but Ken had given them the ultimate prize. Each man felt every inch of Lori's sexy body plus each man got to fuck her and each man got a...
It had been a long night entertaining his charmed sex slave and her wimpy husband so it was mid‑morning before Ken stirred from his slumber with a raging hard‑on that quickly filled his fist. Ken loved the feel of his cock when it throbbed in his hand and he honestly believed he could convince any woman to love it as much as he did. There was no shortage of male ego in Ken Patterson. Lying in bed stroking himself, Ken daydreamed about Lori and what he had planned to do with Lori today. It was...
It was peaceful and quiet in the bedroom and Lori looked at the four items Ken had given her. A skirt, tank top, bra and pair of boots were the extent of what she was ordered to wear. Ken told her he wanted a Hotties' waitress on Sunday and all his buddies would be served by a luscious piece of ass. Every time the vile man said evil and disgusting things, Lori would always find a way to forgive him. She chose to ignore the insinuation of his demands and considered the waitress aspect of his...
Ken Patterson filled Lori's dreams even though she tried hard to put her hated neighbor out of her mind. Ken was Ken... arrogant, conniving, demanding, depraved, manipulative, egotistical, and crude. A real bastard who got what he wanted and was accustomed to getting his way most of the time. He worked his magic on Lori, bent her to his will, humiliated her, violated her, and treated her like his personal slut. On the positive side, he gave Lori what she needed, great mind‑blowing orgasms and...
My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...
Kim could still hear the man's stern voice as she dressed. Glancing at her watch, she noticed there was barely enough time to make the scheduled appointment Ken had setup with Lu. A shiver shot down her spine thinking of what Ken demanded. She was to take Lori and Julia to get their nipples pierced by the old Chinaman. 'Oh, God,' she thought, 'Surely there had to be another way or someway to escape Ken's blackmail demands.' She noticed the two women dressed and standing at the door. Lori...
Driving her car from the driveway of the home where she lived with her parents and brother who was serving in Iraq. Lori Jo Whitman was as excited as a girl of 18 could be.The vivacious light-brown-haired pretty teenager was off for summer cheerleading camp for a month. The camp trained those wanting to be outstanding cheerleaders and they would be receiving the latest in cheering techniques.Lori was headed for college in the fall and she wanted to continue as a cheerleader at the religious...
'What a night,' Ken mused. His meeting with Lori, Julia and Kim last night went extremely well. He had laid out his plans for his upcoming party, 'well gangbang', he added with a chuckle. Once again his ego blossomed out of control remembering how the evening went. He had invited his two gorgeous, next‑door neighbors over along with the young woman who lived down the block. Ken reveled at his good fortune, as he was able to get Julia to give him a glorious blowjob. He was truly astounded by the...
Andy's mind was churning like mad thinking of every possible solution. He had to keep Ken as an ally even though the man was a liar, cheat and the most unscrupulous man he had ever met. Andy mused over the fact Ken also controlled his family. He shuddered with the realization that the man could make his wife do anything to satisfy his perverted desires. Not only that, Andy thought, now Ken also controlled his dearest Julia. The memory of the all‑night affair Lori and Julia endured with Ken...
“You want to step outside and take a hit?” That question was asked of me by my wife’s best friend. Normally Lori would be out with my wife, but Penny was on a marathon phone conversation with her mother. I’m sure she would have liked to hit the bong too but we don’t do that in the house. Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the...
Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the delivery room when our son was born. She tried marriage twice but gave both of them up as interesting but failed experiments. Now she just strings along a few men. I think she is trying to set a record for greatest miles of cock between her legs. She hasn’t set the record yet, but...
Ken Patterson relished having complete control over his next‑door neighbors. The continuing saga seemed to get more exciting and more thrilling with each chapter in his life. His aroused mind went back over the episodes, which started innocently years ago. He managed to take pictures of Lori and her family without them being aware of what he was doing. Through his subversive actions, Ken managed to get naked pictures of both Lori and Julia plus shots of Lori and Andy acting thoroughly inhibited...
