Mother And Son Do What They Must. free porn video

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I left home because of mother. Why? Because from the time I was f******n I'd fallen in love with her, or put more bluntly, I wanted to fuck her. Living with her meant a constantly high level of sexual frustration and I thought that one day, in an unguarded moment, I might do or say something that would reveal my secret lust.

At the time of my leaving home mother was of course in her early forties, but this had done nothing to diminish what I think of as her allure. Tall, with dark hair and eyes to match, she had an athletic figure, but she was not what might be called beautiful; her nose and jaw were too emphatic, and because swimming was her favourite exercise her shoulders were broad and her limbs muscular; and such strongly built women are not always attractive to a lot of men.

And yet mother did attract men and it took until I was in my teen years to work out why. She had a striking presence and it was as if the way she stood, walked, sat and talked conveyed a challenging carnal message, but there was more to it than that.

At any social gathering men sought her company and I came to understand only too well why she drew men, including me, to her. She exuded a palpable sexual fragrance like musk oil, but more intoxicating than any perfume. I sometimes wondered if it would ever fade, and decided, it never would. She was one of those rare women who even in old age would still radiate sex appeal.

My father didn't seem to mind the way mother drew men to her, in fact he seemed to revel in it because he had what they all wanted, and I'm as sure as I can be that mother was never unfaithful to him.

* * * * * * * *

At age twenty two I graduated from the university BA (Hon). The plan had been for me to go on to further studies, but instead I applied for and got a job with the Government of Victoria. That I thought would get me well away from Adelaide and South Australia and consequently away from mother and temptation.

When I announced that I was leaving there was a hell of an argument with father and mother; "Your ruining your whole future," and stuff like that. I didn't reveal my main reason for leaving home, instead proclaiming my need for independence, striking out on my own, and getting life experience.

I had read that sons are often sexually attracted to their mothers but it also said that this will pass "When a more appropriate sex object enters the life of the young man." Well, I'd experienced several "appropriate sex" objects and they'd done nothing to quell my hankering for mother.

And so I left home with father's admonitions still ringing in my ears and the memory of mother's tears, little realising what lay ahead.

A couple of weeks after I started the job I struck it lucky. Theresa, a widow in her late forties and the mother of five c***dren all of whom had left home, and she worked in the same department as me. She took a fancy to me. She was a pleasantly plump and full breasted lady, and a few lunches together and then dinner at her place led very quickly to being in bed with her and my penis in her vagina. As a result of this encounter I changed lodgings and lived with Theresa.

My previous sexual experiences had been with girls my own age, but now I discovered the pleasures of sex with an older woman. For a start condoms had always been involved in my previous sexual experiences, but as Theresa said, "I'm past the age of c***d bearing so we can have it raw." It was great; I could really feel her vagina and its wetness, and there was something special about knowing that my sperm was really going into her. I learned a lot of things about what a woman likes, and in fact she insisted on us doing things I'd never even thought about before.

I can remember the first time we had sex; we stood in her bedroom naked looking at each other when Theresa, looking at my erect penis said, "My word, you re a big boy."

I suppose that in general I am fairly well built and muscular since I'd followed in mother's exercise footsteps, swimming, and so at first I took Theresa's comment to be about my general appearance, which was flattering. It was only as I penetrated her vagina with my penis that she made it clear that her "big boy" comment had referred to the size of my penis.

I had never considered it to be overly large, not having made comparisons with other penises, but as I penetrated deep into Theresa she moaned, "Oh my God, Adrian, I've never had one so big in me before." That was also flattering in a way, and it was also another learning experience.

We weren't in love; we were a couple of people who were meeting each others sexual needs and enjoying it. Right from the start Theresa had pointed out that one day I'd probably want to get married and have k**s, and she certainly couldn't provide the latter. "So let's enjoy ourselves while we can," she said, "and when it's over we'll have happy memories of our time together. "Mind you," she added, "I'll always envy the girl who gets your cock in her vagina."

Well, she was right, I certainly enjoyed myself, and I can now say that I do have happy memories of sexually voracious Theresa, who among other things had a penchant for consuming the male organ and its glutinous discharge.

I've sometimes wondered if her late husband's demise had been because of Theresa's ravenous sexual appetite.

* * * * * * * *

Despite my good times with Theresa it was still my mother that I craved. I suppose the difference was that I wasn't in love with Theresa, but I was in love with my mother.

Having made the move away from her and home I only visited home once during that first year, and that was something I was going to come to regret.

A couple of years before I left home I'd noticed that father seemed to be having difficulties breathing and in the morning I could hear him coughing painfully in the bathroom. When I asked what the trouble was I was told, "It's just a touch of bronchitis." I should have known I was being fobbed off.

During that one visit home I noticed that father's cough had got even worse and he had lost weight and the slightest physical effort seemed to exhaust him, and he had always been a physically well set up man and very active. Despite this I still didn't realise just how sick he was, but that seemed to be the way in our family, we never made much of sickness, but if it was bronchitis it had to be the longest bout in human history.

Full realisation only came when one evening mother phoned me and said, "I think you'd better come home, your father is very sick and he's in hospital;" For her to make such a call meant that there was something very seriously wrong with father.

I managed to get an early morning flight to Adelaide and took a taxi from the airport to our place in Walkerville, to be met by mother who was utterly distraught. I had arrived too late, father was dead.

What I learned was that the so-called bronchitis had in fact been emphysema; an abscess had formed in his lungs and burst, and before any antibiotics could take affect, he died.

