Bashful Must Be Destroyed free porn video

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BASHFUL MUST BE DESTROYED by Eric (you might want to read Bash's Bakery first) He sat upon his dark throne brooding, his forehead deeply knitted. Such an insult must not be tolerated -- nay, would not be tolerated. Bashful must pay. (Bashful? What a misnaming of names!) Bashful must be destroyed, utterly! How? 'Death was too easy for the slime ball, and transformation into a dirty dog might be a step up,' the cruel figure thought with graveyard humor. His brilliant mind pondered the thought, and came up with a plan. He reached for a phone. "Auntie, we need to meet. Yes, it's pay back time for all I've done for you. Besides, it will be fun. You can trust me." * * * Bashful was chuckling about how he'd destroyed all those dweebs in his pasty shop. The hot Texas summer was finally cooling off. Bashful was wearing his ten gallon hat, string tie and hand tooled cowboy boots. He looked at the time. Julie was late, but what can a husband expect when his wife goes shopping? Finally, he heard her car pull into the garage, and in she came as pretty and as charming as ever. The words out of her mouth stunned and horrified him. "I want a divorce! I can no longer be married to such a morally and physically repulsive man -- nothing personal!" she said quickly as she saw Bashful beginning to sob hopelessly. "It's just that you are something even the cat would refuse to drag home. Good-bye, forever!" The click of her high heels sounded like bullets into poor Bashful's heart. She went into their bedroom, and began packing. "Can't we talk it over?" "No! I will never come back! Never. Don't try and find me, good-bye forever. It is impossible to live with you and your stupid stories, and you've gotten me involved with feuds with powerful and dangerous men." "I thought you liked my stories!" "As if! I was just pretending; you can't write for beans." This was the unkindness cut of all. And Julie didn't even like baked beans! "I thought you loved me!" "I was just pretending that, too. Sorry, nothing personal, I'm sure you can't help being the low life pond scum you are." Soon, she was packed and drove out of his life. Bashful felt like the world had come to an end. What had happened to his loving, and sweet and supportive wife? Were they the victims of sinister forces? The door bell rang. It was his beloved mother. Bashful had never been more glad to see anybody so much in his life. He tried to put his arms around her for comfort, but she socked him a good one right in the kisser. "Mother!" he said, shocked beyond belief. "Don't remind me! Its my fault and my responsibility that such an inhuman fiend was let lose on the world! I wish you had never been born! I never want to see you again, in this life or the next! I am no longer your mother, and your father feels the same way. God bless Texas!" Bashful crumpled to the ground! What had happened to his secure little life? He called his best friend on the phone. He would be able to help him! But his best friend called him a back stabber, and said he would carve him with a bowie knife if he ever saw Bashful again. Bashful was bewildered. Was he really this bad -- even his mother hated him. He hardly slept that night, weeping the night away missing his lovely Julie. She always tucked him in at night! The next morning, he somehow dragged himself to work, only to find his boss standing like John Wayne, barring the way. "You're fired! I found out about all your repulsive activities -- writing TG stories and the other depraved facts of your so called life. Your wife called, and told me how you have mistreated her and how you spit on the holy flag of Texas." Bashful's jaw dropped, and even he could find nothing to say. "Don't even bother to clean out your desk -- the contents are in the dumpster!" The man hauled back a huge fist, and Bashful went flying. When he came to, he was outside and arrested for being drunk and disorderly. While in jail, he was visited by Gov. Bush. "Boy, you are officially banished from the state of Texas as an undesirable! If you try and set foot inside its sacred borders, you will be shot on sight like the filthy mangy cur you are. Even your mother has begged me to banish you. As for your bakery, it's been closed on an order from the board of health, they founds rats in the kitchen; but not as big a rat as y'all! And the federal government is after you for using non-FDA ingredients in your pastries. Boy, you be in a heap of trouble!" Looking longingly at paradise lost -- wandering homesick for Texas from the borders of inferior Oklahoma, Bash was trying to think. How had his life been turned upside down? He brushed his teeth every day -- most days, anyway. What had he done different in the last few weeks? * * * Meanwhile, in a dark and foreboding lair somewhere in the Midwest, a sinister scene was taking place. A number of miserable people were in cells, begging for release. A grim looking