MUSTANG GT350 free porn video

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By Samantha G.

It was 1987. The year Bo Didley, Chuck Berry, and Marvin Gaye made it to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Marvin Gaye was a favorite of my Dad, and Ford Mustangs were a hot topic at our dinner table on most nights, but tonight was extra special for me. It was my 16th birthday. I had my pick for our dinner on this night and, to nobody’s surprise, it was my Mom’s homemade pizza.

My Mom really didn’t have time to do this in one day, so she would start the night before on the pizza sauce. The thick rich aroma of her delicious tomato sauce was wafting through our house all night last night. And, of course, it was Dad’s job to stop at Becco’s market on his way home from work and select the finest of the Italian sausage. After all, “Nobody knows more about meat than I do!” he always said with pride. And, he had a point, because Grandpa was a butcher in Apache Junction ages ago when Dad was growing up. “I worked in that shop sixteen hours a day!” he would always remind us and me in particular. He also reminded me that he had to walk to school every day, even on Sundays, fifty miles each way, and through buffalo stampedes.

“You know, Sammie,” I can still hear his lectures of life,” You can be anything you want to be.” I always dropped my head down.”Oh no, here we go again.”

“Yes Dad. I know, I know.” I always got The Look when I said those words. He would pull down his large black-framed glasses and look over them at me. “Uhm.” The usual reply.

I usually got A’s and a few B’s in school. I could have applied myself more, but I had a lot of chores to do. Feeding and tending to our horses, fixing broken fences, and working on that damn car.

“So, just what do you want to do with your life?” Dad always kept after me.

“I dunno, maybe waitress at Hooters.” That always pissed him off.

He abruptly stood at the table

“Sit down Julius!” My Mom was shaking her head with her back to us, laboring on the sauce for my birthday feast. My Dad was and still is a mountain of a man, six-foot-five and a solid 260 pounds. But Elaine could put him in his place in a heartbeat. My Mom ruled with an iron fist, and we both knew it. In fact, she grounded me for life last year. I came home from a trip to the city with a ‘Harley Davidson’ tattoo on my left arm.

“I love you, Mom.” There, Dad. It’s now two against one. My Mom didn’t want to be called by her ‘chosen’ name here at home. Her parents immigrated to America from Vietnam, when she was a little girl. They wanted her to have an American name on her naturalization papers, so they picked Elaine Mae. But she really liked to hear, “Mom.”

“You know, tomorrow is a big day, Sammie.” My Dad was trying to get on our good side now. He knew he didn’t have a ghost of a chance to pursue my employment issues any further.

“Yep, a biggie, Dad. Now I can drive your car.” That was just pushing his buttons now. Again, Julius stood up. Only to feel the wrath of Mom’s dishtowel on the back of his neck.

“SIT DOWN!” Mom now gave him ‘the look’. “You promised her.”

“I know Honey,” My Dad was still very much in love with her, and it would never fade, only get stronger, as they went on their journey of life together. I could only pray to find such happiness as these two shared. It made growing up something special, to have parents like them.

“Be right back.” My Dad got up and walked towards bedroom hallway.

“Your father has a surprise for you.” My Mom turned and looked at me.

“What? What surprise?” My heart was now racing. The butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming. I glanced down the hallway.

“Oh My God!!” I was now squirming in my kitchen chair. I could see my Dad coming back into view, his eyes absolutely beaming, and I distinctly heard the jingle of car keys. He had his arms behind his back, foolishly trying to hide my surprise. I sprang at him when he got into range.

“Oh Dad, you didn’t!!” I squealed in pure delight, hugging him, trying to reach around him and pry my present from those huge hands. It was no use; he was too big. I stepped back with my hands to my mouth, my dark hazel eyes bulging with excitement. I began bouncing up and down. My eyes glued to his hands as they came into view.

“For you, Sammie.” I stood frozen in time, unable to speak. The keys to his Mustang swayed in front of my stunned face. Not just any set of keys. My very own set!!

At first I was afraid of them. They would hold so much responsibility, but I quickly grabbed them anyway and launched a hug that my Dad would never forget. My Mom just stood at the stove and watched us, silently nodding her pretty head with approval. I could hardly get to sleep that night. I couldn’t just leave My Keys on the nightstand, nope. I had to hold them again. I grabbed my flashlight from the drawer, and clicked it on.

I laid on my back in my bed with my legs propped up knocking together and held my sweet independence high in the darkness. The beam from the light made them shimmer. They had the Ford logos, and I read “Sammie” embroidered inside a large red heart on the big black leather tab. Everyone will think I drive a Sammie. What the Hell is a Sammie? What kind of a car is that? Maybe it should have said MUSTANG, but it didn’t matter to me. I got the car.

That car became a big part of me. So many events in my life would take place because of it. Some were happy, and some were sad. And some would change my life forever, as though that Mustang gave me so many choices at the crossroads along life’s journey. It seems like such an easy decision to go straight, or turn left or right, but the path we choose will alter who we are today. To fall asleep on that Thursday night was impossible. And school the next day was just eight wasted hours. I couldn’t get home fast enough.

“Happy Birthday, Sammie!” Mom sang as she finally presented the scalding hot delicacy from the oven, the steam blasting my face as she placed it front of me on the table. I squirmed, feeling my keys as they caressed my butt in my back pocket.

Ah, can I get this to go? I silently begged. I had a ton of places to go to, people to see, and things to do!!

We slaughtered the pizza in short order. The only sounds were that of our lips smacking together, and some moans of delight. Dan Rather was on TV, talking about President Reagan and the Iran-Contra stuff, and the Unibomber struck for the second time at a Utah computer store.

“Can I go?” I beamed at my parents. I had wolfed down four big slabs of Moms present. But I was a growing girl, five foot four inches and a nicely toned one hundred and ten pounds.

“What? No McGyvver tonight, Sammie?” My Dad was teasing me. Friday was also our night to watch whatever impossible predicament he’d escape from.

“Go ahead, dear, but be careful.” And my Mom’s voice was serious, my Dad nodding in agreement. “Be home by midnight, ok?” I kissed them each goodbye.

I grabbed my Phoenix Suns windbreaker off the hook at the back kitchen doorway, and flew out the door. I would come home a totally different person, at three in the morning.

“Holy Shit,” I mumbled to myself as I pulled up the doublewide aluminum garage door. I knew they were watching from the kitchen window. The sun setting in the Arizona desert is, for me, always breathtaking. I will always call this place my home. I stood silently and took in this beautiful view. The blazing sunset filled the inside of the garage with a bright orange glow.

