The Three Signs - Book 2 - LoriChapter 23: Welcome To Gresham Terrace free porn video

“Mr. Morris, glad to see you’re awake and back with us. I am Doctor David Pickett, and I’m one of the cardiologists here at the Prince of Wales hospital. I guess you’re wondering what it was that happened to you? First, I need to make sure you understand just how the human heart works; it’s basically a pump whose purpose is to circulate blood around the body.”
I nodded; that was pretty basic human anatomy.
“The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body, and also carries waste products to the liver and kidneys. There are four chambers; structured as two double-phase pumps; one half takes oxygenated blood from the lungs, and them pushes that out through the aorta, where it goes to the brain and other parts of the body. The other part brings in blood from the veins, where the oxygen has been replaced by carbon dioxide, and it sends that to the lungs so the carbon dioxide is expelled, and fresh oxygen bought in.
“There are a series of one-way valves connecting the various chambers, arteries and veins, to make sure there is no backflow of the blood. Each chamber contracts in turn, to ensure the blood flows around the body correctly. The actual sequencing of the muscle contraction and valve operation is controlled within the heart itself; the brain has overall control, but only to the extent of telling the heart to beat faster or slower.
“The best analogy I can think of is like on one of those old Roman galleys, with all the rows of slaves chained to benches with oars, and the big fat guy at the front, beating a drum to set the rhythm. If the Captain needs things to go faster, he instructs the guy with the drum, who sets a faster rhythm, and all the rowers follow.
“Now, back to people and what happened with you ... The body has what we call a ‘fight or flight reaction’, where when the brain believes the person is in danger, it prepares the body to either run away, or fight. Part of that is to signal to the heart to beat faster; so more oxygenated blood gets sent to all the muscles, ready for whatever might be required. That’s what I believed happened to you earlier today; you had a panic attack at the thought of flying in the storm, so the brain told the heart to lift its game, and pump faster.
“However, the heart got it’s sequence of actions confused, in what we call ‘SVT’; supraventricular tachycardia; where the heart rhythm gets very fast, maybe over two hundred beats per minute. Now, that’s not the only problem, because the correct sequence of the contraction of the chambers gets screwed up, and despite the faster beat, less blood than normal gets pumped around the body. The brain notices that it’s not getting the extra blood flow and oxygen that it asked for, so it calls for an increase in heart rate, the heart speeds up, which makes the arrhythmia worse.
“When the brain realizes that it’s getting dangerously low on oxygen, it switches into a ‘self preservation’ mode; basically shutting down the body, you go unconscious and fall over, what we doctors call ‘syncope’, or lay people call ‘fainting’. That puts your head down at the same level as your heart, so the blood doesn’t have to fight gravity.
“Does all that make sense?” he asked.
“Yes, that pretty much matches up with what I can remember happening,” I said. “I could feel the rapid heartbeat, but it somehow didn’t feel quite right. So, how did you fix things up, restore the heart rhythm to what it should be?”
“There are a few ways to get the heart back into the right rhythm,” he said. “The first thing is squeezing the carotid artery, but that didn’t work, so there’s a drug that is injected intravenously; that blocks some of the heart nerves. That didn’t work for you either, so we had to use a defibrillator to shock your heart back into the right rhythm.”
“I thought they were just used to start the heart, should it stop?” my father asked.
“Normally, yes, that’s what it does,” the doctor replied. “But we have special ones, which give the right sequence of pulses that get the heart back into what we call ‘sinus rhythm’. Now, let’s talk about the longer term implications for you.
“You seem to be in a pretty good physical state, you are quite fit. Do you exercise regularly?”
“Yes, I sail regularly, ride a bike to university most days, and work out in the gym,” I replied.
I shook my head.
“Maybe a few drinks; beers or wine, a week. Nothing heavy, and not to the stage where I get drunk...”
“Two to three cups a day.”
“All that’s good; I say this to everyone, but particularly with the propensity for heart rhythm problems, don’t start smoking, only drink in moderation, stay in good physical condition, keep your blood pressure and cholesterol under control. The main reason is to make life as easy as possible for your heart. There’s no need to stop doing the things you are doing; your sailing is fine; but don’t take any long off shore races; you want to make sure you are within a couple of hours of a hospital, just in case.