Mother seemed to be in a lost world so it was left to me to organise and deal with the funeral administrivia. The service took place at the Enfield Crematorium and during the service mother clung to me as she gazed unbelievingly at the coffin as if somehow father wasn't really in there. She remained like that until the coffin passed out of sight on its way to its fiery end.

During the wake that followed mother was locked into a world of grief, and it was only after the mourners, friends and relatives had finally departed that she began to come out of this cloud of misery sufficiently to talk.

Grieving myself, and feeling guilty that I hadn't recognised earlier my father's condition, I had to be mother's comforter. During the rest of my stay I often sat holding her for long periods of time as in a monotonic voice she went over and over the events leading up to father's death, and interspersing this with memories of their life together.

It was as she dwelt on past memories that I heard a lot of things that I'd only previously guessed at. Mother's guard was down and she went so far as to talk about her sex life with father, which she implied involved sexual intercourse every night until he started to get sick. I must admit that as a k** I'd wondered what the noises were that had emanated nightly from my parent's bedroom.

Again and again as she sadly reminisced she said, "I've lost half my life, and there'll never be anyone to replace Jack" -- my father's name. I wondered about this because a woman who had been so sexually active surely must in the end seek someone who could satisfy her need. I certainly knew of one person who would happily fix what I thought must be her overactive sex drive; namely, me.

I'd often wondered if mother had detected my sexual feelings for her, and towards the end of my stay with her she started to talk about how close we were, and she knew that I loved her, and to my dismay she even hinted that she knew why I had left home.

The time I could spend with her was limited. I had to return to work, but before I left mother appealed to me to come back home to stay. I knew that now father was dead mother was more vulnerable, or perhaps it as me who was more vulnerable. If I lived alone with mother I might give in to temptation, and I thought this would lead to disaster as far as my future relationship with mother was concerned.

I came up with my old excuse about being independent, but as mother said goodbye to me at the airport I nearly relented. She clung to me weeping and that musk aroma was very noticeable, and she kissed me as if we were two lovers parting and I boarded the aircraft trying to hide a heart pulsating erection.

Throughout that flight back to Melbourne I wondered if I'd thrown away a golden opportunity to at last make love with mother, but I knew that sometimes people when they are bereaved can become incredibly sexually aroused as they seek solace. It's as if one emotion flows into another, and I wasn't ready to take advantage of such a situation.

I returned to Theresa who having been bereaved herself didn't try the talk fest and simply let me talk and make love with her. I must say that the sex did help to assuage my grief and I started to get things in perspective.

* * * * * * * *

During the following year I made a point of visiting mother at weekends at least once a month, flying over simply to see how she was going. I could never be sure what sort of mood I would find her in, but whatever her mood she was incredibly clingy. This made things difficult for me because despite my sex life with Theresa, mother was the woman I really wanted.

Things seemed to level out towards the end of the first year after father's funeral. The story was that mother had met dad while she was studying at university. They had fallen in love and mother became pregnant and they got married. This was no news to me because in going through my father's papers I had found my birth certificate and my parent's marriage certificate. The consequence had been that mother had given up university.

Now mother was thinking about resuming university studies as a mature age student. This was a good sign as far as I was concerned; mother wanting to pick up her life again, and I did all I could to encourage her. She was after all in a financial position to not have to work, a position, I thought rather ruefully, that I might have been in if I hadn't chosen to leave home.

It was during a telephone conversation with mother that she announced that she'd made up her mind and would go ahead with studies. She went on to say that it was some time before the new academic year was due to start, and she suggested that we spend some time together at the house on Kangaroo Island.

The house had been a gift from my father to my mother not long after they got married. Situated on the North West corner of Kangaroo Island, isolated and somewhat dramatically poised on the top of a cliff, we had spent many holidays there, although we hadn't been there for nearly three years. I think that had to do with my father's encroaching sickness, but when we weren't using it we sometimes rented it out.

Below the house is an inlet created by the cliffs that curved round to form a narrow outlet to the sea beyond, and at the bottom of a track down the cliffs is a small beach.

My immediate response to mother's suggestion was negative, not a good idea, because if mother lived up to her past mode of dress when at the house, which to say the least was distinctly casual, I knew I would be in for a throbbingly erect penis for most of our stay.

I reluctantly changed my mind when mother, somewhat reproachfully, said that we hadn't had much time together ever since I'd left home, and this might be our last chance to be together for some time. She obviously hadn't counted the time I spent with her after father's funeral, but I let that pass.

I had some leave owing to me but when it came to agreeing how much time we would spend on the island some negotiating took place. Mother wanted a month but we finally agreed on a fortnight. I must admit that I had in mind my separation from Theresa who served as a sort of sexual safety valve for my demanding libido.

* * * * * * * *

The day before we were due to leave for the island I flew into Adelaide and was met by mother driving the four by four. She greeted me with unexpected exuberance and a close embrace that nearly took my breath away. The last time I had seen her she had been somewhat pale faced and wilting, but now she seemed to have recovered much of her allure and there was that faint aroma of musk about her.

She seemed to be very excited and at the same time tense, and that embrace and the kiss she gave me went on longer than might be expected of a mother and son airport greeting. When it ended I noticed some nearby people looking at us and grinning.

On the drive home mother chattered incessantly and this was not her normal way. I was wondering if she was suppressing some exciting news until we got home, but when we got there no such news was forthcoming. She made a great deal of fuss over me and I couldn't recall ever seeing her like this before.

