The Three Signs Book 2 LoriChapter 31 Second Semester
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“Megan, Tracy’s on the phone for you,” I called out.
I handed the receiver to Megan, she sounded quite excited when she started talking to Tracy. But her voice quickly changed; all she said was ‘okay’ and ‘I guess so’; then she sobbed loudly, handed the receiver to Lori, and ran out to the roof-top deck over the laundry. Lori spoke briefly to Tracy, then handed me the phone.
“Tracy’s found a guy she really likes in Melbourne,” she said. “Talk to her for a bit, I’ll go out and comfort Megan.”
“Hi, so what’s the story?” I asked Tracy.
“Oh, hi there Will. I guess I’ve really upset the other two. I really couldn’t think of any good way to handle this; I didn’t want to say I was coming up for a weekend, which might give the wrong impression; I didn’t want to write a letter; and now it seems like calling on the phone wasn’t a good idea either.”
“At least you told us,” I said. “What’s the full story, I only got a very brief word from Lori before she went to talk with Megan.”
“Well ... I found a guy here, he’s really nice, and I’m pretty sure we’re falling in love,” she said. “I haven’t done anything yet; we’ve only been out for dinner a few times, and last night we kissed for the first time. I don’t know how to say this without sounding really corny, but ... but I think he might be the one, if that makes sense.”
“Uh huh,” I replied.
“He’s working on the show with me, he’s one of the sound technicians. Really nice guy, not trying to push me at all. He’s a Buddhist, too; each of the times we’ve gone out, it’s been to a vegetarian restaurant; although he’s not really strict about it. Are you pissed off with me? I’m sure Megan is.”
“No, I’m not pissed off with you, Tracy,” I said. “Sad, because what we talked about the other month may never come to pass. But not pissed off; not with you. You can’t help who you fall in love with; if he turns out to be the right man for you, then I’m happy for you, happy for you both. Don’t worry about Megan, Lori’s talking with her at the moment, and I’ll go and see how she is. But thanks for letting us know what’s happening.”
“Thanks for being so understanding,” she said. “I ... I should go now.”
“Okay. Keep in touch, will you?”
She promised to call us regularly, and then hung up. I walked outside to where Lori had her arms around Megan, who was sobbing softly.
“Why did she do that? Wasn’t I good enough for her?” Megan cried out.
I sat next to her, and put an arm around her shoulders. Lori was on the other side, also with an arm around Megan. I decided to just let her cry; I really didn’t know what to say to her at the moment. After a few minutes, Megan wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, took a tissue from her sleeve, and blew her nose.
“I guess I must seem very ungrateful, or inconsiderate,” she said. “Here I am, with the two people who love me more than anything, and I’m upset about losing Tracy. I should be happy and content that I have the two of you.”
It’s not like that at all,” Lori said. “Just because you have us, doesn’t mean you can’t love someone else. It’s unrealistic to expect that just one, or even both of us would provide everything you need. I’m sure there was something in your relationship with Tracy that you can’t get from either of us.”
“Yeah, there was ... she could really relate to me emotionally; I mean, I love you and Will, but you are both so logical, so rational ... every so often, I need to be able to be a silly emotional little girl, just pretend I’m in another situation. Lots of times when we would be together, we would role play all these different scenes; sort of like what you did with her on the train that time, Will. She made me feel like I was someone completely different, someone special ... You two make me feel special, but...”
“Maybe we can concentrate on what we can do to make you feel special,” I said. “What if we try to come up with some role-playing activities and scenarios that we can try together?”
“The other thing, with Tracy being such a good actor, she was teaching me how to perform on stage. We would act out and sing songs from stage musicals; sometimes Mandy and Allison would join in. Things like ‘My Fair Lady’, ‘Camelot’, ‘The Sound of Music’; it was so much fun, I could pretend that I was performing in a Broadway musical. That’s what I’d really love to ultimately do; well, not be on stage, but be the musical director for something like that.”
“Well, you’ve got the talent, you should do it,” I said.
“But I know nothing about stage performances; I don’t have any acting experience,” she said.
“I’m sure there’s a place where you can learn that, maybe talk to one of the lecturers at the Conservatorium, see if you can get into a place where they teach that. Does NIDA do that?”
“I don’t know ... do you think I’d be able to afford to keep studying?”
“Sure, we’re all getting good money from performing; doing gigs and selling our albums, you can do whatever you want to do.”
“And you know we will support you should you do whatever you want to do,” Lori added.
“I guess I should be really grateful, having both of you,” Megan said, sighing. “I just feel like I’ve had something ripped out of me, with what Tracy just said to me.”
“Well, that’s understandable, you love her. So of course when things are over, you will feel that way,” I said. “Did I ever tell you about ‘the three signs’?”
I told her what my father had told me when Cathy had first dumped me; about the three stages of being in love, and how you feel at each stage. The first sign is when the two of you meet, before you really start going together. You will find yourself always thinking about them; wondering what they are doing. Hardly a few minutes go by without you thinking about them, and how much you love them.
“The second sign; once you have become lovers is you can’t imagine them not being a part of your life. The two of you start to plan things together, make decisions on the two of your being together forever.
“The third sign of being in love with someone, that special person, is when you break up. You feel as if your whole insides have been torn out. You cannot imagine how you can continue on living; life no longer has any interest for you. The things you use to enjoy doing have lost their lustre, and you drift into an aimless existence.”
“Is that how it was for you when Cathy dumped you, back in ‘75?” Megan asked.
“It sure was,” Lori said. “I had to give him a really good kick in the arse to get him out of the state he was in.”
“That’s how I’m feeling at the moment,” Megan said. “Like my insides have been torn out.”
“And that’s why both of us are here with you now,” Lori said. “I’m feeling sad that Tracy’s left us, and found someone else, and I’m sure Will is, too. But together, the three of us will get through it; that’s one of the things that people in love do for each other.”