My Mustang was parked facing out, looking like a primer gray missile ready for launch. The last rays of sunlight bathed the hungry grill and glared off of the center fog lamps. The small hood scoop was ready to eat some Chevys. I slowly approached my steed, petting the front of the hood, and touching the hood pins whose job it was to keep the damn thing from flying open in event I went five hundred miles an hour.

“Thanks Dad!” I turned and shouted at the kitchen window and the two figures standing at it. The only thing this machine needed was a navy blue paint job and the two big white stripes. It was all-original, matching numbers, with an honest to God 351 Cleveland engine. Hell, I knew more about cars than most of the boys in school or the entire valley.

I guess that’s why the gear heads sought out my company at school. I was born and raised by a father that was a racing nut besides teaching at the University. Ever since I was 10 years old, I helped him on most Saturday afternoons putting this beast together. When most teenage girls were at the mall flirting with older boys, looking for anyone to say how beautiful they were, I was bent over a fender, tightening header bolts or pulling an alternator off, or working on the jets to that fucking carb. We just couldn’t get it to idle quite right. The three-quarter race cam had some to blame, but it was supposed to idle rough.

And thanks to that unreliable Holley carburetor, I would find out about very real sex, on this very special night. The night of my 16th birthday.

“Thanks again, Dad!” I opened the door and climbed in. I got my butt just right, and leaned forward sliding that key in, pressed down the clutch pedal and the heavy duty Hayes clutch we had just put in, and I turned it. The beast roared to life. I was honest to God, WET!

There are two aromas that can really get me going, my Mom’s homemade pizza, and the sweet smell of high-octane exhaust. And I had a tank full of 104, courtesy of the small airport down the Interstate. I put the animal in first gear. Dad said it dyno’d at 450hp.

Four years ago, my Dad began to teach me how to drive. Hours and hours of driving up and down our long gravel driveway at first, so I had mastered how to dirt track in the corners and slide without spinning out, and all that crap. I gradually worked up to the super speedway events on the asphalt Interstate that ran by our land. I could speed-shift with the best of ‘em, as my Dad would say. He would sit in the passenger seat and cheer if I laid rubber in all four gears.

But town is waiting for you, Sammie, I thought, and slowly eased out of the garage. At the end of our gravel road, I looked in the rear view mirror and noticed how different I looked. I had a more sensual look in what used to be girls eyes. I had just a little eyeliner on, but it made me look really sexy now.

There’s nothing in the world that compares to cruising down the Interstate at 85 miles per hour with the Mustang’s deafening growl and the music of TOTO’s “Hold the Line” blaring out of the sound system. I was on my way to being an independent woman. The windows were rolled down, even though it was only about fifty degrees outside. I just wanted my long black hair to flow out the window.

I blew by a semi and the driver hit his horn in approval. “There goes a hot chick,” he would have said. The lights of town were slowly coming into view as the Mustang roared down into the valley.

My headlights picked up on the reflecting railroad crossing sign, and then it died. My Mustang, chugged a few times, sputtered, and went quiet. I was almost downtown too. I coasted to a stop just a few blocks away from Donavan’s Speed Shop.

“Shit, that’s a break.” I rolled up my windows, locked the doors and got out.

Donavan’s is where everyone goes to get the hottest hop-ups. Clyde Donavan, the owner passed away some years ago, so his oldest son Jason took it over. Jason was a high school star athlete until he got partially paralyzed in a real bad car wreck when he was drag racing through town a few years ago. With any luck, he’d still be open. I began walking into town.

Oh good! He’s still open. I could see Jason sweeping out the big stall in the garage. As I was running towards the open garage door, Jason spotted me and suddenly stopped sweeping and dropped his broom. I jogged into the stall, and stopped a few feet from him. “Still open?”

I’ve had a crush on this guy ever since I saw him play football in high school. Jason could have gone to any college in the southwest to play defensive back or wide receiver, but when his dad died, he took over his family responsibility, and kept the shop going. My Dad really didn’t care for him that much, only because, “Donavan’s Shop had high prices on everything!” I’ve always liked Jason and considered him a good friend to share Ford racing secrets with.

“Hi Sammie! Is that you?” He looked surprised to see me. He struggled to pick his broom back up. His right leg and hip were bolted together after being shattered in the wreck. It took more than just his football career away; girls didn’t want to date a cripple. But to me, he was my hero. I had had countless, intimate encounters with him in my privacy of my bedroom.

“Hi Jason.” Jason could always get me to smile. “I got major problems.”

“I told your dad to get a new Holley for the GT,” His voice was crackling.

“Well you know my Dad, save a dollar, spend a penny.”

“Where’s the car, Sammie?” He was trying not to make eye contact, which I thought was strange.

“A couple of blocks away.” Now I moved to get in his vision. Again he looked away.

“Ok, let’s go get it.” He dropped his broom against the workbench and I followed him to the tow truck outside.

“Hey, Sid! I’ll be right back,” he yelled to his little brother, who was busy cleaning the front office area. “Ok Jas,” the little 12-year-old yelled back. We climbed into the truck.

“Shitty thing to have happen on a birthday.” I looked at him for an eye to eye. He slowly turned and looked at me.

“No shit? It’s your birthday?”

“Jesus, Sam, you’re really growing up fast.” He was blushing and trying desperately to hide the fact.

“Let’s go get the car.” He quickly glanced down at my legs in the skintight jeans.

Jason did all the work hooking up the tow strap to my car. He was still in fantastic shape. He had really muscular arms and a big chest. He looked a lot like a young Paul Newman.
I couldn’t get enough of watching him, or how the cool desert breeze made his blond hair flow so sensuously. I could look at him as a sexy man now. He was only six years older than me, so that made it all right.

We pushed my car into the far right stall, and Jason hit the button to drop the garage door shut. I could see out the back door window from this stall. His mangled wreck of a car was still in the yard. Its engine was pushed into the front seat from the impact of hitting the train on that night. His brakes failed because of a bad fitting and all the fluid leaked out. The streetlight from the alley served as a reminder that the Angel of Death took only his car that night.

“Got to go, Jas!” Sid yelled from the office. And we heard the door slam shut. We were alone now. Jason pulled the hood pins out and raised the hood.

“What have we here, Samantha?” He didn’t call me Sammie? I watched him take the air cleaner off. Then I leaned in right next him.

“That’s the whole problem uh Jas?” I leaned a lot closer to him pointing to the front of the carburetor. I had my right breast rub against his arm. They weren’t very big, but they were breasts. I could feel my nipple become instantly hard, and he knew right away that I wasn’t wearing a bra!

