The Three Signs - Book 1 - CathyChapter 10: Sweet Sixteen free porn video

I was half awake, and remembering that I was in Dianne’s old bedroom at Cathy’s place, I rolled over to look at the clock next to the bed. 5:30! Far too early to get up; but I needed to have a pee, so I quietly crept out of bed and into the hall, not wanting to disturb anyone. I tiptoed down the hallway, and tried to open the bathroom door quietly. Not being completely familiar with the house yet, I had already started to open the door when I remembered about the squeaky hinges. Oh well, too late now; I just hoped I didn’t wake anyone.
As I was starting to close the bathroom door behind me, I heard footsteps softly padding down the hall.
“It’s only me,” I heard Cathy whisper.
“Good morning,” I whispered back, opening the door for her. “And happy birthday, too, I guess I can give you a birthday kiss now.”
“You certainly can,” she said as she slipped into the bathroom with me. “Plus more than just a kiss, I hope.” She started to raise her pyjama top over her head. “But first, I need to have a good, long pee.”
Cathy tossed her pyjama top on the floor, and pushed her pants down.
“Well, don’t just stand there, silly,” she whispered to me. “You came in here for a pee too, didn’t you?”
“Um, yeah, I guess I did,” I said, starting to push my shorts down.
Just like the previous morning, Cathy straddled the toilet, leaving plenty of room for me to watch her pee flow from her, and for me to aim my stream between her legs into the bowl.
“Today, we can try to go together,” she suggested. “Are you ready?”
I nodded, and stood right in front of her, and aimed my prick between her spread thighs.
“On three?” she said, and I nodded. “One ... two ... three. Now pee,” she added, as I heard the now familiar hissing sound.
A few seconds later, I added my own piss to the flow. We could see the two streams mixing just above the water in the bowl, and hear the sounds of them bubbling into the bottom of the toilet bowl. Cathy seemed to have far more pee that I did; she continued after I had finished.
When she had finished peeing, she leant forward and kissed the tip of my prick, and smiled at me. Standing up, she wrapped her arms around me; her breasts pressing against my chest. We kissed briefly, and then she moved away from me, and put her pyjamas back on.
“Time to go back to bed,” she whispered as she crept out of the bathroom.
I pulled my shorts back up, and crept back to my bed. I was now too awake to go back to sleep, so I read some more from the ‘Little Red Schoolbook’; mainly about drugs and all that. At least that was one thing I wasn’t interested in – I even wasn’t keen to smoke normal tobacco cigarettes. And the thought of injecting stuff into my body with a needle – I didn’t even like getting needles from the doctor, so there was no way I would ever try stuff like heroin.
However, it was pretty interesting stuff; all that we had been told about drugs was “don’t do them, they are really bad for you”. Not that what I read changed my mind about them at all; although it wasn’t anywhere near as forceful; rather, it explained what the drugs really did to your body.
There was a lot of other stuff in the book, too; a lot about authority systems, what schools should and shouldn’t do, parents, laws and all that. Some of it didn’t really seem relevant to the situation here, but it was all interesting reading. I started to see where Cathy got some of her ideas from, and the reasoning behind her attitudes, too.
It was now after 6:30, so I decided to get up, and have a quick shower before the rest of the household woke up. I put the book back in my backpack, and was about to go to the bathroom when the door opened quietly. Cathy crept in, and quietly pointed to my bed, indicating I should lie on it. She had taken her pyjamas off, and was just wearing a large tee shirt that went down almost to her knees.
As I lay on the bed, she quickly pulled my shorts off, and sat astride me waist. I could feel her pussy, already slightly damp, pressing against my prick, which was rapidly growing erect. She started rocking backward and forward slightly, making her pussy rub along the shaft of my prick. She pushed her tee shirt up above her breasts, and started squeezing and caressing them, tweaking her nipples until they were completely erect.
“Can you imagine being inside me, like this?” she asked quietly.
I just nodded my head, lost in the sensations of her pussy against me.
“I could feel you pushing up deep into me,” she said, whispering so I could just hear. “And then when you came, I would be able to feel you pushing up even further into me. I was reading a story last night before I went to bed, a really sexy one, and there was this scene, where the woman ‘rides’ a man like this. It got me so aroused; you should read it too.”