We decided that we really didn’t feel like any more study that evening, so we went up to bed together, and we comforted each other. None of us were in the mood for making love, bur just being close together cuddling was sufficient.
Despite the limited airplay the new album was able to get, sales were still reasonably strong. Certainly not as good as our previous albums, and even if we had released a single, it wouldn’t appear on the Top 40 charts, no matter how well it sold. We managed to do at least one gig each week; doing the rounds of the usual Sydney venues; Selina’s, The Lifesaver, Millers Manly Vale, The Antler, Millers at Brighton Beach, Chequers. We had a few venues cancel; including the Rooty Hill RSL club – but we really didn’t feel like venturing way out into the Western Suburbs.
We also started working on songs for our next album; ‘Fast Woman on a Slow Train’ was tentatively proposed as the title track; but we needed quite a few more songs to fill it out. We decided to go back to more of a bluesy sound; Paul, Phil and Andrew had been working on a few tunes that would be suitable once we’d worked them into shape. We considered including covers of some older Ventures hits, ‘Walk Don’t Run’ and ‘Perfidia’; and then one day driving home from University, I heard a Linda Ronstadt cover of the Eagles’ ‘Desperado’. I was stunned by purity and simplicity of the song; just a piano backing, and her powerful, country blues voice. I thought that would be a perfect song for Megan; she was still feeling pretty down, and if I could find a new song for her, it might cheer her up. She had already made her cover of ‘Bobby McGee’ her signature piece; I talked it over with Mandy and Bruce, to see what thoughts they had. They both agreed that one of Linda Ronstadt’s songs might work; we spent a few nights listening to various records; but we couldn’t find anything that sounded more like Megan’s voice than ‘Desperado’.
“What do you think, Will, if we just have you playing piano, with Megan singing?” Mandy asked. “I know Megan has the power and range to really kill that song; let’s run it past her, and see what she thinks.”
That evening I spoke with Megan about us doing ‘Desperado’; I played a copy of the Linda Ronstadt version that first inspired me. She sat in silence, and when it had finished, dabbed at her eyes.
“That’s a powerful, beautiful rendition,” she said. “Do you really think that I can sing it that well?”
“Of course you can,” I said. “I wouldn’t have suggested it to you otherwise. Feel like trying it?”
We went up to the stage in the studio; I powered on the sound system and my Rhodes, and I played through the music, just to make sure I had it right, and Megan could get used to the tempo.
“That sounds good,” she said to me. “The pitch is right for me, I’m pretty sure I can hit that high note near the end. Let’s try it.”
I played the opening notes, and she watched me, counting herself in. When I nodded my head slightly, she started singing. The piano accompaniment was just playing broken chords, picking up a counterpoint to the melody, but Megan would have to carry the melody herself. Which she did without a problem, from what I heard, she nailed the pitch the first time through. A few of the others had gathered in the studio to listen to us; when we finished they all burst out into spontaneous applause.
“That was fantastic, Megan,” Mandy said. “That sent chills down my spine.”
“Nice piano work too, Will,” Phil said. “Are you thinking of that for the next album?”
“I think I mucked the timing up in a few places,” Megan said. “Can we try it again, Will?”
“Wait a sec,” Mary Beth said. “I want to get that down on tape.”
While Mary Beth set up the tape recorder, and got us to check the sound levels, Megan and I practiced the timing for her to start each verse, when Mary Beth was ready, Megan felt she had the timing pretty right. I looked across at Mary Beth, making sure she was ready, she nodded her head, and I started the introduction. This time, Megan’s timing sounded perfect; she hit the high note near the end with even more power than the first time.
“That was fantastic, Megan,” I said when Mary Beth had stopped the recorder. “You really captured the feeling of that song.”
“I took all of the sadness and heartbreak inside of me, and packaged it up, and put it into my singing,” she said. “I don’t know if I could repeat that, but I feel so much better.”
“You’re the master of getting your emotions to match the song,” I said. “You should be able to do that again, in the studio for sure.”
“I don’t know, I’ll give it a try,” she replied. “But you know, the first time you sang ‘Always on my Mind’, when you were so distraught after Cathy dumped you; that’s been your best rendition of that, by far.”
“Maybe, but my awareness of my emotions isn’t anywhere near as refined as yours,” I said. “All I know is what you’ve taught me. Anyway, maybe we should try to practice that several times a week, at least until we get to record the next album.”
A few nights later, when we were lying in bed, Megan turned on her side, and asked us a question.
“Have either of you ever read ‘The Story of O’?” she asked
“Yes, I have,” Lori said. “My mother had it, and suggested I read it. Didn’t she lend it to you at one stage, Will?”
“Don’t remind me; I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in my life! She suggested you and I read it together, and see what it might inspire!”
“Oh my God,” Megan said. “Did your mother really say that, in front of you both? I would have died!”
“Well, I guess I was sort of accustomed to my mother being very open about sex, and stuff like that.”
“Okay, so you both know what the book’s about, and the theme of it,” Megan continued. “Well ... I would like us to try to act out some scenes like that; just the three of us. Lori could be the bondage mistress, teaching me how to be a proper submissive, and Will could play the anonymous men that come into the castle, into my cell, and fuck me.”
“I don’t know, as I recall from the book, it was all about degradation, wasn’t it?” I said. “I might feel a bit, you know, a bit strange treating you like that.”
“But it wouldn’t be me that would be being degraded; I would just be acting, playing a role. You would be playing a role, too; it wouldn’t be you personally that would be abusing me, you’re just playing a role. What do you think, Lori? Would you be into that? I’m sure we can get some suitable props at that place up in King Street, Mistress what’s-her-names...”
“Mistress Samantha’s,” I said.
