A Pony For Her Sweet Sixteen free porn video

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A Pony for Her Sweet Sixteen

It's the third Friday in June and fifteen-year-old Laura Gibson is happy!Today is the last day of classes at Our Lady of Perpetual Misery private highschool for girls and tomorrow is her sixteenth birthday. A carefree summeris about to begin. She's looking forward to two months of hanging out withher friends until late August. Then she's off to Switzerland. Her parents havearranged that she continue her education at the Schadenfreude Academy, a veryexclusive finishing school. This afternoon the beautiful teen said goodbyeto the handful of teachers and classmates that she liked. The rest could goto hell. Only two things mar this otherwise perfect day. The first is the factthat her three best friends were not at school today and the second is thather parents have insisted that she celebrate her Sweet Sixteen birthday partyat Uncle Arthur's horse farm. The thoughts dampen her happy mood and she sitsglumly on the steps of the front entrance of the school. Her parents are supposedto pick her up and they are late. The spoilt beauty pouts impatiently. Shedoesn't like to be kept waiting. After ten minutes, she sees her parents largewhite Mercedes Maybach coming up the private road.

As the chauffeur drives the car to the base of the steps, her father, Donald,who is seated in the back seat, quietly admires his beautiful daughter in herschool uniform. Undeniably sexy, the girl manages to look both innocent andseductive in her conservative outfit. Her green plaid kilt is a little tooshort and her white oxford shirt a little too tight. Her father marvels ather long slender legs and full breasts. Many is the night that he lay in bedthinking how much he would love to run his tongue along the inside of her milkythighs, from her dimpled knees to the dewy lips of her virgin pussy.

Their chauffeur, Waldo, stops the car and gets out. He walks around the backof the car and opens the rear passenger door. Laura pointedly ignores him andjoins her parents in the luxurious confines of the half million-dollar vehicle.She doesn't like the way he is always looking at her. Waldo's face remainsneutral as he returns to the driver's seat but his mind is seething. He thinksthat it's time that haughty bitch of a daughter was taught a lesson. As theydrive away from the school, Mrs Gibson wonders, yet again, at her daughter'sremarkable resemblance to Hilary Duff. Laura is a taller and a bit more willowybut her face is almost identical to America's current teen idol.

Laura slouches in her seat, unconsciously revealing to her delighted fatheran expanse of silky thigh. Like a typical teenager, her mood has quickly gonefrom sunny to gloomy. "I don't see why we have my Sweet Sixteen and Uncle Arthur's," shesulkily grumbles to her mother. "I'd rather have my party at our house in Georgetownwith my friends."

"Don't fret, dear," responds Laura's mother cheerfully. "We've arranged foryour friends to join you at Uncle Arthur's. I told him how close you are toKim, Susan and Mary and that the four of you going off to Switzerland in thefall. He said he'd be happy to invite them in your Sweet Sixteen."

Laura's spirits rise. "So that's why none of them were at school today."

"That's right, dear. They are already at the farm, preparing for your arrival."

As the driver skillfully guides the large German car out of the D.C. areaand into Virginia horse country, Laura asks her mother why she and her fatherdecided to hold her Sweet Sixteen birthday celebration at her uncle's horsefarm. "After all," she says. "I hardly know Uncle Arthur. I hardly remembermeeting him when he came to celebrate Christmas with us when I was nine."

"I realize that he's a stranger to you, dear," replies Mrs Gibson. "But UncleArt has always taken a keen interest in your development. Now that you areturning into a beautiful young woman who'll soon be off to Europe, he wantsto make up for his neglect by hosting this party."

Laura sits back in her seat with a sigh. All she can remember about the lasttime she met Uncle Arthur was how horrible his twelve-year-old son, Wilber,was to her. Her parents insisted that she play with him. It was an appallingday. When he wasn't cruelly teasing her kitten, Wilber was pulling the headsoff her dolls. He took a particular interest in her Barbie Dolls. He wouldtake off their clothes and push thumbtacks into their hard plastic breastsand bums. Young Laura went crying to her parents and Uncle Arthur who had beenenjoying cocktails on the patio behind her house. While her mother and fathertried to calm her down, her uncle called his son over. The fat boy sulked intotheir presence. Before he could utter a word in his defence, his father slappedhis face.

"I want you to apologize to your cousin Laura," ordered Uncle Arthur.

With tears of humiliation coursing down his puffy cheeks, the youth glaredat the young girl who was sitting on her father's lap. "I'm sorry you're upset," hewhispered. The look of pure hatred in his eyes belied even that weak apology.Within the hour Uncle Arthur and his son left. A week later, a deliverymandelivered replacements for all the dolls Wilber had damaged. That was the lasttime Laura had seen either of them.

It's early evening when the car enters the grounds of Uncle Arthur's horsefarm. White wooden fences border large green pastures. Beautiful horses grazedcontentedly in the fields. This is no ordinary farm. As they drive along theprivate road Mr Gibson explains to his wife that the farm was the country estateof his brother's late wife. "Her family has owned it since before the AmericanRevolution. It's said that Robert E. Lee visited regularly."