I could feel Cathy’s pussy starting to get quite wet as she became more turned on, and my prick was now fully erect, and very hard. Just then, Cathy slid off me, and bent over my prick. She sucked about half of the length of it into her mouth, and then turned to the door.
“I want to stay and keep doing that, but my parents will be up in a minute,” she explained, and quickly snuck out the door.
I pulled my shorts back up, to cover my erect prick, frustrated, but curious about the types of books Cathy was reading. I heard someone turn on the shower on the other side of the bedroom wall, and I pulled my tee shirt back on, and stepped out into the hallway. Opposite my room, David’s bedroom door was still firmly closed, but just up the hall, next to my room, Cathy’s door was open. I quickly peeked inside; it was empty, so it must be Cathy in the shower. I was tempted to sneak into the bathroom with her; but decided against it – the others would be waking up soon. Besides, we would have lots of opportunities for showering together tomorrow at my place.
While I waited for the bathroom to have my shower, I pulled out a clean pair of undies, a tee shirt and shorts. As well, I retrieved Cathy’s birthday present from the pocket of my bag, so I could take it to give to her over breakfast. Just then, I heard the shower being turned off, so I put the present under the shirt I had placed on the desk. I was making my bed when Cathy stood in my doorway.
“The shower’s free for you if you want it,” she said. She then stepped in to my room, and pulled her tee shirt up, exposing her pussy. “I am all clean there now,” she said. “Just in case you want to give me my birthday kiss there sometime.”
I stepped close to her, and ran my fingers along her pussy. She was still damp between her lips.
“I might just do that,” I said. “Maybe give you quite a few kisses today.”
“Please,” she said, “I need that.”
She then ducked out of my room, and I heard her close her door. Time for a shower, I thought, so I took my clean clothes to the bathroom with me.
Fifteen minutes later, I entered the kitchen to get breakfast. Cathy was there, with her parents. I said good morning to all three of them, and sat down at the table next to Cathy.
“David not up yet?” I asked.
“I think that is him in the bathroom now,” Mrs Parsons said. “We weren’t sure whether you or he would be out here first.”
I poured myself some fruit juice, and Mrs Parsons handed me some slices of toast. By the time I was halfway through, David appeared at the door. After some good-natured chiding from his father about being a sleepyhead, Mr Parsons rapped his spoon against his glass.
“Well, I think we all know what today is,” he said. “Certain people at this table have reached a minor milestone in their life, and I think that outside, there are a few things to mark the occasion. Happy birthday, both of you.”
“No, finish your breakfast first, both of you,” Mrs Parsons said as both Cathy and David scrambled from their chairs. “Wal, you know I wanted them to finish their meal before we started all that.”
“Your mother’s right,” he said. “Finish eating, and then we can see what is outside.”
I had never seen an exhibition of speed eating like that before. Cereal, toast, milk and fruit juice seemed to disappear in a whirlwind of spoons, plates and hands.
“Who goes first?” David asked.
“You do, son, since yours is closest,” Mr Parsons answered.
Just outside the door was a scuba diving tank, complete with weight belt, fins, mask and snorkel. David had wanted to do scuba diving for a year, and now that he was sixteen, he could take lessons and get his certificate. I knew what he was getting; Mrs Parsons had mentioned it to me, in case I wanted to get him something to go with that. Dianne and Roger were combining to pay for his lessons, and Cathy and I had put our money together to get him a good diver’s knife.
David, of course, was over the moon. He looked through everything several times, exclaiming how fantastic it was; how the items were the best available, and how he couldn’t wait to explore some of the deeper areas off the rock platforms that he couldn’t get to just snorkelling.
Now it was Cathy’s turn. Mr Parsons suggested we all go and have a look inside the small shed built on the back of the garage. As Cathy opened the door, she let out a scream. Inside what was the old potting shed, Mr Parsons had built a small darkroom, complete with sink, shelves and an enlarger.
“This is fantastic, I never expected this,” she exclaimed. “I don’t know what to say, but thank you so much.”
She wrapped her arms around each of them, hugging and kissing them.
