The Three Signs - Book 1 - CathyChapter 13: Lazy Days Of Summer free porn video

Cathy and I had a late breakfast on Sunday morning; it was still overcast outside, and looked like there could be more rain later in the day. Actually, despite having slept together the whole night – just sleeping, too – our mood was a sombre as the weather.
“I miss her already, you know,” Cathy said out of the blue.
I didn’t have to ask Cathy who ‘her’ was; I was also feeling sad at not being able to be with Lori for the next few weeks.
“Me too,” I said. “How come Janelle gets to go with her, and not us?” I complained. “No, that’s not fair, it’s not Janelle’s fault, and she deserves to have a good holiday anyway. Besides, we still have at least three days to ourselves, even if the weather isn’t all that good.”
“Yeah, your right, I guess,” Cathy said. “Having my period doesn’t help, either, I tend to get a bit moody with it, and we can’t do much while I have it.”
“Why not?” I asked. “I mean, it’s not as if we are going to have sex, and if there’s a bit of blood, well, we just have to make sure we don’t make a mess anywhere. Besides, just being together is pretty good, we should enjoy it while we can.”
“Yeah, that’s right, I will be back at Mrs Francis’s place after New Year, probably Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays,” Cathy said. “You will be practicing your music a lot, too.”
“Well, what shall we do today?” I asked. “It looks like rain, so the beach is probably out, unless you don’t mind getting wet?”
“I often get wet with you,” she said, laughing. “In several ways, so a bit of rain isn’t going to hurt, will it?”
“Nope, we have got wet from more than just rain lately,” I replied.
“Okay, let’s get moving,” she instructed. “We won’t need to take towels or stuff like that, I’ll just leave a note for Davy. Assuming he comes back this morning.”
We quickly changed, putting our swimmers on underneath shorts and tee shirts. Cathy ducked into the bathroom, and returned a minute later after flushing the toilet.
“Not like you to have a pee before we go out,” I said.
“I didn’t have a pee,” she said. “I just put a fresh tampon in, and got rid of the old one. Just as well I put it in last night before we went to bed, or I would have to wash my sheets.”
“Well, that would have given us something else to do,” I said.
“I haven’t had to do that for a few months,” she said. “I am pretty regular now; I know when it is going to start. The first twelve hours are the heaviest, anyway.”
We walked down the road to the beach, and as I expected, the beach was deserted. Not even the surfboard riders were out in their stretch of beach; the storms had made the waves too lumpy and confused for good surfing. This time decided to head south, towards Warriewood, rather than our usual spot at Bungan.
It was nice, just Cathy and I on the beach, as if it was our own private island. We had an arm around each other, and the feeling of her body bumping and rubbing against mine as we walked along the sand was comforting. After a minute or two, I took my tee shirt off, as the day was getting warm, and tucked it in the waistband at the back of my shorts. Cathy looked at me, and did the same.
“If I was sure we wouldn’t meet anyone else, I would take my top off, too,” she said.
She could have taken her top off; there wasn’t a single person other than the two of us on either Mona Vale or Warriewood beaches. However, there were quite a few houses overlooking Warriewood beach, so it was probably just as well. Warriewood was a much shorter beach than Mona Vale, and it only took a few minutes once we walked by the headland until we were at the pool at the southern end.
“Let’s walk around the rocks, to see where Davy wants to go diving,” Cathy said.
She scrambled up onto the rock platform behind the pool, and I joined her. We walked about fifty metres around the platform, clambering around a few parts where the cliff face almost reached the water, until a deep channel, about ten feet across blocked our way.
“Looks like we can’t get much further,” Cathy said, “that is, unless you want to swim?”
I looked down into the channel, and decided that while it wouldn’t be too difficult to dive in, and climb out, I really didn’t feel like swimming. The sun had come out, but the waves were still a little rough to risk it.
“Nah, I’ll give it a miss,” I replied. “It’s not the best conditions for swimming, I think.”
“Yeah, why don’t we just sit here and enjoy what sun is out?” she said, resting against the rock wall.
I sat down next to her; she had found a place facing northeast where the surrounding cliff face shielded us from the beach, and she removed her bikini top and placed it on the rock next to her tee shirt.