"Oh yes," his wife replies. "It's said that the General bought his famouswar horse, Traveler, from one of her ancestors."

Like most teenagers, Laura's interest in anything that happened before shewas born is negligible. She slouches in her seat and mumbles "Who cares," underher breath.

Her father ignores her and continues. "I guess it's been two years sinceArthur's wife was killed when her horse threw her. I think she was about todivorce Art but then she died. You could say that Arthur owes a lot to thathorse."

The car hums around a curve in the road and Uncle Arthur's house comes intoview. It's a large antebellum mansion right out of "Gone with the Wind". Itswhite columns gleam in the sunlight. The car rolls to a stop in front of thewide porch. Laura and her parents get out of the car and walk to the frontdoor of the mansion. Waldo drives to the side of the mansion where he willbring in their bags.

As the Gibson family climb the three steps to the large porch, Laura's fatherremarks that he almost expected to see his brother lounging in a white suiton a rocker on the large veranda. "He'd have a mint julep on one hand and awhip in the other," he muses. " 'Would you be kind enough hold my mint julep,Suh, while I whips my niggah'," he drawls. Laura blushes at her father's racistremarks. Donald Gibson presses the doorbell and the teen can faintly hear chimesinside playing the first few bars of "Bonnie Blue Flag." After a moment, acadaverous black man in a black suit opens the door. He smiles and greets Laura'sfather. "Mister Gibson. Your brother told me to make you welcome. He's in thestables. Come in."

The Gibsons follow the servant into the marble-lined foyer of the house.They proceed to a sitting room where refreshments have been laid out. A trayof finger sandwiches. Laura's parents laugh when they notice a pitcher of mintjuleps. There is also a smaller pitcher of iced tea for Laura. "Make yourselvescomfortable," the butler says. "And I'll phone over and tell Master Gibsonthat you've arrived."

After the black man leaves Laura says, " 'Master' Gibson? Hasn't anyone toldhim the Civil War's over?"

"Hush now, Laura," says her Mrs Gibson with a smile. "You grew up in Georgetown.Things are different here in the country."

Laura and her parents are helping themselves to the food and drink when UncleArthur comes into the room.

"Don and Emily!" he says as he shakes his brother's hand and kisses Laura'smother on the cheek. "Welcome to Singing Nettles Farm. I'm so glad you're here." Turninghis attention to his niece he says, "Oh my, Laura. You're growing into a beautifulyoung woman. Why the last time I saw you, you were skinny as a rail. Now lookat you. You look good enough to eat." He comes up to the teenager and wrapshis arms around her and draws her to him so he can kiss her cheek. Laura cansmell horses and tobacco on his clothing and endures his embrace with a weaksmile. After the kiss, he does not let her go but holds her by her shouldersat arms length. Laura can see his resemblance to her father, however whileher father is handsome and kindly looking, Arthur's eyes shine with a coldnessthat belie his friendly words. Laura senses a predatory nature in her uncleas he moves his gaze over her body. She blushes and wishes he would let goof her. Instead, he continues to hold her. "So tomorrow is your sixteenth birthday," hesays. "I'm so happy that your parents agreed to let me make up for lost timeby permitting me to host your birthday celebration. You're friends have beenhear since last night. You must be anxious to be with them. They're in thestables with your cousin, Wilber."

He finally lets Laura go and turns to her parents. "Don, Emily," he says. "Whydon't we all go to the stables so Laura can join her friends."

They readily agree. Laura and her dad lead the way and Uncle Arthur and hermother bring up the rear. The teenager is puzzled by the conspiratorial smileson her parents' faces as Uncle Arthur directs them out the back of the mansionand along a crushed shell pathway toward a large stable. She wonders why herfriends didn't come to greet her when she arrived. Having too much fun withthe horses, she guesses. As they walk, Uncle Arthur asks his niece if she likeshorses. Before she can respond, her mother answers for her. "Laura fell inlove with horses when she was twelve. I guess most teenaged girl's do. We spenta fortune on riding lessons for her and now she's quite a good rider. Her instructorsays that Laura has an excellent seat."

"I'm sure she does," says Uncle Arthur as he stares at the teenager's pertbum swelling delightfully under her tight kilt. "I, too, have noticed thatmany a pubescent girl is fascinated by horses," he continues. "I guess it hassomething to do with feeling a big and powerful animal between her legs." Helaughs. "She usually loses interest in horses once she experiences a big andpowerful man between her legs." Laura blushes and wonders why her parents arelaughing. She'd have expected her father to admonish his brother for talkinglike that in front of her.

They follow Uncle Arthur into a large modern stable. It is magnificent. Mahoganystalls with polished brass fittings line the walls. Laura's nose wrinkles atthe smell of horses, but she's used to it. She smiles at the familiar soundsof horses in their stalls. As they walk down the center aisle, Arthur stopsoccasionally to show his guests one of his horses. The animals are beautiful.Most are hunters or jumpers. They continue past several empty stalls. Theirhost stops them in front of a stall with a heavy reinforced door. Heavy brassbars line the top of the door, preventing anyone from leaning into the enclosure. "Here'smy pride and joy," Arthur announces. At the sound of his master's voice, theanimal behind the heavy door whinnies loudly and kicks the wall. "Meet Emperor," theirhost continues. "He's my stud horse. I bought him when I was in Ireland fouryears ago." Laura and her parents peer through the bars. Inside is a huge stallion.Black as coal with a single white flash on his forehead, the horse glares atthem with fiery eyes. Laura blushes. She can't help but notice the animal'shuge cock. It hangs eighteen inches between his hind legs. Arthur sees herembarrassment and explains that Emperor can smell one of the mares that happensto be in heat.