“You will have to sort all the stuff out just how you want it,” her father said. “But everything should be ready to go, there is even a starting supply of paper and chemicals. The enlarger can do colour stuff, at least that is what I was told, but it will need some extra stuff on it for that.”
“I don’t care about colour just yet,” Cathy said. “That gets pretty complicated, anyway, but I can learn and practice with this, and then go to colour when I am ready. Can I start doing stuff today with this?”
“Sure, but I haven’t unpacked a lot of things, but you and Will can organise everything the way you want it,” he answered her.
“Well, the weather forecast was right,” I said. “It looks like rain any minute now, so it will be a good day to work inside, in the darkroom.”
“Okay, kids, you have to clean up the kitchen before anything else,” Mrs Parsons said.
We went back inside, and had the washing up completed in a few minutes. Once that was done, I pulled Cathy’s present from my pocket and handed it to her.
“I found this in my bag this morning,” I said to her. “I think it must be for you.”
“Oh, thank you,” she said, and opened the box.
When she saw the gold chain, with the two intertwined letters, her eyes lit up.
“Oh, that is so lovely, it’s really beautiful,” she exclaimed. “What is the thing on it, it looks like letters or something?”
“They are two letters; a’C’ and a ‘W’, locked together,” I said. “Cathy and Will.”
“That’s so great,” she said, “I love it. Can you put it on me?”
I unfastened the catch, and put my arms around her shoulders to fasten it behind her. The length was perfect, the symbols hanging just above her breasts.
“Cathy and Will locked together, I like that idea,” she whispered to me.
“Actually, I never thought of it that way,” I replied. “But now you mention it, it does have that connotation, doesn’t it?”
“Mmmm, yes, and I like thinking about that,” she said. “Now, do you want to help me sort out the darkroom?”
We spent the next two hours arranging everything just the way she wanted it. Various jars and trays were stored on certain shelves under the bench, while some books and her files of negatives and contact sheets were put up on the bookshelves on one wall. I didn’t know what half of the stuff was for, although some things – developing tanks, timers and measuring vials – were obvious to me. I strung several lines above the top of the bench; where negatives and prints could be hung to dry properly. The enlarger was positioned on the bench top, and there was a small blackboard on the wall behind it.
By now, the rain had started, and we could hear it drumming on the garage roof.
“A good day to be working here inside,” I said to her.
“Sure is, we would get pretty wet if we were outside at the moment,” Cathy replied.
“Oh? I though you liked it when we get ‘wet’. And I know someone who was getting rather wet this morning, too,” I reminded her.
“Mmmm. I love getting wet that way – both ways – with you,” she replied. “In fact, even though I am inside, I still may get wet this morning.”
“You know what it means now I am sixteen?” Cathy said. “It’s all in the mathematics, you know.” She wrote a strange equation on the blackboard.
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I looked at it, not making any sense at all.
“And you are meant to be the mathematical genius,” she said. “It’s simple, just read it from left to right: Before I root you, are you over sixteen.”
“Before I root you...” I looked puzzled for a second or two, and then it hit me. “Oh yes, of course. Are you over sixteen? The age of consent stuff, yeah.”
“And I am over sixteen, now, so it is legal for you to root me,” she said. “That is, if we both wanted to, I mean.” Cathy rubbed the ‘formula’ off the blackboard.
“At least we have someplace here that we can legitimately lock ourselves in,” I said. “And we can say you are printing some photos, so you can’t open the door right away, either.”
Cathy laughed, “Do you think I hadn’t thought of that already? Now, all I have to do is find a few negatives that I want to take prints from right now, to test everything out.”
Cathy tested out the orange and red darkroom lights, and then closed the door, and pulled the two blackout curtains across to shield the last bit of light. Cathy then locked the door, and turned off the main light. It was quite dark inside, but it didn’t take too long to get use to the darkness, and the soft orange light made some things easy to see.
“For black and white printing, this orange light will be fine,” she said. “Now let’s see how dark it is with no lights on.”
Cathy turned off the orange safe light; and the room was pitch black. Even after our eyes adjusted, it was still very dark, with almost no light coming in around the door.
“Well, everything seems fine,” she said. “I’ll just open the door, watch your eyes.”