Kim's heart beat fast in anticipation. Suddenly the turmoil, the traumatic adventure with Ken was behind her. She had to do it, she reflected. Kim would have done anything in the world for the chance to be with the woman of her dreams. The price of giving the vile old man a most disgusting blowjob had been worth it. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought. Kim rubbed the filthy slim off her face and watched the two Pattersons plus her little brother depart the house out the...
This is an interracial cuckold story written for and in the first-person voice of the Lush reader and enhanced for your reading pleasure.The last thirty years almost seem like a blur as I look back at my rather unconventional, but sexually-fulfilling life with my wife, Lori. My name is Howard, and now at the age of fifty-six, and Lori at forty-nine, we are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary this year. It is still amazing to me, given Lori’s conservative religious beginnings, how she...
InterracialIt had been a long while since I last shared my wife Lori with another man. As time went on I had become increasingly frustrated. I had gotten to the point where I had felt like it wasn’t ever going to happen again. Lori had said in the past that she was open to being shared again, but only if the right opportunity had presented itself. Lori and I were in our forties and had been married for some time. She still looks great and has that sexy look that draws plenty of attention from other men....
Wife LoversAuthor’s Note: I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please vote, comment, and/or send feedback :). Happy reading!! — Lori waited until the first day of the second semester to talk to her guidance counselor. As it turned out, it wasn’t too late to graduate early. She started the paperwork that day. All she had to do was get a paper signed by her teachers, and she didn’t have to show up to class anymore. It was a good deal. Lori went to all of her teachers,...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
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LesbianLexie and Lori were having an amazing summer! Lexie was staying at the beach house with Lori and her mom. Lori’s dad had left when she was little, so he wasn’t in the picture at all.Lori had always been the dominant one in their friendship over the years. She chose what music they listened to, which movies they saw, and what games they played.So, when Lori began to use Lexie as a slut, it seemed normal that she would continue to make the decisions about what they would do sexually. Lori made...
BDSMLori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
And her room mate Tracy seemed really sweet too. Lori could tell that after this week they would be such good friends. They really complemented each other. Lori was tall, slender, and a bit on the quiet side, with long hair and light features. Tracy was very outgoing, a little shorter, and with dark, voluptuous features. Like Lori, Tracy was a just a few months past her 18th birthday. These thoughts were racing through her head as she finished up her shower. Both Tracy and Lori had...
Life was getting into a somewhat normal state. Andy resigned himself to the fact that things were now different, irrevocably different. Reluctantly he accepted his new role, as an outsider in his own home. Kim was now living in the house and he cringed every time she smiled at him. It was that unctuous, 'I am one up on you', smile that someone gives another person when they got the better of a competition.Kim didn't hide the fact she was Lori's master. She flaunted the reality that she was now...
It was late September, my wife and I had checked in to a resort golf course in the middle of the week that we go to, at least once a year, because the course is great. The place was pretty well deserted when we checked in, which was nice for us, no crowds, no waiting and the desk clerk had a message from the club pro, whom we had gotten to know pretty well over the last few years. I called him, he asked if we would do him a favor and let a female guest play with us, as there was nobody else for...
Group SexI hated deceiving Lori but it was the only way my fantasy was ever going to happen. Making my dream a reality would take planning, subterfuge and — yes —lies. And if she ever found out I’d been online and arranged for some stranger to seduce her... Let's put it like this: there would be hell to pay. But it was a risk I was more than happy to take. Setting it up behind her back was my only option.Watching the footage of her with Tom and Vince had given me an itch that wouldn’t let me be. The...
CuckoldIn reality, many of the rides were short and sweet. Each man dearly wanted and yearned to fuck one of Ken's sexy sluts for 10 minutes, for 30 minutes, or even an hour, but much of his stamina was gone early in the evening. Watching the intense lesbian affairs and then having the women give such stupendous blowjobs had robbed Ken's pals of their staying power. Once Ken's buddies got their hands on a woman's naked body, their stamina was rated in measly minutes rather than hours. Even before...
Back at University; the second semester looked like it would be much the same as the first. Three subjects – physics, chemistry and math – continued on from the first semester; that’s why the mid-year exam results for those subjects were only an interim result. The same with Elec Eng 1; it was also a double credit subject; although this semester it would be concentrating on electronics. Engineering C was just a first semester subject; my result in the mid-year exam was a Distinction. A new...
