Sue s Descent Into a Cum Whore and SlutChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 40
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Huh? Wha-?
Blinking and disoriented, I looked around. That had been the craziest, nastiest dream of my life, and I was still reeling from it. The room was pitch black, adding to my confusion. My back ached as I sat up. I had been lying on the floor for some reason? Why was I naked?
‘Rise and shine, princess,’ a voice called. Suddenly, my eyes were blinded by a thousand exploding suns. Or maybe the lights had just been turned on. It hurt all the same.
I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom, memories of last night crashing over me. Oh fuck, it hadn’t been a dream.
Of course it hadn’t, my nightmares were never so sadistic. Reality was another story.
Flushing scarlet, I remembered what he’d made me feel and wrapped the blanket close around me. That lasted until I remembered his instructions. No more able to resist him now than last night, the blanket was soon folded at the foot of his bed and I was left bare. For some reason, I began to suspect this would be a theme for the rest of our relationship. Still exposed to his wandering eyes, I bent over and began making his bed. Funny, I’d always been a bit untidy, and had rarely bothered to make my own bed. Still, it was my duty to keep things looking neat and clean for him, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable until the job was done.
As I straightened the covers, I wondered what I’d do for clothing now. Fortunately, or unfortunately as it would turn out, I didn’t have to wait long. As I finished tidying up the bed, I heard a noise behind me. He held a plastic bin full of my things, and a gleeful smile on his face. Seconds later, my old clothes were piled high in the middle of his room.
That’s when I noticed the shears.
He held them out to me. Long metal blades, shining in the morning light. Solidly built, they felt a whole lot heavier once I held them in my hands. I blinked my incomprehension. What did he want with these?
‘First things first, the clothes,’ He said, ‘They are to be stored neat and orderly at all times. Is that understood?’
‘Yes, sir,’ I said, ‘Thank you.’
I was almost grateful to him. At least until I remembered that he was graciously allowing me to keep my own things. He had a big, fancy looking wardrobe. It was solid oak with tastefully abstract carvings all up and down the front. My things were going in the bin. He was not doing me a favor.
‘Of course,’ He said with a wicked leer, ‘It would be absolutely intolerable for any of my possessions to appear slovenly.’
Yeah, and that includes me, I get it. Probably thinks he’s so subtle, that bastard.
‘But first things first, let’s make sure it’s all suitable, shall we?’ He gestured to the pile.
Still not understanding, I did as he instructed and took the first thing off the pile. A green dress. Cute, frilly, it was so much fun to wear on those first warm days of spring when you could finally shuck off the heavy bulk of winter clothes. Holding it up against my body, I realized that I was still naked. Funny, how quickly that came to seem normal. There was nothing he hadn’t already seen to the fullest extent last night, and it’s not like my protests would give him two seconds pause. If anything, they’d amuse him.
His gaze swept over the dress, all up and down my body, and I could tell he cared little for the fashion. How cute it looked, how well it accessorized, those meant nothing to him. All that mattered was how well it showed me off, how it displayed his… property. Did it leave enough of my legs bare, did it show off my tits? Those were the questions he was asking. It made me sick, how much he cheapened the whole experience. Almost, I wished I’d never bought the damned thing, but it was too late now. Apparently it passed muster, because he sent it to the ‘keep’ pile.
More outfits followed, each tested against his own crude standards. Most, he kept. I don’t know if that was an indictment of my tastes, or just practicality on his part. A clear pattern emerged early, especially with my underwear. Colorful, sexy, or see-through were definitely keepers. Anything merely plain or functional was gone. I almost cried when I was forced to throw out many of my most comfortable bras in favor of prettier ones. My protests had fallen upon deaf ears, except when I explained how well a particular plain-looking bra would show off my boobs when it was worn under clothing. I was allowed to keep it. That’s what I was reduced to. Futility bartering my own body in hopes of keeping what should have been mine to begin with.