“Why don’t you take you swimmers off” she asked me. “There’s no one around to see.”
“I will if you will,” I replied as I slipped out of my shorts and swimmers.
“Well, I guess so,” she replied. “It’s just with, you know, my period, and all that. Just don’t look too closely there, you know.”
“Sure, that’s fine,” I replied.
Cathy stood up, and looked closely at the crotch of her bikini bottoms as she slid them down. Maybe she was worried about blood being there or something.
We sat there, both naked, for a while, leaning back against the rocks. I placed an arm around Cathy’s shoulders, and let my fingers brush against her breast. It was warm in the sun, and I closed my eyes for a few seconds.
When I opened them, it was now colder. I guess I must have drifted off to sleep; Cathy had as well. But the sun had disappeared behind some ominous black clouds.
“I think we should head back home, Kat,” I said, pointing up at the storm clouds.
“What? Where?” Cathy was a bit confused, but once she was fully awake, saw what I was looking at. “Oh, it’s got a lot colder now,” she added, wrapping her arms around her chest. I noticed her nipples were very erect, with little goose bumps all around them.
We quickly pulled our clothes back on, and made our way back around the rocks to the beach. We hadn’t got all that far – just past the low cliff between Mona Vale and Warriewood beaches – when the storm broke. There was a huge clap of thunder, and the rain started. Within twenty seconds we were both soaked to the skin. There was little point in trying to run; it was probably a mile or more to Cathy’s place, and all running would do is flick sand up on our wet bodies.
The rain was even heavier; it was now almost impossible to see the ocean through it. Cathy pulled her tee shirt and bikini top off, and spun around with her arms outstretched.
“It is still warm,” she said, as she slid the rest of her clothes off. “Dance naked with me in the rain.”
I quickly peeled my sodden clothes off, and tossed them on the sand next to hers. I could feel my hair plastered to my head, and I grabbed Cathy, and wrapped my arms around her as we let the rain pour over our bodies. Somehow we managed to trip over each other, and we ended up on the sand, rolling over until we were covered in wet sand.
“Urk,” Cathy exclaimed as she disentangled herself. “I’m all sandy now, yuk!”
“Don’t worry, this rain will quickly wash it off,” I said.
As I thought, it didn’t take long for the rain to wash the sand off our bodies, and we picked up our drenched clothes, and resumed our walk along the beach. The rain showed no signs of letting up, in fact it got heavier, if that was possible. We saw more flashes of lightning, and crashes of thunder were louder than before. After one very loud crash, almost right above us, Cathy jumped and held me tightly.
“Shit!” she exclaimed. “That was almost right above us! It scared me, too; I even peed a bit.”
“Well, you can go right here and it won’t make a difference,” I said. “I’ve never tried peeing while I walked; I wonder if I can do it?”
“I could try that too,” Cathy said. “I’m pretty full right now; watch and see if you can see it.”
I stood in front of her, and walked backwards as Cathy walked along.
“Okay, I’m about to pee,” she said. “Can you see it?”
I looked closely at her groin and the insides of her thighs, but with all the wetness from the rain, it was difficult to make anything out. Maybe there were one or two streams, slightly darker, more yellow, but I was only guessing. Then she walked with her legs further apart, and I could see several spurts as they came from her pussy before running down her legs.
“Well? Did you see it?” she asked me.
“Only a bit,” I said. “I thought I saw a few spurts.”
“I could feel it, all warm as it ran down my legs,” she said. “Your turn now, let me see you pee.”
I concentrated on peeing at the same time as taking small backward steps, but I ended up tripping over and falling on my back.
“You will have to walk backwards,” I said. “This is harder than I thought!”
I stood up, and brushed the sand off my bum. The rain would wash the rest from my back soon enough. Once Cathy started walking slowly backwards, I walked forward, close to her. My prick was partially erect, pointing slightly upwards. I focused my attention on Cathy’s breasts, and tried to imagine a stream of pee shooting from my prick towards them.
“Okay, I think it is about to start,” I said, and felt the first flow of my pee moving through my prick.
As I took each step, my prick swayed from side to side, and bobbed slightly up and down. The first spurt went to one side, and as I took another step, my prick – and the stream of pee – swung across in an arc, squirting on Cathy’s stomach.