man wearing a sword entered, followed by a beautiful blonde woman. The people in the cells, as if they had rehearsed it for weeks, cried out with one voice, "Give us back our bodies, you fiend!" Eric just chuckled, "All in good time, all in good time." The blonde woman next to him grinned, "I think this is Madam Olga's finest hour -- except for tricking lawyer lady out of this beautiful body!" She looked in her hand mirror, and smiled. "Now I be Amanda Reynolds!" "Don't forget, Auntie, it was I who gave you the plot," said Eric. A burly looking guy cried out, "Eric, you can't do this to us! Please, I miss my husband. He will never love me in this truck driver's body." "Now Julie, when you were a little girl, didn't you wish you were a big strong man?" It was strange to see the burly guy crying like a woman. "What is he doing in my body, and with my husband?" "He's not your husband anymore -- you left him because he is pond scum! You have filed for divorce." "NOOOO! No, I haven't!" "Yes, you have. Well, let us say the new Julie -- your stand-in, has." A fat black woman cried out, "But I am the Governor of Texas, and the son of a president. You can't do this to me, sir!" Eric chuckled like the fiend he was. "I'm afraid I have." A pimply teen aged boy asked, "How can you do this to us and poor Bashful, he's always been a good boy, and I've been proud to be his mother." "A good boy!?" said Eric, the urbane mask dropping to reveal the fiend beneath. His eyes blazed with insane fire. "Did you know what he did to me, turning me into a young girl, Raven into a trash dumpster, and to all the others! No! He must be punished! He must be destroyed! Blotted from the face of the earth!" Then the insane light died in his eyes, and again the smooth mask was back in place. "I am quite afraid you have disowned your son, dreadfully sorry, but he was heartbroken. Even a mother could not love him. Don't worry, after Bashful has become the drunken hopeless bum he is, or moves to some out of the way place where nobody in their right mind would live -- like Florida -- I will restore you to your rightful bodies -- but only under the condition that you not tell him or anyone else what has transpired." This fiend in human shape ignored the cries. Madam Olga stared at them with satisfaction. "I never did so many in such a short time. It is so soul satisfying to punish evil persons like Bashful!" "But Bash is not evil!" cried Julie. "He gives regularly to the United Way, and is a good Democrat." "Good!? Good? Is it good to humiliate me, and turn me into a little girl and have my wife lord it over me? Is it good to turn Raven, even though he is a lawyer, into a trash dumpster, or what about the rest? No, Bashful is evil, Bashful must be destroyed!" The last words were said in a shout! Madam Olga paid no attention -- she was too busy admiring her beautiful new body in the mirror, and said, "Mirror, mirror, on the shelf, who is as beautiful as myself?" "The time has come to talk of many things, of sailing ships and bees wax and cabbages and Kings," Eric said strangely. "Consider, I will return you to your original bodies, if you will keep up the splendid work of the 'replacements'." "Never!" cried Julie. The black woman who had been Gov. Bush said, "Don't be hasty, Julie. In each life, one must learn to be practical and make unpleasant compromises for the good of the public. I, for one, accept Eric's generous offer." Eric smiled sardonically -- "I knew I could count on you." Everyone else held firm. "As you wish; I am not a person to force another to do anything unwillingly!" said Eric. "We shall see what the future will bring, shall we?" He left, and Julie looked ruefully at herself in the full length mirror Eric had so 'thoughtfully' provided in the their cells. She used be charming; now she was a pot bellied, burly truck driver with a beard that needed shaving twice a day. She opened another cold beer this body was addicted to, and thought. She might escape from her cell, but then what -- it brought her no nearer her real body. She and the others were doubly imprisoned by that fiend Eric! What was wrong with the man? Couldn't he take a joke? The next day, Julie asked "How are the rest of you doing?" Her mother-in-law answered, "Terrible, Julie dear, my pimples are out of control and I feel so immature and juvenile." Bashful's best buddy, imprisoned in the body of a hooker, said, "My feet in these damn 6 inch heels are killing me, and why do you TG writers always have to have a guy trading with a hooker in your stories?" "You could go barefoot," answered Julia. "What! And run my hose? Not on your life! Besides, my legs look much better in heels," the former man answered. 