I learned what the shears were for when we got to an older pair of pants. Victor decided he’d like them better as cutoff shorts, so snip-snip and there went the legs. A few more joined them, and in the end I was grateful he let me keep any intact. Grateful. What a joke.
My eyes lit up as I pulled my favorite sweater from the pile. In this time of trouble, it almost felt like a welcome friend I’d never expected to see again. Oh, surely he’d let me keep it, this was one of the cutest things I owned.
‘Useless,’ he said, ‘get rid of it.’
‘What?’ I asked, shocked beyond disbelief. Surely there was some mistake.
‘I never understood why you’d wear something so baggy and shapeless, and you won’t be ever again. Destroy it.’
‘You can’t-‘ I shouted before I caught myself.
‘I can’t?’ his tone was dangerous.
‘Please,’ I begged, ‘I’d gotten rid of everything else you wanted. Just let me keep this one, just this one. It’s my favorite. Please. I’ll do whatever you say, I’ll be a good girl.’
He paused, and just for one brief moment I thought he might relent. I should have known better.
‘I don’t remember asking your opinion,’ he finally told me. ‘and it isn’t your anything. I own that shirt, I own you, and I’ll decide what one piece of my property does with another. A good girl? You’ll be that either way. Now destroy it. Cut it down to little, tiny ribbons like the trash it is.’
No! My hands ached to move, but I wouldn’t let them. Little, tiny ribbons. Our eyes locked and I had the increasingly uncomfortable feeling of staring him down. I knew he held all the cards, but I was unwilling to back down. Cut it, destroy it.
My hands itched, yearning to move. I knew that nothing would feel right until it lay in tatters. My favorite sweater, the one I’d worn on my first date with Adam, for our first kiss. Trash. I wouldn’t do it. He couldn’t make me. There had to be a line somewhere, some indignity I wouldn’t cross. It was a silly place to resist. It was just a sweater, after all, but it was My sweater. Call me silly or sentimental, I still would fight.
Oh, but it hurt. That creeping, clawing unhappiness wormed and writhed fitfully beneath my skin. So wrong to fight it. That sweater needed to be destroyed.
I slipped. Just one little moment of weakness and the shears seemed to leap out on their own. A gash appeared down the front of it, ruining the sweater forever. Immediately, my hand recoiled. No, I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. But I had. The damage was done. My hands cut again and again, tearing, ripping, destroying. Screaming in forlorn rage, I tore into it, crying out all my frustrations against the clothing because I could never do against my real tormentor. Again and again I cut, ripped, tore, demolished. It was a berserk frenzy of ruination unleashed against the target of my rage.
When I came out of it, I was kneeling on the floor. The ruined remnants of my orgiastic destruction were scattered around me. There was little left to tell that had it had ever been a sweater, much less my beloved favorite.
‘Good girl,’ Victor said, bending down to give me a pat on the head. ‘You can clean up the mess later.’
The worst part was that his praise did make me feel good. I’d just destroyed a priceless memento of my old life, and all it took to console me was a cheap pat on the head. This was nut
s. Lost and groundless, I felt like I was losing my mind. Where could I turn, when even my feelings were the enemy? I sobbed again, and all he did was laugh.
The sun had risen by the time we finished, shining through the broad glass door of his balcony and warming my still bare skin. A small pile of shredded cloth lay beside my knees, courtesy of Victor’s continued opinion of my fashion sense. More clothing slashed and ruined beyond use, others so heavily altered as to be unrecognizable. I would have considered the latter ruined beyond use as well, but apparently Victor had other idea. Too tired and numb to resist, I didn’t question it. There didn’t seem any point.
We made it to the bottom of the pile, the part I’d been hoping had been forgotten by whoever had gone into my room and collected my things (and they were my things, whatever Victor said about the matter). The stuff from the bottom of the drawers, the back of my closet. Things I’d bought or acquired over the years, but never dared wear in public.
‘Now that’s more like it,’ Victor said as he held up a lace-covered red basque. ‘You’d been holding out on us. How come I’ve never seen you in anything like this?’