"I plan to have Emperor service her tomorrow afternoon," he whispers to Laura. "Perhapsyou'll be able to give him a hand, so to speak. I think you'll find it veryeducational." Arthur smiles wickedly while his niece blushes.

The Master of Singing Nettles ushers his guests further down the aisle untilthey come to a large double door. Laura thinks to herself that this can't bethe end of the building. It looked longer when they were walking towards it.Uncle Arthur explains that on the other side of the doors is a very specialsection of the stables. Laura notices that there is a modern electrical lockmechanism in the doors. Instead of a key, these doors are opened only if onepresses the correct combination on a keypad bolted to the door frame. Arthurdoesn't use the keypad. Instead, he pushes a red button. He announces thathis son, Wilber, is inside working the ponies. He wants him to come out andgreet his relatives before they all go in.

As they wait for Wilber to come out, Laura wonders what can be so specialabout these ponies that they must be locked away from the other horses. Herthoughts are interrupted by the click of the lock. Wilber steps out. Laura'seyes widen. The last time she saw Wilber, she was nine and he was twelve. Sheremembers a fat, pimply boy with a perpetual scowl on his face. Unlike herself,Wilber hasn't changed a lot in six years. Standing before her is a tall youngman. At six feet four inches, he is two inches taller than his father is. Heweighs more than three hundred pounds. His cheeks and forehead is still pockmarkedwith cystic acne. Like his dad, Wilbur is wearing tan riding breeches, a whiteshirt and high black leather riding boots. In his left hand he carries a ridingcrop. He shakes his Laura's father's hand and busses her mother on her cheek.He then turns his attention on his cousin. The girl's heart rate accelerateswhen they lock eyes. Wilber shares his father's predatory stare. He is quitepossible the most physically repulsive man she's ever seen.

"Cousin Laura," he says as he embraces her. "It's been much too long. Why,the last time we were together I was very mean to you. I hope you've forgivenme."

Laura quivers under his touch. Instead of horses, she can smell only sourmale body odor on him. "Oh.h..h y.y.yes," she stammers stupidly. She triesunsuccessfully to pull away from him.

Like his father, Wilber holds the young girl by the shoulders at arms length. "I'mso happy you've agreed to celebrate your Sweet Sixteen here at the farm," hesays.

Laura smiles weakly and Uncle says. "Cousin Laura must be anxious to meetyour friends, Wilber. Why don't you take her in to see them? We'll follow along."

The fat young man releases Laura's shoulders and takes her by the hand. Hepunches a combination into the keypad and the lock disengages. He opens thedoor and leads Laura into the pony stable. Uncle Arthur and her parents follow.The first thing she notices is that the stalls are much narrower than normalhorse stalls. They must be raising miniature horses, she thinks. There aresix stalls on each side of the aisle. All are empty. Another thing that strikesher as odd is the fact that there is no horse smell in this part of the stable.Wilber leads his cousin towards another double doorway. As they approach, Lauracan hear the crack of a whip. Her cousin opens the door and they enter a largeroom that contains an exercise ring where horses can be trained. For a moment,Laura's mind can't believe her eyes. The sound of the sharp crack of a whipbrings her to her senses. In the center of the ring are her three friends.They are wearing bizarre outfits. Her uncle laughs and says. "As you can see,my dear. Your friends are not exactly taking care of ponies. In fact, they'rebecoming ponies.

Laura is too stunned to resist when her cousin pulls her into the ring soshe can observe more closely. Her three friends, whom she has known since kindergartenare naked – at least they're not wearing clothes. They have been positionedthree abreast. The girls are trotting around in a circle. They are pullinga heavy horizontal iron bar that is four feet off the ground and twenty-fivefeet long. One end of the bar is attached to a large swivel that is boltedto the top metal pillar that is imbedded to the floor of the ring. Laura isshocked to see Waldo, her family's chauffeur, holding the whip. When the girlsslow down, he flicks the end of the whip into their tender bums. Mary, Kimand Sue are bathed is sweat. Blood trickles down from the corners of theirmouths and down their inner thighs. Laura can hear them panting from theirefforts.

The three girls' outfits are almost identical. On their feet are bizarreboots. They are made of hard molded black plastic. They have been molded sothat the teenagers are forced to stand on their toes. However, these bootshave no heels. The tops of the boots stop half way up her calves. They maketheir feet look like horse's hooves. Uncle Arthur says to his niece that theinsides of the boots are lined with hundreds of sharp plastic studs. "Not sharpenough to break their skin, but sharp enough to cause them constant pain." Eachgirl has a rough steel bit in her mouth, held in place by a leather strap.Mrs Gibson asks her brother-in-law why thin rivulets of blood are leaking fromthe sides of the girls' mouths. He explains that a horse's bit us usually placedin the space between its front and back teeth. "These girls had no spaces soWilber pulled out two of their teeth," he continues with a laugh.