Mother had made all the necessary preparations for our time on the island and early next morning we were on our way to Cape Jarvis and the ferry that would take us across to Penneshaw. From there we drove west on a bitumen road until we turned off on to a dirt road. A few kilometres along this road we came to a gate. I opened it and mother drove through, and then we were lurching along a rough track for about fifteen minutes until we reached the house.

Our arrival seemed to be a bit of an anti-climax and we spent the rest of the day stowing our gear and supplies, sweeping up dust and cobwebs and searching for signs of any invading rodents, and by late evening making vague plans for the next day.

That night I was restless. Being in an isolated place and alone with mother seemed somehow to be different from being at our Walkerville place. My mind focussed on mother in the bedroom next to mine: was she asleep or as she awake and thinking of the times she had shared the bed with father? What was she wearing or did she like me sleep naked? What would she do if I tried to take my father's place in that bed?

I had no Theresa to alleviate my sexual need and so I did what I hadn't done for a long time, I masturbated. As I ejaculated it was not Theresa I fantasised, but mother, and when I finally slept I dreamed of making love with mother, but always when I was about to penetrate her vagina with my penis she faded away.

When I woke in the morning I could hear mother already moving around. Mother, in her usual organised way, had opted to do some more tidying up, while I, less concerned with household order, went fishing.

It was a warm day with the promise of becoming hot later. I went to a ledge along the cliffs that was close to the water where father and I had often fished when I was a k**. We had usually had a good catch, but now, after a couple of hours I'd caught just one leatherjacket which I threw back.

Bored with my fruitless efforts I decided to return to the house to see if mother was ready to go for a swim, going by way of the beach. As I approached the beach I saw that mother had deserted her household chores and was lying on an air mattress with a cushion under her head. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be asleep.

Drawing close to her I felt my penis lurch and start to harden. Mother was wearing a pair of very tight shorts and a close fitting t-shirt. Beneath the t-shirt the swell of mother's breasts clearly indicated that they were unrestrained, rising and falling as she breathed evenly.

Her shorts exposed her long legs with their firm thighs, and where the material of the shorts passed under mother's crotch it seemed to sink into the groove formed by the clearly defined lips of her vulva, and I thought I saw a faint wetness staining the cloth.

I stood looking down at her, aching to penetrate that holy delta at the top of her thighs. Her eyes fluttered open and came to focus on me. She smiled and said, "I must have fallen asleep."

I guessed that the wet stain on her shorts indicated she'd had an erotic dream, and so I asked, "Sweet dreams?"

She looked startled and the hesitantly said, "Yes...yes very sweet," and for a moment she touched her groin and then hastily stood, her face flushing pink. I think she had detected the wet patch and was embarrassed by what it might reveal of her emotional state, but she couldn't hide her feelings because that musk fragrance was more potent than ever and I knew what it meant, and with every movement her breasts shimmied like a firm blancmange.

There seemed to be an electric tension between us, a question unasked, a desire unexpressed. I had my own source of embarrassment; my erect penis was moulded by the cloth of my shorts, and I could feel my urethra weeping precum. For a moment I thought we were going to kiss, but mother breached the silence.

"Did...did you catch anything?" mother asked in an unsteady voice, as if to distract us from the strained atmosphere that surrounded us.

"No," I said, and then dropped down on to the vacated air mattress, lying face down to hide my throbbing erection.

Mother hesitated and I could feel her eyes on me as she said, "I'll go up to the house and prepare lunch, are you coming?"

I was very close to coming, but not in the sense she meant. "No," I said, "I'll stay here for a while, just give me a call."

I watched mother start to make her way up the track, and when she got about half way she stopped, turned, and briefly looked down at me. She looked superb, her figure like a goddess of fantasy, perhaps Juno. I recalled that Juno was married to Jupiter and was at the same time his sister; an i****tuous relationship!

Mother turned and continued up the track, my eyes focused on her high firm buttocks until she disappeared into the house. I wanted her as I'd never wanted anything before in my life, and I wondered if I had again passed up the opportunity to fulfil this craving for her.

Mother called me for lunch from the top of the cliff and I made my way up as mother stood watching me for a few moments. I noticed she'd changed her shorts and I supposed I'd been right about mother having an erotic dream on the beach. I wondered who had been present in that dream.

The charged atmosphere between us continued, our conversation desultory, it was as if we both expected something to happen between us, but neither willing to make the move that would initiate that something. I thought I knew what that something was, but was afraid that if I took the step I might be wrong and I would shatter the relationship that I had with mother.

The day had grown hot and towards the end of lunch mother suggested something that would be an exquisite form of torture for me; swimming. Given mother's past record when she went swimming, she would be wearing a swim suit that while not ostensibly sexy, became virtually transparent when wet.

Somehow that seemed to characterise mother; she never wore anything explicitly sexy, or deliberately displayed the more erogenous zones of her body like the women wearing micro bikinis, but it was there, her physical attraction. I think it would be there even if she wore an old sack.

* * * * * * * *

As I expected it was an afternoon of torment. We took an extra air mattress down to the beach, and mother was wearing a one piece bathing suit that proved to be transparent when wet.

I needed very little stimulus to get horny over mother, but that afternoon was hell. We had our swim and then returned to the mattresses intending to stretch out on them, but we didn't because events took an unexpected turn.

My swimming shorts were too insubstantial to hide the fact that my penis was erect and its head was beginning to escape the confines of the top of the shorts. I couldn't make a move to realign my penis to try and conceal its condition because that would draw mother's attention to it, but she saw it anyway.