“Yeah, that’s it. I’ll see what might be up there tomorrow,” Lori said.
Bedtime ReadingMay, 1979
The next night when we were in bed, Lori showed us a small parcel, wrapped in plain brown paper.
“I called into Mistress Samantha’s earlier today,” she said. “There’s LOTS of interesting things that we can get if we want to act out any sort of BDSM types of fantasies. What I thought might be a good place to start is I bought a copy of that book you mentioned, Megan, ‘The Story of O’. I thought that maybe we would start by having Will read it to us, a few pages each night.”
She handed the parcel to Megan, who opened it, revealing a small paperback book.
“This looked a little different from the one I read a few years ago,” she said. “The cover art is far more suggestive, anyway.”
“So why have me read the book to the two of you?” I asked.
“Because you have a great speaking voice,” Lori said. “Maybe it’s all the practice you get teaching your tutorial classes. Plus, Megan and I can tease you, and we can see just how long you can keep reading before you lose it.”
“Before you put the book down, and ravish one of us,” Megan added.
“Or both of us, I hope!” Lori corrected.
I took the book from Megan, and sat up, leaning against the headboard. I adjusted my pillows so they were behind my back; there was sufficient light from the main light in the bedroom, plus the two lights on the nightstands to read. If we were to make a regular habit of this, I should see about getting a reading light attached to the top of the headboard. Each girl had turned over on their side facing me; I could feel a hand gently holding my prick, and another hand on my stomach. I cleared my throat, and turned the pages to the first chapter.
“The Lovers of Roissy”, I started to read.
I read the first few pages, where O is taken by a taxi with her lover to the chateau. It was arousing to read how her lover ordered her to remove her panties, put on a garter belt, and how he cut her bra from her.
“I would like to do that,” Megan said, “wear just a blouse and skirt, no underwear, except for stockings and an old style garter belt. What do you think of that, Lori?”
“I would be worried that I would be so wet with anticipation that I would leave a stain on the car seat,” she replied.
“Quiet, you two, I’m reading,” I said. “Now, you’ve made me lose my place!”
I then read how two of the young women in the chateau ‘prepared’ O; undressing her, bathed her and washed her hair. They applied her make-up, a colouring applied to her nipples, areolas and pussy lips. Finally, when I read about O being fitted with a leather collar and bracelets, Megan groaned softly.
“I would like to get something like that,” she said. Do you think Samantha’s sells them?”
“I’m pretty sure we can get them there,” Lori said. “I would love to have my breasts and pussy coloured with that make-up. I saw something like that there when I bought the book.”
“I hope its non-toxic,” I said. “And it would need to be waterproof, too.”
Lori poked her tongue out at me. I slipped a hand between her legs; unsurprisingly, she was rather wet. I rubbed a finger along her slit, then held it up, showing the wetness coating my finger.
“I think we’ve had enough bedtime reading for tonight,” Megan said, as she leant over to start sucking my prick. I was already quite erect, after a few long sucks, Megan straddle my waist, and rode me until we had both come. She then lay next to my side, cuddling me until we all fell asleep.
Over breakfast the next morning; Lori asked me how I felt about just reading that story to the two of them.
“I’m far more comfortable reading it that I would be acting some of those scenes out,” I said to her. “I guess I’m not that much into the humiliation and submission side of all that stuff.”
“I might have a suggestion for us tonight,” she said.
That night as we got into bed, before I could open the book, Lori made her suggestion.
“Will, what you think about us shaving your pubes? I was thinking that you would look sexy if you were smooth down there.”
“I could give it a try, I guess,” I said, a little unsure. “Who would actually shave me there? I wouldn’t want anything cut...”
“We would do it,” Megan said. “We’re both pretty good at shaving delicate areas.”
I agreed to let them try, they vanished to the adjacent bathroom, and returned with some large towels, a small basin of warm water, a razor, some shaving cream and some skin lotion. They spread a towel out on the bed, and I lay down on it; spreading my legs apart so they could put warm water and shaving cream on my pubic hair. Megan gently held my prick to one side while Lori carefully drew the razor along, taking a narrow swath of black pubic hair with it on each stroke. Within a minute or two, I was hairless from my waist down to my crotch.
Lori moved my legs so they were further apart, and raised my knees to give her better access to my balls. Megan gently held my cock to one side, and lifted my balls so that Lori could carefully shave the hair from them. She then shaved the inside of my upper thighs, told me to turn over, and shaved the area between my backside and my cock. One she had finished, she dampened a wash cloth, and wiped away any of the remaining shaving cream and loose hair fragments.
“Have a look at yourself in the mirror, tell us what you think,” she said.
I certainly looked different down there; it was a bit of a shock at first. I was accustomed to seeing the mass of black, curly hair above my prick, and hairs covering my balls. I was naturally hairy over most of my body – I believe ‘hirsute’ is the correct term – and seeing myself completely bald there was strange. I felt around my balls; where a few minutes ago, they were covered in long hairs, they were now completely smooth.
“It somehow make me look a bit bigger,” I said.
“I guess that alone is a big plus for you,” Megan said. “Not that you are small, but...”
“Do you like how you look?” Lori asked.
“I guess so,” I said. “It will take a little while to become used to it, but ... I think I like it.”
“Good, because I like how it looks, and I would like to keep you trim and tidy there,” Lori said. “Lie back down, and I’ll rub some soothing cream around there, so the skin doesn’t get irritated.”
I was already three-quarters erect from Megan and Lori holding and touching my prick and balls as they shaved me; Lori rubbing the warm cream around my cock had me fully erect. She planted a soft kiss on the tip of my prick, then mounted me, sliding slowly down as my shaft entered her. It felt different as she bottomed out, her wet pussy pressed right against my groin without the layer of pubic hair as a buffer. As she rode me – fucked me pretty hard and fast – I could feel her juices tricking down from her cunt, down my shaft to my now bare balls. I seemed to have extra sensitivity there, now my pubes had been shaved.