"Yes," says Wilber. "I'm getting quite good at dentistry. The trick is tomake sure the ponygirl is tightly restrained 'cause I don't use any anesthetic."

Laura stares closely at her friends. They bits jammed in their mouths pushback the corners of their lips into the hideous parody of a smile. Their prettypaces are even more distorted. Wilber has fastened a tight black leather straparound the top of the each girl's head. It has a small silver ring sewn atthe centre of her forehead. Two silver chains run from the ring down the girl'sface to the ends of metal hooks that painfully pull up her nostrils.

Laura looks at her parents. She can't understand how they can calmly acceptwhat her uncle and cousin have done to her friends. Instead of being repelled,her father appears delighted. Uncle Arthur tells Waldo to stop the girls fora moment so that they can take a closer look at them. The ponygirls stop andstand still. Laura and her parents come up to them. The girls are all aboutthe same height – two inches shorter than Laura's five foot six. However,with their boots forcing then on their toes, they are the same height as Laura.Each girl has a one-inch golden ring in each of her nipples. Mr Gibson goesup to Mary. Kim stands on her right side and Susan her left. He hooks his fingersinto her nipple rings. With a nasty smile he pulls, stretching the poor girl'sbreasts "Mary," he says. "I remember you coming over to our house in the summertime. You always wore a T-shirt and no bra. I'm sure you did it to get me excited.Well, you did you little cock-tease. I was fascinated by the way your hardlittle nips pressed against the thin fabric. I wondered what color they were.Now I know--pink." While he was speaking he continued to pull on the teensbreast nubbins until they were stretched a full inch from her titties. Hispulling has re-opened the fresh wounds made to her titty buds when the ringswere pushed through them earlier that day. Blood oozes down her breasts. MrGibson doesn't care.

While her daddy is torturing her friend's breasts, Wilber leads Laura behindthe girls so that she can inspect their backsides. Each girl's arms have beenforced behind her back. She has been made to grasp her elbow with her handso that her forearms are parallel. From fingertip to elbows, her arms are trappedin a single, tightly laced black leather sleeve. Uncle Arthur explains thatponies don't have hands and neither do ponygirls. Laura is so shocked by thesight of her friends in this bizarre bondage that only now does she realizethat the long, straight hair that had been the pride and joy of each girl hasbeen cut from her head. Wilber and his father have used each girl's hair tofashion a tail. He fastened her tresses to a long butt plug that they haveshoved deep into the girl's asshole. In fact, the hair was attached to an "S"-shaped rod that protrudes from the end of the ass plug so that the tail appearsto be growing out of the top of the crack of the girl's bum. Each girl hasa narrow black leather belt tightly cinching her waist. A ring, sewn into thefront of the belt is fastened to a thin metal chain. This chain passes downand between the legs of each captive. The other end of the chain is hookedto the rotating metal bar that the girls have been forced to pull round andround for hours. Cousin Wilber explains that the swivel to which the bar isattached has a variable friction brake. "It's been adjusted so that each girlis pulling the equivalent of one hundred pounds," he says.

"So that's why the chains are imbedded so deeply in their pussies," remarksLaura's father. "It's nice to see, Mary, that your cuffs and collar matches." Heruns his fingers through Mary's red pubic hair. He orders Mary to step backand slacken the tension on the chain. When she does, he shoves two of his fingersdeep into her cunt. She grunts around her bit. "You're not a virgin!" he exclaimsin mock horror.

"Well she was one when she got here," says Wilber. "I just couldn't resistplucking her cherry."

"You always were an impetuous boy," Uncle Arthur admonishes. "She's onlyfifteen. You should have waited until her birthday. Like we're going to dofor pretty Laura here."

Laura gasps and tries to twist away from her cousin but he grips the backof her neck tightly. He laughs at her feeble attempts to escape and continues. "Now,now, Laura. Calm down. Don't you know the old motto, 'When cherries turn red,they're ready for plucking. When girls turn sixteen, they're ready for fucking.'We're going to pluck your cherry tomorrow at your Sweet Sixteen and then addyou to our growing herd of ponygirls."

Laura turns to her mother. "Mother, please get me out of this! I don't understandwhat's happening. Take me out of here! I want to go home."

Mrs Gibson smiles calmly and says. "But you are home, dear. Your father andI sold you to Uncle Arthur, just as the parents of Mary, Kim and Susan havedone. By the way, they're to join us later tonight. Anyhow, you're to spendthe summer here, learning how to be good ponygirls. In September, you and yourlittle friends will be sent to Switzerland. In fact, you're all going to attendthe Schadenfreude Academy as planned. After all, it's the only school specializingin the advanced training of ponygirls. This summer your uncle and cousin willdetermine if you are best suited for dressage, jumping or racing. Next summeryou and your little friends will participate in the annual ponygirl show heldat Thanatos Ranch in Mexico."