'What a bimbo,' thought Julie. She turned to Madam Olga. "Help us!" she said. The beautiful woman paused. "I dare not! You do not know what Eric is capable of. I might lose this body, I might -- no, the thought is too horrible to mention. You have only seen a small part of what he is capable of when angered!" The gorgeous, stolen body of Amanda Reynolds (See Test 4, a brilliant story not to be missed, as are all the test series!) walked gracefully out. * * * Bashful wandered, homeless and hopeless. Nobody loved him, a silent tear fell from his eyes. He didn't even have his computer to contact those he knew on Fictionmania. Without quite realizing it, he drifted where all the dregs of humanity go -- to Florida. There among other hopeless, low-class people, he felt somewhat at home. "Julie, Julie, my own wonderful Julie, where are you? Why did you desert me?" he asked the uncaring ocean. The dark night sky was full of stars, but Bashful could not see them because his eyes were awash with tears. * * * Julie begged Amanda for help three days later. "Tell me, how can we melt Eric's cold, cold heart? I don't think you are an evil person. Don't keep me away from my husband, my love. Who knows how desperate he is right now?" The lovely face frowned in concentration. Then Madam Olga nodded in sudden decision. "Very well, your pleas have touched me. I dare not give you help directly -- it goes against the code of the blood -- I am Eric's Aunt, you know. But you might be able to reach him by appealing to his major weaknesses -- his love of great words, and his pride. The name Eric means Always Kingly, you know. The books in your cells are his favorite works; you may get an idea from them what to say." Julie looked. Shakespeare, Moliere, Euripides, the romantic poets, Robert Frost, Thorne Smith (what was he doing here?) and of course, the collected works of Eric Otten. 'What an egomaniac,' thought Julie. She poured over the books -- picking things from memory. Finally, she was ready. She only hoped it would work. When Eric next appeared to gloat, he told them that Bashful was eating out of garbage cans in Florida. "Eric?" His handsome, but now cruel head lifted. "Yes, 'Julie'?" "'Life goes on.' That's what Robert Frost said. He said that's all he really was sure of, 'Life goes on.' Get past your anger, justified as it may have been, with my husband. He has suffered enough." "The quality of mercy is not strained, take it into your heart, not for our sake alone, but for yours, it will ease your bitterness. Others have given in and left, but I never shall -- I would not breathe the same air as those who would not die for Bashful; any who leave, I give my free forgiveness, go with my blessing, because me staying here alone will increase the glory and honor and freedom that comes from courage. It's ironic, isn't it -- this is St. Crispin's day, another day long ago the French stood where you do -- sure of overwhelming strength, and yet they lost. Remember, Eric, we are all part of a small band of lovers of TG fiction, lovers of transformations and life and body exchanges -- we are a select few with the imagination to see what life would be like if we were someone else, if we changed our sex, changed our world." Eric looked on amazed, and began to speak, "Yes, Julie, you are right, we are a band of brothers, we few, we happy few, Eric the King, CJ and Raven, Waldo and Collins, Paul and Steve and Morpheus and Mindy and others in our happy band of brothers -- yea, and sisters, too. In our overflowing cups of wine and imagination, we will always be freshly remembered. In the future, when life and bodies may be freely exchanged, our stories will be used by mothers and fathers to teach their sons and daughters -- that once there was a Fictionmania; once men and women dreamed beyond the bounds of life and death, and our dreams and thoughts shall go forth to the ending of the world, but we shall be remembered; we few, we happy few, we band of brothers; for all of those on Fictionmania -- no matter how vilely they write (For example, Bashful's' Bakery story) those who are joined with me shall be my brother, being joined in Fictionmania shall ennoble the most feeble words or stories (like Bashful's Bakery story) and famous writers now who write worthless TV or Politically Correct books shall think themselves accursed, that they were not here with us on Fictionmania, and they will hold their manhood and talent cheap, while any speak proudly that wrote with us on Fictionmania!" Julie held her breath. Eric turned to Madam Olga, and with a Kingly gesture, said, "Let them go back to their bodies and their lives. Life goes on." "Thank you!" breathed Julie with relief - it had worked. * * * Bashful, now reduced to being a hopeless beachcomber, saw like a vision his wife rushing towards him. He blinked, but Julie did not disappear. She hurled herself into his arms, kissing him with all the love she could. The astonished man heard what that fiend Eric had done. "He should be punished!" Bashful said furiously. "Darling, he will, trust me -- I talked to Madam Olga before I left." * * * With utter horror, Eric looked. He couldn't believe it. How could his Auntie do this to him? Madam Olga had charged him $100,000.16 for all the body swaps! (the end)