Lori came; noisily, joshing her juices all over my bare crotch. She swung herself off me; Megan moved over to start sucking my cock, licking up Lori’s juices with her tongue.
“Fuck me doggy style, Will,” Megan demanded, kneeling on the bed.
I moved in behind her; Lori reached in between us to guide my cock into her. I held her hips, and pumped in and out. Megan ground back against me, arching her back so that I could drive deep into her. She groaned loudly, and her body shook as she came. I felt Lori’s fingers around my balls, she caressed them gently as I continued to pound into Megan; and she pressed the tip of her thumb against my backside. I felt my balls contract; my muscles tightened and I started to come. I could feel the hot, tingling surge as my come flowed, surged down my prick, and into Megan. Spurt after hot spurt; all I could do was hold her hips tightly to stop myself falling over.
Exhausted, I collapsed back down onto the bed, a girl on either side of me.
“Having you hairless there looks really sexy,” Megan said. “Plus, no hair to tickle my nose, either!”
“What do you think of it, Will?” Lori asked. “If you want to keep the smooth look, we can help you shave every morning.”
“I like it,” I said. “It feels different, not having the hair there, somehow I feel more sensitive, I dunno. But I guess I will want to keep if smooth; it would be a bugger should the hair start to grow back; I mean, I can’t really reach down and scratch myself there when it gets all itchy!”
“Don’t I know it!” Lori said. “That’s why I can’t let my pubes go more than maybe a week without a trim.”
“Maybe I should shave mine off completely, too,” Megan said. “So all three of us would be smooth there.”
“Too late for any reading tonight?” I asked.
We all decided that we would save more reading until the next evening, and curled up together to go to sleep.
Our night-time activities continued pretty much in that vein; I would read a few pages of ‘The Story of O’, until we were all turned on; the book would be put to one side, and we would make love. Sometimes Lori would start by sucking my cock, or Megan would stroke me, and one of them would mount me. Or the two girls would start making love with each other, getting me to take one of them from behind. No matter how it started, the night’s lovemaking would end with all three of us satisfied, and exhausted.
As she had indicated, Megan shaved her pussy completely bare; all three of us were smooth and hairless – well, Lori had her ‘landing strip’, but her hair was so fine and sparse, which made what little blonde hair was left almost invisible. It felt very nice, sliding my cock into Megan’s bare pussy, feeling her wet labia directly against my skin.
There was a slight change one evening; Lori told me to wait downstairs for fifteen minutes before coming up to our bedroom. I was curious to see what they had planned, but I waited until the time before I went up, and knocked softly on the door. Lori opened it slightly, not letting me see inside; and she handed me some clothes.
“You have to get your costume on, too,” she said. “When you’ve changed, you can come back in.”
I looked at the clothes Lori had handed me; and went to the bathroom to change. I had some sort of a sling as my underwear; I guess the intention of it was to hold my balls up, and make sure my prick protruded straight out. Over that were a pair of black pants; except there was a large hole around my crotch. This would allow me to fuck either of the girls without having to drop my pants. Over my shoulders was a dark purple cape; there was also a collar style attachment to keep it fastened around my neck.
I smiled to myself as I put the costume on; it was similar to the description that the male visitors to the Chateau wore in ‘The Story of O’. I tried to recall some of the scenes that we had read together, scenes where O was taken to either her master, or any of the other men that visited the castle. I would have to play the role of O’s master; at least that was what I had assumed I was meant to do. My erect cock protruded from the opening in the pants; even though I wasn’t fully erect yet, the sling made sure I was poking out. I knocked softly on the door; Lori opened it, and smiled when she saw my appearance.
“The safe word is ‘elephant’, as usual,” she said softly.
“She’s ready for you,” she said, louder so that Megan could hear. “But I think she might need some disciplining first, she didn’t cooperate the way a good slave should when I attached the chains.”
I looked at her face, there was a red mark on one side. I reached up and touched her cheek gently, and Lori winced.
“I failed, Master,” she said, her eyes downcast, and her voice full of remorse. “Although I had instructed her on what was expected of her, but she didn’t do as she was told. She struck me on my cheek. I failed you, it won’t happen again.”
“We’ll deal with your failures later,” I said softly. “But first, I think M needs a lesson to remind her of her duties, and what happens when she fails.”
Both Lori and Megan were wearing similar outfits, although I couldn’t see much detail about Megan’s since she was bent over the end of the bed and was chained by her wrists and ankles to the bedframe. Lori, however, was wearing a long brown dress; cut low around the bodice. So low that almost all of her breasts were exposed; it could be loosened below her breasts where a simple leather thong was laced between two sets of eyelets. Below her waist, the skirt part of the dress hung almost to the floor; there appeared to be two long slits up each side, so that the dress portion was in two halves, each part overlapping on the sides. This allowed either part to be pulled up completely, just as Megan’s was; her backside and legs were completely exposed.
Lori held out a selection of leather crops and whips; she suggested a short leather riding crop with a small doubled over flap at the ‘business’ end. I grabbed hold of it, and swished it back and forward a few times, smacking it against my hand. I flexed it between my hands, it seemed that it would be right for what I had in mind.
“The chains are secure?” I asked Lori.
“Yes, Master,” she replied. “And she’s blindfolded, too. Should I put a gag on her?”
I thought about that, but if she was gagged, how would we hear Megan should she call out the safe word?
“No, I want to hear her cries as she gets her ... her discipline,” I said. “I want you to hear them too. And think about what I will be doing to you for you not training her properly.”
“Yes, Master,” she said, her eyes downcast.