“At least hold it still,” she said, giggling.
I reached down to steady my prick, and let my pee flow again. This time, the stream was steady and solid, and I made sure it hit Cathy on her stomach. I aimed slightly higher, splashing the flow over her breasts, and then moved it down to spray her pussy. She was laughing harder all the time, until she tripped over, falling backwards on the sand. My feet got caught in hers, and I fell forward onto her. I put out my arms at the last second so I didn’t fall hard on top of her.
We were both laughing hard now, and I was still peeing, this time all over her stomach and pussy.
“You great clown!” she exclaimed once we had stopped laughing. What did you do that for, fall on top of me like that?”
“Me!” I replied. “It was you that fell over, and tripped me up!”
“Still, you pee is all warm on me,” she said. “But now I am all covered in sand.”
We picked ourselves up, and brushed the sand off as best we could. However, the rain has slackened off slightly, so we ran down to the water, and plunged into the waves to wash us clean. Back on the sand, Cathy pulled her bikini bottoms on, and I pulled my swimmers back on. Neither of us wanted to wear our wet, sandy shorts, so we continued along the beach wearing the minimum amount of clothing. Once we neared the path to Cathy’s street, she pulled her tee shirt on.
“Ugh!” she shuddered. “It’s all wet and sandy, and the sand is rubbing my nipples!”
“We’ll be home in a minute,” I said. “Maybe we could have a nice warm shower?”
“That sounds good,” she said. “Race you back!”
She reached the back door just ahead of me, and once inside, we peeled our clothes off and dropped them in a heap on the floor.
“I’ll do some laundry this afternoon,” she said as we walked, naked, up the hall to the bathroom.
We spent a long time in the shower, washing the sand and salt water off our bodies, and then making very sure each other was clean and warm. I made Cathy come twice, and then she rubbed me to a big orgasm, my come shooting over her breasts.
By the time we were dry and dressed, the rain had cleared, and there was blue sky to the east. As we were making lunch, I told Cathy that I really should head back to my place to make sure things were still right after the storm, and to get the leaves and branches that were no doubt in the swimming pool. I also needed to do some piano practice. She said that she wanted to experiment further with her darkroom, as there were several photos that she wanted to make decent prints. Since the sun was starting to come out, she would also do some washing.
I rode my bike home, and, as I had suspected, there were lots of leaves and twigs in the pool. I spent about an hour getting them out and raking up the rest of the yard, and made sure things were right before I went inside to practice songs for the group. I made a mental note that I should spend at least one hour – preferably two – each day practising.
While I was there, the phone rang; it was David calling from his place to discuss us going snorkelling the next day. It looked like the storms had finally cleared, so after we finished talking I went to the garage to grab my fins. After some more piano practice, I rode back to Cathy’s place.
David had returned to Gina’s, and with no one inside, I assumed Cathy would be in the darkroom. I knocked on the door, and she opened it.
“Here, this one’s for you,” she said, passing me a large photograph. “Maybe when she gets back, she will sign the back for you.”
It was another print of Lori that Cathy had taken a few months ago on her boat. I thought it was a fantastic one, and captured her spirit perfectly.
“Wow, that’s great, thanks,” I said.
“I have done a bunch of other ones, too,” she told me, pointing to all the prints hanging on the drying line. “But I want to go back up to West Head, and get some good black and white photos of some of the rock carvings. Do you think we could go one day, maybe next week?”
We made tentative arrangements to head back to the bushland on West Head, and Cathy tidied up the darkroom before we returned inside and started to prepare dinner. Afterwards, we sat around in the lounge room, just wearing shorts, reading and cuddling, before going off to bed together around 10:30. We just cuddled in bed, Cathy telling me that it would still be ‘too messy’ to do anything else, not until her period finished. But I was just happy to curl up with her to go to sleep.
Monday morning dawned a clear, sunny day, and Cathy and I started the day with a nice long shower. Once dressed, we had breakfast, and then sat around waiting for David and Gina to arrive. Cathy retrieved the morning paper from the front step, and was flicking through it.
“What was the name of that boat you were offered a crew position on?” she asked me.
“What? Oh, Im something, Impervious, Impossible?” I replied.