“I understand you are also a musician; that should be okay. In fact, the condition you have shouldn’t adversely affect you at all. Now, the main thing to worry about with the arrhythmia is because the heart isn’t pumping properly, but just churning the blood around from one chamber to another is the big increase in the risk of blood clots. If one of those develops, and moves to the brain, you can have a stroke; that would be what us doctors like to call ‘a bad thing’. It can leave you severely disabled, or even dead.”
“Is there anything that can stop that from happening?” Megan asked; looking rather worried.
“Well, there are two types of medicine that I can prescribe,” he said. “The first is a blood thinner, warfarin, which reduces the likelihood of clots forming. But that has some other nasty side effects; I don’t prescribe that as a rule, unless there’s no real alternative. The other is called propafenone; it works by slowing how the cardiac muscle cells absorb sodium ions; it decreases the excitability of the cells. What that means is it slows down the reaction of the heart to signals to increase the heart rate, so it’s not likely to get triggered into that very fast rate.”
“That sounds better than risking a stroke,” I said.
“It sure is; but there are some side effects, the main one is you become prone to dizziness; particularly after lying down. What you need to get into the habit of is when you wake up; don’t just leap right out of bed. Sit on the edge of the bed for maybe ten or fifteen seconds, let the blood work its way up to your head, and then stand up. That’s because the drugs slow down how fast the heart responds to the signal to increase its pumping rate. But you should be right otherwise. I’ll get you a starting supply, and write a prescription before you leave.
“Anyway, looking at the ecg, everything seems back to normal, so I’ll start your discharge process. Here’s my card, in a couple of weeks I want you to come in and we’ll do a full cardiac stress test, just to make sure everything is fine with your ticker. When you leave, go home, and rest up for the remainder of the day; and the same tomorrow. You’re going to be pretty exhausted anyway, but I would take things pretty easy for the next two days. Did you have any other questions?”
“No, I think you’ve explained things fairly well, I’ll give you a call to set up a time for that stress test, once I know when I’m likely to have a free day.”
“Now, I’ll make sure you get a bunch of information to read at your leisure; the main thing that I want you to do is to rest up for the next two days; stay in bed, no driving until Thursday afternoon. Start the prescription I’ll get for you tonight; you don’t have to have them with food, but a good way to remember to have each pill is to have one just after each meal.
“As I said, you don’t need to change how you are living your life; stay fit and healthy, and things should be fine. We should give you a cardiac check-up on an annual basis, just to make sure everything is still looking okay; from what your father told me, there’s a family history with heart murmurs; that’s where one of the valves starts to collapse and let blood flow back into the chamber. You’re probably too young for that to show up right now, let alone be a problem, but we can make sure we monitor it before it becomes troublesome.”
Things started to happen; a nurse came in to remove the IV line from my arm. My father had to turn away and sit down while she was doing that; he had a particularly weak stomach as far as blood was concerned. Another nurse came in with a prescription bottle; and a sheaf of papers for me to read. Finally, I had to sign some forms, and we were able to leave. Chris was taking Mary Beth back to her place, while my parents would take Megan and me back to our place.
“Do you want us to stay and fix some dinner for you?” my mother asked Megan.
“I was thinking we could just get some take-away from the local Thai restaurant,” Megan suggested. “John, if you can drive me down the street, we can pick something up. Anything that you would like, Will?’
“No, just the usual would be fine,” I said.
“Nothing too spicy for me,” my mother said.
It didn’t take Megan and my father all that long to return with the food, meanwhile my mother had set the table in the kitchen for dinner. My parents were quite impressed with the Thai food, even the (slightly) spicy ‘Crying Tiger’. We had not long finished; Megan and my parents had cleaned up in the kitchen, while I had gone to bed to rest, when Chris and the others arrived.
Chris had news from Jack; she had left a message with the coastal patrol and harbour master in Eden for him to call her as soon as he got in. She had told him to call their home, if no answer there at Mary Beth’s place, and failing that, mine.