I moved in behind Megan; and bent over to inspect her backside. Her pussy was freshly shaved, and was completely bare and smooth. I ran a finger up her slit, spreading her labia open, and saw how her juices were already flowing freely. She moaned as I pressed the tip of my finger into her opening, then rubbed more of her juices around her clit. I pushed two fingers back into her cunt, pushing them in and out slowly. I then spread her juices across her buttocks.
“You seemed to have forgotten your lessons,” I said in a soft voice. “That makes me unhappy to hear that.”
“I wasn’t ... I didn’t mean to...” Megan started to say.
“Did I tell you to speak?” I said, my voice now sounding menacing. “I’m not asking you for an explanation, I’m telling you the facts. When I speak to you, you will listen to me, and not interrupt! Just for that impertinence, I’m going to double your punishment.”
I stood behind her, and took a few practice swings, to make sure I was lined up correctly, and the crop would strike on the fleshy part of her buttocks. I thought about how many strokes I should give her; maybe ten on each buttock, followed by another five across both? That should be sufficient, I thought. I looked at Lori, and smiled; she turned her eyes down, and looked at Megan’s backside.
I swung the crop at her, and it made a satisfying ‘thwack’ as it slapped across one cheek of her arse. She jerked up against the chains, and cried out softly. I repeated it, a little harder, changing the position slightly so the crop struck her a little lower on her buttocks. Again, she jerked up, and cried out. At least the terrace house had solid brick interior walls, so no one else should hear us. I continued working on her left buttock; completing the ten strokes. I then moved to her other side; varying the location so I covered all of that buttock. By now, she was sobbing constantly; giving a small yelp each time the crop actually struck her. I finished off with the five strokes across the full width of her backside.
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January, 1985, Chicago, Illinois My friends filtered back into town during the week, with Sofia returning on Thursday. Tanya had left on Wednesday as planned, with a promise that we would see each other sometime over the summer, or sooner if her father had business in Chicago. On Friday, Kara and I went to buy our books. We didn’t have any classes in common, though Julia, Dave, and Cindi would be in my microcomputers class, and Wen would be in my compiler class. For my electives, Staci would...
The next day, Garry and I were going into town; we both had some final Christmas shopping to do, and he wanted to look through Palings, the large music store with me. He arrived at my place on his bike just after breakfast, and together we walked down to the main bus stop. We had waited till the morning peak hour had passed, that way we would get a seat all the way into town. Standing all the way on a one hour bus trip isn’t much fun! Our bus was a double-decker, and we made our way...
It took me a few minutes to fully wake up, even with the alarm radio going off. Ten a.m.? Why had I slept so late? I finally remembered, last night, actually, earlier this morning at Janelle’s place, we had decided to resume our relationship. I could have even stayed there, sleeping with her, but I would have felt a bit uncomfortable when we got up if Beth was around. I knew Janelle had said that her mother was happy, even encouraging us to get together, but I still felt a bit strange about...
I picked Cathy up from her house just after 8:30; as she slid into seat she gave me a big, passionate kiss. “Where to first?” she asked. “I was thinking about Warriewood,” I replied, as we headed up Mona Vale road. “There are lots of places there, provided we don’t trespass on one of the market gardens.” We headed up a side street from McPherson Street, towards the Catholic girl’s school, “Mater Maria”. Being school holidays, the place was deserted, of course. We parked under a tree,...
On Saturday, we had all gathered in the studio for a planning session and rehearsal for the new album. Phil had invited several others, DonWalker and Ian Moss (ex-Cold Chisel), I had invited Mike Franz, and Mary Beth had invited Chrissy Amphlette. Don had brought his Yamaha DX7 synthesizer and a Yamaha Clavinova electronic piano, Ian had a Fender amp and two of his guitars and Mike had a Yamaha stage organ. After a bit of shuffling equipment around, we had room for everyone; although we were...
The reflection in my mirror was that of a cute young cheerleader, with her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, with a white bow tied neatly in place. Her big eyes accentuated by mascara laden eyelashes, her lips with just enough lipstick to bring attention to their youthful fullness. In other words, I looked like a thousand other cute blonde cheerleaders. I practiced my most provocatively innocent smile, the one I would show off to David at school today. Nobody who didn't already...
There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...
I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...
Thursday dawned clear and sunny, and promised to be another hot summer’s day. I decided to start with some laps of the pool before breakfast, and swam about forty laps – maybe half a kilometre – and went inside to eat. After breakfast, I grabbed the things that I would need for the day; towel, sun cream, some cold drinks, and lunch, and put them in my backpack. Around ten minutes before eight, I got on my bike, and headed towards Cathy’s place. I was full of apprehension; while the thought...
When I woke up, I gathered some documents to show to John about how we would tackle the project. My main aim with today’s meeting was ‘project qualification’, that is, to get more details about John’s requirements, what were the key deliverables and results that he wanted to see, plus some feeling on what was he felt was a reasonable budget and timeframe for the project. I was also wanting to get some idea about how the project would run; what accommodation would be provided, would there be...
We woke up with the alarm; made love, had a shower together, then ate breakfast before we drove into Surry Hills and the recording studio. When we reached the studio; I parked at the side in the loading area, and went inside looking for George. We found him in the administration office, speaking with a brunette. “Hey, Will, good to see ya, Mate,” he said. “And this is...” he asked, looking at Lori. “You remember my girlfriend, Lori?” I said to him. “Of course, I remember now. Will, here’s...
The lead up to the end of the semester was busy – really busy. Not only did we have to get ready for the contract with Alexa’s company, preparing the ‘Banksia Room’ as our computer staging area, tweaking the training notes from the university to suit the contract, but there were examinations to prepare for – not that I had any, the last two ‘Science and Society’ subjects had their assessments based on the assignments and class work. But I still had to vet the papers, make sure the questions...