I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...
Lori and I checked into a classy hotel room in Glasgow. We shared a hot shower together and both got dressed up to attend a club that was situated only blocks away from the room. Lori put on her pink florescent matching thong and bra set to cover her ample tits and freshly shaved pussy. She threw on a pair of tight black slacks and a matching silk blouse. Her blue eyes ravished after she highlighted them. Her lips appeared luscious after she applied the red tone lip stick. She finished by...
Wife LoversWe managed to get all of our stuff into the back of the car; but it meant all four of us had to squeeze into the front seat. We worked it out; Megan sat in the centre next to me, then Lori was on the outside, with Jillian on her lap. At least it didn’t take all that long to drive back to Mona Vale, where we dropped Megan and Jillian off with their bags, before heading to Lori’s place. On the drive back to Mona Vale Megan told us about her experiences with the publicity photo shoot yesterday...
This is a continuation from the story “ART FESTIVAL”. A knock was at my door and I went to answer it. Lori was standing there with a big smile on her face. My mind flashed back to the previous date with Lori, a week ago, and I am sure she also had a flashback with that grin she had on her face. I grabbed my jacket and off we went. Diner was great but the dance club was even better. Lori had a few hits from other men asking her to dance with them but she refused them all; politely...
Author’s Note: All characters in my story are the age of legal consent (18 or older). To better understand this story you may want to read the first chapter. Thank you to all my faithful readers. As always, please vote, leave comments, and send feedback. Please enjoy!! — When Lori woke the next morning, she found herself in unfamiliar settings. She was in a big bed in a blue bedroom. The bed was big enough for two, but she was alone in it. After a moment she remembered where she was: Jonah...
I woke up; it felt strange to wake up in bed alone. I took a shower, made myself some breakfast, and then called Lori. “Good morning, beautiful,” I said when she answered the phone. “Happy birthday to my lover.” “Oh, thank you; I’ve only just got up; I haven’t even had a shower or anything, I don’t feel beautiful,” she replied. “But thank you, it’s a nice thought. Did you still want me to take you up to the hospital? What time do we have to be there?” We confirmed the times, chatted for a...
My name is Tracie and I have been living as a woman since I graduated college. Moving to a new town afforded me the opportunity to pursue my career as a female high school English teacher. I loved my job and I had great students. After a year or so of teaching I had my favorite students who were attentive, hardworking, and had a passion for education. One of my favorite students, Lori, was rumored to be a lesbian. Rumor networks in high school are often false and quite ruthless. Either way it...
Trans“Megan, Tracy’s on the phone for you,” I called out. I handed the receiver to Megan, she sounded quite excited when she started talking to Tracy. But her voice quickly changed; all she said was ‘okay’ and ‘I guess so’; then she sobbed loudly, handed the receiver to Lori, and ran out to the roof-top deck over the laundry. Lori spoke briefly to Tracy, then handed me the phone. “Tracy’s found a guy she really likes in Melbourne,” she said. “Talk to her for a bit, I’ll go out and comfort...
Lori Brown and her husband John were a married couple of one year. Life was grand except for the fact that Lori didn't like to partake in oral sex. She didn't want any foreplay, which angered her husband. She also wouldn't let her husband make love to her bottom.She said the idea of sucking his cock made her gag, and the thought of him licking and kissing her private parts made her feel very uncomfortable. She thought he was nuts for wanting to make love to her butt. She would ask him why...
Mind ControlLori Learns her LessonIt was towards the beginning of the Northern Californian school year, as Lori was tidying up the classroom after the children had left for the day. She taught the very youngest children, and today, being the first day of the school year, had been hectic. The last of the children, and some mothers, had departed. She was looking forward to going home to her bachelor pad, kicking off her shoes, putting her feet up and downing a cool beer. Just then, a female face appeared...
Alexandria and Lorianna were like summer sisters. Every year Alexandria's family would ship her down to Florida to stay with her aunt on the beach, right next door to Lorianna's house. As little girls, they had forged a bond of friendship that would keep them close regardless of time or distance. As budding teens, they shared stories of boys and their hopes and dreams. The girls were close enough in looks to be real sisters. They were short with long red hair and blue eyes and curvy bodies that...