“Well, they are both unhurt,” she said. “Apparently just on dusk, they were expecting the wind change, and had already dropped the spinnaker, and were preparing a foresail change from the number 1 to the number 3, when they got hit by a fifty knot gust, right on the nose. Knocked the boat right over; at least they were all up on deck, with their safety harnesses on. But the mast broke, right where the first set of stays attach to it; when the rig broke, it ripped the mainsail in half. Anyway, they cleared away all the damaged rigging, and motored back to Eden.
“No one was seriously hurt, thank God; just a few bruises, cuts and scrapes. They will be working on things overnight and tomorrow, so they are able to motor back to Sydney, and all going well they will be back at the CYC on Thursday afternoon. You can’t imagine just how happy I was to hear his voice; he sounded pretty tired and disappointed; I think they’ve all had a very gruelling twenty-four hours. At least they are back on dry land, and safe, that’s the important thing.”
My parents decided it was time for them to get back home; Chris also said she needed to get home and sleep; it had been a very exhausting day for her.
“I’m so glad you’re getting better, Will; Lori would never have forgiven me if I had let anything bad happen to you while she was away,” she said. “I’ll see you Thursday night at the CYC; I’ll call you as soon as I get any more information.”
Once my parents and Chris had left, it was time to undress; the ‘Naked at Night’ rule still applied. The others started asking me questions all about the panic attack, the heart problems, what it was like passing out. Murph started to joke about the connection between planes and rock music.
“Maybe that’s why there are so many songs, and even groups with plane names, like ‘Jefferson Airplane’,” he said. “Wasn’t one of their big hits in the 60’s called ‘White Rabbit’? So there’s the connection between flying and rabbits’ feet.”
“You keep going on like that, and I’ll do to you just what I’m going to do to that fuckwit Johnny Dick when I see him,” Megan said.
“Then there’s that Peter, Paul and Mary hit, ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’,” he continued, oblivious to Megan’s threats. “You almost left us on a jet plane, Will.”
“Okay, that’s it you bunch of dickheads,” Megan said. “Will, you should be in bed, resting. Now the rest of you, the doctor told him to get plenty of rest, and stirring him up about flying and all that isn’t helping. One person at a time can be with him, but no talking about planes, air disasters, or fucking bunny’s feet!”
Megan was starting to sound pissed off with the others; I took the cue to head off to the bedroom. The last thing I wanted to do was to cause a disagreement. I knew Megan was just trying to do the right thing, following the directions from Doctor Pickett and making sure I got plenty of rest. The others were naturally curious and concerned; and only wanted to know what had happened to me, and what effects there might be in the future.
I settled down, and pulled out the information papers that the doctor had given me at the hospital. I had only read half of the first page when Ros entered the room.
“Megan said I could come in and see you,” she said. “I have to be quiet, and let you rest. The others are all out in the living room. May I get in here next to you? When Mary Beth told me you had been in hospital, and collapsed because of a heart problem ... I feared the worst. So, it wasn’t a heart attack or anything like that?”
She slid into the bed next to me, and lay on her side, propping her upper body up on her elbow. I told her what had caused the problem; pretty much as the doctor had explained things to me. I showed her the sheaf of papers that I had been given to read; and she rolled her eyes.
“I’ll leave those to you,” she said. “So, there’s no chance of you having a heart attack and dying on me if we make love? Did the doc tell you what things you aren’t able to do?”
“No chance of that,” I said. “I can pretty much do all the things I have been; I’ve got a prescription that should prevent the heart from taking off again, like it did earlier. I have to be careful when I stand up after lying down, as it can make me light headed.”
“That’s really good; I was worried that it might stop you from doing all the stuff you really enjoy.”
“And it won’t stop me from doing you, too.”
She laughed at my expression.
“That’s pretty important, too,” she said. “I’m looking forward to you doing me, or however you want to describe it. I am ready and waiting for you to ‘do me’, when you’ve recovered from today’s episode.”
“I think we can continue as we had planned, the way we were talking about it the other day.”
“That’s really good. So, how are you feeling, how’s the body after everything that happened?”