“Here we are – Improbable. They came sixth in the Sydney to Hobart race, fifth once the handicaps were done,” she told me. “That one that Mr Earle said would win – Helsal – it was the first over the line, just over three days racing. It was a long way down on the corrected time though.”
I looked through the results, and it sounded like they all had a great race. I wasn’t sure if I would want three days – or more – on one of those boats out in the ocean though. Eventually, David and Gina arrived, and we gathered up our swimming and snorkelling gear, some cold drinks and food, and headed off to the beach.
As soon as we reached the sand, Gina peeled off her tee shirt, and, unsurprisingly, she was wearing a rather skimpy string bikini. Cathy just looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I looked back at her, and rolled my eyes. Since the other two were in front of us, I made a gesture indicating ‘massive boobs’ with my hands, and then mimed Gina’s typical actions of trying to cover up an ‘accidental’ exposure. Cathy punched me lightly on the shoulder as she tried to suppress her laughter.
The four of us made light conversation as we walked the mile or so to the far end of Warriewood beach, each pair holding hands. Eventually we reached the place on the rock platform where Cathy and I had stopped the previous day, next to the channel.
“It’s better a bit further around,” David said. “Does everyone feel like swimming across the channel?”
We stripped to our swimming costumes, stuffing our clothes in the backpacks David and I were carrying. David swam across first, followed by Cathy, and then I made sure our packs were fastened properly, and tossed them over to him. Once our belongings were safely on the other side, I dove into the channel, and waited while Gina jumped in. Somehow, her bikini top managed to ride up – by ‘accident’, of course, and once she had swum to the other side of the channel, she asked me to help her up. All of this was giving me an unobstructed view of her rather large breasts; even larger than Janelle’s, I thought.
Once on the other side of the channel, Gina made a big fuss about fixing her top, and trying to cover each breast with the small patch of fabric. I just looked at Cathy and rolled my eyes.
“Why does she bother?” I whispered into Cathy’s ear. “I mean, it’s not as if none of us have seen her boobs before.”
“They look pretty well tanned, too, don’t they?” she whispered back.
She was right; Gina’s breasts were almost as well tanned as the rest of her body. So Cathy wasn’t the only one who sunbathed topless.
“Just around this next point,” David said.
We scrambled around the rocks, and there was a large, circular inlet in the rock platform, with a good-sized flat area next to the water to sit on. We spread our towels on the smoothest part of the rocks, and put our backpacks with the food and drink under a small rock in the shade. David wanted to go snorkelling straight away, but I told him I would lie in the sun for a while. Gina said that she would go with him, so Cathy and I lay on our towels together.
After a minute or two, Cathy asked me for the suntan oil, and asked me to rub it onto her. We could see where the two of them were swimming below the surface, and with us lying down, there would be no way they could see us unless they climbed out of the water. She pulled her bikini top up, and told me to rub oil onto her breasts.
“Or would you prefer to rub oil onto Gina’s?” she asked.
“Humph! I would need several more bottles of oil,” I replied. “They’re not my type at all, not at all.”
“So what are your type?” she asked as my fingers moved across her swelling nipples.
“Mouth sized,” I replied. “Firm, well-tanned, responsive, pert, just about this,” and I cupped my hands over her breasts “size.”
“What about Lori’s breasts?” she asked me. “Do you like the way not just her nipples, but the whole areola puffs up when she gets turned on? I think it looks pretty sexy, myself.”
“Yeah, hers are pretty nice, almost as nice as yours,” I replied.
“Very diplomatic, aren’t you?” she said, smiling. “Well, what about the way she shaves her pussy? It feels really sexy, how it is all smooth, with just that tuft of hair at the top. Would you like me to do that, too?”
“Um, well, maybe,” I replied. “It feels nice being smooth, but I like how yours feels, with just that soft hair on the side. Besides, if both of you were the same, and it was really dark, I couldn’t tell the difference between your two pussies.”
Cathy laughed at that. “Not even by taste?” she asked.
“No, you both have a very similar taste, so maybe you had better keep some hair around yours,” I answered.
“Okay, I will do that,” she replied, laughing.
We lay back in silence, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a while, until David and Gina made moves to come out of the water. Cathy quickly put her bikini top back on before they could see her.