‘iveneverwornitbefore,’ I mumbled.
‘What was that?’
‘I have never worn it before,’ I said, averting my eyes and blushing as scarlet as the lingerie. It had been a gift, a little joke from Emily last year when we took a trip together. We’d laughed and giggled about it, but I chickened out when she suggested I try it on and take some pictures. It had lain in the bottom of my underwear drawer ever since. It had been a thing best forgotten, until now.
‘How sad,’ he said in mock sympathy, ‘Well don’t worry, we’ll fix that before too long.’
Great. Just what I needed, another indignity. Even standing there naked, the thought of wearing that for him turned my stomach.
After that, there was nothing quite so bad. Some of my sheerest panties, the secret sort I’d only worn when I wanted to feel sexy. My tightest spandex workout shorts, a few shirts I’d outgrown years ago, and in some cases wondered what I’d been thinking back then. He approved of those on general principle, favoring the way they clung tightly to my skin. We made it to one of my miniskirts, a scandalous little number I’d never worn in public. Just in a few silly dress-up parties with Emily and some of our other friends. Victor took a good long look at it, and his pensive expression chilled my heart.
‘Looks good,’ he said, ‘but just a little too concealing, don’t you think? An inch and a half off the bottom.’
‘But…’ I started. It barely came a quarter of the way down my thighs, there wasn’t any room to cut it down further. I should have known better.
He clapped his hands, startling me, and when I settled down again he just pointed at the skirt. With a forlorn sigh, I began to cut.
‘Much better,’ he told me, ‘now it’s time to get dressed for school.’
‘My first class isn’t until-‘
‘Mine is,’ he interrupted, and then he began to select my outfit. I was dismayed, but not surprised to find that the cut off skirt was the first thing he selected. That was soon joined by a skimpy black thong, and a tight halter top that I’d last worn in my mid teens.
‘What about the bra?’ I’d asked vainly.
‘What about it?’ was his only reply.
Sigh… Why do I even bother?
‘One last thing,’ he said as I was about to head for the door.
I looked back to find him holding something, a leash and collar, like something a dog would wear.
‘To remind everyone what you are.’
I opened my mouth to protest, but the words vanished into the ether before I even voiced them. What was the use? No matter what I said, he would do it anyway. My head lowered in defeat. He grinned as he closed the collar around my throat.
When his hand brushed against my neck, I let off a sudden gasp of pleasure, my nipples tenting the thin, clingy material of my shirt. This was hot! Helpless to resist, I found myself getting aroused by the thought of being chained and collared by my new owner. Already, my privates warmed, and I suspected that I’d be dripping by the time we reached his class.
We left for class. I trailed behind him like a good little puppy dog. At every step, my skirt threatened to slip luridly. A few students were up and about, and I watched their eyes bug out as they caught sight of me. I’d better get used to that, I told myself, trying to steel my emotions for the day ahead. I told myself that I was done weeping. But how? How can you possibly prepare for something like this?
Just as I was about to pass through the door from the dorm to the campus proper, he stopped. Choking as he yanked upon my leash, I collapsed helplessly against him.
‘Before I forget,’ he told me, grabbing hold of me by the shoulders. ‘There’s the matter of punishment for your little outburst this morning.’
This wasn’t my punishment?
‘You need to learn that you’re nothing more than a possession, just particularly clever pet. Pets crawl.’
‘Please! I’m sorry, I-‘
‘Want to find out what happens if you say please one more time?’
Quietly, I shook my head.
‘Then be glad the school dress code still applies to you, or we’d be doing this naked. Now down.’
Too afraid of what he’d do if I refused, I sank to the ground, my hands pressed to the cold marble floor. Conscious of the eyes on me, all I could think of was all the classmates that would see me like this. I didn’t dare oppose him. Who knows what indignities might come if I tried to resist. And, as always, there was a little voice in the back of my mind telling me that everything was as it should be. That it was right and proper to be on the floor, if that was what he willed.