She must have noticed my erections on other occasions, but this time she seemed to be fascinated; perhaps it was the exposure of its head. We got as far as the mattresses, but there we stood still, looking at each other, mother's gaze fixed on my penis that was now weeping precum, while I stared at her breasts moulded by her bathers. Then there was a moment when our eyes met and held; mother seemed to take a faltering step towards me, and then giving a gasping cry she turned and fled up the track to the house.

I stood, frustrated and bewildered. I was sure that we had come close to doing what I was now certain we both wanted, but once again the moment had passed, and this time it was mother who had escaped what might have been the taboo fulfilment of our love.

I pulled myself together and carrying both mattresses I made my dejected way up the track and entered the house. All the rooms led off from and central living area and I could see the door to mother's bedroom was shut. I could hear faint cries coming from her room and realised that she was masturbating. There was nothing for it but to masturbate myself.

I went to my own bedroom, pulled off my swimming shorts, and lying on the bed I began to masturbate. It didn't take long before sperm surged out of my urethra as I struggled to suppress my cries of longing, my need to put that sperm in mother's vagina.

As a method of relieving sexual tension masturbation is a poor substitute when you have a real sex object that you love and lust for, and that's how it was with me in relation to mother. She and she alone, could satisfy my sexual appetite, and as I cleaned up my sperm and rose from the bed, I felt even more gloomy.

I dressed but hesitated to leave my room. I felt as if I couldn't face mother, but eventually I had to. Mother was there at the kitchen end of the living area peeling some potatoes. Her back was toward me, but she must had heard me because she turned her head to look at me and then turned quickly away.

There was something furtive about our behaviour, as if we were either embarrassed or ashamed at having masturbated, or more likely the reason why we had masturbated.

I wanted to offer to help mother, but there seemed to be a barrier between us that vetoed even that. I escaped the overpowering atmosphere by leaving the house and taking a walk along the cliff top. It was a long walk and by the time I returned the evening meal was ready.

* * * * * * * *

The meal was eaten in silence, the all-encompassing mood of sexual stress becoming even tenser. I felt as if something had to give, or mother and I would be doomed to a fortnight of torment. I was close to saying or doing something -- I didn't know what -- to break this intolerable tension when mother suddenly rose from the table and left the house.

Where she went I don't know even to this day, but I know she was gone for nearly an hour, leaving me to do the clearing away and washing up.

It was starting to get dark and I was worried about mother and was just about to go in search of her when she walked in. She had a strange look on her face, rather like that lost world look she'd had for a while after father's death. I wanted to go to her as I did then, but I couldn't face the consequences if I touched her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She looked at me blankly, her eyes opaque, giving nothing away about her feelings, and then she said in a lacklustre voice, "I'm fine, I'm going to have a shower and go to bed."

"So early," I asked.

"A long walk," was her only reply as she made her way to the shower.

As I listened to the hiss of the shower I conjectured that during that walk mother had been remembering the walks she'd had with father, and perhaps some of the more cherished things they did during those walks. The way the house was it would have been difficult to conceal the noises of copulation and a "walk" might have been a way of overcoming the problem.

I had in fact seen them making love once, not while out for a walk but down on the beach when they thought I was off walking, but I was only about six or seven at the time and didn't really understand what they were doing. All I could see was mother sitting across father and bouncing up and down on him.

The noise of the shower stopped, and after a while mother emerged wrapped in a towel and carrying her clothes. She muttered "goodnight" and disappeared into her bedroom.

I was starting to think that the best thing for both of us was to return to Adelaide and then I would go on to Melbourne and Theresa.

* * * * * * * *

The heat of the day did not dissipate with the coming of night, and I lay naked and restless on top of the bedclothes. I was aware of every noise in and around the house as its timbers creaked slightly and the sound of possums arguing or copulating on the roof.

I thought of mother lying in the room next to mine and I wondered if she was also awake. Perhaps not, I thought, after her remark, "a long walk."

The thought of mother so close gave me an erection, but then, my penis had been erect for most of the day. I'd just got started masturbating when I heard a sound that was neither the house creaking or possums copulating, but the sound of someone moving around the house.

It had to be either mother or an intruder who thought the house was unoccupied as it often was. I got up to investigate and entering the living area I could see immediately it was mother.

She was no longer moving but was standing in front of the big picture window that looked out towards the sea. It was nearly the time of the full moon and I could see its beams silvering the little waves in the inlet.

Those same beams shone on mother. She was wearing a gossamer thin night dress and I could see her nakedness clearly. I stood still and silent, gazing at her, but I must have made some sound, or mother must have instinctively detected my presence. She turned to me; with her back to the moonlight I couldn't see her face, but she glided towards me coming to stand right in front of me and close. Her musky aroma was more compelling than ever.

She put her hands behind my head and drew my face to hers and she kissed me slowly and deliberately, as if giving me time to draw back. Her eyes were closed at first, but when they opened she said, "You know what must be, Adrian?"

"Yes," I said.

She kissed me again, the tip of her tongue flickering across my lips until my mouth opened and her tongue slipped in to begin its slow exploration. Our bodies were clinging together and mother began to gyrate her pubis over my hard penis. I took one of her breasts in my hand and began to caress it through the cloth of her flimsy nigh dress, and then our kiss ended. Mother took a step back and her nightdress seemed to shimmy down her body leaving her naked.

She came to me again, pressing her body to mine, and then she began to sink down on to the carpet, drawing me down with her'

She stretched out like a sensuous feline beneath me on the carpet, and parting her legs and raising them bent at the knees to present her vagina to me she said, "Do it to me now darling." She took my penis into her hand and saying, "Your so big darling," she guided me into the wet paradise that was her vagina.