The room filled with light as she opened the door, even though it was raining heavily outside. We went back into the house, and made ourselves some coffee. Taking that into the lounge room, where her parents were watching the television.
“We have got everything set up,” she told her parents. “It is really great, thanks so much for getting that for me, and building it all.”
“Well, that will mean you can do a lot here at home,” her mother said.
“It will be really convenient,” Cathy said. “I’m going to start to print some pictures now, to get familiar with the enlarger.”
We took our coffees back to the darkroom, and Cathy locked the door, and pulled the blackout curtains back across. She flicked through her folders of negatives, and selected a few strips. Putting them on the light box that was built into part of the bench top, I could see they were of various low, twisted bushes near the beach.
“Let’s try these,” she said. “There’s lots of contrast and texture in these.”
Cathy measured out some chemicals, filled some trays them, and then turned the safelight on.
“Okay, off with the main light,” she said.
We waited a minute or two, so our eyes became use to the low light. She had already placed the first negative in the enlarger slide, and she switched the light on, and made some adjustments. I kept out of the way, not wanting to spoil anything. When she was finally happy with the adjustments, she placed a sheet of photo paper on the enlarger stand, and turned on the main enlarger light. Once the timer buzzer went off, she closed the light, and put the sheet of paper in one of the baths.
I could see the image slowly appear on the paper as the chemicals reacted with the exposed parts of the paper. Once it appeared finished, she transferred it to the second bath, the hung it up to dry.
“That looks pretty good,” I said to her.
“Mm,” she grunted, “not bad for a first one, I guess.
Cathy made some more adjustments, and made a second, and eventually a third print. She turned on the main light, and looked at the prints through a magnifying glass. She checked various settings on the enlarger, and pulled out the handbook, reading one of the sections.
“Well, I think I have it working properly now,” she said. “It’s a little different to the others I have used, but it is fairly easy to make sense of all the settings. Let me do one more, and then we can put the darkroom to some other uses.”
We went back to the soft orange glow of the safelight, and Cathy made the final print. As the image appeared on the paper as it sat in the tray of developer, I was again amazed at how the image slowly appeared, as if by magic. When the process was finished, Cathy hung it up to dry.
“Now, about those birthday kisses,” she started to say.
Reaching up under her skirt, I pulled her panties down, and then quickly removed her skirt, exposing her pussy. I then pulled her tee shirt off, and removed her bra, and then picked her up, sitting her on the edge of the bench.
“Make sure the door is locked, won’t you,” she said.
The door was locked, and I moved back to the bench, stripping my tee shirt off as well. I wrapped my arms around Cathy, once again feeling her breasts pressing against my skin. We kissed deeply, our tongues darting between each other’s lips, the tips pressing against the other.
“That was some birthday kiss,” Cathy said softly as our mouths broke apart.
“Just wait, there’s more,” I said with a smile.
I leant down slightly, and placed my mouth close to one of her breasts. I let my lips brush across her nipple, feeling it swell slightly. I circled the hardening bud with the tip of my tongue, and sucked it gently. I repeated the treatment on Cathy’s other breast, licking and sucking around her sensitive nipple. I leant back, and studied her breasts for several seconds; seeing the two erect nipples, surrounded by a crinkly circle of her areolas. They glistened slightly in the dim light, and I brushed my thumb across them.
“Now that would make a fantastic photograph,” I said to her. “A close-up of your lovely nipples, what do you think?”
“And with your lips just over them?” Cathy added.
“That would be nice, but I don’t think I would be able to hold the camera still,” I replied.
“But I don’t have the proper flash guns for close-up work like that,” she said, shivering as my lips sucked on her nipple. “Besides, what if someone else saw the photos?”
“Well, maybe I should consider taking photos of something else then,” I said.
I moved my face lower, trailing my lips down across her stomach. Cathy leant back, resting her shoulders against the wall; her eyes following every move I made. I kissed her belly button; and pressed the tip of my tongue just into it. Cathy giggled as I did, shivering slightly again.
“Now what about a close up of this?” I asked, running the tip of my finger around the damp naval.”
“Mmmm, maybe,” Cathy said. “At least it wouldn’t look too suspicious if other people came across the prints.”