That voice did nothing to ease my shame.
‘Good girl,’ he said again, reaching down to pat me on the head, and we were off.
If I’d held any faint hope of keeping some tiny shred of decorum, it was quickly dashed. My skirt, already too brief for modesty, slid freely up my hips as I wiggled and scrambled to match his easy walking pace.
Eyes focused on keeping pace with my owner’s heels, I heard but didn’t see the attention I drew. Cutting voices. Sometimes amused, at other times triumphant, but always interested. Oh, wasn’t this the talk of the year, the poor, stupid girl who’d fallen so far. How delicious it must be for them. Were there any sympathetic faces out there? Was anyone more appalled than gleeful at my pathetic circumstance? Emily? Sarah? Adam? Oh, I didn’t dare look.
Please don’t let Adam see me like this.
Even though I refused to look, I still heard the voices as we passed.
‘Slut’, ‘Skank’, ‘following like a bitch’, ‘did you see her panties, I bet she loves it’
Classmates, strangers. Voices I recognized and people I had only seen in passing. Sometimes it was hard to tell the difference. Everything sounded so different from down here, and I still couldn’t bear to look. My mind’s eye could already picture the gawking, the mocking, tittering stares that were sure to follow me all day. The last thing I needed was to look up and confirm my fears.
He left me at the door to his classroom. Despite all the indignities and humiliations I was forced to endure, I still had that much left to me. I was still required to attend school and keep up with my classwork. He couldn’t take that away. Still leashed, but at least I was allowed to walk on two legs again.
I fled, seeking out somewhere safe, somewhere that a hundred prying eyes wouldn’t follow my every move. An old, musty closet by the drama department served nicely. This time of year, it probably went untouched for days, maybe even weeks. It was cramped, unlit, and smelled like cheap paint and old fabric, but while I was there I was alone. In the darkness, I could pretend that my clothing hadn’t been defaced and defile
d. I could pretend that things were still the same as they had always been.
In the dark, nobody would see me cry.
I cried not just for what had been done to me, but for the things it made me feel. However much I tried to block it out, I could not forget the way my body had responded to his commands. Even now, the degrading touch of that collar around my throat made my pussy heat like nothing else.
At some point, my sobs gave way to soft, stifled moans as I began fingering myself. I didn’t mean to, but I just couldn’t help myself, I was too worked up for anything else. Even the humiliation at my lack of control was starting to turn me on. I tugged at my leash, recalling how helpless I had felt when he led me down the hallways, and just barely had time to muffle my screams of pleasure at the remembrance.
I hated him. I despised everything about his smug presumption. But if he were here right this instant, I had no doubt whatsoever that I would eagerly jump him and fuck his brains out.
My phone beeped, a reminder that class was only minutes away. How long had I been lost in my wild reverie? I’d come here to try and find some balance, some way to center myself and cope with these changes, but then I had turned them into some kind of perverted masturbatory fantasy. What was wrong with me?
But that was the wrong question, wasn’t it? I already knew exactly what was wrong with me. The better question was: How do I fix it?
There was a little bit of time just before class, enough for a quick run at the bathroom. I tried to wash up as best I was able, scrubbing away at my hands and trying to rinse off my slightly sticky inner thighs. Was it enough? Even after almost five minutes of scrubbing, I was paranoid that I could still smell myself, and that everyone I passed would know exactly what I had been doing. My panties were a total loss, so thoroughly soaked as to be beyond salvaging. I threw them into the trash. I buried them as deep as I could in hopes that no one would ever notice them.
Only afterwards did I think about what this would mean. What was it I had used to think about girls like that? That only skanks and tramps went around without any underwear. Especially in a skirt like this. I wondered, was this really me? Or had the idea to ditch my underwear come from a less savory source?
Whatever the cause, I certainly wasn’t going to go diving in the trash bin for a pair of sodden panties. Besides, being bare like this was actually kinda hot.
Wait. Did I just think that?