"I love you," I said, and in the dim light I could see the flash of white teeth as she smiled and said, "I know, and I love you." Photos

As I slid my full length into her I could feel her vagina spasmodically clasping my penis as if trying to draw me even deeper into her. I withdrew and then thrust into her again and she cried out, "So good...deeper darling...deeper..." And then after a few more thrusts into her she cried out, "I'm coming darling...I'm coming...come with me...please come with me..."

Her legs were wrapped round my waist as with my hands under her buttocks I dragged her on to me. I released my sperm deep into her as she wept and sobbed beneath me, begging me to fill her. I don't think I'd ever ejected so much semen before, and I wanted the anguish of my orgasm to go on for ever, but of course it didn't.

I felt a most wonderful sense of deep contentment and fulfilment as I finished, but mother continued to squirm and sob beneath me for some time, pleading with me not to leave her. I stayed with her until with ever diminishing whimpers her orgasm came to an end.

We lay, my penis still in her vagina, breathing heavily and the heat of the night had made us very sweaty. After a while mother said again, "I knew it had to be," and added, "Was it good for you darling."

"Yes," I replied, "it was wonderful, so beautiful, but you must have known how I felt."

I saw the flash of mother's teeth again as she smiled, and quickly she rolled away from under me and I ended up on my back with mother leaning over me saying, "It was wonderful for me too, and it always will be, you know that, don't you my darling?"

Yes, I knew that. Having experienced the beauty of sex with one I loved, especially my mother, there was no going back, there was only going forward.

If that needed any reinforcement I got it almost immediately. My penis had grown partially flaccid and mother began to stroke it until it extended and hardened again, and then se said, "And now for your punishment."

Coated as it was with my sperm and her love juice and the aroma of musk, she took the head of my penis into her mouth, sucking and licking, and gradually taking more of its length into her.

Even when I warned her I was going to cum she did not relinquish it and I shot my cum into her eager mouth. When it was over the sperm she had been unable to swallow hung in sticky tendrils around her mouth and chin.

We both reeked of sweat and sex and mother quite calmly said, "I think we'd better have a shower darling."

Later, in her bed she drew my penis or my tongue into her vagina again and again with unhurried delight, and as night gave place to the first streaks of the coming dawn we finally slept, her back to me and my penis between her thighs.

For the rest of our stay on the island I found her out in all her needs and magic; her pains and her pleasures; what she wanted and how she wanted it. We explored each other, she with the heightened libido of long denial. We swung between savagery and gentleness, and what we did might be seen as depraved, but it was saved from this by being encompassed by deep love, and such love allows all within the limits of the other's desire.

* * * * * * * * The time came for us to leave the island that had become for us an island of joy and deep satisfaction. There was no further need for me to try and escape from mother since we now belonged together. What remained for me to do was to resign from my job, say goodbye to Theresa, return to mother and then take up my abandoned studies.

It took me about a month to wind up my affairs in Melbourne, and most difficult of all was telling Theresa that there was someone else. I didn't dare tell her who that someone else was, and so she imagined some girl I'd met.

She was somewhat obsessed with the idea of me and this girl having lots of babies; perhaps that was because she'd had five of her own, and she waxed lyrical on the subject.

It was probably a betrayal of mother, but Theresa had been so generous with me that I spent one final night fucking with her, and there were tears on both our parts as we said our last goodbye.

When I arrived back in Adelaide mother had news for me; it looked as if Theresa's ideal of my having c***dren was to come true, even if in a limited way compared to her own productivity in that department. Mother was pregnant.

I was surprised because I thought that mother, like Theresa, was past the time when she could get pregnant. Mother was very wary because she thought I might desert her again. That thought did not occur to me, but it did take me a little while to get used to the idea of being the father of my own brother or sister.

As for mother, she went so far as to explain that she and my father had always intended to have more c***dren, but it had never happened. Now she was delighted that I'd impregnated her, even in the light of the risks that involved.

As is happened she gave birth to a girl who rather than inheriting the worst of us, inherited the best. Sadly I never managed to impregnate mother again, but we did remain ardent lovers until quite close to the time of her death.

I had twenty two years with mother as her lover and now in my forties I live with my daughter. She seems to have inherited from her mother that musk aroma that is often quite potent, and it makes me wonder.

I hope she doesn't follow in her father's footsteps and try to flee from what might have to be.

Shortly we shall be spending some time together at the house on Kangaroo Island.

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I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 5 Video Of Vinita Fucking Her Son Rick

The moment I typed ‘mom, the search engine immediately displayed ‘mom and son’. I found my index finger click on the mouse. It was as if a dam broke open and my jaw dropped to find out that there was so much of it. I filtered for videos and still, the search results seemed endless. After scrolling for around twenty minutes one video appealed to me as the lady in it looked similar to Vineeta – not Indian – but quite similar – some Latina pornstar. I watched the video for two minutes. However, it...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

This story continues on directly from my first story, Sonya’s Siren Song. In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on.I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 21 Son Cumming In Mom8217s Mouth

Joy clenched his jaws as he answered his father, “Dad, it is too good to describe. Mom’s mouth is out of this world, dad, almost unbearable. Oh, mom, I think your mouth is going to make me cum soon.” Suvendu gestured me to stop my head movements as he wanted to see his son cumming. “Hold it, Soni, don’t make him cum so soon. Son, take a break. I’ve special plans for your first ejaculation with a real woman. Let your cock get some fresh air while you watch your mother suck mine.” I moved my...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 12 Best Cowgirl Sex For My Son