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My first sex experience and first time was with one of my uncles, most of the time for young girls, is with a member of the family or some one close to the family,When I was 16 years old, I ate something, from a food vendor that It make me very sick,I end up in hospital. It took me time to recover, the following summer, my father send me in holidays to my mother’s brother and his family, So there I was in this boring village, for two months,I was going a lot of walking and eating, one day my...

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No Dear You Mustnt

The rain drummed loudly on the window, and she unconsciously moved closer to her son. They were sitting on their sofa, watching TV together. She was in her fifties, not beautiful by any means — slim almost to the point of being skinny, which only served to emphasise her full breasts. Her hair was iron grey, and her face was showing signs of becoming lined, but her legs were, she felt, her best feature, perhaps apart from her breasts — very long and shapely, with slim ankles. Her son Jamie...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 3

I lay down between her spread thighs and just looked at the banquet laid out before me for a few moments. Sally had the prettiest pussy I'd ever seen–the lips were tucked in nice and tight and there was no droop or hanging down in them.I've known some women whose pussy reminded me of a Basset hound, but such was not the case with Sally. Her small "man in the boat" was peeking out from under his hood wanting to know what was going on, and I could see the beginnings of wetness as I looked at...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 1

I came home from work one Friday for lunch–my office isn't that far from home and occasionally I do come home just to get away from work for a bit and regroup. When I got there, I noticed a flat-bed tow truck loading up my neighbor's prize 1965 Mustang convertible. Curious, I went over to see her."Hi Sally, I saw the tow truck outside. Are you having car troubles?"She looked down sadly. "No, it's being repossessed." "Repossessed? What happened?""Well I got fired about a week ago and I...

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Mustang Sally

I was recently reading one of the stories on this site and it brought to mind some of the early adventures that I enjoyed with a woman named Sally. I had known her for about two years when the following story happened. We had flirted back and forth for most of that time. It was harmless, as we were both married. Then one week she told me that her husband had moved out the past weekend and they were through. I sympathized with her of course and gave her a shoulder to use.About a month later when...

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Mustang Sally

I was round my sister’s house helping her to redecorate, when her neighbour popped round for a cuppa. She is a very sexy woman. Tallish, slim and has the greatest ass any man could wish for. But she is a bit of a whore. Not in a nasty way or anything like that. It's just that she can't say no to cock, which is how she got the nickname ‘Mustang Sally’ because everyone has had a ride.On seeing what a fine job I had done Sally asked if I would like to pop round hers sometime and help her do some...

5 years ago
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Cutting The Mustard

My mother's favorite cousin was Serena. When they were young, they lived on the same block and were best friends. They did everything together. They even lost their cherries on the same double date in the old drive-in movies. But after high school, their lives took different directions. Mom married an intellectual whose vocation was office work, but other than performing his connubial duties, he spent countless hours at the bar, telling war stories. (Yes, at least he served his country when...

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Bashed and Raped By Girls

Please note this story has been written for adults only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and violence, if this is likely to offend you don't bother reading it. All comments welcomed and encouraged. This story is copyright. Please do not re-post without my permission. Thank you.BASHED AND RAPED . . . BY GIRLS!It was never my intention to hurt or embarrass anyone.  Nor did I ever think I might get hurt myself.  Let’s just call it a misjudgement on my behalf.  You see, I have a fetish for...