When I finally made it to class, Mrs Applewhite was not at all happy with my appearance. In fact, I wound up having to plead with her to even stay in class.
‘If this outfit is supposed to be some kind of joke, Ms Doyle, then I can tell you I am not amused,’ she said as she dragged me to the side of the class. ‘I demand attention and respect in my classroom, and I am not inclined to tolerate disruptive elements.’
‘I’m sorry, ma’am. I really am. I didn’t want to dress like this, it’s just…’
‘Ah, yes, now I remember. I had forgotten about your little problem.’
Right. My life upended completely, and it wasn’t even a blip on her radar. What did I rate these days? A perfunctory announcement? A three line memo tucked away in the bottom of a pile? To the extent that we’d interacted at all, I had always gotten along with Mrs Applewhite, but now I saw how important I really was.
‘Still,’ she told me, ‘I do expect a certain level of decorum.’
‘I know, ma’am. It’s just, there’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t help myself.’
Her lips pursed, and she looked a little disturbed by it, but from her disapproving glare I could see that the blame still rested upon me in her eyes. Great. Was this to be my life, now? Always blamed for things that were no longer in my control? Admitting how powerless I was had hurt, but it was ten times worse to see how little that really mattered to her.
‘Very well,’ she finally allowed, ‘You may sit in the back, provided that you are quiet and diligent and do not draw undue attention to yourself. Is that understood?’
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This true story happened in my middle teen years back in the early eighties. Before internet and satellite TV. A time when an older woman could fuck a younger man and it would not blasted all over the news. We had to go outside. I had my group of friends and as we entered puberty together we started to pay attention to girls and ladies. One woman stands out. She was called Canyon Land also known as Shelly Canyon. I don't know her real last name nor do I know her husband. She lived around the...
On Tuesday night I went to a Masters Swim Squad training session. This was the second time I've gone along and I'm enjoying it. Most of the people are in their forties training for triathlons and I've been the youngest guy there both times. While I don't think I need much motivation to get me to the pool to do laps, the training is different to what I do when I train on my own.The first week I thought I was getting hit on by this married couple (guy and girl). They asked me to join them for a...
Operation Rescue: The New Co-Ed By ElrodW A young man gets in trouble and loses his scholarship. It looks like his dream of college to escape a poor future is doomed - until he sees an ad recruiting 'surrogates'. His life is about to change in ways that could redefine him in ways he could have never imagined. Chapter 22 - Springtime of Our Discontent Tommi continues to date, which mixes up her feelings. After having helped a troubled co-ed, Tommi gets involved with the girl's...
SEPTEMBER 21 — EARLY MORNING The phone jarred him from a sound sleep. Glancing at the caller ID as he quickly sat up hoping to answer before the ringing awakened his wife, Sheriff Tate grabbed the phone. "Tate," he answered with a sinking feeling. Lieutenant Waldrop (the night shift commander) handled any problems on the night shift, seldom asking for guidance. He made his own decisions and they were usually good ones, consequently, the department never called at night unless there was a...
The Saturday morning of the Memorial Day weekend was warm and muggy, as I got up with the sun to walk the dog along the coastline of the campground. I was working my way south pulling my RV along the I95 and heading for Key West eventually, but found myself this morning in a small campground in Titusville, pausing for a couple of days to take a break and visit NASA. I’m 51, retired military and currently a firefighter, and burning off three weeks of vacation time hauling my fifth-wheel south...
BisexualPart ii: always remember my first time inside Now I knew that all her long hairs is now for me to enjoy. The touching on her treasured long hair was the most exciting thing for me, on the way back to my home my cock was in pain, straining against my undies. Couldn’t sleep that day, my thoughts were full of her long silky hair. What will I be doing the next day. I reached her house as early as 8 am, rang the bell. No answer !! Rang again, this time longer. Now I could hear my rehna shouting...