Jason stood up quickly and forgot he was under the hood of my car. He almost knocked himself out.

“Oh shit, Sammie! What the heck are you doing?” He stepped back and sternly looked at me. He rubbed the top of his head. “Jesus Christ, Sammie.” He checked his hand for blood. He didn’t even notice the look of utter despair in my eyes.

“I’m sorry Jas,” My voice was weak and sad. My Boyfriend just yelled at me.

“You trying to get me in trouble?” I felt terrible. How could he say a thing like that? His face sank when he saw the tears beginning to well in my eyes.

“I’m sorry, Sammie,” He now came to comfort me,” I just thought you were-”

I quickly turned and ran into the office, sobbing all the way. I slammed the door behind me and, leaning against it, I began to really cry. Jason stayed in the work stall tending to my car.

“How could I be that stupid?” I scolded myself in his dark office. “You think he’d be interested in a kid like you??” I looked at the big clock on the wall behind his desk. It was nearing ten o’clock.

“Just great.” I sat in Jason’s chair at the desk. “Happy birthday, Sam.” I stared out the huge store window and pouted, the distant streetlight trying to put me on a stage so everyone could see my foolishness.

“Hey everyone, look! It’s little Sammie,” an imaginary carnival barker was announcing. “Look how she moves through the night, like a sensuous snake, about to strike it’s preyed.”

“Oh, fuck you,” I debated the carnival barker. My big night lay in ruins. I imagined my ideal night would have been to ride around town with my Jason, just a little while, so everyone could see I was with him. He could be driving my car, and I would be sitting on the console right next to him with my arms wrapped tightly around him.

“Jason? Please take me home and make love to me.” His apartment was right above me, right above this very shop.

“I’ll just wait here till he’s done with my car.” I saw the lit numbers to his nearby radio. I reached over and clicked the FM button. Suddenly the whole office and shop was filled with music. The band Journey was on, and they were singing the song “Don’t Stop Believing.” The words to the music went straight to my broken heart.

“Almost got it, Sammie!” Jason yelled from his distant workplace. I quickly looked at the big clock, 11:15. Cinderella’s night is almost over. I felt sad again.

I heard my car roar to life. Excited, I quickly left Jason’s chair and ran back to the shop.

Oh my God, what a sight! Jason leaning against my car with a huge smile of satisfaction with his big arms folded across his chest in triumph. I shyly walked towards him, hiding my happy face. My car rocked as the race cam did its stuff.

“I replaced the carb jets, Sammie, and adjusted the floats,” he said as he twirled a screwdriver. “Call it a birthday present.” He had a look of concern. “OK, Sammie?” I stood directly in front of him, afraid to look up. He lightly tapped my nose with the screwdriver, trying to get me to look at him. I couldn’t hear him. The engine was too loud. Jason turned and shut off my Mustang.

“I said I replaced those bad jets, but don’t tell your dad.” He reached out and gently held my shoulders. I slowly looked up. My boyfriend didn’t want me. He saw the trails of my tears. He knew I wanted him. Music was softly filling the garage. It would be hopeless to escape this pending seduction.

“Jason?” My voice was shaky but I had to know.” Do you think I’m pretty?”

“Yes!” he exclaimed and went to the front of my car, gently closing the hood.

“Sammie,” he continued as I walked to him at the front of the Mustang. “You could be on the cover of Vogue.” Wow! I didn’t know he read that magazine.

“You’ve got the senior girls beat by a mile.” We stood side by side, looking at the front of the car. I felt him turn to look at me. “You’re the most beautiful girl in this valley.” There was a hint of sincerity in his voice. Maybe it was that he liked what I knew about cars.

“Happy birthday, Samantha,” Jason bent down to kiss my cheek just as I turned to face him. Our lips met.

There’s an eternity of time to that very first serious kiss. Every pair of lips that would touch mine from that day forward would be compared to Jason’s. And for a girl of 16 to get that first very special kiss from her biggest fantasy, it’s pure heaven.

We stood together frozen in time. I slowly put my arms around his neck and quietly pressed against him. He dropped the screwdriver. I felt his hands around my waist. My mouth opened as his soft warm tongue brushed my moist lips. Jason was breathing so fast and heavy it was triggering a hunger deep inside me. I wasn’t afraid of where this was going. My knees shivered in weakness, his strong hands were at my small firm breasts.

Jason didn’t know about my parent’s collection of porno, that I had found and studied. For two long years, I read all the magazines and watched every movie, hundreds of times. I had a library of sex at my disposal. And I knew he didn’t have a girlfriend and since I had a crush on him for so long, I wanted him to be with me. I wanted him to make love to me. I needed him to be the one.

He moaned in complete surprise as my hands pressed from his neck, down to the front of his jeans. He followed suit, by gently rubbing my damp pussy through the crotch of my anxious skin tight Levis.

My hands were at his crotch, rubbing and grasping. I moaned long and loud, feeling his rock hard penis that was trapped in his jeans. My first ever, very real penis. And his was very erect.

“My tight jeans, quick pull them off!” The words wouldn’t come out. I unzipped his greasy jeans. He groaned. His hands were now at my own jeans, working to release them. My hand was going inside, sliding under the band of his jockey shorts. I felt his rich pubic hair, and the heat from his groin.

“Sammie,” he whispered, his lips worked around my cheek to my ear. My jeans were going down my legs. His hands held my butt, squeezing my small firm cheeks. My hand found his beautiful naked cock. It was so smooth and rock solid. My fingers slowly grasped it.

“Jason,” I quietly whispered his name. He pushed his jeans and underwear down to his knees. I watched his manhood spring straight out. It looked huge. Not nearly as big as some of those actors in the pornos, but for a sixteen-year-old virgin, it was big.

This scene of innocence lost will be forever stamped in my mind. A dimly lit service garage, in the farthest stall two people standing and facing each other. One with his jeans and underwear around his knees, his rock-hard penis sticking straight out. He was holding my shoulders. He had his eyes closed and his head tilted back, because I was stroking his cock with my hand. My fingers were squeezing and pumping his ridged shaft. I’m looking down in awe at this sight. My own jeans are around my ankles, but my panties are still on, and so is my jacket and tee shirt. To me, it looked like two lonely people finding each other on a dark, cool February night in the Arizona desert.

“Oh, Sam, Oh,” Jason was whispering. I stepped out of my jeans and knelt on them. His beautifully hard cock throbbed as I held it. I slowly took his penis into my mouth, closing my warm wet lips around his smooth velvety head. My hands held onto his hips. I could feel the poor attempt the surgeons did to reconstruct it. I slowly moved my mouth back and forth on his erect cock.