Laura desperately tries to break away from her cousin. She manages to eludehis grasp but her father grabs her by her blond ponytail as she rushes by him.She screams and falls backward onto the dirt floor of the ring. She lies onher back. The front of her kilt has flipped up, revealing her white thong panties.Her dad straddles her waist. Cousin Wilber kneels at her feet and removes hershoes and knee socks. Her father rips open the front of her blouse and breaksthe thin silk ribbon that connects the two cups of her bra. The fifteen year-old'screamy breasts stand proudly on her chest. Mr Gibson grabs her nipples. Herolls each one between his thumb and forefinger. The red berries engorge andswell until each one extends more than half an inch from her well-defined aureole.Uncle Arthur says that her nipples are so long that he could probably put tworings through each one. The teenager kicks in vain as her dad sits on her hips.He leans forward and kisses her mouth. Laura's struggles intensify when herfather insinuates his tongue between her lips. Enraged, the girl bites downon her daddy's tongue. He bellows and sits up. His tongue is bleeding. "Youlittle bitch," he shouts. Mr Gibson grabs Laura by the chin. He pinches hernose closed with his other hand so that she is forced to open her mouth tobreath. As soon as she does, he leans forward and spits a gob of bloody spittleonto her tongue.

With the help of his brother and nephew, Laura is quickly relieved of herkilt and thong.

"I know we plan to pop Laura's cherry tomorrow on her birthday," her fathersays. "But there's nothing to prevent us from buggering the little bitch righthere and now."

They force the girl on her knees and then push her forward down into thedirt. She is facing her three friends. Through tear-filled eyes she sees Waldoflick his whip and the girls begin pulling the weighted bar in circles. WhileUncle Arthur steps on her neck, her dad kicks her knees apart, revealing thetight rosebud of her virgin asshole. She can hear him unzipping his fly. Hekneels between her legs. She jerks when he spits onto her asshole. He thenspits on his hand and rubs the saliva over his swollen cock. Her mother liftsher skirt and straddles her daughter's upturned bum. Facing her husband, hetakes his cock and places the tip at the opening of Laura's anus. The teenagerscreams as her dad forces his dick into her bum. She tries to squirm away butit being held too tightly. The muscles around her asshole feel like they aretearing as they are forced open. The head of her father's cock is now buriedin her ass.

"OW!! Stop!!" Her cries echo around the ring. Of course her father ignoresher and relentlessly drives his cock into her ass. Soon four inches are imbeddedin her gut. Her father is grunting with effort. "This hurts me, almost as muchas it does you," he grunts as he shoves another inch of man meat up her ass.

"Well, dear," says his wife. "If you weren't in such a hurry I'm sure wecould have found you some lubricant to grease your pole before you plungedit into Laura."

By now, six inches of her father's dick are imbedded in his daughters ass.Laura an feel his pubic hair tickling her bum. She gasps as he begins to pistonis rod in and out of her asshole. "God, she's nice and tight," he grunts. MrsGibson uses her hands to spread apart her daughter's ass cheeks so she canwatch her husband ravish the young girl.

"Oh, oh, Donald," she says. " Your dick is streaked with blood. I think youtore something. You didn't hurt yourself did you?"

"No," grunts her husband. "I think that's Laura's blood."

"Oh, good," replies Mrs Gibson. "As long as your OK, dear."

After five minutes, Laura's father gasps and empties a load of hot semeninto his daughter's ass. He pulls out. A mixture of blood and sperm start toooze out of Laura's asshole.

"You want to do her next, Art?" Laura's dad asks his brother.

"I'd be delighted," he responds.

The two brothers trade places. Her father now stands on Laura's neck andher uncle stands between her legs.

"Now I know that Laura is a virgin," Arthur says. "But I don't know wherethat dick of yours has been, Donald. I don't care if Laura here gets AIDS,but I don't want to get it. In anticipation of this, I brought a condom anda special lubricant." Laura can't see him reach into his pocket and removesa cocksafe. He hands it to the girl's mother who's still sitting on her daughter'slower back.

"Emily, would you do the honors," he says as he takes his cock out of hispants.

"I'd be delighted," she responds.

Uncle Arthur's cock is limp so his sister-in-law takes it in her hand, bendsforward and sucks it into her mouth. In less than a minute she has used herskilled tongue to make Arthur's cock swell to its full eight-inch length. Hepulls his cock from her mouth with a pop. Laura's mother sits up and smiles.She takes the condom out of its wrapper and rolls it over Arthur's cock.

"The lubricant?" she asks.

"Yes, of course," says Arthur. He reaches into his pocket and removes a smalljar that he hands to Emily. She looks at the label and laughs.

"Oh my, Laura," she says over her shoulder. "This should make you squirm."

She opens the jar. Inside is a red paste. It is thirty- percent honey andseventy percent pulverized Habanero chilies. Mrs Gibson dips three fingersinto the paste and gasps. "Ow!!," she cries as she shakes her hand and rubsher fingers on her dress. "I forgot I had a paper cut on my ring finger," shegasps. "God, does it ever burn."

"Sorry, my dear," says Uncle Arthur. "I should have warned you. Just usetwo fingers to spread the jelly."