On the morning of the 27th October I had a message to report to battalion HQ. On my arrival I was met by the news that Miriam's parents had been killed in a road accident the evening before. My travel documentation and air tickets were waiting and I left within the hour, and was in Plaistow by 4pm that same day. When it comes to welfare and families our regiment is the best. I found Miriam absolutely devastated. I hadn't thought that she was that close to her parents, even though she had...
Hi I’m Rony from goa I m village boy I m 22 doing my studies n working in our family business. My family consist of dad (50) mom (47) married sis (25) me n small sis (18). Which I m going 2 tell u is about my aunt Riya who is 34 but looks like 26 her hubby is abroad their have one kid of 1yr. Riya figure is 36 28 34. She is our neighbor, n we have good relation with her she looks sexy , she is fair, n most she is open minded, she stay next 2 our house. In goa most of the villages houses are...
Sex is fun, it's exciting and yes I get horny, more now than last year and more now as my body is changing and turning me more into the image of my mother.Men want my virginity and if the truth be told, they can have it, because I want to know what it feels like and daddy's blue movies are wearing thin from me watching them and yes my pussy gets sore with constant rubbing.To look at me you could not imagine what I am like alone. I am as bad as the boys and it drives me made to say, 'No', when...
A knock at the door and I let Howard in. It had been 3 weeks since he had come round to take up where he left off all those years ago. An old flame that had never got beyond foreplay until just recently when Jan and I had agreed he would be the perfect candidate to see if we could indulge in a threesome, with her the centre of attention. Again Jan had set the rules of engagement and as he entered the front room I asked him to sit and relax as Jan was still getting ready for us and that she...
Wife LoversWe went inside and he offered me a beer,I said yes please. He came back and handed it to me. I told him I missed him, he said me too.He said we should go swimming and relax in the sun,I smiled and said good idea. I headed to the bathroom and stripped down. Coming back he hugged ment and reached down and cupped my dick and balls. I missed you the most to them.I smiled and said they missed you too. We went outside and he dove in the pool, I finished my beer and dove in and swam up next to him. He...
Lauren Phillips is a Doctor putting on a Mouth to Mouth and First Aid class with three handsome Students. She starts the class off by reminding them what they learned last week. Then she says for Jon Jon to come up and show the class how to give Mouth to Mouth. He tries to put the Mouth to Mouth sanitary cover over her to breath into it but Lauren says “Sometimes it doesn’t work. You have to learn to think on your feet when your equipment breaks – I always prefer to put my...
xmoviesforyouNothing gets your boobies Jiggling better than a barage of gummy bears thrown right at them. Watching those sweet treats bounce off Kylies sweet ol teets was a masterpiece. We couldnt wait for our boy chad to dig in. After Kylie lubed his cock up with some spit, he was ready to rub it between her tits. He really enjoyed that, but craved giving them a little squueze. He removed his pecker from her cleavage and ed it into her moist pussy. The pussy was great, but squeezing those bags of fun was...
xmoviesforyouMina knew she was gorgeous. As she stood looking at her image, she looked at her tits. She reached up and held the pert “babies” as I named them. Okay, she kind of liked the name as she bounced them with the palms of her hands. “ Hi Babies” she said, a smile nearing her lips. “ Feeling frisky tonight?” She giggled as she held each in her hands. Finally the full smile appeared. “ Yep, I will not mind it when he undresses me, but my question is… What should I wear, what should I put on to adorn...
Emily, Lois' other roommate, didn't return until early morning. Sheila was still asleep, but Lois and Mike weren't; they were drinking coffee. "Sheila's latest beau?" Emily asked, cocking her head, her earrings clinking. "No," Lois replied, her smile sunny, "Mine." "You're kidding, right?" Emily asked, peeling off her black opera gloves. "No." Mike shook his head. "Okay, can somebody help me get out of this corset?" Emily asked. She put one of her high-top boots on a...