I decided to go snorkelling, and put my fins on, and adjusted the mask that Gina had been using. David put the weight belt around my waist, and told me how to clear water from the mask. At the edge of the water, I looked down; it seemed to be quite deep. Holding the mask as David instructed me; I jumped in, feet first.
The weight belt was good, I could stay down about six feet under without having to swim to counteract the buoyancy, and David and I swam along the face of the wall, looking at all of the features. Anemones, little fish, and interesting rock formations were everywhere. When I needed to breathe, I could just swim up to near the surface, and use the snorkel before letting myself drift back down. I probably spent thirty minutes or more just swimming slowly around, marvelling at the sights. Finally, I felt that I had had enough for the moment, and swam back to the side of the rocks, and climbed out. Cathy and Gina were lying topless in the sun, and when they saw David and I returning, Cathy put her top back on, but Gina stayed topless.
“That was pretty good,” I said. “Thanks for showing me that, David. You should try it, Cathy, there’s all these little fish down there,”
I quickly dried myself off, and plonked myself back on my towel. The four of us talked for a while, drank some of our cool drink – despite the snorkel, I had managed to swallow some salt water, not really being accustomed to using one – and it was good to get that salty taste out of my mouth.
After a while, David wanted to go back in the water, apparently a little further around there was a cave in the cliff that you could only get to by swimming underwater. I didn’t feel like going back in yet, so Cathy grabbed my fins, and the spare mask, snorkel and belt, and went off with David. They swam across the inlet in front of us, climbed out on the other side, and then disappeared around the next cliff outcrop.
I sat back against the rock, feeling the warmth soaking into my back, and enjoying the view of the ocean. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Gina – still topless, of course – stand up.
“You wouldn’t mind, would you?” she asked me.
“Mind about what?” I asked; I must have missed what she said to me first.
“If I take everything off, silly,” she said, pulling her bikini bottoms down.
“What? No, that’s fine,” I said. As I looked at her, I saw the patch of light blonde hair around her groin. She was almost as well tanned there as elsewhere on her body, this certainly wasn’t the first time she had sunbathed nude.
“David and I often sunbathe nude,” she went on, “and I don’t mind if you take your swimmers off as well. Can you pass me the suntan oil from my bag?”
“Nah, I’ll be right,” I said. I certainly wasn’t going to strip off for her. “Here’s the oil,” I added, passing the bottle to her.
“Thanks, I don’t want to get that part of me burnt,” she said as she sat down.
Of course, she would have to sit facing me, her legs spread as she rubbed the oil on the top of her thighs, and around her pussy. She even ran her fingers around her pussy lips, spreading them slightly to rub between them.
“Now, normally David is pretty keen to do that for me,” she went on. “Maybe I should have asked you to do it, since he’s off in the water. When I turn over, could you do my backside for me?”
“Oh God no,” I silently groaned to myself. “Um, I guess so, if the others haven’t got back by then,” I said out loud to her.
Gina then started to rub the oil over her breasts, teasing her nipples with her fingers until they were starting to get erect. I decided the best approach would be to pretend I was going to doze off, so I rolled over onto my back, and put my head between my hands. Fortunately, it must have worked, because she didn’t get me to rub oil on her backside, at least not before she nudged my side.
“The other two are returning,” she said softly, and I saw her pulling her bikini bottoms back up. “I will have to get you to rub me, rub oil on me that is, later on.”
Cathy was excitedly telling me about the cave they swam into, describing how inside the water was translucent, lit by the sun from outside. Since it was close to lunchtime, we pulled out the food we had bought with us, and sat on our towels eating.
After we had finished and rested for a bit, Cathy suggested that she take me and show me the cave. That sounded like a good idea to me, particularly since it would give David a chance to take care of Gina’s oil – and other things. We swam across to the other side of the inlet, and once we were around the corner of the cliff, Cathy pulled me behind a rock.
“I also need to pee, too,” she said. “We can both go here, if you want. My period is passed the heavy stage, it shouldn’t look gross at all.”
“Ok, I need to go too,” I replied. “How do you want to do it?”
“The usual way, of course,” she replied. “Want to pee on my pussy? Or my tits?”