I went to the restroom to redo my hair and reapply my favorite cherry red lipstick. With all that friction of my son’s cock against my lips, the previous coat was wiped out. I was pleased to notice the glow on my face. No wonder, as Vineeta had mentioned, a young man’s cum does wonders for a woman. The intake of warm young cum in your digestive system generates a lustrous glow within a week. In one day, I had swallowed two huge loads. What a cum slut I had become. As Joy drove the car back...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 6 Sonali Sees Her Son8217s Masturbation

That night I tossed and turned in the bed and tried hard to sleep but just couldn’t. images of Vini with her son and Joy fantasizing about me kept on bombarding my brain. And more than anything the words of Vini, “Sonali you should fuck your son,” kept me hitting like a torpedo. In the morning I hit the gym with a vengeance and sweated it out hard in an effort to get all that had happened out of my mind. It was nothing but a bad dream, I kept on telling myself and succeeded to an extent. I was...

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Two Moms Two Sons 30 Sandra Proves How Much She Loves Her Son And Daughter

POV Sandra We all went into the bedroom, shut the door, and I yanked Pete right to me. "How do you feel about having two wives?" I giggled, before a gap where I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm sorry, I'm trying to lighten the mood. Are you okay, son?" "Yes, Mom, but it’s kind of been that way for a while now. You're not a mistress. Gia knows all about you, and she does it with you too." "Fair enough, but I want you to always treat her as your number one, Pete. You and I have had...

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Randolph Mason

THE CASE OF RANDOLPH MASON (c) 2014, 2017 by Anthony Durrant I went into the room of Special Prosecutor Randolph Mason and found him gasping for breath, his eyes wide from shock, and his mouth wide open. I couldn't see his skin under his bandaged face, but I'd bet anything that it was as pale as a piece of tissue paper. I ran to get Dr. Merton, the plastic surgeon who'd operated on the Special Prosecutor, and the two of us returned to Mason's room. By that time,...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 10 Mom Loses Anal Virginity To Son

Joy put two pillows beneath my stomach so that my ass protruded up for his unhindered vision. I squirmed a bit as I felt a generous amount of almond oil drop in my asshole. It was followed by a gentle push of finger which started massaging my anal passage expertly. I could not believe that within a few minutes my son’s oiled finger was moving in and out of the passage effortlessly. Then he inserted the second finger and I felt a pressure in the rectal muscles. However, due to another dollop of...

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Sonyas Siren Song Part 2 Educating Sonya

In the morning, I opened my eyes, and there was Sonya, in the bed beside me, still fast asleep. I realised that whatever happened last night had really happened, and there was no going back. I wasn’t sure what would happen when she awoke, but just in case, I quietly slipped out of the side of my bed, and put my pyjama pants back on. I looked down at the still-sleeping Sonya, lying with her back to me, and I remembered that under the covers, she probably still had her silk nightdress...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 3 Vineeta Fucks Her Son

Rick looked at me with desire in his eyes and moaned, “Mom your lips are so juicy and hot.” And in a swift move put his lips on mine and started feeding on them. Such was the intensity that a short gasp emitted from my mouth. But got submerged in his soft groans of pleasure. I also found myself gorging on his mouth. Within a few seconds lost total control immersing ourselves in the most passionate kiss of our lives. I felt his penis growing hard and long and banter upon my thigh. It must have...

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Sonali Er Narom Sona

He iss readers, I am back after long time. Here I will tell u how I seduce my uncles sexy maid, sonali. I am from kolkata and I will tell the story in bengali. If anyone want to know, may write to me Sonali, bachor ponero solo er halka gom ronger meyetar sorir chilo khub akorsoniyo. Amar kakimar bari kaaj korto. Sbsamoy bra panty er sathe porto ekta paatla naity. Naity er arale or panty er rong majhe majhe bojha jeto, ar besirbhag samoyei or bra er fite beriye thakto. Ami takhon college e...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 8 Son8217s Dick In Sonali8217s Pussy

Joy emerged from his room with an envelope in hand and entered my bedroom and came out with a smile of relief on his visage. “Ma, it was a great relief to write all my feeling for that unique lady. Read it with patience and tell me what you feel. You might get angry but all I have been is bluntly honest. Whatever will be your next step, I’ll accept it gladly.” “Why do you think I might get angry?” “Well, it’s not the matter mother and son usually talk about.” “I told you, dear, I won’t get...

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Two Moms Two Sons 8 Sandra Finds Her Son In The Library

POV: Sandra"The library?" I asked, walking out the door. "How kinky, Pete? I just hope you're studying and not using your time to think about your hot mom," I muttered before a pause as I kept walking. "Oh, who am I kidding? I always want my handsome son thinking of me. I'm good whether we're just cuddling on the couch watching TV or you're fucking me from behind. There's nothing wrong with it when the sex is consequential. Holy shit," I moaned, prior to stopping, leaning against the...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Meri Sali Sonam Randi Nikli

Hi everyone, I am Nikhil and this is my first story in Indian Sex Stories , I hope you all will like it. Please don’t forget to comment if you like the story or you can mail me at Ajj main apko apko 2 hafte pehele ki ek ghatna batane jaa raha hu, jisne meri life ke, maje lene ke tarike hi badal diye. Is story me main apko bataunga ki kaise mujhe pata chala ki meri Sali ek randi hai aur kaise maine use hotel main choda. Toh story start karte hai… Main ek IT-Professional hun, aur aksar mujhe...