“Actually, I’m not feeling as tired as the doctor said I would be. He said that given the length of time my heart was racing the way it was, I put as much stress on it as if I had run a marathon race. I do feel tired; but not exhausted. I’m still hurting a bit where they had to zap my heart with the paddles to get it back to the right rhythm.”
“I thought they only did that if a person’s heart had stopped?”
“This was a special one, which gives a series of pulses to get the heart back into the normal rhythm. But now all the muscles around my chest are aching, from being zapped with the machine.”
“Oh, you poor thing, let me see,” she said.
She moved so she was looking at my chest, and ran her fingers lightly across the skin of my chest. She ran a finger around my nipple, teasing it erect; then pushing it from side to side.
“I wonder why men have nipples?” she asked. “I mean, it’s not as if they are going to breast feed any time. I could try, and just see how it feels sucking on your nipples.”
She moved over my chest, and lowered her face so her lips could wrap around a nipple. She started kissing it gently; placing her lips around my nipple, and licking across the top with the tip of her tongue. Man, she was good at sucking nipples; despite my tiredness; I found I was getting turned on, very quickly. She turned her attentions to my other nipple, sucking on that one.
“I can see one purpose for men having nipples,” she said; as she reached down to take hold of my prick. “It’s a good way to get them turned on!”
She moved down lower, and started licking around my knob. When she started to slide her lips down my shaft, I put my hands on either side of her hips.
“Why don’t you move so you are over my face?” I suggested. “Let me lick you; we can have a sixty-nine.”
“You’re meant to be resting, and taking things easy!”
“I am; I’m lying down, aren’t I?”
She quickly moved so her pussy was above my face; I pulled her lower and started licking. Her pussy was already quite wet; I pushed the tip of my tongue between her moist labia, and started to lick up and down. Her clit was large, engorged, and I placed my lips around it, sucking hard. Ros moaned softly, taking my cock from her mouth.
“You do that so well,” she said, before resuming sucking my cock.
I was able to move an arm around, and get my hand underneath her. I wriggled my fingers underneath her, and managed to slide one inside her wet cunt. She gasped as my finger curled up to rub against her g-spot; meanwhile I kept sucking and licking her clit.
Her body shook as she came; I could feel and taste her juices that gushed from her. She didn’t gush as much as Jillian; but there was a lot of wetness over my face. Ros continue to lick and suck my cock; as she bobbed her head up and down, her fingers gently caressed my balls.
“I want you to come in my mouth, please,” she said, pausing her sucking.
It wasn’t much longer before she had me on the brink of spurting; I held her hips tightly as I felt the first surge building up in my balls. As I started spurting in her mouth, I groaned; bucking my hips up and down with each spasm.
“Damn, you are good at that,” I said. “For someone who says she has had very little experience with penises; you sure know how to handle them.”
“Do you really think so?” she asked, as she rolled off me, and turned around. “You are pretty good with vaginas, too, by the way.”
“Well ... I guess I’ve had a bit of experience.”
“Whatever the reason, you are very good at that; better than most women I’ve been with.”
She rolled over to kiss me.
“Did I get your face that wet? Fuck, I’m sorry about that, but when you rub inside my cunt as you are licking me, well, I can’t help it. When I come that way, all that wetness seems to just flow out. What if I help you to the bathroom, so you can wash your face?”
She helped me up to my feet, and we quickly went up the hallway and out the back to the bathroom. I ran some water in the basin, took a washcloth and rinsed my face off. Ros used it to wipe around her pussy, cleaning up her juices.
“While we are here; do you need to take a leak?” she asked. “I could hold it for you.”
Now that my prick had subsided, and I was in the bathroom, it probably was a good idea to have a pee. She led me into the toilet cubicle, stood behind me, and gently held my shaft.
“I think it’s so cool watching you pee like this,” she said. “I love the way just by moving your cock from side to side, the stream follows.”
She moved my shaft from side to side, giggling as the stream of pee made a sine wave as it followed her movements.
“I should show you how I can sign my name in the dirt with it,” I said. “Having a short name helps, but it took me a bit of practice initially.”