Emily Gibson does so and soon the condom is covered with a thick layer ofhoney and chili paste.

Arthur kneels between the fifteen year-old's legs. He watches the blood andsperm continue to drip from her asshole and along the lips of her virgin pussy.He warns his brother to make sure he's got his foot planted firmly on Laura'sneck. He then places the tip of his cock against the girl's asshole.

She howls in pain. This is the worst pain she's ever felt in her young life.A red-hot poker wouldn't have hurt so much. Her cries get louder as Uncle Arthurplows his hot cock into her butt. The fiery paste burns the lining of her gut.Laura's eyes fill with tears. She can no longer see her friends as they continuallycircle the pillar in the middle of the ring. Her cries drown out the crackof Waldo's whip as it flicks tiny pieces of flesh from the her schoolmates'bums.

Arthur is turned on by his niece's pain and it doesn't take long for himto cum. He grunts loudly several times and then pulls his cock out of Laura'sass. The pain in her backside has only slightly diminished. Most of the hotpaste remains inside her.

Her father lifts his foot from her neck and her mother gets off of her. Theyflip her over on her back. Uncle Arthur has carefully removed the condom. Itdangles from his fingers. It must be half-filled with his cum. He watches withgreat pleasure as Wilber and Laura's parents force the girl's feet into thesame type of hoof-boot that her friends have been forced to wear. They pullher to a standing position and she totters as she tries to keep her balance.Already the muscles of her thighs and calves are feeling strained. The tinyplastic studs that line the inside of each boot torment her flesh. Worst ofall, is the pain in her toes. They have been forced to curl so that her weightis supported by the tops of her toes. Her father and uncle force the girl tothe edge of the practice ring. She is positioned between two vertical ten-foothigh wooden posts. While Laura was being bum-fucked by her dad and uncle, Wilberhad gone into the stables. He now returns holding a leather case. He placesthe case on the ground and opens it up.

"Make sure you're holding her real tight," he says to his father and uncle.Uncle Arthur pushes the upper edge of the sperm-filled condom through a nailsticking out of the left post. The two men grab Laura's arms and shoulders.The girl cannot move. She watches her cousin with trepidation. Her assholestill burns. What horrors are next?

Cousin Wilber stands up. He is holding a pair of pliers and a long, sharpneedle in his hands. Laura struggles futilely as he approaches and grabs thetip of her left nipple with his pliers. He pulls the nipple out and placesthe tip of the needle on the side of the fleshy morsel. Laura's screams hurttheir ears as her cousin pushes the needle through to the other side of hernipple. Blood oozes out of the wounds when he pulls the needle out. Wilbergoes to his leather case and removes a golden ring. The ring isn't closed.A half-inch gap separates the "male" end of the ring from the "female" end.He threads one end of the ring through her wounded nipple. Once it's through,he uses a different type of pliers to close the small gap, forming a perfectcircle. Laura is continues to cry. Her misery is increased by the knowledgethat her cousin is now going to do the same atrocious thing to her right nipple.After he does, the girl needs to be supported or she will fall down.

Her mother stands in front of her. "Laura," she says as she grasps a handfulof her daughter's sweat-soaked blond hair. "We want you to get used to yourpony boots as quickly as possible so we're going to leave you here for a fewhours. You can watch Waldo put you friends through their paces." As she speaks,she idly dips her finger into her daughter's blood and rubs it on the girl'slips. "Natural lip gloss," she jokes. She attaches four-foot long fine chainsto each of her daughter's brand new nipple rings. The men position Laura betweenthe two posts. Wilber runs the end of the chain attached to Laura's left breastto a bracket near the top of the ten-foot post. Arthur increases his hold onLaura while his brother passes the end of the other nipple chain through anidentical bracket on the opposite post. Nephew and uncle look at each otherand smile. Laura shrieks as the two men simultaneously pull down on his chain.Her nipples are pulled up viciously. They are stretched up and out at a forty-fivedegree angle. The two men lock the chains in place. The all steps back to admiretheir work. Fifteen year-old Laura Gibson is hanging by her nipples from postsat the edge of a practice ring. Her normally round breasts have been pulledinto cone shapes. If she falters, her nipples will be horribly torn. She isforced to stand on sadistically designed pony boots. Her body is already bathedin sweat.

"Mom, Dad," she begs. "Please let me down. What have I done to deserve this?Please, please let me go. I won't tell anyone what happened. Keep the otherthree girls. I don't care what you do to them. Just let me go."

"Noisy little cunt, ain't she," jokes Uncle Arthur. "I think we'd bettergag her. But first…." Arthur retrieves the cum-filled condom from thenail on which he hooked it. He looks into it. "Oh dear," her says. "A fly hadcrawled in and appears to be drowning."

Arthur walks up to his niece. "Open wide," he orders.

Laura just glares at him until her jerks the chain pulling her right nipple.She shouts out in pain and Arthur empties the contents of the condom into hermouth. The teenager gags on the cold slimy mess as it slides along her tongue.She can feel the dead fly tickling the back of her throat before sliding intoher stomach. Arthur then pops the condom into her mouth. There is sufficienthot pepper paste to burn her tongue. However, before she can spit it out, Wilberhands his uncle a penis-gag that the older man shoves into his niece's mouth.Laura can feel the rubber cock hit the back of her throat. Arthur keeps pushinguntil the pliable body of the gag bend into her throat. He then uses the strapsat the base of the gag to hold it in place.