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Dad's gift was a consolation prize, mom's was a surprise consummation! A FleshLight Fable, with Dabbling Dildo, Cock & Cunt Coupling Included by Oediplex 8==3~ It had been a long-standing tradition among the men of our family that they get laid on their 18th birthday, or there abouts. My dad had to wait a day longer because the whorehouse in town was closed on Christmas, a Sunday. But that is another story. My cousin had to wait a month extra, since he broke a leg the day before...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 7 Live Sex On WhatsApp Video Call

I put the charger on Sonal’s phone and set it on the table, just far enough for the phone camera to cover the entire bed. We sat on the edge of the bed, facing the camera. Sonal made a WhatsApp video call to Rachita. After a few rings, she picked the call. The three of us exchanged the usual pleasantries. Rachita looked stunning. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties and had glasses, a tad bit bigger than her tiny face can accommodate, I felt. She was smiling, and so were we. Sonal: This is my...

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Brandi Meets Her Son

In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle, and we were the only two in the...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 14 Commander Letsgos Office Interlude

The Commander still stared at the torn off rank insignia of the former Midshipman as his Desk, Then hisCom flashed with the top urgent icon. He touched the screen and a Holo transmission from Fleet headquarters solidified. It was the Old man himself, Admiral of the Fleet McElligott. “Where is Midshipman Olafson?” “Sir, the Ex Midshipman is just transferred to the brig. That subject has been dealt with swift and harsh. I doubt he is conscious. Thirty five lashes and off to Brisbane...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Soni Didi Ki Gand Me Thoka

Hello friends yeh ISS per meri phli story h . Yeh story mere or meri pados ke didi ke bich ki h jiska nam soni h. Mera nam ren h or m ek good looking bnda hu or meri height 6’1″ h or mere lund ka size 6’5″ lamba or 2’3″ mota h . M haryana ka rhne vala hu or soni joki ek sexy londiya h or uski umar 18 sal h , jiska figure 34-28-36 h . M 20 sal ka ladka hu . Agar koi bhi bhabhi ya aunty mujse chuwana chahti h to please contact me @ Ab aapka time na lete hue m sidha story per aata hu . Soni ki...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Simpsons Father and Son Camp Bonding

As Bart loaded his bag, in the car, he couldn’t help but complain again. He didn’t want to be up so early, didn’t want to go camping and certainly didn’t want to go there alone with his father for a whole day and night. He couldn’t blame Homer however. It wasn’t his idea after all, it was his mom’s. “Please Bart, do it for me,” she had said with her pleading eyes, the ones which no son could resist but agree to. Homer had complained as well and Marge had dealt with him...

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Mandy and her Son

The living room was a total mess, Mandy Allwood gazed around the room with a look of disgust. She'd just got in from work, after a hard day at the hospital where she worked as a nurse. She didn't want to come home and find her house like this. There were magazines strewn across the sofa and over the coffee table, videos cases left on the floor by the television and cups and plates scattered in various places around the room. Only one person could be responsible for this Mandy thought, her...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 2 Horny For Her Son

Vineeta took a large sip of the champagne and started her narrative. Vineeta’s Story It was morning when I bathed my son and gave him a handjob. Now as I was preparing his favorite chicken biryani. I started replaying the whole scene in my mind. The only thing that was recurrently playing was his hard, erect penis and the thick ropes of sperm that hit the bathroom wall. Any trace of guilt had evaporated from my mind and I was feeling horny. But I decided I won’t make any first move and let...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Divorcee ladys sex with GrandpaDadSon

I am a 34-year-old divorcee living with my son with whom I started having sex early Summer 2009. My sex life with my Dad is older than my son – we started our incestuous relationship soon after Dad’s divorce – he was about 40 and I was 16 then. He never re-married. I was divorced in 2008 and am scared still of getting into any commitment for another marriage. And I work for my Dad as his secretary and we have sex in the office, after other staff leave. On Friday evenings we have ‘proper sex’...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Mothers and sons sons and mothers

“Sweetie,” I cooed, “come to the shopping centre with me.”“Oh Mum, I’m in the middle of something,” came the reply.“The porn film will wait until we get home, now come on, I need a man, and you’re the closest thing I have to one.”We got into the car and drove to the nearby shopping centre. “So why have I got to come with you? Jack asked.“Because I need someone to help me, Sonia is away, so that left you as the only person I could ask at short notice sweetie.”“Help you with what?”“I need some...

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Mother8217s Milk makes her son as husband

This is the story of how I and my mother became lovers when I was 18 years old and how our relationship became more intimate later. My mother’s name is Sneha and my name is Ajit. We are a middle class Tamil family. My mother was married at the age of 18 to her uncle – my grandmother’s brother – when he was 40 years old, after his first wife died. I was born the same year she got married and after me, she had two girls and a boy was born just a few months before this story starts. It was the...

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The Kim Chandler Prison for Women

The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder GeneralSynopsis: Linda Marshall, now Mayor of the new town of Eastminster, has set out to transform every aspect of life within the town and its environs into a living hell for women, especially beautiful blondes. This is the story of her prison for women, named after one of her oldest enemies.The Kim Chandler Prison for WomenBy the Bitchfinder General1Linda Marshall, Mayor of Eastminster, smiled happily as she thought of the way in which,...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 10 Armand Mixes in the Hernandezs Affairs

Armand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...

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The Chronicles Of Sonali 8211 Part 16 Satisfying Her Husband And Son

My hubby’s eyes opened wide when I opened the door for him. “Wow, Soni, you look stunning.” He spoke and hugged me tight on the door itself. “I missed you a lot.” It felt good to feel the eagerness in his body. I knew he would love to have a quick fuck with me. “Where is my son? I have got a real good racquet for him.” “He has gone for practice, will be back after a couple of hours.” “Oh yeah – then we can use these hours.” He smiled with a lusty look in his eyes. “Of course, darling, but do...