You wake up on a bright beautiful morning. The suns is shining, the birds are singing and just as luck has it, today is your 18th birthday. Now, according to the law, you had free use of all women above the age of 18. You quickly put your clothes on and readied yourself for today, but before you could leave you noticed a note slipped under your bedroom door. You pick it up and read it. Dear son, I apologize for leaving you like this but in order to encourage the spreading of male genetic...
IncestHey friends, its mayur das,from assam…and allow me to share the most sizzling experience i had with a hot assamese aunt, We have rent house,and we offer them on rents to family…Once happened that a family approached us for house….They consisted of three members uncle,aunty and there girl child who was in 9th standard,uncle was also happy to find a rent house like this as he often had duty outstation…he said he will shift after 5days..we agreed and so on Fifth day, Ding dong on the doorbell…I...
Hi, I am posting this story because I can’t forget what I did in the winter of 2005.Women can contact me on I am Amol. 28 yrs. Pune. I was studying in Pune during 2005. As I was from village place my dad thought I would not suit with city area. His one of the closest friends Sahebrao lived in Pune. Sahebrao’s house was situated near my college which is in katraj. He forced my dad that I would live at his place but I was against this idea. I didn’t want to disturb anyone. I told my dad that...
IncestMilena’s story My name is Milena and I work in a well-known chain of Opticians on the high street. When the manageress of our store suggested that we have a ‘wear what you want day’ I was excited. I’ve always been one for fancy dress. Then she added one or two caveats. We must be decent and not wear anything that brings the business into disrepute. Knowing me, that was a tall ask, but hey ho! She said it would be good for morale and create a talking point among customers and attract passing...
“George, don’t be a whiner. You know how I hate that! I told you I loved you twenty years ago and I’ll let you know if it changes.” He came across the bedroom to the open door of the bathroom. She was on the toilet wiping her ass, “Why did you say you were going to fuck him tonight?” “How soon men forget!” muttered Marsha as she pulled up her panties. Face to face with her distressed husband of two decades, she launched in to a spontaneous speech. “What the hell are you worried about? That...
Hello everyone, I’m Karthik from Bangalore and I’m 23 years old. This story is about a real incident where I had sex with my office colleague. So I work in an IT company in Bangalore. I and Ankita joined a project at the same time in January this year. Ankita is actually from Delhi but she got a project here in Bangalore. She is an extremely beautiful and sexy girl. To describe her looks, she is fair, with long black hair, 5.6 feet tall, fairly slim and perfectly shaped big boobs. When I first...
Hello friends main aik bar phir aik bilkul hi nayee kahani ke sath ayee hoon. Yeh koyee purani kahani nahi.Yoon kahiyee ki in pichaley dino hi kuch aisa howa ki is kahani ka poora film ben giya.Howa yeh ki main yahoo per thi ki aik admi ney Hrehaan Q ke nick sey mujh ko message kiya.Baat hello hi sey agey badrhi. Woh aik dam hi free ho giya aour choot gand aour lund ki batien kerney laga. Waise to is tarah itni jaldi free honey wala admi mujhko acha nahi lagta mager kiya hai ki uski batien...
Psychologist Vince Karter, after meeting his newest client Alyssa Bounty, comes to know that shes a cock-craving nymphomaniac with a serious problem. When the session is interrupted by a phone call from Vinces wife, Alyssa being the horny little slut that she is opens her legs and starts fingering herself in an attempt to get Vinces cock hard. The stunt works like a charm and as soon as Vince hangs up the phone, he goes over to his newest client, who at this point is bending over his chair, and...
xmoviesforyouSorry everyone, here is the actual second chapter of this story, it contains elements of erotic horror, bdsm, graphic violence, non-consent, and group sex. Enjoy! ************************ It didn’t take long for Lyana to return to the crossroads from the day before. She could tell that the raiders had moved in the night… some more of them had broken off from the main group, but they were still all in the same general direction. Determinedly, she started folding the road again with her dark...