3 years ago
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Avenging Angel The Show Must Go On

Copyright 1999 by Kaylin Robins The first installment of the Angel Series. Avenging Angel - The Show Must Go On It was a hot Saturday night at the Bad Girls Bar and Strip Club and the place was packed with a larger than normal crowd. A group of rough bikers with their cheep beers surrounded the decaying pool table in the clubs back. Scattered between the pool table and the stage with its cat walk which was extended into the...

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On the Farm I Must Obey Him

6:17 amSweat has seemingly begun to overflow from the very freckles on my skin and down the valley between my breasts. My curly red hair has begun to stick to the back of my shoulders from the moisture. I don't know if it is anxiety or the temperature. It is still early morning with the sun just peeking from the flat horizon of endless fields of stunted grain stalks, but the summer air was already baking the parched earth, making it difficult to grow anything on this farm.Perhaps it is this...

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On the Farm I Must Obey Him

6:17 amSweat has seemingly begun to overflow from the very freckles on my skin and down the valley between my breasts. My curly red hair has begun to stick to the back of my shoulders from the moisture. I don't know if it is anxiety or the temperature. It is still early morning with the sun just peeking from the flat horizon of endless fields of stunted grain stalks, but the summer air was already baking the parched earth, making it difficult to grow anything on this farm.Perhaps it is this...

4 years ago
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The Neighborhood Must Read

As he leaned back against it, Mark Jordan's hands gripped the counter top rhythmically as he gazed down at the sight before him. With his shorts around his ankles, his best friends' mom paused to swirl her pink tongue over the pulsing head of his thick cock as it glided up between her breasts. Seeing the glazed expression on his face, the sexy brunette MILF smiled and wrapped her big jugs even tighter around his pole."Oh, yeah! Fuck my tits Mark," she moaned as he slid back down the soft valley...

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Why Must Everything Be So Complicated

Author’s Note: This is probably the most ambitious story I’ve ever tried to write, not so much because of the plot, but because of the changes the characters go through and the emotions they have to deal with along the way. (Events are easy; people are hard!) The problem is, even if I succeeded in my goal (and that’s one hell of an ?if,? since I’m certainly not a professional writer), everyone has a different idea of what exactly makes people and emotions seem real. What works for one person...

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Mother and son do what they must

I left home because of mother. Why? Because from the time I was f******n I'd fallen in love with her, or put more bluntly, I wanted to fuck her. Living with her meant a constantly high level of sexual frustration and I thought that one day, in an unguarded moment, I might do or say something that would reveal my secret lust. At the time of my leaving home mother was of course in her early forties, but this had done nothing to diminish what I think of as her allure. Tall, with dark hair and eyes...

2 years ago
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mdash Mother and son do what they must

I left home because of mother. Why? Because from the time I was f******n I'd fallen in love with her, or put more bluntly, I wanted to fuck her. Living with her meant a constantly high level of sexual frustration and I thought that one day, in an unguarded moment, I might do or say something that would reveal my secret lust. At the time of my leaving home mother was of course in her early forties, but this had done nothing to diminish what I think of as her allure. Tall, with dark hair and eyes...

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The Craving Must Read

It was another typical Sunday morning, which meant I awoke to the feel of my husband Tom's hand trailing across my stomach. We always had sex on Sunday mornings, usually first thing before we heard the k**s up and about."Mmm, how do you want me?" I asked, my eyes still closed."On your stomach," was his firm command.I obediently flipped over and turned my ass up in the air. I suppressed the urge to pee, but this was going to be quick. It never lasted more than a few minutes whenever we fucked in...

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You Mustnt You Shouldnt Oh You Are So Naughty

I am not sure if I was born before my time, or after it. More accurate to say, that perhaps I had a little bit of both somewhere along the way, but not enough of either.What am I talking about here?It was nineteen-forty-eight. I was one of those silly small-town girls who allowed her best friend to talk her into going to dance for newly commissioned officers at the local Army Depot. I was eighteen, didn’t know a daisy from a daffodil and was talked into spending a few minutes behind the camp...