“Oh, sweet Jesus!” I heard him whisper out loud. I could make him mine forever. After all, I learned a lot watching those movies. But I didn’t consider the end result of my expertise. He held my head and began to pump his cock in and out of my mouth faster and faster. I could barely hold his hips now. I grabbed the base of his wet stiff penis and pumped it feverishly.

“Oh, Oh,” I felt his ass tighten, as his penis swelled in my mouth. He stopped moving. The flood of hot cum poured onto my tongue, and hit the back of my throat. Instinctively, I tried to swallow, but there was way too much. It just kept pumping out. I had a huge load in my mouth as I released his penis, and it was still flying out of the tip, landing on my jacket, my cheek, and in my hair. The bittersweet salty taste overwhelmed my full mouth. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and gulped it down as he gently held my head in his shaking hands. I could feel his warm cum dribbling onto my naked thighs.

He brought me to my feet and began kissing me, as I began to slide myself out of my drenched black panties. I held onto his still very erect penis, to keep my balance and also to remind both of us that this wasn’t over yet.

“Losing My Religion.” I heard the R.E.M. song on the radio at the very moment that I lay on the hood of my car, naked from the waist down with my legs spread wide. Jason approached, his hard cock swayed towards my hot young pussy.

“This is MY man, Jason,” I told myself. My heart began to beat out his name. He gently held my hips and pulled me down to the front of the hood. His hard cock bumped the inside of my hot smooth thigh, making me gasp in excitement and finality. His eyes were shut as he rubbed the head of his stiff cock around my sweating pussy. My head was swimming with excitement and raw lust. He found the tight opening, hot, wet and slick.

“Ohhh,” I felt the head go in just a little. Arching my back, I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Desperately seeking his sweet kiss at this moment in my life.

“Owww, Ouch, Ohhhh.” He was pushing just a little. I clenched my teeth. It hurt and it burned at the same time. The pressure was painfully sweet. Jason looked down and kissed me, taking my head in his hands, thrusting his hips forward. Jason was making a secret commitment to me. He would never leave my side, “Forever, Samantha.”

“AHHH, OH my GOD!!!” The searing hot pain filled my stretching new womanhood. I looked down with tightly clenched teeth. Puffing, and panting, his penis was half way in.
It had broken through. My body was shaking as he slowly pulled his hard penis out a little. I saw my blood and juice coating his glistening shaft. He slowly pushed it back in making me yelp sharply. He was going deeper.

I hung on to his neck for dear life. It was so painful, but also very, very wonderful. He slowly pumped my young pussy. My tightness made him dizzy with lust. Every stroke was more than the one before, as his cock glided effortlessly in and out. My wetness was louder than the music in the background. My butt was riding in a pool of blood and juice on the hood of my car.

“Oh my God, oh my God,” I was loudly breathing the words over and over. He held my hips, slowly pumping his wonderful cock. Pain was building; he was going deeper. My hips were a flurry of humping back against his organ. He pulled me down to lay my back on the hood of the car. He wrapped his large arms around my spread thighs, pulling me and plunging his cock in and out. My arms shot straight out, there was nothing for me to grab. My head and hair flung from side to side, as my cries of passion echoed throughout the empty garage. He pumped slow, then fast. His cock went deep, then shallow. My stuffed pussy was splashing with juice

“Oh, what he does with his cock! That wonderful, hard thrusting, pumping, hunk of manhood,” my sex glazed mind whispered over and over.

I watched him straighten up and felt him sink the entire length into me. My mouth hung wide open. I was silent. I was full. A great pressure was washing through me. My head was spinning. My whole body was shaking. I couldn’t stop it. The tidal wave of a climax engulfed every inch of me. I locked my legs around him, and quickly gripped his strong arms, trying to ride it out, terrified at where this euphoria was taking me. My eyes were closing as the heat in my loins exploded, sending a bath of warmth cascading through every fiber of my gripping vagina. A seductive darkness closed in.

“Oh, Dear God, Samantha,” a small voice echoed faintly through my thoughts. I was drifting away. “Don’t bother me,” I replied to the voice. I was weightless, and drifting. My entire being was warm and tingly. On and on, I drifted so wondrously. Barely conscious of where I was, or that Jason had pulled out of me and was passionately kissing my mouth. I was elsewhere now, in another world, where time didn’t exist. The fruits of passion. A woman’s orgasm. I faintly felt the heat of his cock pumping out a huge load of cum onto my belly. I was vaguely aware of holding his penis, and stroking it, pulling on the shaft, milking more of his precious seed onto my body.

There’s that little voice again. “Sammie?” What the fuck do you want! I’m busy here in ecstasy; I’m getting mad now.

“Sammie!!” I slowly began to remember.

“Sammie?” I felt him. He slowly came into view. My mind was a broken jigsaw puzzle of thoughts. I slowly sat up and hugged my Jason.

He held me so close on that night. We stayed like that for quite a while, sharing touches, and sweet kisses. Until I glanced at the shop clock, 2:45 a.m.

“Holy Shit! I’m going to get killed!” My panic was obvious and urgent. I could just see my Dad waiting at the driveway with his twelve gage shotgun. “I’m sorry Sammie, but we have to shoot you now.” And my Mom would be standing right behind him with a rolling pin. “Let me beat her first, OK, honey?”

We quickly got dressed without much talking. I jumped into my car. Then Jason leaned in and kissed me and touched my cheek. My heart began to sing with joy. The love was very deep in his blue eyes at that moment, and it would carry me through the next two years of school. Jason would be my guy.

I lucked out when I drove up the long gravel driveway. The house was totally dark, except for the yard light near the garage. I shut off the car and coasted into my parking place. I quietly snuck into the house. I could hear my Dad snoring. I went to my bedroom and got undressed. I took a long hot shower to wash away the evidence. I crawled into bed and stared out my bedroom window. All I could see was Jason beautiful face.

“What’s Jason doing right now? Is he thinking of me?”

“I love you Jason.” Was the last fleeting thought my mind would have as I drifted off to sleep.

My Mom was surprised to see me do the Saturday morning wash so early. I had more evidence to destroy. A guy’s cum stains are very distinct. And mixed with a virgin’s blood, it is a dead giveaway.

“Hey, Sammie?” My Dad came in from tinkering in the garage. Just then a bolt of fear jolted me. He had secret spies follow me all night, and he knew.

“What happened to the car?” Oh good, he had his back to me as he poured himself a glass of water at the kitchen sink. Did he say “the car”?