It was late on Saturday morning when I woke up, still feeling down in the dumps. I looked at the clock next to me bed; 9:30 am. I guessed Cathy would already be on the road; they wanted an early start, getting to Goulburn for lunch, and then on to Canberra by early afternoon. She hoped to get everything up in her dorm room before dinner time. I deliberately averted my eyes from the photo of her on my desk; the fact that it was Valentine’s Day didn’t make me feel any better. After a quick...
It took a while for us to wake up on Christmas morning, by the time we had all cast off our sleep it was close to eight; leaving little time before the others arrived for some yule-tide fucking. Just enough time to have a shower, and start to prepare things for breakfast. Lori had suggested we make pancakes; scrambled eggs, toast, coffee and her ‘home fries’. After we had finished our showers, I started to prepare the potatoes for the home fries; peeling them, dicing them, and chopping up...
After our early morning love-making, shower and breakfast, I dropped Cathy off at the bus stop. She wasn’t sure just how late she would be working, and I suggested that she let me know maybe 45 minutes before she was due to finish, and I could drive in and pick her up, to save dealing with the night time buses. At Mike’s, we started talking about the actual sets we would play. “We want to start off with something to really get them going,” Mike said. “Something to kick them in the balls, so...
Thursday night we were having a Thanksgiving dinner at Mary Beth’s suggestion; instead of a complete turkey, which would have been far too much food even for the seven of us, she had baked two large turkey breasts in the oven. Patrick had helped, making some traditional side dishes, a green bean casserole, and somehow he had found a source of candied yams. As we sat around the dinner table, Mary Beth spoke to us all. “Well, I know Thanksgiving isn’t really an Australian tradition, but it is...
With the New Year’s Eve only a few days away, we spent the Saturday afternoon reviewing the set lists for that gig. We had been asked to play for a total of four hours – well, four fifty minute sets, with a ten minute break between them. Then at midnight, we would lead everyone in singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, then play a final thirty minute set before calling it a night. It was going to be a pretty intense, tiring evening, and right after that we would have to travel to Gosford for the first...
November/December 1982, Chicago, Illinois Elyse and I made good time and stopped for gas and something to eat in West Lafayette, then got back on the road towards Chicago. “Steve, what’s bothering you?” Elyse asked. “Is it that obvious?” “You haven’t said two words since we left Cincinnati. I mean, you pull off the strong silent type pretty well, but this is a bit much. What’s going on?” “I’m just worried about Kara. And Stephie.” “That does NOT sound good, Steve. Come on, spill...
We pulled up in the car park for Lilianfels, it was more in Katoomba itself than Leura, close to Echo Point lookout and the Three Sisters. It wasn’t all that far from some of the other scenic lookouts over the Jamison Valley, or some fairly energetic walks, including the ‘Giant Stairway’, some 800 or so steps descending into the valley. There were some more leisurely walks, including one around the cliff top to the ‘scenic railway’, and Katoomba falls, or the other way to the Leura Cascades....
“Mr. Morris, glad to see you’re awake and back with us. I am Doctor David Pickett, and I’m one of the cardiologists here at the Prince of Wales hospital. I guess you’re wondering what it was that happened to you? First, I need to make sure you understand just how the human heart works; it’s basically a pump whose purpose is to circulate blood around the body.” I nodded; that was pretty basic human anatomy. “The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body, and also carries...
Lori was overjoyed to have us back home; as was Tracy. Even though we tried to be quiet, we woke them as we got into bed. Despite being tired, we made love, and then I slept soundly until nine in the morning. I would have preferred to have gone back to sleep, but I had to get across to the university to enrol. I grabbed a quick breakfast, got my organizer folder from the study, and drove across to the University. I parked behind the Electrical Engineering building, and went up to Professor...
After a busy few weeks filled with gigs most nights of the week, it was back at University. The fibre optic installation was proceeding; there had been a few minor issues, but the company supplying and installing the cable had worked around them. The University – mainly through the School of Physics – had a long term relationship with Crown Corning; they had worked together on a number of projects, particularly in developing reliable connectors for their single mode fibre. The first set of...
“Hey, Will. Paul Ramos here,” the voice on the phone said. “I guess you’re at home at the moment, I called your office at the University, but that cute short girl in your office said you weren’t in over the summer break.” “Paul, comrade. Great to hear from you,” I replied. “No, I’m taking a couple of weeks off; we’ve got a bunch of gigs heading up to Christmas, and into January too. So, to what do I owe the pleasure?” “I’ve got a proposal I’d like to discuss with you; are you going to be...
Introduction: A nerd traveling to England is mistaken for a dead spy and is subsequently enrolled in a school that trains Spies so that American secrets can be extracted. New York one week before the start of classes, an American operative gets shot in the head in his NY Penthouse. A feminine shadow leaves the room and a few minutes later the room explodes, incinerating the body. *** Chris is a gifted student; he has a photographic memory and an IQ that makes NASA scientists look...
CHAPTER 17: SecondSemester Studying, practical exercises, oral exams and lab experiments. Oh, also some classes. Jay arrived on campus the day before classes started. He had signed up for a bunch of courses, most of which I did not understand. Theory II I got. Music History I got. Introduction to composition I didn’t get. He was also enrolled in HS 102, Introduction to Human Sexuality, but was in a different section. Second semester English and Intro to Anthropology rounded it out. He told...
BisexualClasses were actually pretty good. My swimming class was at eight in the morning. It was a freshman course. All the guys were nude, and about a third of the girls went without bathing suits. The most popular guy in the class was Walden. I have no idea if all African American men’s dicks are bigger than whites’, but his certainly was. It was nine inches soft and nearly a foot long when hard. I felt so inadequate. I enjoy swimming, and swimming in a large pool while nude was actually better than...