Uncle Arthur tells Laura that he and the others are going back to the houseto wait for her friends' parents. They'll all be back after dinner so thatthey all can participate in her transformation into a ponygirl. "In the meantime," hesays. "I'll leave you hear to watch Waldo and your friends.

They all depart and Laura is alone. She watches as her friends go round andround. Blood leaks down their thighs as the chains imbedded in their pussieschafe their tender flesh. Once Mary falters and falls forward. She shrieksas her cunt chain is forced deeper between her legs. Waldo goes up to the kneelinggirl and pulls her to a standing position by her nipple rings.

The pain in Laura's nipples is growing worse by the minute. Her hands arefree but she can do nothing to relieve the pressure on her tits or feet. Likeall places that have horses, the stables of Singing Nettles Farm has more thanits fair share of flies. It doesn't take long for them to find Laura. For awhile, she uses her hands to brush away the insects as they swarm around herand try to land on her skin. However, after about twenty minutes, she is tooexhausted to resist. She needs all her energy just to remain standing. Dozensof fat green flies land on her tits and ass. They crawl up her thighs. Shecan feel their ticklish feet as they try to crawl into the crack of her ass.The even land on her face.

After half an hour, Waldo stops the three ponygirls. The exhausted teenagersare panting. One at a time, he unhooks them from the bar and brings them toposts similar to the ones to which Laura is attached. Using lengths of chain,he hooks the ends of their steel gags to buckles in the posts. When he is done,they are trapped in a similar position to Laura. They cannot sit down. At leastthey are not hanging by their tits like she is. However, they still have theirhands tied behind them. There is no way they can resist the flies that quicklyswarm over their sweating bodies.

Laura watches Waldo come toward her. The scrawny man is holding a ridingcrop in his hand. He stops in front of her. "Laura," he says. "I've been waitingyears to see you get what you deserve. In fact, it's the only reason I stayedaround." He reaches out and runs his hand along the bottom of the girl's leftbreast. "You shur got purty titties," he mocks in a fake hillbilly accent. "Yougot a purty mouth, too," he jokes. "I only wish them lips were wrapped aroundmy cock instead of that rubber one."

He unzips his fly and pull out his cock. "I bet if I unfasten the chainsfrom those titty rings and let you rest on your knees, you'd happily suck mycock," he says. He's stroking his cock as he speaks. Laura nods in agreement.Right now, she'd do anything to get out of this mess, if only for a few moments.

"Well, girlie," Waldo says. "I've got no intention of letting you down. Whytomorrow, I'll get in line to fuck you, and your little stuck up friends. Hestrokes his cock with one hand and uses the other to run the end of his ridingcrop up the inside of Laura's thigh. He taps the crop against her pussy lips. "Youknow, Laura," he says. "I'm real hurt that you didn't invite me to join youruncle and daddy to fuck you up your ass. It's the least you could've done tomake up for all the times I had to endure your bitchy behavior." As he speaks,he slaps his crop against the inside of Laura's left knee. She jerks her legaway, and screams when the chains stretch her nipples further. Waldo laughsand comes closer to her. He places his left foot inside Laura's right. "Whatdo you think would happen," he asks. "If I were to kick your hoof out fromunder you?"

Visions of split nipples spurting hot blood flood her mind. She shakes herhead desperately. Please, please, don't do it, she begs him with her eyes.Waldo smiles and runs his hands over her body. He starts with her ass and thenmoves to her belly. Next, he raises his hands to her breasts. Taking one ineach hand, he squeezes them. He is standing so close now that the end of hiscock is poking her belly. He's breathing hard when he grabs her nipple chainsand pulls both of them up. The penis gag muffles Laura's cry, but the lookof horror in her eyes is sufficient to make Waldo cum. His cock shoots a loadof hot sperm onto his boss's daughter's belly. He lets go of the chains andsteps back. He watches as his cock grease slides down her belly and into herblond pubic hair.

"Well, that was fun," he says as he zips himself up. He leaves the ring.Laura and her three best friends remain suspended. She tries not to imaginewhat horrors she will suffer when her family returns.

………………………….End of Part 1.

If you wish to contact the author about this or any other of his stories,you may by e-mail at [email protected]

Same as A Pony for Her Sweet Sixteen Videos

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Preachers Wife Chapter 3 from Preadhers Daughter

Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...

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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 6

I pulled off the messed up sheet and prepared our bed while he arranged the tub. As I got into the bathroom, I realised that it was not just a bath tub, but a Hamam with aromatic oils, candles and fragrant potions arranged in a neat line. Three steps led to the edge of the circular Hamam. Did Sweetpea plan to spoil me tonight? The tub was filled with scented water, petals of flowers floating in it. As I stepped into it, warm water touched my feet. Sweetpea was sitting in a corner, as he...