“The car? What?”

“There’s blood on the hood.” Oh My God! He knows! Quick thinking will save the day.

“I hit a rabbit.” Jesus Christ! Did I just say that? I scratched my head and rolled my eyes.

Dad slowly turned my way, pulled down his big black-rimmed glasses, and peered at me.

I gave him a slight grin and shrugged my shoulders.

“Must have been a tall rabbit, huh?” And he didn’t pursue it. He and Mom would get ready for a drive into Phoenix that morning, leaving me alone with my thoughts and my music.


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This is a blast from the past. It is about a night I had the old Mustang Bookstore in Upland, CA.I've been sucking cock at the Mustang Book Store for years. This is the first in a long series of events that are 100% true to the best of my memory. Here is what happened yesterday.After arriving around 4pm I settled into one of the corner booths upstairs waiting for my first cock to suck. Finally a guy who looked to be in his forties about 6 foot tall came into my booth and asked me if I wanted...

2 years ago
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Mustang Niece

Mandy peered at the currying brush she'd just dropped inside Widowmaker's stall. Widowmaker, though he was perfectly nice to her, got his name from his propensity to kick and his stall had been equipped with plywood on the slats to keep him from kicking them out, or kicking through them. And now the brush she needed was inside his stall. Widowmaker stood placidly, facing her, waiting for her to feed him another sugar cube or apple. She'd been winning him over bit by bit ever since she'd...

1 year ago
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Mustang Sally Chapter 3

I lay down between her spread thighs and just looked at the banquet laid out before me for a few moments. Sally had the prettiest pussy I'd ever seen–the lips were tucked in nice and tight and there was no droop or hanging down in them.I've known some women whose pussy reminded me of a Basset hound, but such was not the case with Sally. Her small "man in the boat" was peeking out from under his hood wanting to know what was going on, and I could see the beginnings of wetness as I looked at...

2 years ago
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Mustang Sally Chapter 1

I came home from work one Friday for lunch–my office isn't that far from home and occasionally I do come home just to get away from work for a bit and regroup. When I got there, I noticed a flat-bed tow truck loading up my neighbor's prize 1965 Mustang convertible. Curious, I went over to see her."Hi Sally, I saw the tow truck outside. Are you having car troubles?"She looked down sadly. "No, it's being repossessed." "Repossessed? What happened?""Well I got fired about a week ago and I...

2 years ago
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Mustang Sally

I was recently reading one of the stories on this site and it brought to mind some of the early adventures that I enjoyed with a woman named Sally. I had known her for about two years when the following story happened. We had flirted back and forth for most of that time. It was harmless, as we were both married. Then one week she told me that her husband had moved out the past weekend and they were through. I sympathized with her of course and gave her a shoulder to use.About a month later when...

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Mustang Sally Chapter 2

I learned quite a lot about my new roomie while walking on the beach that day. I learned that her father was in the military and they moved around a lot when she was younger. Then one day they got word that he had been killed in an accident overseas. Sally was just getting ready to start high school at the time. I learned that despite a lot of hardships on both her and her mother, Sally managed to finish high school. But unfortunately, her plans and dreams of college were killed when her father...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Elle Alexandra Shyla Jennings Reena Sky Christmas Spirit Part Three

When lesbian Shyla Jennings brings her girlfriend Elle Alexandra home for Christmas, Shyla’s step mother Reena Sky rejects the lesbian couple and sends Elle away. Reena’s been grooming Shyla for marriage a rich man, and she refuses to let Shyla ruin her future. Later that night, Reena is visited by the Spirit of Christmas, a ghostly entity who warns her of a tragic fate. After wasting her life on material things, which cannot love her in return, Reena will meet an early grave. She...

2 years ago
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Joan Part 5

Introduction: We go to Cancun and Joan get a Gaucho My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While Im working, Joan scouts for sexual adventures for us. My next business trip was to Cancun Mexico. Cancun offers many different experiences. Theres a wild spring break scene, fine all-inclusive resorts, nude beach resorts and many fine restaurants. My business was at an all-inclusive resort called Baja. The resort was on the ocean and had a private beach. Joan had bought another...

2 years ago
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Begin AgainChapter 8

Begin Again: 8. "This was your watch, Andrea?" said Seven. "Why didn't you turn it in when you got your new one?" asked Four. "Lemmesee," Andrea pretended to ponder. She cradled her right elbow with her left hand, rubbed her chin with her right hand, moved up and rubbed her nose between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand and humphed, hemmed and hummed, stuck one finger in the air in front of her face, gestured with it as she made her points, and said, "I was with Tim. You...

3 years ago
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Amandas First Time

Amanda's first time By Jaine Rayner There I was, standing on her doorstep, dressed in my best attire - I had got her number from "" and phoned her up about three hours ago and booked this appointment... +++ Hiya, Its Tanya here, how can I help you? Well, I really would like to book an appointment with you, but I'm a bit nervous of one or two things... Like What? There's no need to be nervous of me, I can cater for most things - your hearts desire - and...

3 years ago
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We moved to New Zealand last year and have not seen our friends Helen and Pablo since we left they moved to Spain soon after we left and we were looking forward to a visit. We are good friends back in England. Helen has been Joanne's best friend for years and both Joanne and Helen met Pablo and I within a few months, Joanne was talking to Helen on the phone just before we had sex the first time and as we all know women tell each other everything and I know Helen had a stroke by stroke account...

1 year ago
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The Cheerleaders Lesson

"Coach Brad, you wanted to see me?""Yes, Katie, come in and sit down."She sat down in front of the desk. Coach Brad's office was always thought of as a bit of a scary place by the cheerleaders. But especially like this, after practice when the school was usually empty."Katie, do you like being squad captain?""Well, yeah obviously or else I wouldn't do it."Coach Brad didn't find her comment amusing. He looked at her intently, with those strong hazel eyes. She suddenly felt flushed,...

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Oral Sex With Cousin In Chandigarh

Hello friends amit here from mohali.. Ye meri 1st story hai.. He pehle me apne bare me thoda bta du meri age 22 he height 5’8. Body average & me engg krta hu.. To know me more email me on Ye meri & meri cousin sister (sonal) ki story hai.. Uski age 21 hai & wo bhi engg krti hai.. Uski body kaafi attractive hai 30-28-32 & wo chandigarh me rehti hai..Ye baat aaj se 2 saa pehle ke he me apne taya g ke ghar summer holidays pr gya tha after semester exams. Us time use bhi holidays the. Me unke ghar...