“All of them,” I replied, smiling as I pushed my swimmers down. “Are you ready?”
“I’ve been ready all morning,” she replied as she removed her bikini. Sitting back on a rock, with her legs spread, she looked at me and said, “I’m very ready.”
Aiming my prick at her, I squeezed the shaft gently to make it last longer for her. As I started to piss, I aimed the flow first on her stomach, and then moved it higher, watching my pee wash over her breasts, then moved down to her pussy. I could see the cotton thread of her tampon dangling from her pussy, but I aimed the flow above that, concentrating on her clitoris.
“Oh, that’s great,” she said softly. “Yeah, that’s right where I like it.”
When my flow finished, her breasts, stomach and groin were soaked. Standing up, she indicated I should sit.
“Your turn now,” she said. “I’ll sit astride you.”
She sat on my lap, with the head of my now erect prick pressing against her pussy. I could feel the warm, slippery wetness of her lips against my prick, and Cathy started to rock back and forward slightly; letting her pussy rub my stiff prick.
“Ok, here we go, I will try to keep it gentle to make it last for you,” she said.
I felt the warmth of her pee start to flow around the head of my prick, and when I looked down I could see it running down my shaft, and splashing on the rock at my feet. She kept rocking backward and forward, moving a little faster, and the sensations of her warm piss and the wet lips of her pussy on my prick were turning me on more and more. As she continued pissing on my prick, I bent forward to suck her breasts, rolling my lips over her hard nipples. Finally, she finished pissing.
“Oh, God that was good,” she said. “Quick, let’s get into the water and I’ll show you that cave.”
It took less than a minute to get our swimmers back on and to wear our snorkelling equipment, even though the head of my prick poked out the top of my swimmers. The cool water made my prick shrink slightly, but I could still feel it almost fully erect as Cathy led me towards the cliff face.
“The opening is about two feet below the surface,” she said. “It isn’t all that far in, maybe ten or so feet, just take a deep breath and follow me.”
She dove below the surface, and I took a deep breath and followed her down. The opening in the cliff wall was quite large, maybe six feet across, and descending down to the bottom, some twenty or more feet below. Kicking with my fins, I quickly swam through the entrance passage, and surfaced in a cave, completely enclosed in the rock. The only light was what filtered through the passage. At the far end, the cave floor rose quickly, and there was a stony platform that we climbed up on.
“This is great,” I said, once we had taken off our snorkelling gear.
“Quick, take those swimmers off, too,” Cathy said as she tore off her bikini. “I want you to rub me, make me come, and I want to do that to you, too.”
I started to rub her pussy, my fingers pushing between her set, slippery lips, and rubbing around her swollen clitoris. She already felt very aroused. As I moved my fingers lower, they brushed against the string from her tampon.
“Here, let me remove that for you,” she said, and pushed my hand to one side, and put the tampon behind a rock. “There shouldn’t be any blood now, at least not all that much. You don’t mind?”
“No, of course not,” I replied, and slid a finger inside her.
“Oh, God, yes, fuck me with your fingers,” she moaned.
She leant back against the wall of the cave with her legs wide apart, and I continued to rub her pussy, sliding my finger into her with each stroke. I placed my mouth to a breast, and started to suck on her nipple as I fingered her. Cathy was moaning loudly, imploring me to rub her, suck her and make her come. Within a minute her body tensed, and as she came she pushed my hand tightly against her pussy, forcing my finger deeper inside her.
Cathy’s legs seemed to go weak, so I helped her to lie down on the damp rocks. She opened her legs wide, and I knelt down in between them, and place my lips on her soaking pussy. She was incredibly wet, and I could feel her swollen lips had already parted when I slid the tip of my tongue across her wet slot. As my tongue touched her clitoris, she cried out, groaning with pleasure.
I pressed my face tighter to Cathy’s pussy, forcing my tongue between her lips and lapping up and down. Each time the time of my tongue moved down to her vagina, I tried to push it inside her, but I was just able to get the tip inside. She was incredibly wet, and with each stroke of my tongue I tasted more of her juices, and felt them running down my chin, and around my cheeks. Just as my knees were starting to ache from kneeling on the rocks, she came again; groaning loudly.

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