BisexualDecember 16, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Exams had gone well, and Clarissa, Sandy, and I didn’t have a Friday exam because of our work in the lab only had an evaluation, which we’d each received earlier in the week. We’d all received excellent reviews, which meant an A for the course for each of us. Our stats exam had actually been a breeze, as had the biochemistry exam. The psychology exam was moderately tough, but I was sure I’d achieved at least a B, which meant I would have an A for the course....
The words that Mary Beth was saying to me somehow didn’t register, everything after the ‘she’s dead, Will ... she was drowned in the floodwaters’ was just noise. I understood what she told me, the troubling dreams I had experienced the night before made sense. There was a loud rushing in my head, and I was wracked with loud sobs. I was aware of Traci standing next to me, her arms around my shoulders, and Mary Beth was on the phone, talking to someone. “Let’s get you down to bed, Will,” Mary...
I was half awake, and remembering that I was in Dianne’s old bedroom at Cathy’s place, I rolled over to look at the clock next to the bed. 5:30! Far too early to get up; but I needed to have a pee, so I quietly crept out of bed and into the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone. I tiptoed down the hallway, and tried to open the bathroom door quietly. Not being completely familiar with the house yet, I had already started to open the door when I remembered about the squeaky hinges. Oh well, too...
With the wedding out of the way, we got back into the work on the songs for the new album, as well as various gigs around the place. They were starting to take shape, but the real challenge was to ensure that the songs were musically as good as our previous work, and could stand alone as rock songs. We didn’t want the lyrics to be too ‘preachy’ and turn people off. There’s no point in making a protest song, if people don’t like it and refuse to listen to it. After my talk with Alonzo’s...
“It’s on,” Mary Beth said. “Their baby is on the way!” “Oh, I had better get up to the hospital then,” Mrs. White said. “Where should I put my case?” I showed Mrs. White where her bedroom would be; told her that this afternoon we would get the bed made with fresh sheets, and put some towels out for her. Mary Beth was ready to take her up to the hospital; I would clean the bedroom and make her bed with some fresh sheets. At least the room was ready for her when she returned from the...
We spent the morning going over the ‘Sister Angela’ scenario with Lori; she wrote down all of the lines that we could recall, our descriptions of what happened overnight, even my rather sacrilegious thoughts on nun-fucking. While Megan and I would be out of town on the tour, Tracy and Lori would flesh out the story, even starting to write it. Around lunchtime some of the others returned home; Mary Beth was pleased to see us. She showed us the final schedule for the first country tour, we...
The next day, Sunday, I spent time playing the piano and swimming in the pool. After dinner, I walked down to church; hoping Cathy would be there. I wasn’t disappointed; both she and David were there; David, of course, sitting with Gina. “How was your lunch?” I asked. “Not too bad,” Cathy replied. “But I kept thinking about what we may do tomorrow. Are you sure you are comfortable with being with the other two as well?” “Yes, but can we talk about it afterwards?” I said. “You don’t have to...
For our visit to Brisbane for our week-long gig at Expo, most of the people were flying, leaving Sydney early on Saturday morning for the hour and a half flight to Brisbane. Lisa and I were taking the train, the XPT left Central at 2:40 pm on Friday, getting into the main station in Brisbane just before 5:00 am on Saturday. We had booked a sleeper cabin for the trip, and the return journey would leave Brisbane just before 6:00 am in the following Sunday, arriving at Central just after 8:00...
I was dreaming, I must have been, lying in my bed, when I felt a person slide under the sheets next to me. A hand slid over my mouth, and I heard a voice whisper in my ear. “Quiet, don’t make a noise,” she said. “I just want to lie next to you for a while, and feel our bodies together.” Lori? It couldn’t be her, but it certainly felt real; her body was pressed against my back, and I could feel her warm breath on my cheek. My buttocks were hard against her lower stomach. “Lori?” I started...
Don’t ask me what my name is I know what your game is It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter It’s just a casual encounter Christina Amphlett & Mack McEntee Free Falling Late September, 1982 I landed with a hard thump on the ground, knocking all the air out of my lungs. I felt a stabbing pain in my shoulder, and then more pain as my foot slammed against the back wall of the house. I heard Lisa scream, and come running towards me. “Everyone! Help, please! Will’s...
“Hi Lori, Will here,” I said when she answered. “Will Morris, where have you been these last four days?” she yelled down the phone line. “I’ve been worried sick about you; every time I called it was just that stupid machine, I even drove around to see if you were at home; your car was in the garage, but there was no answer. What have you been doing?” I told her briefly that on Monday morning, I had been hit by a car as I was crossing the street. I quickly told her that I hadn’t been badly...
Late December 1996 – January 1997 We had the big Christmas Day party at Banksia Lodge, much as we had done in previous years. My father again played ‘Santa Claus’, handing out presents to all the children present. On Boxing Day, we watched the televised start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, there were some impressive boats; a huge Reichel/Pugh maxi, owned by the head of the software company SAP. ‘Morning Glory’ was first out of the harbour, followed by ‘Condor of Currabubula’,...
November/December, 1981, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, it seemed as if the calculus and physics professors gave us enough homework to make up for the Thanksgiving week. With final exams coming the following week, it probably shouldn’t have surprised me. When I checked, I saw that about half of the homework was review. I was going to be very busy for the next two weeks. I’d have to tell Sensei Jim that I needed to take December off after I tested on Tuesday. In calculus, Mike sat down beside...
It was now the middle of June, and the final year of high school was about to end. We had swapped academic standing back and forth all year, by fractions of a point, so that we were to graduate in a statistical tie for first place. To us, it had been a game all through the year. Other than Mrs. Wilson and Jason Wu, no one else knew that we typically studied together, could have written each other's research papers, and challenged each other much more than our teachers ever would. We had...