2 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Sixteen

Right from the Start: Chapter Sixteen - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door who has now married Simone; Mrs Jane Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Sandra: Simone & Dorie Lou's lesbian friends; Mary: The 'bi' while her spouse Sandra is lesbian; Toni and Paula: Their Italian lesbian friends; Mrs Webster: Their old form Teacher Doctor Wendy: Simone's Endocrinologist Doctor Julie: Simone's Psychiatrist. Sophia & Alicia: Mary and...

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Pony Girl

It was a cool autumn Saturday morning in rural western Pennsylvania. Vern rose early, yawned, stretched, and gazed out his bedroom window onto his 100-acre farm several miles from the town of Kittanning. It wasn't much of a farm, though; most if his land was woods and he had only one animal: a pony. In a mood to go for a ride, he showered and put on his boots, jeans, and western shirt. Before going out to the barn, he warmed a pot of coffee and toasted a muffin. Perhaps he'd bring his trusty...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

4 years ago
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Our Stories Sheris Wild Lesbian NightThe Recap

After our encounter with Tara and Charlene, I had a feeling Sheri was going to keep exploring. We were getting on the bus to go home the following morning. I was up early, so I went down to the beach one last time. Sheri saw me from her balcony and blew me a kiss. I did the same and headed back to my room to get my stuff. I got on the bus and found my seat near the back. I watched out the window as Sheri, Charlene, Tara, and a junior named Heather were headed to the bus together. That was odd...

Wife Lovers
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The story of Peaches and Sweetpea Part 2

We wrapped up the shooting of 'The Night of death'. As planned earlier, my show Suspense Nights was a weekly show, that was set to be aired sat-sun, 8 pm. I wanted to be with my family for the grand premier of the show, and took the first flight to New Delhi. My parents are the highest Rank holders of IAS and IPS services and both their official residences are in New Delhi. Usually I pay visit to my home once in a year during the annual festival in The Mother Goddess's honour. So my...

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Sherry is Sweet

I had introduced my best friend’s daughter, Brandy, to the lovely aspects of sex. She had left her horrible college roommate and found a new one. A female one this time. From her frequent phone calls she sounded very happy with the switch. From her description, I could tell that Brandy and Sherry were total contrasts physically. Brandy was a little Latina with full breasts and a luscious ass. She had long glossy raven hair. Sherry was a little perky redhead with freckles. Brandy didn’t really...

1 year ago
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Sherry is Sweet

I had introduced my best friend's daughter, Brandy, to the lovely aspects of sex. She had left her horrible college roommate and found a new one. A female one this time. From her frequent phone calls she sounded very happy with the switch. From her description, I could tell that Brandy and Sherry were total contrasts physically. Brandy was a little Latina with full breasts and a luscious ass. She had long glossy raven hair. Sherry was a little perky redhead with freckles. Brandy didn't really...

Group Sex
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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

3 years ago
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Present For CheriseChapter 2

Cherise let out a squeal of surprise and jumped from the bed. "A dog!" she shouted. "You brought a dog for me to fuck? Oh James, you're the best brother in the whole wide world." She jumped up into her brother's arms and kissed him then turned and knelt on the floor next to Tobie. She wrapped her arms around him and stroked his fur. "Oh he's beautiful," she exclaimed hugging the dog to her naked body. Toby whined softly in his throat and responded to Cherise's caresses by licking...

1 year ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess11e18 Cheryl Atkins 57 from Watford

Once again, we start the show with an establishing shot, taken on location in our guest’s home city ... This week it’s a large orange/brown brick structure – a council administration building. Concrete steps lead up to oversized wooden double doors, large windows look down from the upper floor. To one side the building continues in a similar design, to the other side a modern building with much more glass and steel. This is Watford Town Hall, and beside it the modern ‘Colosseum’...

4 years ago
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My InheritanceChapter 42 The Hermit

The truck crawled across the hard packed dirt path toward the foothills on this high plateau. All three women had been quiet since we left the motel. It was an uneasy silence. Perhaps I should have missed the enjoyable banter or sweet sounds they normally emitted, but my mind had only one focus: the formula. They had dressed that morning to please me, as they always should. Each wore a thin, plain white T-shirt with a scoop neck. It was more sexy than if they were naked with their breasts...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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UK Uni Freshers Week Popping my Cherry

They always say that new experiences happen on Freshers week. When I left my rural town to go to Manchester Uni I knew I was in for a life changing experience, just not the path it took me.My names Ashleigh and I went off to Manchester to study Maths. It was daunting going in on the first day not really knowing anyone. Plucking up the courage I chatted to a few people on the bus in, in the halls and in my first lecture. I really began to settle. I settled so much that in my first week I...

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A nurse with an anal fetish performs procedures on her boyfriend with a rectal thermometer an enema bulb and a gloved hand

The loving couple sat in the living room watching a love story on TV. It was about a doctor and a nurse. Sue being a nurse couldn’t resist medical fetishes. She pulled Jays shorts off and laid him across her lap. “Oooooo…” he moaned as she rubbed his back. Little did he know what she had in store. Her clit was swollen and twitching as she watched the doctor on TV kissing and fondling his nurse’s privates. She grabbed a rectal thermometer and shook it down....

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