2 years ago
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The Great Shift Summers End Part 4

The Great Shift - Summer's End (Part 4) by Limbo's Mistress Tyrone began to stir about three minutes before the police arrived. I noticed it first, the twitch of the fingers of his left hand. Instantly, the memory of that massive hand being slammed against my face, and the harsh way they had groped and fondled me, rushed forward, drowning out everything else. As if I were reliving it all over again. Huddled beneath the blanket, I curled tighter in on myself, and a...

3 years ago
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Apni Virgnity Ko Aunty Ki Garam Chut Se Thoda

Hi friend’s main abhi abhi is site se juda hu main bhi apke sath apne sex experience share karna chahta hu. Meri umar abh 27 sal hai height 6 feet rang whitish. Main ludhiana main rehta hu ye 5 sal pehle ki baat hai jab mein college main patda tha. Hum rented house main rehte thai hamare sath ke aur family bhi rehti thi ek unle or ek aunty unki ek bethi thi jiski ab marriage ho chuki thi. Uncle aunty ab akele rehte thai. Uncle ki umar karib 45 sal thi or aunty ki umar takriban 40 sal. Aunty ka...

2 years ago
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Surefuck Bones The Case of the Forbidden SexChapter 3

I was roused by Surefuck Bones. A quick glance at the clock said six o'clock. "Wadshot! Well done!" he said to me. I tried to clear my mind from the nap. "I see you did her in the ass. Well done, indeed," said Bones. With that pleasant memory, my mind cleared immediately. "Anything to help my friend," said I. "I think we should request our guest to clean herself up," said Bones. "I took the liberty of obtaining extra towels from Mrs. Hummer." Bones went over to Charlotte. He...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 165

Rebecca took Katya's place beside Adam when the Russian wandered off to talk to someone else. "Relieved or disappointed?" she asked. It was obvious that Adam was the last to know something again. "Confused," he admitted. "I, uh... , well... , I didn't actually realize that was under consideration." "I'm not sure it was but it's best we got it out of the way," Rebecca said with a laugh. "Now we can just drag them to the bedrooms without worrying about someone getting the wrong...

2 years ago
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Oliver the Slave

Note: This story may be offensive to some as it is set in the era of slavery in the US Deep South, and uses the word “nigger”. Ever since I was a boy and saw Roots I have had sexual fanatsies about interracial coupling based on the erotic power imbalances of that era. If this is not your thing then just move on now and read no further, but understand that I write this as an open-minded male who far from being racist, admires people of different ethnicity and has a tendency to find black men and...

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Beautiful Experience With A Beautiful Stranger

Hello guys, this is my first story in iss and this is totally non-fiction story happened last week to me with a beautiful stranger. For a small introduction, my name is mogembo (name changed) with the hight of 6feet and not that heavy muscled guy. Have a great 6.5inch tool for lovely ladies. For contact: As you know this is my first story, so please pardon me and my mistakes. Let’s begin with the story… I am a type of guy who loves to go everywhere alone and also love to go different places. I...

4 years ago
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A Military Officer Is Tempted By A Young Cadet

Based on a true story. I was a military officer in charge of a group of young students at West Point, the nations premier service academy. One day during inspections I found a red thong on a young plebe's (freshman) desk, clearly left out by mistake. The young female cadet must have rushed out to get to inspection and forgotten her contraband panties were still on her desk. I checked the name tags on the door, the names were of two females who had both been recruited for track. They had really...

Office Sex
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The IT Girl Services the Gentleman

The knock on the door startles Mark. He had almost forgotten that someone was coming. In fact, he did forget. As the creaking door opens, the site before him almost takes his breath away. Standing there, with briefcase in hand and smile upon her painted full lips, stands one Melanie Thompson, IT tech from NerdsRUs. She is far from what he expected, given the name of the company. Dressed impeccably in her brown pencil skirt and somewhat sheer buttoned down top, she confidently smiles and steps...

1 year ago
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Private Sara Diamante A Wild Debut

Brunette and sexy, Sara Diamante debuts on today as one of our new neighbours on Temptation Avenue, and this stunning babe has come with a point to prove! Sara can’t help but get excited and horny whilst watching her new neighbours playing soccer in the pool, and it doesn’t take long for her to take action as she offers them a snack and takes them home for a wild threesome that includes everything from gagging blowjobs, to anal, to rimming, to DP, and a climax of two facial...

4 years ago
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Schwules Internat 0816

Die Geschichte hab ich am 20.11. schon mal hochgeladen. Da sie bis heute nicht erschienen ist: hier noch einmal.Jetzt wurde Toni hellwach „hab ich richtig gehört, ich darf vielleicht studieren, das hast Du mir noch gar nicht gesagt“ rief er aufgeregt.„Du hattest ja auch anders zu tun“ lachte ich.Toni wurde puterrot.Ich erklärte Frau Mair „der Toni hat sich ganz schnell mit den anderen Jungs angefreundet und fühlt sich augenscheinlich wohl in ihrer Gesellschaft. Wir blieben den ganzen Nachmittag...

1 year ago
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The GovernorChapter 4

“Let her go!” Ling commanded “Let her go and get out!” The drunken soldier, maybe a head taller than Ling, looked at him. “Sorry sir, surely there’s enough for everyone to get some pussy here? How about her?” he looked at the youngest, who had pissed herself in fear “or the black slave there? I’m not fussy” “But they are, and she’s not a slave, she’s a servant. She is free to fuck who she chooses and I’m pretty sure a sweaty, smelly, dying drunk wouldn’t be her first choice” The soldier...

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A Sound investment

It was cheap because it had sitting tenants, a HMO or house in multiple occupation, three students, girls, and four bedrooms, three bedrooms upstairs and one more downstairs which used to be the parlour. I moved into the fourth room. The downstairs one. The house was handy for Uni and I thought I would stay Monday through Friday and go home at weekends. I moved in straight away, “Hi I’m George, your new housemate and new landlord,” I explained, “I’m doing a masters at Uni, you’re students...

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OyeLoca Mariana Martinez Mila Garcia Mis Monroy Sexy Colombianas

Mis Monroy, Mariana Martinez, and Mila Garcia have a job to do, but somehow they keep getting distracted. While cleaning up the hotel room, they cannot help but get a little curious about the guests. They go through a suitcase and find some extra sexy toys and money inside! Of course, the girls cannot concentrate with all this scandalous material around, so they indulge themselves a little. They play with each others bodies and find themselves enjoying the pleasure so much they forget they are...