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We Mustnt

The journey to the hypermarket for a cheap new computer printer had been a complete waste of time and I was fed up that I'd wasted an afternoon. Being mid evening now, the bus was crowded and I had to stand for a while. But as we went through one small town a lot of people got off and I finally managed to get an empty seat. This was early spring in the outskirts of Buenos Aires in Argentina and it was warm in the bus. I wished that I could get a window seat so at least I'd get the breeze...

3 years ago
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3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck Must Read

Watching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there, especially when a cosmically perfect set of circumstances falls into place.Ever since our honeymoon, my wife and I have taken the very...

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You must be 18 to ride this ride

An early adventure of mine: You must be 18 to ride this ride.I received an email recently from a fan of my stories on here. In it, he asked me what age was too young to fuck me. He also wanted to know why. I wrote back telling him one must be of age to ride this ride. By age, I mean 18 years old at least. I wrote him back telling him also why.I know I am a slut and will fuck anyone is what your thinking. Well, I am a slut and I will tease any age boy or girl. However, you have to be 18 for me...

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The Destroyer

Home alone again and getting a bit bored at that night.Then the phone rang and it was my loving girlfriend Helena.She was also alone at home; better we could say, she was without her hubby at home; but some of her good friends were there, making her some company.Helena told me she needed some help from me; because she and Camilla could not stand so many men there. I accepted the offer and told her I was almost on my way. Helena asked me to dress sexy and get ready for an unforgettable night…I...

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The Destroyer

This is my third story in my Lost Gods universe, though like the other two it can be read as a complete stand alone. The Destroyer By Morpheus I stood in the rain, hiding back in the shadows of night. Fortunately my hat and overcoat kept me from the worst of the weather, while my stubborn streak let me pretend that I didn't notice the rest. Without removing my eyes from my target, I took a final drag from my cigarette, then flicked it to the ground. My name was Adam...

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A Helping Mother Must Read

It happened during my senior year in high school, shortly after my 18th birthday. I've always been shy around women and of course I was still a virgin. As a matter of fact, I had never been in more than a couple of dates in my whole adolescent life and they all have ended in near disasters. That meant of course that the only naked female flesh that I ever saw live was clad in swimsuit at the beach in the summer or in the public swimming pool, where I used to go in the winter. And believe me,...

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ALL 18+ STRAIGHT AND/OR BI- CURIOUS MEN MUST READ THIS! Set some time aside and read this story! It will give you all the answers you've been searching for! Warning: Do not read this if you are under 18. Before you read on you MUST follow these directions. Yes they are bizarre but don't worry it's for your own good. Make sure you have privacy. Obtain a pair of female stockings (preferably white or black and the thicker the better.) Don't worry your not going to put them on, but...

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Being a Woman Must Be Easy

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I'm startled awake by my alarm. It's time to get ready for work again. My head hurts from all the drinking I did last night. No luck picking up a girl this time around, unfortunately. It's so much effort to get a girl to come home just to mess around. I really don't get it. If I were a girl, I'd be totally in to that. I know I'm a decent-looking guy, so I don't know why it's so much effort. Nonetheless, it's time to get ready. Crawling my way out of bed, I...

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Secret Must Be Kept

By: AWC Nobody shall ever deny or refute the excessive ability of the boys entering college around the age of 18 or so, to grab the attention, fall in love with many sexy girls at the same time. Julio Adams was no exception. He had Cora, Andrea and Blythe but that was not all, there was Jeanine, Ms. Vanessa; the Math teacher, who had all the sweaters, knit so tight to push up her breasts for him only to look and enjoy. Julio had a very active sex life, actually very, very active. He was in...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 2

I learned quite a lot about my new roomie while walking on the beach that day. I learned that her father was in the military and they moved around a lot when she was younger. Then one day they got word that he had been killed in an accident overseas. Sally was just getting ready to start high school at the time. I learned that despite a lot of hardships on both her and her mother, Sally managed to finish high school. But unfortunately, her plans and dreams of college were killed when her father...


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