Jean, his mother's younger sister, arrived at the house bright and early on Saturday morning. "Hi big squirt," she said. Rick didn't resent the slam it was a nickname she had given him when he was born. At the time, he was six and thought the name was cute. They had always been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a typical little girl thought process she felt it was her duty to help take care of him. "Hi Jean," his mother and he said in unison. "What's up?" his mother added. "Don't you two...
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Who is FTDS and where has he been? ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ There may be a few readers who wonder whatever happened to FinishTheDamnStory aka FTDS? I think it’s time to clear that up. Perhaps more than time. FTDS is a collaboration of two authors. One was the driving force behind the plots and ideas, the other was the man who took freehand written partial ideas for completing stories, sketched out on yellow legal pads, and turned those into submittal stories. I...
Angel Rivas met with Emilio Ardana in a public parking lot. She showed off her body, flashed her tits at him and the cars that were passing by. They wanted to do more. So they went to a slightly more secluded place. But only slightly. Still from time to time people walked by and stared at them as they fucked. And they fucked rough. The British would say the buggered. Emilio went straight for her ass. He thrust his dick in and banged her like a rabbit. He fucked her in all positions until her...
xmoviesforyouHi friends this is Saurabh…. Lemme not waste time and let me tell you about what this story is all about… It’s about my Neighbour Mrs. Pooja Malhotra and me… The way i blackmailed her and the way she started to enjoy having sex with me…. Well it started all when i was 20 years of age, i was studying in f.y and that was the point when I got this news from my parents that our old neighbour has sold their flat to someone name Mr. Malhotra… I was pretty excited as i never shared a vibe with...
I nodded and followed her inside. She had to disarm the alarm and then we sat down. The house was beautiful looking like it could be in a magazine. “Beth, this place is gorgeous.” She gave a sad smile. “If you have enough money, you hire an interior decorator and turn her loose. Then, you have a cleaning service come in regularly. When you do, it looks like this. Gerald, it is truly nothing. This is only the second time there have been people in this room.” She shrugged. “It’s said that...
If you will recall Mercedes and myself were just finishing up our awkward ‘first shower’ and were slipping into our panties and bra. I had a black lace bra and panty set from VS. Most men love my large breast, size 34CC. After staring at Mercedes in the shower I would guess she was like a 36DD. We were instructed to come downstairs where the other girls were all waiting. We stood in line and the ‘big sisters’ went by and checked us all out. We were then told that we were going to play a...
Well this is my first go at posting my stuff so reviews, constructive criticism or any comments are welcome. This story will probably take a few chapters to get into the sex – so for those looking for a gradual build up with some romance, you came to the right place Rye is in Yr 12 and so is 18 – Enjoy — Shit! Fuck! Shit! I’m late again. Why do I have to be late again?!! Fate is soo evil. I really don’t want to see Ms. Ablick again. The snotty fat cow, always snickering behind her hand,...
Sinners, Poor and Wretched Molly & Mark 2074 Was the long-hoped-for economic boom now faltering? Molly wasn't sure, although everyone she knew was terribly nervous that it might be. Mark was still working, thank God. The economy of Korea and all the other countries in the Far East never seemed to suffer as much as those in Europe and certainly not as much as that of the Kingdom of England. All the same, Molly wasn't as lucky as her husband. The demand for her secretarial skills had...
Hello darlings! I have FINALLY gotten the chance to edit and tweak this chapter after a very, very, verrrrrry long hiatus. I apologize for that, as a reader I know how frustrating it can be when authors don’t finish a story, or have long wait times between posts. I will try to be more frequent with posts, but life does come in the way sometimes! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter of Adonis! Just a bit of a warning, it is a bit of a darker chapter, and a small violent scene takes place. I...
Do you ever heard the phrase that “Look doesn’t matter!” I don’t think that is true. Let me tell you a fact that I was fatty before few years ago and all fellows have just ignored me and they feel disguised because of my overweight. They kept distance with me and didn’t talk to me. But I ‘d decided to put down my weight and I did it. Now I am fit and handsome as I was never before and more energetic than that dump fellows. After reducing my weight suddenly the people who ignored me started to...