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Mother and Son playing

As if he was a CFNM stripper, knowing she was nearly standing outside his bedroom door, he started his masturbation show. Ready to deliberately expose himself to his mother in the way she unintentionally exposed herself to him, he wanted his mother to see how big and how hard his prick was for her. As much as he couldn't wait to show her his stiff dick, he couldn't wait for her to see his erect cock. As nervous as he was sexually excited, having gone beyond the point of no return, with her...

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Two Moms Two Sons 9 London And Sandra Talk And Sext

"So, you really had sex with Pete in the library?""Yes," I answered as we both sat down on the couch. "I fully realize that it's not as classy as the shower, but we did it.""Weren't you worried about getting caught?""Well, don't tell Pete I told you, but it actually started with him jacking off under the table. I couldn't help, but to please myself to him. Even with me on his mind, it took him a few minutes to pop, but he did. Then he praised me with one line, and I had to say...

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Mother Son india

Rajiv was only 19 years old. Rajiv's father name was Dipak and rich businessman in city. His mother Rupa was the house wife. Rupa was 39 years old now. She was a modern up-to-date free lady, regularly visit to clubs and gim. Rupa like to dress very conservatively. She understood the modern concept of sex and liked it better. Her husband Dipak was busy most of the time with his business, cannot give much time to his wife. Rupa was happy, but her sexual life was far from what she desires. As a...

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Mother Queen And Son King

Hai this is rathode again please do leave your comments on my id Please read the stories for fun not at the cost of relations. Once youpon a time during Ancient India there is a kingdom called mathasangama , the kingdom is well blessed with all kind of resources where ever you see the land is full of greenery, farmers grows well yielded crops, miners mines pure gold, iron, silver and diamonds, soldiers fight with glory, each and every men and women in the kingdom are wise and pay the taxes on...

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Mother and Son

From that point onwards, she turned all attention to her new boy. All the frustration and anger that she felt that her husband’s subpar performance was turned into love and affection for her only child. She made no other attempt at pregnancy, even when her husband floated the idea of a second child. The only thing she was interested in was her fast-growing boy. Regardless to say, both the son and mother had grown extremely close. They were affectionate with each other. Especially Kirsten...

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Stepson Fantasies Chapter 4 Wanda

After the incident of the face painting orgy on the basketball court by her stepson and his buddies, Peggy had to take a break from the boys for a day or two. It had been a surreal, totally spontaneous, and wonderfully sordid event. She loved the eroticism but felt it would be awkward to be around them so soon after it happened. So, Peggy called Wanda. She just had to meet up and tell her partner in ‘Prurient Interests’ her recent tales about the boys. Wanda was a friend from college, who...

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Eric Olafson Fleet Cadet Vol 3Chapter 5 Commander Ebor Letsgos Office Interlude

The commander stood at the window of his spacious office overlooking the lake and jungle with his hands clasped behind his back watching a group of cadets struggling with a heavy wooden log. They had to carry it over an obstacle course and only by working together could this task be achieved. This ancient time tested exercise promoted team work, group coordination and leadership. This exercise had been used by Navy trainers even before the Galactic Ascent on good old Earth. Of course it...

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Mother Son when lust takes over

Alison closed the door behind her and left a sigh of disappointment as she watched out of the window to see the car disappear. Another attempt to date, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome , smart and successful but that wasn’t enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband’s death but she still couldn’t find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her juicy curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere she...

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Mother n Son Lust Love n Marraige

Chapter 1I used to spend a lot of time on the computer in our house because of work. But as my son Vikram started growing up, he started getting interested in the computer too. Initially, he would wait patiently, but grudgingly for me to finish with the computer, before he could start working on it. But by the time he became 16 years old, he became more demanding. And kept saying that he needed the computer more than me, as he had to use it to discuss his school homework with his classmates...

4 years ago
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Mother And Son Love And Lust

Greetings! This is my first attempt in writing story. I love only one stuff and that is mom son incest. Here’s is such a story woven from imagination High school days, a time of great friendships and new discoveries… I was enjoying the beautiful transition from boyhood to manhood, exchanging magazine tearups with friends, seeing girls on a totally different perspective….The teachers whom I considered with respect and reverence turned to be objects of sensuality and hormonal surges. The nights...

4 years ago
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Mother Catches Son

Mother Catches Son“Young man!!!… What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?” “Oh Shit… MOM!!!”“Oh my God… Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?… WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven… Did I hear what I think I just heard?… This movie is pornographic i****t… Those two boys are having sex with their mother… That is disgusting… You sick boy… Is this what turns you on? … Huh?… Is it?… Answer me you little pervert… Is this...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Neo Viking Vol 1Chapter 2 Ragnarsson Rock

5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...

4 years ago
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Mother Catches Son

"Young man!!!... What kind of filthy movie are you watching?!?!?""Oh Shit... MOM!!!""Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic i****t... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is...

2 years ago
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"Oh Shit... MOM!!!" "Oh my God... Why are you naked?.. And what is that in your hand?.. Are those my panties?... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PANTIES?!?!.. Good God in heaven... Did I hear what I think I just heard?... This movie is pornographic incest... Those two boys are having sex with their mother... That is disgusting... You sick boy... Is this what turns you on? ... Huh?... Is it?... Answer me you little pervert... Is this what turns you on?... Seeing two boys having sex with...

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