I woke to the sounds of a boardwalk bustling with people. I turned over on my side clutching my pillow close as if it was a lover. I was in a pretty good mood considering how little sleep I'd gotten. Then the memories of the night before all came barreling in at the same time. Andrew's arrival. The ring. My sudden desire to - Oh my God. Oh my God. Fuck. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, where I gargled three times and brushed my teeth twice, for a grand total of six...
Cathy and I had a late breakfast on Sunday morning; it was still overcast outside, and looked like there could be more rain later in the day. Actually, despite having slept together the whole night – just sleeping, too – our mood was a sombre as the weather. “I miss her already, you know,” Cathy said out of the blue. I didn’t have to ask Cathy who ‘her’ was; I was also feeling sad at not being able to be with Lori for the next few weeks. “Me too,” I said. “How come Janelle gets to go with...
After the New Year’s Eve gig, we had a very lazy New Year’s Day. I think I slept in until close to noon; and did nothing that afternoon until Janelle came around just before dinner time. Or breakfast time for her ... stupid shift hours. We had time for a quickie, before she had to eat, and get ready for work. She promised that she would spend more time with me over the weekend. With the New Year’s gig out of the way, it was time to concentrate on the extensive schedule that Fifa had for us...
We pressed the intercom button, a voice answered and we said who we were and that we were there to see Bob Hudson to appear on his show. A minute later a man came to the door, unlocked it, and let us in. “G’day, I’m Marius, Bob’s producer. Come on in, you’re all a bit early, but we can go up to the studio,” he said. He led us up two flights of stairs, down a dimly lit corridor, and into the control room or the studio. The place looked like it was a dump, there were boxes piled in the...
one I stood at the top of the stairs and listened for a moment, each word filling me with dread. "Are you sure she's ready to find out?" my wife said. Find out what? "It's what we've been working to," Pippa assured her. "Look, she works as a maid. She's got a job at Heather's salon. She waitresses down at the Riverside Inn." "I can't believe she used to be my-" Maggie began. "Honey, she must have wanted this as much as you wanted to give it to her," Pippa assured her....
one Flo was definitely angry at me, I thought, considering the tone of that text. I stared at it. FLO: It's tampon time, bitch! Considering I was planning to meet Sally and Lucinda from Titan Tech after I'd had my hair done, I decided not to give her any other reasons to be agitated. Despite being tight for time, I used every second wisely. Briefly soaking and shaving, moisturising my whole body. Inserting the tampon in my pussy as delicately as I could, and fixing a...
My lips were so close to Cathy’s; I could feel her breath on me. Her eyes looked directly into mine, and I felt a huge yearning. I was about to pull her to me, letting my lips lock on hers, wanting to feel her tongue against mine, when I stopped myself, realising what was happening. “Think, William Morris, use your head, don’t blindly rush in!” I heard a voice in my head. “Don’t you remember what you told yourself, what you told Lori? You know what will happen if you give in to your desires,...
Just as everyone had warned me; second year electrical engineering was full on, right from the first day. In each of the subjects, the lecturers didn’t waste time reviewing what we might have studied in the previous year; it was head first into the deep end. I had some doubts about one of the subjects; Solid State Physics. To me, this looked like the sort of subject material that graduate students at Oxford University or MIT would cover; quantum mechanics, atomic particles, and similar...
The August school holidays were only three weeks away; these were going to be the last break before the HSC exams at the end of October. At lunchtime one day, we were all discussing the plans we had for the two weeks off school. “Well, I’ll be going over all of the previous exam papers,” Cathy said. Some of the others groaned, called her ‘swot’. David wasn’t being anywhere near as studious as his sister; he had arranged to take a train up to the Gold Coast to renew his acquaintance with his...
We managed to get all of our stuff into the back of the car; but it meant all four of us had to squeeze into the front seat. We worked it out; Megan sat in the centre next to me, then Lori was on the outside, with Jillian on her lap. At least it didn’t take all that long to drive back to Mona Vale, where we dropped Megan and Jillian off with their bags, before heading to Lori’s place. On the drive back to Mona Vale Megan told us about her experiences with the publicity photo shoot yesterday...
“I have no idea what’s got into my sister,” Mary Beth said as she sat across the table from me. Since this Monday would be the last time for over a month that Mary Beth and I would be able to have our regular lunch date, I had made a point of catching a bus into the city to meet her. Rather than eat at our usual location at the Quay, we had gone to a nice steakhouse in Phillip Street; just a short distance up from her office in Macquarie Street. It was going to be an expensive meal, but I...
I pulled up in the driveway of Jenny’s place, and knocked on the front door. Jenny answered; pulled me inside, wrapped her arms around me, and kissed me deeply, even before I had a chance to put my stuff down. When she finally released me, I asked her where I could hang up my clothes for the evening, and she led me down the hallway to her room. Hannah was waiting there; she was just wearing a long white tee shirt, sitting on the double bed with her legs curled up underneath her. “So, how...
After our overnight cruise to Castle Lagoon, we discussed where we might take our next cruise. One option was to go up to Lake Macquarie, we could go up for a few days at the start of the mid-semester break; I would have to be back in time to take the midday train to Canberra for my Labor Party policy steering committee meeting. But with some planning, we could sail up on the Friday afternoon, reach the Swansea bridge at high tide, spend the next three days exploring the lake, and return to...
“Good morning, I am Doctor Will Morris,” I said to the assembled class. “I assume you are all here for subject 6.710, Introduction to Computer Engineering. If anyone is in the wrong place, I suggest now you leave quietly, and get to wherever it is you should be.” I looked around the lecture theatre, there were maybe two hundred and fifty people, none of whom looked like leaving. Most of them had been in the previous lecture, the introductory lecture for Computing 1A. The challenge we had...