“Maybe you can show me some time,” she said, as she shook the last few droplets from the tip. “I need to practice peeing standing up, and not spraying everywhere!”
It was back to the bedroom, where we straightened the sheets, and I got in under the covers. Ros told me I should try to get some sleep, and thanked me for the fun time in bed. Actually, I was glad she decided to leave me, and let me get some sleep; after all the excitement of the day, particularly the activities of the last half hour, I was feeling rather worn out. I turned over on my side, and fell asleep. I didn’t even wake up when Megan came to bed.
When we woke up in the morning, Megan asked me how I was feeling, and if I felt as if I would be able to make love with her.
“The doctor said I should go on and do all the things I normally would,” I said.
“I don’t want you having another episode, right in the middle of sex with you,” she said. “And if something went really wrong, and you died ... how could I face Lori knowing that I had fucked you to death?”
“Hey, there’s not much chance of that happening,” I said. “Up until now, sex has never caused my heart to go into that strange pattern. The only way you are likely to fuck me to death is if I fall out of bed and break my neck.”
“Well, we will just have to make sure we keep things sedate,” she said.
We lay next to each other, resting once we had made love.
“No racing heart beats?” she asked, and I shook my head.
“Mary Beth’s coming over today, just to keep an eye on you, and make sure you rest,” she said. “I’m meeting Jillian in town, and we are going to look at shops so she can get some towels and bed linen. You make sure you stay in bed, okay?”
“I promise; I’ll behave and stay in bed,” I said. “At least once I’ve had a shower and eaten breakfast.”
After a shower together, we sat at the kitchen table and had our breakfast; Megan asked what I thought about us getting some new bed sheets.
“Our bed, the double bed, will be going to Jillian, won’t it?” she asked. “Lori was saying she will look around for a suitable queen sized bed that will be better for the three of us. Do you think she will mind if I try to get some queen size sheets?”
“If you can find some that look nice, and the price is right, get them.”
“Okay; I’ll see if I can get us some more pillows, too. I like to have two to sleep on, so with the ones we have, I’ll get a couple more. Some of them are getting a little old and sad.”
When we finished breakfast, I collected my notes that I had been working on for the latest chapter of our book, and went back to bed. I planned to go through the last lot of editorial suggestions and rewrite parts of the last chapter, plus flesh out details of the next chapter. With luck, I would have the two ready to give to Lori on her return.
I had been working for about an hour, when Megan came into the room, followed by Mary Beth.
“I’m off to town, to go shopping with Jillian,” she said. “Now, you rest up today; behave for Mary Beth, and I’ll see you both later this afternoon.”
“I won’t be disturbing you if I sit in here?” Mary Beth asked. “I’ve got a bunch of old reports and studies to read, and make some notes about them.”
“No, be my guest,” I said. “I’m just working on the next chapter for our story.”
We continued our work in silence for about twenty minutes, when she put her papers down, and asked me a question.
“Is the next book a continuation of your first story, or is it something completely different?”
I gave her a brief outline of the story; how it would still have the two complementary stories; each from a particular character’s point of view; but it was quite different from the first story.
“So, this guy basically kidnaps a girl, imprisons her on his boat, and they sail across the ocean? He rapes her, beats her, and eventually she falls for him?”
“Yeah, to be honest, I have my doubts about how well it will work; writing the guy’s part is really difficult. As you said, he’s a rapist who preys on young women, beats them, and all that. I am finding it hard to relate to him, and I’m afraid readers won’t like him.”
“You might be surprised,” she said. “Lots of women really enjoy reading about things like that; I’ve sometimes fantasized about that. Not that I want it to happen to me in real life, but as a fantasy, it’s a huge turn on. Is there anything that I can read? I’ve had enough of the sad history of public transport proposals for the greater Sydney area.”
I handed her the first chapter of my part.
“That’s the opening chapter, when he kidnaps her, and all that,” I said.
She sat on the bed, and started reading. Every so often, she would make a slight sound, either an ‘ah’, or ‘ohhh’. I could see her nipples starting to get erect, pushing at her tee shirt, and every so often she would adjust her position on the bed. Finally, she finished the chapter, and put the pages down on the bed.