“I still think we could find something more interesting to photograph, somehow,” I continued to say, my face now moving even lower to the top of her thighs.
I pressed her knees; pushing her legs apart some more, and began kissing the top of her pubic hair. Cathy let out a soft moan, and placed her hands on my head.
My lips and tongue moved ever so slowly down, towards her legs, and Cathy pushed her hips forward, tilting them upward slightly, completely exposing her pussy to me. I reached up between her thighs, and lightly stroked the blonde hair, spreading the moist lips slightly.
“Now, I think this will be the ideal close-up photograph,” I said. “All it needs is to be a bit wetter; the lips just slightly more open, letting me see right into the opening of your vagina.”
“Oh, God, you wouldn’t take a photo of that, would you?” she asked. “I mean, what if someone else saw it? God, I would be so embarrassed.”
“Or maybe we could take a photo of your lovely pussy, just like it was last night after our time on the beach,” I said. “We could see just how much come was around it, and how wet and open you were.”
As I stroked her pussy once more, I noticed Cathy was quickly becoming wetter; and I could see her lips start to glisten in the soft orange light.
“Don’t say that,” she protested softly, “you are making me all embarrassed.”
“Embarrassed isn’t the only thing I am making you,” I said, bringing my wet finger up to show her. “I think you secretly like me telling you about that, and suggesting how we could take lots of photos of your wet pussy; shots of your pussy wide open, showing everyone your lovely wet vagina, ready for me to slide into you; and shots of your pussy coated in my come.”
Cathy moaned, and tried to deny what was obviously true. I resumed rubbing my finger up and down between her lips, pressing the tip against the entrance to her vagina. She was now quite wet, and she whimpered as I pressed the tip against the wet, red flesh.
“I think you are getting turned on by the thought of me taking photos of your pussy,” I continued. “How about some showing my finger sliding into you, and with your wet juices covering my hand? Maybe even two fingers, just inside your vagina? Would you like to see photos like that?”
“Maybe I could even take a photo of Janelle sliding one of her fingers into you, would that turn you on?” I could feel Cathy start to tense and relax her vaginal muscles, and I slid my finger in a tiny bit more. “Or what if I could get one of her with her tongue licking your pussy? I know she would love to lick your pussy, would you like to see that?”
“Oh God, don’t say that,” Cathy said. “You are getting me all embarrassed, and no, I wouldn’t like you to take a photo of Janelle licking my pussy, and she wouldn’t agree to that either.”
“Are you sure?” I said softly. “Wouldn’t you like to see what it feels like, having her tongue on your pussy? What if she was to rub one of those large, soft breasts of hers on your pussy; you could even feel her erect nipple rubbing along between your lips; rubbing against your clitoris?”
Cathy was now very aroused; I could tell that what I was describing to her was really turning her on. Her lips were red and swollen, and all around her pussy, her wet juices were flowing freely, even seeping down between her buttocks onto the edge of the bench.
“So, you would like that?” I said, pressing my finger a little further into her vagina. “The thought of her doing that to you is turning you on, isn’t it?” Cathy nodded, her cheeks quite red. “And would it turn you on if you were touching her pussy, if you were licking her and tasting her?”
Again, Cathy nodded; this time, I noticed the tip of her tongue briefly flick around her lips, and she swallowed once or twice.
“Well, since Janelle isn’t here to rub her tits over your pussy, or for you to lick and suck her pussy, I guess I will have to do something myself,” I said softly.
“Please,” she finally said. “Please lick me, you know how much I want that.”
“A special sixteenth birthday kiss?” I said, my mouth inches away from her pussy.
“Oh, yes, please,” she cried out. “I want your tongue on me, licking me.”
I pressed my lips against her wet pussy, and pushed my tongue to her vagina. Using tiny lapping motions, I wriggled the tip of my tongue into her opening, and sucked as much of her juices into my mouth as I could. Cathy moaned softly, and I shifted my tongue to slowly licking up and down the length of her pussy; from just below her vagina, up between her lips and around her clitoris. Each time my tongue flicked over her clitoris, she let out a soft groan, and her hands pressed my head harder against her.