1 year ago
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BBC Paradise! What’s your idea of heaven? Is it a Hallmark Special where you reunite with your dog that got run over and your grandpa who had a stroke, only now he’s no longer a deranged alcoholic? Or is it something a little more sensual, like a Fiddler’s Green of tight, moist holes getting plunged deep by massive black dicks? That’s a little more my speed, and exactly what they’re peddling over at BBC Paradise.Some porno websites make you guess at what’s inside; what the fuck is a Brazzer,...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Terror In The Mountains

Marilyn Hopkins rolled over and turned off the screeching alarm clock, getting up at 6 A.M. was not her usual routine since her divorce. Her husband had done well and she had managed to get quite an alimony settlement, not to mention a hefty child support for their daughter, Joy. Joy had been bitter about the divorce, feeling that her mom had taken advantage of the situation and had given Marilyn lots of trouble. There had been the staying out late, the suspicion of drug use and worst of all,...

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How many times have you found yourself fantasizing about a sexy as fuck mom? Too many times to count? I know the feeling! There is nothing better than sliding your long hard cock into a seasoned cunt. Especially when that mom is not getting any fucking action in the first place!If you want to know what it looks like for a lucky bastard to fuck a sexy mom that knows what she wants, know that has what you are looking for. This porn aggregator has a fuck ton of mom-only pornography...

Mature Porn Sites
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Satisfied Lust

I was in my freshman year of college, the month of January. This was back when dormitory's were not like they are today. All students had their meals in the cafeteria or off campus. The rooms were multiple students, if you were fortunate you only had one room mate, if not you had three or more. The showers were about mid way the floor and consisted of two sides, one was the toilet. Which had five face bowls and mirrors, six urinals, and four toilet bowls with each in there own stall.The other...

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New neighbour 2

I ran down the stairs, still wet from the shower, hurriedly wrapping a towel around my waist. Fumbling for my keys, I unlocked the door, not paying attention to who it was stood on the other side of the glass. Finally I pulled the door open and there, stood on my front door step, was my new neighbour, the woman from my fantasy just moments before.'Oh, uh, hi' I mumbled, suddenly very aware that I was practically naked.'Hi' she replied, cheerily, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you' she...

2 years ago
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Trying again Christmas Miracle 2

Winter was melting away to the new blossoms and fresh air of spring when the phone rang. It was my cousins wife, Mary. "Del it did not work. I am not pregnant," was all she could stammer between her emotional sobs. The line then went dead. I waited a few minutes and called her back. She told me she was so convinced our union at Christmas would get her pregnant and she was so hurt it had not worked. Mary shared with me that she had had multiple tests and she could, in fact, have a child. It was...

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That first squirt

I knocked on Lauren’s door about 15 minutes early and could hear the shower running. After ringing the door bell a few times she finally answered, dripping wet and wrapped in a towel. As usual her flat mates were out, so she just let me in and ran back to her shower.  I wandered into the bathroom where I proceeded to get a mouthful for being early. She told me she wanted me later so she could have a shower and make sure she was all smooth. She loved oral sex as much as I did and to be honest I...

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BangBros18 Kira Perez Lilith Morningstar Step Family Charades

We’re playing charades today with Kira and her step family as they’re getting to know each other better. Jonathan starts off with something simple that didn’t take long to figure out and step mom Morningstar got a little creative for her category but we think it’s sexy. Her category gets figured out and now it’s time for Kira’s turn to play and this is where things get spicy. Kira starts to take off her clothes which freak her step parents out but no worries,...

4 years ago
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All American BoyChapter 27

“Mom, what do you think of Jacqi and YO?” I asked mom as I came in the house. “They are very sexy and very smitten by your charm, Rick,” she answered. “We are just friends mom, we only met today,” I told her. “Maybe so, but I’m sure that the two of them will be following you around soon just like all the women in your life,” mom grinned at me. “They did say they would sit by you at the game today. Oh yes by the way, they want me to go to a movie with them too, their mom’s won’t let them...

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Nieces Bedtime Show

Last summer my wife and I had the pleasure of having my 16-year-old niece Leeza stay with us a for couple weeks. Leeza has grown into a very beautiful young woman. Being her uncle at age 40, it feels good to have this sexy young thing being so flirtatious around me. This encounter took place before any other of our sexual encounters.First I should give you a visual perspective of my hot little niece. She has brown shoulder length hair, stands about 5 ft. 5 inches, about 34B breasts (which are...

2 years ago
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Twin SisterChapter 6 Time stops for no one

With mom setting some easy to follow rules, and us two so in love, you might think that we spent every waking moment kissing and cuddling. Well, you'd be wrong. Sure, we kissed a bunch and cuddled some but it was not a continuous make-out session. We were still young kids and enjoyed the same things other kids liked. We would take long hikes in the woods. I know what you're thinking, 'where is that secluded clearing where we can be alone and mess around?' Well you'd be wrong again. Even...

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Showing Mum my Den

..... It was hidden in the woods at the back of our house. I told my mum how cool it was and how no one could see or find it. She smiled. “Ya gotta come down and see it mum.” She looked at me with a strange look and smile. She whispered: (“..ok yes, let’s go and see it tonight. I’ll take a tiny light for us. I said: (“…mum, I already have candles down there.”) My motive was to take a girl down there and mess with her, and It was a private place to wank too. She began to hug me real tight and...

3 years ago
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Young love2

Owen- yeah definently i will be there, score me some kills:P. Mik- for you, anything. I met Mikayla at a camp a long while back, she Was 12. I was 16. Yeah big difference. But what can i say she was gorgous looked a lot older, dirty blond hair, cute little ass, tanned skin. This would be the first time seeing her since then, now i’m 19 in university in another state back for reading break. Now let me tell you about myself, im 6’2 180, no fat on me, surprising for how much I eat. But yeah I...

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Twenty four year old Kelly peered into the mirror to give one last look before heading out to the dance floor. It had been three years now since she had began dancing at the all-nude club. She was down on her luck and about to be evicted from her apartment when she passed the gaudy club and saw the advertisement for exotic dancers. One year after, she landed a part time job at a call center some 35 miles away, but closer to her apartment. Since the call center job was morning work, she kept...

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The Watersport Fantasies of a Beautiful Woman

Phyllis ordered the custom-made urinal costume a week ago, and today it finally arrived. It was a strange outfit, which required the wearer to sit on the floor with their knees crossed and their arms behind their back. A heavy plastic casing was affixed to their front, looking like a large deep urinal. The face and chest of the wearer - made up in gloss white - were exposed in the bowl, and the exit pipe led to their groin area. The man who'd designed it remarked to Phyllis on the phone that it...