“Oh my God, that’s so hot,” she said. “I love it, I will have to read some more. How did you get the inspiration for that? Did you and Lori act some of that out?” I nodded my head. “Even the whipping, with that leather crop?” Again, I nodded, and told her about the trial bondage session on the boat.
“Holy fuck!” she exclaimed. “My kid sister, being into BDSM; I never would have believed it. But, she’s always had a bit of a wild side. The handcuffs, and all that, where did you get those?”
“There’s a shop just up on King Street, Mistress Samantha’s Dungeon. You should go up there one day and see what they sell.”
“And Lori enjoyed being tied up, and play-raped? Silly question, if she didn’t enjoy it, then I’m sure she would not have wanted to write about it. Did it happen much like in the part I just read? Did she actually scratch you on the arm?”
I showed her where the faint scars could still be seen.
“Damn! Did you actually whip her with the crop, making her count the strokes?” I nodded. “Did it actually make her come, like in the story?”
“Yeah, but that’s where we stopped our scene,” I said. “We both felt things were getting a little too intense, and we really wanted to talk about how we felt about it all.”
“You continue to surprise me,” she said. “When I was back at school, I thought you were such a straight, conventional guy, even a bit boring. Boy, was I ever wrong! Some of the stuff you and Lori do; well, it’s not just with her, but ... Look, you don’t mind me asking all this personal stuff, do you?”
“No, not at all; if I feel what you’re asking is too personal, I won’t answer.”
“Fair enough, I’ll try not to pry. But, one thing that I really want to know; how do you handle the multiple partner stuff? I know you, Megan and my sister are all in a tight three way relationship; which I guess is different in itself. But you also sleep with Jillian, and you’ve had that time on the train with Wendy, and Ros is talking about sleeping with you too. I know Lori has spent nights with Ros and Wendy ... How do stay in a loving relationship, with all the other partners? Or am I being too personal?”
“No, you’re not being too personal. It was Lori that first explained things to me, about a year ago, when Cathy Parsons and I were still together. I guess I knew inside that it wasn’t going to last, and I already had some offers from other girls.”
I told Mary Beth how Lori had explained about love and relationships to me; how people in a relationship don’t ‘own’ the other person, how Lori and I worked things out between us and included Megan into our relationship.
“She mentioned a box with different openings, and light coming from them?” she asked. “She must have got that from Mum; years ago she used just that example to explain things to me. What I’m about to tell you, keep it to yourself; don’t even tell Lori, okay?”
I nodded my head.
“I think it must have been back when Dad was still in the Navy, because he was away, probably in Vietnam. Maybe it was around the time he was shot down? Anyway, one day I came home from school early; I wasn’t feeling all that well, and when I got into the house, I could hear noises from my parent’s bedroom. I crept down the hallway, and there was my mother, naked on the bed with another woman; one of the other navy wives. They were in a sixty-nine; I really didn’t know exactly what they were doing, but I got a nice tingly feeling watching them.
“I must have made a sound, because my mother looked up at the door; I ran off, scared that I would get into trouble. Anyway, she asked me that afternoon if I had seen her and the other woman in bed; and I told her I had. To cut a long story short, she used that same analogy to explain how someone can love more than one person; and just because she and her friend were doing that, it didn’t mean that she didn’t love my father any less.
“I don’t know when she would have used that same explanation to Lori; but that’s where it came from. So, how do you apply that in your relationship?”
“Well, my understanding is that it doesn’t give any of the three of us license to just sleep around, and screw whoever we want,” I said. “We’ll talk things over first, and make sure everyone involved agrees and is happy. I mean, I can’t just go and fuck any chick that I want. There’s still the respect we have for each person in the relationship, if that makes sense.”
“So, does that mean we can fuck each other, and it will be okay?”
“No, that’s not what it means; I don’t want to fuck you, Mary Beth.”
“So, what’s the matter with me?” she said, sounding annoyed. “Don’t you want to fuck me? Aren’t I sexy enough for you? You’ll fuck Megan’s sister, but not Lori’s sister? You’ve seen my body plenty of times; I’m at least as sexy as my sister!”

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