I continued to lick and suck her, concentrating my efforts on her swollen clitoris; pushing and teasing it with the tip of my tongue. I moved my hand underneath my face, and pressed the tip of my finger against her vagina, sliding it slowly into her wet hole. She clenched her vaginal muscles around my finger, squeezing and relaxing as my tongue flicked around her clitoris.
She was moaning softly, and soon she was moving her hips back and forward, urging me to slide my finger deeper into her. As I slid it all the way inside her, I felt her muscles spasm and clench tightly around me. She cried out softly, and pressed my face hard against her pussy. As she came, I continued licking and sucking, wanting to make her orgasm last as long as possible.
Finally, I leaned back, and Cathy rested against the wall, panting heavily. Only now did I notice the sound of the rain beating loudly on the garage roof, the sound was quite deafening. Cathy leaned forward and kissed my lips; then leant back again, wiping some sweat from her eyes.
“Oh wow, that was something,” she said. “Every time, it seems to get better and better. I think it was the thought of you taking close-up photos of my pussy, and having you photograph Janelle and I doing that.”
“Yeah, sometimes fantasizing makes it more exciting, more intense,” I said. “Don’t worry though, I’m not likely to start to take explicit photos of you – either alone or with someone else.”
“Oh, so I won’t be a porn star after all?” she said, pulling a sulky expression. “But now, I think you need to be taken care of,” she continued, reaching down to unfasten my shorts.
She quickly removed my tee shirt, shorts and undies; and we looked around for a suitable place to continue. I sat her on the low bookcase against the wall, and as she leant back, Cathy spread her legs wide apart. I stood between her legs, my prick pressed against her wet pussy, the erect shaft pressing against her lips.
“Now, you can rub your prick against me this way,” she said, her fingers stroking my prick. She pressed my shaft harder against her pussy, and I could see her lips spreading as the head slid along her slot.
“Can you feel how hot and wet I am?” she asked. “Can you imagine how it would feel if you were inside me, moving in and out? Can you imagine the feeling, FUCKING me?” She emphasises the word ‘fucking’.
I concentrated on sliding my prick up and down, letting her pussy rub against me; her wet fingers pressing me tight against her. I could see the head sliding up and down, and with each stroke, the glans would rub against her clitoris. The feelings were incredible; she was so wet, I could feel her juices all around the shaft of my prick and over her fingers.
“One day, you will be inside me, can you imagine that?” Cathy continued. “I want to feel your prick spreading me apart inside; I want to see your shaft come sliding out from my cunt, all wet and sticky with my juices, and I want to feel it as you come inside me.”
We were both getting incredibly aroused from what she was saying; Cathy’s other hand was squeezing her breasts; teasing her nipples until they were very erect, and I was sliding my prick faster and faster along her wet pussy slot.
“I want you to come on my tits,” she said. “Shoot your spunk on my boobs, cover them for me,” she moaned, sounding close to coming a second time.
“Oh God, yes,” she moaned, pressing my prick hard between her lips. “Fuck, come on my tits, come with me,” she cried out.
The pressure of her hand, pushing my prick between her lips, finally did it. I pushed my prick all the way along her pussy; the wet, purple head protruding past her hand. A huge gout of come shot up, landing between her breasts. It was quickly followed by a second, a third, and even more, and Cathy moved her hand, shifting my prick slightly so both of her breasts were soon dripping with my come. I sat back down on the seat, catching my breath, while Cathy rubbed her breasts; spreading my sticky semen over them, and coating her nipples with it.
“Oh, God I love that; you coming on my tits,” she said. “That always feels so great, I love how it is all hot and sticky.”
We sat while we regained our breath, and then we jumped up as we heard a knocking on the door.
“Cathy, Will, lunch will be in a few minutes,” Mrs Parsons called out.
“Okay, Mum,” Cathy replied. “We are in the middle of printing something, I can’t open the door, because the light will come in and ruin it.”
I had to hand it to her; she thought that out very quickly.
“That’s okay,” Mrs Parsons replied. “Make sure you wash your hands if you have been using all those chemicals, too.”
“Okay Mum,” Cathy answered.
“Phew, that was close,” I whispered to her. “Just as well the door was locked!”

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