First TimeIn contrast to our early morning, the drive home was very chaste, Lori sat next to me, holding my hand. Her presense gave me a sense of immunity, so I was only a little worried about what my parents might say, yet, it was surprising how relieved I felt that I didn’t see Dad’s truck as we pulled in. Still holding hands as we entered the house, we found Mom in the kitchen reading the paper and having her coffee. Looking up, her eyes traveled from me to Lori and back. ‘So.’ I didn’t exactly...
There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...
I went towards her and picked her up quickly before she could react and hurried her towards the kitchen. "Peter? What are you doing?" Lori squealed. "Instead of making gentle passionate love this time I feel like just taking you!" With that I laid her on her back on the kitchen table and pulled her blouse apart, ripping the buttons off as they flew to the floor. I then started kissing her all over from head to toe. I kissed and licked every part of her body that I could reach...
It had only been a week since the last time I'd closed Lori's office door and fucked her sexy tight cunt with my thick cock. When I got to my office that Thursday morning, I had a voice mail from Lori asking me to meet her in the joint conference room at 8:30 that morning. I could hardly wait and I felt my cock grow fully hard as I sat listening to Lori's sexy female voice. We'd been lovers now for several months since the first time Lori and I had fucked there on the desk beside her work...
September found us in college. Lori went for Information and Systems Technology and I went for Business Management. We managed to make it almost all the ay through our freshman year before Lori's strong will surfaced again. There was a concert that Lori wanted to go to, but it was on a Friday night and I had already committed us to attend my mother's birthday party. Lori knew this almost a month ahead of time and never gave any indication that she didn't plan on attending. Three days...
Lori and Lexie ran up the stairs of the deck and through the back door of Lori's house trying hard not to make too much noise. They didn't want Lori's mom seeing them at this moment. They were drenched after running from the pier in the rain. They were also still naked from their adventure under the pier. Lori had demanded that Lexie open her legs for her and she had fucked Lexie's hot little cunt with her hairbrush till she had exploded. But Lori had made her beg, and Lexie had agreed to...
BDSMThere was only four weeks remaining until the end of the first semester, and the mid-year exams. It did seem strange having the semester broken into the two unequal parts, but I assumed they wanted to align the mid-semester break with the standard May school holidays. Whatever the reason was, there wasn’t a lot of time left finish off assignments for each subject, and study for the exams. Unlike the end of year exams, for the mid-year exams there wasn’t a week off before they started for...
I woke up refreshed and excited about the start of the new semester; once I had finished breakfast, and packed my notes and papers for the day’s lectures in my backpack, it was on my bike for the quick ride across to the campus. The first two sessions were the introductory lecture for Numerical Analysis, and a tutorial session; it looked to be pretty interesting (at least for a mathematics subject), the material that we would cover seemed quite interesting. The lecturer, Doctor Opie, appeared...
Like an addictive aphrodisiac, Lori craves the erotic thrill that she receives from teasing and pleasing a man's cock, manipulating his erotic pleasure to indulge her own until he can't resist the intensity of his primal urge to cum for her. She is enthralled with her sexual power to arouse and stimulate a cock to swell hard, rising and thickening for her, and enflaming her own passion. Simultaneously exploring his erogenous zones and tantalizing his manhood, she exploits his arousal, making...
We spent the weekend at my parent’s place; when we arrived there, they asked us how the book signing went. We told them that sales were very strong, and we had lots and lots of readers wanting their copies signed. “Some of the comments the characters made in the book were so funny,” my father said. “The reaction that Phil had, the first morning after the two of them had made love, when he heard the police sirens outside the hotel, and his first reaction was that some bull-necked redneck...
Intro and Part 1Introduction This a true story of my life with Lori.Lori was killed in an auto accident two years ago. The story will span a period of twenty years and detail our sexual adventures.Lori was a very sexual person willing to try anything at least once.She convinced me that living out fantasies can be much more satisfying than jerking off to unfulfilled dreams. I still jerk off to the memories and fantasize about her, hoping to meet another woman like her. When I first met Lori...