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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 01

Book 5: New Beginnings Part 3 Chapter 1 He was lying on a hard surface. He moved slightly and moaned through his closed mouth, suddenly realizing his head was throbbing with a dull, then acute pain deep inside his skull. Opening his eyes, he was able to gradually focus on the rafters high above. The sweet scent of hay met his nostrils as he continued to regain consciousness. He was in Master Corona’s barn. Then he remembered climbing the steep stairs to the loft. ‘Why was I coming up...

1 year ago
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Long Life and TelepathyChapter 21

Loni and I called Greta and Sable to a meeting. We sat at the small dining table drinking coffee. I had placed a notebook computer on the table. "Sable, your wedding is around the corner," I said. She smiled. "It is." "Loni tells me that you've made arrangements for your dress," I said. "I have," she said. "What other arrangements have you made?" I said. "As you know, the wedding will be here at Refuge," Sable said. "I've met with Greta about the reception. We discussed...

2 years ago
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Maria In Main

June and I had been married for five years when we took our driving vacation. Usually we climbed on an airplane and went to some city or another, but this year we had decided to take the car and just drive. We didn't even have a plan, we'd just make it up as we went along. It was a fabulous vacation. We started in Niagara Falls, went to a little artist community called Niagara on the Lake, through the Adirondack Mountains, through Montreal, up to Quebec, and back to the states. Each day we...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 2 A Life To Love

July – August – Year 1 We got the whole family back home, had the welcoming party and then we settled down into as normal a life as a man with two wives and two sets of twins can have. The nursery was perfect. The four bassinettes fit just right and the station I had built to change diapers was a great help. The girls were all happy babies and slept a lot. They never slept through the night, but they did all sleep and feed at the same time. It was uncanny that they never varied. They all...

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Fun With an Older Daddy

It was another day at the YMCA, it was getting late, and I had just finished my workout and walked into the locker room. Since it was late there wasn’t too many people at the Y so I figured the locker room would be pretty empty. I was right, there was nobody in there unfortunately but I could hear a shower running in the showers so I had hope. I had gotten undressed and grabbed my towel to head to the showers, when I got there I hung my towel up and walked in and was surprised to see a very...

2 years ago
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She Had an Extra Long Black after Dinner

Em was in Amsterdam, where because of the season it was chilly. She preferred warm places. Apart from anything else, you could wear less. It was a business trip as always, this time a little further afield than usual and of longer duration. She had already been to Milan and Munich and this was third week of the trip. It was also the Saturday of a free weekend, giving her a carefully contrived two days of R&R before the work schedule recommenced on Monday. She had arrived the evening before...

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Janes Nudes

I used to hide my phone inside the bathroom and record Jane showering. I had countless videos of her. I used to watch them and jerk off every night. Everything was going great until one day, i was hanging out with my dealer. His name was Dom, i had been his customer for about a year. We mostly smoked together. We were at his house and he had some of his friends over too. We smoked alot and i was stoned. Dom found my phone and went to through it. He found all the videos of Jane and transferred...

2 years ago
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Makan Malkin Mitu Ko Choda

Hi, friends, my name is Vicky. Main Indian Sex Stories pe new hu main. Pichle 12 saal se iss ka reader hu. Mujhe Indian Sex Stories ki stories bht pasand hai isliye maine bhi iss join kar liya aur socha main bhi apni sex story aap logo ke sath share kru. Mera naam Vicky main 28 saal ka hu delhi mein rahta hu height 5.7 lund ka size 6 inch, average body aur good looking hu. Ye sex story aaj se 2 saal pahle ki hai. Maine rent pe delhi ke uttam nagar area mein room liya tha. Meri room landlord ek...

1 year ago
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DominoesChapter 13 Summer 19891 The Groundskeepers

Waking up on Friday morning as a high school graduate changed nothing, except that I was going to have some free time to reflect on the way Cindy had left. Strangely, I felt no loss, just cheated that we hadn't talked about what had happened in the cottage. The free time that I thought I was looking forward to having, evaporated at breakfast. First, Mr. Oldham invited me, well; he informed me that I was going to accompany him to the office that day. And then Suzanne told me that Mr. Oldham...

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Sex Buddies

Hi this is Jake age 25. This incident is the best in my life, it happened to me 2 years back when I was doing my MBA. I had come to Bangalore to do my post graduation and I got into a reputed college and during the induction day I saw a beautiful girl. Her name was Deepika. I just could not take my eyes off her. I can tell she is a perfect girl. Fair complexion, straight silky hair, not even a single mark on face, perfectly waxed body, perfect boobs and a round beautiful sexy ass. What else can...

3 years ago
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Political Intrigue With a Dash of IncestChapter 2

“You wish?” she said, as I saw a smile come to her face for the first time since this thing started. “Since you’ve left ‘shitforbrains, ‘ are you keeping his name or what?” I asked. She laughed so hard at my moniker for her ex, she had to pull over. “Yeah, for now – it’s a lot of trouble changing your name back, so I guess I’m Elizabeth Mendenhall for the short term. Thanks again for coming to get me, Ken – I owe you one!” “More than one, I think, sis!” I said. Back in Springfield, it...

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Dark Amnesty

I awake from a deep sleep, dark dreams of him. I don't see you. I am still half asleep, but can smell you. An ice cold chainmail single tail whip presses against my throat. My body pinned to the bed by yours, unable to move. Your voice growls in my ear. "Go ahead. Scream. No one can hear you." I know not to waste energy, I am going to need it. Believe it or not, I feel safest in your hands no matter what they are doing to me. This includes scaring and torturing me. You would have to know my...

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For the Love of LiciaChapter 20 The Desert Princess

"Hi honey, it's me. Will I see you around?" Angique hated how her voice sounded as she spoke into the phone. She hadn't seen Alicia for days at the Club — not naked at the door to her Villa, nor dressed in the Salon. There was a pause before the girl answered, and when she did, she sounded hesitant. "Dunno, I'm busy." "But we should meet today, remember?" Angique's voice had obtained the edge of a whine. It irritated her. "Uhm..." Alicia said, sounding distant. "You told me...

1 year ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 77

Our first day together didn’t start until our second day. I forced Janet to wait until her ‘Roid’ effects had at least begun to clear her brain before I would begin work. I did allow her to take her new car to Walmart to buy a rolling desk chair, in lieu of rent. Being a renter gave her more rights and privileges than being a simple guest. Her love of order in all things led her to write an agreement. We more or less agreed to not cause each other any grief. Paying rent entitled her to skip...

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